OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, October 04, 1892, EXTRA 2 O'CLOCK, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1892-10-04/ed-1/seq-4/

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H' V stMHimsiioi "
K ICetnt Standard of Merit
K This is the great desidcra-
K tum; no one can be truly
IK happy without it. I have said
Hr it often, and again repeat,
K tnat the fect arc thc Jowcr
H? bay or quarantine, where
jHjP many disorders enter into
' 9f one's system. Keep tiic feet,
' therefore, amply protected by
, mt warm, comfortable shoes.
W if1 MEN'S 0ALF
V R'L Cork-Sole Shoes,
R m--V $5,50,
' E Men's Calf Hand-
M':'- Sewed Welt
;(: Cork-Sole Shoe, S4.50
W Men's Calf Cork-
B Sole Shoe - 2.50
Jaf With air.a4. medium .r narrow t.ra,
Ib 111 I araat.. er.ry pnlr la alvo per.
fB", let eatlelarll.a la .vary Inelaare.
jK Send for Catalogue. Mailed Free,
ig Sixth Ave, cor. 12th St.
" Urge Altartxaeat. All Grade.. Unnl Prlou.
M& SPECIAL credit.
Wh '. 1 AND 130 WEST 14T1I St.,
jf U UltwHa U aud 7lb iih.
R E M ACY co
SOO pteccit of Indla D I R RA M C
Crepe de Chine;! n kJ 13 D VJrN .
till the delicate) ,Qj
evening shadrsA
actual value 7.00,
No. 30 All-Silk Moiro I til)-) Q .
. . , bon, worth H5c. n yard.. . .(44
LADIES' ' ' ',v''" Muiro Jllb-1 .
, . , ," Hi! ou, worth 'J'Jc. ii ynnl.. . . 1 I
Cotton Hoso, light ) (xa J I
uppors.blackboots,) ?
No. 9 Groa Grain Satin-Edge) .
Black Cotton Hose,) qq llibboti, worth 15c. a yard 10
heavy wclcht - - I
Brown Half Hoso,) .
9Por8t..t- - -f .W gH0ES
Merino Half Hoso,)
in natural gray andj .19
ta ' Ladies' Glazed Kid But-)
ton Boots, patcnt-loath-f . q
LADIES t , . t"i i
Ladies' fino Kid Boots, )
Jersey Ribbed Vests j button, hand-sowed q a a
and Pants ; each - ) 4 we.t, special patent r O. I 3
Saxony Wool Vests J tips, big valuo )
and Pants; each - J l0v
Jersey Ribbed Union j closing out immense lot I
Suits - - - - -j.Mo Turkish Slippers j .0
Av d& !!"!fd ""' 'l CI.ASSUEC0UDSOIJKHPrXlAl.lv.
IrR ?'s?-7ft5Sr. FURNITURE
ts&IS: Aa?";-v-"' CARPETS,
K.lsiRvv.r'air.'r ;:.t;:: CURTAINS,
n... I...llnde. all ilralnnnU Ian if power v ,J """'-'
liivUherroriiuMilhri)orixrrtloiiurrzneiilf Koldlm Ddt. Ilrul ind Iron R.d.t..,li and In
use of tobaccii.opluni or ilmulinu which toon , rS.J thiSJfor Hou.'kMi.fn"
li-id to IntlrHiltr, CuiLumptlon and IpwnltT. Put IMMHN8S Stock tV hVlkot Tl OM
up runTrnlent tocarrr In ut pookd. SI per TKIIMS OP OKKUIT TO SUIT YOU
portage by nialll nrcriv WlthefKrrUordorwe jf.aurV n aii.r-ii iW.
kItu it nniiin cuarunfri (a rim or rrtind lh HENRY MANNER A RONS
i"uni.:circiilarlfre. Nere rd CcChlraao. ... "1,ltO OU0,
rorSalaat Hudant'a VbarnaeT, SHB'way, M. Y. ? 431 FIJI IITI1 AVR.BKT.31tt . 32d TS.
At Wm WlUoa'a. 106-UD aal311 Bway, H. Y. WHITE IWIUJINU. hLNU KOH PIUUK1.WI'.
At Adrian Faraiia, IN Tultoa St., BrMklya, M. Y.
n ......,r. r......k M.i b.4. W HONEST IBiEnlloEMENT.
mmrmt krisnrt Ifm I u. 1J V A Furniture bouta In adT.rtUlna olWn eonver th
'"'''' ,'Jt", o' . y but their adS are boueauiImlileadin. Wear.
ert( TtS !ui S'nal!j!u!! without demanaioa ltpo.it, iMurltr or a
4lUQK."-iY?iSrd.StlM ura.tee. We.l.e theTouirtt credit. W.carrr
L" StlTiiib.vrLji K..1I, VaV aB.aormoot Mok and Mil .t loer pr or. thau
B. 5D?KSr.,,ul Til 'a 'JUrSiiH J& ' ln.talB.eat or retail furniture hoa.e can .fiord
I C. 11 firu,I.H, ., m. 4e. U HU.M M ;. ffr-. iV :; on". "3 We. I SJd .t. Oprn
l. m .Kl.ul.ri, uiltanlil, ul "KeUef l A. M. to l I. M
Jk If nr LadUa," u Imr, br ntara MaA ' " " " "
mr !, Tertlejealala Sumt rvrr. aPurulture told without ruhdtuo.lt : lonrxttlme
CkkkMUr :UmU1 CV. MadlMw wwarw. gtr.ol nawMlttflet. M'l'r.1 A(ent,103 W.'illlh.
tola ., .11 l.i ntuattau. Panada.. "
Flags, Flags Lace I Handkerchiefs
Flntis ami Decorating Mn- Pnitinino A Z PattTa
torinls for Columbus uclubrutioii. X-'U.I til J.1AS. I Ml O OCniO.
Tlio InrueKt ' Htuuk and lowost w. . , , , . . , . . It-,iios Tnin.i itHn.iiiBr Mi
,.,.: ,o ;.. itU ,.:... r, nnn ..11 Tlio urent bu o of last wcok in lMl " Imo, ""' Jmmiiter. nc
DllCOH ILL t H) CHV W,UUU till- ,. ,,..-, , . chief cncli. taUJ
L,i i ,,inUi ii....is.wr Vl.i.w in tlio Curtiiin Dopttrtinciit was an cult. -"" -
, " ii! L " B ill.l)i-oce(loiito(lHiieeoB. W- will W-1 fluo ll.n,.tltchl H. ftC
tlio followmg H1.UH : c,,lio it for ono wcok nio.o. "'. .05
2X 3 Pncos "imv.Uitsod tho jjemomber. ut Io.wtl0.000 IJitHos'ScollopoilKilceEmbroM. ilfj
3X 5 lowest in tlio city. pnlrs Nottluyliain I.ui'n Cur- ototl HuuilkcrchlofB, ench allO
Inlim, in tlio most bntudlul . ..i . .. ,, , , .. ,
4X 6 - lri8U i-oiut. ,.,. d- - - Ub. C-W. ' -05
civ "7 K flfin JII V Fl AR (luipiiro cUccIs, not a pair ' !
' OjUUU OIL rLHUO, worm CS4 (lmu a,2-60 nn,i i qq Lailles' fancy Slouruint: Hautl. fl
Ox 8 "P lo H.m, nil at laOO korchiofs, each lUO
. , -ii Wo will alio add 10,000 pal ra t ,u.i ... . , , ,
6x 9 .nountod on vanished llllotl lot l)f mucu '.. USSSLi " .05
6XIO Hta(l, with spur hoadt : Kiods-ln tbo ncwist do. ' .WW
6xl Q iluiw of Mario Antoinrtle Ucntlemcn' vl.Ho IhiiMtllchetl (IF
'' . . llru,eU. Inmboar and llivutlkftcbiof... ich aUtl
3X2 'r'HU l'"iu'. UD' " 1'ilr
,,. orlli lean tban W.00 nntl (li'iillcman-a (at o bonli-r Ilaud. AP
B ' OBCoralm2 Materials, up ,oo-i 'o,,r ho,ce 9Afi icb,ef,, cnch ,D
9x18 nt afc.frO
'JOOpnirHlrifcliromtOtittninsat I5..",0 ()e"llenion'rt fancy rrench l.or- tkm
IOXlH-,.( ,,.i 7( y,.l o,..f ltcdiuoii f tout J7. .10. dor llaudkorchlofb, rncb. . Uw
,nnn , ..i 1C0 pairi Irian l'olut CurliiiiiH. 97.50 m u -... ..
iox2oi u'ic. lttdtuxd from i.).oo. SLK FLAG HANDKERCHIEFS
Hest Quality All. Wool Standard llt.nl- m lrjBu Point llcdseta. re- Q Hit Greatest s"ook In W Vn!t !i i
ItiB, red. wbitu nwl bluti, for dccuiulmii; ,,,, ,rn. 410 M Xllll , , ,7 , . Yotk' also loa
ctpial finiuot l.o found uuyuliorti oUu. tlucud from yIO.OO OiUU ami wbito ami blue ribbons. Ac.
Bloomingdale Bros.,5!iS;i
Jm-f BEDDING, STOVES. 4c. &c.
, liSi'l CA8H 0R CREDIT. 0 Vi..
Vm rPffV luriblr;oo,l.. l.wPrlcoa.I.lcattTle. V arXIUDOnU
lv2i liflM ONLY 10 PER CENT. CASH DOWN. Ctf UIMrOUili
. al . , .. r-i,3 to son i'.kuk. now. n. vj UW I ULU I lllllU ULI 1 1
and m0r.,r.,,..,l-Si to ,.!.. evrry pulr. B.lolullMB1 ., f;lt, ,,. KulIun, ,,.. Floor-by ellber Elevator .
nniAKK TIIEM-TIIAT IS II V. KVKUYTII1.MJ KOU IIOLsl.KHKlM.NtJ. vne,OI,u 'onl ui eliuer Llevntor. J
f'Jf.ih, 0c. Wt.kl, or3 F.rMouthon J0 1.
Our W5 arndpa will dnrprlar von. tst-xl 5 ' ti.on or4 on 5.', Vi4- fwrr . i-
,.lryonbi.tryU.ir. fiiluloHiie-imullril , . .': J'JJ JJTji JVHl UVerCOalS.
. No Dipoj.l When Long Tims It Not Wanltd J years,
pnp&IAIJ Q II 1 I I nfl l-arctr .mount, tame rat. Allot, riutmadetoiult,
rntliun & HALL buM iIOii.invateuok.uu,k. - is ,,.
157 Broadway. CDDC'C O.O; vorlb8'00'
Brooklyn, U07 Fulton St. Eli B k9 l9 rL
I'luiatiBiphia, -us ciiratnut st. c:nATKFUi.-eo.HFoitTiNo. These garments are strictly
instruction. " . gw aW aK a a wool, cut body fitting, half
3$WJXW C O C O A M. with full skirts. Must be
i,Anr.ixKi.Hi.p.TiNr,oN..Y. seen to be appreciated.
EXCURSIONS l.i j . !-
EXCUKSIONTo"veSt roTNf.'N.wburtant BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. -., . ,Q.r . nniu 0.r,
Pouhkwpela dalll (.ir.ptSund.,M hyAlbanf BOO rULAOK-l mt-laaa bootblack. lth tmall Dili ftYEIIUB lOHl 10 dCUIll OllBBIl
Uai-llue .taamer. at A. M.lromV. -j:a.t.plei capital. Addru. o. B., 3I& Dptowu World.
Many and Attractive I c
Are the
Offerings We Promise. -
If quotations ate lower than you 'expect, doubt not but that the
good' uro both desirable and new We buy for cash and oaly
buy for cnah, and now as over cash Rains tlioie great concessions that
enable us to ofler tlio desirable and new nt prices that cannot fall to
keep us btisr.
Novelties in Silks. Fall and Winter Underwear.
Ilcrc are in-mnltn liMjirrf llrre .Ire I'l-otiilar Itupeet.
rulllltiunt will timjoriit to pvoiultr. fulfilment Mill Conform to l'romlie$.
Colored 1'ailla Krancal.e. allihaJn, 6Dc Idie," hrary Merino Vmtt and Pant.,1 ,,.
Cli. notable Htrlp. T.ffetat, all al.adei, 79c. ttiuimeit se.iu. .Ilk .tftcl.ed,
Large I'lalil rluraba, Ntc. Ladlm' ilt.'r lUlbrlvcau ltlbbed. ,,
Spotted, bbadod and rtoiuan Mrlpi-Horalu, Itfc. y1" ",1 ''"''v . '
Two.ton..d Satin Do Chine., flturod. 84c. J-adlt. Cau.eP. Il.lr Ve,t. and Pant., T
Obana-rab'a S,.r.h.. all.h.e.. O'Jc. J''nu" ' b,nlU" Vlooi 3.
In,l.lbl. Stripe Tafleta., chancable. 8So. children'. Slerlno'p.ut.. 1U
Whalebone fctrlpe Tafet... rliannnlile. H8c. chlldroT. All-Wool Hcarlet V.tU and
Figured Iridescent Tafletis, allth.de., Ubc. l'anti, sire, lb to2 39
CrjBl.l Weare llengillnes. eilra hcarr, 1.19 ' .lie, 24 to :u' 4Se
l-ancy Kh.dcd Peau D Soie, 1.14 Men'. Natural Merino Hhlrte and Drawer Ke
Colored H.t.u Ilroailes, 7'Jo. Mnn,, N,tr,t u,,ed Sanitary! ,,M
Pl.ln China Mllki, all.li.de., 5'lc. Wool HhlrM anil Drawer.. '
l'laln Waili tjllk., 'M Inch, all .hade., 67o. SIen C.m.I'. Hair Pblrt. and Orawtri.l aa.
Colo.elSur.l.t, allthde, 59c. ' Scarlet Mediated All- Wool, J
I;:,o;d.r,K,.B,o.;,w" I wr.riia&KT&ir. I
BdedHatia Strip. 'l.S.t.a. .29 L.d..,' Pl.ld Flannel Skirl.. 39
ll.ch Brocade Armure.. .19 Udl. U,,ide(, Knlt Wool Hklrte. 8M
Flowered Strip. Erenlng Silk.. 1.79 UdM. AllVool Union Suit.. LTt
Krn'dHitured Taffeta. wared effect, 1.98 Udle.' All-Wool Eque.trlan Tlfhtt. Lit
Rich Imported OTelty Silkt. 2.35
Illch Effect. In Two-toned Urocadet, 11.29
Magnificent Pompadour Broc.de., 4.7S I8Eltll8r uOOuS.
Black Brocade Taffetae, 89c.
Bl.rk yolree and Broc.de., 98c. "r - iroinei IntfetU
Black Surabe and Sirlpee. col'd figur... 98c. FulHIuieat Will C'onrrm tw Pralsj.
Black Armure. and Oro. drain., B9o.
lll.ck S.tlu Rhadara... 69c. l'.noH'h Grain Leather Haa
II .ck ralllol'ranialre, 79c. leather lined patent .lay hinge eteel frame.
BlackSatln l.mor and PrauDe Sole. 93c, lOlnch SI. 29 U loch tl.t
Black llrr.eSIIV.. eitrahraty, 1.19 11 Inch 1.49 10 Inch 2.49
Bl.ik China, and Indlai, 27.luch. 79c. Hindi 1.89 17 inch 1.7
Bl.ek lleugallnet, high luatre, 8c. IS Inch 1.89 18 Inoh 1.V1
Bl.CCrjital Weaielleogallnee, 1.2.1 1 Inch l.VIt
Black llengallnet, wide cord, 'J. 00 H
.,.,.. , . flltAINI.KATIIKIt til.AUHTONBBAGal
Urrt.Vel.et. all new eb.d.a. 3c. eblrt t,rMt.el framnlckel trim 4
Special T.I. i In liner to KC.OU. 1Ci i8 a ,nch SL,J8 wor(h 3 0 t8i0a,
A. apt lli.iat ration of large purchatlng
come, our offering of canrai covered-Iron bottom-Hat Box Tray- l.U I
Jute Valour Tablo Covers .IIKN'S IMtlS TIIV.NH4. I
Upho'.teredanddlTlded (.
at Less thbn Coat or Importation. Sole Leather Trunk Straw, lull, long, ttm t
.... . ... no , , .. Sole Leather Shawl Strap., 39a" 41
Uiyard. long, 1II.C8 real value 22.00 .... , ... ., ,1"
,., u nJ ,,....... All'gator and Lizard Puree., 10a) arl
Jtayar.luug. S 98 ;.. C.0U Pocketbook.. ' 194
i.Vdr..',lr'; l.! ,':." J.,".' IJ-on raln Leather Combination Pocketbook. 3A
Jia-d..qnar. r..4'l, r.a van. 12.00 r.,1 Seal and Alligator Pocketbook.. 4
liy.rd. .rnire, 1.98; real value 8 00 ,, . .. ., . .. . m aV
. . L . .. -n . , . rti Calf and Morocco Pocketbook., I !
Scarf. 80 tuchet Icjr.-. 2,0; real value 6.00 with and without oildlzed trlm, " U
8e.rf.-41 Incbn long, 1.09; real value 3.00 Real Seal and Alligator Pocketbook,) -i. 9
Srar.'.-33 Inchee lung, C9e. ; real nine 1.25 Sterling silver Cornere, (
VelourSqrar... 79c; real valne 1.50 Krab'd Cloth Boston Bagt, fe) ITj
Cuthlou Square., 49c, real value 1.00 Real Seal Chatelaine.-oiidlzed trlaa. He V.
m Bringino; before you Our New Department of Specialties in FALL and WINTER SUITS, TROUSERS and OVERCOATS. To i
I develop this department quickly profits are cast aside, hence such ridiculous prices. Our finish and make I
f . differ radically in style and cut from the usual ready to wear garments shown. I
JMmr I . f SUITS. " H Fall Overcoats 1 I 1
KSL yS I m Elegit Single and Double- MM Choicest line ever shown in p s I x. I
UStl-' feiiib WL Breasted Suits, Cheviots, Wmm the new cuttings, trifle 3g& Atrg'mJUWirWii'W 9
K' ;MfefeM g Fancy and Neat Effects fcf& longer than last season, ft fMiMMMMMMimdk M
Wm' ,. $ We will show you name of !$ W in Cassimeres, Rough Un- S regular $25 grade; dur- V I .-i-nMlfiFDC 1 1
E i the Choicest Suits in Single and finished Worsteds, made Ms ing the sale, TRUUOLlvOi m
Pm" fl Double-Breasted Styles ; Cus- V to retail at $25 ; Elegant W-f aij oq 9
L,g M tom Bailors can jtroduce no j$s lb Clay Diagonals, Coats and ipS JblrB W W Our introduction to p W
'h ffi fincr garments s Suits well $, 11 Vests, CutawayV etc., JSlW 31 ?ow w, ftis department m W
' II 1 rth $3ii.oo to $3t.oo, at 1 finest finish, linings M Our Finest Silk-Faced to M will be interesting. $8, W H
1 II I (Mn 80 M J tunn in W PC made to. wear f "J bind" $f Edge Roigh Unfinished $ f 9 and .10 qualities cut m i
flf . m SH. (.nil S fa M ,nP' etc,; etai1 f,se." KS Worsteds, made to retail fe by our American tailors m 1
If gig' a,,U LL' jg where at $25. Both Iff at $30.00; also Full Silk- Wfr l oii a riCie; English pat- 1
f rl Bemember, these prices are to if iQ above lines at g Lined Rough Weaves, at m M tern, ft H
, sr'-""""i f $14.80. M $ie anrj $19,80, $4.95.
I'.'ssV I r.tairriaaataajMtaririiaik.aiii i-iiiriariaii mn ulmtlajjfilaimutmttfrtm0mtammmmammtMmmatimmam! C M
I I Underwear, g Night Robes, 6otsv Bicycle Suits, 1 Mackintoshes, Cid7Ro 1 Collars and Cuffs, j Walking Gloves. 1
IK H:r.llW I Whit. mmi. OQ- y ''"a. K.. Collar. jg fl SllSD8ll(lBrS, e BO jl I . ro S """ . D.nbl.T.alur... f' f HOUSB COatS, . $ Our C.l.brat.d i .
W ii "- W B3G'$5 Vhlt. MB, ,,.Ue.. M.i.l.: I( H"""0'"! $6.5 tO Ma30' iULheU...,! -.,.,,.,ed. Ou.r. ff Pfllflmor, H Collar. , 0C. ...? lrt "' 8S-ft
PBd W4 -F"J , M-- JI ARl "- fl l 25C. f ".- ,- -. , L or J J, , licuff, (e u.lr,i Cr... $1.20 5&
aaEKl JSBaaaaHaM V aaaaaaaH

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