Newspaper Page Text
I THE WQBLDt FRIDAY EVKKIKG, SEPTEMBER 9, 1892.' ' ' 7'ISbbbbbbi I BEHNETT'S SLKVER IS HELD. I ( I Janitor Davenport Says He Struok I in Self-Defense. The Bloon-Keeper Abused I1U Wife I and Knocked Illrn Down. I Frank A. luvenport, tho alleged murderer I or Sloon-Kcepr Frank Bennett, or Win At- ( lantlo arenue, Brooklyn, was arraigned In tho I Butler Street Police Court, Brooklyn, this I , mornlnir, and held for the coroner. Bandages ) concealed several deep scalp wounds, which ' lie said were received In tho struggle ending M in Bennett's death. Davenport Is thirty years old and Is Janitor . of the Cumberland Flats at 88 Herkimer I street, Brooklyn, in a statement which he made to the dtteotlves ot the Twenty-second I ( Precinct he satd that Bennett called at his I houso Wednesday evening at about 0.30 I o'clock, accompanied by Altred Ileyzer, Ot I' 1078 Fulton street, to collect a beer bill of I 2.&o. They abused his wlte, and when she I ordered them out Bennett struck her. m Davenport said he tben struck Bennett B. the lace with his nst, and when Ileyzer went. to the street and ploked tip a stone, he got a m baseball bat. . Alter chasing Ueyzer he turned to go back, when Bennett threw n stuue, knocking bin dowu. He got up and hit Bennett over the 9 bead with the club. I Tben he went to Dr. Price s and had his 1 wounds dressed, lie stayed at. Mrs. Frank 'K i Crosby's, at Atkins street and Belmont ve- iil nue, that night, and yesterday morning went to his mother-in-law's, at 1020 Pacinc street, where ho v. as arrested. Ileyzer was committed by Judge Walsh this H morning for drunkenness and will be held as afMtneas. I STOLE LIKE HIS ELDERS. H EmbeczHnar Messentrer Hanraban Held for Trial. H John W. Hanrahan, alias James H. Ualla- 1 gher, the serenteen-yenr-old telegraph mes- B senger boy who In August, 1801, ran away L with 1634.76 collected for the New York B branch of the Nevada Bank ot Ban Francisco, M was arraigned In Jefferson Market Court to- B day and held for trial. Detective Hergts. Aloncle and Formosa ar ! rested him yesterday while hs was wander. lug about the Battery. Whfr. w ran away from this city he went first w Philadelphia, then to L'blcago and then lurther West. He said, to-day that while out West he lived Uko a prince and rode In palace cars. Plnce be returned two weeks ago he has lived on what he could pick, up about Wash I H Uigton Market. PIGS IN THE BASEMENTS. M Some of the Owners Hold Permits M from tbe Health Department. H James Cosiello, Peter Flanagan and Michael V JlcQarry, all living In the vicinity ot Meeker H avenue and Ewen street, Williamsburg, were H each fined ts In the Lee Avenue Police Court H this morning for keeping pigs without a license. In Investigating the premises In thepooier sections of the city, the police have found nu j merous cases where pigs are kept In baue ffl ments, many of the people holding permits ' Mr from the Brooklyn Department of Health, and others without any permit whatever. w Bait-Blde-Democratlo Club Formed. I Tbe East Bide Democratic Club has been I formed by citizens ot the upper part ot the I Twenty-second Assembly District, with head- I iiuarters at 15S4 Avenue A. Aloert T. Holzer I H President; J. U. Cramer and Chas. Hagen, f Vice-Presidents; Joseph A. Redmond, Berre- tary, and William ilc.Nulty, Flnanolal Uecre-tary. j 8 HIP PINO NJEW8. ' ALMANAC FOB TO-DAY. I unrl..l...3.BnneeU..6.19 loourlie. s.lfi I UOH WATSB TO-DAT. I a. m. r. m. 8andyIIook .21 v.48 Uovornor'a Island 9.44 10.07 UeliOate 11.37 l'J.OQ LOW WATEB TO-DST. ' Bandy Hook , 3.01 3.38 Uovernor'e Island 3.o7 4.04 1UI1 Oila...... 6.04 8.32 To change Eaatern etanderd time to N aw York lln tltte aubtract four minutes. POUT OF NKW YORK. ARRIVED. Etsamer Colorado, Cant. Kvanl. from Galvsston, Aug. 110 and Savannah Sept. o. la ballast to iharlra II. Maliory A Co bteamer Comal, i'apt. Risk, from Galveston 8ept. 8 and Kf Watt bib. with merohandee and paassuaers to Charles li, Maliory A Co. Steamer City of havanueti. Oeut. Savage, from Philadelphia, fa Lallan to It. L. Walker. Steamer Vtieland. Capt. Karlowa, from Ham . burr Aug. 38 aad Ilavra SO wiln marchaudlla and Caaaoarira to U. J. UortU. anchorad In lowar bay, d yallow flag flrlog whaa paislng Haody Hook. Htaamar Joaapa Joha, Capt. Millar, from Ham burg Aug. 1!U with marohandlaa to J. U. Vt Inches tar I Co. Mtaamar Britannic. Capt. Smith, from Liverpool Aug. aland Qoaanstown 8apt. 1 with merchandise and passengers to H. Maltland Keraey. rtteamer Saginaw, Capt.Head, (root haa Domluo City, io.t with rooronaadise and passengers to Win. P. Clyde A Co. Steamer Prlna Willem I., Capt. Bordrager, from Amsterdam July fs and Paramaribo, go., wilb luerahaadlsa and paseengere to Kunbardt A Cou OUTGOING STEAMERS. SAILED TO-UAI. City of Birmingham. Savannah, SUM of 'layaa. Farnandlna. TO SAIL AAJT. 10. ' 0 MutU tlou. rsiMlsatfa, Hlbe, Bremen 4.30 A si 6.00 am Inlda. Oenoa 10.00am Cltiol Home, Ulasgow 6.00 am R.IIUah la Bourgogne, Havre U.3VAM 6.30AM lA)utalana. ew Orleans i.uitru I Panama, SantUgo, Cuba 10.00 A af l'J.OO M I Orlsaba, Havana 11.00 am 1.00 pm Umbria, Liverpool 4 30am 8.00am Veendan, Rotterdam 6.00 am 8.00 am Wyoming, Liverpool 8.00 am .. TO SAIL SEPT. 12. Tallahaaase, Aavannan 3.00 rM YemanssM, Charleston. ...... 1. 00 CM TO SAIL SKPT. 13. Bnree.Bremen 10 00 am Veneiueia, Laguayra 1,00PM 3.00 I'M 1NCOMINO STSAMBR3. rca TO-I1AT. Zaandam. Amsterdsm Aug. 14. hcandla. Hamburg Aug. 'J9. Bt, Pancraa, London Aug. it. DCE silT. 10. Brlgsaland, Antwerp Ang. 81. Kaissr Wilhelm II., Bremen Sept. L Brooklyn City, liwanaea Aug. 27. t Columbia, Southampton, SCE 1SPT. 11. Alaaks. Liverpool Bept. 3. Aarania, Liverpool bept. 3, Kthiople, Glasgow Sept. 1. Didam, Amsterdam Aag. Jl, Amain, Hamburg Aug. 28. Maitello. Unit Aug. 'id. Ssguranea, Para ang. U. DCS sept. 12. Allar, Bremen Bept. 3. bute of Nevada, Glasgow Bept. 2. Neoetria, Uihralur Aug. SO. England, Londoi Aug. 28. CaBo, Liverpool Sept. 2. DUE BEPT. 13.' City of Aletandrla. Havana Sept. 0. Plata. Gibraltar Aug. 21. VlflTanela, Rio Janeiro Aug. 19, FOHEIUN POUTS. IT CAELE.l AiarvxD. Loitoow. Bspt. I, The Hamburg.Amerloin lint steamer Augusta Victoria, Capt. Barendi, from New York BepL 1, arrived at Southampton at 4 a. M. Bept. . SIOUTED. , IoedcsT, Sept. I The National Una steamer Orece, CapU Jeffrey, from New York Aug. 26 lor London, passed the Llsard at 7 r. M. Bspt. 7 Wetttber Forecast. Local JortcaH or St Kourt ending t P. K. falurOav: Fair, $tationarv Irmprrature. The following record shows the changed la , tbe temperature during tbe morning hours as ' indicated by tbe thermometer at Perry's Pharmacy: IT A-M.,.4I A.M...ej A-M...8 11M...71 I. fmk - if'tf 1 f I ail Al rt'taSaftagil't POLICE FIND THE PISTOL. But Tounr Nolan's Father Still Be lieves His Bon's; Story. The Staten Island police have found the pistol with wblph J. Henry Nolan, ot Rich mond, who claims to have been shot by foot pads was wounded. Tbo weapon, which Is a seven-barreled 22 callbro pistol had one empty chamber. It was found In a cabbage field, a short dlitance from where Nolan says he was assaulted. Nolan's father sas he Is positive that tbe pistol found does not belong to his son, who, he says, nevef carried one. tie still believes his son's story and scouts tho rumors anoat that Harry shot himself. Nolan Is expected to bo able to attend to business In a few days. MURDER FOR A CHOLERA CHARM Brooklyn Italians Fight for a Picture of St. Rosalie. An Italian tight In Brooklyn over a picture ot St. Kosalle, who Is venerated by Sicilians because ot a tradition that through her Inter cession the cholera plague was onoe stopped In Palermo, has resulted In a murder. Robert Batsamo, forty years old, of S3 Presldeat street, died Id Long Island CoHege Hospital, this morning, from a bullet wo"Hu,ln' bis abdomen. BlxteenVyeaf-old old John Bontsclmo, oM3 President street. Is S prisoner charged with firing the Shot, and is rather, Joseph Bontsclmo, Is a tuglllvr. A picture of bu Rosalie recently came, Into tho possession of the brothers -Robert and Carmlchn Halsamo. It was claimed by Joseph Bonlsclmo. They bad a row about It Saturday night. The Balsstnos and tho Bonlsclmos met at President and Van Brunt streets early last evening. The Tour men drew revolvers and a murderous fusillade was opened. The lost Hhot tired hit Robert Balsamo. 'Young BonlHdmo a found hidden under a bed at 04 Union street. Ills father escaped. Five Italians were arrested as witnesses. STOLE HIS WIFE'S MONEY. Molina Believed to Have Married and Swindled Many Women. Samuel Molina and Annie Ilracb, were mar lied March 10 last and went to live at 01 Moore street, Williamsburg. The vtlte had 400. Molina Induced her to turn It over to him and Immediately disappeared. She found him living on North Eighth street with another woman, and tud him ar rested. Mrs. Molina believes that her husband has beon In the habit ot going from place to place and marrying women with btnoll sunn ot money. ROBBERY BY MEXICAN BANDITS. Guards Shot Down and (10,000 In Gold Secured. 1ST ASSOCIATED PBES1. Duiuxoo, Mex., Sept. o As Celas Martcs, agent ot the State Bank here, was taking 110,000 In gold over the Sierra Madre on the bacKs of mules his train was attacked by brigands lying In ambusb. 11 arte s and all his guards but one were shot down. This one escaped to the moun tains and got back safely with the story of the robbery. Mrs. Van Cott on tbe Britannic SPECIAL TO TBE EVKNINCl WORLD.) QUARANTINE, 8. I., Sept. 9. C'CCll ClBV, Ml wire, Hoslna Yokes, and Postmaster Van rott's wile are on tbe DritanUc'st passenger , Hat. Mrs. Oeogban Will Probably Die. Justice Walsh, In tbe Butler Street Police 1 Court, Brooklyn, this morning remanded Edward Qecghan to Itaymond Street Jail to await the result, ot his wife's wounds. Ueoghan, as told In Tub Evinino World, shot bis wile because she would not return to his home. At the Long Island College Hospi tal this morning u was said that Mrs. Ueoghan would probably die. Mrs. Hayner's Ante-Mortem State ment. Mrs. Charlotte .ilayner. tbe wife of Boat-' man Kenny Ilayner, ot Jersey City, w'ho was sTot by blm night before last, ss he alleged, because be had detected her In untaltblul neRS, made an ante-mortem statement to day to Coronor Parslow, In which she says her husband habitually carried a pistol and had repeatedly threatened her. It Is thought tbe woman cannot recover. Contract for a Lunatic Asylum. The Board ot Freeholders of Hudson County, N. J., awarded the contract for building a new lunatic asylum at bnake Hill to Win. II. Kelleber at, and ordered the Issue ot county Bonds to tbe amount ot 300.OO0, to be expended In tbe building and furnishing of tbe asylum, the bonus to bu ut 1,000 each and tho interest not to exceed 44 per cent. De Burtr-Burke Held for Extradition. United States Commissioner Alexander to day decided to hold Edward T. De Burg Burke, who Is charged with obtaining a lot ot Jewelry irom wholesale dealers In London on advanced checks, to await the arrli al of ex tradition puperi sew Old Man Barnett Fined 25. Joseph Barnett, sixty years old, father ot Abraham Barnett, tbe Baxter street " pufler ln," charged with killing Printer Cones last Saturday, was fined r In tbe Court ot Special HessloLS to-day tor assaulting Henry James, of 0(1 Bayard street, because ho re fused to ball Barnelt's son. . Baronet's Son Died of a Broken Heart tevTCIAI. TO TtlF FTPWINO WORLD. I Newahk, N. J., bopt. V.U Is stated that Henry Palmer's sudden death In Justice Blauket's court was caused through a broken heart. Ho realized the disgrace of being ar rested on a charge of falsa pretense. It Is claimed that palmer was tbe younger son of Sir KUmund Palmer, an English barouet. Hla Brother Burnod to Death In Jail. Thomas Harrington, ot Brooklyn, to-day served upon tbo President of Nyack Vitiligo papers In a suit for fS.OOO damages tor tho death ot bis brother, John J. Harrington, wbo was burned to death In tho Nyacklcck-up a lew months ago. An Interesting suit is expected. Denies Attempted Bulclde. A. Freese, mate of the ship Cuba, lying at the fool of North Tenth street, Williamsburg, who look a dose of laudanum last evening, claims this morning that he took tbo medi cine by mistake. aw Drowned While In Bathing. James Clary, seventeen years old, of 440 West Forty-ninth street, was drowned this morning while batblng at tbe foot of West Flltletb street. 1 he body was recovered. Howling Dervishes Complain to the Mayor. Nineteen howling dervishes complained at the Mayor's oftlco to-day that tbe contractors wbo brought them here bad deceit cd them and neglected to feed and support them prop erly. They were referred to commissioner Shields. Dr. S. J. Erady's Sudden Death, The sudden ueath ot Dr. Samuel J, Brady, a prominent physician and surgeon In tbo Eastern District of Brooklyn, was announced this morning. He was taken suddenly ill last evening at canarsle and died belore reacbtng bis home, 150 south Eighth street. He was nfty years old. Hare Preventative far Cholera. The late Dr. llarring'a celebrated epecldo for the abeoluter raven tion ot cholera sent on receipt of fl. W ot ona of many tboueands who used tblsepecllle daring the cholera epldemlo were attacked Dy the dread disesse. CiroJIars on application. fleM. BIXO CHOLXEA PaEVIKTATlY CO., P, O, BoX'i. 'ifr r ssC iisiSfrfli'rf-' stir ilfr n e.sssfcr'&'ill'L ' WALL STREET NEWS. Sharp Spurt in Specialties at the Opening. Declines All Through the List at the Close of Business. Call Money Hlcher and Kxchanxe Irregular Quotations. Wall Stkiit, Friday, Sept. o specialties wero strong this morning, and In brisk demand. Manhattan, New England. Sugar and Gen oral Electrlo each robe IH. Evansvllla and Terre Haute moved up s to 140, on the pur chase of only a few hundred shares. The general list yielded to In tho early trading, under tbe leadership ot St. I'auL The bears hammered this stock, but took good care not to add Very largely to their out standing short lines. Subsequently the whole market advanced H to 1 per cent- stlll higher prices were made for stocks in the last hour ot business, this being truu ot Missouri l'aciric, New England Terminal, tbe anthracite coalers and Kvansvllle & Terre Haute. Just previous to the close, however, there was a sharp decline all along the line. Western Union tell to 111)74, Heading to 55,4 and General Electric to 1 i:iu. The Evanstllle & lerre Haute has declared a dividend of 0 tier cent, making 14 per cent, for tho year. The directors voted, subject to latlflcatton by the stockholders, to double the capital stuck. Money on call was In demand, rising to & per cent. sterling exchange v. as Irregular. Long bills viere arm, while short and cable trans fers were weaker on lower discounts In London. Bankers 00 da)s closed at 4.801, a 4.S7, short at 4.8H a 4.ti8'4 and cables at 4.8HMa4.H8K--- The Treasury Department to-day pur chased 100,000 ounces of silver at n:!.54 a 8n 58. a bo oDerlngs were Tu.r,ooo ounces. Jay Gould Is credited vrlth expressing a preference to bate the present rate of divi dends in Western Union continue. The total sales on the New York Stock Ex change 10-day were 104,000 shares 01 listed stocks, 20,000 ounces of siher and 115,000 barrels of Pennsylvania ulL Closing Quotations. Opea. Illah. Low. cioa. American Etpre.s W no 1'iU IM American Sugar lief .. 11 iM tl-jM J10M 11114 Amer. rarllef. urel.. 104JJ 104W 1U1H lOJk American Lotion Oil..,. 4 ill 4i 44 43 a American Cotton Oil of. 7!'H 1 1H 7K amemanUlst. t'el.,... Jl 01 hi Bl Atch. Too. ASanute. UJJ4 S',H S7t S7W Halt. A Ohio SK ta 4 4 ansda Niutbern 0, hi tOH 56, ClitssiicakeA Ohio..... 113 J I JS, lh. AllhloSdDret. .. 4UM 4VH '.'V4 4'.t ChloagoUas 7u4 0 7tJ 1vi CnlcHnr. 4aino ... 89s J.H !'H vM Chicago Nonnweet... 11414 ll.W llfl lilts. Chic. Mil. ML Paul.. Slli !' ei'it Bl Ctals..ltockle. at'aa... IH "IX SIM SIM Clev..Cln C. SLL,.. 1H 00H 1H 8i4 lltlicUB'Ussol U'aljn. 113H 11JH UH USrk CoioraaoCoalAlron.... S3 SS S7k S7M Consollilated Oas 11514 iUH 1154 lirtj BSL. Lack. A Wsai 154 155 lMft 154 elswsrea Hudson...,. 1S1W "IK ISlU 19114 Deo. Itio Urande pfd. iM 48H 4tH 4bH Ills. ACattleleed 4a M 4tt ,6l)l Kdlson r.iactnc HI. Do. 1U3H 1 lu'JH 10'Vi Kvansvllle A Ter. Haute 140 151 140 1AU ben. KleotrtoCo. US4 11M liaM-113 lowaCentral II II 11 II Lake Shore llltt 19IM 1814 131 Lake brie a Weelern... S 'J. !1 U3 Louisville A Heshville.. C'H CTH tlH l'i I... S. Alb. A Chi 3 lit 'i3ji 7.), UJl, , lnll... h L. Alois. . Ji i'J Tl '."J Manhattan Oonspl Ills 133M niH UiH Die-Kan centra 1&H 15 15 15 1 Mlnu. Kt. Louts pf... 4.1 I , IS 48)-, I MisionrlPaclhe ovH 61 h'.itt Wi I Mobile aonio hi :i an un Mo., Kan. let. pre!.. 3CM 39t4 11 M NauCord.Uo l.ilk lUN LHW 1J1H Nat. Lord. Co. pld 11(1 lib 110 110 haL Lead Co , 4'.4 44M --M iH iset. Le.d llo. utd VH VMe VH 3ti NaL Llossed Oil 3llt IIH 34)4 3H New Jerser Central 1"U I'-iUH I'D L30U New York Centril 10UM 110 10K 1U9H ftewor ANor. prpf. ,. 1-M '-II lbW 2ti N.y. AKswEngland... 351 37 S!4 i'H H. V.. Lake Erie A W.. 'iuti 'itH Wl 'JCVt . Y..Susa. A West.. IS -IS 19 15 Aorlhe.u (Metric l'J 1H 13W lVi Northern 1-acltlcoret. 65 S5U 6&H U,U north American IS UH 13 HM Ontario Western IcH 1"H lBfti 18V4 FacincMall 304 SI So SI PiL,iiiLertlncatss.. 6.'.J1 b-K 65W HH Phtla. A Reading 55 S5T 6()5 66H Wo.t Ueo. x hvausville IS IK 1H IH I i-itle., ( . (.'. 4 St. I,. .. voti 2P4 UtiTi DIM Pilia.,1' .C Ht. L. pi 6-U t-H tlH t3 1 11. AW. P. Ter 9 "!4 H utj ht.Paul A Oaialia 4 (0)4 4I 60i St. PaulAUiusna prer. 11K lln 111) 11U ht. P.. Minn A !!... lla'j 113LJ 1MH 1131 SL U Southwestern '.1 U V U ht. L. Houtnweetern pf. 1711 1M4 17 KM hllver Certlncate KJV B3)i (.3) biG Konthern Paolho 3rH 35 a'.k D5U leiasPaclUc ll)s l'J 11)5 UN 'leuu., oaui Iron pf.. loo lou 10J 1110 Union Paolflo 3 3SW SS 3814 Liilonl'aclrlc.Uen.JlO. ITS. lh'i i;U 164 Vtahasnpret V4'4 viH 2lk Vt)J We.tern Union Tele.... Vtt us Ui.ji HI.). Wheeling A I .eke Krie. VS i5'l V5 V6'J Vt heeling A Ijkeli.p(.. C6 Lo4 klU tttt Ulnloir Gtooka. Tho following ate the closing quotations of mining slocks at the Consolidated Exchauge to-day: K.I. JtiiJ, ,i. J.t.,1. American llo'lrwood. ,ul dig 01 .05 IruuMlier. .Cll Allio SO - Iron Mill.. .23 AdsmsCon ,t0 .70 JullaCon.. .yu Astoria.... .111 Kingston A Aspen M.A Prui 20 B. Co. . 1. 00 Lscrooe... .08 Belle Isle.. .US l.esd. Con. .IS .20 lltet A il.lttleL'hlsf .24 Bilcher.. 1.20 -'Meslcsn. .. 1.20 - lie. lie 23 Moulton, .. ,JU Hulwer .. .35 .Mono 10 lltrcslons, ,0J - Middle II. - ,02 llreece . .S6 Ml. lllslilo. .'JO limns fon. .US Msvsjo . . .20 Belmont... .30 .Vorlu Mar C.ou Csleuoula Ontario... 39.00 41. 611 11. II BO 1.20'Oplilr . X 25 - I'hollar ... .ho 'Oriental A I rn P't. .oil 1 Miller. .. .08 Con. Imp. ,10 ,19 Ocrld'util. .50 Chrysolite. ,17 1'ljmoutM.. .60 1.00 I aide Cr'k .01 'I'ikinIi L'd .110 lol. e'en... .CO 1.60 PhimiUArl .411 Con. Cal. IKoblnsou t Va s.20 -I Con .. .30 - Colnetock ISsvsge 70 Hlock .. .13 -iSlerra.Nev. 1 46 Bonde. .. 10.00 IMsudsrd . 1,43 hcrip .. 21. OU iHtorinounL .08 Dulikin .. .10 ihsutlago... .60 L'eadwood ihsn r-Pas lerra.... 3.16 -I tlan , .10 KurekaC'n 1.4U -ISllver (-or.l .30 S.l-Crist.. .36 .tulnmallirp's ,VS 1.00 Isttier Us 1N1I Miii.Co Miift . .1) .36, ot 1- V .30 Could A rthoshone .OJ t'urrr. .. .80 llvulllvsn 1. Oil llslel.Nor- l!uinCoii. 1.211 cross..,,. 1,00 , WrJ L'ou. .10 .26 HotntitsVe 14.00 -.Vel. Jacket .46 Horn Mil. . J.uJ Till: C'ltKKHV !IA.1IOM 81'IiCIAI.. It Will Land the .11. A. I.'. .Ifen In New Vorlt at 1 1 P. .11. rsrrrtALTOTtiK rvtMMi wom.n.1 SiiENANHOAii, Va., bej.t. 0. Tbo Manhattan Athletic Club party, which was tho llrst to lcato .New Orleans, startlug immediately after the Sullivun-Corbett fight, wilt arrive in Now York, via tbe Haiti more and Ohio Itallniad, about 11 o'clock to-night on the cherry Diamond special. Bobbed In Sight of a Btatlon-House. Max Bcrtrlcb, of OSS Carroll street, Brook lyn, complained at the Mams street station house, Brooklyn, at 12.30 o'clock this morning that while standing on tne corner of Adams ' strtet and Myrtle avenue, less than one bun drtd:teet irom tho station-house, al '.'o'clock, vtntllng for a heventh aenu car, three young men slopped mid snoke tn him. When they left ho missed his t'.'.'iU diamond pin. Loolc Out lor Bogus Inspectors, Brooklyn pcllco are looking for a sntak thief who, yesterday afternoon, called at the residence of Mrs. Abratn Wyckoff, 7 Monron pluee, and saying he vrns a bealth Inspector sent to examine tho plumbing, gained admit tance and stole a 130 gold watch. ' Why? ' iearline the only Washing Compound ever imitated. r, ritTJglgitYJ'Trll't 1 1-- -n"Ka?sr!gtf I ECHOES OF THE BIG FIGHT. a Broken-Hearted John L on His Way to This City. Gantleman Jim to Hava Reception In Madison Bqaare Garden. Local sporu are still discussing with una bated Interest, the great victory ot Gentle man Jim Corbett over tbo bulky champion from Boston. Those who had their money on the big fellow are trying their best to nguro out bow they stand financially, and to ex plain satlsiactorlly how It all camo about. Most of them have come to tbo conclusion, however, that the explanation afforded by John I. himself Is the most reasonable and logical one. In the classic and plclurcsquo language of tho defeated man, "Bonze dono IL" Tbey reallro now that Sullivan is not tbe man he once was, and even had ho been In the pink of condition It Is regarded as doubt tul If be would bavo been ablo to stand up against tbe science and strength ot his younger opponent. Since the Oght be has been maklnj a pitia ble exhibition ot himself, weeping In maudlin grief over his defeat and trying to drown his sorrow In drink. bruised In spirit as well as In body, be Is now on bis way back to New York In a scml drunken state In company with a few of his frlonds who say tlinl they will take caro of him until he getB on bis feot again. Corbett Also Coming to rve- York. Corbett, on tbe other hand, hat borne him self like tbe gentleman that he Is. and has made hosts of friends all over tho country by his manly demeanor. Ills offer of financial assistance to tho defeated champion, although It htis not been accepted, shows his generosity and good feel ing, and bis praises are being sounded cerj where. r llentleman Jim and his friends will reach New York- In a day or two. corbett has an nounced his Intention of settling down at Asbury Psrk, vrhere he Is going to buy a fifteen-acre farm at the head of Deal Lake, and make It his home. He gets the farm for tl.OOo, less than the knock-down price for whipping Sullivan. That the Asbury Parkltes are proud of their new fellow-townsman gots without su)lng. The new champion says ho will not tight any more for two years at least, and will pay no attention to challenges. Ue will probably star tn tbe new play which has been written for him and entitled "Gentleman Jim, 'and which will be man- aged by his backer, William A. Brady, for- j belt had already planned to do this, whether ' be succeeded In beating Sullivan or not. A llrrrpllon to the New t'bosnplou to Be Held In AlodUan Hnuaro (iardro. Every one In town Is anxious to greet the young C'ollfornlan, and an opportunity will be glten next Monday evening at Madison Square Garden, when a grand reception will be tendered to him. He will take part In several sparring bouts with first-class boxers, , and will wear the same costume In which ho defeated Sullivan. I Sullivan's old trainer, William Muldoon, I tho wrestler, still believes that If BuUlvan bad trained properly he could have won the I Oght. He knows both men well and thinks I be can form a pretty good Judgment ot tnelr relative merits. ' lie says that Sullivan and all bis friends uuderrsted Corbett's abilities and were otcr- .-, confident, bulllvan Is not too old to make I the best fight of his life, he declares, and should bo good for two or three eara yet. I Wltb proper training he could be put In as 1 floe condition as he ever Wks at any time during bis career. j Muldoon says that SuUlvan should have commenced training at least a month before I he did, for be had to greatly reduce his weight, I while Corbett only needed to build up. built j van, he adds, should Iiuve retired, and It he had not bean Jollied Into the match with Cor bett by lll-sdtlsed irlends he would still bo I the unbeaten champion of the world. IHuIUvku'b Hrooklvu l'rlends are firlrv Ing. Brooklyn sulllvanltes have been crushed In spirit over Blnce they beard the result of tho light at Cusey's handball court, where tbey assembled Wednesday evening to receive tho news from New Orleans. Tboy had alt put up their money on the champion at long odds, and It was a sonontul crowd that wended Its v ay out of the place alter tbe result was msde known. The Brat -tlnn Won, Kara McCaffror. Homlnlck McCaffrey sa a he gave tbe fight to Corbett alter the tlxth round, for he saw then that SuUlvan was not In It " The best man won," be declared, " and I am tatlsfled. Corbett has a brilliant future beforo blm." In regard to a meeting with Corbett, Domlulck Bald he would mako no further ad vances. He wished to retire from tbe ring. Mrs. Corbett has received lots of telegrams and congiatulatlousstncothn right, but tajs that the oie which gave her the moat pleas ure was this: NrwOsirss, Sept. 8. Afrf. OUl Colbatl, CvUinaH Hw, .w I url. I will not forget rou, darling. 1 love you wit h all m 7 beats. JIM. Hoane of a t'ougratulnlory Nature. Here are some ot the others. From Jim's father, this one: San PaASCISCO, Kept, e, 1892. Mr: Corbilt. S I vrki Ollle ws Join with lou In this victory. Cod Mess both Jim aud you. P. J Coiuiktt. This from Mrs. Julian Mitchell, Mrs. Cor bett's sister : Boston. Sept 8. I wlehl were with my slstertu niaht, Oood luck. tit-OKQir. ltlchards and Canfleld, two ot tbo mem bers of "A Temperance Town" compau), sent this tunny one from St. Luils: ST. Iil'is, Sept. s ttrt. Jatrtrt J. Corbttt. .Sew Iti.t 1 ell Jim St Lunls is wild We challenge hltn to fght wttu twent). pound glovee in a balloon. He tube on the ground aniVwe tn the tsllooo. HlCHAItllsaildCANtlELII These also pleased Mrr. lorbell: Nrw Yocv, hept. s itrl. JnmnJ. Curl til. Ktit In, A llesrtlest congratulations I r lour tushsnl' success. Lousft tVUHMHllt I'lTTSUllld. Sept. 7. iff. Jnmtt J fnrhttl. A'w Tors Mv congrstulstione. Can hardly eptek from yelling for old California. Cluiil.l A MsuclHA. Ood uless )ou and .Ilni. '"IiuOlii I'liTtLr HoLtixa" (ltoh Hol trie). Hoberts held tho bottle lor Corbett In his fight Willi Jackson. 1 his 0110 came Irom Mrs. Brady, tbe nlleot Jim's manager: Asnrsv 1'AKK. Sept. s Jo-re. Jamt'J. Coititt, AW l'..ilt lhanks for teleirsm Dellshled. Lp sll nlsht listening to return,. Flege 11) log srnl evrriuody happy. JIaiiia IIhaiiv. tlKMSIIKATINCICtlKBKTT'HVIt'TOKY filiorte In San Franrlarn I'nrndp Ibp Mreete with Brass Uauda. 'rv AScriATr' mr. 1 San Fsacisco, Cal., Sept P. This city has not yet recovered irom the effects of corbett's victory over SuUlvan. Tho Might Is still the only topic discussed, and It seems hard lor San Francisco to believe tho great sulllvan has been beaten by a home production. 'Ihe celebration over Jim's splendid per formance was kept up here all last night Somo members of tho oljmplo Club hired brass bands and paraded about towu until early morning. am not altogether surprised at the re sult of the Oght,'' said L. IL rulda, the ex President ot the California Club, but I am considerably surprised that he should have rushed tho Big Fellow and won. I had an Idea that It corbett got to closo quarters no would soon go out on account ot tho severity of Sullivan's blows. I am &omo whst like Sullivan. As he fougbt once too often, so I endeavored to pick the winner c jce too often. My reputation as a puglllstlo prophet Is knockod out." William (freer Harrison, President ot the Olymblc Club, said : "Irrespective of my per sonal regard tor Jim Corbett, or tor financial profit accruing from his victory over John L. SuUlvan, I am satlslled with the result, tor It Is an Indorsement of tho complcto system ot physical culture ot the Olympic Club. It Is abo n tiiagnineent Indorsement ot Prof. Walter Watson's method ot boding, whli calls for counters Instead ot warding off blows." THAT JDIHIAIIINT AtlAINHT JOHN I.. Judce Osborne llrnnle an Order Open lua the Puulllsl'a llelnult. Counsellor Anthony Barrett appeared be foro Judge Osborne, of tho IlrouklMt city Court, this mornlng.and argued the adjourned notion to show cause, wby tho judgment ob tained hy John II. Yalletto against John I. Sullivan, ex-champion pugilist, by default should not be opened. Vallettc claimed pay for services as advance agent for SuUlvan from Oct. 14 to Dec 'J.'l, 1SSII. Counsellor Barrett explained to tho ciiirt that at tho tlma the action has brought ho was III and unable to appear. Henddedtbat sulllvnn did not know Val lette and had madn no arrangement for bis cervices, nor aiuhorbed any 0110 to do so tor hlui. Judgo Osbournu granted an older opening the default. COKHI'.TT TO VISIT HAI.TIMOItl:. Ilu Will Hpnr tilth ,11m Only There llleailny Mglit. bt AssiK-iATrn rnrss.l llAt.TiMOitK, sopt. 0. Baltimore mil be gltcn a chance to kco Champion Corbett 'luexday n'ght. Harris llrltton A Dean, of I tho llurrls Acadeni) nt Mttile, buve secured 1 coibe.ll al nu expense 01 1,'JUH. I The conqueror 01 Millltnn Hill appear In I the pla), "Bottom of the. hca," aud will eiiar with Jim Daly. TitAuie iti:Niii.Ts op tiii: i'mjiit. Murder anil Hnlrlile Due tn the Contest In Nets Orlrnne. IsirriAi. to thf avxNijro tvonto 1 Ili7i Eros', Pa., SepL P. In a dlsputo oter tbo remit of the Milllvan-Corbclt right (ieorgo Warwick jesterdity muriltred An thony Weedo In 1 altliuor. Weedo was it SuUlvan man, while Warwick admtrod tho Calltornlan. During tho quarrel Warwick struck Weedo an tb? bead with an lion bar, killing him almost Instantly. Warwick es caped. Wii.xrmiAiuir, Sept. 0 Thomas liooney. of Plymoutn, hitvlng lost nil his money and property on the suillv.iu-Corbett right, cuui mllted sulcldo last night by taking poison. Two Letters from Corbett. Loch Arhur, Aiburr l'rk, iNw uem .luiia'JU. mri. Mr. . I. Zell, aWtnt Sni'l AlUopp A Sunt, Ltd., )1 rein treat, .Wtw tork Uitjr, 1FK Mite Mtilpinent u.jt (with bill) to tbors add rett "ti pack ftge ciot. t.1 jour buttled A,eiii'l J tout. I w-siil It nr mr own li wlilte trtinlne, bDOff Inv ' AllMnpii " tub pure and tbn onlj Hur ton a'eln th mnrkr-t lo'tled by th brewers li I.njt.tml. 1 tliereion a tlrn-i jo at !hi bki. tut an lofeul ire cf tl tlliu 1m iv In art o e. Your trul j. .IAS. J. (JjUui.Tj. Ik-Ii Artmr. A'jx 2'J. 1802 Hiiti. Samuel AHru(i( .1 hti a, u t'oarl it., N. V. Di nfiiB BbuJ nti. bj niprs to above addromi audthsr can) ui jrrur Hil Ha id Alo and Atoutul the 9ntvs kind 1 r 1eid wh'u 1 1 aan trelnlnn fur uiatfli lu htptsmt tr. I hi"V tun kluJ lb. I U bottltd by you In Frfctiml. L the flueat I ?er bid tor tralulutf and Utilldlnf up Yuura truly. JAM S .1. t'ORIIKTT A Letter from Muldoon. Uelfait, aN Y., Auic. 13, 1B90. Mr. K. U 7 t. Drill IS! it II a.iu.ed tlie AlliopiVa Ale drawn from tLie vtco I tor Uo pait few years in pferor tti any other . o Iran KM. Of eourf. It iitpnde a greet dval upon tb war in which It It li and lei and drawn, I gave Air. Hulllran not Lin it alt to drink wr.lfi h wa training I preier (t tj tlaa Id bolt lee. I tn tiling It at tha prweant time lor tb urdiiary beerart for -eral jcetitlrinan that are rtnpoltis wnh tun for th rm purpoB of i(aln,,ia thrlr hralth. Urxuertftil'r rture. M 1,1,1AM MUI.DOUN. Firtbe KlUaln tight. FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE. ECONOMY IN FURNITURE, uuv oi'tiii; .iiaki:i: And Save at Least 20 Per Gent. Ibefulleit avntirtment In etylieh ae can be found, thoroughly comtructal, eicliulre, nuret aud original In deelcrn, at very low ru.U GEO. C. FLINT CO., 104. 106 & 108 West 14th St. DRUNKENNESS I'oaltlvrly i' ii ml by Hpcr-IBe l.ltimirlnr. A arcrt-t, aulr and aprt'ily rriurd. o tnatr. no ndor. t'nu be given nrrrrtljr Mllhuut llir drllikrr'a Liiom Ircliif. It , deslrov. I Inn irrrllilo Hiprlllr lor aliiu ulanta and rrxtnrrn to llir ililukrr Ills potrrr of rreLlnncri u Irliiptitlluu. 1'rlrr. SI I t Iiuacs, (I.i. t'nrp mnir nutrril, Tiir oil luliirinnlloii himI Irrr sniuplr oildrr.s l.lejuiirlun Sprrlllr (',. ' lUU iiml I'-'IIA llriudnH I'nr nulr ui j It. Iludniil'e, in.'.") Ilriinihvitv. . . Mm. Wilson'. , Hill. 1 111-13 I I llron.l. nu, M. V.i Holtuii llrus Co., HroiiUlt u. BROOKUH AMUSEMENTS. liuTORD"AVENi)E THEATRE. Miuth ftlh U . Ilrfttlwr end Unlford e lVpular prleoe 'il oc . ft" a 75e and f I Una wetk. lorunii'i c ng Monday, hept f. i ! Labor Day Matin" H'-tcultr Matinee Wdne i day in i puturday. f GOOD OLD TIMES. 1 Msmilnisnt revnlvins enerv. artlatlt, tss est- tins., i.rialll.i llrvlljr effects. .Ntit Vt'eek-lllvl.sril lioluru in U U Jed Tro'itr I HiKSftiVn O A S I N"0T 1 Duuntlrtla llrol . Q" nn sort I'orbee, Iaiiuio, Keuni and l,ran Msl I" I'ope Itsliiei. 1 tarrlelirsnii"'. Ms) I Larenr AMPHiOn. r.ol.i etrr sod !a-iaer. ' Krerr eve. Miul.., vd. ana hat. i THE BURGLAR, GRAND 8S5S&.., ; BR1S.BYRN ' B BELLS. COLUMBIA, a,y"vktfrttco-' I Kverr eienlnir Hal nee, Wei uj."st. MR. WILKINSON'S VIDOWS. , MOVRLTVTIIKiTlli:. .' I' ll'ibtilus.l'ron, aud Slsui'r. Neek oinliifuclua Mllidsj, Sept. 5. Mate. Uhor llsjr. Tne... lhur anil Hat. Miss Morenos ItlDdley in TUe I'sj Irslu. NeitVteek llob s'ltislmmun.'s Com.d; snd Mpe-laltr (Jo COL. SINN'S NKW VVitK llU-f OfltK. This eek. ivltb Inatloess Wed 1 aodSat., GOODWIN " GIL1l',i.nOA.. FOREMAN BDTLER'S STORY, . AFTr.n KXKTl TEAK OF SXirFKH- ' 1NO IT IliiCAMK VSntSAlldnhE. "OH. WHAT A DIITEHEltCE IH THE ICEN1JQ!" II Wnt a VtcHm of Vot ntut Throat Trouttr,antlle Say Any On buffer itiff front 1h Ham iilra bhouttt Ho tu Itoetor McCoy and MiMmnti and ilrt Curetf 1 la the JiMlattt Vort tnriH of the l.vfiinu ttorhl, Mr, U M. t-otler l a printer and th pnel tl m of anlitant foreman of thn KTfulng World, Ue Ufeeat'JAatHIirih it, Jeme Cltj. Hale a thigh ofllcrr of Demon ,'irt..o.7.7V'I. Ancient Oritur of 1 'ore I are of Amrlra Mr. Itutler telli th followlnx etorj ' Fur tlie paet niht or nltia jeer I had brn a tifTnter from noae anI thret trnnble, wbkh t leit became ttnbftarable. On tn tneide of mr nns ttier wi a eirr which tau'od m a vrcat ileal of troitMe, HraUi werrt:m ttntlf fortnlmon It, end a noon ae rrmorrd my lHIr WOUld CIHllttlnCr U blri-d KfrrmornliiKon I a. M. IHTI. fit. Fttnift up there would be a Urn, hard caie formed, which almoat k topped brathlnf through th noe, ami upon brlnf re inovfd, which I would bite to do to get ri.lf, it would bf followed by hlerdiiiK, enerfln'. baniliif aad Long hlntf, acrontttanie I with headnt lien. Often In tho nig lit I had tu rim up In mr bd t tplt out eomftbtfiu tliet bail ('roppad down tn mr tliroit 1 hlicunttmird until I could ftand it no Inngrr I bad tried adman or morr dltTerait rttarrh rom edlre, and rutted thrre different pliyeiciaue tor re Mef, but none of tin in did me any nod. l tloilU madit up my mind to tuit Ibtcton Mr f'oy and Wl'dmin, which I did, and I am eorry r.nw thai I illd not gn In tlintii eotna yearn ago, for tliny would liar fATad mn many a diy'i mUrry lid I done en. I hall t.wref regrit the dy I rtrot rieiinl them, fr flihhi two week 1 beeen to noil a cliangf for tliu beltsr. aud Itrontiuu'd ilnvtly, hut enrely, till my note and throat aro now all right again, and i " ' Oht what a difference la the morning" " To enr on enfTerlng from thn famed leeaee War Tiilt lictore Mct'oy and Wlidmen and get cored." Ifoctnr MctJoy and W ltd man maka epeclattr of ' the treatment of all chrontr dlaae It eluding raturrh. Iheylurnleli all medlolnee (rea, and t licit ct-araree for treatment are eo mo terate ttiat tbey eie hlthln tbe reach of all. . DOCTORS HcC0iAHD WILDMHN, OfQoes, 5 East 43tl Bcrnet, New Yorlc, W here all rurable eases are treated wltl succe. ItyouliveatadlBtanoewrlteroraermptuniblaDk. t'on.ultatlon at urBoe or f mail tree ef charge. Artdreve all lusll to 5 Kill 43d street. .New York. Office taoars-9 to II A. M,. '1 to 41". AL. IUH I1. Al. homier I1 to 13 A. M. CURE:?: MEN who aim; vi!.K. nKrTiipu WAHTMltrom KA1I1.V Villi: or I.ATKIt ilVll.s tuny be lounil In llir rw and IRNCH HOSPITAL REMEDIES. A K nnd i AST.INH t I it I. Jim ran- I a. re aoilrilr.l. rtKALKIi IIIIIIK. full itrllrulnre, Irrr. I'alrilillahrrl IHnO. Mall or OtTlce Consultation Free. II A.M. to a l' 1 1 sill v- ti A. 'I. loll. .!. FIll.I. lltlAltli"l-VllV'iniAN. CIVlALE AGENCY, 'IWWNtfr ami7semJnts A.UAiu:.tiv ti-.iHHic. Ur 14th st. snl Irvlni place, rneen. Tompkins's insgnlrlesiit revival, the f.venlugaai o. Mate. Wet, and war. atJ. EDEN MUSEE. AMERICAN GALLERY. Toulcht aud To-morrow Aftetnoon at 3 00 look, FLEMING NORTON'S tTnrlralled ln;MiD (Character Performance. Monsieur Guibal and Miss Marie Gretllle't llevvlldrrliiaT our! Hroaritloiial l'- ( TONY PASTORS. i. Msidlnis,... HART'S BOSTON NOVELTY CO. MATINEE TO-DAY. AOrand, .Novel and Klegaul Y ptertalnment. MtrVi'S MADISON SgfjAHK THKATIIK. raturdar Matinee at i. :tl(J to 'I1H ('uueeoutlre I'erformanoee. A TRIP TO CHINATOWN. j r iTlEnSTiulu I ScsrlethLetter. I Theatre, i i SOTHEHN r-":" UUIIILIIIle I.I'.TT.t Ultl.AIlt. TlltmMiAY SIATUvriKM. Till: IlIi'lI'LAIl IIIIIIIHIIAV MA1I.NBF.H al till. Ill.stre will tuliiineuce nelt lllur.dsr. Oil AND uTllUA-IIOUHr. , Jt , Itet'd erats, eirole and lialoonj, CDe. V.t ' : POWER OF THE PRESS. . iSl: Nest W.-AL'KUSM TIIK I'tllUMAU. BUI AVKNIlntllKAIIll'. 7rsyaairj8llist. Mr II. ('. fliner 1'roprietnr aud Mausisr Alhoro.isri. ftweeploK 'lnuiiHti. Sure. r.KTTIill HIT OF t'lllHtT. .. rvenliKsalH. i. Msl Mat. Himveulrs Hept.ll. CAblNO. iirtOAIHVAV AMI 'J8TII iVT." THE VICE-ADMIRAL. ! S.k Roof Uerden Comert Mttitly andhunday Aduilaobui, f,0j., linludlng both antertitlnmeiita. 6eDfCU lUI.All.i: Admlaaloti COo. AnL'trl IncluJc- iuof l.,. U.U. Fat. Mat jSIIMBAD ,o W,,:K- tOOtHTIineCept. 13. Fl.asnt Bouvenlra. ST A It TllllATIll'.. E''sS.16. Mst. Sat'J. ROLAND IN LEND ME REED IN YOUR WIFE. UIKIAUWAV TIlEATUi:. ItloaJivav i 41st St. UK ttul.r 3UIH HLKK HOPPER. ! WANG. Kieulnn. st H. MAIIMiK.SATl'RIlAV AT 3. rVUlH.ION MlUAItl' llAltTllN nlidi.. AIIMIIU.1, .11)1 KTA. AM'tIN SI 11)1. and III. .tlelrnpolltan (lichestra. IIOOl' IAI1IH:.S I'FHlllKMAKCfcH. H I' M. till J VAI'lU.VII.l.r. IIAM.IAU. ALItOIIAIIf. A HIAI.'M. Msl.. Mod., Ved. anil hat. VANOM, AMAN1V, - i'omi-'difnm:. run mimio VAUDI.VII.I.K. HUIll.ttlQtJP. NOVKl.TIBI. work, tli. new l.urletla. KDIIIN IIOU1). Nrit riundsi DAtltl.l) CUNUKttT PAIIK IIII:aTIH:. IlVsv and 3JHl St. iiviii i iiriiJUN'.s 1 1. INtJI.' MINI: Till! tillllAT .1IOHA. Tllre. 7&i. . 6110 , 'oc . IS. llatliire.'liie.dsv. I nure.lsi and Msturdsr. PEOPLE'S VW&c M1M.K ..rror. TlIliirOIiK1!': l'ATKOL. Nsil Wnli-I'ALI, Kirt'Alt BIAMIAKI) 111 I. Allti: Kv'ee.3U. Vat.baU tinlr. Slice. l,r ater lliau Till- liULn.N H OMLlHirs JA.SK. ivittialllbsl Wllltlll. I'l.AYKHS. M1IIIO'-. ISo 3J-.,Jv. H . .MIIILO'M. I'lll. JltKT till. III..MIY I'll. II I.IIKs.NlM .M) I.DM.MK In llunlil. heriirntln- Ilsiice. Moiulsr.J r,inllirM Ituiii.iiic I n le lira's t sbln XAI.MI'lt' 1111 ATltlU Miline-h.turdar, siimiiith, inivcv srnl .us Mi. Heii'Vi". UIACI lli.eist'u. In l.illi.rt 1's Ms.!.!!'- . I I' V T I MM ll.-.Nelt ie'Ji IIM. JMII 1 i j"nTon hgt'Aiti: iiikaihi' I JltKl.t: KANKI.N KIlllDKItlt rlKY.'ON. I Illili tf.ek end rotitinueit .uiL'.e., A KKNTUCKY CUHI.M.I l',.tiiii. . li. Mstlr.ce Siturdsv. ELDORADO. .Ill Moutli LtJYI'T ; Ivor Ha lets. M.ttVeek.. Thrnuah Centuries iKvs' H IS Take ttr.l 4it suit Krsuklin st. f.rrie. adi et t-cat, Ilrookllti l-tl ton st I leaves st 7 15 luket 1 otlue, 'Js I s.t lii!t .1 an 1 Ivsillua hote... ' WI.MJMtU TllllATItK. .5 mil 17 loerr, III! (ill) M J. K HIMrl' lAMilt I" I'M IT I.N IXHAND M.XTW Khk-IIIK Willi K hl.WF , i?lt)( IDIf-il 111 ATK.'. !' at H. 1 5 .ved-'-AVsu ROBERT MANTELL W JJI. FACE ,'... MOONLIGHT, IIIIRPR'S 14th St. MUSEUM. ilUDLn I UK (l.s.slr'IKII MAN! lb. MALINI.l'Y.S Jllll.NMUN' In IIYI'MITISM. oroua slid Alllaator. Ilourlr taaabhJl... (TrTjacobs theatre c.trdrj,.,,,a" XJOUIS'S 8TII AVE. MUHFUM-Wasb's Pano rama ot Iieland, hlilnej .lineman,; Coulter. Je.ale Allvne, Hick, rh.atre o. 1, draroa ' A ''tout Heart." Tbeatra No. i,uda. villa. Ho. 3, Tappet bbow. IttAL ESTATC. ' HEML ESTATE. i'Jgl I " THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." Z :' I RESTRICTED. ROWINa i -ifl I ACCESSIBLE. SAILINa f H I HEALTHFUL. FISHING. f H I BEAUTIFUL. DRIVING. :i,H 1 IMPROVED. RIDING. 'S X CHOICE LOTS FROM $100 TO $2S0. I H I L'PON KXCKI'TIOMAI.T.Y F.ABY WKF.KLY OR MONTHLY FAYMBNTS. A ' J TITLES GUARANTEED I tS T by tbe Oermati. American Real 1 elate TUIe UuaraoteeOo. X bbbh I -.Free Eicurslon Sunday atlQ.55A.M.j free Excursion Daily at 2.15 P. H.j w H from Her km IHruton tlrand Central ! ; from ItarUm Iivlelon Orand Central D: W bbL1 T Nit. aud from Mtt Daren itatiun lu: : pt, and from Mott Ueren Statlo IB: X tLH m : utlntitee lattr : tniuutee later. t lgLH W RKM OK CALL 2 OR tnRK PARSES. ' WESTCHESTER LAKE SITE CO., ,081fl,u,,nRoorDWAT' ! ?lM rasaaasaaaaaaaaaaaasssaaaaaaaaaassas 'JftH ITvou nitnln saTei atnil profitable I''lttM a-X INVESTMENT A I Hh'mdVTrJrV villi the only HI'llt'llHAN LOTH Hint nro lvflaalM 'HLV dvrr 70 rontlnnnlly Inrrrailnat In Tnlne from (Irnnel ' SBbI irstlna daily. N Onlral Hratloa S'll vjfBaaBi VaaaBai CHOICE "' V DLlll Ull MORE NEW . fH L0TS- vnnnFrnp BBIU1IIII!S fl tnonihl, ".",!. X UllXlVaUallUl than la any .tfcer 'H anrnla or ..O.t. locality. 'CH .'P r,"d" nd sssssssssssssassaiassssl. W,, B. aH . . TITLES GUARANTEED T"L ;H Pnrenater, N ! Rare lill Ite.lrlrtid "r '' l-avryera Title (iunrantee Co. "tatfti. ijall free of rhsrir. V H For furthsr partleulars. free tlcksts. maps, etc., call v 4bbbbbbbb1 en or sddrass X JftU AU8.MULLER,,04'A?!.,,',T- or T. C. MERCER, " !.??. l?ra I ' 4H 11 THE IDYLLIC HOMESITE1 1 BRENTWOOD PLAZA, I AT 1IAKHIHON ANI IlYE, Wr.STCIIRRTER COUNTY, ', iH ON TUB N1SW 1IATKM 4.TUACK K All, WAV. i 3H Beautfully Located. Substantially Improved. ' H Grand Special Excursion Sunday at 2.30 P. M. from New Haven Division Uran I Ceotral Depot, &eBBBBBa! 8ENI1 OK CALL rXB FKKE PAASEi. anaaaal TICKET! AI.MO TO UK IIAII AHKNTS AT IIRPOT. 1 BRENTWOOD PLAZA COMPANY. :V llia."107 llltOAIMVAY, 4th floor. 1 lilt ANCII OFFICER I 13 WEST 3d St., 203 EAST 47th St., 1608 PARK AVE. tH 1 - snaaal fTg Lots from 125 upw urtl. Liberal Terms. .H ssjv JERE. JOHNSON, JR.'S FUG L. PROTECTED BV DECISION E- OF SUPREME COURT, I j DON'T IMITATl FUaa" GO AND SEE THE BARGAINS I AM OFFLRINO AT DEMOREST OS.TIIE-IIILLTOPii, OVKHI.OOK1.NU TIIK FLOURlblllNO C1TV Of 11AIIWAY. N. J.. AM) O.N THE FAMOUS FK.N.fHYI.VAMA UK. Lots, 25x150 (eet Each, from i $50 Apiece ui, on Weekly Instal ments of 50 cents and Upward, Numerous Houses Building, Titles Insured, Low Commutation, Lunch Every Saturday. FDEE EXCURSION DAILY. JKRK. JOHNSON, Jr., (0 1 Ibertr St., K, Y and 1SU and I'Jl Mjntacue .1. , Brooklyn. AMUSEMENTST rarANliARDThea're. Pvss at il IS.Oo'. Mat Sat llsaviearsn,eir .11)11 S I DM. UtN-Nhll. lllKtillKAl' I AMP JUMT B K. FHOM PUilli. HARLEM OPERA-HOUSE WfrllSliK&S: 'VAaWKSSA'01'1 Oirec,or' '"Vt i COLUMBUS THfATRE !v.VL , HOMESTEAD "92." j ,Nn Wfak-Hport M A 'tT. BLIol ilir.ATlti:. U'waf, nr aOihM. Mghti H l&. Mititieca l. an J eat 10 o All hnmi: i:a.iann I dm frm Iwla with I'rauK Mlhama tomiDf I Uriacriiieu. Itiuttea lu t o mtlta ITlTlIllU:rTllKATKK. Ntartith At, Mattue Wnltiraiiav and FaturJaj, THE STILL ALARM, and Little Tuesdav as "The Flrsmsi's Mascot." Neil wees-Tbe . Cltf Directory. 14th St. Music Hall and Albambra Court, 134 and 130 East ltth st. THE MliNNTKIt OltUIIBHTIlION l'luva livcrjr Alleraaao and iiTcstlac. e jr, 1";V t . . . ::tiilllLjiLd2ihiJi HUDSON RIVER EXCURSION 1 TO LAKE, IC. Y., 8ATURDAT. jBaBai All In search of suburban homes and etaolea Till .TijaBfl site, should attend tbe errand publlo aala of th vrH only kulLtmit lots and villa altee that bava itadsoa "!l Klveranil lako vl.w fnint, tne location la exceed- $ Intly healthy, beins ftOO feet above the liver aaul sbbbbbbi 3UU feet above the lake. For free tlcaete cell GEO. 'H V. ADAMS, 237 Ore.nwlch et. : J. HAPF A CO.. 'fk 25H Itroadwsy and 31lt Madison ava.. corner 4Scl 3bbbbi si., room la. before 3 I'. M. -iaLWW LOTS FREE 9 at FlnaViesr, M J only tSand npsrard. AntV i!m to 1AI1K cV tll.,311 fr eet 69th eC djLA businesTTropertt to let.- 'H BrooKin. WL 1 BRICK STABLE TO LET. 1 10 Stalls, 100 Feet Disp. 9 WITH TWO YEARS' LEASE. M Wmt MOUKRK IMPKOVKMSMTS. ALL M sW GOOD ORDER. 'V hL. 125 BEKUIN KT.. NKAtt UOTTdr. . :fmt 11HOOKLTN. CM Water, f sn1 fuel Included In rant, which Is rw ulH onabla; tooa llfht and ventilation, blfb. aalllsvl. vafaBai with a superior WAGON WASH, eantafe eleva- VB tor i storage for from 30 to 60 w acona oat eeoea4 jhaal floori oet.Un and hayloft ovsr stablaj all oatla4 I'sbsbbb! srlth yellow pine; no dust or bsyssad; (rovind floss? rl lurnlshee plenty of eoach and carriage roemiuaa) aBal cf business offlce and natures, wltb large, pleasant Lm rcachman'a room on third floort being In aantral 'H location, convenient to bridge and ferries, la very saaai deelrst'ls for a COA11DI.NU ST A BUS. UVERT -$M STABLE. BALE A.N1) UCCHANUE 8TABLB H also tor taker, greyer or mllkmani would a's aai make a good CARPENTER SHOP OR OAR. rlV KUliEhllOf, as ona entire slds U lighted by aae Vassal eral window, looking out on vacant lota, offactaf 71 cooVstrLction tollgbt and ventilation the stabta asBBBl part would make a good BLACKSMITH SUOP) , B tlielsassrunslo May, I(9, with the privilege ot .aaBBsi reuewal for two year. more. Inquire of or asV- Jl dr.s, tiEOUOb II. 1AUUE, Puliusr Bulldlag. XH lelul. vn, seised autuorUed to dSAaal jil aim iTasBBBai elats and apartments to let. M X.1HIIT ArARTMr'NT.iof tbreeroomeln uosaaa) ilkmW ouCitli.t., betoeeu 10th and 11th avee. ; theea -IH I house, have been thoroughly renuvated and are la geaal 1 firat.cls.. ordrr isnls from $s to tlOt stores from IfsBBBBi gloloe'JO. Apply st S00 e.t 61th st. 1 W. P. ,iM Has X Co H INSTRUCTION. "9 aBTFNOOItAPIIV and typewriting lessons at 111 "JLW I Bread way. .V. V icime 1 ter sek ii.iiorwrU & aaja I I o I af l.son. Dav and Kvsnlug. Piano, bIB IVlUQllstiuitar. Violin. Flute, Uanio.aUB. -fm dollo,iuglug,WAr.M.lV.4 SIS W.iJdst.Clrcalats) LW . 'V SPORTING. ,'H COKEY ISLAND .lorKtlV CLUH. I'LmU KKIDAY, 8r.PT. , at 3.30 P.M. Mlassssl THE rLIllHT STAKES, iLW and the Autumn Two-Year-Old Belling Stakes. Trains from Esst 34th st. terry at 11.10 and ever 'M half boar thereafter. H Special Parlor Car train at 1 P. M. 'Rl Boats from foot of Whitehall st. termluas of all AfaaBBBai Elevated roads. II 10 A. M. snd 1X1U. and.nkt tLW surly tbaraaf let. Itaoea Srsry weak da 1 B. II. iaaaal 'ifjjl 4 H '.1 ,i'ttfrBBBBBBBB. -ft. t '.Vy'VjBaBBBBBBal :,- 'Ti'iJ&iV lagaBUJaaHaBBBBBBBai