OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, October 04, 1892, EXTRA 2 O'CLOCK, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

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:f ov'ER SIM- I NBtV-'-r-Tpi
m 1400,000' jm&x Sli -rftVi " E IILLIOKra I
: ; a day. i SWif1ki& WmBmMmmmM wm$mmW IlH i a week. vu. 9
I Quadrennial National Convention
I at the Aoademy of Music
I Thousands of Delegates Present
I frem Every State in the Union.
Ex-Prtldeat Cleveland Makes an
I Address of Welcome.
H The Academy of Music, whore the National
H conTentlon ot the Association ot Democratic
H cluM was opened to-day, was nil ready
H for the reception ot the delegates eitrly
H this morning. An army ot decorators had
H been at work In tho Me hall ever Unco
H midnight, and at o o'clock they had completed
H their labors.
H Flags had been drapod over the Btago and
H proscenium boxes where the distinguished
H guests were to sit, and the gallery fronts
M were tastefully ornamented with festoons ot
M bright colored bunting, Interspersed with
M di aped shields, banners and a rnultltudoot
B small Hags.
H At the back ot the stage, on cither side,
M were mammoth portraits ot tho National
H Democratic candidates, pach draped with
B American flags. Seats wcro prepared on tho
H platrorin for 300 guests.
H Tho places reserved for the delegates were
B In the Dody of the bouse, the Mictions for
M each particular state being maiKcd by
m placards and bannerets, as In tho Nations'
M conventions. Bevel nl delegations had to be
B put 111 the first balconv because the parquet
B could not accommodate them all.
H Delegates began to arrive at tho Academy
B and ta:,e their places by (i o'clock, and halt
Hi an hour before the opening ot the Convention
U Hie hall presented a scene of great bustlo and
B activity.
H '1 he Eighth Detriment. Band, which was sta
ll Miaul In n corner of the top gallery, made
BM i hlogs lively while the crowds caino throng
B lug in through the Irving place entrance and
H l he delegates were hunting around for tbelr
BK places.
jHf A few members of the Committee pf Ar
V rangenicnlsncru on hand, but they were
V hard to tlr.d. Delegates from out ot town had
J a good deal ot difficulty In settling themselves
I where they belonged. Several of them ap
H peeled to commltlcuiaan A. K. Orr, who told
BH t hem that be had no time to attend to dele
Bfl gale, s ho was " running the newspapers."
J Thousand from Out of Town.
jB Secretary Lawrence Gardner, of tho No
BS tioual Association, was busy alljthe time at-
ler daylight at his headquarters In tho Ilofl
m man House, receiving the Incoming delega
PJ tlons from out of town and supplying them
M with badges and Instructions. Up to last
sH night he bad distributed :i,000 badges, and
this morning, prior to the opening ot the
Bb Convention he had given out almost a thou
BB od more.
BB Tlie Jefferson and Itandall clubs from mil
BB adelphla were among the eaily arrivals In
town ibis morning. Tney came about rive
K hundred strong and were met at tho ferry
f and escorted tirst to headquarters and then
lathe Academy by the stuyvesnnt club of
BV Harlem.
BB Te Brooklyn clubs camo over In a body,
BB together with some ot the eastern Long Is
BB 1,nl1 organizations, and marched In line with
assl a bond 01 music.
SB The New Jersey contingent also camo Into
BB town this morning over the Desbrosiea street
Bh terry with a nourish of trumpets and beating
BB of drums and flairs a flying.
Almost all the Western and t-outhcrn
Bl delegates arrived In town ester day, and had
f already been supplied with badges by Hecre.
Bi tary Gardner.
Bf Among some of tho more prominent clubs
f present am the Wattcrsou Club, ol Ixiulsvlllc,
Bf Ky.; the Daniel Club, ot rortsmouth, Vil; the
Bf John 8. Barbour Club, ot Norfolk Va.; the
Bf Calumet Club, of Haltlmore; tho Itandall
J club, of Pittsburg; the Hancock Veterans, of
rmudelphla. '
(lov. Boyd Is here at the head ot the No-
braska Cleveland and btevenon clubs, and
Gov. Adams with ths Colorado Clubs. Tne
lennsylvanla delegation Is headed by ton
B k'reasruan Amerman, North Carolina by
B U. W. l'egrura. and prominent Democrats
omalIovei the union are here with thu
Ton Convention was called to order about
lioclock, and President Black made the
pe .Ing address. lie spoke lu part as folloivs:
t'tmnnrey V. Ill nek'. Aililrr...
before has the Democratlo party gone Into
battle In behalf ot principles at once so vital
and so clearly defined, ami nrer before has
such a magnificent organization us this ap
peared to support them. In Cleveland and
Mtevenson we foIIBii leaders who typify the
spirit of American life and the genius of
Amri lean Institutions meii whu. In personal
character and public service, are not. sur
pissed by tne noblest statesmen of any ape.
The misnamed itepuDlluan part feder
alist to the beart'Mcoie lu every tradition
and purpose proposes a (lovcriiment uhlch.
regardless o( the limitations of tho constitu
tion, shall employ the power of taxation to
HdUethe hard-earned substance of tho peo
ple and turn It over bodllj to a favored
lew, to maintain an aristocracy of stolen
wealth, equally spurious and ruthless, ns
only governing and only profiting class In the
Jttpuulh'. A coarwj, urcedy, remortelcss
oligarchy advanced tho money to coi
rupt the elections of Ht.v, and de.
manded usurious leturn in tho increased
taxes Imposed by the McKlnlty bill and the
paisage by a treacherous and recreant House
r a Force hill intended to keep It in per
petual power In defiance or the suffrages of
the people. In platform and candidates the
Kepubllcau parly admits this alliance.
We deny tho right 01 the Federal tiovern-
ment to tax one man or one class of men for
the benefit of another. When tho Chicago
platform denounces ltepublican protection,"
not merely as an economical fraud und a
robbery of tho people, but as an tin-
constitutional asault upon tho rights of the
. people, It but reiterates an axlninitu Demo.
cratlc principle, a Mnilllir Democrnllctrsdi
I tton, a simple truth taught hyotery Demi
cratlc statesman from Jefferson to Clevelnnd.
j "The Korce bill was the product ot a
I wicked and deliberate conspiracy betneen
J the monopoly oligarchy and Us political Her
I vants In Congress. It was devised, with sa
m tantc Ingenuity, to keep the parties to the
conspiracy In power, In spite of ihe popular
I will, to crowd eviry election prrcinci with
I tbelr partisan agents and to saddle tlieir
I camnalgn expenses at tho rate ot twenty
I millions per annum upon the Federal treas
I urj. Under thl law they might have piled
I tax upon tax, grasped subsidy alter subsidy,
I renlleJ and relooted the treasury tlmo and
I again, without fear of tho verdict ot ihebal
H lot-boxes, which they had thus contrlveu to
Hf smotlier.
J M touch was their avowed purpose. 'The
BB!) 2i itr-. L,i.i.-i.i. s-,QitilL-i-A!!l'j&i5B..1il
Foi co bill.' said thooigan of tho Ilepubllcan
paity, edited by Its caudldatofor Mce-l'icsl-Uont,
carries ulthlii its embrace a bundled
McKlnlcy bills.' Tho ltepublican candidate
for President has never vaered in his sup
toit of It. Ke-tlcct him, put at his back a
l'edeiallst congress, and tho right otfteo
elections win ho cloven down In order tn.tt
tho people's pockets may be coiiiluuoiisly
rifled ot untold millions which ncicr reach
the Treasury but piss directly to tho collois
of the monopolies and the trusts.
'"I he election of Cleveland and Stevenson,
with a Democratic Congress, is within easy
roach. Wnhavoonly to poll tho full Demo
cratic voto In November, and tho beneficent
revolution will be accomplished."
Miv'niack finished speaklns at 11.20. and
lust tin co minutes later ex.l'rosldenl Cleve
land was Introduced.
.11 r. Clrvelnnd'. irreli.
"Jin. I'smipknt si (!esti.kiii s: It alToids
mo eopecla! iilcastiro loextcnd to you on Hits
occasion a hearty welcome. As n illlen of
this proud inunlclpnllty I am glad to assuiu
jou tliuloiir ho-pltallty Is alwns open and
generous. In tichalr of a coiniiiiinuy, ill"
i liigulshed tor Its Americanism anil lolerallon
lu all mutters of belief and Juuginent, I know
I may extend acoidl il greeting to those who
here represent polities! tlioiiguiluliicss and
Mucerliy. As an uuleldli.g uud conslstcui
believer In Dcmoeiatlc principles, I trust I
netd not hesitate to pledge to the lepresen
lallrcsot organized Democracy the Enod will
and fraternjl sympathy of this Democratic
Your meeting Is the council of war which
piecedes a dcclslie battle, aul jour delibera
tions should bo the prcpmailiiu lor stum
conflict. All J on I- wcapoas and all your
equipments aie. soon to bu tested. lUbuve
oiganlid and labored, and ou have witched
and planned to Insure your readiness tor the
flnal engagement now near at hand.
" This. tnen. is no holiday assemblage, but
an linpirsslve convocation In fuitheraucu of
the designs and purposes for the accompilsh
uient of wbhb jou and those you repieseut
are banded together. These designs and
purposes, as declared by your Association,
are : Ihe preservation of the Constitution ot
tho United Slates, the autonomy et tho
stales, local sclf-kovcriimcnt ana freedom of
elections; opposition to tho Imposition ot
taxes beyoml the necessities of tho (intern
ment, economically administered, and the
promotion or economy lu all bianchcsot the
public service.
"'these piofesilous embody the puiest
patriotism, and the loitlesi. aspirations ot
Aincri-an citl7cnsnlp. 'though at all times
they should sugjesl tons the strongest obll
gallon to polltluil effort, their motive force,
us incentives to political acdv.ty and watch
mine .s, should be liresistlole ai a time when
the Constitution Is held lu light tslecm us
u.'alttsi the uecompll-ihment of sclllsh pur
posts, when Mate boundaries ale haidiy
bairler to centralized power, aim when local
self-government and fiocdom ot elections are
the scoff of p.uip-anslilp.
Thoso wnu subscribe to the creed ol this
Association and make any culm toslnccilt)
can haidiy excuse lluiuschcs for lack of
effort, at a time when the necessities of the
Government, economically adintiilstcred,have
but little relation to thu taxation of the peo
ple and when extra aiauce lu the public
service has become a contagious piauc
" To those who boro for better things, this
Convention of Democratic Clubs, Is a bright,
promise of leiorni. Cnorganlnd good Inten
tions and Idle patilollc aspirations cannot,
successfully contend for mastery with tho
compact forces et piltacu Interests and
greed, nor Is file oigaulzatlon altvays thu
most useful which has tho wJdest extent.
The real benefit of political oiganlzatlon Is
found lu Its nearness to tne people and lu thu
dUcctucss or Its action, (it courso bJrmony
and unttv of purposo aie absolutely essential.
' In this view, your assembling together Is
most Important, in so lar as It promotes this
harmony and unity by con'crcnco and a con
slucratlouot methous, and lu so far as lt-4n-spires
thut, zeal and enthusiasm which will
make more effective your woik at home.
"Therefore, I mn sure that I can say noth
ing better In taking my Itavu of you than 10
wish that your convention may bo a most
profitable and encouraging one, and that, at
Its conclusion, yo't may resume your places
in your home orgaulvatlons newly Inspired to
determined and zealous effort li the cause ot
true Democracy."
HKAWf. at a runi,ic Mi:r.Ti.s(.
iVInjnr (.leanon (n!rr the Aldermen's
I'rmldent L'mlrr Arrrat.
I.ov(i Ut.ANn Citv, Oct. 4 Politicians aro
to-day discussing with great l;tcrest the
posslblo efToct ot Justice Cullcn's charge to the
(jucens County Grand Jury yesterday morn
ing when tho Court declared emphatically
that political brawls must cease. Justlca
Cullen explained that he refer led to viola
tions of the taw and breaches ot tho peace
consequent upon lnteuso political feeling,
nnu declared that It made no dlffcrenco to
which party an offenacr belonged or what
r.l official station, tho Grand Jury must seo
that tho law Is enforced. Mayor Glcason Is a
member ot the Grand Jury.
More than a thousand taxpayers nod been
Invited by letter to meet Mayor Uleason last
night to protest against an alleged unjust as
sessment levied tor improvements along
Jackson avenue and the Boulevard. The im
provement Commissioners, appointed by
Judge Uarretsou, are not In accord with
Mayor Glcason.
At the meeting last night the Mayor made
a speech and challenged any ono to contra
dict any ot his statements. President Claven,
it the Board or Aldermen, undertook to reply
to the Mayor, when he was ordered by the
latter to shut up, and on his refusal. Mayor
(J lesson summoned policemen and ordered
Uaveu to be arrested for disturbing a public
Claven was taken to tne police station, but,
no complainant appearing, be was dis
charged. Thcio Is great curiosity as to the
Chief Orators lit lie C'oeper Colon
.llrrtlna" nud Tbelr Topic.
To-night's mais-meetlng at Cooper Union,
under the auspices of the New York Itemibll
cau Club, Is expected to be a notable event
of the campaign. United States Senator
Hlscock, of this State, and Congressman
Boutclle, ot Maine, are billed as the principal
Senator lllscock's address Is expected to be
dovoted chiefly to the tariff question, though,
It is said, that ho will make reference to the
lessor the Legislature ot this State to the
ltepubllcans last Winter.
Lapt. Houtclle is announced to speak on
the question ot the decline of American
Seats will be reserved for ladles till 7.45
Will Krllnnan Hun for Major f
One of tho chief questions ugtlatlng local
ltepublican politicians Is whether Banker
Jesse l-eligman, who Is due to arrive from
Kurope to-day or to-morrow, will accept the
ltepublican nomination for Mayor. All the
luduentuil P'aders agrm that the ltepubllcans
Intend .u rim a straight municipal ticket,
Mr. seligman Intimated a month ago that he
would not consent to be a candidate.
Possibly Mill Another Kartlon.
There Is n good deal of tall: of the organiza
tion of a now taction ot the Democratic party,
Willi which Democrats who are opposed to
Tammany Hall can affiliate and vote against
thu Tammany local nominees. '1 he movement
Is apparently In the hands of men as equally
opposed to the county Democracy and tbo
Yoorhts claus ns to Tammany Hall, and their
efforts have not yet crystallized.
Coming Events.
Kuinmrr'iilght't f.tirl of the NewYcrk Lttr
C.rrleriT Muti'.l hjurht Atioclstioa ai Htll.r's
Ur!m H cr Park lu-biaht.
HreptUii to llr. Antouln Dfortk, Central Turn
Vtrrln Oprr-IIuu., Oct, !, 8 r. U.
Meeting- Cbanibtrof Commerce, lz.30 r.U, oeit
' Pnxl. Paxl, Paxl. I'axl,
Beit tlMouaccoclcarettei, lucent! per packse,,'.
jfrti-t-jjffiVyfafrT .j-i far, "V ufir,'rv1 '
Well Contested Eveuts Should
Be the Order To-Day,
Mouul Vernon Stakes and Fall Test
Handicap the Features.
'I he card at Morris Park to-day looks hard
to pick wlnucis Horn, 'ihcso kind of pro
grammes Hit arlably Punish tho nest races.
Well cunieslcd events, with red-hot finishes,
sliuuld be tho oider u( tho day. The featuies
aretho MiiiiiiI eriiou rttukes, lor two-ycai-
. old, and thu Fall Test Handicap, for three,
jcar-ulds. In tliofoiiner AJa will shoulder
l.'.'.l nouuds and endeavor to give weight and
a brutlug to Helen Nichols, Ragle Bird, I.nw-
I less and tit her good tuns. In tho Handicap
Yorkvlllc Belle, candelabra, Mars and others
will make an Interesting contest. Tbo track
will tie dry and fust. Tho entries and selec
tions aie. a? follows :
I 1 irtt !Ur..Snre,fllai.R for threc-yeAr-nldi of
t'.ll encll, oitli SI, IKK) a Mr 1 , ill furious..
At. P. Iirr Mupenell la
alcnlt.t Cauiuleli Onrlc lit
W, .Irnnlnjn'. Ifol rr .... II
W. II. McCrtlir'"M Authunr H.t
II. B. Leeier'aZamuoit ll'
Hloel bslre US
Kaiirica nlable Juneil 11
)'. I.lltleli.ld. ir.'e, lb Irtinraatter HA
W. l-aiton'e'lhel op 107
'1 he opening event should bo won by Stone
nell, with all hts weight. The Ironmaster
should be second and Julleti third.
Second Ilace.lfaDritcap eweepttakei of $'J0
each, with fl.Utlu artd.d : one mile.
J. A & A. II. MorrlVe ItUMell 114
It. A. Mrlrett't Michael till
llantmrae HUhl.'l Kllkenu 1US
,1. (.. l'ollantuee's illoaming toil
Maicna Dal'ehlr Mattheer UK
r. Keene. Speculation 1H
W. i: llali'e Lepauto fH
li. II. .Morrln'a Kinic Mae UO
Mr Matlhew Is In good shape and may man
age to win. Kilkenny ought to get second
money auo King Mac third.
Thin! ttaoe Srepalake of $10 li, wlt'i
l,()00adtlecJ, lellinie allowances, one mile and a
F. lTord'e Ktperl.nre Ill
, WaU-oll Campbell'. Diablo 1 1 J
W. C. Dall'a Crntmire 1117
C Walk.r'a NoworHrfor 107
F. Uehliard'a Canvai lo.l
' r,ton Hour.'. Mar Wlo lUi
P. II hyau'. Dundee ... lirj
l .1. .1. McLatf.rlj'. huelle U
A. C. McCaffertr'e llr Or 0"
W. C. Ulnteri'e Klne Crab U
.1. Mcl.aildln'e Kej We.t 114
Preakneai Mable'a tllamor 110
Diablo ought to land the money In this
event, with the best of the McCalftrty pair,
115 l)y nr Kstclle, In tho place. Now or Neer
may be third.
Fnnrtlillare. Mount Vernon Hlaiea, for two.
jear-oldn. ot tso each, with idl.Suu added, pen
alties ami allowaniea;lt furious..
,1. Iluplerl, tr.' Al. 23
.1. .1. Mi-l'alfertr'n lltlen Mlotlola 115
J. It. Collin'. Lawle.a . in
t!. l'lel.i hinan'a i,ot. Foraiter ll.t
,1. ,1. Mi'Csffartr'a llnth i'eniij 110
I A. Wlleou'e Unela .lint . ., I1U
, Walcolt Campliell'aFaile Bird 1111
Kejltmi Malde'e Indn.try 107
I V. A. Khret'a Yotins Ariun 104
I F. A I-href. Wormier 1114
F. Keene'a Mutiny II4
I Valle lann Stable'. Hayonara 104
Helen Nichols bas a pull In the weights In
this I are and It, may enublo her to defeat
Ajar. Uncle .Dm should be close up third.
Kngle Bird alo bas an excellent chance.
Fifth nare.-l'all Te.t Handicap. forhree-er-olda
of (lOUeacb, wltn 1, 500 added, oae mile
and a qnarter.
t. A. Kbr.t'. York till. Bell. 150
.1. A. A A. II. Morrl.'e Mara 11
nronn A Itncer.'a Plekpockoi 110
F. Kean'a Candelabra no
. Maumee nllr... lofl
Candelabra has Improved so much that the
writer cannot select anything to heat him.
Mars should beat Yorkvllle Belle for the
Kitth Race. Handicap aweepetakee for two-fear-old.of
a'zomch. with tl.UOU added: all furiosi..
W. B. Jenninm'e Manhall TPi
Gideon A Dalr'e (iirofle colt Ills I
Waabintlouhlable'. gport lie! I
Valley Farm Stable'. Maronara 1115
H. W. Street'. Mendicant 11)4 '
F. fiebhard e Tappooee colt loj
F. Keene'a Atlanta tim
F. Keene a I'rorlda..;., 7
(1. H. Morrl.'e Pat alloj, Jr .""Ml"!! 9
N. Htrena'a Integritr ... till
The closing event may be won by Mendi
cant, with Sport second and Marshall not
worse than third.
Gloucester Selections.
First Hare King Alta, Flambeau. 3ea Bird.
second Itace KmllT W Kenue, Irlshtown.
Third itace Featllence, White Wings,
Fourth Itace A. o. II., Jim Dunn, Lost star.
Fifth Itace Maid of Blarney, Tom Karl,
Running Bird.
sixth llace-Katle C, Little Willie, Telephone.
Ucrnlnsr Papers' Beleotlona.
at noaais raax.
First Itace Btonenell. The Ironmaster.
second Itace sir Matthew, HusselL
Third Hace-May Win. Cynoaure.
Fourth Itace Mc'afferty's belt (Helen
Nichols or Hugh Penny), Alax.
Fifth Kare-Yorkvllle Belie, candelabra,
blxthtuce Mendicant, Marshall.
First Itace Stonenell, Jallen.
Second Race Huasell, sir Matthew.
Third Itace May VUn. cynosure.
Fourth llace Alax, Helen Nichols.
Filth llace Yorkvllle Belle, Candelabra,
blxth Itace Ulroflo colt. Marshall.
Flist Race Stonenell, The Ironmaster,
second Itace speculation, sir Matthen.
Third Itace Ks'elle, May Win.
Fourth Itace Alax, Helen Nichols.
Filth Itace Yorkvlllo Be.Ie, Candelabra.
Sixth Hate-Sport, Glrofle coa.
First Itnce Stonenell, Julien.
seond Itace sir Matthew, Michael.
Third Race Cynosure, May Win.
Fourth Itace AJax, McCafferty's best
(Helen Nichols or Hueh Penny).
Filth Itace Yorkvllle Belle, candelabra,
blxth Race sport, Marshall.
First Race Stonenell, Osrli
second Race Russell, Speculation.
Third Race May Win. Dloblo.
Fourth luce Helen Nichols, Eagle Bird.
Fifth Race Yorkvllle Belle, Mars.
HSlita Race Mendicant, Marshall.
A New York Drummer Arrested for
Bigamy In Cleveland.
Ipt orcciATXD raeia.1
Clevii.anh, Oct. 4. Jacob Greenberg, a
travelling salesman, who camo from New
York "li months ajo, was arrested here last
night by request of the police of tbat city,
ou May 3 he married Miss Bessie Abratns, a
society girl', while he bad a wife and three
children In New York.
lie ihowca Miss Abrams a writ ot divorce,
ment signed by a rabbi, and she supposed It
to lea legal divorce.
Death of New Mexico's Secretary.
lav AisncurxD rant.
Santa Fb, N. M., Oct. 4.-I)r. B. M. Thomas,
aged forty-nine, Territorial Secretary ot Now
Mexico, died yesterday of neuralgia of the
stomach. He was a native ot Wllllamsport,
I nd., and had resided hero for tw enty years.
He was acting Governor In the absence ot
Gov. Prince.
Friday and Saturday next, double-breasted
Boy's suit with cap to match, $1.10. London
and Uverpool Clothing Co. '.
Newark Police Hesitate in the
Nellie F, Sharp Case.
The Woman's Friends Insist that
No Crime Has Been Committed.
Public Prosecutor Comlurls tlio In
vestigation Alone.
NrnAiik, N. ,l Oct. 4, So far, Hie Newark
' polko nave made no arrests In tho
lease of Mrs. Nellie K sharp, who.o
I mj sterlotis death on Sept. :.N and
tho subsequent exhumation of li-r
body In Fvcrgicvu Cemetery. Brooklyn, was
lold lu je.sterday s . kmmi Wnnt.n, together
will, the exclusive announcement In the
Sporting Kxlra that Ihe dead woman, whom
the Brooklyn authorities believe to have been
a victim of malpractice, was a relative of
Jacob sharp, of llro.idivay Kr.llroad notnrlolj.
The iiltcntlon of Police superintendent
Brown, of Newark, was first called to the cahe
jesteiday by nu Kvknimi Wonin roporier,
and tliosiirieiliitcndent at once legan arlgld
Invest Ibui Ion.
Although tho case was known to County
Prosecutor Crane lsst week, Tuesday, the
day of tho woman's funeral, he did nut call
In tho police, but employed cx.Pcllec rapt.
Volk, now In his office, to icnet out tho
Mr. craue hliiueir has as yet made no ar
rests, and Is veiy rellcont shout the cas".
George Sharp, the dead woman's husband,
Is still slopping with his mother nu
the lilver Road ueir the .Irisey
tltj Water Works. Both he and
his mother ueilsrc Unit Mis. sharp died or
rheumatism or t lies heart, tesultlug ti'in cum
plications lhat set in follow lug the bin h nf
her last child about a year ago.
They admit that Dr. F. McCabe, of Fast
Twetitj-thlrd stiect, Vow York, who had
formerly b.eu her ph.islclan, floated her,
although not In person.
When last taken III Mrs. sharp refused
point-blank to liavo all) phjslclau but lu. I
McCabe. accordlug to Mr. shai p.
Dr. McCabo could not leaie Now York, and
accordingly preset Ibed for her sjiuptoms, de
scribed as the old rheumatic tumble b her
husband, who called on Dr. McCabo eiery
morning and bt ought back the reiiiedlei with
him in tho evcnlug.
Sharp is a ineniiieror the nrnt-of Sharp x
Sons, mauiitacluiors of steel stamps and
dies In Buster street, New York, and It was
easy for him to do this
'l here was no other pro siclan In attendance
upon Mrs. Sharp even when she died, and
she declared, according to her husband, that
thowQURLdle hist befora sho would have
any doctor except Dr. McCabe.
Shin1 as not at home when bis wife died
but he Is heart-broken over the event. He is
said to have been an especially affectionate
husband and to havo been more than ordln-
' nrlly fond of children.
Mrf. Sharp, bis mother, as well as all other
women of the family, scout the Idea thai the
joungcr Mrs. Sharp died of a criminal operation.
For these reasons tho Newark police am
constrained to believe that Sham Is innocent
of any criminal complicity or Knowledge of
nny wrong-doing, although they admit the
possibility of Mrs. sharp's collusion with it
physician unknown to any ono else.
as no formal complaint has lieen made to
him supt. Brown will not pursue his Investi
gations Hit tner at present.
Ceremonloe n,t the New Pasteur In
stitute Eulldlng-.
Mayor Grant sientctily an hour In his of
fice this morning. Ho said that no had not I
yet considered the trolley railway franchises
passed by tho Board of Aldermen. I
The Major left at 11 o'clock to fuliil an en-'
gagemout to officiate at noon at tho laying of
the corner-stone of tho Pasteur Institute.
Ninety-seventh street and Central Park
Dr. Paul Olbler sont a dainty sliver trowel
to the Mayor wherewith to perform the cere
mony. The tiny trowel bore I Bo following In
scription: : "To tbe Hon. 11 ah. I, Grant, in rora
t memorallon lavtnc of tbe rorner-.tnne
t N. Y. I'aiteur fntlitute, Oct. 4, 185.'."
i :,
- e .
Tney Demand Money Instead of
Soboole, Bouses and Mills.
Iiv AociATT.t rnrea. 1
Spoianb, Wash., Oct- 4. -Chief l.oul has
urged the Spokane Indians, who are to be re-'
moved to Cieur d'Alene Reservation, to de-1
mand spot cash Instead of houses, mills and
schools, and at tho conference with Agent
llardman yesterday tho Indians taid theV '
would go on the land, but must have money
to spend themselves.
'Ihelr heads have beeu turned by display
made lecently by their old-time neighbors,
the Ccrur d'Alcne's. Another confei once may
be held.
His Son Telegraphs tbat His Debil
ity Is Increasing
lev AiaoriATin va.t
London, Oct. 4. At 'J.4S o'clock this after
nocn tbe representative of the Associated
Press lu London received a telegram from tbn
Hon. Hallatn Tennyson slating lhat tbe con
dition of ids father tins become worse, and
that his debility Is Increasing.
Driven to Failure by Gamblers.
ipt iiiwiiiPD rsrx.l
Ciiicaoo, Oct. 4. W. S. Fender Col, who
ran a mining exchange, were compelled to
biispend to-day. A number ot gamblers got
the iiunlatluus on a prepared tape and beat
the house out ot 3,ooo before they were discovered.
Gored to Death by a Dull.
Losu Island City, Oct. 4 WlllUtu Co well,
boicuty.rlve years old, a wealthy faimcr of
Itoslyn, 1. L, was gored by a bull last nlgbt
and died fiom the effects of his Inlurlei ibis
morning. He was thrown over a fence by
the enraged anlmaL
Kdward J. Blddle, a resident of SI. Loul. far
tweolr reare, ril4 la.t evenlox. He leave, a
daughter lie mi In Detroit, and a .on employed on
a New York aewepaper.
Capt, W. II. Deeai.lorthlrtf'r'ars eoisied In the
Cloetnnatl-Me nplil. Packet Hue. died yesterday
nearNwtb Bend, Ind,
.el ea.
Healthful, Pur uml Palatable.
acHAirxa Baxwi.su Co.'i Bottlxu Bun. V
Young Moorohoad's Tragioal End
Wa8 Due to Drink.
Tempted, the Kcelcy Graduate Fell,
and Suicide Followed.
AllliotiKli l.'lcli, lie Was Dlsi.p
polnteil lu Life.
llcvelopiuenls to-day In the suicide uf .1.
Ilnrlmv .Mouiehead, Ji the wriillliy yimiiB
theatrical tn.muger who shut hlmsell In the
hernial his lodjlng.house, .Ml West Thlrlj-.
null street, ns told In last ulght's Hportlug
Kvtra cf 'Inr Kvimsii Worn n, provo that
Mooieheiul's ir.igical end was duo Inrxcis.
site di inking.
Ho was it gruduuic of a Kecley Institute lu
Philadelphia, whuro he lived, and was pre
sumably cuicd or tho drinking habit, but 111-adrl-cd
Irlciulsliesoujlil the weallhy vouug
l'hll.idclililaii to share a cold Dint," and
templed thus, hufell.
It Is believed that the gold cure left hi i
system In such n condition lhat with the
relapse Into his drinking habits his brain
boc.imo affected and Ills self-deslructlou fol
lowed. Moorehiitds ptepaiallous for hUlcide woie
very dilibetale. tlailniid tladcn, a young
actor whom Moorchead was backing to star
In " Tho Young American," said this morn-,
"llow.is disappointed In life, even though
bu was u very ilcu young man. I don't think
ho lias been at all well for tbo pasttbieeor
lour months, his appotlto having left him
almost entirely.
" lis subsisted sololy on Moraschlno
punches, nnd be drank ho many ot them tbat
theyweie known at the Coleman House as
Moorchead punches.' "
'I ho suicide left about a doen letters ad
dressed lo different persons, and ono to the
coroner referred strangely to his taking on
as per club." The letter read :
! have committed sulrltlo as per dub.
Please gie verdict lo such effect and oblige,
sums 1 1 uly, "J. H. Moon-
Actor Gaidon, when asked about this letter,
"1 don't bellero there was any such club.
Nestor i.t'umiu, uii actor lu tbo "Thu Black
Crook," stalled that yarn about n sulcldo
i luh nnd Hit liuated that lie himself belonged
to It and that Moorehcad ended his life ac
coi'illusr to thu tiadlllousof the Club.
lie haa known I.cniioii only threo or four
days, and there could scarcely have len u
portunllles enough tor them to havo founded
Mich a dismal organization, and 1 do not
ku iwll.
Moorehcad was aged tor beyond bis
years. He had loads of money aud had
travelled all over the world and had seen
absolutely everything there was to bo seen
In life. Kstrauged from his people eaily In
youth because of hts v. lldness, ho was more
or less embittered
" I had known him nearly two years, and
during the past summer was constantly with
him at various reashore resorts.
A year ago be said be meant to drink him
sell to death. He came verv ncardolnr It,
and stopped only when bis folks put him In a
Kceley Institute.
lie came out spparcntlr all right, and up
to four or fit o days ago li.du'i touched a drop.
'I hen he met a number of convivial tnon and
women, and Melding to their united plead
ings he lusted wine and the end soon came
Ills life lor thu past few days has been
one uulnterrupted round of gaiety. Poor
fellow I he has paid the penslt)."
leniion, the actor, and Mnorcbead. despite
tho brevity of ihelr acquaintance, seem to
have been kindred spirits In the clins"
lor pleasure and frivolity, aud It
was with Lcnnnn that Moorehcad
spent all Sunday night far Into the morning
hours of Monday In tbe questionable enjoy
lui'iil or wine, women and song.
I Lciinon t ceelved t be last good.by ol the blase
Ijoung Phlladelpblaii at tbe Coleman House
arlv estei day morning nud before he hurried
away In his cot to his lodgings Moorehrad
' drew two valuable rings from his ringers and,
slipping them on Lebnon's fingers, said:
Take these rings, wear them always, and
think of me. I'm going on a long Journev."
Then he went to his room, nnd the bullet
which lurrowed Us way to his heart started
young Mooieheadnn tho long journe).
rpon his breast, as be lay In bed, was a
picture ot his mother, dead these man .
Letters were found addressed to Goden G. I
C. 1 nomas, care of Drexel i Co.. Philadelphia;
Charles II. Moorehrad, Brldgeton, N. J una
Cabby, M4l-
in tne list letter was a check for $100 lor
cab driver.
Tbo coroner has this and all tbe other let
ters except the one addressed to Gadon.
Mooiehesd In his letter to lladeii. spoke or
having provided ror taking the company ou
the road aud tbat John II. Sloane had some
money for him (tladenl.
linden thinks Moorehcad has willed him a
larger amount.
Mi. sloane wired ;aden to-day tbat no
would be In New Ycri: to arrange for the
burial. Tbe body Is at Klpp's establishment,
In First avenue
- e
Capt. O'Connor at tbe West Thlr:l
eth Street Ulatlon Now.
Capt. Richard O'Connor this morning as
sumed command ot lue West Thirtieth atrcet
station us the successor of Capt. McLaugh.
Un, appointed to an Inspectorship.
capt. O'Connor was nearly a year In com.
mand of the Old Slip station when his trans
fer came. Ilu bas been on tbo force since
1H7U and hss an excellent record.
Lost a Leg; Under a Car.
John J. Flynn, aged forty, of 007 Amster
dam avonue, while trying lo get on a Ninth
avenue car at lfty-tblrd street at 7.40 o'clock
this morning, tell under the wheels and bad
bis right leg cut off. He was taken to Roose
velt lloiiltal.
Mitchell Badly Beaten by Two
Supposed Burglars.
AIOioiiaIi Ktverely Wounded lie
Managed to Arrest One.
Pnllci'iiiali Unity P. Mitchell, id Ills Weil
'I lilrli. seventh sttrel station, had a battle,
with I wo supposed bmgtai whom lie II ltd In j
ai i est at an early hour this morning.
llo was set upon, beaten and kh ked and
severely wounded Willi a cotton-hook In the
hands otonu or his assailants, lie imnsged,
however, lo nucst one ot tho men. 'I ho other
was r.iptiittd later b) suuthti olileei.
I'olKoman Mitchell was patiolllng his post
In Twrnly-elghlh stiect, neai'lentii uteuue,
shoilly alter a o'clock this morning when he
noticed two men acting suspiciously. He
watched and saw them go Into a hallway
leading tn a side doornf Miirplu's saloon,
311 'lenth avenue, lorner ot I nenly-elghlh
si i eel.
Mitchell walled n few minutes and (lieu
went up to see what they weiu doing, lln
saw them fumbllug "round the door leading!
lo lliculoon, and believing they were trjlug
tu effect an entrance Into thu place lie at
tempted In an est the pair.
'I he fellows resisted arrest and s-t upon ,
the oitlcer. Ihoball whero tho fracas took I
place Is narrow and dark.
Mliriicll was knocked down, and while hoi
wnsDIngou Ihe floor one of his nsssilsnts I
kicked him a number ot I linos In the stomach. I
He struggled to his fret, and Just as he was
gelling up tbe two men went at him again.
Our of them attacked him with n coil on hook
and caught him In the neck, J Heat below tho
left eai, with It. I
'ihe point ol the hook filtered Mitchell's1
neck, making a bad wound.
'ihe policeman, although wiiuPmi linui llm
blows lu the htiiuiac.li, giublieil and held on Hi
one of his assall.itiH, who .iilemnteil lo get.
away. 'I ho tellow fought desperately, bit
Mitchell binught him lu. i
lly the time he leached th" slalluu-house, I
lu West 'lhlrl)-setenth sliiei. tlio iiollietiian '
was weak ft mil loss or blood, and lie could
hardly talk.
The prisoner gave his name u l.dward
Brennau, lwcut).-lx vosis old, and lit lug on
'lenth atenue, near I'ltteenth street.
An hour later Policeman Abraham llacltnn
arrested Mitchell's other assallaui, who
proved lo l.o Baiuey 'lanser, twenty-llto
years old, living somewheir lu tiausevoort
sired, lie refused In give tne number.
Iheybolh claimed lo bu 'longshoremen.
When queslloiiel by (htbi. wrlslng ns tn
what they weie doing In the hall where the
'pollctman caught them, they ictused to
i any anything. Both in Honors hut cotton
hooks sticking In their bells.
Bretitinn Is tho cue who rut Policeman
.Mitchell. The litter was attended by "o
llcn burgeon Nesbllt, and went lo Ids home at
:i47 West Ihlrtj -first street. The wound
made with the cotton hook Is tiulte -moils.
Kergt WolMtig said this mornlug that
both Brennau ami Tausey had been drinking.
Whether they were about to break Into the
saloon when Mitchell camo upon them or
whether they were after a drink and were ton
drunk to see that the saln.ui was i lined Is a
matter of conject'lrc.
He Says His Return Has Nothtntr to
Do with Politics.
Patrick Kgan, Knviiy Kvtraordlnary and
Minister Plenipotentiary Horn tho I'nlted
mates tn Chill, arrived In I his city this morn
ing from Santiago on tho Pacific .Mall si earner
A big delegation ot prominent Irishmen
and representatives ot Irish societies neronl
the dock at the foot of Canal street at an
early hour to welcome back tlieir country
man after an exciting and Interesting icsl
dence In I ho South American Republic.
Among thoso In tho party wcro Patrick
Kurd, or tbo h-lrl' llniil; Ausllu K I urn,
Augustine 1-nrd. Kdwaid 1'oid, Col. t'avaiiagli
and llauilinksli r Bay no, of the Nlkty-uliith
Regiment ; I'lank ;. Ward, or l lio Gaelic So
ciety: Cant. Peter Ilrrretnn, or Ihe IrlMi!
Veterans: Dr. David 'lonl. Kdivard Htwlll
lams, or Boston; Pror. John Brophy, of M.
I outs college : P. J. Tynan, nf thelilsli Na-'
llonais; Patrick Logan, Kdward Mi Crystal,
8ergt. Coughran. of ihe blxty.nlnth llegl
ment, aud T. P. DrlscolU
The Newport reached her dock a fow min
utes alter H o'clock, and Minister Kgan, who
stood on the upper deck, attired lu a grai
mixed suit aud fall overcoat, whs greeted
with an outburst of applause from his friends
on the dock.
He gracefully acknowledged tho compli
ment, and when the gang plank was runout,
ho quickly passed down. A series of hand
shakings followed, and to nil he said that ho
w as In good health and had had u very pleas-'
ant time ever sluco he left Santiago, nearlj a I
month ago.
The only disagreeable feature or the trip
was a quarantine detention ot seven days, tu
which the Newport was subjected four miles
outside id colon.
Mr. Kgnu stated that his return home was
merely on a leave of abscuce and had uotb
lue tn do with American politics.
The chlet oblei t nf his tlslt, he said, was to
present to President Harrison tor ratification
tho new tiraty recently formulated between
thir country and Chill.
Will Tou Tbrow Away the Chance
of a Ltfotlme ?
"Ambrose," the young man cr uuyhap
ho Is an old one- who has been giving
Dads"und" Buckle"somuch trouble, ougnt
lo come up to tbe bandwagon, so to speak.
'I his appeared among Ihe "pereonals" tins
AMllltOHK -COllMUX'CATi: Willi MK
throueh Buckle at ua,'. .rerrtiilns likDoen,
doo't throw away a clieitcn that will .uiveth ererr
thing for future life, fur tiud . .ake ate thia In Ihe
rlltllllftit DADS
Now that Ambrose Is plainly Informed thai
be Is round out ; that "eterytblngtskiiown."
but that In spite of all this "Dads" Is pre
pared on receipt nf a communication Horn
Llm through " Buckle" to .inooth very
ihlng for future life," he will probably put on
bis specs and sen things In the rlirtit light,
much tu the tellof of tho mystrry.lade'i i it
sons!" column and Us wondering, curiosity,
couiumed constant readers.
Slatn with a Hayfork.
Inr AaenciATVD rnree.l
J.ini.s 1'ai i k, Minn., Oct. 4. Gus Artmnuu,
a farmer, got drunk (Saturday on the proceeds
of a load ot bay. tin the way home he over
took Alexander Gravel, a sou ot County Com
missioner Mardwa Gravel, and Nicholas
fasios, and, II Is claimed, attacked tlio
oiiuger Gravel with a pltchfoik. Gratcl
elzed the fork and wouuded him. Ariinann
bled to death lu the road.
nobbed In Olirystle Street.
William crowley.of 417 cherry street, was
In the Tombs Court to-day chirged by otto
Doll, ot 10(1 KattlhiTd street, with stealing
a gold cnaln and locket from him In Cbrystio
street last night,
Killed at a Religious Revival,
irv MnciATrn rn.l
Ciktralu, Ma, Oct, 4. Three men and one
woman were killed and a number wounded
at a revival meeting al Stepbca's .tore, Cal
laway County, buuday afternoon.
Two East-Side Stables Burnod
Out This Morning.
Adjoining Tenements Were Kndnn.
jeered Two Firemen Were Hurt.
I ho Iniirlors ot two small frame stables, at
.iMInnd.'iUN h'asl tcvciitj-niKl street, were
swept out by nro shortly utter mldntghllhls
morning, ant llltv-twu horses wero stirfn-
; rated and burned to death. The mouey cum-
I ago Is estimated at I'.'.ooii.
During the lire two llirmen fell while In
Ihe burning buildings nnd were sent tu Pies-
' lijtsrlan Hospital lu an ambulance. One of
them was sctitcI) burned about tne face,
though not ilangeiutisly.
'Iliu stablo ai N. oOil was trnanled L)
Llulsloplier llun.tu, of u. Past sevent;.lirih
streer, n contractor. Ills stnule was two
stories high. No. .Ml was rccupled bT.lohn
t reedun, a ttiii-kmnn. He had nine horses
id tils nwn ami rtnir lhat. wern Itelnir slablril
III tlio building. Roiiati owned and had lu
his stnblu tlilrty.two horses and boardtd
teveuoihera Inr c-iislouiors. Not one or Ihe
animals was rescued. Besides harness ami
trucks, Itunau lost '.'00 hill's or liny,
IVIIccman James npotlnn dlacuvered the
blae ami he rang In an alarm. Wcond
alarm iv.is nnl out as soon a-s the firemen
liaehed thusceii".
1 he i huso of Ihe lire Is mysterious, but Ihe
policeman said hn raw thu games bursting
ihrouththe cinrks lu thu partition of Hu
nan's stable. Vcij ipilekly, honcter, Ciee
den's place cangnu
'I ho animals by this lime wore uttering
sin HI. ngonllng cries, and sjiueof them had
bioketi their hullers and wen- hllndlt rushing i
aliiiui tne sinok) death-trap serklui; in,
ecipe. 'lhcflle prngipssed so rapidly, how
I utei, that the iiiiloiluuMo boisussoon suc
cumbed. .Muni of tlicui weio rousted.
riiu scene was modeled weird by Hie sharp
llglitnln; which Masiied ncioss the clouded
slty, and ap iiienil) Just liter Ihe burulug
buildings, ,'cuis uf h-aty thunder were;
heard and some rsln fell.
It did not ift'iulro long lusuUluo the fire. '
, I Ipeinnii James Solleld, of I'.uglnu 44, was
on the top oi second poor nf CrceJcu's stable,
when suddenly he stcpied through a sou of
air shaft In thu floor. With a shriek lie
landed nu thu ground floor, a dint mice of
tnurtcen f"ct, right in the middle of some
iiirnltig hay. With gieut presence of mind
he scrambled towards Ihe street, and wai as
sisted tnsaiely by tcllow.tlronirn. Ills face
was sct"iely scotched and tdickened, and
his body was painfully bruised. It v.H
. thoiigiii thai no wonts were broken.
Almost at the same Instant Fireman Hauler
, .1. shechau, of Knglue :m, was working In one '
. nf the front windows nf the Dip floor of
I Itounn's simile. He lent his balance and
I toppled lo the sidewalk, a tall of twelve feci.
I He was picked up In a sainl.iiucoosUns
i stale. It was thought that one of bis arms
was nactiirud. An ambulance was sum
moned and both men were taken to Ihe ho,
pit ii l.
Patrick SUIne and bis fatuity lived at .".in. a
small, one-story rn.Kdlug. but mi loss nf sue ,
isocount was sustained by him. lie and his
loILs vacated I hn i remises hurriedly when l
. tho excltenieul liegan. I
A I wo-sinry brick tenement at .So. nua wss
a scene uf exciu ment for a taw minutes. 'I he
people residing lu It ran Ihln tbe street, bill .
souu returned, w lion they sawtnal there w as
tin real cause for alarm. A. I. Haines's id ah-
building shop, nt.l 10, was damaged tllgntly
on tneieur pari.
creeden was not Insured. Konan s toss Is
nl. least, 17,000. llo was Instiled for only;
l.'.'OO. The building wuleh tbo latter imimi
pled Is owned by .tlr. Mccabe, of 7:1.'. l.evlnj,
liin avenue, wile cf r-Aldomian McCabe.
Owing tn Her Nervousness 8lie Doee
Not Feel So Well. '
li t aia'h urn rsisi. i I
Wasiiisoton, Oct, 4. Mrs. Harrison's ev
Iremo iieitousnois his disturbed her ret
during the past three nights, and, us a na
tural conjcMUencc, shu Is nut fctllng sj well
this morning as she dlu last week.
Jl Is staled at the till o House that no now
or situ tiling sjnipiomj h'l o del eloped lu her
cuso, and that her condition Is Just about I lie
same as It has been tor daj s past.
To Be Triad for Unprovoked As
sault on an Old Man.
Isv AsioriAiui rsree. I
Uisnos, Oct. 4. Charley Mitchell was htld
In 100 tall for trial in tbe Dow Ktreot I'oll:e
Court to-day ou a charge of assaulting George
Salvage, the aged keeper of a lodglng-houso
lu the strand, who Is now Inn hospital under
going treatment lor bis Injuries.
.Mitchell, with a party of men and women
wai standing In front ot Suvige's lodging,
heuse. aud a: Salvsgu aud a friend came out
Mitchell bit the old lukti a lerrlole blow tbat
knocked blm to the ground. Tbe attack was
entirely unprovoked.
Four Assist at the Ordination of tbe
Youngest In Cincinnati.
Inr AiiociATrn mraa 1
cisnssATi, Oct. 4. At Mount St. Mary's
Seminary Sunday Father George HU-key
was ordained by Archbishop Klder aud sang
his first mast, assisted by hH four brother".
I Rev. Wm. Hlckev, postor or St. Joseph's i
Church. Dayton, was the assistant prlusl;
Rev. Kdwsrd P. Hlckev, pastor ot St. ary's
'church, Plqua, )., was the deacon at tho
mass: ltcv. Chas. A. Hlckey. pastor ot the I
Satfrcd Heart Church. Dayton, was the sub
deacon, while Rev. Jonn lltckey, pastor of
st, Patrick's Church, uimtnlustllle, oftlclstrd
as master of ceinionlei1.
Ihe nte biothers conducted a service al
bt. Kdvtard's Church Jeslerday,
World's Fair Directors Coming- Here
rev amociatip rr..
Ciiu'tRo. Ocl 4 sonioofthe Worlds I'alr
Directors w bo have sl.nlMed tnelr Intention
of golug to New York next week are: C. o.
llllllngs, J. W, Ellsworth, George P. Kngel
hard. Paul o. stensland, c. T, Yerkes and A.
M, Itoiuscblld. others who Intended to go
will be detained to make ready for the dedl
ration Oct. yi. On Dedication Day Jackson
park will be reserved for the AO.ooo distin
guished people who have been Invited to tbe
Ballon Complain or Cruelty on an
English Sblp.
Inr AtiociATrn rnrti.l
Losnos', Oct. 4. The crew of the British
bark I.ynnwood, Capt. Ross, from La Plata
lulyL'O, sent letters to tbe Mayor ot Fal
mouth complaining that Capt, Ross rtlused
them permission to land to prevent them tee
lug a magistrate to whom they wished to
complain of their terrible treatment on tbe
t oyage.
Magnificent Fall aud Winter Suits, finest
goods, duuble and tingle-breasted and adver
tised at tl'J last week, are now 19.00 for
choice of any suit lu stock. London and
Liverpool Clothlcg Co., so and 88 Bowery,
corner of Hester atteet. .
3 O'CLOCK. ' 9
Anportionment Oases Argued Be k
fore tho Appellate Judge r. - 9
Mr. Sutherland Speaks Against th JVJM
Legality of the Act. W
" 'tei
Ills Three Chief Points Which Art ''H
Clslmail tu Kentler It Void. dsB
'pt .unrti-wirsfill elea
Ai ntsv, Ocl. 4. Tne three Apportionment 'el
casts came up In the court ot Appeals this ''H
morning, each one embracing the question ot teH
Ihocnnslltullonallty of tho now Apportion. -1
ment Ian. "H
In tbe case or People ex rel Horn, anpelt. ;H
ant, ts. Board ot supervisors of Obelda k
county. II. .1. cooklngham was present (or ''
apiiellant uud D. V. Seal lo for respondeat, 'jl
In the Monroe cn C. D. K label, City At- 'i
toine.i of lioclioicr. wno is a Republican. ''
spoke for the lofisiitmlonallly ot the law, rlH
William A. Sutherland appearing lor tbe '
Hoard nf Supervisors i'ieffl
In llm third cane, that of Citizen Carter, ot 4i)tH
I'l Ira, against (eeretary of htato Rice, Messrs. !
IID'cy and Love appeared for carter, and At- lM
torney-t.'ctieral Rosctiaslp for theBeeretary iM
uf stale. ?pH
When the court convened at 10 o'clock' 41
number of Mine nrncvrs were iirtHtat. Mr. 'jH
lllslcy said that Mr. Kutherlind would make -j
the main atgiimeni fo'r the Republicans, and :-
Mtnrnet-t.'enrrat Kti.pndale would, make the 11
principal nrgtiiiieni Icrllie Democrats. H
Mr. Mulierlauil opcied. ssylng that aa ')siH
wnutil nuke a general aig,im-nt (OVetlnrtbe Je
thi's-.sses. t el
Mr.fiitheilsnd.sarcdiuoiit fl'st dealt with i
ths alleged lneiiallilcs ot representation H
piuiul'sl by 'ha ec under cnnsUloratioa. -He "
hehliiiat Bonrrf Count wav Justly entitled ''sefl
to four -embli men, whereas tbe act ot H
lMi" g.ivfhullnrce. Mb my county, with a ",M
piipuiiiii.n uf i.mi.tis. lui four Assembly. ,'H
men. .Munrnv's pnpulnlloii In INl.'.'JU. 'iLm
It was argued that lln I cuiaiatilre nt 1B02 :'iM
had attempted tn 'unify tlio constitutional jH
in Incipal of eiu.ill v of representation and to OtH
d' ,-ifn thai our ret', in Duicliess county shall t'MLt
ih.itn more th-iii inl-o Lb ptdlil'al power of --tJl
nnu tut'- lu --I. I.sirrrnce. aud-tkst Ubn 'H
, Htii'iH'ss, tlb.i.ir nnd lleosselaer citizens shtll eB
t.n l wl.s, :i. liittinl Oil In flin lAftlilerlvj, hell. 1
or Mbnuviistlie i It Irena or Monroe, St, Law. tH
rcuic and chautai.tia. ' iaB
said Mr. MllhiTlaud: " ',afl
If tli.apimrlfonintnt of IHJiran iVleleratml br -jM
the rniirts. .til.nie .land, in ihe way ot ease .fssil
fnt urn ap r innm.Dt. in refonnee tnaneaaddrM lelsH
.renf (..(tier .tlm.nt, nlileh would rednee fH
tit. rnilMT if .New York tn flfleen meniMnt alee lel
l.n tr, theennnl of Muhroe and tire lo theeevntr liH
, nf I'll, end If Ihe Thirteenth Senatorial District HH
I iu-rrt,(i. tntlo.ia'lrromnrl.einorettiaD twieoth SsH
nsmlmr id t.rnileni the 1 wo.ftf, the thertiano eH
, lesion nln ati .crli'iittmal count may aot have Tjeel
I Hir se.i.t.n. t e?.tr nnn aivea te the elt of 4H
: ew Volk for tlie.iine iiiiuiberof peealt. t!H
! The urvt rolut urged was that the special 'H
session at which the Appoitl inment act was -H
p.is.cl was not t lie uct session after the 'M
n I urn nt tiiernu'iicriiluu" coatemplated by :tLm
the i oust l ullJu. '".
L. A. R. Dttchateau, One of the 2
Frloeland's Pcssengers, ta Mlsalnr. ''.41
The passenger list on tho steamship Fries- 'vl
laud. wU'.cli arrived at quarantine to-day :H
'ioiu Antwerp, contains one name tbat bas H
nu owner ou board. It Is that of L. A. K. '-
Duchalcau, a saloon passenger, who boarded' "H
the ship at Antwerp. tH
Diichateatt was oil-sing on tbe mornrnc ot 'fj
Sept. Luanda thorough search ot the ship J
tailed to reveal any trace ot blm. It la sap.
posed that he commuted suicide by lesplny; '
Into tbe ccean. osH
At the office of t he Red Star line, 0 Boutin ,H
Green, nothing was known of Dnclateau. vl
All ether paseugers on tne rntsland ire 'vfl
reported n ell. 'H
Quarterly Report of the Department f
for the Term Ended June 30. '''aB
The quarterly report from tbe Police Do. ' jjH
partment for tho quarter ending June ao was 'M
received b) Mayor Grant to-day. It show ''ifl
that the employees ot tbe Department num. ''JH
beicd:i,TOl; that there were SU'.O.IS arresta 'H
I dittlcg tbo quarter, .".,348 being females, and '
i that :i'.',o:ii lodgings had been furnished, the $
. lodters couiprlstng 1T,'-'4U females and 14, '"'
' s."" males. 'fiM
i Ths patrolmen nicked up 1.010 lost ehlk U
dren. 1,1,'iOnf whom were restored to theU 'bsH
families, and 00 were sent to Institutions.
i Tne death roll ot the police Department fe !
' the quarter bears tbe names ot seventeen ifM
pstiolmcu. f-vU
An Ambulance Sura-eon tfestleoU ait ,H
Injured Man to Argue a Point. if&
Adam Shneo, twenty-one years old, of 18? t
stanhope street, Brooklyn, a printer In lsaaa OH
Goldman's printing establishment at 7 and 1
11 New Chambers street, had his right band H
caught la a cylinder press at s o'clock thu iH
morDlng, and so badly crushed tbat aniputa ;7i(H
tlon may b necessary. 'iH
A Chambers street Hospital ambulance 3aS
surgeon spent some time trying to Induce a !H
policeman to arrest tbe driver otaheavdr 'H
loaded truck before attending to tbe Injured .-LU
man. Tbe driver and bis truck were Mocked B
and he eoula not give tbe clear road desired ','
by tbe young surgeon. t H
- S OH
An Exodus of Masons. ;H
There will be an eiodatot Masons trot -0-H
this city and Brooklyn to-night to witness. Vl
and take part In aeedcatory oxerdses ot that 'H
now Masonic noma and Asylum at Utloa tot '.H
morrow, special trains or ten cars eactt hard zjM
been chartered on the West Shore and New Wsai
York central Railroads. JaH
Circuit Court of Appeals., sjfl
The United States Circuit Court ot Ajga.H H
ror the southern District of New York win) ,'lH
begin the Fall session tn the Federal gtuldluj !4H
to-morrow mornlny. 3H
flslr rtrasse ef All-Tebacee ClsarestM H
aaadebrTaei. H. Haixi " arwasa m Aere.! vtsH
llaiaaa loo...oi "BaAVO." VllallajJoUeelae-' vH
llaLr Dikis, deeetltobee,e. Mt-lMi .Sj ytH
v , t.VltaSiialalaH
L.j.t;,.)., ;al'kiVeMssiMtiMasjslysslMafaaaaai

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