I p- Each one of them has played ah important part in the history of this ;9
I mmm Y ' Benjamin was Governor of Virginia and signed the Declaration of Inde- 9
1 ' 'fe'fel Jk r 2 William Henry, known as "Old Tippecanoe," was President. 9
I i jBhKJW 3- Benjamin is President now and is a candidate for re-election. m
I wSHP Their life histories are interesting.
1-1 (wKJSg he Sunday World will print the whole story next Sunday, and it will be. 8
i lnPw5 accompanied by an Art Supplement. 4
I Richard Mansfield in "The
I Scarlet Letter " at Daly's.
' Dlxey In a Revival of Iolantho "
Br v A at Palmer's.
B I Menard Mansfield will present for ttao first
time Monday nlgnt at Daly's Tlieatro Jo,sepU
I Ilatton's dramatization of Nathaniel Haw.
I thorne's famous story called " Tbo Scarlet
n I Letter." Tbe cast will be as follows: Iter.
H I Arthur Dlmmesdale, Richard Mansfield; (lov.
I llolllngham, Mr. Andrews; Iter. Jobn Wilson,
I 9 Mr. llarklns; Capt. Illram Vtteks, Mr. Ilur-
(j I bldjre; Master Bracked, Mr. flrlfllth; Hes
H ' ter rrynne, Miss Ueatrlce Cameron; Dame
I Hartley, Mrs. urutono; Mistress Harlow, Miss
I OUdden; Mary mills, Miss MarMUIc, and
I little l'earl, Mlw De Orlgnan. There nro only
two scenes, and tbey are laid In Boston, In
M tbe year leso.
Jfts Iolantbe," Gilbert and Sullivan's cliarm-
Bj ' Ing comic opera, will bo revived at Palmer's
HJ Tbeatre Monday night, with Henry . DUey
HJ as tbo Lord Chancellor; Miss Flora Klndlay-
Bj BOn. specially engaged, as tbe queen; Miss
BJ Lenore Snyder as I'll) Ills; Miss Yolande Wal.
B laoe as Iolantbe; Harold C Blake as Severn;
S Fred Lennox as Ararat; W. J. McLaughlin as
M the Corporal, and Walter Browne as Mrephon,
', There will be a new play at the Harlem
in Opera-House next week entitled ' By 1'roiy,',
(II tho author of which is Cbarlcs Klein, a
II brother of Alfred Klein, of Do Wolf Hopper's
J) company. The piece la described as a legltl-
mate farce, and It met with much success in
Bj Boston recently. It bas also been acted In
'1 Brooklyn. The cast will Include A. a Up.
man, Leonora Bradley, Lionel Bland, Harry
Brown and Katberlne Florence.
Herrmann's Theatre will bo reopened for
the regular season next Saturday night, when
tbe ramous necromancer will be thii attfac
j tlon. The first part of tbs performance will
be devoted to various feats of magic; tbe sec
, ond part will be a series of allegorical tab-
1 leaux. ana In tbe third part will be " Mysteri
ous New Black Art." "htrobelka" will be
(tbu feature of the fourth part. Herrmann
villi bo assisted as usual by lime, nerrmann.
Jennie Yeamans will begin tbe second and
last week ot ber engagements at the liljou
Monday night. The plcco cannot be said to
have Improved, as there Is so little material
to work upon, but Mist Yeamans appears to
please her many irlends,wbo, however.adwse
her to seek some more pleasing vehicle for
ber talents tban "IS 1'. M."
" Tbe city Directory" v. Ill play Its last New
York engagement next neek at the Four
teenth street Theatre. -The Interpreters will
be I.ydla -Yeamans, Add ltyman, William
Cameron, Tyrone Power, Amelia Ulover,
Bessie Sullivan, Luk Schoolcraft, Dan Daly,
Julius Wltmark, J. C. Mlron, Joseph Jackson,
Nellie Parker and Margaret Fltzpatrlck.
"Jane" has-certainly had an unhappy
week at the Standard, but, considering Its
disadvantageous predicament, It has done
nobly. Johnstone Dennett, who has been as
largely advertised as tho piece Itsel , was
absent at quarantine meat ot the time, and
Lottie Collins, tbe novelty ot tbe entertain
nient, was and Is also Imprisoned. Miss lien,
sett now appears, and "Chums" precedes
"Jane" rwxt wrek.
Tbe fiftieth performance of " Settled Out of
Court" occurs at tbo Fifth Avenue 'Ibeatro
Thursday night, when very handsome souv
enirs will be presented. to the ladles then
present. Tbe coming week will botcti play's
last one at the Finn Avenue 'theatre, Tho
next attraction at this house will be Pauline
The success of Itoland Heed In "Lend Me
Your Wile," at the star Theatre, bas been
gratifying. The pleco is somewbat conven
tional In Its fun, but Heed's Impersonation of
the old sea. captain, Abner Tarbox, is very
clover, and very artistically bkctcbeil. 1 be
supporting company Is a good one, and tbu
potormanco goes Binootbly.
" Lettarblalr " remains ut tbe Lyceum Tbea
tre. as most people who saw the first perform
ance predicted It would do and fnraloiig
lime, too. So successful has been this play
that It bas been found necessary to give
Thursday matinees, and a special series will
begin next Thursday, to bo continued during
the rest of the season.
" Across tbo Potomac," Edward M. Altrlend
and A. Pltou's war play, will lo next weeks
attraction at tho Grand Opero-llouse. 'ihe
cast win includo Boyd Putnam, Matt n. Sni
der, Henry Talbot, c. F. Uotthold, H. J. Mor
gan. Charles Kevins, (JusiaveFrnnkel, Daniel
Jarrett. Malcolm Bradley, J. II. Benny, Henri
etta Lander, Harry Hynes and Ada Dwyer.
.ltobert.-(laylor, announced as "the well
known Celtic wit." will bo tliu attraction
F next week at the Columbus Theatre, Harlem,
H where he will appear In Sport McAllister,
f J One of the 400," that was seen nt tlio Bllou
Jl Theatre last Spring. The- company. It Is said,
Is better than tbo oigauUatlou that ulajed
at tbe llllou.
', ' "The White Slav r," a play that is always
j popular, will be acttd next week at tho
v Windsor 'llieatrc. Ilio cast will Includo
?f Carrie ltadclirro as Lisa. Ida Itobtnson, Anna
Mortland, Elliitvlh Van Deren, Mabel
. stone, Mr. and Mr. Milt Barlow, Maurlco
C Drew, D. L. Luc3 Jobn parry, Andy colluin
I and Frank Drew.
( "The Face in the Moonlight " remains at
, w Proctor's Twenty-tblrd street Theatre, and
fit V wiu be given there during tbe rest of ltobert
f Man ten's engagement at this house. The
1 actor, however, will proDablr innko a trial
tj production of a piece called " Parrhaslus." a
one-act tragedy that he bas recently dls.
J covered. It will not be a permanent feature
) of his performance.
J A bK production of the ever verdant "Uncle
f,. Tom's cabin " will claim attention at Niblo's
next week. The scenery win be very elab-
i ' orate, and there will be one hundred people on
? the stage. Including forty colored Jubilee
IT " singers, who will warble cabin melodies of
' . tbe south. There will be some dancing
i ' specialties, and John J, Hozan, the jig dancer,
I, will appear.
I The five hundredth performance of "Sin-
1 , had "since it was first presented out ot New
,' Jork, will take place Monday night at tbo
'. Garden Theatre, Tbo souvenirs will be bou.
Ml quels of American Beauty roses, with Loulso
UJ Jk gontagues' portrait attached to the bouquets,
fi'l i'ii There win be new songs and jokes tor the
ft, . ; tomedlans, and several now dances.
17 J 'TheVice.Admlral"wlllbe sung for the
me ( last time at the casino to-night, and for the
test two watks the lower pan ot the bouse
H ' '
H,l, .-'.t '. tA7k,.yt.ii.'i.fi.'?f riiiVMMVin aiifa'i
will be cloned, to bo oponcd as a variety thea
tre Sept. kiu. Hchcarsalsof tho two ballets
aro going un very energetically. It, Is ex-
ected tint "Chlone," in which Adellna Sozo
s to do tbo dance, will mako a sonsation.
Says Agent A. P. Dunlop: " The opening of
nearly every playhouse In New York does not
seem to havo Injured Mr. lloyt's 'A Trip to
Chinatown.' which continues to do Its usual
large business. Tho bronzed faces in tne
auditorium of tho theatre mako about the
only chango In It." The farce bas now been
running tor more than ten months.
" 1 ho Pay Train" will be tbe play at II. It.
Jacobs' Theatre- next week, with Miss
1 lorenco Bindley In tne leading role. Among
the scenic effects will bo an Incline wreck
scone, a railroad becne and a boiler explosion.
There will be various singing, dancing and
musical specialties Introduced Into tbe
At the People's Theatre Steele Mackaye's
ultra-sensntlonal "Paul Kauvar," will be
lUaj cd during tbe coming week, of tbls piny,
It Is claimed, that ltobert o. Ingersoll re
marked: " ' Paul Kauvar' Is a superb realiza
tion upon the stage of one ot the grandest
eras lu human history. This play Is tho
noblest dramatic work of our time."
'i he cool weather Is causing the Eldorado
management to talk ot speedily withdrawing
the mngnincent spectacle, " Lgypt Through
the Centuries." Its latu Is absolutely de
pendent upon the weather. Ihe beautiful
resort looks as attractive aa ever. Tho beau
.Irtil lawns aro us green as they were in June,
and the foliage ot the oaks 1b changing to a
lovely Autumn tint.
"The Kentucky colonel" will enter upon
tho last week of Its run at tho Union Square
Theatre Monday night. Tbe piece bas been
much Improved Blnco tbe Initial performance,
as a great deal of Its melodrama has been re
moved from It. Tbe next attraction at this
house will bo tbe Llllputlans in a play called
" The Black crook " Is packing the Academy
ot Music at every mailneo and evening per
formance. The house now looks as It did
during the period of Uncle Denman Thomp
son's success la " Tbe Old Homestead.''
People stand up in the lobbies upstairs and
downstairs. 'Ihe spectacle Is a superb one
and the specialties excellent.
"Wang" remains at tbe Broadway Thea
tre, where It Is doing very nicely, although
tbls Is the third run this burletta has had In
Hew York. De v olt Hopper works as ener
getically as be did during tbe early stages ot
the piece's career, and little Delia Fox la
quite as lively as she ever was. The per
lormance Is a very enjoyable one.
Tbe entertainment given nightly at the
Eden Musee Is a very good one. The psv
chonotlsm of M.()ulbal and Marie Grevllle Is
truly wonderful, and It never falls to thor
oughly m j silly the audience. Fleming Nor
ton, tho English mimic, has made a very good
Impression. Tbe Hungarian band Is as melo
dious as ever.
There will be a new burlesque at Koster &
Dial's concert ball next;week,entltlcd "itobln
Hood," and It win be as usual lull ot muslo
and jokes. Vanoul has mado a great hit at
tills house, and his song " Ueorgle " 1b exceed
ing well sung and acted. Amann, the mimic,
will remain, aim there will be a capital vau
deville programme.
Anton Seldl and his orchestra begin tbe
second week of their engagement at the
Madison square (lardcn Amphitheatre to
morrow right, tvhlcn will be "popular
night." Seldl's Orchestra is doing splendid
work, and lovers of music can Hud nothing
more satisfactory In tbo city tban tbese con
certs. In the roof garden there Is the usual
vaudeville entertainment.
Sltcuoilta Uolottl's troups ot performing
monkeys will appear next week atllubers
Palace Museum, in East Fourteenth Btreet.
These monkeys hare been exhibited all over
Europe, and aro said to be very clever. Tbey
act In costumes, and turn fomersaulia, tum
ble and Indulge In aerial tricks. A vaudeville
company will appear on the Mage.
1 he attractions at 1 ony Pastor's Theatre
next week will bo Jobn and lames ltussell,
Hilly Carter, little Bonnie Ihornton, Mollle
Thompson, "the Hashing meteor ot song and
dance;" Miss Ida Howell, Allen and ltankln,
Fred W. .v lllburn, wbo bas just come frotn
England; Jerome, the Bryants and the Yen
tlnls. Hjdo Bchman's Specialty Company
will begin the third and last neek 91 Its en
gagement at the New Park 'Ibeatre Monday
night. Harry Kennedy, the popular ventrilo
quist, will be added to tho programme, and so
will Melville and Stetson, the entertaining
singers, lleleno Mora will remain during the
Herman Herklvltz Was Foremost
Among the Pursuers.
Herman HerMvlt, ot ou Eldrldge street, Is
InUouvcueur Hospital to-day with a pistol
shot wound In each leg, received during u hot
pursuit ot a thief.
Shortly before 12 o'clock last night a crowd
was congregated on tho corner of Eidrldgo
and Klvlngton street, watching a fight, when
Jack Page, well-known to the police, dashed
up and sinking Juseph Pastel, ol :ioo urooino
street, In the face, snatched bis watch and
chain and darted ton ards liroomo street
Foremost among tho pursuers was Her
klvltz. At Allen and Broome streets Her
Mvlu almost overtook the thief, when Pago
suddenly wheeled, whipped a revolver out of
his pocket and fired two shots In rapid suc
cession. Herklvltz dropped to the sidewalk with
severe flesh wounds In each leg.
Policeman sculudlir, ut csit. Cross's com
mand, captured Page and lock d blm up
Pastel's watch and chain uere recoveied.
Another Man's Wife with (2,000
Bald to Havo Gone, Too.
Policeman Walter Pelletreau, of tbe High
bridge station, la missing, and It Is reported
that a woman living near Morris Dock dis
appeared at tho same time, taking (S.000 of
ber husband's money.
Pclletreau was last teen by the police of
tbe lllgbbrldge station Sept. 1. A day or
two later he sent capt. Murphy bis Ore key
and shield by mall, llewajseeu In Harlem
Wednesday expressing a trunk, and then
said that be was going to Canada.
He leaves a wife and three children in desti
tute circumstances.
Tfben Baby was sick, we gave her Castorlo.
When aba waa a Child, ah cried (or CaatorU.
When sb became Was, she clung to Castoria.
Whsa aa had Children, ah gave lUm OaaterSa.
- 1
if i s f i .
iiJM'li u'i s n-T'-'ji1 iri'iisif "ii' "YillTif'Tlf fi
William"0urti8 Re-eleoted Presi
dent of the Metropolitans.
Plenty of Good Talent Will Appear
at Corbett'a Reception.
1 ho Metropolitan Association held a meet
ing last night and did some wl-e and some
unwise things. Among the former was tbe
re-election of " Father BUI" Curtis as Presi
dent. How the Association could bare seri
ously considered putting any one clso In that
place as long aa tbero was a chance of Mr.
Curtis accepting Is difficult to understand.
There Isn't another man In tbo athletic
business as well fitted to control such an er
ratic body as tho Metropolitan Association.
Another wise move, was tho Introduction by
C C. Hughes of a measuro to raise tho price of
prizes to 950. Even t-10 Is a small limit, and
the Metropolitan Association should lose no
time In adopting It.
Tho unwlso procedure ot the Association
was tbe retention ot so many members on
the Board of Managers. A dozen Is an ample
sufficiency and anything over that only con
tuses thlngs,tpartlcularly when there are men
on tho Board wbo put In an appearance about
once a year and then don't kqow a sprint race
from a pole vault.
The treasurer's account showed the Asso
ciation to be In debt several hundred doUars.
To-day's annual meet at Manhattan Field
should square any deficiency. Among the
big attractions tbls afternoon will be the
appearance of Bicyclist Zimmerman, who
smashes records as often as be eats a meaL
Zimmerman will contend against tbe three
Manhattan cracks Berlo, 'laylor and Ban
ker. Charley comlskoy. "Bug" Holllday, "Bid"
McPhee, " Arlle" Latham and the rest of tbe
t lnclnnatls happened along tbls way yester
day, and although tbey made a gallant effort
and played interesting ball, as they nearly
always do, Mike Tlernan's home run and
l.rnch's rocky umpiring were too much for
Tlernan's homer In tbe fourth sent In four
runs. In the ninth Lynch called Browning
out when Doyle dropped the formers fly, and
little wonder uomlskey kicked. Lynch a so
mode two other questionable decisions In
favor of New Yorx. Lynch can mako a poor
decision wltb as much ortenslvencsa as any
of them. He teems to say : "I am too good
for this business, anyway." Pittsburg and
.Irooklyn had a nice sociable time of It across
the btldge, tbe home team coming out ahead
The following games are scheduled tor to
day: Clnelon.tl at H.w York. Chlco it Phil.
PUUbura at Brooklyn. , ht. l.otiU t Bait mora.
Cl.r.UDcl at Boctoo. Louliflll..t Vv.ibiog'n
1 be victor and the vanquished are return.
Ing home. Sullivan Is expected In 10-nlgbt
or to-morrow morning, and corbett will prob
ably be along Mondav morning. Local sport
ing men have taken up the matter ot giving a
beuent to John L., which it la to be hoped
will be a success. Ihe big tallow needs It.
He was always generous to those whoni life
had handled roughly, and now should be tbo
recipient of the same generosity he has
shown, corbett has offered to spar at the
benefit, and tbls alone would be a big draw
ing card In case Sullivan concludes to accept
bis conqueror's kind offer. Ihe 17th Is the
date being considered tor the benellt.
corbett'a show at tbe Garden next Monday
will doubtless be a "whopper," as It should
be, tor victory and adulation have not swelled
JHn'scrantum any and be is tbe same pleasant,
unas.umlug'lellow as before, outside of Lor
betl as an attraction there promises to be tal
ent enough to make a good tuow. lbere will be
a slx-round conteBt between Eugene Horn
backer and Kick Collins, a ten-round contest
tor (1,000 between c. C Smith and Mike
Brennau, besides other bouts between
"Swipes the Newsboy " and Mike Newman,
Mike Clinton and James Strom, Tom Mc
MannusandMlko llanley, John Murray and
Tom Uogan and numerous others.
. ...
Now that It Is all over at New Orleans the
Coney Island A. C. Is beatlrrlng Itself and
booming t'ie Lyuch-Urlllln contest ou the
MUlb, which, by the way, should be a notable
event. Linchlsln Hue form and Griffin's
&rowess li well known. 'ihe Boston
oy Is after Oeorge Dlzon's scalp.
Jimmy Iteming Carroll, llou Fltzslm
mons's former trainer, will accom
pany Grltlln and supervise his training.
Urinin Is already being made a narui lavur
lte. If tbe little Bralntree lad scores a vic
tory ogam this timet bis btcktrs will match
him against Dixon for llo.oou a side and the
championship. The Coney Island Athletic
Club has aUo si cured another attraction,
which will be lull or local Interest. This will
be thuptellmlnaty bout, and Ihe principals
will bo Bob Cunningham and sum Killy,
both ixtraordlnary glove-nlilders of the
aniatcui rank. Tbey wm light Illlt en rounds.
A meeting ot tbe local flames Committee
that Is to manage tbe National coamplonsblo
meeting was held yesterday at tbe sporiimj
lime office. It was decided to bare tbe
gamts begin at 2 p. if. and tbe secretary was
Instructed to make all railroad and hotel ar
rangements for tbe teams that are to come
from Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Boston.
Pittsburg, St. Louis and other points. Tbe
following events will be given: loo-yard
run, 2','O.yard run, 440-yard tun, sso-yard
run, 1-mlle run, 5-mllo run, l-tul.e walk,
ll-mlle walk, it-mile safety blcvcle, pole-vault
for height, running high jump, running broad
tump, tbrowlng 10-pound hammer, throwing
fill-pound weight for distance, putting l it
pound sbot, lWO-yard hurdle, ten flights, :i
ft. 6 In. high; V20-yard hurdle, ten nights, -j
ft. 0 In. high.
Qlen Island's Last Days.
A few more days close the season of 1602
for Glen Island. Not since tbe opening ot
this resort has its tiafflc been what It bas for
tbe season Just closing. The management
bat been unceasing In Its labors to enhance
the beauties of the place a stranger would
fall to find wbere improvements could be
made, yet Mr. starln atlil Duds places to do
Three months ago tbe New Orleans Trades'
Council was composed of only thirty unions;
now about seventy aro represented.
Three charters tor new local uulons were
granted by the general officers ot tho
Brotherhood of Blacksmiths' Helpers last
Boss Painter F. T. Copplns, of Buffalo, has
presented tbo Buffalo Building Tradts coun
cil wltb a fine banner made of heavy silk and
finely decorated.
Tbo Government Labor Bureau at Brisbane,
Australia, has about :i,O0O apillcatlonsfor
work every week, of whom hardly one-tenth
can be placed at very low wages.
Progressive Painters' Union No. 5 has its
first annual pu-uin in aid of Its benevolent
tund at Brommerss Union Park tbls after
noon and evening.
The Amalgamated Society ot Engineers has
declared by a vote, of f4,ti0 out ot 70,000
members that overtime is an evil detrimen
tal to workmen generally and should be
Jobn Eckhardt, ot Laborers' Union No. 0,
bas died. Tbe members ot tbo Union ruse
iroui their seats at yesterday's meeting when
his death was announced.
A circular Issued by tbe organized glass,
workers of France, who demand the elLht
hour work-day, says that at present their
excessive hours keep tne undertakers need
lessly but).
New working cards will be distributed
among tbe membera of tbe Ilousesmlths'
Union next Tuesday ovenlng; those falling
to procure them will not be permitted to work
on union Jobs.
Only seven proprietors of grocery stores In
Kansas City. Ma, are keeping open after
0.:io, except Saturdays. And these stores are
now being boycottedjby :he Ketall Clerks' As
osclatlon. Secretary Barth, of the ornamental Plas
terers and Shop Hands' Society, authorizes
the statement that union plasterers are now
employed by Contractor Sinclair on tbe now
Harlem court-House building.
A two-column article In defense ot White
law Held U being fceni to labor papers
throughout the country by the Republican
Campaign Cotntnltteo with a request to
publish" and send bill for same."
The Birmingham (England) '1 rades Council
has passed the following resolution : "That
In future tbe name ot tbe Trades council be
not used for any political purpose whatever
except by special resolution of tbe council."
State Organizer Uetzel, of the journeymen
Tailors' Union of America, reports from Oblo
that be Is meeting with splendid success In
that State. Local Organizers are hard at
work In this city, as well as in Chicago, Bos
ton and St. Louis.
Tbe Kings County Socialists have called a
convention ot delegates irom all labor organi
zations witling to assist them In their cam
paign for Wing and Malche't, The conven
tion Is to toxs place at the Brooklyn Labor
Lyceum on sept. 10.
Complaints have been lodged against
Bosses Zelgler Krumbolz, Kalnn, Kich
horn, scbroednr and Boss by tbe Walking
Delegate of Journeymen Barbers' Union No.
1, for alleged violation ot rules and employ
ment of non-union men. Their signs will be
withdrawn unless tbe rules be compiled wltb.
Business Is very good In the machinists'
trado at present. General Secrctaiy Morse,
of the International Machinists' Union
states that most 1 of tbe members of bis
organization are at work. Two new local
unions aro chartered tbls week at Bridgeport,
conn., and Lafayette, Ind., and applications
are expected from three additional unions
next week.
Artificial Stone Masons' Union No. 1 has
written a letter to tbo Board ot Walking
Delegate evplalnlng why tbey refused to
assist Cement Laborers' Union No. 1 In tbelr
strike lor tu.no per day. They say that tbo
laborers struck without notirylng them, as
per agreement. Ihe Artificial stone Masons
desire to be reinstated by tbe Board.
Tbe union bakers of New Orleans have re
ported to tbe general office in tbls city that
tbelr strike has been terminated success
fully. Tbey will no longer be compelled to
work Saturday nights. The bakers of San
Antonio were successful in gaining tne six
days' week, tbey having worked heretofore
seven days per week. The Buffalo, anew
union, bas been formed. Tbe receipts at the
general office amounted to t40u.&5 tbls
Boss J. Kosenbcrtr bas signed the new scale
ot tbe Suspender-Makers' Union, making nine
manufacturers whose striking workmen have
returned to tbe Bbops. Herman llaumanu
and N. Itosenbsum, two of tbe pickets who
were arrested In iront ot Loebel A Gluck
mann's shop, 7U White street, have been ad
mitted to t-'ioo ball eacb, and tbey will bo
tried at the Tombs Police court next Thurs
day. Michael Kennedy presided at yesterday's
meeting of tbo drivers, asb-cartmen and
sweepers ol tbo StreetCTeanlng Department,
who assembled at 43U West 'ihlrty-elghth
street to organize, a labor union, John 11.
Hoberts was 'elected Secretary and elgutv.
seven members signed tbo roll. Steps Here
taken to draw the entire 1,700 men 14 tne
Department into tbo ranks. Theso men will
movo for higher nses, as tbo) think tbat Si
tu fi n day is nut sufficient lor tbo hard and
dangerous labor perloimed by tlicm.
Newspaper-Writers' Union No. a, Denver,
Col., thinks It to lie an objectionable feature
of the constitution of the International '!
pograpblcal Union that clt editors and man
aging editors are debarred from membership,
wbllo Novvspapcr-Wrlters' Union No. 4, uf
this city, is of the oplulun thsl It Is a very
good provision to oxcludo 1 01 tors who havo
the right of employing and discharging uieu,
as tbey can easily Influence members In voting
upon questions arising between employers
and employees.
Lord Onslow, ex-Oovcrnor ot New Zealand.
Is reported as having said in a recent Inter
view upon the possible ctfects of organised
labor having taken Independent political
action: "1 da not anticipate anr of the
dangers which seems to be feared by some
people as tho possible constquencc of labor
representation. I have made tho acquaint
ance and learned tho views 01 man) labor
members, who are the most conscientious
and straightforward members ot Parliament
1 havo ever come across. 1 have no tear lor
the futuro ot the Emplro u cause of labor
members taking a share in directing tho
counsels ot tbo Empire. Apparently the true
labor class 13 coining to the front now."
Billy Berry, the comedian, has been enjoy
ing tho Summer at his borne on (lanleld place.
He speaks enthusiastically of the city as a
Summer resort, and does not bellevo that half
ot those who go nway enjoy themselves as
much as those who stay at home.
Dave Johnson Is one of tbo most popular
young men who move In the enjoyable society
of Stuyvesant Heights. There Is seldom an
event at which ho Is not a much-sought-tor
Bernard O'Donnell Is one ot the best known
musicians In the City. He practises as ear
nestly as a beginner, and is always abreast ot
tbe times.
William Wilson, a leading comedian In " Dr.
Bill." has made an engagement to appear In
" Fascination " the coming season. He has a
host of friends In Brookl) n wbo wish him suc
cess. rollccman John J. Wood, ot tho Twenty
first Precinct, has returned from his bridal
tour with bright buttons and a beaming face.
Hit bride was Miss Katie MoNulty, n popular
and well-known member of SU Peter and
Paul's parish.
Capt. John II. I.lddle, of Company A, Forty,
seventh Keglment, expects to take bis com
pany to Washington on Sept. is to partici
pate In the Grand Army reunion.
Joseph Ebbing, Jr., of tbe Twenty-elgbth
Ward, owns the swift sloop yacht Katie E.
The boat Is a fine cruiser and she Is also ad
mirably fitted for fishing.
Frank Harris, wltb several other residents
of the Fourth Ward, are camping at Long
Pond, Orange County.
Henry Knlckman li one of tbe most popular
members of the Parkway Hod and Gun Club.
He Is a good shot and a leader in eoclct).
Bernard Lamb, tbe popular Democratic
leader of tbe Seventeenth Ward, Is back 110m
Itock Lake, Pa., where he has been spending
bis vacation, lie Is ready to buckle 011 the
armor lor earnest campaign work.
Tbe friends ol James W. Macaule), Vice
President or tho Amaranth Dramatic Asv.
elation, are happy to know he la recovering
rapidly from a long strugglo with erysipelas,
Tbe election of James II. Wooster as Presi
dent ot the Faust Dramatic Society bespeaks
a season ot prosperity for tbat organization.
Tbe election ot Bennett H, Tobeyas cap
tain ot company II of tbe Fourteenth Kegl
ment places an efficient officer at the head of
a good command.
B. F. llmwn Is a promising member ot tbo
Brooklyn Cricket Club. He Is developing
rapidly as a first-class bowler.
The Attractions Offered by Man
agers Neit Week.
'The Grey Mare" at the Col umb la
Fan nj Hlce at the Park.
Manager Edwin Knowles, of the Columbia
Theatre, will give bis patrons an opportunity
of witnessing tbo latest ot the Lyceum Tbea
tro successes, "The Gray Mare." Tbls
comedy, which was adapted from the German
by George It. Sims and Cecil lUlelgh
evening. Tho ptay Is said to contain a series
ot Incidents tbat are extremely laughable.
'Tho Gray Mare" will be In the hands of a
company which Includes George Alison, Fran
cis Ncllson, Charles E. Lothian, Nell McLeod,
John Fludlay, Marian Glroux, Jennie Ken
mark, Genevieve Dolaro and llebccca Warren.
Winsome Fanny Hlce, who was Identified
with tho Now York Casino, will appear at
Col. Blno'a Park Theatre next week, with hsr
own oompany of singers and comedian In the
new "Jolly Surprise." Tbe pit) is a musical
comedy with a story and plot tbat admits ot
tho introduction ot bright, catchy songs and
muslo and refined specialties. Hits Hlce is
well-known In Brooklyn.
" spider and Fly," M. a Leavitt's new spec
tacular production, will be next week's
attraction at tbo Grand opera-Houte. Ibe
burlesque la said to contain many novel fea
tures. Lots of fancy costumes, attractive
scenery, muslo and mechanical effects are
promised. The ballets will be under tbe
direction 11. Fletcher Hirers. Jagusrlna, wbo
claims to have met several experienced
awordsmen In tbls county and In Europe, will
appear. Among tboso In tbe company are
Charles Havel, the clown; Mlsa Mane Klce,
Belle Black, Stella Madison, Ada Anson, carl
Anderson, Jennie Llpman and over a score of
" The StUl Alarm " is a play which Is known
In overy part of tho United States. It will be
given at the Amphlon next week with mall.
ness Wednesday and Saturday. The particu
lar leature of "The Still Alarm" during its
engagement at tbe Amuhlon will be "Little
Tuesjay." one of the most talented children
on the stage. A part has been written espe
cially lor "Tuesday," and she will hereaiter
be seen as tbe "Hremen's Mascot." AlUough
the rule assigned ber Is a short one, 11 affords
tbe opportunity to introduce her specialties.
Itlchard Golden and Miss Dora Wiley, "the
sweet singer of Bucksport, Me.," will appear
at the Bedford Avenue 'theatre next week In
Old Jed Prouty." The play will be given
with tbe original scenery. Miss iiey's songs
and the quartet are special features of tbe en
tertainment. Every woman attending tbe
theatre Wednesday and Friday evenings will
receive a sliver souvenir spoon.
At the Lee Avenue academy of Muslo Mon
day evening a new melodrama will be pre
sented entitled " The Fire Patrol." it serves
to Introduce a fire patrol wagon and a scene
tbuwlng tbe Interior of a gold stamp mill in
tbo Blak Hills where tbe ore It crushed aa It
comes from the mines. Lovers or that kind
ot plays will be fully supplied with realism.
Bob HtzMratnons, champion middle-weight
of tbe wurld, will make bis appearance at the
Novelty Ibeatre next week surrounded by a
specialty company which will rtnbraro tbe
following- 'Ihe Julians, Hose and Martin, In
contortion and acrobatic frata; tbe mualcal
queen, Mile. Theo; McAvoy and Hogers,
sketch minis; Lowryand Evant, James and
blank, eccentric artists; Ed Hogers, Petrlo
und Elite, comedy sketch artltta, and Hauley
and duyer, in blackface. Fltzslmmons will
appearln "'Ihe Heroic Blacksmith." During
the action of the comedy Mtzslmmons will
spar three rounds wltb trank uosworlb.
At Hubtr k Gebhardt's Casino the following
bin: win b glvm: Napier and Marzello, ou
horizontal bars; Misses 'laylor and Madison,
songs and doners; Uonzo, Juggler; Louise
Lester, songs and dances; Paul Megal, vocal
ist; Lllllo Abrams, balladlsf.
Plight Blaze at the Astor House.
An awning on Ibe third story of the Astor
Uousotook nrcat ;t.;i'. yesterday and ;made
qutto ablaze, whlrh lo tbe time scared oc
cupants In tbe adjoining rooms. The flames
wero quickly extinguished by tbe botel em
ployees without the nre alarm being rung.
Sllrfhl damage. 1 be causa was a lighted
cigarette falling on 11 Irom and upper window.
THE absolute purity of the Royal Baking Pow
der makes it pre-eminently the most useful and
.wholesome leavening agent known. Containing no
lime,-alum, phosphate, or other impurity, it leaves no
alkaline or acid residuum in the food, and its use in
sures pure, light, and sweet bread, biscuit, and cake,
that are perfectly digestible and wholesome whether
hot or cold, fresh or stale. Its leavening power has
been determined the highest whenever tested by offi
cial authority, and physicians, chemists, and writers
on food hygiene commend it for its sterling qualities.
Mansfield Gomes In for a Boasting
in London.
Langtry Reheartlns; Haddon Cham
hnrs's " The Queen of Manoa."
Lonpo, Sept. 10 Mr. lllchard Mansfield
recently wrote an article on tbe Ireatment
accorded American actors In England and
France. Tbo article bas been quoted from
and commented upon at length by a number
of newspapers.
The London Platfr$, a paper devoted to the
drama, accuses Mr. Mansfield ot "slanging'
all tbe European nations, and challenges blm
to point out any American actor of sterling
merit wbo has not been given a cordial wel
come to England. Tbe paper admits tbat
"some Americans, wbo erroneously think
themselves heaven-sent geniuses, have fared
badly financially, but It w as not because they
were Americana."
Mr. Lucy, formerly editor of thsftiffi.Vrtc,
has an article In a weekly paper in which he
speculates upon what Mr. Gladstone's posi
tion would have been had he chosen to have
becomo an actor. Mr. Lucy's conclusion Is
tbat be would have been a comedian ot tbe
first rank.
The reopening of tbe Lyric Theatre on
Wednesday night has been the only event of
tho week In dramatic circles. The play pre
sented was Haydn Parry's new three-act
light romantic opera, "Cigarette." In the
cast were kme. Abu, Mlas Florence Bank
bardt, Charles Collette and Joseph o'Mara.
The audience Included a fair sprinkling of
professionals, among whom were Miss Geral.
dine Ulmar and her husband, Ivan carylL
Ibe latter heartily praised Mr. Parry's work.
"Cigarette" was first produced In Wales,
wbere It received tbe encomiums of Mmo.
1'attL Tbe composer of "Cigarette" was
born In America.
Mrs. Langtry Is rehoarslng Haddon Cham
bers's play at tbe Hay mark at Ibeatre. Mr
Chambers says tbe tltlo of the play will bo
tbe "Queen of Manoa," Instead of "Inter
mezzo," tbe name first auggosted. Tho plot
Is ot tbe a'mplest character, but tho play Is
strong In passion. It deals wltb tbe effect ol
music on human passion. Mr. Chambers got
the Idea from bearing Mascagnl's "Intermezzo-"
The scene Is laid In tbo "swagger"
society of London and on tbe Thames.
Mr. Augustln Daly sails for New York to
day wltb Arthur Bourchler, his latest re
cruit. Tbe report tbat he will engage II. B.
Conway Is not true.
Miss Lule Fuller, falling lo prevent Imi
tators doing ber berpcntlne dance by claim
ing copyright for It, now claims exclusive
ness ot her dress material, which, she Bays, Is
lighter tban gossamer. T his material, she
clalma, sbe obtained from tbe East.
CARPET'SEWERS-W.iit.d. rouas nm.D to
.w r.rpt. , oulr .ipcrt.uo.4 h.adi w.ut.U,
Apply at uuc, 4 Ur..l Joqh it,
SBTTCNOOkIpIIY tad tipritliic l.raa. tt 91
fetc4w.f,rt. Y.,t.iu lit" mtn t.iiorwril
Thurtd.i'"uJ Sti'mlcr. ' CRUISKEEN LAWN.
N.itVV.rk I III. PAY TKAl.t.
M.tluiM MHiir.d.T sod Natural,
And LlttU Tiiradt' The Hremin'i Mticot."
limit wMk-Tbi.NM lily IHrfctorj
JVtfi St. Music Hall and Alhambra Court,
Ut.ndllO F.it 141b. t.
Piny m Kverv Allrrnumi and JL v rnUyr.
iiolllb'3 8T11 AVE. Ml'MUM Witli' I'.no.
r.tn. uf lr.!tnd, hiriQ.j Hlu.iatu. Hf t.r,
CoulT.r, J.ttl. AUrn., l.ii. Dirk, rtiritr. u
1, ilr.m. " AXiout llt.il " rb.iti.Nu. .', V.uJt
till.. No, 3, Pupp.l Hho.
j nlQliSIIulO I rxrlt Utt.r I Tbcatir.
park tIFkatiik. ii' DiTau'; .tT
INCI.' IM.Mi Tllh jki:at MOItA.
Pflr.., 73i., OUc., .3c. 13r.
UllliunTuNjir, ltlur..!r "! WiturJ.j.
Lv.oidk t P JO t-aluriiar Matin, at .'.
Slu 10 ais rticutit. I'rrforuiaut...
HeiM itltl, orehvttr. firolt tnl btlooor. oOo,
V.t. i POWER OF THE PRESS. : 1.l:
TONY PASTOR Si t.t-3,t.ijl'tba..i.
A drand. Notrl and Kl.ffant Knt.rtalntntnt.
. Dlllltl.i: SAI.a Jill, I. TO.MllHT. .
PIDrlCU 1IIKATIIE. Admia.lon oi. "
UAnl'trl Mr, o.l J. W.d. ao4 bat. Mat.
SIN BAD '"!! "LEIi.
MOtBTImtS.pt. U. EWant SomanlM.
WtUmtHf ud filaber.t.J. P, Smith's
iseum jH
Ollmore A Torapkln. ...,,.... Prop., and Stars. ! .SsV
MATb. WLSTt bAT. All. KVENlNuff i.
TOItAT.!!: I '., .fl
K,'u,TW.,iyswVdi.hi'JeV"i0"' " fM
"mm throdoh uEsrouEJ" It .15. ',iaS
Coootrt br tb Eldorado Band from 4 to 13. fiSSSl
Till. 43d and l'ranklln it. f.rriei. Ann.i boas, ySsH
Brooklyn tKolton St.). Im at 7.1S. Tukes 1 IfJssH
offlc, is Fait 14th at. and leading hot.U. ! , iiBfl
To-nlRht, "ssssssa
Unrivalled Rnjtllib Chatsvcttr Performne :sH
Monsieur Guibal and Miss Marie SretUle'i "fM
llewllderlnar and Hen.aitlonaJ 'BBH
r-miniNoTiH.Ti. H
N.lt w.ek. :&. a burl.tta. ROBIN HOOD. , IjSSB
PAI.MER'H THEATRE. Hating. Salorda, '''4Vfl
lntnUhl. niVCV audnla ,!
kir. Il.nrjr E. UIAB1 Optra (Jo. CvBBl
In (illliert t Hullltau'a Maat.rplfco. LtvBfl
l'ATlK.UK.-lVlt week IOLANTUE.. i "
Roof Uard.n Concert Nlgbttr and bundar. ,iaBsS
Admlaalon. 60c.. Inclttdlng both .ntortalpm.nsa. ., SHfl
PFnpTF'S TIIKATRR. ' ' ''Ibb
rcuruc a Mr. hk-nrt c. miner Pro ?
N.lt Wwk-PAUf. KAUVAR. 'S&Y
BTII AVENUE THEATRE. Il'nar and 28th au i LPJ
Mr II. C. Miner Proprietor sad Maaaaas .ISBnH
Alhorflogti. Mwplng Irinmpn. S.n. i ,3aBaV
Ftenlns. at M. 15. Mat. To-far. Souvenir B.pt.lsV rLmm
HTAIt THEATRE. Ettl'a. 8. IS, Mat, Sat ' ijiH
AlAll.s.SlO.S, 60CE.NT3. , 'iBfl
ANTON KI'lIM, and hi. M.tronolltan Orehoitra. 'JkmW
HOOK IIAItllh.N I'EltlOIIMANCtH.H P.M. toll "
aiANDARD TIIEATRF. Kr.'caS 30. MaLSat. )IH
onlr, Hdi'i ea. Urrater Tban Et.r. lSaBal
' Tlii: QUI E.N Oh COMEDU3, LvJ
with all th. VAVOItt fE PLAYERS. JVfl
Tlilrd wttk and oontinu.d aucoeaa. iaBaV
Et.nlna 8.J. MatipoeSatgrdas. fiJmU
Nlt Wttk-Ur I'roi). 'BBj
.it VVt.k-SiiorlMfAlll.ur. iBvJ
bTjhU TIIK1TIIK. H'war, n.ar SOthSt, ?H
Niahti 13. Malln.t. W.d. andl. OaH
in B SUI -IKN.Nli: iH.AtlANH nVBl
I mi r Iwl. with Frank Wllllama Lompajji ilBfl
1 uca.tnitnl limll.a tu two w.tWt .BS
WINDhOR THKATRE. 6"an.t 47 Bowti. SsB
J. K. I-MMI-T 'rsB
In FRIT. IN lltrLAND. lUBl
OU I ntHIM cai'i. i.kttarblaIb. "3BJ
. Tlll'lfllV MAllNPfcH. I B1
thla tbtatre will lomm.oc. u.it Ihnradar. ;kU
houtli 6th sL. HroJw7 od Bedford ? "?
ropnlar pricrs, 2in.. aic.. 60o., 7So. 4Dd tl 2LTsH
Un vrri-k. iuniratialiiir Mondy, bpt. 5. i.Bil
LUyr lty MAtlnot. Hitalir Ms.1d Wvda-- vfsH
Ma.-nibcent retolflntr tctntrr, artl.tlo aU. H Bl
tln, orlalnal l-fljBcta. HS.B
N.lt VV'etk lllcliar.l l.oldrn lu Old Jfcl Proatr. 'BBJ
All Dill fill EDWIN KNOWLES. "VJ
AmrnlUlll Proprietor and M.naor. 'BBl
Ertrr eve. MatinM. Wrd. and Aat. l-lisH
GRAND house. S
IMOVELTVTHEtTRF. J R. Rybblna, Prop, an ''IM
Man. r, VV.tk corani.ncln. Mondar, Sept. 11. I 3BSH
Ilot hiltnlmiiiont'a I'omMly and gpoclaltr Co. If .SBBJ
lb. Il.rolu lllack.uillb. Hob Fiti.lmmona and , ('BaV
tract lloawortb tttrv prforuianc. In S ronndaot I -,IH
H iulcui.it. ch. .N.it VV.tk-Uraol.Emmtttln A SSH
Mil. A Minute '9BJ
Et.rr ettnlni. Malln.M Wed. andSak i SB
Tbl. w..k. with matln..a Wl. andflat., visH
Mr NatO. .,.,. SsB
GOODWIN D au-Vo0ox :fl
l s
hAriUIUAY. StlT. 10. at 3.40 P. M. i BBl
Tb. Maitlowtr llandltap. Tb. Onat ' ,BHJ
llaadlcap, tbe "Old.Tlm.Kj." 1 'SBB
Tralo. from Eaal Stthat. fwrrat H.lOastsvafS' j ,4BB
bait hoar thereafter. 1 A'TaaH
HpeolalParlorOartnlaatlP. SL J TiBBsl
BoaUfromfMtol Whlt.ballet.. trMSfaJU fBBai
Kfitati road., 11. 10 A. M. a4 ltlO, anVtH .PBBI
baarl thenalMr. lUtMweawwa JMWlawawMlT LLm
1 " sJbbb1