Newspaper Page Text
HBMBBHBHHBHBMBMBHlMMrMMstststMW I PBICeT ONE CENT. - NKS'()ljr."VlU)NKsl)A SKrrKMJThilT'n, 18l2. PRICE ONE CENT. "B i' woMft nrHf t tt o ad t tt t trnnnp igi jh EXTRA sass. . i I RECKON WINS.! . . p Mwris Filly Carries Top I' Weight and Wins the WoQdlawn Handicap. I KILDEER FINISHED SECOND. B Chrysalis, at 30 to 1, Captures I 4 the Two-Year-Old Race. f ' ST. FELIX WINS THE FIRST, j- "- , Parvenue Scares AH Out but Joe Carter and De- feats Him. '7 h I linOltl. TO TBI ITKHIHO WCBU), OliyiaiMU Hici Thaci, Bept. 21. A sU lurlong dash lor three-year-ulds and upward was the first event upon which the pulillo tt . wagered U dollars at Clratcscnd to-day. su lellx, on pu'illc torig, was the faTorlte. Ills good third to ltosa II. and Adolbert yestei- day, coupled with the tact that he had ten pounds off, made him look a good thing. Ue won from nag to finish, much to tlio de light ol the plungers. Ella, on her second to Stonenell, a ten days ago, w as second choice, and had a considerable following, she got aM poorly, and the otTprt to get up cost her the place, tor she died away in the last fifty , yards. Homer, third choice, Jutl nipped i Daguaot out of lb place. Lyceum wan In It c . until the other, commenced to race, and then ' ' hc.dropnca Into last place, ssks. ir!VffW& scared out all but Joe Carter In """""Tbs taooud race and the betting was -yory B light, Hitidu. as an odds-on favorite and H lm v on easily by a length. B .upuuloa wag htfavuy played to win tbo H t biro rtct, and was deieated only because of M Hard luck. Ha got away poorly, was lutcr- B ured with on the turn, shut out In the M b retoh, and finally when be did get an open- H lug came so fast that be bnlshed third a neck m l clilnd Papoose, oolt, wbo bad made all the B lunnlngonlyto be beaten on the lObt by i'lir8alls, a:0 fo X chance. 1 'I'hc latter cot away next to last, and came M "lili ,i terrific rush at tbe end. llalndrop mil) 1'roclda bad bosti of backers, but were B ituplaccd, tbougb close up. TJih races were witnessed by 4,000 people. 1 he weather waa periect and the track last. H ' TlUSTHiOB. H A sweepstakes, with 1,000 added; six 1 furlongs. v- B Slarltrt. W(oH. Jaclry$. Flrt. lit. Fin. 1 hi F.llA ,IMt ,Hla .... 6 Ui II h Homer . ....... ,...iQt, Yattlsftsld. 3 ft 2" I Disont i, Tni ...... l :m ai, 7 lilla llOl .Uumt . . 4 4 m I .jr. mm .UU'.BIms ...... 4 'JS 6 BM1. U., 01..J Uiubl.jr 6 H 0 Post Bsttlng-SJr I alii. 0 toSand 1 toil; Kill, :l tu 1 sad 4 too. Homer. 3 lo 1 aort .van. Dago. nt, lo I spd 6 to t. Lyceum, 5aud3 to 1, Hello b., 100 and 311 to I. 1 St. KcUx went to the front In the first fur- long and led throughout, winning easily by a length and a half from Homer, who Lipoid Uaf onet on the post. Tline 1.14H MtiiueU paid; Straight, 14,U5; place, iVSpJ $7.70. Homer paid to.7.. HCCOXU UACK H Heavy Handicap Sweepstakes, ytltb 1,000 bJ added ; one wllo. Par?eaue lis, DoxfeU., 3 11- 1 J JoeOarter 87. Ttioipe ..13 i BbJ PottUettloc-Parvtuu., 1 toll and oat; Joe fir- tVJ tor, 7 to 1 ana H I'arvcnuo wool lo the front lutbellrst fui- long, and leadlni; all the way won easily Ijj u j epittb. Tlle-l.4!;. 1 Mutuels paid t .70. H THIRD RACK. H Sweepstakes for two-ytai-olds; Willi!, 000 J added; belling allowances: neelghlhs 01 a J mile. iPSV SiarUri. WtlaHt. JuKti. Hn. Ulf. tin. Hf nrjinU J" .l.l.imtilrll . 'J I" jl FapooMoolt... .lUJHHeuu 1 u V" Japoolca VS. Doiaett. . H I. .11 tUludrou UN ,'lrl J : f l'rocida !" 5liJelci.. i. ft I I .ltlj 1C litriou.... Jellla Uill..., llu llrjeat . 2 7 f (.a'jutha .... lis MoDU II 10 H 1 UtadiorTalU 107 Col HI 11 V Sialirllbt 10 Hli 4 I H Puilliia loo .lilil.. . i Kit J Uopor, Ill M'lalferljlJ 3 I J Ho.t Betting lapotifia, 11 to ftnnU 4 to ,) Tro- 4.lda,4tulai17to6, Kailiilrop, 4 to 1 autl 7 to 0. if Papooeo colt, 7 and 3 . Heabrlclil. 10 and 4 . dtlrtv, lanil ft. UuPeep. 30aml H, UhriMlln, III unci 10, Bajfe Hetca or Talle.fto idJ jii ilmle l.oe 11 , tlo auil ia , X loalf, COauti to. caltutba, loo and 4U. H Papoose col( piode the running, followed by W v. Jessie Let. II. colt, bcabngbt and llalndrop , close together. In tbo stretch I'npooite colt J v appeared to be running easily, and he led to J wltblnafew yards of the wire; tlienthrja. J alia shot out ot tbo bunch with an electrical J rush, and won a pretty race by u neck from Papoose colt, wbo beat Japonlca a lack. 'llme-1.03s. Mutuels paid : Straight, 8." CO ; place, f 451.3ft. l'apoose colt paid cna.0j. H fODRTlI B0C- iVB Th Woodlawn Handicap: sweepstakes of' K S.'iO each, with (1,500 added; oao mile and J threc-sixtcentus. B siariin. Wtitlii. jotltv: sin. Hi,n, V Keckon WO .LlttteftVd. 2 1 11 Klldeer ,105..hlnj 1 .! i . Uemutlt,. 110 N.rrati .7 bb looaoeii irj..Trl S & 4 I'ldeho lllt.,J,lduiblr 4 '.'! ft Vaotmten U0..A.Co,l'g'u 3 4 0 Llille., .,..104..llfrgq ., I. II 7 PoXBattiai-Reekon. 3 to 1 and 4 toi, llemulh, 3 to 1 aad eveu t Van llurn,7 to3aod o toft. Kit- SH deer. 8 tot dStuJ; Leonawill, 8 to I aud ft lo H 3 ! ridello, U to 1 and 4 to 1 ; LUlie, 4U to 1 and H to iH lteckon, tbougb carrying top welght.twent H out In front, and. making all the running. won H cleverly by a length and a half from Klldeer, H who was six lengths In irontot liemutb. H Time M.0H4. Mutuels nuld: Htralght, 13.1i; place, m t.8. hllder paid 115 40. iH nrru Kit H bweepstakea, with added; penalties m and nliuHituct'ij tliroe.ciuartera or u mile. aW Kln'oo. 133 ,1rl 1 It H aa:llrob'f..lcnmicOflttr i : v aiorDar ....,,. !U7..Uer -tr 3 a SjVcfK l'orti)tlloc-Kluatou, i to 1 and out . Qaaenfe tfM Trotnde, 1 J to ft and 1 to 3 1 Major Dilj. 30 t ac V Kingston led from eta rt to finish and won easily by a length from tiuocnt Trowbridge, I wuibon Major Daly two lengths Hum Mo. Mutuels paid: straUbt. til. 15; place, fi.SO. tjUccnlo Trowbridge puld ".:i.". SIXTH KAOC Swcepstake with 11,000 added : scUInt; allowances; six furlongs. . nmm7 -.- SMrlr ThtM. Jnektua rrtlfAt. Vla'f. O.rl,- nj .sniHeld.. S-l J -I Alualde U1 ..I l,an01r 7 1-J VoUt .,107. Narvaer .... 1; 1 fti Hob .Sutherland III .1terl 23-1 I! t lluth Hit. A. Cmlnjtoi. J 1 4- tlaiUli 'I ,1'rnn 4- I aim Kn.p... Ill .A.fUjton.... 8-1 3-1 Klavllla won the sixth race. Bob Hutberlitnd w as second. Aloalde waa third. THE RACING AT GLOUCESTER. Berwyn Oetn a Brnckot nt the Eoutb Jersey Track. rrrxriar. Tn the avrNivci wonro.t (ILOICESTKR ItACI 'IHACK, bCpt. "Jl. TIlO racos were continued hero to-day with a well-filled card but uo special attract Ions. Ibo weather was One and track fast. At tendance large, llerwyn won tbo first rnco from a large neld Ir. handy style. First ltaco Purse lloo; four and n half lurlongs Won by llerwyn, Prospect atuoud, 'tradesman third. Time second ltace Purau (,loo ; six turlnngs. Won by Hear tluard, Warpaint second, Irish, town third. Time l.ltrti. Tblrd Hace rurae t'lOO, five turlongs Won by lied Elm, Topmast second aud llob Arthur third. Time i.ousj. GLOUCESTER ENTRIES. Iiractit. to the rrrttita wolp,1 OlodcesterKick Track. Sept, m. Tbe fol lowing aro the entries and probable startcrt for to-morrow : tlrpt ltace Soren eighths of a mile, celling. -Hobby ( alnan. I.lttle Vvillle, Iaiuihb K.. .Mountain titer, WaUh Me, 104 "soil, Uarlui, UO, llettle, Vibration, u3 each; Montreal, Mieslve, llorder Mluatrel, 10A earh, Irrjlangtr, 101 , tleuoad Kaee lire-eUhtlift of a tad, lwo.ear olde, eelllng. One, lift, tlharcoil, tVang, I tee land, lOi lb. oaoh 'third Race-On mile, selling -Kaplden, 1 11, llorlmor, tlarrieon, Pluti Allen Archer, 100 etch, Count Me In. 103: a!laco)l . 11)0 lb loqrth haje 1bre-iuartere or a mile l.ocan, Judge Poet. f.nrd llerrj. ll'i eei.h, Capt, llrown, lllOi 1 lattery. 10J Kobneta. 7S)h. tirtn ltace 4llls, Hit anil a ouarter lullonc--Prlecilla. 10li A. u. 11., 103, Mamie 1! ll.,ri.l. Arthur Ilerll, 118 It) htxth ltace ielllng, mile and a eixteenth (has Heed. Beuelit, lllrthilaT, t'ltlzen. Amcj, Kltisldle, Kerslone. ltichl, Peinnnre. Poverty, tllbner, 1-blts, Teleph.olif, 4'aiter, lluckrye, 13.', lb. each. RUSTICUS WINS A BIG RACE. For tbe Leicestershire Royal Handi cap Stakes of 5,000 Sovereigns f r AesociATFn ritKse,i Lomiov, sept. m. run was tlio eccoiiiI day of tho Leicester Soptenibtr niLcllnsr. The prlppipal event of the day waHlhcraiu for tbe Loleesterehlru ltoyal Handicap Or 5,000 sovereigns. It was won. by. Ham&r llass's six-year-old blaok or chestnut horso Hustlcus, by Hermit, out of Ma Belle. Baron do Hlrsch'R three-) ear-old bay colt Wludgall, by (laniard, out of Windsor, was second and Air. Dnbel's four-year-old bay colt Worldly Wise, by Isdom, out of ily Pet. third Tho race was tor tiiree-j ear-olds and up ward; winning penalties; one mile stialgtit. HARRISON INVITED TONEWYORK He Will Try to Be Here on One ot tho Ooiumblan Days. Iut arsoriATin prfij 1 WAftHlMiTO, hepu til. A commltXeo of gentlemen consisting of lien. Horace l'oitcr, (Jen. Martin T. McMahon, State senator btcw art, George v. Clausen, 1 nomas J. Brown, Itobert J. Hoguet and Charles 0. 1'. Wable, jr., tJecretary, representing tbe city of New ork, to-day called on President Harrison and invited him to attend the rolebrutlon thereof tbe anniversary of tbo dlscotory ot America. Ihecommltteo handed to tbe President n. bc.iutliully illuminated intttatlon Intlos.'d m u box of American ash mid mountod with gold. 'I he President said that he was deeply grat ified by the courtesy extended to hlin by the people of Now urk, and tbit ho nouul maku every endeavor to bo piesent. It would be Impossible lor Mm to attend during all the flvo days, but, under favorable conditions, be would bo In .New Yar for one day. HANCOCK AND GREELEY STATUES Location Fixed and Permits Granted by tbe Park Board. 'Ine Pail; Uoaid wasnotlllrd to-day that tho Huucock .Memoi lal Assodatlon hud ugreed to accept the suggestion of Mi. Vuux'that tho statue of Ucu. llant-ock sliould bo eyeilctl on tno south side ot llancor!; wiauaro. 'Ilia st tlun Is mi the ground, as Melius most ot the granltu foi tho pedisUI, and it wus asked that permits be granttdso tint the work of constructing tho pedestal may bo begun at once. 'I ho Board Issued tbe tequlred penults for this work, and nlso giantea permits tor tlio consti tuning of temporal) buildings at tho siteor tbuiiraut tomn iiocestar) mi tbocou htructlou ot the tumli and iiiouumont. A report as icctlud Horn I uuil-xape Ai thltuct Vaux that alter careful lousilerallon nf the nuestlou tlio tirteloy natuu at lb." upex of lli" tllanek at MMli avenue, liroad way and TblrD-iblrd street sin m Id men tlio east. '1 Ills decision was sitlsfacto'y to Hid members of t he tlreeley .Monuintut Associa tion, and permits were Issued loi tin work. Ineligible as an Elector. UT AiaoriATrn fares I Kisiioios, Sept. ai. Ibe provlilou of tho United ttalcs statutes to which Chairman llarrlty, of tbe Uomocrallc National Com mittee. In a circular rails attention Hint bank dlnctora are not ellglbln as electors on tbo National ticket, aflecis Dr. David heniicd), who Is the elector on tho Demo cratic ticket for tbo Eighteenth lilsiritl. Esquimaux Start for the Fair, lm istuCiATCD rsr.s, I Cuiciuo, Sept. ai.-blxt) htiiuliuaiiK, ac companied by several hundred (logs and a number of reindeer, h ivo tailed from Labra dot. They will mo all Winter In theEscMit mau Milage, comprising throoaciea In Jack bon Park, Chicago, liming the World's Fair they will give exhibitions with Ihclripecullar canoes and firearms. Wlr News in Bilef. MiojhorMS In JiI)Tir' CtfUDtrJll.,liAtdtrJ of d.tftua wnlch rvceiublea dittatr, but it wort (tl nd ctursi inort mdden doittii U bleven, tho Lio hot1 of 16JJ, Id the Loni, U. gflhutUrnarflti' onual tourn. mt nt. broLu all vrtvltui i urd thtrw hy corlutf jlft tlratiht tttitrtftlioti. twenttlvu it of ipu I .1 bit twf uty.tite, un tti Orrediuoor Urget at JOU jrartl' rtPffr. ltd reported at largo, N, U., that 'Judc" Short, ltadtr of lh mtiuriuu band t tattlt tntM. wltn heaJquarttrt m the Had -Uiidt, ha btta raptured and lnthed by ftnclituru and ev ral of iiUUad kllUd. Onlynmnda ol All-Toburno ('Urctloi. madtbyTBOi. II. Malm "HSTWMittTHK Aara.' Itavana tobacco, "UBavn." Virginia tiVaouo,10a ULF UlMtcs. doiuo.tic touau.,.n;. f.n.14 4ft. ' WEBSTER'S JURORS.! -' Seven Havo Been Accented for the I Bookmaker's Trial. All the Witnesses in the Pcrcival Tragedy nt Hand. Thae-Jury Panel Kxlmustetl and the Court Adjourns. The work ot sfifclluc a Jury for I lie I rla of Bookmaker Burton c. W cbslir for tbo kill ing ot Broker Charles K (loodwlu, was con tluutd before Justice lngrahain In the Court at uyer and leriulntr this morning. There wcro Jlready live Jurors In the box, and It was staud that Justice Jngrabam, being determined that this trial should not outlast tho week, would sit till midnight, if necessar) , tn complete the Jury of citizens t but must decide ielween Webster and tho people. On tbe former trial of Wob3ter three days were consumed In getting a Jury and six da) 8 wero consumed In examining witnesses. 'I ho itsult was & disagreement, the Jury standing eight fur ncqulttuL Kvldeutly District-Attorney Nicoll decs not propose to have a repetition of this result, or, at least, ft will be no lault ot his If tlio Jury falls to convict, for be has assigned to this trial tlueo ot bis ablest assistants. l'rauol I. Wcllmau, who achieved a wide fatnoas a pi o-i color In his musterl) handling of tbe llanls wlfc-polsnulngcase, the Minn) ond'jtber casts', nas btcn Inducted into this trial and bis splendid analytical powers will be iDrought Into play lu cross-cxatulnallon arvl In tho summing jp of the cise. Up will bo supported by .Metsrs. stapler and Mclnljre . Ailhui 11. (iowlHln, the )oungtr brotbci of ' Churk'R h. Goodwill, ami who was with Mm down tu within an hour of the moment when Webster emptied his pistol lino 'Jlurlc'i 1. Goodwill's abdomen In bis own apartment In the Percltal flats on Auj. 2, lhl, nrrlted , from bis homo lu Mltmeti pells this lnmnlng. I Nelson II. Hccord, of Chicago, who contia- ' tlicttd tho stoiy of ilyn tiranvllle, the "common law wife" ot Webster, about (no liuulis alleged by her in hate been ofliieil herb', iioudulu on a eertuln occasion, also arrtt d to-da) . rami Koinalne. Uie old serving woman aud VAebMcr's oesl witness, has recutt led lu a BrookDn hospital, and will appear, and William Mac 1'ai lane, the Janitor, another witness for tbe defense, bus I eturned from hurope, so that all of tho parties to the tiagody arc at hand. . "AmCiiRlbecltlznin examined to-day as to blsqualitlcatlou fordnty as a Juror lu the ,trlalwas Benlamln II. Waterman, of Kit 'I'astlxty-mtb street, who was one of tho jurythat convicted Ben All. or" HtucIij," the Assyrlau Arab charged with the butchery ol Mary Brow o.oi "Old Shakeapeaie." Mr. Wuterman was excused. Webster, lu a modest milt of dark blue, was cool and calm as always since bis arrest. He has implicit confidence lu his lawyer, William F. Howe. 1 he Jurors already accepted are: 1. James O'Kaue, bullucr, 1114 West One Hundred and 'ihlrij -third street and :.'0l Alexander at enue. ;. ltlchard Uotttl, clerk at IT Warrtn st i eel ; :io." Kast scveui). fourth stiect. u. ltlchard It. tloodrtch, tea merchant at 43 llairlsort street; 110 West oneUundredand Fourth street. 4. James Ualstcd, drv.goods man at o'iT West One Hundrod uudlwenty-ulntb and o:n West One lluudrt d and Thirtieth street. .. Patrick J. Ileinau. Lontractar, 4tll Last One Hundred and Tweut)-Urst street. il. John Lucas.ha' 4U7 Amsterdam avenue. HU est Llghty-sccond street. T. Benjamin Keller, uillllneij, 4IH tight h avtnuo simI :ioi West lhlrt) -fourth street. At:i.'.o r. . clerk Waisb announcrd to fudgo Ingiaham that the pane was ex Jit isted, und the Court adjourned until o'clock tt-morruw. Arraltrnod for Fortrlngr tbe Earl of Ziondesborousb's Name, Inv AisoriATFP rais 1 LoMtOH, Sept. 21. Capt. Francis bcott banders, tormorly proprietor Of tbe Lyric Club, wbo was arrested on tbe charge ot Ujv- H'g forged tho name ot the Larl of l.oudesor. ough tu bills for x'3,7:i.l, w as arraigned In the llarlboiough Htreet Polite Court am Lcul", the notorious inonej lender, ti s- tltlid that lie had discounted the bills. 'J be I lirlsoutj-'s debts amount 'o xT.luu. For Stats Railway Commissioner. II aestHiAirn iuki l.iuiuA. hcpt.I engineer Thomas Mian, of tho HUaware, lackwnuna and Wislein Itallw ay, lu this city, was it -da) , at the 1 bird UN Annual contention of the llrolhcihood ot locuuiouiii Hiemtn, now lu tession In t'ln climutl, Indoistd foi htute Kallnay Com mlssionci for tho Mate of New orkto sue. cced.Mlcliail HKkard. m .tl r. ftubrrls Nnl Tal.eo till. frfClAI 70 THF IVIM'll MStD I Hiistisi. s'pt. '.'I III. Jenkins sa)i that l'rcildcnt lloberls.of the I'tnnsyl ama liallrnad, will not te allowed to laud Inspected ulul all tbo passengers have betn unill after given a clean bill ot health. 'lho Iron .steamboat hlrlus, wlileli came don n to (Quarantine to take him off, lias re turmd to the city without him. Belden Wins a Flirbt In Onondaga. II AfroriATrn rrrw. MKaifK, Jbept. til. Injthe llllh dim Hit Itepuhlliau Judicial couvenilon lu thoonair dua County htcond Dlstilct contest ca;, the lieUlen delegatinu, beaded b W. M. Not llugliaui, wus udmltted nui Hie lllscock delegation, heuded by Charlts 1. Idc. . m pw - Courtney'" Death Accidental. A toronci's Jury this tuoiiiliig rclirned tcidltt that William Courtney, wlin)oslerday fell down stairs at 74 Bodford avenue, Brook, lm. and broke his neck, ma an accidental death, 'there was nothing to support tbe theory nt murder. Four Years for Dtuglary. George Williams, tnenty-one yeara old, of li'l West Tvventy-aeventb strtet, was to-day sentenoert to four years lu stale prison by Judge l'llzgrrald lu tbe Court of (leiftral sesslous un his plea of guilty of burglary. Prof. Qoortre Croom Robertson, tbe Phllosophor, Is Dead. t veenriAn, rnre Losoos, hept. ai, prof, t.eorge (room llolrrlson, tbe noted luslt utttr and writer on mental philosophy, died lo-da). He edited tiroto's Arlktotlt-," In conjunction with Prof. llaln. aud was editor of illmli n 'urtrilv l.eiletcuri'tlilin i-i? end I'Mlotophy, t IT WAS CHOLERA.1 i Official Report as to Fireman Knox and Coachman Louis Weinhagen. ONLY ONE OF THEM IS DEAD. Steamship State of Nevada Is Ordered Baok to Quarantine. J NO MORE CASES DOWN THE BAY Drs. Jenkins and Hamilton Deny Reports that they Have Quarrelled. Ilewllli Department. New torn, Hi-iit. 211 l l.t (initial! Tbe MircrniiM nnd ttie ilormrn wtin made tbw bueternloulrul rxiimlnatiuns rrperf i "Lenta WrluhnKcn, of I I First elrt-tl, who U new roiinletitit nt lltr Itrrrp lion llo-nllnli rrvenUrd Ibr presrurn of llr!llnin ol eliolnii Aetniloa. , tkFlrrmnu Jnlm linnx, nf ibr atirnm nlitp Kiale l Nevutla, also cllrU, tSriit. IN, ot rbnlrrn. "IlKKltANN M. Illlifis. 'i:lVAIU A. IICMIA1I, "T. ailTDHIM.I, IMtl'llllKN, 'fll'.Mti F. l.OtMII-, "(It ibr Carni-Kle l.ttburslarv. m:vaa ih hack. llr. .IrntLliii. Orders ibtftfrivnihUIi lu llrtitru to iuarRnllne. IsrrriAi. to mr rnttvn wonLii.l (LAKATlN, 8. I., fcpu ;!!. Dr. Jenkins Issued an order at :i.:iOtliH nfternoon to be served upon the Captain ot tbe steamship state at Nevada calling the vessal back to Oiarantlne. "! sV Dr. .lenklns said: "Tho Htatef Nevada came hero lu a perfectly hcaltfjy condition from an uninfected port, and her cabin pas sengers were discharged. Tbii agent wanttd me to relea-e the nblp but 1 refused to do so, as sho came under tbe twenty-day Urntl, un less be secured a permit from the collector. "The collector wrote me to release the Nevada It 1 thought she was all right, and 1 did so. I have recalled hor on account of tho death of one of her stokers." I1KAI.T1I ItffAKIf IH IIOPBrTI.. quarantine to Br Halted en Nevrrnl Hiiaprrtt'd Heimm To-l)a). Tbeie was almost an absolute dearth ot cholera news at the office of the, Health Board tblsmomlng. President Wilson wai at Ills desk at li o'clock, and declared that, so far as , be knew, the outlook was particularly bright, and he boprd that the remalndtr ut the week would develop no new cases. Dr. ltoberls, Chief ot tbe Bureau of Con tagious Discuses, was tbo flist to confer with President W'IIsod, aud after lie made bis re Iiortot tbe suspicious cases Investigated be was followed by Dr. Cjrus Kdson, Sanltaiy Superintendent, wbo received hts Instruc tions regarding the enforcement ot sanltaiy regulations. At 10 o'clock Gen. Clark, the secretary of tbo Board bung up tbo morning bulletin which appears above. Totfb Kvkniso Wnitio repoitcr (.en. Clark said Ibat therepjilsof tbe biologists In the cases of caual-uou Capt. Carr, wbo died at New Brunswick from supposed cholera Sun day; John htiox, tbe tlrrman on tbo Stale of Nevada, aud Louis Wrlubagtn, of 14 1 lrsl street, who Is now in tbo lleceptlon Hospital, were expected to-di),and It was bellevtd that the) would show that tl.c. men did not have cholera. Itriiurfa of Hnsplrloue i uern. Dr. ltoberu said thlti inonillig that repot ts of buspkloua cases requiting Invcsllgallou are still toiiilug 111, and his Inspector base llielr hands full In determining whttutr the) ui r t r are not cholera. I ti u cases of suspicious cuiirittct wero tc moved to the lieceptlou IlLspllul tarl) ibis moinlog lur observation, Di, Huberts, said, but be illd not think thuyvvouM turn out to be cholera. One patient was .Maiy ilurph), who vras found surftrlng at d.l i herr) street. Tbeolhet vvaslleni) Kngcl. who was tuken from the bouse 14 llrct strict, where louts Weluliagen, tbe loaclimau, was found last MoiJuy night. A seinl-'iuaraitlm-hns been pl.ued ou tne Cheny siiett house In tho sbape ot an Inspectoi, who will look out lor new cases ut dtsrrbtri! OUr.ises and report the same lo tbe Health Board lltinrtiiitlnt Italsrilo.i rrrn lltmera. (juaraiitliie ou seven housts nhtio Dieie have teen cuisf susjieclod tlioltia will lu raised to-day. I Ills Islullunlug an older from I'resldeut W llson, wbo has dscmed It sale to witbdiaw the Inspectors and pollcimrn fioiu the suspeeied places. follow lug aru tbe bouses dOiU'nated- I6i5 Maioo avenue, trltere 1 'IwsrJ Hooim, die t. 1704 heruu I sfeuuc, werr Mr t irUtia He.k died. Js I'ai t rtstitfliflb itr--i liei 1'eiei.t alls nan die, 3J1 risl lhlrtjr.rir.t street, tvliep, Merjr Cud n-trte ItveJ, and 6ji becooit arenue.Ml ere she mas found III. S7'J Tenth sTenue, where'el MrAvor ttistt ffiS i-leventb aeenue, where the Wifnisnusdled. One of tbu cases reporttd for Investigation to the Bureau of Contagious Dlstasts was that of WOiselek heolmer, l went) .one lears old, who vras found sick at mid night at Kleventh street and Second avenue b) a pollcnuan. An am bulance surgeon lrom Ji-llcvuu Hospital relusid lotake him anil pointed tbe IkUUt Board. Inspector llrjant went on Din cull and found the man suffering ft om Inflamma tion t-f tho bowels. Tar Case or Yer I brw t ub. 1 nc room at 14 .Molt strut, where the Chinaman IcuCueiv Wahdled, Is under strlu niiaranlliie to-day. "tbo two roommates o( W'ub aie not permitted to Itave their apart, rami, nor are the other tenants In tbe house allow wl to visit them. In other respectsthe quarantine does not mttrfero with tne com ing and going of tne tenant'. cu tbevv Wab," aald 1'ollcet C'apu Warts THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIO" HEALTH. to an Evemmi W'niini reporter, "was an in. vctertilo opium smoker, aud the chimera are that his deatb was due mure tn that habit ' thau to clmlrru. '1 be man seems to bare bad no p irtlrular occupation." About t no weeks ato 1 ee Chew Wab began to complain ut tilarrluva. He did not, how ever, think tbe matter verlous enuugb to call In a doctor until resterday morning, when Dr. Wilson, of tin Park street, waasiiniinuuid. l'.vcntheii Wall's sickness was unattended with cramps. At 1 o'clock In the afternoon bu collapsed, und a few tnlnuten lattr was dead. lhe bod v, bedding and other effects were removed three hours later to t ho hospital at tint foot of Kast sixteenth street. A bnloglcal examination will alone deter mine tbe true cause of W'ah's death. 'Hie cninaman occupied a real room on the first noor. In the trout room Is a fiult store, the coutenlH ot which were removed to bu burned, (in the floor above Is 11 Chinese rt s Uurnut. No outsider will be allowed to pat rontre It nntll thi'ipiarantlne isremoved. t HI Mott street Is tbe .loss boue. 'I be Chinamen of the neighborhood are not alarmed, as they do nut believe that Wall bad Aslutlc cholera. ho Miorfril This Morv r One thousand dollars reward Is offered by Schwanrachlld ts. wulxbrrtrer, wholoaale meat ' dealers at First avenue and Forty-rlltb I street, tor the approhenslon nnd conviction of Olui.pa0iurlinarralaMihetatfvenithat ' Charles bchmldt. wbo sold mi'ni to people 1 said lo have died from cholera, purchased I (ConfDtwed 01 Aerond i'nqe.) I RUSSIA'S SENSATIONAL NOTE. Addressed to Turkey on the Latter's I Bulgarian Relations. f sv aaaocf atfd rarsa 1 I ('ONSTANTiNoriK, Sept. Ml. ltussla has sent a note to the Porte tilling Us attention to the fact that serious consequences may result from tbe relations now existing be tween Turkey and Bulgaria, which Russia holds are contrary to tbe provisions of exist ing treaties. Tbe note bas caused a gtcal sensation In Turkish official circles. UNDERWRITERS CONVENE. A Sail on tbe Bay Arranged for I Tills Afternoon. I Ihc third annual convent loa or the Na tional Association of Life 1'nderwrlters, lo last tbree tu)s, was begun this morning nt Carnegie Hall. Over one hundred delegate i were present from every part of the country. 1 be Convention was colli d 10 order b) tho chairman, Charles II. llaymond, ot this city. Director of a Suspended London Bank Attempts Bulclde 1st AsaocUTrn rarse 1 I-omios, sept. "Jl. William Hlotvltt, one of thu dliectors of the l.ondou uud tieni ral Bank, the falluicot wblth was announced In these despatt lies of Sept. '.', was found today In Ipjilni: 1 nrrest, with bis throat cut und wlllij i.-lics in one ot bis wrists nnd one of his legs. lie Is still alive this evening, but ph)slclans sly his case H hupeless. South Carolina Democrats. 1st ASsoriAiin rar.i.l Cm t Mini, s. C, sipt. jl. 'I be south larollna Democrallo lonvetitlou met at l'j to-da). Dr. Sampson Pope, ot Newberi).ns '( hull maii,i, ingraliilatfst the Convtnllou tin ,tli" fael that soulh caiolltm had tbe I Deuioerocy n Its ptiill). "I lielleve," sal I he, "Ibat .11 tbe approaching election wt villi .giro the laigct niajorlt) lor (lovoland tor I President and llllman for (Inrernor that bas 1 ever is en given In south 1 arollno." These sentiments are regarded as conclusive and ixpresslvu of the convention for Ucveland and no third part). Irish Peer Decomcs a Vanrant. lav jsFot iin mass ) Wivmi-m, Sopt. Ul.-Uird Pagln, whose faintly Is one of the best In tho Peerage of In land, has d en sent to Jail lor two months fnt tagratity. He was uu Inspector In tlio Itnvnl Irish cnnstaliuljr) aud draws a jkii- iluu. Drink caused his tall. 1 Stnbbed In a Pn.ltlcal Procession. Washlngtou Jacks 111 was held tor trial In .IcrTerton Market Court tlili morning, chargej I with stabbing slxleen.)ear-old Matthew li-Kino.of .VJl We-l Tvveiit).siveiith atioet. Tl.e Isns follovvid tlni Krtd llaffuer Hatter), it thelittienlh ss' mbli Dlsulet,lastulgut. Tlieologlcnl Seminary Opens. ' Thetieiiciat Theological Heninaryot the j Protestant Episcopal (liuich,at 1T." Ninth . avenue, opened Its atinu il term this morning with the examination of applicants lor entrance. I City of Purls Comes Up. ' Kirrtii to Tnr .trsisu womd t 1 ViAtiasTiNr, f. I., sept. 'Jl. 'lho city 01 I ails aiis released In 111 (Quarantine at tiu 1 (1 1 pKk and irrncetdcd to hei pier. It Was DtfTorent. IfV-uw SroJl'ys I lie offered to sell me his cornet for IdO." "That's strange. He wanted me to pa) lloo foi 11." cs j but ) ou live ue v t door to ului, SOUTH PORTLAND CET5 m. - Release Ordered by the Secretary of tbe Treasury. Venertieln Has a Faster Vessel to Watch Her Movements. 1 ha steamer Smith Portland succeeded In getting her clcaranco papers this afternoon despite tbe efforts of lho Veneiuelen Covfrn mrnt agents to prevent hor. Cnllectoi Hendricks received a telegram from Washington ordtrlng him to release the steamer. At tbe same time a duipatcb cama tn L011M llaegcner, oiunsel for the steamer agent, notifying him ot the Washington order. Capt. smith was waiting In tbo olllcu nt lawyer ttaegtjner, nnd Uoth bus ied to the Cuatoni-llnus', where 1 lie captitn gut his papers. Tbo Vrnrruellii Uovernuirnt agent was hurolng mound In hope ot Retting out n libel against the vessel before she Rilled, and so prevent her Horn going with her cargo of anus. As soon as Capt. I'mllli got bis papers he started foi the south Portland. HcHildlhat when he got 011 board there would be no time lost In getting out to sea. Ho expected to start before 4 o'clock. If tho steamer Catherine Whitney, pur chased by tho Venezuelan Minister, can be fitted up in time she will st art after the south Portland. Tbe Whitney could overhaul the South Portland even If sho toft thirty-six hours later. She will pinbabl) watch the Botuh Portland and sen that sbe docs not land any arms In enctuela. 'I wo Colled states Marshals were placed tm board the vesel I fist night, as It was re ported that she was about to sail without getting lur clrarnnco papers. Deputy Sur veyor .fohn Collins who went out to the steamer with thu 11111, said lint she had steam up, mid that liei nncuor clinlns were ready In lie snappt d at a moment's noiiic. rutted slates commissioner Alexauder de clined lu bold t.onitiles. the vessel's owner, jesterda), and It required only clearance papers from thu Ctlsiom-llouse for tbo south rortlaud tosallus a merchant vusel of tbe I'lilled Stales. When he beard tbe Court's decision tbe captain burned tu the custoiii-llouse fur his clearance. lie got thern ten minutes before the time foi clu-dug. A small technical!!) prevented him lrom gelling the papers )e terda), and he wa told to call this morning. In the tin aniline tbe Neueuelnn t.owrn menl had asked 10 havo tbe clearance papers stopped uutll tMi vessel could be libelled nud a more thuruugh examination hid. 'I here loic, when tliucaiilalii applied for his paints at the fusion -House tills intirulng lie w.ns told that ho would have to wait until the Wnsliingtiui authorities had received the (ourl'Hiuiuial icltasc. Douglas A. Lcvlen, Jr., counsel for Venezuela, called on ( ollietur Hi nurlcks to da) tn prevent the salllugnt the steamer. In thu J'olltelor's absence lie liuii a coiilerenie with Deputy l ollccior Dtidlc) K Phelps, and is to call and see the colli t lor this afternoon. the captain ot the south I'urtlaud Is Ailhiir smith, lie was mude captain on sept. Ill, the (lu) lho vessel was di tallied, succeeding W. ,1. Ilarrlman. 'I he vessel Is ow 111 J by W llllam II. W alsh, a rclattvuuf Metnldlu linn . the ship brokers, and was chartered wooualt s foi t'.Mtiadav. '1 lie name of the cuisiguro cannot le learned. CAN'T SELL THE ARTHUR, Uncle Sam's Upset Prleo Is 7,000 -The Only Bid Wus 4,200. It) order of tbe Quarti ruiastei's Depart, mem, I .s ., tbe slde.Ahtel steamer I lio.-u r A ArtI urwasatrjln pu up at publle auction at iin-m ti-da) at tho foot of Van Dyke street, Brooklyn. The (internment requirement was that the lowist prlee for which sue should be sold was tT.'iOO 1 he only bid obtained wis 4,VHil Hie bid was torwarded to Washington (usee If II will ItfimeptPd. If not the boat will be pi iced In W met quarters and ufleied lor sale next spilng. HINT AT A BIG POLITICAL DEAL People's Party Chairman May Give It Ou: Later. 1st AnoeiArrn rarss I t nirtt n, sipt.-jl. St. Louis apcclils.i)s that t balrmau J aula neck, if thu People's partv National ( oi'iinlllee, hastened tu In dianapolis to-da) tn attend a meeting ot tbe National Kxecutlve committee. There Is a bltideal ou, aud If I chose to make It public I could cieate a sruatlon In 1 ver) rliKso stats In the I 11I011," said he, "ind In other stntis whUli aro not eousldeifd doubtlul. It will come tn a head In two or three wieks, ai.d then I ss ill lie piepattd (0 give out some startling Inturnntlun " I ouncl Nticlo In tho River. 1 he nude Ixxly nt a man about thlrt) yeais old, ."1 feet 7 Incurs tall, datk hair aud smooth face, was found tn the Hailrm Itlver off Ward's Isliwul 11 1 1 mlojk to-ja). It was taken lo the W aid a Island morgue. REPORTED PARDON OF DEACON. President Carnot Bald to Have Signed the Paper Yesterday, far tssnciATan rarsi.l I'akis. Fept. at. It Is reported that among the pxrdons signed by President Carnot yes terday, In commemoration of the one hun dredth anniversary of tbe procla mation ot tho first French Republic, which occurs tn.inorroir, is one Hiring liberty to Mr. Kdward P. Deacon.ho American who was sentenced on May ::o, last at Nice, to one year's Imprisonment tor shooting and killing tho Frenchman, Abellle, wbo was caught In .Mrs. Deacon's apartments tn tbo Hotel Bplendldc at Cannes. PECK PROBABLY INDICTED. A Sealed Flndlntr Handed In by the Albany, Grand Jury. lav a.sociatsp raree.l At saw, Sept. Ml, The Albany County (fraud Jury, now sitting, to wblch was pre sented jesterday the evidence against Com missioner Charles F. Peck, of the Bureau ot labor Statistics, charging him with burning the original blanks from which the figures In his report wcro obtaloed.mada a report to the court tblsmomlng. A sealed Indictment was banded down which. It Is reportod, had been found against Commissioner Peck, charging him wltb de stroying public papers. Nn definite information will be given out b) District-Attorney Katon. MINISTER PORTER HAS RESIGNED Be Will Enter at Onoe and Actlrely Into the Campaign. lav assoliatkd rasss.1 W'Aittsoros, Sept. 31. Ex-flov. Porter, ot Indiana, Is In Washington, and sajs that the report that bo has resigned the position of Minister to Italy Is true. He leaves this city to-morrow tor his home In Indiana, where be will enter actively In the political campaign. SI MRS. HARRISON AT HOME. She Stood the Journey Well from Loon Lalce to Washington. isr amotiatsd frksi 1 Wapihmiios, Fcpt. 31. The special train bearing ilr.s. llairlsou reached nere at s.l."i this morning. She stood the jouruey very well, and was removed ut unco In au ambulance to the Wbltellous,. NW YORK'S RELIEF THE FIRST. Hamburg- Receives tbe 33,000 Marks Subscribed in This City. tlV A.POCIATLn 1 ac.s. HtuniKii, sipt. 'Jl. Ihc first Instalment ot .I'.vino marks subscribed In Nev. orkfor tbu lellcf ot the suneren, was received to da). 'I he gift ot the New Yorker. Is the more ap pieclatexl us It Is the II r-i that lias been ex tended lu llaiiihurg fioui a foreign sauree. GREAT DAY AT JERSEY'S FAIR. Corbett's Sparr'ne Attracts Many Thousand Persona. lrcT.r te tiix rvrKinn viimsi Niwahk, Sept. 'Jl. lho fair at Watcrly Is Is full blast to-day and there aro about leu thousand persons on the grounds. IhamptonJamcs J. lor butt Is to sear three fotir-mliiuio rounds with dim Hal) ibis after noon. Ho will ulso appear on Krida). II avail tl. smith, who was thruwn under his bJ) gelling I out shot, veslei da), Is getting better at st. Hamulus Hospital. , Wheelman Lonz Reaches Walla Walla. lev AihOeiAitu miss. 1 w ai 1 1 W ai 1 , Wab , Sept. 11. frsuk o, Icur, vrho left New York JuneTtu make a Kiqi ot tbeworplon a blcjcla airltcd heie uwlay. Won the Dominoes Championship. W llllam G Nllklna, jf Paterwu, N. J., last III,; lit ilelcated 1 homas huMih, In the contest for the stain ihamp,onihlp at dominoes. Theio iv as a puise of S.'iOU a side. Tbe match was pl&vid lu lho presence of about live hun dred spcelatoi, al the l..i.-le House, corner ui 1 ark ivcntio And Mlralgbi btresu Detective Cosgrove's Father Dead. Jaiuea Cogrnve, ulght-watchuun at -the Orand street railroad stables, died suddenly at 4 o'clock this morning lu Iront ot 371 Mad ison street. He was ntty-elcht ears old and the father or Drtecttre liank cosgrote, of cupt. Dj rueVa vfllcs. 1. (,', ''iiMstaMslBsiism EXTRA-1 -,1 TALKGFTHETURF. . " V1H Nero's Sodden Heavy Sup- M port Gives the Boot 'M makers a Scare. IS Si WELLEfrd GOOD RICE. 7 - - iv",H Pugilist Fitzsimmons's Namesak ti;H Unworthy to Carry the Name 4 1 of Champion. '$M WILLIE L, UPSETS I HE TALEHT.-.fl tiaVavtaH fcaBBBBB "ssl He Defeats the Dwyer Colt, S Whose Backers Lose ?j Heavily. H 1 be talent fared well at (Irarttend yester- jSH day. four choices reached tbo flnltb in front rajH and thousli ihcnc.wcro at short odds theplun- tH grrs managed to pass a very fair day. The H opening event wati the test betting race of 'itH the day-, itosa If. might be considered the !,H real favorite, tnougu iko shortest price was V'yH quoted agalbst Nero. The latter was at tea's , 4(H when the horses went to tbe post and while ' 'iJH he was klcktug up monkoy-sbtnts at tba ( fH start, bis party slipped In and distributed a JtH big roll ot tioo bills. Thsoaalaught waa so f-l sudden that tho bookies got seared act H rubbed to a shorter price than waa really '''H Justltled. ltosa li. had a large public tWew .-iylH in g, and Adclbert, with Taral nptKaajdaiVIH strongly frapnortett TarrUbeattbaCagTrttliVjM Adclbert and mode tbe running until wtthla. 5 fifty yards of tbo wfrc. There Blake stroafUr ;?B challenged blm with St. Felix, and Taral Oe- ,";mB voted his energies tn beating the son 01 St, ijH Blaise. Doggctt came out ot the buck with ''--aB ItMa 11. auo, catching Adclbert, won on tbe iStrn post by a bead. Taral claimed that ltosa H. i'H bumpod into Adelbcrt and Interfered with . M hUchaacea, but tbe Judge who acted as uw. .fVyjJB ards failed to sea It and would allow no foal. ? Nero was a good fourth. Dalsyrtan ran proa. cilJiPB lnently for nvn furlongs, and la on tie lav iStm prove. Ho will do to bet on very soon. WH- imM colt, wltb Koerber up, ran a very good race, j ' W bite Hose's chances were killed by gettlnf ' -11 away poorly and running on tbe outside ot lifaH her Held tho enttro distance. Lovelace ran VaH poorly and so did ltlvak The latter Is not M ready yeu M ... j'M Fani W'eller, on public form, looked one ot ' I4H tbe best things of the day. in tbeAjax-Slr .,. M Kraucis race be sbowed a great turn ot speed, jH and was only beaten a head for third place "tm by corduroy. Wltb tbe weight off aud halt a ."" furlong less to go tbe taleut aud handicap- l pers alike figured bttn as a clncb, and so it vM proted. He went on Ilka 11 Dullct, opened up il"M a gap ot nve lengths und was never headed, -laH winning tn a cantet. courtship, wbo form ''B sold should run second, ilnlshed In that post- i'iW tldn. Vltulmmons, formerly tbo Tottrmallae isfl cult, was a poor tblrd. ibis youngster Is B named after bob ntuluimons, tbo Australian H pugilist. He was on a visit to tbe Uaggla v .fl farm one day and Supu Mackey asked nlm to ( select the two-year-old which hi wished '.H named after him. llob picked out the Tour- s.1 niailot colt, but so far tbe youngster has not '! shown himself worthy to carry tbe bamo ota isH champion. The Doctor ran poorly. It ts said that hols beginning to throw a splint. It ,jH probably troubled blm yesterday. Doctor ,'M should treat his ailment at once. Prince lm- ! 11c rial. Italnbow and Hugh Penny ran like a stH trio otyaller dogs. ,? jiisn Loi d Motley finally managed to win a race. tcBI This was not lecause he was cstra good, bet WU because tbo field prated against him was i;fl extraordinarily bad. Ant how be '-an bo ..iM catalogued as a winner. Tho l'op raa well '?;) for sis furlongs and tbrn went to pieces so vS fast that It was aiuestlun as to whether or '"zM no I Ittlefleld wou.uu't tie compelled to dkv JV mount and carry the imor nag home. He." &m struggled on, however, and ccenn-d tbe place ilm from Algonia. Itllizard also walked around. ?lM 1 he I aura Could colt was rightly a a to ." rbJl.coln tlio louith race, and he wouvery JH easily. In addition to the Neptune btakes ho I also secured a name. Kinglet. Mlddleton was 'jtm I rlddsn by loaug Covington, and well tbe vM second puragrnpli of Hule 1. Itrgulatlons ot sfm tbecuurse, prohibits tho writer tromsaylsg C?H more than tils riding was a great piece of .,i work. Whether bad or good tbo readers will )i',U have to guess, l'rocida, wno gcnerall) stops n at ball a mile, astonished every one by bang- vM Ingon gatnrl) and getting third place. Pansy "'jS will do to keep an ej e on, -iJM XLw Stratbmeath played with bis field la the liH fltlbracc. It was a staka horse against sell- '-4H lug platers, and class toll. Young coving- 3H ton rode stratbmeath clevciUv If be had ii-m ridden Ulddleton as well hlii-tec mbibt still M be tbe Laura Could oolt. Correction went M the routo and stayed well, beating master- :,IU 10,1c out for the place. t he latter was badly 'SfB haudled b) llaiulltuu. ' WM . , bH '' Nomad vras pluuged on tu an extraordinary ' degree In the closing etcnt. Tbe taleut, cm- . buldened b) their previous successes, put A.M down swell bets, and V. I'. Dw)era commbt. .H sloners dropped u few huimreds tn every book iM that would take them. 1h unttrtainty of 13H racing, bowevtr, wis again plainly lllus- 'iH tulcd Nomnd tlatierett his backers to the S lost slMeenlb pole, where Willie I. came )H with a rush ard won at tbo end in easy at) Is. )H Kniiuefort was third, and villi do tn back JIB when next out. sirepbon did well lor lx furlongs. ... cM Tbe fop's stirrup straps broke whllo he was jSB cinhls way tn the post ycsleiday, and Ut tie- ! Held narrowly escsped a bad Mil. The cult "JoH was acting bai'lt, but tbu boy clung on H pluckll) aud autl) stopped the biutc. VV I Tralnei Mltclii II has satorrd his connection Si!H I Willi tliestalle of II. A .Dines Co. He has ,JH bitidlitl Icoiiav rll snu o:utn cleverly, aud f,H wllluoilocg want for a situation. jM - M The stakr-iioflk for the Fall meeting ot lb ,v New ierk Jockey t luu I out und It rerJevts B gieat ereillt on t-citutur) Lnckmoie. HI viH a nit.s; complete compilation, ud lug front vTH 11 glance, tbo rscl ig promises in bo very In-- UJsH teientlng at tbo beauitlul H citcUcjtter course Ytm this fall. i ,,V'JH 1 JM " i. hKWfa !oi4slsflstl