Newspaper Page Text
fl BJ, 7Vk Grtbayedojff Pictures tn -S55f1 m?0S?TT VThetanL tK " '"iH 1 1 3 siSTrssasYTiii CHIl It OMllPiffll 111 wi" 1 IV NrrsdTw Hit . ' Ex. ; i s i.iji i,i a.5.s,8.i, h -gags- vr - (JJllMf-vlTO ,VV I . PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YOl.K. WeV.'NESDAV, SKI'TKMl.KK juTTm. PRICE ONE CENT. J9 COLUMBUS'S FIRST VOYAGE NEXT SUNDAY'S WORLD. I I OTITIBN J TO BE FREE TO-MORROW. I Dr. Jenkins Will Re- lease Normannia's Passengers. '' People from the Rugia ' to Be Sent to Fire Island. HO CHOLERA IN .WIN. TIT. Health Officials Anxious as to m the Storm's Effect, Itecord of Deaths from the Disease Sinoe the Moravia Sailed. All the Passengers at Fire Island Reported to Be Well. Ii Champagne Released from Qunr v r nntlne This Afternoon. Health Department, New . erlt, Hept. 14, 10 A. .11.) ODIrlnli ' Ns rases of cholera have yet apprarrd In tbiarlty. G'HAItt.KH ('. WILSON. President. Iim.lKlNrS CI. A It K, ISerrctarj. I i Ten battalion of Naval Reserves nudllio . contingent of tlio bixty.ninth Regiment, I. which cuibiirkul ou the Irou Moaniboat l'egasus j cstonlny for l'iro Island, woro ' unable to land because of the heavy sens and tho prevalent Eole, and the l'egasiiB , returned to this city, tjing up at the Communlpaw docks at 2 o'clock this morning. Gov, Flower lias ordered all the militia ailed mto sen tee yesterday, except tlio Thirteenth nt, to bo dismissed. ( . The Thirteenth is at Babylon. ami will re anain there so long is Atljt.-Gen l'orttr may think nocosntrv. Health Officer Jenkins announced this moraine tbnt the passengers from the iNorraonnla, now hold at Fire Island, will probably be released from Quarantine to-morrow and bo permitted to return to ' tbeir homes. The Norronnnla's cargo is to bo light ered, aud after coal and prowsions hare beeu put on board in the lower bay, will procoeil to hen nt once without touting up to tbo city. The health officials are fearful that the prevailing storm, which will force immi grants on the detained ships iu the bay to remain between decks, will result in de veloping more cases of cholera, ftomoro j ' deaths and only one new case was re. 1 ported from tho hospitals this moraine. m0t' The arrival of the Bohemia from Hnui sW 'burg, with 073 immigrants on board, is 1 awaited w itlt great anxiety by tho qtinrau. 1 tiuo omoiuls. bho has not jet In en I ' sighted. I Justice Barnard lias postponed henring I in the habeas corpus proceedings I brought in tho interest of the Nor. ft tnannia's detained passengers till next Bl Monday forenoon. II Inhabitants of Babylon and other IP points along Great Honth Bay have re. II solved to appeal to the higher courts to 1 1 prevent the establishment of a Quarantine, II station ou Fire Island. U The calu blowing tu-ihy prevents coin- I uiunication with l'iro Island. I v The New York Board of Health is in- I vestlgatiug several coses of death under Hi circumstances which led attending pbysl- II I elans to fear that they were caused by II 'cholera. Nothing bus yet developed MM which seems lo justify the fear. I Dr. JenLiLS this forenoon released II from Quiirnulino tbo steamships JIius- lm dsm, Didnm mid Belgculnud. IP It lo not now expelled that tho camp at JH Haufly IlooU will bo remly for occupancy m by qua-outind immigrants before Satur. ' day, fleu. Porter this afternoon telegraphed MM to Col. Austen to return with. his com. My tuacd (the Thirteenth) from Babylon, at i any time which in his discretion soemed Hj proper imd Mlo. Ho U to leave a guard v : XsMssU. !a ,'i.i .A.M ..l.i, vfi i,;iUilM''i of fifty men or moro, at may in his judg. meut seem nocesssry. Dr. Jenkins has bceu order 1 by tho Qoveiuor to sund his force of special ofrlcors to l'iro Island, and tho Sheriff of Suffolk Comity has been instructs I to swear in a Biifllcieut number ot special depntits to presjre the ncaco and ca opt rate with tho Health officer's Rpcchls. The Htate of Nevada, from (ilasow, nrrhod at Quarantine this afternoon with 115Haloon, IOC second cabin and 65 Moer nge pns,cngers. All on board arc well. 'the RteainKliip btuto of Nevada, which anhed to-day, having sailed after Sept. 1, lis tho first to couio under the twenty-ds' luarautiuo rule prescribod in Frcsideut Harrison's proclamation. The steamship h Chainpaiuo was re. leased from quarantine At 1 T tills nftor noon. Itwashiiid at Qiiirautiun Station that the Mnjestiu would bo ptruiitted to go to her pier late this afternoon. Dr. Volght reports that all the Norman nia's passengers nt Firu Island are well to-day, and that tho quarantine is being stricllv mnmtainod. to in: pit i k to-ii .in it iu. lr. .Irnliln rnunUi-K In llrpak Nortnnn. iiln'i, l'ne ePi' Qunran hif, lrrni to tiii: ttfnio wna'n I (I'AHAMisr, . I , Sept. 14 Dr. JcnUns I said to an I.umm Wouiii reporfr tu's mornl ig that tlio Normannia's passengers I now uanlncil at I Ire Iblana will Ix- released i to-morrow and be rllowcu to proicert to their Uoino". I - msTMw m j I aikx. uinois Tiir rnri at rinr isIanp. 1 he caDln ps&songira ot tho ltusla nothing occurs in tne mean time to prevent, be transferred to the oil warship Xeiv llamr sbirothls ntternooi and 1c lan'ol it Fin Island ns soon ns accommodations can bo arranged. o annngeinciits hac as )it tfn Inndi' or tinnfcrorrlni: tli twinh-even cabin ims wnjers now ntnaril tin. SLamiit In IIiuIovth bij, but Ur. Jenkins Is lonsldcrlnj thopos Mbllltyot putting them aooaul the Cepheus and holding tliem In the lower bay until ne considers 11 sate to land them, i Xo cabin passengers will be landid at bandy Hook. WII.I. AI'l'i:.!, TO IIK1IIEK COUIITH. Ilnlijliiulnna' I'urnnar Kxprreil al an liitllsnllnn 3I(ialltitf. IfrrciAi to mr rvtMvo vnittn I ' IIaiimos, L. I., sept 14. Altliotigli the cab'n pusieni;uh noui the NornmnulJ h'.vu at last been sadly landed at rlro Island and ate installed In the burt Hotel, the residents or the town ot Isllp navo by no means given up the right, ana preparations have been made to employ every logal means to remove the present occupants ot Fire Island as speedily as possible and prevent any moro quarantined passengers from being landed there. i 'I his was tho scnw of tho public meeting held last night al lias shore, which was at tended by many promluent lesldents or tho town, Including ex.i.ounty Judge WllmolM. bmlth, Lawyer Macliel, coroner U. H. Moore, Uen. Ucorge W. Wlngale, Postmaster Perry I H Wicks and Editor F. A. Johnston, of the I Suffolk County Journal. A long series o resolutions was adopted, declaring that the local authorities had been overpowered by the btate omclaU; that tho establishment of an annex cnolera hospital In thn town limits was Illegal, and directing that the matter be brought before the (Iraud .lm) to take the mcossjry steps for tho In- ' dhtinent of pcisons responsible lor the alleged outrage. The Hoard ot Health was also directed by the resolutions to Issuo a warrant to the Snerirr of the county lo apprehend and re move all the Normannia's passengers at Fire Island and to prevent the further entry upon It ot such persons or btggage, and to call to his aid the whole power of the county. Nearly COO militiamen from the Thirteenth Regiment were quartered tbls morning at Watson's Hotel here. The are expected to go liter to Hre Island some time to-du. K tremerdous southeast gAl Is blowing this morning and the lay li white with hi takers. Asthosiorm has been raging all night the sea oulBldo Is ery heavy. Tho Cepueus still Pes anchored In the channel. The weather Is too rough in the bay to allow sailboats to navigate It satcly, and as yet there baa been no direct communication with Fire Island to-day. it is reported by telegraph that all Is quiet at the burf Hotel, whero the Normannla'H cabin passengers are quattcrtd, although there have been some murmurs of dlsatlfactlon with the food which Is being served to them. NOT. FtOsVKIt'H UltDEKM. lie IHsmUes All the .Ullllla Kxeeat Ike Talrteenlh. Oov, Flower's flrst callers at the Windsor Hotel to-dty came very early. They were Lieut. W. Butler Duncan, of the Third l. Yield) Navel Kwrvw, and KcUgo Wee, of vu 0 the Fourth Division, who called at the hotel at a o'clock this morning. 1 he (.ovcrnor bad leftrrderi at tho efflco not to be disturbed, and the night tlerk routed nut 1 rttatubecrc tary Uilllania Instead. Thu Naval itescrte ofllcors were t equeotcfl to meet Oov. Flower at h o'clotk, snd at that hour they again called and reported lotlie Governor that tbo Naval llaltullnn was still on board the 1'egusiK, Uigulier with the Wxty-nlntu llegloient lontlngent, anchored I iirT t nuiniunlptw coil ilis ks. w lit re t hey had l remained since'.' oilotk this morning. Com maudtr Miller, ot the. Ilerenis, had ordered Ihpso onicen to npjr. Ij (io. I lower for orders. Inotlotemnr at onto alieeted that the Ite scrca and Nation il ilunidsnu n should bo ' dlsmlsse I, aid older was telephoned to tomintndtr Miller, at loininiiiilran. 'I ho l'egasuj was thin ordtnd t.nder waj for phr tin North Hirer, whcic bJth com mauds were dismissed. The (ioernor was aeen In his apartments after lie hau llulshed hrciklasl. loan t.r imi Soriii rrportci ho said "Ihato nothing very new to tell ou now. , I hiiro sent unit is to Commander Miller and Col lavanaRli to nlmlss their commands. I I ho detainment from the thirteenth Kel- I mint wia remain al Ilibvlou iinill Atl,'t..(,cn. I I'ortcrdcteimtncs upon the I lino tint the) shall be rtuilltd. lire Island Isnowuiultr the biipcn lalon o( lh" xtali IV irJ of Health heintarj Uti Il.itcli, o( the btate lloird ot Health, lallid on tlio locrnor at III i o'tlnik 'tcritar Ilali b sail: " It Is not ab solutily lornct to a that Mro Island Is under tho excluslo lontrtl ot the btato Uoird. As fur as the sanitary arrangemcntH are concerned, lliu Island Is under mr Hoard's supenlslon, but as regards the quai aiitlnlng of passengers there they are still and will continue lo be undir thu i onlrol ot the Health Omcer. c contn 1 only the saul tar regulatlonsot lire Islsnd, and have no supervision our the si 111 quarantined passen. gers." Co. I lower sent a message at loncloc'- to (ten. I'nrtir, who Is stopping at the (luind I nlou Hottl, dlieilliig hliu lu rcpoit al the Windsor it out e. -ecu. 1 ortcr visited the lorinor at 10 4,", a d alter n llltecu-iuluute conference the l.ovtrnor annojnctd to tho newspaper representatives that he had scut telegrams to the bhirirt ot (juceus ( ount), to the Sher iff o bi ITolk County and to lir. JeuKlns, and when tao illitttloiis ihth'Hi telegrams had been i an led out he would in del tubUlsmlMiil oi tin-'iiuiK ruth,lmini row statlontd al 1 ul j Ion. 'I hi so are the telegrams Alhirl I'. Darlthi, .htiljf uj A ,11. r.wnfy, Dal y I". I. . I tti.nk jtm for the efficiency dlcptirej Swear in doalic4tni;iiarilthltnillnsAor the Rlnple At Ullp or anj other port lu your toiutr wturi iho ln(l II. 1' Fluu.B. Jam" orfll, ShtttJF Oti.i runly Ltml hlitmt se;ir In iteputles euonrh to pi a d the port. Mh-re the Rlpit'elatii'iitn lu remler route between I orlt In jour totint) anil I ire LUiu'. It. P riowrn. lit II. f. Jrnlrtii, Oimrnnflne bend the betatice of joar poliuemen to I Ire leltnd to roike ronr qUArantlue line itronfer. II. V. FlOKEH. The Governor and Trot. Collin, his legal ad viser, held a coulerence as to the legal status of the Uato Board ot Health and the quaran tine ornclals as legards 1 Ire Island, and, atter looktn.' up tho law In the prtrulsis, Prof. Collin gauniit tulsoplnli n: The SUte Hi Aril if Health nan pruere to kIto nrtlera lo a local Poerit of Ilea 111, and hat the cime ncneral jurlddli lion orer btale proi ert fill alo Board hau In lU lo.illty The Mate Hoard jeilrrdar tiotitUil the local Hoard of Hhp of Ihle .Itiintion. The jurladictlon of the Htate Iloarl in no ay Interferes with the poer or autliottt of Ir. .len kiui tn Qu.rautinx inattere on riroU'aml. He la a btate offloer. "Thar Is to show that there will be no clashing between the Btate Board and Dr. j Jenkins ns Health omcer," said Prof. Collin Intoucltislon. mess cottaor at camp ion. Tho following despatch reached the Cor enmr at . I o'clock t his mornl g: Our Ian thr here Dili afteini-M. after nam berle.ieffo tn ou the part of benalnr Vtllemoo, A. M I'.luirr, Koherl M Thompson, an 1 earue.t apptala from uj e f, In 111) name of f.ial.liel women and children, to at 1 aat allow tne w .men and etilldreu of the party to laud at Fire, uai effroted to.daj amid the greattitt demon.tra tion In ht.tory 1 arransed for the baud tn rnacb lo the lead, playlns " Ked, White and Hlui," and otner Na tional aire, while the paiteoger niartheJ four abreast, keepfng atep to the We h. redone nothing fur the peat th'ee dayn I but ippeal In the rame of flod, humanity and the lawe of the Mate of Mew York and the pro, ama tlou of the ihlef 1 lei ut I re of the umt, I till ha I, howerer, no effect, It wai A beautiful and hart warming eight, and the evente of thlt day will loog be remembered In coutraat with the burden which liae been on our ehouldere on account of tbelntenee atifferlng of the peieeager. of the steamer Gepheue, bee been theoonductof their wlree, eletert and daughter. 1'becaplalo. crew and pa.eengereot the Cepbeu. and the Health Officer and the help on Fife Inland, where we are now quarantined, and all well under very pleasant and comfortable cireom.taui'e., all unite in three hearty chee;e for (lor Fluwer . ad nuni.traliou I. T. Wall . This afternoon (lea. Porter telegraph d to CoU Austen to dismiss the Thhteentli Ittgl-1 ment at hts discretion, rolalulng onlj a stif ' nolent number say niiy men as might In his judgment ho necessary lor a guard to assist the Sheriff and the Health Officer's special policemen. MAY (JAUHK AlOUK CAHKH. Haln, Prlvlng Inaalaranla fjeltn llrthe, feared kr Quaraullne Ufilrere, lerrriAL to th gvismo wnei" I vji'ARANTiM, 8. L.Sert, 14.-A pelting rain, tho fen runner or tho equinoctial storm, struck Upper quarantine this tnornlpg and compelled the walling crowds there to kcip closely within the boarding station. Dr. Walter, bclore he went down tho La), said be was fearful that the wet weather would be the direct cause ol additional cholera cases down tne bay, lie based this opinion on the OMumptlon that the Inclement weather (Cenffiutd en Second fag.) .lMf ,r,'..' if'ViV"ri - Mt. ai.yiygai FEAR A FATAL RESULT, Mrs. Harrison's Condition De olarod to Be Critioal. Consulting Phys'clais Is3ue a Bul letin for tlio Public. The President's Wife siifTerliia from Tuberi ulosls mill l'leurlsy. trv amociatfi. rapss 1 loos I Axr lloisic.shpt. 14 Dr. Dougherty, of New ork, arrivid here at Ik' 30 o clock thU morning b special train from Maliuic and prococdt d at once to Mi s. II urlsjn s lull- . side, actompanled by her regular physician, Dr. Gardner, of W asblngton. j flh" l'rcddcnt was also pros"nt. Mr, llarils m was ashepat the time, an 1 ll was dietned best not lu mouse licr. Dis. F. K. Gardner, of Washington: I". F. I Doughty, of New tik, and F. I. Trud'-au, nl saranai, held a consultation at tho l'lcl duul's cottage about noob, and at Its tlnso the following stall ncnt was Issued lomern IngMts Ilairlson's condltl in- "I'rlmurt dltiase, pulmonary UiIxtcuIiisIs ot ilgbl side, assoiltted with nert oils prostri Hon. Itetent compile nlou. sub-iicuto pleurisy, with rapid effusion of watir In the right iii( si, necessitating two tappings, with some teller, l'rtsent coudtt ton. critical on account ot tendemj toreiirodutllon of fluid. HeinoMil In Washington at pri'ii nt Imprsst- I ble. 1 rnguosttiatloii as to Immediate nuuic, ' uncertain." The 1'ie'ldent's family mke no etTott tn conceal great alarm at the situation. Thu phtslUauH adUe thcin to hopo (or the best, but orfer no real eniourct incut. Ihiy have, so It is Raid, quietly Intimated to tho Picsldei.t tlio strong probability ul a fatal result. The President Is i most fnttniul compan Ion, and rnnly Raves Mr- Harris m's t ni si to. In lac , ho roallj sh ires the iiursliig nt lh bit alld wlih a piorcHstnnil atti nilanl. l!us.,ell llarrlsin and Mis. MtKte, tlio I'rtsldenl's sou and t'aughlir, no also lu constant atundaiice. "ho former was suui inoned fiom New oik as soon as the dlstnsu look a dangerous turn. He arrivid hcrj ibis morning. Mrs. Hussell Harrison will probabl) also be here la a day or two. Mrs. Dlmmlck and Mis. I'arkor, nieces of Mrs. Harrison, and I lent I'arktr accompanied Mrs llnrrlson hire, and hae over since bet n iiiircmitllng luthelt at tention to her. I'nless there should be a decided Imprute ment In Mrs. Harrison's coudlllJU within the next few dajs, of which thtru Is Mr) little prospect at prtsent, tho I'resldtnl will not return lo Waablnglou In tlmo for thu Grand Arm) encampment next wick, If, In deed, bo Is not detained l.eio lor several weeks bejond that period OneofMrt Harrison's physicians has au thorized tho lnllnwliig statement of her taso: she was first t ikeii with nsevtreiillaii, of tlio t,rii lu Waslili glun In tin Mnltr ot Ibuo, itlluwid and .ig,'iaaied li) Mint brotiilital and piilmoi ar) tioiiblts latllng SUU13I1IIU. n hlle at tape Mi) lu Uif sum mer of lhlil she agulu took a lna) mid ui.d and Hie brontnlal troubles n ippcared. ' It was some weeks Liilorc this attack yielded to treatment. Last inter she had h -ccond attack o: the grip, whlih this tlmo was followed uy catarrhal pneumonia Isstlcg sevt nor eight daj s. "After that she was trouhltd by a severe cough, followed In March list with a slight homoirl.a,e ot thu light lung, followed b) consolidation of tbo right upc. T his consolidation n is m initially Increased up to thi preunl time, and is uc compaulcd by nervous proslratluu.' MAJESTIC'S FAST VOYAGE. Arrived To-Day In 5 Days, 18 Hours, 47 Minutes from Queonstown. The White btar steamship Majestic, w lilcli arrived at b ','0 a. w. tc-dey, from I ivrrpool, made lite last tlmo ot ft da)s, in hours, 47 mlnutis. Had It not Uenlor thopal" tiacuu tindotT shoro hir oillcers think sin might hao broken thn inord, now held b) tint I Ity of Paris, ot ft di j t, 15 hours, ','K uitiun The Mnjesilc brings 'JHH llrst iitiiln aml'Jin stiond cabin pasmgers, but i oue lu lliu steerage, bho will probably como up the bay to-morrow, as all are well on board Among the caulu passengers are Mr J, Wnlttaker Ellis, Bart, and Lad) KIIIn Migeuu Illgglns, c. () Iver beiln, Itear-Admiral S. Long, Hon Parker, Mr. and Mia. i.iorgi) 1". Howell and G. It. and Miss Bchlefleiin. DRUNK, WITH MANY JEWELS. Articles Worth J0.000 on it Mnn Plotted Up on the Street. Irtdorlck Walters, a linen mi reliant, of 100 Franklin street, w as found lylugtn bis back drunk In front of the Broadway Tabu nacle Church, near rnirty-fourth street. In tho Jefferson Market Police Court he was discharged On hlsp-rsoj werntvi In ii-h. a flue g( Id witch and chain andjindry worth abjiit etl.oun barber Adam Complnlntt of TIiIpvim. Ilcury I' Aiiams, proriletur of a tnrbtr shop at lit) and r.'I N.vsau ntrtel, tUiius that bis shop nas enlt red by ihletes during the night, and t.iat two halr-cllppers and twelve rarors were taken. Ho says lie pre viously made two complaints to thu pollen at the Oak street statlou that suspicious persons loitered around bis store. Sent Back to a Baltimore Asylum. Sidney W llkluson, who escaped from the Mount Hope Ins mo Asylum, Baltimore, the weok Ic.'orelasi, and was nrrcstcl In this city ye sti rdat . w as lommll tert to i h" citfctod) ot btlcctlio iiaiah to-day, to be taken bics to Baltimore. Defused to Talcs Her. The police reported this morning that Am bulance Hurgron JtcArthur, of tho Presbyter ian Hospital, bad refused last night to take to the hospital Mrs. Ancle Shullack, a servant ailST4 'third avenue, whom be bad attended In childbirth. Her employers bad her re fflVToatoBelievue, j W i&$ "iN-c ALMOST LOST IN THE ICE IN MAINE. j NEW BANK EXAMINER. William n. KlmbnU Appointed to ! Aot In This City. nv AFRocUTrn rsrae J I Washimitos, bepl. 14. Comptroller Hep- . but n to-day filled tho vacancy In the Bank Fxamlnirshlp for the ell I of New Virk by i the nptiiluttnent of Wllllsm H. Kimball, of . I'antcn, N. Y. Mr. Klinbill's appointment was rocotn inci lb il b) 1 . II I'uMtis, Jr .of the Importers ml li mi i -i N iilonal Hi nk; J. I award bun on n-, ut h I .mi lh sutloual Hank; 1'. H. 'I i,iiu, of tin tialiailn Hank, and nihil s n Klmbillls ITiHllml ul the St. Law iti.ic count) Hunk, in t inton He was lor mill) ttltet ot tho .litTirsou Count) National Hills nt Watertuwii. BISHOPS IN SESSION. Archbishop Corrlgan Presides Over th Mootlnar To-Das-. The lllsnops of tho dloccsesnf N'cw York I'rovluiomet tr-da) at the residence of Arcli i bishop Cirrlgan, on Madison avenue, llicre wtro pniini: Dr. Bernurd J. Mccjuald, of ltuchesiei ; Dr. btevin Mncent Ilyau, of Buffalo; Dr. brands MiNiern), of Albany; j Dr. W. Michael Wlggor, of Newark; Dr. . Mlihael J. o'i urrcll, of Trenton ; Dr. Patrick II. Luddcn, ot eyracuso ; Dr. ( lurlcs K. Mc- Donni II, of Brook!) n, and Dr. Iliury Gabriels, of tigdinsburg I lio Archnl-hnp presided. I Iiih siibjicisof dlsiusston were not made I piillh, bin it was iinnnn lull) stated that the jiarlsli-siliool uuestluii ruint' up. Amnngiho loKst(i be illaiiised nro tin laws agnlnsi nut somtlis and tho pupiseil ClUllellJ 1 1) iiiniic-s lu Chlingo END OF THE GALE. I It Blown Off Into Canada and Leaves , Warmer A!r. Thogalelhat bad blown at the rate of from thirty-six lo fort) knots an hour from the souihiast and piled up heavy seas all night I long subsided this morning, and veering to tho west, was blowing only iilno knots an hnui ul 8 nilock. Al 10 o'clock there was . but a six-knot i pliyr stirring tlio air. The storm iintru hid passed our the low ei lakes and on" Into ( aiiada, and the aunoj. pin ru all about New Uirk was clearing and warmir. I During the night the wind blow great guns I at Hints, sweeping over the ocean between Bloik Island and sandy Hook at a sixty-knot rate In the . Hy It tamo lu gn al gusts that whistled and swept everything before It. COLUMBIA SAILS A DAY AHEAD. lo Acoommodato Americans Who Want to Rnturn from lurope, 'iho Humbuig-Ainirican stennishlp colum- blt sailed fur bun hauiptou ul 10 UO to-da) Instead of to-morrow, whin she was lo boil ' 1 bhe tarries the mall but no passengers or ' freight. A number ot jasssngers were bool ed I lu go on her lo-morrow, but tho Company dc-' elded to send her a da) ahead In order to at-1 1 commodate about ftUO Americans who were in eomo on (ho Norinaiinla, which cannot inako Iter trip. I I ho Columbia carried '-.'.'.0 extra tons of coal as ballast. I. and G. N. im.'a Chattol Mortgage. ' (HT A..01 MTJ 11 SI I. I llnisios, lev., bept 14 - chattel mort gago Has U-i'ii tiled with the louutv clerk In I favor of thu Mercantile 'liust Company, of New 'i ork, to Bciure tho pa) ment of third mcrtgago4 er cent, gold bunds In the sum of s.i, by the international and Great Northern Hallway company. Eelam'c Shock In Illinois, tsv AieoiiAirn rsrs. I Anva, Ilk, bept. 14. This city was shaken up jestenlay ulttrnoon about 4 u'clotk In qulto aseteru partluinaki' shoik 'flic libra, lliu was si marked mat wind jus, dishes, Au were latthd ttry ptntptlbh. More Seniors Seized by Ittissla. V AfelOCIATEP rHt.t I Victoria, II. t'.. Sept. 14 - Iho schooner Agnes MiHonald confirms the report ot fur ther Itusslan seizures, bhe saw the Vancou ver Belle seized, and her captain says other schoontrs were taken. Not wishing lo run the risk ut seizure he called In his boats and gut aw a). I -. I Supposed Incendiary Fire PT enxlAlrii rsr. ' lMiitNioilt, Sept. 14.- (Ht'ef tupposcd 1 Incei dlar) origin early this morniug dc stroyeJ the largo building of the t'nlon Transfer and btorago i ompany. Twelve freight cars were also burned. The lots Is estimated at etjOO.OOO, I Onlrllraads al All-Tobacco I'lgarrltio , MadebyTnot. II. IIaiXi "BfTwns Taa Acts ", "BaATs," VlrglolA loMeMlOe IllAtr PiMS(,utJiBMtiettu,,. (.klUen.'e i 'i'li'-f-ffiiiaf"" - wytS TO MARRY ATTAI.IE CLAIRE. Alfred Kayno to Malcn Her His Brldo This Evening. MissAttalln Clahe, tlio well-known (opera singer, aud Alfred hat lie, the young million. aire, It Is anuounctd, are to Imi married al the Hotel Windsor at 7 o'clock this iteulng. Tho wedding Is said to bo thu result of an exciting romance thai began whou )oung Ka)lio Rbuwcicd bouquets of tbo (holiest (loners upon Miss Clalrt, who wast lull sing ing In the ruuipun) of I llllan ltti'sell, tho star. Miss Itussill Is said tn havo objected to such signal tokens to a suborJloav In her troupe and a quam 1 fnlluwetl. as a iisnlt of which Miss Altallo lost iter position, but c tp inri'rt Havre. lliu wt ddlng this evening will bo qulit and the ceriinony will b in r lor me d by Dr. U 111 Ism Iv. Hall, formeily guardian o( the bridegroom. LYONS'S RELEASE PUT OFF. Howe Sayn Hs Has Suffered More than Normannia's Passengers. lames F. lyuns, Indicted with Mlikcj bltney for Iho minder of Bob 1 yons, was brought before Judge ltenih In the hnprtmr Court t hamliers to-da), upon a writ ol habeas corpus. W llllum F. Howe, his counsel, asked tor kls release on ball or his discharge, claiming that there was no evidence upon which ho could be held lie dtilarid thai the sufTeilngsnf the prl oner sine- ho has bmi In Jill, tome six mouths, lnve been gnati r than those of thu passeiikiisoii the Norinaiinla. It was arranied tbit the wilt should bo heard tit xl I u-silav 1 1 fore Juugo Ingranam, and I j ons wits taken lo lull. M'SWYNY AGAIN IN JAIL. Held for 1050 Arrears of Alimony Which He Bays He Can't Pay. Bryan G. McHwyny, the shoe dealer of H.1H Broadway, Is again In Ludlow Mreet Jail. Ho was arrested In July for contempt ot court in not paying his wife, Catharine M. Mf,wyny, !() a witk alimony ns ordered by Jusilco Beach, of the biipreiuo I ourt. Hit was released a few days afterwards on a teihnlcallt), and was )eitsiday rearrtsttd on a new order, puisu int to which Mi'swyii) will have to pa) n"ij arrears or alluion) or sta) lu Jail. Moswyny says ho no longer owns tho store alS'lP Broadway, and Is too poor to pa) thut amount. FLOWER TO VISIT OYSTER BEDS. Tbo Governor to Make a Trip Up the Sound To-Morrow. Gov. 1 lower will visit llioojster beds In long Island bound, on tho northerl) shore ol I ong Island, to-morrow. He long ago piomlvd todo so, in conjuin tion with the btutu Hshiiy lommlsslon, aid his visit has no connection with the present i ondltlou of affairs al llru Island oi al )uai amine. I wo deputation ot cltlzeus from the Fif teenth and beventeenth wards In IlruokDu called on Gov. Howir this morning to atr their grievances auent the nuisances in Now town creek. WESTERN UNION'S DIVIDEND. Oeclnrod To-Dny at thn Usual Rute, 1 1-4 Per Cent Hlrettoi sot tho Western I nlou T digraph Cnmpaii), ut a uniting to-da), declared thu usual quartetly dividend of 1I4 percent. The capital stock Is to be increased f la.HOO.uuu, making a total of i 00,000,000 Struck by a Falling Tree. During the stoim early this morniug a trie was blown down lu front ol 1.1 Jeflersjii slreot. Itstrmk a horse owned bv (1 11. rx'i'llg. of 7" anil strut, who was driving past, and sllghtl) Injured the animal. Republican Ratification Meeting. 'Iho James ( lllaine l lub, of Harlem, will hold a ratlniallun mtetlng to-morrow even ing at bulierallnrliin Klver Park. I.x-cuu-grisman Masun and others will speak. Howling Dervtebea Depart. The twinly-two ilowllug Dtrvlshes, who came to this countr) from Morocio two months ago to give eshllltlonsof dancing, Imwlliif. vc.ssllid for hi'iim to-day on thu steamship Waosland. for Mitwerp, Ble Eawin and Minister Boalle Ball. Srlr lilwln Ainold the Ingllsh poet, and Iruxtou Healle, I nlled -uns Mlnlait-r to Gretce, sailed for I Iverpool to-dav on the steamship City of New lurk. Kleotrlo Wire Starts a Fire. Thereof ol the building 24U llortir) caught lire laal Bight from an eltcirk-H.'Ot wlte. blight damage was done. DIPLOMATS FIGHT A DUEL. A Spanish Marquis Wounded In the Leg by a Gorman Enron. Inr AMotLTrii rprse-l Tint Haoik, "opt. 14. - Baron von Gartner Grlcbcuun, becrttar) ot the (lei man le gation here, and Mnrquls do Valladareo, Vcrelsrv of tho Spanish I.ogatlon, beiamo Involved In a quariel a lew days ago, with thu result that u challenge 10 fight a duel was puffed and neuptetl. I '1 he principals nnd their seconds proceeded j thlsinornlng to n si tludtd placn In Ihosub I urisnn iiIiito sctilcl tin ir difficulty accord ing 10 1 In-code. Tho result ot the duel was tbo wounding Of tho Mitrquisln tne Itg. THE ETHIOPIA DISABLED. She Turned Back After an Accident to Her Engines, ftr AesoriATsn csrSfi.t Insiinv, tpt. 14 Iho Hr'ltl'.li steamer bcamiliiarlan, 1 apt. becconibe. from Bos ton, ,1 for Glangnw arrived at Gnenoc't to-da). bbe roports that ou sept. 10, In latitude ft I N, longitude fi4 W., she met thu Alienor lino s earner Kthlopla, dipt. W llsnn, from Glasgow bept. 1 for New York, returning tc t'lo l)de with her engines disabled. Alternards the bcandlnavlan spoke Ibe snehor line steamer Hirneesli, Capt. Harris, whli h was golui. to the asslstanio of the Hhlopla. 'I he stiumer smic uf Nevada, wh ch nr- rlvnl this inoruliu iromtilii-gow repcrts that slit stoke the 1 miopia oil sept. II T tint I stiauiii was thin laying to nlih tnglius .tllsablid. bin elgnaliei mat tbo inachlner) would be lu w 01 king order lu a short time. A SHERIFF SENT TO JAIL. Found Outlty for Contompt of Re fusing to Hang a Murderer. Irv A.mriATan fares. 1 Has I'hamisio, CaL, bept. 14 Judgo Mur ph) juslerduy found bhcrlft lauuidster guilty of loutimnl of Court for refusing to txi'iutu Munlirer John McNulty and sen tenced him to twentv-lour hours' Imprlsou ment in county Jail. McNult) was louud guilty of the murder of Thomas Collins and wan sentenced lu be hanged Aug. 111. Gov. Markham, however, I granted a reprieve of fifteen da) a lu order thut an application tor a nttw trial might bo llled. I A now trial was refused, but the bherirf, at thucsplralluu ot thu n prlevo, refused to pro tei t with tlm ixeiutlun without a nt w nrdi r irom the court. n order was thin Issued fixing the dale of exet talon for net. 4. .lodge Murph) holds that the first order fixing tlio ixiiutlon lor Mig. Ill was good after the reprlevo expired, and nccordiugl) found tbe bherirf guilty ut contempt 101 not obeying It. Called from tile Bed to Die. lav AseocLTEn rag.. 1 Jacxsoxviue, Fla., bout, 14. A young man named Jauies 11. Mi adovis had been miss lug from bomi'.ncar Houston, KlA.sluce Satur day ntglit. islerday his body was found In Iho wools about a inllo (rem that village. Meadows was last sten allvo lu compan) vvltu two nelghbois. who called him fiom his bed late Wat unla) night. Iho verdict nl Iho 1 oroner s Jur) charges thorn with the crime. 'Hit r havo been arrtsted There Is great ex citement, and extra guards have been placed around thn jail at I Ire oak, where tho pris oners are confined. Old Alliance Sent to Sea Again. tnT A.snciATvn raise 1 His Iranubco, bept, 14. The old corvette sillatice has beeu ordered to start within ten il.i)s fur Honolulu. As the Alliance arrived ou I rlda) from china, she Is In no shape tor a ! I nig voyage, bho will replai e the Boston, wi I his to Join Admiral Gherardi's squadron on lu cruise iu bouth America. el a Yachts Reached by tbe Storm, isrri-i.i. in thk rvrNitu world. Bath Bsacii, N Y bept, 14. Tho storm created considerable bavoc among the yachts and small boats anchored here, The piers were also badly damaged. Tbe yachts Dorothy, Isabel, bunueam. Brrta aud Bonny li.wn were beached. Pierre Lorlllard s steam )acht csiapcd serious damage. Independent of the Federation. li t associated rares I iMiiASArmi", Ind, bept. 14 The dele gates to the National Convention of Street Hallway Implo)oes have doclded 10 organize Independently ut the American leilerallon of Labor and thu Knights of Labor. 1'axl. rati. rl. Taxi, Beet all-tbceoelttsltes, 10 cents per PAex.ti' 1 LUST EDITION. I FORGED TO PUT BACK. 1 m Pegasus, with TroopB on Board. JI Was in Extreme Danger. 'wM m High Seas Prevented Landing at '!$ Fire Island. 19 Sixty-ninth and Naval Reserves dim 'rtVm mlsied by Gov. Flower To-Day. r'm 1 jM The Iron steamboat rcgasus, which started 4S'ilml for Flro Island yesterday with the Naval IHfl lleservcs and members ot the Slxty-nlnth "TH llcglment aboard, was lying this morning at Mt communlpaw coal docks, she could not land -sfriM at Ura island and was obliged to put back to jM New York lu the face of a terrltlo storm. 'jf The experiences ot tho night were thrilling V?H In tho extreme. Al ono tlmo the storm raged "jvwl soncrcily that many on board feared they 9 would nevor reach port alive. - tM on Itoikaway Inlot, on the way back, when '& thn Pegasus was rolling and plunging about ';iU Hi thu hnavy seas, throe heavy shocks were felt, as It the vessel had struck the long sand vir-B bar. Thn bumps succeeded each other at t"M Intervals n( n low stionds, and came when fl tho steamer sank donu m tho trough of tho W'lB sea. sB 1 ho lifeboats wrre manned and mado ready MM to launch at a moment's notice, for It was te. &! llerrtl at the time that a hole must bavo MjB been stovo In the bottom of the steamboat's VF'tfM hull. MM 1 here were six lifeboats aboard and one In H tow. l'o.' a tew mlnules there was an Inter- v v al ot terrlb e suspense, and then tbe steamer ' "2?M went nlieud again apparently unharmed. Bhe v'SfB reached Communlpaw at 'J o'clock this morn- jH mg. iMm During the entire trip back the see ran 2?eml very high and the gigantic waves broke over -jB the main deck continuously, floodmg f with ! water. The Naval Reserves, who were qdor- WM tercd on that deck, were compelled to seek 4M refuge la the upper saloon with the soldiers .t&m ot the blxty-nlbth. fAJ At onu time it was feared that the engine- rwB room wnnld be flooded and tbe fires put out, f? 1 he vessel danced like s cockleshell on tho i.M tops of the big waves and pitched and tossed v&fl so violently that nearly half llm men on board ,'Jt1 were made seasick, which added to the misery f M nt their situation. t-MX 'I hu upper cabin as well as the main deck; ; was drenched with sea water, which could 'ftiH not be kept out, and no one could get a wtnk '$1 of sleep the whole night long. The supply ot lM food was very llmlied, too, and moat of the ' s.3 men went hungry till morning. ? , When the Communlpaw dock was reached 5iH and the I'lgasus tied up to tbe coal chutes, F ! ever) one on board was completely played jo lout and exhausted after the six hours of rtj aiiMitj and susprnso through which the m companv had pasfed. r At iluv break lliut. W. II. Duncan and En. I sign 1- c Weeks wtru dispatched to Gov. " Flowir"shtadqturtirs In New York for In Ml strucllons as 10 the disposition of tbo He- "j serves and tho members of the blxty-nlntn. ' Several of the men also came ashore and "$t; foragod for breakiast nt some of the Com- $i muulpaw restaurants. ijH commander Miller, of the Iteserves, said to ft an ivrsivu W out n rt poller; J? I - Wc have had a terrible night. When we $ 1 appioachtd 1 Iru Irland thesea was ruunlng -i' ' so high that wo louhl not nnd the buoy at 4$ ihu Inlet, and It was lapldly growing dark. fj ' I wanted to go t n, and urged Capt.l'earce to do what ho cuuld to put us ashore, tor I - thought tho beat woull be beaten to pieces & b) tho hcavj breakers. A " Capt. Pcane said, however, that this was ' Impossible, and that In such a gale It would p I be loolnardy lo attempt to run the Inlet. We s therefore put about and started back tor New i l ork. A I -We came right through without anchor- 1j lug or stopping an) w here, as was reported, aud did not slop tl 1 we reached tho dock at ' Couiinunlpavi. M,' Wofiari'd that everything was lost when $L we struck the shoal bottom off Hockaway Inlet about 1 1 o clock last night. There were three dlitluct shocks, which made everything $ on board rattle. It must havo been the aand "f bar which wo struck. Itlt hadbcenaroek f nothing could have saved us. nj The mm behaved with the greatest cool. Js- ntss and courage, although they fully real- ledthtlr pcill. and I must say that their j discipline was perfect. 'I hey w ere ready to j3 launch Iho lifeboats at a moment's notice, T.i but, fjrtunate I) , tne danger was soon over, 9 M (oi It was found that no serious damage had fj beeu done." JS coL cavanagh and (Quartermaster Ward Mm were also seen by the reporter. The Colonel yM lecounled the perils ot the trip, and raid he '.'Mt was glad to get back alive. U I have nothing but praise," he said, " for 1H the conduct of the men, both the Iteserves &(9 aul the members ot the blxlj-nluth. They frtM displayed thu true i our ago ot soldiers. J,9 We at o now awaiting Instructions from Mt the Governor. We are read) to go wherever 'il he orders us, but I shouldn't like to go to sea 'MM again In that boat. I think she must be jsM damagod, for tbe bumps which aba received -M last night must have done some Injury." ; Police Justice Ityan, who Is the Inspector JM on CoL carauagh's staff, was on board the tjM ppgasus. Ho had charge ot the supply ot (jH ammunition. 1-orty rounds had been given MM to earh ruau, and ono hundred rounds apiece 'B were held In reserve. The ordnance aboard ? jH consisted ot one Ilotcbkfss revolving cannon, "wM ono llotchktss one-pound single-shot gun and jS ono Galling gun. fU ltov. (ather Kelly, tbe chaplain ot tho Plxty-nlnth, wno was also ou the Pegasus, I said that when tbe storm was at Its height 'MM and tho wind was hnwltng and the big break. J9 era dashing over the decka be became con- tflfl vlnced that the vessel would go to the bottom. '"MM " I never expected to get ashore alive," be M 1 i tJfKuaiii1 Mmmmm 'jb'? '-vk.b'-t1' :.. tlik , AMlMiJB