fe art supplement Srtffft IfniS-inf ffilnilfcllill the best reports j J T
H THE SUNDAY WORLD. JO j ESH WIM'Cl'l IColumbiaT Tlebration. ST fj
"First Day " EeoordB Likely to
. Bo Broken in This Oity.
Judge Andrews Nominated for Chief
of Court of Appeals.
Mr. CI ere land to Speak In Madison
Square Garden Oct. 29..
Beports received up to noon at Tammany
Ball, Republican and Democratic State ana
Rational headquarters enow a fairly heavy
registration In tola city, particularly in tbe
downtown and castslde districts, where tbo
labor Tote Ik large. This Is accounted tor be
cause to-dajr la a sort ot a holiday, when
many voters bare a day off and they took
early opportunity to register.
Tbe fine weather, too, bas brought oat
many who would otherwise nave postponed
or neglected this political duty altogether.
The polling places where tbe Boards ot lteg
lttry are In session opened at 8 o'clock this
morning and will remain open until o o'clock
The next day or registration will be Wednes
day, Oct. ID. In the meantime tbe Tammany
tnd Republican district leaders will go over
the registry lists, and all tbose known to bo
rotors and who did not register to-day will
to urged to do so then.
Under the new law there are 1,137 election
districts where registration Is going on. Last
year there wero only 887. Tbe nrst day of
registration last yoar there were 70,147
names enrolled. In 1888, the last FreUden
nal rear, there wore 05,813. The total reg.
Uiyor 1888 was 72,000. Indications are
that to-day will break the M Orsuday " rec
trd. .Whltelaw Held, cx-fenatora I'latt and Miller
and Chairmen Brookfleld and Ilackett were
In conference all the morning at tbe ruth
Avenue Hotel. Mr. I'latt, with Ms usual
forethought, had selected a candidate
lor Chief Justice of tbo court of Appeals to
ba nominated by hts State committee, which
was called id meet for that purpose ainojon.
Mr. Piatt's candidate was said to be Associate
Justice Andrews, other candidates who
hate born mentioned are Judges Martin, of
lUnghamton; Ilalght, of Buffalo: Kumsey,
ot Hocbestor, and ex-Judge Horace Kussell,
of this rlty.
Judge Andrews was nominated on the nrst
ballot,and the nomination was then made
It was rumored, (and apparently believed)
that friends close to Senator 11111 expected
that tbe nomination ot Judge Andrews will
be Indorsed by tbe Democratic committee
to-mcrrow. This would. It was esld, be a re
turn lor tbo Jiepubllcau indorsement of Judge
Earl when be was a candidate.
should this course bo followed, Judge An.
drews's election would bo practically unop
posed. Tbe vacancy caused by bis deration
would bo filled by appointment by a Demo
cratic uoeruor, leaving the political com
plexlon ot the court as at present.
benator Hill Is still In the city and will re
main until after the nomination, In which ho
takes a deep Interest, Is made.
1 ho campaign committee, acting under the
auspices of the Bualness Men's Business As
sociation, met last evening at the Hoffman
House. Forest it. Parker, L. J. callanan,
James T. Franklin, Alexander Meaklm, Julius
I). Marr, William Young, M. Folsam, John J.
ltooney, M. W. carr, W. It. corwine, Oacar 8.
Straus, ueorgo P. Qantz and others were
among tbo members present.
They announced that they had secured tbe
Madison Square Garden lor the mass-meet-Ing
to be held on tbe nlgnt ot Oct. 29, when
It U expected that Mr. Cleveland will make
an address.
Many mysterious conferences ot ltepub.
lleanswere In progress all day at the Fifth
Avenue Hotel.
Nearly all the State committeemen and
Chairmen or county committees found tbclr
way to Davo " Martin's room.
Whltelaw Held and ex-senators Piatt and
Miller bad their beads close together trying
toilxupa slate for tbe nomination of Cblet
Justice, and tbe State committeemen had a
tontab In another room with Chairmen Hack
ett and Brookfleld.
1he Executive Commlttoo of tbe State
League of Republican clubs also bad a meet
In.' behind closed doors lu room 1. There
re present President K. A. MoAlpIn, of tbls
city; John F. Honry, D. P. Wawins and T. T.
"rahlen, ot Brooklyn; U. a Hrewster and I.
W. Hanmn, ot Monroe; Theodore BroadbeaJ.
Dockland ; Daniel Freedsam. Dr. T. L.
Marshall and J. L. De Poyster, of this city, and
tt. a. s.;Grey, ot Queens.
Probably lo Be Nominated In the Hev
enlh by Tammany Hall.
Tammany Hall will make lis first nomina
tion for Congress late this afternoon In the
'd sixth (present Seventh) District, now
"presented by Col. Jthn It. Fellows The
Colonel, however, will not be returned from
thai district, but will be sent from tbe new
l"l(Ucnib. New York will have one more
Cnnnro-Biuari tbls year, and bo w 111 tuketho
hew puce.
The seventh Dhtilct convention will meet
st h Heacli street at 4 o'clook. Piankllii
Bartlett's name, It Is said, will be tbo only
one plact d befcro the delegates, and bo will
w- laminated u tLe first ballot by act lama
Hon. 'r. Bartlott Is n vvell-Kcown lawjer. He
lliu attorney fur Assembly titles Coin
""it mi which Investigated Kepulllcan prolll
Cl an j mismanagement In 1HUI.
Two mouths ago 'lua Kvaxixa Wosid
I'rtnteci the Information thur. tliu Vtortil De
SS;r.'"".wouW UttV" but unB candidate vt l
?plii the lield this ra'l .and would Infl'rhe
jeresto. the Tammany ticket. Last night
O'ganbailon apualuteJ a couiinllMJ to
confer with Tammahy Hall with that purpose
In view. Tbe one candidate of tbe VoorhlMtcs
will probably be for city Judge.
Baits Account of Fasten.
IT AssociATrn mass t
faroo, X. ., Oct. 11. Judge John V. Ben.
nett, of Bottineau, member of the state Cen
tral Democratic Commltfo for several years
and Chairman ot the Democratic state Con
vention, has announced bis Intention ot sup
porting tbe ltepubllcan ticket on account of
the fusion wttb tbe People's partv arranged
by tbe Democratlo Committee and Its with
drawal of the Democratlo Presidential
Wisconsin's Npeclal Hessloa.
n ocia rrt i t. '
Milwaukee, Wlv Oct. n. tlov. reck bas
Issued tbe call for a special session of tbo
Legislature, to begin Monday evrnlnir, to
enact another new legislative apportionment
law to take the place of mat recently ovcr
thrown by the Supreme Court.
itlagee' Atlsalee In Alabama.
1st associated ruts. I
BiKMixoBiM, Ala., Oct. 11. Chris Magce,
of Pittsburg, who has, charge ot the Itepubll.
can campaign In Alabama, arrived jesteiday
on his third vllt- It teems probable that ho
will succeed In restoring harmony In acme of
the districts as to congressmen, the cnauros
being tbat lntnoot them the fusion candi
dates will gle way to the straight-out.
Mnller Ulna n Maten Island. '
Tbe Democratlo voters of Stat en Island
have much to thank ex-Congressmau Mcbolas
Muller for, nnd they showed tbelr apprecla-1
tlon ot that fact last night at tbe primaries
held to select delegstes to the county conven
tlon.wbich meets at Staploton Saturday after
noon. In only one town, Mlddletnwn, was
there any opposition to Mr. Midler's ticket,
and In that town the Muller Ucxu was suc
cessful In nearly ecry district
Th.r. will b At. local tlcK.t. in th. (laid In thU
city, aad x ir tba Indspcnd.oU makcnomiaa
Moo. The Peopl.' party mad Domination, last
nichl, t. followi- II. nn A. Hick., Mut.r Work
man of D A 153. K. of 1... for M.ror, 11. Aldan
Hpanear, for Pro.ldant nf tnc Board of Alderman;
Kilwln H. Bean, for Oonntr Clark; Joiapb 11.
Stalnmeti, lor ll laUr. Monlnatloaa fortho jn
diciarir will b. n-,d Utar.
ThoR.publlcana hold thalr prlraarlaa last nliht
and alacMd d.lagata. nndcr tbo old and now an
portloamauta. antbat. In caa tbo nairappcrtlon
mant It orartbrown, conventions can bo called on
abort nottoo.
8enator Fharman bad a email audlanoo to he ar
bUepeoch llat nfabtat Cooper Union,
Wanbopa Lrnn. Civil JuatU of the Fit. I Dis
trict, waa nominated bj laramanr Hall last night
for tno oflloo which ho now hlle by appointment.
An organisation wbloh maaqnaradee nndar the
name of tho Indnatrlal Alliance hae boon formed
by the RepobUcatia In thleeitr, Cbalrman Cartor
want, people to believe tbat It it a worklngmea'e
aaeoclatlon, bat it ia notbing ot tho klod.
The O. Boylaa Democratic Aaaoolatioa will hold
a ratification meeting; to.ntahl nt th clnb-houee,
vomer ' Hundreil autt Slaloenth atreet and
lourth avenno. Tpe .p.akera will bo Loula David
ton. John wa'ah. W. 11, BarKa and Kenyoa J.
Cbanncey V. Dnnkeltarccr. of KUcara Falls, la
nomlnatMfoc Congrci By the Deaaocrats of big
Cltliona Disappointed Because Tbelr
Officers Did Not Fight.
South Ambov, N. J., Oct.. 11. Tho inhabi
tants of this town are grievously disappointed
because Lawyer Johnson, counsel for tbe
local Board of Aldermen, kept away yester
day, and tbe long looked for Dght between
the town authorities and tbe New York and
Long Branch Itallroad company was declared
off for tbe present at least.
Everybody was out on tbe streets expect
ing to see tbe railroad platform and railing
across Henry street demolished by orders of
tho Town Council. But early lu the morning
tbe Itallroad Company sent down a gravei
train loaded with laborers to guard the tence,
and tbo local officials evidently thought dis
cretion was belter than valor and keptthelr
hands off.
80 Anthony Brennan Bays, but the
Polios Discredit His Story.
Anthony Brennan, a carpenter living at
Hldgewood, N. J., was arraigned before Police
Justice O'Donnell In Jersey City this morning
on a charge ot drunkenness and discharged.
Brennan entered tbe second Precinct Po
lice Station about 10 o clock last night, with
blood streaming from a gash in his throat,
and said tbat bis throat bad been cut and ho
had been robbed 01 hi watch.
1 be police give no credence to his story.
Ex-City Cleric Curry Alleges that He
Loaned Blm 81,058.48.
Tho case of ex-City Clerk Thomas Curry, ot
Long Island rlty, against Mayor Qleason was
on trial to-day In tbe Queens County court ot
Oyer and Terminer.
Curry, who was dismissed by Mayor
aieason, alleges that be loaned the Mayor
1,038.48. which aieason bas failed to pay.
Uleasoii bays the suit Is Inspired by black
mall and is notbing but political persecution.
The Baroness Asked for Bill of
Justlco Patterson In tbo Supreme court
Chambers tooay reserved decision on a
motion by Darld Oerber, counsel for Ilaron
Blanc, to compel tbe Baroness to give blm a
bill of particulars ot her countercharges of
adultery In her husband's salt for absolute
bbe nukes several specific allegations about
bis Intimacy with women at 1670 Broadwa),
and makes other allegations charging blm
with criminal conduct at dhers iluus in this
city. Paris and London between 1888 and
The Bteamer Bovlo Reports a Death
at Sea.
QniniNTtxx, s. I.. Oct. 11 Tbe steamer
State of California, from O.osgow, was al
lowed to proceed to her dock at noon to-day.
Tbe stcamtr Hovtc, from Liverpool, reports
that on Oct. a Charles V. Herbert, a return
lug cattleman, aed twenty-eight years, died
o, heart disease and at burled at sea.
Dlsourslon of Jack Dompiey'a Merits
Let. 'la to DIowj.
James Dempsoy and James Cox, members
ot tbo Brooklyn Athletic club, were In the
Lee Avtnuo Police Court, Williamsburg, this
morning nu thaw ot lighting. Both were
baiiii battered. Tboy weru dlscbargtd. t he
nuarnl vtas caused by a dw.usslvh ot the
merits ot Jack Dewpsty.
Two CopieB of a DyiiiR Man's
Confession Received in London.
Billlnr Stead Shj-s Mrs. Blnybrlrk
Should Ho Set Free Promptly.
Irv AtaociATitD rnraa.!
London, Oct. 11. In the next Issuo of tbo1
nicltwuTRrttnei Mr. Mead, Ha editor, will
havo nu article headed "Ought Mrs. May.
1 brick to Be Tortured to Death T" In which ho
l;orojsly and at great len;ih icopensthc
wbuls case of the 1111I01 luuato American
woman who la now undergoing a sontciico or '
lite Imprisonment in WoMug Ptlson fur tho
alleged poisoning of her husband, who was a
well-known Liverpool mcrcliunt.
Mr. stead sajs that both lie and sir Charles
ltusscll, the Attorney (leneral, bacroeeled ,
irom south Africa copies ot thj deatb-bal
confession ot Harry Wilson, who declared
that be, with a woman, whoso nnmo Is not j
given, placed arseulc In the medlslnn that j
wasadmlnlstciei to Mr. Maybrlck during bis '
last lllnebtt
Mr. Stead Intcstlgatod tbls matter nnd
declares that he attaches weight to the con
fession; but ho adds tbat. cvtn If llnuro!
valueless, lr will be or service in directing at
tention to the tra est) ot Justice which bas
exposed Great Britain to serious remon
stisnces from the Vnlted States, aud which
Is not unlikely to become a subject of dlplu- ,
matloremonstrances. '
Mr. Stead makes a Btronst appeal for tbe re- 1
lease of Mis. Maybrlck before Christmas. Her
condition Is such, bo said, that she will
speedily die If Bbe Is not released. It Herbert
Asqtilth, tho Home Secretin-, will hot bear
tbe case then Lord Itosebery, tbo Foreign
Minister, and Mr. Gladstone must.
Lodged at tho Sobonbrtmn Palaoe,
Where Napoleon Once Dwelt.
1st associated rang.
Vieska, Oct-11. Emperor William arrived
at the railway station hero at noon to-day.
Emperor Francis Joseph, a number ot high
military officials and bcveral of tbe Ministers
awaited bis coming.
As soon as tho train bearing tbo German
Emperor bad come to a stop in the station
his Majesty sprang to the platform. Tbe
Kmperor of Austria stepped forward ana tbe
two rulers threw their arms about each other
and kissed repeatedly.
'After salutations were exchanged with tbe
other notabilities present, emperor Pisncls
Joseph ana Emperor WUllam entered a car
riage and were driven to the Imperial chateau
at schonbhinn, wbcro Napoleon madu his
headquarters In 160u and 1800.
The route from tbe railway to Schonbrunn
was lined with people n ho gave the Herman
Lmperor an enthusiastic welcome.
Frenoh Transatlantic steamora to
eall from Havre Attain.
iv FfnriATTP rarg'.I
Havbe, Octr 11. Tbe General iransat Un
tie Steamship Company bas decided tbat on
Oct. 22 its vetsels will again sail from ana
arrive at tbls port. When tbe choleia was at
Its height in this city tbe Company made
Cherbourg its ortof departure and arrival.
But Buns; Lee eent Bla Tormentor
to a Hospital.
Cornelius Jordan, forty-five years old, 'of
IBS Washington street, Brooklyn, walked
Into tbe Adams street police station at 3
o'clock tbls morning and told the ser
geant on duty that while having tun
with Hung Lee, a laundryman at tne
same address, Lee poked blm In tbe side
vi ith a stick and fractured a rib. Jordan was
removed to the city Hospital
She Received a Warning tbat She
Would Ce Kidnapped.
Ottcmwa, la., Oct. 11. Jennie England, of
Bloomru-ld, aged eighteen, bas disappeared,
and It Is feared that she bas been kidnapped.
She was married to ber half uncle tbls
Bummer, and finding that tbe marriage was
Illegal action wss begun for its dissolution.
She received a letter brpt. H warning ber
that she would be kidnapped and carried
where she would know no person. She was
King home on Wednesday nlgbt,oct- o, when
t seen.
Ten Dollars for an Unlicensed Hall.
Early in September Frank WbUo, tho light
weight pugilist, engaged the Lyceum opera
House for a boxing exhibition, and paid
Morris Blmburg, tbe proprietor, (10
deposit- He learned subsequently that
Blmburg bad no theatrical license and de
manded bis money. As It waa not forthcom
ing heliad Blmburg arrested. 'Jhacauwtll
be beard at the Tombs on Monday.
Rival Billposters In a Flajht.
Tom Foley sod Jim bberldan, billposters
tor the Novelty Ibeairtt, In Williamsburg,
were badly beaten this morning at Broadway
and itrlxgs street by, they allege, rival bill-suckers."
Drowned While Dwoorat'ntr His BoM.
William A. sorror, or .12.1 Ha llday street,
Jersey city, a fireman on tbe Krle Itallroad
company's steam lighter Palion, waa
drow ncd this morning at tbo foot ot Twelith
street, Jersey City, nniln helping to decorate
tho lighter lor Ike naval parade.
I ooil News in Frier.
Fifth aieiiK- will lie lighted to-night by th.niw
eyetemof twolaniyi luiloed In opilglobtg,
John Hand, thirty.thre. year, old, of 191 Mnt.
b.rri .treat, waa Held u; .lultlee tlrkuy tola morn
ing n a ihargeof .leallng roll o clotn worth
Hi 5(1 !r"m a waon haul cam. the police
have houndd him .luce he na. recently dlnuarcvd
from HUg Slog prlaon,
Je Young, a Oalnc taoodryman at 7n Third
avenue, waah.iu in (300 tail it Yorkvllle Conrt
thla morning on a ihara. of aa.Aultlng John
Mahar. who demanded pair of cntf kattona be
unintentionally "t to Vouut 'a laundry.
William M. h trick-driver who ran over
and ..ilonilr Injured eight-year-old Jam.. Hiano
Infronlolbla lixaiaat 'JW3-t'iril avt,a., lister
day evening, wa.belfl without I all i Jo.tio
Vuorbl. In tne Harlem Police ovltt tills morulof
to await th reaoll of tbe boy'a Injuria..
Only Brands ef AINTebarce C'laareltes
BatbyT(l.il. llAtXi ;BrTwsTAcT."
a.aatoi;is Bsavo." Virglautobac.o.lo,
alt Diatia, doMe.Uetbo,&o. kat-Ini. V
And Enooked a Piece Off Lepra's
Left Eir.
An Itiillnn shooting Affray, with a
Woman as tlio Cause of If.
During a fight between several Italians on
thotopllcnr of the tenement lu the rear of
ii3'l Klrst aoi ue, short lr niter mldnljht this
moinlng, Louis Malsirnngelo sbottwoof the
paitlcli ants In tbe affraj.
Tbe wounded men are Carlo Lepro, a boot-ba-.k,
thirty-three jears old, snd Joseph
Krhti), n laboicr, aged forty.Heven. The bit
ter was rhot in the right eye nnd Is aerloti'ly
Injured. He Is in Bellevue Iloa Itnl. Lepra
was not badly hurt.
Mnlstrangelo, tbnabooter, might have fared
badly at the hands of a crowd of nuyrv Ital
ians but for tho timely arrive! ot Polkemnn
Doolan, ot tbo East Twenty-second street
station, who rated him from violence.
Louis MalHtrinjKlo Is a stmpplng joung
Italian, not more than tnoatv-iotir and a
laborer, lor some ttmo pust be li3 lived
iMih carlo Lcuro and his wife, who occupy
tbe apaitmcnts where lliu shooting took
place. KrlstuaUolltod witutbe Lenros.
Lepra's wife is a buxom, good-looking
woman of twei.ty-four. 1 or some reason she
gavo her name this morning as Pbllomena
Kerraro, not Lcuro.
As far as can bo lfarned, tbe quarrel which
led to tho Kbootlng was on ber account.
About 11.10 last night Malstraugelo com
plained to tbe fccrgcant at the East Twent
Htcond street station that bo had been as
saulted at bis homo aud bo wanted a police
man to go along wiihhlm.
Policeman Doolan was sent with blm to
tho house. When tbov sot there a numbt r
of Italians wcroc-hgregatcd la Lepra's apart
ments. None or them offered any violence to
Maistrangclo and Doolan went away, think
ing tbo trouble was over.
He was going downstairs when from ab:ve
cnine tbo wlldo3t kind of an uproar, In tbe
midst ot which two shots rang out.
Doolan bounded upstairs aud found Mals
tr.tngelo surrounded by several angry Ital
ians who were making threats to kill lit in.
When the policeman made bis appearance
one Itsllan was seen to sneak downstairs
and out of tho wav.
Maistrangclo held a revolver In bis hand,
wltb wnlch be bad done the shooting. The
weapon carried a 44-callbre bullet.
Krlsto was In one corner wttb his right eye
Rhot out. Lepra bad a piece of his left ear
shot off.
Doclcn took the whole party around to the
statlon-huuso and an ambulance was calle I
for Kristo, wbo was taken to tho hospital.
He will lose his eye. Lepra was locked up
after having bis lacerated ear dressed. His
wire was held at tbe station aa a witness.
MnlHtrangelo denied tbat tbe rrvolver used
was bis own. lie said that Krlsto Lepra and
another man had assaulted blm. He found
tbe revolver In Lcnrca room, he said, and used
It to defend blmsel'.
Nono ot the parties naaed tell tbe cause nf
tbe trouble. Mrs. Lepra or Ferraro can Bpck
lingllsli fairly. Mie willingly told about tho
actual shooting, but wben questioned aa to
what led to it pbe shrugged ber shoulders
and said : "Me no speak Eugllsb."
Prom other sources it was learned that
Maistrangelo was a "star boarder." Mrs.
Ipro or Kerraro, it Is said, thought more of
blm than sbo did or ber husband, and tbe two
seemed to bo quite intimate.
A tew weeks ago anotber Italian appeared
on the toenc. 1 be new boarder was a tall,
rather rUie-looklng man, whose occupation
was tbat of a sailor. He dressed well, and
Mrs Lepra or Kerraro. it la said, became in
fatua'ed with blm and gave up Maistrsngeln.
1 be latter became jealous, and It was on
account of tbo attentions paid by tne new
boarder to Mrs. Ipro, or Ferraro, It Is said,
tbat tho f hooting occurred.
'lbe police bollovo It vtas Mrs. Lenro or
Ferraro's new admirer, who got away during
tbe excitement.
He Saya He Doesn't Remember
Bhootlne; Her.
John Chalmers, wbo last ntgbt during a fit
of delirium, due to drink, sbot bis wife Elsla
In the neck and afterwards attempted sui
cide, was this morning remanded In tbe Jef
ferson Market Police court for examination.
Mrs. Chalmers Ilea at her home, 140
Broadwa)', in a precarious condition.
When seen tbls morning In bis cell at the
West Thirtieth street police station, Chalmers
sild tbat be remembered nothing about tier
ing shot bla wire.
His own wound, which Is notbing more
than an abrasion of tbe scalp, made by a
little -L'-callDre bullet, does not seem to
trouble blm much.
And Lost Hie War in the Streets of
Thirteen year old Thomas Flanagan of
Providence, 1(. L, was found wandering along
Fulton street, Brooklyn, shortly after l
o'clock tbls morning. Tbe boy said he left
Providence early yesterday morning and
came t Brooklyn by rail. Intending to visit
bis cousin, Peter J. Flanagan of 200S Fulton i
street, but lost hla way. Mr. Flanagan was
notified and tbe boy was turned over to him
at 0 o'clock this morning.
Henry P. Tatham Is Dead.
Irv Asa eciATKD rasaa. I
PiiiLADEirniA, Oct, 11. Henry B, Tatham,
one of the firm of Tatham A Brother! Uad
pipe manufacturers, of tbla city and New
York, died yesterday at his residence here in
bis soventy-mtb year.
Supreme Court Oo'ng to Chicago.
Ciiicaoo, Oct. 11. A mersage bas been re
ceived from Chief Justice Fuller announcing
tbat the Supreme court of tbe United States
would adjourn late tbls week and come to
Chicago to take part in the ceremonies of
dedicating the World Fair buildings.
Felt Overboard and Drowned.
William A. Borron, fireman on tbe steam
lighter Dalaon, accidentally fell orcrboaid at
Krlo Itallroad dock 0. foot or Twclftb street.
Jrrney City, at -'.0 o'clock this morning and
was crowned. Tbe body has not been recot-ercd.
Ormo Wtna the Champion Stakes at
irv associated rare. I
Londox, Oct. 11. At tbo Ncnmarke'. sec
ond October meeting to-day the Cbami lm
Makes was won by the Duke of e4tinlnsterJi
J. II. Houldswortn s Orvlcto was tbo only
o'ber starter.
For Stealing Tuttl-Fruttl.
Frank Moos, nineteen, or uawtsecondsve
nue, was held In (SOO ball at llarlrm Poltco
court to-day charged with amaablng a
penny-ln-tbe-aloi machine and stealing a lot
of tuttl-iruitl.
Beers Battled kr the Brewera
r families. Order from BoSAxrxa Bwe. Co,
BENJAMIN Say, Qrover, we don't seem to be in it to-day.
Fltxsltnmonn Proposes a Mill for a
Puree of 125,000.
New Orleans. Oct. 11. Bob Htzslmmous
says be is prepared to meet JlmCcrbettas
soon as his theatrical engagement is over,
and will tight him for a purse ot (26.000 If
any club will put up tbo money.
Fltxslmmons Is bitter at tbe treatment
accordod htm by ccrbctt alter the Sullivan
fight. He disclaims sny desire fur notoriety,
snd says tbat fin" has all along wanted to
meet the callfotnlan, especially alter what
be did to him In tbla city lust month. He
also expressed a willingness to mt-el IUII,
tho only proviso being tbat Hall welgblu at
178 pounds.
on boarlng of tbo matter President Noel, or
lbe Olympic club, sent lltzalmmons a note
asking him It be would meet Hall In March,
when the Carnival takes place here.
Kltzslmmons replied that tbe last time he
had agreed to meet bis tell iw countryman be
bad cancelled engagements aggregating j
(5,000. He did not blame tLe Club lor Hall'a I
failure to put In an appearance, bit bo would '
not meet Hall lu March unless a sufficient
guarantee was put up that be would uot be
fooled again.
It Was Sold to a Boston Paper by a
Providence Deteotlve.
U t associated rsvaa.l
Boston. Oct. 11. The t7fut says this morn
ing that upon Investigation It Is tatlaned
that tbe statement published yesterday
concerning Mls Llzrlo Borden's physical
condition Is not true, and bases Its belief
upon lbe statement ot Dr. and Mrs. Boweu.
Tbe aiob will also say that thero are other
Inaccuracies lu tbe alleged now evidence,
which was told to its reporter by Detective
Ldnln Mcllenry, of SS college street, Provi
dence, who has been actively engaged in look
!ng up evidence presumably ot benefit to the
government side ot tbe case.
Vorktown. Now at San Franolaoo,
Expected to Join the Bquadroa,
fav AsaonATTD rates. 1
Hedonpi, cnL, Oct. li. Tbo cruiser
Charleston and the Baltimore, Admiral Ohe
rardt'a flagsnl,!, were Joined by tbe tan Fran
Cisco jeslerdaj, and lbe tbreo vessels sailed
lor Mazatlan, Mexico, bound for tbe Atlantic.
San Kbancisco, Oct. 11, Tbe Yorktown,
wblcb arrived irom Ounalaska last evening,
left tbe Adams.Mublcan and Bear In liehring
Sea. She will be ducked and probably go in
Join Admiral cliiorarura squadron In Mexico
or bourn America.
Two Yale Football Men Can't Play.
lav AggoriATan raise, i
Nrw Haven, conn., Oct. 11. It was given
outlast nlgbt that Crosso and Cox, two prom
ising candidates for tbe University football
team, will bo obliged to discontinue practice
for the remainder ot lbe pre t-.cn i teason.
Crosse's falHer objects and Cox a neck, In
jured last week, has stuce grown worse.
Directors' Train In Collision.
Boston, Oct. 11. A special train, carrying
tbe Old Colony Itallroad directors to view tbe
improvements at Mtddleboro, ran Into a con
tractor's cart at tbe Harrison square stiect
crossing at ti.ll this morning, killed two
horses and considerably Injured tbe driver,
wbo was scut lo the hospital.
Eult to Cloae Onrflold Park.
inr ASfociATrn vavae.l
Cmcioo, Oct. 11. A bill bas been filed In
tbe Circuit Court to suppress lbe t.artleld
Park race track, and liato It declared a
public and common nulsauce.
Urs. Cora Andrew's Death,
Lonj Urancii. N. J., Oct. 11. An autopsy
will bavo to be held ti ascertain whether
Mr. Cora May Andrews, whose husband was
suing for divorce, died of poisoning.
leva' I. II. Hull, HI.OH.
Heavy double-breasted aulis. with cape
overcoat, extra pai.ts and cap, (l.HO. (lo
tor 'em. London A.' Uvcrpool Clothing Co.,
so and 88 Bowery, ccrnor Hester au open
Bights, V
Fatal Pulp-Mill Disaster at Orono,
Ue. , To-Day.
1st associated raxsa.1
Orono, Me., Oct. 11. A digester In tbe
pulp mill here exploded at o'clock this
morning. The building was completely
Ten persons are reported as being In the
ruins. One body ha already been taken out.
President Harrison Accepte the
Resignation of Minister Hl-sch.
1st aasnciATED rasas, i
Washinoton, Oct. 11. Tbe Presldont, in
an Interview with Solomon Hlrscb, tbe
United Btatee Minister to Turkey, bas ac
cepted tbe resignation tendered bj him soma
I tltno ago.
Mr. Hlrscb wanted to resign about a year
ago, la orler that ha might be with bis chil
dren, who are at school In tbls country, but
did not do so, as matters with which be wss
familiar were then pending.
Aa Assistant Secretary of the Treas
ury at Washington.
1ST AsaociATED rates. I
Watirtown. Oct. 11. Tbe Umt$ ot tbla
city published an Interview to-day with Sec
retary Charles Fcater In wblcb It Is inti
mated that Oaorgs J. Sloan, of Oswego, will
be calhrd to bo an Assistant Secretary ot tbe
Treasury at Washington.
Oeorcre Braltbavrth Announoes Hie
Oaf Arrival in Valparaiso.
Nswari, N. J., Oct- 11. -A letter has been
received from George Breltbarth by bis son.
In-law, Joseph Wolbark, announcing his safe
arrival In Valparaiso, Chill.
Breltbarth was supposed to be tne man
whose akrleton was lound on the Oratge
Court of Appeals Doee Not Hand
Them Down To-Day aa Xxpeoted.
IT A'aociATED vnsss.l
Aisast, Oct. 11. Tbe court of Appeals did
not band down tbe decisions on tbe Legtsla.
tlve apportionment law to-day, aa It was
expected they would.
Relman'a Wife and Money Clone.
Mrs. llelman, wife of a Grecopolnt, L. L,
barber, has eloped with a man named
Martin, wnom ber husband thrashed several
days ago for making love lo bis wife. Tbe
runaway couple took some of lielman's
Flood of Spurious Dollars.
laV ASSIiCtATED raEae.i
OaunAi Oct- 11. Tbe city Is flooded with
counterfeit silver dollars. The spurious
coins, which are dated 18Ut and bear tbe
New Orleana Mint Uiai k, aie light and greasy,
but ring true.
Trade Press In Couno'l.
Tbe second annual meeting of tbo Ameri
can Trade Press Association takes place this
afternoon at tbe Hotel Marlborough. A ba li
quet lollovta In tbe evening, to ue supple
mented by a theatre party.
Killed at a Cake-Walk.
Irv asotiated raras 1
Aknuton, Ala., Oct. li. At a cake-walk at
Mlnnelulu Lake last nlgbt a tree light re.
suited In tbe death ot Henry Adamson and
John Brooks asd the strlcus injury uf six
other persons.
Tills la Ovrirenl Wrrk
at the London Liverpool Clothing fa, nu
and 88 Bowery. Ten thousand kersey, chin.
cblllas and beavers, satin lined, (7 and (10.
Open nights till 1 1 o'clock. '.'
"V. X- H." Slick l.lrerlr.
CMsMthmably tkt leading brand. AUdrsesltts 'M
Dr. Gardner Noted an Improvement
Since Last Night,
li v AaiociATrn rtiM. I
Wasuinuton, Oct. 11. Dr. Gardner made
bis usual visit to the White House at o o'clock
tbls morning.
As be was leaving tbe house he said that
Mrs. Harrison was then resting comfortably
and waa slightly better than when ha saw
her last nlgbt.
One Fell Off a Truck and Anotber
into a Cellar.
William Huelseberg, aged twenty-four, of
Iloboken, N. J., fell from hla truck, foot ot
West Eleventh streot, tbls morning and re
ceived a concussion ot tba brain. Ue was re
moved to St, Vincent's HospttsL
An unknown man, aged about forty-nve,
with dark hair and mustache, and dressed In
dark clothes, while Intoxicated this morning
tell into the cellar or 4.1 Mott atreet, and was
so bsdly injured tbat ho bad lo be taken to
Chambers ntreei Hospital.
John (lulna, uf oo Ka.l Tenth street, who
fractured bis skull by falling on the sidewalk
st Hruadnay and lentil atreet yesterday
while watching tbe school parade, died at
St. Vincent's Hospital early this morning.
Jamee Buckley's Life Goee Out on
Blackwell'e Island.
Tbe Warden ot the Penitentiary on Black
well's Island notified lbe Coronet's office this
morning tbst Jams Buckley, a convict,
twenty years old, ot "09 West One Hundred
and Twenty-fourth atreet, died In tbe Institu
tion yesterday from phth Isls.
Buckley was sentenced to one yesrs Im
prisonment June Si last en a conviction ot
assault In the third degree.
The Bteamer Hudson Oats Off
Liuoklly This Morning.
Tbe steamer Hudson, from New Orleans,
while coming In this morning, ran aground
near Krmer Shoals.
sue got on in a short time uninjured and
came up to quarantine.
Three Killed, Three Injured,
lav associated ratia.
coirxstA, s. c, Oct. 11. As a Charleston,
Sumter aDd Northern Hallwty freight train
wis rounding a curve at Bencettavlllolast
night one ot tbe cars jumped tbo track, carry
ing another with It. Boyd Farley, John
Mitchell and Charlie Owens, trainmen, wero
killed, and W. D. Polk, jarduiaster, Andrew
Wblllo and Ed Powell nre Injured.
Miss Mo Cord's Death Accidental.
A coroner's certificate has been Issued
giving the cause of dt ath as occidental In tbo
case ot Miss Mary McLord, ol llahway, N. J.,
who was lound dead at state Itoad. near
ilinlnition, Del., with a bullet wound In ber
bead. Miss McCoru was tbe daughter ol John
Andrew Mcl'oro, a carriage builder. Shu was
to bavo been married soou to Henry Webster,
of Christiana, Del.
Dr. Von Belmlte Nearly Starved.
AlLiMic ClTT, N. J., Oct. 11. A woman,
physician, named Dr. Scllna Vou beltMtc,
who Is said to to connected with wealthy
people In Germany, baa been found nearly
hUivrd in bir collage near here. Showas
brought into notice by the suicide tvtuyean
.igu ot a wealthy nephew Irom German, who
vt as visiting her.
Albany Brasn Foundry Eurned.
tiT ArrociATgn pars. I
.Ueast, Oct. 11. Tho fouudryol the Cox
Brass Manuraui.rln company, (1 snd m
Beaver street, waa gutted by fire last nlghu
Tbe nnl.hlng plant, embracing all modern
liiipruvruietits.was Ocsuojcd. Leas (11,000;
insurance 110,000.
They Had a John and Mary Time.
Daulel Mctilnley, aged thirty, ot 10 lien,
wick street, bad a quarrel with his wife early
this morning, during which she struck him
nlthagla-s tumbler, rati'log a severe scalp
wound Sbo was nut ariealeu.
(In Veer Overcoat
at tbe London A? Liverpool clothing Co., so
and ss Bowery. Largest dealers in tbe
world, open every night untu 11 o'clock, v
c .
Greatest Naval Pageant Ever Jj
Witnessed in New
York Harbor. g
Hundreds of Gayly-Deoked Yaohts
and Thronged Excursion Bj
Steamers. h
Distinguished Guests Viewtha J
Pageant from the Steam
boat Howard Carroll. ' T
New York has had three big naval parades Jj
In recent years of which she bas been Justly -fp
proud, one ot these wav at tho completion ,:h
and opening ot tbe Brooklyn Bridge. Tbe ''
next wag at the unveiling of tho statue ot T-?
Liberty, and tbo other was on the occa- A
slon of tbe ncvcrto.be-forgotten Waab- s&
Ingtnn Centennial. Neither of these $$,
demonstrations, however, could compare Ik "ij?
ass. norucs roKTEa. MM
splendor and magnificence wltb the grrM 3j9
pageant wblcb is taking place to-day In tbe ,&M
harbor, fittingly commemorating tho glcit- 'MM
ous achtsvement of tbe famous voyager and J
discoverer of four centuries ago. It opt. S
shines them all and Is worthy of tbo great J;sJ
metropolis ot the New World, which can now vSJ
lay claim to being the second maritime city "A'9
on tho globe. vX
From the earliest hours of the mornln; the ,-M
waters or the harbor, tbe bay and tho bread Km
cbannel oi the Uudson bad been lltrrally allv o l
with craft ol all sorts and aires, from tbe m
small yachts trimmed and draped with gay m
flags and bunting, forming ever-changing S
pictures as tbey darted to and fro In a con- fgfl
fusing maze, to tbe biz steamers with their 5l
gorgeous decorations ot flags and streamers fm
that slowl) threaded tbelr way among tbo J$m
swarms ot little boats that surrounded theat ;l$m
on all sides. si
orv. xartix t. at'annox. '-
Tbe greater part or tbese vessels had cosae i-B
out to give tbelr passengers an opportunity M
to see tbe show, and belonged to tbe grest H
cort fleet which later on received the war fl
ships aa they came up through the Narrows vM
and accompanied them on tbelr course up tM ?
Hudson lllver to tbe terminus of the routes f'jfl
opposite Grant's Tomb in iciverslde Park. ' ''fU
Maiertaier' Calaas efVaalage. KMt
The decks were all crowded with neopt.
snd thousands were enabled In tbls way to .:M
see the procession almost from beginning to tffl
end. but most or those who witnessed tbo , u9
great pageant were obliged to view It from iMt
tbe shore. ;
staten Islanders went to tbe high bluff at ffl
rort Wadswortb; uisny BrooklynlfsJouN ,B
neyed to Bay llldge, tud New Yorkers toolt 'Mm
possession of tbe Battery Park, tbe big &ulld- fNM
Ings downtown, and all up along thit North f
Itlvcr front to IUversldo Park. , Mt
1 bey fairly swarmed among tbe docks and "
piers In tbe lower part ot tbe city, and long utiTB
before noon every avallablo position tbat B
could bo tecured without tho payment ot aa 4iS
admission Ire bad been occupied, and late -lfl
comers had to do soma lively bustling In 'afl
order to gut even a glimpse ot tbe tig float lug i9
city nf ships in the river. x5B
Windows and roofs in the big fundings 1mm
downtown were at a premium this nirulti;. cl
Every window In tbe Washlnjton BUloV 'vyflH
lug was iillcdwlih a crowj ot tlgbisrer.
Tbe roofs of tbe Produce Exchiii.T, I ha "H
Wells Building and even sway over In the V$H
Mills Bulldlaz and cotton Exchange could bo i3IH
seta covered wltb a dark fringe ot apectaloro vJm