Newspaper Page Text
MMr ' , THE WOULD: WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER H, 1892. , ' p'Six Little Tailors. W' ' ' "" Kf Hare a larae liar or Farcltvn anil ln. gJ Kid Woitllfa., .tillable fur Fnll or MP tWIater wf, gC We 'Wr waking! !nnl nml Vr.n In R, r4r. la.OO, In lllbbrd C' III. I aa.aal., nrat Silk Mixture, and Chrrk ML Casalsaerea. J1 Laaaa rllrlaea Tronnrrn In order. K .00. g- Orerroat. In Melton, nml Krrnrj. In '-, artier. tHfl.OO. 1 Fall-Ore., and Tnardo Hull. In nrilrr. K'f S8O.0O, la ml of England llroailrloth HK" aa Drem WorMetL, either .Ilk nr ntln 4s. Uaaa. B. "TAKE NOTICE!" R CLOTH 80T.D DV TIIK yaiu. am, k; HRIIHK AND 1IEAIIV Fllll lim.. L' NAMPI.EM AND SKI.-.IKArilK.MKT Mr avian kent on application fiike Mi' OFCIIAUGE. M?' m Jacobs Brothers, I 229 BROADWAY, OPP. P. 0.; B& B2n. 154 Bowery, car. Broome St. Mi1' ' r Mh if VOtJ WANT I FURNITURE I and CARPETS IS Iri Eiirrlhlni for Housekeeping I CHEAP AND BOOD. EL',' ' MO TO Till'. 1 OLD AND RELIABLE 'if' HOIJSK OF i THOMAS WILLIS, i 8 nnd lO 4th Ave.. My OrPOKITK (JOOPKIt INSTITUTE. Mi CREDIT IF ItKHlltWr. I RED HAND V' V t. i Bottled bribe Brawr-r. In rngland. ?. R. T, Branek. VJI'.eriai, fc. L. SliLL, Agsn l ' - mi- H and lnfrlln fall. V V I FURNITURE Suits, $15 Up. TimsK suns aiii: a hpki iai. nAniAiN, KLKUASTLY HMSUKM IN OAK. Parlor Suits, - $30.00 Lounges - - - S8.00 Chiffoniers - - $7.50 8ide boards - - S8.00 Extension Tables S4.00 CARPETS WE IIAVK now ON KxinnirioN Tin: HNKST l.lE OFOAIIPKTlMISINTIIKt 11Y. im.i.ijiiinii MoqunTriM, VM.vnrs. iioiiy nUUHSKLH, TAI'ENTIIY, l.NOItAINS. KUOH. MA1TI.MIH, ac. ACCOUNTS OPENED1 INTKNIIINO rUllCHAHKItH Wll.l. HMD IT TOTHKIll INTFHF.ST TO (JAM. AND kX AMINE OUR HTOL'K AND THICK 4. NO TKOUUI.KTO SHOW OOODN. MUM) rOMTAI. FOK L'ATAMXiUi:. T.KELLY, fill Ave. & lffl ft Startling! Till! PHI(!KS THIS WKFK OK KOMK NOVKL. TlfN. .KIKdr HTH- TAKKN BY TIIK KIXTII AVKMIK UAUMAttN I. O WHIN A IlKAUTII'I'l. LOT OK WKW IIOODX PI.U8II KOI'KKIIN, A 1. 1. COI.OHS - 01) AM UPWAIII), I'AHI.Oh TAUI.KD, l.f.Oj IIOOKI'AH.'H, 410 00. Pin TkU In nur Hal. C'ANH Olt f'ltl'.IIIT'. LUOWIG BAUMANN & COMPANY, V.-tH, 'IIO.ltlWIITII AVI:., nrar I1TII fiT. KANT HUH: 1 1ll'. STIIKKT oru ti:k.iis: 11 00 pr wrk mi 7ii J.Bll r wrfk on fiOO l.Ml per vm fk mi IIMI U III! ir w.vl. on 'J3U J.UU iit wr.k un IM J &u irr weckun JUO West of Engliuitl TrouHorn nil tho now Htvlus aiul colorinH now lioin (iiHi)luyt'il by tho hili-pricoil Fifth ;innuo tnilorH fur tho coming full ami wintor hohsoii, for which thuy chargo you $12, $14 nul $lo or pair, inndo to iiHiiiHuro n lutvo, irmly In wear, cipinlly as wnll innfln, hotter cut and warrantoil to fit, at Et-t Your 5 .Ia'IS. The Clothier and Furnisher, 753 AN" 155 BROADWAY, H. COUNEIt HTII MT. TOpen Saturday until 9 P.M. A. Ward & Sons, Leading Merchant Tailors, 232 & 234 BOWERY, COR, PRINCE ST. -Our- Fall Styles Now Ready. The Largest Varieties to Select From. Suits I Trousers MAIN) I M (Ml 16. 4. TO MEAHL'Ili:. I TO AlKANUIti:. English Trouserings, A I.Mtlii: MI.I.IICTION. 8BB OU TO Va ninAstucK. Best Value Ever Offered In This City. We aivti a nrlllrn siiiirniilrr lilt rvrrr aarmrnl In krrp n,n In rrp.ilr for Onr Yrnr free nl i linrar. r'ntniilr nnd rule Tor rlUniriiniirrmrnt innllt'd lrr. A. Ward & Sons, 232 & 231 uOWtlrt, mr. 1'lilSCE SI'. LONDON & LIVERPOOL, immtum 5,000 ESSjgSS MEN'S f$7.50. Guaranteed Value $18 to $20. sacksTnd cutaways. I'rr mrrlinr PAIR OF FIHE CASsVmERe'pANTS rmiFBEE! London's Liverpool GlothingCo. Nil nnd HH Ilmvrrj. rnr. HrKlrr hI. DRUNKENNESS PniillHrly rnrrd liy Nprrlnr l.(fiinrlnr. A .trrrl. mTr and uprrdy rrmrri). n tanlr. no mlnr. Cnn lir ffivpit rrrnlv wllliont Ihr ilrliikrr'n luiim lidn"'. II IrntrnyK iliitl Irrrllilr uiipi'lllr lor mini nlnnln nnd rrnlorrn In llir drlnkrr hU tolirr of l(Munir lo f nnplnllnt, Prlrr. Jill l bnxt-a. N.I. ( nri minr. antrfd. For all Intnrmtilloti nnd frvr nniple ndilrein l.liimirlni' prr!lli' ('n.. Klin nnd I'tlit nrilllnv For xnlr nl It. llndunl'ii, III!.'! Ilrimlnnr. N. V.i Mm. WIIkoii'., lOII-llll-iai I llrond,. nnr. N. Y. i Ilnllnn llrim ( o , llrooklyn. JR. OWEN'S EGTRIG BELT tl Knputp.i! roniriinftiitr. n illxrAH1)! without ni-tlt . hnil ftf fur tUutintnl iloRnml nwMiriitntt ntpntu In riiKll'h, (.rrnion, VMdi'it nr Nnrwiirian, nr tttMlH 011 iiipturo. I THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT&APPLIANCECO, CO DnoAOWvN.Y -(TIaAUK-MAllK.) M1 SIlMBtrM.,CWmKO Et' nl ful Iti'itwuillhour Dr. A. Own'- F.'mttlp Vottd RUPTURE CURED. I The Ituprtivoil elimtlt' trtmi Ii the iml lruH In pi Utwnc tnnt t oru with BbMoluln ruimmt nixltl nml il), hi It mtnim tho rnittitf iind'r tUr hant--t I r-tprcma or rrreal t ruin, mut lll nttfn.t ft per in a I tiint anil npti'tf curn wittioul rrt(Aril tti the 1111 ul IttuM'ittftit Kirnintl(in fro l.aily In iittrtitl utit e lor Imlif hend fur iiiililrt IMl'UOW.n KI.A.'lH lltl'hS CO . H21 ami tt'Jl HrundwA), ror. l'ith it , .Nrw Votk " " M ACY a mTII AVK.. TlllItTr.F.NTH TO l'OI)UTKi:.NTH JT. CLOTHING DEFT. C-'il Hour. New Iliilldlng.) Loup I'niitH Suits, iifroB 14 to 1), lor early Fall woiir ; worth 10.00 to 1 1 .OO, 8.17 and 8.74. TlircMi-piccc SultH, nget 4 to lO, 4.09 and 4.96. Bos' and Men's Separate Loiifr rants, 2.34, 2.92, 3.07 and 3.49. SHOES. Boys' Goodyear Welt Cull Button and Lace SIiooh, tipped, worth l.GO, 3.59. Boys' Calf Button 'and Bace SIhios, 1.99. Boys' Veal Calf Button nnd Lace Shoes, 1.49. HOSIERY, Children's Black Cotton Hose, 1-1 and 7-1 Rib, Horn 7 in. to iJjjin., at .24. Chi Id roll's Black Cotton Hose, 5-1 and 7-1 llib, from O in. to 8 in., at .34. BOYS' BICYCLE HOSE, ;44, .73., .78. LACES. Extraordinary Bargain in a lot of White and Black Spanish and Chantilly Deini-flottnciiiKH, 1) to 12 in. wide, worth from 35 to 50 cents a yard. at .24. 199 BROADWAY, 601 BROADWAY, 1361 BROADWAY, .Nrnr Pry M. Nrar llnii.lnn ki. rsonr mill. Ml. ' PERBYS. S3 AND 4. SILK HATS. $5 AND S6. f URN ITU HE FI'IIMTIJIti: HOMI-Cnormon. .tnck, t t iilyl.., oil price... T.rtit. 91UU worth, wrrklr. ,300. H1.t,0. thVO. 3 1.0IIO, 6. If you prefer paylnx nntbln. down o.ll .t our tifiUt., .Jtl nt , between itli .nl Hth are., other, wli. at oi.r atltli nl. hr.orh. II ANUF tl'TITK. f : It AOh.NT, If Weil JJcl t.. main office, open '.I A. M. to 'I I'. M. r'UAMP.S for rheap pleturr. 1 trila, Ac. . T. o-fnt. up I or 1.IIUII, .olil. w..oil, Irury. Ac. Ullliam leiu. tiianutaf turer, 3M)ey Ht. FI'HNlrilHI aoll without raah plyment) Ions. ott time Klreo, litat .trlea. tl, M. AL.LKN, Mauufaoturern Aint, 101 West tltfth at rv w.i,ht -.. mt utJ'r 1 v f f a.w II I. Iia It,, ar.lucuanof II Ihi , ud I fed as muck totur tkat I woaU nnt tak. l,oiio aad U put bark hn. 1 wa. I am lith '(frlitit and proud , f tb. rnanr. I recm. 4 aur 1r.atm.iii to all auiT.rrr. from obraltT 1 will Mwrfulljr Ba.war Jl laulrl.. rf hui I luclra.d for rrpl. M PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL naralffM. A. rttariln.. pnd tc la .tamr for partlcoj.?, u BB. I. . r. Sllltl. M-VICMER-S THCITCI. CHICHI. nnANcii omem Dr. I. I'. llooth, 41 Weat'JttiBl., New York. lr. II IMjmpton, r.ll Hilary at., llrooklyn. HEARN 32, SI. 2U ANO 30 WEST I'OUItTEC.NTH HTHEEr. I Our Great Sale of Gloves I tl tht tfentof lhf ek. Atthongh olTtrlng In cliidea lrT.tri worth $1.60 to $J.'i5 a pitr-you can bifs choieo uf any Ninety-eight Cents! At that prli. we offer l.ndlrn' 4-llutton I'i.iue KM (Hotel Button Olac. KIIUIitb. .Button huecle Kl OloTF. H.tltltton Hnede Kldtilore. B. Button lilac. Kidolove. .IILte.' 4.rtutton n.uo KldUloTe. .Button huete KlddloTt. fMIJtton Mo'iaci etalres .llrn'a V-I)uttoti Derby I'lTt. lloyri' V-Uutlou I'l iu. Kul. TllorsMN OF IIOENS from one of tlie fortmoat manufacturer, in the world ll.ttlctly pfrfecl all faahlonabl. .hade. Plain, Piqued anil htnbrrldered Not a pair In tti. whol. .a.t lot worthless than 1.6t)-from Hiatus to tl 'ii. China, Glass and Lamps more.! In Third Finer and rlawliia oat At Half and Quarter Value. How Aro The.? rrlrr. Tor Notions ? Mlk F.laatlc He. Heat Cotton Klattlc. 3e Marking Cuttrmdor.lvr. Atouriiirn Pins .tot. 'lo D.riitna f'rttou, dot le. Knc Pins Mtapr..vHo Hair t.rtntpera, pkg. 'ic. Klrby'i Hairpin... lo Mooalnet Htlleid. . Be. faf.tyPln. ...doz. 'k Brjuka Cotton ....... 'Jr. HpoolMlk. lOOyilr. 3e Hnuet'asincs 9yds. Be. Coraet Ktee'. .pair 4o 'lap Mm. lire, ''o. Deitflr'a (Litton ball 4o Cotton Billing .pt.lOj. II. and rye. 2 card.. .Ic Ua.tlng Cotton. tint. 1 Jr. Shoe Button. , .gr. 4o 'tape lararerrllr. (e. Collar Buttons.. dor. to Fancy hilk Plastics, rurll. edge lVc Best Sheetln;s and Pillow Cashes Below Cbbo Pi-loea 10-4 Whit. 220 10.4 Brown 30o U-. Whit. 20. I 4 Hrowri lt)o H 4 Milte I He 8 4 Brown 16o 7-4 Whit. lOu 7-4 hrown 14ra? 6 4 White HHc 6- Brown 1'Jkc 6-4 White UHi A 4 Brown It-o Thrri- Pound Frnlhrr I'lllnwn 2ll27-beat ticking 1.2S Fanry Kntrrn Cninlnrtnblri. Turkey red, lined-new pattern. 1,77 Extra I. nrgr Cnmlortnbtr. hite cotton filled raluo J1.S0 pa cents Wbltr Crnrlirt lullt. Kstra heavy Marseilles dealgn. 98 cent. Colored Milchrlenr tttillla Eitra heavy n.ually ( 1.25 New Wash Dress Fabrics for Fall and Winter Wear. New Hark lrlrimrrnt sntrrim tine hair lines and Brocade fc4ccoti Nrw Prlncran .rrrm aoft wool flnlib Frenra pattern!.,.. BH rents Hark Cnnhmrrr TwIlN shaded line and "hot-oTer effect! 794 cents Iltnrk and Nav Hatrrni tolorej Hgnres silk Btjles 12H cents Fnnry Qtilltiiiff SatrritM bright sio indfl-ehllllng (lualitjr...... ffi cent Ilrilllnnt Turkey Itr.ti for quilting oil color worth 8 O4 centn Extraordinary Values in I New Silks I New Irhlracent To (Tot a HIIUk. i H Dftntiful effects for day ana evenings. .i) cetM M New Brncailv Taflrtiia H I'lo. tine and sh&torer effects,.,. OSeeaU M Colored Mt.lrlfiiff Nllka. All shade to match new dress goods. ..69 cent H lllark anil U'liltr nrnhti, Htirllne and broken stripes ...49 cent H Nrw Faille Fraiiralme. H Black and eolornfott Hnlb, 78eent M New fllnrk Henanllnc hltkf In the rsrious kite cords... T9ceoes H New illnrk Tlll Hllkfi. colored woven figures ,,.,,58 cent m tllnrk Hatln FlKiirerf Hllka, I'irgeind ema'l denigns...,, 98 cents M All the lattt tly and evening shades gS ver high lustre fl.19 t Other Speoial Values I K For this week are aJAF Alrn'. Flnr Namprnilrrri. gm .ilk twist rnls regular pric.SO..,,,, S9e.nU SB Ullk .nd.-drawn .traps 39oes)U f gO .lien's Fine Milk Hrartt, V Tecksand Pour-ln-llands, new .tylM,.47 osnts gj I.ndlrk' Fine Illitcn llosn , Ileruiadorf dye, which guarantees color. 10 esnts I t'liltdren'. Illnck .fliool Hose I On. r b double knees 19 tisnts I.adle' Emb'd llnnrikprrhtcln I Always sold at 83 and 49 llesnu I Dnsrnnlliir Swla Pillow. I Covered with tancysilkoline 39 cent. ITi l)nrn lotr; IMIIorra-VfO Inrl, m China iltk tovere J double rufll. tl.19 Chlnn Silk Mnnlel Krnprrlrs Hand painted .Id., and centre 2.98 Cbrrk 1Iki.pi Tosvelllntt B hall yard wlJe 014 cents Srolrh.l.lnen I'nllrrn (Inlbs new draigns-2, yard long 1,69 new dosfgna-U yards long., 1.9d H 2(1-Inch Dinner Nnpklini , all.llneu doublo damass doen 2.39 Hi Sprrlnl fnle ol "llrondwny Tovrl. W pure Barn. ley linen. 24i4C ....19 cents H' Fine llamask l.lnen Tusrelai ' gf double row hemstitcn knot fringe.. Ill csoU H. nlrarhed nlin llnninek. SJr heavy, firm weave worth U0 49 csnta ww Irish l.liien llnmnnkn gj the regular tifty.iont quality 39 cents gC Tarkry lied llamsaka It ol-lnch-regular price 31 19 cats kH')(1 Scholars' Stationery. U Pchool specialties at wholf sat. price.. aVaf Composition Bonk. Ic , Jc, Bo.. Be, 7o Htndent.' Nots Hook. 2e..3c..oo btllcate Slate llooas c., 12o Pencil Ooiea with loik ami key 5o Japanese Pencil Boxes ,i2e Lead Pencil Miarpenera i0 Beat Chalk-144 pes !.. 6o hharpened Slate t'enciis . Kid. . ... t)o Wooj.n elate Pencils , . Dor , fr. Cedar Load Pencils ,,l)ni ',2o Cedar Lead P.ncilo wuh er.aer Hot to (illlot'a Hpeiicerlanaud rstcrhrook's l'ma..Dol.5o aa Beat Lehliih pchonl Mate 2c. 3. Beat Nolseles. hchool Males do., 7c. o Drawing Mates, with and without pattit boi.,9o.,7o Best rnuntaln lens 5c Mate hronge. lo lit,,y.c'0""'," 8c Black Board I-rasera B. PanWIpers lo bottlt So Penholders dry 2c Col'd Ink bottle 4o bora Pen Holder, di 7o 12 In. Vtood Rulers : fi",?.n.,.,,"d"" 2o brasaedre fx ,."n.c" 'l?1'1;" .''c Hitting P.per-dt So Automatic Kulvea 1 lo Col'd l.rayons-bol lo Copy Bool.. 3o ltubher hraaer. lo Memo Books Jc, 2c Steel Ink Etasers 31. . '"Books U.,2c llplnpl'aniet. 6o Penill Tablets In Aut.Lead Penills Co Wood Covered Crayona- IH, in. long-boa of 0 (a fancy Ink Stands inc 30- agn fancy C'"Jel,Hchool Bag. ... ". ,...'...;.; l'o Fnamel Hchool Bana-leather .nou deratrap ...130 1. loth Hchool Bags.. ......... 5SS Perfection Slale Cleaner. ... . , 8th ave. TRUESDELL, SPRETER & CO. m n. I THURSDAY,, , , 0 . ... . 7 lt .. . . . - . 2,000 YARDS I t ,, m oio Thursdays Sale will be very attractive. Large lots of new goods ah !L .. jo l Ftlllt Loini BlUSlm, 04y- .11 i ... i . worlh 7Sc. to 1.25 wd. 49yd I 9A.M.toiioiy. will be on sale at very low cash prices. very fine I MTHAY V, :i v ' 60 piece? Now Outinp Finn- IU yd. ft 1 case Tycoon Hens, new ty ityles, Jm. 800 pairs 10-4 Grny Blankets, Iff Oil pair. mi 300 pain, 10-4 White Blnukets, I fiOc m JmW pair. B3 350 Comfortables, worth 1.25 B to 1.50, 1 89" ' Special Sale B FINE WOOL I BLANKETS. Rf-' 250 Ladies' Capo Itubbor Wt Coats, worth 1.50 to 2.00, all Mpc per.'ect, and less than half price, II 9B' Mff -,25 p i e c o s Demi-Cream Mr. Flounce, all silk, Wm 375 pieces All-Bilk No. l(j MW- Bibbons, plain colors, 1 12,. gSaWji- gggJ-S. kftaVt lSa V-ViT ff aXjrfaLl-f 'iL,43.J aSSSSSSSSSSSgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaisi n Our Dress Goods Depart- meni has been doubled in size, and is now one of the best. For several weeks, to intro duce the new change and im provement in Dress Goods stock here, we shall retail fine Dress Goods a trifle above cost. Already we feel the great increase in safes. THURSDAY 40 pc. .Hertford t'orde, Thursday only, bold COc. to f'.lc. now, 44, 1 caso Fiench Novelties in climigciiblo ctlccts, worth 85i, 5c;d. ItO pea nil-wool stylish Plaids, double width, 4-7 I " yd. ( 1 lot T.irhilun Scotch Plaids, nil wool, 5-) in. wide, s 05J yd. I 1 ciiso Hli-in. nil wool Tricot, cloth iinish, nil new shinies, 39;, 40 pes. nll-wi o! Chovrons, oxer 15 Full shndet., storm seryo style, r5af yd. liO pes. fine Fiench Cord, very toft and worth $1.25. 98C SPECIAL CORSET SALE. ur 49cORSET A SI. 25 CORSET 100 French ('until CORSETS, with P.onrd Bust, Doublo Stools, t'.trn loii; wai-t, and Kuarantt't'il perfect tittinij, positively wtnth tl.'-o, foi THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Wo have tho most complctt iissmtuiont of t'OUSETS, m al! the uiiuui tpialitios, iu tlic cii. LJhf.K.T-.rto ffr&,!r. r.. GREAT SUCCESS OF OUR ADVANCE SALE OF LADIES' WINTER JACKETS. OURjAQK JACKET. OUR ft QQjACKET. WE GUARANTEE A SAVING j OSME-HALFBY BUYING WSSMTER JACKET NOW. ' Our 1.1)5 .!A( K.L.TS aie' Above cut represents our all iiri lo of w ool craoTHjiOKVEfis, hbeUsI Kersey mm. FUR SHAWL COLLARS. JsfHtlJ l.iiii.litlir,ollim.ity.SAIlN g.,,,,,1 SATIN ELN'INCi, worth 'iiinl well iinishctl consitlerotl us 12.00; Hood aluo at s. Ml ! OUR PRICE NOW OUR PR1CE NOW f$Sa$ $6.90 'ALL OUR JACKETS THIS FALL'S StYLES, ynShrr4" . & i- weAB. JjgMif ' 'mJmmht ..aAJvfecV.rlll I I I ssssssssgBE& Boys' CMIin. 00B 1 .95 son With Extra PANTS and HAT, A BOY S' D OUBLE 'BREASTED Sl'JT, with extra PANTS and HAT, made of ex cellent wearing mate-rial, 4 to 14 years, REGULAB MUCE3.50 'OUR PIUCE NOW, .95. Wo give a LEATHER PIS AH BICYCLE HAT and a pair o K X T R A P A N T S with t DOUBLE-BREASTED CAS RIMBUESUIT, 4 to 11 years which is worth fully 5,00. I OUR PIUCE NOW, 2.45. THURSDAY Great Sale MUSLINS, LINENS AND 10,000 PAIRS SHEETS. 10 oases fine 4-4; 1 I Ui Brown Muslin.. ( fc.VD. 5 oases very line EZ Jjlj. 4-4 Bleaohed' T T vn. Muslin ) U4- 10,000 6-4 Best) Qy. Pillow Cases,i i each ) 5,000 6-4 Best Fil-f 1 Ui low Gases, eaoh.l I .Ub 10,000 7-4 Best' QUi Sheets, well made! .71 10,000 8-4 Best' A QCi Sheets, well madei ftL 10,000 9-4,2 1.4) J 7f yards long, well f Ul made.... ""J5 J , 10,000 10-4 2 1-2) Cftfi yards long, well; 11 made fj Mi 300 Doz. All-Linen , a Huok Towels, 1 II J very fino and III f heavy, wortlA fj 1 16c. eaoh ' 1 Case Large Size) 11 Ii ' Turkish TowbIb, Ul extra value, eaoh I WE 100 Pea. Canton) gC5fD'. Flannel 1 itJ HOUSEFUHNISHIHG DEPT. Higgln.'a U.rmanlaundrf XOAP, per ca...3r. '' Pfl.'.PKAKI.I.Nr:, large packag 3e, i nilt I) U it AVKI large bote. 4C, niltll HHI!I, best qi.ellt. 111. botes ...6c. t .'.XOIKT.INi: hTIIVK roi.IHII.3c. per box I'OATIIAMiKICM. coppered wlr at, HKVOI.VIMi UllI.MMi.Pi,, hard wood 7r. ah. i POTATO .M.slli:,t.s. hard wood 4e. J TOWKI. ItAI'KN. threoarms, nickel ends.7o. J Square ANII NII'TIIUS t)c'. 1 Rmnd UIIOiriMi IIOWI.S, full alto 8c. " , Patent MOP 1IICKS Oo. ' AibSPICUCAUI.fKrs, H drawer Bflc. W AMI TUllb. vtltli two iron hoops,largealte.30 ' OKDAKPAII.S, three tra.s hoop. go. OOll'KB MILLS. be,t raak -24e. Zinc WAMIEOAHDH, atronglr made . C'LUTIIKh.L N '.K,eoodqiinllty,100It.long..4r. CI.OTIIFS WlUKtiERR.regul.rfamllv sire 8 1 .00 MIH. POrr.S'S HAU.IKON.S. th-e. iron., h.Bll. and itlnc Bet complete 711c. I'OAI, IIOII-, large alre.tatnnt tottom ,.8p, 1 Oalvanlred WATK1I PAIL, holding 10 quarts." aaJl I Dr. 9 (lalvanUed POOT TI'lls, large .Ire ,. J8c. It I akanired C'll .Mni:it PA U.S. wlta covers, H 20c. II Onlvanlivd AS t'ANS, n h covus S1.-1B W Oalvanlred TIIA KI',TTl,i: 3fc. M IMSII I'A.NH, atimpml in one pir-c IJf. WE TKA.POTx, roijnr Imlion, cap.sltr B pint.", II 'JSr. II liouudWll IIOII.CltN, eitri .leu; tl-i, II I Or. II Oval W A "ll IlOll.'Jlis, ait aur tov.-, topp.r If bottom , OUc. El Patent PI, OIlltxiFTl:!!, with crank Sc. NAI.X'l PAN. ivltli (.(iter, atsint el In one place, holding turce il isrta ,,Mc I Half-covered Ill'T PANS ,, no. Till OU I'lllTKIi I'AMsTIJIt. with hinged rovers, 1. pound aire C9 Hi riCIMIK PN MI IIIM iI,j.p,nn.d In l asiort.d colon, ntie jr iteiotat'd 7r. SL. NltiAlt IIOI, Imigol loteiv, 3H pound fl aire. It c, T.poundBiin 2,r. WwA Itaih.i: kmi. ami niitui.-.tquaiir n steal, closi'ic out at .. l'aau, (If. Ill Square J,"S f IIO ,,. , iii7,., lHl vi'.i;i:taii;,i: ijua i i:iim. i.rt. .ize, black Ifj edamelled lianile 0s JMf I'OITliK IIIIHJINr,holdlng3pluta ,30n. M miOO.IIn, best q lallli grean torn, three-setveit, B io. mm llNIFi: HOXKS, Itn.J He. km HPI.AHII BIATM , 7a, gY) l'ANOV MIIOPPIKfl DAMKETS. larg. K ' t)r. gS Oil, HTOVlaSi t 1-uicb buraars... ,...OSc. gB t t.gsal Mat j.-.' i.-ej. mmXmmiiu2iLm&&:ilLtmmmmmWmm