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Newspaper Page Text
I inmHHMiHraHimiiHmmiiNiiiMiiiuiin Hfl S . . niiMniiaiiMiutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiniHrf . tS PRICE OKE CENT. NEYORlcT'OXDAY. OCTOh"Klt108iiI ntlCE ONE CEXT. j I Jf58?f 1 I 4v2L00KINQ ACROSS 400 YEARS. I SQZ iWS&&L!M mAi'h l! "Ejara y ti is SiiviWTTM.'.t.TiE TTi " T rrr- " CFrrjr;jrrj?.RLr!niT,'' "-: " " . &f c tl ."'" ir T 'iiri.niiiD v 'rrj .j - Trim"" :rrT i Vv5tS' 9&9i&r 3 ( 'rjllmX TiiiiEvfvino WoKLSVlsnvoe'arsoldto-rta). BSFrjVrp fl 7'l'v A,,1 Jt coIctratlUB Jt annlvtrsary In a f &&S4&( C ' V Wl, manner that be-coiirs aa alert, energetic and S mZrS1' esr0&'fl' I untiring servant of tbe people. . 1 5J 5 Sf0 I "' niajf ll"1'0 "3 ,l0"l'V ciotbcs on, and I RmfJS yrf5y" '- j there is no denial ( tno ta(t Hint It liels tbe III - 1 widesprciU cUllaratlon tbt U part anI par. V l ljM7 W s i ifluftbcpendlni: Columbian festivities, lut I tl wiZ t;., ( 11 1 rurnlstilnu llio news rteai off tba nel as ( u l " ' ' , usual, and tbere Is nothing tint tbe public I WJt. JsmW wjnt: t0 tnow or ou.-lit know about the iJJsn S rjJ I BilBES-oo In tbU Immediate nrlebborhooi ) WtvP- mM'!jK I ard also lo tbe remotest reacheBo( cIMllz.i ( 'fc,,-, 3- r' V "uU "t1 ,0 ,lle Bour ' K" ,0 Pfw to-day IC'tit?!' '1 S thit h3'' lfon forfftten or oiirloojpd. Hie ) )?teSIjJ "JLarl tele.'ruph nlres tiave tlirobtcd wltli storlei I r jfk. - "Z.- ?f of bullerlne, crime and arl!l acblctfinen's, tyZAV Tlrt ST H and rPur"rs tiavo """Uhl tnrormitlon as ' j&' (JO J 7ealoualy and furnished It a-. rc!lcltuilj as jytfc -,-' ' TJLQB v- " thls werc '' or)'DlrJ' a ln llie nlstrr ot T-lV SSk'--5v 'luEviNiyo HoiaD. I j J f'yMSMr-$ -l. biLh It Is not. It hi treat day, and Vns (. 04!8r'P'-5" t c v VI!"'8 Worid puts a large red mark alijDit t W5$df&:;:SCV.'"' V fclleonttan(1''t'J01',9tliatltIlllere' j Ulf ff3re' 0y ouabouldbTB teen at tbe banquet tblt ' x yll r-l -si&2& ''B8 lla irlQtli tun alternoon. Down ii 1 V"cV -? y tba Bllstenln press-rooms In tba Castnienr I Si" -"5n- or tlie Iu"t:Eer BulWlnj, wbcre uuterprlse, OE-gBSfisg5-!i!ar Intellect and rcecbanlsm blend In idoutle- ;V ?L''!iZj2b U3M dally for the people. Tncro a a f f "tr celjbratlon tbat rould bae n:al jour eye- ld rDIl OfJ 7 ' ball Jlnjle bad you looted In ujvu It. 'Jbei dhlics erc the finest the occislon called lor. TliU as tba card- ( ( October 10. I 40n7 HCMNO WORLD". IflQ-) S ICOii rilTH ANMVERSAKV. iOjZi ) J Public Confidence. ( ) Appreciation. Commendation. ) S Popular Support. ) I ( Orowth. Influence. Prosperity. ) ( encouragement. t I awl oer' Hope. i V ronB-Uoers' Hate. t l.terbod' Admiration. ( ) rrlend. Loyalty. Love, f I I Warm Welcome In Homes. I I T.te Lvemno World, radiant as a bright j July curnlBjf, wltu tbe r-r-r-M-tUt music of tb iflant printing macblcca rlnjtng all around blm, sat at tbe bead ot a sumcttv. ously laden tabto Mtu Public Service en bti left and ks on his rlsbt. rrhlle lirooklj n Fdltlon, Cln.ulitlon, 1'eaturen, Cbrlttmas Tree, hli'A Uables' 1 usd, Uoun and Home, Dttrt Ldttlom ni .1 othir journalistic dl,-. Altarles ha i prominent places at tbo board. I Atnon.' tbe gueiti, Co, m nl 1 ; hero.W as. I I-At, t,n ecLCutrli: emidlment of contempo. I rary rlvalrj In lh newspaper line, who wis lutltid to the l ill tint lie mlshtlearu some Ithlnzof tbckp'rit aut substance of entir-prl-a and U. taught a lesaon in nTi-;ettlnj and netts- rln;, a v ell as in public dutj, thuhuxoiel) nteJ-i. IbtifasUr iht prewes ' wblr ed and tbo louder grew their sous?, the greater the enjoyment ot all at the least, lth the exception of green-eyed Where. !ai-I-U, whose heart seemed to wilt tvery lime one of tbo machines put on an citra spurt of sp-crt. He lost bis appetite when bis 1 1' chad travelled down tba list of ddlcailes. piinyof tho dishes nero cow to him. and thosa that did net startle him ho n as simply UuRlclently acquainted null cither to knon by name or to have nlublcd at occasionally before. Dut be Upt bis seat and waited and wondered. And when tho talkln? point wai reached may be bo didn't open bis cars and do some tall listening. ' Kneads. said Tni Etexlvo Wokio as I soon as tbe first toast n as reached "let us drain this bumper to tbe year's work tbat baa Just ended, ll was tbe tilth year ot my sen lo for tbe people. During It l fought l-r . the good ot tbe people, for the alranieiaent j of crry cause that justice, charity or public welfare put forward. My loyalty was stead- I last; ray love was unwarorln;. with Cubllo frervlco and Circulation by my aldn I oppoM I evil unrelentingly and promoted truth and J&iTmZi j.-.v.-;""" ui honest) untiringly. 1 be battle flags we bare won are oven more numerous than la former ) ears, our halls are tbronge 1 with trophies. 1 ho exulting song of victory has btcu forever ' on our llpi an 1 the tituzabs of tbe command ing populace have beeu alnayi ringing In our ears. We have dono w ell by tbe people and they have dono well by us. We enjoy in. creased prosperity and the measure of our , Influence grows day by day. We bare tbe confidence, the love, the admiration, the sup port of tho pe ople aud e stand to-day where ! no nthtr evening paper stood before, leading In ever) thing tbat makes Journalism, success ful, respectable and profitable." I "Woaro larger to-lay than we were on Oct. 10, 1801. We now give the pcopluslx pages for thrlr penny where forcvrly we gave them but four. Tbe addltloial two I pa;cs entailed a heavy increase ot expenses, I but tbe people bad dealt generously with lis, and merchants nad made such encroachments l on our columns with their advertisements . that we felt It our duty to enlarge. W'e ap- ' peared as a regular six-page paper on March 10, the same day, by tbe wa), that Drooklyn 1 KJltlon over tbero opened bis ejes to tbo light. An excellent Intellectual bill ot tar) Is now served In th,' (or,y-eight columns that f we print, Tccr Is a ometbliu Cor everybod) aud everything for somebody. ' "Our celebration," Tnit f.vtsisu World ' continued, ' nts nicely Into the Columbian programme. Four bundred years a;o tbe trandUennan nbornwe are uowsodeserv. edly honoring put his b at toot forward on tbe road to fame. Ills whole reputation reti on the fact tbat he hid an Idea that tbo wcrld was round. It Chrls'ophcr Columbus nero alt vo to-day be would have to amend bis original taea so as to Include tbe assertion tbat Thi Evnimi World naa 'round, too, when anything of Importance was happening an) where. But a marvel of modern enter prise like Tu F.VEstso World was beyond the wildest Imaginings of evcu tbo fantastic world-finder. It h bad said to tho Council at Salamanca tbat hn was going nn an expedition la search of a newspaper that would place tho news while It was happenla; In the haeds and before tne ryes of hundred of thousands of readers news from points ten thousand mlleaway, aa well as nous at the Coorsof tbelr own homes th y would havo made a hole In tne top ol hit be ad r lib a can-opener and looked for grasshoppers In hli brain-box. Hrdinand and Isabella would hive tent him toanii)lum fir Idiot, and even the toot friar, wboo friendly omces belpc 1 Columbus to gain the ro).l tavcr, would bavo icoked suspicion) lowirdthltdameoi thou.lit and wondfied -bal kind 'if a tlitnk.taiik It c n ccaled, anyhow. Dut here I am, all tba same, and these palpitating preswes tell the iVvjSVvSm I r5rVitvfI ll tale o' uir existence, and or the extent ffCkiSirW)'!i2aa of U lUewlae. These are the luunts that yr,rW9fi' the jieople drtnk' Ireun ovcryoa). These are ?fv-' ' -j' j J5t!c8Mv(f S the source of all the goca that Is done for ftfla P,0"S(W ' the p.ibllc ews ficm everywhere flows ftV ffV Wftij rm''fL H through .heaa wonderful machines. Time nVk yj '$jifJjtiL mill " and diitance disappear before the murvellous V J Tf! y siSS I Vl J- speed ot tbelr C) llnders. Tberewatuo Evx- fr HfjP 1?!$$? Jm 'ft Si isa World on tbe charts or maps that Colum- y jzys - .H Z ??m I bus pored over, and In the whole reilraof jX Jq - thought ot bis day tbere was not a hope or a xP- jj thory upon which such magninceutachlove- y .tsf?- i.vfj 't inent as Tux Kvemvij World Is a foremost v sffi &P?iCZZf J 'f example, It I do say It iay;elf, might be ill yyW ff f- s3rA n 2 bved " 'U wilJkSM , Public service wai next toas'ci 1 JX Vjy -y i 1 "I hardly know where to begin," here- f'x it Jj!Hfr jff siionded, ! rom the very first I have been tbe A sflR 'c Vc , njneJoti 3 $ gulllDsslarof'l.tEEvxMoWoRLD'spolic). M0$Oflt ' PONOtVfll It has always been the paper ot the people, J.y M'Jlf - and Us duty has a.n ays drawn It close to tbe liy' rJY v llvetot the people and bound It firmly to i 11 W -mAw'W'vV ' their heart-c Conequently I have been kept l JV f JM "- pretty busy, lam lather proud of what I 1 a itf T TJ Lwedonc, ni dilthjugblt may soundegotls. J X S S1 vJO l 2i tlcal I eanrct help saying that my co-opera- J f JpJ' " 1 s Hon with Tiir fcvtMNO WoniD has bene- WJ IT .k fj ill 'A ilted the i'1-mmunlty In nianv respects, ttrst if J)y 1 ' Jol "5 rf all, didiil we secuio (leaner Streets IS - vTsj Jl While the metrorolls of tbe Western Cjiy S4S-a 9