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A Rpw.SSL. rvCNcrv N the world w 'w aIN E 1 tJJW EHt tta &3r?SI tajA- If 8 THE BEST BFPOPT I FAtR I I B ART SUPPLEMENT 1 StiIa 4. lfA!m-lfil SDI di 1 ,2 REPORTS I , H X.. THE SUNDAY WORLD. I M 1 If. 15111168 JLB'l WP Jcllumblan Celebration. " Fgl "PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YORK,. TUESDA" y7OCTOBER li892. ' PRICE ONE CKNT. $ BROORLYN EDITION OF THE" EVENING WORLD-ONE CENT.; I LAST edition: Ik BIG REGISTRATION, "First Day " Records Likely to Bo Broken in This City. lodge Andrews Nominated for Chief of Court of. Appeals. Br. Cleveland to Speak In Madison Square Garden Oct. SO. Bsports received up to noon at Tammany Bill, Republican and Democratlo state and national headquarters show a fairly heavy ngistratlon In tbls city, particularly in the lowntown and easlsldo district, where the liter rote lb large. This li accounted lor be atase to-day la a sort of a holiday, when uaay voters have a day off and they took strly opportunity to register. The One weather, too, has brought out Biny who would otherwise have postponed neglected this political duty altogether. Tbe polling places where the Boards or He?. Wry are In session opened at 8 o'clock this nornlng and will remain open until o o'clock lo-nlgnt. The next day of registration will be Wednes Or, Oct. 11). In the meantime the Tammany ud Republican district leaders will go over at registry lists, and all those known to be icters and who did not register to-day will M urged to do so then. , Under tbe new Uw there are 1,137 election Ustrlcts where registration Is going on. Last rear there were only 8b7. Tbe firs', day ot registration last year there were 70,117 iimea enrolled. In 1888, tbe last PreUdcn ual rear, there were 93,813. The total reg istry or 1888 was 272,000. Indications are mat to-day will break tbe J" first-day" rec trd. bltelaw Held, ex-Senators Piatt and Miller ind Chairmen BrookSold and Uackett were la conterenca all the morning at tbe Filth avenue Hotel. Mr. riatt, with Ills usual loratbought, bad selected a candidate or Chief Justice, ol the court of Appeals to be nominated by his State committee, write was called to meet tor tnat purpess avnpoo. Mr. Piatt's candidate was said to be Associate Justice Andrews. Other candidates who save been mentioned are Judges Martin, ot Blnghamton; Ilalgnt, ot Buffalo: Humscy, of Rochester, and ex-Judge Horace Russell, ol this city. Judge Andrews was nominated on the first ballot, and the nomination was then made unanimous. Unas rumored, (and apparently believed) that friends clot,o to btnator Hill expected that the nomination o( Judge Andienswlll U Indorsed by the Democratic Committee to-mcrrow. This was said, be a re turn tor the ltepublican Indorsement of Judge larl when he was a candidate. bhould this course be followed, Judge An drews's election would be practically unop rosed. Tho vacancy caused by bis elevation would be oiled by appointment by a Demo cratic Governor, leaving the political com plexion of the court as at present. benator UU1 Is still In the city and wiu re turn until alter tho nomination, In which he takes a deep Interest, Is made. The campaign committee, acting under the auspices ol the Business Men's Business As locution, met last evening at the Hoffman Bouse. Forest H. Parker, L. J. Callanan, lames T. Franklin, Alexander Meaklm, Julius D. Marr, William Young, M. Folsam, John J. kooney, M. W. Carr, W. R. corwtne, Oscar B. Straus, George P. CJanti and others were among tbe members present. They announced that they had secured the Madison Square Garden tor the mass-meeting to be held on the nlgnt ot Oct. so, when It is expected that Mr. Cleveland will mako an address. Many mysterious conferences or Repub licans were In progress all day at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Nearly all the state committeemen and Chairmen or county Committees found tbelr way to ' Dave " Martin's room. Whltelaw Held and ex-Senators Piatt and Miller had their heads close together trying tonxupa slate for the nomination of Chief Justice, and the State Committeemen had a tontab In another room with Chairmen Beck ett and Brookneld. The Executive committee ot the state League or Republican Clubs also had a meet big behind closed doors In room 1. There ere present President li. A. McAlpln, ot tbls city; John F. Henry, D. P. Watklns and T. T. f ahlen, ot Brooklyn ; H. C Brewster and J. W, Hannin, ot Monroe; Theodore Broadhead. of Rockland; Daniel Freedsam. Dr. T. L. Xarshau and J. L. De Peyster, ot this city, and Er. 8. B-lOrey, of Queens. BARTLETT FOR CONGRESS. Probably ta Be Nominated la the Sev enth by Tmum; 1111. Tammany Hall will make Its first nomlna--ou tor congress late this afternoon in the d Sixth (present seventh) District, now represented by col.wohn B, Fellows. Tbe Colonel, however, will not bo returned from that district, but will be sent from the new Kfteenth. New York will have one more Congressman this year, and hen 111 take the w puce. Tbe seventh District Convention will meet at Beach struct at 4 o'clock. Franklin Birtlett's name, It Is said, will be the only ene placed before the delegates, and be will be nominated on tbe first ballot by acclama tion. ir. Bartlett Is a well-known law er. He as the attorney for Assembly Cltlos com mittee which Investigated Republican profll l'cy and mismanagement In 1801. Two months ago Ihs EvtNiNd Woxld . I rimed the Information that the Vcorbls De mocracy would have but one candidate ot Hi OKUlnthefleldthuraiLana would indorse the rest of therTajDmeny ticket. Last night no orsjantaaUs afBotated a eomautlee to confer with Tammany Hall with that purpose in view. Tbe one candidate of tbe Voorhlsltns will probably be for city Judge. . Belt aa Aeeennt ef Fnsl.a. fT fortATn MirM I ranno, N. D., Oct. 11. Judge John W. Ben nett, ol Bottineau, member ot the State Cen tral Democratic Committee for several years and chairman ot tbe Dtmocrallo State con vention, has announced his Intention of sup porting the Republican ticket on account ot the fusion with tbe People's party arranged by tbe Democratic Committee and its with drawal ol tho Democratic Presidential electors. H Iscensln'e Special Meislea. tf T JMOCMTE1 r7A.' Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 11. Gov. reck has Issued the call for a special section of tbe Legislature, to begin Monday evening, to enact another new legislative apportionment law to take tho place of tnat recently over thrown by the Supreme Court. ntaaee's M lulea in Alabama. 1st AMOCUTID PBXtbl Bimunohav, Ala., Oct. ll, Chris Magee, of Pittsburg, who has charge ot tbe Republi can campaign In Alabama, arrived yestetday en his third visit. It teems probable that he will succeed In restoring harmony In some or the districts as to congressmen, tbe chances being that In two ol tbem the tuslon candi dates will give way to the straight-out. SUlter WIbs an Htatra Island. The Democratic voters ol Staten Island have much to thank ex-Congressman Nicholas Muller for, and tbey showed tbelr apprecia tion ot that fact last night at tbe primaries held to select delegates to tht county conven tlon.whicb meets at Stapleton Saturday after noon. In only one town, Mlddletown, was there ar.y opposition to Mr. Muller ticket, and In that town tbe Muller ticket was suc cessful la nearly every district SIDELIGHTS OF THE CAMPAIGN. Than will be fl local tlct.t. la lh. (l.ld la this eltr, d'I ti If tba lndptiritgta maka nomina tion! Tba Poopla a partr mad nomtoatlona lal Dliht. aa follow. Il.nrr A. Hloka, Maatar Work man of D A 15, K c.1 U. for Ma tor; H. Aldan Hnaacar, for Preaidaatnf tna Board of Aldrtmaa, Kdirln a. Baao, for County Cark, Jotaob U. ritalnmatc. for Itaa Utar Nominations forina )n dfelarr will b mada latar. ThaRapobllcaoa bald thalr nrlmarlca laal alabt and olactod dalasataa nndar loo old and nawap portionmrnta. aotbat. in caaa tba now apportion mant la o.arlbrown, conventions can bacaliodoa abort nolloa Senator I barman had a email andlaaee ta hear hleepeeck laat nlsbt at Cooper Union. Wanhopa lnn. Cltll Juatlea ot the First Dla- irlet, waa nominated br lammaor Hall laas nltbt or ice oiflce wbltb be now blla by appointment. An organization wbtch nMsaneradee nndar tbe nam of tbe Icdaettlal Alluuca baa been Jonaod by tbeKepcblteaiia In ttlaelt-. Coairman Carter wantapeopie to believe tbat It ia a working roea'a eeeoclatlon, bnt it la uGtbinf of the klod. TraR). Borlaa Denorrallo AeeoelaUoa will held aratiaeatlon meatinx to-mabt el tbe elab-bewae, corner ae llnndred an i RUteenab atreet ana Foartb avenna Tbe apaakara will be Lents Davtd aon, John Vna'ab, IV. U. Barks and Veeroa J. O'Connor. CBaineeF. SnnkalkeraW.'wt Klacara FaUf. la aamiaawMlor Ooncreaa by tbe DaaaooratS erbla nut i let. i mi ii ' i AH-BOY'S BLOODLESS BATTLE.1 Cltlsesa Disappointed Because Their Offlcere Did Not FIht. , Socth Amsot, N. J., Oct.. ll. The Inhabi tants ot this town are grievously disappointed liecausa Lawyer Johnson, counsel tor the local Board or Aldermen, kept away yester day, and the long looked tor right between tho town authorities and tbe New York and Long Branch Railroad Compan) was declared ofT tor tho present at least. Everybody was out on tbe streets expect In? to sea tlia railroad platform and railing acrosilleuiy street demolished b orders ot tho lown Council. But early In tho morning the Railroad company sent down a gravel train loaded with laborers to guard fie fence, and tbe local oOlctals evidently thought dis cretion was belter than valor and kept their hands off. ROBBED AND HIS THROAT CUT. Bo Anthony Brennan Bays, but the Police Discredit Hie 8tory. Anthony Brennan, a carpenter living at Rldgewood, N. J., was arraigned before Police Justice O'Donnell In Jersey City tbls'mornlng on a charge ot drunkenness and discharged. Brennan entered the Second Precinct Po lice sutlon about 10 o deck last night, with blood streaming from a gash in hu throat, and said that bis throat bad been cut and he bad been robbed ot his watch. The police give no credence to his story. MAYOR GLEASOfl SUED. Ex-Clty Clerk Carry Aileron that Be Loaned Him 1,05&4& The case ot ex-City Clerk Thomas curry, or Long Island city, against Mayor Gleason a as on trial to-day In the Queens county court ot Oyer and Terminer. curry, who was dlamltsed by Mayor Oleason, alleges that he loaned tbe Mayor 1.058.48, which Oleason has failed to pay. Gleason says the suit Is Inspired by black mail and Is nothing but political persecution. BARON BLANCS 'DIVORCE SUIT. Tbe Baroness Asked for a Bill or Particular. Justlco Patterson In the Supreme court Chambers to-oay reserved decision on a motion by David Qerber, counsel tor Baron Blanc, to compel the Baroness to give him a bill ot particulars of her countercharges or adultery In her husband's suit for absolute divorce. She makes several specific allegations about bis Intimacy with women at 1670 Broadwa), and makes other allegations charging him with criminal conduct at divers times in tbls city, Paris and London between 1888 and 180U. STATE OF CALIFORNIA PASSED. Tbe Steamer Bovlo Reports a Deatb at Sea. QOAXtMINK, 8. L, Oct. 11. Tho steamer State ol calirornla, from O.osgow, was al lowed to proceed to her dock at noon to-day. Tho steamer Bovlc, from LlverpooL reports that on oct. 3 Charles V. Herbert, a return ing cattleman, aged twenty-eight yers, died of heart disease and was burled at sea ATHLETIC CLUB jlEN IN A FIGHT. Dlsousaton or -fact: Dempsey'a Merita Leads to Blows. Jumes Drmpsey and James Cox. members of tbo Brooklyn Athletic clnb, were In tbe Lee Avenue Police court, Williamsburg, tbls mornlagcnacharireorilghtliir. Both wero badly battered. Tbey were dlscbargt d. The quarrel waa caused by a otscnaalon ot the Merita ot Jack Uempsey. i SMS HE POISONED MlttllCK. Two Copies of a Dying Man's Confession Received in London. Editor Stead Says Mrs. Maybrlck Hbould Be Set Free Promptly. frv laaociivxn rnraM London, Oct. 11. In the next vxi ot the llecliw uf ll-itmo) Mr. stead, Its editor, will have an article beaded "Ought Mrs. May brlck to Be Tortured to Dtatb t" In which he i vigorously and at great length reopens the wbols case ot the unfortunate American ' woman wbo is now undergoing a sentence ot life Imprisonment In Woking Prison for the alleged poisoning ot ber husband, wbo was a well-known Liverpool merchant. Mr- Stead says tbat both he and Sir Charles Russell, the Attorney General, have received from south Africa conies of the death-bed confession ot Harry Wilson, who declared tbat he, with a woman, whose namo Is not given, placed arsenic in the medicine that was admlnlstoiei to Mr. Maybrlck during bis last Illness. Mr. Stead Investigated this matter and declares that he attaches weight to the con fession ; but be adds that, even If It were valueless. It will be of aervtce In directing at tention to tbe travesty or justice which has exposed Great Britain to serious remon I strances tram the United States, and which Is not unlikely to become a subject ot diplo matic remonstrances. Mr. Bleed makes a strong appeal for the re lease ol Mrs. Maybrlck before Christmas. Her condition Is such, he said, tbat she will speedily die It she la not released. 11 Herbert Asqulth, the Home Becretrry, will hot bear tbe case then Lord Rosebery, tbe Foreign Minister, and Mr. Gladstone must. WILL.AM CHEERED AT VIENNA. Lodged at tbe Bcbonbrnnn Palace, Whore Napoleon Orce Dwelt. ax associated raxsa.) Viihxj, Oct. 1L Emperor William arrived at the railway station here at noon to-day. Emperor Francis Joseph, a Dumber of high military officials and several or the Ministers awaited Us coming. As soon ss the train bearing the German Emperor had come to a stop in the station bis Majesty sprang to the pUttontv Tbe Emperor ot Austria Happed forward ana tbe two rum threw jhelr arms about each other and kissed rspeatedty.,.,' Alter salutations were taohaaaaa' wttJt4ke other nouWKrers'prwent, Emperor Francis Joseph and Emperor William catered a car riage and were driven to tbe Imperial chateau at Schcnbrnnn', where Napoleon made his headquarters In 1806 and 1800. The route from, the raUway to schonbrnnn was lined with people who gave tbo German Emperor an enthusiastic welcome. Frencb Transatlantic Btonmere to ifJall from Havre Atratr. it jMrrriATTn rnna.,1 Hatbe, Octr 11. The General Transatlan tic Steamship Company bss decided tbat on Oct. 22 its vessels will again snll from ana arrive at this port. When the cholera was at Its height In this city tbe(Company mado Cherbourg Its fort of departure and arrl oL a HAD FUN WITH A CHINAMAN. But Huns; Lee Sent Hla Tormentor to a Hospital. Cornelius Jordan, forty-five years old, 'of 185 Washington street, Brooklyn, walked into the Adams street police station at 3 o'clock tbls morning and told the ter geant on duty that while having fun with Hung Lee, a laundryman at tne samo address, Lee poked elm la the side with a atlok and fractured a rib. Jordan was removed to th city Hospital. GIRL OF 18 DISAPPEARS. 8be Received a Warning- tbat Bhe Would Bo Kidnapped. lav aaaociATBD raats-1 Ottciiwa, la., Oct. 11 -Jennie England, of Bloomfield, aged eighteen, bas disappeared; and It is feared thtt she has bean kidnapped. She was married to ber half uncle this Bummer, and finding that tbe marriage was Illegal action was begun for Its dissolution. She received a letter Sept. 8 warning ber tbatsbe would be kidnapped and carried where sue mould know do person. She was going home on Wednesday nlgnt, Oct. s, when last seen. a " Ten Dollars for an Unlicensed Hall. Early In September Frank W bite, tbe light weight pugilist, engaged tbe Lyceum upera House for a boxing exhibition, and paid Morris Blmbuig, tbe proprietor, sio deposit. He .learned subsequently tbat Blmburg had do theatrical license and de manded his money, as It was not forthcom ing be i htd Blmburg arrested. Tbe cave wl 1 be beard at tbe Tombs on Monday. a. Rival Billposters In a Plcbt. Tom Foley and Jim Sheridan, billposters for the Novelty Theatre, In Williamsburg, were badly beaten this morning at Broadway and urlggs street 0), they allege, rival " blit-stlckuni." Drowned While Decorating- Rla Bo-t. William A. Borror, of .133 Ha Uday street, Jersey city, a fireman on tbe Erie Railroad company's steam lighter Pal ion, was drowned this morning at the foot of Twelitn street, Jersey City, nhlle helping to decorate the lighter lor the naval parade. 1 oo il News in Frier. Fifth areiu. will be liabtad to-ulbt by (beat eretem of two lawpa inrioaod In opil globea Hand, ttlrty-three yaara o d. of HI Ual barrialre.1, waa bald by Jnailce Gravy tbls mora. in on a ibarse otattallna a roll elclotn worth e.J BO (mm a weaon. UanJ cienas IbopoIlM hate bonndad him atace be waa recently diacbargad from 8lci 81ns prlaon, Lee Yonna. aCbioaea tinndryman at 7fll Tblrl aim in StftO nail 'at Yarkv lie Ooqrt tola morales- on a etara. of uaaaltina Jolm llabar. wbo demanded a pair, of eatf bnttona be unlatenilaaally Mat t xoong'e laundry. William Meore. the frnrk-drlf er aha ran ever and eertomlr Injued elebt-yjar-eld Jeiaeo Bteao In I root ot bl luai i el SIM flrat atenne, y.ater day evenlar. vaa held wiiboul lallby Jaatiee Vborbla In tna Harlem roilee Leort, Ibis morulas: te await tke rMnll ot tbe twy'a lajarlaa. Oalr Hrmnaear All-Tebecea Claareitea aaadebyTaes. U. Raixi "BfTWXUTanAcT,'' SaLw.. SHOT flUT KRISTO'S OL i a ' And Knccked a Fieoa OS Lepro's Loft Ear. An Itnltitn Shootlnz A (Tray, with at Worn in ns tno Cnuao of It. During a fight be-wren bpvcrol Italians on the top cocr ot the tenement In the rear of 3fi3 First avenue, shortly alter mldnlvbt thU morning, Louis Malslraugelo shot two or tho participants in the affray. The wounded men are Carlo Lvpro, a boot black, tbtrty-th-ce years old, and Joseph Krlstn, alatorer. aged lorty-seven. Ihe lat ter was shot In tbe right eye and Is seriously Injured. He is In Bellevue Hospital. Lcpro was not badly hurt Malitrahgelo, the shooter, might hare fared badly at the bands of a crowd ot angry Ital ians but tor the timely arrival ol Policeman Doolan, ol tbe East Ttent)-sccond street station, who saved hltn Iroiu violence. Louis Malstrangelo Is a strapping young Italian, not moro than twenU-iour and a laborer. For somo ttnw past he ha3 lived with carlo Lrpro and bis wife, wbo oicupr thu apartments whero the shooting look l place. Krlsto also Uvea with tbe l.eproi 1 Lepro's wile Is a buxom, good-looking I woman ol twenty-four. For some reason sbo gave her name tbls morning as Pbllomena Frrraro, not Lepra. As far as jan be learned, the quarrel which led to the shooting was on ber account. About 11.30 last nlgbt Mststrangelo com plained to the sergeant at tbe East Twenti second street station tbat ho had been as saulted at his home and be wanted a police man to go along with hltn. Policeman Doolan wss sent with him to tbe bouse. When they got there a number of Italians were congregated In Lcpro s apart ments. None or tbrm offered any tlolcnto to Malstrangelo ard Doolan went away, think ing tho trouble was uver. Be was going downstairs when rrohi ab ve came tbe wildest kind of an uproar, In the midst ot which two shots rang out, Doolan bounded upstairs aud round Mals trangelo surrounded b) several angry Ital ians who were making threats to kill him. Wben the policeman made bis appearance one Italian was seen to sntak downstairs and out or the war. Malstrangelo held a rovolvrr In his band, with wnlch he bad dona the eliooilntt. The weapon carried a 44-csllbrs buliot. Krlsto waa in one orner with bis right eye shot out. Lepro had a piece ot his Ten oar shot off; Doolen took tbe whole party around to the station-bouse and an ambulance vu oalio I for Krlsto, wbo was taken to tho hosplUL I He will lose his eye. Lepra was locked up after having his lacerated ear dressed. His i wife waa held at tbe station aa a witness. j Malstrangelo denied tbat tbe revolver used j was hla own. He said that Krlsto Lepro and a aciher man baa assaulted aim. Ue found ' tbe revolver In lepro's room, be saU, aad used , liTvrrrah!m-l-. ,. - " - none nt lb nm ilea namrdtell the cause of ' thetroublh Mrs. Lopro or rerraro can speak fctiBliau fairly. ,he nlillnRlJ told abrutthe actual sbootlnir. but wben questioned as to what led r to It she alirnrgrd her shoulders and said: Me no speak English-" From other sources It waa Itemed tbat Malstrangelo was a '-star boarder." Mrs. Lepro or Kerraro, It is said, thought more of him than she did of ber husband, and tbe two seemed to be quite Intimate. A few weeks ago another Italian appeared on the scene. 1 be new boarder waa a tall, ratber fine-looking man. whoso occupation was tbat of a sailor. He dressed well, and Mrs. Lepro or Ferrarn. It Is ssla, became ln ratua'ed with htm and gave up Malstrangelo. The latter became Jealous, and It was on account ol the attentions paid by tne new boarder to Mrs. Lepro, or Ferraro, It Is said, tbat the shooting occurred. Ihe police believe It was Mrs. Lepro or Ferraro's new admirer, who got an ay during the excitement. CHALMERS'S WIFE MAY DIE He Baya Ha Doesn't Remember Shooting Ber. John Chalmers, who last night during a fit ot delirium, due to drink, shot bis wile Elsie in the neck and afterwards attempted sui cide, wss this morning remanded in the Jef ferson Market Police Court for examination. Mrs. Chalmers Ilea at ber home, 1440 Broadway, in a precarious condition. When seen this morning IB his cell at the West 1 blrtietb street police station, Chalmers said that he remembered nothing nbcat rac ing shot his wire. His own wound, which Is nothing more than aa abrasion or the scalp, mado by a little w-callbre bullet, does not seem to trouble him much. , ALL THE WAY FROM PROVIDENCE. And Lost His Way in tbe Striata of Brooklyn. , Thirteen year old Thomas Flanagan ot ProMdence, R. I, was found wandering along Fulton street, Eroofc'jn, shortly alter l o'clock this morning. The boy said be left Providence early yesterday morning and came t" Brooklyn by rail, intending to visit bis cousin, Peter J. Flsns7an 01 VOtrt Fulton street, but lost Ills way. Mr. Flanagin was notified and the boy wss turned over to him at 0 o clock this mofnlsg. Henry P. Tatbam Is Dead. Irv ocJrn raaa.i PniLADtirniA, Oct. ll Henry B. Tatbam, one ot the firm ot Tatbam Brother, lead pipe manulao'urers, or tbls city and New York, dlrd yeaterdar at his residence here In bis aeveniy-ntih yea-. mm Supreme Court Oo'ng to Chicago. Irv iaoctATp mats l caicAoo, Oct. II. A message has been re ceived trom Chlcl Justice Fuller announcing that the supreme Court ot tbe United stales would adjourn laie tbls week and come to Chicago to taU part In the ceremonlis or dedicating ibe M orld Fair bulidlogs. m m Felt Overboard and Drowned. William A. Sorron, fireman on the steam I'ghter Dalson, accidentally fell overboard at Frle Railroad dock O, tootot Twelfth street. Jersey Uty. at '..'.40 n'cloci tbls morning and was drowned. 1 he body hu not been recov ered. a Otme Wins tbe Champion Stakes at , Newmarket. tr a'socutid ran.'. 1 Loxpov, Oct. 11. At tbe Newmar'-e. sec ond October meeting to-day tbe thatnrt in StakoswaswonbytbeDukeofWeit minster's ormr. J. II. Houldaworth s Orrleto was the only other starter. For stealing Tutti-Fruttt. Frank Moas, clneietn. or S33J Second are nue. was held In 1500 ball at Harlem Pollou Court to-day charged witb smashing a peanx-ln-thc-slot machine and stealing a lot ol tuttl-lrutlL ' 1 ea v Barrs Battle br tba Brewers ' iV families. Order frtm ScsAXTKa Cva. Co. , e t , BENJAMIN Say, Crover, we don't seem to be in it to-day. BOB WANTS TO FIGHT CORBETT. Fltxelmmons Proposes a Mill for Purse of 120,000. Irv A.ioriTn rnrss.1 KiwOniXAba, Cct. 11. Bob Fltzalmmons says be Is prepared to meet JlmCorbcitas soon as his theatrlcsl enganement Is over, and win fight lilmfora purse ol 1 2.1,000 ir any club will put up tbo money. Fltsslmmons Is Mttcr at the treatment accorded him by CcrteU after tbe Sullivan flgfet. He dlaUnims jgy drslreJorhMorbity, I'&ttCL says that hevhas.aU,aioag"rwantaa.4o meet tbe cattfornlan, especially alter what h did to him In this city last month, lie also ciprisird a wll ingness to meet Hall, tbe only proviso being tbat Hall weigh In at 18 pounds. On hetrlng ol the matter President Nool, of tho Olympic club, sent Fttzslmmons a note asking him It bo would meet Hall In March, when lite carnival takes place here. Ht7slminons replied that the last time he had agreed to meet bib (ell iw countryman be bad cancolled engagements aggregating t.1,000. He did not blame tbe club for Hall's failure to put In an appearance, bJt bo would not meet Hall In March unless a sufficient guarantee was put up that he would not be fooled again. v- BORDEN STORY INACCURATE. It Was Sold to a Boston Paper by a Providence Detective. liiv Aseo MTtn ranaa 1 Boston, Oct. 11. Tbe Glut" ssys tbls morn ing that upon Investigation It la satisfied tbat tbe statement published yesterday concerning Vls Llule Borden's physical condition Is not true, and bases Its belief upon ibe stattment or fir, and Mrs. Bowon. The Globe r, 111 qlso say tbat there are other Inaccuracies lu the alleged new evidence, which v h Fold 10 Us reporter by Detective Fdwtn Mu.cnry, ot'k'8 college street, Provi dence, wbo bas been actively engaged in look ing up eildento presumably or benefit to tbe government side of tbe case. GHERARDl'S FLEET SETS SAIL Yorlttown. Now at Ean Franolaco, Expected to Join tba equadron. (IT arroriATrn rntaa.) ItiDOkDx, cal., Oct. 11. Tbe cruiser Chaileston and the lisltlmcre, Admiral Que rardi's nagaU.i. wcie jellied by tbe tan Fran Cisco juatcrda), aul the three ea;e!s sol ed lor Mazallan, Mexico, bound for the Atlantic. San" KRAJ.CISCO, Oil. 11. -The lorktown, which arrlvcJ Irom OLnalaska last evening, leu thu Auains,Mihl(.un mid bear in behnng Sea. bht- mil be diHkrd and robaolgu lu jcln Adtulrul Unerarol s biiuaaron lu AltJlto or toutu Alueilcj Two Ya'a Football Ilea Can't Flay. Irv tc -iTri raasa. 1 New Uavxi-oCvdu , Oct, 11. It was elrcn out last night that Crosse and Cox, two prom ising candtdaus for, tbe L'ulvirsltj football team, will b obliged to dlsccutlnue practice ror Ihe remainder 01 ihe priscnt kiaaon. crosso a father objects ajd Ctx s cevk', In jured last wick, bas stiite itrow nnoui. Directors' Train In Collision, 'lit iuocutru rnrsa.1 Bostok, Oct. 11. -A special train, carrying the oil colon) Rallrnaa dltecto-s to slew tho Improvements at Middleboro, ran Into a cou iractcr scan at the ilarr.Mm hqunre street cronlu. .11 ti IS this uoinlng, klllej mo lioiw-a und coualderubly mjui-ca tbe driver, who was atnt to tire hospital. mt m - - euit to Close OnrCeld Tark. '1 t A.rociATrJ 1 rras Cn'CAno. Oct. 11. A bill bas been fled in the Circuit Court to suppress tho onrfleld Park racn traik. ann uaie It declared n public and common nuitance. Ura. Cora Andrew's Death. ' Lono llKAtCH. N. J-, Oct. 11. An autopsy wl'l bate to Iti Leld to ascertain whether Mri. torn Kay Andrews, whose husband was suing for divorce, died or pilsuulng. rays II. It. Mile, SI. HO. Heavy dcuble-brosted sulfa, wl'b cape overcrat, extra pants and cap, Sl.uo. Go lor in, London A Llrrpool Clothing Co., 0andS8 Bowery, ucrntr Hester au Open utghia TEN REPORTED IN THE RUINS. Fatal Fulp-MUl Disaster at Orono, Urn., To-Day. 1ST ASSOCIATED rSSSS.1 Oroxo, Me., Oct. 11. A digester Intbe pulp mill bare exploded at B o'ciaflaftlut morning. .The building was eorepleUly wrecked. Ten personi art reported as being in the rums, oae bodFbas abrVasbeM ukan'ouk TURKISH MISSION YAQANT. Preeldont Harrison Accepts ' the Bss!gnat!on of Minister Hlreon. Irv iaaocUTTD rasas. 1 Washivotoh, Oct, IL The President, in an interview with Solomon Uirscb, tbo United States Minister to Turkey, has ac cepted the resignation tendered by him some , time ago. ! Mr. Illrscb wanted to resign about a year ago, In order that bo might be with hla chil dren, who are at school In this country, but did not do so, as matters with which he waa familiar were then pending. GEORGE B. SLOAN TO BE CALLED. Aa Assistant Secretary of tba Trone. ury at Washington. 1st Assoc iited rases.1 Watistowm, Oct. 11. Tbe IImm or this city published sn Interview to-day with sec retary Charles Foster In which it Is Inti mated that George .(. Sloan, ot Oswego, will be called to be an Assistant secretary or tbe Treasury at Washington. SUPPOSED DEADHAN ALIVE. Oeorga Erettbartb Announces His I Safe Arrival In Valparaiso. I Niwaki. N. J., Oct, 11. -A letter baa been received trom George Dreltharth b) bis son- ln-lan, Joseph vrolbsrk, announcing his ssle antral In Valraralao. CbllL Urelibarth was supposed 10 be tbe man wnose skileton wss lound on the uracge Mountains. NO APPORTIONMENT DECISIONS. Court of Appeals Does Not Hand Tbem Down To-Day aa Expected. lyr araociATiD rrnas 1 Alsamt, Oot, 11. The Court of Appeals dll not hand down tbe decisions on tbe Legisla tive apportionment law to-day, as It was expected they would. Relman'e Wife and Money Clone. Mrs. Relman, wile of a Greenpclnt, L. I., tarber, has eloped with a man named VI arlln, whom ber husband thrashed several days ago for making lore 10 bta wife. Tbe runaway couple took tome of Itelman's money. a mi 1 Flood of Spurious Dol'ara. icr associated rnrat.i OifiHA, Oct, 11. Tbe city is flooded wllh counterfeit sllter dollars. Tbo spurious coins, which nro dated 1801 and bear tbo I Now Orleans Mint uuik, ate light and greasy, out ring true. - me. Trade Preas In Counc'l. Tbececoun nnr.ual meeting of the Ameri can trade Press Association lakes placo this attirnoouat tbe Hotel Marlborough. A ban iiuct inliows In the evening, tu ue suuple lut u to J by a th'atre party. Killed at a Cake-Walk, irv AerociATSD ravas 1 .itox', Ala., Oct, 11. At a cake-walk at Mlnnelulu Lake last night a tree fight re sulted In the oeatb ot Henry Adamson and John Brooks and tbe serious injury or alx otber peraous. This Ie Oteireal Hrrk at the London Liverpool Clothing Co, 80 and 88 Bowery. Ten thousand kersey, chin chillas and beavers, satin lined, 7 and 10. Open nights ltd 11 o'clock. '. m m ' Y. A- at." (Stick Llrerlc. UnuaiUoablylbeldlosbraod.AUdrasUU M MRS. HARRISON BETTER. Dr. Oardner Noted an Improvemeot Blnoe Laat Night, 1st aeeociATSD raasal Wasbiimtok, Oct. ll Dr, Gardner made bis usual visit to tbe White House at s o'clock tbls morning. Ai" be was leaving the bosse he said that Mrs. Harrison waa then resting eomrortably and wai sJlfhtly better tbaa wbae be saw , s - 1ADLY HURT-, IT FALLS. On Sn Off a Traok aad Another Into a CeUar. Wllllsm Huelteberr, aged twenty-four, of Hoboken, N. J., fell 'from bis track, tootot West Eisveatli atreet, tbls morning and re ceived a concussion of the brain. He was re moved to St- Vincent's UospltaL An unknown man, aged about tortr.five, with dark hair and mustache, and dressed la dark clothes, while Intoxicated this morning leu Into tbe cellar or 43 Mott atreet, and was so badly injured tbat be had to be taken to Chambers street Hospital. Jobnoulna, ot eo Ea.t Tenth street, wbo fractured his skull by ratling on tbe sidewslk at Broadway and Tenth street yesterday while watching the school parade, died at St. Vincent's Hospital early this morning. DIED IN THE PENITENTIARY. Jamee Buckley'a Lira Ooee Out on Blackwell'a Uland. The Warden of) be Penitentiary on Black well's Island notified tbe Coroner's office this morning tbat James Buokley, a convict, twenty years eld, ot 20 West One Hundred aad Twenty.fourlh street, dud In tbe IntUti tlon yesterday from path lals. Buckley wan senteacedvto one year's Im prisonment June 2A last on a conviction or assault In the third degree. RAN ON ROMER SHOALS Tba Steamer Hudson Oats Off Luckily This Morning. The steamer Hudson, from New Orleans, white coming In Ibis morning, ran aground near Renter shoals. She cot off in a short time uninjured and came up to yuataotlue. Three Killed, Three Injured. ipt iaenrtAan rani. Cotrasu, 8. C, Oet. 11. Ae a Charleston, Ssmter and Northern Hallway freight train was rounding a curve at Bennettavllle last night one ot tbe cars jumped tbe track, carry, lng another with It. Boyd Farley, John Mitchell and Charlie Owens, trainmen, were killed, and W. D. polk, yardmaater, Andrew Vthllle and Ed FoweU were Injured. Miss Mc Cord's Death Accidental. A coroner's certificate bas been lssuid giving tho cause ot death as accidental in the case or Miss Msry Mccord, ol Rahway, N. J., who waa lound dead at State Road, near Ullmlngton, DeL, with a bullet wound In ber brad. Miss tUCord was tbe dauitbter ot John Andrew McCurd, a carriage builder. She was to bave been married soou to Henry Webster, or Christiana, Del. S mi Dr. Von Selmlte Nearly Starved. atlaktic cur. N. J., Ocu 11. A woman physician, named Dr. Sellna Vou Selulte, who is said to fco connected with wealthy peop'e In Germany, bas been found nearly .laired In htr cottage near here, bhewas brought into notice by the suicide two years agu ot a wealthy nephew Iroiu German) , who was Tlsttlng ber. Albany Bras Toundry Burned. Irv AroclATrp rnraa.1 Aisanv, Oct. 11. -The loundryot tbe Cox Brass Manufacturing comrany, OJ and 03 Beater street, was gutted by fire last nlsbt. The finishing plant, embracing all modern improvements, was destrojed. Loss 815,000, Insurance tlO.uoo. m a. They Had a John and Mary Time, Daulel McGlnley, aged thirty, ot 10 Hen wlck street, bad a quarrel with his wile early this morning, during which she struck him with agists tumbler, causing a severe scalp wound, bhe waa not arresteu. Cat Year Overcast at the London Liverpool Clothing Co., 86 and 88 Bowery. Largest dealers in tbe world, open every night until 11 o'clock. V v La&ft. ! l-'it fyfat' rfVlSnaiV-'"- '"&" JJa LAST EDITION, i A SHOW OF SHIPS, I Greatest tal Pageant Em ' M Witnessed' , in New l York Harbor, " ' ? I If CRUISERS UNDER FOUR FU65 j Hundreds of Qayly-Dcoked Yacht.' iMM and Thronced Eioursioa .JM Steamers. lyB KsM CELEBRATIONS OF TO-NIQHT.' i " a Distinguished G-aests Viewthsj . vm Pageant from the Steam- ' gm boat Howard CarrolL r 'WM i New York bas bad three big naval parades J?U In recent years ot which she has been Justly '-' ?'B proud. Jne of these was at the eompleUsa' -.Ci'M and opening of tbe Brooklyn Brtdgev Teat' ' V mnl next was at tbe unveiling or tbe Statue of j i-VjU Liberty, and tbe otber was en tbe ooca JQjMJ slon ot tbe never-to-be-torgotten Waab. ' n.MJ lagton CentennUL Neither of Uses tH demonstrations, however, could compare ta 4' issel fif s&wv i ' Vi vitIlS4r T " esel er AasrrQMdnlje . asei cih. BoaAci roans. 'jfjMJ splendor and magnificence with tbe great fiB pageant which Is taking place rd-diy In the, fl harbor, fittingly commemorating tbe glcrt- ,i-''ffl ous achievement of the famous voyager aad Hm dlacoverer of four centuries ago. It out. '"""tHI shines them all and Is worthy of tbe freak JV metropolis ot the New World, which can bow ' lay claim to being the second maritime city "I on tbe globe. ,i' From the earnest hours ot the morning tai waters ot the harbor, the bay and the broad- ft channel or the Hudson had been UteraUy aura ;'; with craft ot all aorta and sites, from the ,f small yachts trimmed and draped with gay p flags and bunting, forming sver-cbangtaf J pictures as they darted, to and frolnacses. j fusing maze, to the big steamera with tbsr gorgeous decorations of flags and atrtamera . that slowly threaded tbelr way among take swarms ol Utile boats thst surrounded tMsl , on all aldea i 14: CIS. IIABTIX T. M'XilOX. ,H The greater part 01 these vessels had coast) .out to give their passengers an opportunity ii to see tbe sbow, and belonged to tbe grtat ee- ii cort fleet which later on received the war i& ships as tbey came up through tbe Narrows r?; and accompanied them on their course up tbe Hucson River to the terminus ot thetroutes, ,; opposite Grant's Tomb In Riverside Park. ( 1$ Hpcetatars' t'algas afVaalace. fl Tbe decks were all crowded with pttople,' $M and thousands were enabled lu this way to Z.'M see tbe procession almost from beginning to jOJM end. uut most ot thoso who witnessed tbe WvS great pageant were obliged to slew It trom & tho shore. w&jfi Katen Islanders went to the high bluff at ".JB Fort Wadsworthi many Brooklynlt'e Jour. -,MJ nrred to Bay Itllge, ond Neworkers took 3 possession ot the Battery Park, tbe big oulld- Jim Ings downtown, and all up along tbo North fejj Hirer tront to Rlrerslde I'ark. JJvJB They ralrly swarmed ameng tbo locks and 'iM p'erslnthe lower part ot tbe cltj, and long JfiM before noon every available position that iJ could be tecurcd without tbe payment or aa i'W admission lee had been occupied, and late 'JM comers had to do somo lively hustling In 4.'J3 order to get even a glimpse ct the big floating , jj city or shirs In tbe river. Vnn V lodows and roots In the big buildings H downtown were at a premium this moraine V'-awJ Every window In the Washington Build- VtJJ log was tilled with a crowd or sightseers. ijK Tbe roofs ot tbe Produce Exchange, tho tMM Wells Building and even away over la tbe Mmi Mills Building and Cotton Exchange could be ,.! seen covered with a dark fringe ot lesetaters iMJ " mm !J'A i'jawsei . ' r, "iWfeall-s-H