Newspaper Page Text
-- - - - - $ PMCE ONE CENT. NEW YORK, TnTUSDAV, DKCEMlSK'i I. 1312. PRICE ONE PENT. EXTRI TALKOFTHETURF. Blitzen's Constitution and Heart May Be Broken by Too Much Racing. TURFMAN IEED 1ETHNED. . ., .. Many Complaints of Poor Trans portation to the Gutten- burg Traok. j "Virginia" Hradley's name little coll Mit ten again carried llio blach and orange to victory at Guttenburg yesterday, disposing of King Crab and l'enelon with tho greatest of ease, sltnply cantering homo a dinner by llvelengthi This good sou of Diazes scorns to grow better the liarder lie Is raced, but even his bar Jy constitution and beait "111 be broken under the treatment lie Is receiv ing at presont. Kach day this week has lie been asked to nice. Monday lm was beaten by Bel Domonlo. Tuesday, at six furlongs and In a heavy snowstorm and on tbo worst track' imaginable, no shouldered top weight andoaslly defeated King Crab, Lord Hurry and l.lttle Fred. Yesterday he was asked to go halt a furlong further against Kin? Crab, and he duplicated tlio porlormanco of the day pi ei lous. I'a Hradley has more than a bread-winner 1 In the garao Uttlo colt, but such treatment an 1 ho Is recelv lug now r HI break his spirit. , ' I rollovvers of Tun Evening Would selec lions were right In lino on five of the six I noes at lluttcuburg yesterday, and conse quently uero happy. Violets), started them ulT. and as good as :i to 1 could bo gotten any place In the city. Ella was the next. Even money was quoted ajalnst False Ahrens, ho making the third. Klritovcr kept the ball lolling In the ntth race, and Halbrlggan, at :i to 1, closed the Hit. Alter the last 1 ace tlio numerous city pool-room speculators, touso the vernacular of tho talent, "had money to giveaway." ... I There seems to no Uttlo effort on tho part 91 nf the ofllclars of tho Woehnwkcn terry or of .31 the Hudson county Hallroad to go out of 9! their way to make any conveniences lor tho . 9i 1 row d that travel to and from (Juticnbiirg. '; '1 here are at least an average of L'.OOO people ' who take this trip dally, and they aio con- " stantly and Tilth rause grumbling about .) the transportation. The boats 110m the Jav Hi street ferry run every fony minutes only, gi and every nlgbt the waiting-room, which Is ',, entirely too small to accommodate the croud, '" Is mora than jammed. Tho lining are run il Irregularly, and It Is often the case that this tt crowd waits over half an hour tor a boat. ,,, Ibis could be easily remedied by putting on ' another boat. Hall the tlmo pascugi rs can- " not find seats 011 the boat and are forced to .It stand during the trip from Weehavvken to 91 Jay street. ... 1 n It 11 stated on good authority that starter1 James Itowo will go to California and handle the nag at tho lluy District '1 rack. Mnrter lergusun has been doing tho work, but no ., has to gu to New Orleans. The Cilirornlaus , are anxious for Jimmy to come, and tno . , chances are he will leave hundny. ' . ... ,! Charles Heed, tho widely known breedor and turfmau, nrilved homo on the city of hew .ork yesterday. Mr. Heed Is home from airlpio .srgentli.e Hepubllc where he went 1 to buy Ormonde, but was beaten byW. (I'D. 1 Mcllonough, who got tho famous tiro lor 1150,000. He Is looking well, ami dors not ell seem to take the loss of Oimonue much to cu heart. He describes the ltepubllc in u land ctl ot milk and honey, and inJotiJ his (rip hugely, lie was accompanied by his w Ho on the Journey. The Gloucester talent suffered a severo slap yesterday again, six invoiltes going oi down In rapid succession, 'luere was a cu barrel ot money bet on lorn Fljim with tho el, ' books doing business on tho tomb Jersey track at uuttenburg, but ho could do no better than thfrd. 'Ihero was a big plunge on J. It. Freed ye;-' cu terday, and tho way hosiarteootl In the iaco I ou more than flattered his backers. Altor lend ing for nearly half a mho he broke a blood vessel In his bead uuil stopped budly, other vrloo his backers would have gotten part ot the money. ... j"J 'Ihe next time Olenlochy runs up agolnst "" fair company at anything over a mile la a it" heavy track ho will ao. Ills race vesleiMaj was (.specially good, (icttiog off and remain ing last till tho btrclch, he cauio with a rush at tho end, and had tlio dlstanco been au eighth of u mllo further ho w ould hav e w on. irt ... , V Fred Loeser went around betting ."00 at a clip on False Ahrens jestui day. aud. needless . .) to say, the bookies wero silk ullertuo race. 5 91 I Choddhr ran up to 101m yeateulny. On Tuesday he could not get out of his ow 11 w ay. ,u It Is reported that Charles Klelschman lins , ,, a phenomenal yearling down at i.ravcsend. I -c He is reported to havu gone three furlongs in, tU ... 1 n 1 hero promises to be nnot hor clash bet wceu ucu the Louisville and Nasbvlllo Jockey club-s ,u fcecntury (illllck, ot the Louisville Club, null. ,, tied the .Vishvlllo riuh that they would race c" from .March 10 to 10 inclusive. Irrespective ot " any claims. Thu W'cst-Ude Club m-iy includs cM tin be eight auys lu their list, 113 Usual, uud If so they will cUali. ,,, RACING AT aOUTH JERSEY. , ,j OiircrsTKB Hack Thacx, Dec 1. llesulis i of to-day's races were as tollons: J 3 First Haeo l'ursu taoo; one mile. Won by ,ieu Haiti r, truuggler second, l'uuln tluid. 'lime Jje 1.51Hi. becji d ltacc Purse taon : blx and 11 quar ter furlough auh u; orpuu.i, Druiumer beco'id. AiluJen llur.1. 'lime l.','0t4. 39 Third luce lurMi eaoo ; llvo lurlongb.- 19 cv 011 hy '1 lv-u, o en C.oUeu seiond and All ,-jt oua third. ".I'.nc i.ouu. ,, Fourth Hico-I'uivo s:iOll;slt an! a Pali furlongs. .Mai tel won, I.uckv Ujvir second 1 11 1 Haivan hum. 'inn" ...'UU. Tilth ItiCd-rMiisi' a; 00; wieii.el.'hlbs ofa laiiu; selling. (iionii 1 i.j, .inudiiouo sixumI '1 nudluso uird. Time l..t.1ti. .'" MMh llJioIMiroo taoo; tour and a halt Tlt liirlungij s?lllug. Mciiecver won, Shakes. piarv becond ana Queon d'or tl.lra. TSt J - jjc" TutjlUst Hall Sails from Liverpool on 31 1- tlio Mnjentlc. Londok, nee. 1. ' Jem" Hall, the pugilist, tr ailed todar for New York on the alcamer jfiH lll;stlc 525,000 MORE GONE. Another Wells-Fargo Monoy j Paokapo Plundered, Wrapping Paper Substituted for Crisp Bank Bills. Omoiuls All t Sou us to the Thieves nod Scene of Tlielt. Ofilten of the Wells, Fargo K Co. F.prcss Compsny lu this city are making strenuous efforts tu discover tlio identity of the thief or thluies who stole t,l.'i,UOO 111 Mils liom pack ages shipped with their company D New York banks to bunkers l:i (lalvcston, 'lex. The nijsterlous ns well ns t lever manner In which Ihe robberies were co'iimllto t have g!cn rlbo to the suspicion that they were tin I work otau organled gans;: but whether Its members are composod of bank messengers or tho Kiiress comnanv's emnloroes Is .lot an upeu iU05ll in. Yesterday's Evknino Would told o( thi robbeiyof the 10,00U package shipped by Kountze Dios., ot this rlty, to tho Island city llanl: at Galveston, but despatches from tlicro this mornln,' s.iow that tho samo train that carried the packago Horn Kounlo llrcs., I also carried ono supposed to contain V!",U00 from the National City Hank, of ,Vj Wall street, shipped to Hall, Hutching ,1 Co., j Lankers, at ualvcslun. The latter package was put In the safe without oilng oiLiied until It should be netded, but, oil lounliu of the Island City Hunk ailulr, Cashier Mern, of Hall, lluuhlngs Co., bethoughl hlnisrlt of the package his mm lecelied. He suuuuotied Agent vteuthei lu. ton, of tlii Wells-Fargo Company, uud In his piesoucu opened thu package. U'stcau of t'.'.' It contained, like tho Island city Hank's parcel, nothing but a lot ot sllns of uiunlu paper. 'Ihu seals on the corners 01 the package, which had been broken when It was opened, hau been reheated aud closed again, but Ihe breaks were discernible. 'Ihe 110,000 pack age wus similarly trcited; both cumoou too banie train, from dlllereut consignors to Uir Itrent consignees, and It would seom that tho Iiackages were lojiled In tiausll, aul not by lank cmplo)ecs in this city. leneral Agent Meadmau of tho Wells. Fargo company, was loo busy to beo report ers to-day. Ho sent out woid by I1I3 assist ant, Mr. Manchester, that ho had nothing 10 say except that tho robberies were being investigated. He declined to describe tho company's methods ot handling tnouty pack ages. -Mr. Manchester said that tho compnny ' knew ot no other robberies recently, as staled br President Stlllman, ot tho National City Hank, to a Would reporter. He also denied any kuowledgo of tho mys terious disappearance of an alleged Wells Knri:ocmplojeo irom his boarding place on Fourth avenue a week ao, and declined to ask .inrnt Keadman about It. Cashier Palmer, ot the atlnnal City Hank, satd this morning Hut tho '.'5,ooo pkckaijo was delivered by three Of their trusted mes seugeih to the Express Company last 1'rlSay and was iccolpied for. lie was conildont that the package was all right then. .Mr. palmer denied the rei ort from dalles ton that his bank had sent Hall, llutchlugs .v. Co. J.IU.UOu In a ('JO,uOUaim :b ,000 packago arter wiring them mat the money had beih seut lu two j'J."i,0L'0 packages. 1 I RADICALS DENOUNCE OWEN. He Is Said to Have Gone Back to IIU Wlfo In England. Information obtained to-day makes It ap pear that tho action ol W. C. unen, the Socialist leader who was rcrinlly expelled Horn tno socialist League lor deserting his ccmui&r.-law wire, was long contemplated and that he deserted her at tbo Instigation of his tlmt wife. I A man who was associated with Owen in this city In the causo ot Socialism told an Kvkmmi WoltMi reportT 10-day that .Mis. Owen No. 1 IsllWcg In London with 11. (I. '.WUI1I10, thu dlMiiiieilted son of an Ohio mllllciitilre. Owen's twelie-year-old daughter by his tlrsi inaiilage la llilng with llio couple ac cording to mis Inicrmant, who said Unit niven had gone back to London to tako up his relations with the woman upon whom It was eald Wll.-nliorticiitlv stttled bomo money. Ihe deM'ited emmon law wile Is the I daughter ot a l!tislan named Krlenlout, who, 1 nt tho time of their socialistic marriage, lived In Ninetieth street, near Third avenue. Hue Is about to become a mother. Jlemtters of ihu socialist oiganhcatlons ate loud In their denunciations of Owen's cuti juct, and -r.v thu he has cast a cloud over the radical caue. I DOCTOR AND WIFE ARRESTED. They Aro Hold In 850O Cnarged with Malicious Mischief. Dr. Henry callahau and bis wife Cmmt 1 wero arrested this afternoon at their resi dence, cljmer street and Wjtho aicnue, Wllllamsbuig, 1 barge .1 with malicious mis chief to tho extent of 100. Justlc (ioettlng held them In i0() ball eoch lu unsner In the Lee Avenue CourL ' Mis. I llzsbolb coslU-an, of m turner btreet, a widow, who an h next door to tho Callahatis, Is sue alLges that i cr) 1 any 'I uesday morning 1 .Mrs. Callahan culled ou her to protect her ! iroia the doctoi. Hecatts" she did not tcsoond Dr. Callahan 1 and his wlfo went Into hsr house, she claims, and wrecked her luiulture, and drove her laud her tour small chlldieu Into thoutrcet. For a Yale-Princeton Dobatc. I t jimihuT' i 1'nrn. " Nkw Havkn, Conn., Dec. 1. The Yale Union, thu debating society of Yale Unlver blty, has received a challenge Irom the "American Whig and Lllosophlc isocloty," of I'tlnectou, lor a delnlo between the two bocletles. There Is Utile doubt that lengi' will be aioepted 1 ale. 11 Is proba bluihir tho debate will tnko jl:itu In New York city during tebtuurv. 1 THE GLOUCESTER ENTRIES. 1 (iuirci-STKi' lucr. Thick. N. J.. Doc 1. Entrloi, cud probable ati'i ttrs fcr to-iuorrows races: il.t Uc Four andahA't riirloiirfu 1 nvlliiw. rt.Uuiy. 1U4, Hub), lui, Mia Aioo, lrJa. f,Arln, V"J: LxiKtr, C'omo On. Agum I. ,''" uiei, 10li Wiitlilus'uu, IIU llnmryci, 1'. huiw, HJ, ctiuiuia, HU I'jtrluL, lu, i at urf, 1U7 lb. . tircoud llio. ThlM.fuutlh of a tale .liiini for wo-TCr o d l.ildeliK. IImij HP Lou. Vujii Vountf IrmLiduir. It imu. ijr'oi, l.ln l.),lU.lou h, lUrl, ,.lll. , llw Druiuillj, C AulUa, liiiilluilr, Venui, 1)7 Hi. oil. rtntd . Mi tlre-tlchtlii til nil, mIIIiii. Luck, John 1 irkltnM, i nllc, lUlllo I n, JUit II .1.11 nib, FiTMt, 10'., Ilunot T.iui. lUJ. lloo'.iu'ir, I r.Jeli. 'J'J rrll AVLMtr, ' ',, I uurlu luce hltcn A'll lull liulnii:.. lu Hen, - hud-inn , Aln .liter, Ins i a. Lhi.rJil.r. US FdrnwouJ, P4.1UIU, lU'J n.vlit 1 lurlmor, I i mil Haco-SIi arde.hIf fiirlnni llluy. (Iioit uiii. 111. L'lullir, S10. imu. U.tJoil. 1U7 Hltm, 101 ItO'in, 1'14 IK Mini Hac.-l llO-flK'llllA ' .' f, ' 'l "- HriTUr. Aiiirai, llii. Kimhi.Jii. il. mu ! Vv"rtr, Ojlo.trp, IJ2 Ik racli.Hr. wIIjjj. Uir rl"iu. .um tlu, Avuovu, W4t.uo. Jim elite, 103 lb. cign. it Hi i,m.Bii- niiiii m -- ..A.t TIPS ON f O-llflHRROW'S RAGES. ! . i i Postponod To-Day en Account of tho Frozen Track. i (till Zepltyrus to jlnUo Ills itiico mi the llftl. ! llio track being trcen an 1 Itunpy Ihero vvo-e no races at (Juttenburg to-daj. Tho entries stand for to-morrow. 'llio fourth iaco Is the Lest on the card,1 having such good pei formers us King Crab, llurlmgton mid Ktrkover in It, and us all ate good Just now and the diaUnco and going , suiting nil, It should ptove a good race. Zcphyrus ailn makes Ids appearand! on the turf. Il wlllbeifuiitiiieied that Father Hill 1 nli gave this old horse to M. Mury's Hospi tal, und It Was rallied oT, Dentils McLaughlin getting linn, nnd nitenrards giving him tn a poor ow uir on the hill, l.nul and (elec tions ullow : Hist Haep. Pur'O f4Ui), fur bnatotl liuri.i, irl Iiik alluHiucea , li 1 irlu.ifls. ,T. II. Li''aTattUr 1 Id Arli, na M it In I Klnc Haaiiii In' Kim lu Mabu-'alaou Il'i ,1, II. M-Avci'j hrlklea lilt I. l.trr' riun llll II. lboriN lla.lla it llll I I naipr'a lVraltti 101 II. lira ilr' Miuloirr 101 King lianm may get huit.u II r t In this rare, with l.rlklnu Tasso should be as gooj as thirl. o.l 1 arp Purie i?lnu, aelllui allotrantoit four and a bail iLrluiiL.'.. flaunt H lilt Mtalilu'a Afula ll'J ,1. H.idniV .Monlliul nil 1 ultcn staMu's Van n llll 1". W. Hiurnoi Mart 100 h. LnTeii LauroeKku nj llaile-n Mablr'a Mary II IM .1 VMialun'a ItnlKar .... .. , Ul huiiituf rtille Stabbi'a Lady Italian! ti'i should win the si ennd, though Van S. should iiinkehlin clielth his neck. Men thol niiiy Ijf thlid. 'IliirJ llaoc Pur.o fluO, ipllltii; alluiTanera, four slid a naif furlong. -- -r.alinl Ill W. II. llllT' vrrael. los .1 II. Walk, ri April I'cmI ml VV. 1 . Cotto i'h l.l.t llator KM M .1. itarrlfcan'i Pio. .Iiiiiatbau lis J. .1. llwyr alllittnr II iur II. M. MLHT'a Ilii-kO lll.l 'I'. CalllA ra Zlnijara VJ Tills auould pro" to li.' ti tiood race, but Arael looks to liavo the btst cli.ncc. ulatitator and Poor Jonathan ouhl to bo well up. rourtli Hacu. Pnan $."U0, ivIIIuk allowance , one iiiIIh ami a alituintli. VV. (J. Wlntrn'a Kiiiu l rail llll ll.lcl-ii HlauloV lliirllustnu IIS H. J KrlllM Kllkumr HI) KlMfiau MatlA n Mr lUir VI C. llniAn't Ihu ( iuiiitHi ., ,. if j Uiirlliig'on, hltif Crab and Klikover soeni to bo the only tlircn In this event, and tho w titer prefers them in that order. Fifth ltaor.I'urie $310, aMIing alloifaunei; four and a naif fiirlmijru. Dorrr Htatilu'a Manila u. II lift M. Tl ompion'i'lurk II Ill Hxcflaior Klabla'a llpujaiuni in J. 11. MiConulok'a I ar y H1i,.iuiii fill I. II. LpwU, jr. .Ifuol II , , 107 .1. DuttoiiUrt' .iitt t in lm O. VV. Harker'k Hxvn'aa llll iraveri Mablo a l.u'il Iliffiier JJ i Jiaily HlosfOin .should have Uttlo tiouble beutlugthe field ugalnst hor lu tbli nee. Heujamln aud .Mamie II. II. may bo the nex t, two. Slith Ttare.-Hurio 4t00, ibIIIhb allonaarmi ernti furbitixi ,1. II. inCurmtrk'a llMtrheMer 117 .1. VV. hiuthl W oo Irb'ipiicr 115 VV. II. McCormlcl.'a Quirtermaatir llli M. J. llaly'a Vetatlou KvldiBY lift r. 11. Kyau'a C'armslile itj Jimmy Mccormick blutild get this race easllj with Wcstchcstir. WooilclmppT atid quartermaster should bo second unu tnlrd. ilcrninc Pnpeira' Setnotion. AT OCTTlt.NDURII. First Hace King llaim, lirlklna. hecond Hace Hollvar, Van :,. 'Ihlnl KacivAprll I'ool, Aracl. Fourth Huce llurllngton. Klikover. Filth Haee K.ul Hlossoin. lieujaniln. Mxtb Hace VVeslcncater, ( anm'Jltc. First liacc Urlklua, power. Moond Uucc V an )., 1 ud llallanl. Third llncu -Airael, Apill Fool. Fouith Hace liurilugton, Ktrkover. Fllih Hace Larly Hlussom. Jewel II. sixth Itiicc-Westnliesttr, VV oedchopper. First Hace-Tasso, Klntr Ilsem. hecond Huce Hum ar, Vauh. I 'Ihlrd Hate Aruel, i.lltter II. k'ourth Huce Hurllugton. hlrknvcr. Filth Ituc.j J.aily lilussuui, Huilamlii. flxih Ivuic Weaicnesler, w,dcbo,iiir. t I First Kace-Krlklna. King llaiem. secoud Hace Laureus...i, .Meuihil, Third lilted Ari.ii'l, I'onr Jonaiban. Fourth Itaoc llurllngtou, KlugCiab. I Flub Hace l.uiij blossom. Jewel II. i SjUiu Usee Westihester, M oodthopj er. First Hace Krlklna, Tnsso. fcicond Haee l.udj HallarJ, Laiirenska. 'third Hum Aiacl. Apnl hool. Fuitrih Ha.e Huuingtuu, Kin. crab, tlftti iiuci Kurly Hlosouiu, fet.Mh Huce Woo Ichoppir, rtestcheslcr. JOHNNIE WEBB'S DRUHK. Ha Accuses Jamos McOuIre of Bell. Intr Ulm tho Ltonor. James JlcOuIre, bartender for finest fitei ncr, at 107 Last Iwcnlletli street, was ar- ' ralued before Justieu Vooihb, In tho Harlem court, this morulug, charged Willi having told to cents' won h of v.hls'.ey to elovou j ear-old Johnnie Wobb,oiL'v!; Hist one Hun dred and r-cventienth street, a ucphow f I'olteo heigt. Webb. Johnnie, who Identified Mciiitlie In tho court as ihe man Irom whom he had bought the wulskej, was plcr.c I up i ut oi the guitcr jesierUa) uflirnuuu m u iiiuukeu siUor. Lrutuht ou, ho ull-'ged, b the lint of whis'.ei which hosalu Lu anil another buy diulned. Mctiiitre, who denied having sold the vvhls kej, m paroled until this ulleruuoii fur exaiuluatlou. EX-GOV. HOYT DEAD. Former Exeeut'.vo of I'ennsvlvnnlB. Explron r.'. '.VlHieBbni-rs. lui AMiiriarn rn aa. Wiikrsuittni, IM., me. l.-K.vttOV. Henry .11. llojl dnu Ul '.'OCIOC IhlslUollllUg. I Ho wus surroundul oy tls lauill) an I a. clr. iluoluG.l iwl.ji ul nil-. lie hud 1 iiig bi en a Mtflerer liom HrU'hl s rtlSf.isi. f.'uuht lio lnx Op. um. jlugdie, of l."i)-4 Mott strict, and yuong Vi'jh i hung, o, ' . jiott aiicei, t' tu Oiieusl. In) ilgJi.Jrukrt, v. 1 1 caught last nljlil sell- i.g opi no by , odc.'Uia i mtijer, tin- hllia b'lh n reel -IuIikii lu tin 'louibs Folic Louri i -ii.ty JUslUe .McMahoii held I lie I hli unie, i in dim .jiiUcacu M trial at ape clai h.'jsloi.i. Chlcntro Dnlvermtv Ooib S2SO.OOO. hi ifkoiiATrn riiKW. I cuiCAiin, Die 1 Mis. Jiuepn Heyuolds, wi low oi " DiaincnJ Ji c lleynoldi, In mrr). Inbuilt a v oil-known wls'i nt her liitibiml, has prositled utcago I nl lenity a'.' j " Y A. f." Mirk l.lmrlrv. I FfTectlvetor tioariuuejauf tao Vex Pu;'UlU 6LEAS0N INDICTED. Grain! Jurorn Aftor Lon Island City's School Coniin'Biiou, The Mnor Vas Foemrtn ol t!,o Grnnil Jury at the Time. Clinrei Arlilnri Out of l)lpti!nl I'asinuiils on it School-lIoiHc. I.oo Niasii Citv, Dec. l.-lt leranio known this in 'riiliig that Major Patrick (ileasou Inid also been lndlc'ol by the tlr.ind .'fry lu couptuctlou with tho mure :chuol comiulsbioti. 'Ihe other members o: the coininlvdon are J Hnloon.Keeper MLhaol F. laven, ontraclor Jacoo .Miller nnd James Contlth. 'Ihe chnigo on whljh tho liiitlcluien'a arc based Is In eontuctlon with the new Urst Word Public ,school. Alter I hi I isl I ejljlalttrn puvted tho law creating the school CoinmUslon for the pur pose ot lomplctlug the unrtiilsni'd schools In l.on.' island city, John '1. WiolnHT, the contiactui, put n, f( rce of v.irkineii In tho building, i u which nothing had been dene lor 11:1111). months. (. When the School commission was prepared to act Contractor Woudiuff would not turn over the building to them unless It paid him for tho work he had douo since tho Commis sion vvascieated. V'lcinl mechanics' Hens w ru filed against llio; lu tho fit j Tleasuru'sulllce, but il'-sille Ihu fact und against the pi oust of , .Ma) or tlleason, City Treasurer Uleckwunn, ut the rcipiest of hlscolleagues.pald Ml. Wooilt HIT i:i,(iuj 11 r the work ho had done stneo Ilia ci eat Ion or tho commtS'lon, and ngieed to payhlm the further sum ut libl) when Ihe bulldli.g should bo lnclosnd. 'I he payment ot thesu Bums Is said lu have been Illegal, nud I ho bchool Loininlailoii was Indicted therefor. It wus asserted In sorco iuarters that 41; I.OUU hud been S'luaudeml by the com mission wlinoitt tiuthorlty. It was V'enerully kiionn last night that all the members or tno Commission except .Mnjor uieusou had beou Indicted, Kwuh suppnhed that llio .Mayor was ex empt, und ihu oiher members ol the Comuih s.ouhaiiliu impression that the .Hatirwus respunslblo fori heir indictment because he pruteited agultist their act, , The .Mayor himself lolj a reporter this morning that ho naa also been Indicted, but he declined to discuss the mailer because ho was toieinan 01 thu uraud Jury. 'Ihe .Mayor does not feel at all worried nboot the mailer, it Is thought doubtnil If the Indictment against him will hold, be cause he was not itrnsem at the meetings ot the ciumlsi.,ti wnon tho acts complained ut were committed, und itirihormoro ho pro tested against such acts. ihe news ot .Miyor oieason's indictment ortated considerable oamment in Long Island city to-day. DR. SCOTT'S FUMERAL. Services This Afternoon In tho Earn Room of the White House. ibt AianciATirii mriM Wasiiiniitun, Dec. 1. Tho body 01 the ltev. Dr. bcott was brought dowostalrs this moin- lug to the hast Hooin of the While House, u'.id placed In the centre to await tho services I at J o'clock this afternoon. Around the room palms and potted plants or a dark green were arranged with a few ot the numerous floial tributes. 'l ho services were very simple and were conducted by ltev. Dr. Teunls Hamlin, of thu Church of the covenant. There was a Player, tho reading ol verses Irom thu hcrlis ture. a short a dress by the 1 aster, and slug lug by a (pjuriel irom Dr. Hamlin u church, 'ihu honorary pall-beaiers were rtecrelurles John W. Fusiur, and Noble, Allot nej-lien-er.11 .Miller, l'oiimaster-iieneral W'auuuiaker, i Jtisticu Miutig (retlr-d), of the Uuitiil Mates I upieinu court; Judge W'ylle, fnmuel Mieua baiger, and Dr. W. II. II., 01 the I'eiisluii otllcc. '1 ho bo 1) lieat ers bav e uerii lio.-eu fiom the Ushers of tl vvhlio ilouse. before 7 o'clock toU evening ihu bod) will be borne tu the Pennsylvania Hull load button, and tho funeral party will leuvu 1 ou u special liuln lor Wuthlngion, IM., which will be leached early to-uioriun morning. Thu body will bo taken to the liouso of Joshua W light, an old inend aud lelallvo of Dr. scott's. and ubout un hour latii will be taken to Ihe cemeteiy and interred utter 11 brlet seivlcc at ihu gmve. 'ihe paity cxpecta to arrive in Washington about iiiluiilglii 10- monow. Ihe niBinbers of the party will be the Pies- .Idem, Mr. and Mrs. Huss.dl iiariUon, .Mrs I .McKee, Lieut, and Mis. Parker and Hiissell I bcott. 'Ihe hoiiorar) pallbearers villi ii,a pu I with the train. BEAT MAW AND WIFE. Two Men Aunault tho Ptirmnttlu and Wroclc Their Saloon. 1 I'ATXiisok, N. J., Doc. l.'lwo drunen imu, IMuard I'o'.hamut and Charles Ulngle, entered r.lward lviiuailt's saloon on Hlver slreol thlsiuiornlug and attempted lo assault Mis. l'ariuattl, whuwas ulonebehlnJ me bar. The woman scrrameJ, which brought her husband to her rescue Tne men thou attacked both 1'armattls and beat them Into luseii-lbllllv. Tne) Hit 11 bloke lh plate-glass altulurt and deiuollshed Hi stu.'gof bottles. 'ihe 1 nil, 0 urn sled both ineu alter a dis pel alu snuggle. WIDOW BOASTED TOO SOON. I Miss Hall Got n Wnrrant and Mar. j rled thr 2n"lnnor, IMward Norton, uti engineer of tho Long Island U.illl i-oO. .iod L1n1.11 .M. Hall, of I'loiul I irk, L. L, wcto luuiilul to-day b Jb-llco N b'.e, ol Long Islsti'l I It), us I h n sult of .1 a in I. ill! smiii out by .Hiss Hall lot .Nnuo.rj ancs. lor brea, h of proud ie. Mm chaignl lhat Norion alter engaging IiiiiiscIi 10 her, lui made hue ton widow, wihiwus bo isiing tli a she was ki'liii; 10 le m nib t ti Nit 1 11 d o; no his engagement m.vilsi Hull. ' MRS. STELL HtLD IN S20O. Her Frlflnd'J Pay Shu Is Innocsnt of Intentional Hlgnmy. Nkwauk, N. J., Duv. 1. Mrs. L'llzatcih tin I utcr:on list nl.'ht, ihar.ed vlih itgamy nnd br mglit to this city hud u healing berure Judi !la)cs to-day, Mtir llstenlni; to her turj the Judge pluced her uiiiLt a nominal uond u. J.'oo tor u neirlng Doc. k irs. jteilehasprDoeity nt llellevllle, atd her friends stale thai stecln wutit".l to gam pos-iessimi of It. Nut succeeding, bo bciun divorce prociedlnx ujainst her In New ork. finest llerra Ate llrcwcil nnd llnlllnl Ul F. i M. nciiAt rxu llau. Cu OrJir hi uiail.V ki 1 i.iaai-'lii'riarVril'i-iiii 1 . 1 1 r, V THE ONLY OBSTACLE TO AN AUSPICIOUS UNION. JB Il-r 3 - v - xr ftp m 1 FIVE KILLED AT A CROSSING. Vestlbulod Train Strlkon n Party Driving- Home at Klralrti. IT iorTAiFn rsras. FtitlitA, N. V., Dec. l.-As William ConMIn and wife, l'.dw aril Hlanehaid ntul nllii and Mrs. Magjlo I'llta were returning from this city lo suutliport Hi a wagon Lite last iil-'ht they were struck nt u crossing nythe l-rlo vi'stlhtiled triln Nik A, running at n hl.'h tatu of spoed. The rlrsl known of tho ncildent hy the trainmen was whun the tiatn halted at the station, nearly halt a mile irom tlio SCO no. 'I be Inroincillvn. waslhen seen to bearnn lis pilot the ei tlshed uuil liiangkd nodleiof Mr. ' and Mm. lllanchard un I Mrs. i onkllu. The liody of Mrs. litis nnd the mangled form of William conklln, still ulW, wero picked up about a hundred yards from tho crossing. Hallroad rroerdngs tn tho city arc not guarded during tho iilghL One Killed, Four Injured, Iiit AianrtATrr rncaa. I DsNVnH, Deo. 1. ITvemllea south of here, i nsaplctilcKlngpurl) o. nvo wero returning to the city lu a wagon last Mjht, a Chicago and Hock island train struck the wagon at a cross ing, aud .Mrs. Mctjuedrv was Instantly killed, .sirs, sawver In probably fatally hurt, uud inn F.llabeth Ford, Miss Addlu fawcrand Joe Mawycr aro seriously Injured. STILL ANOTHER OCEAN LINE. Steamnrs to Run Balween Montnul: nnd Mllford Haven. Iliv AKineiATIU ritcsa.l London, Dec. 1. At aineellugol theshuri holdersof the Mllford lluveu Hallwn) i oiu pany to-day tno Chairman add that us a ie suit ot his I ocenl visit lo llio l lilted Mutts it , had been practically settled that n line ot American steamers, to bo called the Mutitauk and Mlllord line, would bo established, j 'ihe port of arrival and depaituie of the steamers nf this line would Iw Milton! Haven. When thu uecessarj laeihtlis were supplied' the line would bu put Into operation. 'Ihe Chairman added that the bundle of slicks co tup slug thu great Liverpool llms huvn (alien lo pieces. ' Ihu Mlllord Dock company had nbtainid the power to ruleu 70,0011 lo be espjlnlo I In piovlling becoinnioilaiioiis for tn ustllaiM steamiis. The Western Huliwu) i om pany was ready louo whatever was u nulled toadvuuee the Intel estaot the new line. NEW ENGLAND EXPHEiS" FIGHT. A N. T. and N. E. S'ocV:rio!der Obis an Irjunctlon. At the reipiest ijf u stoikhi 1 J . oi th Sen VtrLaudN'ew I iglund loailiio injoin. Ion has beo:. kranted b) the oi i cine Couri of .New urk. l'l.ond Department, ies raining the j road irom entering Into a contract with the I American 1 xpresi Company to conduct tho 1 expresi business over thu lines ofihaiLoui. panv tor the eusulng llvo yn irs. ' 'llio gtoiitid wus luut ihi ruud hai rejerted nnorTei which would In nil i.ihei inpi-ctsi iiplal that m ulo by the Aim man hxpreas ' l.uiupaiij.aiui In addition guarantied t.".'.uon inoro a ) ear as a mini ubtn LOtupeusii.hiii tori ihe prlilleges, a'nt which would nuke a loss, to tno .New I luiund H.ulro.i 1 1 omiiany or at i least JI 10,000 for the pirlodo! Hie conlrict. I j ROBBING COnPSEblN A MORGUE. Ghastly Work of Thlovos Among I Chicago's Unclaimed Dead. 1 I IT an t Mttii r ,r. I Cnicino, Dee. 1. 'I ho thlevra who are now Infesting ihl. a,o have bi.-un to rob ibo I corpus lu the city Morgu-. 1 'lhi) cunlcd off u big clock In the office, aul yesterday lliej took a air of ttotis-M Hum the cjipse oi a tiegiu who lomiulltiM sole. Ue two .ij)siiiii. . luy ul.ii lu.iv the sUois Irom the leot of aniuher i irpse and cuni"il .,wa; n mrv'o amount ol e othi u which was mmiI f"i the purpose of Miislb!e IdeilllilcatlOll. 'illelels no clue lo tn.- linens. 57.000,000 YET DUZ. Penalty on Unpaid Taxun Eojlna to l'.ifi To-Day. 'Ihe 1 er cent, icnilt) un uipnld laes went into effect li-Juy. At the closing hour of uusluens last Id hi. Si'i.i iiLMl.'i "i t)e . o'.'.t-.r l.'.'di. in e-ttraated lu th- budget ,ir I MM mil been collected. last vear Ihe iiiiio ft i .il I it tue icrreaj oiKtlng t l.i.c w.,a iJ'.M.t.HO, IH.kHI. I sides l lm I i-re",t. pen.iliv, 7 per ii't.l. Inii're-l will bo ad I" I tu all imp it I take, ,o. tills ) ear ultir juii. 1, lo beo diulitcd irom oct. II, IMC. - Loarlnd Inrii'ii I'.'ncon on Flrr. Awugcii of Hi" ' KspniJ coin pmy.oHl West'lLInt a.riei, tuk lliewhhe stindlng Hitlront of ll.'i Waveile) place inn laorul'ig. Mie dii.iu.-u lo Hie wagiu and packages w as f .on. Hat roil iiilo)a at, laitv la Dr. llul'.'a . CuJiU A)rup, tin U iiauiltiy, .' ' - "r - .,.1 J. coiloYieii sici m m - a i ... The Admission Mado by His Son George To-Day. At the llniiso tlio Patient Is Haiti tn llnvc l'.isieil m ood Nlulit. Tho health ot Mr. Jny (lotthl is a very gen et al topic In town to-day, nnd the fact that his f.'iiull) do not attempt to conceal tho knowledge that the great lliiancler Is III has given rise lo tho billet that hu 1st cully In danger. At Mr. (lould's house, 570 Filth avenue, an l.vrMMi reporter was Mils morulug Informed that Mr. Oould had pakiio.l a good i night. lie had not arisen at 10 o'clock, It was said. ' Dr. Munn arrived al thu houio about u.;io j u'cloelv. 'Ihero wero man) Inquiries bolnrc lti o'clock as to Mr. tiuuld's condition, and to a n thu same answer was given thut while Mr. Uonld wus III, he was lu no Immediate danger. later liicrge i.ould adnilllid that his tat he.' was a very sick man. Jirs.1). N. Hurils, of '.'7 Kast Forly-Hfth strict, a lelallvo nf .Mr. liould ivasoneof tho visitors, this morning. '1 here are any nuiuier of stories uflout an to Mr. liouid's Hlnes.s. it Is bald thut hu has hud a lu murrhtigu of tho lungs, which has uggrnvuleii the trouble which lias been not In ring him so nine i all ids life nervous dspoisiu. Ills ul-ti staled thai Mr. liould has teen i conniiu I to his bed Nov. till, and Unit ho has not shown much lecuperullvo power since. Mr. ami Mis. llussll ragn scout tho Idea that Mr. (loul i Is seilousiv Hi, or i lull Ml, s Helen lioil.d is unite 111, a, has I een siutivl. I Mr. ii nil liii not been strong lor the past threo )euis or inure, suld vir. ;agfl. "lie sutlers Irom lilious attacks abo'it iwhe a vear, an I the-e attacks .no followed hy iiervoiix ptostialloi.. Wobiivo Hu leasiu to bi-llevo thai this iiiluek Is more vloleii'. than pieuillng IP) sluiiv needs uboiute i,uh'l and rest lli'iairevilul himself tne Weil. U'loio Tauin sell lu ; b) attending1 meetings clow ntowu I luee da.vs In the wick. ' litiuge liould told mo ihe da) alter his hiit . tup owiitown hat his latuer had been com-' I i-liiMt to go In Is d, uml up has belli there sIiilc. Ills lamlly uors nut look lor u latul outciiuio in his pierent Illness. Mls Helen Is hiuipl) mne'iiig irom u -evero cold. Mr. tioti.d will probioly lake his prupoaed West ern tllp wilhlu a ten weeks." HAMERSLEY MILLIONS IN COURT. J. Hookor'n Infant Bon Holr to the Duchoss of Mnrlborouirh. Tno lopurt of WIHI.iiii II. Willis, as referee p rising tl on the accounts ol J. Hooker Ham ersley, icrtlandt He l'c) stir Field and John , II. I.lvlngatu.1. usexicuiors of J hn W. Hum- etslo), who died lu lhM, Ivavlug u (statu o; i iieirly 11,000,000, has been cnntlru.ea by aibUu Iriiiix, of the supreme Court, and a . JiUguieul enlerrd settling ihelrui counts. A judgment wuseiitiiel In the case lu Feb-1 ruary, mill, but slme lhn J. Hooker Iliiiin ts ei's two clilldien were born ul d 1 1 ur de.nle.s that they ato bound by the 1 isl jUUgllillll. , Tue birth of a sua to J. IIo er HauiiT.sley, , slii is a cousin of Louis i. lluiLeile), tne hil-land in Ihu AunTHaii Duehess of Muillim tiy.i. leaves blm a n inio lo lulu rlt Mime part fine est i eltiwimn tin Huchi-ss has a Hie infre-t 'I i will oi l.nul-c ll.unol-lel tu i, Mid I hat his wl erhotil I have u Hie li.ii r i In 'he tale aim upu'i In r ue.ith ti the inulu Isaiie ot his c, J. llooku Haui-'rsle). CELEBRATE THE VICTORY. Npvk- Jersey Democrats Will liavo a Unnouot To-Nlffht. ' 'J lie Diiiiocralk NJclily ot New Jersey will glvo a me, ti -ii uti I banquet ai Taylor's II itel In Jure city lo-i Ig'it to cilobrato Hu viitnrv o( N i. s 1 'iln'ie will ! '.Mill guests ore-eat. ( niikri'shii ii in' ige H. 11 lderv.lll act as j 1 tna.i.iuus 1 1. An oug the sjs'umm ivllt ii ,i,,,,i:i ct vvcits, Ji'sla'i ijulncy. of! 1 vims -eh i it : Whliain K. i. in. W. i'. p. Die iVHdu und isl H. I lui, hi, o. in. dt.uu. ' Kicio in lt-iinoln. ir.i'i 'AM' ' 'n tin oi Mr.v.u-0 Deo. 1 -l'n silent Diaz dlncied ,i note to'ub .mreta' il lurelgn AIT Hi m AfhliM,. iticHittig in it-cent III rest.', naiii-ii n I be i ibliu . i.i J blm tn ttiabkeiiciini. I ever) u i tuticr ur tnHI pa. 1 airrlce-. uiii ! le.iuesi 'in in lo Ciutiiiiie ..t llielr pusi a iiituuir.. Ta ihu ail Ihe l;iembir,lsinlel. Floroicn Hlytlui Got e-1,000,000. Sis Fuisi ifv'). l"a 1. .Tin Siipnme liuirl )is iM.i)' afllrtnel the decision m Fro. bulo JuJ.eC fie) In the estate ot I nomas II. lllithe. Jit igel'oiTey decldni lhat i'lo.fiue HIiM.e w.ia th-- Hie.ltimule latighKi ellee dH0.-aul inirio aire slid uiltli-'l to luucrll Uiscsutc, valued aii-l.bOO.OUO. EIGHTY-FIVE LIVES LOST. In the Sinking of a Jnpaneee War ship by the navonnn. M IIOCJA7HI Plt I IxiNtioM, Dec. 1. A despatch received hero to-day fiom Nagasaki states that eighty live lives were lust by tho sinking of the Japii'.ee warship Chlshlanriikan. which was In oolll-lnn In the lnlunl e.i with tho lirltlsh Bteamer llavetiua. The vessel tilled nnd hank bo rapidly that thcro was no opportunity nllorded to lower the boats an uy. TROUP A GETS ITS ARMORY. Sinking Fund Orrtora Bonds for ItB Conn ruction. The blnklngFundCommlsslonersthls after noon aaihor!d tho comptroller tu Issue bonds for an'J.OOO to build au armory for j Troop A, adjoining that ot thu J'.ljbtli llegl nient, on .Madison avenue, between Ninety fourth and Nlnety.tlltli btrcels. The stipulo- ' tlon Is that Troop A must provlJo Us own aUiblns Hcnds for 1(1,000 will also bu issued for ropulrs tothoTweniy-socoiid Heglmenl Ai uiory. Iho Hoard will lease the yard at :iH7 to 301 West Tvvellth street, lor the Hireel-tleanlng Department. This will give thu Department rojm to store its carls. Tho rental of the yard will be 1,000 a year. The matter ul punhaslnj river-front proi erty at the North Hlver, Letwien Klghtj. Htthnnd hlghulxih stieets, for I17."i,000, vveul over, llio Comptroller and tho Dock Department cotielder the rrlco too high. Th i uiiiiiitssluuir also transiirred 1, bPti.uOO Horn th" sinking lund to pay the city 1 debt, und auitiorUsl the Cumptioller to cor respond with the tlieenuicli Hetrlgeiatur Coiiipany In relerenre to securing cold stor age acMi:nni,)ilt!ons fur the stands In Wash- lngton Market. TO VOTE ON EACH CHARGE. The Decision Reached In Dr. Eritrea's Trial lo-Dny. Thelil.ilof Hov. Dr. llrlggs was resumed by the Ficbbyiiry this afternoon. Tho ducusstmi opened with a motion by Dr. l.cutge AU.xaiider lo the eflect that In vlow of Iho ciindlllonal waiving by tho de fend intol hlsolijtct!oiistli.itch.irge.s 1. -, a, 4, & and i! sh ill be vol oil upon teparalely. Col. .Mct'ook, the piiwecutur, slutcd that It would bo niccssary to voiuoii euciichaigo teparutel). He said that on the prevl us trial there had Ucu cogent objection owing lo combining I ihu limited, and In thu prcparutluu or thu Pieaiuit cuaigc'i that objection had been avoided. Di. Hrlggs then stated that ho hud i-ouscl- 1 entloiisl) goue as far as he coulJ lu vvelgiilng thoihaiges, nnd that hudlci not see how ho iiiiild mi fairly tried ou combining Ihe , charge., i He lucretore consented to Dr. Alexander's . motion. Dr. Hrlggs was then called upon to plead to the six amended cuntcesof hetes). Ho cretaced uls plea hy calling for tho In I sen Ion In tho specli.ia.lou ot uil the proofs Li .11 lug i n the t'Iiaruv There weie some uujectluus, and the mat setllo.1 by Lr Hilggs pleading not guilt). 1 Ihe prosecution, throughout, .McCnok, then oireioi all Its lu lU.tpoil oi iho ! i barges. Thu evidence ronslsted of the Inaugural address in Dr. Hilggs. tho llnli sirliture, the bland irds ul the i bun h aud all his writ lugs Leal lug ou the charges. NOTED RIFLESHOT DEAD. Claude Dally a Victim of the Chol era In Brussels. nr amoi lATEo rBsi Altoiia, Fa., Dec 1. Inhriiia' Ion reached here li'-diy that i lauue Dally, a noted rifle i n'.iol, who had hecu sinning lu F.uiope, a lourjears' cugugeinenl with tho Huffalo Hill ccmnau), nal lallo i a victim lo cholera la mussels. He wus a brother uf Lillian Daily, th - actios, now in onu ot 1-rohuiuu's 'mm antes. In w.i-l-inty-oven )ears eld, 1 aim blshiJihir riblcca lu i blladclphla. Gen. "cCooU' Dnuchtor Wed?. I I IrT AlFOlTATril l'KFS. i I I LCI Aditir. Cal. Dec. 1. A Irllllmt ! wedding last Lvcnln; at Hedundo, a seaslJe I !buiurb oi Los Au.elei'. was tho' of Mlssi k.iiulion l-1 oo, , iiaurliui'o( i,ui.A.McD. Mel ool:, cu.-iiiiMi.ulag me Hepjiliiwnl ot An una, at, 1 Lliarle. CruikheuT. u inemlerof 1 1, j law iii ui el Mimuet traigheuj i. oju, Dayton, i. . Shot One HUihand to Qo; Another. trv isieciAVrn rits ' Urns Hoik, Ark., Dec. l.-Mrs. Finnlo Adama has conlewid that she murdered her hil'bihJ .Nov. -.:. .-be i.auled to iniirr Leorge W 1.11 itus,who im ulsh-d ths lovolver. Now ChtvidiV.n lor Slntr tilnj. r amociaihi -uai. J Aibant, Deo. 1, siupcrlntenduit of Stalo I 1'rlauiis Ulbrop has iippttnted Hcv. John l s Wfllls, of Ilthgow, Dun hss count), cuaplilii of l'c Mng i rlsou lu piaco of Utv. , b. W. LUgerlon, rcbljutJ. 1 EXTRA.? SIGNS OF WRECK. J Drift from a Big Ship Driven on the Scotch Coast. I IJM HEW YORK WES tPPEIB.1 It To Judged that the Lost Vo W sol "Was an Ocean Steamer s from a German Port j lT AiiociAinn rnEis.) ,i Di-ndsk, Dec. l.-A severe gala bas bent prevailing over Scotland since Sunday. ileavy snowstorms nro i cporled In the far S ncrih, accompanied by thunder and light 5; hlng. & A quantity ot wrcekago hu drifted ashore at Ullapool and other places ou tno WMt -y coasL Vi Among the wreckage are a number of bot ,4 tics bearlug tho addresses ot New York and M German houses. $ft It is judged from the wreckage that a larga W steamer bound from a (Jerrnau port for Nw ' York- has been lost. '& I Tho lact that the steamships silllns Irota M (icrman ports take tho southwesterly -oar9 j$ through l be Channel seems to preclude the '" possibility that tho wn-ck Is that of any regu- Zfc lar iransatlunttc liner. Jfl It Is only the sailing vessels, tho steamship jgm agents say, that take the northerly count ?,, around bcotlahd, aud they declare that In fl view of ths recent heavy woather It Is not v$H unlikely lhat one of those vessels, or rerhapa a t ramp ship, has been wrecked. -$M Tbo Hamburg-American, North ermamH Lloyd, 1(6) al Nitherlands and' Ited BtaTiH a;cnts say that It la Impossible that any t fiU their ships could havn teen lost so far nortk?4sM as the points where, the wrrckago lsrcportad ',iB to have been washed rushcrc. It Is hundreO M 1 of miles out of tho regular course. S I Tho more prominent vVsneli of tbo ilMs C$M I mentioned now en route from Herman portaWifl arc the Maudam, from Uotlerdam Nor. 28; j&M the Hobemla, Irom Hamburg Nov. a, and tno :H ltussla Nor. UT; the spree, from Brtmea WB I ov. si, and tho Trave Nov. SO. -;9 I Of these, tho Travo is reported to-day u jaH having been delayed to take on coal at South- Q;vl I atnpiou. '53 CHAiuDER OF COMMERCE. M It Deollnes to Urt'o Conirresa to 37J Itepoal tbo Sherman BUI. fol At thu monthly meeting ot the Chamber ot commerce this altcrnoou a rosoiutlon offered jS3 by I)uls Wlndmullur providing lor the ap- tpJ polntmeut of a committee to go to Washing- u ton to urge Congress to repeal the Sherman KM tllverlau was wllhrawn alter opposition. w A resolution favoring the amendment ot -YJ various sections of tho Customs Admlnlstra- t$M tlon act relating to appraisements was rt -SM ferred to thu commltteo on Forelzu Com- CM uercu. . . . . Km tno object of the amendments Is to do JS away with a practice that has growu up la ' tho Appraiser's department whereby soma 'v?l other than 1 no prlco at which dutiable goods 9i had been bougul was construed as the actual market value. 'fl MRS. GEIST STILL FREE. 'M Tn Police Say Thoy Are TJnabl f ,fM Find Her. -V9 coroner bchultze said this afternoon that J9 no anestshad jet been made In the caaeot.fJH young Josls Danneberg, who Is In a critical 'XjU coLdlilou at Presbyterian Hospital Irom aa $ alleged unlawful operation ncHorracd by -f$m Mlilnite Uelst, ot 107 East lghty-Brat-WJ st net. 9 'Ihulatier Is still missing and cannot ba SjgH foutia by Inspector McLaughlti'a doiccUvo.'JH '1 he police, 11 is salJ. Have not gained ahy SJMj clue as to the whereabouts uf thu man ,-aHB naiued trunk W'urms, who tne ulri ulmaai ,S?JB betrayed her. 'Q.m DIRECT EWTRY TO ftEVV YORK. g Purpose of the New England' Dw '-itJ bury Short Lino. rlim (UY ASSOCIATED ritKIS.I ''H Dostov, Dec 1. New York and NevT-gaB Luglatid ptoplo admit lhat ihe proposed bOW'lIj line from Danbury, conn., Bouthvveat to tlmfeJl btatu line, U for a direct entrance to New -frS otk bath lo.- thu Nw England uud ltostoa 431 and Maine roads JW.- '-St To Join Her Eusbnnd on tho Island. 'Lj Hcse Fltzslmmojs, In Yoikvllle Court, to. jk da), was went to Jcln her husband, Hugtt J Klusimtuuns. In u tlvo months term on the 4 Island lor urunkenuesa. Her lour ihldien ; luuglaglu iijo 1 rum light months tunr J jears, were turned overto ihe ilcrry siv-loty. Sj Thero la Cbolora. In Brittany. H IIT l"rIATrl n-rt. ' Wasiiinoton, Dec 1.-1 he becrelary el M State this incntlug received ,i caMe uuissaga ' iruuuhe 1'ii.K.d Mates cotsul at Naulc, W, sa) in;, ' Cholera, Urlttany." W Unlversol Flrn natB. Kl The In jurauctf ugeats In besmn to consider S a uiiliurm rato for rlru HilcI--s, lu-dajr W adonird Ihe schedulo as iresemod by the cciimiliu-Borii.iiiuard irlck uiiilJings, wlttt A a low minor amendments. . .V.BH Gov. Peck's Ofilcial rjurcllty. kfl irv A'"tATvi rnr ?1 Iii.wii-iFB, Wis., Deo. 1 Tho official &-M count gives Peck, Deaccrat, for Gorrnor( $JM 17M.11W poorr. lteputUcn, l70,USt; JM 1'd.k's plurality 7,!sl. t&tH