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WISWIjPsBP!IIBBHBHBMHMsjspaBaiip NHPW'"',t r;4; "y SBR'' iW'1'"''',b?J''WiCT wji'? -''TiTTrYW'rTWwiAWWj . ; THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10,1892,' ft H ALL LEND A HAND. J ' Pile Up Dollfirs for the Western Campaign Fund. Twenty Clubs Competing for the !N. Silken Banners. Got. Boyd to Serve on the Commit- I toe of Distribution. " , ' ' , IFromThU.IIornlnn'. 'Worlil.'M ji . HOW 1HE FUND STANDS NOW. Grand total acknowledged In ', ' ytvterdaj'i "World" 23,033.81 Total yesterday 380.0S ; " Qraod Total 20,314.40 '". '" " " , ,l GOT. BOID ACCEPTS. 1 j The EXfcntlve or ISebraelt. Will Serve on the Committee of Distribution. ; ' state or Kfbhasxa,! ' i ElUCUTITK DH'AKTMINT, V ill'. LINCOLN, fccpt. U, 18ltt. j 1 f ' JHi rUtorofTht World. f I ' bib: I have Just returned from an exten- ' , tlTe tour ot tho 1'aciao coast and line, your m letter ot tlio loth tilt, on my desk-, rclatlvo to , M '' the work ot Tm World In raisins a Western ; ' campaign Fund. J ',., Your course bas my hearty approval and I i f i hTC this day forwnrded my chock lor loo li'1 1 lor that purposo to tho Omaha Woria-lleraia, V ,' which la co-operating with you in this scc Vl ' Uon. With you, I believe there are a number M-; ol Western States, lormerly llepubllcan, 5 which are now debatable. I consider our on n State ol Nebraska ono ol these, and feel confident that our efforts this fall will result In taking It from the Itepubllcan column. Assuring jou ot my appreciation of tho "" honor you do mo In asking my co-operation, 111 . I cheerfully respond that I will do anything In my power, and only wish that I was flnnn. li daily ablu to contribute more liberally. Very JP rtErectlully yours, W James E. Botd, Governor. -ft'l1 State Senator McMnlinn on IXecord. sy , Nnw York, Sept. 8. 18l)S. fl 'V Ma9Br Writern Tit mnerattc f'ampniin lunil. H Bin: I congratulate you upon tho success II attending your popular subscription for the tip Western Democratic Campaign Fund. It Is Jm timely and important, While I entertain no W , doubt ot Democratic success lu New York and fi the other Democratic Eastern States, I still jfl think that nothing should bo left undono to place somo of the doubtful States of the West permanently In tho Democratic column. I A popular subscription, such as you havo I Initiated, which gives to every ono who de- I tires Democratic success opportunity to con. I tribute a sum, no matter how small, Is wlso -J and well conceived, and I am glad to bee that , fc, . the Democratic managers have commenced XV r It so strongly to the approval ot the people. ,. ' I Inclose check for tO. Very sincerely yours, r 1 ' M. T. UcMahok. A A. A. Ifealy'a NtronK Imloraement. Iftl New Yohk, Sept. U, 1808. yA Mtiiager YTtU'rn Dtmorralle Campaiin Funil. Uj Hm: I Inclose check for UOO as a contrlbu- I tlon towards the educational campaign In I ' tho Western (states. Tun Wobld Is doing an t:.icllcnt bcrvlco In affording tho people an H opportunity to give largo or small amounts 9 to this great cause. It Is the people's cause, 9 and It Is right, and proper that tho peoplo K sbould contribute to It according to their Bj ineani Tlicy can make no better investment ' K ot their money. Let tho work ot education H go on. It tho peoplo understood the real H effect ot tho tarlfl upon their welfare there I H would besuchan uprlalDg against It as would jX cause Its repeal as soon as congress could as-, jBj scmblo to'do tho work. It Is In my Judgment ' JHr true philanthropy to help radically to ro- . form the present tariff, which Is doing more HL than anything else to keep down tho great, JPKv struggling masses of our countrymen. jP! Kos. 88-U0 Gold btreet. A. A. Dealt. IlflB' Thmngli the World-lleralil. 'p Ouaha, Neb., Sept. o. Eleven dollars were ' fBk received to-day tor tho Western Democratic ipH Campaign Fund by the Wuria-lltrald. IHHB-' lletiorted by the Warwlrk Drdpatrh. F Warwick, N.Y., Sept. o.Twolvo Warwick jpHJ Democrats to-day each subscribed a dollar to tho Western Democratic Campaign Fund BV through the Warwick Jirtiicitch. . WORKLNQ HARD FOK THOSE BANNERS. IV Twenty Clubn Conteatlng fur the Ten IB rrlxn Offered by The World." M ; Tho presence of Sir. Cleveland in New York 9 , and tho big meeting In Tammany Hall last W evening are but two indications ot tho act'lv. I Ity in politics, which will Increase from now on to election. No doubt Is entertained by ! ' eld political observers that tho campaign ( ' during the coming six weeks will bo ono of tho j ' liveliest on record, and will probably be like fv I tho lato meeting at Now Orleans, short, sharp and declslvo, when It Is to bo hoped tho Ite publlcan candidate will bo knockoj out, y-.-v Meanwhile discussion has begun In tho Wcst tJfl ffj, ern States of tho Issues and tho candidates, tf" , nd before many weeks aro over peoplo there r"-i 'i will have mada up their minds permanently. rfS ' T It H useless to try to Intlupnco publlo opln- ' ir lon ,0 any Great extent In tho closing weeks , ' 'of a Presidential canvass, so that tho real work tor Cleveland tbl3 year must bo douo during tho coming month. No time Is, there lore, to bo lost lu subscribing to the" Western Democratic Campaign Fund. Clubs partlcl- I paling lu tho banner contest should report the progress ot their subscriptions as often as possible. Twenty are now engaged in tho contest. Here are their names: t 'j Cleveland and Hlevrnton Club of the ,' j ) Tenth Aiiemhlr DUlrirt. $ ' Tammany AMOclatlou of the Flrat Ai- - aembly District. f ) Demorratlo Club, llalUton Spa, N. T. I" Comanvihtf Club, Third Attembly Die r trlct. , ( Tammany Club, new Seventh Assembly DUtr.ct. I Tammany Anodatlon, new Tenth As- seinhly PUtrlct. j Tammany Aaioclatlon, Dew Tourteenth ' i Axunblr District. Cleveland Club or the Seventeenth j Ward, llruoklyn. V I Vouiic; MenV Democracy. Auburn. m J Deinorrallc Club, !lufflo. It J Clerelnnd and Stevenion Campaign I I Club, llldsefleld, Conn. Wf Democratic Club, Koine. N. V. " . Youne Hen's Turlft lteform Club, Vffii Ellxabeth, N. J. JlW ' Second Want Cleveland and Stevenson K aub, Ellxabeth, N. J. I, XlOrd Ward Cleveland and Steysnson ' LBH, rt T.'iA:i,t1.?.'i.A?'.'-'J'"t'-ViA.itiali!liS'VVI'i...'1.1' FOR. .THE WESTERN DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN FUND, I contribute ;...; Mnis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Address m Date Xlako checks and money-orders payable to tho Western Democratic Campaign Fund. Address all communications to tho Western Campaign Fund, box U,US4 Now York City. "Tho World" ka vour snbrrlptlan to the Western llemnrratlo l'nmpnln Fund. HroreMOfltemarrntlr nrwapnprre li other pnrla ol the country linve alio opened their rolumna to rcccUe enntrt builona. All the money ralard will be expendrd lecltltnately byllirHdvIrn ofn eommlttce or Icmllnc Weatrrn Demo crnta In wnalna; n ila-oroiia edurntlonal rnmiialcn In thuteWotern Htutea which have Ronfl Uepnbllrnn In elections hltbrrto, but now ghe tlio atrousreat lu illcntlona ofn tendency tuwarda llemoc rncy and Tarllt lteform. The larscr the number or anburrlp tlons.recnrdlraaof their nlr.e, the srrcnter ulll be Die mornl rflcct. Will ou helpf If no, aenil n check, n. reslatered letter a money-order or eaak to the addrrae slvea above. Alito, If convenient, fill np the blank In order that yoar aubacrlptlon may be acknowledged In the culuiuna ol The World." Domocrnttc Aaaoclatlon, Ellxabeth. N. J. Yorkvllle Democratic Club. Harlem Doinocrntlc Club. Jefferson Democratic Club, New Ifnvcn, Conn. Tariff tirfnrm Club, South Orange, N.J. JcfTtrHon Deinornitlo flub. Friends ot political clubs are privi leged to send In subscriptions to tho banner contest as well as regular members. The money ot all Is ccmally welcomed for tho cause ot Democracy. Tho money bo recched is turned Into the Western Democratic Campaign Fund. Tho banner contest affords a clnnco to clubs to show what tney can do In tbo cnuso of national Democracy. Tho money Is pnt to a better uso than buying fireworks, sending up bal loons or providing " banquets." It will start presses for tho printing of pamphlets and hire halls for speakers In thosq Western Mates which havo boon blldlng so steadily towards Democracy and which bold out a hopo ot being carried permanently Into tho Democratic column this year. The banners to bo distributed among the clubs will bo ten In number, and tho ten clubs at the head of tho list en tho first ot next month will each win one. They aro silken banners heavily rrlngcd with gold nnd handsomely mounted, making campaign trophies of a unique pattern and ct perma nent valuo as ornaments to any club-house. subscribers to tho tund Interested in tho success of any ono club can havo their con tributions credited to such organization by so speclflylng. COLUMBUS FETE IN GENOA. Tremendous Crush at e Ball At tended by the Klngr and Queen. fur AsaociATFo thim.1 London, Sept. 10 A Jtmrs despatch from Genoa says : A ball In connection with tho Columbus feto was given In tho Municipal Council Chamber Friday evening. Tho 1 chamber was decorated with splendid mosaic portraits ot Columbus nnd Marco rolo, and with the tings ot all nations. Four thousand guests were present. Tho King and Queen arrived at 0.30 r. u., and held a reception In tho Salla Delia Glunta, I which contains a marble column Inclosing tho Columbus betters. All tho galleries and gardens of tho Municipal I'alacc wero bcautl- I fully decorated and Illuminated. Tho King, escorting tho Queen, who was I attired In a cream-colored silk brocade gown, and wearing her famous pearls and diamonds, entered the ballroom at 10.30 v. u. They wore follow ed by tho 1'rlnce of Naples, the nuko of Genoa, tho Count ot Turin, tho Cabinet Mlnlsteis, and Admirals of tbo navy and foreign diplomats. Tho crowd was so great that dancing was Impossible. Tho a.ssemblago was tho most brilliant ever seen In Genoa. MOST HAS NOT RESIGNED. The " Frelliolfe " Editor Replies to Bergman's Friends. It was reported to-day that Anarchist John Mo-t had resigned tho editorship of Me Frei if (r, because ot tbo attacks upon him by tho friends ot August ilcrgman, tho would. uo assassin ot II. 1. Frlck, who accuse him ot cowardico and treachery to tho causa ot Anarchy. Most w as seen by a reporter of To e Even inc! Would at the ofllco of In r t're then, and I denied cropntlcally that be bad resigned or had any Intention ot resigning. "I havo always held," said Most, "that violent measures wero Inadvisable in this country at tho present time, and I havo not changed my Mows slnco Bergman's attempt to kill Frlck. I havo repoatcdly stated theso views In Mr Frtlhett, and if they aro not ac ceptable to tho majority of tho party I am willing to step out and give all the assistance In my power to my successor." MRS. MANTELL WANTS A DIVORCE She Objects to tho Actor's Attentions to Ills Loadlnt' Lady. Tho actors on tho Klalto had n new topic to-day lu the action brought against liobtrt Mantel! by his wlfo lor absolute divorce. Last ' January tho touplo tlgned articles ol separa tion, he agreeing lo pay her sioo a week lor the support ot herself and their two children, Kobcrt, aged eight, and Jack, four years old. Tho wlfo bays he paid the money tor only fourteen weeks. Mrs. Mantell, whose stsgo name Is Mario S. Sheldon, accuses her husband of maintaining undue relations with his leading lady, Char lotto Debrens, Mrs. ilaniell eays that when she rebuked her husband lor bis conduct with Charlotte llebrens bo replied that It was noneut her business, and bo would continue to act. as ho was then doing." Tbiougu llune & Hummel she yesterday asked Justice Deach, of the Supreme court, lor counsel fee and alimony oi fluo a week, pending her suit. Trades Unions Ro- elect Osarlos Fenwtok Parliamentary Socrotnry. T AMOciATrn rnr 1 Glasoow, kept. 10 Tho Trades Union Congress, by a oto of 1:7:1 to 174, has re elected Mr. Charles Kennlck Parliamentary Secretary. Mr. Fcnaick Is a member ot the liouso of commons for the Wanslcck Division of Northumberland. Ho commenced work "on the bank" ot a mine when bowasntno years of age and worked In a mine up to the time of his first election to l'arllamentdn 1HW5. He voted against the measure to e- j UbUih a legal eight-hour day lor iniuers. I IS SENATOR HILL TO MARRY? HiB Purohase of Emmet's Villa Starts an Interesting Rumor, Hut the Guessers Do Not Mention the Lady's Name. A rumor concerning Senator David n. Hill which has aroused as much Intorcst In social circles as his reported placatlon has In politi cal centres was current this morning. Ino rumor lain conucctlon with tho tfena tor's purchaso of tho late Actor J. K. Em ma's villa at Albany, which was announced In Tub Uvknino Would jestcrday, nnd Is to the effect that tho bachelor Senator Is going teigct married. hetiator Hill's homo Is In Eltnlra. Ills asso ciations there, both political and social, nro of tho most pleasant nature. Tho slates man, of course, haB friends lu Albany, too, as he has all over the Mate, and tho people of any city would bo proud to welcomo him as a fellow-tow nsinnn. Hut that ho should movo to Albany to oc cupy a house ot thirty rooms, and alone, tbo gossips won't bcllcvo It. putting two and tno together, thoy hao settled It In their minds that tho Emmet M1U Is to be reno vated, repaired and refurnished and tbu grounds surrounding It beautllled for tbo reception of Mr. Hill that Is to be. It wouldn't surprlso tbrin now, so they pay In lnct, they expect to hear the public announcement made at.y day ot the Senator's marriage. It Is also settled by tho gossips that tho lady In the case Is au Albanian, or one who preler8toltoat tho btato capital, and that Mr. 11111 bus bought U 1lh1 in accordance with her wishes. Hut those whu aro mi .iH,d at guessing do not pretend to guess tho lad' 1 name. '1 here Is much speculation as 10 who bho Is. Tho villa, which becamo tho property of Senator Hill jesterday, is said t u have cost " lrlt7. "Emmel jauu.uoo, but the btimtor, It I Is said, paid only tMb.uOO tor It. I 'llio villi Is situated on Heussenlor lloule vard, Just north 01 tbu Albany city line, and Is surrounded by llttecn acres of .ground. There arc largo brick Htables, a lodgo lor tho gatekeeper, a lake uf ithreo acres of pure spring water, stocked with ;rish, antt au orchard of fruit trees. I tild Holland plans and now Hohemtan Ideas combined lo gio tho hrmu a uulii u and a' tractive exterior. Mlhlu, nothing was spared to carry out Iho loiuier owner's j whims. In INhO Emmet d"Pded his wlfo the house I 'and gave her 100,000 ns a settlement after their separation. .Mrs. Emmet lled there awhile Hnd tbin abandoned It. 1 Mure It was vacated iho llla has gono to decay. Ibn grounds haNO been luglected, and whereonco the veHely lawns stretched out there Is nuw un uiergrtrnthof rankginss. I The locked gates arc rusted and the car nage and loot put lis filled with weeds. Not a 1 flower blooms in tho conservatory. Tho sta 1 bits, once lined with tine ousts and dogs, me going to ruin. ' All this will bo changed now, and when I Senator Hill inWtes his mentis to comti there, the gossips will limo it. It will be totco "Mr. and Mrs. 11111 at Home." FOUR LITTLE MAIDS SET FREE. The Ridley Shoplifters Were Dressmakers from North Adams, Four tearful llttlo dressmakers from North Adams, Mass., stood In tho gloomy presenco ' of Police Justice Dufty at Kssex Market Court this morning and confessed with hysterical sobs that they had btolen pretty much every thing thai they could lay their hands on yes terday afternoon at ltldlcys In Grand street They wero Llbble, Carrie, Llrzlo and Annie , Hums. Their ages ranged from twtnty-clght ' to twenty-threo years. Kach had a pretty ' fac3 and big eyes, red with a wholo night ot nceplngln au Kldrldgo street station celL Kach had galdea red hair and modest, pretty ways. Hut there on Judgo DufT's desk was tho pllo ot booty they had stolen. To bogln w lib, theio were tho two 80-ccnt satchels they had llftod" nnd into which they had dropped tho rest of their plunder, consisting of a 110 !ack, two t'-Mtf mantel clocks, :) worth of lace, two 3-shlllIng purees, a pair of gloves and sovcral handkerchiefs. Misses Peyser and Vosmcr, tho female sleuths of the Hldley stores, related how they had followed the lour amateur shoplifters till they met DetectlveB Mooney und Young, ot . Capt. Cross's staff, In tho Bowery, and had them arrested. I The lour seamstresses said they had como on Thursday lor a short vacation In New York. Their sister, me Widow Julia Me cunc, lived here. Yesterday they took llttlo Mamie Mccune, their thirteen-year-old niece, for a shopping tour. Miimlo was arrested with them by tho do tecllU'S and sent to tho rooms ct the Gerry hoclety. Mamie's mother, In deep mourning, was In court frantically looking for Mamie. .Mother and child weio leunlted by Justlco Duny, nnd then, on tho promise ot tho four little dressmakers that they would go right home to North Adams aud would never uteul again, thi llttlo Judi:o dismissed them cm their own recognlnnce, tilllci r Charles Mc cune, ot the FKlh Precinct, halng corrobo rated all thoy had paid regarding their occu 1 patlon aud home and gteu them 3, good cliar uct er. Tbo Misses Hums hurried away to the Kle vated nation, sandt r but w isrr country dress makers lor Ihelr Now Voik experience. j DUEL BETWEEN COLORED MEN. Ono of Them, a Boston Editor, Badly Wounded. IBV ASSOCIATED l'HEBS.1 IlosTOv, bept. 10. A shooting affair, In which Klljah Stewart and J. o. btreet, col ored men, were principals, took placo labt night, btreet Is tdltcrot tho linstou Itfvu'h. I dtiiM, and Stewart's wife Is tmplojed by him. I Last nUht htow art found Mitel and Mrs. , hlewart In a housoon Faetlo htreet 11 lid opened tiro on Street In tho hallway. Street responded with n leNolurand ,1 number of bliots were exih.ingcd. Stewart wasnually shoved nut on theHnop and tho door closed, lie uwil to the police Mutlnn and Minomlert d himself. Mice!, who was mard by peibous In the n uf to say ho was shot badly, has disappeared and cannot Lo louud by the police. ROUND-TRIP TICKETS SOLD. Sports Didn't Have to Pay on tho Return from New Orleans. j None of tbo Hrooklyn sporting men who went to New Orleans on tbo bulltvan special could bo found thU morning, bin at Charley Johnston's placo, l'ultcn and.Mlddagh streets, Hrooklyn, the report that they had to buy return tickets was denied. , TLo young man In charge of the saloon sold: For 31. no Mr. Johnston sold a round trip ticket, and for 17 more the purchaser could obtain a berth. Nu single-trip tickits wero sold, inr the nason lhat we didn't hao nil). 'Iho tickets wciogocd to return on any lialtu" German Admiral Does Not Return a French Admiral's Visit. t i' jrrnruriu par... 1'iniB, Sept. 10. It is stated that the only naval commander now at Genoa who has omitted to return the visit of courtesy paid to them by Admiral ltlcunler, commander ot I tho French Mediterranean bquadron, la tho 1 commander 01 tho German Bduadrao. j QUR THEATRES ' NEXT WEEK. Riohard Mansfiold in "The Scarlet Lettor " at Daly's. Dlxcy In a Kcvlval of " lolnntlio nt Prtlmcr's. ltlctinrd Mansfield will present tor tbo first tlmo Monday night at Dalj 's 'I hentre Joeph Hnltun's dramatization ot Nathaniel Haw thrrnc's famous story called "'Iho scarlet Loiter." Tim east will bo as follows: ltev. Arthur Dlmmcsdule, ltlchard Mansfield; Gov. llellliighain, Mr. Andrews; ltev, John Wilson, Mr. Ilarklns; Capt. Hiram Wicks, Mr, llur bldge; Master llrackctt, Mr. t.iirtltli; lies lor I'rjnnc, Miss Iteatrlco Cameron; Dame Hartley, Mrs. Hrulone; Mistress Harlow, Mls Gildden; Muiy Willis, Miss Markllllc, and llttlo l'carl, Miss Do Grlgiian. 1 here aro only two scenes, nnd they uro laid In Boston, In the j ear Itiio. " IolJiilhe," Gilbert and Sullivan's charm ing tomlc opera, will bo roWved nt l'altiiei's Iheatio Mondaj night, with Henry I- Dlxey as tho Lord Chancellor; Miss Flora l'lndlaj mii, ttpcciaily engaged, ns thu Queen; Mls l.e-.ioru Sn)der us I'll) Ills; Miss olatido Wal laconslolanthe; Harold C. Ulnko as sccrn; ' Fred Lennox as Ararat; W. J. McLaughlin as ' tbo Corporal, nnd WnlUrllrnwiirnsMrephon. 'Ihcro will lo u new 1 lay at the Harlem opern-Ilnusc next week entitled " Hy l'roxy.'i tho author of which Is Charles Klein, a brother ot Alfred Klein, of Ho Wolf Hopper's company, '1 he piece Is described ns n legiti mate farce, nnd ll met with much success lu lloston recently. It has also Lien acted In I Brooklyn, 'lhu cast will lncludn A. S I.lp- I man, Leonora llradley, Lionel bland, llnrry , 1 Drown nnd Katherlne Florence. Herrmann's 'lheatre will bo reopened for tho regular season next Saturday idght,wheii . tho famous necromancer will bo thu attrnr-' . tlon. 'Ihe tlrst part of thj iierfonnauco will ' I bedovolcd to various feats otmngtc; the sec ond part will bo a series of allegorical tal-' lcaux, and lu tho third iart will bo"Mjslcil- I ous New lllack Art." "Strobclka" win bo thofcatum of the fourth part. Herrmann1 'will bo nslstid as usual by Mine. Herrmann. I Jeunio cauians will begin the seci ml and last weckot her engngi n.ent at tlio liljou I .Von lay night. The plicu cannot be said to hae linpnued, asthiie Isso llttlo material to work upon, but Miss ltamans nppcnrslo , plenso her many trl"iitls,who, lioweirr.advisu herlobeek somo inori1 rkaslng chicle lor her t ilcnls than 1M I'. M." , "'I hoc Ity tilreetor)" will play ltBlatNew I York engagement tiextwiok at tbo Four teenth Street IliCMltc. 'I ho Interpreters will be lydla Yeninnns, Add Ityman, Wllllim Cameron, 'Drono Power. Amellt Glover, Hi', Luke Si'Mxilcisft, Dan Daly, 1 .lulliis Wltmark, J. 0. Mlron. Joseph Jackson, Nelllo l'urkcr and Margaret Htzpatrlck. , "Jane" has ecitalnly had nn unhappy ' week at tho btandaid, but, considering Its disadvantageous jredlcament, It, has douo I nobly. Johnstone Huanett, who has been ns laigely adveitlsed as the plcco Itsel , was absent nt tjuarauttne most or the time, nnd Lottie Collins, the nnwltv if the emu tain inenl, was and Is also Imprisoned. Miss lieu nett now nppenih, and "Chums" precedes. "Jane" next week. 'Iho Dftloth pirformaucoof "Settled Out of Court" oecursnt the rlfth Avenue 'I healru 'Ihursdnv night, when very linndsomo soin-I cnlrs will bo pic.seiited to tho ladles then present. Tbo coining week will t otnls plsi's lastouo nt tbo Filth Avenue 'I heiitie. Iho next attraction nt thl 1 house will be Paulino Hnll In "l'urltnnla." , '1 be success of Holand Heed In "lend Mo Your Wile," nt tho otar Theatre, has been I gratifying. Tro piece Is bomewhat ennen tlonal lu its fun, but Heed's lmpi rbonntlon of tho old sea cnptnln, Abntr Tarbox, lscry cloer, and vcy nrtlsllcnlly hketched. Ibe I supporting company Is a good one, aud lhu . peformaiuo goes smoothly. J " Leitarulalr " 1 eiiialns at the Lyceum Then tre. as most people whos.iwtheilrst porform anci' predicted it wool I do and for along time, too. bo successful has been this play I that It has bein lotinl necessary to gUo1 1 'I hursdny inatlmes, iinil a speclnl seiles will begin next '1 hursilay, lu bo continued duilng 1 tho resi of I ho season. " Airos.s tho Potomac," Kdwnrd M. Alfrlend I nnd A. l'ltoii's war play, will bo next week's I uttraCilon at tho Grand (ipora. House. Tbo I cast will Includo Iloyd Putnam, Matt Ik Sny- I dcr, Henry 'Inlbot, c. I". Gotthnld, L. J. Mm. gan. Charles Kevin, Gtistnnl'rankel, Daniel Jarrett, Malcolm llradloy, J. II. Ilenn), Henri etta Lander, Harry llytics and Ada Hwyer. 1 Hubert Gaylor, annoiinrcd as "tho well-1 known Celtic wit," will bo thu attraction next weeknt tbu Columbus 'theatre, Harlem, where ho will rippear In " Sport McAllister, me of the 400." that was R'en nt tho I'.IJou 'Iheatio last spring. 'Ihoeompanv, It Is said, is Letter than tho organization that plajtd I at tlio llllou. 1 "'Iho Wblio Slave," a play that Is always popular, will bo acted next week nt tbo I Whdsor 'Iheatio. Tho east will includo 1 Carrlo ItadclHIu as Lisa. Ida Hoblnson, Anna . Mortland, Lll7nbelh Vnu Dcrcn, Mabel stone, Mr. and Mr. Mill Hai low, Maurice 'Diew.D. I- I.ary. John parry, Andy Colluui and Frank Drew. 'I he Face 111 the Moonllxht " remains nt Proctor's Iwenty-thlnl stree' Theatre, nnd 1 will bo kim 11 tlieie during the rest of Hubert I MnntcH's engagement at this bouse. Tbo actor, bow over, will probably make a trial production of 11 pleie called " l'.irrhaMus," a onc-ict tragedv that ho has rtcentlj dis covered. It will not le a permanent feature of his performance. A big production oft ho ever erdant "1'nrlo Tom's cabin " will claim attention at Mblo'a next weik. The bcenery will ho erj elab orate, nnd there w HI bo one hundred people on tho Mage, Including lorty lolorrd Jublleu singers, who will warblu cabin melollesof tho ottili. 1 hi'ru will Lo some dancing special! les, and John J. Hogau, tho Jig dancer, will appear. I 'iho the hundredth performance ot "Sln bad " since It was tlrst presented out of New I loik, will toko placu Mouda) nUht at tlio Garden 'I hoatre. The souvenirs will Lo Iju iiuetsot Auierlcaii 1'ciuty iosis, with l.oulso MontaJtUH' portrait uttnt bed to the Loiinuets. '1 here will bo now sonirs and ! r tho comedians, and seM'nilnewilanci.s. 'iho Mie-Ailmlral" will Lo mug for tho last time at the C'islnnto-nlglit, nnd for tho next two weeks thu lower pirt 01 the houo will te closed, to bnopcnid a- a arletv Una tie Sept. au. Itehenrhjlsor the two ballets niogolng on very eiicrgetl allj. It Is n picted tint "i bluue," In ,1iilIi Adi Una hozo is to do the dance, will make a sensation. s.ah Agent A. I'. Iiunlop- "'Iho opening nt nearl) om-m pi o house In New oik does not seem to h.iM' injured Mr. Hot's 'A 'lrli to t'hlDntow n.' which continues to do Its Usual largp .tiiMw'ss. 'Iho bronid faces in tbo auditorium of Iho thratn- nnl.e aloiit thu onl) cbitij'e In It " 'I ho faiee h is i.uw bun running lor more than ten montbs. 'Ibol'.is Irnlii" will he tin pi.ij nt IJ. I!. lacobs' '1 lieiu n next wiek, with Mls l'loience litudli J lu tun leading r le. Ane'lig Iho bicnle ilfn'ts will b ,m lm line w.t 1 k blene. ,1 in'lrn 1 1 m eno liilil u I oiler t"cplslr.i. 'ihelr will le ariollS Mlll'llu,' i.ulillog 11 lid musical bpcclallles Introduced into tbo drama. At the piopl 's Theatto Stee'e Mackt)e's ultra-bens 1 "Paul Kainar," will Lu plaMd dtirlii- the coiuliii: wiek, f thisplny. It is clultiiid. that lb ben G. IngcrMill ie inarkul: Paul KaiiMir' Isa sun-rb rell7tt tlon upon tun htngo of one of the grandest eras 1'. human hltor), 'litis play Is thu noLley di.iuiatlc work of our lime." 'Ihoci id weather Is causing tho Kllorado management tu taik ot Hp,'idll withdrawing tin niagnllli cut spectacle, "Igypi 'riirouga the t iitiirles." its late Is aliolutilj de pendotil upmi the nuithir. 'ihe leautliul n.iorl P okbiisattrnetlie as ner. 'Ibi'bcat. . Ilul lawns .iruusciroii ns tin 1 wi ro In June, and tin ' .1 mo of lhu oal.s Is changing to a 1um1 A ill u 11, 11 lint. "'Iin hi ntuik colonel" will enter upon the last wiek ot Its run at thu I uimi square 'lluaire Mi uday Light Tno Piece mis been much Impn tea sli te the initial pel 01 manie, nsnuiia ie,i 1 f its meliMlraii.a l.a-bteu re iniii 1 Ir m lu Tim in U atiraeiioti l this liousi il tu the 1.111,11111. lis in a phi) called ( ami '1 . iilacl look' isp.i, ringtlie Academy pr.M'.. a eieij iiii'iiin .i'iiI in mg pi 1. lori.tniii c Iho Louse 11 lookh .! it did I during th" pel loduf I uei l uiiian ll.oini- sen's sin ess Hi "'I lie 11M Homestead. ' l'i oili) up lu Iho lobbies upslnlis audi dowiistaiin. 'Ihe sneciaelH Is a superb 01101 and thospcrlalilesexcellent. MNaug" remains 111 thu Hroadwny Thea-' tre, where Ills doing rry nicely, although this Is Ihe third run this burletla has had In Now York. De Wolt Hopper works as ener getically as be did during tbo early stages of the piece's career, and llttlo Delia lux is I, qullo as lively as sho ever was. The per oruuncu is a very enjoyable one. 'Iho entertainment glion nluhtly nt the lMeu Musio Is a Mry good one. Thops chonotlsm of M. m.d Mnrlo nreillli Is truly wonderful, and It never fulls to thor oughly 111s silly the audience. I lemliic Nor ton, the Kngllsli mimic, has mado n very good Impression, 'ihe Hungarian band Is as melo dious ns ewr. There will boa new burlesque nt Knster .t Dial's conei rt bull liext;weuk,eLtltlcd Koblii Hood," and It will bo as usual lull of muslo nnd jukes, anonl has made 11 grout lilt at t his house, and his song " Gcorglo " Is execs d Ing well sung mid acted. Ainaiiu.tbo mimic, will rcinalii, .ilul lluru will Le n capital lull doWllo programme. Anion soldi and Ids orchestra begin the second week of their engagement nt the Madison squire Garden Amphitheatre to. morrow nkMit, which will be "iptilir night.' Seidl's (uehestra Is doing spletmld work, and loiers o; music cnti llnd nothing more satisfactory In tho ilty than tl-iso con celts. In thu roor vaudi Mlleeiiteitnlnu.ent. siL'iioiita tiuleltr.s trouDs of performing monkeja will appear next wick .it Hutiet h l'nliire .Museum. In Last Fourteenth street. Tlirso ii.otikcjn hiu been ixlilblted nil met' Lurope, and nro said to boery ileer. 'I hey ait in ci.Ht times, and turn somersaults, tum ble and Indulge In aerial tricks. A inudeMllu company will appear on th- stage. 'Ilu iittrucllous nt 'lony Pastor's Iheatrn ni'Mwiek will Lo John and lames Hus'ell. Hilly inner, llttlo llonnle 'Ihoniton, Molllu 'I hompKon, "tbu Hashing meteor of song nnd dance." .Mi's Ida Howell, Alii 11 and lliinkln. 1 red W. Vlllburn, who lias just como Irom Knglaud; Jciouie, tho lirj ants and tho Vcn tlnls. 1 13 ilit Heliman's Specially Company will begin the third nnd l.isi wcekot itsen gngiinent nt tho .Sew Park llmntrii Monday night. Harry Kenned), iho popular Mtitrllo itnt, will bu added to iho pioiaminc, and mi will MelMllo and sto'son, thu enlertnlnliig fingers, licit no Mora will rim.iln during thu week. e FROM THE WORLD OF LABOR. Threo months ago tho New Orleans Trades' Council was composed uf only tlilrt) unions; how about seventy aro represented. '1 hree ihnrtcrs lor now local unions were granted by the general oil'cirs ot thu brotherhood of Hlacksmllhs' Helpers last w eel;. Iloss I'alnler V. T. Copplns, of IlutTalo, has piesented tl.o lluflalo nulldlng Ir.ulis conn til with a tine banner inadu ot heuiy silk and finely oecoratcd. The Government Labor llurenu at Ilrlsbane, Australia, has about 1I.0J0 itptllcatlonsfor work every week, of whom hardly uic-lenth can bo plated ut very low wagis. Progressive I'alnlirs' I'nlon No. n has Its llrst luinual (ilenln in a'.d of lis benevolent fund at lirommerss Union Park this ultei noon anil oenlug. The Amalgamated Society of llnglniers his ill elated 1) a Mito ot r, 1,11011 out of 70,00(1 members that oveitltno Is un mil detrimen tal to workmen generally und shuuld bu abolished. John Eckhardt, ot I.ab-irtrs" Union Nn. t), has died. 'Iho members ot the Union nmn Hum ti elr seals at jeslcraay's meeting when his death was announced. A ilrcular Issued by tho organtcd glass, wi rkers or France, who deuiind the eiUit botir wor-da), tays that ut prrrunl then excessive hours keep tno undertakers need lessly bus). New working cards will lo dlslrlbuted among tho members or iho llnusomlths' 1 11I011 next Tuesday evening; those falling tu procure them will no t do permuted to w ui k on union Jobs. Onl) scion proprietors of grocery stores in Knnsas City, Mo., uro keeping open ntter, except Saturdays. Ann these stoies nro now being bocoltcd;by .ho ltetull Cloiks' As tbclatloii. seeietary Hnrth, of the Ornamental Plss teurs and Shop Hands' society, authorizes tho stalimenl thakunion plasturers arc now emplojed by fontractor Sinclair on tho new Harlem court-lluuso building. A two-column nrtlclo lu defense of While law Held li being sent to labor pnpirs throughout tbu country by iho Kepublicuu Campaign Commlltio with a requost 10 " publish "and "send bill for same." 'lhu litrmlnghnm (Knglnnd) 'irndes council has passed iho following resolution: "lhat lu futiiio tlio loupe of 1 bu Trades Council Lu not used ror any political purpo-e whatcicr except by special reolutlon of tho Council." State Organizer llctrel, or the journeymen Tallirs' I'nlon ot America, rcpoits from Ohio that be l.s meeting with splendid success In that State. Local Organizers .ire hard nt work in this city, as well us in Chicago, bos ton and St. Louis. The Kings County Socialists havo called a couMiitlou of delegates irom all labor organi sations willing to assist them In their cam paign for Wing aud Matche't. 'I he conven tion Is to luko placo at tho Hrooklyn Labor L) ccum on sept. 10. complaints havo been lodzed against liosscs .elgler & Krumbolz, Kazlnu, llch horu, schrueder and ltoss bv thu Walking Deligatuof Journeymen llarbcra' I'nioii .No. 1, fur alleged violation ot rules and employ ment ot non-union men. Their signs win bu withdrawn unless the rules be compiled with. 1'iuMncss Is cry good In tho machinists' trade at present. General becretaiy Morse, of tho International .Machinists' Union states that must. 1 or thu members of his trgaulzatlon nro at work. Two new local unions are chartered this week nt llrldgeport. Conn., nnd Lalayette, Ind., mid applications arc expected irom three additional unions next week. Artificial Slono Ma'ons' Union No. 1 has written a letter 10 tbo Hoard or Walking Hoiegatis o'plslnlng why they refused to assist ceint lit Laborers' Union No. I In their btrll.o tor '..'. Ml per da). Obey sny that tbu laborers btruck wltbiut notifying thorn, as per atrecmuit. 'lhu Artlllilal Monu Masons dislru to bu reinstated by thu Hoard. '1 lie union bakers of New Orleans havo re ported to the ginernl ofllco In this city that tin lr htrlnu nan been terminated tucccss lully. 'Ihey will no longer Lo compelled to work smtiiday nights. Tho bakers ntsnn I Antoulb wire successful In gaining tho six 'days' week, tiny having worked beretoloro seven d,i)s per wiek. Thu buffalo, a new union, h is Leon formed. '1 he receipts at tbn c.enirat olihu amounted to tiuu.jj this week. iloss J. linspnlierg lias signed tho new bcaln of tho biispcnder-.Makirb' I'lilou. making nine manufacturers whose striking workmen havo letuinid to thu bQois. Ilerinnn liaiimitin and N. Kosenbaum, two ot the pickets who wcronrrisliil In irmt of Loebel .'. i.Iuek lunnu'sshnp, 70 Mhltustriet. bale been ad mitted in (.'inn ball rath, and liny will Lu tiled Ut lhu luhiLaPoliiu court laxt 'ihurt day. Michael Kriincdv prr'ldcd nt jcsterday'i Inecllng ot tho drlur ash-earlu.en and Btt'iiqiers of lhu Slnet-l lennlng Ileparlineiit, who iiasctiibii d at aUii West 'I hlrl)-i.ghtli street to orginlro a labor union. John II. HoLertHwas ilected becretury and ilguti soven luiiuLeishlgned the roll, steps were lakcnto iiiawlhe entlro 1,700 nun ut tno Department Into the ranks. Huso nn 11 wld movo forlitglii I wnges, ns they think that if 1 to tu a da) is not buftlciuni lor thu hard aud dangerous labir iriormtd by them. Nuwspiper-l rlti rs' Union Nn. , Denver, Col., thinks It to U' an objectionable feituni of the coustltuiloiiot the Inti rnnilnnnl Ty pographical I 1,1 n 1 hit ilty editors mid inaii n.'lii,' editors are debirud from miintarslilp, whllo Nuwsinpi r-WiPers' I 11I011 No. . of this illy. Is of the ipiniin that It is .1 my good provision 10 exeiuilo idltors who haio the right i f euiplo) mg and (Ms, barging im 11, as tlif) can 1 nail) 11 ib.i ucemeintcrilii 10'lrg ui on questions arising Letwieu ui.lo)us anil iuiplo)iHb. I ' rd onslow, ex-fioiirnor of New eiland. 1-lep'rlid us liutlng said lu a reicni Inlir view upon lhu pmslble efTects of uigunlzel lihor hating tiikji Independent puiiucil action: "1 do nil anililtiale any or iho dangers which seems to bo feared b) soiuo piopleas tho iiossiblo tonsequence of labor representation. 1 hue made ll.o acquaint nt.eo and liarntd the ileus 01 man) lain r members, who are the most consilenuous nnd straight fi rward mcmbi'rs ot Parliament I haioeier comoaci 'ss. I hue no lea 1 fir tbn tuiura of the I mplru bi cnuso of laLur memLers taking a siiaru in directing tlio eoiin-dsot the bmilre. Arpirently thu truo labor class is coming i"thc fiont how." Russia's Tress Censor Tnbooos a Gorman Com o Paper. II 1 4. .01 urn 1 nr.ft.1 St. TcTEi.tst'RO, Sejt. 10 The German ooin.c paper n'taddrrmlaifii has been liiei d un the "index ex mrcaturtui on accuunt u: jiiiUishtng Husslan i.ui atutes. 1 When Daby wuslck, jarr herCastorbu When she was a Child, be cried for CaMurla. Wh-n she became Hiss, she clung to Cistoria. ' Whan she had Chlldreu, she gavo them Castoiig, ..' j.jjj&",, .st w - '.)itrs,,")'"'-i GOSSIP OF RING AND FIELD. William"Ourtis Ro-eleoted Presi dent of tho Metropolitans, I'lcntr or C.ooil Tiileiit Will Appear ut Corbolt's Ueccptlon. Iho Metropolitan Association held .1 meet ing last night and did tome w bo and some uniMsu things. Among the former was tbo re-election ot " Father lllll" lurtli as l'resl-! dent. How the Assoilatlon could have sort-I ottsly considered putting uny omiclso lu lhat place us long ns tlieie was a 1 banco ot Mr. I Curds accepting Is dinictill to understand. 'Ihcro isn't aiiolher man lu tho athletic business tu well filled lo control such 1111 er ratic bod) ns tin Metropolitan Association. Another wise move was tho Introduction by c. c. lluglioiota measure ti raise tho prlcoof prizes to J.'iO. liven f:,o is a small limit, and the Metropolitan Association Bhauld lose no tlmo In udopllnglt. Thounulso proceduro of tho Association was tho retcutloiot so many numbers 011 the Heard of Mauagers. A dozen is an ample sufficiency and an) thing over lhat only con luies things, p irllciilarly when there nro iron 1 on tbu lloird who put In an appearance about I once a ) ear and then don't know aspilnlrace from a polo vault. ... Iho treasurer's account showed tho Asso ciation to be In debt soieral hundred dollars. To-iIo)'h annual meet at Field .should sqttaru any dollclency. Among tho I big attractions this afternoon will bo tho nppenr.inca of lllcycllst Zlnitnerimn, who smashes records as often as he eats a meal. Zlmtntriiian will contend against tho three Miiuhultau clucks llcrlo, 'la) lor and Han- , ker. . . Cbnrley Comlskey " Hug" Ttollldny, "Hid" I Mcl'hee, Arllo " l.iitliam imd thu rest of tbo llucinnntls huppemd along this way jester da), und although I hey made a gallant effort 'and plu)i'd Inteiestlng ball, ns they nearly aiwa)H do, Mike Tlernan's homo run nnd Lvnch's lucky umpiring were too much fur them. I 1 ici nan's immcr In the fcurth nent In four 'runs, lu the i.lntn Lynch called Drowning mil when Do)h droppid tbu touuersfly, and llltlc woudir U'liulsket klcl.ed. Dnchaso made nro other iiuextlonaLlo decisions In nn or or Now orb". Linch can nuko a poor decision with as much uifensiM'tiess as any of them. He i eems to say : "I am too good for this business, anyway." Pittsburg and 1 .HonkDii hail a nice soclablo time of it aiross the b. Iilge, Iho homo team coming out ahead I Thu lulluwing games uro scheduled forto- d.'i) : Cincinnati atN-Ynt. ICIllcsrn at PMI. I'liubiirn al I rikl)U. St. Hall mnri. I ClvttuuJ at bu,tt,u. ILuul.Tlllaal Iiaimui's I The Motor nnd the vnnqul'hed arc return. Ing home. SulUvan Is rxpictvd In to-niglit or to-morrow morning, mid 1 01 belt will prob- I ably Le along Monday morning. Local spoil- ' Ing men haio taken up the matter of gn lug a beiiellt in John I., which it is to be hoped will bo a success. 'Iho big fellow ueids lu He was always generous tothosu whom Ufa had handled loughly, and now should bo thu 1 recipient 01 the samo gencrislty bo has shown. Coibelt has uffered to spar at iho benefit, and this alone would be a big draw ing card in casst concludes to accept I his conqueror's kind ofTer. Tbo 17tb Is tho date being considered for Iho beneut. ... I corbett's show at the Garden next Monday will dotiLtless bu a whopper," as it should I be, for vlt lory anil adulation have not snellid Jim's a milum any nnd ho fs t ho same pleasant, uuiissuinlng Itllon as beforu. outside of cor bell us au attraction tbero promises to bu lat ent enough to make a good Hho lhero rtlllt.e I a six-round contest bclweiu Kugene Horn- I baiktr and Nick Colllua, a ten-round contest tor iti.uuu liciwcen C. C. aintlli and Mlko Ilrennan, betides other Iwuts between 1 "swipes tho Newsboy " and Mlko Newman, Mike Clinton aud James Strom, Tom Mc- I Mannusnnd Mike llanley, John .Murray and Tom Hogan and numerous others. ... Now that It Is nil over at New Orleans tho Coney island A. c. is U stirring itself and booming fie Lyiich-Grlfllii contest on tbu 1 :.'iltb, which, by the way, should bo a notable 'event. L)nelil3ln lino firm and Grlfllu's prowess Is well kndwn. Tho boston boy Is nfter George Dixon's scalp. Jimmy Fleming Carroll, Hob 1'ltzslm mons's lormer trainer, will accom pany Orlliln and supervise his training. Grlflln Is already being mado a warm favor ite. If tho little ilralntreo lad bcures a vic tory ugalu ibis tlmo his backers will much him against Dixon a side and the championship. The Coney Island Athletic Club nits a I jo secured another attraction, which will bo lull of local Interest. This will bu thepiellmlnury bout, nnd the principals will Lu Hob Cunningham nod Sam Kelly, boih extraordinary glovc-wklders uf ilia I amateur rank. Thoy will right rnteen rounds. I ... I A meeting of tho local Games Commlttco that Is to manage tho National cbamplonshlo meeting was held 3 esltrday at ibo Ajjuriiif Vines ofllie. It was decided to halo thu games Li glu at s r. a. and the Secretary was Instructed to make all railroad and hotel ar rangements for the teams that are 10 come from Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia, lloston. Pittsburg, St. Louis and other points. Tho followltg events will Lo given: 100-yard rim, :.".'() ard run, Hio-jurd tun, ssu-jsrd run, 1-mllo inn, ,'-mllo run, l-ml'o walk, .'Hullo walk, .'-mllrt ninety llcjcle, pole-vault for height, running high lump, running broad Jump, throwing Ill-pound bummer, throwing fill-pound weight for distance, putting ill. pound shot, lU'O-jnrd hurdle, ten nights, :t it. 11 In. high; --0-) ard hurdle, teu nights, u tt. U in. high. ENGLAND'S HAND IN CHINA. An expedition to Stop tho Issue ot Antl-Forolgn FTucardu. kiv .sinciATvn rnrm.i YivcocvEi;, lb C, bept- 10 Advices from China and Japan aiy that an expedition to cbangslla, the capital of Hunan pi 01 luce. Is being arranged to slop tho lurther issue of antl.forelgn placards. T he ei edition Is beaded by Chris Gardner, tbo ilrltlsh consul at Hankow, who will be ronvejedon II, M. S. J:sk, accompanied by another glinoat. I It is thought tho demonstration will have the desired effict. I'lro In nn Attic In IlnclcensRclc. j 'ir.fti to srr nrvis , is, Hacukvsack, sept. Ill tire broke cm to day In tlu) attic ol a thru-story house on llroidwav, ocmpled bv John Ottlno, an Ilaluii. The loot and Ilu r ot the altle were de ti.i)ed, and theil 1 litti ami fiiiulturc Ot llino uiullles wue spi lied by water. Injured by u Itunnvrny. , ' Lugeno A. cummlngs, of 1U7 West One Hundied and Twent)-sllh stuet, was out dinning with his wife on Aqueduct aienuo near Washington Hrldgu when his bursa took fright and ran ana), upsetting the car rlagi. Mrs. cummlLgs wasbllghllj mjurt'd. 1 Armstnnd Knndolph's Condition. Armbtcad Handtdpb, iho writer and artist, sonot tbo I.ito lieu, ,'ameb Handilph, who was attacked with a hemorrhage jesterday in from o 01 Ncsiy stuet, was re rtcd to l in .1 p., itinoii-londiili n tnls morning at cbanilua Mud Ikspiiak 1 - Uoy B.tto" in tin Tnoo bv a Dotr. John Glim. 1 1 1 rged tlx, of m 1 Last Nice tlrtli stuet, wa . un n In Iho taeo by a dog nt Mrutle'h s-ne' ,v t sno.i I nvenuo to ilai Hi was tal.i . l 1 tbo lTesb)teilau lies. Ill .1. G on !.i oni'.'H 1 rut Dnys. A few iiio't' the season of 1st)-' for Glen Isuad. N t rlncu tho opening of this resort has Its tunic Lccn what It has tor thu season just clo'iiu. 1 ho management bus been unceasing In Its labors to enhance the beautL'b of the place a all anger wsould fall to llnd where Improvements could be made, yet Mr. Mar lu etui suds places to do I J THEATRICAL CDSSIP ABROAD. Mansfiold Comes In for a Roasting in London. Ltingtry llclienrslna; Iladdon Cham tiers' " The Queen of Manoa." , 'st if rnctATrn rnwsf.l losnov, Sept. 10. Mr. ltlchard Mansfield recently mi oto an artlclo on Iho treatment accorded Amcilcnn actors In Lnglund ui.d li anm. The artlclo has been quoted from and commented upon nt length by a number of nenspai vrs. 1 he London I'Uilert, a pnper dovoted to tho ' diamn, accuses Mr. Manstli-ldof "blnnglng' all tho Luropean nations, und challenges him ' to point out any American actor ot btcrllng merit who lias not bwen given 11 cordial wel- I ccmo to Lngland. Iho papor admits that "somo Americans, who erroneously thliikl I themselves heaven-sont geniuses, hnvo (arid Lndiy financially, but it was not because they Were Alucilc.ius." Mr. Lucy, formerly editor of the ImWj Xnri, has an artlclo In a weekly paper In which be 1 speculates upon what Mr. Gladstone's posi tion would havo been had ho chosen to havo I become an actor. Mr. Lucy's conclusion Is that ho would havo been a comedian of tho Orst rank. Tho reopening of tho Lyric Tlieatro on Weducsday night has been the only eicnt of the week In dramatic circles. The play pre sented was Haydn Fairy's new three-act light romantic opera, " cigarette." lu tho cast were lint. Abu, Miss Florence Hank hardt, Charlos Cellcito and Joseph O'Mara. ' Tho audlenco Included a fair sprinkling ot professionals, among whom wero Mies Herat, dine Ulnar and her husband, li an Car) 11. Tho latter heartily praised Mr. I'arrj's work. "Clgaretto" was llrst produced In Wales, wihcro It receltcd tho encomiums of Mine. 1'altL Tho composer ot "CTgarctto" was born In America. Mrs. Lauglry Is rehearsing Iladdon Cham bers's play at tbo Uajmarket Theatre. Mr ' Chambers says tho title ot the play will Lo the "queen of Manoa," Insieao of "Intel mezzo," the namo tlrst suggested. The plot liol the s.mplost character, but the play Is strong lu passion. It deals with the effect ot music on human passion. Mr. cbambctsgot the Idea irom hearing Mascagufa "Intermezzo-" The sceuo Is laid In tho "swagger" society ot Louuou aud on the Thames. Mr. Augustlu Daly sails for New York to day with Arthur liourchler, his latest re cruit. Tbo report that Conway Is not true. Miss Lois Fuller, tailing to provent Imi tators doing her scrpanilno dance by claim ing copyright for It, now claims delusive ness ot her dress material, which, she says, is lighter than gotsumcr. Tbls material, bho claims, she obtained Irom lhu Last. , Ihe Gloucester musical festival has estab lished Madamo Nordcla as a prims favorlto tbere. Ot the tour novelties produced, Parry's "Job" easily took first place. Tho work is thoroughly original and unconventional, it created a profound Impression on tbo large audienco that beard It rendorcd. Prof, llclurleh, who will shortly make a vo cal tuur In tho United Slates, has declined an otter of the directorship of the Mllnaukio conaervatolre. Considerable Interest Is manifested In tho 1 opening of tno now Trafalgar Square Thea tre, which occurs to-night. The Wedding ' Kve," an adaptation of the French comic I opera " Lo Velllce des Noces' will be pro duced there for tho first tlmo In England. SHOT DOWN BY A THIEF. Herman Herkivltz Was Foremost among; the Pursuers. Herman Ilerklvltr, of 00 Eldrldge street. Is In llouicncur Hospital to-day with a pistol Bbot wound in each leg, received during a hot pursuit ot a thief. I Shortly before IS o'clock last night a crowd ' was congi egated on the corner of LTdrldgo and Hlvlngton street watching a fight, when Jack l'uge, well-known to the police, dashed up and striking Joseph Pastel, of uoo Hroouie street, in the face, snatched his watch and chain and darted towards Uroomo street. I Foremost among tho pursuers was Iler I klvltz. At Allon and liroomo streets Her kivltz almost overtook the thief, when Pago suddenly wheeled, whipped a revolver out of his .octet and fired two shots In rapid suc cession. Herkivltz dropped to the sidewalk with severe flesh wounds In each leg. Policeman schlndler, of c'spt. Cross's com mand, cAUti'ied l'agu and lockid him up. Fosters watch and chain w'eru recovered. Passenger Trains Collide In Troy. If.t ir.'-orrATV.n 1 Trot, N. Y., tupt. 10. Two Delaware and Hudson trains Collided last night on tho Troy Union Kallroad, near the Hirer street cross ing In tbls ell). Tho two locomotives w tro wrecked, but tbo passengers escaped with a violent shaking up. The engineers and fire men saved themselves by Jumping. Blight Blaze at the Astor House. An .awnlbg on the third story or tho Astor House took r.rc at y.;).', jeslerda) and :mado quite ablaze, which lor tho tlmo scared oc cupants In tbo adjoining rooms. Tho flames wero quickly extinguished by tbo hotel em ployees without the nro alarm telug rune. Slight damage. Thu cjiuso was a lighted , clgaretto fulling on It irom and upper win-tiow. fOne (n .term of nil I deaths comes from Consumption. That's about tlio proportion. 1 And almost every death from Consump tion comes from ueg- ' lect anil delay. Them's . neglect l:i preventing tfco itiscnio delay in curipg; it. , You cyi prevent It and cuio It, if you'll net in time, with Dr. Piervo's iloldi'T Medi cal Discovery. Toor ami linpuro blood makes you an easy victim a scrofulous condition of the sys tem invites it. You must reach tho disease through the h!ood, ami the ' Discovery " docs it. It's tho most potent and effective blood clecnser. r trength - restorer, and ficsh builder known. Tlio scrofulous affection of the lunpi that's cnllol Consumption, and every form of scrofuH nnd Llisxl taints, ull yield to it. l'or Weak I.tuigs, Spitting of rilocil. Drone's tis. Asthma, on 1 nil severe, lingering Ccugbs, it's on , uuequaleil remedy. AMUSEMENTS TONY PASTOR' S, tTiJi'.'iS I!;, ..... HART'S B0S10N NOVELTY CO. A l.rand. Neiid and rV-.tit 1 nlirUlDin.ut. a imii 111,1: ; tis Hiiii, tu. mi; 11 r. filDilLU 11111X1111. Aii-iiiion M'c. UAnl'tn 1.10. 0.15. IVI. and Sat. Mtt. SI W BAD 0T, wi:ek. t'UOlnTlma Sfpt. 1.'. Klff.ot So-main. NIBLO'S. ife'.'ife' NIBLO'S. Mt,lTo.da-IIKMt.C'l.-U.tNIht. , 'iba Groat Ilia and tI-.bor.LJ. P Smllh'a UNCLL TOM'S CAhLN-lOOFLOPLJi 1 Icbl AMUSEMENTS. 'll sr's S iseum ! llt.MINO t'-LH KEYS. H EDUCATE! H BIRDS. H Swutd and iflH wire walkar: tSaTaTaTaTal Zoroha, the iH Spirit (JablnaS PAI.Air.: l'lit'IAI.TV CO. UN STAGE. lH ACADEMY iuiAl!'Xn. ' Ollmoro X Totntiklnt Prjpit. mdlfm VsliH MATS. LI. A SAT. A I 3, htIfflWlin At I. f I'.l.lllllt.ltXI. cTo-c of the Heaiaon. H HI. unit. 11)1). I.nsl IVeek bat Oe. '; 'lo-tliiT -nedlsli Vornl srxlet, lal " IUYH 'IH3CU0II CES1UKIES " AT 5 15. H Cancan r ttii I.IdotnJo l.nJ from 4 to IX H T kn s'Jil nn I PrAuLtltn it. ierrtr. Annex b-oftV !sH Ilmoklrn tlnttn ,). Ifftft at T.15. Tickn 'jH EDEN MUSEC AMERICAN GALLERY. 'fl FLEMING NORTON'S M Unrlrnlttl l.ui:IUa (Mmracter Perform to Mb r-H Monsieur Gulbal and Miss Marie Greiilla't -: ltcivllilerltiu and Heiisntlotml .aH l'-i lllHINOTl-OI. pVfl VANO.M, I AMANN. JH (:iiMi:tiii:NNi:. tiikmimid aVfl VAUunvii.t.i,. mmt.iisquK, noveltiu. -jwrnm fIl wo-L. th. niw l.urlrtta. HDllIN llOOU. mMM N it SiindAi-SAUIIhU CUKUtlKT. VH PALMI'R'S Tlll.'ATRK. MatlafssSatWdSr? ?al laitmlit. niVBV andhla SKM 4.1. Henry K. UlAC 1 Op.raUo. 9jH In (Ulti.rt t SulliTan'a Mast.rploca. ijH I'ATlll.M'I'.-H.ltwa.k lOLAWl'IIB. OH CASINO. HltOADWAY AM) SSTItfO. tH THE VICE-ADMIRAL. I r,A,! tfM Itoof ti.rri.n Cuticcrl KUlulr ands-lndar. ssiTfl Ailmt.klun, SOc, Inclutllpg tia antartalBmattSS. vr PCflPI F'QTllr:ATiti;. 4sSh THE rOLICK PATHOL. !' I West .TWk-1'AUIj KAUVAlt. ?H OTH AVr.XIII TIIIIATKI'. h'warand)8th--a. '.H Mr. II. C. Miti.r .Ptnprietor aad Manaxst ZymBM A Ihorasitll. fswceplni: 'Inamph. hora. rfmM sIl'ITI ''It III T lib llOllltr. 'aVH Ktrtilnca atH.1,1. Mat. To-Pay. Souteolra Sfpt.lS. -.VBa BT'Alt TllllATUli. llrcir'a. H.16, Mai, BstX '-jl I ROLAND IN LEND ME M 1 REED 1N YOUR WIFE. -M 1 TWADISOX RQUAltF OArtDnrT. HEIUIw ;H I C'ENTa. SH ANTON SI 11)1. ami hi. Mlroj.olltn OTehaatra. AaH UOOK (iAItllK.N I'KUHMtMANCm. 8 P.M. loll jH VAUllKMLLE. D.IWCI.MJ. AUKOBAT10. 'wjH , raiANUAUU TUKAT11E. Er.',i.30. Mats 84. ' H uolr. SLcea. Ori'at.r Than Ur.r. ',arararal TI1L yUlXN Ol I OMEDIn.8, mMM JANE. ,.'H jrlth all th FAYOKITE PLATEM. H XJNIOV SlitTAIll THEATRfc. UH McKKK IIANKIN. KKKDERIO BUrTOS.' 4H Third -...k and auccaaa. mmm A KE.NTUUK.Y COLONEL. "IH , LT.olora 8. 1&. MattneeBaturdssV iMmM PIlorTOK'S 1 IIKATKK. (. at s,i jilH w.dM'.iW ROBERT MANTELL 1, 'S ,'g. FACE T'flc MOONUtiHT. i'S H. R.tJACOBS' THEATRE Co.rSr!,:,V,, ' Thor.'t.')'".'.!,'! s'iufdtr. 1 CRUISKEEN LAWN 'f'H Vs cck-T ill. PAY TKA1W. ;ViH LfirSTItEF.T TIIEATr.E. Near (Sth A,' ''H I Matlu... Weilneadaf and Fatnrdar, sraTarararal THE STILL ALARM. aad Llttln Tuoilar aa "Tb.'a Maaesa. rlMMM , w.ok-Th. a.w City Dlractory. ' '-sH 14th St. Music Hall and Alhanbra Cnrt, n 134 and MS Ent 14th it. ,'SH TIIK OitCHEHTRION -'H rin-jr B-trry Allrrnoon and Ermmiwfm OH DOltlS'S bTII AVK. MUHhUM-Vuh's Ffta tH TAuvt Irnltr.ii'1, Mdnr UioetntD. llf-MTf TlH Con Iter, Jeatla A Urn, Txti Dick. Thtr Ifo, -rl 1, drui "A trut Hftrt. "TUttrNo. 3,Vo4 Vi Title. Ko. 3, Pupptit Hbow. iSlB i Mansfield I JL I J! M rAUK TH i: ATIiE. B'wy and SSiix M ill II Y UK A ITKIIMAN'S CO. MM jncit imm TiiK ;im;at mora. f-jH Pifoes, 75c- 6i)c., Vic, 15?. 4iVfl I Hnvrs madikon sgUAiii: theatre. 'H LTuntn-! t 8. JO. batardij iUt)ntX ''M :l)U to lira ronieuttra PvrformanesM. 'vi.H A TRIP TO CHINATOWN. UM OI(AM) OrrUA-HOUHE. T 4-JijH Kfd sftti, ocohe-itrft eirela and balooay, BO. iH t . POWER OF THE PRESS, i j & W Wcex-ACUOSa THE POTOMAd 'lH BI10ADWAY tTiEATRE. Breadwar alatstT &dH iikmolk i aoni week: ,mM I HOPPER. I WANG. Lieulara at X. MATINEE SATURDAY AT . ''lH HARLEM OPERA-HOUSE Satt&riy: '9 Wi- i '. -. I City Directam I "air- '9 COLUMBUS THEATRE u.WL -M HOMESTEAD "92." f9 .ll , -iH xji.ioi' tiikathi:. p'way, somas. Ijil Nlebti r, lb. Matln.ea W.d. andSat. -mM I aC r. IVl. wlthFrana IVIlliama Lompaa WMU LnaacmiPiit iimltaa to two w.k.. .H "WINDSOR THKATltK. and 11 Bowary. JH InFHITX IN IKhLAND. sH hxxT wr.EK-f ui: wiurt. blave. igM CnTU C PM LYCEUM THEATRE,. U.' tM gU I ntriW i;ait. i.kti aublajr. imM THIMtsllAY SIA1I.NEE8. , aH Till HLiiULAU TUUIISIJAY MA1INEES a ,gM thu thfatrii will locimeoc. neit , "J , ,H BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS. :M BEDFORD AVENUE THEATRE. .soulh 6ih .u, llroJ-rir aod B.dford a;a .tlH l'cpiilir price 'J 5c 3,'k;., tiOc . lie. and L -H on. rtk. corarnenelnr Monday, 0. aH Labur Day Matlnn. llxulir MallnaM WadoasM IflH I liki .naaiturdar. ''reaTaTarJ I GOOD OLD TIMES. S Magultlc.nt reroUmir ic.narj, artl.llo aUtaa .n tloca. origlual lirflj rff.cta. VBaTaTl Wwlt -lllcliara Holden In Old Jd Proaty. T'BSB AIIDUlriU LDWl.N KN0WLE3, 11 AlllrnlUNl rroprl.tor ao4 M.a.cer. 1 Er.rr t. Slatlo... rrd. aDd bat. .suTaH THE BURGLAR. M BROS. BYRNEl8JELLS. M MOVELTVTHEATRL. J. E. Rnbbloa.Prop, an ''IH'r. W.k ooititn.uring: Monday, h.pu 13. tilH llcb 1 lU.linmont. i.ruedy ana .sp'ialty Co.!. JmM TU. Ilrrelr IStacktmlth, Hob tltuhnmuni and iH I'rank boiMorlb .vrr irf.irtaance In 8 roundaof jalH iliiluu racii. .Neit iVeak braaw In A, ?JmM MII. AMinutr. 4aH pni iiunu unwit kowlesOsw H LULUMolA, 1'uoi'uti.TDRti. -fM E'rry .i.nlDS. Matin... W.J. and bat. ' ?! MR. WILKINSON'S WIDOWS. . COI WNN'S KW TAUK THEATRE. f'l Thu ""', "lib matte- Med andSat., MM GOODWIN '- UILTO&tv :H SPORTINO. JH COXfY Ist.ND ,IOfKCY tl.Ull. .. iH r.A ft KD .i. SI Hr 10, at 3 JO P. M. , jM Tba il.T'cr r llaidli-.n, Tn. Orat JUatera ,fiH ll.nllcap. lilt "OW-'llinaKajj." . iiM Trail ifiomEiil 3ilh it. I.rrr al 11,10 and asTM half hour th.rrattar, laBH rp.clal Parlor Uar Iralnall P. M. . ,. "sH r.o.t. from loot uf ll'lllt.nall.t.. larralonaef all .'iaH Fleiat.,1 real., 11 ID . V. inilV.10. and halt- bMBl bour.j lliM.attor. Uicta.riry w.aaday Il ---: 1 JH HELP WANTEO-FEKALE. CAIII'LT-SLVERS-M'ant.d. joons worn., i. XH . carp.l.i only aiiKrirocod banda waalao. isfSBBBBJH Apply al ouif, 4 Jon.l .1. 'aLlfl INSTRUCTION. ? BTENOaitPUYand irpawrillnir laaseu uWX -liM SrMJay,.Y.lnllliar naal lailttaait H