Newspaper Page Text
I SPORTING ffl-a- . I SPORTING I 1 1 EXTRA, j &ti WSm in EXTRA. I I PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YOMv'.TUEStUV SKl'TK.MKKK Id, 1802. , PRICE ONE CENT. fl COLTOBUS'S FIRST '" VOYAGE NEHUNDiTS-WD W5i I EXTRA. 1 UNDED ON I FIRE ISLAND I Normannia's Pas 1 sengers Safe on I . Shore at Last. of I General Term Vacated I Justice Barnard's Injunction. - TROOPS ARE QRDEREO OUT. ; Naval Reserva and the SIxty-nln.l. Gone to Fire island, The Thirteenth, of Brooklyn, Is VL. Sent to Babylon, L. I. . , Gov. Flower's Orders to Suffolk County's Sheriff and Citizens. TffO Deaths Reported To-Day on -- - ,1 RUJIMARY OK TO-IMY'S NEWS. I Official i i Health Department, i I New York, Nept. 13. 10 A. .11.1 ( t Na cues f cholera hare yei miprnrril ', ia thl city. CIIAUMJ" ft. WlIaSON. President. . BHainNH DLAUK, hccrrlarj. S The 4 o'clock bulletin Issued by tbo Health " Board stated tbat no cases or cholera bad yet appeared in the city. ,c The doterminatiou of Gov. Flower ami the Health officials to laud tbo detained 1 cabin paaaengers of the ate&intibip Nor- BonnUat Fire Island to. day was made ) manifest when, at 1.30 o'clock tbla morn ing. Ad J t. -Gen. Porter, by command of tbe Governor, ordrrod out tbe Naval He serye and tbe Sixty. ninth llegiment for duty at Fire Island. Both commands were summoned to re. , port at 10 o'clock at I'kr 3(1, Nortb Uiver. The Bixty.ninth waa directed to appear in heavy marching order, equipped with three days' rations and twenty round of cartridges per raau. The Hixty-uinth marched from its armory a 10 o'clock under command of Col. Cnvanagh to tbe pier, white a steamboat was in watting. Tbe Naval llescrte was also in readiness u the pier. Adjt.-Gen. Porter was in personal com. ninnd of tbe forces, At Quarantine, Health Ofliccr JeuMnii J declared that it was tbe intention tu laud tbo people from tbe Cepbeus on Hie Ialaud to-day " eyen at tbe point of tbe bayonet, if necessary." Measures wcro taken secretly this morn. Ins have' vacated Justice Durnard's ' temporary iniunctiou restraining tbo landing of be Normannia's passengers on n Fire Ielaod. Corporation Counsel Clatk, of this city, vent to Ilrooklyn early and was lone in conference with Curpotaiion Counsel . .Teukn. They consulted as to legnl steps tu be taken, but in ahaur of tbeir nirtlou in court would give no uifuriua. t-.ou to tbe newspapers. Juatlie Barnard stated at 11 a. m. that ' the matter would not come teloro bun toilai. Supreme Court Justices l)vk. man and Pratt k ere at that hour titling with bim in General Term. It v.ns na , (bat oue of tbem would bo asked tosacate Justice Barnard's order. Dr. Jenkins in ou iutenicw declares be believes the luw granting emer , irelioy power to tbe Health Oflicer justi. j, lies him iu illrcgatiiing tbe injunction Mi laiuoil bv r-upremc Court Justice Ihrunrd. EW, 'lbe Ilnillh Ofluer ilcrlired Ibat liu VT should t-illur laud tlio puahuugcih from K 1 tlio Ntuuiuinin ou 1'ire Island t".0ny, or P ' be uonld release tbem from Quarantine ml au penult tb'tm to laud in New York. W? 'Ilia lvuKugers ou tbe Cepbeus passed I, a night of great sutfrrius, lutiup; no H sleeping accommodationa, and there being no menus of beating tbe vessel. A south east i;nle swept tliu craft all liiglil. Tliero is not to. day near so larco a crowd of the bay men at Fire Island, but tbcro are still a lnrco number on the pier, and attempts at violence are feared if tbe passeiiRors try to laud before tbe troops arrive, COUU1NDSH MIU.XH, NAVAI. RXBSRVK. Gen. McLeer, of tbe Second Brigade, wan closeted with Got. Flower at 3 o'clock tbis morning. At 10 a. m. Col. Williams, Got. Flower's Private Secretary, announced that the Governor had requested Gen.McAleer to send the Forty-seventh and Fourteenth regiments, of Brooklyn, to Fire Island, They also were ordered to leave from pier 3(!, North lliver. It was afterward dc cided that tbe Brooklyn regiments were not needed. Tbo Bixty.ninth contingent went to Babylon by rail. At 11.30 a. m. Corporation Counsel Clark, Corporation Counsel Jeuks nnl Lawyer Dykmnn applied to the General Term to vacate Justice Barnard's order, Tbe General Term consists of Justices Barnard, Dvaman and Pratt, Two Justices voting against Barnard would nullify yesterday's order. ADJT.-dlM. rORTRR. Tbo North German Llovd steamship Aller, from Bremen, was released from Quarantine tbis foreuoon and proceeded to her pier. Brig. -Gen. McLeer has been designated to command the National Guard forces at Fire Island. Tbo troops will bo quartered in tents set up on the State's property. It has been decided by the agents of tbe Hamburg-American Company to unload the Normaunia at tbe earliest posaible moment and send her back to Europe. Trouble is anticipated with Hoboken citi. 7ens and longshoremen if the ship is taken to the Company's docks. Steerage and cabin passengers on tbe Scandia have made au appeal to be taken off that plaguo ship. The Attorney-General has telegraphed to Gov, Flower that tbe injunction issued by Justice Bsruard is not binding upon either the Governor or the Health Officer. Dr. Byron, at Swinburne Island, re ports two deaths to-day, one of a child, which be attributes to bronchitis, oud the other of a cholera patient. No yellow flags bad been displayed on any of tbe cholera iltot up to noon. '1 he belief is prevalent at Police Hoad iiu'irters that at lost ouo case of cholera bad appeared in this city. Tbo suspected cusn was in Chambers Hticct Hospital. Tbo iron steamboat Pegasus left Pier 3G, Nortb lliver. at 12.40 p. m. with the Naval Hellenes and the contingent of tbe Sixty ninth Itogimeut ou board n total of UK) men. La Champagne's pAssengers have been released and mil go up ou transfer boats this afttrnoou. j Passeugers ou the Treucb lino attain ship l.a Cbampaguo have been leleased from Quarantine and taken on ft steamer to the Company's pier. Ibo motion to vacate the injunction restraining the landing of Normannia's passengers at Firo Island was grunted this afternoon by the Supreme Court Geuoral Term. Gov. I'lowor telegraphed tbe news of the vacation o' tbo injunction to tbo l Sheriff of Suftoll; County, mid resistance to tbe lauding of (be passengers from tbu ' Cepbeus whs abandoned. Tha passengers j were then aafcly tiuiisfurrod to tbe hotel and cottages on shore. j Health Ofllrei Jenkins has gone to l'iro , Island to supcriutind 111 person the ai- rJUgemeutH for tbo loiulortof the Not. muuuiaS pa&beugers. UMIKU I'ltO.M TIIK OrlMIIU'S. Nurinannla'a I'nnsrnsrrs nt Last I'lml Itrrucr In llir Mirl' llutrl. Itrrciii.TOTnr ivtmih wnrim iJrABtNTlvi;, S. I., bept. l:i. Ur. JenUlns rcclxcd tliU despatch Irem Hie Iiltnd at UiatbliHttrrnoout We lnc lanncil so1 ot Hie, and t 111 lino ;lie:i,jtl i..i tneUl.tinl lnliurl time. iHiticd) Int. Voin.'iT, liepiity Ill-alt b Officer." Ur. Jcnllnj will gD t'j I'lro Mind tc-nl.-lii tosupcrluu-na thuinaut;v.lunti icr uct.uni. , JjMjj.) . affl'Wjt iij', - mudaltug tboNormannla'd abln lassengers. Dr. Jenkins's solo comment on receiving Dr. Volghl'a despntcu announdng the land ing ol tlio Normannla'.H pas-eni;i'i a was. llully t" He rubbed bis ba-jtl3 glcelull)- and exliltv Ited every Indication uf r'easure as lie w.itl.cJ Into lih pihal st mil tocomc) the news to bis wife, who tia-, macltested quite as deep loti-rrst In tlio last two days' pio ceeJInK's as has the Health urtlier himself. At the mtiuctlon ot Oov. l'lower. Piesi. dent Newbold, ot the btatc hoard ot Health, sent tbo following telegram thla afternoon to William II. Youu;, President of tbe Hoard ot Health of Isllp, 1. 1.: Yoit sr hcrbr nollSed that 1V Iltand It tht !rort) ol the .Ste. Th nt Health of lKltp ht nn jurtndlotlon orer that proptrt). You sr alto htrrbr notlrttd not to latrrfrr with tha Undlog ot pitsenc " from th ( nbeut. nils despatch was sent about 3 o'clock this urtcruoou. TIIK INJUNCTION VACATllU. Derlalon Henrhrd tu Snprrmr Ccnirt (Irnrral Terra. The Kirs Island Injunction was up In court again to-day. Lawyer William N. Hykman, accompanied by Corporation Counsels Clark, ot New York, and Jinks, ol Ilrooklyn, applleJ to tbo General 1 erm ot the Supremo court In Brooklyn this mornln? tor an order vacating the restraining order granted jesterday by Justice Barnard. IIICT.-COI. KORAN, EIXTT-MNTH RtalHENT, The General Term consisted of Justices Barnard, l'ratt and Dykman, the latter tbe father of the lawyer making tbe application, in opening, Lawyer Dykman said he wished to make an orglual application to vacate tbe Injunction which restrained tbe Health otneer ot tbe Port of New York from exercising bis duties. Ihe application was based on the ground tbat tbe Special Term bad no Jurisdiction. The section ot the (Quarantine lawa which governed tbe case bad not been brought be lore tbe Court when tbo injunction was granted; If the attention of tbe Court bad been drawn to It, no order would probably bave been signed. The Leglslaturo In lHfia revlsi d tbe Quar antine laws, and In article -', chapter 4MO, was tbo section which provided tho Jurisdic tion wblch the Iloalth Oflicer should bave In an emergency, Mr. Iijkman quoted from tbe article re ferred to, and tailed attention to tbe words, " be shall In the prcseme ot Immediate danger take tho responsibility nt applying such measures as shall bo deemed Indispen sable for the protection ot tbe public health." Dr. Jenkins pi simply doing his duty and taking such measures as ho thought were In dlspensaolc. Section 00.1 proMdid that the Court bad no Jurisdiction to graut tbe order which Justice Itarnard bad granted. 1 he section provided tbat whero a duty was Imposed upon a State officer or Hoard, an In junction restraining him or tbem - shall not be granted except by tbe Supreme court at a general term, and upon notice of the appllca. tlon to sucb officer. Board or other oflicer to be restrained." .Mr. Dykman called attention to tho condi tion of tne unfortunate people who are on the Cepbeus and tho ships In tbe loner bay. He called upon tbu Court to vacato the In junction, wblch, he said, was the only sup port ot the mob which now bad possession ot the Itland. Men and children were lm 'prisoned without food by a mob whose strength was In an order ot tho Su preme court. Tbe Navil ltiseno was on Its way down, and the mllll la had been ordered out, and It something was not dine at unco bloodshed would lollow. Gen. Geo. W. Wlngato, lor tho Isllp Hoard ot Health, claimed that tbo Hoard was re sponsible for it ho hi all h ol the eople 1 at Isllp, and In Ibo lino nt Its , duty had (jrbldden the landing or cholera patients and prescribed a lino or $100 for an Wolatlun. Health officer Jenkins had Lceu notified o: ibclr action, whlib was taken undir tbu ntc laws Jlr. Wlngatn hi Id tbat tho Mate authorl tlesiadnoiltihl to Interfere, with ihe local authoiltlcs, and contended (bit Health officer Jenkins was not a btatc (inner, as he was appointed by thu Hoard if Health ot New urk. He was a count) officer and had no jurisdiction outside of the I'ort oi Now York. He had no right to go llitu an other county and glTe orders. Ileludnorl.'ht to bring cholera pulents to lire Inland that wore refuse 1 In New York, bites were as taluuble In --unolk county as In New York City. Tho com t promls-jd tu reudor a d'clMon , tb'.s allernoon. I At 1.4U r. a. tho (leneial leir.' judges In lllrooklsn acutcd Jiistlco llurnaids tempo laQ Injunction. luillcu Barnard dissented from Justices Pratt and DjKuian. Juotkes l))kmau, Pratt and llaruarj each rendered nn opinion. Jutlcc- Djki uu tujs; ' This applkatlon Is undo upon lac papers upon ulilch the Injunction order w as based. - Uv section ia oi chapter M of the laws ot jsiwlt Isproilded mat- Ibo llaaith oaiL.r o( tho port of York htll )ive tuc g-vnoral utirTliioii ant rontiot of (Iia (Jtiarintlao tAltlUhinvut an I le nioda of 1 trratmanl of tin tick tbrrat fbi't .arr; Ino titrii th rrolliti of tlda artklw ila- In Iht prrta-iiiof flnm-dtalo dantfrr ta-li- 'l rr'Onal. Iiillly ofapiiljtei; a trli a liluinnal ntaa r im; I lutleriud ludiapiuaal, fur Ibo l tv i-i'i-m of tho pjbllti baallti.' u bae riachcl th? ciuclusloa lint the application lor thu Injui.c ton Minild lnvn been made to tbe General Term, nnl not to (CoiK-iuad on ,v,-i!,d My ) VsSlf'lfrli'Tl' '"M-aTjtkjy -i i,'" - i-iaJsMll flllSBlll! s m I Turns the Tables on Kingston in the Cul ver Stakes To-Day, BANQUET WINS THE FIRST. White Rose Sets a Clipping Pace and Defeats Her Field. rarrM? to tb rvywiifo wosttn.i GBATiisrsti Hack Track, f-cp'. 1:1 Ihe card at Graves no to-day was uot calculated to draw out a large crowd ot mcc-gocrs, to tbe management had no reason to fiol disap pointed at tbo long array of empty benches I that confronted them when the bugle tailed tho horses to tbe post In the opening event. The slim attendaneo at Gravcaend Is ex citing comment. This track has nln ays been popular with tho masses, and generally the attendance averages more than any other track. Tbe racing to-day prninhcd to be In- tercstlng, notwithstanding tho small field.--. A cold, raw east wind awopl over the course, making light overcoats nnd wraps a posit he comrort. 1 ho track was dry and fast. Tho opening event only had three starters. Banquet, who was entered for tho first time since bis tumblo nt bheepxbiad Bay, was made a hot favorite. After Lowlander and r'agot had raced themselves to death 1 aral seiil Banquet along and won at the end somewhat handily. Lowlands beat Kagot lor the place. The second race also went to the favorite, and the talent liegau to forget all nbout jes tenlay's reerso. Ma) Win was at oddson and ridden cleveM) by Sims, who won hands down from Knglllh Lad), who was the ex treme outsider. DaNyrlan was third. MIks Dixie was a woll-plajed second choice, but she was last from start to nuish. Chesapeake wan the cbdee In the third race, but was not backed with any degree ot confidence. He could not do better than third. White Jtoso, a (1 to 1 chance, rushed away In trout at a terrific clip, and befoio half a mile had been covered old Chesapeake's hools began to burn In tho eflnu in catch up and he slopped. Whllo Hose was never caught and Fred Tarsi Just beat Chesapeake out tor tho place. Dr. Hasbrourir turned the tables on King ston In tbe fourth rnco and won by a length and a bait. Kingston Is not us good u horse as he was, and In his preliminary ho looked Male. Nevertheless ho nan a warm favorite. Correction was last all the way. first rack. A sweepstakes of (10 each, with ci.000 added ; allowances ; one mllo and a sixteenth. Warttrn. Hrler. Jorkri: Slrt. T. tn. Ilaniul I'll .Taral 1 .1 1 lonlMirfar tl'i Flint...... 3 It '.-h tacit 97. J.I.arnbler 1 Vh J l'o.t Brtllns-llanqiK-t, 7 to IU and out. !.) laider, BioS and out, t-ntot, IS to 1 and H to 5. Lowlander cut nut tbe running two lengths in tront of Kagot ana Banquet until t he far .urn was reached; there Kugot moed upon even terms with Lowlander. whllo Banquet was apparent!) In difficulty. The game little i liors: rallied under 'J aral a vigorous urging, however, and at thu oud won by two lengths from Lowlander, who beat Kagot n head. Time 1.50. Mutuels paid: straight, fu.bu; place, i.4r. Lowlander paid ;.7i. frCOXU RAlk Handicap; sweepstakes, with (1,000 added; one mile. norlari WHi Jarv. Slrl. Iff. (-. MaUln 1110. Rlma 1 IPS ) l.adj a,.tnoro ... i V, i IUIajrlan U6..J Umliley : l: ji Mlia Ulllt H9..llaUall, .. A I 4 Hoat neltlm-Mar Win. 1 to a and out, Mlia Dial 4 to 1 aod A to 5; lsltjrlan,6 to 1 aud evon, Rucllah Ladr, 13 to 1 and 6 to 1. Dalsyrlan cut out the runnlng.wltb English Lady, May Win and Ml Dlxlo I olio wing. This order held until tbe bead of tho stretch was reached, where Dalsr!an quit. May Wtu then came through and won en&llv by alongth from English Lady, who was three lengths In nonl uf ualsyilau. 'Ilnie-1.4.1 Mutuels paid: straight, (7.35; plate, SJ.hO. Kngllsh Lady paid (13.40. THIRD RACK. A sweepstakes, with(l,000 addid; six fur longs. .Slarfrra. lttit Sf I , I It 7. Ft' Wnita Itoaa ... '.'.IHM'ili.Uj .J Hi: rroa I'aral I in -i' aSmj 4 7 3 , (lliaiaprako Hi .Dotsalt... j J ' ' MartMenx .... 1 1 J Hioili,.. t, I In , V.U'.rlu. lno lllako 8 II a I NomaJ lluH Ijro i I r l, 1 Anna B 'M Poa 7 I. 7 I I I'oat'aap'ako, S to Ti and 4 to ft ' i Mar) blunr. ft 10 1 At a J I o, NnuiS J, 5 o 1 and J to 1, trrd laral. lllol and Jtol WhllrlOxa r, tn 1 and J to I. Anna I,., 7 to 1 aad a to i, utorln., i 12 to 1 and r lo) ' Whlto Itoso jumped In front and opened up agapi-t ihn l-uglhs In the Hist ipisrier. Mhn was neker caii.'ht, winning, with loine thing to sare, b) two lengths, i h-sapenkt-was eeconu up to wllhln Htiy j.nninot iho wire, when he dud away. I'm! 'Ural Just beat him out u head lur tbu plate. I lino 1.14'. Mutuels paid: Mralght. Ciia.'i, pi ice, C.'l.ub. Kred 1 aral paid 1 0.40. ! iuurtu HACK. The culver MiWs, for two-year-olds aud upward; with 11,000 added; six muting. .Slartrri. Hll Jotf-rm, Mrl. tilt . Ill lla.brontk... Ill Montatt 3 I'S US, KlugiUn.. .. I'l Taral..,, 1 i V:i CMct.ftlon Ill) Lllliifiaii' a .1 J Po.t H'ttlna K-iU-ton, 7 d 10 and oul lr Haahruurk, J to lu aud out. Culll.llln, JO to 1 I aud 5 to 3 ' hlngs-on was In iront at tbo hresk. but Dr. Husbrouik went ion In Jiont and iii.uim tbe running undei a pu 1 a l.-nutn slid a half before Kliigstuii, with riruMIon ilimi 'this oidtr lull Into inn sirettli, when Kingston drew up uu run tfin.s l-uraien strides the) rsud on cteu t.-inii. tin n Ur Hasbruuck drew out aud won M j h-ngth and a hair. Kingston waa ten lungtiis lu limit of rorreitlou lime 1.1-1', Mutuels pild: Mralght, ail.iiij place, Ci.O.j. hlugatuu paid Vu0. irrn haci. I-'or two-)ear-olUs, with Jl oco alud; maidens alluwed 1'.' pounds ; hi iiirlon StQTltTI ll'Ar. Jnrltt '". IHt.fti. Aunia t , ,lt US laral II . ' I ' lKtof lis,, aiaail . 1 i ilalriou .. IIS to(tl J I" ti-.-ma,e luC.HrMit it t ta U ,,,.. lot t'ofln'u i' i, I Yua Ariou ...,,loa Itim.i. d li.t.ia,, , ,,,.lu'i., Mru I I .Mn'ahaha 111. Ltttl.r d 1 Jl CI..TI , lis. rlrno V ,ti ! ,,atBttina Ahlilat, rult .'tu I and 4 to i 1'imiic .rrloa Sana 'l; MUnmahi, I lo 1 and " tua it a o;cn ft and 1; Dot tor, i and '.' Mar Loaa, 3d Boaiolaia, 8) and t0 Bpcrt, JO anl 10; ludico, ' lilttcron and Mtiuelnha cut out the ruu-1 "-!?"" " i. " Have You Heard How the Jolly Old State of Maine Went ?" nlngtothe head ol tho stretch, with Annie r. lolt and Doctor close behind. Inthchtrolch Auniu K. coll went to tbe front nnd was Joined bv Doctor, in a rattling finish Annie K. celt won by a bend from Doc tor, r hu beat Halcyon a bait length. Time'ti. Mii'.uels paid: straight, $1:1.70; place, (N.tio. Doctor paid IlK.o;.. rlXTii RArr. A sweerstnkes, with (1,000 added; six fur longs. , A'fftnf . Ilnrttr. Wht't. Jntlte'i: 5rra(Ar n't Una 11 l(l'i,,lloiialt ., -& S-A l.illab Ill k..(. , . ioi'-l ro I I'l I .'01 .1 Lamblll 4-1 1 t llntlo Mm .. ., i) I'ann 301 10-1 llollj McCona US A. llailon. ..IU j 4-i Milanla )u A Covloftun 5-1 3-1 Lrooum . 10S Marvaat 1 a I llataman . , . . n..W. Mldcalar -l 3-i Knapaack UC.Hi.akt '.-u-l -l Walootl. 107 Llttlarlald 3-i aan Hazathurat . 101 Tlorcrn- 13-1 5-1 Won by Hosa H., Dagonet second, Melanle third. THE RACING AT GLOUCESTER. Harlequin Gets a Bracket at t Eouth Jersey Track. larrruL to ths Tintiia world 1 GLOt'crsTKu Kick iracx, sopt. 13. The card hero to-day contained some first-class sprinters, especially tbe fifth, which Js for a purr.0 ot 1500, with Lord Harry nnd other good ones entered. Weather and track Duo Attendance large. Klrsl llaeo purse (300; six and a quarter furlongs Won by lioncastci, Woilh second, beven third Tlme-l.yiiy Second Haie-Purse .ioo: two-year-old maidens; selling; four and a half furlonzs. Won by llarl-ciuln, starlight second and Km pera third. '1 Irae o :.8. Third ltaee purse (300 : seven and a half furlongs Won by samnrllan. Park Hldge sciond, tmarlcrmasler third, 'lime l.dbW m WRIT FOR THEIR RELEASE. Jenkins to Show Cause Why Nor- mania's Passentrara Should Be Detained Longer. QnARANTlvr, S. L, frept. 13. M 4.10 Dr Jenkins was served by Linjer linger Sherman with a writ issued by Juage Barnard ordering bim to show causa why the passengers on board the Cepbeus should M further detained. The writ returnable to-morrow. TO RAISE S250.000. Tho Chamber of Comraercs Com mlttqn Advleo Such Action. '1 ha Chamber of commerce Committee this otttmoon Issued un adlrrai to the citizens ol New York advising thatalundof C.'&0,(00 b plsced at the committee's dlspossl toi uae In cask of need lu tho present emcrgcnc). biibtcrlptlona did bo sent to J. Plerpont Morgan, treasurer, . t Wall Mrcet, 'I lie toinmlttee then ad'otirned tn mtet Ooi. l'lower at the NMnd'or Hotel to-night. Pral-o for tho To'lce. At tho meeting ot the Mini Board to-day letters wcro read irem Major Grant and Hoik t ommlsaloner ( i un commending tho police lu ilieefllclew) f lh' servlco rendered h) l hem at ijusrantln' GLOUCESTER ENTRIE5. linnti. to no ttt'iMi wnnin I int'iiiTi,K ItACr 'ir.i i, sept, 13. The cnlrios loi to-mcrrow s r.i e- it, a loliows: l ,rit llaia lour aul a ni I fulioufa - fiyda. Ill Until" I ri, Un. 1 laaianl l4 rim, lliihlur Lalna", I anil.arr, Inn .,j Klivtlrr. 1U4 t.otil.lrp Ml Sltr M I In l Vau, lUloaili, Cutalai l, liariui, IUI ,ii a i . vtanl llai w I iti f It ,"i a -'a mlia tiao.)ar 1 ol la M.lar I o ilaa cl I lw II a If llllrah I lair 1 VIIoll layiol 1'. r llooin llud, .lol,. I II llin'ii J'l I., ra Utird Kato joir an I a a f Inrloin Haul". min, I ' 1J3 rttl, r i )i. 11 I Count Ma I j". t M 1 1 1 vai n rtrlatl I'oklnn, Him lm inAfc-), llu aa.h i a lot , I ltaa, I un srr.i, l o rr-,tl'. luo a li I fonlbltloa, Arthur IH.II. 1U4 111 ratll. 1 nulla ll.ia Ona anl nnf iiltcrnt-i mllp (lnana HOdJiiaalT lui Ki .' Mlf, Saudaluna I'llnr ll'r. .Ilia .Mj.,)Im.J JS aach Mbia tlon. Mil' , , 1 iftli ltaf--.Mi and nnr (utiirr furlooca llla.nkl.urii, Hll Bn'jli!ir it -u.oon, III! ab .llin lu n 111. All Ilia. k. Moll, an, Mat l 101 -aiOi .ltd la i, Maior II ') ra II Iflroj .1 Dr ,Kiil., I. IP aaall Mi'h Ha f T iiaa-l lart.r. it a m ta Sloup. la n ll-T 114 llaaturn, lln Pnck.r'. Kau-lil. ,.. a lotJl Jlinilrrl, HHi a, ll , llnlijr, I' Tianka Srudollrr, ,la-lr, I alii' I'fldlm, lUJ lo ta.l , Art l Lone. ttt I rrul- Mlia sears I hate gtio-i u;i mr entire life I thitaiartnart. bih'l I'cwyou ic il.l appiccatc tho ttuth l-i aid o( aril ELECTRIC OR SMIIISII-UP' af Two Killed and Many Hurt on a St. Louis Surface Road. The Motorman Lost Control and Ills Trulu Run Wild. fv aaaociATrn ratal. I St. Locts, Sept- 13. While a train, consist ing ofan electric motor and a trailer car, were coining down a steep grade an tbe State and Sydney street branch of tbe I'nlon Derot line, near tbu corner ot Ninth and Itussell streets, the motorman lost control of his car and the train rushed down tha decline at frightful speed. I Al Ninth and Itussell streets Is a sharp curve. In turning this tho trailer, which was crowded with passengers, was derailed and turned over and nil lh; passengers wero burled to tbe ground with great force. Two were killed outrtghi and some ot the I thirteen others who were Injured will tile. j The family Injured are Miss A. M. Jones, I Adolpb hchnell, Miss Anna Moso, Bittbsoo HcherlDg and lludolpn Hortenan. I Others who were hurt are N. W. Brand, p. Hoffman, Ed Daniels, Charles Ileler, Henry Kaufflleld, c. w. Martin, Henry llenkor, Kdward Schwartz, Louis Langloth, Henry Plain, J. s. Dunsfleld and Mrs. Llzie steamer. Thcro were flfty-ono passengers on tho' train, and It was almost miraculous that no mare of tbem were hurt. a NOT CONSTITUTIONAL. Decision Rendered In the Monroe Apportionment Cases. lur iiaociATrn rnaa. BtrrAio, sept. 13. Tbo dtcltlon In the, Monroo County apportionment cases, wblch was argued at the extraordinary session ot the General Term, held In this city Aug. 10, was handed down this morning. Tbe opinion of Judge ltumsey, of tbe su premo Court, which declared tbe reappor tionment unconstitutional, was affirmed. Justice Macomber wrote a long dls'cntlng opinion. Justices Levis and Dwlgbt aach wrote opinions anirmlng ibe opinion uf Justice Kumsc). BEAT KILRAIN BY A SCRATCH. Notwithstanding- What Bully Said J Jnlco Won't Fight Again. , 111 AanriAio rataa.l Hai timohi, t-cpt. Ilk ".lako Mlraln, on lulug shown sulllian's opinion " that In their battle al Illchburg Kllraln ucM-ned to carry off the stakes, said he was not surprised lint sulllran had said that he had won on a Ncratch, "for,' said he, "1 hato always claimed that he did. since the ex-champion has mado this in aorllon," tonllnued Kllraln, "I Ltlleie It mentis tbat r-ullUun has lost faith In himself aud will not enter the ring again. "Whllo the rtinark' Is favorable to me, I must again sty th it It will not tempt mo tu enter the ilngat any time or nub-i an cl,-1 cuuisiauco. ' - i m Hundreds Cured of cholera Mis. K. II. Cushliu, foi iuti) jcars a ml- Klonary lu Burinah iTiitts to i.lliuau Bro, I lloston, iot.1 ernli g the outbnak of Asiatic I cholera In lhtl nnd r daiu ol April 10, 1S7U "Ihe rain) na-on Hi In74 was t-ry i ahkl) In 'louuo.i, iholer.t pretaliln, to .in i alarming extent lie nanus hearing that 1 I h. d aiiieuiilnebuii toi un-(Dr. teih Arnold s I lliil.uinj that dKea-e, catiie In largo iiimibers I i it :-om htiml idn were cuu-d; tiidcid. In t a ca.o inllnl t. icllif iinli-s slread) lu ' the last Magi soi tbaitlleas- before rt-celi-; 1 iiwtliereiii.-i. ' ' .... I i li, mow .f tin almir and the lininliieut d in-1 gi r Ihit-Jti mm tei .Muerlcan to-day, is It . ' noi wisduni lo be t irenrined by bavin j at I least a bottle uf In Mtu Arnolds In I (am lu lliolioiiset ... . . II isunilnubtrdlt the sstest and best reined) lor all imwti compi ilnts oiilbti,. cnt. I trntoii, rultna atuet. and marly all ritull druggist. . mrnitTsNT to i-miak stioKnitw. H-aonldlSfrrrlttau a lla.ana rlj.r ai I liliw-.zt.ini Ail. ali-Kb.,cocli.r. lull .ue.V THERE WILL BE NO STRIKE. m Grievanoos of Reading Employees Adjusted in Conference. One of the Oln-liareed Men Ifelu stated and lCverylhlng Lovely. Irt AiaociATRD rnraa.l Pnn AinLriiu, scpu in. A conference was Held this nftornoon between l'rsaldent McLcod, of the Heading ltallroad, and tbe Grievance commltteo of Kmploycea, to gether with Chief Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Locouiolltu Knglnours ; Wllklus, of tbe Hallway conductors, and I'. II. Murrlasey, of tno 'Iralnmen. Just before the conference took place Chief Arthur was asked whether hi-bad beard from General Master I'uwdcrD.hl tbe Knight sot Labor, or President Gompera, ot tbo Kt dera tion of Labor. Ho replied that bo had not. - Do you cxpict to obtain tbelr.suppont" be was asked. -1 do not see how they enter Into tbe matter," replied Mr. Arthur. " We bno no business transactions with them. The) have no organization ou these roads that 1 am aware or." As to tbo outcome of the conference, he de clared; 1 rannot express our determination any stronger than this: Wo will notaubmlt lo the dlschargu of any memDcr ol tbe Brotherhood for suoh reasons as nave been glen In this lase; that l, -Imply because they are members oi our organization." The conference Inste 1 an hour. Al Its close the commltteo emerged and Chief Arthur lu reply to u question said t " All Is satisfactory." President MoLeod then appeared and said : " We had a very pleasant conference. I found In this cass w nit I bare always thought and bclluvpd, that when two men get to. ) geiber who arc lalrtrluued and wlih to reach a fur decision, ll does not take tbem very I long to gel at one." I 1U then said that, of tbe tbreo men whose discharge bad formed lue grievance pre-' sented, one claimed tbat be waa - Ignorant of the companv's rules and didn't disregard tbem Intentionally." 1 bis man was accordingly reinstated. Tbe other tno, It was shown, had signed tho company's rules, and tbelr signatures were shown, luese men were not reinstated. ARE THEY HIRING PINKERTONST Readlnc Railroad Trainmen In Jersey City Excited. The trainmen ot the Heading Railroad sys tem In tho Jersey Central's Communlpaw , )ards were as much excited this morning as1 If a strike hid Jiint been ordered overare (Mirt that tho Heading company Is collecting ' guards at Wllkesuarre, l.aston and points tn tucauthraclle region to be ready to protect the coiupani'o properti in cue ot a strike, i Pxclternent tut increased by tbo fact tbat about fifty niihterlous acting men, who aru . thought to havu teen I-lnkcrtons left tho ( Jirsey Cltj depot this morning In thrcs par-1 ties on the traliii lcaMng at 4, 7.1S and s.4.ri i o'clock. I A Jtrhey Central eniilueer told an Kummi S lepotler thai liu was suie ihv nfty men on their wa to llo coal regions ure ditecilies. 'Ihe Company emploirex at tho Jersey City depot denied un) knowledge of the threo parlies who went out uf ihe tit) onthoeatly morulng tinlns, but admitted that thu men i might havc-beiu 1-liikeilonguirds. ANOTHER APPORTIONMENT CASE. Argument negu-i in tlio Mandamus Proceodlnffis t fciinuoizn. I fi-v aoi mtip i rra ' s.RATOHA, N. 1., Sept. l.k-t thO 0Htllllg titlhi-(irueral li-rmol the Ihlitl Heparti.ienl tl Is morning tho matter uf ill" ,np Icilioiiof tho I'toplucx i cl. ticorge l. i urle. against Irutik lil e. oi suite, was ht-aid. I ids Is nn n'M'lle I'lon for .1 to din vt HID?' ii-tuiy ti'lsstu- ilecll.-n nulice. ui di-r ihe Appoilluiinieni law o is; i In sliailii. ihi ol I-!'-, mi the giounil thai . the iittliT W uiiciiiisiltutloual nod v. Id. f. ll. Klaie) appenreJ for the relttor, anil Attornei-Gi-ueral Husendalo appealed for Mcretar) li'i-r. A'n'uu-tni whs not coiulitded. ' - , Two Unlios irom the Wtau-rn He eorve. (IT aaanclTrf rnrsa I j s.riT -rK UHir, Mich., Sept. Its Tlio crew at iho lite-suing stntlon No. I-.' have louiiJ two more uf thu bodies ot Ibe crew of the Western lleserve. Ibe) came ashoio seven miles west ol the station. 'I here is nothing on mom by wblch they cm be tarn, tltltd. EXTRA. 1 THE TURF. I Uncertainty of Horse-. 1 Racing Positively I Proven Yesterday. m . H PHIL'S COUP ON PARVENUE. 1 "1 "Ladies'" Dock at Gravesenda Disagreeable Feature. ' M vJ aaal What some peoplo are pleased to term Ibe 4'sa " glorious uncertainly ot lio-se racing ' was ,tfl uevcr better Illustrated than at Graveathd rcsterday. Thrie nlr-llght, coppci-'astened 'll cinches were Ignobly beaten. Two ot tbem -JH falltd to bo cither first or second, and the H third was Just defeated by a very short head. ' H No wonder tbo talent went home gloomy and :ssa unhappy. They mlly realized tbo truth of H tho old saying that tbcro Is hothlng sure on AH this eirth but death and taxation. True, the 'fiB victories of the Xornltza colt and Diablo, iJ both favorites, hctpod tbem out to a great rjH extent, but lew ot them got even On the day. "u'JuB Kingston opened the ball a 2 to 5 favorite. "'?H That popular Idol Fred Taral rods him, and vV'-aaM succeeded In getting in a pocket tn the run to J thowlic. When he did get through H, wax 'j too lato to catch tbo Hying Correction, who ' 41 Just managed to squeeze In a head In tront ol 1- MiB Iho Dwycr crack. Correction was at 15 to 1, ' 'H aad.very tow people bet on her. ''3H Parvcnue revived tbo hopes of tbe talent by A taking tho second event lu a canter. Mite- JjH burg l'bll wou quite a snug sum oyer this iH colt's victory, lor bu played bim Jn town at ''iH odds of 2 to l. This was when LeouaweU 'J'B was considered as a probable ttarter. Than, "'jH In tho third race, Lady Violet tet the backers iB of choices down with a very heavy thud. H Halt the men on tbe track would have H bet their lite tbat Lady Violet could l not lose, and, least of all. that Prince George jJH would not beat her. rather Bill Daly had so "',. much confidence In biscuit, however, tbat be .- bet Jack Joynerfloo tbat tut Prlrce wodld ffl defeat Belmunt'a nily. Taral todu t'rtnce , George, and In a miserable start beat the flag iM t mi lengths. He kept at the colt throughout iB and lauded him a winner by a length. Bergen iH rode AJax well, saving him lor a final effort. ;, and landing s-cond mono). Noonetnows fll wnat tbe trouble was with Lady Violet. Tho '- great and onl y star jockey, Sluts, rode her. "(JH ... vtkkl I atnpllghler, though favorite In tbe fourth fl race, was uot heawiy backcd. It Is a que. M tlon If his owner tint a penny on the colt, for i'l t he- books were begging lor bets ac 7 to A to- "tM wards theclofce ot thu betting. Hdello was lnU heavily played Iroms to 1 uowntoato l. tM Daly confidently expected to win. He made H the mistake, however, of ordering his ;ockey !'4H to wait In tront. Had ho gone oti and UU raced as be did in tbe Bridge ljandl- ! cap be would most likely hato -.tH won. When It came to a r.blsh, -! however, 1'actolua, who bad been patiently jH nursed by Thorie, hua tbe most speed and 'H landed a winner by a neck. Lamplighter '9H was third. The race waa run In 2.11, and It ,wH w as this, no doubt, ihul killed Lamplighter's lM chances. '.aB A dlsarreeable feature ot tbe opening day ',M at Brooklyn jesterday was the establishment l'B of what Is termed a" ladles'" took at tho iM back of the grand stand. Here women can S bet without sending mcisetigers into ths tM ring. The spectacle yesterday was not edtiy- k'lM Ing. To the average man It was most uu- ',1sV pleasant to see a irowd ot women crowding ,'ssa and pushing each other to getaown tbelr M bets, it is badenuugh lorwoiaeu to bet,tvnu jh by way of mesngcr, but to go upeulv and t 1 gamble In public Is a thousand times ,B .worse. No woman with any regard for her ,- I reputation will permit herself to bo seen pub- -fM i llcl) i ambling en a raie track, over the bool: ;; H , appears tbe name ot tbo Ilrooklyn Jockey ilub. It the club really backa the book theu , the stockholders and others connected with ,fU the Assnclttlnn should blush for Hhame. It Is ... to bo hoped that the Iwok will be bhort-Uved. V-M Alfred Ilcnncn Morris yestarday ctblrd his ,- father, John A. Morris, thai he had nurcimsed IU twenty promising ) earllngs at Lngllsh sale. KM They win be htppcd to this country Hume- '; dlutely. Stfl iiwiafl Old Tea Iray has broken down, snd ths 'i jB public will mourn with uuner Billy Lake- .,. land. Tea Tray had a fast hold in tbe race- , goer s heart, lie w as an uncertain rugue, but 'i!H Ills at times brilliant nights uf speed lully N condoned for his Irequent tits of the sulks. JsU Laxeland will tierr sen Trul ray. llo will TM lend him tor use in the stud until bi procures seieral good mares of his cwu. jn ' ' fl ! 'i he Chicago oniclali, are stiii'k' for Turfman !jH 1 Kd toirlgati wlih a ho: Mien, .he) hate ds- xiH cateird that 170 lift ot the llnnthorne trai-U iB iaiu within the cur Hit It. and tne Chief ot iH Police has been Insiructedto stop racing at. 1aS thai course. Ihe fate oi i.arllfld 1-arK Is ;H M-alt-d. 'Hie IIojpJ o t oounon to incll last ",.' Ms-Ill sustained .Ma)ur Wuhtiburu In bis .VM cto of the ordinance provldlug fir the 'JaH licensing ui such idaccs tf amusement. B t.arneld I'atk will probably never ti ppentilngslD. Jusiico liluint- )esltrdaydls- vH charged all t ic defendant jo.-xo, startrra :M mid etuploiees wnu wt-ie arrested a week (rlSJ n. ilt't tula lor M-.lHtlng the amusement iiiVjl uiuliiin-vci Garf.ild Para.. 'Ilia Judge re- .H Ik- was" sittpiltedat tbeacllon .' or tin- pullet' In not inciting principals lu- '-H stead 01 cluall it) " -Jliwjl ' ' K The Washln.-ton Jockey club aano-inces a ' T.--1I i-ieell'ig, to be;lu on Utt. 17 and con- aVJB tlnu-twt-lin ilnts. ihe .laded money will VJB iittiaju c.'.buuu da;. -H ... araaaal HBJ Snapier (larrl-on has rt'-engigrd himself " tu Muicua Dal) at au ininasi'tiaaliry, 'SHJ '"( Joi-ker Blake )es rrJay st;ned to rids for dSVsl the Pit aktu-s stable dm ing noil season, aud aBBj a. tin) ion will perfuitu lllu dtltlea lor thu r '-vSai Uashlord .Mauor stable. '-''ilxH Mornlcgton csnnon lesdih Knjllih jossv , iJJIH eys u lib l'd n tu out ol 4i races. ,. .?A''?M