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MeeeBBHHMP!ilPMHBP 'vSSJJTfPwT'SSyW'? WPpP!TO'WW3rSWWR?!!5Wiff' ,,,,K:' Tr!'''X"r''J!fM' svr"- StJWSPP'S!!?!- J-f-B PPI3" H Bfc' , 2 THE WOULD: Fill PAY EVENI.V'. Stil'TSMBSR I). 1893. fl mk, . Bjiwa- ship ahould hiTe bcpn made a main point of a M '. Mnltarr importance. We are on the fourili -eT-T NLV day ot quarantine. Ll If, tbereiore, In iplte of such a condition a " of things, the passengers sliould no obiigttl to $' Bern remain in quarantine on b.iard the Norman. eftV nla, the undersigned deem It tuilr duty to do- B--.I, mandtbeexccutlonof aucliRatiltaiymeaiurci Rtfra W under tho supcrvlnlon of oillclal experts, as F;t w are apt to remove efficiently tho diMKcWn ', which, under the Elreu circumstance, the (occupants ol the ship are coustatitly exposed. I)r. F. Lasok, hew Yorts City. ., "Dr. E. (lacEMMi. New lnrk City. ijP 'Ir. V. BlLin, New York cll. .tL Dr. W. K. lloNcmu. Ileverly, Maw., K.V ,. "J)r. K. JlorrxMANN, wt. I'mil. .Minn., K?l. Hi r-J. K. IIWmev, lloputconp, S. J." Hf.& W Henry Howard, of 1'nrt iluron, Mich., R& who is at tho ruth Avniuo Hnttl woltlUB ffi tor the releao of his family from H ,V the , steamship Normannla, has rrrched F"-5 two letters from hli wire, written on tho tith Inst., which only ieaclii-rt him this morntntf. Following are uxtrnctt from the litter: Dr. Jciklns was only here nncn yester- day. our flck and dead nrn h11occI to any ';. here too ion g. Kupplles run low. Provision .; boat not here ni nil jrslenla). 'ihojh-vvo tout us noprcventhes, miinifctantsor roun. aeK.'i Clf Ml ai to precaution. if ato "t us needed a aet Ml physician wo would hive to cill on llic tnting mt i and perhaps inexpcrieiuedoiieon board ship. K They ought to wnd us a doctor to look us C orer and remain with ui Kr Water supply exhausted Inst tiljhl. c'ap- K tain said ho telegraplicJ jesterday inornlnif tor water, but none had come up to nrdllmu B,' lastnlcht. He says lie Is powerless! all di- t pends on New A urk olllclnls. E); "The captain told Itcsslo last nleht wo Ki MB mtre not sate op tills boat one minute, and LeV?. III laldltwasprlvlkRed murder m keep us lit re. S, "Iseoby the papers they say we save Dr. H Jenkins a vole of thanks. It Is tnl'o. Wu .- cannot see that lie Is doing n thine. Qi J "If we are such pests, wh dres ho come Ml " 3 on board and havo.dlnnersH mi thccaptilnr k em "Ihoonly thlnir weliad for breakftt was Fa ? atale euifs, toast, cofTeo and hominy i but that K7 3 Is the last we batro on tn sliln. HE', "Many little children nre i rylnB for water. L rtl o near New York. aud nn water. What do i H It meant Wo want I'oland water, ulslnlicl- K? a.1 ants, carbolic aoap, Ac" R Among the detained passengers nn the Nor- C mannlalsUnlU'd States sub-lrrasuirr M. N. R- Aldrlch. of Hoslnn. Olllrers unil members of V-1 (.1 theliosionlloardonradoti'lpzrapiicd Assist. j; Hi ant Secretary ct the Treasury Apauldlmt ask HTj M ids' that Federal authorities Interlere In lie- p U half or tho quarantined passenirerh. Ih-Jm) Re they rccelvod reply that hecritary Foster Bj. , wasln New Y'orK endenTorlni,' todonll In his f f power to accomplish their releaso iroui tho B O RICH MAN SENT TO JAIL. H, m Sixty Days e.t Uard Ltibor Without HW, tho Option of a Fine. Hev J Ikt 4MoriATp mrtn.l H&. O 8t' ''acl, Kept, t). .ludgo Twohy, of tho HE W Municipal Court, yesterday sentenced n lead- HK? Ins citizen of Ht. Paul, worth a 100,000, to Hr sixty days In tin workhouse without rlio HCU out Ion or a fine. " . A lew weeks ago Hlmon J. Ahem, owner of kV, W large tracts of rt al estate hcru and tlnancinl ;. agent lor several aMtrn nrms, swore In n '..' suit in court that be had not acted na witness K? to an Instrument which Mautz Helm had n' signed as a notary public. Tv Air. Helm had Mr. Abcrn arrested fur i MT criminal HbeL The evidence was mo umit- ;' whelming against tho capitalist that the BE)a Court ordered him heut 10 tbu work-bouse ftj tor sixty da) s. ' The Wntmors'a Crew All Saved. HyM lartciAt. to tbx xvrxixn wnai.n.l r, roKTLAND, Ore., 8eit. 0 Tho crew of the HKX whaieback Bteamer Wctmore, which wont H". asbere at North Hplt Bar on the Oregon coast, h hare all been ta id. The slcumer Is 11 total B(- wreck. w;. - r-, Crowned Willie In Enthlnir. Kl )f James Clary, seven teen years old, of 44U Hpy West Forty-ninth street, was drowned this K, morning while bathing ut the foot 01 West B H.tletu street. Ihe body wasnejtertd. l .. 1''-' One of Dr. Cronln'a Slayers 111, HkL 1st oseriATrn rartn.l H..V I" Joucr, 111., bept. P. Martin liurke, oue of k the convicted Cronln murderer', Is HI, and, fc- L while no Immediately fotnl results are antlcl- EXE " U acknowledged that bin condition Hi? is senous. & SHOT DOWN BY HIS FRIEND. Owen Colllna Probably Fatally Wounded tn n, Beor Quarrel. Owen Collins Is In Manhattan Hospital to day with a bullet wound In bis abdomen, which will probably causo his death. The police aro looking for ()corke Decker, who, they eay, Is also known as Mnrks, and who escaped alter shooting Collins twlco Into last night In one Hundred and Tenth street, be. twtcn tho lloulevard and Amsterdam avenue. tnlllns lives nt yin West lino Hundred and Tenth street. Decker or fcarks drives an ash carl and lues at -'1 West one Hundred and Mnth streel. The two hao known cadi oilier foi 11 long time. 'I lie sin tiling occurred after n quarrel as to whoslmuld bur Hie iH'ir mut. Collins and litckirgot lull) a light mrr II. lieiker sudd-nly whlppeil nut a rovnlvir and tired two shots nt Cullliii1, who felltn tho ground with 11 cry nt I'm slinu" Onoof the bullets hid struck him In the ubdomen nn the leltslile and tns itner passed through his ilRhl hand. imiore an in rould stop him Decker ran aw a) and made Ms 1 si ape. DelitlUes Wntls all I Cain, of tho West One Hundredth street station, are looking for llcckcr. LARGEST IN THE WORLD. Tho Cunard Linn's New Steamship Cnmpnnln Is Launched. Tho big stenmsiilp Campania, built for the Cunnrd line's New York and 1 Iverponl ser vice, Is now atlnat In tho harbor at Glasgow, Scotland. 1 hho was successfully launched yesterday, and will soon be ready for salllns. The Campania Is thd Inrge't steamer In tho world. She is 1100 feet long and has a tonnajo of 14,100 inns. The City nt Paris, Malestlc and tho Ttiitonlc rango betwien lu.uou and 10..MHI tons Tbo Campania's engines nre triph expan sion. Slin was built In tbu j.irdsut tho I-nlr-tleld shipbuilding cuinpjnj, ul (iornn, noar Ulasgon. TWO MURDERERS DIE. Execution of Cra'tr snd McCarthy at Columbus, O. lev AssnttATrr rnic. CottiMsrs, sept. 0. Charles Craig, colored, nnd Kdwsrd .McCarthy, twn Cincinnati mur derers, were executed In tho annex of tho Ohio Penitentiary this morning. The work was rapid and satisfactory, bcln; without socclal Incident Kept. 1:1, lhim, Charles Craig killed bis mistress, Annie Thompson, In Cincinnati. M.C'artli) snot Charles Nelttrman lu cold blood AU.'. u:i, 1HIKI. PUBLISHER APPLETON HURT. Thrown from Ills Horse on Mosholu Avenue This Morning". Mr. William 11. Appleton, tho publisher, of .1 Dond street, met with n serious nccldent this morning. He was thrown from his horse wbllo riding on Moslinlu in enue, between ltlterdale lane and llroaiwa). His left shoulder was In Jured. He was takeu to bis home nn Charles street, Ktverdalc. Mr. Appleton Is sUlt-clght yeuu old. m Irl Shot by an Italian. 1st siinrlATKIi rarss. I HTOcxTOt, bept. p. Anton Pattl shot a youn lady named MaU I Wbt ehr last night because M10 refused to hate anything to do with bun. Miss Whtcler Is tbu daughter of a ph) slolan lu ban l'rnnclscu. Music In Battery Park. liaync's htxty-nlnth llegtment Hand win gle a concert at H o'clock to-ulgbt In Dattery Park. CLUBS SWELL IT. Western Demooratio Campaign Fund Mounting Upward. Great Rivalry for tho Ten Prize Silk Banners. (iov. Boyd, of Nebraska, Subscribes Through the " World-Herald." H-rnmTlila.tlnrnlnas "World. "I HOW 1HE FUND SUNOS NOW. drain! total nclsnnwIrdMed In YrMrrilav'a "World " S'.'4,ll'.'S.?n Tnlnl jrlrrily :iO.).ll,i' lirnnd mini 92A.ll3n.i41 THROrnil THE "WOIII.II-IIDHAM)." 42nr. Ilnyil, nf Nrbrnskn, Sflidn tn It a CIim'U for I00 Oilier rnnlrlbutlnns. Omaha, b, Hept. !. contributions through Mui-id.Jmirt ycsterdiy and to-' day nmoiinted to i:i."..'.'(l, making our total I to date s.'i.M.ll. This Includes floo from Nebraska's Democratic (lovernor, James E. Boyd, why ivrnto this letter: Olllirt U. Illtrhrnrlf, l.tltor " irW..f.rnM " Iikak Bik: It affords 1110 much pleasure to hand you lurow Ith my check or f 1 00 as my contilbtitlon to the Western Campaign Fund which you aro raising for legitimate expendi tures in assisting Detnocraiy to carry tho West for tariff reform nnd economical government. I belloio that tucro ore n number of Western Mates keenly nllvo to tho Issuo of tariff tc term; that If tha facts can bo properly brought to the attention nf the people, the cause of Democracy will thrUe. 1 regret that my means will not permit of my making a larger contribution at this time, but 1 feel It to be my duty to do this and deem It tho duty nf every Democrat to do Hkcwlso lu propor tion 10 his means. Yours, Ac, J as. K. novn. Ite nrtvd by the llliHca " Democrat." Iiiiaca, N. Y Sept, 7. The Ithaca ;eino cin( to-day received for tho Western Demo cratic Campaign Pund to fioin a Ecncca County Democrat and II (.ash. TWENTY CM IIS CONTESTINC Incrrrlnc Intnrrst Slinwn In Ilia Ilnre for the Ttttt Prize Itannerr. The political clubs hive this wcelc shown moieacllMly than nt tiny previous llmo dur ing tno Presldtiillal campaign, nnd tho pros rets nrn that the next lew days will stlmu. 1 late tlictn nil Into active participation Hi tho canvass. Twont) Important clubs aro now I participating In tho banner contost, which wlluiusu the 1st of next month, when the ten silken, gnld-filned banners will be J Is trlbutid to those subscilbl'ig Iho largosl ag. 1 gregate amounts to tho Western Democratic 1 Campaign Pund. Tho name or the Tammany Association of the First Assembly District has been added to the list. This Is thcorganlra tlou with which Heglstcr Frank T. lt7gcrald is Idcntined, and It Is one of tho strongest of the kind In the city. Mr. Kltgcrald Is the only New Yorker who Is nn cx.i ongrcssman without over having sat In tho lions.' of ltcproscntattves. That was brcuuso be is such a popular man that be was elected lu his present position belore ho had n chalice to take bis Boat ul W athlnglon. I ndrr tho new apportionment his district now extends to Hpilug street, wesinf lirnnd way from the llutleiy, licsldes taking lu a small portion east ol llroadwu). line ho Is nll.poweriul among tho Influential n sldonts, and bis friends aro continent thai bis ins'i ngcuienl tills esr will show bigger results there than etcr bofoic. esurday Mr. I Itrgeraldsald with an sir of ennll lenco that this ponton ut the city wnuld glvnallggir majurlly for Clutelaiid this Ji'.ir lliuii 111 eltliei of thn two I'risl detitlil eli'i t Inns win 11 he hush ruiidl Jam b'loie. He wis so certain of attaining 1 his result Unit lots nt sluewd pulltlcluis who know lit 111 aro ready Ki bet two to one 1111 It. Mr. rltgoiald, who is liiudly )ot thlity flto j ears or age, belletesnotnniy In w 01 king tiiruistl) mi the success nf tbu Democratic ticket lure In .Sew York, hut In helping to carry tho Males out West which him Uen sliding rapidly inwards D-mocrni;). tin therefore up,iMis as .1 substantial com 1 ilmlor to the Wes ru Democrat!'' caiupil;n 1 uud. I'.x-Ald-imjn Henry Klegi nheluicr. who appears aiming 'be c mtrlbutnrs, Is .mother rnprescnlniWe who liellovs tnal sumonfthu Western Males may bo earned inr 1 leeland, and Is hilling In help the cmse. He hnsnri,aiilul niieuf tbu largest Herman Cleveland nnl stuvenson clubs lu the illy and Is oil'' 01 the li"sl. known men on the east side. Iliat club. Iiv tbu nay, will prnimly bo heard from In tho banner contest before many days eli se. lire rerdlnanil Low Democricy has llkc niso slgnintd thruugh lis nnicers anlnten. tlun tn enmo in with a linudsoini. cuiurltiiltliJIi and win one of thOMi ten silk banners, rnr n new organization tlure cuiill Lu no letter trophy or hciivo assistance git en tn 1 he cause ol national Democracy in this Presidential jear. other organizations in tnoclt) are so lonlldcnl that thej can win one of those silk bamiirs that the) think tlurj Isnoliurry nbr ut sending their sub.crlptluns In, bill 11 will lie een mat tho clubs now- tnklug part are st adlly climbing ahead throiuli thu con trlbtttlnnsut members and their mends. It will no lemeinbend that friends nt po ll lol nrganl7atlnns nre lust as eligible as coiiiilbutors to tbu banner eonti st as regular nienib-Ts and thec have already been nu merous -lnca It opened. It Is also advisable that subscriptions be hunt In to the Western Democratic Campaign Fund ns suon us rt cclu'il. A hupatatc iu count Iskipt nn tho books of tho monee so sent In and will bo re ported lu those column fnm time to time. The banner cluBs-tliose which win the ten silken banueiH n 111 b-j'hu ten which stand at tho head of the list when the contest Is brought tn a close, nnd they will thus achieve a distinction wMiout 11 paiullel In any Presi dential 1 lection which has hervlotuie taken place. Thn amount of tho subscriptions will alono decide the contest. Many of the clubs now In the ncld nre fnr In ldinncu Intheraco. and clubs which Intend to partlclp ite should not waste an) time about cuuilng In, but do so nt once. A subscrtp.'lon of any amount will do as a starter. Here arc tho clubs now participating In the contest : 4 Irvrlnml ami Metenftnn Cltlti of tllo Tenth Assembly Illslrlrl. Tnmmnny Association of thn Plrat As sembly District. Drinocratle Club, llnlUtoii Spa, N. Y. Comanche Club, Third Assembly Dis trict. Tiunrnany Club, new Feventh Assembly et. Tammany Association, new Tenth Ai rrtuhly Dltlrlrt. Tainmnnv Association, new rnnrteenth AsrmblT Dlstrlrt. Clevnlnnil Clltli of the Feventronttl Wntd, llrnohtyn. Yoiiuir !tlen' Demorrnry, Auburn. Democratic Club, ItufTlo. CleSAtHntl nnd Mevrusnn CumpslRn Clnli, lildcrflrld, Conn. Druim rallc Club, llnmr, N. V. nuni; Men's lullfl" lti-form Club, F.lltnheth, N..I. hero"! Wnnl Orteland and Htevenson Club, Ktllabetll, N. J, FOR THE WESTERN DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN FUND. I contrlbuto Name -. .' Address ; Date Mako cheeks nnd money-orders psyable to the Wesicrn Democratic Campaign Fund. Addtcssall lommunlcallons to the Western Campaign Fund, box -Lii-i Hear York City. "The World" nslss vnnr subscription In Hie Wmirrn Demoeratlr Cnmpnlgn I'niid. Mriire ofHeinoernllc nesvupiiprra In other imrla of the eoutitrv hnvr lo opened ilielr rolnmna to receive eonirl billions. All tbr money raised sslll bo expended IcKlllinmelv br the ndrlro of a euinmllter ol lending Western Demo ernis In wnft-tna; n vlnnrons ednentlonal rnmpalsn In llione Wenlrrn Htutea svhlch have aroue Krpiibllenn In elections lilllirrln, but now slve the stroitsrsl ln dlentlons nf n tendency towards Uinic. rary nnd Tnrlfl Itrlorm. The Inrcrr the number nf unhsrrlp linns, rrrnrdlrss oftbrlr lrr, Ihearrntcr svlll bp the moral effect. Will you lielpf Ifno, ernil n rberk, n registered Irtter, a moury-ordrr or rank to Hip address allven above. Also, II" ronvenlrnt, fill up the blank In order that your subscription raav bi neknntvledued tn the culuinus ! "The World." Thlrtl Ward Cleveland antt Stevenson Democmtle Association, Elisabeth. N. J. Yorkvllle Democratic Club. llnrlem Democratic Club. Jefferson Democratic Club, New Haven, Conn. Tariff Reform Club, South Orange, N.J, JefTvrson Deinoeratlo Clnb. WILLIAM E. SHARON RESIGNS. His Vlowa on EUver Cause Him to Leave the Bepubl.can Committee. Iiv ArrrcTnTrp rnvss.1 Ran Fkancisco, Cal , Espt. P. William F. Sharon, member of tho National Hepubllcan committee for .Novudn, has written a letter to M. 11. Do Young, acting chairman of tbo Kxccutlvo Committee, tn whlcn he resigns as a member of the Committee. Mr. Sharon says that nwinf to his views on the silver question ho cannot remain on tho Committee. EXPRESS TRAIN HELD UP. Shots Are Exchanged, but the Bob bers Secure No Booty. Isv AociATrn rRrss.t tirTitntr, O. T., Sept. a Tho 11.40 south bound passenger train on tho Santa Fe was held up by train robbers at Wharton, in tho Cherokee strip, a station twenty miles north of this city. T lireo men ordered Fireman Iloss and En gineer Spoonaughcr to step down. They led itovt to the door or the express car snd told him to batter It In. Wheu thn tlrst blow was struck tho messenger fired through IU Tho Mreman stepped back, but the men wl'hcccked Win chesters again commanded Mm to continue work. The door was broken open and tho robbers entered only to nnd the safo empty. No effort wns undo to rob the passengers. CASPERFELD & CO., HDCCKHHUUH TO CASPERFELD & CLEVELAND 144 BOWERY 144 irnrvr miik of btuekt. H ear Grand St. Elevated Station. Wo hnvo tho Larost Stock of Diamonds and Watches in tho world at extraordinarily low prices. These ar tho watches we make a specialty of: i&Mh?c JinflRA HRhP .F,"fi.EO court savnn iiuxrixo watch m. obi. JL SOLID MI.VKIl LADY'S WATCU, STEM FOI.ID COIN &II.VER BOTH WATCH. J bnutlnces, Drtod. ttmwludar J A W.W? iR,LVF.UdOE!'rR HU.TTIN0CA3S A SOf.m COLD LADY'S WATCH, DEAOTf. jca. fullrcl-Medaiid suarsvtd, t4MS winder mn-1 ctiaid and enfrsrvd, itciU'Wlnder and Mtlcr. wlta tn nenult tValthaai Wawn company lms auj T ADIER' SOLID GOLD IIU!TI0 WATCHES. JLJ bcatitilully eliaaad sadnirTvd,aUu.wtndr, Xj hnntltiKaawstchw, baautllalljr ehaaad mad meat, atem'wludar and itttfr, Mltbs Jliear guar We lT3 a written guarantee with Walthfim movement, Cfery W3tOi! (or six )im If not ss stem-winder, at $22.oo. represented, money will be refunded. 14-Carat Solid Cold Carnet, Turquoise, Seal and Initial Rings. Alsp Solid Cold Wedding Rings, 1 4 and 18 Carats, a specialty. Also an elegant assortment of Ladles' and Cents' Solid Cold Chains. OPEN KVHXINO nntll S.aO( HAT! KIIAYs ntll I0.3O. Beddinjr, Stoves, lite, Etc. Politicians CASH OU CItEDIT. Who DurHblfi :nnris l.nsr Price- I.tttrnt llftp thf aflBaWaaa. ftyle.)nlyl0l'i:UCl;T.CA--IIIOVN. C lllfc. iss. .No llepuait Mlicn I, iinn 'iliuu I. .Nut p. -., umrrt." Political Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, TextBook and Dining-Koom Furniture, 13od- .. . , ding, Stoves, Folding Beds, Oil- "0'8r8 ZZZZZZZ cloth, Linoleum, Mattings, Win- Guidg ZIZ!ZZZZZZZZ clow Shades, Curtains Por- Compiled by ZZT tieres, Refrigerators, Lamps, , ,., .. Clocks, Baby Carriages, Pic- Tne World :- tures, vc Arc able to zzzzr- (Iraah, 150c ire-kly, nr (3 pertnonthon t2S ..J SScsih, l.nOwnl Ij. or t icr montlion SSu tlUOfJC Ocaab. St.'iS wiekly, or Spernionthoo 73 a flUcaah, iSI.SO weakly, Dr fl p-riuontbon $1U0 ulnrafolu -. illcuh, J. 5 weeklj, or S'J lir inoutnoii HiuO FllUI did J iaW . ,, sr B. L G0WPERTHWA1T I CO. 0Pfro:blltles. F8TAI1I.IHIIKI I SOT. tOUR ONLY PLACE OF UUU1NESS), SOLD EVERYWHERE l93M6,ta'- Price 10 Cents. ' COMBINATION SUIT 1 EXTRA PANTS, )Si OO 1 EXTRA HAT, TTi I FOIl Till: FNTirtE OUTIIT. THE OltEAT I KUCPFSS IS DUE TO 1 HE FACT Til AT EVKI tWI'llOUTTIir. L'XTKAl'AVTHAND HAT WIS I mvi: iu e inr.v am: matciiliss val. I UES AT 'HIE P10i;. hUIl'. OlSAME QUAU. l ITV HOLD DA1I.V BY OTHER HOUSES AT ilC.OO. THE A110VE .NUtr IS rimiUTLY AU. J WOOL iN COTII, DLACK CIIbVlOT AMU KANl V CASS 1M I ItC. F COMBINATION SUIT 1 EXTRA PANTS, SI 49 1 EXTRA HAT, I li -1 MATERIA!.. HEAVY DOUni.E AND TWIT fl FAlllllO, TUOROUOHLY WELL MADE. HCiinnr. niiokx. nn. ..j i in fl hoi.ii i,iiATin:it, ooc, ana oijy Miivs Kuiw.M'i:t'i,u.eiK on fl nitlVE, elegant new In. 3HO,ww brlr. .1!nll Orilrrn prninptljr filled. H Open riery r cuius until O, Hiiturday II. Mann Brothers, 1 314, 316, 318 & 320 Grand St. r tL Si 1 M ffOfcH' ufi "Tli tcocun. . 4)r s y'w r pM7tDr uuirtDt of mjf r 1 J M wtrifbl url tnuurufou will tfor. After, fm. V how thtrc.rilu nf Art month. Wtgbt 10 lit lu b Tl lii fl tflmfnt by Pr, Bnrdtr " ButU. . lo. Ulo. lOtv. llRrulAM. ind wtth tftrv W'n . 4t I. SI la. It Im. m Uf, InsoUTtsUBc or bi iffti H'p-. ilia. 40 ha, u PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL J Ittctwit I msU la iUmpi fr CinalAn tad TiUbobU1. m It 0. f. HTCtl. 'VICKCIfS TIHTH. CUP'" ' I Sl.OOO FOR ITS FQUAL. THE ltAOIO "f I.NSKu'l EXIKIIMINATOIt. .are death toallln. - I erti. carra tlieirbileaandatlnr-. Non.polaonomi ' and uon.ezpicNiiTA. Alio nnr Maelo koioh Foodt avatroja roachei and water bug.. Sold t?errwhir. bALI.AUK CO.. Mfra.. Hew Vol. i I FOR SALE. BICYCLE CHANCE-100 pneuinatlo Kafetlaa' t ne, oeat (loU, (76 eacbi liU Saletj, 6. 18 I AlUfra at. i B UOa"SIIOP FOR SALE . for clean men onlr. ' i 7 fcat Hathat. ELECTION NOTICES. ' I THE ANNUAL MFET1NO OF THE 8T00K." 3 holder, of tn Bemla Car noi Company for the ' S election of truateoa tor tbe eneuing rear will be I held at theomceof the Compaur, No 30 Piatt at.. I New York Cltr. on Mondar, Sept. IU, at 12 o'aloei 1 noon. UfcOROK B. HEWLETT 1 Secretary and Treaaurer. I I " THIOOR THE MEN! I A TMlfft fftfiTl (THISIOOHE BUYS. 1 Msssssi.r.jrjsiaiii ' r I 'A 1 In a In ULi s -.w ?' m i?!j fm greatest of Special Sales, and you get any stylo Hat.LfJ J LJ JA J J jl V A llJ ViJ Ll imust be as wear-resistlble as styllsh- That's the way Hv you choose, worth $3.50, ! mam m mr lour .clothes are made. A good combination, coupled "i FREE s ! A COMPLETE KNOCKOUT! lmg LTJ' 1 ) S HXi ( lUNAPPROACHABLE CROWD-ATTRACTING VALUES ! fiBBi """ilio I p "N oAlUnUATi The surest sign of the public's appreciation of our great Bargain offers is the healthful, steady; 'HESSHIi IU stylish and reliable' Th K:; j ' Over a half mill- Jfepr Jgl ; Increase in our business I We propose this season to knock out all past records as effectually as Cor- avjhBKMBBEMi 111 they rise gradually on the I K;; ion dollars' worth ofs!p LSSS8" knocked out Sullivan. We propose doing so on the same principles as heretofore, viz : By selling: lHSSSSHlffi scae of merit, making ' H' ' est el TeSt'neW" W: IP ja Higher Class of ready to wear Clothes for less money than any other American Clothing House I j J(JnMMMffiF each half dollar show ite .H' J. Cj S$ We are in a position to do so, for we manufacture our Clothing on our own premises. We use! HlHHHVNHr ' e(lmvaent m value, so that WkI i CLOTHING . -P I the best materials, the best workmanship, the best linings. We employ only skilled labor, and our j BHErMo WJjen y0U Spend i M from which to make 1 ; Clothes represent the very newest metropolitan styles only. One Price for everybody and that! MHBjSjH $S $8 OF $10 00 I K ,p your selections in all ( K jalways lower than the lowest. ' IfrKBSll for a' suit vn Iih? ir fc.1 K; ; America ! Money in JXl' The New Front of our store now being constructed will be completed shortly, and until then- jjjSBBBWBRk get honest value for I Q JlItlL jwe will continue our very successful Alteration Sale. j Y"" - F4' money, y0Ur ) I . 7" rlTlWfS: men's' siMetrousers: Km" prince iMtKWfT I K ' f 12.00 crRflrmmSe.Tn w,y0 n mako t10,00 or Kvoiytl.inK in Fnll Overcoats that'll bo worn this Fall is here. A big Ro in men's buirIo Trousers. A stupendous array of Men's very fine drossy.Princo Albert Suits mndn nf m - r- VI . Wm " this sale wc hoi Jf? ,elml,lp'Ain,m llI1'rihl"!lw"! Yo,,r 1"'Uh lnan.lh 0110 these cool evoni..g,$10.00. $12 00 or styles and colors in sizes to fit anybody. We bunched over 2 000 link Diagonals-stylish and nlerrant. Coat-Tnd w- ? oF" I mf ' $20 0ot0tw"!C(r fl thl,, 1,n' "lm'h ,,r,,,B yl8-00 Mid 1''-U P't '"' of " v.lUave you from 5.00 to 10.00 on Ipairs, worth from S5.00 to $0.00, for $3.50, and another largo lot $18.00. Tho latter aro silk-luVod throughout vneB fron 12.00 to J lK' ' J - i iLmrm, . r-. .-, . ''"'tm 'r'lZ mC''r','U''r t - r ' jlJILP0! j4'l- custom garment! v"rouguout and surpass most '.tfU tMensSuitsi Men's Suits tor BOYS' SUITS. BOYgSUITS.' ' ! iKxtra fine ImpoitedV t$rv. 2,100 conect new stvlo. Whipeoril,Woistdiiud JZiTuT Short Pants, ages 4 to 14 years. Long Pants, ages 13 to 19 years. 'ja. Fall Suits, of All Wool, I A . Anorii, lino TlnbetsJ Iff- f ,, , ,, .. ,, , , . Sft CiiHHimeu-B, Cheviots M tfi f( and Cheviot Suits in all ft mi ftn JTtL Reliable All-Wool Cheviot aud Cas8imero A.J . obby Scotch All-ool buits, sold by A J m-n WW I iin'lTweeds.stvlihhaiid WO SI UU the newoht i-olors audi V l! 1&lwtffc 1 Mh t r m ( U 1 311 VWf & clc-ant, should llrillr! V I B I U" shapes tl.ey'.o nimply 01 K UU T WlV Suits, eoUI usually at S3.C0, to-day and O I 0J other stores at $0.50, Wo announce) V OU j4, $18.0(1 ; alteratioii"l III. handsomer than any a Jtj ifev .1 V 1 i t n i . 1 T M&SmhfiL compel us to oiler) B W previous jenr has IVIl Al SftiHX to-morrow for ) ! them for this sale at ; mfflKfflk. them now at 7 shown; wo'ro dmingj -t! jfj f $ f' JMmMWfflmm. tliein haul now fiouil " I-1 It ,,V Hl Nobby now effects in wear -rcsiBtimrt Ck np A Triumph of BarguiiiB in All-AVool fino Ifl .? -am AWMWEfi3Nll!k. . i,,.rvfv-i:" xilr'Jra -it-.. ,,-, iJQ 85 " f bet-Weanng JC 75 jMMumm-'' Supeib Tailor. Mudo Fine. "dl K.-1- 7 M scotches and Twills, very stylish and) uw ... , .. . , .,.,? '" W nHjl Moro than 2,000 iron's Dress, l'rinco Albert, $ ! jfg ill ' "' h boforo nt 8,5!( I rWmMM-jbwff ' ' Ml-Wool Suck audi Cutaway and Snok L ffLl j -W elegant, worth 80.00, for ) W now for ) WB t0K WmiMmKUF Cutaway Suits, of a AJ f nn "Sunday" Suits. MnnyM f Ml 71-1 1 M iMImMx k lernstKoull Ol 1 UU oU.f belfsLii! 1 K I'll l (t A "Sd Tttilr-Mud - - orstedsA A- nn l ll well, anybody from I can pioduco them, ofl I II- dpi A- Suits, of Tery finest material, rcducod V "U CasHimercs aud Tweeds, beautifully Af II N WMmlWIm V anywherei other stores Imported Goods of "" VW ! jf ) made, single or double breasted i f WiMllfllL sell same grades at $22, 1 every kind. Down now kj JL- k JJ from $7.00 and $8.00 to worth 810 and 1'- now for ) I - WMwM wochorgonowbut.... fiom $35.00 to TLn x worm gin ami gi,t now for WM Durlns the Week we close promptly at 7 O'clock Evenings. fo ) OPEN SATURDAY EVENINC8 UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK. . Wk 1