W ? . . f"'4,
. S J The Grtbaycdofl Pictures in -SiiSi WfrffiZ u'fheMano Letters Tells of J f
PaaciJJAisrsj,t.t.t.s.i.8.8,,;jjiJ,w -sqgsy - ftaibaa i-u4MiWti-'i LiliM) ajLAJH.MIn'ffl ".;LtiiJ.ljLlljijjjjj.ij5ill S
f Dr.JenkinsWillRe
I lease Nor mannia's
I. Passengers.
I People from the Rugia
1 to Be Seot to
I Fire Island.
Er Healt!) Officials Anxious as to
I the Storm's Effect,
I Record of Deaths from the Disease
j Sipoe the Moravia Sailed.
Hamburg Ships Not Permitted to
Dock in Hoboken.
Gov. Flows er niimloini All the M'l
Itia but the Thirteenth.
Tlrnllli Department, 1
New tarii, sun. II. 10 A. II. I
No casri of cholera linvc vri n..cnrcl
1 la till rlty.
f IIAKLE-i n. W ILSON. I'rraltlent.
' KlI.tlll.NI CLlltK.'ssicroinr.
tTlio Lnltnlitiii of Km nl Iteservos nnilUio
contingent of tlio Sixty nmtU liiglmeut,
v which embarked ou tlio Iron Steamboat
Pegasus jesterdny for Fito Island, wero
unable to land because of tlio heavy koiis
nil (ho prevalent cale, mul tlio Pegasus
returned to this city, tiiug up at the
Coiumunipavv docks nt 2 o'clock this
Gov, Flower has ordeiad all tho militia
called into sorvico yebtuduy, except tho
Thirteenth Kegmient. to be dismissed.
'lheThiiticnth innt liabylou.aud will re
main there so long ns Adjt..Gen. Porter
may thtuk nocesbinv.
Health Officer Jenkins announced this
murniuK tint the passengers from the
' JCorraauuin. now hi hint Kiro Island, will
probahlj be released from Qunrautiiie
to-morrow and be permitted to return to
their homes
The Noimannia'b cargo Ik to bo liglit
ered, nnd aftei conl aud piovisions luivo
been put on board in the lower 1 ny. 'will
pioceed to ten at oikc without cotninr; up
to tho city.
Iho health ofticlals are ftarful llmt the
prevailing storm, which will forcu ilium.
(trnulB on the detained hlnps in the bin to
T leniaiu between decks, will result in de
Jjp( Teloping muro cases of cholera. No more
deaths and only one new msj wVis re
ported from the hospitals this morning.
Tho urriral of the Bohemia from Hani.
burn, with (i72 immigrants on board, is
awaited with treat anxiety by tho (iiiaran.
tine ofllo.nls. tshe has not jot been
Justice Barnard has postponed henriug
I in the habeas corpus prociuilmgs
, broucht in tho interest of t tho Nor-
I lunnnla'h detained lu-sseiigers till next
1 Jiotielns forenoon,
'i Inhabituutb of llnbylun nnd other
points alonj; Great South liny b&vu re.
eolved to appeal to tho higher courtR to
pieveut thoestablisbiueut of a Quarantine
, station on I'no Iehuid.
Tho cole blowing to-day prevents com
wuiiicatioii with Fire Islmd.
TO HI n:i-K TO.lI.IHKOit.
llr. Ji-nMl-s I'rniiilTn in Uriah .Nnrninu.
i uta'ei I'll ( Ber ttunrnutliir.
irrre iAt Tn nir i-TrstMi wott-n
t qoiiusTisF. s. , sept. n.ir. JeaKlus
K4'il 'o an Kwmm Hon n icrnrler tU's
uoruli'i; tint ilm Mumanula's pu'sdiEcrs
mjy nou Uiwincrt .it 1 he jmiii1 will bo released
lo-raorrow ana bo allowrd to proceed to their
Hi hemes
W 'iLecaDlupjsseucirso: the ltujla tTlll.lt
MV nkuaikf crcuisu Uic u.cun time tonroienu
be transferred to tho old warship New Hamp
shire! this afternoon and bo landed at Fire
Island as soou as accommodations can be
ai ranged.
No arrangements hae as jet teen made
lor transferring thn twcnti--een cabin pas
hengeri now aboard the hcandla In tliolowir
uai, but Dr. Jenkins Is ronstderlns tho po
siblllty of putting Ibcm aboaid the Ccphciis
aud holding them In the lower bay until he
considers It bate to land them.
No cabin passengers will he landed at
bandy Hook.
lIKbjhinlMtif. I'lirpanr Kxprri.eil l an
luitlKnatlon llrrllna.
IBPFruL to Tiir riNisci wim i, t
IUbmov, L. 1., lept. 14. Although tho ,
cabin pasbengers fiom tho Normannla havo
at last been safely landed at 1 tro Island unci
are Installed In the Surf Hotel, tho residents
or iho town ol lsllp haioby no moans glieu
up the fight, and preparations hara been
made to employ cery legal means to rcmoo
tho present occupants of Fire Island as
speedily as possible and prevent an moro
quarantined passeugois from being landed
This was tho sense of the public meeting
held last night at llaj shore, which was at
tended bj many pioinlucnt residents ot tho
town, Including e-Oouuty Judge Wllinol M.
Mullh, l.awj er h Isehel, Coroner H. 8. Mooro,
Oen. Goorgo W. W lngatc, Postmaster l'crry
s. WIcUs and Kdltor F. A. Johnston, of the
.siiJTutk. County Journal.
Along series of resolutions was adopted,
declaring that the local authorities had been
ourpottcrcd by the btato onielaft; that the
establishment of an annex cnolera hospital In
the town limits was Illegal, and directing
that the matter bo brought l rorc the (irai d
Jury to take the nccjssaiy steps for tho In
dictment of persons responsible for tho alleged
'Iho hoard of Health was also directed bj
the resolutions to Issue a warrant to tho
hherlir of the county to apprehend aud re
move all the Normannlu's passengcis at Hro
Jslaud and to prevent tho further entry upon
11 of such persons or biggagc, and to call to
bis aid tho whole power ot tho count.
Nearly ooo militiamen from the 'I hlrteenlh
Iteglment were quartered this morning nt
Watson's Hotel here. They aro expected to
go over to Fire Island ome tlma to-day.
A tremendous soul east gale Is blowing
this morning and the bay Is white with
breakers. Asthcsiorm has been raging all
night tho sea outside Is very hem j . 'Iho
Cepueus still lies anchored tn the channel.
Tho weather Is too rough In tho bay to
allow ballboats to navigate It safely, and as
; et tUero has been no direct communication
with Tiro Island to-day. It Is retorted by
telegraph that all Is quiet at the Surf Hotel,
whero the Kormannla's cabin passengers are
quartered, although tuero hao been some
murmurs ot dissatisfaction with the food
which Is being served to them.
He MlamlKm All the Alllllla ttxrrpt the
Oov. Flower's first callers at the Indsor
Hotel to-day came crj earlj. Thej were
l.lcut. W. Mutler Duncan, of the 'llilrd Dl
bl:n Nuva) Itcserves, and 1 nslgn Weeks, of
the lourth Division, who called uc tho hotel
at :i o'clock tills morning. 1 ho Oorcrnoi had
leftoiders at the office not to bo disturbed,
and tlio night clerk routed out I'rliatc .Secre
tin Williams lustcad.
'lheN'aal Hcserre onicers wereicquestcO
to meet t.o. 1 lower at h o'clock, aud at that
hourthcj again called und reported tu tho
i cioiernorthat tho Naval battalion wan still
inn boaid tho Pegasus, together with tho
I Mxlj-nlnth Iteglment contingent, nnchored
I on I'ommuntpaw coal docks, where I hej had
I I ( nialued slnco u o'clock this morning. I'om
mauder Miller, of the lte-eries, had ordered
these oniccis to icport to Go. l loner for
1 ho do crnor at once ah ccted that tho J!e
Htres and National Guardsmen should ho
dismissed, and older was telephoned tu
Lommander Miller, at Lommunlpaw.
'iho Pegasus was then ordered under waj
fur pier lid North HUcr, where both com
mands wero dismissed.
'Ijio doieinur was seen tn bis apartments
nttcr he had Mulshed bicakfast. 'lo an Kt t -isci
W'oki i reporter ho bald:
I have nothing veryncn to tell jou now.
I hate sent eiders to Commander .Miller nnd
Col. cavanagli lo dismiss their commands.
'1 Ho detachment Irom Ihe 'Ihtrleeiith Itegl.
ineut will remain at Ilubylon unill il,'i..(iei..
rortcrdctirmlneb upon the time that thej
shall bo recalled 1 iro lsl.tnd Is now umkr
, the niipcrvl&lon of the statu Hoard of Health
! beeictaij I cwlb II ilch, of the stale lloaid
j of Health, called ou the t.ouuioi at 1U
o'clock. Mcielaij llahhsall: It Is not nl
fduul) coinct to raj that lire Island H
undci the exclusliu control of the Mali'
Hoard, ah Jar aa tho saulury airaugemcnis
iho concerned, lire Iblaud Is uudir lui
lloai d's Mipen Ulou, but as n cards the quai
autlnlug of passengers tliei c thej aio slIU
and will conl Inuo to bj under the control of
the Health (iniccr. We eontiolinl the sum
I ar leulallonsot lire Island, and bale no
bupriWslunoci the still UaiariUuul passen
gei s "
(.o. Ilovtei sent uims-aeai lOocluel, tu
(.en. 1'oilci, nu Is slopping at the (nand
I Union Hotel, illtectlug him to rcpuit at tlio
I Windsor at ome.
I .11 ii t'At'si: lioitii rtsi:i.
Ilnlu, I'rhlnx I mm Ik ran in llrlnn llulo.
Feared by (iiiitrantlue (Iflhirs.
Itirrui to Tiir Fvrsiii, noui i
(jl'AHitTlNE, b. L.bei 1. 14. A pUtlug lain,
tho fcreruuner ot the equtiioctlnl storm,
struck I pperijuarantlno this moinlnc. and
compelled thn uniting crowds there to kce.i
closed nlthlu the hoarding btitluu. Hi.
Waler, before he went down the Ihj, said he
was leai ml that the wetntathei wuu.il te
I the direct (au-eor additional cholei .leasee
1 don lue bnj. He based this opinion on the
) assumption that llio Hiclcmciii nralher
iwoulddrlie the bteerage passengers on t lie
detained ships bclon decks and thccbauccs
of infection would to girully Increased.
I p tuU o'clock this mm nlng no report had
bieu lecelrcd from the detained ships or the
hospital Islands since yesterday, when the
two de tlbs, neither from iholeru, were an
Ibis leaves the record unchanged up lo this
hour; but although tho hi all h onicers appear
iniouiaged, the) are alnais on thpqulMvu
for new cases, lor the peoplo here arc nppif
heushothat every Kurope.in steamship whUh
arrives In port may turnout to bo ac-.tl-lence
'Iho llahemli, from Hainburg with (IT:
steerage pisscngers, Is most Mispeclcd blio
had not been reported up to n o'clock.
Olliei ships dU) lo-dn wrio. tho troll,
Kthlopla, Male nf Nevada, Khjuhiiid
Majestic and Knickerbjcker. 'Iho Mi
lestle got In at 8 'JO. sR, will piolmblj Ih
detained (or the daj, at least. At (1.10 this
morning 1 n ( liamnagne, tho Dldam, Mans,
diim, llclgeDhnd, Wlelaud, Plata, Amalll and
bciulcla wore at 111 held In quarantine. It Is
probable that lachunpaguo will go up io
In r dock to-Unj . bo nls i may the Mai'sdam,
which arrived j cstcrdaj, but brings nustcci.
ago passengers.
I Iho 1'lita has a largo contingent of Immi
grants from Naples, and will bo clobely
watched for a daj or two.
I Should no further ca-ios of Illness dovciop
I on the Wyoming fho maj ue allowed lo como
j to Upper liuarantlue again to-day. 'Iho
flarlbel was passed at t 05, after a thorough
fumigation, Dr. lallmnilgc decldlug that she
i was free from all imcctloo.
I Ilrr I arao In lie l.lalm rril it ml she III
Niii t'init Near Her 1'lir.
lnerriAi totht rvrxiin "ostn.1
(JCABANTisp, 8. 1., Sept. 14 Wm. Hegulnc,
I Iir. Jenkins's private sccrctarj, said this
morning that the Nnrmanntu was still In the
lower baj, and, having been cleat ed nt ull her
passciiscrs, was being thoroughlj fumigated,
und would be released from (,uarantlno Inside
or u day or two. Her cargo would be taken
orr lit the lower bay on lighters, and the ship,
I after being coalod and provisioned from light
ers, would at once put to tea without going
near hi r dock.
" Iho tompaiij is desirous of pursuing this
j course," said Jlr. begulm, -rathei than run
tho risk of further detention and ti ouble, aud
I Dr. Jenkins approves the plan."
mm:ty.tvo iikathh to iiati:.
None lllril of Cholera Vcsleritny, nnd
but One Cnnp llevrloprd.
KrrriAt to Tn rvrNisa mnin,!
(JUAHANTINF. b. I bept. 14 1 L'S A. M. The
. last report reiPlied from Dr. llyron on bwlu
' burnc iGlnnd was received at u.44 last night,
and wns given out at n.l. this morning.
It stati d that thi re had been no admissions
tu tho hospital during jostcrdaj aud that
one death had occurred, tho victim being
bcarklo barclsian, aged twentj-seven. Iho
cause of death Is given as gastritis, superin
duced by alcoholism. The patient was ad
mitted to the hospital and died yesterday at
11 A. M.
Nino patients were transferred back to
, Hoiiman Islaud and two men were trans
ferred to the convalescents' ward. One sus
pect lu the hospital developed cholera sj mp
toms during the day and was sent to tho sick
'1 he record to date Is :
Ilratlm frum eholrra In port 39
DcAttu from cholerftat .ca 03
Total detth ...W
she Him ' Hans America." nnd Nnntu
lo (lo Hiii k io I.iiRlnnd.
The following telegram was received by
Manager Charles Frohman from Miss Lottie
Collins, dated at the burf Hotel, Fire Island,
Obheol to len on dack lt night. Nothing to
rt for two i'.im. IIni Amirlcl. Ciolni lik to
lucland No more ot thin tor niii,
Onl Ihe Hamburg- l.liie Nov. Haa Any
lu Coinr.
ernon II. brown und (lustav II. Schwab,
whorcpicsent tho 'Irausatlautlcbteamahlp
pcoplulnthls city, havr, at the request of
Collector Hendricks, given their assurances
to tho becrctnry of the Treasury that no moro
immigrants will be brought over from Kuropo
so lung as tho cholera epidemic abroad con
tinue". All the lines, they say, have dls"untlnued
the booking of st eel age paabengtrs, and, with
the exception of tho Hamburg line, none ot
them have anj such passengers to orlngover.
Agi ul lions, of tho Hamb.irg line, ba) s that
his compan) has hundreds or sin i age passen
gers which have been booked lot weeks ahead,
H the) do not bring them over thej are liable
lo prosecution br the German authorities.
IIMI1:A-s ( OltlM'-i lll'AltlNC P TOFF
Vlannuer I'ulnirr llruir. (tint lie siillmr-i-d
Lawyer rslirrimitiN illoa.
'Iho will ot liubeus ujrpus Issu d hj Justice
llninarJ on tho appllcallot or I nwjir Itugu
M.blurman, iiqulrlng iltalth unicer Jtnklns
io appeal In Mipieino courl in lirookljn
nnd hon enu-o why Normannln s pHSsengers
bhoulil uot bo allowed lo go to 11. (lr homes,,
was io Lo argued this morning, but the hear.
Ing vv as adjourned until neit Mundaj
In -oiiri this morning I.awiu William N"
)) km 1 1 Mild i "A writ of liau is corpus
agaliiKl Hi. Juuklns H rt ttirnabl" mis morn.
1 lug. '1 h' Health Ofllc-T Is mil here, 'ml I a .
jnarfoi lilui Weknow triim a ltlii,riim that
Mr Mieriiiau was not authoiled take tins
prociedlng. 1 su.'gest that tin luiHil bead.
.liisiico llarnaid said he wnul 1 .iil) nu ad
jouliiineiit until t-ii'urdny.
vti -liiiiuau uri.e I Iho Court lo li'nr the
lint te i biloio that tliui. He sail liu hud
i urn i vi t j means tu nolli In u nkius, and
1 tlimuiu that the case should b"ln ird sooner.
.nisilee HnriiirJ ilicu leplli,: tun lie Iia1
cuiicliidi'd tu allow (outistl ror In Jenkins
ii Hsiiurdaj morning to rile ll ntiirn tn
tne will, mil would wt ihu lieaMni, down for
luwjir sieiinaii ilHi.iuLjt li Is acting
lor M magi I . M. I'llmer und it h r iis-,i!i.
grr-. Ihu writ rcqulnd Hr. Jin ins io pro
duceihe bodies ot Mr. I almi mil viu other
patsiiigeis. Imvjer hiriiian waived their
upieurance In court.
i Afterthc piocetdlngs vre-o'iVo i Ills lu'irn.
Ing 1,-iwjer Hjrktnan exhibited the lollowlug
bfar IIotfi, H l;isi,l
Kepi 1 1. ltJ i
C.i lii,ll V. lr, Wl..,., ll" W l'lll
Mr Palm.u at tnjr aide, ai. he lim not author,
tied ltoger M. butruian r au vtlia r ptr.on tu
obtain a writ of livba lorptl., nor wunl 1 tin
I crtull it, ll,r loi anjflltiil 1 1
llr VV a I mi V iiiiit.
I Mr. bin i man was asked Ii) an I.vimsii
'wimiiii lep'Tlel wlic'tbCT ho iiuilt esilnlu
1 Mi. Palmer's denial of ills nuth irlty lu ml
. lor hi in.
"I must eleilliio tosaj nuj thing iilmtit the
luitui," liu replied. "Whetlid I was en
gaged bj him it not in ikes no on. n nre I i
mi one, as It does liotalfect the legulllj of
lite pioccedlug."
I 'Ihe point on which 1 nwjir bherinau hopes
toseeuro the rele ascot tho pusiCiigerH Is that
Health (inker Jenkins, Intcutloinllv or not,
Insd-claioJth it thn pa-ncligers am In per
fect heilth, and I hit for s certain inimbor of
(lavs t lie i o lias lean no sign of sickness
, iimong them.
'Ih'ilavr piuvldes that tho slc'i, sballbodc-
I I allied eltuei on tho ship on which they airlve
oi shall be rcinovtd tu bnlubuiao Island, and
otheis may be deiiiliicd fui observation. He
contends that whcii the paseugeis who put
' ou board the Cepheus Dr. Jenkins's nullioill)
to detain them tin n ceasel.
Mr. suci man would nut saj whether or not
bo wont l take any further action bolornthe
healing next Monday, lie Intimated, lion,
jvir, that he would uot piocced turlhcr In
the Ilrooklyn courts.
hii ips that a hi: ih'e.
List of) ranela from Huspeelrd I'orla Now
lleiiiut lo New oile.
14, ltohemla Hamburg 070
14 M Taaeras I onttnn.
I 14 llentln Ilaiiiniira
, 14 hrl.tol , . ..llaraburit .... .
14 VV.ilihiw'ndt) llanitiiirf
14 LaPanitre ., .Anlnerp
II I miopia (Ilaiiow -
14 .Martello . Hull,
14 st.taot Pieiada iila.fov
14 tttvillander ,, Bremen
14 Vlajentlu l.lTerpeol
14 Munank , l.enilnn.,,
14 Ithyiilanel., Antwert
14 Sore ( hllitlaiiaaml
, 16 Trafa Hoiithampton
1G II. Hurler ... Antoarp
I ir rtrhleaain Itottenlam .
lit Hermann . Hremen ... .
If, Siie.ia Ilamliura-
15 Bothnia Liverpool
IT Ptrnrla 1 trerpool
17 e lly of l neuter. Liverpool
17 Ft ami tliamarck houthaiiiptou
lri Marathon ..Uueenntonn bOi
IS In liana l)neen. town ,,..,,
IS Adriatic .. ,, .
IK I a Ilretaffne Oliarlioura
HI) Anratoa , . ..Antwerp ,
11 Pannarlvanta.. .Ilamlinra 6ou
121 Ailrlatio . Liverpool ,,,.
iX .Fma .. Houthamptno
Ihe steamships at Upper (juaranllno this
j morning wero tho Wleland, Ihlgcnland,
Amain, La champagne and Ucrnlcla.
The ilralih llaarri Inqulrlnc Into Cnara
with Choleralr Hymptnma. i
The Health Hoard this morning was unable
to state positively the cause of death In the
cascs ot William W legman and bis wife, who
died yesterday at their home, 7UH Hcvcnth
Both President WlUon and Dr. Cjrus Id
son, the sanitary bupenntendent, sail that
Dr. Ucigs, tho Hoard's consulting patholo
gist, had made autopMei on the bodies ut j
the Iteceplton Hospital, and tho lliullni,s
were negative. There were found evidences ,
chat act eristic of cholera, Lut, taken as a
whole, there was nothing lound to positive!
determine whether iho old couple did dlo
from cholera or oholsra morbus.
According lo Dr. Kd-on further steps must
be taxed lor bacteriological exnmliialloii.
This will bo done to-day, and It wlllrequlro
tortj-elghi hours to develop the germs It mi
Another suspicious case reported to tho
Hoard was that of Mrs Charlotte Hcck.ttilrtj
. j cars old, of 17(14 second avenue. Dr. Van-
I dergalt, of 1IU second avenue, visited In r
1 at t) o'clock jisurdj) morning, and found
i her -j inplonis such as to ltaa hlmlo h.llcvu
that hho wassuflerlng from cnolera. He ie-
poind the capo to tlio Hoard of Health, and
al 11 o'elxk, two hours later, Mrs. Hick
Dr. Huberts, ot Iho bureau or contagious
Diseases, had the body removed to the in
ception Hospital nnd an auiopvy was in ado
this morning.
Dr. Kdson aunouncrd that, as in the W leg
man cases, the autopsy ou Mrs, Heck's bouj
had proven negative, and the only recourse
to Bj availed of was a bactertoh glial exam
ination. What Mrs. HccK died from may be
known by Fildaj,
A 1'1'sT.slIIIl' 4.T II I'LL.
Two ol liar Crew of the llolilrrnrai llle
ul Anlallr t'bolrra.
Hit AMntiATfD t-nra-i 1
losuos, bept. 14. 'Iho steamer lloldi i-ne-s,
irom (roiistadt, has arrive 1 at Hull
and reports thul two ot her new esallor-i;
Lavo died with Vslatlcchdeia.
'Ihe j lines coiienpondciit bnjs: "'I lie
hlghist mures of the epidemic lu ll.tmbiiig
show that dally olio person In 1,000 nf Iho
population Is nnilctcd, and tint ovii uni-nall
of ttio-o attaekel recover." 1 In vvrlici biiuiii
up ihu iceulthot hlsobservatlens thus. "It
Is not too in ueli to tny thai lieultlu stomachs
are cholera proof. Humanlj speal lug, none
lie ed catch the ill-cape unless liu in she like-."
some ul' llrrnliurilt's Mlniie (oliilili
II rlil lor IHslnfirtl
I'aiiih, bept. H -Mine, bnrali Ileinliardl;
who Is at pre-i nl i la) lug lu I llle, wns last
night obliged lo Mibtttltuio iniulllu" tm
"Lliupiuu,' lu which slm liad been .ulvei
tlsid to appi ar 1 his change was dm to His
fact thai tin die-se.s the was lo have worn In
th j latter ill '(( held hj the In Mill nu.
Itiorltles feu ellsllifictlon.
LlrviliNfV. I H.i't, n ii e -wi'ii Ptiilhsln
IlAVHk.sipt M. -'Ihe, e who ilinniuvv
cases oi chole i a i ep rte d hei c i -n rda) aud
seven deaths I nib Isuu liun.iso of mio new
case aud ikdn teisu of six dcutlii, roiupaitil
with Hicll.uiis.McnJjj. !
The 1'i'xl In Hiintli lliilliiiid. '
Tiir llii.i r, bept, 14 fheic wnsadeathl
fiom i hull i a yesiorday lu MaifluK, bouiii i
Holland, (n.e i aso ot the iH.veas In i juntcet
at Hburg ii town on the .ujitei et '
nnill.lt NTs HELD IN ( INAIit. i
3lnst I'll. ii lloplile liinruiitliie tu l.ntrr .
' I lie I'ntled .-lull .
r- r.nciATrn l nrs l
(jtruii , sept. 14. lue Inttrtnedluto and
stiern;i n sengers by the steamship labra.
dor who wnn brought here ou the steamer
brothers Horn sfuaranttue wriccomrvllcd to
lake a bath aud have their baggage dlrlii-
fected. Vigorous protests were made' by
s meofttie Immigrants against undergolrg
lit scioud quarantine puiauiliu. Ihleu
i liuiiilriil aid twentv of these pas cujers
j me loiind lorllie I lilled Mitt . H
I he i ml.,'! i us bound for Urn 1 tilted Slates
vvlu nriHiil bufi re thli last bate Ii are still
nt the imiiilgr ill in sheds 'Ihe (ii and ltun'
a, 'e'll Iirs iie'lved n ttltgium suiting Hint
Hun Igi nils v III ll t bu pellnltli il lucims
tlin liuelir unliss the pi(e-uiioiis ngiied
i upon ixtweiii llr. Muutliiiiiti it and the In
teiiolonlul llialih Lointiilssiuu nte canted
mil Mlhctighlhi hive a tlin i bill o' hi nllh
I Irniii Hie ijuiri'itliH' iloelur, tin) will hnve
to in uergu iiiiutlier tin ila)s iiuiinulliie on
the bo der leforn iiiiirlng ihu I nlled Mulee,
I i'ri:( tki c-i s. in oiiio,
l-nx-emirr Triiln is 1 1 la 'I rn Mrli I'rr
1 mums tiiitriiiitlni il Nlttr Ada.
I Iit As.ntiAiui i iirna i
biiiiMiiiKii), l., bept. 11 Iho llrnllh
(inker of this e Hj sajs he retctved Infurmi
! tloii from Ada, llaidln Count, last evening,
raving a tralnlon tot passengers on the litis.
luig, Fort Wi) lie and Chliago load had been
quit inllned there, vslth ten caesof rholera
on binrd. 'iho He nllh onieet does not bcllcvo
i Hull tho esses aie truu cliole 1.1.
Colorado nnd Montana Democrats
Hold Tliolr Conventions.
Ii t amih tATin rnr-s I
Pi inio, tub, bept. II - I he Cleveland Hem-
icrats hare uninitiated' lor Governor, J. II.
iMaiipIn; l leulcnant-Govirnor, William Mc-
Mcahiini Mtnrne) (unerul, W. V. bkelton;
AuJltot, I. II. Fox; Irccsunr, b. P. N'olatt;
biiperliilendenl of public bchoens, V, MeCoj ;
ltegents, Henrj Johiison and W. II. Champion,
liesK'.eutlnl 1 h etiirs Jsnics N Carlisle,
cliarles Lntug, James bhrlnii aud Snscl
I Wall oils.
1 llniAT Fins, Mon., beiit. ll 'Iho Demo.
ci Us have nuniliiiiKd: For Uoviriior. T. I.
CnllliiK. lor 1 leiiu ii.int-i.ovinioi, Henry It.
Mellcii; loi cnlef Jii-tlee', VV, . Pembenoni
tin Mtorneydelieriil I' 0. Dayj fors.ecteliirj
1 nl "tulp, H. W. b hulk; lor 'treason r, .lesso
, Huntings, lor Multtoi, William C. WhnKy:
lui Lotiirri'is, W. W. Hlxoii; lor I ler of bu
1 preme I mirt, J. L sitaii;ftii buperlntendent
in Public Inst met inn, J. C. Mnhontj ; Inr
I'n Mdeiitlsl hlenorb A. W. I. man, Paul A.
' 1 usiand Wnllir ccojor.
A fcpanlah Mnrqula Wounded In tho
Leg by a German Oaron.
Hit Afot iTrn vnaaa. I
Inr Haiii b, bipt. 14. -Harnn von Gartner-
(.rleb-niiw, Mcutary ot the German I.e.
gutloii here, and Mnrqula do Valladarco,
Scerenrj ot tho bpanlsh legailon, became
Involve din u quarrel a lew days ago, with
the result that a challcngo io nit hi a duel was
puEsed and accepted.
The principals and thelr'aeeonrts proceeded
this morning to n si eluded plicn Hi thustili
urbs nnd I here settled their dlfllcultj accord
, Ing to the code
Ihe remit of the duel wns the wounding of
! the Marquis lu tho leg.
Gov. Flower's Intention, If ppeals
I Cou-t Dpsets Apportionment.
J (iiiv. 1 lower, when his attention wns called
i to-du), at bis rooms In the Windsor Hotel, to
thuciielslon of the supn me Court, (cncral
Term, nl lliiflnln, nniruiliig tho decision of
Justice Humsej, wlilcu ill dare d the legisla
tive apportionment in Monroe county to bo
unionstlliitlnnal, said thai the ease hnd yet
tu In) pnetcil upon bj thi Limn nf Appeals.
Intbccuiii tliit Hie deiMonnf the Gen
eral 1 ( rtn wns Mistalucd'b) Hiocoi.rt of last
nsirl, nn exiriordlnnr) session of the l(gls
laivne would be convened at once, the l,ov.
' e ruor ssld, to adjiist the iiiipnrllniiment.
jiistlco Htimse and ihe three Justices
composing the Geueial Iciuia e all Itepubll-caiis.
Iwo CUUdron Bacrlflced In Flames
by a Crazy Grandmother.
Irv AaporiATrn inre..
c a Jill I a, (.a, sept. 14. A cabin on the
place nt JtiJgc J II. Scnlt was dobtrojed by
lira last night. 'I wo small ihlUren and their
ci ij grandmother wire In ihe yard al tho
time It caught lire 'Ihe old woman carried
Ihu children Into the cnbln unit lell Hum
thire. 'Ihe) weit buinid tudenth.
Corner-Stone Lnvlnar of tbn Colum
bus Monument Pill Off by Rain.
'Ihe i rcinuuj of lajlng the cornei-stoneof
'the Culuinlms monument, at Ilftj-nlnth
' stiecl und Ugli.h nvi nue, and the parade of
Italian noc km s Horn W ishluton bquaie, up
1 HI h avciiuo nnd through l'lltj-nlnth Mitel
M the site ot the monument, which was an.
iiDUiiced In tnke luce lii-ela has bun post
loneil cm account oi the storm. Iheecrc
monl s will j robaM) b" le Id next .Mondaj.
, Corbett Rpnrs In Hultlmore.
ll v aimii iaii i i aria 1
IIaiiihohk, sept. I coibett's vvilcome
list lilghl was .is he ills ii-iuuld be ixpiclecl
I fr in nu audli lieu il.at Included mm nf
. Baltimore s loui huiidiid In rinpousi tu
! calls ni a speech He champion said- "1
Hi ink j on, iidlis mi gentlemen, for this
ci. nihil neepiioi. Mi Mdllviin held Ihe
i e Iiiiiii) limsl.1,1 tm ovii i ii sears, lr I do hair
us mil 111 be -iii-i'd csriiett then
I spiriul (lirce rounds iiih I Hues mil).
I i a - -
Talbort Delnats Ttllmnn.
ll t aaioi i. ii n l nr aa l
(ciiisiniA, b i , -i 1 1 ll, I In in mid
' p'lui.ir) was held s -irdal In 111" Second
i cuigit -slim il lilsirii. ii elei Idc who sliull le
Ihu I" uioc'iaili iiomiiiie 1 r congress, wnkli
,. equivalent In ele. i.m He turns nru
! meni,rf, hut lndliiiii 'lat W. J lalberi,
I .-.111 xi ci , will detent in' ib' D 'llllman, cvi-
diuntc tor ie-t liLiloh
il ai I Htaveii.iui psttB 1 il ru itcli ( Inel mall
la. i ii .i'ii mi I is my I l"ii'. S I. Il ail,
le l am at AaUevllle auo it lo r 'I'M ana return to
llle Itipilblliaiia tf Hie Ineutytlrat (lino
ttl.trt t lisvv nomlliatt.1 II J lloilse tor L'unere-t
I I Uoiitresunas JolmVai V u ililt, o! Ittthee.
ler is tieeu liululliateil lis Hi HepublltAntt e I lUe
llilTtltli I osrftcavlonal llltl ..
Ihe hltti ailiiual innfeoii i of the Itepul can
lt le. t.t Use I aile t hulet i. to Im, toeltl in lluf.
(a u on I lur.ilav a I i r 1ir Atioui tna ihoutaud
tleleralfa will lapiaseul, iSutelaw Kelil, liov,
MtKlule) in (lino .i yiei mau I'uillvai. ol
toa-a a lit other leailinc llepa itana will apeak
lliil) nrnitds nl sll-Tuli irea Claarelt as
madelrlnni II Hah liiririisnr Am."
lUsana toitatou "11RW V rxima lobaeco,10o
11 Ad l'IWI.," JCUJ.CI, i vb. ...... litUldju.'..
, '',-Jk,.i.i.i, a. . - " SWif.-1.
Pegasus, with Troops on Board, ,
Was in Extromo Danger.
High Seas Prevented Landing at
Fire Island.
Slxtj -ninth anil Naval Hesrrves Ills
inlsinl by Oov. Flower To-l)aj.
1 he Iron steamboat Pcuasus, which started
for 1 ll o Island jesterdaj with Iho Naval
Unserves and members of Ihu Mxt). ninth
Iteglment aboatd, was Ijlng this uiuinliig al I
cnmuiunlpaw coal docks, sho could not loni
at Hrei Island and was obliged to put li.uk to
New York lu the fine of a tcrrltlo storm.
'Iho experiences of the night were thrilling
In tho extreme. At one time Ihe storm raged
no fiercely that in in) on board limed the)
would never reach port alive.
lift Hoi kawny Inlet, ou the wnv back, whin
the l'egnstis was rodlng and plunging about
Hi tho hcavj seas, three heavy shucks were
felt, as If the vessel had struck Hie long sand
bar. The bumps sucieidcd lach other all
Intervals ot it few seconds, and came when.
I tho steamer sank down tn the trough of thi'j
The lifeboats were manned and made rradj
tn launch at a moment's nolle e, for It was be
lieved al the time that a hole must have
keen slovolu the lottom of the steamboat's
'Micro were six lifeboats aboard and one lu
low. Fo; a few mlnulcs thcro was nu Inter,
v al of terrlb e susjionse, mid then iho steanii r
j went ahead again apparently unhnrmed. she
reached Communlpaw nt o'clock this morn
ing. During the entire trip buck the s-a ran
very high nnd the gigantic waves broke over
the main deck continuous!), flooding It with
watir. Tho Navnl Itcserves, who were quar
tered on thai deck, were compt lied to seek
refuge lu the uppoi saloon with the soldiers
of tho sixty. ulnlli.
At one time it wasfiarcd that tho engine
room would bo flooded a'id the fires put out.
Till vessel danced like a cocklcsui 11 nu Hie
tops nf the big waves nnd pitched nnd tossed
so violently that near!) hilt the men on board
w ere made seasick, vv bleb added io tho miser)
of their situation.
The upper cabin as well as tno m iln deck
was" drenched wtih sea water, witih inuld
not be kept out, and no ono could get a wink
of Bleep the whole night Icing. The supply of
food wns very limited, too, and most of tho
men went hungry till morning.
When the Cninmiinlpnw dock wasreiched
and the Pegasus tied up totbo conl chutes,
ever) one on board was completely plii)ed
out and exhausted nflcr the six hours ot
iiiixie!) and suspense through which the
companj had pas-cd-
At daybreak 1 lent. W. II. Duncan nnd Kin
sign I". (J Weeks wero dispatched to Gov.
Flower's hoadquartirs In New iiirk for In
structions as to the disposition of tho Mi
series aud the mi mbers of tho blxty-nlnin
Heveralot ihu men also came n'tioro and
foraged for brcnklii-t at some of the Com
munlpaw restaurants.
( ommaiider Miller, ut tho Hiscrves, said to
nn KvrMii! Womn reporter:
"We have hnd a terrible night. When o
appronchtd Fire It-land the si a was running
ho high tint no could not find the liuoj at
the Hill t, and ll wns inpldl) growing dark.
" I wanted to go en, and urged ( ant.Piarce
lo do what he could to put us ashore, tor I
thought the bint woull be beaten lo pieces
by tho heavy breakers.
"Capi. Penree said, however, I hat this was
Impossible, and that In such a gale It woull
bu foolhardy to attempt to run Hie Inlet. Vu
thercforo put about and started hack fur New
"W i came right through without anchor
ing or stopping unyw here, as was re purled,
and did not slop 1 1.1 we imcUed the dock at
inmiuuul' iiw.
"Wcieaiedtliot everything wns lost when
we struck Hie -hoal bottom on Knckaway
Inlet nboul 1 1 o clock last nlghl. 'I hi re we re
ibne distinct she ck, a hlcli made ever) thing
on board rattle. 11 must have been tlio siml
bar which we siru k. till had been nice,
nothing could have -ived us
Tho mm tiehavid with the greatest tool.
nrss and coinage, although the) Hilly rial-
Wed I heir peril, ana I must say tUji im-lr
itlselpllne was perfict. I lit jr vseio teulyio
1 launch Hie lifeboats at a inonii nl s notice,
but, f irtuiiairlv, tun dinner was soon over,
I for H wns found that no serious damage had
. be i n done "
i ol l avanagh and cjiiarlirinastir Ward
I wire also seen bj tho reuter The (rloucl
recounted the perils or I liu trip, itnl said hu
wasklxl to get back alive.
" I have nothing but pial-e. he said, "for
t he c induct of thu men, belli Hie Ite-i rves
1 mil tlio inimbers of tho -lxt -nlntli. 1 hj
illspliyed the truo courage o' ml iprs
I "We an now awulllug Inslrti lions riom
i the (, orei nor W e ire re. d) lo go win rev ei
lie oreteis us, but 1 shouldn't tike u g i to s a
' "gslti In tint boHt. 1 think she m i-.l Is
d iiiiageil, lor Hi" buinpi which she icmved
In-t nlgl t must nave done some Injui
Folic ' I list lee It) nu, who Is he in-'ut r
on Col eavinaglis start, was nn loud the
ligiisits. lie bad charge of Hie upplv it
ammunition I e rti lounJs had inn .inn
to en Ii linn, mjoni hum! rid round- aj hec
were held In le-irve'. lit ordnance iln u I
eoiisls'idot eiin lloichklss revolving c.iiinon.
1 on, llotchklss ' in pt'iiul slnsle.shot gnu ,n d
one e. ailing gun
Id v. latin l kill! tlu eli1ilalu or Hie
st)-!iliilh vvtiu ti- Hsu on the Pigi-u-.
xild tliit win ii the si rm was nt Its hel.'hi
1 and the win t was ii will g mil tho big brea .
ers dn-hlng oier tin decks In- becntne iol
vllieet thi! the Vessel woald goto the bill loin
"I in xer evpeittd t" get oslimu alive,' lie
said, "aud cl one Him thought that nil hope
vsasabbolutilv 1.0111 1 saw iioeiiam.
I I here wt no rnnlc aboard when the
steambaai struck thubirorr Itocksway but
1 could bee thai the men rraltred that the
situation was a critical one and were prepar
ing for the morsi
' "TLCJ 111 bch.ved spletidldl), however,
and rie 1 1 rtdll tu Ainitlcaii soldlcrj. I vims
nevi i so tliiitiklcil In lu) life ns when wo were
sifo nt list In N'evv Yotk Harbor. s,tich a
vessil i Hie I'e;asiislv not tit togonutsltle
lu such vv either as wo hnd list nlghl."
Alnut ii a m.I hut. Duncan and 1 nslgn
vii kji returned to I ommuiilpivv. 1 hi) hid
sei ii t,ov. I lower, who had Issued nn in ler
illiiillng both Hi) lie serves and the btxl).
ninth to leitirn to New joik, wnere llicj
wiiulit be illitiilssed
Ivpijihlng was sum In rinllness tot de.
pnriure, and nt Ii III) t lie Pegasus slipped
awn) troii the mil docks and si tiled for tho
iltv. She landed nl the fool of iprlng
street, when Hie soldiers and rnicrvcs re
lumed to thi Ir armories.
Willow Stakes the Only Fixture
at Gravcsend To-Day.
Thu Willow blies, for two-ycar.old fillies.
Is tlio out) llxluic ou the card at l.ravi-tud
to-eli). The siiiko looks a gilt to Helen
.Nichols, and, Ilieie'foiC, Hiiro will lu but
llttlu belting lull r st In I liu race. Not much
can be said In fiv ii of Hie oilier tlvo races.
The) nro ot ihe selling. plate ordir, with n
poor class of lioises entered. The opening
event Is a race for maidens, and will keep Hie
tnleut guts-lng lor a winner. I aura Gould
cult, I'viinatus, t'igic lllril llrglonld and Tnr
nnd I artur ought lo mnku iho second rnce In
teresting, nnd llcekou nnd klkteer appear io
Ibccvcnl) uinlchiil In the fourth. The track
will be a irlllu litav). I he entries and selec
' tlniisarc as follows-
1 I lr.t Ha. e 1 or malilen three-year ol I. and up
ward! a aweep. lakes tit till eatili, Willi 11,000
a tile I Weictils7ll lielow tne stale, one mile
KejutouoMatiio Mtsher ... . 1 IN
I ll It. in. mill'. II. tar IIS
Mim iin Hair a stiver I ot lets
l keents a A Into I toll HlV
i VV. il Mil'aitr'a I mperiir lilllu HIV
I . Iltlitianra I Aiisast Hit
.1 I Pepl'tr t l ' lrl M.lUtf . HiV
Ameiltau Malile n Ailseutiire.e UJ
lliirrlilue r,riH ' Alct.uta llii
I Hautirlft Maule a ,)i , ... KIJ
, Preakuea. MAtile'e tllam ir ltl
Hie opening event inn) be won b) lord
i Motley, with vlgiuin second nnd .silver lox
I mil worse Hun third.
...e .ml Itace 1 r tiro year olda, a awaep.takaa
1 ot allli'.iii. ss 1 1 ll isl.lillOailileili the winner 10 be
I eoltt al a nit lim. live and a limit tilrlonns.
(.1 leon .1 Hall -In ira llnulil eitlt 11 1
Wal. olt Daniel ell'a 1 ailts lllril Ill
(tiileon A llai) a lar ami tartar loo
I on loo sialile'a I'll Una Ill I
II Vltt lellamt a l.nnaln.. 101
N Hlrniia'e Heg-ina it 'JS
I' I lar'a hea irialil OA
W ( llaly lllrein . ti
, .1. Hiinnian liirtati.o.e 'J I
-Marina llalj'e Chrjealia en
Mi. rlaner U)
II aura Gotill colt won so handily In his Inst
raeoihai Ihe writer expects tuseo him repeat
Hint vluni) tn-di). r.vnnrtus should be .1
close second and 1-agle lllril ought tu benlthe
I in hi is.
Ilhirt Haie lor all ace- heavy haoillrapi a
aweepataaea ol 115 eacu, isltli !,UU0 ailcle.li ait
fur oiiaa
. I'reabll-aa Sialile'a Vilelb.-rt ... . l1!!
J.Mel, u thllii a Ke Weal IIS
I lul'ile I. lee! virion US
.1 .1 Sit I aBertr'a s-r . .. . lilt
I SVhltten llrolli.r. Ililli II"
I' Helaehman a lb nam ... IK
VV. .lemiiliE. a Itiiller HI
I,. II Kertiachati a lleltn Iln e ... , . Ill
II Moll'a llroAii lleauty 114
.1 A AA II Morris Anna I! 114
VV.I llaly'a I auclilna-VValer HU
I'l-aklieaa stable a Lt.e it Vd
he) Wcsi h is lieeui uniting well of late, and
hl nirltitigs bliuiild just about sull him. He
lu i) win. Helen lto-c lim un excellent
chance loi Hu j lace, and liulh, at her best lu
henvj (.iiliig, miiy le'lhlid
I lourlll Itare Tile Willow Stakea, for Hlllea two
jeara till! Ml eai il, half loileit, with ejl,.3l
aililetl all ItirlonKt
J ,1 sltl an-rli a Helen Mchol 115
Miert e il Mat le s .lapoilli a , .. . 1113
I llaluapn stable., leiaer clueeM Hlly . 10V
(1 I leliclllian .leaale I -r II ,. .. loo
A l.tat-umla I s,l llelmont HIV
I rt-a.neai statil-a l.iatre .... . llli
,1 A 11 H Mn n- a Vtlnnenaha . . . luD
1- A I hrrl a I'iiij nrlj lell
I III len Nichols will probabl) capture first
muni) In ibis I ice, nnd I id) llelmont may
get mo pine lustre ought lu beat thu
I othirs.
i 1 I'th Itire tor a'l aires handliap.a aweep
I Mtak-a it ifl'ititli, rtitn 4 t.oou atlilad, one mile
I ana n fifteenth.
.1. A A A. II Morris' Itrckon Ill)
I llatitoraa stat ie a Klkteer 115
ft.- It Morn, alec , Ins
I VV I llllj.l.. Ill lull
1 .) Htinnuli a.loe I arlei Its
I lay A VSoollunl a Vllaa Hawaiua US
The lliil-h In this line will probabl) be be
tween Heckoii, M deer and tlio count, and
Hie wiltei preliis them us name d.
Milhltaie I or tine rear iiMaia aweepatakea
uf i)lil each, with HI. lu il a4led,the wiuuertolie
ftirkl at aiirtlon all lurionaa
WaoiitJeainplinllMtl.ru US
Shetnel j staule a Hlittlilte Hi
Ihrlul II.
I, 11 Mom a Milk Ma. H
I.I A. Ilriiuetl a temple 111!
I. Keen- - Atlille t tolt 107
St. I liwjer'a HaRonel 107
I W I aaelau.l a llir . , , 1 11 T
".V II sail 1 a t, ran I I 111 Ion
VV leiinltit a tSlalnlel luV
s VV st,,i a Kliasatt llli
1 ( lotleia Ital.iiian ... Ill-'
VV. ( lial) A tal ie . 10 J
.1 II VI l rerry a till impiut . 'U
I Ha-tnni t maj win tho cloln event with
Hoc) ecedil and lialemau third Alcalde Is
also d ingi runs unl should lu lighting villh
I Gloucnster Selootlons.
I Irst Itatc IdliliVan, Itlugscltn, I'attlo
I recoiid Haie Mstir Louise gelding, ltoblti
Ileo 1. Wain,
llilrd Itace -Tlngi, Prohibition, Arthur
I Davis
luiiitn Itace sandstone'. Juggler, lTIn).
II ill Han MuMi in, Vucali't ('ueen d Or.
I sixin luce Dak sin hi, Hunks, Mountain
Mornlnir Fanors' Solootloia.
Urst Usee Use ir, -liver lox.
Mcunil 11 ice I iiira i. ml 1 1 oil, I agle bird.
Ihird II ice I : il Lit Is ) Wist.
! I mil III It at lit . n so hoi-, I ad) llelmont.
Hull Km c-hc . Kllil. i
blxlli Itace-eisik, King Mac, ,
1 list lMee-sllver I o lord Mitlej,
S'ciuiil tine. -I agio 1 HO. I vatialtis.
I hln I ll.li:. Vim i H, Helen Itu-i'.
ii mill Itac'-llcltn Nictio.s, Iroprltl),
I 1 Hih lim Id x lleckoll
sivtu lluce Habonit, Hot).
I list Itace Lord Motle), Algoun.
-e mul Hut I aura i.ouM toll, I v. mat Us.
Hunt K.u'J kc) Wesi, til lb it,
1 . iirth Ituie Hi 'en Ni l.ols, it-ire.
Hull II i t lte, Iteckoi.
sixth I, ace Ha, unci, Hie),
ilt-t line-Sinn lux, I mjcror mho.
s, , ,i,d I, .ici J sanutu-. hJfck lllril
i nil d Hu '- Niro. Htiti.
I our Hi It uc -i lei. Nleh us, l.usiitc
I nth ii i t Kecki n, e im
i sxtu it ti e-lm;onei, Ilium in.
i Hri' ltaci'-Oscai, lord Motlev.
, sceiind Id c Laura tiould colt. I Jgle llllek
Ihird Hue hi) West, Kouuld
1 utltlli liuie 1 ustre, Ht'li n Nkhola.
Huh Itace Mldcer. Ittckou
blxth Kaeu-Uagotet, L'atsuuu.
t'nxlt I'nxl, I'nxi. I'axl.
Uatali-ltikActu.ljattei,lu.aa i .nr ,11.11)11
2 O'CLOCK. 19
- n
New Jersey Democrats to Name t '.ffl
Gubernatorial Candidate To-Day. "J9
A Crent Gnlherlng of Delente M pil
tlin I'rciiton Convention. fl
trrerttr to Tttr rvriiwii wisiT,n,a -"-slH
T RrsTos, N'. J., Sept. 14.-The delcgtt 6H
I tho largest Democratic i.ourcntloa ever held iaH
I In New J( rsey were astir betimes this morn- t'H
1 Ing, for tbj tight for the Gubernatorial notni. '" J-H
nation -cemed to bo quite undecided at mid- '-lijl
I bight. Indeed, Hie leaders got little or DO IH
Mcep, foi there was n deal of work to bi -H
done. H
I The W'crts men proclilmcd even more cOaV ' ?JB
I ndence this morning than they expreuet "fH
I list night, though their ejes wero, greeted "i.H
1 with the announcement un nil the newspaper vH
, bulletins that the Hudvin county delegate WR
I had 1111 1 last night, (leelded to act as a unit " r
I mul then had voted to cast the whole '&j
'n'rength or the di Icgatlon-ltlO votes for -X'el
I Edward F. C lining. -tjl
1'ollco c'ominls'loner John 1'. Fecney, of SIIH
.Jersey lit), the lender of the thlrty-tlT !H
1 Werls mm or tl c delegation, nntved on tut '"
only train nllh Ms lib nds He laughed at
the Idea 0: being tied down to the unit rul, -cti
and di dared that .lutlgc Werts would receive "s-vll
1 tuirtj-tlvo votes irom Hudson County tbrougk ''A'-!H
thick and thin. TtS
' The litter to state Commltteemaa Jokik iSB
I Hone, In which Judge Werls reiterate Mat IXiavH
1 dctermlnatl in not tn accept a nomination WM 'SsB
.treated e ) his friends us nut si all binding. Vifll
Thev said that loung 1 revnlled upon Judge -itl
I WiriS 111 say he vvoiilu not run. and was try- VH
. Ing to lmid iilm to t ins promise lu spite uf the u JH
1 quite ev idem aeslreuf ihe parly to nomtaat 'FH
I him, and that .lud.e W erts's letter to tfoftn '-H
II0110 vvus only another example 01 his lupe- i-'HH
I riorltj of eharacier. . i'IH
l.tlhographlu poi traits ot J udge W'ertJweM 1 H
1 stuck up in the lobbl-s or n'l the holeliaad s?-?val
up in every ilenil wall ot tho ell j , and tM -taH
boomers woe ibis morning working Uka stJH
Trojanv . VjH
Kvinthe friends of Young admitted tttkt fijl
.nothing stood Hi tno way ot the notalMtuk, 'V.'bvB
of Wi rtR but Ills or, 11 letter orabaotuU M. " jflB
elation, aud the) clalmi'd that leuugwaa th i-sH
lUlitlul lie.r to his iiollllcnl fortune railxari ".sH
I tb 11 11 his opponents bercre the Convention. '-ts?sM
I mere in id nut a re iv Democrats, however, '-vtH
who bdlcved thai via) or James if. Van Cleef. yM
of New i.ruusntck, was ibeman t) bring for. -:jH
watd ns a compiomlse candidate U ttui AJH
. Young. W erts light was prolonged. rl
1 They uri.ed thai he vvus no lactlonlst.kMW f.l
110 cabal, ling or clique, and was wtHvat-o. -rsB
, loj nl servant 01 the people- bo iiopular WM !lv'H
lie among the people, the) said, that when B-, sH
was uomlniiieii bj his part) ten years ago "vH
the llepubllcnns protnptiv Indorsed him and 'fB
ho had tho rare eiisiluctlon or being chosen M
Ma)or without opposition S
1 V j(1bVt1
Arrived To-Day In 5 Day a, 18 Hours, tbl
47 Mlnutea from Queenstown. v iM
The White Star steamship Majestic, which , --M
arrived at 8 .() a. m. to-dsy, from Liverpool, HB
made the last lime or ." dajs, 18 hoursMr
minutes. Had 11 not becntor (hegaleencoua- ( JLH
tend off shore her ofllccrs think she might ,-H
bav e broken tlio rcceutl, now held by the City -tU
ot Pai Is, of .'1 il lys, lo hours, 'JH minutes. H
The Majestic brings '.'bi nrst inbin anditl9 sB
second cabin pas-, ngers. Lut 1 one In tna J-1H
slirrage. bhu will probably como up the bay H
to-morrow, ns all nro well 011 board. aswavi
1 Among Hut cabin passengers are Sir af. KtB
W nittnkir Kills, llan, and I ad) Ellis Eugene vlS
1 lllgglns, C. Oliver sciin, Kear-Admiral 8. .W
I Long, Mon Parker. Mr. and Mrs. UeortlF. -CIH
Howell and G. IL and Miss echleffeltn. sjH
Dr. Dougherty, of New York, Reached ,'.-'M
Loon Lake at Midnight. C'l
1st AarociATrn rsrts.t 4j
I 1 oox I.ak e Uuitia., St pi. 14. llr. Dougherty, -"U
nt New lurk, arrived heie al IS 30 o clock -''fl
1 HiU morning b) spielal train from .Malooe -l
and proceeded al nnce to Mrs. Hirrlszin's bed- .SlH
side, accompanied b) her regular phyblcUB, ",VrH
Dr. Gardner, of Washington. J.W
The IT e-ldent was al-u prcsnt. S
' Mis. llarrlbon was asleep ut ihe time, and '41
It was deemed best not to arouse her. ,U
I lhepli)sklsns will make an examination '
I liter In the morning, aud will give the result .
1 10 the 1 rcss. l
- - m m ' .'aVr-i
Slio Turnod Back After an AccldaBt 'S
to Her Engines. l-H
1st AttociATin rrraa I vl
liisims, b pt. 14 The Hrltlsh steamir JM
bcaudluarlau, c.ipt. beccouibe, from Dos tH
tun bept. .1 tor Glus.ow arrived at 'H
i.reenoc to-ds). sue lepo Is that on 'tJM
sept. 10, In latitude .11 N , longitude .'.4 V., 3M
,slu) met tlio Michor I Hie s eamir Fthlopta,
c tpt. Wllstm, 1 1 nru t.iisgi w ,seit 1 lor New ,H
lork, roiuiiilngic fit 1 l)dc wl hhcringluos JM
cllsibled. H
Mternnrds the scaiullniivlan spoke the sjM
Anclit 1 line steamer 1 uiiil-o.1i, Capt, Harris, jfl
wlili h was gelng lo the ns-lstanieof the SjB
Hblupla. jH
m !
Hundreds Cured of Cholera. JH
Mrs. h. II. ensiling lor man) .sears a nils- M
sknai) Hi luiriuah vv Mien to i.lluiau Uros., 1
I uvtuii, euiicernlig Hie otitbriuk of Aslatlo 'H
clioltn in is; -I tiudt'i dale of April 10, lb.U: 9
lb. lauiv se-.i-on in is74 was very 'H
Uk-kl) In liiiin.-oii, thou r.i pievalitug tu an JH
I aliriiilng extent The native-, hearing that I '
In, I a medicine sun toe un Hi leiu Arhulda H
l.al-aiui lb il dlsi .ise, c tut 111 I n.o numbers H
lull, .-e'liie htiiidri'ils wuo e turd 1 indeed,
u lai't-e mill el nl leltei uiiliM alieady la
llle I i-l stages 01 thai ell-e.u. bel ic recelt- nH
Ingiucriui o), eai
In view t.r Hiuauive and Hu-Immliieutdan- 'B
1 gu thieutiDltig evei) Amerkaii u-day, la It H
nut wisliuii u is luieain.ed by haviug at B
least a bottlo ot Dr. bclh Amold s balaam In uVB
the bouse; ... -
It isundnubtedlytliesAfestandbestreniedy
forall bowel tumplttnts, bold nv c. N. frit- '
teoion. luliou bluet, und marly ull 11 tail ).H
diugguts m' AH
i c-yJH