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1 1 SPORTING Illt am v I SPORTING i 1 EXTRA. I IlHW BB (8Sw1flU EXTRA. 1 W PRICE ONE CENT." YOKK. FRIDAY, SKl'f KMl.KU .), 1H92. PRICE ONE CENT. H i.NEXT SUNDAYS"WORLD-THE THREE HARRISONS. I I EXTRA. 'KINGSTON.! Captures the Flight Stakes Hard Pushed. I BATSMAN UT DIG ODDS. i I - Laura Gould Colt Wins the I Autumn Selling Stakes. ittrtetkh to tut rvmiiNo" woRt.n.1 SaursBEAO Bar Back Tback, sept, o Tbe cam ot races at sheepshead Bay today was notvery attractive, and as a consequence there were many empty seats Id the Brand aland. The attendance was very slim. Fri day, however, Is generally a bad day for rac ing associations. That portion of the public with nnxmlatlve nrocllvltles generally watt K i lor a Saturday, when racing associations HjJ provide their kest cards and largo fields a effort a medium for good betting. Pi The weather to-day was beautiful and Vt ' oould not have been better for outdoor sport. S. The track was In grand shape. If Tho opening event was a dash of seven fur- , longs ot the selling-plate order. Dagonet was made the choice, and the talent played PVi blm heavily. lie ran Dromlnontly tor six BI furlongs, and then, to tho talent's disgust, B quit like a our. Batsman, a long-defened good thing, was Hp, cut loose, and landed at odds ot 10 to 1 In BjH easy style. Fred Taral, second choice, had Hi? bard work to get the place. It was only PJlf merciful providence that saved Mccaffcrty PU from falling from his horse during hjs aero. jf batlc finish. Helen Hose was third. H'j Tho second event was the Flight Stakes H' and a most Interesting event. Kingston, Dr. Hit ' Hasbrouck and Fairy, all celebrated sprlnt 1 i ers, went to tho pose Evanatus was also a H starter, but why no one could guess, as there I I was no fourth money. I Kingston was favorite, and ho wan, bard I pushed by Dr. Hasbrouck and Fairy, the trio I being heads apart. Doggett rode with poor HI - judgment, and Dr. Hasbrouck, his horse, was Mil carrying 187 pounds, and had ho laid away LI. with blm would undoubtedly have won, In M . stead ot racing with Fairy to tho head oi the i'.I stretch, while Taral Baved Kingston for a H,f final effort and won. Fairy and Dr. Ilas BJJ brouck ran the first halt In 47W seconds. J . The third race was the Autumn two-year. ( eld selling stakes, .ornlta colt. Spartan, k Laura Oould coll and Emln Bey were heavily ' backed. The talent picked them pretty near V- right, for they wore In tlit first night at the - . finish. Laura Gould colt won handily from J apartan, who Is always second, no matter gW what the company maybe. Zornltza colt, BH who was favorite, was a poor third. FIRST RACK. HI , Purse $1,000 ; sevon furlongs. HI Starrer.. Wttglit: JurHrui. filar), tltlf. rim. I huau St.. A. Clarion. II :a li'ii 1 Fred larel llJ...MoCfItrtj 1 lu jii J llalenHoee 10j..Brint. .. t A ;H 1 Pasfloet ..J.Umbitr 3 al 4 I Flotilla 6..W. MIJ.'lj (I 4 r l MlllYoonf US. .A. lor'lou 'J H n 3 lnltetl. J.. Sweeney... 8 7 7 l V Alcaide D1..Keele rt 0 B mWi Lona-Bounce 113..B.rcen ..4 V !) ji Pott Betting- DaeoneU 13 to 10 .nil 1 to2;lrnil J Taral. Stn2and llOQiMlit Young, 7 tol auil 11 f il 5 1 B Utn.o, 10 to lamlitol. Helen Hose. 15 I hludi tol;Flavllia.lSUil and oto 1, Alcalde, Ba I 10 to 1 and 7 ts 1 j Lone lloauce, 00 to 1 and 20 In 1 IlLllKtta. 80 to laud 20 to 1. i ' Fred Taral, Dagonet and Alcildo made tho jQ j funning la a close bunch for three lurlongs. JBT The Western horso was still In front wlum J they struck tno head ot the stretch, with J Dagonet, Batsman :aud Helen Hoso next. J Batsman then wtnt to tho front and won j easily by a length and n, half from Frca J Taral, who was a liead In front ot Helen Hose, j '1 line 1.37 & ' Mutuels paid: straight, tno.RO; place, Jj. e.20.80. frcd Taral paid $7.83. H I The Flight Stales, sweepstake for two- B year-olds and upward, with $1,000 added; J penalties and allowances; seven furlongs. Hmrlfi. fl.. JnrlrVi. .Slrf. lilt. rim. Klustton l'JT.. Taral '2 'JI In M Uf n)rouclj l'J7..1)ovKet ... .1 1 llli Mi faUJ 107 .Narrate . 1 '.'I .11 j' KranaU S.I J. l.imUsr 4 4 4 sVI1 Pott Battlar KiugRton, area and 1 to3i Falrr, S" S to a and 1 to 3 : Dr. lliabruuek, 1 lo !l and a to ibvanatua. 40 lo 1 aod tl tu 1. Fairy and Dr. Hasbrouck made tho running M'. like a team for three-quarters of a mile, then ff Taral motedupwltu Kingston and Joined W the loaders. The riders oi Fairy and llas- j brouck went to the whip, and their boris i't responded so gamely that Taral was forced to Wf.l ride Kingston hard to win by n neck from Uf Dr. Hasbrouck, who beat Fairy a short head, fi. Time 1.8(1 3-D. fl, Muluels paid: btralgbt, ta.'iO: place. J'i 10.45. Dr. Hasbrouck paid 8.10. Hljy y TOIBO RACE. H, The Autumn Two-Year-Old belling Stakes, ft. 1 for two-year-olds, of tao each, with Jljno n', J added, the winner to bo sold at auction ; I I straight course, about tbree-iiuarters or a J mils. f . Alorlar. . Will!'. Jotkni. Slrl. It If. Fin. B Laoeuldcolt..,10S..Hamfitoa. 4 '!" nu , HparUo.... 108..Tiral J u -jl " laraltuaolt. 10i..lloiftt. .. 7 5 ;il is KmlnBtT lU8..Mro..... 1 :ia I f Blalaoaolt S8..A. Ooi'ton 6 7 G H Jarwnloa 8k..l'un.. ,3 II n t ( UuarltJ SN,.Midielar . 7 P.'A" .....110,.0'Urlnn. . 8 M H Hll HlraM., d ,J. Lambl'r II u U 1 .PuatBattlns-Zornltia roll, s to -1 and 4 to S; 1 Laara Oo.ld eolt. S to 1 and area, Kmm Bar, 4 to 1 1 aad 7 to i BBarUn, 4 to 1 and tltoS. Kuino B ' aolkSaadS. ii flr,wl0 ;dJ'i Jr-oloa, 30 and 8; Hiram, , 40aodl6l Claxat, lob and 40. . spartan led to the turn for home with t Emln Bey, Laura Oould 'colt and Jnponlca f next. Laura Gould colt went to the front as F v soon as they straightened out, und won easily 1 j by a leogth and a halt from spartan, who li - beat Zoraitsa colt two lengths. Tlmu- 11 2.11! f-A, If Mutusls paid i Straight, 10.00; place, 1. io.(te spartan paid sia.4:,.' p "' HI' rouaTo hick. WtM A ,"oap sweepstakcN with Vs added; one mile. tfalDaw., lin..Doatt,.. 1 3U jlu Bflan 101. .Sim...,.,.; ( t an IWfr'n. M,.J.Umbt)r a l'W 4 WlUta TJ., lQ3..Walk.r.,.. 4 6 5 PoaBtlo-llpinr, 4 ta Saud out;Dt;lar- . .. (Ilia. 3 to 1 and 3 to ft Dalutlan. Mo 1 an7 to 6i Rlara. HMo 1 aud Mill; Millie I. , 13 and 3. Derfargllla and DaUvrlsn raced awayfcv getber lor n uuartcr, then lialsyrlsD went .nit in front and yet tlrexwce to the head of thi; stretch with Dcrfsrgllla second; Slclpusr and lteclare next. . In the stretch Blelpner cime away and won easily by n length and a halt from Dcrfurgtllo, who was a lunglh in rront 01 Hcclarc. Tlmc 1.40 s-n. i MutueU raid: Straight. $8.00; place, 15.43. Dcrfjtrgllla.pald 8.i3. fikth Jtacr- A sweekstakes for throe-ycar-olds, with 1,000 addcl; penallios aod allowance; Futurity course. t Monr. irtMi, Jirkm: Wrl. pit. iKtonenfll ll..KttlHr'k 3 IS 11 ISIlr.rFot 10i..Dontt. .. 1 aj 3J Oilord 101..Brrant.... :i l HI Komonia 114..Jonnaon .,4 4 4 1'oit Battlnr-Htonanall, ) to 0 and out; 8ll;r lot. stol and 1 to 3: oiford. It to landfltol, Itenoraa, 60 to 1 and 0 to L Stonenell went to the front at the end ot the tlrst quarter ahd won as ho pleased by three lengths from mivrr Fox, who beat Oxlord three lengths for the place. Time 1.13. Mutuela paid: straight, u.oo; place, IS. 13. Miter Fox paid tA.oA. SIXTH HACK. A Nweepitakei for three-year-olds & up ward, with 1,000 added; one mile, on turf. akiim. . Klartm. vrsi'i. Jatirvi. mraluAr. I"l. Haaalhurat .117..lcCaffrlr .. 4-1 4-6 Monamaaon 130 .flint 4-1 Cbaaapaaka li)4..llofgatt 1-1 "t VToodcratt H0..1l)nn 4-1 - Won by stonemason, llazelhurst second and Woodcraft third. THE RACING AT GLOUCESTER. Mayor B. Opens (the Grama on tba South Jersey Track. fnrxctAL to thi avrstiHQ wohld.1 Cloucksteh Haci iRACk, Sept. 8. The races cro continued hero to-day with six well-tilled cvonts. The track Is good and weather flno. Attendance large. First Uaco Purse :100; four and a half furlongs. Wou by Mayor B., Ansonla second, Moonrakcr third, lime o.BOH- becond Itace l'urse :100 ; tour and a halt furlongs. Won by Wang, Little Nell second, hslello 31. third. Tline-0.r7. Third lluce runs :ioo; one mile. Won by Jim MulholUnd, Dulcsuun second ,aad MacKcnilo third, lime 1.43H- GLOUCESTER ENTRIES. larrriAL to the rvrNino wonto.1 OlocckbtkrHacs Trace, Sept. U. Entries and probablo starters for to-morrow follow : Firat Kice-Selllni. oua mile St. John, 110, Van Wert. 108, Ollio II., HIS: MonUKua, llar liaun. bawarltau. Can't 'loll. 1U1 tacn. l.o. Vo, Hpendollna, Seren, 111 lb. racb. Jocund Hate 1 hre auartor. of a mile ; two.rear. old.. Kenoe. 101, M.U-r Lout.e aeldlOK, Wane US each. Mi.err. Clarence W.. 1151b eacO. Third Kaco-rlro-eighths ol a mile, elllna'. Pentance, 1J3; benjamin. 111! Tom Kail. 114, llemet, 110. Iteath-n, 110; Trejlancer (lata Mii (le It. Merrill colt), 1118, lioneet lom, luO( Poklno. 10J: Tloca, 10! Writ farma, 100; Martha Waahintton. 103i Vulpina. 98 lb. rourth llace beren-eli lithe of a mile: nimdl. can. Lord Itarrjr, 110; Cbatbarn. 113; Bnatend, 113, l."D. 1UJ; Itolieetlo.. lull Detroit, 38; DoncantiT, tlC, .llm Donn. 90 lb. Flltu Hace-Flre-alibtha ol .a mile; aellinc Rlaokbatii, 11U JImedlotrtw.. 10T i.Uil Bro. 107; IUJ, 101; Xd Heamao. 104! l(l Klra, ltll; Aatallon.-. 88 ! Mollle . , B8 lb. hltth Kaoa Four and one-hall ferlonr.l ealllng. -Kej.too.. 131; li.lm.tone, 111; Mooar.Hor. 113; Valodla, Battle Or, Mr Vllllaio, Canteen. Hi. arint.Mttle Willie, l.andeeer, 110 eacn; Klnil clrre. His: linldotan, 107; Darioa,104 i Pieltldane, 101, MarjrM . 1U1 lb. Griffin SeekB a Fight with Dlzon. Hit AaaociATKD rnn New OR1.RAS9, Sept. u. Jimmy" Carroll has posted fl,000 forfeit on behalf ot Johnny Urlflln for a fight with Ueorgo Dixon for a bet of $10,000 and the largest purse offered, under tne samo conditions that governed the Dlxou-Skclly contest. ZIMMERMAN'S NEW RECORD. Ho Goes After Nancy Banks and Makes a Mile In 2.00 4-5. frBiNOHiLD, Mass., Bept. o. Zimmerman started for Nancy Hanks's mile record with a tlylni start. He established a blcycl? record ot .08 4-5. Wlndle next tried the dying ;start, .half, making It in 1.00 1-B. (ieorge F. 'laylor lowered Zimmerman's flying mile to u.OH 1.3. The New Jersey rider was then sent alti'. Nancy llanks a second time, eclipsing her record made on a regulation track by Li of a second. His time w as 2.00 4-5. HILL IN JOE EMMET'S iJOME. Tbe Senator Negotiating- to Buy Fritz's Villa at Albany. 1ST AiaoCIATTD FRXM.1 Ai.sany. Sept. u.-Negctlations are about completed looking towards the purchaso bj benator Hill ot the vllfa ot the late J. K. Em met. Thu pioperty embraces a handsomo residence and lltteen acres oa the Houlewird betwepn Albany and lroy. Tho e-itiiio unt oer ;ioo,o00 and has Lien ndvcrtlsed tor sile at 30,ouo. t ACCEPT PECK'S CHALLENGE. The Democratic National Committee Will Look Into ills Report. President Harrison having dlguiaed Labor Commissioner l'eck'a report by referring to It In bis message, the Democratic National Coin inltteo bus accepted Peck's challengo to submit tho report toacommltteo and has appointed J. Schoonhof, i:. Kllery Anderson aulfcUttarilT.Mcswietiej as tho cominlttec. mm Political Potpourri. Tammanr llall'e Naturaluatlon ltureau will bo opened at 37 Lharubera atreet neit Monday, 1 be Antl'uapper. of the Twentr-fourth Ai.em blr Dlitrlct organized a olab laet nicht. J. J. Qutulan will bo tbe Uraee leader of the al.trlot. Tbi. ltepobllran. mar conclude not to order a poll of tbe rotere In tbl. city. It would coat aU ut 935,1100 to do the work, and betidea, tbe leader, are uot certain that a poll ot tbe eltr would neuerH tbem much. LEAGUE BASEBALL GAMES. AT saw Tone-. New York II 0 u Ciuclunatl 0 0 0 - and llofle; Chamberlain and Vaogbau. Umpire-Mr, Lynch. AT HOTO"(. Cler.laad 1 o 0 0 llo.tnu U 0 0 0 . , , - Uatteriea Young and Zlmuier, Nlcholi and lau tel. Umpire Mr. ttaffnejr. AT U1LTIMORC. St. Louli 0 0 Baltimore U 0 - Batlertea llawke andllucklev; Cobb and Gun aou. Umpue M-. nnjder. "3I AT IIIDOILTII. Pittibnrg ooo llrockljn 0 U II Ililtirle.-Smltll mid. Slick. Kennedy and Kin. lor. Umpire-Mr, JRyu.lJ. at rntLAnELruu. roiladelphla 1 o Chicago,. 0 0' - llalterlei-HutcblnaonandKittrldget Ketfe and Clement.. Umpire Mr, Kmalle.. A Botter Fit. from JuJtl.l Adollne What would you do If you wero In my shoes t Madge (after a glanco at them) Oer a pair about fouraUea smaller. , ., i tfwi v ... DODGED QUARANTINE. G. S. Weaver Says He Esoaped frqm tbe Normannia. Now in Minneapolis, Where He Tells His Story! Ills Name Doesn't Appear on tbe Steamer's Passenger List. Inv AneoctaTrn rnrM.l Minnfapoms, Minn., Sept. I). George a Weaver, who claims to bave been a pathenger across the Atlantic on the quarantined steamship Normannia, Is at the Nicollet House to-day, and his description of tho way ho got ashore, running the gauntlet ot tbo health authorities, la rather Interesting. Weaver Is the European agent of the Ban Francisco Tea Company, and he was return ing trom one of his periodical trips aboard tho Normannia. " How did you get away, Mr. Weaver?" was asked. Well, every man In tbe cabin was as healthy as 1 am at this minute, and 1 made up my mind to go ashore. On Monday atternoon I got hold of a life preserver aod planted It awny up In tbe bows undor some cordage. "There was another ship anchored close to us. but I don't know what her name was. ' She was a much smaller ship to tbe Nnr maunla. I saw that Bhe was low In tbe water and had bait a dozen lines hanging over her side. When It got dusk I got into my life-preserver, and when there was no one on watch In the bows I climbed into the chains and dropped overboard. " I made for tbo Htaten Island shore, and after stripping and drying my clothes walked up tho shoro and look tbo ferry to New York. " I didn't say anything about my escape while In that city as I was afraid I would bo sent back." Mr. Weaver's name does not appear on the list of the Normannla's passengers given out by tho Hamburg-American uteamshtp Com pany. At tbe omccs ot the Company, 37 Broad nay, nothing was known ot Mr. Weaver, and there was a disposition to stamp his story . untrue. Tho health guards at Quarantine say It would have been next to Impossible for any person to havo escaped from tne Normannia In tho manner described by Mr. Weaver. They say also that tbe cholera scare has assumed such proportions on tbo Brook lyn and Staten island shoes that had any passenger effected a land ing the Health officers would have been noti fied Immediately. END OF THIS CLUE. Warscbawsky and Karren Return to Tbelr Homes, The mystery surrounding tho murder of I.n?arus Alionstat, whose body was found in the woods along Port Hamilton avonua, in New Utrecht, Is as deep as ever, although the police otbo'.h Brooklyn and New York are now quite positive that the man known as holomon, who lived with Alzcnstat at 109 Kast Broadway, was concerned In the murder. I mils Warscbawsky, nf 81 Forsyth street, and Louis Karren, ut -'30 Division street, who left tbe city togetht r lut Mondiy night, say. Ing they intended looking up a certain com mission lor tho sale of a farm In Con necticut, which wa discovered by an Evin inci World reporter to be the farm for which Alenstat had been negotiating, returned this morning to tbelr respective homes. Varschawsky seemed to be surprised when told that he bad been sought alter lu connec l ion with the New Utrecht murder. To an Evsnikii World reporter he said be became acquainted with Alzenslel through the Litter's desire, to purchase a farm lu Last lladdam. Alzeustat, he said, had paid .'I00 as deposit and was to have paid .'.'-'(JO on Sept, 8. The price oi tho farm was lo be $4,uoo. rdnce paving tbe deposit, he said ho had not sen Alzeustat. Louis Karren told Thi Kvkkino Would re porter substantially the samo story as nar rated by Warcbar, sky. Solomon worked in the grocery 3tore of 11. Harris, U7 Essex htreet for two weeks shortly all er his nrru al In this country. No arrests hate yet been made. SHOT HIS BRIDE DEAD. Garvin Married Her on Tuesday, Murdorod Hor ontFrlday. HV A'enciATKn i'Rgaa.1 Pittshcho, Kept. . rrank Oarvln, a news paper artist, shot his wife, Cora, through tho heart about noon to-day at tbelr home on Aory street, Allegheny. The couple wero married last Tuesday. The cause of tho deed Is supposed to havo been lnsano jealousy. Mrs.oarlu was twenty years old and very pretty. Mho was a daughter of Homer lied path, ot Chicago, and carao here on Monday last to marry Uarvln. Tbe murderer is in Jail. MRS. HAYNER A MOTHER. Small Hope that the Wounded Woman Will Recover. JKHtxY Citv, Sept. o.-Mrs. llayner was delivered of a Mill born child to-day at the City Hospital. She li very low this after noon and there Is but small bopo ot her recovery. m m Now Reoelver for Iron Hall. 1st AMoriATrn rsrea.1 BisaiiAMTOv, N. Y., Sept. K. In tbe Su preme court Chambers In 'his city this morn ing Jude Martin granted an order appoint ing tbe lilugliamton Trust Company Stale receiver to take charge of the Iron Hall fundi. 'Ibis annuls tbo recent New York city ap pointment. Bonds tu the sum of MuO.OOO muit be given. ieeai , I'bxI. Pl. l'axl, I'hxI, iSeitglMobaccclgaritaaaigaaalpiri'a4ilV . EXTRA,1 STILL MORE CHOLERA. Another of Norm an -nia's Grew Dies. One More III and Taken to the Hospital. PREPARING REFUGE SHIPS. Four Sick Passengers Taken Off the Wyoming, Health Board Reports No Cholera in This Oity Yet. Government Concedes Sandy Hook for Quarantine Use. None Sick on the lacomlpg WleUnd or Britannic. Ilrallk Department, i New Y.rk, Kept. 0, 10 A. Al.t Omelali There hare been aa rain of cholera discovered la this city vet. ClIAHI.Bft fl. WILHON, President. EMMONS L'LAKK. Mrrreiarr. The above bulletin was repeated verbatim at l o'clock this afternoon. T i are grave reasons to fear that two nil ilp have brought the cholera to this port. The oulon liner Wyoming, which ar rived Wednesday, was boarded by Health Offi cer Jenkins this morning and was ordered back to ths lower bay, when the Normannia, llugla and Moravia now lie. Tbere were two deaths, wltb choloralo symptoms, on tbe Wyoming last night, and there aro four cases ot stekness, all of which have similar symptoms. Tbe Wieland, from Hamburg, arrived this morning flying the yellow flag, Indicating that thero Is sickness, If not cholera, on board. She was stopped at Lower quarantine, and he alth officers havo gone on board. Yellow Dags are also flying to-day trom tbe Normannia and on Hoffman Island indica ting more cases of the disease, if not deaths. There were four deaths on Bwlnburne Island yesterday, and ten new cases were translcrred to the hospitals there. The Alsatla, ot the Anchor line, from Medi terranean ports, arrived this forenoon. She usually brings a large number of Italian Immigrants. Mr. J. llerpont .Morgan visited quarantine this lorenoon, but hid no further Information to give concerning tho stonlngton. Two reporters of tho New York .'rroi dcr, who started out from quarantine In a skid at :i o'clock this morning, wero pursued by tbe Quarantine officials, and overtaken Just bo low Fort Wadsnortb. They were brought back under arrest. Tbe only other case of arrest for attempting to violate quarantine regulations was that ot a reporter of the Utrald. j Two volunteer nurses from the I'resbv. terlan Hospital accompanied tbe Health Ofllceron his ltlt to the Wieland. Ibey wore tbe badges of tbe King's Daughters. Dr. Jenkins said this afternoon that Just as soon as he was Informed that Handy Hook was In reodlncu for tne purpose he nnuld transfer ths ltugls's and Moravia' passen gers to quarters there. The Stonlngtonarrhed from New London at l'.'.ss this afternoon, and tbe work of fitting her for tbe reception of Ihj Norman nla's passengers will be completed this after noon, and tbe trsnifer be made to-morrow morning. , Anctber death among the crew of tbe Nor mannia occurred to-day, and another member ot tbe craw wss taken 111 and removed lo Swloburno Island. ( The Wieland, according to Dr. Jeokfns, has to, f. mmkmmmmmTmmmwLmmmild'.4' 1 ' 3f fifr t t I no slikuess on bxint niul flew the yellow ling Ibiough a misapprehension, 'Ibo lliltituilo hit no slcknoss on bnsnl. and Is expected in bo released from tine to-moi row us Is also iho Spree. ('or. Klnwci Iias authorized Dr. Jenkins lo buy a vessel on which to transfer detained passengers on behalf of tho Mate. No of sickness noro found by the health ofllcers on either of the Netherlands liners, tho OMatn or the Dtibblcdam. Tho Manilla, whose arrtxal Is hourly ex pected, with nearly ono lh4usand passengers on board, has not yet been sighted. AMOTIIKK lif!AI TO-IIW. Cholera Makes Further Inroad In the Normannia1 I'rrw. firrrTAT. Tn the rYnirm whm.tvI qt'AaANTiNK, 8. I., sept. P. Mr. ttegulnc, Dr. Jenkins's deputy, camo up from I-owcr quarantine on Ihe Manhattan at 2..M) o'clock Ibis afternoon and reported that thero was ono death nnd ono new caso on Iwlnburne Island to-day. Tbo person who died was Carl Dlostlng, thirty-eight yours old, ot ths Normannla's crew. He was admitted to Hwlnburno Island on tbo 7th, and died tbere at o o'clock this morning. The new case was Ad Weiss, aged twenty one, also of the Normannla's crow, who was taken sick on Iho ship, and he was removed to Swinburne Island. Mr. Hegulne said that tbe Wieland wilt he held ten days. Tba jellow titg was up on Hoffman Island, be said, but ho did uot go there. Ho visited only the ships. Tbe Wieland carries only cabin passengers. WIl'.I.AM) FLIIiH A YKI.LOW FI.Afl. Nkr Arrlvee front llnrabartT anal la Hr llrvril tu llrlno Cholera. Hit AiaorUTEn rarsi. i Sandt lioos, Sept. 0. The Hamburg Ameilcan lino Eteamshlp Wieland, Capt. Karlowa, from Hamburg, which arrived In Loner Quarantine soon after T oclock, bad her yellow flag hoisted, Indicating that sho bas ilckncss, If uot cholera, aboard, and, It Is feared, sho hai some cases of tho scourge. The Wieland Is not oco of tho nrst-class steamers of tho Hamburg-Amerlcau line, but Is a vessel ot about the same slioTand build on the ltugla. Tbe Wieland carries no stccrao pssscagera this trip. Ths yellow flag bas also been botMcd this morning on the lufectod steamer Normannia, and It is cvldont that there Is moro sickness aboard ot bcr. The yellow flags ot the ltugla and Moravia have not been hoisted this morn ing, so It Is thought thero have been no fresh outbreaks ot dlscaso aboard thoso two cssels. When tbo Whlto star Line steamer Britan. nle, from Lherpool, passed In at 8.30 o'clock this morning, (bo set tbo following signal: " lleport me all well" The British steamer Joseph John, which left Hamburg Aug. '-.'(), passed Sandy Hook for New York at 8.B0 o'clock this morning. This vessel registers but l.ailT tons, and Is tbougbt to have no Immigrants on board. Dr. Jenkins said this allernuon that thero was no stcknesi on board tho Wieland. Tho yellow Uag, ho explained, was hoisted be cause tbe ship bad been placed under quaran tine. Thoe on board did cot know the Hg nltlcance or the flag under recent orders. She will be held at least ten dais. WYOM1NM OltHKItlU) MACK. Ilr. Jenkins Srrula Her tu Ihe Lower lluy, llatlna; round hlckneaa on Hoard. Iircriai. lu mi. rtrxisu wontn . (DAKANTIta. S. !., kept. It. Dr. Wander was sent down at 10.S0 o'clock to board thu Wieland, and to ascertain to m bat extent her people are afflicted with cholera, or other sickness. Nothing definite nlO be known until be returns. It U known that there li sickness on beard the Wyoming, but Dr. Jenkins refuses to make public thu facts. Two children aro known lo havo died, and the first report was that thoy were smothcud. The W) omtng has been ordered back to the lower bay, and this Is reg.irded as confirm ing suspicions that she has cholera on board. T be ) ellow Hag has u,- ilu been displayed on Hoffman Island, Indicating that more cases of the cholera havo been discovered there, It not deaths. It has been definitely aertalued that tbe tno children who died were not smothered, but died ot disease which hid choleraic symp toms. Iloth children were pMjlng on deck last night. Their mother is 111 to-day with I similar symptoms, she had taken tho child iron severul times to the ship's doctor for treatment. Their names are; LLUa I'mrR I XBLor., tlirc.)ear. old. Vict Ma I aaoa, .is uwuiii. i Id. 'Ihe bodies of tbe children have been taken to Hodman Island lor an autopsy and bacteriological examination by Dr. Byron. There are also two Kuislan children on tbe Wyoming sick with disease rlmllar to that of wlikh the others died. Their mother Is also sick. All tbo tick hae been transferred to Hwlaburne Island with nil tliuso persons known tobao been In conn, t nlth tbem. Tho officers of the l.ulon Hue claim that the two children, tllas I'rrss ui and Vlctorli ?crson, died from autfoctlJ.i .fid not from choli M. Ihe statement H basod on a personal letter from ths captajn ot the Winning to tho Oulon line, lu which Hwut staled that tbe children were found dra I In the bunk wlm their mother Ibis morning. The captain said bo thought that surtoca. Mfc lion nns caused by burning sulphur used by tho health officers In fumigating the ship. IILTAINKO I'AHKKMUMt'O Kl.lTtlK. Hlramrr Mtoiilnaton niul I'rlsntr Nrtr Hampshire Alrraity Obtiiltin!. Tho Hound steamer stnnlugton, which Banker J. I'lerpont Morgan purchased nnd placed l tho disposal of Health omcir .'en kins for the trantler nf the Normannla's cabin paiseugcrs, Is oxpictedln IhU harbor this afternoon. Sho left Now London about 1 o'clock this morning, haWngon board beetle the captain and crew, supt. Hark, of Ihe Mnnlnglon Line, and President Miller's assistant, .Mr. D?mlng. Iho Stnntngton steamed oown through tbe sound under half steam, and when tied up at I'lcr HO, North lilvcr, shu mil bo transferred to tho Hamburg line people It Is not believed that the stonlnglcn will accommodate moro than the -'.' rtrst-cabt'i passengers ot tho Normannia. bbo Is pro-' vlded with 1 IT staterooms, with two bertlw In each, and in the general cabins are ntnctj - I nine berths tor men and tortj-tno forwomeu. Thero had been no settlement this morning ot tbo question ot selecting a spot for quaran tining other passengers from tbe skips don u the bay. secretary Foster still fnvors sandy Hook, and momentarily expected the War Depart ment's permission tn use ibeUoternmcnt reservation there. Dr. Jenkins still thougnt rtre Island the best place. Secretary Konler stopped calling Dr. Jenkins harsh names for not accepting Sandy Hook when be learned that thu War Department had practically refused tbe use ot tbo reservation on tho ground that It would Interfere with tbe gun practlco there, but be still favors that location. Dr. Jenkins opposed It on the ground thit, aside from the War Department's bbjccllon, thoio was no proper sanitation ot tho Hook and, besides. It would bo dinicult to Isolate the quarantined peoplo from Intruding curl odty seekers ; and, bcsldot, tho town ot Mid dlctown has asked (lov. Abbett in oppose wltb all the power nt tho Slaui of New Jcrsoy tbe planting of a cholera colony on sanuy llook. Ho favored Klro Island because It hod al ready a big hotel suitable ror the acroinmo datlon ot these unfortuuate ocean traellcrs. He and President Wilson nnd Dr. Frank Ferguson, pathologist to tho Hoard of Health, had a consullatton lato last night, and all agreed lhat Fire Island was tho better place. AlornouT, Mr. SamtnU, owner ot tbo hotel. Is willing to sell It for tho purpjse. At this Juncture cx-Mavor Abram S. Hewitt comes forward and an offer of bis Plum Island, at tho eastern extremity ot Long Island, tor a temporary quarantine, l'lumtfcland has about flvo hundred acres. It Is Isolated, but It U also n llhout n struc ture, a well or any sanltan arrangements Mr, Uunltt adds to his oricr the sententious remark that something should bo doco right away to relievo the pas3cngorsof thu Nor mannia and tbe ltugla, and It money is needed to establish temporary quarters this city ought to rnlso (loo.oootn a single daj. Mr. Hewitt says also that It tho health authorities should so decide they bad the right, and It would bo their duty to take tho Oriental Hotel, Coney Island, as a place of refugo for the passengers. " Mj plan would be," sas supt, Byrnes, in his usual direct and forcclul v ay, lo ask tho ilamburg.Amer.can Packet Company, which owns the Narmannls, to rend another ship and anchor her soo yards away from the in fected ship ; then transfer tho passengers tn the clean ship. An steamer Is like a big hotel with ctery convenience, and this plan would make, tho Hamburg lino tnke care of Its on n." During all this discussion the 4S'-' cabin passengers ot thu Noiinaunla aic spendlug tbelr scenth day of detention on the snip. The old wooden frigate New Hampshire was towed from tbe DrooMin Navy. Yard at 7.:i0 this ii.uinlng to tho Hoboken docks of the Hamburg-American line, whero alio will bo lltted up ulth tots tn reoclve Iho first csbln passengers ot the llugla and the hecond cabin passengers of the Normannia. Tho Now Hampslitio was placel at tho dis posal of the health odlcers by tho Secretary ot tho Navy. Shu has been lilngut the.Nu). Yard since iho summer crulso ot the Natal ltcsenc. Before IcaWng the Nari-lard she was I stripped ot all her naval stores. Five Uov rrnment officers aecuupautoj her, tho re mainder or the onucrs und crew bung tin lilsbuJ by thu llainimrg Hue. It Is thought (hat win ii lilted with cols the i Now Hampshire w 111 acommodate soil pas sengers, bhe will bent , ho command ot 1 hu health onicers ns long as the pi escut crisis continue. 'Iho Hamburg corapauj people Lave everything In readiness at thu Stonlngton liter, and a large force or men ready logo to 1 work at once and nt bur up as soon as tho ' vissel Is turned oier to them. Ills thought, however, that the Normannia passengers will find things very uncomfortable aboard the Stonlngton, bccaU9u lliey still be so crowded. 1 believe that many of them wi'l prefer lo remain on tht Normsnnia, ' said Ag nt Unas, for they nauecry comlorl then, audit thej can iwrsuado themselres that t Ut r " Is no danger 'and 1 am conWnccd thai there Is I none) lh;v nil! make u wise decision. " 'the stoulnglunlias 1 IT small staterooms, I which will acci mmodaUi two ieople each, be. I eldis the U i His in tho nomen'n miIooii. 'I here i are vsa llrat cabin passengers on thu .V r. mannl.1, and II the) nil decide to go aboard the Monlnglou tlure nl be man) who mil havo to pu up with cols In Ihu main saloon. " 1 hu 'JOO second calm paveugers and tho cabin passengers of thi llugla mil lw truis- terred lothu I ulled Mates ship Ken llauip- I shire, which Is non tilting out al our doiks." i "'lhero ha been some talk ot pulling lu cots on tho stonlngton s main deck, con. tinned Mr. Ilota, "but ilils will be Impossible, nsnomustbavu some place lorliodlug tho people. "As II is, tbe cooaiug taellltlcs are bo I limited thai vvc tUnllhmo tucook three times for cadi meal, li win bo impossible fur I mere than a third of Ihe pistcngcra lo lako a meal at once, and we shall bare lo hustle to ucouinuiodate even that number at one Hue. " We will liavu lo put n crew aboard lo manage thu steamboat, and the stewards of (CVKOii'id oa nil a 'life.) &AWfcft.-.tlV. t tVtflaaoai,'.,' a! IS HILL PLACATED? Secretary Do Freest Broadly In timates So This Morning. Mr. Cleveland's Visit Said to Have Restored Complete Harmony. Tnmtnany Pleilaes Unequivocal Sup port nnd An tl-Snappers Turned Oown. 1'nless all signs fall, senator Hill has been placated, anl will soon be heard from Hi the Democratic campaign. Secretary Charles It. De Freest, ot tbe Dem ocratic state committee, who Is an out and out Hill man, and who bas hitherto refrained from saying anything for publication, said tbls morning regarding tbe dinner last night at which Mr. Cleveland en tenalned aa guests LleuL-aor. Sbeehan, chairman Ednard Murphy, Jr., and Htchard Crokcr: ' You may say that Lleut.-Oov. 6beehao and ..Mr. Murphy, at the dinner with Mr. Cleveland, had u most pleasant, satisfactory and hnrmtntous Interchange ot views. They discussed plans of campaign and agreed lo every particular as to .tbo method ot procedure. "Mr. clovclund knows something about politics In this state. He mado Uuble sug gestions, which were r-ppro'od snd adopted by .Messrs. Murphy, Sbeehan and croker. " Kverj thing was as smooth as oil, and you can say further that tbe utmost harmony pre. vails among Ihe leaders throughout the Stale." And to emphasize the last statement, Mr. De Freest added : " Absolutely the tit moat harmony, abso lute!)." " 1b Senator 11111 included In that harmoni ous aggregation!"' was asked. I said that thoro was no chub anywbers,' replied Mr. De Freest. "Will sonator Hill meet Mr. Cleveland or make speeches for him this FalU" Mr. De Freest thought a moment and then answered: " I haven't soon Senator 1II1L lis will no doubt spcsii lor hiuiheU." Mr Do Freest spoke by authority, and bis statement Is regarded by some ss an official announcement, that1 senttof JJlll Jiaa.beoa (dacatod and will take on bts coat and work for the ticket. This view u strengthened by lau circumstances of the case. LletiL-ilor. sbeehan Is Chairman of the state Campaign Committee. He Is also the recognized Hill lendor of Western New York. Mr. Murphy Is Chairman or tbe state Com mittee and leader of tbe Hill lollowtra In the central part of the Slate, and Itlchard Croker, and consequently Tammany Hall, la a most steadfast supporter of Senator Hill In this beet Ion. Ihe campaign In the state Is practically In the bands of thesu three mea. At the same lime they repretent Senator Hill's Interests, I and when Mr. De Freest spoke for tbem It Is, therefore, assumed that he spoke for Senator ! urn. j Hut Senator Hill's placatlon Is not all that Is said to havo been accomplished by Mr. Cleveland. With the pledge of tho up-coun- I try lialerslt Is given out, he secured Mr. Ci's pledge or '1 ammany Hall's undivided support. In return, 11 is understood Mr. Cleveland was able to promise lhat tbe Antl-Snsppcrs would alutaln, or rather cease their appa rently "pernicious activity" against Tam- 1 man) Hall. I Tho Anti-Snapper leaders tery discreetly ' kept In the background. They left tbo field entirely to tbe Tammany men. I he turn affairs havo taken will also leave the local held free for the Wigwam, as the Antl-niippcrs aro not likely to antagonize I luminany under tbo circumstances by nomi nating an opposition ticket, as tbelr pro. I lesscd object is tbo election ot Mr. Cleveland. I II iheAutl-suapptrsare to keep bands off ' tbo locil light It puis an end to Mr. O race's Ma)oia;ty boom. Neither Vr. tirace, ex- iSiciclan Falrchild or K. Kllery Anderson, tho Autl-'-nappcr leaders In tbls oily, oould be found lo-uiiv. '1 ammany men are enthusiastic over the ! result or .Mr. Cleveland's visit. He bas ac- 1 cnuipllslied n political revolution In this Slate, they su) ; bruugbt order out ot chaos, as u weie. i 'I hero Is no longer any doubt now In the mlioisot nell-lnlormel Denncrais lhat Mr, I Clrxeiand wld carry ew urk. Asldo from the repotted placatlon of IHU tho piosjx'ctsior Democratic lctury In tho State looked more enciuraging than ever to- , da Several chairmen or New ork state Cuuii.y I'oimulltctis railed at Democratic 1 state nnd .National lleadquurlers and reporud on the situation In their stations. I Kdllor Norman 1. Mack, or tbe ltufutn Tmif , brought the Important news that all faction il dtfTeiPUi-es In Krla County hadbeen ; set l hd. " Itetoro Chairman Murphy started lor ' Albui) tills forenoon ho corroborated Mr. Do Frrest's statement b) sailng that last night's dinner vras lu overy aj a success. i i CLEVELAND RETURNS TO-DAY. 2 Democratic Loadors Continue Tcelr Conference with tho Ei.Prosldont. Kx-I'ii'sldent flrnver Uerdand began the second day of his tlslt here with breakfast at j ,io o'lluck In his private dining-room at the Met, i la Hotel. Private secretary u'ilrlei. naldtlul Ml. lliiviliiHl tested comfortably last night after his uluiier with Messrs. Mur pii) MuTuan, Croker, Dickinson and Whit tle) , secretary O'llrlcn said mat Mr. Cleveland n.iud leave New York lo-nlght on the Fall Ithrr boat, Noiurmal engagements bid been made lot lo-da), be said, and there were no appointments outsldu the hotel. 1 senator . I Urawn made a second call on Mr t levelnml al 11 oclock this lorenoou. Kailrnad couimlssloner and secretary of the stale loinmlltte Samuel A. llearualey, ot 'I'll'i: AsvuiDDman VMIIIam sulzrr and Sccretar) ol t lie campaign Committee l barlcs It. Ilu Free.t vveio shown to Mr. Clsvclauda apartments soon after and were followed by Don M Dickinson. Mr. Du Freest said that Mr. Sheehan had gono to lluflalo this morning and would prob ably return on .Monday. A rumor Has atloat tun atterncon that I.leut.-oov. Sbeehan had not gone to Uunalq but to Albany to arrange a meeting between Cleveland and lllll lu Huston to-ruoxrow. EXTRA. I THE TURF, i I Lamplighter and Morello m illndoubtedly the Best m of Their Age. YO TAMBIEH JOSTLED MOOT. 'BaH Troubli Bfltwasn Warnki anl C. fl I. Jockey Club Settled. , ;9 Lamplighter and Morello. respectively toe ' iLWW best three and two-yearlds ot tbs )ear, aBoi won two stake erects at Shsepahead Bay 'BBH yesterday. Iloth victories are worthy of 'BJBBJ special mention, from tbe fact that they were ''BBa grand performances. In tbe bridge Handicap 91 Lamplighter carried 137 pounds, and ran mLWW mile snd a bait lu S..1U 4-3. BBBBJ He gave awny from tbtet to twenty-Seven 'BJBJ pounds actual weight, lie was rtddea ablv- BJ9BJ by Jockey Uamllton, and a pang ot regret 'aH must have seized Mr. Lorlllard when ne re- liWW meuibered ttialhe had released the colored ,BH boy trom ndlog tor him next sea .on. iBBBa M Moreno's performance was also noteworthy. iH He gave bts neM from fourteen to twenty BBb six pounds snd won In a common canter, lie a.HsxxxB1 carried l 7 pounds and no one can now His- xexBxBjl pule the fact that be Is by far tho best of the ixexexexel youngsters. Ah good as utoS was quoted -Isxexexa against Morello. lie should bave been a 1 to S"H llckauec. -bxexexS ... eTaTaTarJ An insane 'pitingo on F.sgle Bird, however. iiBBH joroul thu buoklea to ralau Moreno's prloe la u iosx9 order lo square tbelr books. WaatJUsflaccd IH people lo plunge on Fagle Ulrd wiOnerer bo 1H known. I'robnwy it was tbe report tbst Mo- Kxxa rvllo was not nt, but say one who saw tbe xexexexl roll warm up la bis prelimlasry could not sifaaH belp but admit that he r as as (.ood ns be ever t.-Lmm w us In his life. - .XLLA ... -1'iejxi Jockey Hamilton received. J00 from Mr. 9jiai Lorlllard for his win wlm Lamplighter, .saH Sims, who rude Kilkenny, was also presented 'flkmm with :oo. Ths latter Hgned nt cdbtraet tsxexexfl wltb the master ot Itancoca yesterday. ''sxexH Sims Is on top ot the heap In the matter ot $1 siiccesHlul Jockeys just now. but bis expert- ;IH dice Is Ihe same as that ol other jockeys. sssaH Sims Is not ss good a rider M HamU- OjLLU too. Hood Judges will ndmltlbat. He scored 3H several lucky wins timing tbe early part ot 3H tno season, and snowed cne or two Bits ot velelefl clever riding. Al once tbere was a universal TH demand for uls services and ne was given the &BB)1 choicest mounts. 'ioH It is tbe same wltb all Jcckeys. McLaughlin, saH Fltzpntrlck, 'taral, Hamilton, (Urrlson and - rJsaH others bate had tbe same experience. Tbey 'S-LW can rido in-d ty as well as they ever could, taaH but when ote or two Jockeys receive tso . oH choice mounts they have to stand aside and ''LmmW are termed back Diimien. t'gLm JVOTaToTj Yo Tambtcn was Jammed on tbe fence BJJfl going down (he backstrctcb during the pro. jsxexexl gress ot tbo bridge Handicap and severely IrH injured, i he skin was torn lo several places "joaH on her side. Htzpnlrlck also had bts leg ''tkmm Jammed, lie pulled tbe ruiy up and onubed 'JisxexS last. ClsoH At tbst time Yo Tamblen held a good po4- V-Lw tlon and was going easily, li Is a pity that 'lmH tbe Occident huppeueu, tor the chief interest iH In the race was centred on the Western abH crack, and her performance was being eajiriy BH watched. '-kmmW The troub'.e between 11. Warnke and the "JsH Coney island Jockey Club officials occasioned : by tbe withdrawal of stonenell, after tho S'lH belting bad been goaic on someitlme has zvIH been amicably adjusted; stonenell was In tu 'LLm carry l'JU pounds. W arako.cUimed be was mLw entitled to a tour-pound alhm aace one bcrses zLLm that had not won i,(100 in 1SU-'. The !SHmU (itilde htsted that stonenell won Uo Troy '-H Stakes ut Saratoga lust year, and put the smLW taluevtrt,4l5- . , ('9K loiter ibe omclals round that the stake was VK only worth about SI. .".00 to Warnke, and an 3l apology was tendtred to the ex-sltchmau. .ftHK The latter talks of suing lor the purse, claim- tvxexf ingthnt he would hate won sure. This is Mm doubltul. rarrenue ran tbe seven furlougs 'jHB In 1 -H under a null and could probably nam 'JBH Ua enstontnell. 'Bll Pollcemon assigned tn race courses In tbe 'aBBj West arc very tree iu tbelr usvot retoltera. iLmW Yesterday at Latonla an ortlcer shot a pick- 'LWW pocket fur resisting arrest. ) veei James A. Webb, representing the Oartleld .maH Park (Chicago) syndicate, bas purchased cue -joaH bundled acres oi ground at Itnby station. Inch i'aaH 'Iheprleu pr.ld n ns t .30,000. and $10u,ooo TH more will lu expended to build a complete H mile track. IBBBI Jockey Tom Tlrttton says be has bad exactly H eleven rails rruin burses bile In I uce, aud 'IkWW in this connection he relates a curious colli- JsoH ctdencc. When be got his hard tall from Miss JH Dixie al Chicago last year be bad Just won IH seventy-onu races up to lhat time that ll-WW seasom -imxXxXxXi Ilu had Just won exactly Ihe same number tJoaH this year up to the time w hen Semper 1'lJ'lJ aaai fell with htm at St. l'aul a few weeks ago. tBBa Hu had better quit when ho wins seventy-una -' racei neM year and avoid another fall. ilBxBBBl Mr, F. A. Ehret believed that Yorkvllle j'srsH ' Belle would win tbe Bridge Uandlcap .tester- i day, and was present to bet on his favorite isBBBJ I mare. She was nt and well In the morulng, ''JBBK 1 and '1 ralnir Allen closed her stall so that sue - would be kept iiulut until ihe lime came tu liLWmmW proparo her ror her isce. ...... "IBBB He was surprised when hu opened the stall jVjVjB and fouud the mare perspiring protusul) , and kLM tint oU bluiches hid appealed on her sklu. 'LLW i Dr. Shepard whs called. Ho said Ibal Ihu 3BBB Hi lie had taken u chill In her stomach, and 'JBBBJ this caused Ibe blotches to appeur. ,lBB ' tBBH I Tbe sulky which Nancy Hanks drew whin ,SBB i she made her mllu neord or y.07H nelgheil BBBJ O-.'W pounds. The sulky Muud s. used when -cSBB bhuesliblUhedher record ol y.Ossj weighed aVaVal 1 4'.' rwuads. , , . Jl I King lee. the crack two-)car-oia colt by ' .BbYbI King Allou.o, dam I'aallne Lee, has been sold '"flBBB by tbe sceggati inos. to Nick Fluzer. Tho BBBj price wns uot mado public, but It U believed "BBB to be a fancy figure. VbTbI OnlvBranda ot AlUTobKeeo L'leaveltos aBBBJ raadebrTaoa. 11. IU1.L1 "HfiwrEiiTBa Aoia" , ' 'sVbS tltv," Virjlula tubaeM. JimkmmmW UaLr 1IMC. " a inetietebac.,. E.HSJ0.'. oBawawl ?" rMrltfBl o y YliV-aBKliart al fait B iilamJ loBIBIBIBIBIBB