Newspaper Page Text
f" 2 ft TJ1E WORLD: FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 2, 1392. . I JAY GOULD IS DEAD. Si I it (fmifltn'fd Iran Hit Pcrcr.. K, Goutdanel ills assoi-liUe-s "Tur brunch Hup and fc other ln estnients Utcli w e-ni n orlkk s. RV In addition to lUlill nan MMi'd Hint thr W- credit ot the Company Imel been Injured IS; Abroad, and Hint hundreds ot millions of , W foreign capital, iUlcliollicm Iso would o JW como to tills country, hint been locked up or fe Invested elsewhere In ronscquenou of the Vu methods employed by the iinuld mntingpinctit. W The KansAS raclIlcronTOlldi'loii In 1 MTU ' W ;amo Tory near inxoltttiR (loulel liie-rlmtnnl ' 'L, prosecution forcmbc-7le-mi'nt In IHteii. It in s 'with regard to tho re lcao ol liu.ooi) nhart h of j !"'f the Denver l'acinc btock irom a iiioiIkiiei. I Tho Statute of Minimum;1) nlono.s.-ncil hlln. i Gould vent awny on a jnclillnfflrlplii tli" Atalnnta about tlilitimo and rciiiiilniMun.iy ' ' until tho matter had lecu (Icclrtul, and when fc bo returned ho made n bitter attack upon hit 'f. ciemlei lu tho ucunpftici s. Thr Wnlmsle Also 111 I lll llelliil nc-c- winco Oould becimi'j lileiitltli-n with tho Wabash road In 1MH that corporation has 's Iiooii liopclcMly liiwlu-cl la u.'Ul anil bur- (.fir dcued with chCrmoiH ublljntlon. lie mis fa I,ieldont In llH1,nnd (rot, hit own ic-cc-Iht jSR appointed alter tho Company defaulted in Hi jK lutercbton tho inortRigu debt. AflvininN (4g Judco Coolcy wasappolnled receUer bj .luljc ) 'M Orcshain, nf Illl lot-", desplto tho mestponu- h ' fnl Influence bi ought to ix-nr upon him. r1 During tho past tllticu jcnrs i.nuM has iff. been Interested In neaily all tho (,rrnt rall pa roads of tho country. Onoof lihe-hW boatts fjr was hi? development (if me t-outliHiHtc-rii S system. Ho obtained tontrol of tlio Missouri ;t raclflc, upon which thu Vinljiisli xjsli-mMns ,S? (Trailed. Tho Jllssomle Kansas and, 9? St. Louis aud Iron Mountain and Tc-xoh I'a- vjb cine were also tirouijlii Into tho Hjptcm. In ' 1887 Oould got tho stock of Jllsvnitl I'jillh up to ll'-'. lie wa runout of the Kansas and I Texas, being accused rf lining that road meroly as a feeder for .Miss mil I'liclilc. Tho great Knights of Ijibnr htrlkc In 18V, hurt theso properties a cry u rluuslj . Among ' the other Western railroad and trnniporla Hon properties In which (iould bns been In. terestcd are Chlcagu and NeirtiiHcstc-in, Itock Island, rncltlc Mall, Southern Tactile and Louisville and Nastn llle. He has also been at various times Iniye-ly Interested In Uelaware, Liiekuuniiiia and Western, New York and New Knglaud, Mill inond Terminal, New Jersey Soiitlicin, ;iw Jersey Central and a host of losei propertli k. With regard to his ne-qulvliton of tho New York Elevated railroads It was the same as with other properties that no bvrnino tho master cf. other nan planned and built, nd Oould gobbled them up when the llmo for making money out of them came. He got possession of tho " I, " roads tin otigli (iiimiIW datloa and the watering of nock. Iho original Manhattan w as a paper company. Ho succeeded In outwitting 1'leld and Knecland and, after a bitter tight, got com pleto pobbcsslon of the properties. Hold was swamped In tho collapse of the bull moil-, mcntlu Manhattan In men, and (Iould has always claimed that he caino to Field's icseuo and sau"l him from bankruplcy by taking his Elevated ltaliioad stock oil his hands. Iho block fell from 17f to U'O. Ilix WnliTii IJnlnii llrnllnun. The history of tho Western I'nlon Ci mpany also clearly illustrates the mtlhodsbj which ilould obtained his control of nst properties and worked thctn lo his ow n luHautage. Do got his foothold In iho Wistcin Union lu 1881, and has since absorbed eery Company that attempted to compcto with It. AS In all tho other Oould propt riles there hub been a tremendous Increase In Iho West ern Union's debts and securities Unco Ihu Wizard camo Into iower. Kvrjr rival coin piny had to bo cruslml, no matter what It emu Iho cnpltal tlMk has Iwen Increased Horn f'lii,()(iO,OOU to lKO,no(l,(ioil by Iho ab. ' aoipthm of tho Mutual Union nnd llnllllutiu! I and Ohio companies. Although (louid was ouo ot tho homiest operators Wall sticet our had, Iw was nter a munlxr nf tin' Mock Kxchunge. Ilo was alHfljs associated Willi some linn, thiough1 which ho conductfd his enormous transac tions. Alter the dissolution of Hmltli, Oould A Mrilln, nould became u kllent partner In Ihu firm nf llehli n .t Co., ami then In the M r in of . K. Connor .t ( n., nllli whom he was as soclatidlor ten ) ears. He Is said totiavn re gaidtil Connor ns one of Iho ablest lieuten ant" hooter bad. Mm ril of his largest desls were engineered 1 1 , him'Ii men as Charles S.Osborn aiitlUIIHim Ilealh, In the innlcof IXNII H Isgmcrall) liclhivid that Oould was wry nearly 1I1U1.11 I to Iho wall. Worrlshoffi r and Cammaek wero alter him, and he certainly lot a giealdeal ol mime) , as did also liussell Hage. Ill 18H-.' oould took somu friends Into his )nlnle olllee and showed Ilium tils strong inr; lu Ills i.ife. It contained '.':l,OUO,Oil(l worth of securities according to tho slork-s wlileh Hero cluulaled at that time, lu 1NM i lie iii.uli' aunt her veinl-piilillcoxhlbllloii of his wealth, and at that lluiu ho had even more Hi his sale. ! Ilo owned tery little property outsldo of Ids I stocks and other corporation securities. It Is estimated that his Ineouio from these was at lnst H,oO(),uOO a year. Ilo always con tributed heaWly to campaign funds, ihi tlally in general elections. 'Iho principle uponwhleh he made these subset Iptlonshn disclosed on one occaMou lonnl!iestlgallng ' committee, beforo which bo wns called to, testily In regard to his Kilo management. I Ills I'nllllrs lleiiemlril l.'pon "(hr f llim. ' lion." ' He said he nlwajs eontllbuted to thoex-j peimes lu districts along the line of his roads, ' and hu n garden (hem as good paying liic-t-mollis. When nski-d what political party ha Hiippi'ilcd lu making such contributions, ho t leplled that It depended altogether on tho HUi.ttlun. In a Hemocrntlc district ho wns n Democrat and In a llcpubllcnn district he was a llepubllcan. When the dUtrlct wns doubt ful he was also doubtful, but he was nulhlo man all tho time. It was prcumalily tho miiio with lilmln regard to all his Mist pioperlles, nnd ho gauged his contributions In tho needs of each particular caie, looking out for his uwn Interests tlrsi, last and nil Ihe time. It Is said that the appointment of Stanley Matthews to the supre mo Ilcnch of tho fulled Stales was tho tribute which ho (aclid Horn Iho llanUld administration lu return for Ills contribution to Iho Itepubllcan campaign fund In that contest. In private life (lould'siccord has been that of u must exemplar eltlcu. Hu luted Ids f.iiull) and spent all of his time outside of ids buslmss hours In their compaii). Ills ; tiiuiii' llle was an calm nml pure as his public i lire lias been storm) and tainted with Iho suspicion of dUhoiiesl) nnd dicker). I IIU style of living has not been pretentious although his mansion on 1 lull uveiiue Is lur- inlslicd rlchl) and lu it manner dial compares favorably with those of the wealthiest of thu town, and his couiilr) seat nt Inlngtou-nn-llic.udsiiiiUioMcil with ever) thing wealth could purchase. Ilo has newr entertained etonslely, and only n few outside ol Ids Immediate Mtutl haocnJo)cdtho luxuries which he has thus provided lor his personal comtoil aud recrea I Uou. Ills conservatory at I nlngton is one of tho largest and most complete In tho world, and Is said in bo on!) equalled b) that of tho Iiuko of Westminster lu I upland. It con tains thousands nf Iho rarest and most toau tliullloweis and plant, nnd, emIMdo ol his slocks, this Is his one gri it hobb). lie also po-sesses Hue lllnailes and n mag. t.HIwiit lOllnelloii of pictures and Mutual). Ills Meant nelit, lh" Atulanta, Is one of tho largest aud most sumptuously appointed cratts of Its kind Unit has iter been con strucled. Ills snld lo lute cost blin mini' tliau o,ooo a )i nr to Indulge ihls luxtir). Tlirnslinl lit One l III Milllii- Onoof the notable Incidents liieiould's Wall Mnettorner wns his publli' ihnsllsemeiit h) Major Mlotir.a big Kent mkl in, which oc curred In lhT7. Se lover had Inst n pile of money lu nieeuh llon.aiiil attributed ills ml-forlmie tiiOould's maiilpiilatlou of the market and Ireachei). Hi) snoro thai he would thrash lle'Httlo mill wheneter lie met him. Ilo cnmii across li I in one day In i:cliniine place, and niter ptimmelllng tilin and Khaklng him up rnan'lily. I,n dropiHsl It t in in ir an Iron railing Into .in ureiwaj. C.uiilil timk his punishment phlloiophlcally, but It Is said that lor u long he never went aiounil lu Wall sliei t without having some on" near at hand who could lender him assistance in case ol mi attack. llcportsof Mr. Oould's serious Ihncn and ctcli ot hi) death hato been set nlloat man) times In the last few years. Many of those repirts.wcrc undoubte-dly put forth by Weill blrcet speculators In the hopo and ultlilhu IntonttoatTect tho sluci; market; but It has been a matter ot common knovvlcetgo Hint Mr, Oould has not been In robust health for several )cars, no'ftbly since tho dcnlli of his wife, Jan. lit, lhlM. 'I lie loss or her loving companionship fell heavily upon hlin, nnd lessened Ids povterot resistance to his chronic ailments, neuralgia and biliousness. Al;outa)enr ago at ft meeting ol railroad directors In Itusieli Kago'a olllco Mr. OouU becaino greatly excited. It Is mM, liceausu ho was overruled In the matter of passing a dltlilind, and ho utterly collapsed, lulling lu a faint wmlo arguing his point with hit fcl-low-dliectors. Aphtsli'lau was hastily sum moned, who npilled rcstoratltcj. and tho great financier lallh'd so that hu colli 1 bo taken heme. Mr. Hugo and thu ph) ac companied him In Mr. mho's carriage. Since that occurrence Mr. isould raiely llted his onico lu tho Western Union lltilld Ing, and seldom camu ilawiilotvn. Ilo vras eonstanlly advised by his physic-tun Hr. Munii belli at bis home n tlijj city and at Irvmgton. I.arly last spring fir. (loald, with bis daughter Helen and his )oungest son und IHr. Munn, went on his privalu ear for an extended tour of tho .VJUthwcst. I'lnillng tho I climate ol 1.1 l'nso. 'lex., congenial and luuc I llclal lo his health, be remained theio several I niontm, nllcrtvards vlltlng i olorado aud I scte-ral polliU In tho llocky Mountain region, ruturnlng loNc-tv ork In much bcttei ph)s. leal condition thin tvhon hu left. I'llorto his departuru em this Jouincy, a I guod deal ol excltcmtnt vvuscauaedlii chinch I circles by a conli-rencu or l'restoleilan clcr gymou called at Mr. Oould'a house, It Is said, I at the liistancunl Miss Helen ilould. At I tils ineullng the sulijici ol church extension was discussed, uud Ml. (iould handed to llc-t. Hr. John Hall a check Dir 1(1,001) as his contri bution to iho treasur) of the church Kxteu 1 stou hoclvty. I 'l his gut nml the manner of lis bestowal 'mill"! lorth much i illlclsm, notably Horn Itcv. In-. Charles II. I'aikhumt, who nulla iel- v cried upon the bourcca of Mi. (mold's ivinlth. Hr .inn mul nun Mil" Wisnow'n :,o IllINil hYllCI' fin jour chllileo.1 while tetliltiK JBc " IRyilTfo" BE HER MINE. Duuravcn's OhallonRo on tho Aurania Duo Sunday. Tlic Hrltlsh Sportsman's Yncht Will lie Dcslneel ty Wataoii. Most of tho details of Iho challcngoof tho 110) al YnilitMuadron In behalf of I.I.Hi Dun rn'.oi. lotho Nuw York "inchl tlulj lor a laco loi lln Ainerlci's cup hato bee i secuiedby an Associated 1'iess lepoiler, itho Inler tletvcd Lend Iiuniatcn tcslcrday In i.ondoii. A ihallenge has bien Icrwardod in my Irel.alt b) the lloyat acht bipiadton, ' sail lend Dtturuvcn. "'Ihu iiamo of niyvistel will bolhe nlkyile, cutler-rigged, length or loid w nter lino K." led. "If tho challengll.'.' vessel e-xceids the length on thu loal w Her line ns speeill'-d In cliallenii) bueh eecbs Is to count double) In cilcul 1 1 tit ; the niloivance, but In no case Is iho challenger lo exceed herisllm ileJ J length by more than u' per cent . tho uiiin rule to Is) colored! agalntt Iho vi'Ssol elulenel. j Ing tho cut uuli'-s siicli iChec-1 v.Hln exlit- enco or In course of construction Oct. ye) last. " In Hint enso tho only penult) on the ellf fircnco In the length on tho luul unter-llno , betweuii lliu two ves"elsvvell la' inking or giv ing ordinary allow nine, according lu thu ruled ol thu New Uik nclil ( lull. " It Isuudi rstood und agreed that should tho challenging club obiiiin custody of thu cup, it holds ojwn to a e under pre cisely similar conditions lu lliuso under vviile h li challcii,ed. but It trill not bu lit Ilberlv to' refuse a chilli imi-uccoidlng to the terms of lb" died of 1NS7." Lord Hiiuriiveu added llial the) Special Commllleo of thu New ioik acht e.loli seined to tlie-.ii terms, and thai nothing iould Interfere to prevent a race novvunlem thu Club ns a whole ionises to rullly thu Coinmllteo's leccepinnce of the challenge. 'Iheelnlo of iho contest Is jet an open lines tlon. but probably will l.elo October, 1 Mia. el. I. Watson will design Hie l.ngllsh boat, unit shei will l,u huillon Hie ( l)de. Ihu AUianla, tvhlcli has In Us mills tho challenge. Is exinctcd snndav, and thu M-vv orl 1 aeht club will take sumo dellnllo aetlou nc.'.t week. THIRD OF AN ISLAND SPLIT OFF. Detrvlla of finn Snlvndor'B Loto Eortliqmvko Exporlonco. rr rorTA-TKO riersi.l svv 1'iiAM isro, Dec y 'Iho stcaincriliy ot I'anaiua brliiga further news ot tho earth. epiako In sjii Milvnaor Oct. Is. sins of ! activity wero notice d about the crater of tho ' Conclioipn toleano, near I.a Union, lu tho jdiilfor l'onscci. At til o'clock that night enmo a tlulcnt earthquake, and the 5,100 lu habitants ot I.a t nlon lle-d to tho leach. Shock uflcr shock struck the city, and thj ' idler buildings wero tumbled In ruins 'Iho ' siono l.ithe-elral wns rieluced to ft lurmle-ss heap and lllly or slxtv nlher buildings wcic I wricked. Thcii'v-Ioui peisons vveio Injured. I oue-thlrd ol the Island of Conc'liei)iilta, lu thu oull c.f Ioiihci, seven miles irom I.' I nlon, was spill ell l) tho shock and sud eleul) sink out or sla'ht. SMASHED THE PITCHER. 1 Dunn Uonel It With Effect on Ills I Brottior-ln-Law's Hone!. I I ul.e Meliermott, of 31 1 nter street, got mm a light with his brotliei-In-lnv, Mlclno Duiiii. acd ilghleen, at his homo early this inclining, duilng which Dunn assaulted Meliirmoet with a pitcher, which he smashed I ove i Ids heal, badly lacerating the scilp. Mclii rmoti was sent lo Chauilcrs hircct ! Hospital, lluiiu made his escape. GREEN-GOODS MEN PROTECTED. Ilobolcon Pnllcomnn Says He Had Orders to Lot Thom Alone. It Was bt ought out beforo llccorder Me ilouougli. In Hobokeu, yesterday tbntairniig of gi ceii-goods men are working openly there with every evldento that they uro under polleo protection. l'emr alleged green-goods men wero brought 1,0'oro Iho llccorder, ami Sergt. Vanning testified that when ho acruscd rollceman 'I lotjeii o! protecting the swlndlers.the latter told that headquarturj gato instructions to let llii'in alone. None or thovlctlms nppenrlug tho llccorder discharged tho jirtsoLers. EARTHQUAKE AT CHATTANOOGA. Shock LnRtln? Ton Eeconda Foil Enrly Thin TJornlne. irt AffortAtru rnmi.1 C.ii vrriN'ooeit, 'lcnn., Ilea ". A very per- (cpliblccarilniuakc shock was lelt hero Ihls morning nt :)0l o'clock. Tho iluiattoiis lat'ed ten seconds. j 'I he shock was not si severe ns tho ene ! which first shook Charleston lu Ikhii, but was llko Iho Ies3cr shocks which followed e!ii)s alter. ! Iluinlieds or pioplo felt the shock here, and ! It has created n great sensation. CONVEYED TO THE PRESIDENT. Ceipo May Cottniro Deoeloel by Mrs. Harrison's Ilelre, IlrT AfnoriATvo ririe l ( vi-rMav CoriiT-lloi-SK, N. .1., Dec u. A special warrant elecd from Kiissill II. llai ilsoaaud wife, .Mrs. Maryll. Mclieo and her , husband, heirs at-lavv of Mrs. Caroline hc-oct llarrl'on, was recorded 'ihuisda), coinolng thu t ape May Point collage to tho President. DIborspcI Cattle in Camden. Cttini.s, N .!., Dec. L'. The Hoard of Health . has appointed Hr. Miller and Dr. Hellers spe- , elal Inspectors to examlno all cattlo brought j luln tho city. I'll o live beotcs which wero seled )esieiday in c. sehuilders butchering esi ebllshinent nnd killed tveru tound to be stirfe ling Irom tuberculosis. Seven more head wero sclcd at tho West Jersey Itnllroad depot. Found Dend In a Cell. J. W, Hills, fnrmnly engineer at Christ's Hospital In Jersey city, tvus found dead this moi mug on the floor of a cell In iho Wobster let eniio polleo slntlun. Jersey City. Hu was carried Into the stillon-bouo last night by bull adoon bo)s. who tound hlin I) tug on tlio HldoHiiIk helples-ly Intoxicated. Hills lived at lt;."i Woodward Mreut, On the Heights. Alcoholism was the supposed came or death. Chnslntr tv Dlbzlnar Van. A flre-englno chasing a burning furniture van ulTordci! a novel spectaclo In Waverly 1 place last e-venlng. Tho driver of tho vin ill I not know It was on Hie, and wnsiolng his best lo gel nvva) irom the engine, li wns iiverliaiile-d at Macdougal sticet and thu blae , put out. mm Aid for Dotoctlvn Carey's Widow. 'Die widow ot Detccllvo John Carey, who was nun dercd by James Wheeler, alias "He lllaiichette," Not. II, will recclvo 411,000 or I lime from the' benefit peifoimanee at Harry . tuner's people's 'I heatro )esterday. Nearly 17,oeio tickets were "Old. J A DOLLAR PER WEEK! ; Diamonds, Watohes and Jewelry. Yn I'm not in It unlrM ).urlr liar a briviitifiil Ci iplnisrt ,ri-4(Mitt leinl wr will fiinil-ee it At h ii h it.y )iiiufiils lent inn evil eii-vor mlti it 1U. Iniftiilr tii.tiine liMteinr. ('ill it outc een 1 feecurn i tn i rtMiie el i,nr f-lntneit AMortmont lereeitatij I mutt relUliln Brtlvulmlt incut. CHARIG & CO., 233 B'WAY, OP. P. 0. Who understands women t Men cannot. All theories fall. No man ever suffered a single pang like untohers. Nomancan know how and what this suffer ing is. Women gladly turn to a wo man for sympathy, counsel and help in their peculiar troubles. Lydia 11. Pinkham deserves the confidences showered upon her by thousands all over the world. Her "Vegetable Com pound" has done more for women and given them strength to rise from physical misery than any remedy of this century. The great cause- of woman's misery is in her womb. The "Vegetable Compound" goes di rect to the source, drives out disease and invigorates the en tire system. Baekache, fainting, despondency, in- jZl&k digestion, bloat- -wSj ing, Ovarian fa. .JaM troubles, and leu- j3 vra3 corrhoea are sure lyv, ff symptoms. wlr i ..II II, orii-nt $" nhSWOS' by lent, I l.rmol l'il'ior UjfevvJsSii' ' lininr. uririlili r.fl. rf- -riy!l.ltfffr"'M ('t,rif.iH.iiein Irpfly in- mwkPuSxV lfi.a Ail.ltr.i lu lotiS. -z.v- dp m. d.Hif, itn r. mm.. V" 'K BAVl tln.ieAI. Ci., l.J.SK, jZ.8J&.Z,. Vms. Mm ntli, Sic. or.M STEDIWAY Tlie Standard Fiaiios oftlie World ! The Largest Establishment In Existence. Warerooms : Stelnway Hall, New York. M'GOiNlGAL GOES TO SING SING. Hln Hoad Wan Dont Dova and Ho Spoio to No One. Henry (i. Me (ionliral, the slayer of Annie Cooilnlii, left tho Tombs this mornlnj: for sin blnij to begin a soutenco of fourteen jcars. 'the old dector tvoko up cheerful this inorn lni,'. Ho had braced himself up by a good night's sleep, aud told tho keeper thai he felt much epilsler than )C3terday. No ono en. leu to sic him. A t 10 o'clock Deputy Sheriffs Ilurko and Wh.ilen nrrlvcJ, nnd slv prisoners wero b, milit out (wo women and tour men. Deputy Ilurko took Mri.onlifat bf the arm and tliu little procession moved towards l'lauklln sticet. '1 ho party boarded a Kourth aveuiio car. 1 he-y le-Il the m and Central at 1 1 o'clock. Mclionlgal walked with n rather slow- step, his head nunk forward on his breast. Ilo seared) noticed tho ki opera as ho posjcd them and spos-u lo no one. Will Rob No Danktt for Ton 1ioe,rii. l'rederlck ssmllh and James It. Morris, who attempted to robe he I'armero' National Uauk ol Allentotvn, N. .1. Tucslay alternoon, havo been sentenced to leu Jen is each lu tho Mute l'Hson at Tic-ntou. 'they will begin their terms lo-da). Daniell and Sons,' BROADWAY, (The Block) 8th 8c gth St. Men's Furnishing Dep't. SHIRTS. UNLAUNDERED. As a leadei- we will soil for a few days 250 dozen of our famous Unlaundered Shirts, best Utica Muslin, 2,200 linen bosom, all hand finished and made in five different lengths of sleeves, guaranteed to be equal to any custom shirt at $1.50. Price for this sale J each. 6 for 4'5 300 dozen fancy trimmed NIGHT SHIRTS, 56'" caclu worth 75c. BROADWAY, 8th and 9th Sts., New York. Everything in Optical Goods AT GaNUN & PARSONS, OI'TlCIANN, 5 West 42d Street, Ilrtttrrn 5lli ittiel (Hit Ases. Sues the Collecro for Damngros. bldney S. .loc eiuelln, who entered the fresh, man class at Columbia College lu October, 1HU1, and who was afterward c gelled tor an alleged attempt to buy examination papers irom the collezo printer, is now ruing tho I College fcr JJU.OOO dumages. Hats, Shots, Men's Furnishing, The hnllrr's nr hns nt Inst fnunel ll, lo t;lre iIip arnri-ritl nrllstle innrh, csrn lu nil nttknnril Itcurr, birt fP. niilren n Rrcnl ntneh in llluslrnlcnll Ilil. Vnur hlch-nrlreel Inilier, tt lib his .lnj sl.slo llint be lulls exclusive, rnn't do H lint ho rolls rselnslt riirsn ! mere imr! rov,r. Tim store llmulnr tho leirEr,t no el mast snrlrd ImipIik'sk It the ant- thni lina the inost rteclHsIt Mtnt-lc. fTfJ Tin AllnoecontlnaMonlh, (Yt-'Ml topmo't usteof psnulirltr. Jy "&jr. rtioci,, tai), $1,40, 'VjMfrj 'lh" "Cirlubsd" (iicnlta Jff Jj mliaoftniti), t3.lq. ni'.RIIVx, 4 untilrs, SI. DO, Sa.n.t, SV.HO. IS:t.lO. ol' llie-se lml , pi erless In ttiliie. s.Ilk llnls. Inlinttnhlv nt.-elisti nnd srrr llclil wrlulil, 3 Kinilrs, S3. 110,, So. SO. Men's Underwear. Direct from th mill, (intr on small profit bft twdiu rou rnd the maktr. o mlddlamaa'a lirofit,. SUIe coioird Castmaro blilrta and Orawara (kllchtlr lm.)9?e. ; nrat would ba 32.00. lljslantr Under veaTotlamb'a VTOoKflaeoellnadl, 1.'J8; worth JS.T5. Tho Btonpinan liand'mado clovo.fitttnc undpr e-r. Meifla from the choloeat, Ionic corubai vfeol, apun by nnw process Ths narroeiit sill not shrink or lose ita elatticltr. Tii prleo is SI 00; (or s lo .11 shirts or 28 draerers Tito 25c. (each size. Ilrettles'a Ibsllk Underwear, 12, 1C, 18 and -.0 threads, al bottom prices. A rhnieo lot of Necliirceer (nil Treks) romp to riet In n vny tbnl IcIh iin pnat theui lu sou nt linll'prlcr 4!)e., tiorll SI. 00 ONc, " Men's Shoes. Prntret ynnr Hprenttltr wnlm Irom dump rhlll, (jo-mniuer Itubbe-r nhoes. tlOe.i tha SI sort. t'orU Kolei Shoo ((Jooiljcnr tTPlt)...S3.P8 t'orli Hole tttinrq (uplt sevvrd by bnnil) LPS Oil (irnln Slincn (Itnsset nnd ninek) fl.US Our regular Mock, 92.1)7, 83.IIH, 9 l.OH, pltlirr rnll nr pnlpiit Ipndipr nt each price t the vnlup U llip icjrt bcivt. Tlip prices nml qunllty of thpso Short nrc ttorlli rnrelul atudy. C'litnlnjtiio mnlled Trpp. FLATS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. JFLATlS furnnhrjd completely; no canh reauirod down, aty waekl ptymentti low prices. Hagf. FURNITURE- CAKPKT8ancl fnrnllnre aold nothing downiloni creUlt.lsrue tarlotr. AEt. lor lactones, 242 VV.2J4 SPORTING HUDSON CCTHNTY JorKKY Cl.tln.-Ilaolai e?er dr. loats from tranklln. Aid, Uarolar, CbKstopbersind ltttl at. ferries. Hpsolal Hoatfroal , Annex, luitoa 1 errj, llrooklrn, at I'J.lSelaitr. J b. WlllllillkAi), fxaraurr. i linmniiiiiT. eiinmiimiMmiiiim..... a mmlii' .iiiein "" m.mnviiiiimiiniiiiniiiiiiiii n h imiiiei imiiiiiihiiiih "" ""I eeiii'iee mine i a jl U lHOP Q Pfl Will Demonstrate the Purchasing Power of the Public's Precious N. yS V lm lm IxHlll & Ulla Dollars by this Mammoth Sale of High Class, TailorHade f ik. SUITS, OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS, jfx: rA " A TO-DAY ANDTO-MORROW!! PONDEROUS BARGAINS. M (fyA) ' tl'- V v IT AVe fitlviso every ltinn in lU't'il of n Suit, Otcrcorit or Ulstor to itivostiLriito our pinnd ofTennfr. It don't pay you to put it off. Hero's tho height of tho nctt6on, when you canjF W I 'Ns'i') v 5 I a tet tho luost Bcrvice out of n ooil Ooieoiit. l'ticuB will not or lio lower. AVo'ro olleiiitf? (iiirinents now at tho price of tlio cloth alone. Comparisons to most people aro ocli &y is V X& ssskv o'- Notions! Wo want you to look coinpaio our allies. Tho icsult will ho a hatiulicd uustoincr .vho savetl from S3 to $10 in solid monoy ou bis purchase by buying of W f')' fjO Is J . VlP" L Compare the Overcoats Wc Offer at &- jrafes. Compare these Fine Suits at $12 -W ' ' flmfe trn L S I VrBWI BSBBBBBBBBm rBBBBBfcBBBBBBBBBBBVBasBBBBBBBBBBBKSBr BBBBBBBr M KMi. J J4 'W f BBh SV iV . C07,. sv 0 tf' , Tlloro nro co siylcii ot tll0m; lho3''ro ovor-v bit ns .oHKkSSwv with Suits sokl nt ?18 am20 olsewliere- You'll givo Mr ' C fr'wi" DZl" " I 4. , 1 assk cootl fin tho kinds which cost $18 and 20 ch.owhero. KaZK WBr HA oura proforonco bovond u doubt. Haudsomo Enc- JKf lJJ amm H Ours oonsiHl of Snporior JIoltoiiH, J'2nlish Ker.scyh, Pngb HrH I'8'1 Choviots, finest Cnbsinioros, Fancy and Plain s5' s I nT DafaU v, v " k Irish Fric.o anil Boavors, single nr double breahtrd, VifanHipH WMBlEI Wo'tods in Singlo and Doublo-brcahted Sack and lw& U sikvi j& cut in btylu, and must bi abholutoly Perfect in Fit ffiu9iJKgnBl Cutaway .styles. Best workinansbip and finish too. fc ; DDHMIlUf AV BROAnWAYX skW0 before it leaves our htoro. j Wo ofie'r thom for two days for 12. 2& DnUAUllSI: aasssl -sa , NEAH 4r fV Compare the Ovcrcojits we Offer at ?)?r 2XPWm&. Compare These Suits at $15 Ar ' 'RT.F.'RmrP.P ST "RT "PPPVPR QT JtHr V . flRB H'iiKv u-iui-iJi.ji. ax DUJjIiUIUjn kl, &Sr You'll find them better than wo say they are. line 79THHrajiN with any you can find olscwhero at 22 and 25 and impoited, superbly made Cair'h F.uglish leltoiis and Hfej, '1 u)'11 snow lnoro styles and better values every timo. - :i : KerM-ys, in macks, Blue-,, Grays, etc. Kilk and Mgj Wo don't deal in idle boasting. Bring this " ad " 1 LI If I l f A C f EL Sl j I l! C SL ff Worhlwl fmipy or plain linings, with rich velvet (Bll wSjf alul wu'11 1)roxo lL "o Black Clay Worsteds aud VII 14 (X JJ 11 tflllJlV,,! Ot WW collars. Most stores call 'em cheap at 25. 5g soft-finished Choviots hi this lot. " ' : : . - - : yK To buy a Suit or Over- : : Compare the Overcoats We Offer at gf Compare These Suits at $18 1 X coat in this sale means for TO-DAY Fr'TdK iv Wo inuil iluMU in onr owu tllilor sh1)S l" s"11 WH 1 ' li your custom-mado suit at 30 or 10. Wo'll s a cash saving of Saturday onlv ?n '. V. at S2".00. The Mvollest tailor in Anuu it'll couldii'j Ij WsS loin t,l flll-)r'c nt mul btylo of thom to your own Sste tC " : extra Salesmen to S V ' Nw surpass them in stle. They'io tho real "sniait "llfe ( $m Wsober judgment. There aro no better fabrics niado y4&y'$m 20 Extra Sale8- : ' 8erve you durlna Xs TnS cfVV Cut' Cul lol,B' ' ll!lV "ll C0'01S iu Importetl gaLlJLlwy t'ltul -"S1311 Clays dull-iinisliod Choviots, fine S yVWw men to 8ervey0U. : ' this Sale. VY" '' V V Vicunas ; Bough, Heavy Choviots, Meltons, Solum- SJBS "Worsteds, Homespuns, Sec. Linings, sowing, stylo lr nfliii" : vv('v' 'X bol's Chinchillas anil Kersoys. jE all tho best thoy're combined in our offering. fflSllwi uUME Tfl TiAV S $Sss" l N A r00 Children's (ages 4to 1 1 years) Stylish Capo S2 65 TOO Bovs' Overcoats (agos IU to 1!) years) mado of SR 48 k. 1 A NFl :' ;lu-j;illNn VV7 A Overcoats, neat patterns, extra long ; vuirth i).r0 m lino Meltons and Kersoys, wool lined, silk volvot und . IIBllRvW ' X 'AsT7- ,s I Air ! "ml 7 00iospfi-tioly ; our prioo go q iolhu, worth 12 and 15 respectively, to-day CO to L 4M;SI' : (W' yCy AW I L' and ask to see them to-day "d to-mo. row - morrow l ' -48 LW SEE' atAA' "! Wl r -.-. tt iiiiiiiuiuimnniiiiiiiniiiniiiimiiiiiiiaiimiiuiiiiiiiimi-" Am.- ' .....,,,,,,,..,,, iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iumi . - -- "-- - ' ' ' WMEWTli Mill 111 - . , tSST7TrAliV . i . xmm'wiwawaMasamiMaa iH