Newspaper Page Text
Pf3 W W Wfa A I - ifv I I Si W 1$ Ra ia HI ' rsr-" V -o Is-rC"" m war H .B 9 PKICE ONE CENT. NEW YORK, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2, 131)2. PRICE ONE CENT. 9 ('com iif( Stglil'H Hportlnn lixlra.) TALK OFTHE TURF. Blitzen's Constitution and Heart May Be Broken by Too Much Racing. TUHFMAN REED RETURNED. Many Complaints of Poor Trans portation to the Gutten burg Track. " Virginia " Bradley's gatno Httlo colt Iillt icn again carried the blach and oraugoto victory nt Outtenbu'rg jestcrday, disposing ! ot Mng Crab and l'enelou with tUo greatest ol ease, simply cantering homo a winner by I five lengths. This good son of Illacs seems to grow bettor the harder ho Is raced, but cu'ii his hardy constitution and heart will bo broken under the tieatment ho Is recolv. lug at present. Each day this week has ho ben asked to race. Monday ho was beaten ly Del Domonlo. Tuesday, at sK furlougs and In a heavy hnowstorm and on tho rrorst track Imaginable, ho shouldered top weight and easily defeated King Crab, Lord Harry and l.ltllo Kred. Yesterday ho was asked to CO halt a furlong further against King Crab, uuJ ho duplicated tho performance of tho day prcv lous. l'a in adlcy has moro than n. bread-winner In the ::iuno little colt, but such treatment as Le Is receiving now will break hU spirit- followers of The Evfmsq Womd selec tions were right in lino on fivoof tho six races at (iuttenburg yesterday, and conse quently were happy. Violet 8. started thorn ulT, and as good as :i to 1 Could bo gotten any place In tho cliy. Ella was the next. Even ruuncy was quoted against Falso Ahrens, ho making tho third. Klrkover kopt tho ball lolling In tho mill race, and Ilalbrlggau, at 3 to 1, cloied the list. Alter the last race tho numerous city pool-room speculators, to Uso the vernacular of tho talent, " had money to glvoanay." Thoro seems to bo Httlo effort on tho part of tho ofllclals ol tho Woehawkon forry or of tho Hudson County ltatlroad to go out of their way to mako any conveniences for tho crowd that travel to and from tluttenburg. 'l here arcat least an average of people who lako this trip daily, and they aro con btantb and with cause grumbling about tin; u (importation, 'iho boats from the Jay street ferry run overy forty minutes only, nrd every nlght'tho wMllng-room, which Is entirely too small to accommodate tho crowd, Is mora than jammed. Tho tratus aro run Irregularly, audit is often thocaso that this crowd watts ocr half an hour tor a boat, 'lhls could bo easily remedied by putting on another boat. Halt tho time, passougers can not llud seats on the boat and aro forced to nana during the trip Xrom Wcchawkcn to Ju) street. I t It Is stated on good authority that Starter ' James ltowo will go to California and handle the flag at tho Hay District 'Hack. Starter 1 crguson has been doing tho work, but no has to go to Now Orleans. Tho Callfornlans nm anlous for Jimmy to come, and tho chances aio he will leave Sunday. ... ( liarlos Heed, tho widely known breeder and tuiftnau, urrled homo on the city of New ork yesterday. Mr. ltccd la home from a trip to ArgeutlLo Hepubllo whero ho went to IU) Ormonde, but was beaten by ". O'll. McDunougli, who got tho famous tiro for 1. ii),(0(J. He is looking well, and does not semi lo tiko the loss ot Oniiondo much to tc hi. Ho describes tho Itepubllcasaland of milk and hone), and enjojed his trip liugi'ly. no wus accomuanlcd byblswltoon tbejournc). " I Tito Gloucester talent suffered a scvero slap yesurdaj again, Fix tavorltes going il'Mu lu lapld succession, 'lliere was a biriel of money bet on 'loin Fljiin with Urn books doing business on the south Jersey truk at duttenburg, but ho could do no letter than third. '1 hero wn3 a big plungo on J, 11. Freed yes tern tj. and tlio way he blurted off m tho nice molt than nattered his bickcts. Alter lead. Uik for marly halt a nllo he broke a blood Usiel In hlsheid undstjppea badly, othcr v I u his would have gotten part of the money. The next tlmo Glenlochy runs up against fair ioni)un ut. anything over a miio lu n lieay track ho will do. ills race jistcrdav wat tspeclailj good, Getting on and remain ing lasu till tho sti etch, hocumo with a rush at tho end, and. had tlio uistnncs been an 1,'luh or n mllo furthor ho would have won. bled Locscr went mound belting if."00 nt a cllji mi I'alsn Ahrens jestcrday, and, netdless to say, the bookies were sick utter tho rate. . , , l lieudar ran up to fonn jcstirday. on lucsiay ho could not get out of hi j own vvn). It liteportcd tint Charles rieHchuinn has I lienomeml jonrllng down at GravcsenJ. lb Imported to havu gone three furlongs in o.3u,. . 1 hero premises to bo another clash betw cn thj lou'svIIIo nod ashMII') Jockey club. t"'i"t.iij (lllllek, of thu Louisville Club, null li m iliu Nii-iliMllu ( luo that they would race from .March id to 11) Inclusive, lrrespictlu of ruv claims. 'Iliu Wist-tiltli' Huh May lucludo tlit be eight days lu their list, ns usual, nnd It to they wllUlasb. lllnlnpr Stoci-3. The following aio the closing quotations ot mining blocks attbo cohsolluaiud Lxehungo to-Jaj : LUUAihtJ, .. . . 7Il.l.ilft.. a'aerloau Ilollrwonl .01 lla . .iTilliuu Sllvar .id - 4, " . . Oil .l<run itin .10 umi;oi .00 "l'nM.a I'oiu , .13 , s. t" . 1.0.) - Uiru..n .OS k'l n lain . .20 Iimi,!. Con. .17 1 Ui l,lltlCliiiif -' -" , UmlMr,. VI .tl -MfJlran . - i'"''.... .10 .ail ymilto i .1" ' JiiimiT . .21 MlitJIeliaf HI - Lluiltim .0.1 ,.Nuts . .10 ."I) flrri. .j, ,so ' North LMlK Jl'u m run. .lit) .)l' 1jI - .'' heliuuut . .i!3 ,3', .Nirtli htr f.tO t.l-uonln (Inmlii . IB Oil - ,11 II .. .CI lljphlr 'J.CO J-Uo lBr ,io OnonUIJ bwnl'i .viu -I Mlllrr . .OS llr)iollt,,, , 1 ,Piuauttl. .00 lol Leu ,. .50 1'IiumiIi I,. .05 ton. Lai I'luvnuArl .48 , Va. 2.1 llnblDiuu toiniiick i Lou 2S .10 M-ik , .01 .11 Strain. . I.Si t"MJ , 14,liU IhirtniAiir. 1,10 ,1'ttl, . , 14.IU BttnUrtl. 1. it 111" 'Jim 10 -lMiiniHi.ini. .US D'iUiTool Iblntiteo. , itU , lna .. 1,01 '.Oat' bob. Li-n-ln-'n l.'.'l - Uau - 1? !-' rltlii ,-JO FllrrrlViril .' 'Cllrrllj .Kiiiallllop'l .HO 1.1)0 , bm,.t ,2'J IblirorMln. t-J"ll U.ufl..V .'J .? . u'fr ... ,70 Sliinhunt . .u Hi A Nor. Iloia .III ," 1.41 lln(our!i. 1.1S - Jomr.l.i,, J 01 - Ward eon.. .10 .it UmSI1.. U.40 3.C8 YeUJaokt. .70 IPutrlHat Hull Bulla from Liverpool on tho Majestic London, Dec. I, "Jem" Hall, tho pujlllst, sailed to-day lor Neyr Yorfc on tho steamer Uaj;stlc THE "OW IN WALL STREEL A. Substantial Rally in Stooks Despite all Rumors. Slmrp Drlvo Agnlust Chlcugo About Delivery Hour. Wail bTtiFKT, Thursday, Dec. 1. Tho bears had the uppor hand again this morning, but they did not keep control ot tho market long. Missouri l'acinc, Atchison, Now Logland nud Northern I'acltlo preferred wero put down u point cr to, but tho general list pre sented a btubbom front, and all efforts to dls lodgo loug stock wero unavailing; this too, In tho faco of talk about gold bhlDinents ot W.OOO.uoo or more by baturday's Kuro pcan steamers, and reports that the condition ol Jay Ooutd was less favorable to-day than on vesterday. After 11 o'clock all tho traces of weakness disappeared and a substantial rally ensued. The btock market continued firm until around delivery nour, when a Miarp drlvo was made against Chicago Uas, under which that stock dropped from 001 to 1)3)4. Tho remainder ot tho list sympathized, but tho conspicuous sellers wero brokers Identi fied with tho professional b.-ar operators. lu tho final trading (hero was a recovery all aiuunu. St. Loul-i, feouthwestorn preferred dropped from liru to ii)d. This Is the road of which L'dwln Uuuld, Jay (Tould's sun. Is President. .Money was In better supply, lending at 4 por cent, on call, and sterling exchange w as ulso u shade easier in lone. 'J ho demand for bills has fallen ntr and It Is said tho "short" interest has been pretty well cot end up, whllo Importers of augur and conTto hate comploted their purchuscs of bills. Lazard Frcro3, up to tho timolol writing, It tho only ttrrn ut Importance that will snip gold on Saturda), and they Kay that not ovir 1 300,000 will be exported by them. Tlio Herring-Hall. Marvin Mato Company has declared a dl ldcnd of S per tent, on Us pre fer! cd stock, payable Dec. 10. Sales of btucks to-day wero 227,000 listed and 40,000 shares ot unlisted. In railroad bonds Dallas, Waco rs. were offered at NO against HT tho last reported sale, and Wabash debentures series 11. at iii against 40 tbo last sale. A Chicago special Bays: "The nvo distil leries recently purchased for the Distilling & Lattle-Keedlng were formally transferred to tho Company yesterday, including the Im mense Nebraska city concern. There were 2,U'J-',000 gallons of spirits turned out at 1'eorla In November, tho largest month's pro duction on record. Every concern Is running at full head In the hope of an advauco In thu whiskey tax of 4tc per gallon." Tno Louisville rtasnvllle road reports gross earnings for October of f2,038,lbd, au increaso of $75,125. From July l to uct. 31 tho net earnings wero 4,837,834, an In crease ot tuo.iMti. iho net earnings ot the Rio Grande West ern road for October were 0U,02H, a de crease ot $11,000. The net earnings ot the Norfolk & Western i oad for October were 1:12(1,850, a decrcaso of J2U.054. and from Jan. l to Oct. 31, C2,40o 341), a decrease of 132,254. Tho 4100,000 gold coin withdrawn from tho bub-Treasury yesterday by Ueldclbach. Ickclheliner & Co. was taken to tho Assay onice and weighed. Tho average weight ot twenty bags of e.'.oooeach wask'08.04 ounces ror each bag. Tho standard weight 2UH.75 ounces, a loss of 11.200 per cent, or a Httlo less than 1-25 per cent. '1 ho lowest weight for a Rlngle bag was 20S25 oz. and tho highest 20S.7U or. It 13 estimated that 13,000,000 gold will bo shipped by Saturday's steamers. Tho Closing; Quotations. Opfta, High. Low. Clog. American Tob VI 1 liiH U Hi American Suar lief.... 1UUK ll'Jh, 10 H 11 OX American Cotton Oil.... 4J tiH 41K i Amir. Cotton Oil pref.. HU bilk Villi 7J Atch..Toti AbantaKe. 3SK :i5)i 34M J.'i Halt. A Ohio Ut t)4 MjJ IHK lluflalo, H. A l'ltta 3U 3U 30 :i(i 05M 05W 00M 65W ChiKapeakd .t Oblo 'iM ,2iri '21H 'JJh, t lilcaiin l.aa t44t 01 !t IMU '.ljU, t hlo . llnr. AWnlncj .. l)"l U!l IM-hi U-H (,'hlcio.t.Nortlii..t... 1UWJ1115. lll'i Mlh Chic. A ftorthiiMt pri-f. 14(1 14ii 140 14(1 (Hie, Mil. JthLPml.. 77 77?, 7IM 77 1 O . M. iHt. 1'., prrf... fjilli Uv lSOtJ 2oSJ t.lilc, ltnck Is. il'so.. 79U HOU 7fH 7HH Ctilt.4 l-a.t. Ill CM4 llfiit InU 6tlU 0 J. U. t'k Vda 10ti 106M 1041 104 Ci6v.,l'..0. .'.bt I.... OUH 60 6'JJl 6'JH Clnr.'c ,l'.4bt.l..pref, 9 U.l UJ VI Col. A Hock. Vall) ... 711 'J7 !17M a7Ji Colorado Coal 4 Iron. . , 41 41 41)14 U'Ti Cou.ollJatod (. 14f 12fM 1S4J 125)1 Dot., Lack. Vieit K.uS, 101 louij in aj Dnlawaro .t llnil.nii . . W.l UU U'J 1 III Drtiiver 4 ItiotJrandopf OIW OJ tW tilTa Dli iLatllorofct .,, (IM t,.M (,7V C8, 1 ilium 1 leolrlo 111 109tll0tlk IUJn luJ! 1. ion. .. 4 a .. 44 4!l4 h in lrannilll4'Irr.liajta 0 II '.I 1) (Irron Hay 4 Wluona... 1 IM 14 l'lT 1 lt on. Hie 1M 11JM 111)4 1U . Iowa Central H''4 lt'' 10 10 loa Central pref. a J 31 ill 111 I L.clmle 2)M 'iH 2V 24' ucleJo da. pref 714 i IH 7u 71 lakoMion. ... . lDW 1'M l'J'J 1SU laksrrl4 nmtarii.. . 'it !. VJ i JJja ljiko I nai West, jif . 74t 7M4 7l 7i l,n Inland . , . 1W llai 10J1I lnjjj lAiUnrllloi.Nanlinlle . 7lifi( 7liJa l C'JJi l.oun., NowAID.iCtil. 23k, V4, 'J.1K 24 I , . Li! 4 St. I. . M) 00K Out OUW Maul.atlanCon.ol Ui l-.-. 1 lajIV .Mliioorl l'acinc 0M 01) 60V4 05i .Mobile 4 Olilo .IJt. .I4' liW ,il MlMuurl. Kan. 4 I. pf J4 24H 24J 2I&5 Rtcrrl. 4 hi-aex H'l HJ Hi 81) "at Cord Co Ilit4- UH 1.1H 12J I Sit. f oriU'o. .tif . .Hi.' Itt.H 1J?( H; Natl L'lil Co.. ... . 474 4Kk 47 47M si t LMiic. pr 'JJ -H JS iH Nat l.ln. Ol 19 !1J 3H i)8 Sow . emey Central. . Ul. H," W Sew York Ventral . lO-HS lUJW 10J 1IU Al York IMir, pref.. 21 f)' 2J, 2 15. ,N. Y. 4 Nevr Knc'and . 4H 4e 3JM 40 Y.Chlo Alt. I.... 15k KH 15V, 13U !. Y..L.H. Vt. . -'4 J4 Ja 241, 5? Y. L.tJ 4 W. pt OJki 00 OJ Ml N !i . Ho-il 4 WeVt . . IJH 17M 1JM 175, N.Y .aaaq. 4 VU O'J fl) O'J Ko;i.,lk4Ve.tpret.' SH'4 'j'. VU !$ Korllieril'aurio. . 11 W lJH lift I.t. Northern 1'aclho pre!.. 4!IH 4il), 41-M 4'J .Nortli Americin . U'i l.4 1 1 lOlilalwnthfrn 4( JOM 4 'U 4IIJ1 Ontario 4 Wtt. . ' JfN t'h W Or l'all.ar4.Narl il'l UK 'H M'l li ifit Mill .. 2H1 2)-4i 2S 28U n'-l-n ".rtVrtcate. . u3 M. 00J Ol.iJ 1'llTiK.adltiK. ...... fJIli OIM 03W MJ, l'eo.. lieo. 4 tlvjiiollle 10 O H 1' ''t I'lltV t ..C. 1M 1 . 20 '-" - - ' ::(J.o AbLUiiM (o I..H ri)U tyl, tjnlckiillter. 17 17 27 17 llltll iW.I'ilntl.r . H !) Hi l( Itlodrand, We.tem . 2.1 11 21 j hi. lau 4 Onana 47M 47 4.U 4, M. l'aul i Daiutll ... . 401, 40 40 4ui, hi. 1 MintliHraieru tl o r o M I. houthwe.teru pf. J.JJ UH J1W JIS hiHerlVrtlticaten H.'i H0J N i H Soiittiern I'acino B44 JfH J4 J4 leia.l'acltio vit V . 'H ". Tenn t)al4 Iron , . .IM nh Jtjl lo.,Ann Albor4.V.M. SO .M ") M 1'nlJnlaclno . 36J. 3fk Ji J J, Waliath 11 1J ?' .?J YialiMhiM .. --'4, 24 2l S-J'i Wn.torn Union lole . HIW 111 HO i Wlieelini! A Laki yrU.. lltW 20. J'-'H f' Vlieltui:4Lakai;.pld QJit 62K t.h (ih Li. air. RACING AT SOUTH JERSEY. I OlOCCESTKB ltACK TBACr, DCC. 1 HCSUltS of io-da's race3 weio as follows: 1 Irst Hai e I'urso $300; ono mile, Won by Itatter, smuggler becond, 1'aola thlid. nine ''t-'eio'nd llace-I'ure $300 ; six and a ciuir. ter furlong-t. Won by Orphan. Drummer second. .Mluden third. rime-l.ydM. J hlrd ltatc I uree 300 ; live furlongs - I Won by Tioga. Owen fiolden second und All xoiia third. Time 1.0UM. Fourth Ksco-l-ursH n)0; six and a halt furlongs. Murtel won. Lucky t lover becond. und llarean third. Tlme-l.-l). ,.,.... Filth iuce-1'uiso $700 secii-flghthsofi miio- sollliig.-Olester won, xaudslouc second and liaso third. Time 1.U5M. tlxth Ilaco-rurbo $300; lour and a halt fur longu DelllDg.-Mchefver won, bhakos 1 peare Seccnd antTejueeu U'U "" JAY GOOLD IS DEAD. The Great Financier Has Just Passed Away. HE DIED AT 9-15, i End Game Peacefully at His Home on Fifth Avenue. Hemorrhages of the Stomach Be lieved to Have Hastened His Death. All the Members of tlie Family Now at the House. Excitement About tho Windsor When the Death Was Announced. It h03 Just been announced at Jay Gould's house, !70 Fifth arenuo, that tho great financier ha3 passed away. Although the news was not unexpected, the announcement caused great excitement In the neighborhood ot tho Indsor Hotel. Jny (Jould'H Wonderful Onr.Tr. It has been truthfully said that Jay Gould was ono of tho most remarkable products of ' American civilization. He was conspicuous and pre-eminent amid the throng of hhlnlng lights, with whom ho was associated In Wall btreet for moro thin thirty ears. Among the leaders lu tho opposition to his schemes wei o men as ambit lous and as grtt d of gain, It not equally as brilliant, as himself. Mut ho succeeded In overreaching them all, and at the closo of his career stood w lthout a rUal. There Is not a doubt that his Influence In tho Held of bpeculattvo enterprise lias been uioi e potent than that of any man of his day nnd geneinllon. Although his methods lmo been condemned as not one whit better than thoso of n highwayman and roblier, many of thoso ussoUated with him at different times" hnMng sub'-cquently necustd him of tho basest detell and ticuchiiy, ho succeeded lu gr.Ulfjlng his greatist nmbltlon nm.isslng tho most colossal fortunes ever ncctimulattd by one man, and gaining it power and lnlltt enco ocr his lellows to un extent that few In a trie country would etcrdream of acquiring. Of Jay Gould's earlier llfo u-ry Httlo was known until within a comparntltelj ncent time, for of nil men HWng ho was one of the closest mouthed. Most of tlio fnc's here narrated lu regaul to his jouth wciol.i ought out lu an lnU'stlgatlon by tho Vnlted Mutes Congressional coinniltlro on Labor and r.du tat Inn, before whom Jli. Gould appeared In 1HH3, and for the Hist tlmo In his life un Dosomed himself, i He was born on May U7, lK.'ld, near tho lit tle town of I'tiNbuij, lu Dol.iwuio Count, this s-tate, about two bundled milts from New York City. Ills father, Jclin II. Gould, was tho owner of nsmallfuiin which he had Inhetltid fioni hlsfalhei. Hemanltd thrto times, and his tirtt wife, .lay's mother, (Hid In lull. Tlio boj wnsihristcntd Juson, nnd Le was known by this name until ho was nearly twinty jeats old, when ho changed It Hi Jny. K.acll) when ho Hist Ugan towiitohls namo lu this fashion Is not known. j llrrtli'i! UU I'ullirr'it Cum, J In Ms Earliest d tys Httlo Jason used to tend his Mtlur's tows. 'IIicid woo twenty1 of them, and ho ill oe tut in to nnd fioiu tho pastuiooery day nt'd atKlslid his sisters In J milking them. Ho did not like farming, huweti r, and when he was ten jeura old he atktd his father to let htm goto bchool. Ills father thought hu wastoojoung.butlluall) gae his permission, nnd Jn stnittdi.tlt toget his education. He had to walk lutein tnllis to tliencnrest school, and started out hiti (I iy night, re turn In? on faturdit). 'lliere lu soon leatned Hi lead, write and flguie, uud nfttr lie lieraino proficient In the so bianelics ho obtained .1 position lu u country store, where liewniked nights keeping tlie ucosBior um iiropiieicir, and earned a Httlo poektt mom besides sup porting himself dillllig the week. When bunas fuurtien, he i;uo up school i and left home. He wnscnguged asutlerk by thesatno countr stum ker er, and liudlo sweep nut, t"nd customers nnd do other work i about the place, which ktpl him busj Irom I i) t. )i. till 10 i'. i. I llo da oled hl spire tlmo at nlgut to stud) . lag matheltatlcs, and became try much In-1 lerested in surejlng nnd cnglnterlng. Ho' llnallyiletfrrclnedtobeccmi nsurejor. , During this petlod hli gertus for driiing' sharp bargains Ixgau Hi dctclop Itself, anil several Incidents aro telatcd which show his great shrewdners lu getting Iho best nt a mm a: a trade. In ono taso ho otcrreacocd hit eiiiplujci lu a sinull real eslnto deal, which is said to htiM'c ost him his position. sojn nlterw.inli, honcter, ho heinltlmt n sunejor who was making a map nt Ulster County wiinttd uu usMstiiut, uiitl 1k applied tor llto position. He was engaged ill t'-'O .1 ' montb. Illsdiitlis wcii' tniMtry tlicelulu In ' sunejlng lo.iiUuiidto lue.ili' tesldcnees. 'lhe agreement was that he was to bo pul 1 ut Iho i end of Iho inonth, but Just litme this lli.ic eiplred lluisimejor nbst iindeit, leaMng Jay lu debt and penniless after seeral weeks' h.nd work. Asr.nme peoplo had preliillsl warned him not to trust his i mplujer, Ja Ielter) iiiucli I disheartened nt bis ow u lack of Judgment, in his tesllinonj befoio tho I'oumillti e Mr.Gould s.tld ho went Into tho woods and hailngnml ciy, mid then hu knell down and piatd, and alter that he felt betlei. lie wont to a fanner's hou'e, and thu In mates gato him u bowl of bread and milk,1 uud niter he had told tlie in his slm' and asked for work tho farmer asked htm If hu could make a sun dial forlilin In tho limit yard. Jny said lie could, and eompletetl tho i "noon mark" thai afternoon, 'lhe fanner paid him n dollar for his work. After this Jay plucked up tourngo ngalii nnd with the other two assistants of the ut scondlng sun eyor went on and completed t ho map. He afterwards sold out to his two as sociates for .100. This was In December, , lblW. HU I'Trat Visit tn New York. Ja Gould made his llrst islt to New Yotk IhlH.Vl. He brought with him uu Ingenious, iiioiif,o-lrap which ho had ltnented and wliUh he Intended to exhibit nnd perhaps dispose ot at a good profit, lie got Into u hoise-cnr to I ido uptown, placing his pad age cm the seat. A thief, who Imagined It might contain uilu ubles, tried to run away with It, but Jay caught him and regained possession of his uiouse-trnp. Tho Intention was not a success, and Jay went back into tho country nnd made his 11 lngnt sunejlng for souual jears. During this tlmo ho mndo tho ucnu'ilntnndo of Zadoc Pratt, of PratlHMIle, who owned tho laigest tannery In tho State. HewasseMtiO jears old nnd took a gteat fancy to young Jay Gould, who soon afterwards went Into his employ and eventually became tho partner of l'ratt. Gould Induced hlm to start another tannery In 1'cunsjlvnnlu, near the bortfy, along the llneot tho Delaware, Latkaw anna and West ern road, and Gould himself cut tho first hem-' lock In tho camp. Theio was iyo,ooo cap ital represented In the business, which was run by Jay. llo had things all to himself and Is snld to have made enormous profits out of the business. l'ratt, nt any rate, became dlssitlstled with his partner's operations nt Gouldsboro, as tho l'ennsjlvanla tannery wits called, awl t thought the books did not show protlts enough. When ho began to get suspicious, Gould, who had made tho acquaintance of several wealthy leather merchants of tho " bwamp," Hi New York, Induced one of them, named Leupp, to advance him (li),000, with which ho bought out Pratt's interest lutho tannery, giving Leupp a mortgage on tho place. ' It is said that Gould treated Leupp In the samo w ay, and, niter ho had made all he could out of the tannery, he sold tho property to Leupp for several times Its nctual value. Iho panic ef 18.1T camo on, nnd Leupp be- enme hopelessly Involved lu bankruptcj and shot himself In his maguinceiit house on Mad ison avenue. I It Is alleged that, In addition to gouging Leupp lu tho tnnnciy deal, Gould, who nt this lime had begun to famlllarlro himself with1 stock transactions In New York, had Involved his patron in soino exceedingly disastrous deaU, which precipitated his failure, while Gould proiltcd by the catastrophe. j on Hlack Friday Gould was openly accused by his enemies of having killed Leupp. '1 his lsaucplsodo In his career, however, upon which Gould has never shown a disposition to shed any light. Ills I'irnt Itullruad Venture. Gould engaged In his first rnllwu) enter terprlscln lnr7, when ho bought thu bonds of thultutlund and Washington llnllroad at 10 cents on the dollar. Ho savs ho bought them with borrowed money, probably Leupp's, and that ho llnnlly too!; charge of the road. Ho sold out afterwords at a fair I profit, but tho purchasers found they had got ver Httlo for their money. ) About this tlmo Gould married and ennio to New York to lite. Ills next venture was In Cleveland und Plttsbuig bond?. Ho bought 1 ut 40 and then ran tho prlco up to mo, at (which hu got out and left thu road to lake I caro of ltFulf. 'lhe Profits wero large In this as well ns In his other venture, and it was this which gavo hlm his start on thowoj lo j ainasslug Ills colossal fortune. I lletw et n in."!) and lHHOJnj Gould llrbt be- ' gan to blossom out In Wall strett. As soon ' as he was fairly launched lu the swim ho was never oncooutof It during tho remainder of his life. Ho went Into the stieet against tho ndvlco of many ot his friends, but ho was so success ful from tho start thai he socn put their fears i to llljht. himself a bom speculator, and was soon ublu lo cope with the most dm lug among them. Within averj short tlmo ho I was lu the fiont rauk. Ills chief characteris tic was his ruutloimness and reserve. He mado friends with vcrj few, and was tlio 1 enemy of most ot his asso liles lu spc dila tion. I somo ot those with whom ho has had rcl.t J lions, ilther frlmdlv or hostile, or both, us mind lilsconvcnlciico.wercComuiedoru Vnn dtiMIt, Daniel Drew, James ITsk.Jr.; tho litl di ns, coinmodoio Garrison, Henry N. "smith. James It. Keine, George I. M'lioj, Gin. ThMiias, t'.t. Ilrlce, D. l. Mills, Addwon Can, mack. WoerlaholTer, the lioekcfullerH, Charles J. Osborn, Alfred sully, I). P. .Morgan, Collls V. lluntliigton, ltu-sdl t-age, John W.Garrett, HoIm rt Ganctt, J. I'. Morgan, Cjrus W. Field, II. J. .lewctt, tho N'llghi.uis, Jay couke, Ilenrj cicn, Washington K. Connor, Kdward s (, h. V. W hlle, llltam It. I ravers, Hutur Hatch, Saui Mo in and others who havo been imminent figures Hi tho street timing thi past thlil) jears. , lor somo tlmo alter Gould camo to New v.ork tollvoholioaiiledal the r.verctt llomi. It was there that ho met the eldir James iioidmi llcnuctt, who In tho-o dijsnasone j ef Gculd's close st friends ' (iiibblliiu I'p the 1'rlr. The tlist great scheuio lu which Gould be came Intctisied after ho euteiid Wall sirett i w.ih the gobbling cf lh l'.rlo Hull-oad. The slorj of this teat and the goideonsplrae), , which c ulmlnited In ttm famous lilac): Friday panic, aro the blackest pages In the record of Gould's career. Wbtu the great (peculator Drat wont Into -l"' 1l.i-1Ji. .. ., , ,, . . .ha., I HMIHMHiaMriBBBaBBBB Wall s'leet llrle win one of tin active stocks. Ho Isgaii b) dabbling lull, tuiil llmtllv, In henvv pun liases, iKvainen till cetnr, und was! lis continuing splill In 1 hi IT. Ills neipiulnt- j unto with Jiltues 1'lsk, Ji., btgun seternl jears previous, nud tho Iwn, working tt-j gelher, luaile one of flio stiiingest U.ilus vthleh Willi stmt has ever known. Charles Francis Adams, In writing of the Krli) eplsodo riiv erul ) eats ulte rw urds, ehai KfS Gould Willi hiving itithlessl) plundtred I lie, and alludes totho twoineli as u p.ilrnt fte( hooters, who mado ever) ono they nut stand unddellier. 1 Isk was Iho sou nt t Vermont peddler, who had mado Ills money In gambling lu Wall street. lie was it bold nnd blustering fdluw,' vihi) loved imtortet j, and wits Just ihooppn slte of Gould, who wus tluildandhhrlnkliig. In nppciirniHU l'lsk wus loud, coarse uud sensual and fond of illspluv. llo um (I to drive ul mi it town In u couch and six hoises with tho most notorious women of lhe day, and seemed to glory In his open misconduct. Ilu was uncitucnti'il, but made up his luck of knowledge ti bravado ulul cheek. lu those das Hsk was Iho moro prominent of tho two, piibHclv, but he VMisteally onl) second llddle to Gould, who knew how to use hlm for nil he was worth, and who pulled til" Wires while Flsk blew tho horn When 1 Isk and Gould went Into Trie, Dan iel Diew wns iho controlling spirit, llo vwrkdl n gninn on tho public, which Gould uftcrtvuuls played on hlinwlth tho greutcsi success, and repeated it lu the case of New Jerse Central, 'lhls trick of Drew's was ' npiiutcntly to let himself get cornered In File. He then iippeired In tho street with an Immense! block of stock which had been eonvertidlioni Iho bonds of Iho Compiiny utidernn obscure provision of tho charier and broke the market, reaping nil the protlts ami ruining hundieds of small speculators. Vnntlcrbllt Nqtnvnl for M.O'JI', )()(). The Krle deal originated lu n war IMween Drew nnd Commodore Vunilerbllt. 'Iho latter had obtained cunttol of (he llnrlcm and Hud son ltlvtr tonus In uddltlon to thu Alb my line ot steamboats, and wunted to get hold of hrle. lie bought at every opportunity. Drrw, 1 Isk and Gould laid plans to defeat hlm, Gould engineering the scheme. Securities wero Issued by tne bushel, and then Vandeibllt lesoited to lltlgvtlon. In junctions were obtained to pievent Drew from Issuing stuck. Counter injunctions we ro obtained, and Judges nil over thu Mate wero 'appealed to bj both sides. It was a tlmo when corruption of the rankest kind wus rife, and developed such men ns Ilnrnnrd nnd Car doro, vtlio weio afterwards Impeached for tin Ir connection with the affair. Ilnally an lssuu of RU,0(I0 shares of Frio wus authorized. 'I his settled Vunilerbllt, and ho rctlied from thu light wtthu lossof 7, ooo,ouo. Wairautswero Issued tor the nr rtst ot Diew, Flsk, Gould and tho other direc tors of Frio, but they escaped by Hcilng lo Jersey city with tho securities In their ' pockets. It Is said that U, wero car ried ov er tho ferry In ono conch. I Frle was then Incorporated In New Jerse), and New York legislators woo bribed to legalise tho new issue of Xiu.ouo shares of I stock. Peter II. Sneene), as receiver of Krle, got ir0,000 ns his fee by order of Judge Ilarnaril. It Is said that Gould went to Al bany with $.-OU,uuO m his pocket for use lu the lobby. Ho was arrested nnd brought to New York, and went back under tho charged a deputy sheriff, who let hlm escape. It came out afterwards that Wlllluni M. Tw eed n ci Iv ed a fee of $3.1,000 for legal srrvlces forthoFrlu loid whllo hu was u Statu Senator. ' Tho result of till? battlo wus Hint Drew took his piollts and withdraw from the mm ngement, and Gould and Flsk came In. This was In INI1K. Gould was llrt President in Hint )eir and continued at tho head of tho Com any until 1S7". liver body suppo-ed that Krlo was squeezed dry at that time, but Gould and his friends saw something lu It. lhe fact that between mils and lhTU, tho period or tho Gould administration, the debt ot the railroad Increased from (ll,ooo,ooo to$11.1,oou,0ou shows what the) got out ! ot it. Drew l itiiiilil in ills .inn .mi. Drew speculated In 1 rle nfter Gould got In, and befoio hu knew It ho was cornered In earnest. When he found that hn was lu d.u-1 ger of being ruined ho went to Gould and j pleaded with him tn lulp hlm out. Gould v.ns merciless, howevci, nnd icuipellul his old all) tu pa) over il, .11)0,0011, which nearly Lunkruptid lilm, and the old man never re covered from lhe blow. Gould wns ousted Irom Frio In lHTi! li) a combln it ion of the Digllsh stockholdirs, who Had been badly nlppisl after they luilbetnl deco)ed Into Investing In tbo stock. 'Iheie was an exciting scene ntlhe Gland opera House, w hero tho i rle officers wire, on the night of meeting Hi 1H7:.'. Gould and his parly had control, and hid loikcd themselves tn behind barricaded dcors. 'I hoi 1 evolutionists burst lu, the pollco wne called I out and there was the biggest row evi r seen lu the hlstor) of rallronldcctlonurlng. 'Iliu result was that Gen. Dtx was elected I'resl-' dent and Gould was lire d out. 1 Isk had lieen shut b) Mokes previous to this, lu 1KT1, but nut b'fnrehcilii'd qu irrellcd with Gould, whom he necustd o. sharp prac tices upon himself. Gould pruMdul giner ousl) for Flsk's widow, however, and nothing moro was Ik aril of ihemittir. I After the GuuM part) went out nt Frle, the coinpan) wus found to be ver) fai over the vcigu uf buukruptcv, nnd fir )enis attir-l wards It was In the hands of a receiver. Many new lonipinlcs had In en formed, the stoik nt which hud gone Into Gould's poeket, nnd hi Is sdd to have made tr,',ooo,oon clear out of tho wreck. After a long litigation ho was force d to nuko restitution, but this did nm amount to ail) thing, ns the stciiiltles which he tinned ovirtothc Cempui) wero found b) the re nlvcr tube piacllcill) worthless. It Is slid tint Gould sptiulatrd and made a lot of mono) on this preti mini restitution b) clrcu li.tln,' ri'imrts which milled htm to Indulge lu ono or his lavorltu pastimes, that of" rin ging the market." All lhls tlmo Gould hud posi-d us a great public benefactor. Almlhei ono of tho Uu. urd's schemes was the enrntilng of Nuth western stock, llo told the Congiessl mil committee, when nskid abuiit this. Hut when he saw the stuck at T.I and hi) lie thought It wn cheap, so ho bought souir. When It leached 'MO hu said ho was luuuced topait with fotnoof It. 'IhW venture iiilned his own partner, II. N. huilib, who In revengo gavo somo ver) lntere.itng Information to the toniUltlees which subscquentl) Investi gated Sir Gould's affairs. The (iri'Hl l.uld t'uuilrnr. The gold con-pine) of lhilii wusonoof the most remarkable episodes of Gould s career in Wallsltri'i. H was engineered b) the firm ef smith, Guiild ,t M.u tin, ot which Gould was In number. Gould went about this scheme opeul), ulul was ldM'tiut In advocating u mmuio'lt tn ml wince the pi Ice of gold. Hu nigucil Um II would ben great liencllt In thu furiiiir and to the buslniM inlet cstsof the I'Mitiiti). Illsn heme was tu get tlioGratit nilmliilstratljiitn back hint up In lhls view, for with in the nsslM.iiue (f tho fulled Malts limsiir) he knew It would Ik) useless tontlctnpt nti eontldcrable bull movement lu gold. In oitler to gel tho Government Into the deil ho lull rested A. 11. Corliln, a brother-ln-1 luw of l'ieldenl Giant, In thesiheme. ills sild Hint Gould bought and cat tied ,0O,()0l) I In gold for Corbln und utheisw hum he desired to use In connection v lth tjit oat r) lug tut ut his siheue. lluttetnoithnt that tlmo was the United Hlutes Assistant Treisurer at New York. During tho summer ef Ihtlti I'lcMdcntGratit c.iiui) to New York, and Gould and Flsk etitei tnlned htm nnd his part) al n sumptuous bnnqiiit on one of thu sound stunners. It, wns nt tills banquet tint Gould Hist got nt I the ear uf Grant, and he tried hard to pump ' Iho Pn sldtht ns to his iltiniicliil policy. Gould wanted lo putgold uptol4.1. He had lioucht th" big IiiiiiI he was ciiir)lng nt atom 1110. (Irani! seemed to be lmpre-vd with Gould's thorny and wrote, it letter to Ilout well, Hie M'crctnr) of the Treasury, expriss- lug the view that It wns not a wise thing to feieediittii tho prlco of gold. Gould had ul ready purchased millions of gold nnd the price had not advanced greatly. A pool was I formed to lui) more. I Gould organized this, nnd was assisted In his pliius by tho fact that ho owned tho 'linth National Hank. In ono day It nvcr terlllled Gould's cheeks lo the amount of i 7,.loo,oi)0. llo had lift) or sixty brokers i bu) lug for hlm In the gold-room. It took a purchase of .10,()00,000 to raise tho market from 13.1 to no. Then Flsk and I several other friends of Gould enmo Into tlio I si'henio and assisted hlm by biijlng gold. I Furl) lu Septimberof II-(III It began to look ns though tbo schuno was about to succeed. KMT tin) vtlttiesied a scene of wild exclti inent In the market, nnd tho price of gold was steadily advancing. I (Inulil xernlril llnnerrnml Iscnprd Ituln. I 'I he only dingir was that the Treasury might unlovd lis gold and break tho market befoie tho cnnsplintors could rcnlUo their proilts and get out. A letter was sent to Grant by a messenger. Thu President was I then travelling lu tho West. The President , gave an oral answer totho messenger after glancing at tho letter, which, when reported to Gould, was Interpreted ns favorabla to his request. The next day Corbln received a letter from Mrs. Grant, who knew that ho was henvlly Interested In tho gold speculation, telling hlm toget out of Wall street assouu nsposi-lble. When Gould heard of this ho was filled with consternation. A council of war "as held, and It v. u? resolved that on tho ne.t day, Thursday, a gigantic effort should be mado to boost the market higher and unload. Accordingly all the Gould brokers were sup plied with heavy orders, and the excitement began. Hv er) body went scrambling for gold. Gould, however, who npprcclatcd tho fact that the gaino wns up, was quietly selling while ull his assoelitcs were btt) lug. '1 ho next day, lllatk Frlda) , enme.the panic memorable In tho annals of Wall street. 'I ho most Intense excitement prevailed at tho Stock Kxchnnge, nnd tho prlco of gold wns run up to in,",, .suddenly thu announcement camo that the Tre.isur) was selling freely, andwlthln a short tlmo the bottom ihoppul completely out of the market. Tho paiilc-strleken crowd was us anxious I tn sell as It had Just before been to buy, nud scenes of tho wlldi st contusion ensued. When It was learned that Gould had gone back on his friends and sold them out the most hitler Indignation was felt, and It would have gono hard with hlm It the angry mob had been able to lay Its haLdi upon him. Ilu knew enough to keep out of the way until the first I cxcltmout had passed away and ho was not sten lu the street for a long tlmo nlierwirds. It Is hcllovcd tint Gould enmo nearer to being ruined lu this deal than nt any time lu his lite before or nlterwnrds. Jleonlysavtd himself b) siciltlclnghls associates. Wrieliiim lhe Union I'nrlllr. After being ousted from tho hrle manage ment. Gould went Into Futon Pacific lu lHT.'l and was for ten ) ears Its master, one of his llrst acts was lo lucreaso tha capital stock to ,00,000 shares. Ho followed out a plan similar to that wbhh he had adopted In his ' minagcmeiit of thu l.rlo road. j In 1ST? he began the establishment of ' branch lines, ami hlsscnemeiesulted eventu nil) In the Increasing the slock from 3S,0()0, 000 to 4,10,000,000, tho bonded Indebtedness fiuiii ss,ouu,iKKi to r.'ii.ouiviuo, and t no other indebtidnesi fromH,O00,oi)0 to10,-J 000,000. I Gould's connection with tho I'nlun l'ailllc ceased In lss3. An action was bruught by tho I'liltul Mates (.ourcmi nt ngulusl Hie Gould din elms fur inlsapprnpitatlng Hi" as sets ot the, Lut nofatlsf icilon was1 oliutnid. 'Ilu inattirwas alu Investigated by a congrescluiiil ivinmltlie.nnd tlie report sev inly eo..ih nine d l hi met hods of Gould and . Ills associates. Gould nunc Into power agalu In FiiIjii Pa cific la the 1 ull t f lsuo, when entries Fran- j els Ad mis reMijni dtlu' l'lejsldi'uc) of the Com- i pan) and Sidney Dlllou wus choscu uhls, slice I'ssor. I Asa lesitlt of the Investigation ct lhss, tho repoitof Gjv. 1'attl-on win paithularl) se vi in on the Guuld miiu.'igimeui. It stated' Hint dlvldi mis had bi u paid to stixkhelders vvltliuutiuiisiieijiiun; thai had IxeuMiuk In thelienvir n-id I'm Ilk ruad, ami that . 10 00(1,00(1 ilium hid bis u paid to Giul't and Ids assoi l.ites fur bra ich and other Invi stu.ents w liloli we.e winlliless. ( lu adlltlin to this li was Mated that tho i rt till of th) l (mi an bad been Injuitil abroid, und Ilu. hundred of millions ot lurelgu ca. Hal, which oth -iwi-c would have iiuii" li tlilscmintr), lud been lucked upor Hiviateil ilsiwh'ie In toiisiquenco ot the met beds impl")i db) tlie i. yuld management. 'lhe kalis ts I'ailtlceoiHiillditlon In 1S7I) enme ver) Hint Involving Gould in criminal pioseeutlon f TfiLbezItinent li. Issti, It was with regard Id lhe re leas of 1.0,000 shares of tho Deliver P.ullle suck irom a mortgage. ThuMJtulo o' l.lmltath lis alone.s.ived hlm. Guild went awa) on a )achtlng trlplu the una iilniat this time and rem iliicd away until Hie mailer had b en decided, ami when he 1 1 turned le made a Mtlor attack upon his ent ink's lutho tic w srapc rs. The Wiibusli Ainu lilt Ills Inlliiriire iiould btvaino Ideiilinetl with the Wabash road In lhTO that cotporalloii.has been hopelcsv'.y Invclvtd In debt and bur dened with enormous obligations, lie was Il'ie-lilent In 1881, nnd got lilsown iccelver appointed nitoi thu Company defaulted In Its Interest on tho mortgngo debt. Attcrwurds Jinlgo Coole.v wiisnppolnteJ iccelverliy Judge ' Grcshuiii, 0 iiHiiols, desplto the mrst power fill Influence brought to upon hlm. During the p.isl tlfteeti .vears Gould lias been Itileristtdlu hratly all tho great lall rii.tdsof Ihocflittitr). Oncot lilu chief boasts wns Ills development ot the Houiliwcsterti s).stein. llo obtained control of the Missouri 1'acltlc, upon which Iho Wabash syBtcmwasI grutted. 1h3 Missouri, Kansas and Texas, I St. Louis and Iruu Mountain und Texas Pa-' clflc were also brought intu tho B)stem. Iu IMS" Gould got the stock nt Jllssouil l'nclllc' up to 11!. Ho was runout of the Kansas nnd Texas, being ncctisid of using that toad merely as u reciter fur Vlsnurl I'ncllli'. I lhe great Knights of LnUir stilko In 18S.1 1 litirt these properties very seriously. Among thu other Western railroad nnd transporta-' lion properties In which Gould lui been In-' lerested nro Chicago nnd Northwestern, ltock Island, I'licltlu Mall, tsottthern l'aclllc and Loulsv Hie and Nashv I lie. I llclnsnlsoLecii at v.nlout limes largely HitercsUd In Delaware, Liekiiwiinna and' Wi stern, New York nnrt New l.nglnnd, ltlch-' mond Teni liutl, New Jersey Jsoutheni, New Jersey central and a lion of lesser properties. With regard to his acquisition of the Now Yotk Klnvatedrallteads It was tho samo as' with ether properties that ho become lhe master of. other men planned nnd built, i nnd Gould gobbled them up when tho tlmo I for mnklng money out of ihem came. He got ' possession of tho " L " roads through tonsoll Illation and tho wateilng ot stock, lhe original .Manhattan was a paper company. llo succeeded In outwitting Held and Kneeland and, after a titter fight, got com I plete possession e,f tho properties. Field was swamped In the collnpso of the bull more j ment In Mnuhnttan In 1880, and Gould has nlw a) s claimed that ho camo to Field s rcscuo and saved him from bankruptcy by taking his Klevnted Ilallfoad stock off his hands. The slock fell from 175 to ISO. j Ills Western Union Drallnii. I I 1 lie history ot tho Wcjtcrn Union Company ' also clearly illti-trates tho methods by which Gould obtained his control of vast properties and worked them to his own advantage. He got his foothold In tho Western Union In 1881, and has since absorbed every Company that attempted to compete with It. As In all tho other Gould properties there has been n tremendous Increase In tho West-' cm Union's debts and securities sluco tho WTrnrd camo Into power. Every rival com pany had to bo crushid, no matter what It cost. The capital stock hos been Increased from 30,000,ooo lo 80,000,000 by tho ab sorption of tho Mutual Union and Baltimore I and Ohio companies. Although Gould wns ono ot tho heaviest operators Wall street ever had, ho was ntver n member of tho Btock Kxchangc. Ho was always associated with some llrm, through which ho conducted his enormous transac tions. Alter the dissolution of Smith, Gould j & Martin, Gould became a silent partner In I the firm of Ilcldcn & Co., and then In the firm of W. K. Connor Co., with whom ho was as sociated for ten years. He la said to have re garded Connor as ono of tho ablest lieuten ants ho ever had. fcevernl of his largest deals vv ere engineered by such men as Charles H. Osborn and William Heath. In the panic of 1K83 It Is generally believed that Gould was very near!) driven to tho wall. WoerlsholTer and Cummack wero after hlm, nnd he certainly lost a gicat deal I of money, as did also Hussell Sage. I In lPS'J Gould look somo friends Into his ' , prlvntu ofllco and showed them his strong box In his sate. It contained i'j:i,0U0,000 worth of securities according to tho stories which were circulated at that time. In 1884 he made another seml-publlo exhibition of his wi nlt!i, and at that time he had even more lu his safe. i Ho owned very little property ontsldo of his strcks nnd other corporation securities, it Is estimated that his income from these was at least $8,000,000 a )car. llo always con tributed hcuvlly to campaign funds, espe cially In general elections. Tho principle upon which ho made these subscriptions he disclosed on ono occasion to un Investigating committee, beloro which ho was called to testify In regaul to hi! Kilo management. UU I'lillllis Dliii'iiili.l Upon 'he Minn. Hon." He sild ho nlwas contributed to the ex jHTisej In districts along tho lino of his roads, ulul he rtgiitdid them asgiod pa)lng Invest ments. When asked w hat political party he supported lu making such contributions, ho replied that It depended altogether on the dtuatlou. In a Democratic district he was a Democrat and In a ltepubllcan district lie was a ltepubllcan. W hen lhe district was doubt ful hu was also doubtful, but lie wus an Erie limn .ill thu time. It wus pretumibly tho samo with him In regard to all his vast properties, and hu gaugid his contributions to tho needs of each particular case, lot king out for his own lnteicsts llrst, list and all tho time. It Is sal I that the appointment of Mauley Matthew s to the fcupie mo llenili of the United states was the tribute which ho exacted li om the Garfield administration In return fcr ; bis contribution to Hi" Itcpubllcnn campaign ' fund In that contest. In private life Gould's record has been that of ii most exemplar citizen, llo loved his ' f ii mil) and spout all ot hu time outside of his business hours In tlulr company. Ills' home life was asenlm und purons his public llto has been stormy and tainted with the suspicion of dishonesty and tilcLcry. Ills style of Hi lug has not been pretentious although his mansion on 1 Htli avenue Is lur-' iilshcd rlehlv and In a manner that compares favorably with those ot the wtalthlist ottho town, and his country seat al Irvlngton-on-thc-lludiou is provided with over) thing that wealth could purchase. lie has never cnteitalucd extensively, aud onl) u tew outside ot his Immediate famlly hivcenJojedtLo luxuries which ho has thus provided for his personal comfort and lccrea linn. 1 lllsconservatoiyat Jrvlngtonls one of tho 1 trgest aud most complete lu tho world, and Is snld to be onl) equalled by that ot the Dul.e cf Westminster In England. It con tnl'is thousands ot tho larest and most beau t mil (lowers and plants, and, otttsldo of his stocks, this H his ono great hobby. He also possesses line libraries and a mag nltlccnt collection of pictures and statuar. Ills steam )acht, tho Atalanta, Is one of tbo largest aud most sumptuously appointed crutts ot lis klud that has ever been con structed. Ills said to have cost him moro than $40,000 a year to Indulge this luxury. .Thrmalied by One of Ilia Victim. One of the notable Incidents In Gould's Wall street corner was his public chastisement by j wi"at l-. ... EXTRA. I Major fcelovcr. a big Kcntucklan, which oo- curred In 1877. "'"M Sclav er had lost a pllo ot money In specula- 'rH Hon, and attributed hU misfortune to Gould's ' -,'H manipulation ot tho market and treachery. tf llo swore that he would thrash tho little 'jH man whenever ho met him. Ho cams across 'JjjH hi in ono diy lu Exchanao place, nnd otter tH pummelling him and shaking him up roughly, jFjjl ho dropped him over nti Iron ratling Into an t;JH areaira. 3$3H (ir.uld took his punishment philosophically, fjiH but It is said that for a long tlmo after that t. he never went around In Wall street without p having somo ono near at hand wh) could B render hlm assistance In case Ot an attack. x'y-'"H llcporls of Mr. Gould's serious llineu and ij even ot his death have been set afloat many times In tho last few years. Jinny tit these jH rrputbwcr undoubtedly put forth; By Wilt 'H street speculators In tho hopo and with the 'vj Intent to affect tho stoat market; but,lt has Jv been a milter of common knowledge, that Mr. SB Gould has not been In robust health tor -! several years, notably slnco tho death of his Q wife, Jan. 13, 18U1. Tho loss ot her loving S companionship fell heavily upon him, and. 'v lessened his ponerotrcslstancotohlschronW JfH ailments, neuralgia and biliousness. About a year ago at a meeting ot railroad fJ directors In Hussell Sago's ofllco JUr. Gould J"H beenmu greatly excited, It Is said, because he ' wosoTcrruled In the matter ot passing a ijH dividend, and bo utterly collapsed, falling In k'. a faint while arguing his point with hlj tcU J- low-directors. A physician wns has tlly'sum- ,-B moncd, who applied restoratives, and the ItsB groat financier rallied so that ho coull bo SB taken home. Mr. Sago and tho physician to iBl companlca htm In Mr. Sago's carriage. -r)fljl since that oocurronco Mr. Gould rarelf 9 visited, his cfflco In th Western Union Build Sj Ing, and seldom camo downtown. lie was ;':jl constantly advised Ly bis . physician Dr. .ljH Munu both al his homo !n this city ana at 'jel irvlngton. ill Early last spring Mr. Gould, with hi daughter Helen and his youngest son and VH Dr. Munn, went on his private car tor an "fflfl extended tour ot the Southwest. Finding the H climate of hi Paso, Tex., congenial and bene- jH nclal to his health, ho remained tbero several VH uiontns, afterwards visiting Colorado and V"i cevcrtl points In the Kocky Mountain region, & returning to New York In much better pays. "iH . leal condition than when he left. 4 Prior to his departure on .this Journey, a ;jH 1 good deal ot excitement was caused In church ?H circles by a conference ot Presbyterian clcr- 'SjfH gymen called at Mr. Gould's house, It Is sold, lfH at the tnstanco ot Miss Helen Gould. At this I'iH meeting tho subject ot church cxtenBloa.wss j- dlscusiod, and Mr. Gould handed to Iter. Dr. jjH John Hall a check for 910,'o66' as his contrK button to tbo treasury ot the Church Eiten- )J slon Society. -9H This gift and tbo manner of its bestows! KH called forth much criticism, notably from 'jH Uev. Dr. Charles H. l'arkhurst, whoanlmso. vfH verted upon the sources ot Mr. Gould's wealth. MH . DR. SCOTT'S FUNERAL. M eorvlcos Th'.s Afternoon in the East 'H Boom of the White House. '11 Ibi i.ocuT7n rnxta.1 "hB Vsiiinuton Dec l. Tho body ot the Iter. UB Dr. Scott was brought downstairs this mora. 3 lng to the East Itoom of tho Whlto House, jH and placed In tbo centre to await the services AiH at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Around the room. tH jialms and potted plants ot a dark green were JH arranged with a few ot the numerous floral J tributes. vKM Thu services wero very slmplo and were 4B conducted by Iter. Dr. Teunls Hamlin, ol the '$B Church of tbo Covenant. There was a H prayer, the reading ot verses from the Scrip- j3H ture, a short nJdress by the pastor, ana slag- lug b) a quartet from Dr. Hamlin's church. !H l ho honorary pall-bearers were secretaries M John W. losier, and Noble, Attorney-uen- :FH erai Miller. l'otmastcr-General Wanamakcr, '..iH Justice Stiong(rttlrrd), of tho United states fH suiireinu Cuurl: JuUl-o Wvlle. Samuel Sheila- SV baigor, and Dr. W. it. II. Warm&n, ot the V4 Pension onice. T ho holy bearers have beeu VH iliosen from the ushers of the White House. -H shortly before 7 o'clock this evening the "iH boj) will be burno to thu Pennsylvania itall- iH mad station, and the funeral party will leave TH on a special train fur Wushlugton. l'a., which '-'JH w 111 be reached early to-morrow morning. ''M 'lhe body will be talreri to tbo house ot j?jH Joshua Wright, an old trlend and relative ot JB Dr. scoti's, uud about tin hour later will ba -vH taken lo the cemetery and interred after a XiifH brief oervlce at the grave. The party expects -M to arrive tu Washington about midnight to. ? morrow. TitH T ho members of the party will be the Fres- 'S , ldcnt. Mr. and Mrs. ltussell Harrison. Un. 'M I McKec, Lieut, and Mis. Parker and ltussell '4H bcott. 'I hu honorar) pallbearers will not go VfM I w ah the train. i'VjH EX-GOV. HOYT DEAD. tM &IH Former Exooutlvo of Pennsrlvanum. , 2SH ! Expires at Wllkesbarrd. 'tal ' BT i.iociAitn rarii.l 'Ival WiLirsBiiiRF, 1'x, Dec. t. Ex-Gov. Henry iH M. Hoyt died at 3 o'clocg this morning. 'H? He was surrounded by his family and a ch ivH cle of sorrowing friend). wB He had long been a eufferor from Aright H disease. ,7tH mIM Mexican Cabinet Remains. 2-?B ii-t it.oruiEn rvl 4rl Citt of Mexico, Dec 1. President D as -H directed a uoto to sub-Secretary of Vorelgn $ Affairs Athlraz, declining to accept tho reslg- :S;H nation of tho Cabinet, and asking him to 't'H thank citch and every member for tnelr past 'XM services and to request them to conilnuo at nM their posts as bcrctoiorc. To this all the IvH members assented. a-i 1 - - . vi fH THE GLOUCESTER ENTRIES. H GLOC-CESTElt IUCB TlttCC, N. J., SeC. 1- ''3H Entries and probable starters lor to-morrow's 4flH races: 'vl I Vlr.t Racf Four and a half farlonff. l aalllQf. iH rtJlrmr. 101, Itubr. 1UH Mlu. AlODt, TtJa- jQM way, Stlan, V'J. Laagar, Coma (Ja, AloraT., l'r- s-.ktrH uaJer, 104: Waibiiifton, HU I rt-limioi-k, I'l I 1.1IH Mriacnaa. 113; Chapman, 11UI 1'Jlrlck, luTi Llos- H . 8i'euud Itaoe TbrM-tourttn ol a nlla, .elllnci XciH i for two-rear o A maidens. llarrr iltskaoa. Major 'ilH MoNultr. Ytiucc rrouliadour. Itoniau. Bartow, aM LlliJaoi.lOOaacli, llerl, .S.lll. K., lUw Drop ttllj, IB lalautlia, Implicit,, Ut lb. each. HIH fluid llaca Itio-rlchtlia o( a rollai Mllltif. lilH Lucta. John Lackland, Kollo, llattle Or. Martr siiH II.. 1U0 eachl Korcil. 1UJ; lloneat Tom, 11)3; H llookmaifr. trejoli. l)'Jclit McC'attr, Vtlb.,, ",VH tourin llaoa stvan aad a talf furloDgal IHds. mHH Saurflon. Alau Arvhar, lus aaobi Cnaraotar. THIB IDS: I'.rnwooJ, I'alham, 11U aach lilotlawr, 1?Hh I) lb. S& lIH tlfthRaw Sllandooa-half forlonj.j latlloc. flUB Gtaal Ciuni. llJl Le.IUr, 110: Uau. lloHua, d!iH lOTtlliairawajr, lllli llourl, lOilb. VliH Sllth Itaca flf-alfbtja of a in Hal Millar. ) '1HH lir.Ti.r, An.tral, lllaca Koifht.105 lb. aachi ld CJH vtoralar, Uold.tap, 101 lb. .aohl Dr. WIImi. Uat- JM tUntos, Jimfaila, Aquuco, Wauoo, Jlia Claia, .iHH IDS lb. aaco. , 'WM