OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, October 11, 1892, EXTRA 2 O'CLOCK, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1892-10-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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' TH'wORLDrTUEsbAYEVEjiWGrbOBk'l'iriS'''' ' '"""" - wWWk
" Yo Earlie Trouble's " First Pro
duction at Proctor's.
Joe Jefferson' Welcome Revival of
Kip Vn Winkle."
Ye Earlie Tiouble," Henry Guy carteton's
pity of the American Hcrolutlon, bad Its first
metropolitan production nt Proctor's Twenty,
third Street Theatre last night, it Is In tbree
acts, two ot which are laid In old New York,
and Ilia third on tbo Delaware, near Trenton:
Tho cist Included It. 1". Ucclannln, Joseph
Haworlb, WH lam K. Owen, Jtrs. Kranlc A.
Tannenill, Henry Woodruff, John . Ince,
Mrs. Mary Barker, Miss Mary Shaw, Tbeodoro
Kobcrts and others. A criticism of tbe per
lormance will appear In to-morrow's Evening
star .thiatrl
Critics deplore tbe fact that Joseph Jerrer
son never seeks to add novelty to bis reper
toire Tbe general public, however, are per
tcctly satliflcd to see Mr. Jefferson In bU old
pairs, certain that they will be exquisitely
acted and artistically put upon the stage.
Last night Mr. Jefferson revived "Rip Van
Winkle "at tbe Btar Theatre, and charmed
a large audience by bis picturesque and con
vincing work. Every New York theatre-goer
has seen Jefferson In ' Kip Van Winkle," but
tbe performance can always bo watched with
interest, tor it la unique. Tbe company Is a
splendid one.
There was a sery good performance at
Herrmann's Tbcartrc. A spirit seance
proved to be exceedingly entertaining. The
air was evidently full ot spirit", though It Is
not asserted that Herrmann has as yet made
any converts. Yet tbe bplrlt of Columbus
came to tbe bouse, and If you doubt this go
there to-night and ask Uerrmannto let It ma.
tcrlallze again. Tbe spirit answered tbe
Question, "How long will tbe stars and strips
oat over this landf ' It would be useless to
give bis answer.
" Unsere Don Juans," a tarce by Leon Tup
tow, was the attraction at the Atnberg Thea
tre lost night, with Ktnll Thomas In the
leading role. The piece Is a very tunny one,
aiming satirical shafts at swell society In
llerlln. air. Thomas himself was extremely
amusing, and his company did good work.
Max vValien, Hetty Uambofer, Margaretbe
dallus and ltlcbara Oeorg won the approval
of the audience. "Unsere Don Juans" Is
quite worth seeing.
Tony Pastor's company drew a big audience
to the Columbus Theatre, Harlem, last night,
'lhe programme was an excellent one, and
there was no dull moment. Those who ap
peared were the only Tony himself, Bessie
Boneblll, Maggie Mine, beeley and West,
Lizzie Daly, Birdie Hrlgbtltng, tbe Olenroy
brothers. Ward and yokes, tbe Detroit
brothers, tbe Nawns and George K. Austen.
Maggie clino was tbe bright, particular star
ot tne evening. Mr. Pastor was loudly ap-
A. F. Hartz'a company In Edwin Milton
Boyle's play, " Friends,',' was tbe attraction
atllammersteln's Harlem opera-HouM last
night. Tbo piece seemed to please, tbo audi
ence. Tbe cast waa an exceedingly good one.
Including Edwin Milton Boyle, Miss Sellna
Fetter, Miss Louisa Wakeiee, Mtss Bertha
Livingston, Miss Katie Baker, Joseph Wheel
ock, c A. Uandyslde, Lucius Henderson,
Theodore Hamilton, Arthur a. Lotto and A.
C. Ullsdorf.
Vaudeville certainly pays at tbe New Park
Theatre, and Manager Kills ban reason to be
satisfied with tbe success "of hist experiment.
Among those who appeared last nlgbt were
tbe Hussell Brothers, who are great favorites
in this city; George P. Murphy, Delbaner,
tbo man frog, Monroe and Mack, tbe 811am.
bos, abetter and Blakely, White and Granger,
ana Gould and Hilton. The Hussell Brothers
did their famous Irish chambermaid sketch.
At Tony Pastor's Theatre last nlgbt there
was a long and very agreeable programme.
It Included J.W. Kelly, the author of "Throw
Him Down, Mccioskey;" ltlce and Elmar,
Billy Carter, tbe Mldgleys, In " Oh I What a
Picnic I" captlola Forrest, the high kicker;
Allen and Hankln, Emo Hunted and Mabel
(Icyer, Sam Dearlu, In bis musical Sketch :
Campbell and Evans, l'rof. Layman, Frank
Prof. Deveer, In an act called ' Cremation;"
tbo Nelson trio, Sheridan and Wright, Ve
nctte, Adams and Butler, J. 11. Uarpley, Jack
Urlant, Grace Nugent and Ulenneld, tbe ven
triloquist, appealed on tbe stage of Huber's
Fourteenth Strict Museum yesterday. In tbe
curio balls were blgnora Gallettl and her per
foi inlng monkeys, thelunuy pig circus, Klloo,
tbo tack dancer; Daisy Hull, tbe electric girl;
l'ror. De Grin and tbo Dunbars.
1'anny HerrlDg In "The Drummer Boy
Spy" was the attl action at Doils's Elghtn
Asenue Museum yesterday. Miss Herring, as
usual, did very good work. Doris calls her
" he Bernhardt of the west Bide." In tbea
tru No. 2 was 'i'rask aad Sumera's vaudeville
snow, and In theatre No. 3 Fltgerald'a puppet
show. In the curio balls were seen Krao, the
ltuvacls; Jessie Allyne, FIJI Jim and Annie
aud Lemoy and KamlnskL
There were new songs, new features and
new specialties at tbe Casino last night.
The vaudeville entertainment was furnished
by tho Acme Four in a sketch called ' Tubb'i
Visit." Valjean, tbo Juggler; Geram, an
eccentric ilaucer and Imitator; tne Brant
fords from the Kmplro Thsatre, I ondon ;
Mile. Eugene Fougerc and Mile. Gautlor.
'lho "Orange Blossoms" ballet was given
at u o'clock and " Cbrine " at 10.13.
The novelty at Hotter & Dial's concert
Hall last night was tbo appearance of M. and
Mme. Berat, duettlsts from tbe Casino, Paris.
Their work was very good, and they will un
doubtedly prose a great attraction at this
bouse. They arc sparkling and picturesque.
VanoDl, bowvi er. bad none ot her bonors
s renched from her. she can bold bcr uwn as
an artist with anybody. Mie sang as charm
ingly as ever, and was furiously applauded.
" The Struggle of Llfo " was tne play it tbe
Grand Opcra-tiouse last night, and Its lurid
fcltuatlons met with favor. '1 hu Bcene where
the bero was rescued from tbo sewer was
duly appreciated by tbe callery gods. That
bero was William t afford, who didn't seem
to mind bla persecution, others In tbe cut
were Lloyd Melville, Edward J. Heron, Koyoe
Alton, Amelia Blngbam, Louise Clonics,
Mollle ltevell and c. J. Vincent.
There are few better melodramas than
"Gotd Old Times" now before tbe public.
'1 h- play, which Is fam lhe pens of Hall
t'alne ana Wilson Barrett, was acted at H. It.
Jacobs' Tbeatre last night. It was presented
a few seasons ago at tbe Fourteenth street
Theatre, where It deservedly met with much
succe-s. 1 here are several very picturesque
K-enes, and tbe plot, tbough conveutlot al, is
strong. 11. M. Pitt played the leading role.
The agony of " Lady Ml " held the stage of
Mblo's uarden last nlgbt, and tbe sinned
against and slnnlm heroine bad admirable
scope lor work amid the auscepilblo natrons
of tills bouse. o much has been said about
"Lady Lit" In these columns tbst further
notice seems almost unnecessary. The piece
has very many good points. Miss Lillian
Lewis worked very conscientiously, and was,
at times, successful.
'My Jack'' was tbo play at tbo People's
Theatre last night. It Is a somewhat grue
some melodrama, In which a heroic, belr, a
trusting heroine and some mlsslngdocuments
bave plenty to do. Tbe situations, wntcn are
loud, are, bowever, not without dramatic
value, and the audience at tbo People's gave
them dun recognition. Virtue triumphed and
vice collapsed at tbe proper time. 1 here was
a good cast and capital scenery.
Edwin Atden presented bis well-worn play,
" Eagle's Nest." at tbe Windsor Tbeatre last
nlgbt. The piay bas bad a good deal of suc
cess, and as this season Is to be tbe season
lor revivals there Is no reason why It rhould
not again be offered to the public Mr. Arden
does better work In this play than be did In
bis piece called " Raglan's Way." He bad a
good cast, beaded by Frank Losee and Miss
Marlon Elmore.
A Saltatory Marvel Who Is Aston
ishing London Theatre-Goers.
Tbe management of the Empire Theatre,
Loudon, bas a novel attraction In tbe person
of Joseph Darby, tbe champion Jumper of tbe
world and holder of tbe champion belt.
Mr. Darby clears six chain at a bound, bis
only spring-off being from a brick standing
end up. In a similar way he jumps from a
brick over acbalronto a second brick, and
clears a bar five feet high.
His flying leaps' include a chair placed ou a
table, a series ot eight chairs making an
obstacle nineteen feet Ion;, and a horse
standing seventeen hands, which he clears
with bis ankles tied.
The more sensational feats consist of a
jump over three chairs backward); a Jump
over a chair on to the face of a man lying at
Its foot, and off again, without. Injury to the
man; and a flying leap over water, In the
course of which the champion Just skims the
top of tbe water without wetting more than
the soles of his shoes.
Mr. Darby concludes with a splendid bound
over a six-toot gate studded at the top with
vicious-looking spikes.
The Wrong; Side of Fifty.
IUtdar, bftTt you pMtd th mertdUn of Ufa ?
Art yoar joint catting stiff, yonr muse If and
iatws loitn ttwlr elMtU't f Ara you troubled
with .ambifol1 Am you, in short In daily or oo
ouional rwsi.pt of ojr of tboM Admonitions which
nature cWm to remind people that they are grow
Idc old f If so, try a coarse of Hcstetter! Stomach
Bitters, a most cental and agreeable mltlf a'or of
thotnfirrofcleaof age, a rapid promoter of con fat
escsnee, and an effectual mesne of counter ting
bodily decsy Good digestion, sound sleep, a
hearty appetite, freedom from rhenmatl) twinges,
are amoog the benign frill that spring from the
regular and persistent use of this saperb tonlo end
corrective, which has receleed the unqualified
sanction of the medical fraternity. Give It the
fa'r trial that It deserves, and you wtll be grateful
for this advice.
A Romance of India Which Tells of Ttvo
Lives Almost Wrecked.
Lucy Watson had' two lovers this
would be an unfair allowanco in these
days, but fifteen years ago there, were
more marrying men in India and fewer
uuidenH, Besides, Lucy was really sweet
tuotigh to monopolize, tlio attention of
any number. Of tlieso Iwc swains one
was nn elderly swiiiii-that ir, if the col.
lector of a district ou two thoustindanil
Mnio odd hnndredi of rupee n mouth
widn "iuud" of thc.no till ernl nature
cuu properly lie culled n swam lit nil,
sshich in doubtful. Ho whs a pood fellow,
wniJulm McAllister, hut ui hint Inertly
yean, older Ihin Lucy, nntl tbnt n
moif to the iKiiut, wry prim nnd t-tiff mid
x Mileinn nu'l serums, mid, in fact, dealt,
lute of not on y rpper.rauce, hut tbe
thought nn 1 ways of youth.
Aud to when Col. Waisou died in
stances of the tiappy marriaws he had
Men between elderly centhJniea and
I youthful lassies be used occasionally to
draw ou his imagination a little poor
I Lucy v, ould piteously reply:
" Yes, paps', hut it l.n't bis ace, that's
nothing, nothing" oh, Lucy, Lucy
"hut he's so old in his ideas and haul's;
Lo has nothing In common with n girl." I
And then there wt uld be n little break
down in the vo.co. and u lenr would fall
ou lhe Colonel's baud, aud he would turn
twny to smoke n chcrc.ul, nml make the
best of it, for he 1I0 uutunut lo force j
his ililhl into n dlstnMeful marriage, he
was too fond of her for tbnt; but with
fix bous rnngiuu frrin lifleeu to file, that
his our- daughter thould trnrry a well.to
do man tcs dtKtinctlv desirable.
I Frubloua uero grod inlhoio days, hut
even XI, 1(0 a ) ear seemed small with such
alroopof hoyitn educate aud put into
the world. And then there was a trifle of
debt which McAllister would-but what
was the use of think uic about it U it
Dixoa's Manager Says " that
$1,000 Forfeit Talks."
Columbus Festival 4mes at Slnn
httnn Field To-Day.
Jimmy Carroll's Intimation that tieorge
Ulxon was afraid of Jonnny (irlffen bas
evoked a rather sarcastic answer from
Ulxon s manager, Tom o'itourkr. u'ltourke,
ol ccurse, ridicules tbe Idea tbat Dlton Is
afraid of Urlfleu. Tbere was scarcely any
need, however, of u'Kourke't wasting auy
time replying to that Insinuation as no
onu really believes tbat Ulxon Is afraid of
Urlffcn or anybody else. They aro more apt
to believe tbe fright Is on the otber side.
U'ltourke's letter Is unequivocal snd to tho
point, rather different In that respect from
Carroll's. A portion of It follows t
"Tbat Dixon wants a match with Johnny
Orltfen is shown by tbe fact that be bas
1,000 forfeit In tbe bands ot the sporting
editor of The Wobi u. Instead of claiming a
cbamplonsblp to which be bas not tbe slight
est shadow of a rigbt, (trlffen should cover
this money. I shall leave It up one neck
more and tben turn to Dili Baxter, of Eng
land, or Orlffo, of Australia, who appear
to be ready to fight. Ulxon bas al
ways been ready to Dgbl, Tbat Is au
established fact. He went to England and Is
willing to go there again If necessary. He
beat tbe Australian champion and defeated
tbe English champion In this country. He
wants to arrange a match wltb tlrimn, ou the
terms made bv that young man in New Or
leans. Furthermore be bas a substantial
forfeit up. When men want to tight thcte Is
one thing to do to prove tbat tbey are In
earnest. Doth Orltfen and Carroll know wbat
this Is."
Joe Ooddard, 'he heavy-weight pugtllM,
who Is rapidly acquiring tbe reputation of
being the champion newspaper tighter of tbe
universe, bas announced his lntontlon of
claiming the cbamplonsblp to-day, unless
Corbett covers bis (1,000 forfeit. Tbat wilt
probably bo about as near as he will ever
come to tbe real cbamplonsblp. An offer has
been made by the Palisades Club, ot Eldorado,
of 87,000 for a twenty-round contest between
Maber and ooddard on the afternoon ot
Thanksgiving Day. The offer may be
accepted. m .
Tho Coney Island Atblettc C'iuo, which Is
rapidly becoming tbe leacna? organtzai ion ot
tbe country lor Hullo coutests, bas just ar
ranged for another good attraction for Its
Eatrons. It will be a middle-weight contest
etween Buffalo coatello and Alex tireggatas.
to be fought Nov. SO for a purse of a--',aOO.
Baseball matters were a trifle alow about
here yesterday. No sensational stories were
sprung-sensations are needed to keep the In
terest In baseball alive nowadays and the
Olants didn't piay. urooxiyn and Washing
ton entertained a bandfulof people with an
uninteresting game which Brooklyn won.
Tbe following games are scheduled for to
day: Baltimore at Nw York. ICInolnnstl at CMeaco.
Bolton tt Hioikljn. UraliTltla al fit. Louli.
WubtB(t'natPlilla'phl,C'loT,Und at Plttibutf.
The " Columbus Festival Game, under tbe
auiptcea ot tbe Columbia A. c, for tbe benettt
ot tne National Cross-Country Association ot
America," Is the long-winded title of tbo set
of atheletlc games which will be given at
Manhattan Field this afternoon. Ibename,
however Is tbk worst thing about tbe meet,
tor the entry list la nrsl.class. Among tbe
flyers who will meet In the 100-yard dash are
E. W. Allen, T. F. Dsnauly, Harry Lyons, c
M. carbonnellandtieo. tchwegeler. Letson,
Llebgold. shearman and Meek are billed to
appear In the walk. The entries for the mile
run Include Orton, Conneff, Jaehne, UJrtB
berg, O'Ktete and Walsh. Tbe con
cluding event promises to be rbe best
of all. It wilt be a three-mile
team steeplechase In wblch teams of fire
men each are entered from the New Jersey,
Xavler, Columbia and Acorn A. A's. "Benny"
Williams will reieree.
A despatch from New Orleans says tbat
Bob Fltztlmmons bas broken out again.
Fltz expresses his willingness to meet Cor
bett for a purse ot C'ii.OOO and a side bet.
The middleweight champion's modesty will
6et tne better of blni yet. Does be consldrr
lmselt as good a card as Jackson?
Tbe following despatch was received at
the Pi licr Oattlte ofhee yesterday: "1'llts
uurg.Ocuip, 1802 Itlcbard K. Fox: I see tbat
Tommy White, ot Chicago, bas accepted tbe
challenge orl'addy Mcllrld', of Philadelphia,
to ngbt for 11,000 a side or upward, and tbat
be bas deposited 100 In Cblcago. If Whlto
means business McllrlJe and myself will meet
him and his backers at the rolive Gntrtle
office on Monday, Oct. 17, to post ."00 and
sign articles iu ukui, a iruai. t? uue auu bis
backers will be on hand, as 1 don't want to go
to New York unless White means business
and will arrange a match. John J. oulnn,
Backer ofMcBrlde,"
At a meeting ot tbe seventh HegtmentA.
A. at the Armory last nlgbt the following
officers were elected : Lieut, ,V. O. Bebuyler,
President ; Bergt.W. A. Jenntng, Vice-President;
Private II. L. Hloomneld, Secretary;
Lieut. Robt. Mazet, Treasurer. Tbe next
game will he held In the Armory on Satur
day evening, Dec, 10, at 8 o'clock sharp.
The Orange Athletic Club would like to ar
range games tor Its football team for
Wednesday morning and Saturday after
noon at the orange Oval. Address 8. D.
Varlan, room 37, 1 Broadway.
Ohck upon a tlut no ladr romld,rod hr hoaM
corrootlr tittd up udIih all tb fnrplturo matcnod
xartlj. In fact, diimal blaok hortohtlr lofa aod
ctialri, with araat airtih, wojlea UdlM to rtlltvo
tblr iBmLntMi, tbo rol. Now bow doltcht
fullr inlaod things arof Yot oaoh touobltnda wltb
another. Sofa, chain, hsnalnn, cortalni or
choion of uni mtubla oolor, out uod np in
bftdM, dlfferont. bot far from lottroetito Vtrr
biaittful otatnplet aro toon ot farnltur ,'id
dtaporr atM.upwia BACMaNN A Co. 'a. 8th are ,
kotwoon 35th and 3lh if. Tbo Ludwlf Bau
manna Co. ' Block, 60t toSU. ..
Fllat'o Fine Fnrnliwre.
If too are looking for barvalna In fornltaro call
t Klibt's, Htbat., nMrSthara. V
would make little Lucy unhappy ? It is
almost superfluous to say that the other
adorer, whom Lucy did like, was a hope,
less ineligible. George Farleigh vtas a'
subaltern in ber father's regiment, of
about five .years' service. A fine young
fellow, good at sports, but with absolutely
no prospects. There was no chance of the
adjutancy filling vacant for a lone time,
nnd there were no departmental open
ings, so far nt least as be was concerned.
In a small, up-country station these
two had many opportunities of meeting,
and, to do them justico. they took advau.
tnge of all tbey could get. Hut Lucy
was not without a mixture of round
common sense, nnd she would not
pledge hereelf to George until he could
ihow tome reasonable grounds for be
lieving that his pohilion would soou jus.
tify marriage; she would not lifttcn to the
idea of au rudenu.te arraugemeu.
Mntterswtro thus at a deadlock, and
the to seemed no hope of a aolution.
Mentha passed by, vesry mouths t.i all
concerned, 'lheu. all of ai-ucltUn. raine
it change. The new Goveruor.General
arrived iu the couutry, and it to hap
pened that iu former yeara he had known
George's 1 til her rntber intimately. The
natural result followed. For a boy ho
bad passed nothing hut the higher stand
ard in Hindustani it was not poasible to
do tauob at one, but still be might be
ft taaTiif?fh ' &''i-i&$L?&i&
Kcgtster le-day. It you desire to vote for the
men who will advance tbe cause of la'xirl
At tbe labor bureau of lhe United Machin
ists' Union six members tvund employment
last week.
Charles Uosne'l. ot L. A. 1,74'.', K. ot 1.,
has been appointed Health Inspector by
Mayor curran, of Kocnratcr, N. Y.
'I be switchmen are on strike In Columbus.
' o. ibey demand ilipsutuowatreMS aro paid
1 In I'lnilnnatl and PttMburg.
I Anna l'awllw, a factory girl, ot Crernowltz.
i Austria, has been sentenced to six vteeKs Itu
iirlMiiiiiirnt lor trjlttg toorganUo auulonot
her trufte.
The Australian liosermuvnt Is offering In
ducements tolirltlsh Iron masters to estab
lish local plants tor the development ol tbe
Iron mines lu New tjoulb Wales.
Three, cigar manufacturers In 8an Fran
cisco who employed Chinese workmen have
recently failed tin account ot tb! boycott
upon Cbtnescmade cigars.
Annual soelnble t'f the Building trades
Section of the lentral Labor I'nluu for tbu
benefit of tbn intense Fun I at Clarendon
Hall this evening.
Six new members were gained last week by
tho Fresco Painters' Union. A circular from
the Urot berbood of Painters and Decorators
requesting the Union to Join las been tabled.
Judge Klrkpntrlck, of New Jersey, baa de
cided that the constitutionality of the Flf J
rise. Hour law should bo determined by tbe
Supreme court ot tbe .state.
Plumbers'. Union No. 18, Trovldenee, II. I.,
basgalntd tbe nine-hour workday at S3..MI.
Ibe bossec bave all signed tbe agreemrnt
with tbe Union.
'1 be wood carvers are probably the best or
ganized body In Rochester: only tlnee com
petent men in tbe whole town are known to
be outside of tbu union.
Tbo Sydney Trades and Labor council bas
closed Its doors against t be reports ot all but
strictly Isbcr paptrs tecause the proceedings
bave been persistently misrepresented.
Independence Hall Hill be secured for tbe
next session of tbe American Federation of
Labor In Philadelphia. Politicians and office
holders will not be Invited to address tbe
Abou. 1','0 boys employed at tbe ltlterslde
Iron Works, Benstood, W.Va., are on strike lo
secttro tbe reinstatement of one of their
number. 'I bestlike baa caused 300 men to
be Idle.
Poor slaves who arc sold by tbo hour
Why trouch to the Master whobuysT
It ou want to meet power with Puer,
urganlzo! Organize 1 organize.
I l.niMir Alm.dnrd.
Last week's receipts for dues at the getr ral
! offlce of the Journeymen Brenera' National
Union amouuted to eux.do. For the locked
out men lu Hamburg SUM bave been con
tributed tbua far.
Tho Cbhago Heamen's Union has succeeded
in raising the wages ot Its members from
f'J..10 to :i per da). Tbe new scale went
into force yesterday. To tbe strikers In
Homestead lhe Union baa glsen AOO.
Machinists are ads lsed to keep away from
lndlanauolle, and local unions have been re
quested to protest against the use of a cer
tain electric motor whose manufacturers ie
fuse to employ union men.
, The Furrlei s' Union held a mats-meeting at
Beetboren Hall yesterday evening aud
adopted resolutions denouncing the Furriers'
Excbaoge lor bavlng Introduced a aysletn of
blacklisting against members of tbe Union
who went on strike for eight hours.
After ten weeks' vacation the green glass
blowers have resumed wot k wltb every pros
pect of tte coming ytar being as satisfactory
as tbe last. 'Ibe scale agreed upon by ail
concerned Is substantially the same as before.
Henry Ostertay bas been elected delegate
to the Uudaon County central Labor Federa.
lion by Textile Workers' Union No. 23. The
candidates of tbe roclallat Labor party were
indorsed at last week's regular meeting, and
10 were given to tbe campaign fund.
Tbe members of cabinet-Makers' Union
No. 7 who belong to the sick Benent Iuud of
that organization have voted In favor of rais
ing the monthly dues from fio to 00 cents.
Those who got Into arrears during tbe right
hour strike will not be required to pay their
dues until December.
The Hudson County Central Labor Union
baa unanimously ludoisedtbe nominations
made by tbe Socialist Labor Party, and tne
affiliated unions wt-te advised to take part in
tbe campaign. Tbe questlun whether or not
to ask tne socialists to again send represent
atives to the Federation was referred to a
general vote of the unions.
At yestcruay evening's meeting of the
House-painters' Union It was resolved topub
1 llely state that tbo Union bas not been split,
but tbat "tbere are some persons Intriguing
against the Union." whose headquarters was
recently removed from clarendon Hall, and
some of the members who did not like the
change remained at Clarendon Hall, where
they are holding meetings by themselves.
It was reported at the last regular meeting
of 'Brewers' Union No. 1 tbat one of the
members beard one of tieorge Ehret's col
lectors say tbat the boycott had been ralsef,
and It cost Mr. Kbret "only $800." It n.
resolved to Investigate the matter. The agi
tation among the men working at tbo non
union breweries Is piogresslug fairly, nnd
last neek thirty new members were enrolled.
Anthony Harder was elected Auditor aud W. I
Markgtafand L. Kcuurler were elected dele
gates to the Joint Local kxecutlvc Board.
Miners' unions In bngland, Uermany,
France nnd Belgium propese to have their
young members work In eacn of tbese
countries to learn the languages and ex
change views upon agitation and organlza
, tlon In order to bring about a thorough under
standing how to conduct the international
av k Tney pw fa
4ea JaaaV either the
H H r'cutting" of
1 l price, ana the
vVek. substitution of
HBaleieieieieiem "lferior goods.
MB imitation
V the genuine
LT article some
HHLAHtaaallB times some
cheap com
pound represented as " just as good;"
there's profit for a sharp dealer, even at
"cut prices."
To prevent this kind of fraud and im
position, the genuine guarantred medi
cines of Dr. R. V. Pierce are now sold
only through druggists regularly author
ized as agents, and alwayt at theso long
established prices :
Oolden Medical Discovery (for the
Liver, Blood, and Lungs), $1.00. Favor- I
tte Prescription (for woman's weaknesses
and ailments), 81.00. Pleasant Pellets (for
tbe liver), 26 cents.
They're tbe cheapeH medicines you can
buy at any price, for you pay only for
tit good yon get. They're guaranteed,
la every case, to benefit or curt.
tried. So, dowu camo tbe offer of a seiti
political appointment in a native Ktate
for six months, tbe continuance of which
was (o depeud upon Geoige's progress
and ability.
There was a tearful parting.
' ' Now, mind, you are not lo write to
me until I write to you first. Papa would
be very angry if you were to write direct
to me: and, of course, I won't have any. '
thing dono in a roundabout way. When
1 1 write to you, if I do write at all, sir, j
then you may answer."
Ho half laughing, half laughing. Lucy
dismissed him, and both the Colonel and
McAllister said good-by with a sigh of
relief. '1 he sacaciotis Lucy had a reason
for tbe condition she tm osed, Over aud
al oo the diftlcullies of a correapoudence
to which her father would object. ibe
wanted lo lest ber lover. Married ladies,
often roue to dUmal advice, had suif
fluqly told her of the iucoustnncy of man,
aud i-lie bad nUo read about it iu novels
nnd poems, so she thought that nu ex-
perimettt fhtitld be made.
" It we begin by writing to each other,"
ahe aigtted to herself, " he nou't have a
chance of forgettiug me ; but if there is
no conimuuication between ua for some
time, then that will show whether his af.
fection is sincere."
Left alone in the field, good, honest
McAllister could make the runulug at his
movement for the tight -hour wotkday. Next
year's InUtmationalVMInors' congress is to
take place In Brussels snd the congress of
1RU4 will probably bo held In Uermany,
Walter A. West brook, 8am II, Jacobson. K.
Antler, II. It. Melz, II. ritrausa, K. Unwell. F.
Mtjers, I, Browu, T, Crouobley, and ssvir.il
other members of lxal Assemblies No.
',',!C3 nnd '.'.tiotl bate been appointed as a
special committee lo tnako arrangements fur
an entertainment whoso proceeds are to lie
used to carry tho case nf .NJI. nal Mnsttr
Workman James Huiibea to Ibe Court ot
Appeals. It the decision should bounlavor.
Mile to Mr. Hughes thotloseruor will agitln
Ihs asked to patrioli tbe Kinder of the K. o, I..
garment workets who la to be sent In n1v n
ti rone .sear lot his activity lu the, ti)coit
against tho llocbesler combine ot clothing
Flablng.Rod and tbe Call Bell Were
Both Old. Time Favorites.
In the olden tune church services wcro
so long pra) era, hymns and sermons
that it is no wonder that many of tho
hard-worked people in tbe congregations
could not keep awako. Both iu the old
world aud iu Ibe new various devices wero
resorted to for tho purpose of banUhtuu
sleep from tbo church. Among these was
not tho modern one of making the ser
vices short nud interesting. Our Knglisti
fathers Irietl several methods of breaking
up the offensive practice. Oue method
svns that kiowu as "bobbing," a term
thus explained by a writer iu .Votes ,.
One Wen ;
" My mother cau remember Hetty
Finch, n verr masculine tort of womau,
being tbe 'bobber' at Holy T'nnitv
Church in the year 1810. She walled
scry majestically along lhe aisles during
diviue service, armed with a great, long
stick like a fishing-rod, which bad a bob
fastened to the end of it t and wlion she
caught auy sleeping or talking they got a
Dr. Thlrwnll. Ulshop of 8t. David's,
gives In ono ot hls" Letters " nu amusing
nccottut of n Kerry custom tor awakening
sleepers in church.
J' It is by nncicnt custom n part (if tho
sexton'R .Inly tn perambulate tbu church
duriug service time with a Loll In his
hand, to look carefully Into every pew
and whenever he finds' auy one dozing to
ring I he bell.
"He discharges his duty, it is sold,
with great vigilance. Intrepidity aud in),
partiality, and consequently with tho hap
piest effect ou the congregation, lor as
everybody is certain that If he or she
gives, wav to drowsiness the fact will be
forthwith made known through tbe
church by a peal whiob will direct all
eves to the sleeper, the fear of such a
visitation is almost always sufficient to
keep every one on tho oleit, "
mm ' '
They Bantre from One to Twenty
five Pounds How Caught.
Tbe catfish is not generally regarded as
au epicurean dish, but there is a great
demand lor it among the people of tbe
Southwest, with whom it is a prime fa
vorite, says an exchange.
Morgan City, La., on the Atcbafalaja
Uiver, which owes its prosperity largely
to its flh market, sends Urge quantities
of catfish to inland communities. One
ofthe dealers tells a correspondent tbat
redflah, aheepshead and otber kinds
which are regarded with great favor in
the North do not sell so freely in the
Southwest as the catfish, nor bring so
high a price.
The dealer often hss tbe toothsome
potupano returned to him with tbe re.
(litest tbat catfish be sent in place of it.
The varieties shipped are the mud, blue
and ftesh- water "cats." ranging in weight
from one to tweutr-flve pounds. Thev
are caught with sardines nnd shrimps on
trot-lines. A trot. line is oue stretched
from some point on shore and tied to a
tick stuck in tbe bayou mud.
To tbta line a number of abort lines are
tied, at the end of which are one or more
baited hooks. The fishermen get in a
boat and "fish" this lone line, going
along it. raising it. and taking tbe fish off
tbe hooks. The fishermen are paid from
$G and upward per 150 pounds.
From Uoran City to Melville, La.,
there are between 600 and 1,000 men en
gaged in catching catfish. Tbey live on
w.ver during the fishing icasonfsiz tnoutlm
snd cut wood in Bummer. The shippers
keep steam lugs. They go up into tho
lakes and tow down the boats (wells) in
which tho fish are kept alive until readv
to be shipped. Home of these boat will
hold 6,000 pounds of fish.
Before the cause of con
sumption was known (that
was only a few years ago)
we did not know how Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil did
so much good in consumption
and in the conditions that
lead to consumption.
The explanation is inter
esting. We send it free in
a book on careful living.
Scott ft Bowse, Chenitu, tja South sth Avenue,
New York.
Your dnif gist keep Scott'a F.mulaioa of codlit cr
oil all dfuggistt tvtrywhers do, fi,
own pace; butftomebow be never seemed
to get any nearer tbo winuiog.post.
L'ut tbe tbree mouths i eser peascd, for
ono fine day the Qolonel, with a shite
faco and broken bonea, wav brought back
in a dhoolv from the parado grouud (his
horse had fallen), nnd though the bonea
were soou mended, complications set in,
and the doctors ordered hitn home ' in.
ternal injuries ; never get right iu this
place; voyage will give him strougth,"
Ac. Then the poor man told Lucy that
she really had better make up lur mind,
that he could ill afford the expeuso of
taking ber to England, and reminded her
that she did not get ou too easily with her
stepmother, who was looking after the
boys. And Lucy did make up her in. ml.
She wroto straight to George tbat very '
afternoon, lolling him everj thing,
" I hope it Isn't scry uniuaideuly, dear, '
hut tbere is no time to stand upon formal!.
tits. If you still care for tne, if jou
think your position ttifncieutly hopeful
to justify marrying, como dowu nt ouce
or write. But if "-here ntear would fall
on the paper "you find tbat for nuy rea. '
ton it cannot be, then dou't answer, I
tilisll understand."
1 It was three dnys's post to George's sta. '
lion, and Lucy told her father she would
think ot er the matter and would give him .
a definite answer in a week. The sixth
day came, and the poor girl was trembling
iir.xJAMts svMMVtv svrri:ni:i
lojti vitrs yon i lahs.
i Spent m Smntt i'urlUMe trying '" ''
if iff nftttnt lirtud Via ij. Catarrh
At I.att He We tit tv Jtactur MeVvy
and l itdtft, tintt J itttl, I'atirnee,
Kttttl n, .1 tltunt Mmtifin CmiW ffiliri
Jttmt ttend II itf tie Wtnt Ittvouyh
nr TVm lfire
If crer ruau & luartrr. Itenjuln tMimrart
ha I ten tor tan jmar Mr.Kuniiimr I a cUthftif
cattT, eViil It Mtm M :IB( Kstrtt 86th ttftt. If ha
haiipi I lit I lumic, and liapty hill wife, and a
houtnitig taby irl that la In Joy of bla liln. A
rtorttrtiitcrTitnr(l him tha ulnar rfrnluf and
thu wtiatneaaldj
' A Hrnn who auilri tnt wif I mnrad would
do anything to M w't. Of all th- pen pi l met at
th office ot Doctor McC'oj nt Wilitmao, naf r
mat apallfnt tnerawho had aufTril aa much aa I
did. Vur ttn )m I had catarrh. I couldn't
breath thrmig lirujr noi at all. 1 uatxl to an!)
thre hutidroti tlmw a day. 1 would ham tlra or
all niln apvlla an hour. I'nina ahot from th
back of rny ta4d tn Ihs brldite of my noaa The
palna wraofvtra that I uad to prra mr hand
to nir yr and tha water woull run oat of loem
lj tnrtial waa a)wa)a choked tip. I her was a tiui
tinw In my ara, and for alt montha I couldn't hear
out of one ear at all.
" I nlali 1 had the money I apeot before 1 went to
DiHtore 1rl'if and Wlldman, Before 1 went to
them I had been t tWa or an doctor, and I lial
pent a amail fortune with them and ou patent
riedlilnre. but I t no relief, i mi t lie other hand
octora Mct,oy anil W ildmJin charged ma rery Utile
and furnlahed roe with an raedtrln tree, and they
have made a new man of me Mr throat la clear,
ray noae In free, 1 can bear all light, and I don't
aneete an ro re. I had patience and Iortora Mc
(Joy and Wtldraan had patience I had faith and
they had akll. and they have cured me,"
Doctor MolToy and Wlldman make a epealalty of
tbetreatmrnt of all chronic diaeaeea, incladlng
catarrh. 1 hey furnlah all medlrlnee free, and their
charge for treatment are ao moderatethat tbey are
wit bio tbe reach of all.
Offloee, 5 Beat 43d Street, New York,
Wtiani all cnratil. rata, ar. trat.cl with suta.
If rou Itt.at adtstauc. writ, forasrmptom blank.
Cdfiatjitatlmi at ofttr. or br mall lreof enara.
A1dr. all na'l to 5 Haat 1A atrMt. N York.
USte. bcur,-B to 11 A. M.i'JIol P. St., StoS
P. M. Handara. 8 to l'J A SI.
'fr ;
Pronounced by Pbyelolana to be
AU Orocers and Druggists Sell It.
Men. anil Mm, ft.rat. Duattlata Ke..ntrliii..
TANrAUD"TIIEATKti. lb. (tut bl laugh.
IfttbMootb. liDfeat run oo rafiord.
A DMldtd tXDtatlon niiht at V. SS-Sat. at S. 55.
I I.HlTlh tHal.l.l.N-.
CfiTTTPRW lvVfumthkatki:, b.js.
OUinjjtViM, CAI'T. l.l.:TTAttlll.All.
Matin... Tburaday ana Haturdaf.
A Joy She Never Can Know.
iroiH Uarltm l(''
" Xolnlug can make a woman so super,
latltelr happy as to liasc a tmbr of Iter own
to klas," exclaimed Mrs. MeHrlile, raptur
ously, ns site fondhtl Iter tlrst-born.
" My dear," replied Iter busbsud, pit) Initly.
' you can never ktimv the unutlcratile Juy at
tielnif 'next in a cionded tarter shop on
tatuntay uljUt."
Bis Opportunity.
llVnin r. I
Rbe I am terribly ne-vous j I Jump at tbe
least tbloy.
He A proposal of marriage, for Instance?
Anxloua to Please,
r.i rrr
He lou dauce UUe an angel.
Hue I'shaw can't juu bay anjiblni; pret.
tlertban Hint: Tbe eople from tbe otber
plaie arc supptiscd to tx tbu better dancers.
He Well, ou dance lUe tbo (let II, I lieu.
wltb Rxcitemcut ; the teventu, and bbo
could hcarcelv keep still for a luoiueut. ,
ltut the M)st ciute and no letter. At
first a fceliUK uf littttibini; desiialr btized
ou her, hut the immediately rallied,
"How stupid I ami There may not
have heeu time tu natch Ilia mail, or
Oeorcd may hase been out shootinc"
So to make au e, and leave euottgh
marcin, sbo bcpueil her father for tbrre
days' craoe, tor she ueser doulitrd
tieorce. Hut thu three days parsed, aud
there mis no sign.
"Aserybhcrl encseemeut, my dear,"
said the Mnjur's wife to her bosom friend,
"but you see tl.e poor dear Culouel mutt
ha i ff nt once; can't wait uuy lotiL'er, tho
doclora bnv, and it is escrytbiug to bnse
Lucy settled before he eoes. 1 wrote and
told Gecirue I'liirlciult it as ctituit g off
au nnful blow for him, poor fel
low, uuleas he has furcolteii nl. nbint
Ler, svhich is probnble. ''
lint he had not forcotteu all about
her. nnd for hours after receivniB the
Cood lady's lufoiltiatlou he tat 1 llt
oue in n dream. Tl.cn he shook him
self together, nnd iu due totirfe
read the domestic oicureme iu the
paper rjuite calmly The McAllistera
aud George Fnirlrigh noser met, for
he sscnt into the political line, aud went
from one natlte state to another without
once returning to his former Presidsncy.
DbYou Know Mrs.T.Ljicli,
(tilt 1'ititi:.
Mollialre It lc a, V! l-t-rt., ssliltr,
purr anil lull af tlrr, storlh
HI .t . JM1U.IIO
Molimlrc l.'nrrlii(st I U.S. it.,
hlnr.sshltr, rx rit t'rilllnitt,
prrlcrl wmlcti, ssarth 40l... SIIO.OO
l.nrae slar(uUe Ittite, 21 Itln.
mnniU, nerlh MIOtt IH.OO
Anil innitv ntlirr henntllnl nrtlrtrs In be
Ritlil tiy i nrnt nt Ir.n llinn
Importern' irlre.
fnlli1 1 l.rt. tlohl, ensrnsril rn.r,
trm.svlnil, l.nitle.' 810.00
(irutn' lier.evn, lllcln nr Wnl.
I ham 1 3,00
fterllna rsllser l.nillra' or (Jruli,' .1.00
lirrrv Waleh wnrrnnleil prrlrrt timer.
(tnarnntre tar (lsi srisr. nml
kept In aritrr Trre.
Mrrllna Mllsrr rrnhnldrr. fl.l!,i
I'rnrl Oprrn.tllaa.r. .'V.oo
C.'lorlia, Novrltlea and Porrrlnlns,
Many ntw drtlfDi, eipUllj Id Birch, Mtpl,
Autlqua Oak and otbr light wooUi, t tmj
low prlcf
At tr.li tuoa, th trtdebin Hlit, we offer
nr Bargklo in all Parlor Karnltura.
A mac atflont lloa of vawly dtlo4 Bid aboard ,
bb)iu iivw m-m tiuitvu auin, aviij iiibj uueiiaW(i
le. at Vatac'thai'caDDot clstwbaraba aVeaTTad for
Mada aa Wardrotaa, Book cat liaiha. Crib, Ao.,
roDCtdad to ba th moat parfact arttclw, ihor
oaghlx comtractad. cailly baodlad and worked.
In prlca far bo'ow anything In tha mark at.
GEO. C. FLINT 00.,
Mlerrsi Nea. 104,100 and l08W.Mll.Ht.
B.t. Gtb and 7th ar..., on. door wMt of 6tb av..
artaneaiV or Mrniu,
AUAUfclfl I Uth at. k Inlnc pU
(JILMOHE TOUI'KlK8.l....Propr'aaadiVn
EUUbNK TuiU'if!lMBra '
Black Crook.
atatlam Wd. aad Sat, at 1. Einln at 8.
lull I rAJlUn 3, 3D AND ITH AVKS.
A Grand Array of Great Peenla.
Thraa Honra of Laughter Th PUc for Fop, g
A A linV I'M O.N Mll'AI'H.
llANUT 8'6 AVafrvd.?'"
Vfllllav I THU l.ll.lt'DriANS.
Handar. Oct. lfl, O'and haord L'ooctrt.
"Om.land'a All Unltl BtlaatwU."
SSOth'ptrformanra, Houantrnibt, Kridaj,Oet. N,
CTU IUC Tlli:ATBr.-B'aj aiSltt.t
3 In Ail. mats. wed. amu sat.
M. W. IIA.sLKV .......Minac.r
Mr. Itdward tfarrlaau'a Hauoaaatul Lcieal Plar.
Vt'.dnj.daj I Matln.a I Baturdar.
NU.Iirl.Y B TO U. MAT, MAT. AT 3.
fJlOLU 0 an Kitraordlnarr Pliy and Oomnanv.
I.IMsIA.N l.rVH in "UllY 1.1 1..
VUltor gtvrn pr(arnoti in acurlitaata,
pclaily at WpdnaadajaBd hatorday Matloaei.
PARK THEATRE, !t,l,v;,.
A (IrandComixnr Till. W.k. Ll.at .toi.itl...
, Fi; FRIENDS. :v:
lint t'a.tor'. Aro.rlcaii and Kmopcan Nof.lti..
IONY 1'AHTOK at "rj p.itorniamo
Sp.flal C.ilnnitil.n Matin.. rlttlllHDAY.
WINUiiUK IIIKATIIK. tS.u'd 7 Uov.rr
Tilt Young Homaatlo Artur.
tlUVIN . ,v kAtiLK'M
arden,: . ' . m:t.
Hut lie now ami again ltenr.l of tlitui- j
liow tltcv led an npiiareutly happy life in
a quiet wav. no particular lose ietliaps ou
Ltr part, but n sincere ntlnrbiurut tu ber
busbtinil. And prcKPittlr JIcAHlMcr re
tired nud settled in Kncland.
It was just fourteen years since Cieorce
left bis regiment. He bud cot en well,
nnd was now resident at tbe court of au
, Imbecllu l'rince wltb an unpronounceable
nntiiu. It stas a bot niu'lit nnd biasolitary
diuncrwns bcaroely user ssheu tbe day's
I pott c.itne iu tbe KiirIisIi ninilwitb it-
, so be lighted a ct:ar nud lift tho tiiblo for
u lotiK arm chair iu lho seruuda. The
, bearer placed tbo Intttp (ouseniently aud
Ittircd lo doze. The llrst lelter tbat
cmiuut his ej-o ssns front tbe l'ostniaster
ti'euernl, aud, wutulcring what that ex.
nltul fuuctiniiary tould want svitn him,
he opeutd It hetore loukiucattbe Enshsh
letlets aud newspaper.. Ibe follow iui;
is ul at it fcnid
' ' Mr.: I bnse Ibe buuor to inform you
that nu old lunu died lately at the village
of Sreepotc, in tbe Stale nf Achiuabad,
I who was lotnierlv a tappnl ruuuer tu tbnt
Slate. Ou bis dcutblied l.e coufessed to
hnsiuc stolen one of the letter-bass ittauy
jears ago, under the belief that tbere ssas
money iu it, but that bo t! en Vecaiue
fncbteued aud hid tbo letters iu a box
ssitbout opening them. This box be
buried, but after seme trouble it boa beta
: . -a
f, Ranorita Oa- ?fl
r troupe ol 'Vnl
br Kanorlta
iscndant of V
cafacta. Kali tj&;
Hoo,Uck dan- ''f.
EDEN MU8EE. ""' " , 1
Ta. ar.at.il collation of , .lA
In l h world, Incladlng , fVJM
Clnrilan1 and HtrrUon. 1$M
American llutorlcal Uronpt. 5J-1
Tn-Digbt aod to-morrow attaroooB ' ft?.J
Monsieur 6ulba! mil Maria 6reillt fi
i.i I'nYCIIUMOTISM and MAIitO ART. ftl
Muncil t.alos and ht. Hanaarlan Orchaalra.
New York Columbian Celebration. 'i
' f w3
Sal. nf arata now op.n. AI.I. MKATS RI. 'M
KKItVKII, Int.ndlna ap.cuton ar. nquaaSM JV
to nurcha.. a.ata isl aure. to avoid crttth. Of Sr,
claf programtn., 10 L.nts. jA
ilEaatlTthEtlMt. ,&1
Op.n until 9 r. M. (Union 8qnar) 'i,
BIJOU TIIKATItE, Droadwar, n.ar 10th as. S2
It.eutar Mstlnaas WmI. aad IUU iVS
I'alra t;olnmb .slatlnee Theradatr. rX
.Itlllll.KI. KKtK. A llr..il N.w Production. JX
Entir.tj new Ie ..cry Taapoot. J2J
It.gulir Matin... Wad. and Bat. KlJ
Kutra (nlnmbna .tint liter Tliurailav. . "JW
(...Mit rat.. Oruhaalraand Balooar, SO.. tM
JIIRILfit WEEK anit laat baton of !'.3
A Masntlto.nt Production I ,V.S
1 lit famona Lltb Prlaon tte.n. I H$M
llttN'T FAII, Ttl VIKIT . IjM
I f th trrrt, llrl. 34 tssd 4tta Avaav. ''
Tlllf FINBMTJ af UJTair'vP KSr10 $
Alaalr Afternoea and Kvenlne, Bllllarda. V:
Hawllna, Cafe ted ltrataareat. j
Etenloiat8.aa Matins lo-Dair at a.l. ;'(
A sood f .iwt & a.at 60c Oi
Ht.plm. 8.15. Man. Wad, and tUL IB
PEOPLE'S SKHSSrc-.crti.i-.
Eitra Matins WEDNESDAY as170. .-
BnpporUd br OTIS BIHHBRi and Br faa tjjs
panr. prawatun riKMHY Vflf. J- i
Atn'ONHEIDLandHUMttropoIiUaOtvbaatra. 5
On.n 11 A. M. to UP. M. AdnslMtoa. odiMsita. ' (J
M.rf.dR.tstUroFaMnClralaodBaJeor.M.. 1
AM PH ION. "iaSWlw-b t
E..rj E..ntn. MsUbm. Wd. aad ..
H'war and D.dford a... ;5o.,35a,4qo.,'I4.l. T-.
Tb,..S jUrhmjJVMt I
N., VAlCL'EVEY.AtfD'ettffenitl.
W..B oonm.ncln. Uondar. Oct. .WiMMjff Hi
HI.AVHtV. ":
Thl.w.ea Matin... MTkIum oar acd ttatordar.
iu-.maa.ui.nt of llojt'a iniMI anOMaa, r, v,
Ihl. W.k. MatlnuTbnndaTendSatardav. v-
K.n.onK...LiTs...vyo.J3,Qe.u. :
Pftl 1111011 EDWIN KNOWLE3 A tX., , ,''
lULUMUlK, Proprtora. ' 1 tl
K.ari .T.nlna.MatlnMi WadnMdair and SatardaK, r-V
rAl.l..MKI.TI.tJ. , 3J
FIEI.II PltKB. ' ' - ' .y.
Tal. bond AT.nn. kl..att Rallwarto WUUa
Station, llarl.ra, wh.r. rac. train, conn. 3SdiroS j.
wltb Ir.cL. y.
j It tt'lMi IIEttl.VS AT V. i). p
' ' 3JE
found aud tho couteuts are uosv beiog ilia- '
trilmti'd ns for as the addresses cn be
tiui ihI. Tlio inclosed is apparently for .?;
you, as (in inquiry it Las been ascertained -3i
tbat it is you who were at the tune ia
Achiuabad. I bave the houor, Ao. "
George kuesv tho writing on the la.
clmuro at once ; it was Lucy's. Th r
faithful benrer wondered why the Bahlb '
ssas so lone in comlnc to bed : also he ditf
not seem to lie readinc, for there wa no . v:
rustle of paper, so ssith cat.like tread he 'J
crept to the veranda. The Sahib wb ly- X.
tux back in tho chair with bis hand over '
his fine. Thtce and four times tbe man I
returned, and always lo And his master i A
the bamo position. '.
It was not till the crar dawn made the $
lamp lluht pale that tieorga rou.ed him. y
self from a long dream of what might V
have been uud of what had been, and
eseuthen he did not feel in the least m
sleepy, so for shear lack of something to V
do he took up sn English paper that had j
just arrived, and chaucins to opan It at "J
the deaths read : ';
' Aptil 15, nt 104 Qreenfalr Oardens, Jj,
Cheltenham, Johu MoAllister, esq,, late j'
of the ludiau Civil Service. Indian '
papers please copy, " -v
Neit month Oeorge Farleigh started ?
for England on urgent private affair, v

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