Newspaper Page Text
iKlWw' fK-1r J kss.... . . I'. llT THE 1ST BE HOI. I pm' The Western Campaign Fund W Total Is Now $33,356.01. lav "' of Town Newipoptn I)o (Jooil J3fc Work for Tariff Keform. ' (From Till Hornlnn' World.) 'Jfe hOW THE FUND STANDS NOW. j$S CtrnBil total eknowld.l In Yr.Urd.t'. W.rld".. 33,IIU.3I f Vaial rc.lcrdiay 1M0 ftira.el tnU 833,330.01 , Mr. Krlnser' l'rartlenl Ilrnmrraer. 'til l'leise accept herewith my check for 83.1 if, ms a contribution tor the Western Democratic campaign Fund. Theappculof tho National aft, lMnocratlo Committee ought to fljid with iv others as It did with myclt- hearty re- (V aponse from all Impartial and Independent -ft thinking dtlMQS. N. KriLihor.K. THROUGH OTHER NEWSPAPERS. f fcabatantial R.turn. for the Fund That la ;0 to ltedwm tlm Otrt WmI. $, 1'enpi.itom, Ore., Oct. lo.-Tho lolUming persons hare contributed to tlio Western Democratic campaign Fund through the v.v JrViot Oreponlnu: S' W. F. Butcher. W. F. Mattock, .). It riobhlna, i J, II. lUller. "Oh '! W. M.l'ierce, W. J fur- B ah. U. 8. Jacke.n, fbaa. II. fuller. Mch t'i.M, ff- KW.Jar.Ye. K li Berd. I'. J. Murria. 11. A.. harrra.ii. J. L. Kllhen. P. V. Bl.rlriier, W. . i ful, T. W. f.'opllni.r. itch ft s J. I.. Umii, f 'J , r4 K. Bait. 74 cute i c'l.r. Walter, cfrlward '," Wh'.i, Clark Wood, J. K. Ilearu. .1. K. John.on, Tl W. W. rJrann, M. .1. Ktl-. I). W. MeDonald. i? rlll, 6U centa .acUjJ, H. Iltnl.llu V- Mta. Tout, CS5.S5. , STACI, N. V., Oct. 10. The Kmttng &nr m has received tl.&0 additional mr the Western ., Democratic campaign Fund, tf TionasTA. Pa., Oct. 10. Ihrte dollars has town recelcd for the Western Democratic lp Campaign Fund by tlio tiemoiratlc I lualia- v (o. V HocaLAND. Me., Oct. 10 The r.uniiiiut t Opinion bos recti res the following lor tlio it Vaatern Democratic camraltfii Fund : L. .M. A Itobblns, t'.'O ; Charles Lawrence, 1 1, aud Jna. a--' yianagan, '.'5 cents. iV. Ithaca, Oct, lu. W. D. Crittenden nni con- a$ trlbuted SO cents and C. U. I. It. en, it) vents K". through the Unset lieiiivci ot lor t ho fund. B?r Mimualltowm, la., 0:1. 111. Tlin ftinfr. Ev ptan has collected to additional tor the tuna. M, ANMIsrON, Ala, Oct. ID. Th Ixillv Hot lik ZHafiherenltb remits ai.r.o Inr t ho fund. J. J B. Campbell gave r0 cents and the paper the RV remainder. Sy UTiuccas, N. Y., OcU 10 The liaUu Ijp CuttrUr has received 1 trom J. Tyler cool I5 a,ud 10 corns trom Wella k .Immorman. ft THE NUMBER IS NOW flFTV-EIOHT. V& hF Bow tin Clubs 8taml In tlin Contest for K" lh l'rlie Hniif,r. fj The Young Men's Democratic Club of Hock it' Mount, Va., yesterday entered the banner t contest uud took nftlctu place. Tho only i orub that yesterday Improved Its standing ' was the Schcllenbcrg Association, whim j kaloed two points. Tlio struggle Is for ton i, banners which Tns Woki.d will award io v those clubs that contribute (be most to tlio Western Democratic campaign l'und by , ' 'Oct. 15. ?. The lull summary Is as follows: A, 1. Tammtsr CITlnd and 8tovaon ' Olab, lth AHarablj Klitriol, 3:i7. 411 f- t. OoluaibllHniocMtloClilbotW,hlni. s t,u.u i. B. DmuooltloCliil. 0l Kiflb n.uu. .... 101.00 C' i. Tinimtai L'lab, Btrtnth Amniblr !'- f Irict C8.U0 te I. OaauncSa Clan, luiid Anerabi Dl- ' - irl.t. C3.0S t. Oivlua Sad KUnnwu Club uflUd- Si ford, Va..., l. 40 " 1. OcBMeralloCluBof rr Kncktwar.l. I. bl.uo jg a. U.T. ClHbBl Allkknr. . Y , 6U.UU 7 t. Taot.foorth WirdTtnimtnr Ulob.of (r - 8. Lou(. Mo , SO.OO '. 10. Harlu. lMiaocntU. Club 44. US 'j. 11. rnd C. 8cblltnbrff AuoclMion, ,1 ThlrtMBtli Aanroblr Dutrlot 41.10 a 11 Yas Mia'. IMnocntui Clnbol Htir- i "lDlOB,Vt , S8.00 d. IS. r. Olrtr Aftaciatloa, BoBd Amriu. rf blr Dutrict .' S4.00 B7 14. Tsoiiwy Auocutioa. tint Aioblr 6Mrlet..,'.. .. ....... 31.30 i , It. Vnok Wolf AMoclitloo. Nw 'ihlrd ' AMmblr OUtrltt 1 20.79 Bi So. P. J. tlrtjr lalBnautatraociAilo ! 6lob...,. . 3J.0O i ST. UbarlM P. HUk Anocitluo, N.w rjy Mtth Afwmblr Dlilrlct 'JO.'jJ ;y ID. DomoorttloClub. HiIUiod np. N.V. 30.00 5 1. CMTdtBd sod IttMMaou Club of , Wbluhall. N. y 30.00 i' t0 YortvlllaDamoerMloClub 1V.U3 i, 31. TbomuJ. Melanui AaincUlloD.Nsw Ji, Kiabtoaoth AaMmbljrDlatna. .. . 17.(10 ;, IS. UoBiocrMlo Club, lURalo S3. Clavalaod and AlatauauB Club ot WtMSala. H. J IS mi V 4. Danoorstioriub, V.f.1 Itrinon, N. V. in 10 ",X 56. Oamocratlu Club, CantraTlllaBUtluu ',' Townablp. Ill , , 15.1)0 : SO. Taaamaar Aaaoclation, Kourtbln Aa ,' Bcmblr t'latrlcl , 14 83 '. ST, Brule Cvuntr Tarlif lurorn. Llab, : . hanbrUln, n. Dak 13.00 S? SS. Tarlfl Hotorm CIul, routh Oranca, I If. J , 12 60 .j M. Jaflaraon Damooratlc Clul 10. .10 BBrri. SO. Youdk Man'a tirmocratlu Club of -t BanDlnaton, Va 10.00 A. Sl.'Y'Uiif Man'a Danuicrallii Ciub ol p , IluiUn(TV 10.00 V" S3. tttorTtaaat UaBioorAtlo Clbb ol liar. ' lam B SO :, S3. Ulonuuid Club, Bafautaenln Ward, L Bnoklrn 0 SO Ihf UtH,!.,........ ....... . . J tlU W 14. Younc Meu'e Djmoorair. Auburn.. U.1A (, So. Dauiotratlc Olubof L'mntou tlorn. Pa . tf, lo E.X SS. aeond Ward uievtlaud aad Miareu ' -MBUiab. Kltiabolh 9 10 Kt ST. Hubbard r.iorl tlub, ItarUord, t; JCoin 8.3S BKf S. Haauwr Club a B.uu , SV. Youaa Mau'a TarlR Haform Club, M!;' KlitalMth ! 7.30 SK,4A SO. Claraland and titaranaou Jluuo( HrU- F. ioLVt , 7 43 SBk Sl.Orrll loaabipClaTeiandaDlMaTait. I EL; aonClubof HerK.nCoiiiil), N. .1 7.110 V 4'i Dwadiab.Amarlcan Deuiocratlo Cub 3.00 Nr 43. Uoratlo Kyuiour Uaiuocratio Llub. I BK,, KbibtMalh Wanl. Brooklyn iSOl SK, 44. Jonateon DeuiociaUc Club, aw I IV? Ilaren 3 33 HFKl 45. tHaaoorattct.Nub, ltonia 3.50 Ht 44. Orlo liaraocratio Club, i.lgitti Aa JL aamblj DlaliicU 'J.'JJ SH AT. Cleveland aod&ieruouUlub,o( ilad K, lejeuuluiaror. !. Y 3.33 .y, 48. Demoerstlu Club, ot Waabloelaa Wlf .l,,JhMU"VW 20 SSJV 4. Young Mea'a DfutuLratio Club, ol V. Haaaacouactu '..,00 SB SO. Youbf Men'a DemocratJu Ciuu, llooh V,? Mount. Va BHU St. pilacaualla Club ,. 1,30 t? S'i. Iba Jioloulinaol the slltll Amni- Hv MrlHainol 1,80 K S3 Tblrd Ward Cortland ami Mlerrnaon PTi , Democrallo Aiaociation, klltabeth 143 jl SS. Iroquola Club ,,., ,'jo SA 't'ertle llajf Deraocr&tlul lub j.00 j; SO. James Donoellj Aaaociatlon, of Yirk i. .J"lf ! 83 ;.. l.cJ,TJ!"d. d hteieiuou Cauipalfu n? Club. Rldieneld, Coon ,71 th S8. Tutletn Ward Democratic Club '.10 BTanV' K MITKIEWICZSEESNICOLL Utp Sut Col. Bbepard Em Not Yet K Callod on H'.in. B- l.awjtr Claries w. liioo.c, roinie-l fur t Count" Etigtnu MltmewK, who Is accused byArthUTl.Tcut:s, of B.-ookljn, of hsvlun A tefrauded him out ol e 1,700 lu cnnnectlon B wltb the alleged Chlneso grant", hail u con. H Suttttilon with Dlitiict-Attorney Nicolltutj F iBOrnlog vtUtch Issteil an hour. PF Mr. Mcoll itlt;rnarda suld tin i Ihe Tomes K ihurgcs w.-ra tn au'jatu- on aicimui nf the Bv S('1)urciia'lilol tan (.rund .Iir- timli neri. H.'" Tmir.,day, but In alt p.v.t.itllll) tl.c cavj K;. would b then laUen up Jfilii H3, Whether an luulctinent hoiiM rcll.iw lu, V Could not bay, but he telicu-d llial the Biv H Count" ntuld tea witness tx foioth'jdraiid i Ht;v Jurj' be'oro the cnt tji closed. I fe CoL Klllott V. bbepard. tho unhid iiomi K Chicago tc- ay, Mr. NCnlt added, had nut yei l r; called on htm In relation to lu uildeuru In KT tho cae. K.", Lawyer Brooke hold this morning thut tho 1 Tomm cbsrgrs were groundless. '- . A huge conspiracy, h tunned, nan noik. K-!' Ing against his client, the head uf wliloli e' fliellrlUsb (loreininMit, tihkb w:is ten) f til H' that Americans would obtain cuticeviloiis R from china. Kt CRESPCWR0CLA1MS HIMSELF K'i FovIulonal Prastdent ofthn Republic v' f Venezuela. Ejf.'. ht trciaitb raroa i 'ti'i i1 WAinixoros, Oct. io. The .N'aiy Depurt Hht?awS( has teethed u. cubltgram from Admiral By',"!'alker at Iji (luayra saying that uen. pBmpo had proclslme I himself i'rurijloual Hul " """ LliliHKtfLftW&V' uj, LiWinWMtoiMi IT THE BROOKLYN THEATRES. "Tho Lost ParadiEo" Meets with Favor at the Columbia. ' The County Kitlr " at tbo Urnml OpiTit-Ilome. "Tho Lost ParidPio" was ptesentcd nt tho Columbia Theatre last night, wltb a company of competent actors In the cast, lho play Is a strong one aud contains many admlrablo dratnullo situations. The piny was stuged with picturesque scenery. The several lead ing parts were Interpreted by William Morrl. son, orrln Johnson, W. II. crompton, Cyril Scott, Misses hjdney Armstrong aud Odette 'lylcr. An even perfminance was tho result. uruNn orriU'iimsr. "'1 ho County l'alr." with Miss Marie Ilntes ssAuut Abuy, tho part orlrlnally played by Nell Ilurgess, delighted a good-blzed audience at lho Grand Opora-IIouse last evening. T bu other leading parts were filled by W. II. Dur um, Henry Simon, Frederick Maynard, l.oulso (iallnway and Klla Hallsbury. 'Ihe singing by tho quartet was encored, and tbehorsc racing scene In tbo last acl "brought down tho house." em- sink's new nan tuiitki. " A Trip to Chinatown" was continued at tbo Park Thcstro last night, where It will reinuln allot this week. The single change In tho cast was that of Mlsa llesalo Clayton, who succeeded llltu Mlnnlo llenwood. The specialties Introduced were amusing, and applause was bestowed on all ot the actors. TIIK IMrHlON. ' 'I do Power of tho Press" was (.eon agnln at the Ampblon last nlgbu James K. Wilson In the part of blee Carson, a young work man, who gets into trouble through associat ing with low company, gavo atroog charac terisation and was accorded much pralso. other psrts wero Interpreted by Charles Mason, l.uke Martin and.C. II. Kelgeh The ponderous scenery used In the original pro duction was Bhown. I.EE ATENCI ICADCBT. Agnes Ilerndou made her first appearance In the eastern District Inst ovonlng at the Leo Avenue Academy lu " La Belle Marie." Miss lleindon is an actrcsiof consluerublo dramatic power, and sbe gave a performance which Ilred her attalence wltb enthusiasm, y fUtmORD 1TEXDK THB1T11B. " The Sliver King " was seen at the nod ford At rnuoTheatro last uvrulng. Carl A. llaswln gnve a lorrcful Interpretation of the part ot W Hired Denver and was supported by a company which met all raqulremcnia. The scenery used is a copy nt tbat used originally. on account ot tne Columbian celebration the usual Wednesday matlnco will bo omitted and a special matlnco will oe given Thursday. M1VELTT Tnr.tTKK. Harry and Kay kept a falr-slrcd audience In roars of laughter last evening at the Novelty Theatre with their clever farce-comedy, " McKenna's Flirtations." Tho comedians were supported by a good company and all wero applauded. I llt'BSK OSBHiatlT'S CiSINO. Miss Mlnnlo Hcuult, aa usual, was the prin cipal attraction at lluber X nebbardl's Casino lust evening. The programme for this week la quite Interesting. a SHIPPING NEWS. ALMANAC rUR TO-DAY. Son rfiea.. O.OolSuo aeta.. B.3S Moonrlaea.. li.33 hiuh waria IU-U1T. a. w r. m. Randj Hook.. 13.13 11.34 Coternor'a laland 1J.3S 1J.4U ' Hail Uale 3.3S J.43 LOW WATEB TO-UAX. 8andr Hook....... A. 13 lt.47 Govarnor'a laland , A. 47 fi.41 HallUlte 8.13 8.30 Tu ttnd kaalern standard lime auiiuaot loui aainutoe. OUTOOIfTO MTIAMIBA SA1LBU TO-U4I. Spree, Bremen. Adirondack. Port'Sii-Prinoe. Nlaaara. Ilarana. TO HAIf. OCT. 13. ! !. rnxlMlli. Cltrof New York, Liverpool., A.SOam 10.00 ah Brltanulo, Luarpool 7.30 am 1U.3UAH IrloelaoJ, Antwerp I. 8,00 AM IU.OUah liralteaea, (lalreaton 3.00PM Veuetuela, lf uarra 13,30 r M 3.30 pm Muriel, hi. :rol I.OOpm a oo p m Iroiiuola, CliarlKton 13, 1BPM Elniiinte, hew Urleana ., ,. 3.00 P M City of Aufiiata, Aarannal'... 8 00 PM lu aAll. oct. 13. Fuerat BlatnaroV, Southamp ton s.oOiM u, no am Siberian, (liaafow 3.UUAM io sailoot. 14. Cbarokop, Cliarleaton 3.00 p M Tallahaaaee, Sarannnh 3.00 rk I to am. oct. 1 Alaaka. Liverpool 13.30 pm Allrr, Bremen '.JOak 1.00 I'M Anrauli, I.lieipool 10.30 a a 1.00 pm rontho, (lalrealim 3.00pm La Lbaropagne. Itarra 1,30am 4.30am lludaoii, Wew Urlraua J.OOPM Manitoba. London Orliaba, Ilarana 11.00am 1,00pm Wrrkondam, llotterdatn . .. 1.30 pm PORT Of NKW YORK. I.NCOM1NO STKAM8R8. roa to-oat, Polyneata. Hamburr Hepu IS Hindoo, Hull .sept. 33. Boric. Ureriiool Hept. 110 r4uranoa, kto Janeiro, Hept. 16. W.etlae-I, Antwerp. Oct. I. State of laltloroia, Ulaaiow Oct. 3. Clt of Alataudrla, llaraua 1KI, 7. 1IUI OCT. 13. Majattlc. Llrerpool Met. S. Mleblfan, Irfindon Sept. 30. l.udaete 11111. London sept. 3S. Caliiornia, llambars bept. 38. oca orr. 13. Veendam. Rotterdam Oct. 1. Trate, .trenieu Oct. 4. ' City of Waabmiton, Havana Oel. 9. nor. oct,. 14. DubLeldam, Hotlerdaui tlrt, 3. Citfti I'reatur. Liverpool Oct. S. Imna. lilbrallarHept. 33. I'nileitelphle. If uavra Oct, 8, I'leullOiue. .Naaaau Oct. 111. llaringo, Hull tlept. 3U. pre i ct. . Klruria, Liverpool Oct. S. Aueuaia Vicuina, Houthampton Oet. 8. America, London ucl. 3. trr oct. 13. 1a nourioane, Cherbourg Oct, S. t'lrraaaia, ll'a.fow Uct 0. AeTrte. llltraltar lict. 3. L'auilarl I'ltr, hwaniea, tkt. 3, Event to Come In Brooklyn. l.'euioitatld I orareional finveutlvut tlila evrunitf Coljiublau (Mlebiatiou of Hie taruter'a Club 1 1.111 Hall, bl Mv.ciole atreel Iblaevejlug '' Inter Club HomIIu lelifue, Ollurd I lub, lltarauajr evenlDK. A ata"raiLal k Cooiceii ti, Keimeut Irlday evtmn. Kleclion llatiftffeta National llowllnn Tourua. uiaut, Klepbut i.iu'hlteuee, tontribu Columbian comraemoiatlon attvlce, St. Luke'a C'lturib thlaevenlnf. !fiuicr atle Aavemblj t'uuveutluua to morrow at j J I'. l. I'reaUUnl V O AJao.a on "The KecentlaitU 1 ualea In Japan," at 30'.' 1'ultcu klieei, KILLED A LITTLE GIRL. Driver Voonov Runs Over Two.Year- Old LilUrUi Sholl In Euut New York. ) John rieney, MioH cinplojed b) contrac- . Km 'IhotuAb Monahan us adrher, ran over 'and ulinhi lnstaull) killed two.jeat-o U MillUn fhi while bbu was placing la front uf Lei home nt Liberty and hnedlkeratc- nut". Last .New erK, at II. ltd a. m. to-day. roiuuiuan krll), uf lho .Vienteenth I'n ctnii, aiirAUul le. no). 'ihe prlviner Is I wemy-iiliiK )ears oiil and lives at 7U I llrrgen i Mirrt, lii(ikl;i. i When llab; wssalek, we gave her Castorla. When the was a Child, alio cried for Caatorla. Wh-n ite became Mlu, sha clung to Castoria. VYkn aha bad Children, she cava them CastawiaV THE WORLD: TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11,1892. ' 'I Lif i iTn If B n Hard work or G i ) ylfST II I) Hjl easy work, just j-v i HI JTy as yoix c'ioosc y" Ay I 111 f'Z If you find it hard work, z"51 v0 'sv 'ts )ccause yu won't use - fi$T Pearline. You'd rather V Js. Of strength with that absurd s. s.V Vv ' y rubbing and scrubbing. Oi Nv -- course it's hard that's why Svv J Pearline was invented that's why " Pearline is a household word. You don't know how easy it can be, until you let Pearline do the work. Then house-cleaning slips right along. It is over before you know it. O Aissl Fctldlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this Is as good OCUU as" or " llic same ns Pearline. " IT'S FALSE Pearline is never a. T"j 1 peddled, and if your grocer sends ynu something In place ol 11 tSeLCK l'earline. le lionest tend it lack. 333 JAMES PYLT. POINTERS ON THE RAGES. e Probabilities of tho Mile Record Being Broken To-Day. Lamplighter, Hex and I'arvcnue to Meet In the Sixth. The cntd at Morris Park to-day has no attractlvo features. It Is a very common place programme and tho single slake, the Wllllamsbrldge Handicap, fulls to brighten It to any apparent extent. Tho handicap looks to bo u walkover for tho llancocas pair Kilkenny and Dcrfnrglllo. Nomad bus awny tun worst n tho weights and will probably bo wltndrawn. The sixth event In tbo best raco of the day, although only tbroo are entered. Lamp lighter, ltex and Purvcnuo aro famous motors and It the pace It forced from tbo starlit would bo no surprlso tu sco tho tnllo record broken. T he o her events may furnish sotuo fair racing. The track will bo dry and fast. The entries and selections aro as follows: Flrel He.). Welter weight handicap aweapAtaie, ol 83U "lb, wltll 81,000 added , all lurlongi, i U- rreakneeaHtabla'e Adrlbert 125 Ml II. Kernahan'a Helen Itoee 134 W. II. Ilalr'e Ualnrrian UH Mareua Daly'eHtevo I atea , lift P, Uehhard'a Canvaaa 113 . Nookbarren ., 114 (1. It. Jlorrla'e Pat Melloj, Jr lull! '1 he opcnlngevenl may bo won by Adelbert. . with Helen lloso second nud Palsyrlan tlilid. ' Keoond !lace. A aweepatakra of 830 each, with 81.UU0 added, welghte 14 lb. above the aealetoue 11. A-. Swlenerl'a Michael Il W. M. Ilarrlck'elom lloiare I III .1 J. Caltertr'a Nero 1111 W. Jennlnca'aMarrHtono lid llakdale Mabla'a Palero 110 II. K. Vlngut'a Ntraphon 110 r. Keene'aHpeculatton ,,, .1111 W, Hendrle'a lAdr Huperior 107 I Michael ought to win this race without any , trouble and Mary Mono should bo nn easy second, fpeoulatlon may neat the others. ' Third Race A handicap awecpatakea for two. air oldaol 30each, with 81, 000 added, an fur lonie. Hrown a Rogera'a Moyno celdfng lift , W. M. Barrlck'a l aln Bay lit I Waahlnitoi. Htable aHport Ill Gideon A Daly'a Klualet 10 S Laaelandhtable'Ht. Croii 104 A. ,1. Caeaatl'a llalanee 1117 W. t!. Iialy'a Hiram UA K. Wlahard'a Lady Mary l3 K tnlii He) Is at his brst now, and though ho Is meeting very good company the w rltcr ex pects to see him win. Moyne griding should get second monoy and llalancn may beat tbo others. Fourth ttace. The Wiluaniabridfe Handicap f.,r three-year.olde;a eweepatakee uf 8J0 each, with at,3o0 added one mile and tlve.alateeutua. M. P. Ilwyer'a Noma t. 119 Kancocaa MaMa'e Kilkenny lull W. tl. Iialy'a Fldello 103 nrown A Itoeera'e Pickpuikel , 10J llancocaaMable'e Ilcrfarxllla. vis This raco should go to whichever candidate ; the llancocas Stable ntarta (Kilkenny or Her. : furgllla). Kldelio may gut the place and I Nomad may be third. fifth Itare. Aaweepatakea of 830 each, with 1 81,000 aildftd .aelllnjr atlowancra. all furlonga. W. II. Milarthy'a M. Anthouy 113 .1U l,eiDDleire Oaiie 113 ItaBc.H'aa Htablo'a Yemen till, l. B. later'M Zampoat 10.1 Preakneia Hlable'a tllamor Ill J llrand Pill - 1)7 .1. K. McUonalu'a llordeaui,.,. U5 ' K Keena'a AddleC. oult. I5 lakeland HtaSle'e Alice II 1IJ W. (1. Iialy'a Lallali uj Yemen should havo no trouble In landing the money In this race, and Uraud Prix may . be second. Rordoau. may beat the others. Rlith IU, e. A eweepatakea of 830 eacb, with 81,000 added, welghte 3 lb. below tbe eoalei one mile. Kaneoeaa ntabie'a umpllgnter 113 (1. B. Morrlv'aRei., ius Pleaianl Valley Stable's I'arrenue 10S The closing event should be won by Lamp lighter with ltex second and Parveuue third. Gloucester Soleotlons. First Race Plckadlne, Tradesman, Come On. becond liace Ilarloiiuln, Mllson Taylor, Moderate. i Third liace Lucre, Mngella, silence. Fourth Itace Uhouo, Mindstone, Addle II. Kl.ih Hico-A. u. II., ir Hrlgel, Chartreuse. Mxth Itsre King Idle, LIkton, taster. Mcrnlntr Papers' Selections. AT UOlllllS I'tKK. HrH Itace Dalsyilnn, Adelbert. brcond llace Mary Mnne, Nera Third Itace Mn tie gelding, Kuight Fourth Hace Fldello, Nomad. Filth Haei Yemen, Osrlc sixth llace Lamplighter, Psrrenue. First Hace Adelbert, Pat Malloy, Jr. p.rcond Kace Michael. Nero. Third Itace Kinglet. Mnln He). Fourth llace Nomud, Kilkenny. Fifth llace Yemen, (Irand Prix, tlxtu Itace Lamplighter, rartenue. First Itace-Adelbert. i unt as. rcllnd Itace Nern, F.iletn. , Third llace-Kulght, M. Croix. I imrlh llace- .Suuiad, KUkenii). 1 nth Itare-tlraml Prix, Allen li. Mxth Ituce LumpllgLIrr, Ilex. i'hst llace Adelbeit, lialsyrlau. bei'cnd Hace Michael, Maiy stone. Third Itace Ihe MO) in-gelding, lady Mar). Fourth Hace- Pickpocket. .Nomad Filth Usee Yemen, Itoideuux. .sixth Hace-1 ampllghter, llu.v. Flmt Ha, a Adelbert, CanvAas. htconu Ha. e Michael, Seru 'third Hnre U.tlan'r, sport. rourth Kaee l'Kl. o'kei, Harllo. I Ulth llui eincu, Allio li Mtu llacf-Lainpllgliter, Ilex. I PRAIRIE5 LAID WASTE BY FIRE. , Two South Dnlco'.i Towns Barely ' Escttpe Destruction. i It aeamiATM. Pmai I III i.os, C. 1)., Oct. Hi. A prairie nrn which started teveral miles nsrlhutst of this city . )estenUy afternoon, burned over a stretch ot I country ten miles wide aud tnent) miles loug. Tho toitiu ul llroadl.ind and IIUcli- ck narionl) eeaied dtiiiicilou. I The countiy ns llilcM) eltiel b) pros. . reiousfaiiiiers mm inan of them Iijept i i'tr-r tliln. I l.o wind lliw .it a tepKll) nf II Hi miles ! nn lio'ir. iiihlnglhei'.aiiesianr.. It at t.-rutle lod. Big Failure In CamUon. t audks, N. .)., on. In. John llialinerMv. to-da) appointed receive rol the uianlllt man- j tincturing hrm ot W. II. Fay x Co., nn appM ration of ihe cicdliorK. ine uibilltlcs aro i said to be about isu.uuu. i Nolhveltlialanrtlna all arlvrrllarmenl la the ronlrnrri Ike "fart" la that Ihe GENUINE JAEGER UNDERWEAR Can be purchased In this city AT OUR TWO STORES ONLY, 829 BROADWAY, near I21h SI, 153 BROADWAY, near Corllait St. Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System Oo. THE "FACT" is that u suit by this Company is now pend ingnculnst a dry goods house on 14tU St.. bused on tho ground that they havo ad. Aertificil nutl oderoit for mle goods which Ihey hnvo wrongfully enclouvoretl to mnko the public belioru to bo (ienuluo Jaeger Goods. The cotir decision which tliey referred to, iu uo wny passod upon this claim of tho Juogcr Company aud It is reasonable to bolimo (hat the court will, in this caso, as in others, stamp with its disapproval tho attempt of a merchant to palm off his Roods under a name which he is not entitled to use. Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System Oo. (Fiom La t MghC Sporting Kxtra.) MR. PECK GETS SAUCIER YET. When the Commttteo Asks to Btop Furnishing' Statistical Transcripts. It 4RFOCUTTP rw.em.1 Albany. OcU xo. Joslah tulncy, writing i to commUsionpr Trek from tho Democratic National Cummlltco rooms tu New York, says : Tn trftntcrlpt alrfftdr furnished tu from jnur Ubletu hvuicd In our forthcoming retort having diTfti uj til tltn liiformft.ion which will bo( idt taIub lit rprU to the ttatlttlcal mttliuiit ro- 1ilujd by j it a utl toe ntaunar la w biU thy bftv fu ufd, unit the hifuriiiatloii deemed ement'tl by us In reipfct 1o the. name ot tlie priutn making thi rturtKi lintoc rtill ulthhotd from the pUiilic, w Un nut nfi that any further Ha lit will bn thrown uimn the subject bj furthrr ran ptHpUfrrm tbe retuma. and aa we nndtratand that you are charging ua for the eipenae of tnakina tUaiu, we hereby notify you that weahall not nerd any more. Fleaae aead In tie ehartee for tbe preparatiou of those already furnished as soon as ..J...H.I. HenljlDjrMr. reck takes inception to the Implication that the mctdtxls employed la his depart mtmt are otlier thau r?k''ilr and not conatauat wHU those In force lu oilier atattc tlcul depttrtmentH In tbe conn try. Hut bo chooses to regard thh as u "Mugwump" at tack and is nut surprised. lvck flav.H he tTai uot prepared to belle vo thut the ivoinmlttee would so to the extent of oten nBsumlutr surprlso at the tacr ttiDt he wns to vhii ice legul rules for furnUhlug tho traut-crtpts a iked tor. 8a) h he : The patriotic utterance of our great leader, that 'a pulilin office ts a public trust," lam afraid It being lost sight of as od of the cardiaal principle of lttuiocricy in the neat of the present cam paign With all the contempt 1 entsitalu fur Magwunips, or. te use a more recent t.vtinliton of thlsoltannf voters, "political guer rils,,, I can hardly beliere that with all I heir professions of auuerlor lorslty and public morality, they to ild fcr a momrnt eapect that the entire one of aHlate Department could le di verted I nun its tegular work to make trausoripta ftnm the reoirds In its poeerssinu to gratify lmpr 1 Lieut curloilty and tn further the end of a po Hi tal party without Irgal oftuipeatattou. He will dlbcoi.tlnufl turnUnlntr any further transcript?, although Df 'cciil(i nupplv jou any amoimt ot additional tables eiiually as lntercsiluff as thu&e already aelUercd." THE WIDOW'S FOUR HUNDRED. Mr, neminlngs Banlcs the Gifts of " Evening World" Readers. Tiik Evksimi WoKin'slima (nr llieidlef ol Mr. Hcinmluir", lUslmllzentaml iin'oiiunatu wliloir of HOT West Tnrnlleili Mteei, now amounts io 14(17.41, aUollnvrs: I'reviotietjr ackneeleded,,, ,.. ,4tjfl II ,1. II,. lletllonl aveuue .... I.UO Teekillll MlUtarr Academe t'aileta ,, 7 SO Atlaehee aud I'erfovineri Uurtli'a Iduteuui S.AO folie, led bj Alice Battle, Ha Ridge JT Mri. Hureu 10.00 I'llal . "ic7 41 Tbo amount recelieJ at tint oniui since bntttrilay, s:il.V!7, wus turseu over lu Mrs. Iiemmtuirs uy an Evenino Worlii teporter ml morning. An the utile Wom.tu tool: tlm money she lieaitlly ctpreecl her tlianVs lortlie udUU lion to hir unit small (crtune, ami hiUIciI; " I liavo jusl tetuii.el lixn llu t uin.,ihi'ic I dc;joillcil .in eM'ii 44U0." 'lli.'ii u smllo itltlind the tears Ibil bid Mai teil Into nrr eje?. ami hlio Jol.lrt'U. el IcolltiRly u- uurkeil: i "i t,'ll nu lIc.MIUtcr's 400 isn't li llh i with mine." I'liiitrliniloraT and A. t. aic respect fully ' uotliieil thai Ihflr utns io Mr. Ileiuinlntri were HifcncittledErdln l'rlda)'s Siorilni; V.- tia rl Tin: Mimmi Would, the lint aa faili" nu. I tli.' istter credited to" A. v." I VARIETY ACTRESS A SUICIDE. Ada Gallagher, nllnj Dnvern, Cuts Her Throat In Ph ladelphln. 1 rr a,ociTHi erire. ' ! I 'it t mm i run. on IO 4ds iiallavlier, incut ."li Jcuni'U, jrnrlei) ;teue-(, kr.oiin on Ihu hiute at AU i Delete, iniiiuillled sill , hln at hei lodilniTi, lOO'J llace eireet. 1,0111c iluio last nun t ty uuttlut; tier iLioai wltb a I ranr. I '1 no woman aud her huaband Hied unhi 1 plly loKCther. (lallacuer is Marlety actor I and did a specialty act wltU Ills lie. R E M ACY co a MIXTII ATK.. TlllUTltllNTII TO FOUItTUKMTIi ST. Xo visit to yew Yovk in complete unlet It Includes a tour of our vast establishment. We are tho ovlfinators and have been for H3 yearn the leaders of popu lar prices. Extraordinary baryatns in all de partments. Come and see the famous paintings by one of America's most celebrated character artists, Mr. . G. Brown and also write your letters in our beau tiful and sjHicious Ladles' Parlor, new building. Visitors welcome whether Ihey buy or not. PEERLESS PROMOTERS OF THE PEOPLE'S HAPPINESS. THIN Iri AMiTIIKIt NAMH (IIVI'.N Til KM BV A I'lIHI.U HO OfTI'.N HUNK. P1TKD. TIIEV SIUtT ItK.IIAlNATTIIK HEAD 18 Till! TUADK. NTI1.I, "AMKKIUA'H UltRATKST CASH ANU cnuniT Fiu.11," ami iiavi: Hon. KnTLY KAHNKI Till! PKOIM.K'M KIN. KIllbNUH. IlICII ANU I'OOlt COIt 1IIAI.I.V INVITKO TO C'AI.I,. KI.NUHT IIOOOS AMI I.AIIOKHT HTIH1K IN M!V rOIIK AMDMOI.IH-'ORCAMIIOIt UltKOIT. Furoltarr, C'nrpetN, I'lelnrre, etoe. Knnara, HrfrlnerntorM, Lnrnps, C'laekiv, DUhra, liltclirii tJniiiU. Tin, Iron nnil Willow Ware, llnby Cnr ringrKt F. V. V., the Frofltllrli Flawlewa Fnlillnv Iron llril. HI 2. C'hrnner titan wood. The only bed Tor smnll rnomn. NKW ti:ksis. 820, 81.00 per weeV; no detailt. 8J0. 81.35 per week; no depoait. 850, 82.00 per week ; no deposit. 175, 82.30 per week; no depoalt. 8100, (9.00 per week, no Tin: 01.11 TKitiiH. 820 worth, 83 depoell; balauee, oOs. week. 830 worth, 84 depoatt; balance, 75c. week. 860 worth, 8b deposit, balance, 81 week. 875 worth, 87.50depoalt; balance, 81.25 week, 8100 worth, alOdepoeit; ba'ance, 41.611 week. A.NKbO ON Ol'. IIY HPKC1AL AltKANORMKXT. Cloode delivered everywhere. Beud for Price Ll.t. LUDW16 BAUMANN & COMPANY, 8T11 AVK., 11 KT. 35TH ANU 3IITII HTM., llAr.HANN'H Itl.OCli. KAHT H1IIK Tllli AVKNIIK. Open Haturdeiy Rvrnlnai until IO o'clock. (j CAMIIP I.ADIKS admit Hie I tffJC tp anper lorlly of I cor aii . ynM purposes inDtm ivbere aoap I T " eV I to lie itaeil. Full I pound linre) enl.1 nt Bairocrrn fTrryirhrrr. W. M AllTIFIUIAI. I'tMIAM KYi:M Made to order and inaerted. Terraa reaaooable, (iOIIIiCI.MANN OV CO.. 117 KABT l'JTll bT NHW YOKK. faVaHaW Reonotnlcal, jSawaVS SaTaearam Delleione, flBMa8SfcBAMD Iteeoitmended by llVlilllTlH rh;alclaia, HlI'lliHefilW Sold by all Krocora. Mlal RAL ESTATf YONKERS PARK EVERY AFTERNOON OF THIS COLUMBIAN WEEK Is TIIK KIIAMI OIM'OIITI'NITY TO VISIT YOKKIfe lfAUK AT Willi K.M'U.Nfr.. Call at either of our New aork offiorafor tlcketa belore II' H. . .. , 1 lila la reetll'tei property aut1 Ju.t Ihe ilare tu build a hrinr. Villa ill,, and linltillnar Iota 8ilM and opwerd. Title iruaranteed lr,e ol ooeu llouare are brlnij liaallt anil all Improve uirnr nre In I r igrean. YONKRIln I'UK illumed n lliellari-m Hit., four mllealr.'m New fork tttTllmlte. Vfj aelllur an t oii(eaay terme. 1'or full Intoruia tmn aililrene nr at p'y tu ALFRED COOLLY, President and Manager. 598 Broadway. Or :U" MitlUnu ac., fur 471 at . Itoou 1 N V EXCURSIONS Brooklyn E ridge Fireworks Tuesday Night, Stsamtrs HUANU ItKa'UUl.K am. UtiN, M.O CUM witli a wd ouiubsr tf passenveri vrtll taks a ioltlon Lftiva (iu?rmr's Islaail and l.rf.oklfu HriJl. wlst au uuubstructsd vlw uf (h display fail ltoljtalut, llralla.WfS(ridtF( Nsw, 7 30 1' M , Hattvry H.00 1' M .lowell's Wliarf, HrOoVIjii. X CO 1 11 I art. 50 cant. I EXCURSION TO tt lil 1'OINT. Nbur aoJ loucbksspsls dally iirpt ulldsr) by Albany , layliassUauitrs at J A M. Iruui W -J'-Mnt, plsf i lt titr i Vruiay, Oct lltti I DANCING.'' i MANIUTl'AN llANl'INIl AI'ADDMV, .0 e.t j h'HU U, bet. Ctb'and Gth ave, , e elae. I.fl.on,, tl.OO 'it le.irii. 15 prlvatoleatniife, 91.uu ,nr. reel nalu guaiautard 85, reieptlona iVeltrei. Cal and Natordax cvenliia-f dancmir, S.J'l lu 1J, lady and gentleuicn t. a, hern, teit p are in thecitv at vopTilar prirea. Send addie,e tortirciilar. MISCELLANEOUS. TO I.K1' toi.uepaitr duri.iic parade, eay ruckere, I iai;ii) a id .land, re.eouau e ,iayi,reve. Apply early !e.:iit..le luorinir. rurnvr 3'Jlli ! and 6tli are nrlii u .l.t at 7 IMf I.iviiie1oii l , llri'ot. t ivu. Harrrtt. M SI RUCTION. Slh.SOdllAfllV anTtyvawritina'leaVKi.aliK tltadviay,X V mui. a . iel weew lallurwtl Commissioner Holntz Dots Home. The steiimslilii Aller, from Bremsn. nrrlred tills alteincnn wltll !t:i. ribln passengers. Amone I tie passengers was Annexed District couuilsiloner Louis J. lleluu. yW'L-.trigjjJ 'T''Sjfff Kj RAILROADS. "AMERICA'S GREATEST RMLROAO' NEW YORK CENTRAL & HUDSON RIVER RR. Illrect Mnr to Macula Full. All trains arrlreat and depart from Grand Can- tral lilatloi., llie only railroad eutlou In Uie oityof New York. Trama leave aa (oltowa 1 .311 . .M.-MYKAtUnK KXl'KESS-Dally for I'limrlikeepal and Albany. Oally (eicept Han day) lor Montreal, UticaaDdSyraauae tH.UO A. .H.-KMPlKh BTA'IK KXPRKSN 1 aateat train in the world. Noeitrafare Ar riree Huflalu 6. 10 P. M., Olayton 4.45 P. M. II.IOA. M.-KAMr MAll.-l-er Albany. Sara, tozo, Ulka, bytatuao, lloclieeter, Baravia, Baf lalo. Daily leicept SuudayJ for Richneld sprint a acd Montreal. 0.120 A. .tl.-HAllATOtlA. I.AKR OKOROE A.-NDMONI11KAL hPKCIAl-Klcept Rundaye, for Saratoga. Adirondaok Moaulaine. Rutland and Montreal. Ill.tlO i. ll.-NRW YORK AND CHICAGO VHHTIBUI.K LIMITEIJ-Due Ctalcaco at .C A. M. aeat day. Ill.tlO A. HI. -DAY EXPRES8-l)ally ezcepl huudaya. l.nil . .1I.-RARATOUA LIMITFJ) (Saturday onlj)-Du Troy 5.10 P. M. ; rlaratofa, 0.1U P. V'V?.,I..?,l70,rr,IWEST,:u, VEhTItrUl-K M.MIIKI)-Iue t'iucinnati 11.15; Iiidlanapolle 11.55A. .V.i ht. I.oui.7.15 1'. M. I. Sin p. W.WOULU'8 KATR SPKCIAI.-Doe Chicago 3.U0 P. M. neat day. l'. .vl.-AI.BANY. TUOY AND SARATOGA HCKl'IAL Kioept Sunday., with throug-n lraw Ing.Koom t'ara. I.30 I. 1I.-NORTII HHOrtK VEeTTTBTjr.E LIMlTED-UueUUIoago. 4.30 P. M. neat day. U P. AI.-KAHT WlTsThRN KXFKKK-iue t'hioago o,oo P. M. . nt louU, 7,45 A. SI. 7.110 P. A1.-NOR1IIURN lixi'RKSH-Due Montreal at 7.05 A. M. ; Burlington. 4.45 Plattalmrg, 6.35; Bloomlngdale, 10.118; Saranao Lake, 10.45. l.ap I . .U.-BUFFALO, NIAGARA FAI.W AND TIIOU.SAMJ ISLAND SI'HCI AU-lue Buffalo 7.30 A. M. ; Niagara Falle, V A. it. and Clayton. 6.45 A. tl. 7.MO I. .11. (DAILYI-ADIRONDACK MOUN TAINS KXPHKNS-IlueFanl Smith'.. 10.02 A. .it. .Haranar. ID 40 A. M. ; Tapper Lake, 11.55 A. M.lChlldaM, 11.30 a! ! M. N.OO I'. M.-CINCINNATI AND 8T. LOUIS PXPRKSR-I)ue Cincinnati, 7.00 P. M. ; Indian apolle, 11 50 I'. M. i M. Ixiula, 7.J5 P. M. II.OO V. M. MMII'hl) KAhT MAIL. -Sleeping-car paaseneern for Kooheater only. n.i,'. i. .vi.-chioauo Nionr express. dally for Buffalo, Detroit and Ohleatn. Dally, e.ceptHaturday. for Clayton aud Cape Ylnoeot 11,11001b anda). riTTSKIhl.l), LENOX. NORTH ADAMS AND THE nniiKMAlKK ll(M.RTwo through train. VIA HAItLKM DIVISION. NEW YORK CEN. TltAlt'J.Ol A M., doe PltUtleld 1.30 P. M. 1 North Adama 2.30 P. M. : t3.5U P.M . due Pitta- HeldK 111 P. M., North AdainaO. 10 P. M.ialao 2 30 P. M. Krinayaand Ratnrdaya; arllve Pitta- held n. 23 P. M. For time of Iroil train., tlcketa and epace In Sleeping-care apply at (rand Central fltation, or at IU, '.'SI. 413, 781. 942 llroidway; 235 Colunw bnaave. j II Wrat 123th at. and ISHthat, atatlon. New York: 3J3 Washington at., 720 Fnlton at.and 74 Broadway. E. 11.. Brooklyn. tliaily eicept Sunday. Other tralne daily. Above trama. eicept thoae leaving at H. 30, 0. 10, 9.20 A. M.. and 1.30, 3. JO, 4. JO. 9.00 P. M atop at ljlfltll at. atatlon. Wegtcott Exureve calla for and checka bag gaga from hotele and re.ldeooea through to deatinatlon. JOHN M. TOITCLY, UEOUOK II. DANIELS, tleneral Manager. Geu'l Paaaooger Agent. &r See Our Easy Terms. ,$8 FURNITURE. CARPETS. BEDDING, STOVES, Ac. &c. CASH OR CREDIT. IliirnblrComla. l.ovr Prleea. l.atrstfStyle ONLY 10 PER CENT. CASH DOWN. R M. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., lisTAIIl.lHIIKn 1H07. (OUR ONLY PLACE OF BUSINESS.) tVlDU TO yil.i l'AUK ItOW, N. Y.tJ Bet, Chatham 4uare and City Hall btatlona L KR. KVKItVTIIIMi FOUIIOI'NKKi KPIM1. S2 Caili. 60c. eekly, or 82 Per Month on 10 5 " 81,110 or4 " on 885 87.50 81 25 or HI on 875 810 81. lu ors " on lllu .'0 ' 2.'.'S " orlH " onj'400 No Deposit When Long Tuny Is Not Wan'M Lancer amounteaamerate. Ai.otermamadaloealt. STUDY THESE. OAK piillllOIMI SPTK W I 1.00 hook cam;s with iji.amh iMioit- , I.AIIIK' MhSlih 11.(10 i'l.iisu uo:ui:itis .. tip I'AUI.Olt T,tlll,l i.'obi' Altru)n tlir lleet lu the Trade. Till! MTII A K.HAL'.UANN FOIt (Ae.ll (lit Cttr.lllT. LUDWIG BAUMANN & COMPANY, tilj. tifiO.'.'flS'lllU A., Nrur 1711. Mi. Kaal Mile tlir Mtrrri. Ileniember. s!s l(ii'U Sulnrdnv i:rnliiK uutll 0 u'clucU. Ol It T1.1MI-M t 00 per ntek mi 87i $1.50 per week on J00 . l,5u iwr week ou 100 3.00 per weekou 950 y '.'.00 pvr week ou 50i 3 lit per weekou 300 FURNITURE, ( AHPf.TS, IICDIIIM!, J.C.. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. lartru All driJ'. J,tft lrlca M'rT'lAI. vUKtlllT. THE HEWYORK FURNITURE GO. 12C, 128 AND l0 WICHr HT1I 8lT littweeu ittU and 7th a?st. LOST VITALITY RESTORED aQv"NERVK 8ECOS," tjW A tbe rrunderful reme tiM J dy,limldwlttiuK'r!- Wn TJeVKJ f'Munlfe t(i cure IV rl all nenoua dleeawa, vi "-' ""'' Weak Sffi MniKiry, I, nee wf V. i. It'i In Piinee, a.ioai lullty. e"ou.. , nrae., all ilralnaund lo.a uf tiuwur III l llhcr rem uu.ed hy m er user! Inn urexei.v UM,uf tnhaierMialutu ur atluiuUnte vrlilrh amn lead to lunriuUy('iii..iiuiptliiuand Inaanltv. Ihit II rnnveulent to furry In vt pucker. 181 ir luLkage by mall; 0 for i. With every 15 aider we glfn a irriffvn t'dmnrra fu curt ot Ttfund 1h4 liioiirvClrciilar freo. XerioajoedCl., Chicago. For Bala at Hudnufa I-hannacy, tieB'way, M. T. AtWci Wilasn'g. 106-419 gad 1311 'way, V, Y. AtAtrlaararatla, lMTultaBt.,rtj,D. T. hearn! VJ, 24, VII AMI 30 tfl'.NT 1'OUIITKIi.N'TII STItKUr. Stores Closed To-Morrow. H On Thursday and all other days, visitors to New York are cordially invited to our stores, without re- I I gard to business We shall extend our utmost I courtesy to all who have favored our city with a visit I on this great occasion. ,AjMSS J. UliAIiX tl soy, ' . a LEOAL NOTICES. ! REAL ESTATE. OPENING WEEK OF MY ELEGANT PROPERTY, CENTRALLY LOCATED IN THE BEAUTIFUL VILLACE OF TOTTENVILLE, . STATEN ISLAND, Between the Amboy Jtoad and the Bay. w Special discount of 10 per cent, on nil purchases until llt Monday, Oct. 17. mi LOTS 25X100 FEET EACH, FROM $50 APIECE UP. r Payable in Small Instalments to &uit Furchasera. , INOOMPABABLE VIEWS. SPLENDID WATEE FRONT. I FREE PASSES, GOOD ANY DAY, , From tho foot of Whitehall St., N. Y. " JERE. JOHNSON, JR., 'j 60 Liberty St N. Y and 189 and 191 Montague St., Brooklyn. r,e, Our Columbus Decoration forms one of the sights of New York. No person, resident or vis itor, should fail to see it at night when lit up with 2,000 electric-lights. The building is centrally located and easy of access from all parts of tho city. Hoe also the magnifi cent Columbus window. Flags & Bunting. Card to the Public and the Trade. Wo are the only house that has the best all-wool Standard Bunt in in quantity. Our usual low prices prevail. FLACSe W avo abio the only house that has Complete Assortments f zs m flags. Also Flag Poles, Halyards, Brackets, kc. Columbus Statuettes. A handsome bronze Stntuctte of Columbus, value 1.25, to be sold as a souvenir of the occasion at 25 c. each- Bloomingdale Bros., 3d Ave., cor. 59th St. FURNITURE. NICE CLASS Ob" OQOD OUK SPKOiALrt. FURNITURE, CARPETS, CURTAINS, toltUog faJi.Braaa and Iron IladaUaili, aad, iu . . 'ct, hter thiDr for Houttieptrie, ilME.NSK STOCK TO 8ELKUV IKOM. TKHMH Ot CKKUU TO SUIT YOU. HENRY MANNES & SOiMS, id x ul FioiiTH avk. . nirr.niat t aw vrs. tVHII'a. UlllLlllNU. HKNII IOK MIICbUST. bH HOHEST IDVERTISEiNT. 'urnltutf lioufe-. tit advattl-ilnaroiten conrrr thi idea lliat iRejarli witl,uutrfMii'tOKaiat, dftilt, bat thir ad art r.octuaiiii lolsltiadinc, Srt,re thaoolj l.oi.iiu tb wurlu who actnally fll lurl tur without rttruiiu.itic depoait, unurttv t,r a tuaraotiv. Wejtiff thnloagptt trfdlt, 'rany auauortouua atockand all at la tt prlcn itian aajfnatalinantfrrptalirurnltnrnliucaoran aHord Io. Call and let ua iHiTinotymi. K4Mor, Hirint. ton, for. Kj-i-t. Oflict '2i2 Wcat Vi.Id at. (Ipru 1A. W. tutf I1 M PKAMKS for cheaii TiTur7crd. Ao.Tf atta m up, I ur l.OCu, wo., irurj, Ac. Militant Mfl, inanufacuirr r. II? Ua-yi !. Furnltur aold wlthtmt canfa dapoiltt lui.Ttt tlma glim, nawratatylaa. Al'l'ra' AttMt,lUt WJSM t li. Pennyroyal pills. fOrlnltml aad Only tUraklar. A Hrt,ir)ii rrt.i, tADirsnia y lru l fr l';i--J.8tJfr JTAf'tiAjrV bl,m,JMrAd lnlXaal"-viCiC9 iarlli t iMtM. -U4 wiU tl rlti- l (- Tatio thrr. V 4itftttit twiir.lKtiwnf iJ frjuria at tifUMU. mr wa4 4S In ata-Biia Hi aar.truUri, iMilawalftti u,j Hi.plijf htif A?9, u.tttr w ! mS 10,0 JO TjtlaaUU Am i'kutr. vS. M. .t ,. - i ti V4f' Ji.-. O'NEILLS ! 6th Ave., 20th to 21st St. ;; be " HI For the week of the Columbian " celebration have selected the m following lines of imported j)i DRESS GOODS, ? to be offered at wonderfully low ' prices to give their out-of-town cus- t tomers who are visiting the city the benefit of the bargains. i All-Wool Imported Suitings in every variety of weave and . all the leading street colors ' 49c; v Reduced from 85c , All-Wool Imported Jacquard Suitings, 59c; Reduced from 98c New styles of Shaded and Jacquard Stripes, the latect novelties for house wear, 69c; Worth $1.45. ; A Jine of Black Imported Whipcords and Jacquard Suit ings. JtairCaa; Reduced from 89o. I-;. O'NEILL & CO., 6th Ave.. 20lii to 21st St. lioil.l.M; AT1!U ok aunt. EPPS'S ;iiati:fuicomfoutimi. COCOA I.AUlil.l.KII S Ml. TI.V-. OM.V. ";nATS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. im:t i'ui:T'. io Nov. iV ". l.lgut arjart'n.ntie or .1 rooira In itinae. rn Gila at, b.tweeull llll aud lllfl avee l lie.. Iinu. Jiav.bc.ri inorouiiblr reu'iiatl And ar. tuMr.1 eUveorceri reitla Iroro rl tu 810 r.nt. til atorea Iruiu tit lu 80. Appli lu janilur ou rremUee ur li. W. UKAl'H. KlUM