Newspaper Page Text
I t M H ; . . f i i i i' i"i i i i 'i i i i i i i TT' ' 7 i" i " ' tt'i i i i i i t i i' j AS I I J NOVEMBER -B&T.V.: -Umz 1 1 Want That $500.00.!! I Ifaib 4S3S9 XTAim in? OiA IS- tvo&jTTC ' estimate that the average number of copies ; SM I : 1- 45'389 326707 392,236 ; "TtSBSI Blf SIS&V ' Thc WorldPrlnted Per v dur,nK I892wiu : jl GB cat... . Tu tCAft C (flJJ - I IK B? 'I MWMffiffi Hi (l WlM"! I II I TI9 I Address ' iM I PttlCE ONE CENT. NEW YOHIv, FKIDAY. DECEMUEU 2. 18U2. PRICE ONE CENT rl LISTlBITl. JAY GOULD IS DEAD. The Great Financier Passed Away at 9.15 To-Day. CONSCIOUS 10 THE LAST. End Game Peacefully in the Room Where His Wife Died. a the Members of His Family Received His Farewell Glance and Smile. Little Apparent Effeot of His Death in the Stook Market or Wall Street, Mr. Gould's Fortune Estimated to Be Not Tjoss Than One Hun dred Million Dollars. Jay Gould, tbe famous financier and rail road magnate, died at his borne, 570 Fifth avenue, at ais o'clock this morning. Mr. Gould's death was apparently painless, lie was conscious at the last, and his bedside was surroundeJ by all tbo members of bis family. Mr. Gould died In a room on tbo second floor of bis tiorao In the extension In tbo rear ct tbe building, Just over tbe conservatory, the same room In which his wile died. A few moments beforo tbo end Mr., Gould expressed a desire tu bid bis family good-by. Then be looked tenderly Into the faco of each one, smiled at each and all was over. Although the event was not unexpected, tbo pulllo mind having been prepared for tbe bcws by tbe publication In yesterday's Evkn ino Would of tbe facts of bis critical Illness, tho announcement that the end had come created Intense excltoment among business men all over tbe city. Tbo direct cause of Mr. Gould's death Is said to bavo been exhaustion caused by hem orrhages from tbe stomach, of which be is reported to have bad three. The first was Thanksgiving Day, tbe next two days later, and tbe third last Wednesday. Ills children abundoned hope of his recovery yesterday alt rnoon. That tbo death of Mr. Gould bad not been looked for so soon by bis children and by his pnytlclan, Dr. Munn. Is evident by tbo early niornlngrcpoftsglten out at lboboute to tbe effect that tbe patient's condition was ap parently unchanged. 1 1 was Just 0.30 o'clock vncn Dr. Munn called bis vv ire up on tho telepbono and notl Oil her that Mr. Gould badjust passed away. About tho same time a bulletin announcing tholactof Mr. Gould's death was posted lu tbe Western Union Building. For fully twenty minutes after this, re porters who called at Mr. Gould's house wero refused confirmation of tbo report. Undertaker John Main's wagon was driven up to the Gould house at 1 0.1)5 this forenoon. It came from :r West Forty-fourth street. Main Is sexton of Dr. I'axton'B church, at which Mr. Gould was an attendant. 'i be presence of this wagon confirmed be yond doubt tho presence of death, and a crowd began to congrcgato on tho street and sure at the curtained window s. Tho undertaker's assistants lifted out a Urge Ice-box covered with black cloth and carried It Into the house. Within halt an hour after tbe death was announced District Messenger boys were huirylng in and out of tbe rear entrance. They hal been called to carry tho news to tho Immediate friends of the family. Then began an almost unending procession of private ranlages, Tbe vehicles drew up i the door, tl.e occupants stepped out, and mounting the steps of the mansion, left their cards and condolences. Cbaunccy Depcw passed the house on hit way downtown, accompanied by two little girls, about ten J minutes after Mr. Gould's death adv been announced. , He stopped and asked a group of reporters It Mr. Gould was still alive, and on being tola that he was dead, passed on ... i . .- ,-.VVJ " (V without comment, except an ejaculatory " II uh I" Coins I'. Huntington drovo up to tbe hcuso at a 30 and, alighting at the door, Inquired as to the condition of Mr. Gould. When told that the great financier was dead, ho re-entered Ms carriage An Ktinino World reporter caught him as he w as leaving and asked what effect, In his '0 lnlon, Mr. Gould's death would havo on Wall street affairs. Ills reply was: None whatever. Men are Individuals; property doesn't die. Mr. Gould's property Is leit In' just the same shape as It was before his death, and Mr. Oeorgo Gould is perfectly competent to take up the burden where Ms father laid It down." Mr. Edwin Gould Uvea Just back of the Gould mansion, at l But Forty-seventh street. The curtains of this houfe wero drawn Immediately after Mr. Edwin Gould entered on leaving his father's house. The Gould family tomb la In Woodlawn Cemetery and stands In a plot comprising an acre of ground overlooking Woodlawn Lake. It Is known as tbe " Lakevlew Plot " and Is a circular, gently sloping mound In the finest location of the cemetery. The plot cost Jay Gould S50.000. The mausoleum Is a copy of tbo rarthenon, and was designed by F. T. Fltz Mabony. It is built throughout of Westerly (It. I.) granite, and Its dimensions are: S3 feet wide, 33 feet loni and SO feet high to the apex of tho roof. There are twenty catacombs In tho mauso leum. Tbe tomb ltsolr cost '$100,000, and tbe first member of the family It received was Mrs. Gould, who died Jan. 13 last. ltev. Dr. Faxton, pastor of the church at wblch Mr. Gould was a worshipper, called at the Gould residence early this morning. When be came out be said to an Eykninu World reporter that tbe death.bod scene was most affecting. He corroborated the statement made by another friend of the family as to Mr. Gould calling bis children to his bedside and bidding them each good-by. " Tbe end.was peaceiul and painless," said he, "and tbe children bore up as well as could be expected under their grief." Her. Dr. raxton said, also, that tbe funeral services will be held at tbe Gould residence next Monday either at 10 o'clock In tbe morn ing or J o'clock In tbe afternoon, as may bo decided by George Gould and his sister Helen. ltov. Dr. I'axton will be assisted In tbe last rites by ltev. Dr. Chancellor MacCraeken, of tbe University of tbe City of New York, a close friend of Mr. Gould. Tbe place of Interment, Dr. Faxton said, had not been decided upon yet, but ho will probably be Lurled bestdo his wife In Wood lawn cemetery. It was this afternoon definitely eettled that In the funeral scrvlco Dr. I'axton and Chan, cellor Mccracken will bo assisted by ltev. ltode'rlck Terry, of 100 Madison avenue. Tho cbolrfrom Dr. 1'axton's church will also b.' present and render tbo singing. Dr. Munn remained In the bouso through out the forenoon. Around 13 o'clock tbo callers were very numerous. Col. llaln re mained downstairs conducting some ot tho ladles who were Intimate frlendB of tho family tojMlss Helen Gould 8 apartments, upstalis. None, of tbe callers remained out a few minutes, and tho great majority simply left tbclr cards at the door. Tbe undertaker put crapo on tbo doorbc 1 at 11 o'clock. MR. GOULD'S LAST HOURS. His Children and His Physician Watched nt Hla liedelde From Information given out at tbo residence Ot Jay Gould, 570 Fifth avenue, tbli morning It was evident that the great financier wus rapidly tearing death; so rapidly, lu fact, that tbo end was merely a question of hours. Yesterday's Eyimno Worlb told of the steady Increaso In tbo alarming symptoms ut bis Illness, which was sold to be iicuior rbage of tbe stomach, a.though Dr. Munn, bis attending physician, decllnod to make publlo any particulars regarding tbo ,sul ferer's complaint, v Up to 7 o'clock last night tho butler at (be front ooor of the Gould reildcncc would say nothing except that "Mr. Gould Is resting quietly. Th-ro Is no change." When evening came, however, all of sir. Goul.1'8 family were gathered nl his home. Amon? tuetu were Mr. and Mrs. George Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gould, Miss Helen Gould, Mr. Howard Gould, Mr. Harold Gould , and Miss Annie Gould. Dr. Munn. who had ' consulted with Dr. E. G. Jannwny during lbs day, was also prc-ent. At H o'clock last evening It was said that ltev. Dr. John It, I'axton, ot the West Pres bjterlan Church, where Mr. Gould attends services, called at tbo sick man's bedside, but ""aBBBaaaiBaBaiaBBBtaaaSIBB remained only a little while. At that hour it was tald that Mr. Gould was conscious, but so weak that ho was unablo to sneak. At u o'clock last evening Mr. George Gould sent out a note to a caller, wblch bore the j tlrst official information of the evening. It read simply : " My father Is very low." During tho evening many friends of tbe family called, but few obtained any definite Information. Atlloclocc it was reported tbat Mr. Gould irns unconscious and at mid. night that he was sinking rapidly. nr.ORas j. nocin. At 1 o'clock this morning all tbo lights In the bouso except tlioo in tho sick-room, in tbo corner on the second floor, were turned low. Thc household, with tbe exception ot Mr. George Gould, had retired, leaving Dr. Munn and thc nuihcs tonnluh tbe patient, Wbcn day broke tbls morning Mr. Gould was et a'.lve, but Dr. Munn was still at bis bedside. Mis. Munn did not know when tbo doctor ould return home, but connroicd tbo report that bo bad been with Mr. Gould all night. At 7.15 Mrs. Kdnln Gould left the bouse and drove an ay in a carriage. At 7.45 It was said at tho bouso tbat Mr. Gould was sinking fast. A little more definite Information was secured through a friend of Mr. Ceorgo Gouid, to whom tbe latter had sent word that his father was err low, but be could not say whether the worst wa likely to ensue duilnj tbo day or not. I'eople were stirring In tbo Gould mansion at a very early hjur this morning. Miorlly after da) llgiit tbe handsome lato cur'alusln the wlndos on tbo upper rtoors were raised, and shortly bcfoio H o'clock ltev. Dr. John It. I'axton drove up to tbo house and hurriedly passed In. The butler came out a few mln utes later. Ho said tuat .Mr. Gould was tcry low, and many pcrnons passing tho house at this time Mopped to muko tnqUrl;s. Towards II o'clock there was an unbroken stream of Cillers, most ot whom left cards CoL llaln, General Mauaserot the Kletated road, was Hid most conspicuous, and no merely stopped on his way downtown, he said, to Inquire about the d) lag millionaire. " Mr. Gould was .x good Irlend of mine," ho said, " and 1 hopol for tbo best." Several small groups ot nun were quickly collected ou tin opposite corner. As tne minutes alter li oMock flen bj.ll became oldeul thatbometblug unusual was happen ing. A lady who lookod like Mrs. George Goulu Blood ut Ibo corner window ;ou the becond rtooi,Lui hurriedly turned orouud and disappeared. M'on nllerwarJ Hie masilif oakin finnt iloorwas opened, and a mun who wnsrecognled ui a uicsengei came Jown tbe steps. Ills Into HusliuU, and to a yroupot rep Tiers be excitedly lemarked "Mr. Gould died at H 15 o'cbKk." The lact o Mi. Gould's death soon flashed about tho mlghborhool. A servant pissed from window tu window lu the Gould house and drew drmn tbe i urtalns I'rvbciitl) a joung lady passed out ot thc house and balled a passing stage. Abked concerning Mi. Gould's death, she professed utter Ignorance. Nobody olse nasacd out of tho house and It was concluded by tbe newspaper men to send a written request to Dr. Munn for a state ment ot tbo causo ot death. Tho butler con seated to deliver tbo mesnge, but returned i . I with the note, sajlng that Dr. Munn could I no, accede to tho request ake I. I j Dr. Munn, an soon us 11 puient hid passed away, hurried to the telepbono and ' notined bis wl.eot that fact. Then incomes weroseni down to Mr. Gould's miirj In tho I Western 1'nlon lliilldlng, ami an hour hnd ' 1 not olapse.1 Irotn the announcement nt tho death when a telegram of condolence was brought Into tho bouse. It was lite first of a flood that followed. on theItockmarket. LlttlD Excitement and but Tr'fi ng Fluctuations in Prices. When tho Block Kxcbange opened thero was no great apparent excitement. 'Ihe lluctuatlons In the Gould stocks wero not particularly Important. Missouri 1'aclflc naturally rellected tbo effect ot Mr. Gould's death more quickly than other stocks. It yielded 1 at the opening, tailing to 54, but quickly recovered to 55. 1'nlon Pacific opened H lower at :i.iVi, but rallied tu .'!(. Western Union stnrlod aj lower, at N5, but rapidly advanced to h.'H. Manhattan ' Hevated was lower, at l'.'HH, and Wabash preferred fell off '4. bt. Louis Miuthweslcrn preferred, of wblch roud Edwin Gould Is President, advanced i, to HH, Tho general ' list showed slight declines at tho opening. ' 'w9ni (3h js MifV ' JAY GO U LI). JR. Tbe transactions In stocks during the first ' ball hour of business were only a little larger than usual, aggregating 73,41):! shares ot listed stocks and 13,475 of, unlisted. It was reported on tho street that Mr. Gould had put Into the bands of trustees tbe bulk otbls property, to beheld durlugtbo llto of bis children. The three stocks ut w blch bis holdings nro thus spoclally trusteed are Western Union, Manhattan Elevated and Missouri Pacific. Mr. John T. Perry, an Intimate friend of Mr. Gould and a director ot tbe Western Union Telegraph Company, said this morn ing: " Mr. Gould stated recently that he had trusteed his holdings of Manhattan Elevated. Western Union and Missouri Pacific, and tbat they could not be sold." If tbls Is so, tbe Gould Interest in tbeso stocks Is tied up, and tbey cannot bo dumped upon the market, and tbe prices are likely to remain firm. The Gould boys. George and Edwin, bavc been credited for a long time with being "short" ot stocks, and It Is said that Addison Cammack, tbe well-known oDcraior. has al ready been b.'arlng the market on this knowl edge. MR. GOULD'S FORTUNE Estimated by His Business Frlonde at Not Loss Than (100,000,000. lust what Jay Gould's wnlth amounted to has alwajs been a matter ot interesting speculation. Those nearest to him In busi ness transactions have always been In doubt as to his holdings and investments, apart from railroad stock and bonds, but the dead mulil-mllllonalro's friends Interviewed to-day agreed tint bis fortuno will foot up about $100,000,000. ' Tho securities wblcb are known to bo held In his namo aro estimated at tbulollowing figures: Twenty-two millions (par value) of Western Union Telegraph, worth at to da 'a prices about tlH.'OO.OOO; shares lu Missouri Pacific to tbe amount of f 1 0,000, 000, worth lu tho market (5,500,000; Mar., hattan Hallway stock to tie amount of IS, 000, 000, worth about f 10,400,000; about one-third of all the bonds Issued by tbo Mis souri Pacific system, or somewhere In tho neighborhood of :io,000,ooo. He Is also crodtted with holding over $13,003,000 of Wabnsh Hallway stock, worth about $7,000,000 to-day, and held besides tlrst-css railway mortgage bonds of roads not owned nnd contruEol by hltn to tbe value of about,000. The amount ot Jay Gould's holdings in the Union Pacific and Kansas Pacific bonds wero never Known. His house on Fifth avenue and palatial country homo at Irvlngton are worth lortunesln themselves, and It Is believed that In recent years his jenrlj Incomo has been between (3,000,000 and 15,000,000. THE GOULD CHILDREN. Miss Ue'lon Probably tho IHchest Helrosa in America. Gcnrgo J. Gould, upon whom, as tbn eldest sou, will naturally tall the management of bis father's vast Interests, Is si 111 a joung man, being a little over thirty. Instead of going to college, he entered his father's ofllco associi us ho became ot ae. and In an In credibly short lime bad nmslercl the ints teiles of nuance. He has frequently sfartleu Mall strict with his operations, nclnbly so In March, 1M8, when the abrupt dicllne In .Missouri Pacific was attributed to tbe jounger Gould's skilful manipulation of tbu Wizard's millions. Mioitly Iwiore that event bo married .Miss E'lllh hlmjdon, a well-known unl cr beau il ul actress. 'Ihey hao three children, two tors and a girl. Tbey recently uioml Into Uielr new inansl m at 1'lftu ut rnue una MM), aitenlb ureet, which Mr. i.ou'.d purchased ot Mr. und .Mrs. Jutob 11. i-chirr for .)t)5,tioo. I rsldc bis town nous", Ml. Gen. Gou.J owns A .og ca lu In the i nihnllls, In tbo mldH of a 1 Icturesque iracl of .150 acre-k 'I here I e has a game preseno, ttockel with elk and deer. ami A lake thills falilyalltu with s ec.leil trout. Ilu was a devotul sportsman, and owned ono or t wo j aclils. Mr. Gould also uwmd the Grnud Opera- ' llou-e, al Eighth uteiiue und Twent.v-ihtrd street, which was glten him b) his lather on hlstwentj-flrst bl thduy. lie lias un ample lortuno of bis uwn, being scutjI times a millionaire. Edwin, Jay Goulds secoud s n, was mar rledtoMUsbarau taiilluosbrady, the step daughter of Dr. Giorgi) F, .--brad, tien. Grant's physician, al her homo, tKKast Ml ninth street, Oct. 3t last. Tbo marriage was tho culmination of a courltblp that bad begun less than a bnforo. and tbo forms! announcement of the engagement was inado June 31. ltev. Hubert Collyer performed tho rcre. tnonv. which was witnessed br lit) Invited guests. All Ihe Goulds were present, Includ Ing.Iat Gould, nnd tho presents tin bridal couplo recelted were miny and beautiful. rhwis (inri.ii. After a wedding nip to tbo Boutb, Kdwln Gould and his wife moved Into tho bouse 1 Lat Fony-sevtnth street, formerly occupied by George Gould. Edwin Gouid Is about thirty years old. Is tall, dark and swarthy, and looks like a Hpan nrd He Is Insteetor of rifle practice In tho betent)-flrst Itcglinent and Inherited about $1,300,000 from bis mother's estate He has been associated with bis fattier In railroad enterprises. (if tbe younger ot Mr. Gould's children tho' ono holding the most Interesting position In ' the public ejes Is Miss Helen Gould. Mio Is tbo eldir daughtir, but has been "out" In hoilety only about n year. 1 be other J ounger cblldrtn aro Mies Hannah and Howard Gould. Helen GoulJIs petite lullgure, with piquant features, and Is a rrunounccd brunette. Her taco Is a bamlsou o one, especially when ani mated by conversation. Bho Is undoubtedly tbo richest In Iress lu tho United mutes, and that fact Ins been the causa ot many annoy ances, as It bus excited tbo cupidity of cranks and mentally unbalanced lortunc-bunlers. 1 he antics about a year ago of Prince Von Michaels" and (lose of Crank Llngeman lu Murch last in culling at tbe Gould houso and declaring their lovo for the ilchly endowed heiress ure still familiar to the public. Doth those queer characters wero taken lollellc vuo Insane Hospital. Howard Gould is tbo mn noxt younger thsn Edwin, and has been In business lor a few years only. BUS(NESSMEN'S COMMENTS. No Feara tbat Fin an old Disturbance Will Follow Mr. Qould's Death. Several well-known Wall street operators and financiers, who hate tern associated with Mr. Gould personally or In a business way, wero asked to-day as to the probable effect on business and values of properties In which he was known to bo Interested. KINdDON OOfl.D. llusscll Sage, for many years tbo closest rersonal and business friend of Jay Gould, Bald to an Evkmnii Wohlii reporter. "Mr. Goulds death Is a great kss to tbo ' whele country, as bis was acknowledged to be one of tho leading minds of tbo (ountrj. , It has been said that there was but one Jay Gould, and It was true, lie was all thc tlmo I progressive In developing tbe material wealth and resources of tho country. Even during his Illness of thc pssl two j ears bis mind has not been uff the completion of the enterprises In which he bad been engaged, and be re- I talned bis Interest down to the lust moment. "What will be the elfect on values of Mr. I Gould's death 7 I do not seo any good reason why It should seriously affect tho market, as Mr. Gould bus for years had his affalis put In tho best condition puHsiblu tor any emergency i that might come, and 1 think bis will will I shuw that be has protlded for a proper man agement of bis large estate so as not to cause dlstui bances to tables. I do not care to say more. It would be unbecoming at tbls time to speak ot Mr. Guuld'sprltato affairs I am loo much oter whelmei by the sad news of bis death tu think cut what would bu lilting to say In this situation." C. F. .Iloronlnl. Oner Could'.. Partner. Giovanni P. Mnroilnl. who was onco clerk, then broker, then partner to Jaj Gould, was uiutb.atTecii.db) tbo news of bis death. Ho said, feelingly "1 saw Mr. Gould Just two weeksago to day. 11a had rosy cheeks and w us In good spirits, llo said to mo, laughingly, 'lfiel Hue a fighting coi k.' Hut ho was always delicate well In the morning, 111 at night, or t Ice versa. Ills death will halo no efTectnii ibemar-' ket. Ills holdings were nil dividend puyers. I 'Iheremay be a little tall, but they will cumo up again by their own merit. ' Mr. Gould hid been ulwats a inroslghtcd man. lie ha cuacied bis bo)s II, I tbey bato learned all his busins-. uielhods, and the) can goon In Uielr father's own way. Gorge Is parllcularl) like bis father. "Peo.iilly Mr. Gould was tbo swtctest mm togel ulung with that I ever knew, lie I wus gentle, go si-hiarted, una-stiinlng, quiet, j j Ilu had a Lien ten-o of justlie, never torgot I 'a friend nor a urtlce. Ho was not nt ail ' I su-pUlous, but lie Hid to guard against tal.e. I .rleiids .mil llaitenrs, and n.ulnsl imperii, il- P us, but he in, alv.ajs crtec.,y open in his Irlemls. "Ilu was the Mist generous mun In W all 'street. I'lilu In l.l taste , tils umue:neiits I were lev. Ho liked tbo lueatre, vsptclall) coined) present at i !" ' "In lhMi, when he lived Just nc oss Kl, th 'avenue Irum lb.- pi.iee whiro he Ulei, his otllee was lu the basement it the bouse.! '1 here wero unl) himself, m sell and a tele graph oei alert be e. I came to 1-noA lilui as a ter) ailecilonatu husband and tbo besi of latheis. Nobody could help loving him, tor his wasa moat lovable disposition aud temperament. "Minple as were his pleasures bis health " ICuiitlrined on I'tl'i rase.) FLOWER IS INDICTED. Queons County's Grand Jury Finds Against the Governor! He and His Sister Accused of Main taining Nuisances. Their tiinjr Islund Clly Properly the Cnuse of Complaint. I.ovo Island t ,tv. N. Y., Doc. 2. It was announced this morning tint tho Grand Jury had found true bills against Gov. Flower, his sister, Mrs. schtey und tbo administrators of both tbo 1'nlon College nnd Hapelje estates lor maintaining nuisances detrimental lu tbo public health. Tbe Governor and tho other parties named own largo blocks of properly in tho First Ward, which consists principally ot swamp Und and cesspools. During the cholera scare Mayor Glcason, as President of tbo Hoard of Health, notlrlcd tho owners of the property to abate tho nuisance. The parties Ignored tbo Injunction, where upon tho priqert) was condiuineil. I be Mayor hlruelt owns a largo tract ot tbelund, and It is rumored that he has been Inakled upon this count also. Ills sntd that while Gov. Flower was In CoiiKrcss bo vvaH notined that bis property1 was a menace to public heultb, and that be I paid no attention to tbe mailer. Every year Mnco the Hoard of Health has notined the owners to III! up tbo cesspools from which awful stenches urlso ilurlug tho warm months, but tho condition of thlnes was not chunked und l.nally the matter was presenti d to the Grnnd Jury, with the result that Indictments were found. 'Ibo loiiilemued property begins at New town Creek and extenus up to tsklllman ave nue. It Is a large tract and has long been an eye sore to tho progressive members of tho community. FAULKNER TOOK POISON. The Senator's Son Commits Sui cide at Bollevue. J. Ross Faulkner, a young student of tbe New York University Medical College, com muted suicide at an early hour this morning In tbe room of James White, Assistant Chem ist of Ilellevue IlospllaL Faulkner, who was twenty-two years old and who bad been In tbo habit ot calling on Mr. White and spending the night on a lounge In bis room, came to Ilellevue Hospital lost night and several hours In tbe company of .Mr. White aud several other persons, and seemed to be in excellent spirits. He pla) el on a guitar and sang until Mr. Whllu retired, n ben Faulkner also lay down upon tbo lounge aud presently went tu sleep. Aiaimui 3 o clock this morning Mr. While was awakened by the loud snoring ot Faulk ner. Alter tolng to arouse Faulkner by culling him, Mr. Wblto arose und shook him, and on huulkner's awaking bade him turn ou his tide, us bu was Btiorlng too loud. Faulkner obe)ed anil Mr. While returned to bis bed, soon altcrwards falling asleep. When ho arise at 7 o'clock tbls morning no wus horrified to nnd tbst Faulkner was dead. In ihe pocket of the dead men's coat was fnuud an unaddressedt.otu with these words: "In case 1 die please nollt) J. E. Hedges, 41 WestTvveni).slth strict, aud C. W. Wool, ever, Danville, N. . i l leave ulliny cilects to my motber, wbom 1 love dearly." i , Young laulkner'8 mother Is living In Dan ville. Ills father was the lato buuo t-enator Mlas Faulkner. I 'there Is no motive known at the hospital for tiio suicide. " lhat bu committed suicide Is certain Irom tbu tenor ot tbo note," said Deputy Warden lllcketts. " And In all likelihood Faulkner Usi'd opium In accomplishing bis end. " I only jiiugo so because any other poison would have lelt some external mark or would hnvocouviilitd or distorted his nature. " of course an autops) win De iniido to de termine thl- p Int. I think the motive was poveity and gilef, because be saw he would Last lo tlve u,i his medical stuoles.' Thc Corunei has been iiotllled. LANDLORD GARRISON DEAD. Heart Trouble Carries Off One of the Ornnd Union's Proprietors. W. H. Garilon, of Ford, Garrison Co., one nt tbu pioprletors ot tho Grand Union Hotel. at Forly-Mcona street and Park avenue, died at the hotel tbls forenoon. Mr. Gurtl'on was a victim of heart disease, on I during the past four weeks ho has been ' confined lo his room. For tlfteeti ) ears he was manager of the Grand Ftiloii Hotel aid about three ) ears ugo ho lecame ono tho piuprlelors. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Dr. Young, of tbls city. RICHENSTEIN'S ACCOUNTS. Lonsr Islt.nd Cltv'u Postmaster Do. nlns Any Shortage. Loso Ii ami city, Dec. '-' Humors of de ficiency In Ihe accounts ot Postmaster Well ensteln fill ihe air. Inspector Morrl-, ot .New ork, iindan asl' have, It is s-ild, betn Investigating lllcbeustclii s accounts for tho I asl lime days. 'Ihe post-office lnspee'ors deillne todls.-uss the ci-e. lostmaslir Ktcheiisti In denies lhat his nic tints are being nive-dlguled. SMYTH A CANDIDATE. Clork Utederllndor Must Accept II! Ulvitl's Cort ncitte. .lustlie Pratt, lu Ihe in reine Court, I'.rook l)n, nils morning kruntcil a perempury writ oi ma iduuius, iu.iin.lllug 1 . I- llleilerlluder, llla.r i lerl. ot i olle.e p in;, I- I., in .ucepl tboiioiiil.iil'.otieenltlei l llmmas Miittb, la.iul.a.i In Mltv Jii-t 'I me H'gulnr i ihimis .hi ill" - a i - 'Ilu il i 'i 'h i 1,1 li-: i i i". ' i iitk Ins it ill .(lei t..iie.i lu accept tb" r( pirn at' . il.inilng "" weie not inert pi im u.V'i. in I ii'.ieiiiuiJer Is ulsoa can i.tdulii lor I'ii. ice .lu lie. MORE PAbTE'Jrt PATIENTS. Three Niiwark S copies Bitten by a Do? Tonrod to llavs Itiiblrs Nttvtiik. V J.. I'ev. V.--IT. 1- II. SVtlsr bass-tit in-bruluoi Ins dog lu tr.o Pasteur Iiistltu o. Sew a . Nathaniel eiiiiptoii, his son ami lather-In-law. Joseph liare. ol 11 -her.iiiiu uv.nue, went lu the In- lute tuur wees ao. hanug ixen llttui b) ibefoimersdog The dog hviib. eu blllen b) a slrauge dog In which Dr. battier louud cvldeuces of by-dropboblo. BURNED LIKE PITCH. Ono Life Lost in Brooklyn's Early Morning Fire. A Tramp's Pipe Supposed to Have Started the Blaze. Panlc-Strlcken Tennnls Jumped for Their hives. A spark from a tramp's pipe Is believed to bavo started the fire In the tenement at 310 Flushing avenue, iirooklyn, which resulted early tbls mornlng'ln tbo death ot one per. son and tho Injury of flvo others. The tramp, wnose name is Michael Mona ghan, was arrested. Follow lnglsallstotthe dead and Injured : The Demi. Miciiaki. DoYi.r, aged forty, collector for Johnson brothers lumber yard, killed by Jumping. The Injured. Win ix Dovi.k, aged four, overcome by smoke ; at Eustern District Hospital. l'll.u Muri'uy, aged thlrty-flve, 'long, shoreman, Jumped from second floor and slightly hurt; at llomicopathic Hospital. annik ml'ri'Iiy. aged eleven, overcome by smoke; at lluineuopatblc IIospitaL Wm. Giiihxs. a crlpplo, bands burned; at Homeopathic Hospital. Mrs. ciuiuieh, slightly burned ; at Homoeo pathic Hospital. Tho lire was discovered at 1.15 o'clock tbls moinlng by Policeman Thompson, of Iho f lushing avenue station. He saw the smoke and names Just as the Dm was starting, but before tbe engines ar rived the wholu building was burning. The building was an old frame structure and made as irood fuel for the names as pitch pine for a bonfire. From tbe cellar tbe blvo Jumped through tbe three stories to the garret iieiore Thomp son could alarm the tenants, and when tbey did awake It was to nnd tbe stairways nlled vvitu smoite ana an means ot escapo cut off. 'Iho third floor was occupied by Michael Doyle, his wife and elgbt children. They did not hear tbe cries from tbe street until tho fire had very nearly reached his room. Doyle burst open tbe door to the stairway, but was driven back by smoko and fire aud rushed to a window. Ho ahrevv a bed to tho street pavement, and calling to those below him, dropped his juungest chllJ. a baby, to tnu ground. Mean lime Mrs. Doylo had climbed out ot another window and was banging from It just about ready to fall when tbo firemen arrived. Ibeyrsnnpa ladder and took her away, and also saved the seven children who were I huddled about their father at the window. va hen all weiu down but Doyle, the names 1 gave a sudden leap and be (bought he could I not wait lo go down tho ladder. The loremen called on him to do so, but he Jumped. A few hours afterwards he died from tho injuries recelv en. 'Iho lumllv of Felix Murray, who lived on tbe second floor, consisted ot Murray, bis . wile and lour clilldien. T bey all Jumped from tbt second story to I the pauuieut. Nono ot them was seriously ' Injured. Koth William Grimes and bis wife, who lived on tbe first floor with their three chil dren, uro cripples, and when tbey heard the alarm of tiro tbey could not escape. I They were taken out by neighbors. I Mnnsgiiau. wbn is believed to have started the lire, was arrested by Pollc.-man Thomp son and held lor a hearing. I Later ho was urralgued and held for tbo Grand Jury, charged with manslaughter.; I He Is about soventy ) ears eihl, and formerly kepi a junk-shop In ibo neighborhood. He had gone Into tbe cellar to sleep during thc nlf ht, and sa)s that about 1 o clock he look a smoke. Ho lusi-ts, however, tbat be did not start the Ore. It Is believed nut lie accidentally threw tbe match with which he lighted bis plpo among home excelsior. GREEN PAINT ON PARK STATUES. Borne Miscreant Daubs Several Monuments on tbe Mall. Early visitors al Central Park tbls morning wero tilled with Indignation nt tbe discovery I that Bomo miscreant baa been going about during tbo night with a pot ot green paint daubing a nuniDcr of tbe statues ou tho .Mall. Among the statues which were thus disfig ured by tho vandal wero those of Scott, burns, llcethoveu and several others. Tbo Park police saw nothing ot the Intruder, and It Is not know n at what hour be made bis rounds, but It Is supposed to have been early In the morning, lor the paint was still wet and I sticky. 1 ho inotlvo for this piece of vandalism can not bu ucccuntcil for. The pollen autocrines at tbe Park are now Investigating the matter, and It Is probable that a reward will be offered for the detec I tlon and arrest of tho offender. ASSAULT ON THE STEAMER DREW Wntchriinn Arrestee! for an Offense Against a Female Passenger. i-t AHfciATm rrirss.i Al r.ASY, Dec ".'.-Charles I.lebstraube.nlght walihmau of the People's llnu steamer Drew, has btcn arrested for committing nn assault uponajoung German girl named Augusta Kohn. In a room on the boat on her trip from New York to this city Wedne-ilay num. Tho girl recently arrived In this city from Germiuy, and wasomlng m visir her sister here. 1 lebstraub" threatened to kill the girl If she made ant- outcry or Informed any uuu on tho boat ot what had occurred. I (apt. Hoe. oi tbo Drew, which got Into her doel. Ill New ork at h o'clock ibis morning, i sail In nn l.t rmmi Worn n reporter: i I teb-traube hid been nlghtn atenman) or j Ihre-e months. He Is ubnut i went)-nve years onl, ami seemel ir lie a reltai le man. i i.e nbsault occurred at midnight, but no. bn.1) learned of It until the I oat got to Al 1 ban), when the girl told her Mster who came I aboard to greet her. .... I uoiliedtbat Augusta sobbed when she embraced her bister, but at Iba time I thought that ner tears were caused by Joy at tilt Ir mei'itng. ,. ' "l lun . ni away fvgeiuer.but later In tno , ill) llw hiMcr no unit il nn I Ininrii.cel First uute tiurpb) n; what bad occurred. I bis is ihi Urst t toe sucbalhlng his oecuneli n bianlui ni.) ! tin) livplo's Hue limit-in mv etierteucinif tneuo-ltvo )eurs as irp.aln.' . The Citrrlors' Fur un Assured Sue-on-. The Letter-Carriers' Fair ut Madison Square Garden -hows no dluilnuiluii Inalleiidauce, and Its lure lo reaitre a hsndsomo sum 1) the end nt the vveel-. 'Ihe booths did i a ru-'itng bu-n.oss I isi I'l.-lit and inecrnvv I 1 ni tl-itor- was larger thau ul any time tim ing inn week. Arres'ed for u Crlmo In Newark. it am cuxri runs HfiiALO, Dec 3. August llaase, wanted In .Newark, S. J lo answer lo a charge of cuttlu: tbo throat ot Paul schlgcl on the ul.'hl nt Oct. 4. was captured In Iredonia )eterday by Hetectlvo Jsckes, of Newark, who took his prisoner to that city to-day. LAST EDITION.! LIZZIE IS INDICTED.! fl Miss Borden Held for the Mui-et$l of Her Old Father. J Three Counts in the Bill Presenttfi by the Grand Jury. '$ Old. Straws of Evldenoe ThrMiutJ Over Before Ut Finding W: m fay AnoeuTiD nxta.1 & Taunton, Mass., Dec. 2. Lizzie Borden ka'?' been Indicted by the Grand Jury. ,;. Thero are three counts In the lndtotmont, IS one of wblch Is tor murder. ' When the Jurors met this morning i; teg an :: again hearing evidence In the case. .- Detectlvo McHenry, his wife unl ansa f known veiled lady wero called In. Ttea ' small boy, before unnoticed, was introduced. This return to hearing evidence and threaa-j Ing over old straw had pretty nearly 6-' couraged tho most ardent supporters of tb-j indictment theory, though the court omcialarfj still held that a bill would bo found. v M The murder ot Andrew Borden and wife, ?"a Fall Itlver, occurred Thursday, Aug. 3. .'1 It at once became a reigning sensation ..; the day. Mr. Borden was killed In the famUy anting 'i room, Mrs. Borden In a bedroo npstatm jj Tbe old lady, subsequent evidence showed, A was killed about two hours before her bus.?' band. & The murder was a mystery. It was doas' well towards mtdday.'Nobody had been Beev to enter nor leave the house. ; Tho police ran down cine after cine In vala. t I A suspicion that Ltizle Borden knew moroj than she cared to tell about the crime deep- ft ened at last Into a suspicion ot ber owaVr? guilt. M She was first put under police eepIonag-l Then, on Aug. il, she was arrested andtorwvj many charged with the murder ot her tatheg.W she has been a prisoner ever since. WW People generally have been loth to beueVi In her guilt. The evidence against her at tkajjl preliminary inquiries was weak. jH She claims to have been in tbe bam for half f an hour at the very time ot day whan tfesjjfl murders were committed. t4)9 Hhe has borne herself calmly through UmS wholo period since her arrest, was, nnmovajlS In the court-room, and If she Is guilty la OMH of the most remarkable capital criminals fja the age. ' vl A family quarrel and Lizzie's desire to get $S share of ber fathefa estate are the motives "11 figuring la the theory ot her commission () tbe crime. -?i The murdered couplo were evldenttr'j killed by blows from an axe or hatchet, fiT( and their bodies bore many wound. .1 Yet tbe bloody work was Mlfl well aud quietly done that the servant work- 'n leg In tbe house heard nothing of anydHXj turbance. Lizzie Borden discovered tfeo'Sfl bodies herself. iM THE MONETARY CONFERENC& i Votes Tbat Beat Mr. de Rotbacblld'al -Jij Flan in tbe Committee. 'ill IliT srsoctATiD rsssal ?s&4 Bbussels. Dec. 2. The report ot the Homs-ial tary Conference Committee was submUteCfl tbls afternoon. It declares that Mr. de Rotkr'f child's proposals are ot great Interest and 3f9 worthy of full discussion, but tbe Committee, Ml by a vote ot 7 to o, docllned to recommea SJ1 their adoption. Av Tho committee declared In favor ot thalJ portion ot Morlty Levy's plan which refer Ml he gradual withdrawal ot all gold cotaajl under tbo value of twenty francs and also 0(9 all small bank-notes below a certain valne. T. j Tbe report concludes with the statement at J.1 the Ameilcan, Mexican and Indian delegate jj with reference to tbe future action ot their ji countries. This statement Is not yet obtalaa-'-fill bie. :M Tho rejection otMr. de Rothschild's scheasajH was accomplished by the votes ot the detatjl gates from France, Italy, Belgium, Norway J and Sweden and Hussla. ft Tbe American delegates regard the posltlomTCl cheorf ully. The v ay is now cleared tor a rail .f J dtscusslcn ot their bimetallic plans, In accortV.1 anco with their original programme. & JJ RESCUED JUST IN TIME. "fl Duck Hunters Wlssner and ErdlostJ Had a Narrow Escape. '?il There Is a capsized boat sticking in tbi'SB mud In Groat south Hay. It has been theraWl since Tuesday, but Frank I. Wlssner, of 415'K Palmetto street, Brooklyn, and William Krd'tJJ lop, ot Isllp, who were In It when It turned .? oter, say It may stay there loreter for all 1 they care. i t 3 o'clock Tuesday morning tbey rnlled. . 1 outot Isllp on a duck.buntlng crulso. At (I I o'clock tbey were discovered by another ., duck-hunter cltngtng to their overturned, ',1 craft In the bay near Fire Island. - '1 bey bad been there nearly lour hours, and,- j were nearly exhausted, besides being numb ji and almost iwen,. 4 No Raason to Eelisve that e. Steata-yB Hblp Has Been Lost. , ipt ArfWfATp ea-s.l ' D I.onpon. Da 3.-'ihe report yesterday tbst a steamer bound from a German port for ' i ew ork had teen evidently lost off the t coast ot Scotland was circulated on the'r authority of thc Dundee .iari7liT. e. 1 Llo)d'sagentshaveluvesilgat(dthereDOrt, , and slato that there Is no reasoh tobellew, that a steamer has been lost, ,A ,4 Moy Get Eoosva Out To-Nlgbt. j?, Street-Cleanlng Commissioner Brennaa t hooes to got to sea a big fleet of (lumpen) U high tide to-night, only setea of elgniaeavl dumps aro covered tu-day, a; When In ntct a .oodilnlm t, buyBalvattoa Oil, which i.oU ooly JJt. t i