Newspaper Page Text
m , , . ,!. .IfBaBBBa1 Hawthorne s BW Brozis' - 'B . irsn Scarlet KX2 ; - w'fe- -. Great 2Kua, i oH K :L-J r itsauthor : 4MW "TWJ '1STT SV-flrV AJ, -r-, . Reproduced I FMl )H ; T pHpy mou,a aH V trTr f((jMM itffitQ&xk Ink VirUirp byribaye- LU yjM m : Letter. Complete. : fu1 fP Wfelff IPHfflill W Pp OT I HI ' W H I ,'". SUNDAY'S WORLD. ) J H 4f I I M W UV SUNDAY'S WORLD, J& f H H PRICE ONE CENT. M T()"l,"lv. TUVHsoTS", SKlTKMlM'Iu"22,"l8!). PRICE ONE CENT. . jaB I LAST EDITION. I . WITH A FAST YACHT. H m MiniBter Bolet Saya Ho Will B Pursue the South Portland. M The Catherine Whiting, He Admits, H Is Too Slow. H He Expect to Gat Awy Within H Forty-eight Houn. MVA A fast steam yacht, Instead or tho steamor H Catherine Whiting, will be bent In pursuit nf H the South Portland, which succeeded In se. H curios her clearance papers ) esterday and H galled for Port ot Spain, Trlnlaad. H Venezuelan Minister Bolet hlmselt said so H this morning. Ue was seen at his home, 3,17 KV Third street, Brooklyn, by an Etkniku B World reporter, to whom he said: VJ " Our contract with tho Whiting was not formally closed and we shall not use her. la Pfl the first place, she does not possess the neces- a ary speed and could not overhaul the South B Portland. P " But then we hare another and a better ,H vessel, one that Is especially suited for our H purpose. It Is a steam yacht, which the owner has placed'at our disposal, nnd he Is so m much Interested In the matter that ho means H to accompany us when wa start after tho H South Portland." BL " When will that be?" ho wai asked. B " Wall, not before Saturday. Wo shall H hate to fit Her with guns and supply plenty H of ammunition. I hare not purchased any yet, H but am negotiating. H "This yacht Is three-masted and her tonnago H la registered at 1,000. I cannot give you tho H name of the yacht as the owner has enjoined H secrecy upon me and said that publicity of H His name now would seriously Interfere with H. his business." H' M The Impression has got abroad that your H refusal to take the Whiting was due to lack H of funds, ' suggested the reporter. i I' Oh, no! we have plenty of money. Only "Jl3" ,. j., recently I received from my Govern. H ' menu The Whiting Is too old. She would H not do at all. H " This yacht Just suits us and we will start H la forty-eight houn. That la, my son Carlos H and some of our mends Uko a en. Carlos Cus- H tro, our former conjul-aeneral to Liverpool, H will go. H '' When we conclude what size guns wo H Shall place aboard the yacht the start will be H miae. Of course we shall do nothing In tho H way of fighting until we get In Venezuelan H waters. I do not proposo It I can help It to H permit the South Portland to land those H , munitions of nar. We know theyaroln- tended tor the rebels and they are to bo used M against our Government. M " We shall use foico to prevent such action, M an I lullr expect there will be . iron the H water, lueysaylhe South Portland Is not E fitted to do any aghtlng. Why, she has Gat- H ling gubs aboard, and what can to easier than M , to dlscfaargb them from her deck: H ' 1 fully expect to overhaul the South Port. iH land, even though she hai this great lead on H us. If we get away Saturday 1 think by H Tuesday or Wednesday our yacht will be In i M sight of the Portland. H " She can make only el ht knots an hour, iH while I am assured that thlsj acht can mako 'H eights, n per hour. H "I hae not made any application for , clearance papers tor the yacht. Tho captain B can do tutu In a few hours' time." B "Some reflections ha a beon cast on Vene- H zuela's navy, It btln; said that the Whiting H alone constituted tnu nuvy." H "It Is untrue. We havo five merchnnt ves- ieli which ne uo as crulsen. 'Ilieru are B troops on all or them, but tho vessels arc not KVAVJ all aimed, ibiy urc tno l'araro, Llbcrtador, H Hero. Marscl ai 8 ere and cntanoldd." m 1 he reporter Malted the Catherine Whiting, H at tho toot or Twenty-sixth street, fcouth Broo'ilyn. ! Ibe Wliltlng Is not, a fnrmldablc-looklug H Vcruhei." Mm tins h rr.r dlsmautlea up, car- IH line niiil wems to lute been In disuse tor PPpM jears lustcil or ito mouth'), as tapt. Ll- IH drldgc Biij s. PPBfl 'Hil latter bad no knowledge that Minister 1 Bolet liadRUcn up the Idea or utilizing tho H Whltni'). Whin asked It ; Minister Bolet hud chartered her t'anu J: PPpM "Nobodj has chirtereii this cratt yet. Mr. PPHP P.olet paid n cci tain sum or mnney to blod n Jb, bBrcaln to charter her, but mull lid planks PBW aown the rest he dont get tho Wliltlig. PPPJ " W. s I.CHUII3II, or 1 art Mcnmoulli, N. .!., PPPJ Mwns her. and ho has a (HmI. ut :, suutli PBVB atreet. B iwmnn bought her In Philadelphia PPPJ thrte mouthiago. 'ihcrets nothing aboard PPPJ the Whit I nit nu but :ino tonsoi coal. 1 PPPJ havo uj cren and no ballast. I don't need PPPJ any uh the coal. PBVM " No, l haven't any ammunition nb ad, but J 1 suppose I'olet will at teud tn thai 1 could ( f.a under waj In about twenty-inur hours PBVM ii ht I get word tlmt lloltt hau chartered AVI PBH Asted whether heunulrt go to sea In thu Vessfl, theciipialn replied; Ceilainl). . bhu Is seanorthy. Tho PBH Whiting is only t wenty years old Hiie nns PPH built In a yard on thu MjkIIo litter, and Is an PPPJ oak unc Iron roiuposlte esel. H " Her griSs tonnace Is NT.' unit she has two VM i enitlnis. unuor thefn udotike). anl both to- PPPJ getner capable or giving .sou horv-powcr. I PPPJ use ten ions el coal dan . ' PPPJ 'I he captain dpi not expliln linn, 11 hocar- PBH rlrd no ballast e.xcrnt hi:niOtiii,s or coal, PBH he would get along for ballast hcu ho was PH out ten days. J . The houtn Portland lins a Kood leidou PBVJ Jltnlbtcr Bolet and his party, liavlug gotten PBB away last nUlit at 10 o'clock. PBB The lreusury Department released her by BBM telegraph at o'clock yesterday. H It was snld by Minister lln'rt that the BBB South Portland carried two Uatllng gun, BJBBJ forty Itcuilngton rides, 4,ouu inim.ets, BJBI 1,400,000 caurldges and lou.uoo gun caps. BBB At the orticeil tninuel Holmes, lliu miI1 BBB Hreet, an F.tesino Woiilii reporter was in BJBI formed that there was nu i.u uoi yacht or BBJB .nun tons burden registered. SB sTho largest sieamjucht Is Joy Gould's M- J tl iiinul rum tousi-iosi anuu'h4 Iuiik litt K. Tnre was a vessl or J,000 tons lit 1 1 lor (Bjf ""' t'nliej Mates in be used as it cutter Bfj which was refuted, sad It Is ihoiunt poale M that Mlulater llrlot may bae obtained her. Bfjf The distance to Laguayra Is 1.HI7 miles fM and the Bed fl. line of steamers renulre six J dnya to Make tue passage rrunl this jiort, M ateauilng at the rate or thirteeh or (oufleen M khou. BTt-A .v v , FIREBUGS FOR PAY. A Gang of Alleged Oonspirators Lodged in Jail. Offered to Burn a Man's Store for $100 in Advance. Supposed Origin of Many Kecen BIysterlous Fires. A sensation was caused to-day In Williams burg by the disclosure of a dollbcrato con piracy on tho part of a gangot Poles and Russians to burn buildings and collect a part or tho Insurance trom the owners. Threoorthogang, Moms Scongerholtr, or 140 tssex street, New York; Joseph Cohen, or lfiu Boorum street, Brooklyn, and Charles Solomon, or fil)3 Broadway, Williamsburg, have been arrested. It is Bald that they have been operating lor some tlmo both In New Yor and Brooklyn, and tnat they havo es tablished a regular ilrebug organization. They wero to be arraigned this morning In Justice Goettlng's courr, but owing to tho absence or the magistrate the hearing has been postponed lor a week. The evidence against the alleged firebugs Is furnished by Ilyman I). Buegelelsen, a repu table dealer In aewlngmachlnesat503 Broad way, Williamsburg, with whom the conspira tors attempted to enter Into a contract to bura his premises upon the payment to them of aioo. Mr. Iluegelelsen's affidavit states that In June last Joseph Cohen came to his store to buy a sewing macnlne. lie was told that ho could not get one except for cash, whereupon Cohen unfolded the plan by which ho ex. pected to get some money inside or a mocth by knowing a party who was going to have a fire. Cohen told Buegelelsen that there was an organized band engaged In the firebug busi ness, and made an offer to burn down bis store for him It lie would pay 1100 lor the Job. lie advised Buegelelsen to get his place Insured at once, and said bo would Introduce him to the leader or the gang. Buegelelsen says that he at once reported the matter to tho Fire Marshal, who told him to go ahead ana get evidence against the gang. Accordingly, when Cohen next met him by appointment at bis store, he brought Charles Solomon with him, and arrangements were begun to setnre to Buegelclsen's property. Tho two men told Buegelelsen that the man who would do the Job was Morris Scon gerholtr, or no Kssex street, New York, a grocer, who had much experience In the busl. ness and had managed several successrul fires In his own place. Some days afterwards Solomon and Cohen took Buegelelseu over to see Scongerholtz, and they had a conference at 140 Essex street. Tho threo men Insisted that Buegel elsen should pay them tho $100 In advance, but ho hesitated, and they made all sorts or propositions, offering to take part In advanco and the rest when everything was ready to touch off. Alter this, Buegelelsen slid, Cohen and Solomon called several times at his store and urged him to pay tho money nnd have the Job over, but ho kept putting them orr until Sept. i:i, when ho made an nppolntmeut to meet them nt his store, Flro Marshal Lewis was there, representing hlmseir as a sewlng.machlno man, and heard much of tho conversation. Buegelelsen offered to pay S'.Ti down If Solomon would get his father-in-law to Indorse a note. As ho would nut secure tho Indorsement, the money was not paid that day. Sept. 15 the two men came to the storo In tho evening and took measurements. They were to come again Saturday for tho money. They had previously suggested that Buegel elsen should bring up his machine oil from the cellar, so that It would burn more easily. baturdav neon toiomon to Bucgel clrcn s house and told blm that Cohen and Scongerlioltr wero at tho stom walling tor tho moncj. He teutons ot his workmen to notlty tho polite nnd then went over. Sron. gciholtz was making some experiments, hav lm; a mixture ot bcnrlno and machine oil on the Moor, when the police with L'apt. Knnts came In und m rested the trio. They havo been prisoners ever since, and tho charge I against them Is conspiracy and attempted arson. 'Ihcpollco are still Investigating the case, but they bellovo that they have secured tho ringleaders ot a gang which has btcn operat ing successfully In New York as well as Brooklyn. 'Iherehavo been sou'ial mysteri ous tires In Williamsburg, which have always been regarded with suspicion, but no evi dence against tho owners or occupants or the premises could be secured. BENCH WARRANT FOR MR. PECK. Tho Commissioner D'.d Not Appear In tho Albany Court To-Day. i.rrrnt so tit rirsisi vontn I Aibanv, M;pt. US. Labor Commissioner Peck was ejected to appear In tho Court nf Session this tnomliu for arraignment cm the indictment chirglng him with burning public papers. Ho did not appear, and on request oi District-Attorney Katon a bench wairant was Issued tor him. A lfi,000 Pilot Boat Sunk. Irv jMfiritTrn ririn I Bosinv, S;iit. -'-'. I Hot boat Varuna No. it was run dow n by the listing schoouer F.tnlly p. WrUhi last night and Hiink.c'rcw savid. The aruna was ol !iurges's design and valued at in,ooo. Rntsed Chocks on His Employer. Max Kurtz, n young clerk or 148 Clinton street, was held fur trial In Kssex Market court I his morning 0'i a charge nt ralMntr two checks signed by his einiloyer, Uavlrt Moskowltz, a shoo dealer ot 44 Uraud street. Kurtz pleaded guilt j. rami. 1'axl, I'nxl. t'axl. BMtall-ttbMW cltrltw, IV ctotl Ht rkai V THE RACK READY FOR JOHfl I. Investigation of Davenport to Begin This Afternoon. The Elections .Suporvlsor Openly Futhers tho Forre Hill. Ctler Federal Supervisor ot F.lectlons John I. Davenport not only admits tho truth nt Senator Hill's statement that ho Is tho author ot tho Forco bill, but boasts that ho will havo the obnoxious tnetsuro passed bj Congress before he dies. Subway Commissioner IMgar I- Itldgwny was at the Filth Avenue Hotel when Daven port dropped In, and Mr. ltldgwaysald to him: JOIIV I. tliV ENPOIIT. I " Davenport, 1 sec Hill paid his respects to I you lu bis speech the other night." I "Ho I havo heard," remarked Mr. Daven port, " but I haven't read tho speech." . " It will pay you to get It nnd read it care fully," said ltldgway. " Possibly It may lead to your relormntlon." Mr. Davenport smiled grimly. " 11111 claims tho honor," he said, or making tho discovery that 1 was the author or the Force bill. Why, , that charge was made In thedobato on tho bill In the House and was prlnttd In the Coiifi'Mifonnl .Vrunl months before Hill made his alleged discovery." "And you never denied It j" " No. Why should I j" ansvv ered Mr. Daven port. "It Is true. "I will give you notico now, ltldgway," Davenport added, " that I shnll cor.tlnuoto press mv Forco bill, and I Intend to pass It before I die, too." 11 Do you object tn being quoted as saying i that?" Mr. Davenport nnsaskod. I "No. I don't believe tn timid llepublleaus. ' I never hesitate to speak my mind freely. I shall pvss tho Force bill yet j on see It I don't." Davenport, In conjunction with Senator Tracy's right-hand man, David Martin, ot Philadelphia, Is to have chargo of tho natu ralization and colonization nork ror the He publicans in Newlork, Kings and Hudson counties. This arrangement deprives County Cam paign Chairman ux-1'ollco Justice Jacob M. Patterson or ono or his most Important nine thins. Mr. Piatt Is said to have dune It vtlth his little hatchet. I Mr. Davenport his been summoned to ap- ' pear to-dav betore a special congressional I committee appointed to investigate his methods ot supervising tlicilons roi con gressuien In his jurisdiction, and to ipies' Ion him regarding tne abuses ot tlio power given him by 1-edernl law alleged to havo been practised by hliu. The Committee consists of Congressmen Ashlcl P. Htch, of this city; George . Bay, ot Chcnnnsu county; Hubert K. lieloiesl, ot Connecticut: Jacob Augustus Oelssen halner, ot Nen Jersey, and Alfred is. Iluruier, ' ot Pennsylvania, or this LommltK v Messi . i Hay and llarmer are Kcputlltaiu. 'Ihey' tailed to attend the meeting or the commit-. tee called lor organization, nnd thulrpreseuco ' Is not looked ror to-day, their policy or delay. Ingnnd clogging the investigation having1 been plainly Indicated. Congressman 1 Itch ' Is Chairman or the committee, which is Ill vested with all the powers usually given to Investigating commute es. '1 lie lummitteo Is announce! to sit at Hotel llelvlderc, at Fourth nvenuu and J Ightienth street, this afterncoe. iivspcaker Thomas 11. Heed, or Maine, Is announced to appear as counsel ror Daven port, and Congressman v. Jiourko Cockran Is expcUHd to conduct the examination or wit nesses ror the committer. Mr.Dnvenprt will bo usked many searching questions regarding his "lago In tho Post. Ofllce building, and will bu given u chuniu to expluln tho Incongruity of tho thousands or arrests and writs or prosecution which havo characterized his sjstem ot sill en Mng elec tions. Hn will also bo uki d about tho minis contributed by the L nlon League ( lub to md blinlniarrjlng out the work lor vvlilcliho is permlttidtupui his hand ui will Into tho t ederal '1 reasury. It Is predlctid about political headquarters that Davenport will llntly romsu to answer tho questions propounded t.i him. and tim public ofpeots to heai el Inieresilu,- passages at anus Utiuen .Messrs. Heed and Cockran. Davenport has within the lisi few dajshad lon.'comerences witnit-sentior ihoraas t. Piatt, National Chairman iiitir and ex-i'zir Hint, the results ot vvtlch wll uudountodl be uevtlopid when Mr. i oetran mils him upon the rack. Demi cianc members or the ( nmrnlttee are quoted ns saying thai tlicj epi c every pos sible move to bu made by Davenport to deluv I. not st.ivonff th-iuve ligation. It bis leaked uul thai a injsti I tons canvass of voteislu ihlstlt) is beliu iiinle.nnu that the work Is being (I. nu by ilin ettnii or Daven port nt iho expense of the Kdi nil Govern ment, but reallj for tho tcnellt of tlm Itepitb. llean Mato commute i'. 'I lie otijcrl of the cmv ls Is slid to be to nudum tlm number ot vo eisin the city bf foil! thu lira' day of rc'l-aiaimu. Inieaii . vnssis lit lug conducted frni room iiui vie Inure Hullumg, l.lghteuiiliolrct nnd liiuad wiij, where slxtj or seveniv luimnsers am ni work, 'j he cviivassns a lete mat they nro getting up a director Ii Iriw iindcoj b'lt tint nrm decl ii"t. tn in I lo Irniidv 'ihe lti'iubllc.ui Matec minlitee ircemlv estlmati'd iheeostnf a cltj po I, sichas Ills said. Is being made hi Havenport, at f.-.'.riiij. 'ihecnmnilllee met at I rm Mils mil moon, nil being liesent, and went Intu cteeutlvo Davenport wostiot presi nt. Political Potpourri. Ttin ItepuMtt'Ati irua.nifrtiiiff lit t noprr Union VVpnelr iliM Mill l v in the naturo ut a lilt feut I iStifttor 1'iitt will pre. I 1b and pi arnator Miller will peftb, Jp.,1) StllKinan bfios .ki, 1 In lyiniloti whpthor b wncll Rcept IIia ttp3hln n numiDiitla i lur oi litr repiiuUi "liAtitvll better titer Ijfll.lcL." The Cutintr Deniocrjoj will hold Ut prlmiri Del Mouiit) nllit. Ir II nhrro l.umWr, 7 htrr" i.o ilmv Itkt homt." Provided Ii has Ina Woklu's WOMAN'S pAGK-w ten la crlnUid averr dar. GIRLS LURED HERE. I Disclosures from a Polico Raid on a Poll Street House. Philadelphia Citizens' Daughters in a Chinese Den. bnllle MeOevertt Snys They Wero l'llcd with Opium. Salllc MclHvertt, tho slttren-v ear-old Philadelphia girl who was found in the apart ments ot Mabel Sine, at II Pell street, nhleli vvern raided by the police last night, Is now In the custodj ol thu Gerrj soelety. Mji! is rntlier tail, with light e)es and h ilr, and seems to bo rather weakmliided. oho had evidently been under the influence id opium fir Him- time, nnd this morning had net fully tecoveied. 1 n in tlm story which sho told Agent sttiklnglt wouldappearthat ihoproprli tress of tho Chinese house where she was found hid made a regular practice ot liilnslug lining girls from Philadelphia for Immoral purposes. 'I ho girl says her rather and mother arc dead and that she lived with her two brothers In Philadelphia, and kept liuttsn lor them until she inane thu acquaintance nt o young wonmu named Neddie, with whom sho went tolltr. It w as thero that sho met Mablo sine, who had roimerlv lived lu I'liliad.lphlo. On her visits to that ell), incoming to Millie's story, Mahcl usuhIIv. persuaded imu or two ot hti Philadelphia Irleuds tocumo back to New lork with her. Lasi wciP, Wednesday, Salllc says she and Neddie sinned ror New Vurk with the Slue woman, and took up their abode lu the Pell stiect tenement, learned to smoke opium, and met a large number of Mongolians. 'Ino or three days ago Halite's companion got tlrod of the place ana bui rowing i"i irnm a China man ran away and has not been seen since. luu girl savs she was 111 all day jestenlay, and was sick ubed when Hie police raided the place and hustled her orr with tho rest or the oc iipants nt the tenement. Although sho sav.s she Is nineteen sears old, the polico do not beliiva that she Is su llen, und It they can prove this tho hlne woman can bo held on the ground ot abduc tion, investigations will be inado In Phila delphia Willi rtgnrd to the trathu vh ch the Slue woman Is said to have been earning on. The house whero the raid was mado Is divided Into a number of small apartments ot two or throo rooms each on each Door. The nro occupied by l blnauvn, but each u part men t has from tBrte to nve white women. T lie four houses which adjoin nro run by Maggie Moran, a vvhlto woman, it Is and that about lu'u Uilucse nnd auo while women live in them. I'rul cum o, a)ouug man irom phllndelpliti, was arrest) d lu the Line wom an supirtmont and is In thu Tombs, sine, the ( hlnaineu and scviral other women lu the Hat are said to have fled from the plucc. HUMAN PILLAR OF FIRE. Woman Fatally Burned While Try. lnjr io Srivo Ilor Home. Mrs. Catharine Miller ran out of a house at GUI hast l.l(lity-sccond street last night und a thoiiuid peisuns gazed nt her lu honor. Her ilothes, saturated with oil, were burning vlgorouslv. The flames leaped ten feet nbovo her liiad, nnd the wero powerless to hel her. Hi r screams wero pitiful. Before any nuo reached her she stumbled and ell on a grass plot before her house, and lolled over, hopl.ig to extinguish thu Haines. Several men line the binning garments irom lur and sinothirid thu llro wltn blankets vihlch were thrown from neighboring houses. Altii-t .ill her garments were burned on. The palm ot hci right hand and lurlcll thumb wero burned awa, while her bnast, ubduuieii and limbs wero blackened and trl'htiully burned. Mrs. Miller letniiied consciousness until her death at the pii-sh) lerlan Hospital early tuls morning. J-to was lift. . loin. .-he tinned the house wheio 6he lived with her husband. Jacob, but was alone when the ateldeul happened. A lamp lell on the lloor abovu her, and as she picked 11 up her wrap pel e.uuhl lire. Her husband is a clerk lu Iho iiowspaperdlvlslonoi the-Gcnoral Post-Office. WHO IS MRS. ETHEL PERRY? Charged with Defroucllnir the Hoi land Honno Out of a Board Bill. A gi j -haired, fashlonable-drossed woman who gavoher nanio as Mr- bllul I- l'err, licrugu asIort-nIiieears and her home as initio Lit), Mont., was htld for examliialloii to-day ni Jefferson Market court, charged with having delraudril the Holland llnu'O by stopping thtru four das and leaving without p i Ing uer bill. Mi.! w,w anesled ut tho tollman llniiso -he sal.I she w is a widow, nnd had lia1 a son whowas.i (Ktocllve, but was l.lllid In Iho tuck v.nrd II ts In ( h.cign. Mje hnd gono in hu Holland House, shu said, to si elt assist aniolrom Mr. M islej.oue of thu piopilelors, whom sho had lormeil knonu. TOOK riFTY-ONE PRISONERS. Cnpt. Cri'otlon'B Itald on Ambroso DuvIs'h Dnnco-Housp. Cqit tndi n, of tho .Meriir street station, tc-Ji) ii-rali,ned In court ihtrty-twuinen vnd seventteii w iincii, all ml nd, cauhi In a raid tm Mub! use Davis's dauct-lious' at MM Themp.on s'reet. Win. Il'izard, Iho msnageror the plare, vas an I'd, but l' IV It ( Ca t treednl sildihe pluee was tho rctirl lor depraved women. Tin re vmsa 1 1.11.0 In the ni th ' p.aeo md Uer and whtkey were hold without ii license Vhil Hie r-.PI wasln pi.Tgie-s Mt-jtr YiIImi , a el rtd teward, nil iiipi'-dlu gel ildui a sluu-hut he car. rlel. , ,l-"ii no, hel t In tl.'inii lull I t, an I Main. "I lliizanl i u.inltied lor cuti uut niij n ulviniirl in. r. Ml tho vtuiuvu vitn lined f 10 and the nu n .' i nch. OTHER SUITS EXPECTED. Nornvnnnln'a rnsootirrors May Muko It Hut for tho Hamburg Lino. Ex-Assistant Cnlt'-d status Distrlct-Attor-nc turilaiidt s. au Kenvelicr, ol 101) Broadway, who, with his wife, wa. a passenger on the Noriuaiinia has brnufut suit against I I.o Himbuig-Aiuerlciin Packet line lor 9iu,ui0 uatnages on tLe grounds thai the Company agents reprtsenteu to litni nu su'erave pjsen(,ers would be carried. The suit was irotight throuih Benedicts. Benedl:t, attorneys at us Wall street, , bults by other passeugtrd are expecUKL -A .((iSr5f, jlt IjL't r -1 tyM y & " 'ijg 1 1.- '"'','" DON QUIXOTE WEAVER-" WHERE AM I AT?" IT IS CO IW MAN D ER WEISS ERT. . Wisconsin Man OhoBen by Ac clamation to Head the Or. A, R. Knrnmpmont Votes Down the Antl Ijlfo Membership Proposition. Hiv AiirciiTrn mm I Washington, .Sept. iw. ltalny weather ushered lu the fourth tlay ot Grand Army week, nnd a drizzling rain made the Btreels sloppy and the atmosphere heavy. CAPT. A. 0. VVEI'SrilT, t'OMMAMlKR-IN-CIIIFr (I. A. it. Tho second days session or tho National Kncampment was tlm pilnclpal event ol to. da, and the selection of a comnnnder-In- I chief lor tho coming ear tho prluclpnl work of the Lniampment. Tho cln lee of the delegates for the sue cessor to t oinmandtr-ln-Lhlet Palmtr was Piactlcally a lurtgono coniluslon this morn lug. T ue solid support of ('apt. Welssert br the Statu of Mlehlgan, ns heietotnru staled, put I Col. Lincoln In the bickjround, anil the In dorsement of Cant. Welssert last night bv Pennsylvania and New orkleft Col. Lincoln, the rival or thu Wisconsin nun, with vcrv little sin ngth. I Thu place lur the next encampment, In dianapolis, hairing been uiianlmousi) selected f esterday, an eaily Dual aujuuruini hi was ooked tor. hoon after the morning session of the i:n cauipmi ut was opened thu ut com I maudei-lii.lhlef leok plucc. A. II. Weisert, of Mllivankee. wnschosen b) ncclam itlnu. Comrade I Incolnnf this city, his most prominent competitor, withdrawing, 1 The Km Ainpmeiii two, l,v anoverwluluiing 'vole, tli'iealiiJ tne roposltlou u deny lln iiiembtrshlii In tne hiitiimp.'ueiil to i'ast 1 Grand (inkers and ix-l'usi ( oiuiuandeis. I ('apt. Wel'sert, tho new commander-ln-. t iilet ut tin tl. A. It., was Pnru In t ainden, I o andlltid tln-ie till Just prior to the bleat ing out ot the war Ho enlisted as a rlv ite In tho Klghth Wis. coh-dn Iteglment, belter known M lfiu War Kiiglu" ii'Kliiit'iii "i tin- Male, In IMill. Ho -urit'd thl'Ugli llif wai unill Dtei inter ot INill, whin he Nahrllle. llu was sent home, but oonii ailei ic turned todiity on erutrl.e-, and was brivettnl cai- tnln .or inerlli n us. rvleu In the Held. I He has been ( oininander lor the Hepart- 1 inent of Wisconsin lor seieral iars,ai:d Is by profisslou a lawjer. HORSEWHIPPED BY AH ACTRESS. MIsb Oonmlns I'unlnhrsi n Dnnvor Corronponilon" for Abusing1 Hor. . ley tun uTri, rnrxs I I Drsvni, cpt. y ;. -Jakey IHrsli, fnnai rli agent iinthu 1 1 -v, u Miiiducoiie-poniteiil fir ihloagoaiid Nt" olk par era, n.tshortc whl p si und ball unuheil last nlht by a I rnllailelphla articsMumed llzzlu t.unzales, now rilling an t na. ni' nt In this clt. Mis, i.ouales reseiiitil sane scuriikuis Hems , Hlrsh wrote ill p.ipert., ninth nached Dinvi r isierda. "lie lii.inedlat'i) pnu tired n 1 laeK.snake, and when lltish 1 1 1 n- his uppeaiancu How al hliii.liilngliigd 'nu i e ninp with tho tone of an nld.iliue tx dilvi in I raising tn,i, rs al ever blow, T. . tevi r-log lliu whip slu Fiiiashitl his i.u-i' who Hit- pudel butt. Hlrsh tiieh endeavored i" Liiueh with hel and wus worsted. I .nil newspaper flite lal evening ton trlbu'et a benuiliiil biskei in hovers to tho plucy little actress. Emnli-Pcx In Mu.borry Rtreot. T Lo death from small-pox of Guleppl Pav cola, nine months old, all it Mulberry street, w as reported lo-da). Thr'r Iflah llrpuiiillnn for llre-wlni ,UaipiitBllnl,9tlIiu(.vl siBAXiinUwo. Co. . SUSTAINS THE APPORTIONMENT. Oeneral Terra Decision on the Extra Cession Point. HT AleOllATIUl fll t Saratooa, Sept.Ul'-'l ho General Term.llld Department this morning handed down a de cision In tho lcglslullvo apportionment case or thu l'coplo ex rrl. George C. Carter, or I'tlca, against Frank ltlce, f-ccrclnr ot state. Motion nnd application for innndamus and Injunction denied nnd apportionment by extra session declared constitutional. Opinion by Majham, P. J., and Justice Derrick, .lust I re Putnam no opinion, not having had time to examine Intu tho tnse. CUPID'S PRANKS IN COURT. Broken En(rnnement Iteveni Fond Hearts to the Judge. Two lawsuits arising out ot broken en gagements to marr wero before Civil Justice stickler In the Fourth District Court to-day. Sarah Hoog, who Is twenty-one, but has been In this country but a short time, last spring mado thu acquaintance of Aorahnm I alt, aged twent-live, and after a couttshlp ol two months they hoi time engaged. He sal I ho was single, and niter ntlmelu duced her to Iran him f0. Then, Sarah said, ho refused to marry her, salng he had a wife in the old country. shesutd lilin tnrcLOVer the inoner. Abraham admitted that he had courtet the girl and also tint hu had reielttd tiuiu her 4.iU, buldenlid Hint hu was a married man tr had dicllned to make her Ills wife. He would even now marr her. Inn the best ho toiild do win- to return her the money on the Instalment plan. ihe other suit was btoiight by Louis Jeke. nick lo recover f urn lie'sle Woliiisk, a million of twenty-three, mi t ngugeineni ling whli h e list him l.Vi. I hev had been engaged tm several mo iths, when some tiouLlo anise between the families and tho engagement was broken lift. Her brother-in-law testllled that Louis said that he could tint marry lur and that he would give iirr the ring and tiuo it she would not bother lilin. I mils ilecl.irtd that hu loved her and In tend d to uurrj her. Decision was reserved. OPPOSITION TO STANDARD OIL The United Btntea Plpo-LIno Com pany Gottlnrr Under Way. (M AMnciAirn rums I llKAiuniin, Ph., Sept. I!:.' About lift' stocklulders nf tho I'nlteil Mates Pipeline wire- lu attend into at the Inaugural meeting ot thu i rgaiilzallou here. The stockholikrs are prominent prodmtrs, who have nen Identlfle I with Hi" Prudiuirs' ITotecllto Association for tveialjoirs and art' well tlxed in a llnanelil wa;. sevtnl niilsld" etpllnllsts from New orkatid Itochestcraro also lu Hie mown to. Ihu compaii Mails Into lltIlhes with capital, nil Mltserlbed of a for thu line trom liradf ird to .New v. ark has been -ei ured. ana the it I. graph wire In bo Used b III" I om llll Is IJlIng sluing and the ol sermed Ihe projectors ol this big movement lo ci inpi te with tin -tanJard till cmiipiii) will t,eull to Hie l.asteru tnaikels, when It will bu shlpi ed to I.urope. SENSATION AT NARRAGANSETT. Tnchtsmnn Paul Stevenson Clnlmod as u Bonoalct. Talk of a wedding, vihlch, it It nas ie.Ul taken will surprise New lirk s ciet, is tut rent ut Nairigauseti I ler. It Is -il' there that Paul Menn-m, th) New v.ork .iclilsmaii nndjai'.'ii inn r, who Is known a' tho I'ntquei, -eiwauhal a, Iaiehmoiit, Vluihittsn ami lusedo .I'll", hi. luaiil'.l Mi- I aae I'euibi rl in, widow it win. ma lu alio tunc at .sarru. I f..u sen i euiiin.'a M selling alli'te 1 mo n stones e . I i p i tne Ikiicii, I Mis.itinbi o'i -iivssiii. bis ictn mirrlid l.u' will inn -ii i .mil. Mi. -tin ti-oh it I re-ldi o e i a r ist Mxtv--. vrn'h st'.et, but he I" n tiliin Ills ni lins oei ilni lo S'l) aulhlng abo r hualle.-id uuiilage. Flro Llor.B L'p Dakota Crops. ', 1 .' UT t .n. . s'r. Pit I, -nit '.'.' -pedal irom Miller, S. Ik, sajs V laigi ".ee'lon northwest ol the , town w swept bv lire la-l tight and hun dreds nt tons or tl. ) buried. 1 it. lu ihre, hlug had Leen done In tli" I'ath of tue lire and con siaei utile griln le si have brcn d stro)ed. T hu nre stui li d Iroi.i a railroad riigtne. I.1ITOKTVNT TG t.'MIAU SIKIKKim. Ibeoulr difference betneen a HarauA cifir and Bstwus lui. Act) ill-tub.coo clftt.ue b lie,"," PATTERSON'S GRIPUNSHRKEN. e) Still Controls the Republican Naturalization Bureau. Nobody Can Tell Ausht of the Mys terious Canvais or Voters. There was a gathering ot political celeb rities at the Filth Avenue Hotel this morn ing. Kt-Speater Reed, ot Maine : John I. Daven port, David Martin, of Philadelphia; ex-Police Justice Jacob M. Patterson and .Charles W. . Iluckutt, Director of the Iteuubllcan State campaign wtro there. The centre of attraction was Patterson, who was to full ot Indignation for utterance, lie was angry, he said, because lying stories had liecn told about hlui. T his was because somebody Bald he had been turned down ror Martin and Davenport, who wero to have chargo ot ltepttbllcan I naturalization and colonization matters dur ing the campaign. Heed, Martin, Davenport, llackelt and Pat terson stood in full view ot ever) body, ap parently with thu Intention to refute the dn a Hut slander about Patterson. They stuck their heads close together, nnd after a while Martin took Davenport's arm and accompanied him to the Twenty-fourth street entrance ot the hotel where he left blm. Then Martin returned and vlslled Hactett In his room with Patterson, while Iteed wended his way to his room In solitude. Thu conference, between thn tiulutet was about the plan nt action to bu taken nt tho Congressional Investigation of Davenport, As state I Patterson was too angry to talk. Mr. llaekeit acted ns spokesman. He said: 'I want to say that Iho atones about Mr. I Pattfr-.nn are unirue. He has not been t unit d tluw n. He Is Chaljnun ot th Kcpuu , llcan t.'ouulj committee, will continue to be, 1 and will exercise rull control ovor Its affairs. ' I Haekett s attention was tailed to the story 1 that a houvto-houso canvass of voters was i being made, presumably by Davenport lor thuier.itil ot the Kepubllcan statu commit I eii ut the expense ut the Federal Govern ment. Mr. Ilackttt professed to know nothing about It. If such a ranva?s will be made It will be done under tho direction of Mr. Patterson," was hlseurt repl. Ai the onlco irom which thn canvass 19 being conducted, room (101, Mclntyre Build ing, llrondivay and F.iubireulh street, a uung man was In charge this morning. The oniio consists ot two room", contain ing a di al table and several chairs, sixty or seventy canvassers are said to be In his em I plO). In answer to a question, the voung man who refused to give his name said: "I am not making this canvass In tho In terest of iHjllttca or any politician." MR. DEACOM GOES FREE. Roport That Tresidont Carnot Had Pardoned Him Was Trua. 'it AMrriTrr rri t 1'trn, sept. ',".'. Tho repirt circulated .vest rdaj that among the pardons signed by I re-ldi ut lamot to coiumemorato the annl 1 verar of the declaration or the first French Hepubllc rasoueglvlngllbert to Mr. Kdward Parker Hearon. the American who shot M. AL. Hie fnr his latluiao with Mrs. Deacon, Is inntirincd to-la). Iho pardon was sent tn the prison authori ty s at Nlcu and Mr. Deacon was released today. FOREPAUGH'S CIRCUS WRECKED. Cnrionds ot Animals Roll Down a Forty-Foot Embankment, Irrrrm to irtr ttssisii worn n I Hcapimi, Pa., sept. :.'. Forcpaugh's Circus Is uqiorted In a rallw iy wrick. Milmal vans were liutlid nown a fort-loo) tmeankment, earning tho frantic beasts ' vvitn them. The (tut extent of the disaster lsnotict reioilcd. j OPERA PROPERTY TO BE SOLD. Exocutlon Asalnst the Metropolitan tn tho tiherlfTs Ilancln. The execution for tlO'.',R18 against tho Metropolitan opeia-lio'tse Company Is still Hi tho hands ot Sheriff Gorman. Tliehheilir Is awaiting Instructions from the attorney of Earl iflDton Potts. In whoso favor tho execution was Issued, teiore be sets a date tor the fate ot the personal property, Including costumes, armor and other articles lettevrupan by Deputy bheruT Carraueryea-lerUu;. LAST EDITION. A b1 FEAR MORE CHOLERA. ; 'HbbbI n ''eSBBBel Weather Conditions Make Heftltk $IM Offloiala Apptehensive. H M "ijBBB No New Cases or Deaths Reeertttf 4H in Town or Down the Bay. ?iH "'BBal John Carr'a Ailment Decldifl t B " s Trua Cholera. ll , ''IbbbI . t fl Health Deaartueai. I -'VaBe! New Tsrk, 8cI. 22-10 A. H.f J'JVbbI Oftlrlali i VUBBBi Jla raaraorrboleril have bera n(lttM 'I'bVbI la ital rlty alare the last aallclla. HIH (,'IIAItl.KH II. tvII.HON. PraaUtai. . B.1IJIGNH (JI.Alttl. Hecretary. aBB The weather conditions to-day maM F Quarantine official! apprelietuWe bf iba fijH doTolontnent of more cases ef chbtara. Bb1 No deaths or new cases were reported Ua H this city or from the Lower Bay up to 10 ?la o'clock. '-ijVHB Blany cities of anspeoted cholera art jawAkj being Investigated by the Health BtMfi tqH Inapectora. 'aBBl ThoHtate of Nevada has tone back to aBB Qnaranline. Tho Moray ia'i atrerage pnssengeri art ? to be landed at Ellis Island to-day. ''fil Hit. WAI..1.U FBARH NEV OAMkia. WM Weather I'oailltlan Unfaratabl M .lloravta's I'Kaaeagera l.nnd Te)-Day. '!t lirrriAt, to tbt xvKna woato. il ((oASAsrtNr, B. T Sept. S2. Althongat 'iTAWJ there were no deaths or new cases ot cholera rtH roported trom tbt lower bay by Dr. Byroa -HM yesterday or up to o o'clock this morning, J Dr. Walrcr told an F.texino World reporter if. irH that be feared to-day's drlxzllng rata wool ijH cause more cases to develop oa the Bohemlk wttfaWfl down the bay. , .4 PJBBai During the storm of a few d'aya ago Bts eVAVJ Walzer made a similar prediction, on tltf v9W ground that the Inclement weather wobht H drive iho Immigrants below deoks Into the fSWJ cron ded steerage, where the dangers ot infeo tH Hon would be largely Increased. BBel Dr. Waliers prediction then proved welt vjl founded. That day there were four new bH rases ot cholera positively developed. That .JjH morning he was constrained to be on the H lookout for new cases to-diy. , " The Bohemia is the only plague ship In tme "I'iwB lower bay which has passengers on hoard. jH 1 he Wyoming and scandla, the other ship 'H at Lower Quarantine, have bad their steerage rjawJ passengers transferred to HofTman lalapd. 'iH Dr. VValrer said this morning that after "q visiting Camp Low he was perfectly satlahed .H that the man Moreno died of genulno Asiatic t'JI cholera, and be was equally satisfied that th -.H woman who died was a victim ot peritonitis. 'B The Ilealb List to Date. 'SVI The authorities now having come to a per- wAl feet agreement, this decreases the Rugl&'s J:yB aeath list by one. The death of Stoker Knox places the state of Nevada In the list or pest 'jiM ships, and tho total record to date la aa lot- .(H lows : CjJBB frtil BBB fltalhi Drtttht Toltt coaeatee- fMel U.BBl .VMf,'. al a. II, 'rl. dfatSt. cm, rem HBBi I MoraTlt.... 'ii 1 U 1 J sIlBB I .Norm.nnla S 11 Is J i ' KoiIi 4 t 10 11 .'.7BJ W ",mlii... 0 1 1 0 , JBB Scindla.... SI 0 3S 3t tiWM , lUlliolaad i 0 'j 6 t-JWBl I liohamia... 11 1 lJ at 9 , J&BB I ad. i. 10t faVJ Total 1? IS 104 110 111 1H WyomlBc's People Tree ToOIarraw. I '!Jb1 The Wyoming's cabin passengers will be v-BB released from Fire Island to-morrow, and flal tbelr places will probably be taken by those rJBVJ trom the Bohemia and scandla, now on the .J-V jH New Hampshire. H The rain aud hazy atmosphere obscured the . ;i3H N arrow a from tho quarantine dock this morn- a Ing. At Intervals, however, It cleared suftW jfl riently to show that there was a big fleet of sH ocean steamships lying off shore. At 8.05 411 o'clock they numbered sixteen, as follows: jyM The Itug.a, huevla, Normannta, Moravia, cv Hermann, Adriatic, Westcrnland, Heligoland, TsbI Ktulopla, ipaarndam, Havel, Wisconsin, Gar- -iSM-l ! lands, Bendl, btato ot Nevada and City ot jH Washington. HB The Mate of Nevada came slowly, and ap. 'fBB paicntly regretfully, down the bay at 7.3S l this morning and dropped anchor off the 'H ' I pperuaranltnc station. Sho was to bar f- sailed for Glasgow to-day bad all beer. well. vB I Dr. Tallmodgc round no sickness on board SbB or her this morning. H The Garlands, from Bllboa, which arrived vjl at ik'.'S, vv as released at s.05. iM siuilher Mhlp ( antra Irom llamborc. JM Tho British tramp Bendl, from Hamburg fJM Aug. '.'), arrived this murnlng. sne brought f;BB no passengers nnd all ou board are well, but tr'BBl as she comes from an Infected port, she wilt yXH doubtless be held tor several days. i,BJ Another British tramp, tne iteindeer, ts due fvBBJ In this port, suo lelt llamhurg Sept. 4. and Kai the health authorities are keeping a abarp 'BB lookout tor her. '.JIBB The Moravia's steerage passengers wul be ' 1 lauded al Kills Island to-day. andthollihter. WbB i ingot that ship, aa well as the Itugta, Suevia " 3M , and Normannta, will be begun. ''"-H Will llemlrleUs Itrlrnae Their, Tavef AB Dr. Tallmadge said this morning that so rsaB far as thu quarantine officials were con UbbI ctrneit thoAoilatlc, Ethiopia and Hermann ?!aBi would be ready to goto tutlr docks at noon -&VBal to-la.i. Ml nave steeiagu pasasngers and sjbbI i comu under the twcnt-day HmlU ,MbB1 It rests w Itli tin) Tiessury Department to H ! release them and It Is thought that Collector $9Bai Hendricks will permit litem to go up. It la JjtBB i probable, too, tiiat the Weaternland, Hpaarn. JaB ''imu and Havel will elsogouptcday.usluey fJHH havo no steerage passengers and come froca 4-vM uon.lniectudporia- .... . .i eVJBBi Iho llavi'l. which arrived late usterday XaVBai nfterucoti, brines :ia cabin passengers. . 3H The Gulon liner Wlseontln. wkkb nrtTVed Z'JbbI late last night, has 317 cabin ttssengcra. iBSJ She win probably be held tor the dar, al lea!. No sickness was reported on any ot tbt ahlpa 'tvAWJ T"e'rmarnntank IIMlgolind.U.tveitljy $JH losded. and will probably put to sea tfe JkjM morrow. , . r J Ji ','JaBBa! ihe trorsteimboat ttphaofc wbtA JE.-V ';1bbbb1 Jenkins hal been using aa a, iraaavert m,hi WM , Jj4SbBbI rr'ai'tf i'ii jkf -MMMbB