Newspaper Page Text
" V!ral""wMwmw. I THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, t$92. 8 HIM J SUIT TO GET A BUBIHL PLOT. Undertaker ArreBted for With I holding the Deed. I Bays the Family Onti Illm SCO for tlie Durlol of a Child. l. y JohnSnjdcr, tho undertaker of sr2 Orand Ij Mrcet, Williamsburg, wssiutho Lee Acnue 1 rt Police Court this morning, charged by Mrs. j Brown, of 331 Humboldt street, with with. ! holding tbe deed of a lot In Greenwood Ceme- tcry while her son lay dead awaiting buriaL Snyder stated to the Court that her son owed Dim (30 tor the Interment of a child. rd The amount, bn said, bad been subscribed ' Sijr trlends ahd bad neier bceen turned over U blot. Bnyder said be would return the deod to Kaward, from whom he received it, but Ed ward's address waa refused by bis relative Meanwhile tne body lies at 3JI Uumboldt street, awaiting burial. ' READY TO SAIL T0-M1GHT. ,0 lb Chicago and Philadelphia. Pre- Darlner for Venesmela. fGT Every thing t. as in a bustle this morning HJJ1 aboard tbo United States cruisers Chicago I J and Philadelphia, preparing to sail tor Veu- i A ezuela. The main work done waj the filling I M m of tbe great coal bunkers of both TesseU. V B Tbe Chicago Is lying at tbe long dock and tbe Philadelphia at tbo coaling dock In tbo 1 Brooklyn Narj.YarO. The Chicago arrived j Wtronx Newport at 8 o'clock last night. m When asked about tbo departure of the 7( M cruisers. Admiral Walker said: i W "Thus far l bavo only received orders to mJ get tbe Philadelphia and Chicago In condition ijl to sail. I expect sailing orders to-day. lioih V blpawlllbo ready to sail by 8 o'clock to Jr nigot." At sunrise this morning Hear - Admiral Walker's blue pennant with a wblto h ar was hoisted to tbo truck of the Chicago's mainmast- By that act tbo Chicago became tbe flagship of the Ivorth Atlan Ic Squadron and tbe famous White Squadron lost lis Identity. jj SHIPPING NJiUFS. ALMANAC FOR TO-DAY. u rlta..l 50 1 Son eete . 8. 10 I Moon rli. V 07 aiun w Aim to-uai. a. v r. at. andrtlflok 10 IJ 111.44 OoTiniat'o lelsnd 0.3'i ll.UJ HellOate 1J.20 1J.S tOW WATES TO-DAY. luadrfiix -0(j 4.11 I Goeernor'a Island -8 S.04 f- BellOate .... 6M .1J I . .Tochaoie F Altar D atandard timl to Hew York '( aWn tine subtract four minutes. fr "V ronT OF NEW YORK. ' ARB1YID. ( Meaner Somerhlll, Caps. Hlddock.from Htmbutc ' Ana. 2J. with merchandlae to order Teasel to I l nasttr. arrlTedattbeberS.tlOA. Jl , noetoknese li. atnnir Colombia, Opt. Voieliaof, from Hani- PT Dnrsdtpta, tUBoutbamplon 3, with merenano.iae ' and paaeenaere to K J. iortia If Stumor Kaiser Wilhelui II. Capt. .ttormer, t from Bremen Aug. 'J3 via Southampton 24. with nerebandlse and puHnriri to Oolrleht A Oo, Re ported from Mra la aud at 7.48 A. . and mado alrnal all vill aboard. .... Steamer Mannbaim, Capt ltoeck, from tiesraas-tle-on-lene Ai a 38, lo ballast to Oust llsjre, ar tired at ths bar at 8 a. m. CUTOOIXQ STEAMER. AILCS IO-DAI. Kibe, Brcmrn, Futda. (loooa Cltyof Home, Glasgow. X Boaraoffns, Harm louiatana. Xew Orlaaol. Panama, fianttag o, Cuba. I Orliebo, llarana. f, Umbrta, LtTerpool. V Votadan, RottarJam. 1 to iail aarT. 12. jraftartaaa. rHlata, 5a1labaaaoo. Eavannao 5.00 pm omaaaee, CharU-iton S 00 r TO BAIL SEPT. 13. Bpra. Bramao - 10 00am Vanaitnia, Laifuajra 1.00 l' H S.OOru to iail arrT. 14. iAlronqa'io, Charloaton a.OOrv City ol Now York, Liverpool. l'J.oox Gonial, Oalra too .1.01) fm Brltannlj, l.lrpool 13 01 M Pabbledam, Rottordam 11:0am BlPaao. ow,irlaana H.ciu h Xaaiaa Cibr. Savannah. 3 00 r at Waaaland, Antwerp. 13.00 u , IKCOUINQ bTEAMERS. rra to-oat. at, Pancrai. London Anc. i9. . Krooklrn Cltj, bwanaoa Aug. 27. I Die ixrT 11. Alatka. LlTrrpool Sept 3. Anrauia, Ltrarpuot rr t. 1. -, J-thiol la, Ulaegaw htpt. 1 , I)ldro, AmaUrdain Aua 31, T V Amaltl. llaraLurg Aof 30. k Sart.llo. Hall Auc. 38. i Uof urancA, Para in. 34. I DCs uri. ix I Allor, BroDOB Sopt. 3. 3 Utata of Nova la, Claigow Bast. X 1 jfonatria, tilbraltar ttaa. JO. 1 rniland. Loodo Aug. 38. I V CmBi, Llrorpool SopL 3. ,J .' sex aiPT. IS. J I I rttr of A'oiandria. Havana Sept. 9. 1 1 Plata, (iibralur Ant, C j! j Vlf llanola, Hio Janeiro Ana- 19, -j S ca rrT. 14 U r Majnatie, Ltterpool hfpt. 7. .' Maar1ams Rottertaia Sopt. J. M Mohawk, London hepu 5. f Kbynland, Antworpbept. 3. I j ui-s vri-T. 15 Travo, Bromon Sept. 6. Nona. Obratlaaiand Sept. 1. llobomla, Itamituru Sept. 3. Mlaiara, Havana Sapu 11. Waatbar Foraoaat, Local fort cuh for ss hours ending f P. M. aTundat; Fair, foWavua, by increasing clou fni and rain tV Su day night; J l.g tig warmer ; tou hratterly wind. 1 ho following record shows the chance la f the temperature during the morning hours as i Indicated by the thermometer at Perri'a Pharmacy; ' A VI. ..! I 6.A. M..01I 0 a. M... 13 at.,,71 IN BROOKLYN HSE5. i The Attractions Offered by Man agers Next Weeki "The Grey Mare" at the Columbia Fanny Kloe ut the Turk. Manager Kdwln Kuowles, of (lie Columbia Theatre, will ghe his patrons an opportunity of witnessing tbo latest of tbo Ljceum Tbca tro suciesses, "'iho Oiay Mare." This comedy, which as adapted from the German by (leorgo It. Sims and Cecil IUlelgh will bo proicntcd at tbo Columbia Monday evening. 1 ho play Is said to contain a series t of Incidents that arc ettrouiely laughable. The tiny Mare" ulll belli tbo hands of a company which Includes Ueorgo Alison, Fran cis Nellsou, Charles K. Lothian, Nell McLewl, John rindlay, Marian Glioux, Jonnlo Ken mark, ticnevleve Dolaro and ltebecca Warrin. Winsome Fanny Wee. who was Identified with tbo New York casino, will appear ut Col. blnn's Park Theatre next week, with her own company of singers and loir.cdlim In tbo now "Jolly Surprise." Tho pl.t Is .Vmuslcal comedy with a story and plot that admits of tbo Introduction of bright, cutcby songs aud musio and refined specialties. Miss nice Is well-known In Brooklyn. "bpldcr and Fly," M. ll. I.eavltt's new spec tacular production, will to next week's attraction at tbo Orand or era-House. Tbe burlesque Is said to contain many novel fea tures. Lota of fancy costumes, attractive scenery, music and mechanical effects are promised. Iho ballets will bo under tbe direction II. Fletcher ltlvers. Jaguarlna, who claims to have met several experienced swordsmen In this county and In Europe, will appear. Among thujo in the company are Charles ltavcl, tbe clown; Miss Marie ltlce, licllo Black, Stella Ma lson, Ada Anson, carl Anderson, Jennie Llpman and over a score of others. " Tbo Still Alarm " Is a play which Is known in every part oi tho United Stati s. It will bo given at tho Amphlon next week with ami ucss Uednesds and saturda. The particu lar icaturo of " The Still Alarm" duilnc Its engagement at the Amublon will be "Little Tucsjay," oiiuoi the most talented children on tbe stage. A part has been written espe cially lor "Tuesday," and sho will bereancr oo seeu as tbe ' Firemen a .M ascot." Alt, ough tbe role assigned bcr Is a .bort one. It afToids tbe opportunity to Introduce her specialties. lllcnttrd Gulden and Miss Dora Wiley, tho sweet sluger of Uucksport, Me., ' will appear at tho Ucaford Avenue Theatre not week In Old Jed l'routy." 1 he play win bo given with tbe original scenery. Miss Wiley's songs and tbe quartet are spfclal features of tbe eu tertalnmont. Every woman attending the theatru Wednesday and Friday evenings will receive a silver nomentr spoon. At tbe Leo Aeue Academy of Music Mon day ovtnlng a new melourama will be pre sented entitled " The Flro Patrol." It serves to Introduce a Ore patrol wagon and a scene showing tbe Interior of a gold stamp mill In tbe Black mils where tbe ore Is crushed a It comes from tbe mines. Lot era oi tbat kind of plays will oe fully supplied with realism. bob Fltzslmmons, champion middle-weight of tbe world, will mak his appearance at the Novelty Theatre next wt ek surrounded by a specialty company which will embrace the following: The Julians, ltose and Martin, In contortion and acrobatic teats; tbe musical queen. Mile. Tbeo; McAvoy and ltogers. sketch artists; Lowry and Evans, James and Frank, eccentric artists; Ed Kogers, Petrlo and Lllse. comedy sketch artists, and Hanley and Uuyer, In blackface Fltzslmmons will appear in "The Heroic lilacksmltu." During the action of tbe corned) Fltzslmmons will spar three rounds with Frank uosworth. At Huber A; debhardt's Casino the following bill will be given: Napier and Marzello, on horizontal bars; Misses Taylor and Madison, songs and dances; Leonro, Juggler; Louise Lester, songs and dances; Paul BltgaL vocal ist ; Llllle A brains, balladUU DYING FROM A NEPHEW'S KICK. Lauhsnbelmer Bald on His Uncle's j Anta-Mortem Statement. j Philip Laubennelmcr, of 100 Commercial street, Williamsburg, Is dying from tbo effects of a kick In tbo stomach, which be claims to have received last evening irom his nephew, John Laubenbelmer, twenty-seven years of age, of 18a uupont street. This morning coroner Lindsay was notlflbd and took tbe statement of tho dying man. John Laubenbelmer In ibe Lee Avenue Police Court this morning was held with mt ball, to awult tbe result of bis uncle's Injuries. HURRAHED JOR SULLIVAN. It Cost Mlcbael Scully $5 or Five Days, Michael Scully during a performance at the Graud street Theatre, Williamsburg, last sight would not ceaso shouting : Hurrah for Sullivan I" He was arrested and this morning In the Lee Avenue Pollco Court, Justice Uooltlng niter censuring him tor hm ignoranie con cerning tho result of the nght, lined blm 3 or ne dajs. Highwayman Uses a Bavolver. John II. raje, agod twenty-two, attempted to Bteal tbe watch ot Joseph Pastel, twenty three years old, ot 300 Broom street, who was standing at the corner of Stanton and Allen streets, early this morning. At the corner of .Allen and Rlvlngton streets Pago fired three shots at tho pursuers. Herman J. Herskovli z, I on Eidrldge street, fell, bllghtly wounded, and was removed to Gouverneur Hospltal. 'Ionif,ifrf home, e it rttr ao humble, 1 There'! no vlace tike tome." 1-rovlded It has Tai Woxi.n'a WOMAN'S PAGE, which Is printed every day. ( ' AN ODD EXPERIENCE. "yQl Hovel-Writing Which Led to an, Arrest j1 for Mivder. f I am a commercial traveller, and when j travelling long distances time hangs very I avily on my hands, for want of some- I thing lo do. A few days ago, while Wf J travelling from Newcastle to Whitelinveu, ' F he thoucht occurrod to me to write a j r ory bated on some travelling ciperi W T , Jiaaooner thought of than out came my I JitJ&r$oi, and I travelled somo miles furttfoAin deep thought, endeavoring to m find a subject i u which to base my story, I I At length I came to the conclusion that I J hawl got a column or two of interesting ', matter, so I oommenced writing. After having filled my notebook and ooneluded I J the last chapter of the tale, I closed my I j book just us the train began to oome to a fl I atnndstill, nud I lit nrd the porters' Yuics H i crjiugotil " Vhiiclmeu. " IjLf 'Jhls being my destination for the (ins- p J ant, I emerged from Iho rntnpartmeut, gig 4ut tay Inpgnre ilwo rntnplr l-ugi.) iu tliu Wnat V eft-liicnst oftite. i. nil ieiit i,f m scitcu m ,ot iliffgiiigs. I had not proceeded fnr I, when I noticed a card iu a window on Llnaaalii.ol'- a- i-.,i i tgjrf' ""tfr l" rfiailali I'l'aia'oiaoi which was printed "Apartments." I mado inquiries about the rooms, and was ithown over them by the landlady. The price being favotable and her room com fortablo, I engaged them for a fonnicht. blio teemed to look on me with sus. p rion, so I tried to neure her of mv in tegrity mill respectability bv remarking that I vrns ii commercial traveller. Bba Mill sinned ery dubious, unit lomnrkcd upologetica )v: ' ' You haven't much luggage, sir. " " What little I carry I havo left at the station: and now, if you please, I will take lonie tea, Mrs. Smith," I replied. While she was preparing this meal I took out my book and begun to go over my literary effort, hen lbs landlady entered lo spread tho tabic, " Hv tl.t lite, sir, mav I make bold to ak your usmo?" I " Oh," I rrplieit, linlf jtikingly, nssmn- I irg the iinmo 1 hml girn to it ilinractei in iii hturt', " L'dw,ids It my umuc," 1 Ilillle thought how much (rouble f should pats through as tho result of on assumed oognomen. AT THE END OF THEIR GLUES. 0) The Polioe Fail to Solve the Ais enstat Murder Mystery. Louts Knrren Shows Another Letter to tho Strangled Russltin. Tho police of Now York and Drook ljn bavo sifted down all tbclr clues which might lead to tbo discotcry of tho murderer of Lazarus Alzenstat. whose body was found last Monday In the vioods near Port Hamilton avenue, New Utrecht, and aro moro pulled than eer. Tliu man Solomon, whoso real natno Is said to bo Astroulsky, Is tho one person they most desire to find. Tbat moro man one was Implicated In tho murder, however, ts Inferred from tbo nolo found In the room which Solomon and Alzen stat occupied together at lot) East Broad way, with these words written on It lit Hebrew : "Frisku fcnioiWN: You Bhould remain here so that they would not know that I went away. hot is." Tbls note led f be Urookl n police yesterday afternoon to arrest Louis Warschav. sky, of 61 Forsyth strocl, and Louis Karrej, of s.H) Division street, who admitted that they had been negotiating with Alzenstat to sell him n larru Hi Kftsi llaadara, conn. They repeated the story they told an Kvir. tun World reporter an J wore discharged. Mrs. Kiirrm has a letter nrltttnln Hebrew which sho claims to hate received from her husband last Wednesday. Following Is u translation: Mv Deaii Wiif Uorai Waarrivad tbla morning to this larm. and wo are vorv much ourprlaed that bo la nnt nerc. Aud tia baa uot boon bora oil lior alnio tho time whan wp inatlo tbo contract. ow e think wo will wait till llinradar. If b ahouul como tuthlahouan toll l.lm that I am at tba larm and tbat I will nail for him. I think, 1 typo, toll him, tbat ho haa larrl? ril tuo laat lottrr which waa arut to him from tbo farm Uit Moudar, and toll him that tbo trip to tho farm will bo of araat lunr. tit to blm l andhoknowa ran wall tbat If tho tttnat paaaaa on which tha contract will oiplro ho will loaotbomnnciuobaaaliradr paid on It. Thoro. fore, it ho li imart. bo lll coino boloro tho con tract expiree and tare hl money aud fcnng tho letter ot laat Monday with him. ft he iloean't come brThuradar. 1 aliail aotouie, toll blm. 'loll him totmjr a ticket to llouiUpeetl. Cloodspecd Is tho station nearest Mrs. (Rea son's larm at Kast llnddam. 'I In-letter reiernd to as having been sent to Alicnstat ironi tbo farm last Monday Is the folloulng: I Cast I!aMIU. Conn., Sept, 2, 1BS3. Mr. laiarut Ail'Htlal. Stil I wllluieellouat Mr. A. K. Purplo'a home Sept. 8 at 9 A. M and (Ira you a deed ol the larm, aa agree.1. it yuii wiih tne peraatial property, I hate kept It ai I promised sou. 1 aball bo plraaed t aell It all to you If yon make arraugementa aatla factory, which 1 hope)ou can. Yoari. Ar, Mra. L J. Ulia on, haat lladdam. Conn. , P. R Everything le all right. I hate another calf. Idunonot with any moro Inaultlug poatala from Mr. Karrrn. I ai-nt yoj the bill of the tniur anco, aa ho wrote you were etpectiog it. Mr. Karren baa iuaultediuo enough, and 1 do not pro poee to put up with mucll more L. J. CI This letter was postmarked Sept. n last, 'and was addressed to Alrenstat In caro of Louis Karren, 'MO Division street. Asked b an ivitiMi W'ohld reporter what Mrs. Oleosou meant by "Insults," Karren replied : t "Mra bleai.on wrote Alzenttat botore, dc- 1 mandlng a i.:5 for an insurance policy. I sent her a osial saying that It was very tin- Iusi of her not to pay tbat money leroelf when Alzenstat had deposited allot) with her. She afterwards told mo that she waa only angry becauso I wrote that ou an opon card, and not In a tenlcd lei ter." A seeming Inconsistency In Karrn's letter last Wednesday to bis wlia is his expressed hope that Alzenstat bud received tbe lorc- Solng lotter, written by Mrs. Wesson, as airon always bad tbat letter In hut own possession. GEOGHEGAN HELD FOR MURDER. Bis Wife Dies from the Bullet Wounds She Received. Edward aeoghegan, the young truckman, wbo tired nre ahotB at bis wifo Thursday atu moon, was arraigned In tbe Butler strcot I'ollco Court. Brooklyn, tbls morning on a cbargo ot murder. He pleaded not guilty and was remanded to Ilai inond Street Jail. Mrs. (Jeugbegan died In the Longls'and college Hospital at 11.1(1 o'clock last night. Her body v. as removed to-dav lo her motner'M homo 103 Wjckon street, whoro the shooting took place. COLLECTOR GODDHOLD HELD. Believed to Have Secured Largs Sums on False Pretenses. Hermann Oooddbold, of 7.11 East sixth street, Now York, was he'd In the Leo Ave nue Police Vourt, Williamsburg, tbls morning charged with entering tbe shoo BUop of Her man Keck, at Oi" Drlggs avenue, and assault lng the proprietor and bis wife. Heck purchased a clock oo the Instalment plan and tell behind In his payment. uoddboid, wbo wore a sheriffs shield, at tempted to take It away and In tbe scuttle which followed Mrs. Keck was thrown on tbe floor, a child which she held was severely bruised. 'I be police believe that Cloddhold Is a man who baa been Impersonating an omccr and detective and bos collected largo sums ot money from various parties. Death In a Police Cell. Charles Dolman, aged fifty, charged with being drunk, died suddenly at il.lfi o'clock this morning In a cell In tbe Amity street police station, Brooklyn. He wo a bartender in Stephen swanson's ssl on, at 118 Backett street, but was discharged tor being drunk. Knocked Down bv a Trolley Car, John Doggett, or 133 Partition street, Brooklyn, was thrown to the ground while trying to board an electric car at Fifth avonue and Ninth street this morning. He was struck In the head by the platform of a car attached to tho motor cur and severely Injured. He was removed to tbe beney Hospital. Having finished preparing tea, she with drew, and once more I was alone. Pros, entiy I went for a stroll ronnd tbe town nnd tbeu on to the pier. Iherelsawa hill announcing that the ss. Lady Fluid ran twice weekly to llrllnst. I had often thought I should like to seo Ijelfast, so, not being overburdened with business, I determined to go with the steamer on the Thmsday. In tho mean time I did my business during the day, and spent my eveuings in writing out my tale on soveral sheets of note paper, preparatory to forwarding it to tbe editor. Thursday, the day fixed for my trip to the Emerald Isle, arrived. I got thtottgh mv business in good lime, mid, us tho boat did nut leave until 8 r. si.. I thought I would havo n (.'Bine of billinnli at tho Station lloul, an thither I made my nay. While Matching a game, I remembered tLat I had not told my landisuily of my lutentio is, and looking ut my watih I found I had ten minutes in which to go to ray rooms, gather my papers nnd in. form Mrs. Smith of my excursion. I rushed into my rooms, and while I hastily gathered my scattered sheets of tho manusoiit, explained to Mrs. Htnith: " fining to lielfitkt intiot run I ark on Miiiiiln). (lood.dsy!" Whvu 1 nrrive'd M the pier tho vessel vv already iu motion, but I got on board, nml mioii the touu of Whitulmveu grew I less and less dlstiuct, until it gradually disappeared from sight. Having settled dowa In the saloon, I BROOKLYN GOSSIP. Filly Kerry, the comedian, has been enjoy ing the Hummer at bis home on (lartleld place. lie speaks enthusiastically ot the city as a Summer resort, and does not believe that bait of those who so away enjoy themselves as much as thoso who stay at home. Davo Johnson Is one of the most populnr oung men who move In tbe enjoyable society of stuyvesant Heights. There Is seldom an event at which ho Is not a much-sougut-tor guest. Bernard O'Donnell Is one of tbo best known musicians lit tbo city, lie practises as ear nestly as a beginner, nnd Is always abnnst of tbo times. I William ilson, a leading comedian in " Dr. ' 11111." has mndo an engagement to appear Iu ' " Fascination " tbe coining season, lie has a host ot friends In Brooklyn who wish him suc cess. 1'ollceman John J. Wood, of tbe Twenty ilrsl l'rcclnct, bus returned from his brlilil tour vvltu bright buttons and a beaming lace. His brldo was Miss Katie McNulty, a popular and well-known member of St, l'cter and l'aul's parish. Capt. John II. Ilddle, of Company A, Forty seventh lteglment, expects to tako hi com pany M Washington on sepu IB to partici pate in tbe Orand Army reunion. I Joseph Ebbing, Jr., ot the Twcnty-elghtu . Ward, owns tho swift sloop yacht Katie K. Tbo boat Is a flno cruiser and sbo ts also ad ' mlrably fitted for fishing. Frank Harris, with several other residents ot tho Fourth Ward, are camping at Long I Pond, Orange County. Henry Kntckman Ij one ot the moat popular members ol tbe Parkway Hod and Uun Club. He Is a good abol and a leader Iu society. I Bernard Lamb, tbe popular Democratic leader ot the Seventeenth Ward, Is back from Hock Lake, I'd., ff hero ho has been spending bis vacation. He lsroady to buckle on tbo armor for earnest campaign work. Tbe friends of Jamei W. Macauley, Vice President ot the Amaranth Dramatic Asso ciation, aro happy to know he Is recovering rapidly from a long btruggle with erysipelas. The election of James II. Wooster as Presi dent of tbo Faust Dramatic society bespeaks a season ot prosperity for thai organization. Tho election ot Bennett If. Tobey as Ca p tain ot Company II of the Fourteenth ltegl ment places an efflclent officer at tho head of I i a good command. 11. F. Brown Is a promising member ot tbo Brooklyn Cricket Club. He Is developing rapidly as a first-class bowler. J, E. IicrcU, a well-known wheelman, Is a member ot tbe Brooklyn Bicycle Club. As a long distance rider he has few equals In speed and endurance In the city. bupt. W. H. Maxwell, ot the Board ot Edu cation, Is back from hurope, looking In excel lent health. James T. o'Nell, ot the Tenth Ward, is busy organizing a branch ot the Youug Mens Democratic Club ot Brooklyn. Clans Torncyls being pushed for Super visor of tbe Twenty-eighth Ward by the ltos welter Democratic club, ot which bo is a shining light- S. M. spedon, the cbnlklst, will assist at a number of charitable entertainments to bo held soon. BLACKED BuTH HIS EYES. Mm. Roth Caugit Her Husband Talk ng to Another Woman, Larly tbls morning. Lizzie ltoth, of 280 South Third street, Williamsburg, saw her husband talking to another woman on Bed ford avenue, near Orand street, and gave blm a broken nose and in o black e) es, Koth is proprietor of a shoe store at 203 Roebllng street, and for some time bis young wllobas been very Jealous of blm. she wutched blm closely aud ner vigilance was rewarded this morning. llei husband then threatened to leave ber and the wlie Immediately (.wore out u war rant tor his arrest charging blm with as sault. Justice Uoettlng set the case for trial Sept. S3. OPENING OHIO'S CAMPAIGN. Whltelaw Beid and Mrs. Ellen Foster Spook at Cincinnati. 1st AssortATXD rsris.1 Cincinnati, Sept. 10. Wulieluw field, Gov. McKIuley, cx-Uov. Furakcr, Mrs. Mien Foster and others spoke at tho oticulng ot tho Kc publican campaign In this State to-day. A great meeting lll be held at Woodadale Island, uurty-ave miles north of the city. a Death at the BreaKfast Table. William Meyer, twenty-nine years old, of 1480 DoKalb avenue, Br oklyn, died suddenly while eating breakfast tbls morning. Suit to Mandamus Warden Brown. Application was made to Judge Pratt this morning In tbe Supreme Court, Brooklyn, fcr a writ oi mandamus to t ompel siden Brown, ot sing Mng, to iiil'jtv iho service of papers on I Convict Michael J. 1 one In a suit tor malici ous prosecution against htm and the W ardeu. began to wonder whatever my landlady I would think, for I had not pa d her a I farth ng in my hurry and excittmont, but I promised myself I would tmike it all right on my return. m m m e e We landed nt Belfast nt 7 o'( loci, on Fti. day mornini;. I took a room at a tern, penncc hole! nnd prepared nitwit for a look round the cily. I had returued to my rooms to tea in the evening, when a knock came at the door. The waiter informed me tbat two gen. tlemen wished to see me, so I told him to show themiu. Presently two ta 1 gentle, men entered. Not recognizing them, however, I bade them bo runted, when oue i( them it marked. "I think von'ro Mr. Fdv nrds''" I 1 uah iiu7l(d tor a I'lomciil. I " Well, vie, " I replied, reiui lubcin, mytulo; "1 "Hi known by that mime, but jott havo the advautngn cf inc. To what, may I ask, do I owu the honor of this visit ?" Iu reply one ot them banded mo his card, on which was printed: "K.r.B , " Detective, "Hellas City l'olice. " Ireland." " Well, I fail to lU'di-ritHii I thf i.a tiro of j our visit even now," rind 1, ""ill, Jin, ofct'lire, wcrxiecttd lli , hut it is no t;ood heittitig round tbe buh, Mr. Edwards. 1 wish to ask you a few questions." " Proceed then," I replied. BIGSTnlKESEEMSILL Only a Baokdown by President Moliood Will Avert It. The Kntlre Heading Nyatcm Involved Iu tho Trouble.' Heading ll.tllroad omptovces say tbls morn lng that the only thing tbat will prevent a strike on tbo lloaulug, Lehigh Valley and Jer hey central roads Is the complete backdown ot President Mo Lend from his position ot an tagonism to organized lubor. Ibis Is hardly expected by the most confi dent. President .McLcod, It Is believed, Is de termined to disorganize every union on tbe sjstom bo controls, and to do it before tho orld s Pair trafflo oozlns. on tbo other band, the Brothornood men bcllovo now is tbo beat tlino to make it stand lor tbclr organizations, and that tbo tight cau best bo mado on tbo Issue ot tbo reinstate ment ot the nve discharged Beading oDgluvers wbj claim they have lost tbclr positions on account ot tbclr refusal to desert the Broth erbooJ. 1 be first conference In tbe trotiblo waa held In Philadelphia yesterday between President McLcod and tliu Utterance committee, ot which Mr. clapp Is chairman. It lasted two hours and no conclusion was reached. An other meeting will be held Monda). Mr. Clapp, a Jersey Central engineer on the Long Branch accommodation, Is acting as sp kesman for tbe biotherhoods, and ac knowledged this morning tbat the question at Issue Is not so much the reinstatement of the live Heading engineers as tbe unionizing of tuo Kca dug system. tte realize," ho s.ld, "tha If tbe Heading road Is not made a union road an effort will be made lo break up the brotherhoods on tbo Jcr cy Central and Leulgb V alley. A move ment is already on foot to have ih- men on tho Lchlitu Jain tbe Heading Itellef Associa tion. Tbla organization has boon started to break up tbo tirot nor hoods on tba principle that lire can best be louglil with tiro." other rallroHd men say tbe brakemen, conductors, engineers aim nremen on tbo tbrtin roads aro united and will stop work to a in on If netcitsar. This, It Is tellevcil, will be ordered If President McLeod refuses to reinstate tbe lirotbeihood inglnrers. Mr. McLeod's tceling towards organized 'labor and his probable course was Indicated man interview with nn Kvaninu World ro- poncr at the Munay Hill Hotel, In which he said: 11 1 am not opposed to labor, but 1 am op posed to t) ranny. organized labor, as It now acts, Is tyrannlcaL That is all I have to say." Second Mcc-Presldtnt and Comptroller L. M. Williams, ot tbe Central liatlroad of New Jersey, said to an Kyesinu Woki.d reporter tbls morning tbat ho only knew that tbe con ference at l'b'ladelphta yesterday wits un arms. actory aud would bo continued on Monday. 'While tbe leaso was In force." said Mr. William. " tho affairs of tue Heading wcro nccissarlly tnose ot the Central, since tho Injunitlon granted by Chancellor McUlll, h wevcr. Iho central has been just aa aepar ntc and distinct iu management and every thing else as It over was. " our men have no grievance whatever, and I upprehend no trouble at all in case of n strike on tbo Heading and LehUb Valley roads, except tbat to help tbelriellows In the brotherhood ths men might, ana probably would, refuse to handle Heading csrs. Further than tbat 1 do uot think they would go. as our management Is lu no sense the management of the Heading." a HIT WITH AN IRON SPIKE. David Holaky'a Injurlee May Prove Fatah Martin KoUnoskl, ot 100 Essex street, Jer. say city, was remanded this morning in tbe I First District I'ollco court In tbat city to await tbe result ot David Iiolaky's Injuries. While skylarking yesterday at the sugar ' refinery at tbe foot of Waablngton street, Jersey City, Holaky was struck In tbo abdo men with an Iron spike, thrown, Uli alleged, by Kollnoskl. Holaky is I) lng In an unconscious condition at his home, 108 Morrla street. To-Morrow's Conosrt on tbe Mail. There will be the usual concert at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon by capias seventh Heglment Band on the Mall In Central park. Wire News In Brief. Manr of tha aawmllla Id tha lumbar rat lona of Miihtican ara IJIa, tha man araplojad to operal thant Harms gous on atrtka to anforea a demauii fur batter waKa Ham Wrisht. a railroad awltehraan, ahot and I apnoutly worn tied , olla Lhlldta, hi paramour. In Mrmphia laat oigut, and then blew hla own bralua out, A combine bai been formed by tbo hreaeriee of Chicaso b unlet! they aia to contribute jolotl tlieaamol 45,000,0011 lor tha unrebaee of aataoaa loroua'nutit tbe city. Hubert J. Godfrey. Snorem Traaanrer of tha Onlerot Solon, birgad wlab tnoembeztleatent of t30.n0t of ibeUruer'e fanoe, has been be d for trial lo Pitteburg. Tba other oraoers of tbo bu premeLod a are charged with oonaplraey. Eddie Gibbons, a nugllUt from Jareey City, waa knocked oat by Jack Burke, a Moheeauort roan. yetrtlay. near McKeeaport, Pa , in a bgbt fcr jr.Saeiile Cipt MoLePand. of the aeal poaching steamer Coqultlan, aal ed from Victoria, B C, lor AUaka lait night to brine the Cnijuitlaa dowo, bjfctii us to the bonne harlnu bean arraojrej between lie court and tha owners of the etlrea steamer. The trial ol ibacaie otcure bept. 11, Walter K. rtcett haa been arretted in Chicago charged with inducing Ihoinaa K Walcott, o( Kvausion, to inreat Iu a Maaloaa silver mine which did not pay. Tbo mother and brother of Frank Btilly, tbe oallorou tba Newark wbo waa mnrd r diniicnoa by Itsliauayaaveriiay. bare wlre4see alary Trer, aaalng thai tbe body bt Mat to iiarriaburg, Ta., for interment. IteeldenU ot Mew Harm bare ret.ljed couottl to oppoaa tbo ereotlo i ot a abatip bus ol Ooltimbus by Hellene of that city. "Home, smtt homr, le ttrvvm humble, 'J hrre'e tut place like, home." Provided it has ii World's WOMAN'S I'AQB, w leb is printed tvery day. "Your name is Edwards, you admit?" " Well er that is a name I used on one occasion." " On 'lhursday evening you left White, haven V" "Yes." ' Were you, when in that town, lode lug at tliu houite of a Mrs. Smith?" " Certainly 1 was." " 'lhen vou are the man we want, and, before I rtatatbe offense with which you aro charged, be careful what vou say, as wo shall use it as evidence against you. " More mystified than ever and boiling over with rage and indignation, I thun. deredotiti " Why thedickihs don't von come to Iho point? What blundering tomfooling is lids'' In n-trch of mo! -jmi warn inu oBVim ' - nir;e pviih'iiri'!" "Xo.v, Mi. Eduurilk." I.e luicipiifcd, " tlo uot nul,o a disturbance. I will read the chi.rge and then vou cau couiu with us quietly aud no one will be any the vui-er. Proceeding, be said: "You are charged on your own confession with murder; that is all I cau tell you at present. Mv duty Is to arrest you, so we will proceed at once to h tttion." In vain 1 tried lo persuado tho oftirer that be bud liuiilo it citsi mUtake, and 1 knew noli itig of t.ic mntUr. Wl en 1','l.t.lll I" t XI In " 1 U.W Hit' lli mm Mir, t h to pi flu P I iu .. ub to the salon and txtiluiu nutters. A nit) whs pro I cured, aud while riding I tried to tbiuk. I pinohed myself lo see if I were dream ing. What did tt mean? Bursly there NOT HELD FOR GAJER'S DEATH Sheridan Not Thought to Have In 11 iotod the Wounds. Two Frills or Strange Persons Might lie Kesponslble. I ugeno Sheridan, ot 1374. Lexington ave nue, tbn car conductor who was arrcsied on suspicion ot being connected with the death of Frederick Cajcr, ot "05 Alexander avenue, au emploico of tho Water Overflow Provent tatlvo Company, was discharged after his hearing lu tbe ilorrlsanla Police Court this morning. Tho discbarge makes Cajcr's death a greater mystery than over, as there Is not enough evidence ogalust any one lo charge blm ltb tbo deatb. Thomas Burke, bartender In Brown's saloon at City Island ; Huso Gorman, ot l,t East eighteenth strut, who was on tho ex cursion, and others lentlllcd tbat there was trouble between Cajcr and Sheridan on board the boat, but all sildthat tt was not ol a serious nature, and tbat Caler received no ocrlous viounds llurko said tbat Sheridan throw a lamp cbltnnoy at Cajcr but did not bit blm. Nothing serious, so tar as ho knew, rosultcd front the trouble In tbo saloon. Burke slso said thst Cnjer fell down tbo btairtvay at the saloon and that bo was not i thrown down. Other members of the party said that Cajer was injured Iu Jumping iruni one boat to an other to kit ashore. Buiko and Hubert Brown, tho saloon keeper, did not tblnk tbst cajer n as seriously hurt. He was voiy dituik at tbn time. If these bruises, to which little attention was paid, were not the. ones Cajer had re ceived when ho was discovered on MonJjj rooming wandering about t lly Island In a dated condition, ll would hrem that he re ceived some vloleul treatment attu Having Brow n'a saloon. Dr. curry, who attended Cajer, says tbnt bo I never regained consciousness euotikh to mako a statement. Dr. cmry tbougbt It possible, thouith not In ob tie. tbat Cajer received his wounda In lis two falls. I Csjer's Hkull was fractured at tbe base, ono arm n us dWocuic.l, nu auMo hiiralncu and bis sides badly LruKcil. GRUBB AHEAD IN HUDSON. Credited wti Capturing a Majority of tbe Republican Delegates. It Is said to-day that Gen. tlrubb has a strong majority of ths Itcpubllcan delegates ntul Banker E. K c. Young npnearB to be nay ahead of Judges w erts and Llpplncoit among tbo Democratic delegates chosen In Hudson louutv lait night lor tbo Gubernatorial con- 1 venuon. (iriibh s competitor li John Ki an. Jr., who l ahowell man and Is lavorud by uiny otflco , holders. I i NO TREES CAUSE FAMINE. Russia's Physical Qeotrrapby Changed by Foreat Destruction. An article iu a leading Ilussian period ical, tho Jbnuptan Mttitmjtr. attributes the pros' ut distress iu that country the terrible famine, with the inevitable pestilence following in its wake very largely, although iudireotly, to the whole sale forest destruction thst has been going on there during the present cen tury. I Bo far back as 1850 a report to the Im perial Agrtoultnral Society predicted the present conditions unless tho destruction of the forests w as stopped. "Our coun try is flat," it said, "and, denuded oi its trees, is acoofsihle to every wind. 'I he terrible east wind mocts with no obstacle, nud destruction follows iu its train. In Ibis vilnd lies our fnto, perhaps to be encountered in tbe near future." Iho forest covering tbo upir and mid dle courses ol the greal rivers Yolga. Don and Dnieper have, In many sections, die. appeared, and waited plains spread in their place. The rivets grow shallower year by j ear. and tbo Vorskla. ouce an abundant tributary of tbe Dnieper, and comparable lo tho Hudson or Delaware. 260 mile in lencth, has completely and permanently dnod np. Other itui ortuut rivers nre meeting the came Into, so that tliu physical geogtapbv of a large part of the Empire is radically changing. The rainfall is diminished, and drought, of course, results in famine. Russia's folly and sin ore felt by the rest of tbe civilized world, for her poverty-stricken bordes, driven to other countries by famine nnd p irsecutiou. carry with tbem ignorance, disease and lower standards of civilization. Ibe out-, look is depressing. The Ituss au Government Is now mak ing au effort tor fori st preservation, but it comes too late to remedy tho vast evils wrought. There is an iiuprrssmg u aril lug in this for us, for her, in Aiuerhn wo are wasting our forest weulth in a most reckless maimer. At Central Parle Springs. (fVeai -. Lady (to dot) Did you say this was vlchy? It doesn't taste like vlchy. Boy Yes'm; tbat's vicby. It's tbe best i Tlcby made, and we guarantee It. Not a Plaaa nt Trip. irremJuJar.) "Did you ever uke a blcjcle trip, hers?" "Once." " Where did you go?" "Straight over on my neck." was a glaring mistake 1 liut I knew not a soul in all Ireland who could vindicate mv (haracter.and so my thoughts run on until I was brought back to mv seuscs by tbe officer, who suddenly said, "Hero we nro," mid I was marcned through a hall in o thti otlico, where the chnrge.slieet wns filled in aud I was locked in a cell, retuoustrauco being of uo avail. Having been in tho cell ome hours, I bethought myself of my I pulled the sheets of paper out of my pocket. The light was, however, too bad to enable me to read by. Determined to do something, I commenced counting the sheets ot paper, and fotiud that, instead of there bting tlurlv shtels, there were onlv twi'iity-n lie I ("tinted again, mid btill there vvrs one missing, 'I bit vus verv annoy tug in.vmuch us 1 I .id intomli I postiu.' uiy "fcl j " on u.j annul at l'el. fast 'Die next thing that puzzled me was my inability to discover from which part of the lalo the sheet was misaing, lor, as 1 , said uefore, the cell v very dark. I felt iu all in) pockets, uot onco, but about a dozen times, but failed to eln- cover ll o lost sheet, aud so 1 cuiiu to tbe conclusion tint in u v huriv I had left it nt my lpiluin in M 1 1 biivni Stnc t Mr p I t a ,1 i , it a v . i r 'n t (..- t tit llllnlll) "Nil . Ulllllll lit I.M l n u I Us vtn tiintvh li.i i.j.u iu li.o cell door, 1 ouie moie took cut my papers, and eagerly read them throuth, but the most interesting part of the tale was tuUsiog the confession of the yil- WALL STREET NEWS. Eaid on the Market Owing to Bad News of Cholera. Bank Statement Shows a Loss of $2,800,000 Reserve, Depression In Nearly All Stocks Kxcept Sugar. Wah. Sthkst, Saturday, Sept. 10 Tho bears were In full control at tbe Stock Lx change this morning, and they succeeded lu i depressing prlics 3 per cent. In the case ot Kvansvlllo A- Tcrro Haute, UK In New Jersey Central, IK In Ilradlniand ) to J), per cent, lu other leading stocks. 1 bo bears had It all their own way. 'Iho arrival of tbo tcandla with cholera aboard, the alleged appcaranco of tbo plague Iu I bl cago and tbo heavy loss In tho bank icscrves, which ltd to talk of dearer money net week, all contributed to tlopicss the market. Again, tho (lovcrnmtnt report of the condition of cotton tor August, which shows an average of only 70.8 percent., agal at KS.Viast jear and K3.5 In 18110, also tended to unsettle confidence. The condition of ootion Is loner than In any September since lHH'.'. American Sugar was conspicuous for strength, selling at 111M a liu;i a m,M- Tbe gross earnings ot tbo M. Paul road for tbe nrst week ot soptcmbor were tilss,"-, an Increase of 7')U'(l. ino bank statement was unfavorable, abowlng a loss In ret en o of I,.',848,ny6, which iruuces tho auiutint held In excess of legal requirements to f 4.78 1,117a. T here was a loss lu cash of $.1,007.1100, a contraction In loans of 14, 081, :100 aud a decrease In Uablll ilea of 8,N70,UU0. Tbo following are tho comparuttvn figures: .tji S :,pt, 10. rimnun. Loans ieJT, I01.JOO t4SJ,l'.0,40( D'o.e,VsI,S00 h-ieele 1U,5S;,U0 711,677,111111 Pee. 3, u;u,'.0U I. T'.1 tS,SJt,7lill 6J,Q1S,Sl)0 ne. ,l)8 ,40ll litp'iu tuj.ooi.'joo tun, ljs.uuo Dm. B.HTr.'ioo Olicu'u d.t'JO.BOO 6, 5 J J, tuo inc. US,tUII Clcslcg Quotations. Ones. Iliad. lj,w. Olee. Arotrlran Rotar Iter.... IllW IUH 111 112U American Cotton Oil f. fsU jM 7sU 7 Q Altt, lots a (unite a. S7) b'H U7 117 llalt AUhio vttl Ul., U UU Canada -uutnern ele t(H SGH SOU I'hrtaieaLeA Ohio..... ij 'J J 7, u 14 ChlcanUaa ?UV4 7uU TuU ',u thlc , Bar. aumner V'JH 0 Unit liUVi fbicaji.A nortawaat... Ill Ut, 11, t luia Cbie., Aliu a bt. Paul.. Butt hi mill tu,H Liu... nu at. ; oi., tajt. riw tiiii ia C bhicfloekla. ifee... "lit riilj ci w Mot, U.ev.,Cln U. tSCU . 0 1, tit lljcj tli uiu.n..l,.n li'.ijn. 1I3H HaW ll:iH llstt tol.AUoek. Valltr.... 8 ft a.U aS J.S Ooicrauot istiA irn ... U.W ilSU S7M Ss pel.. Laek. A Wees. .... 1st It. 15 R IU Bla. a e.atller'eed suU 60M tuft 4kT Krantrll.eJkler. lUute 1SI 101 Its Its I, en. Electrle Co ll;l' ll.lM 1I3M I13M 1, eueuaa J. ft 3.1a J.M 11 W Lake Snore lllQ 13. UH llltj Louiari lr a . Mhvicle.. tt, M OiH fits b7 I... N. Alb. A Chi 34 34 -J H 'XiH 1 Manhattan Conaol 131 1J.M U; 1317 Mm,,, a nt. Lama pf... tBW t trtf tltj MiatonnfMlne A j rua, M), suH MakCorrLiM. pia. lilts HTVa 1IT 117 hau Leaj Do 44 44 43tt 4 V K.w eraer Central 1 ! Hi 1 M UR Ise; ,Vor Central.. .... 10J In U uU loM h.Y.. Lake trie W.. -14 3lt 3fU 3SS is. Y . L. a. a n, tire. t.H Ik til C J N. y..rinaa. a vVaat.. I IS nn it," Jtorthera faoiaoorel.. tM SSJ4 ,nu jjLj Iloilhamenuao It iM vM litt Ontario Waatera ltft 14 leij 1N PatiDoMail 80 SJ 30 So fkUa. A Keaaina as SS S4Vi S4W 1 fev.,Ae. m ran.tlUe ISM IBM lb llfl Uiiloktl.Tar t Mi 3 3W S.W. P. ret 3 V J" at. Pan) A Uraaha M'K f0 494 49S bestaera Paelue SH ..I ssM SoU Jeiaei-alne. 114 tlM 11,3 liQ Venn. Coal a Iron ..... H Slkj ;itt, gti Tol..Ann 4rhoraN.iL 16 30 3(1 3 Uaioa Paelllo S'H Sr'j, 8,M ).U U 10. i'aoino. 18 18 t 18 Wauaenproi 34 34 31t 3 H W ..tern Union tela ... V7 07K 7 UIW W htalinx a lke Kna. A i 3J 3 WhunuaALake tt nt) Co CO Mlnlnv Stooka. The following at e the closing quotations ot mlulug stocks at tbe Consolidated Exchange to-da A(J. -li.!. td. AHt American UaleaNor- etas .OS cruee 00 1 Slice 60 .70 Horn Mil. . 8(15 Adame Oon .80 IronbUrar. .60 ' Aapenkl.A iron ,111.. .11 ,J5 . t CV. .. 1.00 - KlnaetonA I'.elle Ule.. .UJ - I em 30 -I A lcroMM... .111 (Iih H Idler., 1,30 - I..A.1. da. ,10 .18 lldle .'5 .8'hl.f ,34 llulotr . .SO jlellcan... 1.10 - lltrcelona. .Oi iSfoulton, . .iV llrrKa , . ..'5 I VI tuo 10 llrunt ron. .10 .13 .ttiaju ., .. ,38 llelmont. . .Jl) .40 Vrlh Halle I Cala.ionia lale.,,... ,0S U. It (0 -'Korth Star - S.Su Chollar ... .tu lOntarie... 300 41.80 Cron P'u .HI Oplilr .... 3.JU Clirraollte. .IJ .35 clrlentel A CaellaCr'k .Oi Miller.... - .OS l ceo.. .CO - I'ljmoalh.. .61) 1.00 Con Cel. Pnaiiili L'd .08 I 1 Vt., S. 11 P irnliAil .40 Cowuion- IPototl 8 J wrattti... .08 Hoblnton Comttoek I tou ... 30 Klock II .H.S.r.f. 7H bunde,... lfi.00 Inieira Ntf. 150 hcriu 3i OJ niandard . 1.45 Dun. It, .. ,10 MormounU .OS Leadwood hautiafO... .80 'lerra . 3.13 lhan n.ut,. Den. Citr tlan , .10 Con Ill . lOl.Ml.-rC'orJ ,3U KorekaCn l.til -.hmall ll'n'a .'JO - t.-Lmlo.. ,3 Irtil .mo. Co ratli-r Oa I ol I. V .. .13 - Matt .38 8h aboue., .05 Frteiand.. .05 1 lore .81 tioalda . , lUninnCon. 1.30 - Curry.,.. .80 .Ward ton. .lu Uomtttake H.Qt) -Vel. Jacket .40 Burled by a Cave-In. Jar!; YVanza, a-cd forty, rras burled by a cavo-tnat tbo corner of Kalph and l'utna-u in fiiiies, Urooklyn, tbls morning. Ho was dug out and sent to St. Mary's HospltaL He sustained a fractured collar-bone, several broken ribs and contusions of tne head. lain Edwarls. "What! Yes. I see it all now," I ex. citedly exclaimed. "Wnrder!" I abonted. "Jfow, can't you niako less uoiso lieie'-" answered that functionary, thrust- iu Ins face 111 at tbe hole in tlie door, "i'leaso tell those two gentlemou who arretted tne that I wish to speak to lliuni immediately." Presently tho two detectives arrived on tbe scene and entered my cell, "(ioing to couIms?" asked one. "Yes," I replied, "but not to a crine. Will yon tell me if the confession I uinde was nu a sheet of p. per like that .'" I Oue of tlicm took tlm sheet, remarking that they find not et got full itriiculnrtJ, lutrclv 11 wire. I I iwil 11 I 'fill ui'.'llt III 111" l ell, llllil wukc eun.v nu, nuiuiL Aliuul H 1 'cloik I vvr., infutnieil liiat tb hugliah pol'ru lisd ariivid. 'Iho hti etiutiiiilcul ot Police from Whitehaven then came to mv cell, and 1 cxpluiiivd to him that I . had Leeu writing a tide, aud iu gathering tho loose pages of apor togelhor at uiy ' lodgings I hnti accidentally loft one sheet I out. 1 lhen luinded the twenty. nine sheetr, to hmi ami ho wtut nvay, l'res. ciitlv lie lettiriud, luushiuc, ra.viug: 1 ) vu h ie lieil it i it.'ov, r -tpr, Hon i- i. i viitiiiiM iiHyum civmi u niiiMl.iit nf ll. iimn v ii cull I dwnitis n uir r i. J I eXi'iuiuuii ill it in i uiur wns lullitr aj long oue, and that 1 just tuve Mrs, Sunlh that nameif'iappaneci' to be writing it at tbe timl then took B into thej -si"iAoj''-.sf6'k i - .vAtt tay?-.. i&jjfl'X PUT 10 DEATH BT ETHER. fM 1 a. ' .fiSPSSSSajl Young Doctors at Chambers Stmt J Hospital Blamed. IH m Young Covvey Smashed a Fiagr upA A b IJlcd In the Young Students Haatti. IsbibbbI '-'j Coroner Scbultzc, has a case on bla kaaai 'IsbI which Is likely to throw a great deal ot llgat V and not a llllle discredit upon ths ivutlvnU 4H doi tors of tho Chambers Htreet Uospttal. H Frank cowey, a boy of fifteen years, et Sit "aaal Henri street, died at tbat hospital Tncsslaj iH afternoon last, at 5 o'clock, while undergols Vbbbbb! an opctatlon, tho amputation ot tba Meond. .laaaaaal finger ot tho right hand, under tba super- jH . vision of House burgeon William B. KM. IH loncywoiked at 73 Oold street, forMwird 12M 1 1'. Keating, on a pipe cutting machine aaa op "H tbat atti rnoon bo caught his hand to tae '"fl inacblncry, and smashed bis nngsr so MatUr aL! tbat It bad to bo amputatcit. 'dH Charles cannon, a young man who worked iiH olongsldo cowcy and who accompanied tdm VH to the hospital, says tbat bo believes Cowsy "i died lu the operating chair from an 0vsraAs .1 of somo antithetic, either gas or ether. Tit 'sbh doctors did not examine Cower for heart -jkaaai trouhiei to see It be could satrtycakaaa jTssI anipstbetlc, said cannon, and tbry did not -?fl lem.ive the gas ur ether tube from bit) moutk IsbB nut ll tbo finger had been amputated. Tut, 'aral ho sass, tonktlticeii minutes. TsS Alter the uperatl -it tbe s rgeons' attention 'nBal was attracted to tbe boy's eyes which wow -JIPJ wide open. Cannon says tbey all grew -)H frightened, and one of them lnlcie41oms .laral thing into bis left breast. He believe H waa AH morphine. Unallr tbe house surgeon et "IM claimed: " He s done for. lie died of heart vasna! disease." JsbV I Cannon sajs tho doctors advised bhm to say '".afl nothing about tbo boy's death outside. It ItbH was 4 o'clock when Coney waa taken to tM IsbV hospital, and at 0 be was dead. Ail tba 'ifsl records there show Is tbat be died frost ''taH Shock. ilSBBB 'llio hospital omclals would say notbiag ,iM about the case to-day. They said tbe coroner -JIH v,as Investigating the matter, and It ha betd aB an lujuest they would talk then. The la- afl quest Rill bo held Thursday, Slept. 10, at JStfM iti.30 a. m., by coroner sohultse, wbo maa -XteM Impanelled a jury ot medical men. 'H ONE WAY TO INDUCE SLEEP. ,H Self-Hypnotism Resorted To by It, '"nH Louis Eraln-WorHars. f I have n way of putting myself to sleep VJLfl that bus never failed. But, of course. VH you won'i pay any attention to It becaosa it's so simple. However, here It la : i,l I close my eyes lightly and then aently 'sfl and gradually direct tbem uoward, aa if I wauled to look into tbe interior of my ""-H own skull. The movement most be srn IH tie and gradnal or the sadden strata on H tbe nerves will give yon a headache, sad sometimes there mav be some slight tUs- I'aaaai comfort on the first two or three trials. '"lH but it wears off rapidly. ? After yon have retained your eyes la ttassl tbat position lor a few moment, yon feet ssssl yourself losing consciousness of time and jsfl place, and slowly slipping, with delight- xsal ful smoothness, and a kind nf dreamy tiaLa! Boftnesn, out of the present. I in- 'H variably have tho one sensatinn, tbat 'of IsbbbI floa int in a boat on gently rooking bit- H lows that aro moving easily away, says a 'LH writer in the Bt. Louis UlobcDenuxrat. aaaaai The process is really a kind of self-hyp. ffH notlsm. and while you are performing It jpl your mind is unable to take np any thread ;'M i of thought or memorv or present to -'U ; itself any picture oiber than the one the 'jVafl , pro ess itself supplies. It Is a very aia- '! i gnlar thine, and I find tbat nearly all say . ! acqnaintanees ran repeat alter me tae 1H i seif-bypnotlo movement. tafl Fame. afl freu TriU.I 'iBIBbI Penelope I understand. Mr. Vaykent, tbat sb you were the famous man ot your year. 'raH Mr. Vaykent Yaas, tbat's so. "H l'crdlia In what way. Mr. Vaykent? -iH Mr. vaykent: was the only fellah who W graduated labst In me clabss. -M WHEN THE .RAP IS SPRUNG M Upon , ultHmctlinMii, In a moatatipMt4 ftsl tniDOfr b dticate, pprcUt ifa fMttbftllft "1 It iu tut loildfoaf foe, and tbftt sol ealr la It nCMFrj tooomt-at li bj the most tUnt nedl- J'lB cinal t, bnt to prerent IU masifetUtloa ft U bj couutiTftctln tbe raute that produce It. Thm, exposure in wet weatl er. the enforced waar- tflH ingot damp tJothet daring; a etorm, a thoreafk ?!B draught, unucea-toraed diet and water, bodttj ar Tiefl raejttl OTerwork, are breeder of dleatae, ba k lloetetter! b torn Mb Bitter will premt tltair tax "-M dnclDi tt TfaU medicine fortltte iha ertteaa lt agtiml tbe aeinred effecte anoh eanaea wwald dfl etherwUe produce. To the aarlner aWiaer, b . jjH outdoor laborer, tba ilere ef tbe deak and paw,aa4 t&H tbe OTerwotkrdgeDerallj, It Is of tbe QtaeA ftd- rH Tftntage. Djspepiia, kidney trouble, malaria, bit !B louiaeie, all yield toll. ipjH CHOLERA ABROAD! I Uon'i be wilboat a beille ef "ijJ DR. TOBIAS' ll Venetian Liniment. 1 Taken laternallr It arte like a eharas ' fl for 4 ha era, II arrbcra. lljMaierT, Celle, JBI frsmpa, nuara, McU llraalaehe, eve. - ttarrmited tierlretly bairalrea. (Ha -JM 3 alb arromrtaneina. rare, beille,, alee .' Irrctlona luruar.) lUaeoihlaejaaa i rlratluar aunlli re are r It lasaaedlaielr. ,tl 'l'ry ll aujl bn ronylnred. M llt:i l K NALI.V. CM tor pth, in tbe nmie, eaek or aheat, sera thrAat. colda or bodilr pains ot aor atud ran will JH nnd It worth ltaeihl In fold. Price. 8e aaa M bo crnla. Held by all Ur.ailetav. iM offlco and handed me the missing sheet, '9 which read as follows : J " My name is not Edwards. Tbe yonnc VjJ man heariue this name worked by me in ,W America. I quarrelled with him, and in Sfl an angry moutont I slew him and buried ftpB him. As his father had not seen him for ;'J many years, I came to pass myself off as "$i his son, but I was followed by tbe police. iM Now I am colne away acaln; do not leak j3 mo, for yon will nerer find me aUra m again. Joe Mcluns. " M When i had finished readinit tt I r,fl lauched loud and long, and so did all the $fl officers and men. We had a hieh time of vfl it that night at my hotel, and next morn- X ins 1. together with tbe policemen from -'jM 1 l.iiRlimil. sailed for Whitehaven. When ,9 'wu arrived there tho piers were crowded 9 Willi people, evidently looking for some fj oue on board. A cab was waiting for as, vjfl so us soon as we landed we entered It, 'M itinouc sucb exclamations as "That's m hiui with tbe silk hat on!" "Don't he M look happy for a mnrderer i " &0. :X Arnv u.l at the station, matters were e- 7M plained and Biologies offered, and we 'M parted tbe best of friends. Poor Mrs. Smith had a splendid tea ready for aaa, BJ ! nnd with her spron in ber eye-corner she fiii 1 . ijfj " i Ihouiflit ,v on couldn't a.done such a fUM thiiik'.1' 'ifl 'iliotuvvuafolk soon beard through, the ! ! pipirs ihu whole ab air was a mistake, and ,H 'they cuustdered It a sreat joke, ) It 'jH taught me a lesson aster to lit, mm aa 'toll llulokiiiaT-ftoiu-aTr j iH