Newspaper Page Text
' w j ' rSvJifiii. sh1B - ' mf iK JrtvTB I '- 3H iLbU'sigMt! laRQJaur (THE BABRlW'jM V, I FAIR I l5b' lrjRl S5S..- - i A BENJAMIN-Tu81neroftheDso. I 14 jfl K ! Next Sunday's . World. Ngg j lEf MISP wMwlf MlIK5 )l)Mv)lp1p Ml ihl JV U'J A Nc"EmrL?iZ-J 9 PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YOhK. FRIDAY, SKPTKM.JKK J), 1892. PRICE ONE CENT. 1 j-. . ---- . -& I BROOKLYN EDITION OF THE EVENING WORLD--6NE CENT. I l $a I LAST EDITION. L STILL MORE i f CHOLERA. HI ' I Wieland Gomes in I Flying the Yel H low Flag, I! Two Deaths and Four I ' Sick on the Guion Ij Liner Wyoming. W PREPARING REFUGE SHIPS. r m. Four Sick Passengers Taken Off mf the Wyoming. Ml Health Board Eeports No Cholera B in This City Yet II ' Government Concedes Sandy Hook H for Quarantine Use. H llralth Department, j INew York) Sept. U. 10 A. .11.) Official! There hare been no rates of cholera discovered in this city rrt. Bf t'lIAIlI.KH C. WILSON. President. Hjj KJiaiONrt CI.Altli, ficerciary. Hu Tbero are grave reasons to (ear that two B - ruoro ships havo broupht tho cliclcra to this Hp port. The Gulon liner Wyoming, which ar- HI rived Wednesday, was boarded by Health Offl- Hl cer Jenkins this morning and was ordered Kj hack to the lower hay, where the Normannla, HI Ilugla and Moravia now lie. HI There were two deaths, with choleraic HI symptoms, on the Wyoming last night, and Hj there are four cases o sickness, all of which Hj bare similar symptoms. HI The Wieland, from Hamburg, arrived this HI morning flying tbo yellow ling, Indicating Hi that there Is sickness, 11 nut cholci a, on board. I She wag stopped at Loner Quarantine, and i he alth officers have gone on board. Yellow flags arc also flying to-day from tbo Normannla and on Hodman Island indlcn- HH ting more cases ot tho disease, It not death?. H There were lour deaths on Bvvlnuurno Hjlt Island yc3tcrday, and ten new cases were (transferred to the hospitals there. The Alsatla, ot the Anchor line, from Meat terranean ports, arrived this forenoon, sho usually brings a largo number ot Italian H Immigrants. (j Mr. J. I'lerpont .Morgan visited quarantine J this torenooa, but had no further Information UJP to give concerning the Stoulngtoo. Two reporters ot the New York ittcorasr, HI) who started out from Quarantlno in a skiff at Hul 3 o'clock this morning, were pursued by the HJ quarantine cfllclals, and overtaken Just be- HIV low Fort Wadsnorth. They were brought HYju back under arrest. The only other case of HJt arrest for attempting to violate quarantlno HJ regulations was that of a reporter of tho H Ueraia. Hi Two volunteer nurses from the rresby- H terlan Hospital accompanied tho Health HI Officer on Mis visit to tho leland. They HI wore the badges of the King's Daughters. HI i HI WIELAND FMLH A YlSl.MIW Fl.AU. Hjl Hke Arrive, from Hamburg nml la He- H licve-d lu Ilrlni; Cliulrrn. j " HIT ABAOCIATZn rXFSM HJJ1 Sandt Hook, Bept. t. The Hamburg- Hm American line stenmslilp Wieland, Cant. WK, Kariowa, from Hamburg, which arrived In Blji Loner quarantine Boon after 7 o'clock-, liaJ HI 1 her e!low flag hoisted, ludlcntlng that she 111 Iv" '1Ll, lc-DM' " not cholcrj, aUonnl, and, It Is Kl It iciired, she has some cases of the bcourge. fill- Tho Wleliud Is not oi.o of tho first-class rf steamers ot tho Hamburg.Amerl',an line, but ly j Is a vrarcl of about the tamo &Lo and build as It tUultUTla. Ihu Wieland carries no steeiajo II u ro'ichscrs this trip. IK T, Tho yellow flag ban also beeu hoisted this HIT mcrnlnj on the Infected steamer Kcrmanula, Klfi,i'ii-itfi -?Mit 'iW Wl -f iMf i i f'hP'W rlV "i andltlscMdent that there H mere slcitnest ! aboard of her. Tho yellow flags of tlio Ilugla , and .Moravia have not been holrtcdthU morn ing, so It Is thought there hare been no fresh outbreaks ot disease aboard those two vessels. When tho White Star Llue steamer Urltan. I nlc, from Lherpool, passed In at 8.U0 o'clock this morning, she set tho following signal: " lleport mo nil well." I The British steamer Joseph John, which left Hamburg Aug. 20, passed Handy Hook for New York at H.uo o'clock this morning. This vessel registers but l.DOT tons, nnd Is thought to have no Immigrants on board. WYOMINH OltlMUtKII HACK. Dr. Jenklim Senili Her la the Lower Hay, llavlus Found Mlckne on Hoard. IsnciAi. to the rvrMNO qcARANTisE, S. 1., sept, u. Dr. Wanscr TnE RTEAMD01T ST0NINOTOX. was sent down at 10.20 o'clock to board tho Wieland, and to ascertain to what extent her peoplo are afflicted with cholera or other sickness. Nothing definite will bo known until ho returns. It Is known that there Is sickness on board the Wyoming, but Dr. Jenkins refuses to make public tho facts. Two children aro known to havo died, and the first report was that they were smothered. The Wyoming has been ordered back to the lower bay, and this Is regarded as confirm ing suspicions that she has cholera on board. The yellow nag has again been displayed on Hoffman Island, Indicating that more cases of the cholera have been discovered there, II not deaths. It has been definitely ascertained that the two children who died were not smothered, but died of disease which bad choleraic symp toms. Doth children wero playing on deck lastnlght. Their mother Is 111 to-day with similar symptoms, bhohad taken the child ren scleral times to tbo ship's doctor for treatment. Their namesnre: Klias Pnrrin F eiion, throe ran eld. Vict niArscsaox.sli muuthiold. The bodies ot tho children have been taken to Hoffman Island lor an autopsy and bacteriological examination by Dr. lljroii. Thcro aro ulso two Uu-slan children on tho Wyoming sick with disease similar to that of which tho others died. Their mother H also sick. All the sick havo been transferred to fiwlntjurne Island with all those persons known to have bean In conta.-t with thcin. Dl'.TAlNHI) PA8HKN(KRS ItKHICi:. ' Steamer HlonloKton nnd Frliate Mew Ilnmptlilre Already Obtained. The Sound steamer Slonlngton, which Banker J. I'lerpont Morgan purchased nnd placed at the disposal ot Health ortlcer Jen kins for tho transfer ot the Normannla's cabin passengers, Is expected In this harbor this afternoon. f-he left New London about 1 o'clock this morning, bavin; on board bcsldo tho captain and crew, Huur. Clark, ot tho Htonlugton Line, and Preddent Miller's assistant, .Mr. Dsnilng. The Slonlngton steamed aown through tne Bound under bolt steam, and when tied up at rier 30, North lllver, sho will bo transferred to the Hamburg Hue people. It Is not believed that tho Stonlugtcn will accommodate more than the 'J85 ilrst-cabl'i passengers of the Normannla. bho Is pro vided with 117 staterooms, with two berths In each, and In tho pcneral cabins are nluetj ulne berths for men aud forty-two for women. There had been no settlement this morning of tho question ot selecting a spot for quaran tining other passengers iroin the ships dowu the bay. becrotary F.ister still favors Bandy Hook, and momentarily expected tho War Depart ment's permission to use theOavernmcrt reservation there. Dr. Jenkins still thought Fire Island the best place. secretary Foster stopped calling Dr. Jenkins harsh names for not accepting Bandy Hook when he learoed that the War Department nad practically refused tho use ot the reservation on the ground that it would Interfere with tho gun practice there, but he still favors that location. Dr. .Tonkins opposed It on tho ground that, alde from tho War Douarttnent's objection, thero was no proper sanitation ot the Hook, and, besides, It would be difficult to Isolate the quarantined peoplo from intruding curi osity seekers ; and, besldos, tbo town of Mid dlctown has asked Clnv. Abbett to oppose with all the power ot tho Btato of Now Jersey the planting ot a cholera colony on Bandy Hook. Ho favored Fire Island because It had al roady a big hotel suitable for tho accommo dation of those unfortunate ocean travellers. He and l'resldent Wilson aui Dr. Irani: Ferguson, pathologist to tho Beard of Health, had a consultation lato List night, und nil agreed that Flra Island was tbo better ilace. Moreover, Mr. hammls, owner ot the hotel, li Milling to sell It for the purpos-. At this Juncture ex-Movor S. Hewitt comes forward and makes an oiror of bin rium Island, at the eastern extremity of Long Island, for a temporary ijuirantlnt. l'lum Island has ab?ut II vo hundred acres. It Is Isolated, but It Is also without a struc ture, a well or any ssnltar) arrangement. Mr. tiettltt Adds to his otter the sententious remark that something should be dono right away to rcllore the putengcrsot tho Ntr- -AigrAv-ifr jj-fri-Vitf Vf r"i"jni '' - f inannla and the ltuulj, onJ It money H needed to (stabllsh teniuorury quartors this city ought to rslto 1 100,000 In a Blhglc dsy. Mr. Hewitt says ulso that If the health authorities should so dccldo they had tho right, aud it would bo their duty to take the Oi lental Hotel, coney Island, as a place ot reliigo for tho passengers. " My plin would be," sas sunt Byrnes, In his usual direct and forceful wsy. "toak tho llamburg-Amcr.can Packet Company, wuloh owns the Normnnnli, to hen J another ship nnd anchor her ObO yards away from the In fected fhlp i then transfer the passengers to the clean ship. An cccan steamer Is like a big hotel with evory convenience, nnd tbli plan would make the Hamburg line take care of Us own' Muring all this discussion the 48!.' cabin passengers of tho Normannla are snondlug their seventh day of detention on tho ship. The old wooden frigate New Hampshire was lowed from the llrookljn Nnvy. Yard at 7.1)0 this morning to tbo Hnbokcn docks ot tho Hamburg-American line, where sho will be fitted up with cots to receive tho first cabin passengers of the Itugla and the second cabin passengers ot the Normannla. The New Hampshire was placod at tho dis posal of the health ortlc?r3 by the Secretary of tho Navy. Bhe has been lying at the Navy. Yard since tho bummer cruise of the Naval llcscrve. Before leaving tho Navy-Yard Bhe was stripped of all her naval stores. Five Oov crnment officers accompanied her, the re mainder of tbo officers and crew being fur nlshel by tbo itamourg line. It Is thought that when fitted with cots the New Hampshire will accommodate 800 pas sengers. Bbo will be at the command ot the health ortlccrs as long as the present crisis continues. The Hamburg company's people have everything In readiness at the atoulngton pier, and a largo force of men ready to go to work at once and (It her up as soon as the vessel Is turned over to them. It Is thought, however, that tho Normannla's passengers . will And things vory uncomfortable aboard the fetonlngton, because they will be so crowded. " I believe that many otlhem will prefer to remain on the Normannla," said Agent Boas, for they have every comfort there, and If they can persuade themselves that there Is no danger (nnd I am convinced that there Is . nonefthey will make a wiso decision. I " '1 he Btonlngton has 1 17 small staterooms, which will accommodate two iicople each, be sides tho berths in the omen's saloon. There i aro 'JS'J first cabin passengers on the Nor mannla, and it they all decide to go aboard , tho btonlngton there will be many who will . have to put up w Ith cots lu the main saloon. 11 Tho -'00 second cabin passengers and tho cabin passengers of tho Kugla will bo trans ferred to the United 81 atcs Bhlp New Hamp shire, which Is now fitting out at our docks." " There has been some talk of putting In cots on tho Stonlngton's main deck," con tinued Mr. Boas, " but this will be impossible, a; wo must havo some place for feeding the people. j "As it Is, tho cooking facilities are so limited that wo shall have to oook three times I for each meal. It will be Impossible for , more than a third ot the passengers to lake a meal at once, and we Bhall Lave to hustle to accommodato even that number at one lime. " Wo will have to put a crew aboard to manage the steamboat, and the stewards of the Normannla will havo to go with thorn. Tho latter have been In dally contact with the passengers and there Is no danger from J that source. This will increaso the number on board tho Btonlngton to mote than 1100, providing all tho Normannla's tlrst cablu passengers decMc to abandon the ship." I Tho Btonlngton arrhed at I'ler UB N. It. at 1S..5 this afternoon, lu charge of Pilot Iteam. bhe will bo fitted up ibis afternoon and towed to quarantine. I President Miller, of the btonlngton line, has notified Dr. Jenkins and Banker Morgan of the arrival ot the steamer. I The order for beds, matti esses sheets, pillows, blankets and tablo furnishings for tho steamer Stjnlngton wsb placed al 4.110 I o'clock yesterday altcrnoon with It. II. Macy '&Co., blxth avenuo and Fourteenth street, ! and at 11 o'clock" to-day h! been filled in every particular. VICTIMS OF TI1K t.IIOI.IKA. Four Dentin and Ten New L'nsrn Re ported on btviuburne Island. tflTCIALTO THK KVEN1HO W0r.l.'M qi'AHAMiNE, S. I., Bept. 0. The death roll from the cholera-Infected ships bean lour ' new names this morning, the Uctltns having succumbed )cstcrday on bwlnburno Island. Tea newcacsot tho disease were also sent to hwluburno Island yesterday, along with eight "suspects." Two ot those who died yesterday were steerago passengers on tbo liuttln, oi.o was a steerage passengcron the Normannla, aud the fourth was a member ot tho Normannla's crew. j Tho crew of tho lattor snip furnished fix ot the new cases taken to the Itlund. They werohtrlckcn on board tho vessel. Another was n steerage passenger on thnl ship, while the uinnlnlng three weio steerage passen gers on thu Kugla. No cabin passengers on olthor tae Norman, nla or Itugla. Following Is a list ot yesterday's deaths and new eases: nrATur. CctiI' I'l mini, 8 jrtu old. (tonic. iu.n. Ar f ruiu Hugu t wktu to Bo)lit a.f't. J. (C!l(fn td uii ITKl'd VJC.) j-dfiJtvL'j 3A'ii'Siarv..? .... i..M,fJA'j,'b AHniHMBSMSjKAAu5Cj?-'nv..,. Jf '' loin MHSEeiiEiTiJ - - Sherman to Bo Examined at Mor risania To-Morrow. Police Kxpeot Kvilence Knough to Hold Illin for Trlttl. ItntriAL to tiik rvfiixo would 1 Mott Haves, N. Y., Sept. it. Tho mj'Blcry eurrounali g the death ot Frederick fngcr, the collector ot tho Water Orel flow Preven tive Company, ot una (Iraiul street, Is stl 1 In a tangled condition despite tho efforts of tho police to solve it. eager started with a crowd ot eitnpnnlons on .Saturday morning, Aug. mi. on a shot t cruise up the sound, 'the steam lrunch Ada was chartered for tho trip, i.iul the crun J was composed of seven men and tvio women. Jack Duncan, Bjn of a wealthy cunt i actor, chartered the boat. Patrick o'l.caiy and Eugene Sherman wero ot tho party. On the way to City Island a tight took plnco on the launch over tho women, but It was quieted telorc they rruched the city. In Brown's saloon at City Island it was re ncwed, aud cagor was hit with a globe Iroin a gas chandeliei. 'Ilia party brke up and eager was lelt behind. 'lhe folluwlng Monday morning eager was found sitting on tho bridge wuicu joins clt) lslaud and Westchester county by the 0ei seer of tho Poor, aud was taken to tho station-house. one of his arms had been dislocated and bis skull out, and hit was bruised In many places. Ills bpeech waB Incoherent, and his Identity could not bo ascertained until a card bearing his business address was luund lu one ot bis pockets. He was lugged dowu to urand street, where hi) residence was learned. 'I he guard at drand street refused to allow him to ride on the Llevatcd roan, so he and tbo two men who accompanied him wrra forced to make tho Journey to Alexnmlor nvetao, about seven miles, on tho surface cars. Dis. curry nnd Walters, who wcio called, could do nothing to save him, and he died in great agony. Upon mo arrival ot his companions bhorl dan was arrested. it appears that Sheridan held some animos ity for eager, although thu rest of the parly were on coger's side. Sheridan admits throwing tho globe, but says he did not Injure eager seriously and to this the others seem to assent. Why tager. In his serious condition, Bhould havo ocen left alono no ono explains. The pullco talk as though they thought Cager received his latal Injuries otherwise than lu tne right, as they sa the crond took Outer's part rather than bherldan's. The latter 19 locked up at tho Mnrrlsanla police station. Ills examination will take place to morrow morning, when the police expect to bring out evidence enougu to havo Sheridan remanded tor trail. AMERICAN SAILOR MURDERED. One of the Cruiser Newark's Crew Slain In Genoa. II T AMOCIATFD PnS.I Genoa, Sept. o. -The United Btates Cruiser Newark arrived here seu'ial days ago to tako part In the Columbus fetes here. Among her crew was a sailor named Frank ltcllly. He wns a liberty man yesterday, and In the course of his Journejtngs uli.ut the city ho visited a lodging-house last night aud was killed. The details ot the affair havo not ct been made public, but It Is said that the murder of Itellly was entirely unprovoked. G'liA.Mumt of :o.m.iii:hci: acth. Hprrlal Mretiua to Tender Co-operation In tuforclnii quarantine. A speclol meeting ot the Chamber ot com uicrco was held to-day li adopt measures which shall Insure to the Federal, Stato and municipal authorities tho Instant aud hoarty cu-operatlon of that body lu all matters re lating to quarantine. Tho meeting was callca for 1 o'clock this afternoon by President Charles B. Bnilth, ot the Chamber of Commerce, at the written re quest of many prominent u.enlici.s. A letter was received fiom Health Officer Jenkins, appealing to tho citizens of New York to furnish blm with some place to re mote tho passengers detained at Lower quarantine. becretarj ot tho Treasury Foster attended the meeting. Weddlncr Trip Around tUe World. Mr. Charles Stewart Smith, Prtsldcnt ot tho New York Chamber ot lonuucic, ultb his bride, has started on a wedding tour around tho world. Mr. Smith and Miss Anna alton Brown, daughter of Warren u. Brun n, ot 1 1 1 Weal Ninety-third street, were inairlud ev terduy atterroon and took the evening train for Montreal, 'ibry expect to return to New York in about six montus. . ,m ip Election Law Unconstitutional. pt AttociATrn riun.1 Danvillk, Ind., Sept. 0 Judge Hadloy has decided that tho registration luaiuitsrt tho Election law are unconstitutional. Imposing a burden upon one class of clttzeus. 'ihe law s in eonlllct with tue t onstltution lu that u does nut ullow a voter tu Lhanup hl re-rMencu I within IHU-nlue dajs. while tueiuns.ltu tlou allows him to moiu nom irceincl to precinct In the city limits. Pollsn Catholics Threaten to Sicodo. UTrrtA! in mr ivfnino v-nnirt. i ritu.ADKiniti, rept. . The ct!iiiej-atlo;i ot bt. btaiiUlaus's Polish Catholic church List night announced their purpose of seceding from the Human Catholic church uUrss tho TMl.'Ms up,,olnlcl to take Chirac of tt.u church Ly ArcUblliop ltyuu neieicmnted, uud sent a cablegrum 10 Homo tu tluu elfuc'. To InvestlcHto Chlneuo irnuYcHnwr. Irr pociATKn Month EAi., Bept. u. At thu lequesl ot tho Washington authorities the caudiaj Pai'inc ltallroad Company Is rroeee'dlng with Its In vesilgutlon Into tho alleged hinu glint; of Chinese into Ilu lulled Mules l) Lie coll.. pony's ofllclaK Tho Itald Hot Justlflsil 'n Court. Anna Join s m and fle imnati s of the h jii'o J0." K:ist bevei.t. .eight list I let, raided b luo ! police, wero nriaigned lu Yo-l.illlo I'uutl tn. ' ilsy, but the charge uf kieiu.ig a dlsoiderly huue was dlsmlsseJ. Uowltng Dorvlihea Comp'.a'n to the Mayor. Nineteen howling dervmhes complained nt the Mayor's ornco tc-day that the comractois who brought them hcru had deceived them and neglected to feed and support them prop. erly. 'iliey weio rclcircd id commissioner BhlcldJ. HILL PL AG ATE D. i Sd Secretary Do Freost Broadly Intimates Thia Morning. Mr. Cleveland's Visit Results in Restoring Complc'.e Harmony. Tnminnny Pledges Unequlvorul Sup port nml Anti-Snappers Turned Down. I'nless all signs fall, Henoter Hill lias tem placated, end will soon be heard from In the Democratic campaign. Becrotnry Charles It. Do Fieest, of tho Dem ocratic Stato Committee, who Is nn out and out Hill man, and who has hitherto 1 refrained from saying nnj thing fcr I publication, said this morning legnrdtng tho dinner last night nt which Mr. Cleveland en tertained as guests Ileut.-do. bheehan, chairman Ldnard Muiphy, Jr., and ltlchard Crokcr: I " You may say that Lleut.-Onv. Ehceban and Mr. Murphy, at the dinner with .Mr. J Cleveland, hud a most pleasaut, satisfactory nnd hjrtnrn'.ous Interchange of views. They dl.-cu'scJ Inns of campaign aud agreed In every particular as to the method ot pro- i ccdurc. "Mr. Cleveland knows something about politics In this Mate. He made valuable sug gestions, which wero epproved and adopted by Messrs. Murph, sueohau and crokcr. " Everything was 03 smooth as oil, and you can say further that the utmost harmony pro. vails among tho leaders throughout the State." And tocmphaslie tho last statement, Mr. De Freest added : " Absolutely tho utmost harmony, abso lutely." "Is Senator Hill included In that harmoni ous aggregation?" was asked. "I said that thern was no clash anywhere," replied Mr. De Freest. "Will senator Hill meet Mr. Cleveland or make speech's fcr htm this fall V" Mr. DeFretst thought a moment and then answered: " I haven't seen Senator HUL Ho will no doubt speak tor hlmuelf." Mr. De Freest spoke by authority, and bis statement Is rogardod by somo as an ofnrlal ' announcement that Henator Hill has been placated and will tako f his coat and work for the ticket. 'Inlsvlew Is strengthened by tho circumstances of the caEe. LIcuU-Uov. bheehan Is Chairman ot tho stato campaign committee. He Is also tho recognized Hill lender of Western New York. Mr. Murphy Is Chairman of tho Btato Com mlttoo and leader of the 11111 followers In tho central part ot tho State, and ltlchard Crokcr, and consequently Tammany hall, Is a most I steadfast supporter uf Senator 11111 In this i section. Tho campaign In the State Is proctleally In ' tho hands of these three mon. Al tho same1 time they represent senator Hill's Interests, I nnd when Mr. Be Freest spoko for them It Is ! therefore, assumed that he spoke for Senate r Hill. But Senator Hill's plncvlcn Is not all that Is said to l.avo been accomplished by Mr. Cleveland. With the pledge ot thu up-country leaders, It Is given out, ho securod Mr. Crokcr's pledge of Tammany Hull's undivided support. In return, It Is understood Mr. Cleveland was able to promise that the Anil-Snappers would abstain, or rather cease their appa rently "pernicious activity" against Tam many Hall. Tho antl-Snnpper lenders very discreetly kept In the background. 1 hey left tbo Held entirely to the Tammany men. Tho turn affairs hnvu taken will also leave tho local field free for tho Wigwam, as tho anti-Snappers nro not likely to antagonize l Tammany under tbo clrcuinstsnccs by nomi nating an opposition ticket, as tbclr pro. tested object is tho election of M. Cluvel ind. It tho Anti-Snapper nio to keep hands '.IT the local tight It puis an end to Mr. (trace's Mayoralty biom. Neither Mr. Grace, ex Secretary Falrchlld or L F.llery Anderson, ! the Antl-bnappcr leaders In this city, could bo found to-day. I 'iammany men arc enthusiastic over the result of Mr. Cleveland's MMt. He his ac complished a political revolution In this state, they suy ; brought order out of chaos, ss it wore. 1 hero is no longer any doubt now In tho minds of nell.luforuiei Democrats that Mr. , Cleveland will carry New Yoik. Atldcfrctu tho reported placatlon cl Hill the prospects for Dtinocratle victory In the tints looked tnoie cnouinzlng than ever to day. Several chairmen ot New York Ma-e I Louu.y committees called ul Democratic llealiiautcrsaud reported , 1 on tho situation In their -tctlons. ' I Ldllor Norman K., of tho I'.un.ilo lime , brought the In.psrt mi lmws that nil, faellouJldlircreueujln Lite county had been tettled. I 1 " llutoro Chalrnw.i MurpLy started ler ' Albany this foretioi.ti ho I'erruber.ited Mr. Do l'rvcat's statement b .sajli.g that last Mght'a , dinner was lu cver viaj a micccss. -.. ' Grlflln Soota a I.trht with Dixon, i i lliv At-tnt 'Alii. rn. '. i I mJVrw otii.BANF, bept li -Jlf.ny" Carroll has puttrd fl.OOU luleli an U'l.alf of Johnny ( frra I sl.l nliniie'.ige Dixon for ,v bet lin ;' 10,000 unit the larfe.t" pur.u uITeriil, , uriniT UH'.-ami' conditions tliaiuoicrned tLo l)IXUIl-kLCll) ClilllCsl. I I Weather Forecast. ' l.umt fori i nn lie a dlwjs I'. V. ' , ts.iNird'i!, J-'iift't glflli juth't; irui , Hit i e, I llielollciwpigieconl Hiiws the changes In I , the temperaiuiutiuiln tne taoi ulug hours as .Indicated U) ILf III rti.u!..eli'r ul I'viIJ's! I Pliarina.y: ' Ii.ll, .K6l.U, Mi 9 . U...fS 1J11...71 On iJllrnmU al AlUTobnrcn Clcoreltes II. Hai.Li "HrTW'.x'THXOT.,' lliili.t "llniv," VlrjuU tob4Wo,IO UALr Uikxs." do..t talc,g. B.l.lliW. ,,, ..,fXktfetw,'sviAtr-)'i.tite.i' END CF THIS GLUE,! WarsohawEky and Karron Return to Thoir Uomo?i Thoy Toll a Straight Story of Their Connection with Aizcnstat. Solomon the Mnn Needed to Solve tho Murder Mystery. litem) sl cry surrounding tho minder of I nzarus Alzeuslat, wh'isu body wus luutid lu the wo;ds along l'ort Hamilton avenue, lu New rttecht, Is as deep us ever, although the I police of both llrookljn nnd New York aro now qullo positive thai the man knomi ns Solomon, who lived with Alrcnstat at lot) Knst Broadway, was concerned In the murder. Louts Wnrschawsky, nf Si Forsyth street, i and Louis Karren, of 'JIIO Drvislon street, who lvlt the city together last night, say- . lng they Intended looking up a eci tain coiu- mlsslcn fcr the tale of a farm In Con necticut, which wah discovered by nn Kvkn- I ino Woian reporter to bo the farm for which I Alzenstut had been negotiating, returned this morning to their respective homes. WarscbaHsky scctmd to bo surprised when told thai he had been sought after In connec tion with the New I trcchl murder. " 1 did not even know," said he to an Kvxx imi Worii.ti reporter, "that Aizcnstat was 'dead. Neither did Kuircn. You see," ho con- i tluuert, "It all happened this nay. About two months ago I wns drinking a glass of soda wator at tho corner or Canal nnd L'sscv. .stieets, when Solomon catno along looking lor uomc oddites. " He was a Htrnnger lo me, but 1 thought l would help him out. I hata forgotten the address, but It was that of tome real-estate dealer. Iking In that business myself I asked Solomon whether he nantod to buy or sell Borne property; whereupon ha answorcd: Yes. I'm looking for u inrm.' " A long time before my friend Karren had told mc ot a farm for sale in L'att Haddatn, Conn., nnd I suggested this lo bolomon. In this wny we became acquainted. " He Introduced Karren and me to Alzcn Btat, mid all lour ot us went out to East Had dam about seven weeks ago to take a" loOZ at tho farm. It pleased Aizcnstat, and ho ' agreed to buy It tor 4,000. He deposited $200 with tho owner, Mrs. I. J. Gleasnn, and was to havo paid 2,3U0 on sept. H and to have given a mortgago for the balance ot l,noo. "Alter that wo occasionally met Aizcn stat and Solomon and discussed the pur chase. At first I thought Solomon was re lated to At7unHtat, but when I heard that tbo latter had only formed bolumon's ac 1 qualntanco on board tho stoamer coming from Europo I advlsod Aizcnstat not to In I trust ever) thing so blindly to Solomon. " Alcnstat only laughed at my advice, and 'said ho could not do without bolomon, who was u faithful guide. " Last Saturday I met Karren aud asked ! him how the salu wasgettlng on. Ho replied ' that he had not seen or heal d uf either Alzcn-1 btat or Solomon In more than a week, and, as bo did not know their address, liu declared I himself puzled to know how no would get. our commission. I "1 think,' said lie, 'that Alzenstnt has gouu to Connecticut alono In Older to dlWdu our cfiininlsMon with Mrs. Gleason.' Sunday, however, Karren got Alzcnstat's address through a Mis. sterling, ot sut F.ldtlage street, where be had lived with Solomon beloie mov lug to 1011 hast Broadway. Ksrren's Inquiry at the latter address elicited the reply that Alzenstat and Solomon bad genu nway tho day betore and bad not yet returned. I thought Karren was trytng lo fool me In order that he might keep tbo whole euui- 1 mission, which amounted to alioui fx'OO. I ' told blm so, and lie suggested tliv. wo gold ihnsi HaddJin lo provu Ids liinoeeiiceui auy hUeh deception. " Al Last lludlam we found Mrs. Glcason ready wl.h the papers. Neither Solomon nor I Al7custai bad been there. Mis. (Ilcason said 'thai perhaps Alcnstui was too sIcKtuti i there In time, tn which casu she would wall uutll sept. '.'D. Alter waiting until lato jestcrday nftcr no)ii, we took the leturu boat trom llnrtturd, i otin , and arrived in New York at 7 o'clock this moron g. ' . Louis ivnnen told Tin: Kvkmnii Woki.ii re 'porter substantia. ly thu sauiu btory us nar rated by Yv uichawsky. Solomon worked In the grocery store of B. llarrli1, U'7 Lhsox stieel lor t o weeks shortly after his arrival In this country. I No arrests havo )ci teen mule. m THAT JUDGMENTAGAINST JOHN L Juduo Osborne Grants nn Order Oponlntr the ruglllst's Default. Coucscll'-r Anthony Barrett appealed be fjio Jmlge Osborne, of tuo Li khu clty Court, thl luoiulug.a'id argued the adjourned motion to 'how ctilso niy the judgment uu talued li) John II. Vulletle .gainst Joan I. Sullivan, ix-champtuu pugilist, b) default bhould not b o.vurd. i Valicltr Cinliii (I payiorscrvlcesssadvaucu ngent for sulllvati fiom Oct. 14 lo Dec. '.'ll, Ibsli. i couuwllot Barrett explained to ttin court tint nt the lime the action was brought nu vv as III and unab e to appear. lie lidded that sulllvati did no: know Val id tu nnd had mado no urraugeme.'it fur his s-rv lies, nor authorized auy one todosjler ' him. I ,1'uUe (ilo'imo t'tai.lcd an cider oj cnln' I the default. I rrvdrto Conc-'O'is Votes for rt Com. j pulcory Uight-llour Law. , . fi,.i i. r n i ww, i (ii.iiiitjw, sept, I'. TLo Trades Ccug.cst hay adopted a n solution ucelarlti; thu an el.'hi.liour day shuuld le mad" eoiupul ory. tine h'liUiod and (Itt).lHeoI tl.u delr. ga im viitul ajaln-i tlu resolu'l.n, lun hundred snl live l.iilo.s cut lu p.s HVor. , I Tmoplro lntilihr uiiru'llliir. I II iiui'ltilH THr. , Tamnco, .Mix., bt pt. li 'Ihe Fcd-rl (lot eminent has directed the health cfllcm at Ta'nplco to qurunllne all v esses trom cholera-Infected ports Icr nttcen dyb. I'nxl, Paxl. Paxl, Paxl, But all.tsbtcco clitrtttM, 10 cnt ptipiiim1 ICLHEliO RETUHHS TO-DAY. - Sheohan Assures Him of the Loy alty of Senator Hill. The r.t-l'resldcnt Will do Iliclc on the tnll Itlv.'r Doat. Ex.l'icsldont nrovcr Cleveland began tho Becoud dny ot Ms visit here with breakfnst nt li.lli) o'clock In bis prlvnto dining-room nt the Victoria HotcL Private Secretary O'ltrler. sail that Mr. Cleveland rested comfortably last nlihl niter bis dinner with Messrs. Mur pity, bheehan, Crokcr, DIcklnscu und Whit ney. From nil nccounts tho Stnto managers gave their opinions Irccly concerning the cam paign, and Mr. Clovclsnd rojpondcd cordially to tho advances maao by .Mr. Murphy, Sir. sheehsn and Mr. Crokct. Mr. Shcchun, It Is said by n gentleman who speaks with authority, told Mr. Cleveland that whatever their former differences had been, Mr. 11111 and his friends cherish no re sentment now and wilt work hard for the National ticket. It would not havo altered ntlalrs oven If thoyhadnot Been Mr. Cleveland, Ihe chiefs arn reoortcd to have Bald: but they went pleaicd to have hud nu opportunity to mako u personal nssiuaneo to Mr. Cleveland. From nil that can bo learned of the consul tation Iii3t nLtht, tho greotisl harmony ex ists between the National Commute o and th lepresentatlves ot the btato Cotnuilltco aud Tammany Hull. 'Ihero la some speculation ns to whether or not senator Hill will visit the Victoria tc-day, but It is generally expressed that thero Is not tho slightest friction between Cleveland and Hill us tnr it the Nation 1 Issue Is concerned. Secretary O'Brien said tnat Mr. Cleveland would leave New York to-night on the Fall lllver bout. No formal engagements had beeu mndo for to-day, he said, and thero wero no appointments outside the hutcl. senator W. I. Brow n made a second call on Mr. Cleveland al 11 oclook this torenoon. Hailroad Commissioner and Secretary of tho state Committee samuel A. Bcardsley, of Utlca; AsemMyman ntlllain Sulrer and Secret ary of thu Campaign committee Charles H. Do Freest wore shown to Mr. Clivelaud's apnrtminits Boon after and wero lollowed by Don M. Dickinson. Mr. He Frrest said that Mr. Sbcchan had gone to liunalo this morning and would rrob ubly return on Monday. Messrs. Do Freest, Sulzcr and Bcardsley wero with the ex-l'restdont only a lew mm. utcs, nnd then went back to Domocratlc Headquarters, leaving Mr. Dickinson and Benator Brown with Mr. Cleveland Senators Gibson un i White, ot Louisiana, who wero opposed to Mr. Cleveland's nomina tion, came lo the city tc-aay to piy their re spects to Mr. Cleveland. They saw and as sured him of their loynl support. PLANS TO REBUILD. Metropolitan Opora-House Stock holders In Conferonce. Tbo stockholder of tho Metropolitan Opera - Houb? met at coon to-daj tu consider the dcdlslon ot tho direc tors to rebuild. Thoro wero only thirty stockholders present, and It was decided to send out buggc-ttons tor raising money to all j tho stockholders and have another mooting a I wrok tr-m to-day. j Jnmes llarrlman, a boxholier, proposed that a National opera-house be built and that wealthy music lovers thioughout thu. country Lo Invited to tnke stock. I J Ills proposition will be considered at the I next meeting. ' Anion'; Huso represented In proxy or lu ' person at the irtetlng were J. J. Itehwvclt, I W. K. Vandei bill, hobcrt iioelet, e)g ten eoe I let, W. W. Sherman, Cornelius underbill, Adrian lselln, William C. Whitney und D. o. Mills. I It was stated that the lowest estimate for rebuilding and rtlurnlnglng the opcra-bouso is tiOO.ueifL THE DAY IN WALL STREET. Marked Advances In Several of tho Specialties, Wail Stbkxt, Friday, Sept. o.-peclaltle.s . were stl oug this morning, and In trUk de mand, i Manhattan, New England. Sugar and Clen- oral Electric each roau Hi- Evansvldo and J Tciro Hauto moved up s to 140, on the pur c'.iaso of only n fuw hundred blures. ' 'Hie general list jlolded i toasiu the early trading, under tLo leadership of bt. Fu.iL The b'ars hammered Ibis stuck, but took gnounieuotioadd verylaigely to their out standing short lines, butsrqueiitly tho whu.e market advanced U to l per ccM. i ' The Quotatlonsi , rna. iii.n, I ht. Amerlrtii Sar Ttf! .. . . .. '11;! Il.l Jul, l Alnf tli'.n l.'ullou 1)11 i-U to ) Ami-nun e.otUull. prrl TJ'-s iV 7..)j rtlurr cn )il. Il el CI l.l Atoh.. frii&biaur 3ft a. 'a Jvi , llAll, A (lllltf VSH V;. '! I .... ia Suuir..rn i li i Cn.iAil.t O'llu Vt J I '.'I i I.Uacoi.i H'i i ' i.": Clii.'., ilur. ."'U- t'jt, I tij, t Ittl A.O.t .Surlll AP.I . . .. llu it n list, cnu-. Ml . J M. I'-i.i rl)k n ) to., e mc . Sock Is. k I'Aciac MS si), M. ll.lAi.rri llll, 1.114-,, Ulh, 131?, ll.lll... A It .,1,1111 l'.r.l 11 S'-l, if)k II, . I L'Alll. Lol 4., -.0 l."l I.....,), fls,.. Haul. Ko lo llli .. .. Mr.. . . II .1)1 1US U( L.U'Shirf 131, IS , UP, l.ot-isviil.J. Najtivnlj l.. tiy4 C.H K, t si i - H --' Ait.n e'ou. y 1 l.l 1 4 i 'i Mlun. a ,l, Louie piel .. 1)4 41 4 i"-u Ml.Huiiri rminc 'it i. '1 ."4i l i-.ujr.. Km . A li" pro! 7 ? '.' li .'l al. IVrd. L'u IJHi 1 lift 13. f. .Nst Itu 4,1, 41, -! .Stt. La4 to. euot vtn ml, C'e l.l 1,1 . II! H'l .1 'l Silt New .Irr.rr t ilr. l.'O Ull liv Jitw viir.i rntial Il j'a 111 mt'i ,S. V A ,Nr I.UH..UH .U?4 lit, a l ,N.l.,UlflT,.lttt.l .. .'', Vflli '.0 11, l.NIII 14, ' . H.I, I.". 1 "( Nortlirru e'vcltl i (ifl & ft . . . Ont.tlo.V VVou Iss, ?k l'S I ,. n,' .Mil. ,0i, Jl .I.P, 1'l.l.ln- r-l. i.!( t.'", lb Pbllt. iI'iJAll.1.- t Mt 1141, I .: . , i . id i, ,. . e. ' e'0 i ' J'.l.h. .1 V. P. rr. JH a ,11. t'AJl, .1,11111. 6 ..Ullllu rt. .. n '? ims ll.M, M I M,alliw .lor. I I lol ijt Itl lt! ... I.rr flt.riinlti ., 'I. ' M, M'- t-ciitr.i'rn Paclnr ii'.'i si). 3K lis. I I'j I ' HI. I'nioti r.eltio as a-', bi l tn n i r ni. "?n .t e.uli,,. 1 I, Is', 1.', Wot I'hiWi li. I. US OS VVIepI ticX I lie J. 'J .'. '..'i Wturlii s it i-' ie l.rir rol... 01 li e, , A lull acei'iiuieil Wall hln-t-t nlfalrs wilt bo found lu 'iui: Lvt.MSJ vieniLb's spuillng l.xira. rclltlcnl Potpourr'. Tnmnr 11.11'a NAtar,tlxltlo.i IIuriiAU w.ll I e.ii ied At V7 etiit' iivil Muudtr. 'Ih. Aptl-Smpprr. pf tlluTTntl-fjtuttl Atsflra bljr Dutrlit crA.ulriMl a ututi Is,t nixot. ,1, J. eiulnUii ulil l.tli. e,rietl.adcrtf tu. dU'riot. 1 h It.pablicAai diaj conclud not t9 order a pU i.l tb. ti.l.n lu this citr. II -oulJ oatt, Aloul taa.eOOtodo tne work. Aud teddei, not o.rtAlu IbAt poll o( the ell would ibtia anca, (2Ayi2i!jlil UST EDITION, 1 APPEAL TO FLOWER. 1 :H H Normannia's FasBenger3a Make W9 Startling Charges. $m "Sm No Measures Taken, They Say, 9 ,fl Protect Their Lives or Health. -.& Uiivtsltetl by Health OClcers, Unprc- -fifim vldcd with Disinfectants or JAM Krcsh Wute r. iAvM '1 Tho following appeal to the Gorerncr was ' -3H tc-day forwardod to Albanyt 'H " To It. t f.rf.i, flortTAOT (A. .Vfoe. of -V. ftf ml " Tho undersigned, a committee repre- fSl sentlog tho II rat and second cabin passengers 4H of tho steamer Normannla, now In quarantine :&ji lu tho Pott ot New York, rcjrecttutly Bn0w: ""iaB That ns good citizens wo cheerfully sub- ftMB mlt to such detention as may be deemed ? necessary by sanitary experts for the i;iB preservation ot tho public health, ''':'MB but wo Lold that, wlillo undergoing j i such iiecosstry detention, we are ?i 1 entitled, at the hands of the authorities, to ."il as much care nnd protection against Infection 'K as any other body ot healthy citizens; that I as jiursons Innocent of crime and suffering; sH I discomfort In the public Interest, It Is our t3! I rl;ht to have that discomfort reduced to ! minimum, and to this rnd no expense should 'tl be spared or reasonable precautions ne- 'ltHi glided. 'IS But such measures bare not been taken, jj and noo persons, mostly citizens ot the $5i United States, bare teen exposed to lnteo- .(H tlon, to tbclr own danger and tho danger ot - ! tho puollc. To show this to be true we sub- 'i mlt the following facts: i " We have been uetalood since 4 o'clocic -'"3H Saturday morning, by order ot the Health H oniccr, and yet during that time, no official "Hffl Inspection of the ship or visit to the sick has $ been made by that officer or any one repre- $ ficntlng him; no scientific, expertfir'Olher 'VB aid hn3 been furnished to superintend the M dlslnrectton ot tho ship, but this work has been left entirely to the captain and bis 'Sm crew. ' "Disinfectants asked fcr una premised M have not been furnished, so that the work of l disinfection begun by the ship's officers ess fJH been stopped. :-vtI "No means have been provided tor com- "T munlcatlon with the Health omcer, with the 5 result that the sick and tho dead 1 havo been retained on tin ship H an undue tlm. Fresh water tits 'jfl not been provided to replace that placed on 'ai board from tho Eloe, although application JiSB hn3 teen made therefor, and the water tanks fiji ot tbo ship havo been emptied, cleansed aid otherwise made ready to i ecelve it. j " We hereby solemnly declare that at this ?i moment t'jcra Is no Illness among the cabin, ;! rui.sengets, nor has titer.' Leo for rl;htdays, 1iB nor Is thcro any undue excitement, much less panic, ninong them. ;l lan It be posslbto that the National Got- i rrnment, the Uovcrnor, press and rcople ot ? New York will permit 500 ot their fellow- vjfl citizens, all now in good health, tisjH to bo longer pen nod up on iJH ship without proper, or even any, kmwl. Si edjo on the part o: say oRIclol, Federal ir , btate, that the ship has been properly dlshv. 4t.uH tccted? " 'llierefore wo pray that Your Excellency .'i will put at the disposal ot the Health 4i u.T.cer such competent nnd expert s- :'' sistance, with every npp'.lanco necessary lo H eiinblo him to al onco take charge ot tMs ship nnd put Ihe sime In a perfoet sanitary "x condition and thus r.'Kevo us from our pres- ''jM cm jeopardy. Now that i O'l know tt.c truth we venture t to horo that you will oct promptly. Longer i dtla) In thlsmattorfctms to us to nppro:u -mM cilmln.Ultj. Wo subjoin heietoiho report ot ',9 the I'ass-nger commltteo on banltatloa. 'S All of w hlch H rospecttully submitted. tjH J. 11. McrtiLitf ok, of Ne ,v jersey; H ' '1 IIKO llCIN'I'.OTII, v ' JlITI I.CUEECBO, 'iB " EnwiN L. eioPKIN, d " ltouniT M. Tnourzo.v, Hll A. M. l'At.'ir.i'. .fl J. s. ltosr.Ni u.u, ot Maryland, ; "Di. F. Lanoc, .'! l.xccullre Committee. v "Tho undersigned, benltaiy Comadtte -"! npp.luted by the cahlu passenjers on board 'f the steamer Normannla, regard it tnetrduty T u a 1 to putllo opinion, la view el Ihe J fo'.lowlngciuslleiatlonsnul tacts: 'JH "11 seems inc'Jiieelvalilc that noo hereto. ' lore healthy peoplo should bo quarantined on board unlnfeciedbhln, and that II Isimpos- v slble to Isolate Hum nt a plnca VmH thus ,nr n u Intectel. They emphasize idH tins poitit so muclunoro as irom nil appear- i.nee-, til" measures taken to dilutees the 'flH Noruanu.a havo leeu lacojiplrtc and void H ot that speedy, energetic and systematte VH mo to of pricccdlnj which Is nceesiory to J I'nMer.t'y eeunteiaet Ihe damajlng InfJucn M ces to wlihh all are it posed. .H-j "lu reicieuce tothoiu points they submit -tp thefiilluwlnglacis: vMH " I. .si in. tluu' hare there texn facilities te '! icmini'tl.ealck lmuudl:.ttly niter thu ?nstt H ci Urn elm era i)mtoius. Ku-u ..ead budlua ,s ij.vo UiMi l.ept on bcatd lur in out). lour h liour:aiidi.urJ l :.'. At no tin" a:i cQclaLthorougnlnspeo- B Hon uf thu snip lias been mad-, nor have any -'fl tucisuie'S been n en with n gurd to dlslnfec- tSH tluu evii'iit xoe'li us wero pesslbie with the lJi stippy ot dUluicctlnz material fi cat i lid uu boa i d ii .I. L'islnieciliig material has not teen fur ' tiHi.ti 1 1 roniutlv In spue' t the request ot the snip's iiuthLiltle'. The demand utaue 'ti suhiilI.t). sivt. il. to place en 'ii buaid the ship naonielal expert ti supervise ,-ImI nnd exceiiie tkcrouh dlslnircllou tits hot ;H teen compiled vvltti. tH "4. Tne water tiipply of Ibe ship has pot ri beeu tuken care ut in n iroprrway. Al- though by Munday morning the tanks wtw . 'i clean and teady .to receive treet. !-','- water, such is not oa , boirj . st,, ,-,l:,'l , tittl