Newspaper Page Text
f THE WORLD ; FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1892. . m XcvcvvUvxfOvA? Simpson,Crawford HALL'S HATS R. h. MApV,, i Hf- k .J m "fc Q wlIYiruUll Our I B1XTII AVE.. THIRTEENTH TO FOD11TEENT1I WT. , MF T&TCfe.COTNR WS.LJ BOYS' CLOTHING DEPT" "B:- ... 0-n.,0w - - "" " "..... fall FA8HI0N8. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY. i f WK CAKRY ALL Till'. Ni:W ANK LATK8T W 8 - . SPECIAL SHAPl-H AND COLOR. 1SCLUD VI THE 6 Kf Great collection rzi Mens - Greatest oJ . xs&wi&Tgssi m t rr"T. ,,.. .. a 4 800 Styles, ( A CU WAWli. Overcoat Sale. iSII10SABJ, ;uaMn ,N nmttYa We Jceep every rcqunite of the Best QtialUv sH'r ,.... . . 1. T "7 TkT 1 - M W. .haUl place on aalo to-mawrovr, akk f..nolwh walmjt amj Havana for U BOfj'S OV Girl'8 Outfit. 5 K solid cold Rings. &&K Neckwear. Glove Sale. 2S M ,ot A,,-w- "y BR0WN oerbys "! n j B feftfclf KtiHa xi T' -AiuMik ft a .4- ftft r Frieze Overcoats A?lr.lSSSSir:'a RaW fllAthinCf (tIPIs' RppfPTHl " fHI Tuesday morninB VvN o 1 eitr. eood tMu. "CvvJV. A For Fll and Winter wetr, hat maw. -Ql)AM hie liLST mo "VJ M VAW.Q. vvav.w H- KKQii al sensational tLR . - t ' " " 1 ... .. ,. . .. unoAuAVDEBv. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm . Kv fvBH prlcet. A special 3f Jt1 c (If ...,., . , c 7 . I H to 17 years (29 to 33 chest), THK srw iuioluh sokt hat. with Girls Bedford Cord K MB' pnrehs.of ooo & Mm' rilUHk Teck. Pbm.b NS ac I curl a all the ew loi.ors. bbdoki) rwon, m roitMo,, wIm in Tm a ni Hf, 1 ,w ,,ii! , Xey J lUudsind Ascot in alltha Ulrat r - ' -I . O 74Z AT !.. 88.4H. . Jteelers, in 1BI1 f) TJJL iB: .... .,. n. ..t T L t FU rfps in light, nadluu. it " Qm Zj Z ivonra IJ.60. $.oo. BOO .n-wool onWe-bmyH.l two- ami Gray, all jize . ft c; n counnri. Tit styles are loo I 1 1 m ) . . . ,i. (in . sfsi m F ,, , mvo -. ... . K:; awnorona to permit detailed decription. k and dark effects " 6,000 pairs rina French HlarrlU 8ILKHAT8. pleca auttaj pants mada with Children's ScbOOl Kf Thwllat. kowarar, will clra a air Jdta J , ., ... K(lkT..u. , ,,, Glotaa In EngUah rada. pearl. manufactured to SeI tOf JO.UU. CORnhCT yles. extra ii.nk silk. flonbla saat anrt knea ; ta to Gretchens ill a f tba ranee of prlwa. In no instance of mIImm ta lliht ordSrk Ht '"!' browB;i d ta7 "" ,. 8tU nfl m.kf Slnftle.braaaUd, "out wboht. 15 ; wtwth .50, larjf assortment k Ua raai yalna lea. than double Lha 1 ot P"wrM In "M "'" h pair warranted, raal talua 1. 1. 7 ,.,, . w . at 8.ho, 4.o, .o ahd n.oo. jiwt"i?.b) Cloth- 4 K i2lla;pric.T A L ground, " liUbaaolaat J y frit. doubled atUohed raw worth ,um. ae.oc. 47.oo axd .... all rfSs Wnift S : sWBiprtcj, Ylfl .M, Mtohad collar, a. U. .!... UMBRELLAS. ft AQ all SlOS. 1,99 2.49 , P slEhj Stb l Tl 11 "' bf' "n,n8 Dt "-W00, Katr. ULOU.A BILK .. 8..M. .1.05 a.l AT.tO. Children's NRVy K. aVwiaSbJMaaUMnBri , V J I" CI I I -Z! - . ch,ck 2.iai Hlno Cnmel'ii Hnlr ' LK RiniHyiilJ "k-JWV Sja-jcA .. , , . . pure bilk .1 .a.eo. bc.oa, Keefers; Plaited m ffyMrjgg jJaA -r . - ojJ 6th Avioui, 19th t 20th Strut. lhti ,' 11M ' jt . Back, sailor ci- .V0,o$10.5Oth9Ilrt Jackets. m&ikfrim w u ui i ,.u..-. atliias ' v&4$sL&.7$tt jBssst a;::;it.v:,,:,i ... ts ? " RIIPTIIRF RIRFfl W- H. HALL 070 qi . K:- MHoS ol Gracious Htone; andlMa. """ "! Ladlaa' CheTlot Ile.fara. op.n. KaaJ Kid. Tana. Black, Brou IIUI I UllL UUIlLUl aTlfcaVif a4. IO ahd UsiSls years Z19 aH "ttVlttt.a'llM w m ,,r;"'ed "u'A-! m-l bound aeama. .11 .la, in black ftnC J. . Jf t 'iu'ii'iUiWr.'ii'J MANUFACTtmEK for THE Pa.t YKAIU. K &$W -!--. o-oo Z.UD Ei.fS ll SSaSSSS 261-Greenwich S1.-263 A Full Lin. ofCH,LORtfSHTS. Wt trS5ddaSCUnri,0n tDM' '" ,U S.ilJ2!VTW Cheviot Keerera. Ullor Uld.t Bl Kg&3r&ti&S&5 bbtwee, park place ap mukbat bt. AH-Wool E.,r. P.U. , a Coor, Wap ".. B tVjSabrssi&.f&s& ' v:..V& r- ifeg,CT.,vo.. 8W 149,2.493.49 K' aawJaatonea. AI.HO-A lnsl-brirti lull, .lira W'MW . VJ" " .UC7 iOO AKD lilf. w "' " vlw I ' A6Be.,ec.. 70c. tol.. Ciold --.ndc.p.4t.i3,..r. I. Ladies' Reefers. In bearer. cberiot ASN Sa-s f af fV OU LB ifrjS "Ju", ir' Thenar. .riaiDi,,.,j,.maTk.M...i. and Bedford cords, colore bik. . A$ Kl&0l Aal lAl 'l1"' OttOCS. F &UwhbMiorttditoM.: ""''l" .onniipWo..i.b-.....b..i. blue, tan and fray, actnal tulue ....u. mffllUff! k Jx fflT fl-'i II 1 . -.- , H wnrdi.,,i,Utt58orud,,one8' r4.r.fc,.wl...a.r...r. 'o"'i"-m DERBYS. MIMiiiViivliiASiikHas0 'uno aa TCa,f f SJGOr-. nk Bllrd and wlili Mas.i. ... Jr np 2,00 jiairs of Ladies' l'ique DoB. .. a r--lJ UtlAUICl I VVVlCl fr nn 7 Cnnn north. V Jin .44 Button aild L&0O 1 Qrt fW iH o.,u.ol..h....Sc,,oola..H.b ..,..... 4 95 aild 5 95 kinaiOTM.wlthl.rS.Rilt.nd $3.BO-S4.O0 OSLrlTWC V V $5.00-16.00 CP W0"' 7JC, .fT fhoes, With Tips... 1.0 iM ESPia CflUnni GUn medium tana. Bry.aiid brow... MMHtfaLV rr YOUAt mVC Shoe8 1 AQ aSl fc OUHUUL OHUtO. Ldi"' r.M.d. KQit. in fln.rt quality, aold ararywhera J MQ DODDnnUliV CMDDninUMV IQCI DDHanUlV J6 J6 i? ,P" i llll J ,.L , Btorm Barge-newert cut. at 1. 75. will be sold at 1.01 199 BROADWAY, 601 BROADWAY, aa , 1361 BROADWAY. Worth 7ie. .44 YoUtbV Fine calf P S!&GMg& Boy. 8hoa.. t 8 color, black and navy, actual 0 Qt Ne.r DeyTSt. Near Houston St. Near j 6th St. ' ' Button and LliCC Q 1 Q K Boya bhoea. 2. 45 grade 1.45 aluo 12. 00. at 0.UU k . Shnos with Tins A..j .KvL S?SS a , Pompons. FALL STYLES NOW READY. j- a 88 Wl K TO'8iw.r.T.,u.4oc.o,oo..tuc. wiaatt:::::::: ,L.S ta.wteJw.ta,,;lIS:B FiFnTBtp?nrfT MA nDDAOTm cn''a,cA; fih,,iA m, " . f M JoBTc. Women'. Bho 6Brad 2.8 pend.r with end and pink grav brown n", cL.' 1,-CLtUI IIIU DtLI ) 1 1 1 H, KS I I 1 .W QA n ' i"d "n? f H IKw? to0 b0Sln8 n75 0 "' ' 'Mren'.Knbber...35 W drawer, auppurt.ra. worth 50c. fir Sinai, black .ndy.'ll m. coo IQ 9 SWuW I W lJUri011 " ' .04 ?50fe.?; wl" ..I M- 1'03-09- Mi....' Rubber.. .40 10 i ZQ import Wc. for.. 48 SSSSaSSl ft8S!KSSS .j,-i.a .!.. .,!.. w.e-d Wi?uS ?5tJ I K. ' iH. u knelU. Utniiu, H"ild "h" purchwlni Furnliuw trom ra. Welt SOIOS.-Oprinir y f :- ai, MtHsnl&rssasr ""S.Tirri. i Joirs jac& cjrcto jyo, ueois, QO1 9 fi . 1 B DI asfHiTTH.TaO( TX A T T TNTN NN Tuinr. aiii- K the owcn electric JARED FLACG, JR., Heavy Weight, at xx Zi.UO ,? m Kl it II I m I N lll A I k kHiiQ third aye., Fkksk, j?s . "A.'hiiSR K' AJAmAJ J XlAAA II If n li JJ U ri I L ..m. .. . iS&SYBtt,cii!p.. viiumtukk .oM wiihnt ch p.,miST "TO m9 L R r 8 Child's t -F 'Wf-AI VIAll.iJJJ ilLVkta COR. 59TH ST. -.0 "-VKj't'.TkSU aknt. .ffi.O Glazed Kid Spring flQ M; g Jw'Bm. ww - M. JI. AI.I.K.N. Ia Weal OlhMl. w Heel SllOBS 1.0(7 I ith ave. TRUESDELL, SPRETER 4 GO. 24thst. ;j Additional interest centres in our Stores since the great improvements and changes are completed. No better or brighter shopping-place in New York now. September opens with a large increase in ', business over any previous season. Great sales of Fine Dress Goods below value. hosiery sale. Underwear school $m nsoTALu or ADMNCE SflLE satur"ay- uh 1 SSHS - shoe W Boys clothing. N- Dress Goods H: overKther derwear buy here- 'you chhot . M KSrSB 2 Rfl 1 1 i i ii r n u - , i sATURok - sale. JBfo MILLINERY. 12- D- ftrWtmpnt K; hosiery. underwear. . , Mfflral iSS lOUlll llliulil .HKy T .,lio 17 n ,, Tr HIUIliH THAT DO NOT (UVlcl BffiW MtfaBBlTMM J&2&&S3i!Rs& X BBK ljftUlGB 1 linoy Cottuil HOSO. T .. ,,..,, , ,, . UKAisONAIII H wiaii iav ..! BSitBaVBMMLlBBBVH JJKwSHfila&'Y M.wsinn as N SriorST KaWrHD.-;MWM,B0:,!ll; INffiSPn JlSm Wo - o SATURDAY. Ha. been greatly enlarged , M MtchogwmBtolOo'eloek, "gS gycStviy1 r.vPA. hW wt asBoitmont of Felt Koh1b far the andlmproved. FineDrett 1' VKCa 8 to 10 o'clock, fHBwSIBi WB lfti fgliiif Fall trade, which will be on sale C00 moro of the Italian Silk Goods below the regular H Jr nair HKlnrlnkfiB lr3 1 Sahmhiy nttho following prices: Covers, worth 1.25 to 1.50, at price for Saturday and next B Ladies' Fast black Cotton ti QOfll GlaLlvS'wi A f BKrBeMB Bf iH Now shapes in Tui ban Toques -, ek , ... w . B Hose full regular made, ini- OU. 681. S CT Aft HHHiI W WW -Harge ktH in Navy, BlU, QQC cToTnfuS J Q CtS. ported Ladies' Hibbod Vests, Laced withpelon AH MllHIL 11 !", Gray and assorted colors, && est .hades. .?". 43 'V- K 1 Fronts Colors Blue and Pink. ::1:9;.) T U BffiSKO W M?F KW Hr0 flTlii fiQP These good, are nry ,o ft an K b Our 15-Cent Yosts to close at WBMmBHSMW M 1 flWUM tOU. tlilU UUUi Beautiful colorings, and first lot pretty. K, Ladies' Fancy Lisle Thread I A . I SE'SlaK.lV JWJm of 1 ,000 sold in few dayn. Some beautiful new things in '; W and 40-Gango Cotton Hose, also I IJC fidCll Lot 2 Chihlren's BImkI.IKHK a Fino French Felts in nowest Fall Goods at p mode and tan BhatU-s. VHVIIl Glaze Kid SpniiT) iO A hKrISI.IbbbeI aTkllD a a mm shnpos and Bhadcs, ,..-.. -tr nr smn . - , : JSP r "Sa 'S Ift. " L ADVANCE SALE KDsmT.m,.,,. pants a A ,,, Alpinos, oa EAOH DldUKeiS Ml ' sliaao, spliced too and heel I H AAPh T J' J T 1 X HAT-rande of M0,llcut weanu trimmed and untrinmied, at very 5 t"- A n i ll B: Hore' s a.Kc ' l, rT. "wi aaIsiIe Mp ! "-sr:1"!'-.,.,.. o Comfortables. , .IbbbbbbP i" long and bhort sleeves, anocs, itii pat-f Jifl To.tnrt tiioaaaaon witu n r.'.h wo ZZM tin nitv 10 DUyers oOllOOl fi . , ..... iB Children's oxtra nualitr enk lealhrr ll. IJ U ff"-a iorB6 v.netv of I tt7B l ll"clt- ... .-,. , 5o Pa,rs of I0-4 CflCtS, BaL?- DorbJ sa 3i?r narh '' "ww WINTER JACKETS - ! ,irtriA,i!x Supp,les: Wearehead- w" "- b9 K xMiDiacjc, Wf vClVlla i cuaTiota ra ne.vara witb Fur BICYCLE HAT and a pair of latest Fall Styles. quarters for all School 300 pairs of 10-4 PHOtS. ll AC 1 B pi-M rn -,a Kotunupwnh.viSw c.mnii.e ou k Grav Blankets.... Dd OSir. H. iU 1 case chidrons Fan weight 1 Bpociai lot of SKr ,u""" DI1EASTED CAssiiehe suit, Supplies, and have been ; , " p "T'i,, - uj H SE-taTS 1 " t" A Buy ..rly in day Satur-Abo,,, ,0, good I 35 I KL , pair. IOC. 40 EHk, S.,rui.:X".') "!!" 7af ir9s SPECIALTY. , on customers. , ?"...' 1 Ht'tVu Ji 1 , "'M.I.I piHfkHrilNtHttiiM sssssss...B........N.....MBSSMBBLfciBBil. -' l'atfAaaaa.lV'ftatfil'TJrr'islr'r Vt jW latt 1 ll'll'' 1 J""l'T 'l ajhlHlJBMyiflHbdl