Newspaper Page Text
flflflHr Hb' 'kflV JfK . THE WORLD: FRfDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9 . 1892. , . lM LflBflkU.' .?' - BE - QtewtUfailb Vv H l"iiNf7lfIfc1fft Vf uWi.nlno Compaw Vi kSv ' 3 to 03 Pill How, New Yoiur. HaeP''tflT, HMR FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 9. 0K'Jvfi - 5Fj.flfr; HV51 rtflR y-Jmi Til Evening World Prints Aeso- K' & elated Frees News. K IK E iB Another South American ex-1'resldont Hp4 j has corns to town. Why not form a H'jj j colony of South American ox-Presidcnts m4 i ,' There ore doobilcus some people who Bv " jr Ton co so far ns to think thnt J. Tier- Ht;r I 'r ' roNT MonoAN is a Greater man thau James B- t' J. COBDETT. U ," An Arkansas schoolmaster, to onforco K 'v discipline, shot one of bis scholars dead. m, j A literal nay of teaching the young idea K'k I '2 now tu tDOot B' i u Hb ! i The -tatemeiit that "Kulmvas may WM . ' ' never fight again" will bo easily believed. m .Jj A great many pcoplo who bet their money fc, f y on blm are inclined to believe that he did Bf' ) ij not fight on Wednesday uifiht. B- j , The .Democratic majority in Arkansas Pff1 f this year exceeds 50.000. Majorities in ttth- I fj ' Arkansas aro not affected, as in Vcr- Ki J ,;' mont, by hot weathor. Statu fairs and BK1 ft other non-political influences. aaaW J is Kfc I. The condition of Mr. .Tons h. If tan and the tenor of tlio remarks at- Efe , f tributed to him niako an impressive HE; j f temperance lesson. All prize-fighters i should join the Prohibition party. ! ! The report of a decrease in the cholera ' mortality at Hamburg would bo more aemv- ir :f acceptable if we were able to place any H); i I fc confidence in Hamburg reports. Still, it B? J 'is quite possible that the epidomio has BjIjA I worn itself out and that the afflicted city WtfT I has seen the worst of its trial. gaaaU'r ! I? But ft j; Adieu to the White Squadron. It is no BB;' I '' more, been merged with the North BK, i . Atlantic 8f,uadrou. While this does not B, i :J impair its usefulness, there is a certain BBX V sentiment connected with the white fleet BBjt 1 which makes its disappearance as a eepa- BV. 5 ' rate squadron greatly regretted. BB' i f;, Shareholders of tho Metropolitan fly fK' Opcra-Housu aro at odds with the direc- B'' (lit tors over pocuuiarv matters, and as a BH tBjj conscquenco New York's proipects for BBb Ka crnd opera are exceedingly remote. Bflr iP'j' For the city's honor a compromise should Hr Isr-. eoc''' U1 reconbtructiuu of the Hk'-. mk bnrned bhlldinB begun at onue. IP' Late returns from Itcpubllcau sources B say that in the Vernvmt election 228 mf towns show a Itepublican loss of 0,100 mf Totes as compared with ltH, and aDoiu- . Kl ooratio loss of 81S. Explanations are in Ju' vrder, and wo utterly roluno to accept W K the theory that the ltepuldlcans of Vcr. WC j- uiont were so absorbo.l in the lortlicoin- WJC, V, iug prize-tight in New Orlenni that thev ;Jst. .ifff ' loigot to csb, their ballots. CflTv tK2 flBt IE Tb Itepublican lctory in Vermont B'i' f ( has been matched by a Democratic vie- nBr l ' tory in Arkansas, and thoro is no miBtak- JBJ; Sft , ing the significance of theso two impor- 'Hm S tant political straws. They signify that MB 'ft; IIabmsox will be certain to carry Vcr. SK. mont, whilo Cleveland can count with & ?' confldenca on tho vote of Arkaiihns. i9J f They do not, houocr, cnablo us to prc- tfBu ff diet the result in New York, & ?fs CIX1M CHIPS TOR ALL. Hi 'Kj Experience teaches. Our authorities in M 5 New York have douo exceptionally, in. Hj$ ,ti deed surprisingly, well in their first K , It; grapple with th cholera phigmt, consid. k 'IR eriug that it camo upon them f.uddenl.v, B;T ! BJ end created a situation entirely novel to E. W' alloftlnni. , flP Br ut " ,ll0y ad kno,,n as much at the flLv' I ti' romneuccment of the trouble as they flsT BJ know now, their very first movement Hsr '4sW would doubtless have been to securo cltau flEv ' lifi ships, or some isolated location on laud, I Br ilk ,0 WD'CU every healthy person on ' Rm &J&L board nn infected ship could havo been afe?- ffiF immediately removed, after a proper flHF? Uf cleansing and a complete clmnge of B I ?. clothing, out of the reach and danger of BBfr I ?; infection. K, -. That is tho first step that sbould havo flB;f I ij ben takcu. The new caes reported yen- Hf, I ji terday proe it beyond controversy. WKi'f ?' Those cases were the result of keeping HK' . '(' the crew and thoso bteerago passengers , jBBJ ' y:i who wero in good health coMined on tho ' frtmt'' i cholera.stricken vessels. A hufflcicnttimo ' Mfclfi; hss elapsed to niaKe it certain that they UV ' ,t' did not have tho scciIb of tho discftso in Vi v.i them when thovisscls arrived in port. K',' Z; They contracted it through remainiui' in Vij ' f. contact with tho germ-harboring sm-; K; v ' rounding. Exposure to these dangers Hk t alono gathered them in us Mctnub. K j ' Of course the plaguo ships wero all R '; " disinfected, " Hut can u vesbol bo BBB'i m' effectually dlblnfected whilo soma 1,6(X) Ei f: people are on board? Will tho human BJ1 f& lungs bear the inhalation ot disinfectants B 'W strong enough to be surelv futal to the ' Bl sV cholera germs ? Is it practically possible I Bi tfil i thoroughly disinfect every liulo and LVflv IflFw corner of n great steamship packud nith B' imb human beings ',' I flflP' IflVx N( l'crBoncau fail to give Mnvor ('iiiant. ' B,K Dr. Jenkh. tho National authorities ami flVKaVi all our city oillciaU full ciullt for BBBBj,HHt zeal, energy and dovotlou in tlieir groat BBBBBVt battle for the publio safety. Ytt it is n BBBBBHV fact, due, of courco, to tho lack of prac. BHL' tical experienco end not to auy wilful BBBFif carelessness or neglect, ttiut tho HvBBK very first thing that ought to BflEV ave ljten done ou tbe arrival of the dis- KIBC) case in our waters, tho speedy transfer of BBBE'JBft tbe healthy people from tho iufected BBBB-'LBb ships, is only now on the point of being BBBKyBt:i purtially accomplished. Nor can it bo do BBBk'hV niedtbut this necessary work might luno BBB'BBEC tjcc" longer overlooked if it had not been BBBBf Bflr ioT tue Viiiatby excited by tho peril and K-'B- sufferings of tho prominent citizens who B !jHt woie unfortunate cnongh to bo cabin pas- B- BBJh fcengers on tbo quarantiiicit vessels. BBBBJBBi "Clean ships for all." That is the BBBBkBBV watchword our health authorities ought BBBBSiBBK-'f t adopt, and as we may not have seen BBBBpBBK; the end or the worst of the trouble, that BBBBeK is the safeguard they ought to provide for BBBBT BB.',k - the future, ABITsPsPsPsWm'i' slif tf 'f'''s:'i'l''-r '"Vfittil "tiV'i i'lr" $15,000 NOT FAR OFF. ' - The Siok Babies' Fund Shows a Very Healthy Growth, One of tho Corps of Free Doctors Tells a Story. The 5Ilsery In Which One Young Mfe Kinds Itself. All letters rnntnlnlni' money (r ih Hlrli Itnhv Fond fhnlil be mliti-nned f llif Cntllter f !" " "'k l"i I'nlllxrr llullrilns. Ilnnatlnn oT rlolhlnx dr.. ahonlil tt rnt lit .lira. Huberts, J 17 Weil I orl ntutk ireei. THE SLEGCRiPTIONi. rrnlKtmii i-Vnnw'(,f'1 fl4,C4.ll Abcrdern trl fnterulnmfnt T.S Allrla anil Klnlla Wflih 7.00 (lrcla Armttnm and Mlunle Hill .. 4.9 Mount Vernon fair 3.23 Ralh and I'aullne Molitanllrln 3 DO (Jam turn (Irli 3.00 l.llll. Kantrooili ?.' Ilrrman anil Hatha Kamuelt 1.&0 At.ltlla dill I.O0 MaulaMcUrsbananilotliaia .S5 "One meets with somo very sna casos nt destitution and surTerlnif Id tbe course ot travel as one of tue Corps of I'rcu Iioclors," said u Hick liables' Fund pli)slclsn, "hurTer In and want, even If brougUl about bylart. iicas, Improvidence, rccUetsncss or tntemner. mice, appeal to one. Hut how pathetic tho iascof a poor lllllo waif who th'ongli the Indulgence of the parents has to suffer priva tions aud through their ncgllgenco In left to battlcwltb the IIU thathumati ik'ih is hrlr to without tbe slightest offer of uld or sugges tion of smpatby utitll tbo disease has run Its course and left tho poor victim of Its ravages maimed for II (el 'In a rear house on Hbertff street lives a family of eight, father, mother and six chil dren. They occupy an H by 10 room. A stove, tabic, tin co chairs, a bed covered with rags tn a recess and a lounge con.stltuto the lurnlture. "Last Juno the father was sent to the Workhouse for drunkenness. 1 be family Is now supported b the mother's earnings at tobneco stripping; by long hours and hard work' she can earn 7.'i cents a day. Tho evening of my lsll tho mother was preparing their dinner; a poillon of aloat of stale white bread broken In smalt pieces and formed Into a b.ilti r with tho aid of one rgg, one pint or milk and as much water, aud made Into pan-cakes, wat thu repast. Aslxteon-yen.'-old-glrl under ordinary clrcum. stances might usiisi tho overworked mother, but ou account of condition of sight amount ing almost tli bllnitmss, the result of n neglected conjunctivitis. Is unnblo to do very much. A six. car-old tiny Is suderlng from dropsy, and two of the other children might bo to-day in thu condition of their oldest sister but for tho timely aid of Tux F.iimmi I Wotu.o's hick llabies' mud. A low vlslst to ' a dispensary In tho early stage of tbe girl's I conjunctivitis would havo saved her sight. " 'lhe saving of tho sight or thoso two little I children Is only one c Idence of the good done by tho Corps, aiiaUtrtnlhly liof greater bene- lit than all thu pecuniary aid that could pes- blbly bo offerfd." FROM THE WORLD OF LABOR. The Philadelphia printers have adopted tbo slx-duy liiw, with a f."i tine for violation. Tho Central Labor I'lilon and tbo Building TradcH council of Han Iranclsco have teen consolidated. Tho Denver printers havo formed a Peo ple's Tail) Campaign lub ullcr ndupilng resolutions dcnuumlhg Vthlteluw Held. Ilrlcklnjers should sln away Iriini Whltr stnuci mid Wlllctt'H Point, vvheru Ilrlrklaverh' I t nlon No. 47 Is at odds with theemplojers. Another Mlk-weavers' strike Is progressing . at Kunkn's factory in college Point, I- I., whciolhe men wero refusal an advancuot U'"i per cent. David Connauguton hai beon elected I'rcsl dent oi iho Flllli lilvixloii ot the Ijviiorer.s' i I nlon Protective Nclet), aud TUoniaSOIc Avlney vvus made tieireiary. I 'ivvelvo Ihoubaud pnckiigesot chevvtng lo tmecn were distributed among workmin In llutluloon labor liny b .lames I- tool, thu agent oi n linn In this city. Arrangements have been re rfeoted bj tli-i I'n I ted v arrlnge and ugou Makers tor tin Ir annual cxiun-lou to lustier 1'aik, iiulten I burg, N, J.,sepu IK. An agreement tor one year has been entered Into with their bosses b the Mala mid Metul ltoolers' I nlon, inembiisof which wllpre celvo Mi right hntiis. Ktltenci' his lucn gathered bv the ntl Kneallng L'ulon slncj lhe new Antl-Svvcatliig Pivv was adopted ing shops have been esinbllshed In this city. M'ternl new I) ergnnlrcd sh'ips were placed under thu Jurisdiction of ilr.inch '.' of th" I l-bolsli-rers' I'lilon ibis week, llustue-s Is lalr. , 'lho Urancli hnsgulned ilKhl new mcmbeis. V. J. caiinnii, ot tho i Ignr-Mukers' Inter-1 liallnnull'nl'in.hns been sent to Denver, Col., I uv I'reshliiil IVrkltiH to becuro a suitable i tltoiur the comteinplatcd home for disabled ' and decrepit uieinbers. 'lho Municipal Council of Ilattlo Creek,' Jllch., has resolved llmt Tsrnesle steel nnu Iron must, under no clrciuiisluiiceh, boused in constructing nn of ihu publio works In that ilt). Jersey city rornlee makers and sk light wurkert have Uen In tho habit of working nt rates below tho scale In Ihls tllv.ninl the lloanlof Walking ltlig,ilcs has leoolved to put nn end to the pucthe. 'lo assist their blrlklng mrinler'. the I'nlted W'ooil-i urvers' Association has ri iclvcil (Ton Iroiu the Nntlmiul organlatlon. lo-morrow iiiteriiton the hlrikers will intit at .151 Kusl 'DiUiy-occouil sunt. Ton negotiations wllh Carroll, Werner Jl Co. have bi en l token off by lhe union inakers' lucal Mrlso comiulltie, ns iiie nnu, lnsteud ot granting tho u iifinuiide.1 by , their workmen, proposo to udue iheir , wages. Dlllerences havo arisen among the l.ibor unions at Dayton, O., because seme of them emplojed nillltnry lands lor their Labor Day purnde, the D.ijtun Ir.uUs Asseuibly hiving ' ordered that lhe mllllla should bo l) cotto l. I PlllsbmC bUtlslks show thai there have been ','4'J irductlmiH of wages In i st.vblisli i.ients Hut il timed mid i.ot proiictlou thiougli tm, Mi'Mnley bill, iiiiilo)lngtinm fiO lo ."i.tioo ini'ii cmlIi, .Not one single in in use ol wu.'cs has been rcperled. i 'lrade Islluuilshlngln the sliups under tho ' Jurisdiction ot the lulled Mnihlne Wood Wuikirs' I nlon -No. ill, 'lhelr Walktug Dele-1 g.ile has ti-ferri'il charges against thu V.jstlc 'lie Ahsoclnitou tor allowing its miuibvrs lo , work during lho eight-hour strike. lho lands or tho Maori aro rapidly Increas. Ing In value, as new jittl'isnio ccmlng by tho thousand. Thu Australian i.ovtriiiucni, reeognlzlng that lids bind will honin day to wsntid for use. is w tllag usldo '.'."xi.tiou per jiai lor the purpose ot iiciiuirlug ii irom the natives befme It rearluslvlltcd values. Wulklug Delegile rmilcli, of Cabinet Makers I nlon No. 7, Is hunting for wood. workcrsunp!o)td In piano factories who are in arrears with Ihctr iis-essments lor the last eight-hour strllu and tlt-5 l.x- 'tcutlvo lloaidoftbo Plann-Makers' I'nlon Is assisting .Mr. Kmrleh in nuuing the dclln. lueiiln. At the last meeting ot New Bpiper Writers' I'nlon No. 4 u motion to indorse the action of the Miscellaneous hecilon in rejecilng thu credentials of clothing cutters' l nlon IVo. t w as voted down and the delegates to the Cen tral Labor Union Vi-cru Instructed to report that betore rejecting any union aprlylng for admission It should be given an ooportuntty lo defend Itself agslnst charges that may bo prettrred by other unions. jflMifliTfitiTiJ CLUBS SWELL IT. Western Deniocratio Campaign Fund Mounting Upward, Great Rivalry for the Ton Prize Silk Banners. Gov. Iloyd, of Nebraska, Subscribes Through the World-Herald." lrrnmTbU.1lrnln4 " World. "I HOW 1HE FUND STANOS NOW. t.'rnml Inlal nrknovvleilsrit In -lrrilitT' "World" S2.t.fl'.'0.TII ToihI yesterday ,'KM.Ok III Bid lotnl THKOL'OII THE " W0RLD-HERAM)." iov. lloyil, of Nebraaka, fienila tn It n Ctirrk for stloo ttllier Contributions. Ouini, Nib, Copt. 7. contributions through liui'fifernhl yesterday and to day amounted to i;tr.80, making our total to date f..-il.ll. This Includes 1100 from Nebraska's Democratic Governor, Jamej V. Uoyd, who wrote this lettcri CllbrrlM. HUrSroik, Killlnr " WotU-ttmld." Dxar Bik: It affords me mucb pleasure to hand you herewith my check for 1100 as my contribution to tho Western Campaign Fund which jou are raising for legitimate expendi tures m assisting Democracy to carry tho West for tartfl reform and economical government. 1 believe that there arc a number of Western btales keenly nllvo to the Issue of tariff ic form; that It ths (acts can bo properly brought to tbo attention nt tho people, the cause of Democracy will thrive. 1 regret that my means will not permit ot my making a larger contribution at this time, hut I feci It to be my duty to ilo this and deem It the duty of every Democrat to do likewise In propor tion to his means. Yours, Ac, Jis. E. Born. Itpportad by the Itliuca " Democrat." Itiuca, N. v.. Hept. 7. Tbo Ithaca JYmo. crnt to-day received for tho Western Demo, cratlc Campaign Fund ." from a rcueca County Democrat and (I cash. TWENTY CLUBS CONTESTING. Increasing Interest Known In tho Hare for lh Ton 1'rlso Manner. lho political clubs have this week sbown more activity than at auy previous time dur- ' log tbe Presidential campaign, and the pros- j peels are that tbe next fow days will stluiti- I late them all Into actlro participation in tho canvass. Twonty Important clubs aro now psitlclptillug in tho banner contest, which will close tbo 1st of next month, when the ten bllken, gold-trtngcd banners will bu Jis- 'trlbutid to those subscribing the largest ng- gregato umuuuts to tho Western Democratic ' Campaign Fund. '1 bu name ot tbo Tammany ' Asjmlallou of the l'lrst Assembly District lias I utcn added to tho Hsu Ihlsls the organlta- Hon wall which lteglsler Frank: T. Fitzgerald Is Identified, and It Is one of the strongest of the kind In tho city. Mr. ritgirald Is lho only New Yorker who Is an ex-congressman without ever bavlngsat In tho Housj ol ltcprcscnlailves. That was because be Is such a popular man that he was elected to his present position before he had a chance to take Ills seal at Washington. Uuder the now apportionment his district now eUcndsto bprlng street, west of llroad-' way from tho llattot , besides taking In a I small portion east of llrondwuy. Mum ho Is ull-puweiiul .imoug tho lullueutlnl residents, and his friends aiu confident that his man agement this year will show bigger results llit-ie tlinn everboloio. Yesterday Mr. Fitzgerald Bald with nn nlr of coulldeuco that this poiiiou oi tho city would give a bigger majority fur Cleveland! this year than in either ot thu two l'iesl- dent lil eleittuus when ho was a CHiulldnni twfuia. U" was so certain of alialnlug Ihls rosttlt lots of shrewd politicians who i know hliu ure leady to bet. two to one on It. Mr. Fllrgerald, who is hardly yi thlt nru ye.irs oi ngc, believes not only In working I t.uiit'sily lor lho success or tbo Democratic ticket here In New York, but In hclplug tn i.un lho Males out West which have been slldPig inpldly innards Democrac). Hu Hun tore appears as a substantial contributor loth Western Democratic campaign Fund. Kv-AldiTiuau Henry F'legcnneluicr. who appears among hu euntrlbuiors, Is another representative Democrat who bellovis that somiiof the Western Mates may bu carried lor i level mil, and Is wllllngin help the cause. Il husorcatiUot onoof the largest (leruiau tlevelatid and hletensan clubs In tho my mid Is one oi lho best-know u men on Hie east side. '1 nit club, h Ihu way, will probuly i be beatdlrehi In lhe bantu r contest holme I many day inlai sc I 'I he 1 crdliiuinl Levy Democracy has llke Ivvisu Mgnllled llnougli Us onicrrs nnliiten-i I Hun to come in with u uandsouiecomrlbnilou ! und win one of those ten silk hauliers- For I In new organlal Ion therii could bo no better! trophy oi net lie assistance given to I lie cause of national Democracy In this I'resldenilal I car. Olhei organlallnns in thecli) are mi (oulldeul that the) can win ono ot thoso siiK I , baiini rs that they think there Is no hurry , ubnill sending their suo-crlpilotis In, bin it ' wtll tw seen lho clubs how taking pari , ale steadily climbing ahead through tint con- i trllutloiisui uicmheisaud their mends. i II will te lemembered Hint irltudsoi po. ' org.vnl iilons aro Just as eligible as conn Ibutors to ilw banner lontest ns irgubir inu'iib rs mid these have alrenil been nu merous slncu 11 opened. It Is alsd advisable Uiul sjb.cilpilous be sent In In the Wistern I Demo. railc Campaign Fund as soon ns re idled v seiminto account Is kept on tlio books of Hie monuv sn sum In and w 111 be If jiorted In tle'-e col ums trim nun to lime. i lie banner clubs-ihose whnh win tbe ten silken bauiieib ivlll bulhe ten which stand at the head of the list when iho content Is ImniiMit In u close, and lliey will thus achieve a distinction without n parallel In any I'resl denlbil election vrhUh lus heietoiuru taken plave. I Iiie nniouut ot the stibsi'rlptlnns will alone decide thu contest. Main nt thu clubs now In the rield are tar In nlvanci In the r.ico, nmt clubs which lutt nd to pnrilclpilo ehould not n iisie any lime iiboui coining In, but do so at once. A stibsulp. Inn of auy amount will do as a statler. Mere arc the clubs now , participating In ihu contest : ( lcvelnml niul Mi v, uaon Club of the Tenth Aairinbly llla'rlct. Tnmmnliv Aaaoelatlon of the First Aa aeinlily Illatrlrt. Ilrmocratlc Cluli, llallaton Spa, N. Y. Comaiictm Club, Third Aaaoinbly Iili trlrt. TunimHiiy Club, new seventh Aaienvbly Dl.lrrl. I Talillilnny Aaaoclatlun. now Tenth A9- ! arinbly lllatrlct. I TuinniMiiv Aanrlntlon, new Fourteenth Aakilllblv IHatrlrt. rieveluml Cluli of the Fcvenleonth Witril. Itrooklyii. Vounir Men' nomocracy. Auburn, IleinorrHtlc Cillb, lluffalo. C'lcvelMiiil iiml Mrvenioa Caiuipalcn Club, IllilKi llrlil, Conn. Demorrallc Club, Home, If. Y. a'oung Men's TartnT Itoforra Clob, IF.IIiabelh, , J. roeond Word Ooroland sad Bteveuion Club, Kllsabcth, K. J, FOR THE WESTERN DEMOCRATIC CAMPAICN FUND. I contribute rtime ..,..,,...-.-9. Address Date Make checks and money-orders payable to the Western Democratic Campaign Fund. Address all communications to the Western Campaign Fund, box g,ul Now York City. "The World" naU vnnr aiibarrlptlnn lo the Western Peinucrnlle (,'umpiiliiii I'll nil. Hrnrea orilrmorriitle newatiopert In other imrla nf lho roiinlrr liavn oUo opened lhelr roliimna to rieelvo contri butions. All Hie money rnlaeil will bo evpemled leall"i"loly by llmndvlrr ofn eoinnilllre nf lemlliigt Western Ilemo rrols In vtolna: n vluorous educational mmpslin In tharo Weteru mtos which hnvo anno Itcpnbllenn In elections hitherto, but now dive lho .Ironoral In illrntlona ol'a tendenrr lowanla llooioc. raey nml Tariff Itrlorm. Tho larier Ihr number of anhaerln ilona. renrdleaa ol'lhelr alie, lhereoter nlll be the mornl elleel. Will vnu helof If oo, send H cheek, n reclatered letter, r inour) -order nr eaah lo lhe mlilrea given nlinie, Also. If eniivenlrnl, IIU up lho blank. In order thai jiinr aiihaerlpllun nay be nehnowledaeil In lhe ruluiuna ol "Tho World." Third Ward Cleveland anil Slevenaon DotnocrHtlo Aaaoclntloii, IStlznbelh. N. J. Yorkvlllo Democratic Club. Ilnrlein lloinoerHtlo Club. Jefferson leniucmtlc Club, New Haven. Conn- Tariff Itiform Club, South Orange. N.J. Jefferson Demorratlc Club. GDS5IF OF RING AND FIELD. There Should Bo No Laggards at Sullivan's Bonefit, Tbere should bo do laggards In the sporting fraternity on tho night of Souu 17. when John L. Sullivan takes a benefit In Madison Square Harden. Oi anted that be now stands as a defeated champion, his psBt marvellous career ot uninterrupted victories is yet to bo equalled. bulllvan beietofore has numbered bis trlends by the thousands. It will lie a capital opportunity to learn bow strong was bis bold upon tbcm by tbo number that appear at his benefit in tho Harden. If they they aro stanch adherents or the once incomparable pugilist and not tbo fickle falr-wenther friends who always cleave to sn Idol In power, they will rally to the Harden and show by their presence and cheers that John 1. t-ulllvan still holds a warm place In their hearts. Ilecntiso sulllvan has been whipped It Is no reason why tbo public should frown tin turn Its back upon him. 'Ihalls ungenerous to a man whoso gladiatorial prowess set t bo world by tlio earj fur a deca 1c. Sullivan will luaku Just as good an exhlDl tlon at tbo Uardon. Sept. 17, as bo would If James J. enrbott hadn't tout tho laurel wreath so savagely from lh brow, The entries for the Metropolitan Champion ships at Manhattan Field to-morrow are out, and while tbo entry list Is not a big ono It contnlns tlio veiy cream ot tbo talent. In tho 100-jard sprint nro tbo names of such tl)trs as F- W. Allen, Tommy Leo, 11. T. Harding, A. 1'. Copelnnd and "MMtlo" llal pin. on paper It looks as It thu raco wore Allen's; that Is, If the nung Vnleuslan shows ; tho lorm bo did last Saturday ut lbs Colum bia games. Tho mile walk will bring bhoar mun, Mock, Ntcoll, l.ctson, Moriarlty and ! Bam Hebgbld togetber, and the first two named will probably do Iho lighting for Ill-it place. Tbe l'.'U-ynrd hurdlo has among lis compctltoit, Harry Harding, Many Morell, i Copelaud aud lleorgi) .schuUr. Lyons, Dow us, McMnnery, Dadinun aud Turner nro j botueuftho cracks entered In lho quarter ! mllu run. Tho great and only Zimmerman, i who was to havo appeared at .Manhattan Field two wicks ago, but didn't, will start In the two-mlle safety blc.vcle raco; also tleorgo 'laylor, llerlo, tho Murphys, lloyland, bmlth and Hanker. A. H. Heorge, Hillings, ltoddy, Dadmuu, Wlnslow, and Turner will try con- ' elusions In tho hall-mile run. Tommy con-' r.cir, Mlllo Dny. lljeitsberg. Heoige, Hoi lander, carter, o'Kcifc and Walsh aro en teied In tho dlstniico run. 'ihu Held events promise qullo as good sport as do tbo track events. Among tho entries lor lho runnlug high Jump ure Hon, Herrlik. i llulluck, bvvienoy nml Mekcrson. ijucck i bornor, Oiay, Mitchell, lllauninl and Cough- Ian, oil men ot mighty musclo will meet In I tho blxloen-pound shot putting. Tho satno men with Mike li'htitllvan added will try lor I the sixteen-pound hammer-throwing contest Malcolm l'oul, Hon, Puffer, schwegeler, ' Utrues and .Moouey nro entered In thu lim ning broad jump. In tlio polo vault Is Hugh Il.ixtcr, Mullock, Tow tie, Ityder and Cncy. With this programme and a loilay I the Metropolitan chami lonshlps should be a success. . lho ucvv chuiiplJii of Iho world. James J, , cerbvll. will i,. given a llg reiepilon at .Madison Square Harden next Mnudu) even- 'Ing. loibitt will uuet three wel'-kuown 1 pugilists, spurlug each lour lounds. Ilesldes this event there will te two teu-rouod Ihjius Itr a spirlal put so of 11,000. Fifteen oilier prominent Imrrs and wrestlers will lake! pari In mo exhibition. Mnnsger Hrndv wired his reptesi illative, Sam Tluli, .vistiidaj hu would cli.uior a special train ot tlueo l'ulluian Hiepers and u dlulng cat, leaving New HrleJUs this alleriKsui and milvlug at Jeii.05 Cliv iindi.y evening abmii 7.H0. Mr. Iliad his extvuiled an invliatiuu to all Iheilltteieiii iieHiapericproseninilvesti) re turn wllh the ihsniplonoi the World at his expense. I pu.i CorLelt's arrival in .New i nikh will bu driven direct to the Coleman lluue. ll.rreli a Miial'.-Mzed disturbance among t heal bides of lho I'nMlmi' Athletic i lull over the respective lueillsot Us two crack walkers, ! win l.lebgold and W. I.UU 1 here vv us a dlv I pule in to which ono secured tho largist I number ot points lor beason's work, and the I judges. It Is said, decided In fxvor of Kills. I l.let'gol 1 Issjld in have threatened to rcrlgu ; unliss ihv. iiiatli'i Is reconsldcreJ. ... The Columbia A. C. will hnM a meeting to night in make arrangeuii nts lor an ludoor liuetln; In tie carl Winter. It It is con iiucled us well as was lho outdoor games it will be a Bticiiss. the columblas cleared In thu neljlihorhood ot H.ouo ou lhe games last Monday, Eivrly Mornlner Flroe. The police report this morning that a tiro on tbe fourth floor ot lit) Collcgo place, occu pied by John M. Marls, dealer la glassware, did (500 damage. A barber-sbop at 10S West Twenty-sixth street wss on fire early tins morning and 240 damage was done. i1-f2VL." t'lsaSaV'MiWaiuiaaali flflflflflflflflflflflfflflflflflflflflflflflflfll TALK OF THE STAGE WORLD. Jennio Yeaman3 Figures in a Soono Not on the Bills. Theatrical People Heavy liosers on tbe Itls KIht. Jennie Yeamans bad a very uncomfortable time ot It at her last matinee performance of "I r. it.," at tho liljou. Tho network of tlueaj manipulating tbo dangling, dancing doll figure, upon which Miss Yeamans rests her bead In thu mailonctte specially, becamo entangled about her neck, and the grimaces which tbo autllcnco apjilauaed and laughed si wero simply genulno expressions of Miss Veamans's helpless anguish caused by tho tugging ot the pro) erty man. Every time be pulled tbe string Miss Ycsmans wss nearly choked. Art had nothing to do with her facial contortions, which tho audience jeemed to llko Just the same. Perhaps they wero getting even with Jennie for Intlictlng toch a farce-comedy upon them. . . Theatrical people were heavy losers on the bulllvan Corbett fray. 7 bey bet upon tbe gentlemsu who didn't win, and bet pretty heavily tn many cases. The piece In which Corbett Is to star under the management ot W. J. llrady Is called " Gentleman Jack." It Is said that Its author had a contract by the terms of which be was to get 500 and a royalty If Corbett won the fight, and merely the royalty If ho lost it Mrs. Oeorglo Drew Barrymore Is said to be again 111, and her part in "Settled Out of Court " may possibly be played by Miss Grace Henderson. Miss Dlythe ot Duluth' Is the fetching title ot a new play that will be presented this teasoii by Annie I'lxlcy. Tbe author ot tbo (omedy Is William mil, who is responsible for " In I'urudise," " our uovcrnor," " My sweet, heart," Adonis " and a number of other tri fles. Miss I'lxlcy will play tbe piece Orst In lioaion. . Tho suit worn by Christopher Columbus In tbo extravaganza ot " 14 da" now ou tour under tbe management of E. E. nice, Is said to bo "an affair of surpassing elegance, the cost of Its construction amounting to U00." It Is worn by big. l'eruglnl. Charles Ktrke appears as Fcidlnand; Hicham Harlow as Isabella; Edward M.Favor as the Koyal Treas urer, and Iheresa Vaughn as the Infanta Joanna. Laura Pchirmer-Msplcson, her husband and several members of tbo company that Is to suppoit her at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, will arrive In tbls country on the city ot cbestcr. They were to have sailed Aug. s.'3, but lor choleraic reasons did not do so. ... I'.oso Cogblsn Is at present suffering very severely lrom bay fever, and for tbat reason old not go to England, lho oumbor ot trips abroad that Miss Coghlan is Invariably going o tnke, yet doesn't take, grows graoually larger, she will open her beason tn " Tbe Check Unox." Tornsghl, one ot the dancers of The Black Crook," lias been very ill for soreral days and bos only just returned to the Academy. Judging from the manner In which bqs again pirouettes, her Indisposition could not have been very serious. There Is to be a season ot English light opera In Egypt during tbo coming Winter, and Edwin eleary. In London, Is going to ar ran go lor it. lie announces that he has been asked to do so by thu Khedive, ... Miss Edith Kcnward, who is now playing on.' of tho sprightly widows In " Mr. Wil kinson's Widows" nt the Columbia Theatre, I lirooklyn, is very much amused at tbe state , ment that she Is going to Introduce her fa I mous kangaroo dance Into otllette'a adapta tion. There would certainly be no rhyme or reason (or such a specialty. SHOT DOWN BY HIS FRIEND. Owen Collins Probably Tkstally Wounded In a Beer Quarrel. (i wen Collins Is In Manhattan Hospital to day wllh a bullet wound la bis abdomen, which will probably causo his death. The police aro looking for Oeorgo Ueckor, who, they say, is alio known as Marks, and who escaped after shooting Collins twlco late last night In one Hundred and Tenth street, be. tween tbo Boulevard and Amsterdam avenue. ColllnB lives at 'J1H West Ono Hundred and Tenth street. Becker or IK arks drtves an ash cart and lives at HI W'eBt one Hundred and Ninth stinet. Tbo two havo known, each other for a lung ttmo. Tho shooting occurred after a quarrel as to i who should buy the beer next. Collins and Becker got into a nght over It. I Becker suddenly whipped out a revolver and filed two shots at Collins, who tell to the gioui it with a cry ot I'm shot." One ot the bullets bad struck blm In lho abdomon on tbe lelt slue and tho other passed through his right hand. I Before any ono could stop blm Becker ran , away and made Ms escape. Detectives Walts and Cain, of tbe West line llundiudtb street station, are looking tor Becker. William e. sharon resigns. His Views on Silver Cause Him to Leave the Republican Committee. Irv ifiociATrn raraa.1 Pan Francisco, cal., Eopt. u. William E. fsharon, member of the National Itepublican Commlttco for Nevada, has written a letter toM. 11. Do Young, acting chairman ot tho Executive committee, In which be resigns as ' a member of the committee. Mr. Sharon says that owing to his views on the UIvi r question bo cannot remain on tho , comnilileo. EXPRESS TRAIN HELD UP. Shots Are Exchanged, but the Rob bora Beouro No Booty. Inv AMoriATvn paras, I Ht', O. T., bept. Ik The 11.40 south bound passenger trnln on tho Santa Ke was held up by train robbe: sal Wharton, In the Cherokee strip, a station twenty milts nor. h of this city. 'l hree men ordered Fireman Itoss aud Kn glnier dpoonaugher to step down. They led lio.ti to tbe door of thu express car and told him to baiter It in. When the nrst blow was struck tho messenger flrcd through It. Tbo Drcman stepped back, but the men wl'.b cocked Win chesters again commanded blm to continue work. Tho door was bruken open and lho rot bers entered only to liuil the sate mpiy. No effort was made to rob the passenger. PUBLISHER APPLET0N HURT. Thrown from Bis Horse on Moenolu I Avenue This Morning. I Mr. WUUam II. Appleton, tbe publisher, of, n Bond street, met with a serious accident this morning. I Hi was thrown from his horse while riding ' on Mo.sholu avenue, between ltlverdale lane and Ureal woy. ills left shoulder was In jured. He was taken to bis borne on Charles street, ltlverdale. Mr. Appleton Is slxt -eight years old. Chinamen Naturalized In Augusta. 1st iwociiTitn riima.1 A cor st a, Me., Sept. a Woh Ngock Lee, a Chinese laundryman, was naturalized yes. terday, being tbe Orst Chinaman to receive etttxansblp tn this State, lie came to this country in 1S73 aad attended a scnoolln Connecticut, where be married bis school , uacher, a young woman Irom Maine. PlS WMFSmHMC" IOflll I Bridet of the Autumn. Outside of the troops ot mothers with little daughters to fit out for the school days tbat have now set In aro to be Bern for tbe most part In tbe large stcros pairs of matrons and younger women of twenty-one or twenty-two who are especially Interested In white silks sndsntlns. Mother and daughter, nf course, snd It does not take a very clever reader of character to discern at a glanco that, the hapov, blushing demoiselle will be trans formed Into a happy, blushing bride a nhort Hmo hence. aHHHBle?2aaBPefiHaHHHBW rtt i ret ifUVl fllflK. THIS 13 TDK WXT TO bnlSS TBS BABT. ' When a girl goes to buy a ball or dinner gown she Is not at all disconcerted, even If It is to bo ono of wblte material, but let her know once that tbo sheeny fabric will form the foundation ot her wedding gown an I she thinks every one clso Is ecmally well In formed, and therefore looks conscious, and In that way tells tho secret she imagines is so zealously iruarded. I'assers-by can catch scraps of conversation about Jack's prefer ence for satin and tho length ot the veil must correspond with the train." Therefore, as we sold before. It Is not harl to guess what the anxious conferences and whispered criti cisms mean. For Cooking String Beans. Break the beans, wash carefully, put Into boiling water with a little salt. Boll for tbreo ' hours. Just before they aro dono throw In a Inch of saleratus. Servo with butter and cream. Fall Toilets. Tho new Fall tollots bid fair to be the pret tiest and most elegant ot any tbat have ever been seen, both In color and make. Tho pre vailing colors for early Autumn will partake of tbo coloring In nature, nud bo russet, faded reds and purples, with warm browns and sott yellows. The new Fall woollens nro seen In those colors and In mixtures and also cbangeablo effects. There Is n pretty serge, with tho warp of palo blue, like the Autumn sky, and a rich yellow, like tho poplar leaves, for woof and the tones blend and mingle, so that In one light It Is blue, in nnothcr yellow, and all togetber a oclicato green. Trimmed, as tbls was, with tour mil row silk pinked ruffles around the bottom and ndrnptdcor sage ot silk bearing tho same shades, and with wrinkled sleeves, bordered by three of tho tiniest runies, It was most bcaullfuL Indoor Dress. Tho Ingredients of tho Indoor dress nro fawn-strlped vicuna, brown silk and narrow Jet trimming. The bodice, save tho vest, which matches tho skirt and Is stuped with iwmtik ,v' w v aafaWr?!i V ' C-flaTVaBBl l SwiJHCn jVi Jet, and the front panel or petticoat, which ever you my chocso to coll it, are ot brown , cllk. It Is a favoilto Uia now tnbavo the bodice and tklrt ot dlffert nt materials. Old Skirts Make New Blouses. How to utlllie skim which aro still fresh and pretty, whoso waists have become use less, Is a problem w lilch disturbs tbe minds of many women, even those who dress extrava gantly. Tbat they offer an oasy solution to this problem Is tbe secret of tbe greet success ot every bort of Eton, Zouave and Hussion jacket, theatre ooat, corselet and gutmpe and blouse waist. Most ot the naw fancy jackets tor Autumn aro made cither of velvet or cloth, velvet preferably, as tbey cost but a song and look' rich and chic and are always tecomlng. Homo ot these have slightly open sleeves, which reach Just below tbe elbow. A num ber of dslnty silk blouso front;, sewed to glovc-nttlog underwalsts of thin lining mate rial, many of which hook or button urn the back, nro added, with as many sleeves In full bWiop fasnlon to match. Any number of charming variations can bo mode by means of a choice of pretty and becoming blouso fronts, and there should slwnys be one ot white lace " for best," with purred sleives to correspond. Tho blouses can be varied In tbelr style and adjustment by means of folds, plaited trills, Jabots ot lace, velvet ribbon and embroidery. ' m This Is a Pincushion. A pretty pincushion Is called tho miller's bags. The octagon foundation of thin wood or strong millboard Is covered with yellowish plush, to which tho two bags ot bright yellow material, with turnovers and tying ribbons ot a darker shade, are fixed. The mice are made of wblte plush, with Jet eyes, and a tnlck strand ot wool serves at a toll. m Fourtoen Babies at Onct. In a town about sixty miles up the Hudson there was held recently a wholesale christen ing In tbo swell Presbyterian Churcb, at tended by all tho first families of tho place. Fourteen small scions wero presented on a certain eventful Sunday, and tho ensuing riot can bo better Imagined than described. Not only did the babies get rattled, but tbe young fathers, who were not In the habit of holding their offspring, completely lost their beads, and one more seriously affected than the rest held his child with Its head hanging over bis arm, Just as ho was In tho habit of carrying his top-coat. Tho purple appearance or tho Inverted Infant attracted attention, aud an old lady In tbo front scat endeavored to call tho father's attention to It by pulling his coat-tall, which performanco only resulted n tho baby being nearly dropped entirely by tho excited and disturbed parent. Pande monium reigned. Every baby cried Us hard est, and when at last, la the concluding prayer, tbo minister mentioned that "they ralbid their voices to heaven," nn audible bnlckcrrnn through tho edlilce and all sol emnity was effectively dispelled. Tho Passion Flower. 'lho passion flower dcilvcs Its name from an lucn that all tbo Instruments ot Christ's Fission aro represented viz , tho five wounds, iho column or pillar of scourging, besides the threu rolls, thu crown of thorns, c. Most oi tho lasslon flowers are natives of thu hottest parts ot Atntrlca. Time lor Broiling. Without venturing en exact figures, the following time-table will give an approximate idea of tho time lequlrod lor articles tie qucnlly biolled: Irian f. Htrak, V lain thick, unaerden , s biras, i lucn tlnvk, ultb tbe rravr in 10 Hleak, H Incli tohk. nail dour ij l,olu vlioiia, tt Inill, llgtill uoua ., 10 IaiIii ihoe-i, l inch thick, well iluof I'i .Ne-ik c!itl, vsj nidi llilca, lightly duua .... 7 Nk ihoi'i, inch Hack, Walloons 'j hliri' klunM, aiilit s Mirlna vhirkaui, uplu open 35 IN.'ruiii. Htillt oui ,, vv t'rinu biuiiia, w luiv ,,, ,,,. .lOtolfi tiloaur. split . o blico in tn I or kaIiiio i, ) invii tblva, and wral'lin! In paper JO Mackerel, aplu.. , jj lUrtrii c , , ,t(.. y,, Mutbroviiik tbiacaitipi) jrj Waistcoats of Leather. leather Is much used for waistcoats and as a trimming tor tailor-made dresses. A very fine gown, made on one of the newest models, and admired vastly, was ot gendarme blue aerie, with open jacket tn match, and double, breasted waistcoat ot antelope akin. aboUm dress for travelling or country wear or snoriflj Ing purposes was of russet brown cneoJJflJ homespun wllh a light bluo cloth walstcoatflj Cleaning Windows. iw Hare ready a muslin bag tullot wbltinfjflJ and two wash-leathers. Dust the glass thlcklyfl 1 with lho whiting, then run it off thoroughly with a damp-hot wet leather, and tlnalbyfl ') polish It well with n clean, dry one. This 111 ' the method pursued by workmen when clean- : i ing the windows of a new house, and gives l polish unknown to the glass washed In thai flj ordinary way. Another excellent method for 1 giving brilliancy to glass Is to damp a rag I with spirits ot wine, rub tbo glass well with this, and then polish as betore with a clean, dry leather. Newspapers aro admirable as polishers for window panes, as for any glass save that used for food or beverages. ? MENU. ) 1 V Batubdat, Bxrt 10. S ' M ) anXAKFAST. S ) WntatOranulai, aagar andCrw-ri. C ft (Bttwxt Ueaf'a Kldneji. Friad PoUtou. I ) Rica Mafflni. Corfee. V ' S LUNCH. , ( Li Barbtcuad Ham. Tomato Salad.) Ibis Braid and Battar. ( H ( Frnll. Caka, 1 leid Taa. I omnia. c Craam of Corn Soap. ) Hi 'l Roast Dackllngi Currant Jam. t I Irenih Fried Potatoae. BakidTomatoet. t Lima Beana. beettalad. ) Wafer!, Cbeeae. ( Coffee. ( Evening Shades. H Opal white, Kile green and yellow are to be (, M tbe successful evening shades. Ono dress- " B maker says she has nine yellow silks, satins m and brocades to make up for tho great Octo- Ml ber occasion, not a single one like another In I tone. All yellows "go," except orange, or anything shading on tbo orange and that Is under the ban of popular disapproval. Tel I low and white In combination will be much 1 1 used. Tnere Is a light, willowy green, which 9J Is called a gas-light color, but wUl not take IjflJ well, no matter how much It Is pushed. Ufl Lemon Marmalade. H The following Is a genuine old grand H mother's recipe: Boll the rinds ot your lemons ' BF in wator till tender, and then beat them In a H mortar; next boll up tbreo pounds of refined sugar (loaf sugar) tn a pint of water, skim It H and add to It a pound nf tho rlnd; boll fast till the syrup ts thick, stirring carefully all the while; having removed all seeds, put the pulp and Juice to it, with a plntot apple , Q liquor; boll all gently until well jclllcd.whlch " will be In about thirty minutes. Pour Into m N small pots. Oranges may be done In thla m same manner If desired. I The Slaughter of Birds. I In ono consignment recently a feather F dealer In London received 6,000 birds of para. disc. 300,000 birds ot various kinds from the Kast Indies and 400,000 humming birds. In three months another dealer Imported 306 ' 308 birds from tbo Kast Indies. , ' Rice and Apple Souffle. j Boll two tablespoon! uls ot rice In half a pint of milk ; when soft add tho yolks ot two eggs, and sugar to sweeten; make a wall with It around tbo sides ot tho dish, stew some pared and cored apples until sott, nil up the apertures In tbe apples with red , currant, Jelly, pllo them In the centre ot the dlsb, and cover the whole with tho whites of two eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and mado very sweet with wblto sugar. Brown In the oven and serve wllh cream. ' -1 1S Que an Victoria's Bolls. At Osborne, In a room of her pretty coun try house, whero Queen Victoria had been staying for a tew weeks, a wonderful party of dolls Is Just now assembled. Such tunny creatures tbey are, with wooden beads and hair combed down flat over their ears, and then caught up and twisted In a prim UtUa knot at tbe back. They aro Butch dolls, and when the Queen was a little girl sho used to play with them - and make their clothes. That was long before fliwlc "oSy 'A jfewn una 1 the days nf elegant wax, or china, or compo- sltlcndolU. For a long tlnio these dells bad H been stored away somewhere in Buckingham H l'nlaje, but lhe other day sir Henry l'onsonby fln found them quite r-ecldentally, and now they If i havo come to great honor and glory, and are I rf being photographed and admired and Ion. Iv One of their attractions ts that they are . I , dressed tn the national costumes ot as many l different countries as tn ere are doU la thla if ' royal company. It