Newspaper Page Text
ii JH I. CHAMPION CORBETT. Slr22- ! IHOIO!!!!?! fc ; J mJI IS An article especially written i rat&tti W 35 : ROW W,LL CONTAIN A ol.! ,; ' WL i ". Sjn , To-Morrow's World. wLjJ JH ! IHT JiSifliilirWlItllHiRli lliif llwfu Jivlll"'lll ir lulillLni Sw & A(L'lIW I1L i, (L ( ; century and an article etc ''ufffl k iniiHiiiiiiiini'uitiiiini"-i' l"wa lr,yiritli M MI II Will i I W Wf'a s J mi s r '",tl B "J PRICE ONE CENT. NFW YOKISATljBOAYrSKlEMBEirTolBQZ. PRICE ONE CENT. 9 CORBETT'S OWN STORY IN J'O-MORROW'S SUNDAY WORLD. 1 f LAST EDITION.! L LADEN WITH P CHOLERA. B I Scandia the Worst 1 Plague Ship I of All. I 34 Dead and II Sick 1 Her Record on Arrival 1 at This Port. I ONE MORE DIES IN HOSPITAL. K 'a StiMir Stonlngton Taking Oft v.r farmannla's Passengtrs. fMi - I Fire Island Purohased for a Bef- Mt uge for Quarantined People, W Work Begun on the Sanitary Camp By ,-- at Sandy Hook. Wf Health IJoard Still Keports No Cases tr in This City. Bj Health Depertoaoat, i I Nw York, Sept. 10. 10 A. al.t H Harases efehelera hare yet appeared ' la tali city. . By ardor af Ike Board of Health. Why CHABLKrt l. W1MOX. President. BLf KMMONH CL.AUK, (secretary. WP !Ti moaNrxave (ears that bad been felt by B Quarantine oinotaU and steamship men re- B gardlng the possible presence oi Asiatic H cholera, on the Hamburg American liner B, Scandia have been proven well founded. Ths Wk sbtp, wbicu aalUd from Hamburg Aug. us BJ I wltb l,08 souls on board, arrlTed last nlgbt, Be and reported thirty-two aeatbs from thf m soourfe during tbe voyage, while seren Hr othsr rlrulent cases demanded tbe Immediate BV attention of tbe Quarantine authorities. Heporta from quarantine state that two B lead bodies and eleven slek persons were Bfl taken from tbe Scandia to Swinburne Island Bfl 4-v tbts moraine. PJ Mrs. Persson, motber of the two children . BJ wbo died Thursday nlgbt on tbe Gulon liner BJ Wyoming at Upper Quarantine, succumbed BJl to the cbolera during the night on Su lnb jrne HI Island. BB The Sound steamboat Stonlngton, furnished fc t by J. rierpont Morgan for tbe reception of I ' tbe Normannta'e cabin passrugors, Btarted ' from tbe Hamburg dock In Uoboken at 10.10 H this morning fully furnished wltb stores, and M" proceeded to Lower Quarantine. BBJF Work was begun at Sandy Hook to-day In Bf the building of the bai racks and election of U tents for the tcception of quarantined pas- ff secgers. iBjL Tbe Surf Hotel and grounds at Fire Island, V have been purchased for tbe btate as a Br quarantine cholera station. Tbe price paid H Is $210,000. ATf Tne North German Ltojd steamship Kaiser BJ- Wllhclm I., fr m llremeu, was sighted off Bjp Fir. Is n i . bout s o'clock this, morning, and BJ A signalled " . 1 m II on board." jB The II inbuig-Anifilcincxprcsj steamship iBL ColumbU, from bouthan.ptun, passed Fire 'Bj Island at 0.34 this morning. She brings no ll immigrants. IB Tba corrected list of deaths on tbe Scandia Mli U thirty-two at sea and two In port, and BHm eleven cases ot tbe disease removed to Bwln .VI j. burne Island. Bff suable dtsuatches from London eay that up BtjyH to noon to-day tho steamship companies had B)ff received uo official notification that Imml- WA grant. carrying sblps were likely to be re. ,KH tusml entry at United Htates portr. Tbe jCl cunard Company doubts President Harrl- OBaPR son's power to enforce any such order. It was said tbat If such notice were officially glvtn to steamship companies it would By, effectually stop tbe despatching of special Ml Immigrant aleamrrJ. BpJL 1 he steamship Cvlumtna from BouthamptoB arrlvjd at Quarantine nt 15.00 this after noon. Tbe crew of the tug William Flotcher re fused to work on the boat tn transferring passengers from tbe Normannla and Itugia to the relief boats. caft. aorrr, or ran scanom. Dr. Jenkins says tbe flrst-oabln passengers on tbe Normanala will be taken to Fire Island on the Stonlngton this afternoon. Tbey will be permitted to take only their cabin luggage. TlURTY-FOUtt DIED ON BOARD. The Heaadla ike Meat Terrible of tha Cbalera laspertere. irSCUL TO THK BTENiaO WOULD. 1 QOABAMnNB. 8. I., sept. 10. Thirty-two deaths from cbolera at sea and seven cases ot tbe dtsesse on board tbe Hamburg-American packet liner, asaadla, whlon arrived last nlgbt; tbe yellow Use flying from her truck at daybreak again, wltb tbe Quarantine tug crystal Water alongside as an indication of still more cases, and ono more death among the Guion liner Wyoming's steerage passen gers was the record ot tbe dreaded cholera at tbe port of New York at sunrise tbls morn lng. The victims on tbe scandia number twenty nine among ber steerage passengers, one cabin passenger and two ot ber crew. Tbls list was increased to-day by two deaths and four cases, It not being stated whether tbe latter deatba and new cases were among tbe steerage or cabin passengers. The death among the Wyoming's steerage passengers was that of Sirs. E. V. Persson, the mother ot tho two Swedish children who died on board that ship at Upper Quarantine, within 1,000 yards of the boarding station, during Friday night. Worst Plea-iie Hhlp or All. The Scandia was sighted off Kiro Island at 6.30 o'clock last night, but not until six hours later was the terrlblo Intelligence Imparted that of all tbe plague shtpn that have essayed to enter this port during tho present cholera scare she was by long odds the worst. Health Offker Jenkins had feared she would prove a veritable nest ot pestilence, but even be was shocked whin be learned the fearful truth. As the scsndta skimmed along past Fire Island she signalled the operatur In the lo.ty tower tbat there was sickness on boarJ, but she gaveno Inilumllun ot the terrific swalb I tba. death hnJ cut in tho rauks ot her pas- I sengcrs and crew. '1 he truth was not l.nouu even rthen she luudo bandy Hook uud skirted I up tho lower bay tor Quarantine, tearing on board not only seven stricken and suffering human beings, but also the deadly germs which she bad collected during her fifteen days' voyage and undoubtedly for a week previous In Hamburg. Intercepted by Quarantine Ufflclali. But tho Scandia was not to be permitted to cast her decll cargo on American sboics. Dr. Ujrou, in chargu at Swlubums Island, wsa kcupinx a sleepless watch for her. When, tome three hours after she was sighted off Fire Island, she poked ber nose through tbe Increasing naze tbat hovered ever tbe lower bay, be boarded tbe Quaran tine tug Crystal Water end went off to ber. At tbe little crult steamed up alongside tha big black bull the doctor shouted); "Ahoy I on board ship I Are all well?" capt. Kopff from the bridge peered down through tho darkness, and when he saw the yellow flag at the little tug's stern be shook his head ominously and gave tba order to heave to. Wltb doubtful feelings Dr. Byron clambered aboard and held a long conversation with tho ship's doctor, whoso statement of tbe scan die's condition unnercd oven l)r. Byron, ac customed though be was to tho constantly occurring deaths on Hwinbjrno Island and tbe dally Increasing ravages of tho plague among tho detained sea voyagers atLonvr Quarantine. A little later the operator dozing in Dr. Jenkins's office over the private wire loaning to Swinburne Island heard the "call" signal eliciting on his Instrument. At tbat late hour a ' call ' must mean a message of more than unusual importance. The telographer bent forward, tapped "UK' and listened Intently. This Is wbat came over tho cable: " Have visited tho sosndla this evening and find tbe following: " Total number of passengers, 1,086 ; cabin, 28: steerage, 08 1; crew, 77." Then tbero was a pause of ever so slight duration, but to tns waiting operator It seemed an age. Then the keyboard ticked on: On tbe voyage tbere wern thirty-two HAMBUSO STIAUSBIF BOAMDIA. deaths, of whloh there were twenty-nlne In tbe steerage, one In tbe cabin and two I among tbe crew.'' "My Oodl" ejaculated the operator, "this Is awful i" But tbere was mure. " I am now starting In our tug crystal Water to transfer seven patients stricken with the plague to tbe Hospital on Swinburne I Island." Btbox." The operator grasped tho sbeel of paper on -Sottas T SAKDTDOOE NER, WBIBI TUB CAMP rASgKttOKRS WILL B8 LANPSV. i (From photograph by a WonLU a tltt. 1 which be hsd hastily jotted down tuese ter rible tidings and flew to Dr. Jenkins'a room. The exhausted Health Officer reluctantly arose from the couch where be was snatching a few minutes' seeded rest, but wben the operator gasped " Scandia " he was alert In an Instant. Hushing into his office, lie turned up tbe gas and read the message. Tbe hand tbat held tbe tidings dropped to bis side, while Its owners thoughts, If uttcied, would un doubtedly bave been t " How long is this terrible scourge to last t" It was bad enough to have tbree Hamburg ships already full of danger to watch closely and constantly ; still worse to know that tbe Wleland and Stubbenhuk might develop new dangors at any moment, and that the Wyom ing from Liverpool, now believed to be a pest ship, might have escaped UM vigilance In another day or two endO what a thought! mljhl not other Liverpool ships Just passed be proving even now to be messengers of death 1 Tbo OfflclaU' Appalllna- Task. Gigantic his task Indeed, In tbe face of tbe circumstances, but her, right on their very heels, was yet anttber menacing bulk, fairly recking with tbe germs of infection It was enough to tnnkc any man grow faint at heart I anddUcourajrd. The Health onircr, however, had little lltnu for such musings. The light In his otnee bad given an Intimation to Evening Would and other reporters, wbo all night long had kept ' constant guard before bis bouse that Impor tant news received by tbe health guardian of tbe port should not escape them. Tho Health Officer opened the door and ad mitted the reporters. The information bo Imparted was meagre, but It nas tig "1th Important surprises. "That Is ulllhae learned so far, gentle men," said the Health Officer, altar reading the despatch quoted above, and he again sought bis couch. A little later the wire from Swinburne Island flashed tbe news tbat Mrs. rerssoa, tbo mother of tbe two children ffbo died on (Cuiittoued on tajuiruvc.) iij , h .y-fjA-tkJa;ar,v;'.n,r.i.,. .rtjg- SENATOR IfrlL SPEAK. O ' Official Announcement by the Demooratio State Committee. The Sx-Uovernor'a Debut Kxpcrteil In Brooklyn Next Week. i What little doubt there remained of senator David II. Hill's placatlOn was dlsielled this I morning, when Secretary Charlm It. Do Freest, of the Democratic Ntate Campaign Committee, made the ofliclnl announcement that tbe Senator would tako anacllto part in the canvass for Cleveland and Htevensi n. In reply to a question Mr. De Freest said. " Senator Hill will muku ono or muro speeches during the campaign, but whon or where I donotknon cu The Senator will ,lx time and place himself." Ihc statement was ma'lo unomclall this morning that benator Hill would open the campaign In Iirnoklyn with a speech next week, and that ho would speak In Boston on Sept. in. If Senator HIM Is going to Boston, politicians say he will meet Mr. Cleveland there. Tbe Improvement In the situation ot affairs since Sir. Cleveland's visit Is alriady notice able, and now that Tammany nail has spoken ana pledged Its audit Uled support, coulidente thai tno election wld I cult lu Democratic Mctory has Increased. The suieehej of Congressmen Hourke Cock ran ana John It. relluws at tho 'lammany General Committee last nlhl uro regarded aski-ynute speeches. Chairman tiarrlty bud an opportunity to cougratuiatu Messis. Cock ran and IcllowB, wbo, accompanied by Police Jusilce tiruuy, called on blm this morning. Mr. C'.ckran will lake the stump fur tbe National Committee at tbo end of inla mootn. He Is booked tor a speech at Detroit on Sept. at), Inuiuuapolls hopu uo, Cincinnati Oct. 1, at different, places tnulana uct. :t, 4, .1 and 0, Chicago Oct. 7, and also at Milwaukee. .vr. crokor lea tor ltlcbtleld Hprlngs this morning to trlng back bis family lor tliu Winter. He will return at the end ot next week, wben a meeting of tbe Executive com mittee or 'thirty to tlx antes tor tho nil n.arles and tha local nominating conventions will be bold. he proposed demonstration at Madison fequaro (lunien, at which President Harrison was to speak on nls return from Loon Lake, has been abandoned. STREET-SWEEPERS ORGANIZE. With the Drivers They Have Soma Grievances to Remedy. The Drivers and Sweepers' Benevolent and Protective Organization Is the name by which the new lauor union of employees of tbe street cleaning Department will be known. Organization was effected at a meeting at 430 A est 1 hlrty-elghth street, last nlgbt, and elgbty-seven men enrolled their names. Michael Kenmdy Is tbo first President and John Kobcrta tbo first Secretary. The men say they have not organized for the purpose uf striking, but tor mutual Help and protccttou. 'J hey bave several tirlcv- n ceo, the rlgbtlng of which tbey will under take. one of the grievances Is the present rulo ot paying them S0 per month. 'J he) think fj a aay none too mucn lor tne woik they do, exposed to all kinds ot weather and to tout smolls, and tbey want extra pay for Sundays. commissioner Brenuan eajs: " It the men can do themselves any good by organization then I am in invor ot It. Of couise. If they wnnt to be paid by tbe week or day tbey must aprcnl to tho Legislature 'Ihe tnonilily rate ot Is tlxedty the law. If my men bave any grievances which I can riant I'll be glad to do It If they will come tome. 'Ibousn know that." WILL ACCEPT ANV AID. Or. Jenklaa Bays Ho Has ot Rrjreled the Marias Hospital Service. liriniL to Tax xtiwmo wont QDAnAXTixE, 8. I., Sept. 10. regarding the alleged statement by Secretary Poster tbat bo bad offered tho entire Marine Hos pital serrlcs to Health Officer Jenkins for use In the present crisis, Dr. Jenklni Bays: Tbere Is not a word ot truth in lu No such tender was ever made to me by Secretary Foster or by any other member ot tbe Federal Government.'' If It were tendered, would you accept?" " certainly. Nothing would please me bet ter. It would be a great relief in such a crisis, but I do not apprehend tbst Secretary Foster bat thought about tbe matter at all, or even dreamed of such a thing. Yoitiau snv that any (eivlcu that I can utilize wilt b gratefully retelvcd from the Government, corporations or Individuals." TKANHFEH Or PANMENHKUH. Normaaala's Saloon People to Bo to Fire Island, Maeraaa to Moody Hook. irrrui to Tint xtlo 'ni.n Qt'ARANTitE, r. I., Sept. 10. Just before Dr. Walzer returned down the bay on tho William Fletcher, at 11 o'clock, be wa, told by Dr. Jcnklus that ll.o Normannlasstecrago pawngers now on Hoffman lMuwl would be tuken to bandy Huok to-day. Ilei vatln pas sengers, ho mid, would be taken to I'lro Islaud, protaMy on thu stonlngton, and the ltuyla'B and Moruvla'u steer, go passengers no Jld be removed to Hoffman Island. Bag I gage will bo kept on board the ships for tbo present. Mayor l.ront Vllt Qimmntlne. Mayor Oram, accompanied by Dock Com-' missioner cram, Health Board Pribldeuti Wilson and l'nsldent Mar In, of tlio I'ollco ' Hep irtrru'tit, Muried at 1 1 o'clock to-day nu lli-j pUCo boat 1 atrol, tcru visit to Quuran tine. I Before leaving the City Hall the Mayer said "be believed meDihlug possible was buns done to keop the cbolet a out of t he i lt ,n hlcn wa hover In a better sanitary condition than now. 137th'a Annual Heunlon. lrrrul. to t avmiMu woslr . Patcbogde, L. I., Sept. 10. Tbe annual re union of the Ono Hundred and laenty-sev-enth Keglment, Xew York Volunteers, was held here to-diy. About one hundred sur viving members of the re.-lmeot came from . .now oik. Ul ool.l)n and vuloua long Island villages. 160,000 Fac Warehouse Burnod. , rv atsociATKD rvatt. . L'iMiMATi, sept, la Tuts morning tno great rag warehouse of Joseph Joseph was j destroyed by Ore. Loss, fl. ',0,000. A Canadian Hotel Burned. 1st AioriATSn rasi I Vavpricil Statiom, Que., bepu 10. Tho Lottlulero HoM here wastntallr destroy en by nro this morning, together tilth great partortbuconloata. THE COMPLAINT OF THE COAL COMBINE.; 4 i COAL BARON I assure you I loso 25 cents on ovory ton of coal. U. S- STEAMER FERN ASHORE. She Ran Upon a Reef Near Porta. mouth, N. H., In a Fop;. BV assoriATru rails.) PottTSMoCTB, N. II., Sept. 10 The United States steamer Porn, from Noriolk for Klttery Navj Yard, In charge of Commander Henry W. Lyons, went ashoro oue mllo below this city at 2 o'clock this morning. Ihe placo where tbo vessel Is aground Is nnoofihc worst In the river, and tho steamer Iks nun one-quarter of her keel out, ot wutci. Some llity leot ot hct shoe Is gone. ItlvurmcuHuv that whin tho lido turns the vessel will nil and sink. owing 10 foggy weather tho buoy which marks the lodge cuutd not be discerned by tnosu on board. Tbe Fern Is a small steamer used by the Oon rnment to transport supplies and carry fnlght between the uav)-ards on tho Atlantic roast, she doesn't mount any suns and carries a crew of only elua or ten men. bhu cost tbo Government about ISO ono. At the Brooklyn Nuvi-Vard II was said hat ber commanding ofllcur Is Lleuu-Commander Gibson. THEATRE MEN COME TO BLOWS. Bach Injures tha Other's Head and Has Him Arrested. John Hamilton, forty-four, of 110 Wost Ono Hundred and Twcnlv-nlnth street, the Manager ot the Filth Avenuo Tbeate, and Olrsou bteln, forty, ot HO Woat one Huu- died and Ttvuntj-mih ssreet, Manager of Hollander's Cafe, were arraigned In the liar- I lem rolled court ibid morning having made counter charges of assault against each other. The trouble resulted from a political dis pute In w hlch they tried tj separate tbe com batants, who bad como to blows. btelu alleged that Hamilton hit blm on the head with a cane. Hamilton declared that one Kenuedy was being beaten by bteln aud Carr aud that ho Jumped in to help blm. bteln, be alltged, took lilt cane from him and beat him over the head. Both men had I.. jure.i beads. Justice Vonrbls paroled tbe men for exam ination iiouuay. BOLD ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY. Lithographer Staffnor Attacked by Two Man In First Avenue. Patrick MaUlaln, an alleged inomberof tho Hag Gang, Is locked up lu tho LastTblrn- fltto street station, charged with attempted robbery. He was une of two who wboat- 1 lacked Emil Slaffner, a lithographer of 07 1 Spring street, about 10 o'clock tbls morning at '1 hlrty-Ugbtb street and First avenue. Solomon B. Llubtensteln, one of tbe owners oi the factory at that corner, grappled with McGlolu, wbo pulled away ami nred at Lien tenstetn and btatjuer, the bullet striking a walL NOW THE BROADWAY FERRY CO. Reorganization of a Brooklyn Street Railroad Corporation, At bant, HcpL 10. A certificate was filed to-day of the Incorporation of the Broadway Ferry and Metropolitan Avenue Itallroad Company, being a reorganization uf thu uiooklyn, Busbwlek and and Queens County Itallroad. The reorganized company has a capital of 1100,000. Tho dtreuoia are: Uiorlea MacVoagb, of Morrlslowu, N. J.; John II. himiuuul, jr., Ludlow W. Vinton, Ldnard P. Bromley and Wurrcn I. tamsoi, ot Brooklyn ; Jthii i. How, Aitbur I', stuigcs. Ui nits ii. ivmi, Waller h. Hlekli.Huii. ralwuM M. lUbliion and Hubert 1'. nu tl gtou, if .Now York city. lUe piluclpal business orilce will ce in .New I l oik City. I Maple d Burglar tn Hla Room. PatshcOn, N. J., sept. 10. Garrett W. Aretzeuof this city found a muked burglar In bis room tht- niorjln. who oinlcj a uttol uiiunUiail. iho burglar intugoi way out was arrested. PoIIUohI Potpourri. (ii MeTtnfontatrU tlielitrt of tbi Indians roM.inintnic rrgion ).irr.Ur bud luunij a gufMiir i,u u r ul llou,ir out to io nun. Ho pjkf st utaxiltn tuootooiuf. (to. Haiti, coDdidato for Vico-Proatdoi ton tbt reop e't prtr tlckot, ii,ok at s bar oj at Douiaca, Mim 1U will apes, at Jacaaoa to olsut Ltn. Wosvor la la .Norlo Miaalaalppl. Koturna from 3SS to-na to Varmoal out of o loU of II. J llVtf Fallr (nap. J. for GoTrruor, S8,4ii huinf llhm.l, 1J.4HU. aoaii ttu, l.CSJ. Foil r'o plots 11, 1V,Z Fultr'a ma Jontj, 17, so; Coucraitoan W, U. P. Biacaaortdfo will do lirar tba oration at tno Itrao.l Itauuloo of Iratal. llnrMrou Oar tnoaukpicea o tha .NAtlonal T. P. Ak(,oia(ltjo lu bo tiid at M LuuU, baturday, i,il I I lia totlowlna CAndldatt at tt, b, toll I for In it mo nvat Monuay li,DrKrallc lr tiuf'Ttiot, i n itar .loiiu. ou. t Wji t Ha fur i, r. I kltat liallVcl. Oanui In tr.baiu, bl P r atUl saconn III mil. II. J Mv'Gi i cuildr. of 1 litoil 1 bird Diatl lot, Wm. I'.lbuuiaon.of UallMt.Foutth put irt, iin A II. Piwrri, ft lloultoo. Hnnb. Ilea. -For uotaroir, llaury U. (-Icaraa. rot ( ou. 'craa-tlnt Dutrtet. inotoa, II. Itont, of Por. laud, ttooonri Itlilrlrt. Aclaon llioilay, Jr., of li,liu; Ibtr4 UlaUIrl, batliL. Atnrikauut Ba. faatt Fourth Diatilei, C. A. Uoutollo, aj Bangor. Chatlaa A. Cblckatlng. of lwla lountf, 01 Clark oi tho Aaaamlii. an noniiiiatod st vratar town. N. Y.t thla looming tor Conrraaa on tbo aarootr.aatond I allot at tn Har-utillcin t'oTiaraa alcnal i,3fntion , or tha uaw 'I o itt.fourtli Ua-trKt.i-niuprUlug tbo ounltaa ot Oswtgo, Lew-la and jaflaraoa. STABBED BY HER FATHER. BanVc Clark Saultera Had Lured Mrs. Hardy from liar Husband. Jobn William Pawcett, fltty-one years old, wbo has been stopping at 1h:i (Ir.ind street, wan nrraljneJ In Jefferson Markot PnlUe Court this morning for the probablo murder ot Willis Saultera at tho tatters home, US West Houston street, last night. Sautters Is confined In St. Vincent's Hospi tal with a stab wound In the abdomen. Iho Injured man Is a clerk lu the Marino Bank ou Wull street, lie was llvlug with Mrs Hard), tho separated wl.e oi allostuti boss truckman, bbo Is a daughter ot thu prisoner Fawcett. About eighteen monlbs ago Mr. lls-dy wanted lugo to Boston to do business thtre. He asked his wile to go with him. bho re tused aud he went alone. Mr. Ilurdy lelug au experienced bat trim mir, fcOuU lound emploj meut, and earned from 10 to tl" a wick. During the ubccuLu ot ber husband Mrs. Hardy met baunere, who was uneat. cU ressed young man, Ho professtd great affection for br, and offered to save ber tho neLOaMiy ol going uui to work aud put ber In chat gn of hb rooms. Mis. nardj s busoand came from Boston to 'New Yurk and mut tils win-, offering lu taku her to his borne mid keep htr In good slvle. I Mrs. llard deilineii ugo, baying that she , wasdulngweli where shun us. Annie l-uwieil, 1 hi i slsUi, advlscu her to gu back to her hus band. I Mis. Hardy's father was employed as a cle.k lu thu ucparimeutoi 1'uul.c i,nrs, but btcauie dtai. A)enrago newenlWeat lu sou it be could not obtain relief. Annie r awcett wroiu to him thil her tftcr si making a mistake and would bu sorry font bouie day. Mr. Faucett ruiumed to N w York to see his daughter about lu Mrs. Iiurdj told blm that she could not live wlibUaidy. baulttrs was kind to ber and tbo il ed nlm. Mr.t-awi.elt told ber that If such was tho cac bo houij piy torudlvotie lor her Irom liaruy and sue oould marry saul'ers. '1 lit; fatber then reaumed tiavehlug for his health, but leceutly ho h.aid Ui at hlsdaughiei. Mis. Hardy, was lelng cruelly treated by Saultera aud awatn returned to .Sow York. When he cahedon bis daughter yesterday sbo was weeping. She bad a cut over one eye and her lea cneefc was swollen. She said Saultera bad treated ber brutally. 'lh father walled for banners to return borne and as he entered the huuso caugut htm by tne neck and threw htm out of tbo bjuse. Mr. Favvcett then sat down and began cleaning bis tlnger-uuns with a penknife. Sautters re-entered aud tho two men granpu d and in the snuggle taultera was cut with thu k He. Fawcettwas held to await the result of saulters's Injuries. BONISCIMO'S SON RELEASED. The Father, Who Shot Robert Bonl aclmo, Still at Larva. justice Pratt, of Brcoklvn, this morning grsnted writs ot habeas corpus In thrcaicsot John BoulsUmo audsaliator Allloreturnablu Monday. Iho prisoners are now lu the Kings County Jail, Bonaslga being held as an accompllio and . Mllo as a witness to the murder ot Hob erl Balsamo, of 'JU President street. '1 burs day nlgbt. In his ante.mor'em statement BaHamo sild that Jaints Uouisclmo, who Is still at large, fired the tatal shot. Robert Garrett's coaching Party Creating a Eensntion. irv roruTr' rrsa,l Lost os. Sept. 10. A Ues mh from Iriint to tho .Vetm fays that It 'bert Carroll's coaching party Is creating a sciisttlon amung the re-lJents of the AUstrlnn Alps. A nc horso drag heads the procisilm 'lliu party has ahead) irossed the St, Gotliard. bti Ixr jocbandHnstermung pasixf. It will traverso tbelnnVa,le and hence proc,-d 10 Venue. Ihe touilsu are loudly iheeied at every town, village and hamlet they visit. London Expeota Failures In the Cotton Irndo. it- ,atotiTrn hraa t Losnov, Sept. 10. several fannies lit the cotton trade iruexpeetul lu tin I'tesum dls. trlct. ihe balance 'htets lor tho past quar ter show heavy lossi 8. r i The TRIED 5--. . . 'So lorld rD jPostal great 1 Crd 8UCCE88.S W" BBfilliril'"irt'1' -nWliatiaJSxoxli ai PECK SERVED WITH A WRIT. I Scrutiny of tba Basis of His Tariff Report. Ir.T atanriATKn vmn 1 Albamt, Sept. 10. Norton Cbaso, of this city, this morning served Charles F. Peck, Commissioner ot the State Bur au of Labor Statistics, with an order granted last nlgbt by Judge hdwards, at Hudson. The order requires blm to show cause te-1 faro Judgo Furman, at Kingston, on Monday, why a writ of mandamus should not tsttie directing hlin and bis ubststants to diligently I search the tllei, papers and recoidslnhls ortlco which lncli do the returns mado by ' manufacturing estnbllshmcnts In tho city of New ork, on which Mr. Peck's recent arm report was bBscd, and mako and turnlsh iho' pulttonir with a truoscrlpt thereirom, to In clmlu the names and uddnsscsot tho torpors lions whu made the returns. The order to show cause was granted en the affidavits of E. Eltery'Andorson and Norton Chase, which state their unsuccessful efforts of yesterday to see suoli returns. STILL THINKS HE CAN WHIP JACK Billy Myer Wants Another Match wltb Champion McAullffe. rrtvrtAL to thi: rrrsm ihhaI cmcAOo Sept. 10.- Billy Myer, the light we Ignt pugilist, doesn't appear to he satlstled with the licking Champion Jack McAu Itle gave him lust Monday nlglu Hi New Orleans. Jlj er reached hern yesterday, and in au Inter vloiv tt-duy, uiclared he would never n st until be succeeded In getting on another match with the champion. TRIED SUICIDE IN THE STATION. 1 A Woman Cuts Her Throat Boforo a I roller) Sergeant's Desk. ' At is o'clock to-day a well-dressed woman ot thirty entered tho West Tblr leth ctrcet po'.lco station whtlo fecrgt. Lane was In charge. She stepped to the desk, muttered Incoher ently and, drawing a razor, cut her throat, sho was prevented from Inflicting a danger, ous wound, and after a J.ew York Hospital Ambulance surgeon bad ntteooed her she was locked up. 'I hn woman relived to dve her name, and wnnid give nu extilsratlnn of her rnnrtuet fur'her than tosai she lnrt a great deal of trouble wltn her mother-lu-law. PERMIT FOR THE ARCH. Architect Herts'a Creation to Be Frectd In the, Plaza. The bitch as to tbe erec'lon of young Archi tect Henr B. Her's's columl'in arch, at rt'th avenue and Flfty-nluth suect, has been nve-rnme Prrliln Han. tt' Ihe Pirk Do. p-v'tini-M, tp-'inv m-onils"'! to rrmt n permit tor tlio ere-t Ion nf III'' aieh tn tlin na7i, lust, nil Hi "t Uttv. ninth stre t I'ctwren lnpvv NpHipi nnds Hotel ami tho entrance to ecu tral Park. Veaen'-er Pov Half! for Tholt. Jamps Stevens. ai:ed fourteen, of 04 Madi son street, lloro' en, was held by Recorder Mennnougb this ninrnlng on n charce of taking tmi from the clothing of Thomas i Kernv. of mis Hrt stret, I Mpw ns Is a mi sun Ter twiv. slid was sent to tales mo niedlilne to Kenti), who Is sick In lio 1 at his home, Gov. F owr tn trn frvrmers. ii,- ,.,tH-tATrn -if" i SVKrrtt, Sept. 10.-Gov. More- made a sreech nt tho oru-nt t;of the Stato lair here to-day. The Governor reviewed Ihe le?ts!a. tlnn phsp1 In the In'eres-snf the nrmrs, and said 'hat Iho material, s-clsl and pnlltl- rsl pon-'ltlnns srp rt In m' eh for tbe farmer lesldos widening hi- uisrkets. - - Ocean Mall Fervtco Bids Acoepted. i,r ,-iriATn H..i W'As"isfiTo.,v-e"t it'. P'stmastrr-Gencral Wnn.niaker has accepted all of thelitis for oieiin mall servke which ncro opened at the Department last lite dar. wt'li tlieevcpptlou of that 'or ltoutPNa HA. Now tork to Itln. This bid will oe rpjepil In order to accept a mnr- am antsgeous servlie on practically tho same route. Carr a RMI.'.oua Maniac. i,r,n TO f ,frln -i l NrwAVX, . J., Sept. 10 Judge Hayes has r !ct!cd from custidy Ldward S Carr, r I rested jesterday tor begging lor au alleged Ilethan) cUunh whtih bo was forinlne. It vvasfpunil ihat carr hud U'iu eiuaiedln work and that nu wus aflilcted wltb a religious mania. Ills wlfu took him hJinc I District-Attorney Hodman's WUL 'J ho will of ex.UtstricUAttornev Thomas II. Itoduitu was tiled In tbe surrogate's Office, Brooklyn, this morning. Mr. Hodman lesve nis euilro estate, valued at about 130,000, to bis wife aud daughter. IWI'OItTVNT TO ClflAIt r.1IOKEKH. rtbooolrdltfa orabotwMU a Harass cigar u4 Ciikkx nu Aqisali-tokMoeelsatottt la tse.v riir-'-jJnl '. ; jyjjiiiiiit; IT EfllTIDH. 1 ixiH CHICAGO HAS A SCARE I , ;9 xBJI An Immigrant Dies There with WM Symptoms of Cholera. ifm m She Camo from Liverpool on Iht ;'M Steamship Lord Gougli. f9 wMH itM ! Lnmled at IMilladelphla and Taken $i hick on a Train. ,VjB 3i 1st arsociATZD rnrss,t vVH cuicauo, ill., scpu to.-th-rtly before. 1 H o'cluikthls morning four carloads of I mini- ), grants arrived at tbo Union Depot from 'JiB bwedan by way of New York and Pittsburg. isvJ Iho train camo hero with a clean bill of ' 'ifBJ health, hut tho authorities believe tbat one 39 ot tho immigrants, who died at 1,30 o'clock, -fli was aflilcted w It h cholera. H Albcnlua Larssn, eighteen years old, was vBJI In a eml-consclous condition when tbe train i pulled Into tho depot, and thu physicians at onco ordered her aont to 1100 Thirty-fifth tiBJ street, wbcro sho was to havo stopped. '"! on t hu way to the bouse she became totally i' 'BJ unconscious, and Dr. Garrett, of the Health fjBj Dcpartmeot, sent ber to the County Hospital. B She died on the way there. Ji The woman, It Is claimed, showed unmls- -ii takable symptoms ot tbe dread disease. She r complained ot pains in tbe stomach, was con- iiBJ ilnually yapiM and tho skin under ber eyes sBl showed a marked discolors! loi. Sbo was BJ tlrst taken 111 at Pittsburg, tvhero sho pur- -JBl chased medicine. '(H Officer Jones, of the Harrison street ttatlon, administered stimulants during tbo ride to tii tbe hospital, but i bo woman gradually sank. ifl Ihe physlclant had tbo armory ambulance 'B fumigated as soon ns It returned ti the fl- I station. tBJ I Tbo party to w hlch the dead woman be- V'Bl longed left Guttenburg, Sweden. Aug. in, and 49J sailed from Llveipool Aug. 'J7 In the Lord '' Gough. ''tH Tbe body ot the dead woman .was at-HOed. 'H to the County Morgue and placed tnasep. ''jH urate room. 1 hu clothing was fumigated and BJ deposited with It. BJ Hr. Garrett said after he had lafr, thohos- MH pltal, thai ho would not express u detinue &BJ opinion that the woman bad die I ol cholera, jB although he stated that there were strong '-'iJH sjmntomsof that dllsease. ''yB LATEiu-Sanliary officer Walter V. Hoyt, ol "1,'BJI tho llealih office, ssys: - 'BJ "Albertlna Larsen did not die cl cholera. ';BJ She died ot e-xbuustloa. I am satlsdtd In my ' T.B own n.lnd tbat tbe case Is not one of cholera, jfl though thi symptoms somewhat resembled ;iH those ot cholera." sifl Inspector Hoyt, mode most strenuous efforts jjB to counteract tbe feeling ot alarm tbat spread rj as tho nowsparors were ea erly bought on 'ijr the street corners, fcxira editions were tlJB everywhere for sale, and In most coses the ' rsBJ dread cbolera was announced wltbont qualltu fB cation or reserve. jB Cl Tbe statement In tbe sbove despatch that rjj tbe woman Larsen passed through New York: 'jfl ou ber way to Chicago is evidently erroneous, -viB as the steamship Lord Gough landed ner H passengers In Philadelphia. The vessel was 'BJ held In Quarantlnfl at Lewes, DeL, for soma iB hours before she was allowed lo proceed to &Bl I Philadelphia. f J TUB bCOCKHE IN El'HOPi:. fjB Kxperlmeato wltb aa AatUt'halsra Var- - riaa Ucporled r-ucoeoslnl- ! lav absocutsd rut, t, 3B rABU, sept, o. The 7Vinps says: "Prof. ;( Haffklne, of tho Pasteur Institute, who dls- & curered tho anti-cholera ' vaccine,' declares $ that experiments on himself aud Dr. Juwoln, !'! of st. Petersburg, and Dr. Tamanchar, of fim 'lltlis, provo that thevacclue Is without dan- m per to health, and tnat It gives immunity from cholera six days after Inoculation." rnj Il is rumored here tn Paris that cbolera has l$M broken nut among tho troops taking part lu i"B the manreuvies near Bernay, In the Depart- ?' ment of Eure. 9 New York's Quarantine llrcutatlaas ttrrlnrril lo De Brutal. jB Lospos, Sept. 10. Tho Clircuiclr, com- ,'- menllug upon the qutrantlue regulations en- 'm forced at the pott ot Ne'v York, says that tbo B treatment of pas-tubers on board thu d(- 19 talnd steamers Is nothing short of brutal. xU All the a-sengers, It adds, are compelled o iU slay on board lbs quarantined steamers and - take their chances of dytng botore the plague jB runs Its course. Fortunately, rich private ,fl citizens, either because tbey havo friends on 'jH ono or tbo other of the stt axtcrs or moved by ,w shame at such an abominable state oi things, j jH have procured a steamer, on which many ot t S the cabin passengers will be placed and re- H m jved from tba danger of tntfctlon. B llraib Ufa taluuterr Cholera r,e, MB The Paris corroxpondont ot the .V tra says: jfl " 'ihe sickness hero Is worst In the cllnchy, ' Mon.martrc, Tere la Chaise and Charon ne jl districts. Mme.Mlederlander. the nurse wbo S succumbed to cholera, was a model nurse. ' B She was the nrst volunteer and asked for the- MHJ hardest posu She took night duty and bad vM attended sixty patients. When the doctor, ,, flndtng that she was wearing herself out, or- M dercd ber to rest, she burst Into tears and AB begged to bu allowed to contlnuoat work, 'M vvblcb she did HU sue was attacked." BJ lluilnpest llcta a'-ewrr, jBJ 1 he Budapest correspondent of the .Vnnr '-M says: "Alarm was recently caused bete by vBJ the arrival of a quantity ot bides and old clothes from Uamburg. Tbe latter Wero '-jH burned, but tbe bides were left. A woman . was uelzed with cbolera symptoms alter 'H handling the hides, and they will be so- "QJH strojed." H A Cracow despatch to tho .v" says that laBJ tblrt-tour case-s ol cholera and twelve dastW y JB 1-, '" i 'vV'.rmtjMftiiv.TtViririaB .-'IiLi2tafiiHHIDil