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bbss " 'rt'WTOi"t 'vlM ,lv;'H I f' An Art "Snpplement I dmt!c WlmU I 41 I in W X? rfi FvoRST" ,?Bw b. A benjamin The sia-ner of tha Deo- I 1 4 rjM I PRICE ONE CENT. NKW MvTTltlPAvTsKPTEMBKtro, 1892. PRICE ONE CENT. B fNEXT SUNDAY'SlVORLD--f HE THREE HARRISONS. 1 I LAST EDITION. STILL MORE I GHOLERA. I Wieland Gomes in I Flying the Yel- 1 low Flag. I Two Deaths and Four J Sick on the Guion I Liner Wyoming. I PREPARING REFUGE SHIPS. I Fur Sick Passengers Taken Off I the Wyoming. I !' Health Board Beports No Cholera 1 in Thia City Yet s n Gevernment Concedes Sandy Hook for Quarantine Use. . Health Department, i I New Yerk, Heat. O. 10 A. Al.l I OaUlali There have eea as case ( cholera 9 dlaeererea1 la tkla city yet. CUAItLEH C. WIL.HON. President. , BUXOM! CLARK. (secretary. There are grave reasons to (ear that two Biore amps bare brought the cholera to this , port. The Oulon Uner Wyoming, which ar med Wednesday ,was boarded by Health Offl cr Jenkins this morning and was ordered tack to the lower bay, where the Normannla, Bugla and Moravia now Uo. There wen two deaths, with choleralo ymptoma, on the Wyoming last sight, and there are four cases of slokness, all ol which hare similar symptoms. The Wieland, from Hamburg, arrlTed this morning flying the yellow nag. Indicating that there Is sickness, It not cholera, on board. he was stopped at Lower Quarantine, and he alth officers hare gone on board. Tallow flags are also flying to-day from the Xormasnla and on Hoffman Uland indica ting more cases ot the disease, U not deaths. There were (our deaths on Swinburne U Island yesterday, and ten new cues were transferred to the hospitals there. I The Alsatla, ol the Anchor line, from Medl- ,- terranean ports, arnred this forenoon, she j? usually brings a large number of Italian f , Uamlgrants. f Mr. J. Plerpont Morgan visited Quarantine rv this forenoon, but had no further information to five concerning the Stonlngton. Two reporters ot the Mew Tork McorOer, ' who started out from Quarantine In a skiff at a o'clock this morning, were pursued by the Quarantine officials, and overtaken just be. I low Fort Wadsworth. They were brought back under arrest. The only other case of arrest tor attempting to violate quarantine regulations was that of a reporter of the Mtraia. Two volunteer nurses from the Fresby tartan Hospital accompanied the Health OsT,rc on Ms visit to the Wieland. They 1 , wore the badges of the King's Daughters. WULAND aTLUH A YKLLOW VI, AG. , Ska Arrive from Hamburg aad Is Ba. Illeveel la Brta- Cholera. ' fT ASSOCIATED r. I . aijrpT Hook, Sept. o. The Hamburg f American line steamship Wieland, Capu Karlowa, from Hamburg, which arrived In Lower Quaranilne soon after 7 o'clock, bad (her yellow flag hoisted, Indicating that she . has ilckiess, If not cholera, aboard, and. It is feared, she baa some cases of the scourge, p The Wieland Is not one ot the Orat-clsas Istssmers of the Hamburg-American line, but 1 a vatsel ot about the same site and build as theUtfls. The Wieland carries no steerage 1 yasaeacen this trip. R TIM yauawu baa also haea boteta Usi Kj, , aMaiaftBtBiajiaisMM and It Is evident that thero is more sickness I aboard of her. The yellow flags ot the ltugla and Moravia have not been hoisted this morn ing, so It Is thought there have been no fresh outbreaks of disease aboard those two vessels. When the White Star Line steamer Brltan. nlc, from Liverpool, passed In at 8.30 o'clock this morning, she set the following signal: " Koport me all well." Tho British steamer Joseph John, which left Hamburg Aug. SO, passed Sandy Hook tor New Tork at 8.20 o'clock this morning. This vessel registers but 1.307 tons, and Is thought to have no Immigrants on board. WYOMING ORDKKUD BACK. Dr. Jenklne Needs Her to the I.evrcr Bay, liaviaa Found Mlcknees en Board. fsrrcux to tbe evekino wont-n . quarantine, S. I., Sept. 9. Dr. Wanser mi BTEAMBOA was sent down at 10.20 o'clock to board the Wieland, and to ascertain towbat extent her people are afflicted with cholera or other sickness. Nothing definite will be known until he returns. It Is known that there U sickness on board the Wyoming, but Dr. Jenkins refuses to make public the facts. Two children are known to bave died, and the first report was that they were smothered. The Wyoming has been ordered back to the lower bay, and this is regarded as confirm ing suspicions that she has cholera on board. The yellow nag has again been displayed on Hoffman Island, Indicating that more cases ot the cholera have been discovered there, If notdeatsc It has been definitely ascertained that the two children who died were not smothered, but died ot disease which had choleraic symp toms. Both children were playing on deck last night. Their mother la 111 to-day with similar symptoms, she had taken the child ren several times to the ship's doctor for treatment. Their names are : EUie Prtrrka I xsnox, tare inn oil. Vict siAfaaesoK, six months old. The bodies ot the children bave been taken to Hoffman Island for an autopsy and bacteriological examination by Dr. Byron. There are also two Russian children on the Wyoming sick with disease similar to that ot which the others died. Their mother Is also slok. All tho sick bave been transferred to Swinburne' Island with all those persons known to have been In contact with them. DETAINED PASSENGERS' REFUGE. Steamer Staalasttaa aad Frlcate New Uamponlre Already Obtained. The Bound steamer Stonlngton, which Banker J. Plerpont Morgan purchased and placed at the disposal of Health Officer Jen kins for the transfer ot the Normannls's cabin passengers, Is expected In this harbor this aiternoon. She left New London about 1 o'clock this morning, having on board beside the captain and crew, Supr. Clark, of the Stonlngton Line, and President Miller's assistant, Mr. Dtmlng. The 8tonlnion steamed aown through the Bound under half steam, and wnen tied up at Pier 36, North klrcr, abe I will be transferred to the Hamburg line people. It is not believed that the Stonlngton win accommodate more than the 85 flrst-eablu passengers ot the Normannla. She Is pro vided with 117 staterooms, with two berths In each, and In the general cabins are ninety nine berths for men and lorty-two for women. There had been no settlement this morning of the question otselecilng a spot for quaran tining other passengers from the snips down the bay. secretary Poster still favors Sandy Hook, and momentarily expected the War Depart ment's permission to use the Qjvernmeot reservation there. Dr. Jenkins still thought lire Island the' best place. secretary Foster stopped calling Dr. j Jenkins harsh names for sot accepting Sandy Hook when he learned that the War Department bad practically reiused the use of the reservation on tho itround that It would interfere with the gun practice there, but be still favors that location. Dr. Jenkins opposed It on the ground that, aside from the War Department's objection, there was no proper sanitation ot the Hook, and, besides, it would be difficult to iso.ate the quarantined people from Intruding curi osity seekers; and, bealdoi, the town 01 Mid. dletown has asked Gov. Aboett to oppose with ail the power ot the State of New Jer&ey the planting ot a cholera colony on sandy Hook. He favored Fire Island because It bad al ready a big hotel suitable lor the accommo dation ot theoa unfortunate ocean travellers. He and President Wilson and Dr. Frank Ferguson, pathologist to the Board of Uealtb, bad a consultation late last night, and all agreed that Fire Island was the better place. Moreover, Mr. Bammia, owner of the hotel, Is willing to sell It for the purpose. At this juncture ex-Maror Abram a. Hewitt comes forward and makes an offer ot his Plum Island, at the eastern extremity ol Long Island, tor a temporary quarantine. Plum Island has about are hundred acres. It Is Isolated, but It Is also without a struc ture, a well or any sanitary arrangements. Mr. Hewitt adds to bis offer the sententious faoawtosnaialu,isVaMbdaaa tight MNftl Mara; lMimW ta llaaiaalsssa1aSieSstfiikir rr''i " T matmla and tho ltugla, and It money Is needed to establish temporary quarters thli city ought to ralso 1100,000 lu a single day. Mr. Hewitt says alsu that It the health authorities should so dctlile they hail the right, and It would be their duty to tako ilia Oriental Hotel, coney Island, as a place ot reiuge for the passengers. " My pUn would be," saj s SupU Byrnos, In his usual dlreci and forco.ul way. "toaskthe Hamburg-American racket Company, which owns the NormanuU, to Bend another ship and nuchor her SUO yards away from the in focted hip ; then transfer tho passengers to tho clean Bhlp. An ocean stcamor is like a big hotel wltn every convenience, and tbl plan would mako tho Humburg line take caro oi Its own." During oil this discussion the 482 cabin passengers of the Normannla are spending their seventh lay of detention on the ship. -The old wooden frigate Now Hampshire was towed from the Brooklyn Navy Yard at 7.30 this morning to the T STONINdTOK. Hnboken docks ot the Hamburg-American I line, where she will bo fitted up with cots to receive the first cabin passengers of the ltugla and the second cabin passengers of the Normannla. The New Hampshire was placed at the dls- ' posal of the health officers by the Secretary ot the Navy. She bas been lying at tho Navy- ! Yard since thu Summer cruise ot the Naval Keservc. Before leaving the Navy-Yard she was stripped of all her naval stores. Five Gov ernment offlcors accompanied her, the re mainder ot the officers and crew being fur nlsbcJ by the Ilamourg line It Is thought that when fitted with cots the New Hampshire will accommodate 800 pas sengers, bho will beat .he command ot the health officers aa long as the present crisis continues. - The Hamburg Company's peopla have everything In readiness at the stonlngton pier, and a large force ot men ready to go to work at once and fit her up as soon as the vessel Is turned over to them. It Is thought, however, that the Normannla's passengers will And things very uncomfortable aboard the Stonlngton, because they will bo so crowded. " I believe that many ot them will prefer to remain on the Normanma," said Agent Boas, "for they have every comlort there, and It they can persuade themselves that thero Is no danger (and I am convinced that there Is none) they will make a wise decision. ! The stonlngton has 1 17 small staterooms, which will accommodate two people each, be sides tho berths in the women's saloon. There are 282 first cabin passengers on the Nor mannla, and If tbey all decide to go aboard the stonlngton there will be many who will have to pu up with cots In the main saloon. 11 Tho 200 second cabin passengers nd the cabin passengers ot tho Bugla will be trans ferred to the United Slates ship New Hamp shire, whloh ts now nttlng oat at our docks." " There bas been some talk ot putting In cots on the stonlngton's main deck," con tinued Mr. Boas, but this will be Impossible, as we must have some place for feeding the people. "As It is, the cooking facilities are so limited that we shall have to cook three times for each meaL It will be impossible for more than a third of the passengers to take a meal at once, and we shall hare to hustle to accommodate even that number at one time. "We will have to put screw aboard to' manage the steamboat, and the stewards ot the Normannla will bave to go with them. The latter have been In dally contact with the passengers and there Is no danger from that source. This will Increase tho number on board the Stonlngton to more than .'100, providing all the Normannla's nrst cabin passengers decide to abandon the ship." The stoulngton arrived at Pier US N. It. at 12.65 this afternoon. In charge of Pilot Ream, she will be fitted up this afternoon aud towed to Quarantine. President Miller, of the stonlngton line, has notified Dr. Jenkins and Banker Morgan , of the antral ot the steamer. I The order for beds, mattresses, sheets, pillows, blankets and table furnishings lor the steamer St nlngton was at 4.30 o'clock yesttrday aiternoon with It, U. Macy & Co., Sixth avenue and Fourteenth street, and at 11 o clock to-day had been tilled In every particular. TICTIMS OF THE CHOLERA. Four Deaths aad Tea New Cases Re ported oa BwtabBraa Uland. rricuLTO tub iTMiaowoal. .l Qcakantins, S. L, Sept. 0. The death roll from the cholera-Infected ships bears lour new names this morning, the victims having succumbed yesterday on bwmburne Island. Ten new eaes of the disease were also sent to Swinburne Island yesterday, along with eight "suspects." , Two of those who died yesterday were steerage passengers on the ltugla, one waa a steerage passenger on the Normannla, and the fourth was a member ot the Normannla's crew. The crew of the latter snip furnished six o( the new cases taken to the Island. They were stricken on board the vessel. Another was a steerage passenger on that snip, while the remaining three were steerage passen gers on the Hugla. No cabin passengers on cither toe Norman nla or ltugla, Following Is a list ot yesterday's deaths and new cases: BSATaa. SoacxTZ. BLTBiDi, S jean old; itwut puses gorfreatKacU) Ukaa te aoapltal Sept. 1. niiih into iirs'iEin.' Sherman to Be Examined at Mor risania To-Morrow. Police Rxprrt Kvilence Enough to Hold lllm for Trial. UricuL to tbi lTSNiva woatn Morr IIavkv, N. Y., Hi pu li. Tho mystery surrounal g the death of Frederick eager, the collector of the Water overflow Preven tive Company, ot U33 Grand street, U sil.l In a tangled condition despite tho efforts ot the police to solvo 1U Cager started with a crond of companions on Saturday morning, Aug. 23, oa a short cruise up the bound. 'I he Bleam launch Ada was chartered for tho trip, una the irowd as composed ol Beven men nnd two women. Jack Duncan, sou ot a wealthy contractor, chartered tho boaU 1'alrlik O'Loary and Kugenc Sherman were of tho party. on the ay tc City Island a Dght took placo on the launch over the women, but It was, quieted bciore they rt ached the city. I In Brown s saloon at city Island It was re newed, and eager was hit with a giobo irom a gas cuaudclier. 'I lie party bruko upund Cager was leil behind. The following Monday morning eager wns found Bitting uu thu brldxe Wlileu joins City Island aud Westchester County uy tlieiner seer ol the Poor, and wan taken to tuo station-house. una of his arms had been dislocated and his skull cut, and hu was unused lu many filacea. Ills speech was Incoherent, and his dontlty cuuld lul bo uscertalntd until a card bearing nls buslucssaduress us luuml In one of his tuiAela. He was lugs'td down to (J rand street, where lib resldenco was learned. i he guard ar Grand street refused to allow him to ride on the Klevalcu roan, so ho and tue two men who accompanied bint were lorced to make tho Jiiuruey to Atcxaiidor uveme, auoili seven miles, on the suriaiu cttis. Drs. curry nnd Walters, who were called, could do nothing to savo blui, and he died lu great aguny. Upon the arrival ot his companions Sheri dan was arr-sted. It appears that Sborldan held some animos ity lor eager., although the rest of tho parly were on eager s sldo. snerldan aamliS throwing thu globe, but says hu did not Injure csgtrserlouBly and to this the others seem to assenu Why eager, In hi, serluiu condition, should bave oeeu left alone no one explains. The police tllk as though they th'iught eager received bis latal Injuries otherwise than In the flgh., as tbey say the crowd u.qk Cagcr's part rather than Sheridan's. The latter tsloced up at the Morrlsania police station, llisrxsmlnatlon will take place to murrow morning, when the police expect to bring out evidence enough to have Sheridan remanded tor trail. AMERICAN SAILOR MURDERED. One of the Cruiser Newark'a Crew Slain in (ienoa, Ift imociatvd ratii.1 Genoa, Sept. 0. -Tho United States Cruiser Nowark arrived here sevcraldays ago to tako part In the eolumous fete&'here. Among her crew was a sailor named Frank Rellly. He was a liberty man yesterday, and In the course ot his Journcylngs ab ut the city he visited a lodglng-houso last night and was killed. The details of tho affair have sot yet been made public, but It Is said thai the murder of Rellly was entirely unprovoked. CHAMllKIt OF UO.UMERCE ACTS. Special Meeting to Tender Co.opera.tUn la fcnforclna Quarantine. A special meeting ot the Chamber ot Com merce was held to-day to adopt measures which shall insure to the Federal, State and municipal authorities the Instant and hearty co-operation of that body In all matters re lating to quarantine. The meeting was called for 1 o'clock this afternoon by President Charles S. Smith, of J)be Chamber ot Commerce, at the written re quest ot many prominent members. A letter was received from Health Officer Jenkins, appealing to tne cltitens ot New York to furnish him with some place to re move the passengers dstalned at Lower Quarantine. secretary ot the Treasury Foster attended the m. cling. Wedding- Trip Around the World. Mr. Charles btewart Smith, President ol the I New York chamber of Commerce, with his ' bride, has startej on a wedding tour around the world. Mr. Smith and Hiss Anna v niton brown, uaughter of barren u. Broun, ol in West Nlnrty-ihird street, were married es- terduy aiternoon and look the evenlug train for Montreal. 1b-y expect to return lo.Neir Yum In about six months. Election Law Unconstitutional. Irv aiaocuTXD rar-iM Danville, Ind., bepu P. Judge nadley has decided that the registration features of the Election law are uncoiiBtltlllonal, Imposing a burden upon one class of citizens. The law s in conflict with tne constitution In that it does not allow a oier to .banr his resilience wubln niiy-nlne days, while tuu constitu tion allows him to movo Horn precinct to precinct in the city limits. Polish catholics Threaten to Secede. rrrriA' to th vvini wnitTO.1 Pbiladiltbu, SepU P. The congregation Ot St. Stanislaus's Polish Catholic Churcn last night announced their purKoso ot seceding irom the Roman Catholic Church unless the prlesis appointed to lake charge ol the cburi h by Archblibop Ryan were removed, and sent a cablegram to Itume to that effect. To Investigate c..n,as ran gllng. lav AMOTUTvn ram. Montreal, SepU 0. At the request of the Washington authcrlttes the Canuiau Pacific Ballroad company Is proreedlng with lis In vestigation into the alleged smuggling of Chinese Into the United Slates by tno com pany's uDlc.als. The Bald Not Justified In Court. Anna Johnson and Ove Inmates ot the bouse 205 East SevenO -eighth street, raided by lbs police, were arraigned In YorktUle Court to day, but the charge of keeping a disorderly house was dismissed. 1 w Howling Dervisnea Complain to the Mayor. Nineteen howling oervlsbos complained at the Mayor's ofllce to-day that the contractors who brought them here bad deceived them aad neglected to feed aad support them prop avl.They war referred, to OowmlllVwar HILL PLACATED. o So Secretary Do Freest Broadly Intimates This Morning. Mr. Cleveland's Visit Results in Restoring Complete Harmony. Tammany Pledgees Unequivocal Bup- port and AntU&nappera Turned Down. Unless all Blgns fall, Senator Hill has been placated, an I will soon be heard from In the . Democratic campaign. j Secretary Charles It. De Freest, of the Dem-' ocratlc state Committee, who Is an out and out Hill man, and who has hitherto retrained from saying anything for publication, said this morning regarding the dinner last night at which Mr. Cleveland en terialned as guests LicuU-Gov. Bheehan, Chairman Edward Murphy, jr., and Richard . Croker: "You may say that Lleuu-Gov. sheeban and Mr. Murphy, at the dinner with Mr. Cleveland, had a most pleasant, satisfactory and barm n uh Interchange of views. Tbey discussed plan of campaign and agreed In every particular as to the method of pro cedure. "Mr. Cleveland knows something about politics In this state. Uo made valuable sug gestions, which were approved and adopted by Messrs. Murphy, Shcchon and Croker. " Everything was as smooth as oil, and you can say further that the utmost harmony pre vails among the leaders throughout the btale." And to emphasize the last statement, Mr. Do Freest added : " Absolutely the utmost harmony, abso lutely." " Is Senstor Hill included In that harmoni ous aggregation?" was asked. "1 Bold that tbore was no clash anywhere," replied Mr. De Freest. Will Senator Hill meet Mr. Cleveland or make speeches for htm this rail?" Mr. De Freest thought a moment and then answered: I I haven't seen Senator H11L Ha will bo doubt speak tor himself." Mr. De Freest spoke by authority, and his ' statement Is regarded by some as an official announcement that Senator Hill has been placated and will tako if his coat and work , for the tlckeu Tula view Is strengthened by the circumstances of the case. Lleuu-Gov. bheehan la Chairman of the State Campaign Committee. He Is also the recognized lilii leader of Western New York. Mr. Murphy Is Chairman of the state Com mittee and leader of the mil followers In the central part ot the Stale, and Richard Croker, and consequently Tammany Rail, is a most steadiast supporter ot Senator Hill In this eectlon. The campaign In the State Is practically la the hands of these three men. At the same , time they represent senator UUl's Interests, and when Mr. De Freest spoke for them It Is, I therefore, assumed that he spoke for Senator UllL But senator Hill's placatlon Is not all that Is said to have been accomplished by Mr. ' Cleveland. With tho pledge of the up-country leaders. It Is given out, he secured Mr. , Croker's pledge ot Tammany Hall's undivided support. In return, It ts understood Mr. Cleveland waa able to promise that the Anti-snappers would abstain, or rather oease Ajielr appa rently "pernicious activity" against Tam many HalL The anti-Snapper leaders very discreetly kept In the background. Thoy left the field entirely to tne Tammany men. Tho turn affairs bave taken will also leave the local Held tree tor the Wigwam, as the anti-snappers are not likely to antagonize Tammany under the circumstances by noml- I haling an opposition ticket, as their pro fessed object is the election of Mr. Cleveland. It the Antl-snappcr arn to keep hands off the local fight It puis an end to Mr. Grace's Mayoralty boom. Neither Mr. Qcace, ex-i Secretary Falrcblld or . Ellery Anderson, the Antl-Snappcr leaders In this city, could . be found to-day. I Tammany men are enthusiastic over the result of Mr. Cleveland's vlslu He has ac complished a political revolution In this State, ibey say ; brought order out of chaos, as It were. There Is no longer any doubt now In the mtuda of well-Informed Democrats that Mr. Cleveland wlil carry New York. Aside from the reported placatlon of HIU the prospects lor Democratic victory In the State looked more enouraglng than ever to day. several chairmen ot New York state Coun y committees cnlled at Democratic state .ind .N altonal lleadqu arters and reported on the a.tuatlon In their sections. Kdltor Norman V. Mack, oi the Buffalo Time , brought the Important news that all factional differences In trie County bad been settled. Before Chairman Murphy started lor Albany this forenoon he corroborated Mr. De Kreest's statement by saying that last night's dinner was in every way a success. Grtfnn Seeks a Fight with Dixon, lay aMoriATKD eatat-i New Oblxavs, BepU 0. "Jimmy" Carroll has posted 11,000 lOifelton bebaliof Johnny (Irinin for u Lgbl with George Ulion for a bet o 110,000 and tbe largest pursa offered, under ne same conditions thai aorerned the Dlxon-Skelly comosu Weather Forecast. Local forrcutl fur M hours t Mng I P. U. Salwaav: Fair, tlatiuuarv ttm rrawt. 1 be following record shows the changes In the temperature during tbe morning hours ax luoicaic-d by the thermometer at Perry's fnanuacy; Si. ... I SA.M...UI A.M...68I UK.. .71 On l Brands el All-Tebacea CUarettee nadsW'Tjna. BIUlli 'Bstwsib Taa Acre.' Tail" Puua. deal aiel'M.'. gatlJU.. " "LjJ""' -"""" END OF THIS GLUE. WarBohaweky and Harren Return to Their Lomes. They Tell a Straight Story of Their Connection with Aizenstat. Volomon the Man Needed to Holve the Murder Mystery. Tho mystery surrounding tbe murder of Lazarus Aizenstat, whose body was found In tho woods along Fort Hamilton aveuue, In New Utrecht, Is as deep as over, although the I police of both Brooklyn and New York aro now quite positive that tho man known as Solomon, who lived with Aizenstat at 10U East Broadway, was concerned In tho murder. Louis Warschawsky, of fil Forsyth street, and Louts Earren, of 330 Division street, who left the city together last Mcndty nigh', say-1 lng they Intendrd looking up a certain com- ' mission for tbo sale ot a farm In Con- I ncctlcut, which wax discovered by an F.vkn- I txo Worlo reporter to bo 'he farm tor which ' Aizenstat had been negotiating, returned this morning to tbelr respective boineA. Warschawsky teemed to be surprised when told tbai be bad been souitbt niter In connec tion with the New Utrecht murder. " I did not even know," Bald hu to an Hvns ino World reporter, "that Aizenstat was dead. Neither did Karren. You see," be con tinued, "It all happened ibis . About two months ago 1 was drinking a glass of Bods water at the comer of Canal and Essex streets, when Solomon came along looking for some address. Ho was a stranger to tne, but I thought l would help him ouu I baia forgotten tho address, but It was that ot some realms ate dealer. Bel. g In that business myscli I asked Solomon whether be wanted to buy or sell some property; whereupon be answorod: Yes. I'm looting fur a farm.' " A long lime before my irlend Karren had told moot a faim for sale In Eat Uaddam, Conn., and I suggested this to Sowmon. In this way we became acquainted. " He lnAyoduced Karren and me to Alzen Etrt, and all tour of us went out to Last Uad dam about seven weeks ago to take a look at the .arm. It pleased Aizenstat, and he agreed to buy It for 4,000. He deposited 300 with the owner, Mrs. L. J. GlesBon, and was to bave paid 12,200 on SepU 6 and to have given a mjrtgago for the balance ot l,r00. "After that we occasionally met Alzen stat and bolomon and discussed the pur chase. At first I thought Solomon was re lated to Aizenstat, but when I beard tbal tbe latter bad only formed Solomon's ac quaintance on board the steamer coming from Europe I advised Aizenstat not to In trust everything so blindly to Solomon. " Aizenstat only laughed at my advice, and aid he could not do without Solomon, who was a faithful guide. " Last Saturday I met Karren and asked him bow tbe sale was getting on. lie replied that he had not seen or beard f either Aizen stat or Bolomon In more than a week, aud, as he did not know tuelr aduress, be dt clared blmseli puzzled to know how we would get our commission. 1 think,' said he, that Alzenstuthas gone to Connecticut in order to divide , our commlsaljn with Mrs. Gleason.' suudaj, however, Karren not Alzeuslat's addiess through a Mia steMng. of 4U hldi luge street, where he bad lived wan bolumun before mov ing to low feast Broadway. "Ksrren's inquiry at the latter address elicited tbe reply thai Atzeusiat and bolomon bad gone away tne day beioru and bad not yet returned. t thought Karren was trying to fool me In ordrr mat he might keep the whole com. mission, which amou ited to about S2UU. I tuld him bo, and he suggested thai w a go to East Uaddam w prove his lnnoceuceof any such deception. At East Had lam we found Mrs. 01eaon ready wl.b the papers. Neither Solomon nor Alzonstar bad been there. Mrs. (i.eason said thai perbapa Aizenstat was too sick to be therein time. In which case she would wait until bepu 20. " After walling until late yesterday after no in, we took the return boat Irom llartlurd. conn , and arrived lu Now York ai 7 o'clock this m rnli.g. ' I Louis fcarien told Tbe Evenino World re I porter substantia ly the same story as nar rated by Warcbawsky. I Solomon worked In the grocery store ot H. I II am, -J Eases street tor two weeks shortly after Lis arrival In this country. No arrests have yet leeu made. THAT JUDGMENT AGAINST JOHN L Judge Osborne Grants an Order Opening; the Pugilist's Default. Counsellor Anthony Barrett appeared be fore Judge Osborne, of the Uruuklyn City Court, this mornlng,and argued the adjourned I motion to snow cause why the judgment ob tained by John li. Valletta against Joun L. Huillvan, ez-champlon pugilist, by default should not bo opened. I V alietie claimed pay for services as advance I agent for buillvan from Ocu 14 to Dec -3, 18st). Counsellor Barrett explained to the court that at the lime the action was Drought he was 111 and unable to appear. He added that sulllvan did not know Val lette and had made no arraugemeul for bis services, nr authorized any one todosjfer him. Judge Osbourne granted an order opening the defaulu Trades Congress Votes (or a Com pulsory Eigbt-ilour Law. i . i,oruTr -arsv Glasoow, SepU 0 The Trades Congress bas adopted a resolution declaring thai an eight-hour day should be mado compul sory, one hundred and tltiy.nvr ot the dele gales voted again, t the resolution. Two hundred and nve ballots were cast In Its favor. Tampleo Cstab.lahee Quarantine, lav macuiiu ratti.1 TAurico, iloz., bepu o. The Federal Gov ernment bos directed the health officers at Taaiplco to quarantine all vesse.s from cholera-infected ports for fifteen days. Fas.! Fazt, Past, Paxt,. IotolMebaceleietto.loaaWayassai tlUT" fliiHaTtlUT CLEIEU1 RETURNS Tfl-OH. " Sheohan Assures Him of the Loy alty of Senator Hill. The Kx-Prealdent Will Go slack on tbe Fall Itlver Boot. Ex.I'rcsldent Grover Cleveland began the second day ot his lsll hero with bre aktasl at O.uo o'clock In his private dining-room at tho Victoria Uotol. Private becretary O'Brien said that Mr. Cleveland rested comfortably last night alter his dinner with Mesirs. Mur" phy, bheehan, Croker, Dickinson and Whit hoy. From all accounts tbe State managers gave their oilnlons iricly cmcernlng tho cam paign, nnd Mr. clevelanl responded cordially to tho advances inaae by Mr. Murphy, Mr. Sheehin aud Mr. Crokei. Mr. Sbcehuu, It Is said by a gentleman who Bpeaks with authority, told Mr. Cleveland that whatever their lormer differences had I been, Mr. HIU and bis friends cherish no re sentment now and will work hard tor the Nntlcnal tlckeu It would not hare altered affairs even If thet had not seen Mr. Cleveland, the chiefs aro reported to hne said; but they wero pleased to have nnd an opportunity toinaku a personal assurance to Mr. Cleveland. l-rom all that ran bo I'-nrui'd oftheconsul tMloiilKS, nUht, the greatmt hariiluliy cx Ihis betwi en the National Commit!) o and th represent nilus ol tho sltitu Cummltleo and Tiiiuuiany Hall. 'I here Is nine speculation ss tn wholber or not Senator HIU will visit the Victoria o-day, but li is eiieiHlly ex proscd that thero is not the slightest friction between Cleveland and HIU us tur oh the Nutloual Ksu- iscunterned. wecietary o'lirlen Btld mat Mr. Cleveland 1 nnu d leave New York lo-niubt on the Knll Kher boat. No formal engagements had been mailo lor to-tlaj, he said, and thero wore no appointments outside ihc hotel. r-cuu or W. I. brown made a second call en Mr Cleveland at 11 o'clock this lorenooh. I Rallnmd Con nilssluner nnd Secretary of 1 the state Committee tamuel A. Bear.lsley, of Uilca: Ahtemi lyman till lam bulzer and si-crctaryot inotninpalgneommliteet harles It. US Fr est were shanu to .Mr. Clivelands apartments so m after and wero lollowbd by Uou M. Dickinson. . . Mr. De Freest said that Mr. Sheehan had gine tn Buffalo this morning and would prob ably return on Monday. Messrs. Oo Freest, bulzer and Beardsley were with tho ex- r sldentonly a lew min utes, and then ul back in lieinncra le Headquarters, leaving Mr. Dickinson and Senator llronn with Mr. Cleveland. senators Ulbson and White, ot Louisiana, who were c pHosd to Mr. Cleveland's Domina tion, came to tbe cl y lo-aay id pay their re specta to Mr. Cleveland, ibey saw and as sured blm oi tbelr loy.l support PLANS TO REBUILD. Metropolitan Opera-Houea Stock holders In Confeienoe. The stockholders ot the MetropoUtsn Opera - nous-) met at noon to-day to consider iho dedltlon of the direc tors to rebuild, "lbcro wero only ihtrty stockholders present, and It was decided to Bend out suggestions for raising money to all tbo stockholders and have another meeting a week irom to-day. I James llarrluun, a boxholder, proposed that a National opera-house bo built and that wealthy music lovers throughout the country Le lovl ed to Hike stock. Ills proposition will bo considered at the next meeting. Among those represented In proxy or tn peisotiut tho irectlng wero J. J. ltnoseveit, W. K. Vanderblli, Hubert tloelel. Ogd. n Uoe le), W. W. shennan, Cornelius Vunderbllt, Adrian Iscllu, William C. Whitney and D. o. MHIh. It was stated that the lowe-t estimate for rebuilding and rsfuruUiglng me opera-houso Is r.'uo.uuo. THE DAY IN WALL STREET. Marked Advances In Several or the Specialties, Wall street, Friday, Bepu o. Specialties wero strong this morning, and In brisk de maud. Manhattan, New England. Sugar and Gen. eral Llectrla each rose li. Evansvllle aud Torre Ilautf moved up 8 to UU, on tho pur chase ot only a tow hundred shares. I '1 he general list yielded 14 to H In tbo early trading, under the leadership of SU I'aaL The b urs hammered ibis stock, but took good care not 10 add very largely to their out standing short lints, subsequently the who e market advanced H to 1 per cent. The Quotations. Oosn. flisb. Low. Americas "siar flsf Ml Ui llul AiucrlcsnNumr R.l uraf lutfe tilth 10ii J.H H Antrum lotlun Ol, rl " j'JX TH Atusr tan Ui.t. Il Cl 61 til Aw",i..pb.uu re ........ J7f 37H 37X but. A uhlo. yMi 9.'H lt LaiiSJaboutuetu 67 7 67 Cmp..kA Odlo 2J 2i 29, (blcasuloi 'v4 !h '' Chi... l.or. AQoIdct i ,1-VW t hkwoA Konn.t ll.U 11 W HhTi Lblc, Mil. t Ot. fin SlV 8 l 80 Cbio.. Kvckli. A facinc H HH Msi llsie A 1IUU.0 131H 131, 1'JltJ lieafet A Hiullrsn ,ire itH H H Dla. A Caltle Keei l$k SO iM Li.u.,1 T.i.e lUul. lu 1Q i.e.. Ih. .. . met; " "31 UkeHhore. , 131,? 13 t lsl LsuUfllleA NuLvUle O.t, C"H -'H L. 'JJ M 33 MsobattaD Cosao... 13J 1394 1 3 Mien. A bt. l-oul. pref 3tt iO A5U Miaisun fasiSo Wft ti'M tm luourl.Kei . A Tea iref 'Jt4 'J H 'H IMt. Cord. Oo 13IM 131ta 1IIM .Vat H t-it .H Nat. 1-esil Co. prof 91k (IM 4i .N.i u .it 3W l!j J4M Ne Jeraej Central im I3U j N.w Vor.C.otial ltl.'M UU lu9a .V V. A .New l.unaDd 36(4 H' l 3 H M. V., LaaeLrleA Weal V I itt 'it .V r nor I" . IVW. 1UM 1VM Northern Paolao prtf ft'.lj fr U 6 l ObIsiIoAWmi 1IH 1H ISM Ik.cMil 30M 31 SOt! l',p. Liu- eH S-H Sf.i oSti rbllt AltesJI.f 6j 65 J 14 j fit ... . . t L i. ... b.'M 631, CoC7 Web, A W. r. Ter. . 9 jQ V bl, caul, iiDD laaltoua. ,, ll.iH 11SH 113tsj hu L. noutbweatero pre! 1M 18 l.W Mleert'erlii.ietee ... .... S3U S.U SJV, Soutbern Paetbe 3i S5H iH 1 1. m! i' nit UaiouPaclSo ,,.... 38 38M 3s I 111 nl-a 10.. Hen. AOilI).... 17M ln 1JH We.1 Union Tele., ult, US. H WlieellnaA Uke liri J5 JSM 3 WneelltjA Use trie praf.,.. tt CS 01 A tun account 01 w all street affaire wlil ba found hi lu LviMiMO Wohld's Sporting Kxtra. Political Potpourri. Tsmtaan? Hill's ftatnraliiatloo BareauwIUtie opened at 'i7 eaambeis street aeit Monday. 'I he Antl-auapnersof the Twentr-fourth Asaem blj iliatrlit organised a lob Lul autbt. J. J. CJulnUn will La tbe Urase leader ot the alstrlet. Tbe Republicans may eonotnde not So order a poll of Ihe voters lo tbla elty. It ooalJ coat, stoat U.bOOtodo tsa work, and MJdee, tbe leaden are net eeruta that a poll ol she etty weald benattl tkeaasatwa. UlT EfllTIOH. 1 APPEAL TO FLOWER. i fl Normannla's Passengers Make ifl Startling Charges. uH No Measures Taken, They Say, to "'H Protect Their Lives or Health. ffl Unvlstted by Health OBIcert, Uapro- -vB Tided with Disinfectants ar Freshwater. '.-9 m The following appeal to the aoveraor was jafl to-day lorwarded to Albany: 'bbbbI " To H. I', ritmr, OeMrner Ike Asll tf JVeer r'nai liror.- '.'M Tho undersigned, a oommlttee repree . 'aBasl sentlng tbe nrst and second cabin passengers obbbi ot tbe steamer Normannla, now In quarantine j ' In tbo I'oit ot New York, resj ectfully show: ' That as good cltlzons we cheerfully sab- M mtt to such detention as msy be deemed . I necessary by saultory expert tor the cbbbb! I preservation ot the publlo health, IbbbI but we bold that, whllo undergoing aH such necoary detention, we are Hl entitled, at the hands 01 tbe authorities, to ttsssl as much caro and protection against Infection ' 'sij as any other body ot healthy citizens; that ?H as parsons Innocent of crime and suffering c4 illscoinlort In tbo publlo Interest, It Is our '"tefl to navo that discomfort reluced to a Vassal minimum, and to this end no expense should ''laal be spared or reasonable precautions ne- 'jtmH gleet ed. i ':H I But such measures have not been taken, fiM and &00 persons, mostly citizens of tbe 'a United States, bave been exposed to Infec- iH I Hon, to their own danger and the danger o( tnl I the public. To sbow this to be true we sab- I'lal mlt tbe toUowiag facts: -H w.- bave been detained since 4 o'clock VsbbbI Saturday morning, by order ot the Health ''sawnl OQlcer, and yet during that time no omcut 'anal Inspection 01 the sblp or visit to th sack ha t ?nal been made by that officer or any on repre- n H senilng blm; no sclentlflc, expert or other kM aid has been furnished to superintend the IH disinfection of the ship, but tbi work has ,t"H been left entirely to tbe captain and his '4tH crew. 1 'jB Disinfectants asked for and promised 1 ,M hsve not been furnished, so that the work ot ' .H disinfection begun by the ship's oUloers has ?'H been stopped. 1 No means havo been provided for com- V'saaal muolcatlon with the Health OHlcer, with the 1 ' fl result tbat tho sick and the dead ''M havo been retalued on the ship , j-H an undue time. Fresh water has Jani I not been provided to replace that placed oa -M board from the Elbe, although appucatloa ( S has been made therefor, and the water tanks rl-anaw! of tbe ship have been emptied, cleansed and j ft otherwise madu ready to receive It. AaB We hereby solemnly declare that at tot lafl moment there Is no Illness among the cabin -fB passengerH, nor has there been for eight days, s'l nor Is 1 hero any undue excitement, much less ' ''ft panic, among them. Hl t. an It bo possible that tbe National Gov- ''-ansa ernment, the Governor, press and people ot anaa! Now York will permit COO of their feUow- vIB citizens, all now tn good health, -il to be longer penned up oa .rSnaai this ship without proper, or even any, know!- edge on the part 01 any official. Federal or "sH Stale, thai the ship has been properly dlsln- ''! fee ted? .'IH lherefore we pray that Your Excellency ''iBH will put at tbo disposal of the Health Janfl officer such competent and expert as- t-H sistance, with every appliance necessary to vH enable him 10 at onco take charge of this ship and put tbe same In a perfect sanitary Xnaaal condition and thus rellee us from our pres- , 'fflH em jeopardy. jVI Now that you know the truth we venture M-H to hope that 5 ou will act promptly. Longer 'ILI ilelaj lu this matter seems to us to approach tsjH criminality. We subjoin hereto the report ot .StanF iho Tossenger Committee on sanitation. im All of w hlch Is respectfully submitted. '--iMk J. It. McrnsBSON, ot New jersey WaH I'Tnro Hiisrotb, -1-B JCLICS LCMEBEEd, ' aBaaal EDWIN L. UOSEIX, 'naaai RoBEKTM.Tnotrio.v, ::ll 'A. M. FiLUEK, 'H "J. s. Rosenthal, of Maryland, , jl Dr. F. Lakoe, Executive Committee. Janssl The undersigned. Sanitary Committee anai appointed by the cabin passengers on board Jafl the steamer Normannla, regard It tbelr duty " QH to appeal to publlo opinion. In view ot the lesaal following considerations and facts : tjanani It seems Inconceivable tbat 000 hereto- ',-H fore healthy people should be quarantined on jiH board an infected ship, and tbat It Is lmpoe- ':H 'slbls to isolate them at a placo IH 'thus far not Inlected. They emphasize fH this point so much more as, irom all appear sH anoes.the measures taken to disinfect the ,jH Normannla bave been Incomplete and void rH ot tbal speedy, energetic and systematic anana! mode ol proceedmg which Is necessary to "jH efflcleiitly counteract tbe damaging Innuen 'H ces to which all are exposed. rH In reference to these points they submit -H the toUoMngcts . M remove tbe slc-k immediately a ter the jnses Janaana 01 the choiera symptoms. Even -cad bodies JH have been kept on board for twentj-iour JjM hoursand more bbbbbi a. At no lime an official, thorough Inspec ! tlon of the ship has been made, nor hate any 1 tH measures been aken wltn regard to dlalnteo- ( v,H tlon except such as were possible with the r'.aaani Insufficient euppiy ot dislnlecilng material (,H 3. Disinfecting material has not been tur faBBa! nlsned promotly in spile of ihe request cltD JbbbbbI ship's authorities. The demand man) i':obbbbb1 Saturday, bepu 3. to place on iwbbbbbI board the ship an official expert ti supervise IbbbbbbI and execute thorough dialuiecllon baa DOS bbbbbbI been compiled with. .. . .Tbbbbbb "4. Tue water supply of th ship aa no ., H bee taken care oi in a troper way. AU bbbbB though by Monday morning- th taak war JbbbbbbI clean and ready to receive .ru ,'')ibbbbbb1 water, such Is not ..wfd.aa lM the present hour. , , ?. &ff'P-P!& . ''IbbbbbbbI