Newspaper Page Text
fe r a tremendous Kaln over I ISrfw I.ntJWI by The WORLD last year : f g , SNOW : the year preceding. It's I Sfc4N SS0AW-tV uA-ar.iTjT -- . w &. "- 107.369 more "Wants" in : f 1 $, l-h because tffiWdk sL FSlnM OTf f !l l89 thn" in ,8'- Con" 5 W H'worU Wants Work Wontei &PC CWPWP JiSSliS:s 1 gE 0NE CENT. " NEW YOHIC. T1H'I1S1)Y, .1 VX.'.U.V ;,. 18!: PRICE ONE CENT. $ 380,499 WAS THE DAILY AVERAGE NUMBER OF WORLDS FOR '92. LIST EDITION, 60 KILLED TO LYNCH 3, Mob and Posse in Bloody Conflicts at Bakers- villc, N. G. SHEin-FIIE AGAINST ill. I j Snipes and the WhitEona Shot Like Doga and Strung Up Dead. SHERIFF MOOMAWS A VICTIM, i And Twenty-ftve Fall in a Second Fight to Avenge His Killing. ITT iirrrlTrn nru' Marion, N. C, Jan. 5 As a mult or tbo desperate battle which toe): place between Sheriff Mooroawa's deputies and the mob of lynchers at Dahersvlllc, Mitchell .ount, this State, Calcln Lulpes mid thn Whltsons hivobcen lynched, but ibo lengeatcoof tho mob cost at leaat thirty other Hies, 'lliu names or those ot tho bhcrirr's posso who aro kuown to have been killed are : Tom Bieclcf, Tom Hilo. (.torgo Ha'lltU-1 1, Klmar Johosun. laolaett alianr., Wnllacat Iias, .Nathan Piuutl, William Iteeil, Dun Undue, l'Mlip Kama, Jarafa M Hllam9. Those o! the mob known to liaie I ten slnln nie: Theodore UallliT, Will limit", Ilac-rj Iajril. Pl.ll CioxTdrr. Jim Xanca-T, Jolin Uatortit, William Uabirna, William Perry, alack Phitltpa, Thomas Owen, John Worth. The last attaik on the Mitchell county Jail was made at tl o'elojl. Tuesday Light. 'I he structure Is a Irau.u Lul..luc, and ilitloealiu latod to withstand an assault. Hut -ucilir Hoomaws had It gnrrisoned with uoort tcveaty-nie determltud meti, who declared the) would tee lho law tipluld rr dl". 'lhu attack was e. peeled all da). The raouutnlnccis ot .Mitchell, Mcllougall nd Yanc.y counties weio assembling lu urn little mountain in inlet ct lakcrsillle until tie population o .loo wis about doublid. At 4 o'clock In tho afternoon a rormnl de. mand naj mado upon bherltT Moomatis lur wipes aud tho two Whltsous by a Irom the mob, who approached tho Jnll under a flag ut truce, 'lo this the garrison ic ponded: Wo will die rtrst." Then they knew tl.ero u cull be a tight, j Tho little company split up Into thieo parts one remaining In ILu Jail and the other two I occupying HioShcilfl'sbousound abuiimn I tlie mala Building, Incl csteis were loaded and the wait for tho Dual stnut'lu Lcj.mii. 1 he men wtie not louglu susiiusi'. About sundown tbo nrst tutack wns made. At least rUU aimed men marched up tho rovl, and then with a lion I iroke on n run lor the jail. The garrison b readv tai them, "llult, or I'll rItc tin-order to Urol ' sing out irom Sheriff Mooniawss mouth. o aiti'nllnn una pild to tho warniuir. Kile I" ratiEOiit the order, .'lid 6eenn HT8 rltles poured .i direct and tlanklns hull ut I bullets Into lhedet( imlntd Ijni-hei-. lhe , nried a moment as a beoio ot tnem uctil (I'm ii, but with steadiness ( I eternni clor-i d up tueli ruuks and rushed lorn.ud jjin I u.drr the leadership oi a cltranilc muuii. i Mini er, who urged thopi foruaiu with an old war-i line yell. Xjaln the rlllcs ot tho besieged random, and tills tlmu thiy were answered by u enn loniinicd the iroin iliotnob. The nlm was deadlj. i:t-rywliidniroii tl.o exposed sldo-j t tl.e building occupied by lliu ilrlchilcis v; s slim out and a doen men fell wounded "rllliid. 'lueir bodlis hamiered luodepi:. Hi's win weia unharmed, and onlj u tew uulu til clcso up tu the window f and retui n lhu (i Hoy liiioiii inn moli was upon them. 'Ikere was a short iitruvele. M.iil wcio 75 apuiisl ,"00 A lew leMUver shots, 1(10 ilui'wd rltlianndnll was over. '1 he deputies, wl'li llulr leader, M.eillf MO'.miws, inort illy vu'iidtd, nnoln l!io liMidtui Ihe inrD.nnd iryi no oi them ias 1-wikmsr il(i,n the inn Hoof atlean threu UIm.liislers. Unrewni noiiopeKnurthei lesls.anee, and lliu falo ' tlneemurdcier- wnsbealed. ' without walllntr to iilik up the drad or I r lor the wounded, the mob made a rush Mlliedji i (irthe)-ill, and U went down be-, iwetha shoulders orasioroot htulu irt men. 1 lie prisoners were icathed Ibov weio the "id) onis lu ilin Jail, and Ihe mob uad no lnuble In brtnklou ilonn the Iran cells. Half. iK ad with lear, tho eulnrlls nrtu dui.'ccd out I nun ihe open all, where ioresweru iilaced I around ineir necks, with a hundred men, "Ith the thirst icr blooJ, at tho end ot each. ' I Ho wrttches were clraffir d ocrthelee covered rocks toapleeo of wnodlind hair a iiillii away, Dehtnd tham followed the ie lajlndcroi the mob, ilring at "he nrostrato onus at every step, ino Mctimswtio un uoutitedly doad belore tbej had bron dracted twenty yard, and It was the mere semblance Ji human forms that . as hti line up w hen t ho woods wem reached, 'llitui tho mob it turned to look for the dead aua wounded. in the little luclosuie and on the loadbed in front of the Jail twcnty-flvo bodies wero mail, and In tho three bulldlnas cUht moio no risrld In death. About thirty utlrs "tin wounded, someot thrm latally, nmon? tacso belnu gallant hherin -Moumaws, who "as hot t.Mciitlirouch (ho chest and thiio tiiivs throuah the ubdomen. I .V,,?'liiiiei"iHeU known ot the wnunded, k liakem lllo is ndics aw ay fiompi teliurapli m 'nice, and all uews troucht to I lilt pi inter '"Oh tlty, in leiihesste.coinesbyiurilcr. ,i.5v" -'Uii newH huh ieceled lour n ore l'"",hl'l"a I's'-o nio renortfildialaii.l mi uv (i mm. mnk ' u m. t hi Hi uider nnii-, b'lt In Miltn ,,. 'Mii-iii II I not uiieved iheie "ill i" iiiiIi-h it lull Is i m tin J fur liuups. If tney I ' ,...,, j are summoned oterj iniiiinlnln moonshiner lliu tulles around will nswiublti lu inulsu tliTJi. ,h Huso ii'ople had llttlo lespect lei 'injiliiii.' inn locil Inwniid will icscnt n,i nuisldo.utcuitiiio foicn them into submH s'on. An for us the) aio eoncerned tho case is I closed, as liolh the hhcrlll's posso and the i mob aro I emu ded aslinUap done llielr itut) In iiMns with ihelr boots en lor their run-1 elnler. Instead of dispersing, as was expected, the i mnijn in ni tied upou tho grouni. '1 ho scat, leied lundiul ot the Miurlfl'n dosii nl60 rc lnalnd under arms ami wns rapldl rein. , lorcul. All Uiiougli the iiiornliuf tho cniwd conilnued toreecHe nceis-iuns to Its I inks, nnd iiv noon the parly numbered about ,"i)ii to noil men. I I ecllu,; ran high, and, after i few s"eci he3, 1 tho pooy resoHeJ lo nuniio MierlfT Mm. i iiinwvn dentil. Ai other laille took pl.uo I thoith aitci noon In which at least twemj. IHo moio men were kill, u hit will bu tno lesultni ono held can tell, but troops are ctpcciid. FIGHTIfJG THE SILVER LAW. Wall fStreiofn Potltlon to Consrosn Qeto Mnny Sltrnnturo3. j 'Ihe petition which Is belli!; circulated by J. 1). 1'iolat, ot J. li. Probst A. Co., bunkers al.-u 1 xcliaiiqe place, for the pui posed in j flue I- ingof t on; ress to repeul the sheiiiuu ' I !Uei act, is fa-i gaining slgiiatuus. I Mi. l'l.'bst ijh today thut hu had alieady obtained oui Mo hundred names. Including some or the best In Wall street. He was not, howcvci, at lllurty to MinAu the unines pub I He l.ow. j The petition will be tent to both tho senate and the lloiisu ni llep'-c'.entallus. ecord. iln.'toM . 1'iotst iiijii pirsonul letten and !tlcT3ii., will nlvibo sent lo Washington In He sutne A comtnltttu will luucnblv ec ap)i ilnti'il to i ic-eui the liellllou i in eo'ig.ix,. iub peisoiiiel ot the cem- lultti e has j.ot j ut iron uccMcd upon, i '1 he miner ei.rrent tr. ij in ni street, lira f'MHiu.ntm 1 1 (.old woull bo shipped to . I.uroio .siruiduj, was disposed ol by the I sutcment el c islilrr, of tho Pub- Irens try. lhat no indeis foi gold had bieu received by mm. FALSE PRETENSE CHARGED. , I Edward Coles oniric Held In $500 , . fall for KxnmlnatIon A ijjlet.iooklng joung man, with a downy I milstnilie, welldiessed and well spul.en, was (.rmlgncd beiorc Justlco rj.m at JelTerson Market t'ouit tnls inomlnif on .1 charge or oLIiiliim,' mi ney under la su prettnsei . Ills name H Idwnid I'olis claik and ho . ceines ol an e'.seelleii' famtlj. i Clark na, ihureJ by I'cter I'Miei, rt 'Jll L'nst bcxente-iitli btrect, with haMng given ' blm t Miurluus blhl di ait tor tu's on oi. :!. Ibodriiil, I'lslier states, was signed " I.J. ward i. Clark A Co., of H7 W'ui ih street." 'Ihore Is no .inch I'.nn itt that addicss, tbouKli Clark s mail lias bicn coining there loi suieral months, clnrk 1st till ty ) cirs eld and lives at fjeienlh I acnuo and l:orts-.ecoii j street. 'IhU moinlnjj Claik was held In J50I) ball tor liainlniUlu.i. i BERTHA LAUS'S CASE HELD OVER. , Hor Arrenr Yosterd.iv Causes Post poioruont ol Her Tr'al. I -Aece.MlngtotlioCenoial sessions calendar, llcuhal ins was tibnteb' en I laced on trial tu-duj Inl'.ut II lo nnswir hiwrul Indlel menis louu I agalns' her for bwlndllni shop I.eepeis bj shlng Him worthless cheeks owing to he' ariel 'csteid' on u iresh CompldliH of r, -li. r ir tha-a-ter, AbsMiino 1 Isiii-t. Mdirnty ceka il. elded to pi tpuno lhu tlldl unill hei ruse lull been disposed of hi Ihe.loiietai u .Market I'olleu Co'ur. . Aim he: uisui mi mo postponement Is that Lei eounsi, l.uwju Puid, Is enjuged to-d lu d'oiidltis; rngi ter llruiui, tho ul.cgcd di ej b.ashe.. 1 ANOTHER ECONOMITE GONE. Only Thirty-four Members of the I Straneo Society Now Lolt. I ini AstociATrn rrifts.i I I'lTTfi't no. Jan. ". l.ot'Ileb laupic, a . meiiibn- of the l.ccni mltu hoclety, and one or I the Hoard or hldcis, died at II o'clock last j night. Ills death reduces tho membcislilp to iblriy-tuiii. PUTTiKG OH THE FIRST TOUCH. Grand Jurr's Erpected Proaontrnent on Columb'ati Frr.ude. The Kings Couutj liraudJur Is still pard at wor tlnlsiiitu Its work preparatory to be'li.gdlR. nnrged lo-muiiuw. Hull rand Jury was said to be engaged this minil-ig In putting tho until t( uclus on the 1 ri'v'in.ut'iii tu icluitoii to tho coluiiibtiu Hands. Er-Convlct lloat nis Wife, dullaiiol'ltrl'o, a Mllaluous-lookltii Ital n, wjio h-n just eoinpleted a fltc-yeaTs' sentencj for manslaughter, In tho tonnectl. cut St ite Prison, went at once lo tho homo of his wife, SI irH. at James street, and de manded noui her I.Vio, whirh he said she muse luic wiled up during his Impi tsunmeiit. 'ilM poor wiman lepll-d she hud wlilidini cults manu. id tosuppuii lierseir and cbll dieii. 'Iheu ilio l.iulul husbund and klelcd liei.nud )UMng up n caning knim said he wou'd kill bei. sh.' Ilnally cseand I Mrl7i wns ilusiiiornliif sent in the Miuul lor si inonlhs. Fourteen Hourn In tile ItlfK r.e, mi 4ta t ia ki i ni.6x I HiiTiKOKr, Jan. ' -i apt. John M. Me. l'lldo and his new ..I eight men, of tho fchoonet l.dllh l.erwlnd, I oil 'Urjfa, Kla., for llaltlrnnre, nidi h was wricked on bum ha Island shoals in miikIh) last, nrilied here lusl nl.'lit. I'lit' U'liLilind lashed to li 1 13 glng, lu n heaiy sea, irom h r'elotk Miudaj eienllig until 10 o'eloek .Monday ti.ormui,-. Two Men Crushed to Doath In n, aline. 1 lot ASknciiTiii raits.' 1 tuniH, Ml, Jan. ."1.-lho loot eta toal mine lu the ell) .limits fell soslenla). btone wall Jacksun was jlnned dou and killed. Ih-oihir mlueis rushed to his recne, when the limbers gale waj and (,orge Hrown was inn .piiv killed, ihrto to'is o, rock falling upon him. O'ed at a f minuet. Ill Affi l 'ifrii ruiw' 1 I lliiipdFi'DUT.Ci tin., Jan. .1 Dr. r". .1 ouug, 1'rcstdent of tho llrisxepor. Hoard ol Health, died while attend ng a banipiil of Ihe Han- bury .Medical s-oelel) nl lhu li.mer llou-e ubout :i o'eloi k 1 hi-, mi'i ulin:. I Gift of Lrewor Krueirer. Ninus. N. J.. Jan. .l.-i: re wei i,otifrl'd Krui'cor Ins glieii the inrmun riaiuer 'hoi'iii' another iiin.ooi). Time tears ago ho I gaie f !li uoo 10 tucr h itie lo.'iigul men. I "MHt'VUIl, 11 .1 "' r .1 md .r i iili Jtiri"' " n 1 '.i tm.'i'i h, 1 mltli 1" " " iiw 'I 1 v SELECTED BY DALY.1 Maurico Featherscn Is to Succeed Wator Purveyor Burke. 1 John i, Ryan Made Deputy Street Cleaning Commissioner. j Iwoiitj. three Tiiiimiaiiy District Lenders Xim Hold Pat Oftlres. I Commissioner ot Public Works Michael T. 1 Daly lo-'laj filed Inn official bond with tho complroll. r. 'lhu bond Is for iu,om, uud Commissioner Dal) "a bon Ismcn ale John. l'lendng. I I The nrst oillelal act of Michael '1 Daly, the1 new ccmiiilsslonqr of I'ubllo Works, will be tl.o appointment 'of Mautlco Fiatocro'i as Watci Piirii'jor In 1 1 ice of . II. llurke, jesteiJty appointed Police Jus tice. Ml. rentheisoti Is tho 'laiuinnny leader ot the '1 weulj-iieonil lilstucl, mid tl u )nuiigest liunibel ut tl.e i:ecullvo Com. mltteeof 'Ihlrf. lie Is amaehuilst, but, lert his tiado when ho entered politics to Ixccm ' ' a stibrrcna sern r Hi thu court of hpeclal hes- j blnns, a place he now hold!. '1 ho snlary ot tin Watet Piuic)or Ism, 000 a)rai. I Another clianje In tho Publlo Works Do 1 partinem will be made to-day. John J.ltyan, ' hupirlnt ndent cf tbo Ilureau ot Mrcetnund Itoails. will bo appoluted Deputy Stieet clemlng Coiriinlssloner by Mr. Ilreunaii. Pi 1 lrce ot William I.altun, )chtriuny ap. j pointed Kxclse commlsbiniiur. That position I pajs $1,000 1 Increase ot erth; salary 01 his pi twin plaeo of tl," '0. Mauiiee IlitoUin will eontliiuo In the place cf Deputy CoiLiii'ssloner of Publlo Uciks fm thu piisenl. He will most likely bu reap pointed. (oi.iu one lu Hie Department wtllte pro iiioled 10 the place of Mr. II) an. Comuils slocer Daly nld hu would uuuounee hUnaiuc during the da). II lauxpicted thntwjicral othor Taminnny lcadeia "111 bu proilded Willi pUtes soon. I w(iit)-;hreeot the hxecutlio coimnlttee of '1 lip t) now hold luirallru oillces. tour are Police Justices tluee die fcintu benaiors. ono each an Assembluniiu, coie ner, coi'iuitHslnner ot J mors, Hre Comnils slonei. rxelsu tonimlsslbnei, County 1 lik, touitscl in lhu bhcilir. llnrbor-Mastr, I'ndei Mieilfr, Deputy uperliitcndent of hheels. Water Pun 01 or, two Police Commlsjloueis 1 and three eleikbotiourl-. 1 lho dlti cl li adeis not holdlnctfllcn aio K. T. ritrpatrkk. ot the Pourth: Patrick Kecnan, or the tilxth: Jehn Kellly. or tlie 'it nth: Peter.'. Dooilui;. ot tha.sHieiiteenlli: 'Ihomin .1. Dunn, ot the Twentieth: Law. ieuco Delmoui, of tho iwenti-lourlh, and Jueob seubold, of the '1 wenty-nlntb. 1 aier Hi lhu du) comnil-sloner Dalv lor 111 Hh ii'iuouncpd that i.u would luippolui I .Mi. Ilolalinu as Deput) Cuminlssl'iiier of I piibln Woiss. (ompnolle.- M)eia made these appotnl- linentsln hlsdepaitmciu to-day: coi. Daild I.. AUsten, 11 coin Auditor, to be Deputy lie cell cr or 1'axesln pi ic ot .Mind Vreden buigh dercised, ut salary or M0o ; Join p. (inuldsl in). Deputy Auditor, was promoted , tobiieteed 1 ol. Austen, .11 asilary or .','J."(), 1 and .second Deputy Auditor v. I. W. i-chan-uer stic.'iodsd to Ml. oouldsbury'a place. 1 DIED IN GREAT AGONY. 1 I Mrs. Rlchardaon Was Fatally Burned j a: Son Cliff. I ska Clin, L. I Jan. ,", Mrs. II. I. Ulch iuiJsqii, wire ot Dr. Klchaidson, died this morning at her home lu this Ullage of burns ' I re, elied by her clothing accidentally taking nre Horn lho kitchen stevo yesterday I Mrs. lllcliard.on was alone lu the kitchen at the time and her Kurpiinsaltrictid thoat ' lentlonoi ihe loarhmui. When ho entered ' lui bouse he round Mr-. Hlcuardson ennl- ope 1 in Panics, llo pullulol 111, and I hi' lie wiappid rbuut her and wlthuirtl- mi e'tetied in extinguishing the ilnmes. I Mis lilchHrilson was huu toll binned about the body and s iflertd great agony. American Sleor for Mox'oo. Mexicans will soon be able to lia'o Ameri can beer on tap in all their principal cities, If I thoplnnsot Jiimeitvaser, or this city, minis now in the city or Mexico negotiating with President Diaz's tloieiniuent aro tarried out , sutass.ull). lie Is now endeaiorlng to ot i.un concessions from the Mi loi n (loiem Hunt to tsinbllsli I'Nteiislie mewerles all oler that Hupubllu. and has licih there nbnut .a month, lie Is alsi adircetoi lu Hie Mexi can on) t (.win) tiunpiuy, which his lis I unices ut -41 Wall idriel. nnd Is trying to I stcuid ndtlilohiil eone'ssHiis fioin lho iiui , 1 1 nun ne of Mexico relutue to lhu luslnunsof ' thu 1 ouipan). 1 1 Treasure-Hunters in Jeraov. I Aprci'.i I'Aiik. N. J., Jan. .V -Tho storm t 1 this mornl'ig Inttrreict with tbo work of. ' moving the A'b'ii) Par lliillroid sinllou and ' the irmlnsr npi I Hie pint firms. I n'lei these I pi 11 101 ins leilenU) were loiiiul lail mis Hums nrnvne) uitlili s of Jewelry aim tno dla. 1 toii'l 1 li A mind if null uud li)saie slill liuiiiiiig unioiig tin d brls 101 laluables whli'ii wile dioppid K.weiil Ihe philionnsi b) vii.toisv.utlngon nuiloff ol (lifli'iiis. j Funnrnl of Murdorod Loier . 1 W'niTrilAil.Ci. J-. Jan .". -1 lie Inn. r il ot I hdwln su Ith, who was shut b .','jir Hull, j 1 whoa t' rwnid eomn.litel suicide, h ok place j ' to day Iron-the limne. ot Ids bioilur. Una., I baui Miiltli. Ihe mm r il o. Mint Holt Willi It.iko plaeo on Milunliv 'I him lu now mil longer mi) di ubt but tli it Jeuiuiis) was Ihe cause 01 iheiluublu trti.'tii.. , AasoaHir.ont in New RoehnUe. ' Willlfc PiAlN, .V in.."' Ill-lloiiidot huperusrrsut We.-telu ster 1 ounii has nil I thorU'd tueinr.nni Nttt llecielle lu lulsc I upon tbo taxable ; rope, t) of thin inwu the Mim of t.l,,'itu for lot, 11 Hull bit din m. Art Company'i Sir lets Over. .S'p.iAiii,, N, J .Jan. "1 lho slilke of the employees of thu NewaiK .So 1 Ait ' mpaii), lieeausothesllaiy of ilieit sjujuriuti 11 lent, 1 led llogardus, was reduced, endul to-da). Found Dond in Hor I ocro. Kltly .slullen, thlrt) five )turs old, was found dead In nei loom nl '.'.Mi West Port) seieuth siuet rliorlly alter :i o'clock this 11,01 nine, lho Coiouor wac. noililed j 3'nlno Continues to Improve. 1IT tH'CMirii rnri t Wasiiisotos, Jan. ,'1. Ml, III line .as?cd a 1 com'oiublo.nlglil and continues 1 1 luipiote. Th " Admiral" lis iinnuctloniib!r tho fines' gia'i ( I ettuelfi Introduced Irreii.ettlM o. 1 m LESS TYPHUS TO-DAY.! Only Two New Casu3 Woro Re ported This Forenoon. Three Deaths Among Patien's at North Brother Island. Health Ollh'luls Ilel.eve I'lioi lluvu the Disease I'lulrr t'outrol. '1 here was an encouraging decrease Hi tie iiunilni or new Dplius cans reorte.l at the llunau ot Conlogleus Diseases. .lO'i Mulli ir) stitet, this morning. 1 pto liio'clockiliurlcs Ilottaid, ftiio-.blir )i act old, who was alu iiucnter ot the 1 iIIiij.Iioiims al Hill and L'sn Hon en, was the only person ieoiled 111 with t) phus. Howard, II Is ronlinclcl the (U'cine at .'hi) lliwciy, 110111 which ,na c of t)phus was roj orted last 'I Peter Dlsbiow, aged thlitvsix, a nurse In Mills's Tiulntng School tor Mali) Mirs-s c:u Kast ' street, was found lo le nulftrlng Mom Dphus at noon ti-dn), und blscasp wasiep 'rted to the lliaHh Hoird He was reunited in thu Itecepttoii M. hough the I1-nlc.l1 authorities llnd oeji lonlo conijratiilato llicinselies on this up paienl Uclory titer lids Irlghtful illstase, the) aro eonsldei ably ttoined on at count of Hsbclng the first manifestation or t)pliut ,11 100 llowery, which hou;e, It li reared, ma) , also deiclop Into a ccntru or contagion I ,, BDl BKlMil.NO MF.ll-S TO rllK Ql t'lANTINLH IIOCSL. 'lho following deaths wire also reported' this morning: Uenilts Irom 'rpl.'is. Jmtra llFtLrvAN. Ihlrtj-.UIil, in Jtorth Ilrother Island rake . Irom .11 1 rlrt-nt t.i OoutetDtur llokpttal, Dec, .11 Durufrrsd uoz: day tube iirterloa triu tipli x. ilrniitmi 1.. Uesi l, hftr tun. mi f.'ort'i Hrotlur IslaaJ. luVet from 31 lla a-ilatrot, Jan 1. Josfpu N. PNTttiarir, rtlt.ii ic. oa oi(h Ilruttar lalauu. Takau Irom Jl UiyarJ atreet, ,1au 1 Dr. Hobort", ( hlef of the Huieau of Con tagious Diseases, was exultant to-day over the dlseomy of ihe inestimable source u which tho Infection of Jerome Ihidgely, ot ','U.: Weil Mnctr.tiith "trees, nuy bo tiaced. HUT ntOM Till I'lbT-ll I..K ON rilKSIIM- W tl K. . Hi IIHIt.rl lat Ji Bill, I lladgel)," sal I llr, llobecs, "was n soni -Irtdltri-t Mil, ltt's Mission 1111 I Hjlilli Hteiiiu. It Is not Impiobnblu Ilia, hi lllero 1 ime In contact with on or lhu. o 1110:1 who hu 1 Ihyjid stieet h ro,.Mli' latin plai e w.u (iiaiantlned " 'llils dhcnery arfoidn gieitt rillcl, luas. much .in'.'iJ'.' i si Miieteentli Mitel, t.hl.'ii Is a iim;, neid nu.t 1,0 lonji 1 bo dieideil is an t ilfliial sniiiee of 1 ifietlen, as liwasleaiid H might hi until the o-j,1ii of Hud.-eD's Illness w is 11 teul Mioth 1 famiab.ii r.leovir) tcduj was thai of the wheieab mis ol eleven )iui-olil lle.iry No lnsk)' father llcn.i hid t.'in I brought by hit fuihii to ill-DeLuiah Nor. srry, !'." Past 1 rrudttu, ,1 ttetk "11;.. lliu boy was soon afm wards tal en tl k. ai 1 last Mond.t) was deil.ueJ by tho i Health ll.iaid to be Mine-ring fiou 1 olios, lie was Ihereupuii icii'uied to Ninth Hie thtr Island, dtsplUi ilm pi ousts or in., lite- mim and Hiekts, or the Mum i), that he o ol ouly lyphiU lever. Anoiliiu ln,i".igalr 11 last WeJnesla) Corroboiulcd tin lioaid'sulageosia as iij.hus 1 What iroubltd Pr lioberts and ills stnrf incsi, l.oweier, t,as th-t too chillis laliur W..S nowlitie IC Iki leiind llo .1111 mile ' lit til) hud heciitlsur.pcd.lleis, an J ttlicuth" I child was lift al the DfliornU Nurnu, Hi" Ulhei gsto 110 iiudiess l.uH ul.'bt the llealili iinpeiiors succeeded In leer, ing blm a. h.l last broadiviiy, whenec li was ie. in .nil tu the llnr"0i ll.siliui . i-. ixttei.lhsirccu Ho has auowu no indlra. GREATER BROOKLYN AS PLANNED BY BOODY. Ilun ut l) litis, but will to detained fir lit tut) -otic dijnfri liispictlon. Tho 1 ram; til accommodations at lhu ills loiil of tbu lit rail li Hoard lor thn detention of nisi eitod t(s will prohibit be obtlaled wltlilu a fur in. oil lis. (niiti.icl fur the trritlon of an iiddlllonil .rcptlon hespllal ntthulootof 1 ast slMceuth M lect, was )cn irida) awnrdid to Ihuiuas Utijt 1. whuso bid or ii)t,.ll(i was thu 1 iwesl Mllliillled to III? Health II.1111I. i 'I ho statement ot William tlande, who wus 1 found aurrcrliig from 1) pluis yesierdaj ntler-1 noon, thai he had not been examined hv n ! heiUh Hisecior mukliig bis round whllu tinudo v us lodging alios lloiurv the night I lefoie, w as poob-do dio t by President Wilson, ot the Health llouid. "Hui !i a charge Is absurd on the faco of It," laid Ml. Wilson to an l.i 1 mmi Woui n r jorter. Wo know that our Inspectors aro , eftlCienl, toiiielcnilous wurkt r.s and can tiust tliem irdpllcltl).' Isfor theehaige made that William Utile, a l.'ilgcr al Hit Poarl tru I, hi cutne Into lltllevue Hospital sobtndi) afternoon with a 1 11 ul lit attack ot t) phiis.iud that a health li sptclor had 1 xr.ieliu d him lho night bu.'ore aim 1 nmourcnl him alt il.hl. Mi. WlVon b.tlil lit it this wus iiuie posnlble, nor could nu blame uttnehio th" lD'-kno. 1)phi.s 1 might hate iletelopel sum unci theph)- I sleluli extiiilniil till m ill without liming pretiouslv ihown Itself lu the haat lefore. The leportcd housis wherilli Upbus has 11 ade Its nppeitranei since llei. 1 ln.H a-o: :tl lla.taidsiieu , 7n lllll-ln.i tl 0 , lilt), HID and 11)1 Park how, 101 Pearl stred. 11, 11. Kill unil '-S(l Hotter), 111 -Ixlii 111 mine. ".() 1 Ktst Ttvenileili sirtet .'ii'.'Wist Miietiiuih met t. la arltl: place, II ( halliam Hqii ire, 10 Pell smut aul lhu almshouse und work house on Ma-knells lUind 1 In tletvof tin I iel Hui lho wcikliouse on Hliichtu IPs It I mil Ins 1,'JUO linuittes. tie health niillioiilles arc ui(iitl) eoncerned oiti tnu appear nice . ( tl phus llieie, Puitli it (.true) ami William .Morel! hating be.n round hurrcilng irom that diseusu thru last 1 night , 1 uupl Huts liaie been made of the eon. II tluiior the bin et lu unlit or some or Urn houses wliuie Dpliusha luoki n out. pirtlcu larl) hi liuiard stui 1. Hun Is 01 ieiuuo! Hie lllllilet descrlpllon Mere standing Ij liontof lids house )filer d.ij.und tteie not oulv an (e-..l.) but .1 1 inenaee 10 public hi.ilth. uien wlthoiii tj. iitiu-. in ng lu the 111 Ijhborbood. I r. ifnbi rissnd 10 uu !.i emm! WcHl! ii'porter thlsinoiiilng : ' I hati hud the hotis- ( leinitd out Imui lop to biuoin, nnd 11 nloiHn a 1 im. aiciimulutlou I ofrdiiM was diimpeil into the 1 11 Hie stteei. Il I It'lilse. howt tei, was thorriu,lui 1 (IHnfi'i ted beforu I allotted It lu go 1 lit ta lho ttcei. 1 Piislleiii Wilson tnld Jo thorepoiiei I I msdi thu loiiiuls of Mitoral lulected lodi Hig-li .ukes last night, and when I callid 1 at .11 luouul slrtcl II o lelUseliud I ei n li- 1 motel iruin Hie siril. TU 1 01 the oiliei houses w is also Ino finmgar ba.'i ' , In. p II 1 of the 1 llnl.eth hi reel station n 1 oil I., it ns.'ai Menard, inemi.thiee, and ( villi uiiui.', l item t-t luce, weiu found kick at II 1.11 Hrcd mil night, us Is siipin-id 11 iiin It tin Us .1 tel 'j 1 e 1 mild of He iltb was lion 1 ' an I an insieiiur llnrv lg mil Die ens b n loiiiul tin) wienoi I , phus. I ii ' nt Wilson, ol ihe liiiiilih itoiiiil, has 1 1 I 10 hate lho oollC'3 lodgi t. houses Hi s,.ie'e'l II. Is ttlll b done Jil-I ,.ts so 11 as' .id II 10 nl li-ntors ire appoint! d. llr inn 1 lis ssld It his ,11-pre.ors got iiuiiugli lhu md. In. -ho 1-1 s t. .-night In would stun Hit 111 I . ti i row night Hi the po'leo I irtgl g I111U1. - 1 '.int lnriies'iiil out tin Ic Hotting order j lo lb 1 o.l e lu-ili) 1 aia 1. a lii.l kfrniinl,.! ui o si I li. t arndil . In III... null J h' I iltll.lin ah I i tain 11 ' p-r.ot n rilo 1 n.r. l. ili l'i , atali oi in ii-p l..r lo Iclut,, I. r llu I II ( ii ' III alio- ..I a-, lot unill,' v. . -liter t r ar 1.1 1irn. fioin ali i nnl m,i m lllaari, and if Mill.) Ml I prolnin t.ii'l Ilia Hair, i IliMlth tll.i.lm I tin- ..rut. fc tl.NI 111 patau I ,r Itlf.itlia ,an , I n titpi.t i ir .1 In. i t al. a - it err tfui is noui I It tl m jnim'i ,(t ., t ti.ltsrt' I'" t'.t'i sod i I it the ! 1 1 '.I I ' mil If ill . " 111 I au Ihal lie . alt nia- a t f, r t t r it;t lattif tar ti or lT-,it! ' I'r III Wllsn I Hie ll' of llelltll. i ail a t- oitn In' l..-dy tt llli tl.l)(il i.llio) in r..., ii in i im itpinis pli.'iu. Mr Wi'buii si id lie It H iiiulldi lit H.e ills mm tv mltl nut beioiin epi'li inle lull pne'iuiloii wasneres Mit .md .idlitni'i H im di il tns eemrs iter I net il I In ifi.'d in Mitu 'oiM.ooot.u ithlr ) additional li.sp etolf lo Is.' appoiiited 1 loi one in .nth Mitu i.iln i Hd h li ul no tloulil IhU the ! llo ml oi I. -i in ate if. nl I apprnpilite ttha'. ' eti I s'lm " a nted-'d i i the puipu.e lie i P e -, 1 1 Jai.i i al Hi nrt, llieeoloiel I a wsl i t liii-iiee a it lepotie I it Mr id it. I li'i bieiip, .poll' I in he pure ll phus and hi has it ill lull" tod in Illtir-ide Hospital. I'oioimnn Alkrvnnn Innooor.t. ifllin o I I irt n ilils niorulii; IniesM. gilccl tli t'ohiplulnt in ) lu )i'ateul i) b) Ji.liu i Murphy' 'o ..tin ifili s ilomi a tunei oi iiitiiiwiin 1 w .ti i suit ei" 1, ajns' I'uiui l.itii i liar is 'al.'iun. ol lliu I eo i ud '.'. " H lle.n. Mill pi, a bad stale I lhu Mkmun still s I Im I i kn n:.i'i mill louu Null kl sed liliu Mm I'll) in de i n I l.lhis If l, l. 1 l - .1 M l.ra-l ail I 1-a.l Salllil'. I 1. 1 a 111 in' l.iil .op Jl'.l l I "I e ii.iil-i- i ,t ,i tiail old 1 H.tii'.t tie itoa iiMi he , tt s tl. i a .i, I . .1 I' ' s lo I tt ,1 il t i I'l alia '11 ,11 in. an i a.., li n I ,0 trouble, rani a ibtctlii. ha a a. 1 a .Oi.iael lh! looks II e ' lb u" I 'tri't'i"-- inn' Hull lui. ol I err 'I' , nn ai aa lo It peafatt I in. a SNOW ALL DAY, THEN COLD Fine Slcatlnir In Promised Burn b Noxt Sunday. According to W'enlher Prophet DJiin, tho blinding snowstorm that tel In this morning will lust tluntiglinut tlio tlaj aim perhaps far Into the night. "'Ihen," lu tho Innguago or Mr. Dunn, "luokoiit Im a cold t ate. which Is bearing duttn on us from the chilly Northwest. It bhotild readi here b) te.tnjrrow tdghU" Ihe eiiowstoini was Central this morning oter lho luki' region, and was moving titer oi.i lit it Is lu lliodtitctlcin of ll.o Allaulluala Ul'igreeubl) slow rate ol spued. W ueu It stalled lu tho Sortliwi'Sl )cttm day nut I noon It sent snow falling stoutf Its paih, and thu eonsentienee to-day is that niiow Is fulling iruin Mlcnlgiii and the Ohio valley eastward oiur tho Middle Atlantic and hi tt- KhsUlid States. ll Is slightly warmer In these localities, although It Is crowlug colder lu the Norlli- j tu st. 'lho lowest luaipersture ttrls morning was 17 ilc.ivis. Tun cotdrtt point at 8 o clock I wan Noithllel.l, VI., where Ibe thermometer nglsia'ied Iisdegrues iHonw zuiu. thoturm- eat nlacu was Kei West, Kin., with a tim- pualuroof 74 dea.reoi ubove rero. itunnol otIr skateis much enoourage ina ni he. urn rtiihdar," uddtd brrgl. Dunn, " bin I lieu thu s.ullug should ba line. 'Ihe upi runchlug cold wavu will du the it or a." HUD30W STREET BURGLAR HELD. Goldman's Tailor Shop Robbod Many Tlmoa In Two Years M chad, aged twenty-thiee, of 7 uiiek held lor cxauiluulDn Iti Jem rsou Market couit t'-liy on the cnaigl of i talliijUolli worth lUOfioiii Jacob Coitl man, ,t i.iihu. at ,.1u llujson street. I Detretltes cattioonl nnd darker, of tboi . Kijhlh Prailnct. say ihu Imcy Is ouuot lho leauel s or he " llapu) llomi Hung," whleh mikes lis heudipi triers lu n saliuiiul cauul and Hudson slllelb Muring the lust six weeks tLc detectives sai ihat 'en mcrnl" s it tue guor haiobeni ' ut nl lu thn penlliii lor tirms rauglng irem tluee moiiih in three uud oiu-huir )eais, )el the members aro at aciltu usuter In t lit 1 r dopiedallens. i Ihoiobbcr ( ir which 'I racy was arrented Is the nisi ot Ilio tthleltliato been perpetrated ; in iiiieiupleti at nils place since sepltinier, Ihlio. At one time t.l.UOil lu tnsli watt taken A shoo dialer near Huldmans plao Is tald to hate lust jhiiu worth or shoe during tnu last three wteks. DECIDED NOT TO WED. Mies Btadlcr Mel:os No Explana tion of Her Chnnee of Mind. Hi iiH.rTiiN, N. J., Jan. .x Miss Kalo . Madier, daughter or J. H. h adlei, or Ibis tltj, u-lii) dee Hied lo ouplulu why shell-1 ttistd )asterday, at the losi momi nt, t.) ( niiiriy Hnpilst is. scull, of lumdou. i I lie in url'ige ceremony wns about lo tel pilaO'bHd In the pliseiiceof a luige utllub-i ' o gut sis. win li Mi-ari M idnrsuddeiil) luliilid in I h 1 1 in be u ir led lo hi i loom hen Mic iiait dsliareiustd in bttu tbi tereitjon) lunipli t il. Ml.?, uli, the Intended I rldegr m wus Ullll("I I ttr llll-la 111 irkllllC eoll Itl. I Jf Mlai Mil iler, mill I asl tiveuliig leu Irll.el.ui ami leu, nod lo Ills home in launltu. ii is suid Hill In f I'd In went anil Miss si.niiri il. i tli It liilorni" I him wht 'he mid su.ldenl) I charge I he I mind. ' It I, iep' rlrd ihal lur iiwih"i was pro , tiutid oter Hie' li ol tbu afl ttr. FOULED THE TEUiOiMC. Thn Lisbon Clet" the U'oret of a Clr.h ' !.- lilif I.lner Itl Aa rl 1 1 l. r al as Ifisnos, Ian . Ihe llrllldi "trainer! I islam ls-,1 ni;lii h nl j tu'i White ti; Line i steulnc.- I'Utolll. Ill tin Mil-nj j Ihe ihniiuut ih.ue lo the I eutonh w.tsiei) irlllln. He I l-Ooii. iimteici, had two m I her on Ushlp i late-, il m ngeil. I FUND TO PRuSECUTE FRICK. J Ho-nestniiil Men Espect to Hnlso the tun o' 4H0.000 nl aaao tarlli I a.' as I atsaisstii 'nil 'a pa er sais i lit, : .t ii. t nils i nl Uu Mlilsury i iiuiinllie if I Hi lu-Mi'a.l. I a . II is lei n hero Hutu d)s i u j i .i put fi ml" oi in km ii.. mils lor t hu pio-icllioii of He'll) l. r"lik,M'C- la iiii) nt-n ami i apt liiei n. of thn t ar i iii.le ' ' nil all , ii sil 1 -uiiour uenl s b tie beeii sent to M ' I -on , i hh ii.". New ii k.nd Piuuntlphii, I Illaat Ulna "'o . X leel.lll'ill Is Dial s tlllnl ot , a ill in." a 1.1 .. 1. 1 U' I. Usual to push ihu Uoi- tula lui ta. U .in- 'o A bobtail tho Ml If a . itrtitaatt. f-aaa iitiiiiris, ii.. Inn. A in. Mate Irales and laliui s - mil; )tsterlai ulupled a no i n, ln -.kiie, i be an Hsliiin nl uf Hie - a a ' lib I ' li I Jrttitiw U.'Ulltl ta us ,!l g all nil ll I I UI.-J j aaui'i. .V. - aait ' .. ills I lenrli'i' Pellela. ' 1 or aaiat la) at.' in- a.a a.iiwtiata fa-j llitm WHITNEY NOT TO BE IN IT. Ho Upiota thn Cttlculntlone of Susy Cabinet Makers. Ex-Secrctnry W. C. Whitney, being asked this morning In legard to tho make-up of President-elect cleictaud's Cabinet, said: "All I know about ll Is that 1 will not be Hi It " " Dous tbnt mean that jou have not been usl.o.1 to heeomu a member T" Net necessar ly," ho re lied. Mr. Wbllue) has Luen lucluded In nearly every slitte of Hie Callncl-maker), wheau ealculatlous aro nutv upset. Accortlliu to whit Mr. Whitney sayr, It will bo haul to guess who will be Ml. Cleve land's adtlscrs. Itlssnldlobe certain, how ever, Hi at Col. Dan r.amout will bo made Keeretary of tho Savy. The minor printed In tho Uoilln Inutlilatl and cabled hero last night lhat JoiephU. Mcnner, uf the New Via, k KtaatnT'i not;, had been srleeted by Piusldeni-clcct Cleveland to succeed Wllilaiu W alti r Phelps as Minister to (loruiany is pionuunexd ty Dr. scalier tr-day as 'absolutely without any luundallun whaleitr. ' III. Senuer is lho foreign editor of the .simil -alW ma i and hits been connected wltn thai paper loi ten jeais. Durintr tlio last camiiutgn ho snolto feu Cleveland In Wiscon sin, Illinois and Indtaun. JAMES OWEN O'CONNOR INSANE. No Decision on Wife's Application lor Leiral Inquiry. App'lcatlon wns made lei Judga Darren In the supremo i.ouit chambers Ic-day by Louisa H. u Connor lur Hu uupoliil'nental n cuuimUjIoii lu Inquire Into tho sanity of her husband, James Owen O Connor. Mis. O'Connor lives lu Jersey city, tier husband has been confined lu the .Mori Is Plains Lunatic An)luui for several weeks past, llo Is tho owner of personal moperty in the shupe of cash In lho Lmlgraht Indus trial savings bank, lho Hank rur siting-, iba Manhaltsn Intlngs Institution and tho I nlon Dime savings Institution aggregating about si Ihe.trtldatlt ot Dr. It. 1) l.i.xns states that the actor is Insane and Incapable ot taking careof bliiiselior bis propel l). D.. kvaus is the uiodlcal dliector o, lhu lnsiltuilou lu which o cunnor Is confined. OCunnoi has. t brother, Mate isenator Ku genu V. O'Connor, a t-b.ur, Hutu a. Juuii siune, bom or nro .klj n, aim a mtughter b) a luiiner marriage, Juseplilne ocouuoi. Judge i.arrett rescued hi a Jeclaljn. SENATE WON'T DO VERY MUCH. Hut National Sanitary Legislation Will Not Be Ignored. 'rr iis-i n eaa.i WAniMiro, .lan. 6 'I here isaillsposi Hon lu ih- sinateou the pail of Ihe liepubll a au menibeis tudo ashtile as p h-dple pend ing tin ih.'iig Ih Hie Xdmliil-irullou and ipe possible ehingc In the orgaulatluo ot the r-emitu Until. ' leadliu Kepublic m nllor suid tu.ilj) Hint i utsluu i he Appropriation lills 111! 10 ttOllld be It.laidOIll. tli are not disp sed to Ignore -itnlur) legisUtl in, and lhat mat ttr will be aiunuad to as seoii .is poslb I,' he continued. "It Wall.d lu toll) I riis lo pas an' psiilsan lueiisurrs, lor met w uld li it go Hi i ugh tho ll tl r-. Slid th' calendar would cluiplr bu liloil.ireO ttllb it ma-s ot bills that could utter become .ai.s. ' FOUND IN A DEN OF THIEVES. Dmpsey' SIlverTore Rooovorod and nurtrlnr Hlnes Arrested In tictlte lilwui 1 Well, of Mutn Island, tu. lit itiuterei all Ihu tilierwaru tthlili was sloaeii irom lho iislUeueeiii l.atneuiu Dimp-et,.ii'olti.u bioker, resiulug on eastie tm amine, West sett I'ngli mi s, ou M.iiduy in Itl. 'Ihe properu wus louuil lu ,i de i Hi llioik llll. winch Is k( pi Ui .1 utgr i.oiimi . aru Is MIIU to lie lho liuiulipl lllt-rs o wi'li-klaOrt.1 CIO"ks i Wills iirr. steal in- biiikla , lerreiue Hints till he was atiilkiug itlong the Hint, irt lie was ut j.nled b) uruker l)auipse)'s tt at it Lieu he wire. To ilortifnau Cincinnati's Cathedra". ' ' IA f iiscisstTt, Jan fi Millinrlty ttits been gi tuied t ' in divage the c.ithedial rropoit) ' In tlilartl) i i senile alum ol $il.',000, lobe applied t" Hie pamei.l oi a dltllend lo the uiiloiiiii) no ireilltoia in 'he late Aichbiahop I urtell I lirhteen Hor.soo Hurned HosriiN, Jan. r. -Thslueiy stableofM t II. 1 angle), In e ei I ihlce, was buineJ ihls inu nln,', andclglueen ol Hie ulnctten bora s In the building wiie burnrd to death. Louis 1. l)lor was kleatd Hi tlie head and klllid bv a luise mutts r)l k luft'l tbu ailmals oui I i:aa-it.ui liaaa gcod ttaraf lur Dr Hut 'a Couib 1 Sjiup. lla faint la Hurld.alda ", X a LAST EllI M THE MAYOR'S 1 MESSAGE. I Thomas F. Gilroy's First I Statement 'of the Affairs I of New York City. I HIS PUN TO REDUCE MS. Method of, Guarding the PubHo M from Epidemics of Oon- W. tagious DiEeaae. Wf STATUS AS TO RAPID TRANSIT. I Recommendations as to Street &$ Cleaning and the "Water Jbj Supply. Mi Mcvj-or Cllroj'i first .annual tceassjp wan Win aubmtited toitio UoarJ of Aiaermca todaj. W In openluic the Mayor suniiutrtzes fbt state jf meat o( the city's flnances as toltoira: ; I 3 net a BP rt "inn ? fi ( i (" o A 'afH e t- n tH w m "JfAi'nt tn rt w Ok fthl I sf: I I I I I ' Ij r. ms ss s m s i . . . tSt J ' n t aa '--ap s? ae " n o 4SaV S ". - i i '" " " ' i s s iii i m I s 1 j SJ5s3 M ptt i m ,S:-S Is m i i? t t-i - " - S i-J J5 - M on the first day of .lanuaiy, 18113, the net . fund d Indebtedness was fl)T,5I3.43U.ia M i During the past t welt o months the nrt j funded debt ot the city lias therefore In- 3jj I truaseilfl.llll,:i!ili-."ia'. ri I 'Ihe Major M) s: ' lho ini crest on the city debt for Ihe past "f year aiuouuts to 10,7(11, llOO.-t'.'. If the city 3 , debi could bu refunded by an Issue ot new i bonds bearing '.'i-j parr tent, luterest this lea. S lure or tho tax levy would bo reduced t'J,S85,. f J.i I OS. '1 be outstanding botds were, how- eter. Issued some tan or fifteen years iso, when thu credit of tho ell) was solo lhat it w as forced to pa) ft, 0 and 7 er cent, la order " U secure a market lor Its obligations, Tlie bonds bearing tlie lit;liet rate of Interest i will fall due lu luoi, and, If the creditor tin 3 tli) be maintained at Its present high stand. aril, iheie should be no difficulty In replaclnsc "J them b) a new Issue bearing a rate ot later- 3 est not to oict'fd "H Per cent, per annum. 5 I (.1101 il.oa His Publlr lleHltla. I 1 During fie past ftur )rar., under the J 1 ndmli Istratiun or Mn)nr (irant, theccndltloa Jl ot lho cl'i has steadily lniproied. 1 1 will be it Hit aim of the p.'eieni administration lu M pioe. mo ilgorotisl) and eoonotnlcally tbo -J rations enterprises which hate been Initiated for Hie pubiu- beaeni, ani ty Initiate suca j oibusnsiiia) bo nceessaiy. J During the past )eir the cllywai threat. J rred with nn Invasion ot Atlallc chalora. I snips wble'i had sailed irom lufeeled ports 'J arrlieil lu the Hid, among whoao pasieogers ' the pla.'uo ha I Iroken out. Vet, notwlth- '1 siaudliiB the suddenness tilth which the dl eise api-eared, and flic exlrnt or the danger, j the health ofllceis succeeded In arre.llngltj -" pregitss. A loerteclltel) resii tho prosresii of epl- i demit dlsea-es, ihe eo-operatlon ol Ihe city e. an I state Is absolutely esstntlnl. While tie j garms of a pltguu may bo brouyht from abioad, th.- thantesot Its spreading amo02 1 our population depend largely upon Ihe sani tary condition ol we ctly. Ihe control of Ihe J'lno Is In the Uindso' the htatclfov. eruiuciitj tue benltary rondllloo or theclty 1 aleieuns upn the inuultlpal autdorlllts. 1 1 lheealohs eo-uptiutlon uf cliy and blaiu j ' enicers Is theielore absolutely necessary 10 , preteiitcoutaglun from passing Ihe cites ot k llhebaibor, and todeprlie Hot an oppovmn- 1 ity of spreading even If It succeed In elqd 'lug the precautions established by Ibi fUr anilnsauthrrlllc'. iiuringthe late crlsli tin effl'.loncyol the medical staff at Quarantine la establish.)! by ' i . . . Jai