OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, September 10, 1892, EXTRA 2 O'CLOCK, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1892-09-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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sWvf' aaaaaaaB
H( 1 File Up Dollars for the Western
m'-1 Campaign Fund
Kt ; ' Twenty Clubs Competing for the
H; Silken Banners.
K f Got. Beyd toSert-e on the Commit-
Kl ' tee of Distribution.
B;' .J irrssaThlsAteTatna's "WerlaVM
HP arend total acknowledged In
El , yesterday's "World" 33,033,81
K Total yesterday 8HO.UA
KJ' "' . Qrsad Total 30.ai4.iS
Bff ;:. jThavjEaeentlTe of Nebraska Will Serve
Hv ' 'i' on the Committee of Distribution.
BSBnT f ., . .
" ' ' ElKCCTlVI DicrABTalINT,
j i LU.C0LN, Sept, 0, 1HIW. J
f TalAe KdUfofThr World.
,' 811: I have lust returned from an oxten
BaVaaW'i' BSBKJ. sire tour of tho Pacific coast and find your
B: fl letter of tie linn ult. on my dent, relative to
B the workofTHi WORt.Dln raising a Western
K' Ji campali Funt
Bj Yoiuetrorsehas my hearty approval and I
KfL' bavatill day forwarded my check for $100
K ' for that purpose to the Omaha H'oi lO-lliraia,
KT,; which la co-operating wltn you in this bcc-
Hv', Uon. With you, I bellove thero aro a number
B,' of Western States, formerly Republican,
svrfV 1 which ars now debatable. 1 consider our own
ft'p' 1 Btaw of Nebraska one of these, and feel
Bfo epTaStatoiir efforts this fall will result
Mf.-fy hTtakihg it from the Republican column.
Hffff Assuring you of my appreciation of the
Bjji honor you do mo lu asking my co-operation,
K'f & ' I cheerfully respond that I will do anything
B'jkJ in my power, and only wlah tbat I was nnan-
PJk f ?c?u' "V w contribute mora liberally. Very
B.'lf respectfully yours,
H'fV ',', James K. Boyd, Governor.
BjaK'lft Stata Senator MoMalion an IlecnnL
j' j'ti'it New Yoaa, Hept. 8, ibiw.
K'l JTasafar Wtttttn Vtmotratie Camjiitgn Fund,
BjmKjlx ' Mr: I oongratulato you upon the success
K.; attending your popular subscription for the
Hftifj, j Westorn Democratic! campaign Fund.' It Is
HL p' "timely and important. Wblle I entertain no
KmJ doubt of Demooratlo success In New York and
Hpf the other Democratlo Eastern states, I still
HK think that nothing should be left undone to
H?,? place some of the doubtful Slates of the West
Hh- permanently In the Democratlo column.
HjJ J a" popular subscription, such aa you have
Ht,p' Initialed, which gives to everyone w ho de-
Hj;$t tires Democratic success opportunity to con.
Pfl X trlbato a sum, no matter how small, is wise
Bp and well conceived, and I am glad to see that
BBS the Democratic managers bare commended
El v. It so strongly to the approval of the people.
Hn - I lncloso check tor ma Very sincerely yours,
Bfrfc M. T. McMltiON.
BflE,'iv A. A. Healy'e Strong Indorsement.
Sm Nw Yoai, Sept V, 1BU2.
BBst Jfasafcr Wttr ItinorratU Campatfn Fund.
Skip Sis: I inclose check for 1100 as a contrlbu-
Vii tlon towards the educational campaign In
BBf the Western States. Tui World Is doing an
JK'r excellent aerrlco In affording the people an
CQ opportunity to give large or small amounts
K to this great cause. It Is the people's cau se,
Fi; and It Is right, and proper that tho people
B)i should contribute to it according to their
Bf Ju meant They can mako no better Investment
Bp h 0( lnclr nioney. Let tho work of education
HCip i, .go on. If the people understood the real
B.' V effect of the tariff upon their welfare thcro
t would be such an uprising against It us would
cause Its repeal as soon aa congress could as-
i semble to do the work. It Is In my judgment
k true philanthropy to help radically to re-
f form the present tariff, which Is doing more
. Uian anything else to keep down the great,
i struggling masses of our countrymen.
Npa. 88-80 Gold streeu A. A. llULT.
'& '- v. . Through the World-Herald.
v, ' Omaha, Xeb., Sept, 0. Kloven dollars were
it received to-day for the Western Democratic
aajK it. r Campaign Fund by tho Wvria-Ueraia.
BfP Reported by the Warwick Ueipateli.
B K Warwick, N.Y., Sept. 0 Twelve Warwick
BS If Democrats to-day each subscribed a dollar to
BSli , ituo Western Democratlo Campaign Fund
BS (f through the Warwick DetpaMu
BBBBtl .
BB Twenty Clubs Cuotcitlna for the Ten
BB 1'fllM OfTerea by " The Wnrld."
Byjf The presence of Mr. Clevoland In New York 1
Hg Llld tn9 big meeting In Tammauy llu.ll Utt .
t I evening are but two Indications of the ncllv.
! Uy In politics, which will Increase from now ,
BBBBJf on to election. No doubt Is entertained by
Btli old political observers that tho campaign
Vv during thecoming six weeks will Leoueot the
k' liveliest on record, and will probably be like
BK ' the late meeting at New Orleans, short, sharp
Ki anddeclilve, when It Is to be hoped the lie-
1 publican candidate will be knocked out,
H Meanwhile discussion bus begun In the Wost-
Hji ern States of the issues and tho candidates,
B.i and before many weeks are over people tlicre
Kl V.II1 have made up their minds permanently.
Kj It s useless to try to influence publla oplu.
B$i- ton to any great extent In the closing weeks
BL ot a Presidential oauvass, so tbat the real
BL wort (tr Cleveland this year must bo dono
HHW; during the comln,; month. No time Is, I here-
B' 'ore to be lost In subscribing to tho Western
K'' 'Democratic Campaign Fund, clubs partlcl-
Hbj paling In the banner contest should report
K- the progress ot their subscriptions as often
H'j asposslole. Twenty are now engaged In the
K contest. Here are their names:
S11 Cleveland and htevensun Club of the
Bf Tenth Assembly Olstrlrt.
V' f Tammany Association of the First At,
Bfl aembly District.
' Democratic Club, Ilslliton Spa, X. V.
HtH Comaoche Club, Third Assembly lilt-
BBBBBBBBh. Tammany Club, new Seventh Asiembly
sssssssssm' Ulitrlct.
Hf' Tammany Association, new Tenth As-
B' sembly District.
BBaBr Tammany Association, new Fourteenth
BBBj!; Assembly District.
BBBtjj' Cleveland Club of the Seventeenth
vi, Ward, Brooklyn.
BBB Toons; Men's Democracy, Auburn.
BBBKI Democratlo Club, ISurTalo.
BjVjVty. Cleveland and ftevenson Campalcn
BBBK!' Clnb, IlldceBeld, Cotyi.
BBBaRr Democratic Club, Itorae, N. Y.
BBBS4 Yonas; Men's Tariff lieform Club,
BBBKi' Elisabeth, It. J.
BjMBy4 Second Ward Cleveland and Stevenson
B, Clnb, lUliabeth, K. J.
K'? 31 - ThU If Cleveland and Btayanion
ssssssssssK.f' ''"'.
I contribute
Ksme. M
Make checks and money-orders payable to
the Western Democratlo Campaign Fund.
Address all communications to the Western
Campaign Fund, box '.,,:i;4 New York city.
"The World" nUs vonr enhsrrlntlon
10 the Western llemoerntie Campnlan
Fund, ,Ncurr oCHeinnrrnllr newspapers
In ether parts nl Hie country have also
opened llielr columns to rrreln contri
butions. All the money raised will be
expended leslllmnlelr by Ibe mlvlce of a
committee of lending Western Demo
crats Insraalnc a vlcornna educational
campalfii lu lhoneWteru Htates which
have anno Kcpnbtlcan In elections
hitherto, but now ale Ihr strongest In.
dleatlaas of a tendency toward lltnur.
racy anil Tnrllf llelorm.
Tho larger the number of anhserlp.
tlonn. regardless oftlielr sire, lliegrrntrr
will be Hie moral rfleel. Will you helpf
lfso, send a cheek, a registered letter, a
mouey.order or cash lolhcaddrrseglvea
above. Also, If convenient, All up the
blank lu order Ihnt your snbscrlt.tlon
hit be acknowledged lu the ciiluwna ol
"The World."
Ilemocrntlc Association, Kllislielli. N, J.
Yurkvllle Ileinoerntlc Club.
Ilarlein lletixicratlc CI11I1.
Jefferson Democratic Club, New Haven,
Tariff Iteforui Club, South Orange, N. , I,
Jefferson Democratic Cluli.
Friends ot political clubs aro privi
leged to send In subscriptions tu the
bauner contest as well as regular
members. The money of all Is equally
welcomed for tho cause of Democracy. 'I lie
money so received Is turned Into the Western
Democratic campaign I'tind. Tho banner
contest off or as a chance to clubs to show
what tney can do In tbo cause ot national
Democracy. Tho money Is put to a better
uso than buying fireworks, sending up bal
loons or providing " banquets." It will start
presses for tho printing of pamphlets and
hlro halls for speakers lu those Western
States which havo been sliding so steadily
towards Democracy snd which hod out a
hope or befirg carried permiitlomiy into the
Democratic column this year.
Tho banners to bo distributed among tbo
clubs will be ten In number, nnd, tho ten
club) at tbo bead of the list en tho nrst of
next month will each win one. They aro
silken banners heavily Irlugrd islth gold and
handsomely mounted, making campaign
trophies ot a unique pattern and ot perma
nent valuo as ornaments to any club-houHe.
Subscribers tu tho fund Interested In the
succc's of any one club can have their con
tributions credited to such organization by so
Value of Beady Monoy aa Taught
by a Grocer.
An enterprising grocer in tho town of
Bauta Clara, Cal. , Las adopted nn orlgi.
nal method of trade. Each aldo of lbs
sturn Is fitted up for business on its own
In the general arrangement each sldo Is
a duplicatu of the other, the difference
being tbat ono side is for cash nnd tho
othur for credit.
When n customer conies in, tho first
question asked is, "Do you wish to buy
for cusli or on aoconnt.'"
If it is a cash customer tho goods on
tho cash side ore shown, tuys an exchange
hut if it Is ouo wlio wiinlH credit he is
shown tu tho other side, and for the first
time in his life porhnps mude to realize
the value of ready money.
1 1
Bar Draco of Abercorn Equal to n
Trying Emergency.
The best story of tho British geuoral
election comas from Ireland and is told
by tho Belfast Vif ynih on ' 'most reliable
authority." In tho New ton Stewart Ills,
trict of North Tyrone, in which Lord
Frederick Hamilton, brother of tbo First
Lord of tho Admiralty, unit also of the
Duko of Abercotu, defeated Jtev. 1'rof.
Dougherty bv only forty. nluo votes, it
was ascertained at U on the evening of
the polling day that two invalid I'uiouist
.olers were unpolled. '
Kvury available vehicle suitable for the
purpose, hud beeii pressed into serv ico,
mid Lord Frederick's agent was in a
dilemma. Unovvinu' that the tight would
be au extreuioly "lose one.
I At length it was det ided to send n nies.
setigei to liurouhcourt, where tho Duke
and Duchess of Aliorcorn aru nt present
staying. After cuusidoriug tho situation.
Her Grace, with 11 woman's readiness of
resource, suggested that two fiirmluuses,
ploughing in u Held cIumi liv, should Lo
requisitioned, and tbo great stage coach
used by tho latu Duko when I.urd Lieu
tenant of Ireluud should bo pressed into
Tho burses wero brought lu, tho couch
whitled out uud then it was discovered
that there wus no harness. Woiiiuii'h
wit, however, again camo to tho rescue,
uud wilh tho silver.uiouuud slnta lmr
ness which ot unlimited tliu iiiuutul.pieru
of ouo or tho prinolpul apartuuuts in tho ,
castle, tho equipage was red tu start. I
Hut all tho dllllcultles Irid not lieeusur
mouutul J 1 1 '1 here was 110 one but the
Duko to drive, nnd tbo law was too plain'
on tho subject of I'm is lakiuj; pint in
elections. Tho law, however. s.iid notli
ing about l'eoresses. nnd tho Umhit,, ste
Mf the Htnte of iiUuirH, nt emeu volun
teered her services, mounted tliu ilickev
uud drovo oil amid tbo cheers of tho
ussembled serv ants,
Tho first uiau was polio 1 at CM o'clock.
nnd at 7.57 the second mail, although ho
lived over four miles diMimt from tho
pulling station, was brought into tho
boolh and his vole recorded
A Women's Woea.
IuiH 7'X(1..SIltri9, J
CoL Yerger returned home very late and In
a demoralized condition.
" Here you are aifaln." said Jlrs. Yerger, as
she met him at the head of the stairs.
" Yesh, my dear, hero I am," replied the
Colonel, meekly.
You are a brute. Here It H 12 o'clock. It
will be almost daj light before I'll pet through
telling ) on what 1 think ot you. fleie Ihuve
to loiw 1 my sleep on nur account, and I'll feci
bad all day to-morion."
Not c. Pltiasunt Trip,
From Juitit,)
"Did you evor tako a blcyclo trip,
" Where did you gof"
"Straight, over ou uy neck,"
i l ?
Getaway-Day Has the Most Brill
iant Card of the Meeting.
Three Fixed Kvents to Be Contested
Kqr by Home Cracks.
The card at Mieepshoad Day to-day is ono
of the most brilliant ot the meeting. It Is a
fitting programme for tho vvlnd-upof every
good meeting. Tho card bristles with features,
ana the contests should be very exciting. The
old-Time'' llace, at four miles, la agreat deal
of a flrle. Only three horses am entered. Tho
Sheriff Is a selling plater, Tea '1 ray Is a rogue
ami Dctnuth Isn't far from It. still, the fact that
the race Is at four miles will cause considerable
Interest to be taken In tho event. The Oroat
Kastern Handicap lor two-) car-olds has Don
Alnno, llrlen Nichols, Corduroy, Mr Francis,
bnolu Jim and other good youngsters en
gageik Houtanaractolus and Hlelpner meet
In tno Mayflower Handicap, at a mile and
three furlongs. The best plays on the card
look to be correction, 1'actolus, Don Alomo
and Tom lingers. The track will be dry snd
last. Tho entiles and selections are as fol.
Firm Ttlc. -I'nrM tl.UOOj for lhr-tr-oU
and iiuwsrd, !ti whiinr to bs iuld st auction,
vtii furloiiKt.
H. V. Fltlirr'nlom llsr 10S
Hron i H.)ir. 1 M Wlu I OS
Whltt.n liru.'. Miliuia..,, 1)5
W. II. Jo ,ntnss ko.s It ,.,. ,05
I. K. ItaDiid.ii'i Oscar lot
K. Al.nrd'i Klli.rl.i.c Wi
A. 0. li(.fllly, llf lit m
tl. A. .Inrdin'iSllTSr l'rlnco V
,(. Mel.xmtillu'i Krr Wnt US
Wtlcott i Utimiliell Oirlu J
W. ,1. Nplor't l.lirrtti 3
W. C. Dslj'i l-siiit VI
(llu.on.t f)l'i lU'iianiir VJ
Hartldjtllr).. Mouupoll.t M
M. r. fl)r NuintJ , . .. vt
(I. Kotbr. lut.m.u tl
V.. Wlslisrd's Doll. Mil'uno S'J
Hntsman ought to win the opening event
If he starts and Dolly llcCnno should bo
second, ltosa II may beat the others.
Kecoml ltaro Purfe SJ 1,000 ; for noo.winnsrs st
tnl meeting 1 l-nturlty ronrio,
I iufiroHulilfl'i'lormutor 117
V. Connollo.' ltportr lift
I. K.MoPuuslcl'f Cb..llflt 114
.1 .Mobsufhllu'.FIatllis 114
VVlcott . I'niipli.ll'. Ilxumruno 114
.1. J. Mct'allsrir'i Lstalle Ill
.1. A. A. II. Morrla's CorractloD Ill
V.. AUord'o Klparlaupa . ,,.,., Ill
lUooocalKtibla'amslactlla ins
M F. Ilwrer'a Nuinsd 10S
I II. lUmmlrU'a O.oar Id?
I. .1. Dwjrat tion'a Msdrnl lllft
W. l.akrlanil'a Lrntchat 101
I'. Kaana'B Whlta Ho.o left
Mtrcua Dalf'a Nllfar Fol lol
Koratonahttbla'a Indiiatry , HA
Mircua l)sl'a Lbrjaalia , Hft
KatidallHtabla'a Qaaan Kuld Hft
Distance and wolght suit Correction to a
dot In this race, and she should be returned an
easy winner. Chesapeake may be tho runner
up, and Kstello should not be worse than third.
Third IUc. Th Mijlloi.tr Hsodlosp: shsadl
cap vaati.ukaa of f 50 aaoti, with 41, Sou sddad;
oua sad thrc lurloiiKi.
Msrctia Ilal.'a MonUua 123
L. I. Uinllard'a Hlalpnar US
A, WUiou'a I'actolila lu
W. C. Ilalj'a l.lnia 100
J Caaay'a Dundae 100
W. H. Junea'a Diara if us
I'actolus, If rtddon bj a capable jockey
who will wait with him, ought to win this
stake. I'actolus has a great burst ot speed,
and ir waited with can easily stall off Mon
tana's rush In tho stretch. Tho latter may
bo second and Slelpner ought to beat the
1-oorth IUoa. - The (Ireat Esattru llindlctp: s
uaodli.ap awaupitftkaa fur ltvoyMr.olda or alSU
atohforatsrlora, tS.UUU to La added b tba taao
nation 1 Futurity count, about Ibree-qmrterl ot
F A, Khrat'a Don Alonrn 19s
J. .1, UcUaflartr'a llalas Niobol US
t-mplraNtabla'a Uomaucha. 114
W.O. Dalir'a Frlnoa liaoria ipj
J Itupuarv, Jr 'a, AJai no
W it. Ilarrlck'a Kiiln Ha,. ...:..""":.:".::: llo
Itlamlonmsblo'aCorduror 10S
I. A. a A. II. Morrt.'e trltiao 107
r. A. hbrnt'artlr Irauula log
r, Keeua'a Ctnaarlck , 103
IJklaon A IMIj'. LaurslMiuldcull 104
J. A. at A. II. Motrla'a Mlunabaha 101
VV. H. rsrnaa'a llouodJaaa juo
W. Donabua'a Kabaccs Kowott uoit 95
A. VVIUon'a tluola Jim "' " ,""" Jj
JV. I.ak.land'a Fslthful ' "" no
Miront Dal'a unrraall vo
Don Alonro, capably ridden, ought to win
this handicap rather easily. There Is but
little difference bomeen this colt and Mo
rello. in tact, man) declare tbat Don Alonzo
Is the superior of the Bon of Kolus. Helen
Nichols may get second monoy and Corduroy
may but hud.
Fllll. Ka.e.-Tlie "Old-Tlraa" Kaoa: puna
Si. 000; nutraaco, 100; Si. 500 mora will la
addadln caaatba racalsrtin fn7.2Sf sft,oou If It
ba run In 7. 1UM (l.ailnf lon'a tlmaji four lullaa
V, Lakaland'a las Irar 110
0. O. Juuaa a Co 'alba MbailfT 104
1. A l.brat'aDeiuuth iu4
Tho starters In the Old-Tlme Haco ought to
flulsu In this order: Tea 'I ray, Demuth, The
Rlllh Rsoa. A handicap avr.apilaka of glo alcb,
villi 91,'i6U sddad.uua uilla aud s uuartar. oa
J O lollantbaa'a (lloamlus , 130
VV. M ItarrlcVa Tom Houara 1J7
Kancocaa Mablo'a Klldaar 120
EuplreNtabla'a Traitlt n
W.O. Dal'a Mill !...""."!." .... 11U
I'. II Itjau'a Woodcraft 114
W.O. Daljr'a ltouuafort 114
A Wllaola kliKlllh l.adr ." ...... 11 J
1 Oabhard'a VVrarpatli no
J. K Saagram'a Vlctorloua llo
It. K IligufaMraplioii nu,
The closing-event may be won by Tom
ltogirs, with Gloaming second snd Klldeer
Uurnlntr Papers' Seleotlona.
First Hace-Nomad, May Win.
.second llace-Tormentor, Kstello.
Third llacu Melpner, Montana.
Fourth llnce mien Mchols, corduroy.
Htlli Hate Tea I ray.
Mxlh Itacu Warpath, Tom ltogers.
First Hace Nomad, llosa II,
Second lt.ico t'ornctlon, Hs'.elle.
Ihlid Itaie Montana, I'actolus.
luiirih It ii e lion Alonzo. Helen Mchols.
Ullh ltaio Tea Tray, Demutb.
fclith llace lorn ltogers, llloamlng.
Flnt llnce Holly McL'one. Nomad.
Mound ltaio ivirecttou, Tormeutor.
'1 Hint llaio Montnua, Slelpner.
Fourth Haco Hun Alonro, Helen Nichols,
llllli Unci 'lea 'I ray. Demuth. arnja
MxtUIUie lorn, ltogers, Uluauilng.
First Itace Dolly MrConc, ltosa 11,
K-iond Haiv correction, Kstelle.
'Ihlrd Haco Montana, Dundee.
Fourth Hace Aax. Corduroy.
Mfth lince Heiiiuth, Tea liny,
Milli Hace Oloaiulng, 'lom ltogers.
Krtst Hace Nomad, Ma Win.
seioud Haco Correellen, irotchet.
'Ililra ltaie Montuim, I'actolus.
Fourth Hace- Don .Munro, Helen Nichols.
1 Kth Hace Tea Ira), Demuth.
sixth Hace Tom ltogers, Hloamlng.
Gloucester Selections.
First Hace boieii, Dago, spendollne.
second it ace- Vllverj , sat,,r Louhe geldlntr.
'I hlid Hart Hi met, I'okliio, Vulplna.
Fourth Itace- Detroit, Lord Harry, Chst-,
Mftn Knie-llay, Moiiie v., Capt. Hrown.
sixth llace Mngsclere, Mary il Ooldslep.
At Central Park: Spring's.
l)ro,. Sir.
1 ad) (lo bo) -Did ) ou say this was vlchy r
It doesn't taite like vlchy.
l'oy-v.cs'm; that's vlchy. It's tho best
v ich) made, and w e guarantee It.
jtx Wonderful
Mffl Jacob A. Kunket, a
P ,oS reliable larmer of Mt.
4pwj . Bi llorsl, York Co., l'.,
V L fV "l""1' running sors
VIJ gf broke out on lbs leg of
1 """lr l'1' n""1' MIHon A
Mtf'' Jmt Kunkel, wllfo he was 5
HfJSvVSRk) ears old. llerouldnot
MSHA4aa9a7lSJI3alk. Two )eara iko
.Vlllloii . Kunkrl, Ihey Ixksii Kivlnir him
IIOOD'N KAItHAl'Altll.l.A and In a abort
tluia tli ,ori healed up, lis rtvalntd perfect
health, and he la now, st 1.1 years, lively and
rua-ged. Mr. Kunkel ssysi ' We all consider his
cure llitla abort uf a miracle."
llOOD'U riLLMCttrsuAWlUAl eomUrstlOB.
. , t -
IsrtlylfXw . tJJl'M' .'a. w ?)
Ft om La$t SighCt Sporting h'xtra.)
Lamplighter and Morello
Undoubtedly the Best
of Their Age.
Trouble Between Warnke and C,
I. Jockey Club Settled.
Lamplighter and Morello. respectively tho
beat tnree and two-year-olds ot the year,
won two stake events at Pheepshead Hay
yesterday, lloth victories are worthy ot
special mention, from tho fact that they wcro
grand performances. In the Hrldge Handlcnp
Lampllgbtor carried l'JT pounds, and ran a
mile snd a halt In '.Mill !.",.
He gave away from thico to twenty-seven
pounds actual weight. Ho was ridden ablv
by Jockey Hamilton, aud a pang of regret
must have seized Mr. l.orlllard when no re
membered that ho bad released the colored
boy from riding for him next season.
. .
Morellos performance "iib also noteworthy.
He give his Held iroui fourteen to twonty.
six pounds uud won lu a louimon cantei. Ho
carried 1S7 pounds and no one can now dis
pute tho tact that ho Is by far tho best of tho
joungsters. As good as dton was quoted
against Morello. lie should hare been u l to
li chance.
An Insnne plunge on Knglo Iilrd, however,
forced the bookies to raise Morello's price lu
order to square tbelr books. What Induced
people to plunge on Kaglo Hlrd will never bo
known. Probably It was tho report that Mo.
rellnwas not nt, but anyone who saw the
eolt warm up In his preliminary could not
help but admit that he wus as good as he ever
was In his life.
Jockey Hamilton received .'oa from Mr.
Lorlllard fur bis wlu with Lamplighter,
Minis, who rode Kilkenny, was also presented
with SouO. The latter slgnod his contrnct
with the master of Hancocas vesterday.
Miosis on top of tho heap in the matter of
successful Jockeys Just now, but his experi
ence Is tho same as that ot other jockeys.
Hlms Is not as good a rider as Hamil
ton. Oood Judges will admit that. He scored
several lucky wins during the early part of
tbo season, and snowed one or two bits nt
clever riding. At once there was a universal
demand for lila services and he was given the
choicest mounts.
It Is the same with all Jockeys. McLaughlin,
Fltrpatrlck, Taral, Hamilton, Oarrlson ana
others have had the same experience. They
can ride to-day as well as they ever could,
but when one or two Jockeys receive tho
choice mounts they have to stand asulo and
are termed back numbers.
Yo Tamblen was Jammed on the fenco
going down tho backstretcu during the pro
gress of the Urldgo Handicap aim severely
Injured. 'IheBkln was torn la several places
on her aldo. Fltzuatrlck also had his leg
lammed. He pulled tho illly up and nulsbed
At that time Yo Tamblen held a good por
tion and was going easily. It is a pity that
the accident happened, tor the chief Interest
In the raco was centred on the Western
crack, and her performance wus being eagerly
Tbo troublo between II. Warnke snd tho
Coney Island Jockey Club officials occasioned
by the withdrawal ot Htouenell, after the
betting had been going ou soiuo time has
been amicably adjusted. Btonenell was In to
earry ma pounds. VVarnkn;clatmed be was
entitled to a four-pound allowance uue horses
that had not won t'J.ooo in inii1.'. The
oulde ststed that Htonenell won the Troy
Stakes at Saratoga last year, and put the
value at $',',4ir
Later the omctnls found that the stako was
only worth about il,5oo to WaruKe, and nn
apology w as tendered to the ex-nnltchman.
The latter talks uf suing tor the purse, claim
ing tbat be would have won sure. This Is
doubttul. 1'arvenuu ran tho seven furlongs
In l.'.'H under a mill and could probably navo
bcateu sionrnell.
I'ollcemon nsslgned to race courses In the
Wost are vory tree in their use of levolvers.
Yesterday at Latonla an officer shot a pick
pocket fur resisting arrest.
James A. Webb, representing the Oarfleld
l'ark (Chicago) syndicate, has pmcliased one
hundred acres ul ground at Hub) station, Ind.
'1 ho price paid was $w."iO,ouo, and a 100,001)
more will be expended to build a complete
tulle track.
Jocko) Tom Urltton says be has badexactly
eleven falls Irom horses wblle Hi races, and
in tnl.s connection lie relates a c'lrlnus coin,
cldence. When he got his bard fall from Miss
Dixie at Chicago Inst year he had JUHt won
eveuty-one racts up to that time that
H bad Just won exactly the saino number
this) ear up to tho time when Kemper Fldelo
fell with htm at St. Paul a few weeks ago.
Ho bad better quit when he wins seventy-one
races next year and avoid another fall.
Mr, F. A. Ehret believed that Yorkvltlc
Hello would wlu tho Hrldge Handicap jester
day, aud was prceut to bet ou his fuvurltu
uisre. Shewnstil and well In the morning,
and '1 miner Allen closed her stall so t hat sue
would bo kept quiet until the time came to
prepare her lor hor race.
He was sui prised when ho opened the stall
and found the mare persplrlug luufuvel), uud
that big blotches had appeared on lur skin.
Dr. hhepard was called. He said that the
Belle had taken a chill tn her stomach, and
that thts caused tho blotches to appear.
The sulky which Nancy Hanks drew when
she made her mile record 01 y.07l4 weights!
t)'.'w 1'ouiuU '1 ho sulky -Maud s. used when
she established her record of smihs, weighed
4'.' pounds.
King Lee. tho crack two-) ear-old colt by
King Altoiuo, dam Pauline Lee, has been sold
by tho Se. ggan llros. 10 Mck Hner. Tho
price was not made public, but 11 Is believed
tu bo a aucy figure.
He Goos After Nnncy Ilnnka and
Miikos a Mllo In 11. 00 4.6.
sraivuMMP, Mas sfit, i -yiuiinermau I
sturteJ tor Nancy llankVs nnlo record with a
tl)tmr start, llo established a bicycle record
of .os 4.;,.
Wltidlo next tried the tl) ing .start, half,
miking It In 1.00 1-0. deorgo F. 'laylor
lowtrcd Zimmerman's rl)lng mile to '-'.os 1.3.
The New Jersey rider was then sent after
Nano Hanks a second time, rcllpslug her 1
lecord made on a regulitlou tiack b) 1.5 of a
second. Ills ttmo w us '.'.ou :
Tlio Bonntor Negotiating; to Buy
Fritz's Villa nt Albany.
ALB4SV. bept- 0 Negotiations are about
completed looking towards the purchaso by
Senator Hill ot the villa ot the Iste J. K. Em.
met. The property embraces a handsome
r sldence nnd tlf teen seres on the boulevard
between Albany and Trnv
'I ho estato cost iiver stiou.ooo sad has been
advertised lor sale at f.'iu.ooo.
The Wetmore'a Crow All Saved,
Forth nd, ore., Sept. 0. Tho crew or the
whaleback steamer Wetmore, which went
ashore at North Spit liar on the Oregon coast,
have all been saved. Tho steamer Is a total
. '
Q, S. Weaver Says He Escaped
irom the Normannia.
Now in Minntapolis, Where He
Tells His Story.
Ills Name Doesn't Appear on tbe
Steamer's Passenger List.
IHT 1M0CIATKO tlltt.l
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 9. George 8.
Weaver, who claims to have been a passenger
across tbe Atlantic on the quarantined
stoamshtp Normannia, Is nt tbe Nicollet
House to-day, and bis description or tho way
ho got ashore, running tbe gauntlet of tbe
health authorities, Is rather Interesting.
Weaver Is tbe European a gent of tho San
Francisco Tea Company, and be wss return
Ing from one of his periodical trips aboard
tho Normannia.
" How did you get away, Mr. Weaver?" was
Well, every man In tbe cabin was as
hcsltby as I am at this minute, and I made
up my mlna to go ashore.
On Mondsy afternoon I got hold of a lite
preserror and planted It away up In the bows
undor some cordage.
"There wss another ship anchored close to
us. but I don't know wbat hor name was.
" Sho was a much smaller ship to tbo Nor
msunla. I saw tbat she was low In the
water and had naif a dozen lines banging over
her aide.
" Wnen it got dusk I got into my life-preserver,
and when there was no one on watch
In tbe bows I climbed Into the chains and
dropped overboard.
" I made for the Rtaten Island shore, nnd
after stripping and drying my clothes
walked up the shore and took tbe ferry to
New York.
"I didn't say anything about my escape
while In that city as I wot afraid I would be
sent back."
Mr. Weaver's name docs not appoarontbo
list ot tbe Normannla's passengers given out
by the Hamburg-Amorlcan steamship com
pany. At the offices or tbe Company, 37 Broad
way, nothing was known of Mr. Weaver, and
thero was a disposition to stamp bis story as
Tho health guards at (Juarantlne say It
would have boon next to Impossible for any
person to have escaped from tbe Normannia
In tho manner described by Mr. Weaver.
They say also that tbe cholera scare has
assumed such proportions on the Brook
lyn and Staten Island shoes that
bad any passenger effected a land
ing the Health Officers would havo been noil
fled Immediately.
Waritobawsky and Knrren Return
to Their Homes.
The mystery surrounding tbe murder ot
Lazsrus Alzonstat, whose body was found In
tbe woods along Fort Hamilton avenue, In
New Utrecht, Is as deep as ever, although the
police of both Brooklyn and Mew Yorkers
now quite positive that the man known as
Solomon, Who lived with Atzenstat at 100
East Broadway, was concerned In the
Louis Warschawsky, of 01 Forsyth street,
and Louis Karren, of 230 Division street, who
left the city together lsst Monday night, say
ing they Intended loeklng up a certain com
mission for tbe sale of a farm In Con
necticut, which was discovered by an Kvsn
ing Wori n reporter to be the farm tor which
Alzenstat had been negotiating, returned
this morning to tbelr respective homes.
Wntscbawsky seemed to bo surprised when
told tbat he had been sought alter In connec
tion with the New I'trecht murder.
To an Evsnino Wobi.o reporter he said ho
becamo acquainted with ADenstal tbrouglt
tbe tatter's desire to purchase a farm lu East
Alzenstnt. he said, had paid $300 as deposit
and was to have paid Si.'JOO on Sept. 8. The
price 01 the farm was tu be ts.OOO.
Since paying tbe deposit, he said be had
not seen Alzenstat.
Louis Karren told Tue Etinino Would re
porter substantially the esmo story nsnar
rated by Warchawsky.
Solomon worked lu tbe grocery storo ot u.
Harris, st Essex street for two weeks shortly
after his arrival lu this country.
No arrests have yet been made.
Rome of tbe Owners Hold Permits
from tbe Health Department.
James Costello, Peter Flanagan and Mlcbael
McUarry, all Uvlng In the vicinity ot Meeker
avenue and Ewen street, Williamsburg, were
each fined 15 In tbo Lee Avenue l'ollce Court
mis morning for keeping pigs without a
In Investigating the premises In tbe pooler
sections of the city, tbe police have found nu
merous cases where pigs are kept lu base
ments, many of tbe people holding permits
irom the Urookl) n Department ot Health, and
others without any permit whatever.
Mrs. Hayner's Ante-Mortem state
ment. Mrs. Cbulotto rluyner. tbe wlfo ot boat,
rasn Kenny Ua)ner, of Jersey City, who wa
shot by him night beforo last, as he alleged,
becauso be had detected ber In unfaithful
ness, made an ante-mortem statement to
day to Coroner 1'arslow, In vvlikhshe says her
I husband habitually carried a pistol and hud
repeatedly threatened her. It Is thought
tho woman cannot recover.
Contract for a Lunatic Asylum.
Tho Board of Freeholders ot Hudson
County, N. J awarded tho contrnct for
building a new lunatic asylum at Snake Hill
to Wm. II. Kellebrr at (110,000, and ordered
tbe Issue of count) bonds to tbe amount of
t'.'im.ouo, to be expended In tbe building and
lurnlshlugot tbo ns)lum, tbe bonds to boot
1,000 each and the interest not to exceed
) Per cent.
a m
Do Burg-Burke Hold fo- Extradition.
I'utted states Commissioner Alexander to
day decided to hold Edward T. Do llurg.
burke, who Is charged with obtaining a lot uf
jewelry irom wholesale dealers In Loudon on
sdvauccd checks, to await tbe arrival of ex
tradition papers.
Old Man Bnrnett Fined 2S.
Joseph Harnett, sixty years old, father or
Abraham Harnett, tbe Baxter street " puller
in," charged with killing rrlnter Cowes last
saturda), was fined '.'& In tbe Court of
Special sessions to-day for assaulting Henry
James, of OU Bayard street, because he re
fused to ball Harnett's son.
Baronet'a Son 1bA of a Broken Heart
l.rrrtit. to tar ririma world. I
Ni-WAnx, N. J., bept. 11. It Is s'ated that
Henry rsimrrs sudden deatb In Justice
Blanket's court was caused through a broken
heart lie realized Us disgrace of being ar
rested on a charge ot false pretense. It is
claimed tbat Palmer was tbe youoger son of
six Edmund Palmar, aa KnguaA kavrfaet,
, 1
a 1
Sharp Bpurt in Specialties at the
Declines All Through the List at the
Close of Business.
Call Money Higher and Exchange
Irregular Quotations.
Wait BTarr.T, Friday, Sept. o. Specialties
were strong this morning, and In brisk de
mand. Manhattan, New England. Sugar and Oen
eral Electric each rose 1H- Evansvllle and
Terre Haute moved up H to 140, on the pur
chase ot only a few hundred shares.
The general list yielded to In the early
trading, under the leadership of St. FadL
The bears hammered tbls stock, but took
good care not to add very largely to their out.
staudlng short lines. Subsequently the whole
market advanced Jf to 1 per cent.
still higher prices were made for stocks in
tbe last bour of business, tbls being true of
Missouri Pacific, New England Terminal, tbe
anthracite coalers and Evansvllle Terro
Haute. Just previous to the close, however,
there was a sharp decline all along the line.
Western Unton fell to bU'i, Heading to 05
and General Electric to ivii.
The Evansvllle & Terre Haute has declared
a dividend of 0 per cent, making 14 per cent
tor the year. The directors voted, subject to
ratincatlon by the stockholders, to double tbe
capital stock.
Money on call was In demand, rising to S
per cent.
Sterling exebanga was irregular. Long
bills wet o arm, wblle short and cable trans
fers wcro weaker on lower discounts In
London. Bankers 00 days closed at 4.H0$ a
4.87, short at 4.88 a 4.S8J4 and cables at
4.hh4 a 4.88H.
Tbe Ireasury Department to-day pur
chased 100,000 ounces of silver at 83.64 a
s:i Oh. The offerings were Tun.ooo ounces.
Jay Gould Is credited with expressing a
preference to have tho present rate ot divi
dends In Western Union continue.
Tho total sales on tho New York Stock Ex
change to-day were 104,1)00 shares ot listed
stocks, 30,000 ounces of stiver and 25,ooo
barrels of Pennsylvania oIL
Closing Quotations.
Own. tilth. Low. Cle.
American Eipraaa WO 1'iO 120 1'io
amarirao Buiar llaf.... HIM llJlf HUM lllti
anmr. Nncarftaf. oral.. 10V 1U4H. 104U 10IH
AmaneaaCottoaOll..,. 1H 4u ivU 43J,
Amsileaa Cotton Oil 9U iM 7ll 7H 7S
Amarloan Dial. ral.,... t SI SI VI
A lea.. Too. aBautafa. a", (4 37M a;u 3;
Uait.aonio uih v h mil vim.
aoada SnutSarn 61 67 66H 60,
Cheaaiwaka Ohio..... in 'JJ 33 Its
I has. dOliloSdtiraf. .. t2H nVi 1i 4il
ChlcaioOaa 7uj SO "H lO'l
Cblcagoa Ivortniraat... 114M 11 Hi lUfi 116M
Ctm.. MIL a u Paul.. SIM Slk Slit. 81
lMc Hock la. A I'M... ttl'l Sl ttlt! SIM I
(Jla... CId.. U. St. L... HH Cist OVH 6.) J
I itltana'Uaaof B'kljn. 113M 11JH list. 113W
ColoracoUoalIroa.... as as 37M 37M
Consolidate!) Uai '. 116)4 UHf 116W Il.'.W
DaL. Lack. Weal. .... 164 153 163M 164 I
Delaware a Uudaou 131M MiH U1M 1S1V I
Dan. a H10 Oraude ptd. ttH 482 4K 48
Die. acattlataad 4'.l't ."! 4H 600
till.uu h.ectno 111. Co. lllilll 10114 104)1. 102H
KtanaTllled Tar. Haute 140 161 140 160
Oen. Kleolrto Co. 11 J 1HM 11SM 11.14
lowaCentral 11 11 11 11
LakaHhor 131K 18IX 191K 191)4
1-aaeKri.A Weatero... VI J 'J I il ! Its
Loul.Till. ,t Naih.illa.. II'K 07M C7W ii'H
L.. N. Alb. a Chi 2J 113)5 'ZSii 21U
l.cul... H. L. Aleiaa. .. Tl Ul -21 Tl
Unbattan Consul la.i 1SJM 1S2H 13JM
Mexican central 1AU 16) 16 16
Mlnn.l Rt. Ixula pf... 46 i'.ii 46 4HW
aluiouri Paclno 6V4, CI iVH eoU
Mobile ODIo SI no SO 3'l
Ho., Kan. Tea. Drat.. itOJ4 20.H VI il M
tvat.Cor4.Go lilk l.lW lim lsiu
Nat. Cord. Lk. pta. 110 lis lis no
Mat. Lead Co , 4.1)4 H 3'i 44V4
hat. Lead 1. old VM 6V U4i VSU
Nat. Llnaeed Oil MH 3M 34M S4H
New Jeraer Otntral lit) laolt lit) 130L2
Near York Central 109M 110 lODM 10J
ftew luuifct. praf. .. l"n 'iO lH 20
N. Y. aNewEnttand... 3J 37K svtl S7M
N. V.. LakaLnaa W.. yclj Mil 36 Mil
h.Tf..Bnaa. Weat. 16 16 16 16
Aortne.li I'arilto I1IV4 IDk lUt 1D4
Northern faelfloDret. B6K 65) 65VJ JU
NorthAmanc.n 13 ItU 13 llS
Ontario Waetarn lbff IsK 1SH lfltj ,
Pacino Mail aula 31 3lA4 81
PipaLlimt'artlncataa.. 66M 66V 66t 6SK
rbUa. Readme 66 6554 6414 6 Oh,
Peo . Deo. a KTanaville IS IS IS IS
I'm... (. c. a hi. 1 -ioh 'J 1)4 20J aiv
Pitta ,c,c. st. u pf out esk c:k e.nj
K-avV. A rt. "Ml vh
bt. Panl a Omaha 4UH COVtS 49W 60)2
bt. Paula Omaha prat. 11U 1U lltl 11U
St. P.. Mlna. a Man... 113), 11314 11314 HJ)j
Bt. I 8onttnraatern 1 0 0 tf
bt L. Houthweatern pC. 17M 1SU 174 171.
bll.ar Certmoataa JH S3M 83t! 83W
Boutnern Paattto 8vt 36i 35U 85i
Telaal'aolfio... lilt 12 11)2 111!
Ihmii., uai alron pr.. lou loo 101) lou
Union Pacific 3 asu as Mil
UuloiiPaoiBo.Ueu.u. 17'. 1S'4 17)4 Ink
Mebeahpret.. ...,., 4f4 2t4 34H 24si
VVaitarn Unloo Tele.... V1J4 us ynU vet..
W heellns a Lake ne. 26 264 26 264
vVaaenosaLakaK.pL. C6 to!; L6I4 t!iU
Mining; stocks.
The following are the closing quotations of
mining stocks at the Consolidated Eicbange
JM. Atktl. Bid. AlUd.
American llollrwood. .ill
Mag 01 .06 lionHllfer. .GO -
Alice Co ron Hill , .21
AdainaCoa .00 .7U lollaCon.. .- .VO
Aatoria.... .01 Kingston
AapenM.a . Pem 20
, 8 Co.,... 1.00 Lacroaae... - ,0S
llelle lal.. .06 Mail. Con, .IS .20
Halt a H.mleCblei .24
B. lobar.. 1.20 .M.ilcao... 1,20
lfudie 26 'Moulton, ., ..11
Biilwar.... .36 Mono 10
llarteluna. .01 Middle U. .01
lliaace . .. - .35 Ml. Diablo. .110
llrune con. .OS Natalo.... .20
llelmout. .. .30 North btar C.&o
Caleuoula Ontario... 39,00 41.60
U. II rO 1.20 Ooblr ... 2.26 -
Chollar ... .66 Oriental A
Croan P't. .61) Millar ... .08
Coo. Imp. .10 .16 Otild'mel. .60
t'hrraollte. .17 - Plrmouth.. .60 1.U0
Caatle CPk .01 Phutnii L'd .06
I'ol. Can... .00 1.60 PhiaulaArl .40
Con. Cal. Koblnaun
A Va..... t.:0 -I ton .. .SO
Com.tock ISa.age 70 -
Block 13 -Merra.NeT. 1.43
Honda.... 1C.00 iManderil . 1.4S
Strip 'Jl.uo stormount. .OS
Unnain.... .10 tbantlago... .6U
L'eadwood ihan habaa-
Tarra ... 2.15 -I tlan , .10
Kurekairu 1.40 - ISIInr Uord .SO -
Kl-Crlato.. .36 . 6uImo1I ll'ii'a ,6 1,00
I'atli.r De Ml Mlo.Co
Mn.t ... .11 .36, ofL.V.. .30
Could a Khoabou., ,03
Currr ... .BO 'Sulllran. .. 1.01)
HaleaNor Union Con. 1,20
croaa. .... 1.00 - Ward Con. .10 ,J6
llomiatake 14 uu -iYel. Jacket .46
Horn 811. . 3.06 -'
Brooklyn Italians Fight for a Picture
of Bt. Rosalie.
An Italian Cght In Brooklyn over a picture
ot au Kosslle, who Is venerated by Sicilians
because ot a tradition tbat through her Inter
cession tbe cholera plague was once stopped
lu Palermo, has resulted In a murder.
Hobcrt Balsamo, forty years old, of aa
President street, died In Long Island College
Hospital tbls morning from a bullet
wound In bis abdomen. Hlxteen-year-old
old John Honltclmo, 01 1:1 President street. Is
a prisoner ibarged with nrlng the shot, aud
his father, Joseph Bonlsclmo, Is a fugitive.
A picture ot Ml, Hosatlo recently came Into
the possession of tbe brothers Itobert and
Carmlcho Balsamo. It was claimed by
Joseph Ilonlsclmu. They had a row about It
Haturda night.
Tbe Balsamos and tho Bonlsclmos met at
President and Van Brunt streets early last
evening. The four men drew revolvers and a
murdeious fusillade was opened.
Tho last shot nred hit Itobert Bslsamo.
Young Iloolsclmo was found hidden under a
bed at (14 Union street. His father escaped,
five Italians were arrested as witnesses.
On of Dr. Cronln's Slayers III.
lav AteociATin raiis.l
Joi.irr, I1L, Sept. 0. Martin Burke, one or
tbe convicted Cronlp murderers. Is 111, and,
while no Immediately fatal results are antici
pated, it is acunowiedjca that his condition
1 is serious.
a a.
Ills Brother Burned to Deatb tn Jail.
Thomas Ilarrtngton, ot Brooklyn, to-day
served upon tbe President ot Nyaok Village
papers In a suit for ts.ooo damages for tbe
death ot his brother, John J. Harrington, who
was burned to death In the Nyacklock-up a
few months evgo, Ah InteresUnf suit M ex.
THE Board of Health!
. CH A Bt j CHA StJ7"lfi
iPa IfPsf 1
, s-yCHAW j. .CHAft j
in inr -1
ACKER, MI-.RBALI. CONDIT. JOHN B. QUINLaN 40thaL and 8th are.
11. B. KI11K CO. C1IAS. II. OAI.WAY.
R. M. IIAAN 1380 Bro.d, FOWLKR Bn08"".:!:."lM?h!W,?5
Iy,'MAM. flMPhON ...Oth ate., cor. 43d at. A.KIfZl'L , sth are. and 07th at. bB
A.T ALIIKO., Broadway, oor. 37eh iL K II. WILLIAMH6ls'.jt . "... ..'.M Broadwai H
Aai,iB?i'iWWii8B ......8ft,Mroadwar MOUQyjNRTAlViVANTVAnnVndPallonata! Wi
But Young Nolan's Father Still Be
lieves His Son'e Story.
The Etatcn Island police havo found the
pistol with which J. Henry Nolan, of Rich
mond, who claims to havo been shot by toot
pads was wounded.
The weapon, w htch Is a seven-barreled 22.
calibre pistol had ono empty chamber. It
was found In n cabbage field, a short dlitance
from where Nolan says be was assaulted.
Nolan's father says be Is positive tbat the
pistol fonnd does not belong to his son, who,
be says, never carried one. He still believes
his Bon's story and scouts the rumors afloat
that Harry shot himself. Nolan Is expected
tone able to attend lo business In a few
Embezzling- Messenger Banraban
Beld for Trial.
John W. Hanrahan, alias James R. Galla
gher, the seventeen-year-old telegraph mes
senger boy who In August, 1 801, ran away
with 034.To collected for the New York
branch ol tbe Nevada Hank of San Francisco,
was arraigned In Jefferson Market Court to
day and beld for trlaL
Detective Kergts. Aloncle and Formosa ar
rested btm yesterday wblle be was wander
ing about the Battery.
When he ran awoy from tbls city he went
first to Philadelphia, then to Chicago and
then further west. He said to-day tbat
while out West he lived like a prince and
rode in palace cars.
Hlnco be returned two weeks ago he has
lived on what he could pick up about Wash
ington Market,
Molina Believed to Have Harried
and Swindled Many Women.
Samuel Molina and Annie Brach, were mar
ried March 10 last and went to live at Ul
Moore street, Williamsburg. The wife had
400. Molina Induced her to turn It over to
him and Immediately disappeared.
Mhe found him living on North Eighth
street with another woman, and bud him ar
rested. Mrs. Molina believes thst her husband has
been In tbe habit of going from place to
place and marrying women with small sums
ot money.
i a.
Guards Shot Down and (10,000 In
Gold Secured.
1st asaoouTrn raass.
Dcranqo, Mex., sept, o As Celas Martes,
agent ot tbe state Bank here, was taking
$10,000 In gold over tbe sierra Madre on the
backs ot mules his train was attacked by
brigands lying In ambush.
Martes and all his guards but one were
shot down. This one escaped to the moun
tains and got bock safely with tbe story
ottbe robbery.
Garvin Married Her on Tuesday,
Murdered Her on Friday.
rr asaociATsr) ranis. 1
Pittsbcro, Sept. 0. Frank Oarvln, a news
paper artist, Bhot his wife, Cora, through the
heart about noon to-day at their borne on
Avery street, Allegheny.
The couple were married last Tuesday. The
cause ot tbo deed la supposed to have been
Insane Jealousy.
Mrs. Oarvln was twenty years old and very
pretty. She was a daughter of Homer Hed.
path, of Chicago, and came hereon Monday
last to marry Oarvln.
Tho murderer Is In Jail.
ej aa
Small Hope tbat the Wounded
Woman Will Bsoover.
Jepskv Citv, Sept. o.-Mrs. Hayner was
delivered or a still burn child to-day at tbe
City Hospital. Sho u very low this after
noon and theie Is but small hope or her recovery.
m aa
Denies Attempted 8ulclde.
A. Freese, mate ot the ship Cuba, lying nt
the root of North Tenth street, Williamsburg,
who took a dose ot laudanum last evening
claims tbls morning tbat he took tbe uiedl.
tine by mistake,
Drowned While In Bathing.
James Clary, seventeen years old, ot 446
West Forty-ninth street, was drowned this
morning while bathing at tbe toot ot West
Fiftieth streeL 1 he body was recovered.
v aa .
Howling; Dervishes Complain to the
Nineteen howling dervishes complained at
tbe Mayor's office to-day tbat tho contractors
who brought them here bad deceived them
and neglected to teed and support them proo
Srlr. 'iney were referred to commissioner
Mrs. Van Cott on the Britannic
lutein TO TU BVSMrxa woau.)
UAAinixi, B. t, Sept. oCecU Clay, his
wife. , Roalna Yokes, and Postmaster. Van
con's rru are on the Wwuj0j0'i paaseoger
New Beoelver for. Iron Hall. M
tnv AfraorUTFO raxsa. 1 PI .
BiKonAuroK, N. Y., sept- 8. In tbe So- f.J
prcme Court Chambers In bis city this mora. 1 1
Ing Judge Martin grantel an order appoint.
Ing tbe lllnghamton Trust Company State B
receiver to take charge or the Iron Hall funds. ,
This annuls the recent, New York City ap-
polntment. , Bonds lu the otim of 1400,000 B
must be given.
81xty Days at Hard Labor Without I
the Option of a. Fine. 'H
IriT afsociatmi ppraa.l E
St. Paul, Sept. o. .Indie Twohy, of the H
Municipal court, yesterday sentencod a lead. w H
Ing1 citizen of St. Paul, worth 100,000, to B
sixty days la th workbouso without tbe 9St
option of a fine. flB'-'
A lew weeks ago Simon J. Ahem, owner ot HL
large tracts or real estate hero and financial H
agent lor several Kastern linns, swore lu a
suit in court that liu had not acted as witness
to an instrument which .Meutz Helm had 01
signed as a notaiy public.
Mr. Helm had .Mr. Aheru arrested for W
criminal HceL The evldtnco was so over- jM
whelming against the capitalist that the "(J
court ordered him scut to llij work-house HI
for sixty daj s. ,U
The Democratic National Committee) .Jl
Will Look Into His Report. Jff
President Harrison having dljnlded Labor Wj
Commissioner Peek's report by referring to It '
In bis message, the Democratic National Com- ,'
mlttee has accepted Peck's challenge to V
Bubmlt the report to a committee and has j
appointed .1. schoenho'. E. Kllery Anderson I
anljulwardT.Mcsvvecne) as the Committee. if
Girl Shot by an Italian. 1
lav AssnciATFi. n.i
Stockton, Sept. ii Anton Pattl shot a
young lady named Mabel Wbieler last night I
because bho refused to have an) thing to do i
with him. Miss Wheeler is the daughter ot I
a physician in ban Francisco.
Ruejla'e Physical Geoa-raphy ' .JJ
Changed by Forest Destruction. .1
An article iu a leading Ittissian period- ajflti
leal, the Kiiwjxaii Jltmuyrr, attributes l
the present distress iu that country il
the terrible famine, with the inevitable "I '
pestilence following in its wake very I
largely, although inilirectly, to ihe whole- I
sale forest destruction that has been. I
going on there durinp the present cen- 7j
So far back as 1830 a report to the Im
perial Agricultural Society predicted the
present conditions unless the destruction
of the forests was elopiied. "Ourconn- ;
try is flat," it said, ' nnd, denuded of ita !
trees, is accessible to every wind.
Ihe terriblo east wind meets wilh no
obstacle, and destruction follows in its I
tram. Iu this wind lies our fote, perhaps ' i
to be cucouutered in the near future. " I
lho forest coverins the upper nnd mid
dle courses ot the great rivers Volga, Don
nnd Dnieper have, in many sections, dis
nppearpd. nnd wasted plains spread in f
their place. The rivers crow shallower S
.vear liyjeur. and the Vniskla. once an .
abundant trihutnry of the Duiepor, and V I
comparable to the Hudson or Delaware. il
250 miles in length, has completely and 1
permauoully dried up. ;
Other important rivers are meeting the II
same fate, so that the physiool geography f
of a large part of the Euipiro is radically I
chancluB. The rainfall is diminished; " 1
and drought, of course, results in famine, I
Hussiua folly nud sin nre felt by the 1
rest of the civilized world, for hor pov- iJmm
erty-strickeu hordes, driven to other T
countries by famine nnd pirsecutiou.
carry with them ignorance, disease and
ower standards of civilization. The out.
look is depressing.
Tho ltussinu Uovornment Is now mak.
ng an offort for forist preservation, but
it coraos too late to rouiedy tho vast erili ,
wrought. 'Ih.reisnn impressing warn
ing in this for us. for hero in America we
are .wasting our forest wealth lu a most
reckless manner. I
f One in ttvtn of aQ i
deaths comes from I I
Consumption. That's il i
about tfie proportion. , 1
And almost ererr A
death from ConsumpJ 1
tion comes from netw : fl i
lect and delay. There's)! i il
neglect in preyenuSe I
tho, disease delay la IM ,
Yo can prerent il H
anl cure it, Jf touTI
act in time, with Dr.l I H
I lerre's Jolden Medi- tMI
cal ruacoTery. poor sH
and impure blood W
viLTMouttcone5tiroUo'at2 m
You mutt reach the disease throimh ft- M
blood, and the " Discovoi7rdo?t? iS W
tho most potent and elTecu LlrSi sv A

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