Newspaper Page Text
If NSAV'i! fW ' jWant that $500.00. j I i fFAlR 4S'389 326,707 392,269 : ZZS3 WiffeCl j: I estimate that the average number of cople ; l PRICE ONE CENT. NEW YORK. ri.IDAV, l)KrKMK.. '2, 18!L. PRICE ONE CENT. II EXTRA.! 2 O'CLOCK. JAY GOULD IS DEAD. The Great Financier Passed Away at 9,15 To-Day. ' G0KSGIOU8 TO TE- LIST. End Came Peacefully in the Room Where His Wife Died. All the Members of His Family Received His Farewell Glance and Smile. i Little Apparent Effect of Eis Death in the Stook Market a or Wall Street. i Story or the Career of America's Moit Celebrated Financier and Railroad Kins. il 13 13 Jay Gould, the famous financier find roll- 18 maa magnate, died at his homo, .170 Fltth l3 avenue, at 0.15 o'clock this morning. n Mr. Gould's death was apparently painless. ' lie was conscious at tho last, and his bedsldo jil was surrounded by all the members of bid ,9 family. .Mr. Oould died In a room on tho second 'tlj floor of bis homo In tho extension In tbo rear in ol the building, Just over the conservatory, ' tli" name room in which his wife died. jl A few moments before the end Mr. Could expressed a desire to bid his family Then he looked tenderly Into the face of each it Giif, smiled at each and all wa3 over. Although tho event was not unexpected, u the public mind having been prepared for tbc news by tho publication In yesterday's Even- imi Wor.i.n of the facts of his critical Illness, the announcement that tho end had como ,u created intense excitement among business men all over the city. i. ,u that tho death of Mr. Clould had hot been looked for bo soon by his children and by his pbyslclau. Dr. Munn. Is evident by the early u morning reports given out at thohouse to the ,u effect that the patient's condition was ap. parent!)' unchanged. 1 1 was Just o'clock when Dr. Munu it. railed bis wlfo up on the telephone and notl. u Bed her that Mr. Oould had Just passed away. About the same time a bulletin announcing the fact of Mr. Oould'.s death was posted In oU the Western Union Iiulldlng. on l'cr fully twenty minutes after this, re- J potters who called at Mr. liould's luuseivere refused roanrmatlon of tho ruport. l mlertaker John Main's wagon was driven 83 up to tho Oould house at this forenoon. u It came from :i.1 West Forty-tottrth street. C2 Main Is sexton of Dr. l'nxlou'a church, at M which Mr. (lould was ah attendant, ' lie presence of thi! wagon confirmed be yond doubt tho presence of death, and a crowd ct. . cti Wgan to congregate on the street and stuto ot. t the curtained windows. i. "rtv undertaker's assistants ll;ted out a ot- llixe Ice-box covered with, black cloth and '' earned It into the house. Ct cti Within halt an hour alter the death was cw announced District Messenger bojs were burrjlng in and out of the rear enti mice. Ihey hai been called to carry t lie news to the Immediate friends of the faiiulj. 1 l Iilii began an almost unending procession (tl ' pi'. ate carilagct. The vehicles drew up at. ' thn door, the occupants stepped out, and hio.intino iho steps oi the million, IMt their Clidi and condolences, JJJ v hauncey llepuw passed the lion, e on his hm . duwutnwu, accompanied by two lltilu ' Kins, nbcui ten luliiut-s niter Mr. Gould' death had Iw.-ii announced, let. " "'"I1"' und asked ii group ,,u M reporters If Mr. (nuld was mill alive, and i en being milt thatlie was dead, passed en uu llhoui commerffTtxcept on ejaculatory "llnh"' tcw tulli P. Iltinilngtou dove up lolbchcuse ''-'. Jl and, alighting at the door. Inquired It'll ' ''l"ecl''Ultiou or Jlr. Oould. Hi n told thai the great financier wns l!'-i"iiiciv.chlcudt'liCJiiUj;i-. .' Womn reporter caught him as ho was leaving and asked what crtect, In his opinion, Mr. Oould's death would have on Wall strccj alTalrs. Ills reply was: "Nono whatever. Men are ludlildtinls; ' property doesn't die. Mr. liould's properly Is le.t In Just Iho same sh.ipo as It was before his dentil, and Mr. Oeorgo (lould is perfectly competent totnko up the burden whero his father lulu It down." M. Kdwln (iould lives Just back of the Could mansion, at 1 East Forty-seventh street. The curtains of this houo were drawn Immediately utter Mr. Kdwln Could entered after leaving his father's house. Dflrcl on I hi' tttnek .tlnrkel. When tho stock Exchange opened there was no great apparent excitement, 'Iho fluctuations In tho (lould stocks wcro not particularly Important. Missouri l'acirtc naturally reflected the effect ot Mr. (lould's death mom quickly than other stocks. It yielded lMat the opening, tailing tun I, but quickly lecovcrrd to ft.1. Inlon 1'acllio opened H loner at n:,, hut rallied tu :I0S4. Western Union started & lower, at Hfi, but rapidly advanced tnh.",. Manhattan Elevated was lower, at I'ixii. and Wabash profcrrcd fell off i. St. l.ouls Southwestern Oould was sinking fast. A little more definite I Intormntlun was curcd through a friend ot Mr. l.corge (iouid, in whom the latter had sent word that his father was very low, but ho could not say whet her tho worst wajllkely to ensue during the day or not. JAY GOULDS CAREER. History of Ono ot thn Most Famous American Flnnnclerp. It lia -. Iktii truthfully said thai .lay (iould wasnno nt tho most tcmarkable products of Amnlcan clvlllallon. lie was cunsplcuous and pre-eminent amid the throng ot shining lights with whom he was associated In Wall Mini for inuro limn thirty )car. I Among the lcndi-rs In the opposition to his 1 schemes were men ns ambitious and asgrerdy I of gain, It not i finally n brilliant, as himself. I Hut he succeeded In uvcrieaclilng them all, I anil at tho close of his career stood without a rival. There Is not a doubt that his Influence in ' tho Held of speculative enterprise has been j inoro potent than thntnf nny man of his day i and generation. Although his methods have been condemned as not one whit letler tlinii liosoof a highwayman and rubber, many of associated with hlin at dirfcrent times having subsequently accused him nt thn basest deceit and ttcachei v, he succeeded In .IAV OilUI.U'.S KKSUIKSl'K. preferred, of which road Edwin Oould Is President, advanced a4, to 1L'J4. Tho general list showed slight declines at tho opening. Tho transactions in stocks during the first halt hour ot business were only a little larger than usual, aggregating 7L',4t)'J shares ot listed stocks and 13,4 'ft of unlisted. It was reported on the street that Mr. (lould had put Into the band ot trustees tho bulk olhls proporty, to bo held during (he life of bis children. The three stocks ot which hi? holdings are thus spoclally trusteed aro Western Union, Manhattan Klcvatcd and Missouri l'acldc Mr. John T. Perry, an intimate trlcnd of Mr. Oould and a director ot the Western Union Telegraph Company, said this morn lng: "Mr. Oould stated recently that he had trusteed his holdings ot Manhattan Elevated, Western t'nlon and Missouri l'acltlc, and that they could not ba sold." If this Is so, tho (iould Interest In theso stocks Is tied up, and they cannot bo dumped upon the market, and the prices ore likely to remain nun. The Oould boys, Oeorgo ami Kdwln, have been credited for a long tlmo with being I "short" of stocks, and It Is said that Addison I Cammack, tho well-known operator, has al ready been bearing the market on this knowl I edge. MR. GQULO'SJLAST NIGHT. Ills Children and Ills PhjM'clan Watched at His Bedelcie. l'rom Information given out at the residence or Jay Oould, ,7u Fifth avenue, this morning It wasevldent the treat financier was rapidly neanug death; so rapidly, lu fact, that the end was merely a uut-stlon ot hours, yesterday's KvhMsu Wiiki.ii told of the steady In the alarming symutnms ot his nines-, which was hatd to bo hemoi I rhage of thojtoiiiach, although Dr. Munn, his attending physician, declined to make public any pattlculars icgarding tho suf ferer's complaint. I p to T o'clock last night the butler at the front ooor ot the ;uuld ie.ldt-nre would say nntlilng except tliul "Mr. oould Is resting quietly. There Is no change." Whcu evening came, however, ail ot .Mr. oould'.s family wero gathered at his home, j j Among tnem were Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge I (iould, Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln Oould, Miss Uclen i (lould, Mr. Howard Oould, Mr. Harold oould I and Miss Annlo Oould. Dr. Munn, who had consulted with Dr. K. O. Janeway during the day, was also present. ! At H o'clock last evening It was said that I ltcv. Dr. John It. I'axton, oi the West ITes. I bjterlau church, where Mr. (it-uld attend', sirvlces, called at tho sick nun's bed-lde, but , icmalncdoulya little while. At that hour It vvastnldll-at Mr. (mild was c m-cloiis, but so weak that ho was uniii le to s-'eaic At i o'clock last cviiiin; Mr. Oeorgu OmiM ' ' srit out a note to n caller, audi hue tin llrsl onicial Information of il.o evening. H . read 'imply : My rather is v.r) Imv. 1 liur'ng the evening m.ili.v nleu in ol tlm j fjli.l!) called, but tew nbi .liicl mi. di'llnlle ' liiieruiatl'in. Alllucloci. I. .is repmtcJ that J,r. (lould was mu..):i.-Uoii. and at luul- night thai ho was lukln: rapUij. j I .M 1 o'clock this morning all tl.o llirlitr. In the house eicept thosu In lliu sick-ioom, In i the comer on tho second tloor, were tuinid I low. Tho household, with the exception of 'Mr. Oeorge oould, had retired, leaving Dr., Munu and tho nurses to natch the patient. When day broko this morning Mr. oould I was jet adve, but Dr. Munu was still at his j bedside. Mi's. Munn did nut know when the doctor would return home, but confirmed the report that ho htd teen with Mr. (iould all . nljibu I , i 7.1S Ml. Kclwlu Oould lelt tli house I ' andilrovonwa) In a carriage. M 7.1511 was saU at thu liOU'C that Mr. I gratifying his greatest ambition amassing the most colossal fortunes ever accumulated byoneman'nntrL.Jliilni; 11 iiuncmnd Influ ence over his fellows to an extent that few In a free country would everdream or acquiring. Of.Iay (iould's earlier life very little was known until within a comparatively recent time, for of all men living he was one of Iho I closest mouthed. Most of the facts hero narrated In regard to his youth were brought out lnan Investigation by the United States Congressional Committee on Labor and Edu cation, before whom Mr. Oould nppcared In lhH:i, tuid for tho llmt time In his life uu oosotned himself. He was born on May '!7, 1811(1, near the lit tle town of ltoxbury, In Delaware County, this Mate, nbout two bundled miles fioui New York City. Ills father, John 11. cnuld, was the owner of a small farm which he had Inhei lied from his father, lie married three times, and his first wife, Jay's mother, died In 1W41. The boy was christened Jason, and he was known by this name until he was nearly twenty .veais old, when ho changed It lo ,ln. I Exactly when he Hist began to write his name lu this fashion Is not know u. llrritrd IIIn Fathcr'H Com. In his earliest days Utile Jason upcd In tend his fnther'H cows. There weie twenty of them, and he drove tnem m uud from tie) pasture every dny'and naMsted his sisters In milking them. lie did not like farming, however, and when ho wus ten jcars old he asked his father to let him go to hchool. Ills father thought bo was tooyoung.buttlnallygavo hlspermlstlon, and .la) stinted out to get his education. lie hud to walk lltleen miles to the neares: school, and sinned out Sunday nights, return ing on fatur.l.ij There In- soon learned in read, w ilte and I'.gtui', and after he became prollclcnt In thesj blanches ho obtained a position In a country stole, when- he worked nights keeping Hie lxnl.sior the proptletor, and earned u little pocl.fl luone besides slip, pnitlng himself during the week. When he was touilecn, he gave upschool and lift home, lie was engaged as a clei k by tho same country stole keeper, and had to j siveepout, lend nist rimers and do other work about the place, which kept him bus) from I) a. i. till 1(1 I'. II. Hcdcvoud his spare time at night to stud) lng mathematics, and became vcr.v much In tel ested In surviving and englneeilng. He nnall) determined lo become a surveyor. Dining this period his genius ror driving slnnp bnrgiilns began m develop llsclf, and several Incidents are iclated which show his great sliicwilness Hi getting the best of a mun ir n trade, lu one ease he nveitcaeli'd his emplo)er lu a 'mall leal estate deal, which Is said In have eot hlin Ills ki-iuii. Mien iitenv.iicK Inc.' vyr, h- li-ard ihal a sin viv nr li.i was iu,il.lg n m.i i oi lister fount) n anted an .i l-'uin. and h ' p lied for III- 1 1 -lili) i. II" w.i. eng.ind .it I'Jll i. ' lu'uilii. l: is dill ii s veic tin an) Iheehalu lu line) lng n Hds and til'ieaie le'l',. '1 he J ulii ini'iil wus Hun lie was lo lie all at lle end i f th- i ill,, but ju-i Inline 11,1-. ni.,e i 'lieitHi"sUi',.'ior .ib-ei ndeil, Ii nvn.g .lav II. ilebt a ii' I pi'iiiilii-s alter weeks' I li.tidwus. I As some people hid prevluiii-l) wained hlir. ' not tonus, hi-, employer, .luy fell very iiiu.1i' illsiieai'tcud in ids own lack of Judgment. lu hi testb.uui.v li'ioie the fiunmlltee .Mr.Onuld said he weld into tho woods and hidagsl cr.i, and then he knell down aud pra)ed, and aiieithat he felt better. He went to a fanner's lioue, aud the In mates gave hlin a bowl of bread and milk, and alter he had told them his story and asked for work the farmer asked him It he could make a sun dial forhlui In tho Irani yaul. Jay said lie could, anil completed Hie -noon maik" that niternoon, '! ho farnifr paid hlin n dollar for his oi k. After Hit Ja) plucked up (iiuidge again1 and with the other two aslslnnisof Hie nh. ' scondlne surveyor went onanileniiiplcled Die ' map. He ntterwards sold out m iiistnous. ' soclntes for .loo. This was In December, 8.V. Ilia I'llKl Vlsll lo New nrh. ' .ln (iuiilil mnile his tlrst vlll to New "rk In lh.111. He biouvhl with him an liu'eiilmis iiiou'clrnp which he hnd Invenled and whli h i lie Inlendcil tneililbll and perhaps dlp"seot at a good profll. lie got Into u to I tile uptown, pliu lng his package on the seat. A thief, who Imagined It might contain v.ilu ables, tried In mil nwnv with II, but .lav caueht htm and irgiilucil pnsscs-loii ot hi s mouse-trap. uv ooci.n, .nt. t The Invention was not a sucies. and tjr went bark Into the country mid mnde hlsv. lug at sune)lDg for several ve.ns. Diiifiig this lime he made the acqunlntrindiMit 7loc Pratt, of rrattsvllle, who owned th bX-esi tannery In tho Stnte. llewns seventy R'.irs old and look n gieat Inner to onrJ .lav oould, who soon aflerwiiids went llio his employ and eventually became the pawner of Pratt. r Oould Induced him toslavt anotheisTanneiy In Pennsylvania, near the hoidcr.Aung the line of the Delaware, I.aeknwaiimiJtnd West ern rond, and Oould himself cu! llillrst hem lock In the ramp. There was JwfhOOO cap ital represented In the buslne, which was run by Jay. He had things all hlmselt and Is said to have made enormous profits out of the business, r nun. i.nui.n. Prnlt, at any rate, became dissatisfied with his partner's operations at Onuldsbnro, nst he ronnsylvunla tanner) .was called, and thought thu books did not show pnillls enough. When hu liegan to gel suspicions (lould, who had ihdiIo thu acquaintance of several wealthy leather merchants of the "Hwnmp," In .New Yolk, Induced one of them, named Leupp, to advance hlin f no.oon, with which ho bought out Pratt's Interest In the tannery, giving Leupp a mortgage on the , place. It is said that Oould treated Leupp In the 'same way, and, after he had made all he could out of tho tannery, he sold I he property to Leupp for several times Its actual value. Tho panic of lh.17 onino on, and Lupp be came hopelessly Involved In tiankiiiplc) and shot himself In his mngnlllcent house on Mad ison avenue. - C' W ,, ! XIIHIN (iOl'l II. It Is alleged lhat,n addition to goiitlig Leupp la the lam.ei) deal, (iould, who at this time hid begun to uinlll.uU" hlm-elf with slock transactions In .New lork, hid Involved his patron in some i xceedlngl) disastrous deals, which preclpltnled Ids falluic, while Oould piollted b) the catiisllophe, (in Iliac!; Friday (iould wus openly accused b) his enemies of having klllel Leupp. 'I his Is an episode 111 his e.ueer, however, upon which (iould has never show u a illspnslllon tu shed any light. j HU I'lrsi Itiillrond Veniurr. i Oould engaged In his railway enter-J tei prise In 18.17, when he bought tho bonds of the Itutlnud and Washington tOienlsnn the dollar. He says he bought them with borrowed money, piubably. Leupp's, aud that he lliialt) took charge of the road. He sold out allii wards at a ralr profit, but the piirthuseis round the) had gut I veiy little for tin Iruioni')'. I AImiiI this time Ooi Id minted ami ame to I New Yoik to live. Ill' next ventme was pi Cleveland ami I'IMsliuig binds. Hcbi.iiilil' nt 4(i a- d then i.iu the price up m ivo, .h whli h lie -i.l mil ami lit, 'In' m.ul lu take llllcnt llself, 'i. i.lll- weie I ilce III I Ills as well iis In his nt lii'i-voir me, mill It llils w Im ii gave hlin his -tall on tin way tn uiiias-lng loinnie. ' Delweeii 18.1H and lsiin.liv i.oul 1 I'lM b ' gan m I'lossom mi: in Wail aiieei. s mmui , ns he was tutrl) IiiiiiiciihI In llp swim he was never oni o out ot It during :he icmaltuler "t his life. ' He vieut Into Hi" stmi agilusl the advice of many of his friends bin he vvassn suuess. ful f.'i m tho start tliul he soon pill their teats mills'ht. Hi showed hlmselt a born sncculator, and was soon able lucopi! wlih thu most dm lug among them. Within aviiy short lime he, was In the front runk. Ills chief character!-! tic was his cautiousness and reserve. He . made friends with very few, and was tlicj enetii) of most ot his associates In specula ilon. smile of those vvph whom he has had tela- V Unas, rl'her trleiullv or liusiiio, or Imtb, ns "lilted liiseoiivi'nleiice.iverci ouimtslore Van licit tit. Diinlnl l)revv,.ufines Flsk.jr.; Mm llel dens, commrdote OaMismi, Henry X. smith. James 11. Keene, orge 1.', (leu. Th 'in. ( .N Hiliv.. (i. .Mills, Addison fain, mark, Wwtlflu ITiihe llockelellcrs, chailes J. (islnirn, Alircdllly, 1). I'. .Moigaii, lollls I'. Huntington, llywscll sage. John W. Oatrell. Itois'it oinrett..l'. .Morgan, ( .vrus W. n-ld, II. ,l..levvetl.tliocllgmanH, .1.1) Cooke. Iletuy Clews, Washington K. fninier. Edwnid s. siokes, s. . f.i William It. Traver. llutus lliileli, Snm San and others who hive been prominent flfuirs in Iho stnet dining the pasl I hilly ars, loi'soinelme utter oould inni" to New Soil, lulliy he lioinded at ilie Kveielt House. It was twin Hint he met the cidi r James (onion lnnell, whom ttinse d.ivs was one of iioilli closest f (Inhhllnr I'p Ihe llrle. 'Iho at st Rrcat Hchemo tn whhh oould be. eamu iltcrested niter he enliied W nil street was ii gobbling nt the Erin 1t.illr.iad. 'Ihe stornt this tent and the gold eonspltnc), vvhllli culminated In the fatuous I'lhln) prylc, are the blackest pnges lu the record of (gild's career. Vhen the gieat "pcculntor Hist wont Into m strict Erie was ono of the active stocks. in liegnn by dabbling lull, and tlnallj, by "iciivy piirch.ises. peeam a director, and was Ms eotit rolling spirit In !Rrt7. His acquaint- I mice with Jnni"S l'lk, tr., scvnal cars previous, nnd th two, working to gether, made one ot the Mrongc-.t tuml whli h Wall street has ever known. siCiTA mrs. ooci.n. I Chailes Francis Adam, lu writing of the Erie eplsodj several years attervvat do, charges oould with having nithlessly plunlered Erie, and alludes In the ivvnincn ns pair (it free booters, who made every ono they met stand nnd rtelli tr. risk was the son of a 1 crmonl peddler, who hud mnde his money In gambling lu Wall street. lie was a bold and Mustering fellow. whn loved notoriety, and wns Just theoppn- ! olio of oould, w ho was timid and shrinking. -&&$ i -" ,iiiii!i!i!i''' kisnnox (inn. n. In appearance Flsk: wns loud, coarse and ' seiiaiial and fond ot dlnplny. lie used to drive about town lu a coach and six horses with the most notorious women of the day, and sci mid to glory In his open misconduct. He was uneducated, but made up Ids lack of knowledge bv bravado and cheek. lu those nays Flsk was the more prominent oi Ihe two, publicly, but lie was really (inly seciind llddle to Oould, who knew hnvv tn Uso hlin for nil he was worlh, mid who pulled Ihe vvlies while Klsk blew the horn. I When Flsk and Oould went Into Erie, Dan-' lei Drew wns tho contiolllng spirit. He worked a gumo on llio public, which Oould. allerwnids played on him with the greatest -iicccss, and lepentedli In the cum- of New Jersey ( entra I. This trick of Dievv's was niii'iirenlly tn let himself gel cnriieuii in ; l.ili". lie then appealed 111 the street with all Immense block of stock which had been xinii itfd Irom Hi" of the fomp.ui) under nu obscure uoil-lo:i n the charier and l'i .!.) the market, naplm; nil the piMs mid i iiliilng liuiidieds or Hnnll spi'i m-. .1 nliilrrhlll Xiiirri'd lor 7,lll)",ll!IO. 'Ihe Erie deal in tglnutrd In a war li'i.veea Drew and fnminiHloie Yaiideiblll. 'Ihclilti : had obtained control of Ihe llurlem a'nl Hud- j son Idler lonus In nddlllon to the Alliihyj Uuenrsleiimbonls. and vvnuted to gi i hold uf Erl". lie biiight nt ever) oppoiiunliy. Dnw, I Isk and (Land laid plans lo detent him, oould engineering the scheme. Securities were Issued h) the bushel, and then vandirbllt lesntied lo lltlg.iilin. lu Junctlniis wero obtained tn prevent Drew from I, suing (Hk. ( ni'ili'i'liiluiiclliins ,vcie oblulned. and Jildses.ill nvei the Mate wire anpcnlcd to bv both spies. H was a time when corruption of the rankest kind wasille, niiddevelopdl such men as llaii.anl'aiid far-' dnn, who were .ilterwauls impe.uhed Inr their connei tlmi with ihe .. ftalr. ' I!) un Issue in .in Hlin shaici, i.r l.rle wiisuuth'Ulut. Ihl-'etil-ii i.iiiderbllt.niid he rented llulil the I'rlll vv II h a loss ii t i ,. 01)11,0011. V,ili.iuls ,vei" l-siied nr Hi" in'. mm n Drew, I isk, niilil and I he other dlrei. tins nt l.rle. inn liny escaped i tin lag t , .lei .e, ill,, With ll.c MC'iililos In tlii'ii poi knts. l t sjl.l thai 4U,uOil.ilUU went Ca. lied over the n ii) iu uieeoiuh, Erin was tncii liiinriiiuled In Ni w Jcim), and New v) h (.Islilni's wii" brio d lo liR.UIe Ihe aevv ts-ue ct .Hi.iiliu shales nt stm'k. Peter II. sweeti"), as iiiuverot die, got 41.10,0110 as his fee h) order of Judge' llara.ird. It Is said that Oould went tn.U-, bail)' with ?.1n0, nun In his pocket for Use In ttinli Ijliy. He wasari'sted and brought lo New Icik, and vveut back under Ihe charge ul a depiil) 1 sheriff, whn let hlui in ape. It camo out alterwaids that William M. Tweed recitvisl a ! fee of tll.l.uou lor legal services forthcErlel toad while lu was a st.uo senator. i i'lieicsiili ot this liattlo wus that Diew look his piollls uwl withdrew truuithe man-' .igemi i'. and iiinild .v d I l-k ami In. Ihis' dru was In 1HH8. iiinild wns first President m that and conllnued at the head of the Coin any until 187!.'. Everyb ily supposed that Krl" was squeced dry at that time, hut (IfiuliI mill his irlcnds saw soinethlng lu It. The Inn that between 180H unit 1K7!., Ihu period ot the (iould administration, the debt of the railroad Incensed imm ti!4,00U,wi to 411.1,000,000 shows what they got out1 nl It. llrevr ('might tn Ills (Inn .Net. Drew speculated In File after Oould got In, nnd beloro he knew It he was cornered In eirnest. When he found tint he was In dan ger of being ruined ho went to Could and pleaded with him to help him out. (iould was merciless, however, nnd compelled his: old ally to pay over l..ino,oon, which nenrly bankrupted him, and tho old man never re-1 covered trom the blow. I Could was ousted Irom Erie lu 1871) by a I I combination of the English stockholders, who had been badly nipped alter thpy hnd been decoyed Into Investing tn the stork. There was an exciting seeim at the Ornnd Opera. I House, whi-io the Erie ofllecis were, on tho night of the annual meeting In 187:1. Oould' and his party hud control, had locked' themselves In behind barricaded doors. Tho evolutionists burst In, the police were called , nut and there was the biggest row ever sieu i lu the history of railroad electioneering. Tho i lesultvvns that Oen. Dlx was elect edl't esl-1 dcnl and Could was fired out. Flsk had been shot by Stokes previous In this, In 1871, but nut before helud quarrelled with (iould, whom ho accused of sharp prac tices upon himself. Oould piovlded gener ously for Flsk's widow, however, and nothing more was heard of theinutter. After the (iould party went out of Erie, Ihe company was found to bo very far over the verge of bankruptcy, and lor )oars nftir wards It was In the hands of a receiver. Manv new companies had been funned, the stock of which hud gone Into Onuld's pocket, and he is said to have made li:,000,O0O clear out of the wreck. Alter a long lltlgatlm he was forced tn make lcstltutlon, hut this did nol amount to au thing, us tho secuillles which ho turned over tn the Company were found by the re ctlver to It" practically worthless. It Is said that Oould speculates! and made a lot ot money on this pretended restitution by circu lating teports which enabled hlin to Indulge In one of his tavnrllo pa-tlmcs, Unit or "I. jlngthe market." :Xfi -;' ' " "o , Mi:.-, invvis ooiin. All this tlinu (iould po-ed as a cleat public bciiefacmr. A not her one of the Wiz ard's schemes wns the emnirlng ol North western stoi k. lie I ild Ihe Congress! (ommlitce, when a-l.ed nbnitl this, thai when ho .iw the Mock at 7.1 and so he thought It was cheap, sn ho bought some. When it reached !Mtl he said ho was Induced top.irt with some of It. This venture ruined his own partner, II. N. Smith, who In revenge gave sniii.' ver) Interesting Informal Inn tn 111" isimtnltteet, which subsequently Invcstl gated Mr. Oould'.s uftalr. 'Ihe ( Cold ue. 'I he gold ciuis' ir.ic) of lsnii was nu,-of the Hi".! iemail.iibie ,'pi.n lesot I,, t-l I s i a:ee, tli Wall t'l '. Il was en,.'ieer"d b) Ihe nihil ol s.ihi'11. i.iiiild A Mill I In. of winch I, mild wns a llll'lllb'l. liuUld vvenl allnllt tills - le'llie njieii v, ami was cr-lsici:' Ii .idvuaitng a m 'V en cut ill" pilie "I U' Id II- nivued thai It wmld !-. l uellt ' In III'' till lll.'l In the lllllicss .li'ercslsiif iheciiimliv. lllssi'hcnie vvastnget I hei, runt administration m bad. Iimiini in ildsview. i! sv ii Until tin assist a tin- 'I lie lulled' siatesTicasiii) Ii knew It would be Useless in attempt ni.y lOhslJerubiu huh inovmient lu gold. In nnlcr in get Hi.- onvernnu'tit Into iho deal he Interested A. II. CorWn, a biothei-lii-law of I'lcsldcnt o rant, in the s. heme. Ills said that Could bought and carried 1,400,000 lu gold lorcorbln audolhcis whom he desired louselncoiinecilon with the carry lng out of his si heme. Ilultcrworthat that time was the United Mates Asslsiam Treasurer at New ork. During the Summer of l son President Oram eanic to New 1 or;., and oould and Flsk enter, i tallied lil.ii mid ins pait) ai a siimp'.uoujj Imtniuct on one of the Sound steaners. It was at this banquet that Oould first got at ' thoear of Orant, and he tried hard to pump the President as to his financial policy. Oould wanted lo put gold up to 11.1. He had bought tho big load he was currying at about 1110. Orant finally seemed to bo Impressed with Oould'.s th"oryntid wrote u tetter to liout well, the Secret u ryot tho Treasury, express ing Ihe view Hint It was not a wise thing to frree down th" price of gold. Oould hud ill icitly purchased millions of gold nnd Iho price hud not advanced ly. A pool was tormod tu liny more. Oould organized this, and was assisted In his plans by the fiut that ho owned tho Tenth National Hank. In one day It over certified checks to Ihe amount ot 7l00,nito. Ho had flftj or sixty brokers till) lng for him In the gold-room. It took a purihaseot tn raise the market trom 111.1 to 140. Then Flsk and several other friends ot Oould camo Into tho scheme and assisted him by buying gold. Karlj In September or listiri It began to look ns though thn scheme wus about to succeed. Everyday witnessed aareuonf wild excite ment lu the market, and tho prlio ot gold was bttadlly.iidv anclug. Hnuld "cenlrd llnnsrr nnd tVcnprd llnln. 'I ho only danger was that the Treasury might unloid Its gold and Dieak the market before tho ronspliatorn could rcallo their protlts and get out. A letter vras sent to (Hunt by n messenger. Tho President was then travelling In thu West. Tho President gave an ortl answer to the messenger alter glancing at the letter, which, when reported to Could, was Interpreted as favorable to his request. Tho nexi day Corbln received a letter from Mrs. Orant, who knew that ho was heavily Interested In the gold speculation, telling hint to get oui of Wall street assoou as possible. hen Oould heard ot this ho was filled with consternation. A rouucll of war ,as held, and It was resolved that on the next day, j Tlimsda), nglgunllccfToM snould bomado tu boost the market higher nnd unload. j Accordingly all Ihe Oould brokers wero sup-' piled with hcav) nrd'i's, and tho excitement began. Ever) body went scrambling for gold, (iould, however, who appieel.itcd the fact fiat the game was up, was quietly telling while all his associates were hujlng. T he next day, tllack Friday, camo the panic memorable lu the annals of Wall street. The must Intense excltcmeni pievnlled at Ihe stock Exehauge, and the prlco of gold was run ttpln m.i. suddenly the announcement came that tho Tieasury was selling freely, mid within a shoit tlmo the bottom dropped completely nut of tho market. Th'1 pamc irlekcti crowd wis as anxious Instil ns it had Jusi before beeuto buy, and scenes of thn wildest oiinlu-loii ensued. When It was learned that Oould had gone back nu Ids frleiids and sold them nut the most bitter linlls'uatl'in was lep, and it would have gone hard with hlin If th" iiugiy mob had been able to la) lis nii.ds up. n him. Ilo knew enough tn keep nut of thu wn) until the first i uiliiKUii had passed away mid he was hoi .-ee:i In the -.iris't lor a long time .worn ant. I s bellevi.l thai Could came nearer tn being ruined In this deal than at any time In his life liefori' or afterwards. He only saved himself bv sacrlllclng his associates. M recUlna l he Union I'oclllc. After being ousted from thu Erie manage. I ini'iit. could went Into Union l'acltlc In 1873 ' ami wus tor ten )carslls master. One of Ids Itrst acts was to Increase the capital stock to '.'OO.Ooil shares. Ho followed out a plau similar tolhal ivhhh he had adopted In his management of the Erie road. lu ts7 7 he began iho establishment ot branch lines, and his scheme resulted eventu ally lu the loci casing the stuck from :;s, ooo, HOP to, ihf tntulcd Indebtedness mm ss,s, no '.ooo to sl'.', mid the uilni- tndcbtc'lt.iss ficin I.U'JiMUMj titlO,- t'llll.tllUI. c.iillii's emu, ei inn with lie) Union I'd' Itic ic.tsed In Iss'i. ah uiiliui was lit ought bv Ihe I mini state. (,o.eililin lit the i, mid dtrii tors mi inUappropilatliig the ,e seis ol tin- f oiiipaii.v, but no s,ii!-t.ict!un was obldlnisl. The nutter was ids Iniostlgivtul by a (Vngve-.-toiiil committee, nnd th'1 lepm M'Vi r.-ly loniictiiueiltlie un thrdsof OuiiMand his aso tales. Oi uld i nie Into pawer again in I nl:i i'a illlc In the Fall oMsiiO, when l harles l'rant i Is Adams retlgne.l (lie Prcsldcuo ot the com pan) and Sidney Dillon was ihoscu as his successor. As a result of the Investigation or 1888, tin ri'iurlor Ojv, I'attlson was particularly se veru on tho oould management. It stated that dividends had been paid lo stockholders without consideration; that n, 000,000 had been sunk tu the Denver and l'acltlc road, and that 410,000.000 uioru had bocu paid lo (('oniiiiiied on i run J s.u;e. ( t EXTRA, i 2 O'CLOCK. J BURNED LIKE PITCH. I . I Ono Life Lost in Brooklyn's Early Morning Fire. 'U y m A Tramp's Pipo Supposed to Have . Started the Blazo. f 1 1'unlc. Stricken Tennnts Jumped for .Wi Their Iivei. 'W fs I A spark from an amp's pipe Is believed to g have started the nro lu tho tenement at 310 $. Flushing avenue, urooklyn, which resulted ffl early this morning In tin death or one per -1$ son and the Injury of four othei s. $ The tramp, whose namo Is Michael Mona- Jc ghan, wasnrrested. Following Is a list of the dead and Injured: The lien,!. . Mint Art. Dovi.b, used forty, collector tor Johnson Urothers lumber yard, killed by ' Jumping. , . Tltr lijiirrit. z' Wii.lhe Doti.e, aged four, overcome by T$i smoke ; at Eastern District Hospital. :. Felix Mt'iirnv, aged thirty. rive, 'long .gjM shoreman, jumped trom second floor and IS slightly hurl ; at liomo.'opathic llospltah -'JU ansik .ML'ui'iiv, aged eicvon, ovcrcomo by .sjB stnoko; at llommopiilhlc HoittaL ; Wi. tliiiXK.s. a cripple, hands burned; at ' Homeopathic Hospital. iJM Mns. c kim r.s, slightly burned ; at llomoso -wt paihlc Hospital. :! Thu tiro vv us discovered at 1.1,1 o'clock this -s9 inoruiog by Policeman Thompson, ot the tjH Mushing avenue siattnn. . sH Ho saw the nmuko nnd names Just as toe , lire was starling, but letore ihe emrlnes ar. rived the whole Ltiildlng was burning. "Ji9 Tno btilhnng was an old Irame structure ' and made as irood fuel tor tho flames as pitch ,' pine for a bonllre. &t From tho cellar tho blaro Jumped through Afi tho three stories to iho garret onore Tnomo- V son could alarm tho truants, nod when tber s-fll .did awake it was to find tho stairways iiSI 'rilled with smoku and all means of escape M cut on". .s-fli Tho third floor was occupied by Michael -',91 Dojle. his wife and eight children. They did ixfl not bear thn cries from tho street until the 3H lira had very nearly reached bis room. .Ifli Doytu burst open tho door to tho stairway, 'Mil but was driven back by sraoko ana Urn ana M rushed to a window. sfll iionhrow sbcdlo the street pavement, and 9H calling lu thu:u below him, dropped his 'Hi I youngest child, a baby, to tno ground. ?BPI .Mean time Mrs. Iioylo had. climbed oat ot uW ' another window and wts hanging trom It sS Jusi about ready tu tall when tho nremen jfl arrived. JdH They ran up a ladder and took her away, f)9i and also saved tbo seveti children who were M hudilled about their father at the window. )U When nil were dawn but Doyle, tue names ,H gave n sudden leap and he (bought he could -.-91 UJt wall togouown tbo ladder., i9l '1 ho io cmen called on htm to do so. but he -i'B jumped. A lew hours afterwards he died 'j'.'mk inuu llielujurlesriceliru. rt'H 'Ihu lauulvuf Felix .Murray, ir ho lived on tfMl Ihu tecond floor, cousljled o( Murray, his -4w who and four children. . iatU They all jumped from the second story to , lifl thopavimeui. None ot them was seriously h'jU Injured. . IfrU notli William Crimes and his wife, who '9 lived on the llrst floor with their three cbll- km (lien, are cripples, and when Ibey heard tho liiiB ulanii ol lire they could nol escape. sH They wcr taken out by neighbors. ,VsM U naglian, who Is believed to tiavo started i'jM tlio lire, wasnrrested by policeman rhomp- ??.M sou and held for a hearing. d He Is about seventy years old, and formerly kepi u Junk-shop lu (he neighborhood. '' lie hud gone lntu (be cellar to sleep during '3U tho nliiht, and says that about 1 o clock he l took h smoke. fll He Insl-ts, however, that be did not start ,aH tbo lire. It la believed he accidentally fl threw the match with which he lighted his -SMI pipe among Nome excelsior. 4l GOV. FLOWER INDICTED. 9 This Report Circulated In Lonr V-U Island City To.Day. '('-I l.OS'll ISIAMI CITT. N. Y., Dec. S. 9 It was announced this morning that '& the (irand .Jury had round true - bills njalust Oov. Flower, his sister, jH Mis. Mhlcy and thu almlnlsirators or both ifH tho Futon Cillese and llspelye estates for iH maintaining nuisances detrimental to th A public health. ii9fl ASSAULT ON THE STEAMER DREW S 'il i Watchman Arrested for an Offenas) ijU Agumst a Femalo Passenger. $31 Ir.V A..0CU7ED riEis.i i"S Ai.msv , Dec. s.-Charles Llebstraubcnlght sRl watchman of the I'eoplo's line steamer Drew, igfim has been arrested for committing au assault Jy upon a young Herman girl named Augusta S ' Kohn, tu a room on iho bout on her trip from 'wS9 New York to this city Wednesday nighU fAlM Thu girl iccently arrived In this city front Mill Oermany, and was coming to visit her sister vraSl here. Llcbstraubo threatened to kill the girl tiDsl If she made any outcry or Informed any one sSjl , on the boat ot vv hat had cccjrrcd. "3fJ! cant, ltee, of the Drew, which got Into her 'twrl 1 dock la Now Ycrk at 8 o'clock this morning, 'Jfc!j salJ to an Ev ksisii Woklu lenorleri & l.lebsttaubc bad-been nlghmvatchmantfor ifejj three moiiihs. lie Is about inent).nve years KjsJ o.d. and seeuitiJ to l a tellable man. ; The assault occurred at midnight, but no. , isniv learned cf It until the loat gat to Al- ,M inn'), when the girl luld her sister who camo S.M ab wid in greet her. ...... . " im - i nntlird that Augusta sobbed when sho -y&m cmti.ieed he.' sister, but al tin time I MM i iinui,hi thai tier tiais were (auied byjoyat ! tl'ilU"w.'li'il;i.vay tcgether, but latrrlntbe kM diy nie sister leturnui an I tuiormcd Finn j-SB j.ate Murphvo: vv hill had occtii red. & I his Is the llrsl t such a thing has iiiM nccuried on board of any cf thu peoples line Mill boats In mv e.; erleuce or tvventy-tive years 5J ' asiaptaln.' ' SUICIDE OF A STUDENT. A nol'evuo Modlcal Pupil Takas "ffi Poison In His Hooni. ?$ j. Hose saukler. tweuty-ovo years or age and a student ot medicine, committed suicide vfm in ills apartments at the Uellevue Hospital uMi C'oll"ge this morning by taking poison. SC) His body was removed to the Morgue aad jBj the Coroner's ofilce notified. K VV hen In .ot of . gowd lluimnl, buy tl. tlia d9 Oil, hli li vv.ti uul Jlint., '." jl J