OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, September 22, 1892, EXTRA 2 O'CLOCK, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1892-09-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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I Hawthorne s owviz-c- Brozik's$? WM
9 -i , ma. CSlW'l" : Court of fe, b'll
I i -J QviW The Story : -SSf Wjr- V Queen W VWkw
m s, i .' ' ;. j ijh i u Mij sw v.e- gr is-AHaie-WJiHentiiimisi cjauiaj;m lae miaamwn y - i.L.- : n--ll fH
I smvx-qux 1x111 oAIv.8wIll LCI 1 rLlv.sTa-ou. 1
Weather Conditions Make Health
Officials Apprehensive.
No New Cases or Deaths Reported
in Town or Down the Bay.
Blany Suspect, Hover ver, Are Under
Investigation by the Health Hoard.
Uralth Drnartaent, )
I Now York, Kept. 24-10 A. .11.'
I OfBrlnli
I Na raaraarranlerei hnTr brrn repartert
I la this city elnee llir last bnllrtln.
C'HAItl.KK U. WII.-.ON. President.
E3IUONN UI.AKK. f-ecretarj.
The weather conditions to-day make
Quarantine ollicials apprehiusivo of the
development of raoro cases of cholera.
Ko deaths or new cases wero reported jn
this city or from tuo Lov.tr Bay up to 10
Many ensea of suspected cholorn are
btinc investigated by the Health Hoard
The Stato of Kevada has gone back to
t The Moravia's steerage passengers aro
to be landed at Ellis Islam! to-day.
Weathrr Conditions I'lifaTorriblc
Moravia's Passanaera Land To. Hay.
fsriCML to tbe rvrsMKo wnnLn. I
QCABANT1NE, B. I., bept. 2:. Although
there were no deaths or new cases of cholera
reported from th lower bay by Dr. llyron
j este rday or up to 0 o'clock this morning.
Dr. Waller told an Kvimxo JVobi d reporter
" ' , that he feared to-day's drizzling rsln would
" jitarae mora cases to develop on tbo Bohemia
I down tba bay.
I During the storm ot a tew dajs ago Dr.
I Walzer mado a similar prediction, on the
I ground that tbo Inclement weather would
I drive the Immigrants celow decks Into the
I crowded steerage, whero the dangers ot lntec-
I tlon would be largely Increased.
I Dr. W'alzer's prediction then proved well
I founded. That da) there were tour new
I cases of cholera roslilvely developed. This
I morning he was constrained to be on the
I lookout (or new cases to-day.
I The Uobemla Is tbe only plague sblp In the
I lower bay which has passengers on board.
TheW'iomlng and tcandla, the other ships
at Loner quarantine, have nsd ineir steerage
passengers transferred to Hofman Island.
Dr. vfalrer satd this morning that arter
visiting Camp Low be was uertectly satisfied
thai tbe man Moreno died ot genulno Asiatic
K cholera, and be vrai equally satisfied that tbu
woman who dted was a victim JI peritonitis.
H Thr Ilrath I,lr to Mate.
H . The authorities now haling come to a per-
feet agreement, tbls dtire-isen the Ituulas
death list by one. 'J he death of MiUer luinx
places Ihe Mate of Jioada In the list ot prat
ships, and tbe total record to date la as lol-
H flralht prtiihi Tfin runrdf.i- Totat
H fhtfK at.ra. In ftrt. dratl: em. at"
B MorsTla.... 1:J 1 -M 1 13
1 KarauaaU a 11 10 CO 41
B hasla 4 6 10 14 VI
B Wjumioa., 0 1 1 ll 1
m acandU.... SI fl H 31 61
m Maliaolaad IS a 0 3
K Bohamla... 11 i 12 47 CO
B 4 0 1 1 J 1
B ToUla 76 2S 104 TlU liM
m Wyoming' People Free To-Morro.
1 Tbe Wyoming's cabin passengers uill ho
H released from rlre Island to-morrow, and
B their places will prorably bo taken Lj tboso
from the Hohemla and Scandla, now on tbe
Kew llamnahlre.
H Tho rain aud hazy atmospbero obscured the
Karrowsfrom theQuorantineUockthls more
B lng. At Intervals, howeAcr.lt cleared sum-
WeDtl)- to snow that there was a big llret uf
ocean steamships lying ntr shore. At h oa
o'clock tbey numberen sixteen, as follows:
M The Hugla, hucila, Normannla, MoraMa,
Hermann, Adriatic, westernland, Heligoland,
- Ethiopia, Spaarndam, llavei, Wisconsin, liar-
lands, Bendl, bute ot Nevada and city ot
B The hi ate of Nevada came slowly, and art-
M parently regreltully, down tbe bay at T.U'5
this mornlug and dropped anclm nn" l lie
Upper (jtiarantlne station. 8ho was to have
IPP) amed tor Glasgow to-day bad ull beer. well.
Illr. lallmadge found no sickness onboard
of her tbls mornlntz;
v Tbe Oarlanda. from nilboa, which arrived
1 ., at 0.25, was released at H.05.
Anotkor Hhlp (tun from llambura.
, The British tramp Bendl, from Hamburg
Aug. an, arrived tbls morning, bbe brought
nn passengers and all on board aro well, but
as she comes from an Infected port, she will
doubtless be held for several days.
Another British tramp, tne Kelndeer, Is due
In this port, Bhe left Hamburg Ppt. 4, and
. the health authorities are keeping a shirp
lookout for her.
Tho Uoravla'taUerage passengers will bo
landed at Ellis Island to-day. ana the lUhlcr
Ingot that sblp, as nell as ibe ltugla, Suevia
and Normannla, mil be begun.
Will Hendricks Hrlcuac Thrae, Toof
Dr. Tallmadge said tbls morning that so
far at the Uuarantlne omcMls wcro con
cerned the Adriatic, Ethiopia and Hermann
would be ready to vo to tiirlr docks at noon
to-day. All have steerage passeugtrs and
come under the t went j -day Hum.
It rests with tbe Treasury Department to
release them and It Is thought that Collector
Hendricks IU permit mem to go up. It Is
probable, loo, that tbe Westernland, hpaarn
dam and Havel will also go up today, as tbey
have no steerage passengers and come from
non-Injected ports.
Tbe Ilavcl. wblch arrived lato yesterday
afternoon, brings 353 cabin passengers.
The Uulon liner Wisconsin, whh'h arrived
lata last night, has 347 cabin pjwencrs.
Bho alll probably be held fort bo day, at Iras'.
Nuslcl.nes wai reported on any of the ship
at Upper quarantine
The (Ipimau tank Heligoland li nearly
loaded, and will probably put to sea to
morrow. Ibe Iron steamboat Cepbeus, whlcb Dr.
Jettkiss has been using as a transport lor
cat In passengers, after a tie-up at Ouaran
. tine lor torts -tight consecutive hours, lell tbe
dock at R.'-'u this morning and went up to tbe
city for coaL
It. Jenkins tbls morning added to the
(iuirantlnsOcetue team launch Sowaieo
for his private use. At 8.4fl he cmbarkea on I
her, and u snt don n the bay.
Ibe Westernland am spaarndam were re
leased from (juaiantlue at 11.U5.
iii:i,tii li'i.vitit's iumis rt'i.i..
'tuny Mi.prrtcil t'n.r of Cliolrrn Now ,
I'niler Inrr.tiaaliun.
After the comparatlvo lull In tho number
of suspected cholera cases reported during
the early part of the week, tbe lact that the
health ollicials have their hands full with
dingerous-looklng cases was Ulto apparent
at the Health Hoard this morning.
Notu llbstandlng the lact that tbe situation
Is not as encouraging as the beginning of tho
week indicated, President V llsin prolesios to
be still hopeful and thinks that the prospects
for staving on" an epidemic aie U'ry bright.
l'resldciit Wilson reached his ortlce at o
o'clock tnls morning and at on"o held a con
ference with lir. Hobcrts, Chief ot the Bureau
ot Contagious Diseases. A few moments
later Gen. Clark DoMotl tho morning bulletin.
President Mlson then reccU el tho report
ers. Ho looked hopeful and spoko very freely
on tbe situation.
Ilaarfal President Wll.nn.
"The situation Is quite encouraging," ho
said, " aud wo are hopeful ot tba future,
(juarantlno Is In force In the bcuses at 411
Kast Forty-sixth street, 31H L'ast Kortj-sev-enth
stn et. 4 Kxtra ii!aci 14 -Moot streol, il.l
Chcuy street, 1.1 .Vorrls strett and 11 hecemd
"In Ihe thieo first-named houses cholera
cases ere- found, wlill.- In the lemaluder
there have ben xttxpected cass, v, lilch are
now undergoing bancrlologlc.il evamlnatloti.
" Tbero Is no doubt that, Capt. Crr, of tho
cnual-boat Henry Cablll, wbo died in Now
Urunsw Ick last bunday, was a cholera victim.
Th? report or the biological examination Is
not In i et, but the results of the tesu sj far
made show conclushely tho presence of
cholera germs.
u have so notified tho Now Brunswick
authorities, but as we thins: tho source of In
fection is not to be found lu the canal boat,
which Is now at the fool of West Think th
btreet, we will, in all probability, ralc tho
quarantines on It to-da).
"In tbe case of the steamship Slate ot
Nevada, the tesel has gone btcu to quaran
tine on the order of Health omeer Jriikiii".
Last night 000 tons ot ill.' lead were taken on
board as ball-ut, and the dec. has been thui
ought) disinfected.
Tmeliia; Ncvmla'x 1'nm.rnKn.
"We. ire nowtracln the wlHri'ali.iul3 of
i tho passengers oi the sieauiohlp and hope to
loea'e thrm btlore long."
President Wilson addeJ that reports from
tho Itcceptlon Hospital this morning show
that Louis Weluhaugen. Mary Murpaj, lltnrj
Eugel and 1'atilcL Stewart wt'ie linpioving.
' There bavo tKcn comparatively lew cases
loported for lnesilgatlon since esterdaj,'
be tald, " and of thobo investigated uonu has
devcloiwd cholera. '
Tbu reports ot the bacteriologists In tho
cases of Louis Kngl, Mary Muni' s and the
I Chinaman, Upc Joe Wah, who died Tut.i-l.iy
at 1 1 Mr.tt street, are expected to-da) at tbu
Health Board.
Tbelr arrival U awaited with a creat detl
ot interest, as tbey win show wbetber tho
cholera Is gaining any tootbold In this city.
Places Where. .Ifaay .IIIaKl Ilnsr Hern
Exposed tu C'oatajiinii.
The Allan Hue steamship state of Nevada
left her pier, foot of W est Twenty-tlrot street,
ul 0 o'clock this morning and stoaintd down
! tu tbe loner bay, whero she will anchoi near
the Bohemia and Scandla, the only ships now
detained there.
MipL Clear), ot tbe Allan line's dock, Is
I sceptical regarding tbe statement that Jobu
! Knox, the Nevada's llreman, died ot choleio.
To an Kvfmnu Woriii reporter tblb morning
hesald thai If Knox died of gt n-lna cnolera
then tbe west side lu tbu ntliuborhood of tho
Compan)'s dock must be a hJtbid of cholera
germs. He had taken tbe trouble to trace
Knox's movements from the time be left tho
hhlp Saturday until be ret ui nsd to thoNevad i
a fen hours before he died.
I Knox went with a couple of friends em-
I plowed on the dock to a sailors' suppl) stoio
kept by Harry Wiley, on the north -lie of
1 w put) -sixth street, near Eleventh arcnue.
Wiley used to bo a lamp trimmer on tho
I Allan line ships, and afitr worktop lor tbo
line lllteen ears set up hts shop m Tweut)
slxlhstreet. lieu as a general fiorltf, aud
bis place was a rendezvous for the efs em
ployed bv tbo Company.
Knox spent aturda) evening there with
some of bis cronies. He left about mldtilgbt,
aud according to one of bis companions who
came back to the ship with him turned In at
As be could not sleep below he camo on
deck and bunked nn tho lore-hatch.
Here it was that be felt the tlrsl symptoms
of the disease from wblch he died.
iiuvi)ii th em: .iioitmiNs i.ami r
Wyomlnii'a Hire riwr People n t In f Ire
Island nn from second Ciibln.
rirrciAi to vnr rvrsisn wnsen.i
Fire Isianp, sept. '.'S. Passengers of tho
(iulon line steamship Wyoming, now detained
at Fire Island, have a very serious grievance.
They allegu that about seenty Mormons,
fifty of whom aro )oung women, who origi
nally shipped from tbo other sldo as steerage
I passengers, have, by Svtne subterfuge on tho
part of ibe Company, been smuggled over to
Flro Island with tho cabin pasfengers, ln
I stead of b:lng detalnel at HotTuuii Ilina
i w 1th tho other Immigrants.
Tbo kickers arc Itev. 11. N. Wilson, a Cat ho
I lie priest, of Brookl)n, and Henr) .Ijr.'ie,
editor ot the Belfast Irirh .mc, li.th of
wboui were tabln pas-engers outboWiuin.
Ibe Mormons aro under tbo charge of II.
N. UUlancbrlst nnd A. it. Johnson, of rtah,
and come mostly from Hwtueu, although u
few ot them are English The) all teem to
, be bealtby and strong.
When tbey wero examined by the Ilesltb
ortlcerat CjuarantUio 'bey wero all brought
bororo Dr. J:nlns as second e-.tbin pass n-
gers. and the permit was issued to bau' tlutn
transferred with the brat cabin passengers
to rire Island. Tuls stems to centlrm the
I susplcloa expressed whtn It was promised
.that no moiesteera o passengeis wtiull be
brought oer tint tho companies wciil.l shl.i
i tmmlgi ants and try tu bring them Into port
as soetnd eablu p.uac ugrrs.
I The W)otulngs llrst catln pa-senni r.are
, cry ludlgnaiit over tbr dlscmrrv tint Hit)
, hao been coniK-!leJ to usioilatu with
steerage passenkers, unit .Mormiusat that.
and they complain bitterly. Hi") demand
un investigation by lr. JtnLlns.
tutr.iMi.sK, s. I.. Mpt. -':. Dr. Jenkins
was asked this morn nt b) .in Ktrsisn
Wokiii reporter as to the truth of tho tore
going stor).
"I am satisfied," said the Health Ofllcer,
"that Ihe statement u untrue. Ills next to
Impossible that uch a thing enuid oecur.
T be Wyoming's passengers w ere Inspected on
tercral occasions by Dr. banbom, apd no
subterfuge to whkh tho cimesny might
resort to get steerage passcngeis on riro
Island could succeed, with his knowledge ot
tbe situation.
No company "would have attempted to
perpetrate such an outrage In tbe fate of
the great danger we hao to contend against.
If any cjmpany did tu I woull inako It the
costliest Job they ever undertook."
Dr. Jenkins added that he had received no
(munition from Dr. N eight, wbo Is In charge
at Fire Islau J, of any leellog among the pee.
pie quarantined there. " If tbeie was any
frellug or any disaffection Dr. Vo.'ghf would
not be long In Ignorance of It, and ho would
report to uo without delay," concluded tbe
Investigation of Davennort to
Begin This Afternoon.
Tliu Klct'tlons Supervisor Openly
Fathers tUo Koree 11111.
Cnlcf Federal s-upcrvlsorof Flections John
1 Daenport nut only admits tho truth ot
hct-alor Hill's statement that bo Is tbo
author ot tho Force bill, but toasts that ho
' win have the ohnoxlo'is measuro passed by
J Congress before he dl"s.
hubway Commission' r Edgar L. Hldgway
i was at tbe 1 Ifth Avenue Hotel when Daven
port drjppod lu, anj Mr. Ill Igway said to
"Davciiporl, I see II 111 nil his respects to
you In his sptceh the other night."
I "o 1 bac heard," remarked Mr. Daen
' port, " but I haven't read the speech."
" It win pay j on to gel It and read It carc
I fully," said llldgnay. "l'csslbiy It ma) lead
' to your reformation "
I Mr. Daenpo-t smiled grimly. "Hill claims
the honor," be sild, of making the discovery I
' that I was the author ot ihe Force bill. Why,
that chargo was medo In the dbatc on the
.bill m t lio llouso and was printed In the
Co101 rfuiia! ie'onf months before Hill
I made his alleged dlcocr)."
i And you nccr denied It?"
i " no. Why should 1 1" auswercJ Mr. Davcn-
port. "It Is true.
"1 will give you notice now, ltldgway,"
Dacnport added, "that 1 shall continue to
press my Forco bill, and I Intend to pass It
before I die, too."
" Do you object to being quoted as Baying
that? ' Mr. Davenport was asked.
"No. I don't beltevo In timid ltepublleans.
I never hrsltato to speak my mind freely. I
shall pass tho Force bill yet )ou sea It I
1 don't."
i Davenport, In conjunction with Senator
Tracys light-hand man, DaWJ Martin, ot
Philadelphia, is to hate- chargo ot the natu
ralization aud colonization work for the He
I publicans In New ork. Kings and Hudson
ibis arrangement depilres County cam-
Pilgn Chairman cx.l'ollce Justice Jacob M.
atterson ot onnot his most lmiortant func
tions. Mr. Piatt Is said to have done It with
his little hatchet.
Mr. Davenport has been summoned to ap
pear to-dav before a special congressional
committee appointed to Investigate his
I methods of superllug elections for Con
gressmen In hts Juris llctton, and to question
him regarding tne abuse! of the power git en
blm by hedoral law alleged to hate been
I practised b) him. I
The Committee consists of Congressmen
AshLel p. Filth, of thlsclt) ; l.eorgo W. Ha),
nt thenanjo county; Hubert E. Do Foiesi, '
of Connecticut; Jacob Augustus t.elssen
ualntr, of New Jersey, nnd Alfred c. Banner,
ot Pennsyhnnla. Of this committee Messrs.
itay and Ilarmer are llepubllcans. They
I tailed to attend the meeting of the Commit
tee called for organization, and their pretence ;
Is not looked for to-day, their policy of delay.
'lng and clogging the investigation having
I been plainly indicated, congressman Fltcn
j is Chairman of the. Committee, which Is In
vested with alltbe powers usually given to
Investigating committees.
Lx.'jpcHker Thomas II. Heed, ot Maine, is
annoiiuted la appear as counsel for Haven.
port, and congressman W. Hourko Cockran Is
i rApccii'd to conduct tbo examination ot wit.
I ntssos for the Committee.
Tl.enimmllteo wlllbltat. Hotel BclMdere,
at Fiui tu avenue anil Eighteenth street, be.
ginning nt y o'clock to-day.
Mr.Daenp.rt will bossedman) searching
questions regarding his" cago ' In tin Post,
(illlco building, and win bo given a t bantu to
rxplatn tbelneongruliy of Hit' thousands of
I arrests and writs of prosecution which b no
chamctc-rDcd bis s)htem of supervising elec
tions, lie will also bo asked about the funds
contributed by lbs Uulon League club to aid
Li I ill In carr) lng out tbe work tor which be is
peimitud to put his baud at will into tbe
Fcder.il Treasury.
i It is predicted about political headquarters
I that Davenport will rially refuse to answer
the questions propounded to him. and the
I pub'le expects to he-ai if lntcreitlng passages
at arms between Messrs. Heed and c'oekran.
. Ditenpurlhss wlthlti tbe last few da)shad
I lou. cnniercnce'S with ex.hnator ihouias cf.
ITatt, .National chairman Carter and ex-cvar
ltscd, theresulth of wtlch will undoubtedly
be oevdjpid vthen Mr. Cockran puts hlui
upon I lie rack.
Demi crailc members of the Committee ore
quoted as sa) lng that they expte every I os
sible move to bo made b Davenport to delay
1 ll not ctsve off the Investigation.
ll h is leaked out thai a inysti rlous canva's
of vours In this city is being male, and that
' tbo work Is belug done by illrtctlnu of Daven
port at tho expense of the lediral oovern-
i meut, but reall) for tho benellt of the Hepub
llcan fct ite Cosiiulltec.
, The oejictof the canvass Is said to bo to
find out tl e number of snters In the cltj be
fore tile first day nf registration Tleican
sass l hilhgctindiicttd from room HOI. Mc.
lot) it; llullutug, 1 l;hteenthstrri tnr.d broad
vvnv, where slxt) (r Mtent) e.invu'.sirs aro
a work. The canvassers lulige mat they
are gettlag up a director) foi Trow and Co,
but that tlrm declares tuem to be frauds.
Ihe Kepubllcan (date Cimmlilto recently
' estl nated tbe ei.t of ailty jiml, k.cb as, It Is
said, Is belag made by Davenport, at V.'u'.liio.
1 i.M
I Political Potpour.-..
The Itfpnbliran inaiH.mrtlnx t t uoprr Union
nil VVeilurdr rlthl will l In th ntture o(
liif fit l-xeiaeor l'utt wit prf.ldo and
rx entcir Millfr will iptav.
, Jr.te ,sll8uin btinc akJ In Ixi-idon wlithr
liewu 11 ai-cupt th Krpuhl cftu nolumilliMi lor
Sti)or tit tlilt clly trpill: " I tan lell brtttr ktler
1 gel HLC'i "
i Tr-e ( ountr Dcruocr.ej win hold lu primtri.
net Mondiy niKhu
Flro LICKS Up Dakota Crops.
Itv ilincuTlD rBrmtl
bT. Pacu, beou M..K special from Miller,
8. D., ssjs: A large section northwest ot the
town was swept by tire last eight and hun
dreds of tonsot bsy burned. Little threshing
bad been done In tne path ot tne nre and con
siderable grain unt havo been destroyed.
Tae lire started from a railroad tuglne.
TrrfThtilaaiV r-ffli
Tho Selection of Bookmaker Web
ster's Jury Eosumed To-Day.
There Aro Still Only Seven' Men In
the Box.
Justice In-rnhnm Determined that
There Shall lie No Ucluy.
A new pinrl ot '-'on Jurors was In court this
morning when the work of selecting a Jury tu
try Burton c. W coster for the killing ot
Broker Charles b. Coodwlnwas resume, 1.
Only seven Jurors bnd btcn secund when
an adjournment vxis forced last night by the
giving out of the llrst panel of. SOU citizens.
Nlnet) -live citizens had been examined, and
onl) seven of them satlsiicd tho lawyers on
both sides that they wero fair, unbiased men,
who would show no partlnllt) between tbe
poplo of tho State of Now York mid Burton
C. Wtbncr.
Earh side Is entitled to challcngo thirty
men peremptorily, excluding them even
though they meet all the requirements of tbu
lavs laid down by the Court. Tbe prosecution
had exercined this iljht fourteen times and
the defense fifteen times when tbo panel gave
Flft)-nlnc mon hal absolute)) failed to
qualify, cither bccntiBo conscientious temple?
against cupltnl punishment, or beeausoot
Mas or prejudice against carr) lng n pistol,
against ht.rso racing, honi.maklng, or common-law
mnrrlnire, whllo now and then a
citizen was excused because to-day Is u
religious festival.
Tumakosuruof no further delay, Justlco
Ingiabnm ordered the cnipiiiclllug of '.'uo
cltlztns tor to-day.
The Jurors thus far accepted nre:
1. ,lmon O'Kine, ball ler .No. .114 Went nn.
Uundretl an4 I lilrty-tblrd ilrect and Nu 'iOl Alex
aalcr aionui
'.'. Ulcliard Oetlrl. ilerk at. No. 17 Wcrran trrt,
fvo. aOr, 1 aat heeiitj-foiirtli atrcot
J. Kic'urd It. (,ouJinli, lei mt reliant at o 4J
llarriconatreat. No 110 VVe.t One Hundred anj
Fourth atrert.
4. Jamea Halalrd.irjr jromla man at Nn. S27 West
Oni Hundred antlTwfrutjr.nlnth atreet anil No.CJl
Weal On, Hundred and Thirtieth atreel
6. Patrick J TUruin. loutrailor, .No. 431 la.t
Ono Hundred and Twantr-tlrat aire at.
0. John Lucaa, Hardware, at No. 4G7 Anaterdftm
aT9oue, Na 15 Weal Eisbtjr.aeocuJ atreet.
7. lleniamln Keller, millinery. No 4'J1 I ichth
Tenue and .No. :i31 West Thlrtrfonttli atreel.
Webster was brought down fromthe Tombs
by Deptil) bhcrlff James Lynch. He Is took
lngandsajs he feels well, in spite of thir
teen months In a Tombs' cell, durlog which
time ho has been onco very 111.
F.veljn oranvlllc, the common-law wife-"
since regularly wedded and In whose tie.
fenco from Insult Webster says bo killed
I Clnrlcs E. Goodwin, has not yet appeared lu
Sho wllk together with tho baby boy. Bin
ton C. Webster, Jr., as soon as tbo taking ot
testimony begins.
Many things have occurred In tbe life of tho
prisoner and the shooting of CiooJvvlu In the
1'erelval Hals, Aug. I!, 1MM.
Webster's string of horses was sold to ralso
money to pay the expenses of the first trlaL
on that trial It was admitted by mode
fonsH that at the time ot the shooting Evelyn
oranvlllc, a woman with a blslor), bad
never been married to Webster by ceremonial,
but was bis " common.la wife."
on Jan. ll their baby bo) was born, and on
Feb. ua Civil Justice peter Mitchell,
who vras ono of Webster's counsel,
colling at the Tombs at a time when
tbe )oung mother was there, responded to
tbe urgent Insistence ot Evelyn and united
her In marriage to Bnrton c. Webster.
In April Justice Mitchell died -of pneu
monia. Then came Webster's own Illness.
"But all these happenings havo been ac.
cepted b) tbe skilled and schooled race-track
bookmaker as matters of course, and be Is as
cool as If beside tho track. Ho declares that
ha enters tbo trial penniless.
General Term Docloton on tbo Extra
Eesslon Point.
1st anorfarrn escsa 1
SiRATOOA, bept. sa. Tho (iencral Term
Department tbls morning handed down a de
cision In the legislative apportionment case
of tho people ex. rel. ,eorge c. Carter, oi
L'tlca, against Frank Itlce, hecrctai) of btate.
Motion and application for mandiinus and
Injunction denied and apportionment by
extra session declared coustltutb n iL
Opinion by Ma) ham, p. J., anl b) Derrick
and Putnam, .lusllct s.
Morning Papers' Solocttons.
at fiiuvr.sEs.n.
first Itace Marcellus, Belli garde,
r-econd Itace Monohc'.l, 11 i't nny.
Third itace- .Nomad, Jobu t avnuagh.
Fourth ltace-oikvltle llelle. l.-tilte.
Hfin Halt -Dr. Hasbrotik, Mu)nc gilding,
blxlh Hate Osiai, Trantll.
First lie, c-Lovelace, lawless
M-cond Itati -Monenell. cnaiade.
Third li v e- Mardotbe. Nomul
Fourth Itace-lOrk'lllu Belle, Ignite.
Fifth l.ute Dr. HuHbrouck, Mowio gelding,
blxtb Hacv-Transu, Hose liunte.
First Itace lovtlace, 1 nil) l.flmont.
Mcond Ilaie MuiiRiitll, Doll) vleCuni.
Tblrtl ban C)iiouir, NuiukI
Fourth Itace Ignite, s.tr.viie Ilcllc.
Filth ltact Di. llntlri'tik slalin.
blxtb Itace The lop, Ho'e Dauiv.
Firs'. Hicc Bcllegnrde, .-port,
Mt-onu Itsce tundeiaiiu, Dully Mccontv,
i Third ltt Nomad, hlug Vnt.
Fourth Itace Vorkvlllt Belle, ignite,
rltlb Itat-f Dr. llasfroucl , .via no.
blxtb Hate Transit, Ca:.vas.
First ltsco-Uugh Penn), Spart.
hetm d Itato Doilv Mimr-i-, blonenclL
T bird Itace W arpa'.U. Nomad.
Fourib Itace Ignite, lorktlile Belie.
Filth Usee Adalbert, Mo) no gelding.
tlxtb Itatr Oscar, Acliojam.
Their 11 lata Hrpnlallan far treirlnj
tiatrpaieatlabotlltasal ctaakrra Uv.u. Co. '.
But One Fisod Event to Bo De
cided at Gravesend To-Day.
Dr. Ilnsliroiick, Alnlio nnil Olhera
blioulcl .slulte n (Sood Kai-e.
Thccird at nravcaend tu-tliy promises nn
bpeelal attraction. Tbo Clinton Makes for
llllies thteu )tar old U the only fixture lo bo
decided, and that looks almost, a walkover
fnr.Mr. Ehiel'b Meet nlly inrkvl'le Utile. The
remalndcrof tbecard locks dull. There aru
1 good fields but no prospect of brilliant con-
, tests. The best race of the day might to bo
th ilfth, in which Dr. Hasbrouck, .Malm,
' Major Dalv, Lowlinder, Adelbert aud others
I meet at six furlongs. T bo opening event has
some good two-)ear.olds entered and may
I prove Interesting alen. The trick will tic
sloppy und hnvy. Tho tnirles and selections
tiro as lol ovvs-
I I lrirUie-Ne'Pla!ieef10Mrh. with 1,000
laddMij, (or tvni.ear.olda. lire and A half Inr
! lonta. Z4.
I .1. IC (Nil InaaUwl'. IIS
1 M. 1 llv.).r, Iwrela.e UK
I Itleuiton .stable'. llilej;arilw .. .. US
1 .1. A. a A II. Morm'a .MlunrUana 1 lo
I W. ( . Ilalr'a La Ij llrlni.Tit. . 110
W a. hlnctoti Maltle export los
LtnJuu stirlca I'ollita lurt
J.J. McC'allfrl'a Hilrh Penny HIS
M. CI.)'. I..l nhl ltIV
I liurkee statile a Marcellua . HiJ
Itamapo Mable'a Jersey ljuceu rllly .. . 100
I on recent performaucosllellegardclookslhc
best of the lot In this racu and he ira) win.
Marcellus m) bo the runner no and 'sport
ought nut to be worse than third.
heiond Itace t handirapaweepttaae. fnr three
jeafulda, ot 416 eai h, with al.OUO added, one
. nolo
II VV'arnlt'a Mnienell 13S
I Ken tail Malile Dolli AUl one... ...... Inn
1 . Keene a l ande aura 10li
W. It Junea Charade It 0
II. 1. I'liUKer-e Wall Jim 100
' (. Hali'eKaaoi Ill,
tltdeou A Dali Ha penny V-'
I It. Ito.a a On. a Zaupoal 'JO
btonenell wilt probably be scratched from
I tbls rate, lu the writer s opinion tne weight
and distance put blm nut of It, Tno purse
should be won b) Candelabra, with vv ah Jim
second and Ha'penny third.
I Third Hare Hwiepttalee nf $111 ea,h, with
iM.ooo addei, telling allowanoee One miloand a
f l.rbliar.l'. VVare.lh 113
VV. Ikeland'a Jnlm Cavauasll, 107
11. I I'ul.ifer'. Klrkoier . M7 ,
Ivv t . Ilaly'a ( ynu.ure lull
I. SlTord'e liperlem. lot I
i,. II Mi.rri' KlnirMao luj '
. M K lljrr'. Nimad . l"i
bhelhaM. stable's Joidutle .. U7
Mordntte looks ti have an excellent chatce
to win this event and the going will suit him
1 to a dot. John C tranagli sbuuld gel ilii
i place and Nomad ougbl lo be close up, third.
1 ourth Itsre The C'lll.tnn Makes for bllle, three
eara old of 4vU eacti.witli (1,JJU added One tulle
I and an etahtii.
r. A. I Sret'a Voik,ille llelle til
' llashlerd .Manir a lrlle ... ,. 110
.1 I pepper a I o . M . IMiie lit
Maiuma. .stable a Her arsllla .... till
I. Kesua'a White lb... 1IU
I', J llwyerl Sou a Malnd 10 1
llancoraa Mtatle'. Jo 1IIJ
,irkvlllo llelle Is far and away the best fill)
In tblsraie and the wilier cannot pick au).
thing Hi let her llioigu pluM sluhll) oir,
In r class SLotildc.iny her through. Jo) inn)
I gel second mouey, and Mudrld lua) be- Ike-
, third.
j Ilfth flaee Swerp.la.ea for all 4e of 411
eadi. will) 41 ObUaldel tlllee-iiuarttra cf a lul e-
i VV M Barriik a Dr. Ilaibrouck 1.'7
J J, Mil atteitr's Alahu IZ7
K lowa'a l.owlaiidr lit.
It. Mrltrida Major Dab .... 116
I'reastie.B Mable a Adelt'vll 1IIJ
Kaoci'iasMalile's Addle ll'rt
VV loikeland's l rotrliet lit,
brown & Kocer.'a Mone arldma Ill
Waliotti (auiptells .nattall PI
Dr. Ilasbtnuck rhould have nodlfllcult) tn
winning this event, wltli Alabore-cund and
v.j jot Haly third
sistt) Itace- SweepMa.. for maldena, of rj 10
est li, wltli l.eoo add, l ne mile and a aliteemh. i
e.lo ie etalila'e Maahai 111. '
I I. K.oi.u.li', ll..r .... IIV
I v. strau.'a Acliojam . .. 1' ,
II t.bbar1 a t a'tfa. I0,
j IV I a.tou'a Ihe lop .... y ... Hit
J I. I'. prr A l o.'a I ri .it ... li j
.v Daly'a Inlauta c! I w . g... 10,
I, VV .Newton'a l.eiao . ; lOi
I Tin closing emu me go tn Hose Dan e,
' with canvass second and irabnti not worse)
than third.
Gloucester Selections.
First ltaee-1iuls I: , Montreal, Darius.
.. e nil Knee Wang. one. Charcoal.
Ilurd Itato Horlmur, Wulluce (., Count
Mi In
rourlli Itace Lord Harry. Logan, Judge
Hftb Itace Atlhut Davit, Mamie B. li., .
O. II.
tlxth Hare King Ijle, la,tcr, Telephone.
Mexicans Seize AmeHaan Cattle.
T aariN isTio ertas.1
ll 1'AMO, Tex., Mpb J J -A special from
Demlng, N. M, s.i)s. "Customs oniclils at
I.s rolcmis, Mexico, arc seizing Urge num.
Urs ot American cattle which stray across
the lice from day tu da) Naturally, the
cattle nre returulug lo Ihclr old grazing
j groueds."
Miss Solmlkhausser Deoie3 tho
Poughkoe)sio StorieSi
The Jersey City Ilelreis Iteturnt to
Her Home This Morning.
Mi's nna schalkhatisser, tho Jctsey city
hilrtss, whom Dutchess County peuplo con
cluded bad gone era;) ts-cauwi she went to
Vassar colli go without a trunk and other
wise acted peculiarly tu t he1 classical town of
I'Oughkcepsle, it turned bumo this morning.
The lact that Miss irthalkhaiisstr Is really
an hclrcsi nnd that hei borne Isal'.'IWt-ccond
Elrtet, Jerse) clly, vvns teld t-xiluslvely In
T un Ev Esisii Woiti ti ) esti rday.
After Mrs. Autolnctle tthalkhaus'tr, fo-ter-niother
of tho m)stcrnus l'oughkts;uslo
wanderer, ha J heard ot her dau .liter .t alleged
strange actions, she sent for her attorney,
Mr. lljcot, who at orcc telegraphed for Miss
bcliali hatisser to stop fooling I'oughl.cepslo
people and rtlurn to Jerse) City.
It wustn answer to this summons that Miss
bchslkba ieer ranic lunie, and any one who
knows girl nature, especially tho iiuurc of
pzusarglrl", can tmsglu-j how angry tho fair
Anna was at having nr vacation cut short.
1 And Anna Is fair and Just, as beautiful as
I represented by Tiik l.v ksimi Wnmn's
l'oughkeeisle correspondtut. bhe has
blonde hulr, blue eyes, vivacious manner
i un 1 u ilum;i figure thai could not I
( help but eiclto llio envy of oiher
1'oughkeepsle girls und perhaps expltlus
I the story that sli" thinks vtbs manufactured
by some Jealous ci son At any rate, she sa) s '
'tin slur) vvusul Hue, and iltelaieJ this
m ri'lng, vrlth a sump nt the hot to empha
size tl-u wtnl", thai rhe bndn't bcib doing
an) thing but visiting mends.
"What a lol oi lies, ' she said, us she read
!a Poughkeepsle corresponleui's despatch i
sayln; the hadn't paid her bill at the Nt Ison
I House; that she bad roamtd ubout Vavsar
Colltge bul'dln.'s without a cb iperon, and
bad t ven vrorn out her shoes limning board-Ing-hotises
and t ben skipped her board tllL
The girl Is very prclt), but lioorly
dressed," (onllnutd tbo ttlegratu, and as
Anna read ll lierjato cbangtd irom smiles tu
" Partly true." said llio reporter.
"But I was well dressed. I alwajsam."
Interrupted Anna, und she rtarted m gel the
dreas she bad urn most of tho I line, but her
I molhir tbuugbt It wasn't neet tsary. .
1 "Well. )ou Just s.vy lh..t I'm bore; il-.at 1 '
had a gool time while nwa ard I hat I in
not crazy," ti.nllnued Miss Si'hulklisiisser,
u ginning to get Indignant at thu thought ot
what thu poughkeepsle people bad been eay-1
lng about her.
1 vias at" aud Just then Law) or
Bacjtcsme In.
i He told his i llenlshn wanted to ere them
alone, and th-n Ie turned lo tho reiortcr,
with a lordl) nlr uudssld- '
We, sir, have nothing lo say. American
Journals pay too much attmtlju to utlur
lople'a bu-lnese. '
Lawyer liacot Is from Paris.
Throe Men Hold on a Bawlr.g.Wn
chlne Dealer's Alltdnvlt.
Ilyiuan D. Bucvlelsen, u sewing maehlno
dealer at ."U'l Broadway, Wlllninsbing, lo
iU) made oath that a g ng nt I'olis and
ltusd ins In that locality bid banded to make"
inouiy b) burning buildings.
on his statements Morris cho.uoly,
(buries !-olom 'li and Joseph C'ogn were ar
rest, dard hell In the Lee Avenue court for
Butgltla.en'saniJavll lisurlilug und ver)
startling In Its details.
aa an
No 111 Effects from Hor LontT Jour-
ny from Loon LnUe.
ii t aft' larrp rrncaa. i
Wasiiim.ton. '"P'. "-H is said at Iho
White House Ibis lu rul.ig that Mrs. Ha Us u
li.i I 'igid ulgb s it-tuiid that she Is .alily
tomfortable tbls m tning.
There havo Ihm, un apparent III effects
froti btrlougj urtii) from Loon I ake.
He Wroor.od a Train a Voar Ago.
rv asioeUTr u i saas I
Jomssoko, rk Sept, ','y John Manning,
a)oung farmer, vvas arrested List night for
causing a eolten Belt I all way wreck over a
year aid. He mlsplated asnlteb and three
people lust their lives.
as e
Tbe only dlflerenra between a llasaoa cutaraad
llKTWaaxTlit ACllall'loSaosocicarelleUaUS.
Tho Romnntio Adyentures of
Brooklyn's Pretty Runaway.
Once She Kscnped the Deteetlvei
Disguised as an Old Woman.
After an absence of moro than two months,
during which she baffled the efforts ot the
shrewd detectives ot three elites, Jesslo Viola
hintlh, lirooubn's beautiful runaway, has
ben restored to htrjillstractcd parents, and a
latent advtuture Is revelled tit for a novelist.
In the story a grayhalrcd grand-mother fig.
urea as a plotter, the girl eludes capture
once In (he disguise of an aged crone, lives
under an assumed name, and, In short, Is a
regular blood-and-lhundcr heroine, only there
Is, so far as ran be learned, no downy.mus
tached and sOMltul-eyerl hero to the story.
Jesslo Viola Is the nineteen-year-old
daughter of J. M. bmlth, a veteran ot tbe war,
wbo has been a faithful mail-carrier for
twenty-seven years.
T ho Mnltbs lived at.VjaVan Buren street,
Brookl) n, but spent each bummer at their
own cottage at Bay Head, I. I.
Jtssle Viola is a blonde, with short curly
hair uud great blue eyes.
.sbo m)bterlously disappeared durlog the
iilgntotJuly l!. A satchel lull ot clothing
aud a roll of muslowero also missing wben
her absence was learned thtlollowlug morn
lug. The rl!ce of Brooklyn, ajfew York, Long
Island ell) andCoaey lalarFl were nutlllia.
fhu biuics of all of the people with whom
Jes-e loia was Intimate were visited by Ibe I
d leetlves, but no trace could be found of thu
girl, though once sbe stood at the head of Ibe
stairs It anlug over tho balusters and lis
leiied to tbe words ot a detective
Thai was at tbu home ot her grandmother,
Mrs. Mary Alkcns, :il3 Kosciusko street,
Brookl)ii. Mrs. Aikens seems to have an
enmity against btr own daughter Jessie '
Molas mother sod It waslnher bouse that
the girl look refuge, bhe was known to tho
neighbors there as Viola Alkcns.
Next day after tbe visit ot tbe detectives
two grandmothers hobbled out of. 'lit.' Kos
ciusko street Tbey went straight to the
(Iraud Central station and bought tickets
over tbu Harlem Kallroad to (Jolden'a Bridge
shortly after the train started ono of the
aged looking women went to the toner-room
and prtseuUy emerged carrying the disguise
she had worn, bhe was Jessie viola smith.
That wus July ill, and the runaway has
been living ever since with her old chum,
currle Ite) nolds, whose father occupies the
tleorgo Todd larm at tlolden's Bridge, bhe
was ktiutvu there as lolu Aikens.
T Lo distracted pireius last week retained
Lawyers llurcbard and Mulligan to help In
the search, and that firm went over prac
tically the suno couise that had been trav
elled by tho police.
I he appearance and disappearance nt
lola Mkcns Irom old Mrs. Alkens's house lu
Kostlusko street vvas nnally learned. The
Htqceuc) of letters lu Mrs. Aiken postmarked
" t. uiden's Bridge, ' cau-ed an Inquiry lobe
addnssed to Postmaster (Jrcen, of doloen's
HrM.it', who rt plied that lor n month letters
bad belli ren Ivtsl there for tola Aikens.
Last Saturday Mrs. Mnitb and a lawyer
went to Uoldt n's Bridge. The runaway Jessie
lola was confronted aud Induced to return
villi ber mother to llrnol)n.
T he- reiiuiled family Is now at Bay Head.
Capt. Wolsaert'e Election Asserted
to Bn Assured.
lev aiaociATrn ratsM
W aui(.ton, s,ept. '-'.'. Tho Pennsylvania
and New York delegates to tbu National En
campment decided last night lo vote as a unit
for c apt. W ets'i rt, W Is.-on-ln s candldateVor
Ciitumxhder la-cblef of the (,. . If.
This action, It Is assorted, will give Capt.
Wrl'ert a inajorlt) of tho votes and the
later Wlssert Is chosen b) acclamation.
Crippled Veteran of tbe War With
out Food for a Weeh. I
t. js.ot-iAvrn rneiA.t t
liv tits. Mlcb., t-ep . S-.' The bjdy of t
Mrs. elara Hostuer this morning was lound
nn tbe bed, where bir hilpless and t rippled I
husband has lain for year's febe had teen
aliaccd with fever and bad literally starved
to death.
T he husband, who could ccarcely sp. ak,
had not eaten lor a week. He is a veteran of
me war, which left him ahelphss cripple,
but bo has refused to apply for a pension.
rax I. Pal, Paxl. faxl.
Bast all-tobacco cUtrcttaa, 10 ceatl par package.
2 O'CLOCK. ll
Minister Bolet Says He Will 19
Pursue the South Portland. - j9
The Catherine Whiting, Ha AdraiU, .9
Is Too Slow. , rM
He Expect to Get Awny WllhU irtjH
Forty-clglit Hours. 'Ji'H
A fast steam yacht. Inste id o; the steamer .yfl
Catherine Whiting, will bo tent la pursuit Of cc'aaal
tbe Houtb Portland, whlcb succeeded In '-XlB
curing her clearanto pipers yesterday ant "?alj
salted for Port ot tsraln, Trlnlaad. 'tH
Venezuelan Minister Bolet nlmself said so KB
this morning. He was seen st his home, 33T fl
Third street, Brooklyn, by an Evimxa "U
W'oKi.n reporl er, to wtotn he said i ,)S
-our contract with the Whiting was not Jii'9
formally closed and we shall not use 'ber. la xS
tho llrst place, she docs not poises the neota- ;B
sary speed and could not overhaul Ibe Sottlfc tfH
rortland. 'I'jB
" But then we havo another and a better jsH
vessel, one that Is especially suited for our 49
purpose. It Is a steam yacht, whlcb tbe f9
tinner has placed at our disposal, and he Is ao ,'''.'.
much Interested In tbe matter that he means 'i's'ffl
to accompany us wben we Stan after tha t
bouth Portland." 9
When will that bo 7" be was asked. ''9
"Well, not before ha tu rday. We (ball 9
have to 11 1 her with guns and supply plenty ;'fl
of ammunition. I have not purchased any ytt, ,l
but am negotiating. ' !
"Tbls yacht Is three-masted and her tonnifs 9
Is registered at l.ooo. 1 cannot glTa you tba -"'H
name ot tbe yacbt as the owner has enjolhaa ; -.'JM
secrecy upon me and said that puMldty at .. fl
his name now would seriously In tarter Was"-. JB
his business. " "" '" ftU
"The Impression has got abroad that your "tl
refusal to take the W biting was due What ,f
of funds, ' suggested iho reporter.
"Oh, not We have plenty ot money. Only &v
recently 1 received 00,ooo from my Ooverri-
menu The Whiting Is too old. She would :,'
not do at alL f
" This yacht just lults us and will atajst A
In forty-clgbt hours. That U, my son Carloa -i
and some of our friends like Gen. carlo Cas. ''Ai
tro, our former Con sUl-General to Uvtrpoolt ?
will go. ,
" W hen wn conclude what sire guns wo :(
shall place aboard the yacht the start will bo "-
mace. Of course we shall do nothing lo tbo
way or fighting until we cet In Veneiuslan iff
waters. 1 do not propose It 1 can help It to T
permit the bouth Portland to land those
munitions ot war. We know thsyareln- g
tended for tbe rebels and tbey aro to be uatit ' ,
against our Uovcrnment. -':
" We shall uso foroe to prevent such action, 7m
aud I fully expect there will be war on Ihe V'M
water. Tbey say the bouth Portland is not '
fitted to d3 any ngbllng. Why, she has OaU M
ling guns aboard, and what can bo easier taaa ''jM
I to discharge them from her deck f j
' I fully expect to overhaul the. Soma pert. AB
I land, even though she has this great lead of ''-M
us. It we get away Saturday I think Bf M
Tuesday or Wednesday our yacht will bo la ;
sight ot the Portland. 9
" She can make only eight knot an hour, H
while I am assured that this yacht can make 9
elghtesn per hour. vJj
" I hare not made any application for ;Jj
clearance papers tor the yacht. The captain Wjl
can do that in a few hour' time." Sw9
"noma reflocttons have been cast VoaOr - JpJ
luela's navy, It being said that the vVkltlaf 'fjM
alone constituted tne navy." ,"rt9
It Is untrue. We hav o nve merchant ve. 19
gels which we ue as cruisers. There aro ' )M
troops on all of them, but the vessel are not jVJ
all armed. They are the Pararo, Ubertador. t$M
Hero. Marschel Sucre and Cavano Ido."" SU
Tho reporter visited the Catharine Wbltlnf, B
at the foot of Twenty-stxth street. South '
Brooklyn. 'U
The Whiting ts not a formldable-looklnf vM
" cruUcr." bbo has a very dismantled appear. ,3H
ancc and seems to have been In disuse tor ,$)
years Instead ot two months, as Capu U 'iM
drldge sa) a. Aj;J
The latter had no knowledge that Minister JjB
Bolet had given up the Idea of utilizing the sB
Wbttney. When asked If Minister Bolet had 4flt
chartered her Capt- Kldrtdge said: 3j-?m
' Nobody his chartered ibis craft yet. Mr. 'M
Bolet paid a certain sum ot money to bind a kM
bargain to charter her, but uulU he planfea AM
uuwn the rest be don't get the Whitney." . ,.-
a- iaai
Lilly Obercauab Dies from Burns ate ''WM
calved at a Bonfire. "i
Lilly Obcrcaush, three aud one-half years 4afl
old, of 1UJ cireeupolnt avenue, Williamsburg, IsH
died tbls mornlug from the effect of burns 7jH
1 received wbhe playing around a bonfire. ;I9
Last evening the child was near the corner fl
ut creenPlt avenue aid Leonard street. $Mm
r-orne bo)s had built a boahre, and, golDf fl
I neurit, ber clothts caught tti. tfl
Down tbe street sbo ran, screaming, ber Jmm
playmates alter ber. Many tried lo put oat .WU
' the tire and onlv it celled burn. .'KB
; w hen Lilly tell unconscious sbe was carried $Mt
' to her Lome and attended by Di. Pulton. ttaaal
Tuo child lingered in agony until 8 o cloak , . 'S
Ibis morning. --fiaaal
SufTerlng from Severe Norvoua Pros ,'iH
tratlon at Sandusky. 'tJMWl
IffeesAT To Tr SVTatTis witl liaamai
riAKPrsxr, a, rJcpt, s. Gen. John 'Iops to ?H
suffering here irom severe nervou prosira. iJM
tlon. He is In his seventieth yetr, and Ifto "'-TsmH
tact of bit old ago realers hi frlecdSSaV .--3MM
trcmely anxious over hla ooudluon. KXMM
- , ii? jM
i,-, i ..'- it':immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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