Newspaper Page Text
I SPORTING I ' 'ffc': I SPORTING 1 1 BAiiM., &$, mBBKBuSBBBSBSBk wWlIP extra. i -J10 0NE CENT. : NEW YORK. MONDAY, OCTOBEK 3, 1892. MICE ONE CENT -jl EXTRA. seeeatfai mmim ' ' . I'". ' ' MISS MAUDE WINS ,,.. -i - She Finishes First to Fasbion - Stakes at Morris Park. MINIM GETS THE PUCE, BJmw teatM tbe Maiden Glass 3 V: ty Defeating a Poor Lot , BALANCE HEAVILY BACKED, ti " 3i Mike Dwyer Plunges on " 'Oaesatt's Stilly In the ! Third Race. 8! n n 91 Moskia PAttfc Hie Trici, Oct. 3. Tho 91 opettlog avent at Westchester t as not ot t bo " kind calculated to send one's blood leaping in 'J dell nana eatbustasm. It was at maiden affair ?! ani a sorr lot ot nags were entered. They were wall bred, Mil they laoked speed and courage, and tor tbls reason turtmen bad no IHIIb Wit that ot contempt lor theta. Probably lb sausage factory would giro inorefoMhem tnafl any one elaa, for the attimslt had been ttttderly reared, well-fed and would make good sausage meat. on Men a lot tbe talent were tn fitrd to speculate and tbey selected Elmer not because be wan the belt, but because be was not qte as bad as tbe others. Jtlmer, uailimlled favorite, wlth'MashtrandThe J'odjitcoird cholera. Mather, the runnersup 1 1 Uv miurlij ol ts0, cut out the malar to'ta, last few jumps. There bit oojvtrdly 'h4rTf ailed intn, and be collapsed mlterrtfy,' ftopjHn,; ao fait that Elmer Mat him out a M bet1 Tbe Pop was a poor thirl. .Th8 preached of Parvenus la to attend ra&tcdfedsUbttne eight entries out. The unly one that oared to cop Wtta ftttlburg Pbil'a treat colt.waa tbe Ironmaster and ba , Mas only started for aecondmonof, Parrenue - waa at odds on and et course he won hands UaYiface tris plunged on to win the third event. Mlniel Dwyer sent In a very beary covinUHlta on Mr. castatrs Bur. . At tbe close Mtusc was an even tteaey choice, and eo won a Uy. making, the third , successive n. favorite. By J ore, a la to l chtnM from the w Rbrot Stable with flergto up, landed second money from rttliahturonist, a 56 to l shou The attendance to-day waa slim. The thrviteaini weather had much to do with tbls, ,'t.iMr track, waa not near so fast asoii Saturday, .no good time being kodred, Tbe racing n at fair, but not particularly inter, o, ettlng. 1 riltST BACK. A sweepstakes, lor maidens, ot WO eaeu, Wlth.Sl.uWAdded; six lurlonga. n. Jtoriere. ' erettXIs. Jirtiii. gin. Mlt. . " & , 11Q..WB........ 4 at lj .. kleeut,, ... .,..IU..Doggeti... I ik ' 1 lT. Fop ........ ....t 10.. Taral S 5 ill xa AeUeiem 1. tOO. JTiM ..... 1 4 4 n. Pott Bettlne Elmer, 4 to 6 .ai out) Masher. 1 u to t nj to I ThiFop. t to 1 a.d 1 to f i Oilord, T to 1 ia U td 1 1 HO ta 1 sad t 1. Masber jumped away in tront and led to !v within ten yaraa ot the wire, where be was a lensth and a half In front of Elmer, lie stopped aoiait la tbat Dual ten yards, how. orer, that Elmer got up and beat him a bend. - Tee Pop wad third, tour lengths away. 'J Ime Oaiatuel paid. Htraight, $8.05; place 15.80. lusher paid 8. tICOXD RACK. A swatpatakee for three-year-old non.wln wtthtl.OOO added; one mile. UtrlMi. WHIM. Jtetiw MrL Bit. ftn, Vyi.,x,. a n H 1'o.t i'attlpc ParTau, 1 to 12 tnd outt Iron S -MM'- '? laadoat. I'artltfilv. went to tbe front after tbe first quarter had been run and was nerer beaded, winning m hand by halt a length, lime 1.4KU. atuiuels paid: Straight, 5.70. J Tamo face. A sweepitakes for maiden two-year-olds, with el, 000 added: weight dte pouoda below tbetcalei nre turieags. U, tlmfUf. WM. Jfrim,. tin. HO. P(. Mtiitio.,, 110. elm. 1 1' If HlutathratUt 5..P.nn 4 it if "rm.onoll. IS..P. ltor. e V 4 Rli"'?r ja..Trr" a 4 a Mll.oaGiT: 15. . H II 7 m Katckkaatk ooit... ..aou.oa ; I MJefc-iii-:::: ii::listwk-1 ii A Hirfo.,... .... ...Ill .ruf..,...l! 1 13 : .gbiBja tsxsiis. 'T iJkit, te aad 10 1 BtJ, lot aad 40. Baiasos wtht to the front soon after the start aaa woo hands down by two lengths Z. 'rofliBj oe, who beat phUantnroput hill a 1,?t?f the plao. Tlma-l.OlhC kfriuJie paidt straight. au.eS; place, 18.16. By Jore paid 30.80. Meant aioa th. The FaaUon stakes, for two.year.old miles, in fflth tiisoo added tau furlong. : l.Biaa4aa...,......l5l..Ltlid a l ? ,- Mloaeaaha cut out the ruaolag, aa usual, I'' with Miss Maud cloMatharbMla and Luure ,,, utt) uaakg close up. Fa the leu tniletnth ' lUmllton cut iwiso with Wlaa Maude and won , I" a canter by tour lengths from Mlanehaha, May Lorn aui l Mitre, who were beads apart o named, r -I.1HH- uMMutls Mralght, a- place, 7.?0. UtTM 8KB. KlldMr 103.. Sim. S 4 At Sririv. ni..Br.i. ... it 4 WahJIai yii.Z.Ce'itaB 7 k b Hlirna... V3..J LamoU- 11 7 7 Wjilta Rom 97..W. 3" Rl.lpn.r'd.. 4x1 Rtp.po lai..Llttlad. 1 1 x Pijjt'll.tttrit-Dr. UatbroQck. 8 and S to KfHl5' I and a if"lrr.7l and . 1"?Kr' nd a te Is 8flpnr, 7 to 1 and W to 2: Whit. Rw, :oto 1 and a to li Nomad, 30 to land 10 to J. Lltonla. so and 10) Wah Jin, 30 and 11 Dal ItUn, lo and 411. While Hose cut out the running to the lop of tbe bill with Dr. llasbrouck, Valry and Keakoa In close attendance. Then Kairy went to the front hnd sat the pact to the latt furlong pole, wnero Dr. llas brouck came through and awumed the lead. Nomad joined tho leader lb tbe last mil taenia. End in a rattling finish Dn Haibrourk woa by a head from Nomad, who waa four lengths In front of Klldeer. 'Mme-l.:iiH. .Iteckon tall at the three-furlong polo and Metpner tumbled oyer her. The horses were not hurt. Llttleueld, the rider ot Reckon, was badly Injured. Hay ward, who had the mount on tiMpaer, was unhurt. . 2ft"Arrffpwn ,1MOi p,,c SIXTH RACK. frwBetUea, with added) selling ailowanoeii 1 seren furlongs. mttlirt. mM. Jiein: fttitllkl. rttcT, Altild. lt..d. Umklfj... -l a-1 Mr. SaM.i, X. nan. U-l .Tok Hi Or J..Mld..l.j. ... -a 5 -Uapoati U4..H.r..n 10-1 ft- tilamot.i 101, Hlml.., ,.U-l 3-1 InUnatrr 7S..Dmtm , . tO-1 10-1 Marllla 80. .A. Coilnfton 11-3 4-1 Won by Hydy, ulamor second, Mr. Sass third. . PRINCE EDWARD AT LAST. Ba dapturaa tho opening crnt at tbe Gloucester Track. gloccestir ltci Traix, Oct. :i The card hero to-day contained blx. races, wlilcb prom ised Borne good contests. Weather Hue and track good. Attendance largo. Trine Edward defeated Dalesman and Foxlilli In the opening daau at good odds. first Maoe-Punq 30U;.tx and, a halt furlongs. Won by I'rtuco Edward, Dalesman teconui Poxhlll third, 'lime 1.33. Second Kace Purse, JJOO; ne furlongs. Won by KeoOamia, Charcoal second, Levena u third. Time 1.02. Third Race Purse taoo; four and a halt furlongs. on br lilra uobtau, Lucre second, Klmslonetbird. Time 0.30M. Fourth Rece-Puretsoo: one mile. wod by MaMl lihono aecourt, JohnHlckey third. Timo-l.4. GLOUCESTER ENTRIES. (JLotcxHTSR Iticx Txictt N. J., Oct. a Fol lowing art the entries for Tuesdays racev tint tUu-Fite-.lcbtbt a ll.. Baaitt, J. ii Hnf. Pautok, oilmr Twin, .lo B. ,, Waaklaiton. Klaa All. HnutMU. Bluitborn. Frd fVOujt Orar, FUmbaan. Uraatdltr, 185 SaconTKae-Frior and half ra,rlaBa.-L, lMi Litlat, Lorraloacolt, K.iia.. Nanai Ukqtrr ftilr. 100 iub; ran.U Unlaatm any. V7i lrlili- ti fcmtljr Vf Carouaal. yt lb. Mcb. TBIM Ka-!!a 4nd a half inriona Rlotial, llxi kkitif, AaTo. 8arpl.ii. lloal. lbTkathi Po- I Mt.Uo, Mad. Jim Malkolland, Pmto, Masknnrlii, iaitt1ScV..S!feM, nt" MlM HUth Cat-Oil" eiil.-Uttl Wllll,Titl.ahon, Uli., ffarnot. fesTrOalaan, tltMkRli4U, 1; Daraaa, loll U4ttt. luOlo. J- SHOT HIMSELF DEAD. J. 9. Uoerhead, Maeaeer for Actor dadan, la a suicide. J. B. Moonhead, twenty-one years old, bt Philadelphia, manager for Tragedian Qarland Gardafl,wks found dead In hit room at 00 West Thlrty.nfth street at 1 o'clock to-da). There was a bullet hole In his left breast, and he hold the reTOlrer In his right hand with wblcb be shot himself. In his left hand wis ihi plctrire ot an elderly woman, ithlch Is thought might be that ot his mother. The body Was found by Actor Oaden. a letter was left which is norr In tno posses sion ot the police. The ashes of destroyed papers were found In the room and other OTldencos that sulcldo was planned. SHORT LINE TO CHICAGO. Railway Company Incorporated in onto to Build It. Columscs, o., Oct. 3. A company was In corporated by the Secretary of Bate of Ohio to-day, to build a new railway between New York and Chicago. I ll Is to be called the New York and Chicago ' Short Line and Is to be as nearly straight as practlble. John Jay McKelrey, of New York, Is one ot the Incorporators and tbe others lira In rlau dusky. ai GOV. BOYD COMING HERE. Representing Dissatisfied Demo cratlo Elements in Nebraska. lay Aiiocuran ratai.l St. Loots. Oct 3. A telegram from Omaha to the Potl-Ditpatch aayt : Got. Boyd 10ft (or KeW York latt bight. HO represent! the element ot Nebraska Democracy who are dls stttliitd with th distribution ot campaign funds. It It asserted that if they cannot persuade the Kattoaal commtltte to change the oretfcpt plant, tboBtatellcktt will be with- FOUR BOLD ROBBERS CAUGHT. Thar Fall In an Attempt on tba Key atone Bank of Erie. far AsaociATto raata.1 Sail, Pa., Oct. 3.-A daring attempt was made to rob the Keystone Dank about 1 o'clock to-day. Four men entered the bank, and, during a struggle, qne of them shot Frank V. Kepler, tbe assistant cashier. Tba men fled without securing any money, but, after a hot oltaae, all were captured. Kepler's wound la not serious. Qlttrett In Many Industrial Centret of Qreat Britain. lay ocuirn .! , Lonbok, Oct 3. A crisis is probable In the cotton trade that promises to hare more widespread results. On tba Clyde only one-third ot tbt ship building berths aro occupied and handa are Idle, tod the master bare an nounced tbkt engineer, iromoundtn and shipbuilders alter Oct. 10 will re celtm 10 per cent, lssi inotiey for their labor than hereto for. Th Wages of tho tlde miners will be reduc4 sixpence a day, Oalr lfraadr AlUTebarca t'laarellr aatfiataakfililakatoiCl'inf'MV -Caf rTjl rr',i V L MEN FROM THE GRAVE. A. Younp Woman's Body-Exhumed to Provo a Orlmr. s. She I ShIiI lo Hare Been a llelle of NiTTurk. 'I he mysterious proceedlntri of coroner Llaisay, of Brooklyn, hitre exrlitd the lo pl of East New Vork. Battirdity ortnlnga graf wis ope-ied In Ceraoter), and yesterday an au topry wax held on tbe body of I be woman exbumed by Pcst-Mortem Examiner Creamer. coroner I.lndaay refused to divulge th same of I bo woman or any of the particulars. It was known, howercr, tbat the graro wns filled by Ili6 .body of a young woman from Newark, S. J., who was burled there on last ThUrsdky. Dr. creamer reports tbat death was due to peritonitis followlug a criminal operation. capt Bnrhe, of the Newark police, and tlio Assistant District-Attorney ot Nnwark, bate been la consultation with Coroner Lindsay during the day. These otflclalt refused todlvulge dny names, as tbey ekld they uxpectedto make Important arrests in Newark thU ertnlog. . An Kyxnixi Woai.n reporter, h'owerer, learned that the woman'K namo.was Miss Louie t-harp, daughter of a prominent mcr cnant llnng on Washington arenue, Newark. She waa Curled on kept. -.'T, and tho doctor In attendance gave the cause of death as natural. , Lottie was n be.vitlfUl glf 1 and on of tho belles ot Newark. NxwAng, N. J., Oct. :l Supf rlntendeut of Police Drown says he received a query from a Urooklyu paper tills altenwou asking, about Lottio Hti.irp, uud s.u inj: that her body was lifirled in kfergrean Cemetery last Ihursday night and wts exhnmed by order ot I'oilce capt BUrke, of Newark. bupt. brown say be knows nothing of tho rase, and tliat there Is no CapU liurke on the NoWart force. The DlrMtbry here jrltes no Sharp on Wush Ineton street or Wiuihlngtnn arentie. Thu Utter is in tvoodsldn, .1 suburb, an hour s ride from here. a policeman at Washington and Academy streets told the reporter tie had heard ot tho disappearance p; a girl named Lottio HUarp nbcut a week atro. but did not know where fill lived, though he thought It was on nsh- 1 lngton street. Later. Mrs. John Sharp aged thirty, I daughter-lh-law ut Jake 8narp. of Broadway steal fame, dlea Tucslay at Woodstde, ll is alleged of rheumatism. LANDLORD STORES IS SUED. Oaaalua M. Bead's AliegatlOns Oob. cernlnkr a Real Estate DsaL Tbe suit of casalus M. Iteed agamst Edward -8. stokes, involving real estate transactions In Long IilSnd. tson trial this afternoon be fore Justtco lTatt, In the supreme Court Sp-Jetat Term In Brooklyn. 1 Head in his oo-jpislnt sltlms tbat be traas terreoT itfiti property at Far Rockaway to 8l0ket,'ln May, 1880, for the nominal consid eration of 186,258, the underatandtog being that Stokes should lake nominal title to tbe Eroperty in order to enible htm to Justify aa a ondsman ana transact other business. stokes. It Is alleged, executed a conveyance ottbe property to the plaintiff at the same tlmo, but la aceordanco with tbe agreemtnt th dted waa not recorded. Tbe complaint states tbat Stoles never paid a cent tor the property, but hat disposed of a targe amouutot It by auction and has mortgaged tbe rest ot it, and that be refuses I to make an accounting. 1 ho Court is asked to adjudge that Mokes bat no lntorest in the title, that ha shali be required to discharge all liens on th prop, ens and reoonvey It to Hoed. 1 In his answer Stokes declares that he paid I liU.tOO ror tht property, and denies that ba ever made any reconveyance of It or promised to do so. col. Robert . Ingersoil will be one of the plaintiff's witnesses. BURNED OUT A BIG STABLE. Two Alarms Bant In, tho Building Gutted, But No Ona tturt. Fire broke out in tho baj-loftof Flss Doerr's Male and Excbange stables, 140 and 151 East Twenty-fourth street, at 11.40 o'clock this morning. Tbe building which Is two stories high aad of brick, runs through to Twenty-fifth street. At tbe time thetlra was discovered a sale was In progreu, and beside a crowd of nearly fido persons, who were attending the auctloa, . therewcreUlOhorses stabled In the building. Inside ot five minutes after tho flames ' broko ont the building was cleared, and tbe horses, which wero all Western stock, were 1 gotten to a place of safety. 1 ovMiif to too proximity ot tbe six-story stable owned by tbe Mdshmsn Yeast com pany, situated next dooi. It Wat thougnt necessaiy to turn lo a second alarm, luls brought enough engines to tho bieno to quickly drown out the lire. There were In tbe ba) loft 1,.00 bales ot hay. noo bushels or oats nod 800 bushels nt bran, allot which were destioyed. At iy.1.1 tbe flro was under control. Mr. Doerr places his loss at 8(1,000, fully Insured. CRIME TO CONCEAL CRIME. Foreman Walton Alto Arraatad for the Campbell Fire. KuiaBiTii, K. J., Oct. 3. John Walton, foreman ot Alfed U. (ampbeU'a extensive picture factory, destruyod by fire last week, was arrested by chief Tenny thli morning, chargod with araon and grand larceny. Tba arrest Is the outcome ot a confession mad by William IV wis, who had charge of the sllverlnx room, whore the lr occurred. Fergus was arretted last trlday upon tbe discovery of. thousands of uteris of albumen, tied paper hidden under the charred fluorjof the silvering room. Fergus nays he and Walton formed a plot to sjtteinatlcallyrob their employer, and then 1 decided to burn tbe factory to as to conreal all evidence of their wroug duio-. llr. Campbell had Just built a new factory ' and lotouded to tear down the old structure, I which would expose' the work of the thlevrs. Their operallmis, lerguso aarr.began last Januay, and time tben tbey uavo stolen 13,000 worth of silver and aesi roved aoo reams of albumenlted paper wroth 5,000. WILL JUDGE'cOOLEf BOLT? Be Only Sara a Statement to That Effect Is Unauthorised. lav ibcUT(D raxit.1 Ami ardoh, Mich., Oct. a. Judge Cooley was seen this afternoon regarding lie state. me ml hut lie would shortly wilto a letter, bolting the Itepiiblliau party, and ncknowl. 1 rdxltiir allegiance to thu principles ui the Drbiocratlo party mid liscaudiaate. ' Mr. cooley t)uldouly Kay that tbe tut, liientttaaiinaiitiiorued, adding that he wa Id too iwor Health to enter actively into poll I to m w ' Furniture. Carpel, lleddl-, Ve,4tcn. Moaia'a n. eradil aiatam I arnlab.1 aaf rtbl.f alTaa" prlcM aadtaratlu .aatomar. a. aiak. Ibalr b i.rmt. WanroaaU, Taud ar., rat 1441 at. V STATE CLUBS MEET. . , ,t Platform Denounoeu McKinleyism and the Force BilL Grant, Porter and Grace The Prob able Candidate! for Mayor. tix-Coiitroiler Trentiotm oa nank TarllT and Demofrecy. The fifth annual cdnvention of tlie Sew York State ietgus of De-uoc -alio club) was ojenedat chlckorlng Halt this ktterhodn. Ibe hall was handsomely decorated wliii flags and buntllig, And oh either side ot the sldge werd bung largo portraits of I lis Na tional Ucmocrattc candidate. About' two hundred dolegatel were present when President Jbhn Doyd Thscber calleJ the convention to order at l'-'.40 r. . lh bis opehlng address President Thacbcr spoke at length oh tho two main Issues of tho cam paignthe Tariff and the Force Bllt-nnd his mention of the name of drover Cleveland as the standard-bearer of tho party nas received with enthusiastic applause. Tho Contention was then organised, with Assemclymah U'llllam HUlier as chairman and Edmund C. Stanton as Secrottn. Chair man suiter made a ringing speech and was frequently Interrupted by npplaun-. A committee on credentials and another on resotlitlot-B, with Magrane Coxu cs Chaliuian, uer appointed. Michael c. Ili'dmnnd. of Albany, ins chosen sergeaut-at-rms. While waiting lor thecommutceon Resolu tion to report, Congressman Amos .1. cum mtngi was Called td tho platform and ad dressed the Convention. Tho pliUtnrm of tbo League, ns read by Chairman cote, was sulstantlnlly as fol lows : Wo firmly boll.t. that tariff; ravUHn. aa pro boaed by th. iin cratla pirtr. la 4bao utalr n.c.. aary t th ctiutlnn.d iroaurltr of tn. couutrr. Onr lahilamaolal tolomorclil tired la a nldar .tpott niarkat, au1 t krlier. tliat ulr , tbroavh aaeta , a rcvltloa la It t j ba t.h. talnrdl whlla it th. aara. lima tha n.Da(.lnf crowthof tnonopollaa wilt b. obfoktd. and tba, t-oat of tb. nuaiarlfi of lit. reduoad wltbdlt In anr war .ndansarln. the aaenrltj bf In. Vat.d4aattal or tka rianta of Induatrlal labT. Wkdiaaxlt unnaotaaart to 4 a anjtklnf farth.r fiMdlBa ttatl paramoant Imu., alnc. no .ipoai tiooa of It oau ba ao raaaterful aa tba admlrabla latttrr acoaptanae of Orovar O'avland and th. tr.Brooitifapieobo(S.oatrDaaldU Hill. ' pur opinion tbat tb. aalBah dia-' rxfdof all lh 1 batter ol fov.rnm.nt town byuoavro. bill. 10 okl.b tb. Kapublnan JerlyiB.oaimitted, i "aakbt lti th. staatcet ant.rtth sUpabllc. To vary lit. of onr na tion) dapanda upon th. oontlnoan. ol that adiust. ! aunt btwMBlacOTTni(iotand radar a I power, whteh waa .itaoiunel b our fathers and a iarda.1 1 by a long and brllhaut llo. of Demo:ratlo admlnla trattane. 1 lilul&BsBiwit rb'U&'noTtEa Male" of tn. Booth alone, nrt rmy BUtj and aero.naaten In aajrMiadaetksaloaf Vn. whn oleiioral , Vol 14 h Ibfjortani to ik adnisietfttion In rto otkar eueh nonprehenelr. eche me tor tbe ' rorrnptlon of totra and tb. contlaqanoe lb pnnllo oOlMotiht reprM.nutlieapl adoninaat latira.t 1. a doaitnaat party waa erer conoelted under a , reTOMteaij lorm ot g.v.rninant. I ' W. danoanee earoeetlr tba method, and 1 mesne adopted by the Republican party. In bvinslnc tu tbla elty a. man wbo baa baand- aoriked by one of hla aaaoclatea In tbat party al a dieaepntf bJ. raaaal. a riiBian at tbe pou. a mauip- nlfttor' of ballot botea, adlapena.ror cerraptlon funda. a wlllinc tooiof that eemeatli tbe social life or Philadelphia wniob deoei law, order and daetnry.the Repabllean Natlenal L'onmltteahi. ehows a qontaropt for pnbllo opinl m and a purpoto to naa the tilett means far the adraataa of their 1 canitldate. I '" It la a nutter of common fame In Philadelphia thai Pavid Maltln la lock peraon aa ha was da scribed to Prealdent Harrison wheu hie patrun, MttbewS. Unay, waa urtlns that ha be appointed te an important kederal otioe. . hut be w.a appolntl, and now President Harrison a par tlaana have undertaken ta nse in tbeoltyof rise York Martin's espeilil tacilltiai, which, judtlua from th. pAjt, can ontyb. .serted in the corrap tton bf votore and. If poaslble, to nullity the hon est uhea nt onr citlzene All this is' (n Hue with . tbo Fore bill. th. ontrAgea of John I Daranuorl, ! and the work of 'itioeke of Fire Dudley and Secret Influences' Hackett. " Tne Federal Adnlntatratlon of Banlamln liar- I rista la denounced for the burdens it ba put upon thetaipayera ol tno country. And Its e inattdrrtua of tb. popi.'e mune,. while contraete I with It is tbe record preseu led by the safe and horn riltle ad mlnlatratlouaot 1 Irorer Cleveland, David 11. Hill and Abawell P. Flower. W. beartllr lodorse tb.candldit.t nomlntt.d And tb. principles announced by the Demoir.tio Natlenal Convention at UIiIlIko. ant we pledre fh earnest support of tbis Lfisae to (1 rover defe nd aad Adlai K. Hteienauu. 11A.NKH ANll TUB TAUIFI . Ex-L'eauptrallrr Treuhnlm lixpounila ibe l)earratlr Itelatlon Tlirrrtu. Ex-Comptratler ot tha currency William E. Trenholm, now President of tho American Surety Company and connected uli a many BnaacUU instliullons In this city, said to-day: "From the first day to tho last of Mr. Cleveland's term as President, neither 110 nor those intrusted with any tnarn In tbe nnnn-, clal administration or tho (iovernment omitted any opportunity of strengthening the hands and minds ot those n U'j were contend ing for honest money. Concerning tbe question ot renloMng the tax from tht Htato bank Issue, of' cuirenty and tbe declaration on this subject, which Is contained In the Demnoratlo platform. It may be said that tbe employment ot the tax. tug power 01 tbe Government for the pur poses ot indirectly effecting tbat which con gress has no power to effect by dlre t legisla tion. It as dangerous and as questionable when employed prohibitively as when em ployed constructively. "If the creation of wealth In certiln bands and certain section by the means ot taxation afforded by tbe tariff Is 'to be Jealously watched and carefully guarded, there It no, reason why tbe ssme Jealous oare ahould not ba exercised when the power nf direct taxa tion Is re.orted to by the Government to 10s. tertho special Intermit represented by Na tional banks. It naturally follows that tbe duty of tbe Democratic party in ardf the National banks Is Identical in principle with Its attitude to wards vested Interest wblrh bare grown up undrrour system of protection, and Ibis atti tude, at 1 understand It, Is one of opposition toth principle wbtcn baa heretofore been applied to legislation 00 botn subjects, united wlibathoiougb and serious appreciation uf th difficulty and delicacy of the present situation. one ol the first tblbgs to be considered by Democrsts wben they louie Into power," added air. Ireuholm, "Will be lion thej are to replenish the Treasury, wmch bts nen nesrly emptied by the preseul Administra tions and however tboy may dtallk tbe McKlnle) bill, and however onerous and un equal tb may regard Ilk burdens, tbey will lie compelled by force ot circumstances to aeek readjustment rather than the removal of duties, aiming only to mako tb tariff a source ot revenue tn the Government, Instead , uf a source of prom 10 particular classes ot , manufacture. , In man r cases It IS to be presumed that I lower duties will yield Wrier teienu. I'll I establish Iree trade is at Imbcsslblo as It would be to maintain Ibe Government with out money. 'Ibe attitude of the Democratic party towards the National bthk system 1st err like It attitude towards tariff taxation, slnoe February . 180U, tktse bank hare en joyed the protection and favor ot the Govern- .r ' imtlnutit on Httona ty) - The Influence Clubs are about roady to begin active campaign work- FOUR HOMESTEADERS GET BAIL Excltemont OVar tho Charge of Traaaon Somewhat Abating. nv aranctiTrn rnras 1 PiTTsni'iiu, Oct. :i. Fourot the Homestead strikers charged with treason furnished the required 110,000 ball each this morning and wero releasel. Thsy were John Dlerkeu, George Ryiands, Daniel l.yncli and W. II. 0 aches. David Lynch, auotber of tho strikers wbo has be.n diligently sought tor A month oa charges ot murder, riot, conspiracy and trea son, was arrested this morning and lodged la Jalh The search for the remaining twenty-eight Homesteaders, who are scouted of treason continues, but no others have been captured, and the police are Inclined to think that they have Kit this part ot the country. Friends of tbe accused, howeret, tar they will surrender When their lawyers tayto, and broffera ot bail are said f d be pltntllnl front FttUharg werobants. ,. Ibe excitement over tbe treason charges preferred against tho Homestead' Intn tn the supreme Court Is abating, though there is still much discussion on tbe subject and 1 great Interest mani tested tn the coming trials before the Supreme Justice of the common wealth. AMALGAMATED NOW IN KARNEk-T. Will Ezwead ll Nallaoal relat. If Needed, ta WIS at Ikv AtencuTXK ratia.) PiTTttciul, Oct. a.-Jury commissioner Mullon, who was formerly a member of tho Amalgamated Association, says tbat the National organization has now reeognltea the Homestead strlue in a much more determined way tban formerly. "Thu lodge," says llr. Mullen, "now realises tbat the loss ot the Homestead strlko meaus tbe death ot tbeorganlza'lon. ''lliey 111 now levy nn assessment upon the members to sustain It. At YuungJtown, o yesterday all ot the I men willingly consented to contribute from one 10 two days' wages a month for the bene fit ot the Homestead men. Even the rollers, who earn as hlvb us 110 a day. Aave agreed I to contribute two da) s' wages per month and the heaters did tho name. I I am Inlormtd that S.'o.OOO has been raliecl In this way, and that hereafter tho I Income will bo steady. During tbe strike not nno ' ent of I ho surplus of tho Rational Lodge, which amounted 10 S'.'UH.OOO at the tlmo of the last convention, his men touched, but It has now been determined to use every cent of It If necessary to win out." CAItNKUIt! WOKK.MI'.N ATTACKI'.ll. Two r Them As.aHllrrl lu I'lltabura Ono .May Die. lev ASincuTin raxae.1 Pinxsi'itti, Oct. 3. A non-union man named Smith, employed In Carnegie s Thirty third Mreet mill, was attacked by strikers ' while on bit wsy home Saturday night and 1 badly beaten. When found be was unconscious and has been lying ever since In a stupor. Ills assail, anis are known. Andrew tulskle. another non-union worker, was on 1 lie same day felled with an Iron bar. Ills Injuries are not nerlous. BUFFALO STRIKER GOES MAD. Attempts to Rill Flret Hie Wife and tban Himself. lim-iLo, Oct. 3. Jobn F. Newman was one of tbe railroad switchmen who went on strike on the Lake Shore In August, abd be was not able to get back to work. Now be has goae eraiy, and last night h fried to kill bis wile and tben attempted to kill himself by cutting his throat with broken gloss. Parnall Memorial Service, lav Assocuxxn rnxss 1 Dist.iv, Oct. 3 One year ago next Thurs day Lbarles Stewart I'araell died at Brlghtou, England, strvlcra In bis memory will be held lu this city on Sunday next, and the corporation of Dublin bat decided to attend the services In state. Tha Governor Goea to Buffalo. lav jutoriAvm rasas.l WiTtarowN, ocl. 3. Gov. Flower left here to-aay lor Hutralo, where he will deliver tn addreb n welomno tomorrow morning to the National ( ouvcnlpi 1 f l(.-j t stale Dealuia. Alter that he will sun on a lour of Inijiecilon of lb Erie Canal. airs. Harrlton Has Poor Night, lit AttortATtD rart.l WiiHikorox, Oct. a Mrs. Harrison did not rra. so well as usual last night, bat It It aald at tba White Housa this eaoralaf that tbtr U oo change la her condiuca. rev. or. BHiees'B fniiLNov. a a-- - Preabytery Will Hear the Evi dence in Public Se33ion. Propotod Ktmoval of tho Old Scotch Church ta West HfJtu Street, When th New York rresbjtery assembled In tbe lecture-room of the Scoteh Presby terian church, Wests Fourteenth street, tbla morning, many people wer nn hand to see wbat was going to be done tn the celebrated Rrlggs's bercty case, the latt action taken In the matter having been the order ot the Gen eral Assembly at Portland, ore., to the New York Preabytery to proceed with tho trial. This order was made on an appeal otthb jiroaeeutton to tbe anerftlKAstembly( th New York Presbytery having dismissed tbo ,eaaai There were present this morning about one half of tba SIS members ol tht NtrrYork Presbytery. Dr. Brlggt waa on band, at was also Drt. O. w. F. Birch, Robert F. Samples and J. J. Lamp, of tba prosecuting commu te. Other present wtre Dr. Jobn C. lilies, tbo Moderator, and Urs. Charles 11. park hurt', 'leorge Alexander, Frtklne N. While, Charles It Thompson, Wm. at. Paxton, of Princeton College; I nomas S. Hastings, Ed ward I. Clark, Henry Vandyke, Jam U. MoAleer, Francis Brown, Philip Senary and John UalL llov. Dr. Illlts was re-elected Moderator and Dr. Lamp, clerk. It waa decided that the Presbytery should take a recess of one and a half hours, beginning at 1 o'clock. Tba nrtt part of tho meeting was devoted to routine business. Permission wts asked for the changing of th location of tbe place of worship of the members of the Scotch rrrsbylerlan Chun h and the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church from their present locations to West Mnulr sixth street and central Park and tb south weal comer of Ninety-Orel street and West Knd avenue respectively. Tbe question was rilsed that the two churches wanted lu more to placot too close tngtther. and tbat tbelr uiovlug uptown ml. lit draw from thn welfare uf churches alrcad) In tbat vicinity. llr. V llcy said thai his cburcb, tbe Scotch, had Already puroliased lite ground for tbrlr new location, and he hoped the moving or his church wouli not meet with opposition. Ills church member-i wanted the church moved. Hr. Mftenfton lavorvd the motcinenu Dr. Anson Apterbury said that tbe uptown neighborhood did not need new thurches. 'I he stating capacity of the churches In this nelgbboi boo 1 was already In a proportion of 20,000 seats to D.OUO chiirehL'oers. Dr. Hall thought thai the tendency of churches 10 mnvu tn uptown nrlghbot hoods where the social Influences were moro whole some was tbe proper one. Dr. Krr. of the l-ourth Avenue Proabyle. rlan Cburcb, said that bis church had ulreauy purchased the new property, and his cburcb members were nlmoHt unanimously In lavor ot moving. Hie pernilstlon to tbe two churebns to move was Dually granted unani mously, Tho meeting adjourned until later In tbo ar. inn Presbytery decided at 3.4A this after noon 10 set down Nov. 0, ut a r. u , In the Scotch Church on fourteuntb street, as tho tlmo and place for the trial of Her. Dr. DrUgs on Ibe charge of beirsy. The trial will bo public. DID NOT BLAME THE WOMAN. Bo Bald Joseph Fisher, Dying- from Qunahot, Wound, far aesociATtn rates. PkHUDiLriiiA, Oot. 3 Joseph Fisher, fifty years old, of Ltndenberg, Px, died at the hospital bere to-day from;tbe effects ol a gun shot wound, received it hit brother-in-law's botue. Tbe only person present when Fisher wss shot wss a woman named Ann llutbvan. Flsber, so tbe doctor Bats, was shot from tbe rear. The wound was In the arm, and death resulteJ from uncontrollable hemorrhage. While being conveyed to the hospital Fisher ex clal mod: "Mb) did slio da itr" He also said he "did not blame tb woman." Referee for L Road Butt. Jobn C Shechan, William S Andrews and eorgo W. Mc.datn were tu-da named by JuduGllderalreve, of tbe superior Court, as a Hoard of Itrlrrees to determine n number actions brought against the Kloiatrd f tall ica Is by property owners. Longfellow' Brother Dead. Inv sssocuiBD eases J PotTI and, Me., Oct. 3. l!ev "-atniul l.uiif. fellow, brother ot the late pod, Henry . Longfellow, died here to-dar, jgi-a stUMU) thtee, lie had been In feeble bo ill h tome tune. e kaxov A piano flalat. ea a. aaaen . U Knaltsk hall seal I That is last what can be seen bow In an .et.wn weet side furniture aud beuse.nttl.t ea labliehmeot. In. new etyle of kat rack neuesst tetee.n. of these beeutlral little dlraoa ke.eatk Ii. rferer bad mahoaaoy a more f elf ety Sufac, Thae ball aeauar. fare and only found at t-udwlw fteaeaaen Ace.'s, llhare.. betweaa talk aad Mil k(.,iaLadliBumaaaAC.'skleck. V tViil'kkw.'aT Mi it?'' " fnttf Tttttff'lfl'-'1 "" 'a' '""' ..' II I ' I ' - -Jgll I HI II THE APPORTIONMENT CASES. To Ba Arauad To-Uorrow Before tha Court of Appeal. irv iMortATrrt rattl.1 Aliamt, Oct. 3.-tt ben the court of Ap peals cdnvened this morning nil of the coufii sel interested in the three cases testtbg the constitutionality of the Apportionment law were present. 1 his being taction nay, the Court wts una. luslly crowded with other lawyer. William A. Sutherland, ol Rocbrtter, who appear tor the Republicans iu tbe atonrot cast", asked tb court to advance the cases to the head ot the calendar, to be immediately beard. Attoraer-Ueneral Rotcndate was about to make a similar motion, ayng mat this was an Important quettloa which butt be de cided before Oct. lu, tbe last day for tiling nominations. Chief Jndge Earl isid ho did not wish to In frro with tbe Work Usual td a motion day, and he therefore set nil the eases rtowrt forsrgu mental lo o'clock to-morrow taonUDgr ThU appeared to bo sallnfaotory toafl rwtcerned Mr. Sutherland was Attbtnty-Utntral Roteav dsirk opponent last FAIL and this morning was tbe first time the gentlemen had ever met. TO CELEBRATE OCT. 31. Brooklyn' Columbian Cotnrhtttee Changes Its Fete) Dair. The Colombian Celebration Committee of Brooklyn this morning changed the dtU of tho celebration from Oct. 13 lo Oct St. Ibe change was made at the request ot Beteral prominent citizens, it being urged that music could not be obtained, and that several loot organization! had agreed to parade In New York, wbll; the school chiu dr.'d cannot bo prepared beinre Oct 81. PECK'S CASE STILL GOES OVER. Hla Countal Dlsoovars ,Soma New Polnta to Look Up. Irv araocuTro vats. ' Ai.aiw, Oct. 3ln tbe Court bf Sessions nt I o'clock this afternoon quite a crowd of Interested spectators had gathered to hear tbe decision In the application of Mr. .Veegan, tbat tbe Indictment, airalnst Labor Commis sioner Peck and bis stenographer, for burn. Ing public records, be quashed. Judge, ciute said I bat b would deny the motion to quash the Indlnment. llr. Meean then sata bis cdent demurred to the Indictment presented, on the ground that more than onu crime Is charged therein and that It had been Illegally lound. U said tbat tbla demurrer was presented lu good faith and be wlsbtd time to look up a fw points in law on tb question. The case was put over until 10 o'clcck Ihursday morning. BLINDED THE JEWELLER. A Brooklyn Thief's Trick to Steal Gold Watohes. Jobn Collins, twenty-seven years old, ot S'.'len-Kyck street, llrooklj 11, while looting at watches In the Jewelry store of Peter Fred ericks, 1,171 Broadway, Brooklyn, squirted ammonia Into the eyes ot Fredericks snd grabbed two gold watches and ran away. Hi- was caught by John McLaren and turned over to the polhe. m . TWO STEAMSHIPS RELEASED. The Indiana and Nevada May Land Their Immigrant. Collector Hendricks to-day received an order from Secretary of the Treasury Foster authorizing him to allow tbe steamships In diana an'J .Nevada, now detained at quaran tine, to enter and discharge their passengers. Tbe Indiana has t!0 and the Nevada sao steerage pasengeis. Neither has any cabin passengers. The immigrants w ill probabl) bo landed at lllls Island tn-moiraw. QUARANTINED SEVEN DAYS. Tbe Steamer Saratoga Held att Ha vana on a Cboltra Report Tbo steamer Saratoga, which arrived to day, reports bat on her voyage out from here she was kepi, thirty miles below Havana for seven days on account of a report ot cholera at thli port. Llat of Hotels and Boanilng-Hous. 'I he huu-i'oinoiltleo ou Tiai.sportatlsn aad Accuuiiiicdallou of Ibe coluaibits (elebratlou met at noon lathe Stewart bulldlug. There were present G. v.bklnner, Charles K.Vmm and Andrew A. Kcrnan. It wss reported tbat 0O.000 circulars would be Issued to-day, giving instructions to rial, tore from out ol town, concerning hotels and boarding housts. copies can be had upon application to Mr. skinner or Mr. Vcrnaia, at the Morton ' Ilouaa. - LA I ITA. 1 11 "JWSaal TALKOFTHETURF. 1 ' m Race-Goers Promised r $m 1 Rich Treats in Riciii m Tbls Week i CMMKS IBE TO lEO. I , M Weights of the Probable titrttn ' )M in the Fall Tett ' '"M Handicap. 9 tfl ARRISON'S mm FINIM. 1 M Purchase Price of G. W, Joka- sfl Bon Thought to Be v "laaaa-l Extravagant. vfl M Race-goers Are promised aotae rick WestM la XM tht wty ot rtalng this week. MetaTttek SMtal Btakcs will be decided, and scfaeof tM atjtjk 'JB perfdrmers ot tho year will oorte ttkttlaer. jpfl The sdason will probably close with raeS jtBJ goer regretting that UmpUghU and TtaV ;',H many werefnotecn tn a contest, it seem a , 3H pity that these two great colu oannot be M I brought toUbthe'r. Kach has a host ol adttir. W ers, and a match between tatsi WtstH "H prove the sensatloniil contest of th jB year, there ar stilt sbmo slun kojkya - yfl tbat this pair mty meat. Taera -' are tbe Manhattan, country Club AM S Pelhdu Day Handicap on th book pro. VjH gramme ot the Now York Jockey Clak aad iH the two irncks st-e ellglhlc YettttaVsoWavr '.'3B ol rammanr alghlQed bit Intenuon ct atarU ,.1H Ing, Lamplighter would tuddatUr tsyeata iB tame, or It tbe latter should start, thd ralsMM .might be tbe calt'. InmmanywUtprbbaatya) rM 'run" one? moro and lor trrjajt UeA ft '-f ? iBB Saturday lb tbo Jerome stakes. '' In tfi 4ak) '''VaM he will probdtly meet Azra, Yerlrtilt Ma), pj Kilkenny, The Pepper, Rex and east of two ,BJ others. It Tammany Is Bt and well bt) otajrat 'H to bate a plcblc Jlfl . 'Jxi The event ot this week or unusually la- H tereetlng. To-morrow the Mottht Yeraaai M Btakeiortwo-y&r-3lS.atkUfurldanWatk' BJ Udy Violet, Simmons, AJax. Don AIoat,ttr TM Francis, Helen Nichols and EaflijMniks Vfll i probable starters, will ba deildett. TaafhU M Test Handicap lor tbree-year-oltlt. At a Ml "JaJB and a quarter, wilt also bi run. The tratglu tSM I of the probable starters are as follows: U Lanpllabter,, ISt.SpM.laUs .1 10 rfflBJ I YcrAtklTe Belle 'efi'lt" 3 'iBBwi ! Hats. .,, ll1Iteols, i...... M VM I'.ckr.iMi (Olkllat aia.,..'... ...). 7 BJJ I I antfeiatra lo.AnnaB 9 3sxtl Daxonet 10k tflBJ Though Lamplighter carries pretty atUf S weight, be sbould win eaitly enpugh. can- -3M delnbra is so uUch Unproved (bat Tie attouU H defeat 1 orkvlllo I'elle for tho place. ' Wednesday's card l. mediocre snd contains iJM notblbj ot sMclal Interest, on TharatUy 'B tbe second division ot the Sea and Beats! HaTea stakes will be ruo, and to this Morello will ' make hla ilnai tow,. He will go up agalatt 'fM Uoy l let, Don Alonzo. blr Francis, chea- 'i-axaal wict, AJax and Eagle Bird. ThgrUoMt BJ Is peualUea lor his wlu In the first part ot tUs iiBl stake, but brshuuld win. nevertheless. TM 'aBSl Unlonpurt Handicap1 will also be ma on rrt BBI diy. A good Held 0: (brecyear-oldsareen- fjIBJ Kaed' . . . 3jH The Jerome stakes, with lO.uoo added, ta tfaaai tbe lenuro ot Saturday 'a card, and th writer ',B his already mentlonedlt at length. ThaNur- 'ltal seiy stukeswlllals'i be decided with a crack &daaai , lot of t wo- car-olds entered. . All In all, some .,bsb1 great racing should be seen this Week, attd It HBJ tbe sport Is not sensational then all signs go H for naugbt. ivH s The purchase of the crack Iroquois twtv 'iH year-old colt O. W. Jobnson by Dr. Kbtpp m that gentleman's friends, J9H wbo never Imagined for a moment that th --jbj owner of Sir Walter contemplated tbe pur- aaawi chase of 1 lie ctern crack. Tbe price tno ;H emt In the wrltera !9BJ opinion, extravagant, Inasmuch aa ternrat '7.VJ expert trainers declared bit lege Aswi would not hold nut lobg., O. W. lH Johnson Is n grand looker and veaaal royally bred.but S30.0U0 for a two-year-old at (iH tb end ot a racing icosju seems entirely out tr9 ot reason. Pnenomenally good two-yraiold i3ael nate a knack of turning out to bo no account. asatal The large price no doubt was due to the -'ilfeS I anxiety 01 Mr. August Belmont to posset tb ($taTfl out. Tbls astute nnanclrr was looking !5aaBB eheadattbe American Derby. lie baa au MaTaaai less tban twenty-tbreo eotrtta la thu vawB rich etent.whlc'i will be worth S0,0OO. 1gH and ti. ft. Jobnson If be rr tallied bis, form f,JM would be a dangerous itcmr. Mr. Belmont 'irflBBJ wanted him for this reason, know ing thai he would have a good colt and ine moat daafer- ' out horse In the Derby nut of his path. Mr. rM Belmont bid t'JT,O00 and wlsely.siopped. Dr. t&M Unspp Is u plucky bidder and tbe writer 'SH I wishes blm luck with bis new purchase. S ' Aleck Ogllvle purchased tbo four-yetr-old 3flHj t'ncertalmy at tbe sate lor 11, woo. Tbla la &BJI tbe tamucolt that ogllvle raced atOutten- . burg last winter. He wept West with Mm andlist him to Brown A Co. In a tailing race. fln"Tl llo always cherished an affection lor tne colt, jttaal however, and determined to purchase blm at cwiBBJ the sal. IflaBa Garrison's finish on Sir Funds was suptrb. .BH True, be had tbe beat hurt la tin race under '.ATeYeTfl Mm. but hit rush was timed to a alveky, aad taH his horsu appeared to be, all out. wata In reality he had considerable left. Harmon ,'MM has a loudness frr a head nulsli, and be hot Kaanaani more luck than moit Jockeys. sawal ... v'BBBBJ Saturday was nitite arrord-smtslilngday JHHai at Morris Park, fmi" rnwili are of llltl , 'H use in bcrso races, l.utvevei. Kfltaanl UhtiltthemAitrrwlth.NtrVlce; tlat he fsBJJJ loo followed In 1 lie Ioctsieps nt tloggeiltud jfTaTeTsati Murphy. 1 he Kbirl utatl" ha I thrva itur. -ijflBJJ sriilatlvflsln the Matron, und Nuniet (14 But jgtaTATai tliieelthsrut thriii. ftatwat ... wttflasaxl 1 be music was iultt-d nt Mnrrta Park sat. JHH ill dav. 'lllls bus iilway been ono of the IJ1 pleasing teaturcs 01 ibe popular ruct-cjurt. v4BBI Forai-pltyera can nod tome thing latarett. 'x'U Ing in a comparison of Hugh Faahy'a rteeraV. "CTttsfllJ breaking performance on SalilrdaV ahd kMVJaBtBwawal previous races w bemn be aiJtYi show ayrc4, Jaeataaai enough to ben f-ww. k . x MM