Newspaper Page Text
Hf THE WORLD: FRIDAY EVENING. SEP NSMBKK SI. IWZ. , I HUiJ . . . - - .- i ' i - ' n. ' H I APPEAL TO FLOWER,' ft ;' H Normannia'a Passengers Make Rvf j Startling Charges. 1 H No Measures Taken, They Say, to HM. Protect Their Lives or Health. R j BM' Unvlslted by Health Oflleerf, Unpro- Bp Tided with UUInfectanU or Hf- Fresh Water. B& i T bo following appeal to the Oovurunr was Si?" j to-day forwarded to Alban) Milt I " Tt N. '. Hetrert tlattrhor u thr .Sfrtft of Ane L "Tho undersigned, a commlitre reprt. P'i t nentlng the Ontt and second cabin passt risers i of tuo steamer Normaunla, now In iinaranllne Bv I In tuol'ort of New York, resrecttully show: K' " That as good citizens wo cheerfully sub- V$ " ma to aucli detention as may be d-emed K?i J necessary by sanitary experts lor the j preservation of tbe public benlin, V; ' but wo bold that, wlillu undergoing Kf,' ' such necessary detention, we are H' J entitled, at the hand, (if the authorities, to Ei ' as much care and protection ngniust lurectln Kf , as any other body of bcalthy cltleusj that Br fl u"as persons Innocent of crime and Buffering Hyj 1 ' discomfort In tbe public Interest, It li our Ky' right to hare tbat discomfort redureil to a M I minimum, and to this end no expenso should Rj ; bo spared or reasonable, precautions uc- Bv .glected. Kf But such measures barn not been taken, Et'; nnd BOO persons, mostly citizens of tbe B? United States, have been exposed to Infcr- B; " tlon, to their own danger and tho danger or ' the public To show this to be trua we sub- K: l tnlt the following facts: H 1 " We have been detained Blnce 4 o'clock r- 4 Haturday morning, by order of tbe Health H' ', 'onicer, and yet during that time no official Kvt i Inspection of tbe ship or visit to the sick has K t been made by tbat omcer or any ono repre- Rv- J tenting blm; no scientific, export or other H& $ aid bas been furnished to superintend the Hp ' disinfection of the ship, but tbls vtork has Kv j) been left entirely to the captain and bis Hf' ' crew. H I "Disinfectants asked for and promised Bc bava not been furnished, so that the woilc of K f disinfection begun by tbe ship's officers has vf I been stopped. K.'s i " " It,eana DaT0 len prorlded for com- Bfr J mitDlcallon wltb the Health Officer, with the Hk- i result tbat tbe sick and tho dead H' I havo been retained ou tho ship K I nu undue time. Kresn water has B. ; not been provided to replace tbat placed ou i, board irom the Elbe, attbougli application Bi' bas been made therefor, and tbe water tanks Ki of tbe ship have been emptied, cleansod and KC otherwise made ready to receive it, KJp "We hereby solemnly declare: bat at tbls KX" moment thero Is no lllnesH among the cabin K' passengers, nor bas there beep for eight days, H& i nor Is tbcro any undue excitement, much less BK j panic, among thorn. BHjK' . t "Can It be posslblo that tue'Natlonal fJov. BR( I ernment, the Governor, press and people of BHfL J New York will permit 600 of their fellow. BK! 'citizens, all now lu good health, K'r to be longer penned up on Hf& this ship without proper, or even any, know). BBf. tdge on the part of any omclal, Federal or state, that the ship has been properly diilu. f cited r "Thetcforo we pray that Your Excellency nlll put at thu disposal of the Health Officer such ciimp-tcnl and expert m slstance, nlth ever iippllnnco neirssnrj m enable him to at onco lulu charge of this ship and put tho aatno In a perfect unitary rondltlonnndthus relieve us from our pres tnt jeopard). " Now that jou know thotrutn wo venture toliopp that ) mi will act promptly. Longer delay In this matter heeuis to Us to approach irlmlnalll. We wubjolu hereto tho roport of I he Passenger committee on sanitation. "All of which Is respectfully submitted. ".I. It. .McTiieii'on, of New jersey; "'lliro llRlMimii, ".lUll I.l'WRSFHfl, " FlIHIN U lioustv, "HnsriiT M. Tiiomisov, "A. M I'AIMBII, .l. M. KosisTiui.of Marlaiid, "Pr. F. I.NUf, Executive committer, "The undi'Mgtied, rianltary fommlltee appointed by the cabin pasiongcrs on board tho steamer Normannln, regard It their dun to appeal to public oplulon, In lew of tho following considerations nnd facts: "It wciiii lucfiiicflvalili! thut 600 hereto fore healtliv 'uple Hhuuld be tiuarantlned on boirdniilnfePtedhlp, ami thut Itlslmpns sllili' to Isolate tin m nt a place thus far not Inlccted. Ihcj emphaste this point so much more as, Horn nil appear ances, tbe measures taken to tlhlufect the Normannla liavn been Incomplete and void of that speedy, eneigetlc and systematic mode of profcedliu which Is ntiessary lo enlcleLtly tounleract tho damaging Influen ces to vlilch all are exposed. "In reference to these prints they submit thofulloulnglacia: " I. At no lime have there been facilities to remove tbe sick Immediately after the inset of the cholera symptoms, hvtu diad bodies have bleu kept ou board for tvientj-four hoursandmore tt. At no lime an nfnVlal, tliorougn Inspec tion ot tho ship hus bi en mail", nui have any measures been fnkeu with regard to disinfec tion except such as were possible with tin' Insufflcleut supply ot dlslnlictlug material carried on board :i. Disinfecting matetlal has not leeu fur nlshed promptly lu spite uf the request of the ship's authorities. 'Ihe demand mane hulurdn), Sept. !l, to place on board the ship an official expert In supervise and execute thorough disinfection bas not been compiled v Itn. "4. The water supply of tbe ship has not been taken care uf in a proper May. Al though by Monday morning the tanks were clean and ready tn receive Iresti water, suih Is not ou board at the present hour. The supply ot fresh water Immediately after tho urrlvatot tno ship should have been made a main point uf sanitary importance. Nc are un the fourth day ot quarantine. " If, therefore, In Hplto ot such a condition ol things, t he passengerB should be obliged to remain lu quarautlno on board the Normau nla, tbe undersigned deem It their duty to de mand the exi cutlon ut sucla s inltary measures under the supei vision ot olllclal exports, as iiro apt tn lemove efficiently the daugerjto which, under the given circumstances, the occupants ot tho fchlp aio constantly exposed. Dr. F. I.iNtifc, New ork (ity. " Dr. K. OurkMMi, New York City. "Dr. V. hii.10, New orklij. " Dr. W. K. HoNiiAiiT, lleverly, Mass , " Dr. K. UnrrxuANs, 1st. I'aul, Minn., "Da. J. I". Ill oxen, llopalcong, N. J" Henry Howard, of Fort iluron, Mich., who Is at tho Filth Avenue Hotel waiting for the releaw of bis family from tho steamship Normaunla, has received two letters from his wire, written on the tub Inst., which only reached hlui this morning, frullowtug are extracts from the letters: " Dr. .leukins was only hero once yester day. Our Uek and dead uro allowed to stay heio ton Inug. Hupplles run Ion. I'roMstnu boat not here at all jesterdaj. They have sent us mi prevent Ivns, disinfect ants or coun sul as lo precaution. It any of us needed a phvslclan we would have to cill on the young and perhaps Inexperienced oneon board ship. 'I hey ought to ni'iiil tis a iluUur to look us over and lemuln with us. ' Water supply exhausted last night. Cap. tain said he telegraphed jeslcrday morning for water, but none bad comn up to bedtime last night. Hesa3 he Is powerless; all de pend uu New York officials. "'I no captain told llesslo last night wo went not sale ou thHtmat one minute, and said It was prlvlliged murder to keep us here. " I siu b) the pa.iers they say we gave Dr. .leiiklnsu vote of thanks. It Is lal'e. We cannot scu that he Is doing anything. If we nro such pests, why he come on hoard ami havo dinners wltb Ihe captain 1 'Ihoonl) thing we had for breakfast wn stale eggs, toast, cnfTei; and hominy; but that Is the last we have un tin" ship. ".Man) little children are frying for water. So near New York, and no water. W hat does It mean? Wuvvuut Fulami water, disinfect ants, carbolic so ip, Ac." -.inonizjhpilolalned passengers on tbe Nor biannlal" t'nlted Mati s nub-1 rcasurer H. N. Aldrlcu, of Huston, onheis und members of tha llnsion Ho ird of 'I rado telegraphed Assist, antlsecretaiy ot the Treasury Mpauldlug ask. lng that Federal aiillioulles Interfere In be. half of tbe tiuarantlned passengers. 'lo-du I hey received repl) that secretary Foster was In New York endeavoilng to do all In bis power to accomplish their release from the ehlti. Watktown, N. ., "cpu ti.-Oov. Flower to-day nulhoried llenlili (itilcer Jenkins to hire or buy a steamer to lake the passengers off the Normannla, requesting the Doctor to Inioriu tbeOovtrnor h) telegraph or Iho con dlllons or purchase. RICH MAN SENT TO JAIL. Sixty Das'" at Hard Labor Without tho Option of a Fine. Hit aociATn r-Rri..l St. l'Aft, Sept. It. Judge Twohy, of tbe Municipal Court, jesterday sentenced a lead, lug citizen of St. I'aul, worth (100,000,10 sixty days In thj workhouse without the option of a line. A low weks ago Simon .1. Ahem, owner of large tracts of real estate lieie and financial agent lor several Kastern llrras, swore In a ' suit in court that he had not acted as witness to an Instrument which Menu Helm had signed as n notary public. Mr. Helm had Mr. Ahern arrested for criminal libel. The evidence was so over whelming against thu capitalist tbat the court ordered nun sunt to thu work-house for sixty dys. i i- LARGEST IN THE WORLD. The Cunnrd Llnoa New Steamship Campania Is Launched. 1 ho big steamship Campania, built for the Cuuurd line's New ,ork and I lverpool ser vice. Is now afloat lu the harbor at Ulasgow, Scotland. she was successfully launched yesterdav, and will soon be ready fur sailing. 'Ihe campanls is tbe largest steamer In the world. She is tlOO feel long and bas a tonnage of 14,."00 tons. Tbe city of Paris, Majestlo and tho 'teutonic range between 10,000 and lo.r.oo tons. '1 be l ampnnla's engines are triple expan sion. She was built lu the )nrds of the I slr rield shipbuilding compau), at (loimi, near ttlasgnw. at Olrl Shot by an Italian, lav ABKortATKii rariM Stockton, sept, p. Anton 1'attl shot a young lady named Mabel Wheelr lust night because sho refused to have an) thing to do wlthhitn. M is., heeler Is the daughter ot a physician In Han Francisco. The Wetmore's Crew All Saved. nrrriAt to TBr rvrsiso wobui.1 1'onTi.ANii, ore., Sept. o 'Iho crew of Ihe whaleback hteamer Wetmore, which went nshore ut North Suit liar on tho Oregon coast, have all been saved. Ihe steamer Is a total wreck. One of Or. Cronln'a Slayers III. IDT AlinClATVll riixit. 1 Joiikt, 111., Sept, . Martin Burke, one of tho convicted Cronln murderets. Is HI, nnd, while no liumedlatelv fatal results ure auilct- pal Is ut Knowiedgcd that his condition I is serious. INQUIRY INTO CABER'S DEITH. Shorni an to Ee Examined at Mor risania To-Morrow. Police Kzpcrt Kvitlenre Knougn to Hold II Im for Trlnl. KrrriAI. to the rvrsiso woaLU Mott Havkn, N. V sept, w.-'lbc mystery surrounding the death of Frederick Cager, the collector of the Water Overllow Preven tive Company, of u.13 Ornnd street, Is still In a tangled condition ui spile the efforts of tho police tf solve IU Cager started with u crowd of companions on Saturday morning, Aug. T.i, on a shoi t cruise up the Hound. 'I be steam launch Ada was charmed for the trip, und the crow J was comK)Hcd of seven men and two women. Jack Duncan, sou of a wialthy contractor, chartered thu boat. I'atilck 0'I.cary and Kugene slurinau were of the party. on tbe way to i Ity Island a tight took place on Ihe luiinch over the women, but H was tiuleted belore they reached tho city. In Hrown's saloon at Ity Island tt was tc liewed, and eager was hit with a globe Irom a gas cuuhdeller. I ho party bruko up und Cager was left behind. 'Ihe following Monday morning Cager was found titling ou the brPUe w im u joins ( Ity Island and vv'estcbf'stei County by theovei sfcr of the Poor, and wus taken tti the station-house. one ot his arms had been dislocated and his skull cut, and In- was bruised In man) places. Ills speech was Incoherent, and bis Identity could nut be ascertained until a card bearing bis business uituri ss was luund In ono tit his pockets. He was luggfd down to orand strict, where hli residence was learned. 'I he guard at Orand street refused to allow him lo ride on the Elevated road, so be and the two men who atcompsnted him were lorccd lo make tbe Jotirne) lo Alexander aveniiO, about seven miles, nn the surfnio iars. Dis. Curry and Wallers, who were called, could do not hlug to save him, and he died lu great ugou). I'pon the anlval of his companions Sheri dan wus arrested. It appears that Sheridan held some anlmcs lt for cager. althuugh tbe rest or the party were on Cuger's side. Sheridan admits throwing the globe, but says be did not injute cager seriously and lo this the others seem to assent. Why cager, In his serious condition, should have ueen left alone no tine expUlns. The police talk as though they thought Cager received bis lata! Injuries otherwise than In tue right, as thej aj the crowd tf ok eager s part, rather than Sheridan's. 'Ihe latter Is locked up ntlhe Moirlsanla police st u tlon. Ills examination will take place to monow morning, when the police expect tn bring out evidence enougi. to have Sheridan lemanded for trail. Polish Catholics Tbroaten to Secede. frrrcTAT to THr rvrNiNo wonLo. 1 1'itit.AbEt.rutA, sept, u. 1 ho congregation of St. btaulslaus's Polish Catholic church last night announced their puipjso of seceding irom the Homan catholic Church unless the priests uppnlnted to tnke ch.uge ot the church by Archbishop Hyan weie removed, and sent a cablegram to Home tn that effect. To Investigate Chinese .Smuggling. Irv AisocuTrn mm. Montrkai, sept, ti. At tho request of tho Washington authorities the Candlan Pacific ltallroad Company Is proceedlng'wlth Its In vestlgntlon Into the alleged smuggling of thlueselnto tno I tilted states by tue t oni pany's officials. Little Dor Takes a Girl's Tricycle. 'Iwclve-year-old Helal Kohu, of li Kldge street, was held for trial In the Essex Market Police Court this morning charged with stealing a Irlcjcle irom nlne-)ear-old Mury Mohr, ut H. I'ltt street. PLANNING TO REBUILD. Metropolitan Opera-Bouts Stock holders In Conference. Ihe stockholders of the Metropolitan Opera - lloiisi met at noon to-day to consider the decision ot tho direc tors to rebuild. Thero were only thirty stockholders present, and It was decided to send out suggestions for raising money to all the stockholder and have another meeting a week from to-day. James Harrlman, a box holder, proposed that a National opcra-hoU3o' be built that wealthy muilo lovers throughout the country be Invited to take stock. His proposition wilt bo considered at tho next tmetlhg. Anion,- those represented in proxy or In person ut the rreetlug were J. J. ltoosevclt, W. K. andei but. Hobert ooelet, ogdui (Joe let, W. V, . Micru in, Cornelius Vunderbllt. Adrian Isilln, William C. Whitney and 1). o. Mills. It waa stated that tbe lowest estimate for rebuilding nud refurnishing the opera-house Is !.00,Ullll. AMERICAN SAILOR MURDERED. One of tho Cruiser Newark's Crew Slain in Genoa. Im AttOLiATiD ralii.1 Oxnoa, Sept. o. -The United States Cruiser Newark arrived here several days ago to take part In the Columbus fetes here. Among her crew was n sailor named Frank llellly. He was a liberty man yesterday, and In the course or his journeying! ob'.ut, tbe city he visited a lndglng-houso last night and was killed. The details of tbe affair have not yet been made public, but It Is said that the murder of ltellly was entirely unprovoked. TWO MURDERERS DIE. Execution of Cra'tr and McCarthy at Columbus, O. 1IT AtflOtlATED PRESS.) Cot uubi's, sept. 9. Charles cralg, colored, and Edwird McCarthy, two Cincinnati mur derers, were executed in the annex of the Ohio Penitentiary this morning. The work was rapid and satisfactory, being without special Incident sept. 13, 1M0, Charles cralg killed his mistress, Annie 'lhompson, In t Inclunatl. McCarthy snot Charles Nvtterman lu cold blood Aug. '.'It, lhUO. Wedding Trip Around the World. Mr. Charles Stewart Smith, President of tbe New York chamber of commerc;, with his bride, bas started on a wedding tour around . the world. Mr. Smith nnd Miss Anna Walton 1 Drown, daughter or w nrren It. Brown, of 1 1 1 West NlneO-lhlrd street, were married .ves- terday atternoon and took the evening train for Montreal, 'lhey expect tn return to New iork In about six moiitus. m Election Law Unconstitutional. (Ut ASEOCIATVD MiriS.I Danville, Ind., sept. I) Judge lladley has decided tbat the leglstratlon features ot the Election law are unconstitutional, Imposing a burden upon one class of citizens. The law s lu cinnict with tne constitution In thai It does not allow a voter to change his residence within tlll)-nluo days, while tue constitu tion allows him to move from precinct to precinct in the city limits. The Raid Not Justified In Court. Anna Johnson and five Inmates of the house U'tl.O East Seventy-eighth street, raided by tbe police, were arraigned In Yorkvlllo Court to day, but the charge of keeping a disorderly house was dismissed. m Music In Battery Park. llayue's Slxty.ulntb Ileglmont hand will give a concert at 8 o'clock to-night lu llattery Park. CASPERFELD & CO., BUCC'KHNOHB TO CASPERFELD & CLEVELAND 144 BOWERY 144 webt mhii of ktrekt. Hear Grand St. Elevated Station. Wo have the Largest Stock of Diamonds and Watches In the world at extraordinarily low prices. These ure the watches we make a specialty of: f ADY'SBOtlD 14-CAKAT UOLD PILLF1I COM!) RtT,VEn II0NT1.VO WATCHES. OK. Lt Wstohl tuilm1r ti'l ti-tt.ri Lllu or O ulna Amerloaa inoMfnmit. Dim or WslUua, Wsltiiaui muttlu.nt ,V0 jeirj' utuUl I. ittm-lilixUr, tJ. k SOLID RILVKIl tAOrS WATCU. STEM Jj. wladratid.Attr, for4. SOMD COIK SII.VHR BOT"S WATCH, A tiuntlut-cs, DxtAfiHi, ktm wlndtr sd ittft. lor 3. A FOCID RII.VFH OENTS HUKTINO-CASI j. VI atoll, lUra-wlDdtr And totter, for S6. A SOLID OOLD LADY'S WATCH. BEAUTI A full; ohAAxl and oDirsTod, itoia wludor An J Mill, lorSI.SO A VERY HEAVY SOLID 14-CAKAT OOLD J l.Adj'i llnullD Caia Wakii. handAomtlr chMta And onsrAVod. Atom-winder And AAttor. with thAnuli tVAlthADi VVAtcu (.ompaar un anil SBofolBAn.f) forSil. T ADIKR' SOLID GOLD I1UNT1NO WATOUP.S. JLi t3oAulifnljchModandenArmTr4,itoai-wlDdtr, iwitn or WalthAm tnovomont, SIS. f ADIKS' BOLID OOLD STRM-WINDIlfO XJ trantlnf -caao wAtcht, bMutlfa) obAood and niravod, (IV. A SOLID 14-CAHAT DENTS OOLD-FILLRD A WAtch, with altbor Elfin or Waltasm moTt-mont,ston-wlndAr and uttor, with a 21-roar ruar sntoo, lortia. A BOLID OOLD STOP-WATCH. WITH SUM-1- ut chronograph, naavr 14-ctrAt gaaoa, vorr tmimoiinmi, u AcourAt tlmar, $06.00. A CBNUIHC E. HOWARD A CO. WATOH, iV with 14-oarat Mild cold catai, lot too. 09. We giie a written guarantee with Waitham movement, eierj watch for sli years; It not is stem-winder, nt S2S.OO. represented, none, will be refunded. 14-Carat Solid Cold Garnet, Turquoise, Seal and Initial Rings. Alsp Solid Cold Wedding Rings, 1 4 and 1 8 Carats, a specialty. Also an elegant assortment of Ladies' and Cents' Solid Cold Chains. OPKN ETKMNOH until H.30 SATItRBAYs until 10.30. HetUliiikT, Stoves, Etc.Etc. rOlltlClanB CASH OR CREDIT. Who Durable (InoiU l.nvv l'rleei. I.aiteat IJstS tht2 .4SlaBm tjlr..(lnl) IOI'i:itt.l:T. t'AIll)lAV.N. w" " u Urpuoii vvlii'ii J.uiiK rliuie U ,ut DfAtMt . Wnmril. rOlltiCal Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Text Book and - Dining-Room Furniture, Bod- .. . , tlint!, Stoves, FoldiiiR Bods, Oil- U0ier8 - cloth, Linoleum, Huttings, Win- Guide dow Shadea, Curtains, For- Compiled by ZZZZZZZZZZT" tieres, Befrigerators, Lamps, , ,,, . . Clocks, Baby Carriages, Tic- Tne WOr'a ZZZT tures, itc. Are able to zzzzr fSranb, COo weLlr, or $2 per month on 25 I..J,,. SOckvli, S1.U0 weekly, or $4 per inoiithotl S3u 1OUQQ6 t7.60ch, H..M weekly, or 5 pr luonthou f 73 . , JlOrutt, 41.6U ucoItJjr, or 16 pr noatliou 100 A rat<i JUcfts,i, 4)2.'J&welal),or $J per motitbou 200 HUWUI alCIJ W B. I. COWPERTHWAIT I GO. tMma. i:sTni.ixiu:i isot. (OUK ONLY FLACK Ob' BUSINESS), SOLD EVERYWHERE W WML"'- Price 10 Cents. ' COMBINATION SUIT T EXTRA PANTS, $J OO I EXTRA HAT, I T ft FOB THK KNTIBK OUTFIT. THE OREAT !, SUCCr.SS IS I)UK TO THK FACT THAT KVt WITHOUT Tin: KXTKAFAMSANU hat wk (IIVK 1R B THF.Y AltE MATCHLI SS VAL- M , UF.S AT 11IU P.tlUE. SUIT40FSAMK QUAI- Ai ITY SOLO DAILY DY OT11F.R I10USF.3 AT Wl (0.00. Tlln ABOVK NUir IS STRICTLY A IX M WOOL, IN hCOTPtl, 11I.ACK CHhVIOT AKD Ml FANCY CASHMF.RE. , Wt COMBINATION SUIT L EXTRA PANTS, $ 49 f EXTRA HAT, i ' j1 MATERIAL. HEAVY DOUBLE AND TWIST FAUItlU, T1IOROUUIILY WI IX MADE. liooi, miiokh. nn .j iq koi.ii i.katui:h, 9JIh dllu gliO MRN'H MIIITS. SPKC.'IAI. Clt H. OO llHIVi:, rlmmut neir In- 9 J.O brir. .lln.ll Order promptly tilled. Open every rveuinar until I), Muturil7 11. Mann Brothers, 314, 316, 318 & 320 Grand St. '. i m FOpsBjlor iUUml of mrf rf J l wtlthl ut mMurtBata will Bvfcr AJW, Lms. m kcw tlu r.lii f Art mostbi' Watfbt UO Ibi U U Ttlb , li trMlottot by Dr. tnvdtr " fla.t .. 4S In. n In. 10 ta, til, HaraltM, ud with m iIaW WUL. 41 1. SI Im. II t. t '4, U( lnenvstBot or ted ffMti Htp ... ft In. 10 lo. It la. IB PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL. 5! Isclott I mU In Uinp fr CtrroUn antl TtlnHmUl. gJ II. 0. f. IITDH. IC 8 Tm Cl'f ' SI, OOO FOU ITS FQUAL. THK MAOIO M INSECT EXTERMI.f AlOli. aura daatb to all in. M arcta, cnra IhelrbltaaAndatlop.. OIlpol90lloa4 M ood tiou.exploalro. Alao our Manic ItoAcb Foodt M daotroja toAch. and wator bug. hold rvprrwhera. W BALLADE A LO.. Mfra.. New Yorlt. -.M F0n SALE. ."W BICYCLE CHANt'E-100 m'imatlc Saf.tU.' Jl new, coat $1J0, a)75lli, 4HUhtotr, 45. It ,jl MurrAjrat fll BIIUF. hllOP lORSALE for ilriln mr onlj. ff 7 1 a' t mill at. ,H aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaMaaMaaawaaaaiaaaaaal l ELEC TI0N NO JICE3. .' TPHi: ANNUAL MFFTINfl 7)F THE STOOK- i j I oldera of tnn BemU far Hnx ConitiAtiy for the f IvLttoa of truatoa for tho pnaultiK tear will b v lifa at tlnnUonf the romptt y, No '.0 1'latt at., 1 New York City, ou Monday, .spt. t1!, at 12 o'oiock til uoou. i.i-om.h it. ui:wi.Krr I li Secretary &n Ireaaurer. I J 1 1 . WI! THElENfl7i 11 TinVlp T (fi((S THIS FOR THE BOYS. . B I THE EASIEST WAT in tho world to get a new! 1 PI I h I ll 1,71 5 I n I I We know about boys' clothes I We're snre they I m Fall style Darby Hat is to purchase a Fall Suit at this; II i I llt3l I U I I U J fl imust be as wear-resistible as stylish. That's the way t I WmS? a"d yU My 8tyl6 H,t! JU JAJJJJJ! W J J jour clothes are made. A good combination, coupleS ' I FREE s I A COMPLETE KNOCKOUT! mm, TSJXSTJk I I of charge! UNAPPROACHABLE CROWD-ATTRACTING VALUES ! WM """iiio 1 Hkf UN oAlUKUATi I 1 The surest sign of the public's appreciation of our great Bargain offers is the healthful, steady: IJKSjSsHmfUM 111 stylish and reliable, Then f. mi Over a half mill- jj-1:.. ' 3. j increase in our business! We propose this season to knock out all past records as effectually as Cor-i 'KvrKSHqSHw they rise gradually on the I K ion dollars' worth of.T5 n:ibett kno 'e out SulUvan We propose doing so on the same principles as heretofore, viz: By selling: iVvKBfflHSnlfilHI scale merit, making H; the handsomest, new- - HnW -a Higher Class oi ready to wear Clothes for less money than any other American Clothing .House ! : IwffffM&fUltAi) each na ?0ar snw its B' est, elegant Mr We are in a position to do so, for we manufacture our Clothing on our own premises. We use! lflPVBSiHKfSH f i ' eq?ivalent in vlue' s0 that ' V' ' CLOTHING L 3VW jthe best materials, the best workmanship, the best linings. We employ only skilled labor, and our j 7BMEffiv QrQn mm n lK:-': from which to k V A ! Clothes represent the very newest metropolitan styles only. One Price for everybody and thatj fulm3jkl $5i $0 OF SIOiOO m your selections inVl C always lower than the lowest. j KiKMBj for a suit you're sure to B( America! Money in 70 The New Front of our store now being constructed will be completed shortly, and until then; rpJv get honest value for your HM jt for you both ways. n s '- we will continue our very successful Alteration Sale. i s, -". " money. I MIAN'S BUSINEMllJlTS; FALL.' OVERCOATS'. " MEN'S" SINGLE TROUSERS: ''" MEN'S PRINCE ALBERT SUifS." Hp Thorn's no timo or placo on earth whero ou fun lnttko SKI Ol) or Korvthiug in Fall OwitoiUb that'll bo woin this I'all ii horo. A hi,' " k " i mon's binglo Tiousers. A Htuppiiclous airay of IMcn's vory fine drossy Prinoo Albert Suits, mado of Clay's Entr- II K4 bT2.00 go bo far in buying a reliablo, All Wool JJnsitioHs Suit as in Yotir lii'itlUt iloinamls ono tlu-so cool evenings 10.00. 1'J 00 or stylos ami colors in sues to fit anybody. AVo bunched over '2,000 lish Diagonals stylish and elegant. Coats and vests from SI1 00 to V H'v this sale. Wo show suits foi thoso pi ices winch bring lh.OO and si,ri.00 hiient for one of ours will suo jou from 5.00 to $10.00 on pairs, worth from 5.00 to 0.00, for $3.50, and another large lot 18.00. Tho latter aro bilk-liucd throughout aud surnass" moat i" B 200inother Btoros. ' vtmr putcliase. t'onie antUoe. 'Jioni (Ui() to i).00 for 1.50. I eusUnn garnicnts! v B6 j fMen'sSuits Men's Suits f BOYS' SUITS BOYS' SUrfsT" J lltra iino ImiioiteiU A?5i o i 1 o , n (J 2,100 correct new bt vie. Whipcord, Woibt.-.l and W S,0rt P(wts' 9eS 4 fo 14 yearS- 9 ,' " W years. 1 'FullSuitB.ofAU.Wool.l . 1 Al,K0,V1, ii"". Tmlu-'V;) f ,,, A ,v , m . w. a. Nobby Scotch All-Wool Suits, sold byf M rft fewll ' f fBHsimoicH, Cheviots Qd g OR l "'U'hMotSmts,.iuHf f- nfl fejL. IU-l'ablo All- ool Cheviot and Cassimerej AJ QK IX A R II KTjf f iinilTwoodH,stylihliHi.d( Ol Bl UU thomme,t colors amV X1! I lJ JXfy ;0 B 1 1 ,, n . a, rn . i 701 bO other Btorcs at SCGO; wo announce V "U Kfl elegant, bhould bring W I H I bhape-; they le simply M r UU XI JL -ft, buitfl, sold usually at .-53.50, to-day and I gM $hL ' 1S.00; alle.ation, J D lmndsotner than any I -J j- , K . I them for this sale at ) HTb iWMWk compel uh to otler " pu.Mous year IiiwV I 0 AK , ryf -;,, -4 to-morrow for ) FMwWMML them now at hIiowii; wo'ie driving 1 Jri p f f' MnXmrnMrSKlSlk i ' them haul now fioni "S I-' f ,t - Nobby now cfl'ects in wear -rcsisting 0 f fir A Tiiumph of Bargains in AU-Wool fmo (J "yi- MMwimWlWk- - - -J5.00 down to Vi f ' Ml itt J Od tylw Suits of the bost-wearing X L fh jKHfU , ATr tl onnnA, St,pcibTa,lo,,Mudol.W- JJ jtJ Scotches and Twills, very stylish and V UU b VF I U JmgiM M I More than 2,000 Jlons Dross, l'linco Albert,! A j HJ II , I I j3r W'lWl, fmwUmmf .1 All-Wool Sack and Cutaw.n and SackJ., A4 JT elegant, worth 0.00, for J now for J u IfiJHHSr Cutaway Suits, of J A flft "Sundav" Suits. MonvM fl 110 7lj.". I ffl KMMHjSL ) largo varioty of pat- X"! n M II II aro silk-lmed; tailorod'Q I KM UU ? S A Beautiful Single and Double Breasted 0 J r A Tailor-Made Suits in lino WorstodsA AIM A A WjMMmMm ' terns that would suit V I ww as onlv tho beet bkill fl li I .' 1 ,' 1 Nil H n , i rr i u u ) 1111 WMilttfiB well, anybody front I can produce them, ofl I li (L t' A Suits, of very finest material, reduced M UU Cassfmeres and Tweeds, beautifully $ UU WM k anywhere i other stores I Impoited Goods of M' j ' 1 T made, single or double breasted j( f wMwiiWA sellsamogiadcBat i'i'J, J overv kind. Down now I k J, J, J from 7.00 and 8.00 to worth $10 and 12; now for ) 1 ink mm we charge now but ... fi on! 35.00 to Pl nv HlUlli; lAu Wfj ' During the Week we close promptly, at 7 O'clock Evenftigs. fi OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK. II fl ) J