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1H , ' ; " '''"v'iv W,"',',H 4' imillllHMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIItMUIIIIWIIIIIKW r ....-- . .J ArtHMliaj,., ' ... '?!HH f ooi ! n iiBiffli ffHl n r f ri loyiim 1 PBICE ONECENtT NEW YORK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 181)2. - PRICE ONE CENT! ' V': lB 1 PPlWIlhf I 492 LOOKING ACROSS 400 YEARS. 1 892 llfSljSpl lES Bm fcS- PfBrfVrfr i nut .1 iriirfiriir! thMuj lktij." . tp il .hi h T Tl "i 1 m ji - f inn ,.f 3" 1 -"" it. -"-r-nti.i. jiui..t!.t.i n.n.111 ir n 1- iti ft' . .. 1 1 .. .- n n 1 - , ti-tm, , it. mi 44 1. 1.1-4. n . r piunijfr.iri jti.i i.m .11 1 -r 1 .11 iiiihil v 14- IhNi. llFLl .eXsBmbESeV .-All ' l J B HAMVKRVA II U n UM li ll ru 3 iniM-TH JTUI ,1 1 1 ta IJi 1 n jai u ITIU..IL I HJ i J&&!'SS3B&riIlll 'J'heKvkni.mi Wniinilsflvocarsoldto-day. H 1 MP 'sSjrRn ff'I'Ji A"d ll ,,J -eletral'uB lla annlversar) tn a I I iife C JI Jivll manner that becomes an alert, energetic ami H I jKtV rfUKMiaC''' untiring servant of the people. i Bl7Jo .55-? " '""J 1"lT0 "s u",lnJ rlntliM on, and PYUO , 4&X:z, time la no denial of the fuel ihal It feels tlie J -5ggJS35r v widespread exhilaration that Is part and pal- IB fkmjtf U C eel of the pending Columbian lejtltltks, but n v(!iUtllL--8 ,i )f -, , 1 It Is furnishing the news right oh the reel as . ?!- S?Tl "".' usual, and tbero Is notlilu tliat the public f a. Sje, yJmW wants to Know or ought, know about the 'Ktrffe:r1 12 x5V goings-on In tblt Imnicdlato neighborhood mTaiJc' p". and Jlso to the remotest reaches of civ Illa. Olf-; Jf uli tlon upto tlio nour of ROlnsf to presi to-day QS' "5lili "i"t '' 1C0U for2ult;" tr ofilookcd Tbo liteaB7 iLpl teletrapU lrehae llnobbcd null storks Jl jT -sri 7 of buffering, crime nud arletf aLlilcieminiH, H 1 iyZj-, tA"IF&"1T Y '"", ''P,"t,'i l1(,vo ""'"Kilt Iniormatlon ns HJ J yr , ll yealously and furnished It n fclieltouslj an PJ J 1 ifc rr TT? - If this Vero an ordinary day In tlioblitory of PJ 1 yjv ?!&' liiKKvNih(i'Voiai. HJ 74i SmQm&Srtlj ' Which ll It not. it U a great day, and 'l its H If. IVVHkI- "W Kveninq Would puts a large red mark along HJj illr9f3ffK v) sl le ot lc and rejoices tbat It la berc. HI- Ull r-pOAO t'y Vou inould Uavo been at the banquet tbtt HA 1P&Sl. tSZ3rl I ttgave Its irlends tun afternoon. Uonn In Ha ' mla& lfty in be 8llsten,nit prcss-roouia In tbe bMuraenl BIB ' rC. KKZ-fllg, S ' t,ie I'oMtcr Hulldlnc, where enterprise, PJM v - V7 WfMwJSi'l Intellect and mechanism blmd In a double- HUP fc Sr IrSj;?ip?) fcat dally for the people. Thero Has a Hj 3! I fi!'- eolsbratlon that vould have made your cjr- HJ 5 IA rDlT lON j? talUJlDBleuad you looked lu upon It. 'J no BIS vHhr PHPi' ' tiiiiilitfi'i'itoii?'' tfi'r 'Tii r riYjf T A'rwMMh"'"T"ii r-" j -w ,g f '-'- 11 in 1 uuuiui n'j"in h'ii.j uj'iirri; U1.W I dishes were tho Iinot the occasion called lor. 'Hits uns tlio card: ? October 10. ? ) fOQ 7 KVCNINO WORLD'S nQ"J S ) Public Conlldcnce. ) Appreciation. Commendation, ) S Popular Support, ) ( Urowth. Inlluencc. Prosperity. ) !( Encouragement, ) Law-Lover' Hope, i V'rong.l)oer Hate, V ? E cry body 't Admiration. ( friends. Loalty. Love, f Warm Welcome In Homes. Iiie l.w.MMi Wohii), radiant as a bright July mornlog, with tho r-r-r-r-t-tlat mublc of tbe giant printing machines tinging all around blm, sat at tho head ot a sumptu ously laden table with Public Service on his tell and News on his rlglit, whllo llrooUjn Mltlon, Urculatlun, Features, Chrttlnus Trie, Mck llablcs' I'und, llousn and Home, Ktra Editions and other joumallitlc ou. , nltarlrsb'iu pioinlnenl places at tho bond JAmon; tho guests, tfo, as old Vhero-a. I l-.t, an eccentric cmhdlmint of coutcnjjH)- u ' a. rary rlialrj In tbe newspaper Hue, who was United to tho least that lie might Uarnbome- tblugof tho spirit and substance of cntei- prlso and bo taught a lesson m ueuK-gettlng and iicws-sirvlug, at ell as In public dut), 1 that hu sorely tueds. 'ihofasur tbopre-sis I whlr.ed and tLu loudergrcn thcli bong, tho i greater the enjoyment of alt at tb' (east, ulth the exception of green-eyed Where. W,is-I-At, whoso hcirt beemed to wilt every tlmo 0110 of the machines put on an cxtri spurt of sp-ed. Ilo lost his appotlto v.hui his eye had tiarclled down tho list of delicacies. Many of tho dhhes noro new to blm, and thoso that did net startle him ho an simply Uufllclcntly acifUJlntcdnith tlthcr to knon Ii namo or to ti.uo nil bled at oceaslonallr 'before. Hut lie 1 ipt Ills ecaland nailed and wondered. And when the talking point win ' reached may bo ho dMn't open his cars and do some tall listening. " Friends." said The Eveninu Womu as j soon as tho tin toastwas reached "lit us I drain this bumper to tbe year's work that has Just ended. Ituas the llflb juaroruiy I servlco for the people. Durlug It 1 tougbt for tbogoodottbo people, for I ho advancement ofcury causo that Justice, cbarlty or public welfare put forward. My loyalty was steud- I fast; my lou was unwavering. With Public , .ervlco and circulation by my sldo 1 nppostd era unrelenting!) and prouiotcd tiuth ami llll ., 1. 'B UK' U Mn. U jl ICI v fjiui .J B h Ik, J1 1 ItHI 111 1 honesty untiringly, "ho battle dag wo have won aru eicu more numerous than In former years. Our halls are. thronged with trophies. Tho exulting song of victory has been forever ou our lips and tbe buiahs of the command ing populace have been alHas ringing lu our ears. We hae dona noil by tho people and they hao done well by us. Wo enjoy In creased prosperity and the measure of our luiluenco grows day by da). We bavo tho coulldence, tho love, the admiration, tbe bup- port of the people and we stand to-day wnero no otht I cloning paper stood before, leading lu everything that makes Journalism, success ful, respectable and profitable." i "We are larger to-day than wo were on Oct. 10, 1HH1. Wo now glio tho peoploslx poges for their penny where formerly wo gao tbcm but four. 'I ho additional two pa-cs entallod a heavy Increase of expenses, but tho people had dealt generously with us, and merchants had made such encroachments on our columns nlth their advertisement that we felt ll our duty to enlarge. We an pearrd as a regular six-page paper on March 10, the same day, by the way, that Urootlj u Edition over thero opened his eyes to the , light. An excellent Intellectual bill ot fare Is now served In the forty-eight columns that I wo print. There Is something lor rierybod) and eier) thing for somebody. Our celebration," Tnr Kviainu Wokiii - " " -V- at JO U'l ijl W.iMl 31.J: J.ClH.H'Jll' . continued, " tits nicely Into tho Columbian programme. Four hundred cars ago the grand Uenoaa whom wo are now no deserv edly houortng put his best foot forward ou the road to fame, ills w hole reputation rests ou tbe fact that he had an Idea that tho world wasrouud. If CbrlVopber Columbus ncru allvo to-day he would have to amend his original laea so as to include tbe assertion tbat The Kvhnimi Woki.d was 'round, too, when anything of Importance was happening auywnerc. Hut a marvel of modern enter prise like Tue Evisisd W'OBLn was beyond the wildest linagtnlugs of even tbu fantastic world-finder, it hxbaj said to the council at balamanca that ho was going ou an expedition In search of a newspaper that would place tho uens while 'it as happening In tho hands and before tbe eyes ot hundreds ot thousands ot readers news from points ten thousand miles away, as well as news at I ha doors of their own homes they would have made a hole In tne top of his head w 1th a can-opener and looked for grasshoppers In his brain. do i. Ferdinand and Isabella woutd have sent blm to an asylum for Idiots, and even tho good friar, whoso frlondly offices helped Columbus to gain tho ro) M favor, would bava Icoked suspicious!) ton ards lili dome or thought and wondeicJ what kind of n think-tank It can. ccaled, anynow. Hut hero 1 am, all tbu l.' if r-j -nj. 4u-jrj. " i -.! same, and these palpitating presses tell the ! tale o' mv existence, and or tho oxtent I of It llkonlao. These are the founts that the people drink from every day. These aro j the source of all tbu good tbat Is done for ' the public. News fiom everywhere flonB i through these wonderful machines. Time , and distance disappear before the marvellous speed of their cylinders. There was no E) kn isii Wokiii on tho charts or maps that Colum- bus porod over, and In tho wholo realm ol I thought ot his day thero was not a hoic oi a theory upon w hlch such magnificent achieve ment as The Kvcnisd Woklp is a foremost example, if I do say It uj.'elf, might bo based." I Public service wasnoxt toasted. 1 "1 hardly know where to begin," he re sponded, "From tbe very tlrst I have been tbe guiding siar of The Eieviso Woklp's polio. It has always been tbe pi pi rot tho people, and Its duty has always drawn It close to tho lives of tho people and bound It firmly to their hearts, consequently I uavo boen kept pretty bus), lam rather jiroud of what I have done, and although It may sound egotis tical 1 cannot help saying tnnt my co-operation nun lux Ktenimi Woaui has bene fited the rnminunlty In many respects. First of all, dldnt wo secure l leaner Streets for New oik? I While ibo metiopolis of the Western isz '- ?B1 ;;:h1 ,iAwiTfcBB , Is . i v, ifcdM