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flF J TnE WOULD: THUUSPAY EVENING. JANUARY 5, 1893. ' Vlrf a. ' ' R the Urge pcrctntigo ot rteoTcrr nmonj those B mucked by tbo cholcrft niter Ilie arrltal of, Hf tbo pest (hips In the horbrr. It wftt, how- M. eTer, a milter ot grct tinb&rrMEinont to tlio I IK qunrontliio otrlrtlQli tlio litnltliy pascri-: At (tern, whose detention was dec nicfl & neces- BU (try precaution, it cro lorrcd to re inn In for J. ECtcrat drn on vessels wulcli bad hern hot- w btdsotcontnglor.. It Is, tlicifffjic, Biiefc'csleit Mf;l that Komo Island he secured at nauniclenl 'V dlstanco (rotu tlio mainland tu preclude all ( danger from contagion, andutisufflclcnt ex. BSc' tent to turnlsli wholesome and convenient, WW quarters lor tbose who may be detained lor MJ j medical obserratlon. i In addition to this, the titirn.-iiillno depart. i't ment should bo provided wish aiiuiiiticr nf Ki hiiltablo boats tUorougbly viiulppnl for tlio Bp transfer, and eron for tlio temporary nccom- P0 modation uf lurro numboia of paa'cnter.. ; 'lhoso vessels In periods of xccurlM from Jt? epidemic dlscaso could lie lilrctl out lor com- WKf lnercul nuro'jscs, but nlwa i under such c oil Hf'nf dltlons tliat possession or tlictn rnuld le K& iCMiracd whcneTrr tliey Wciine titccs'.ir) K$ to tbe cniclcncy ot tlii' quarantine. Vx "Tbo extension of I'citcrM eonlrol ov-i tlio Hw" quarantine bat been rucntly u subject of Bs general dUcutsion. 'Ilio is-eiitliil minlmles Kjf ofancfTlclcnt quarantliH' system rinmlii tlio Wa 8amo wliclliet It be aduiliilitucd 1) Mnteiir fift Federal oltlcers. Tills fiUMtlou. hovriiTcr, is Arg of such vital lmportauco to this rltynndto Oi the whole country, tbat It is to be bopi'd Unit Wui action may be taken upon It liimicdl.iti'l). ".o K& tbat It tlio btato bo required to ullli I ffij quarantlno tbo leglslatuie may be eiwhleil I 7J to equip tbo health officers ulth potter to f. yi take such measures as may le dcemod ne its- i w aary to protect tbe public health agnlust tin) yl Invasion of epidemic disease. Tim (!lt)' Hrwrrnitr "svitem. I" During the last lotirjearK, ahtle uctlngl as Commlulooor of i'ubllc Woili", 1 havol spared no elTort to secure at Improvement lu tlio condition of tbe Hecragr. Notuitli. standing this, natural advantages which tbe city enjojs In Its pruMinlty to tide-water, the system ot a-eiieiajjii was found to be radically detective. In Many In stances tbe sowers themselves were of piluil tlve construction and eultrel) luateitia ')j tbo proper drainage 01 a gnat ill) '1 ho openings at which they din hargn were ofti n left exposed at low water, einlttlig foul odors which were destructive to cotntoi t and j dangerous to health. I "A plan was devised byblch Hies? ten em vi cro continued beyond tbe bulkhead to the 1 end of tho piers, v. hero they discharge Iheli-j contents Into the liter currents, and wheie they aro subjected to the cleansing action ot tbo very swift tldi-.s whlih now In uur harbor. It lsgialllylng to bu able to say In the 0! me years the entlro pinner liu proveujeflt will titio been so farcuitiulvteJ (vstouiake our systtm ot drainage siiperloi , Tuthat of anv great city in tbe nuild. i Ni'ivVinh'n Wtilrr suiiplv, ! Although the Crotou Aqueduct has been oouiplt-ted and no hate n..n 1 hu nivalis o, couveylug to tlio city our four hundred million gjllous of wuier peril 11, uehui" nni lis jet sterago aciouiti'Odatlon to 11 tic, id our cllUens the mil beticm ot this stupendous ' work. A storaue reseriulrou Mnsenui Itiu'i, Mltbn, capacity of 7,uoo,iiou,iioii gulp n, is already in process of consliiic 1,111, mid ui the ' prehcut rale of prowess ulll bu coniilrlcil In Jhll.'i. Tlio ll lam ltUersiipplj trill bu I ill nil lillothe Kcnslco lusciW'lr 111 the eullt-e ot 11 aw yeais. A vouiiiiu lor Hie lonstiuetlou of tbo Cornell Ham has been aivuulril, 111'. out ml jp log to which UieMni' tuic uiu-l. Lc completed B, w lu July, iou, .and other rcscrvuliu ion- W-g? strucled by the Aqueduct Lomiiils-ilon am m V' now uearlng cohiplelion. H V:' When tlieso icscrvulis Hh.ill have been I R, constructed tlio city will enjo nilall) supply Mi greater In froportluli to the poiul.itlou than, j & that cnJoed uy auy other illy In tbu noild, PJ y and thctc will be seeiue for future use a sum-! ml (; i lent quantltyof water to supply npupulatlun fti over lour niiiiioin. "Ilie city nun unns 110 lands In tbu cioton watcr-sh1!! except such as ate liielmiiu lu Hie .i h llmlis of the riieri'oliifuuu of Hid aiqii. laches li' ' to thiui. 'Ihu HUrioiiii'JIng country Isocm J, a pled U a pojiulatlou giowiugmeiy div neue 7 Mimrious. lAfi li'iiiltnlK.u Is fno iiii'sijii. '. llsh Itn'ocu h) Mem or driilnngc nlihout 111a Kf icgulatloii bv law. 'Ihe sole n'liicily lies In f the ucqutMl Ion by tbuclly or Miltlilent lih Is 1 lolJoluuiK tun I'rutun wiiter-shi'l to mimiih . f the water stip'plj lioin all danger of Inreetloii t Is limn this fconrc". 1 i-Rlsl 1IK111 n.r nils pm pjse f j Is nciei-arj and snould be h.ul us puou as ' -js piactlcab.e. I . l& Mrccl ClriiiiliiK. ' f " In istliratliig tbe clilcleiic) of inn sinet f (' t Ipituiiiu' licpartiuenl It Is pioi 1 to le.u in Hrr mind tbat llsopiiatlous mo i iiitun.-i-m .1 in Ihu peculiar ehaiacici or out li illle .i,,il I', j J, the iiuttllgriiitioMbe clllrhi llieinrelve . In J' the nthtft gieut (Itlitiif the tinrld 1I10 -.1111 If i trunicls vuj laigil) coulliicil to Ihe Imslui-ss i 'K ot the InliublUiils, lille mil snc.its ,u. '" ffi tin elided ei ry day bj ti hides cainmg 11 p laigc portion of the luerchainjfe 01 Hit cuil e ( J- lOllllllt'lIt ff' Ash'iuli iistht' main lliotoii.'h .in-.'tioe ; j (.Ityshall tin. e leeii paved In in.i) lour. ,l &- ihu ileinaiid of Cvuniucici.. n 11 1I--1 be mil 3 ,V ilul. looeMite atlimi ui 10 11 o 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 .m. i t tlousol tliu till Miointb .opliali neiu tils ; & lMto been tound lillil) siiuiesiiul In nil i A?, slietls Mbkii eie not ilmr iigul.iii-t tin tin to W lieiilri' li.itltc, uiidfortbedeiiri'lt iiupulilcd Si' puilloiis tli"j 11K isi?clall) .s'Hii.ine. II -; T, should U) '.be aim or Hie uncilnm 111 hm t. -6 tbemlu ll.itc hi.iillli s, both naioie.l '1 S for tUi-cduiiou 01 1 be 1 eople.iudasusaiii,.iij li J piecaulluii. a, a U Jt 1 ilniicls I inlel llit t 1 1 IjT "'Ilie stiadj giowtli 01 nui . inioeice MA k Mralnsoiery day loun liicn-asugilr.'iii' the f ;ff un ucit 01 r.iii ihornugnf. les. 'ibi widinhe, Bi.' or college pluue has Ici'i ineJi Haseo ti, uid 'l ft jf' toreltvve ibulnui.i-uie H.ililcon tower llnud- Jj way. His not pioiuiiiu that tins iinpioe- B-i ; lin ut villi unci all Hie iciiuiieimnis or ii'.uie E? , In tblsrespei 1. et It iiitist be appaiem to '! Hit) onu u liu has all in -ed Hie c 'iik'i'siton Rtstf "' vehicle, which Is u dally oeciirieuie on tin l.ioaauuy, Leiuei 11 I uito'i striet mid iul len lK lane, that sume piousum must to nude n.r Hit? luufcitiidily lncie.i.'lnu ir.iineot the iltj. Ji M.hv. Is suggested that u tunnel Iki cousirucit-d iti. ,rom lua -'orth to lbs rast niter under .'u'm (M bint lie) streets, thus alToidliig an easy and LViTtM' level means of transit in unguis 1 ne KVffl river the uthi'i. If ibiu uml.-ii ii.lni; L14S I found to bo priictliablc Its talii-i lu thu IUIh cetmi.eno or jht city cuinJ be lot asurvd 10 , uilluoi.s. Hjljfc A .1IHRleliiil IIiill.tlliL. '?& Provision his been mudu l II. e I'.-islu. if, tuie tor tbe erection of 11 1,01 Id 1 , iai,;i HJsPi l 'nigh toeecouiidbdai1 nil Hie iiiii.uelp'ii d-- mK it Jntrtluenis. ltlaour duty loiitvuieo'irseltes H,. !l loiniedluli'U uitho adonilon 01 nlmsioi in,. B: r erection of u suitable strncturf, wbiise aieiit- j c' tectuial propurliuns will bo woniij or Hie f . greatest ttiy on the coniliienl. 'lie i.e - slty lor tills Lullilin; lias uem uiliuiiiisi n 1 Hit., the pasi lour Jtjis: the d-iM in ro 1 1" 1 ,1 , MBf. ' spruLg from who h was to rid m WMU ,' cuooslnj a piuper sunt (' 1 "It Isiinpos'lbioto obialn lu tboneljliber- fMl ;, hood of tbu C Uy Hull auj jiicce of land toi IBI 'i thli purpo-e unlets ut an i'penegicutn tmiT . than this admlnl'tiatlou would 1 wium; to ci , Impose on the taiimien. H tbeiefoin mttr tunnelled that It beirciud In lliui in n.,11 I,, Park, wbeie lis ptopurtlons will not b" . dwarfed by lnudtqua'u ruii.iuuuioes, ami iV vvbere lis archltectuiul beaut) will beau Ht. enduring muuuiuentol ibo grenluess which Ml the clly has achieved, and an mdl'.ailor of 1 bv Uli I gicatueps whit h lies tef ic t . W 1 , A :sm I'liilleiillni't -llr MiKiifslnl. ! 1 ! "'Itegiowthot tbo city deriiamls larger ; , accommodation for Its chain a urn instiii. ' tloiis. It la, therefore, suggested nut Itu, 1 s H t lslaud be niado available lor ili penal um;. f lulloim now located on lllaikHcll'siijnd iv tilling In 1 ho land under watei aimnid the ' K loiuicr Island au niea o( :;ou aeics woont oy m 11 inadonallablclnr tbe iicctK-ar Luililti c . 1. 1i whl'c Its greater remoteness tr m the ma i - '. latd renders it letter adanied lor tbe srte K; lu&todyo! conlct-s. I'ho stieet sweeping!., a, tbo final disposition of wulcli li noi.-u u.atier jl of such difficulty to tlio sirret-i'luiiiluu lie B pailmcnr, would bouluaulu materui lor 'he B' making ot new laud ou lilUr's Ismn I. J3K Tbi CIij'ii Illtrr I'roiii. ("Anstemofdofk luipiniemeiit has wen devised which Is bung piosecuted wlihall leasonablo vigor, lu order to fstalll.,i u uniform docks stem II will I e neem for tnecltyto acqnlru title lu the uule river front. 'Ih revenue wlmu would auiuu I Irom wharfage woult greatly exceed tb oir. k laylmolved. Bi C Nr" Vorh'n I'liil, i.ieni. B 1 This city possesses a burli s of parks com. mW: jrialugovcra.oou acres. Ihe Central Purl. .' .Mil soon lx) in tbo heart of tho city, and is H-: f- to-day or liicalculablo benetlt lo the people. MM-j U. It sliuiild alwnyi, be malutalnisl as an nttrai. aB? rr. tlvo placn of recieatluu, especially lor woini-n Htt'r audcrnidien.andiio oppoitunlty to liuproto mmtim. U fbould bo neglected. Additional small BSV I arks la the must populous quaricrs hi the Tff city wouli bodtBlrablelupiovcmtuts.blghl n Hal bencnclal to the sanitary condition of tho Cll). iho extensive Improvements which aro now In course of prosecution must neciFarlly intell a large expendlturB of inoncy. Ibo people of Ihls elly he sliown their willing. 1 ess to contribute literally tor public pur. poses, proMded suitable return be uiadufjr tho moncj sixpehdcd. 1 'rrnllle ln nml Ovrr the Hnrlrm. ' "'Hie rcqiilrimcnts of i.avlzatl"nrietnatil tbeericlloiiolbrbUes (iter the llailem ruer at an Increased elevation. The bridge at .Mr. I romlis Dnin Is nell iiiuiir way, and plans nro imiv I elr.K rreiarod lor the tonsirucihiii 01 n new bridge at Tiilid tiveinie, ne.o'S the llnr lem, ami nnollier on Miuhild.c road, at III" Intt 1 section of Ihe llai.em Miipi mini. 'Iheso linporlniit IniproveiniMiiit .nil bo pushed tu ccinplrtlon nlthoui utitiecesaiy delav, 1 bile recognizing the nine ol tbe llnlleiii Iilver as n means of uitttliil eniumunleiitl' II, It would 1 win, In hi jmliment, miiu llllaiu II10 paa.i3Ciiriisslt 10 Hie mil e.l'ent I In t Is consMuit wiib Its us" us a n.iu 1 way. 'Ibo widest read s.iilsracllori I barn r".iton I to uellevd I Icltbyfliv po iplu since Hie tbo I'nil. Hoard cloned Hifl Madison m'UU UiDkc and Hie II1P1I vveim Inid.e diintu' leilulu hours, Ipsililes lo the Milne ot utiliiieiiupii d lominlltilc.iiluii li'tin 1 11 tne In, 1 Hi tih'l Mill 11 B'cltoi.sot llii'iliv. To tbat end II lulesir lible. win ri'M r lih ll' pi 1) 11 In s are of Mllil ilent (letati'Ui, lo 1111 1. brl l.'i , o high that tlu-y t.111 lo kept perinatietitly clo'tl without ob. Hi rung lililg.itl Mery fuot 1 ikcti lioin tbo e.rv.t'ioti of li.e iittlli 111 blldsrs no lid lepies lit lllll'l iiiense sumii,' In the tlt'ie atnl furvii rxiemieil III Miiiuoiiutltii: Hn'in I1.1 tr.1111M.1U1l Hut t'ligeis. Iicltlp- the gii ni . 111 lie ,idkiilnifii f this st si em, 11 noiild bohlgniy rionuiuleul. 'Ihe "lllfrretiie In cost of coostruitloii be I wien piimar.riit p.m and tlriiwlu blue would b" niiuui v.'tiu (loo. and raih di.m Involtes an annual rxnetiiiliutr of bitwceii Id.oou and ,",(ll;(l toi inn iiiIjIho lllld, i e. 1'riiti'st AjiitiiiHi rsiMcliil l.riili titf Inn. " II Is prnp"i- that tin Municipal (lOU'in mint be held 10 1 stint nn.'Diiut mi ihe inetbod In which It dksp s oflhepublie lunds. U cannot, huiieter, bo iepon. slulo for exiiemlllures nhkli loienl u ........... .T . .. , , ,, lll.ll,. Ill 1 uuillUllU Ml IU',11 il,"ru i. 111, um, I heie bus Uien of lnlr iiuls 11 Irndelici oil tbu pun of Ihe lexlslntute in imiiu new oniifH, t'l IncrrJso Ih'siilnrli'sol mini 1I1.11I11I own tiicmnpil tbo pnMuenl of clulins wbli ll have Iren ueleaied lu tiiocourts. All Ir.'isiii. Ituu whlcli ILiulslo ci.iiipel Hi' 'ia) of luouey 110111 Hie 1111 lit is'ii agiinsl tbupiotests of the nilthoi llles Is pel -melons and InJeb r.siolr. 'iheie Is hmhiii to ll'.'lll'Ml that I to- puselit I.eci'lJlllle will lesp-il the prim Iplu of lioinr nil' , aim 1 elm. 11 lit liiipiise mi 'li tm- t It y :111V oil. dens n Inch the local govciiitilutii. Is iiunlllliig 10 u-lll.i.' I'i'iii'n Pot Itnpii! 't' In of the utter pusiM.i. lniidcpi ie of the I lev.,lid iialliojils 10 Hie I n(iN-ilie.i ol ilio public com Oil I, I I.e del J) lo ihe loilo'' Iiiltotisof plans loi ,1 coii.,,11 hi 11 l aililu (it 1 lipid It.iusll bt Ihu 1 11 n.M boinrbythu ioplu wlib 1 xiiao.iiliniiy pa Hi nie. Whin the 11:111110 of thu linn III ally adoiHed iras at length made 1 uhlle, a Iii'lln,' of diitlbl us to lis le.isllilllty .iii geiieintlj 'iitellnlliid. Hut wbcie u ( ouilulssluu, si -licml nlth npnlil irfi 11 no! 10 the cap. illy ot lis inciuhei ii, deul nlin thu iiliet 1, ba t, Mer tnojriiis diiliierullou, iid nl'il iiihi 1 p hi o: inpid ti.iusp, It tins lid thai 11 .null luvi some 10011-, nnle'i loiiiuieudlt to prli.ilr 11 ei-pi.-. isa feislh.e piojci 1 anil u piolilabb' HiViMihiriiL. ,l'i.iKed in the K si of 1111 open sale ot 1 he 11 u e ii ., . it has. It inuvi 1. bi en touuii a 'iiiiil lui.ii't iin luifliei lonsldel.illou or whlih would m II suit 111 exiii Ions and proilihss di 1 ,1. Hie whole Kiilijietn, 1 aohi I- iim Hilonii bat k upon the alteulloii id In 1 mo IiiKsIiiiipis and the 11, linn leal uith line-, mid howrici iiiiii h wo mat ilepluie Mi" lu., or lime a ic luonej nhhli lnio nlieady o,' curled, nciniiM nuno ll." les nihil, s, um. siJIiesi iierLi'tlr.lll) in 1 soluolou of the qu Hun " losay lliat the giunlli of the Hlj hai In en m-llnusl, IliipcUed b) Ihe Inllllli' In pin tide ampler ami mule oiiiiloii-, me ins or ti.ilisll Is 10 tirnl Hie siiijjKt null moileiii. Ibui As our populalton Is u cuiiitauiv In 1 liasliij! ouu the 111 1 unity tin lellel In tlil.i lesprci nuniM'wn daj inure nut III. "As the iui sllon lu Its pisiut hhhCI has been luued upon puollu intention only w II bin 11 lew dm a, II Is not lion lenslbiii to dilliiitesuggrsilotis upon Iheslio Ject lorilie cuiisldfiiitinii ot jour limioi aid" llodj, but 11 Is I'uiiildeiiily 1 eil. .id lu 11 Very shut 1 ilmr 11 plan will be deil-cd wblcli will bilng Ilie means ol 1 ell. I within -Ijhl "I the people of ibo city. 1.1 11 1 1 ii in 11 1 1 11 . . " lo thu geliulul I'llilltlon o, Ihu Hit tliele Is inilcll Ineni 11 aii mil (lib pride. Its III. . inclM pro.p, 'iii 11 p1.m1l ov I .Mie.l. Ihn'l I a a 1 at u ui 1 hhli It 1 111 li 'inm iiionei. nun bt th. i.ien.eis ur capit 1 t a lu llnd Inteiiueuts wiililu Its llinn-. Ihiiiii.' the pas Jr. 11 :1111m new biilldtiigs liatolem in 1 till, tallied ill .dl lllll.'H'.l. "Illle .lllel.l lloiis lute been made In old sti ncl lilt s t tlllt' 1 lit 't i.t.i ' s ,7, ,, in!. .114 a In ,il Intesl nieti' ot It'll, -i t 1 I id 11 tmpeiiU'l lell.s I 1 lea' 1 ttul, I it" noil Poller III piu'i 1111 til 1. " 'I he ell 1 let'.i 1 id Hie II o Hep lltlin'lil is l.ioted hi Ilie luti 1 He ol IliOll.tlilo ,ci 1 tii,-i I't lh" 111 llllinee lOUIp.lllh'.. " I I e tltlHlilh e 1111.I dlMMIilllie of 1 he l'nlleo III pal 1 no lit lute male tile mil piupitiy lilme seiiiii Hun in 11 it ,,lle 1 i;ier,i 1 ti y r llieltorl.l, t Illle I I tlnl ill si lle.n' ill III" Ills. II I 1 ol lullliillp.lll'l.'.s pel.ei t .1.111 1. liilltll. I aim il 111 111 stiectsoi Non mi, Ij an Hu mmed 1 Itli nine. I ne pintileoi 1 miiiihlpil I'liteinini ni It Ihe piidilelit ut helm Halle irotel uiueiil .is Wi -111 it tr. I In In 1M1 i, 1 lie I .. at uillillll. .tin Ho.' 'lh.'li '.it in till ll .III I UUies-lte. ttu tllnlhatr Ihe tului o popilbil Ills! II III lull'. I I'.el, Ihrlinuie. Ih.ll I liny lelt il0'l .tnlli ealoiisc 1-ipi lailnii In i.e-1 .uto t. tip 11 mat I" 'indeiia .' 11. mil to miilnimu ino 1 o.illoeiilul i.iplen:act of til" I'll'lit 1 ll t .tniiM ii"iph' inm c Hiiuilttc I Hi"li' iiiteus. to 1,111 ci.s. dj I Ui.uts 1'. 1. 'i not, M 1)111, ' COO lfii st Hunes to fJ, nt Aiiuilon. in iioiiiiiii nM 1 I'MMiiot, It), Jan. ."i.--l.o hundred 1 iuuuiil trotn 11 1 it qfai'i-ti'l hen' to le dls.'osul of at UiHidmaid aLd Mi.iiikllu' ttineli begins next .Mouila). A pirgo nuiiibei ot le rses ofleiel iiatu its. ids. kwi.iI stallions nie fi cut pi oJnccf. and Hie I1100J man-at eliliei oilip'is ot iceonM 01 l -mic'is Among the in tes .110 .Millibars, .'.ll.'i. -i. 'irt. '.Is',.:, '.Ms; I ol.i tiiki-, '.' l.ii.. u."i,lle Wilkin, U' l', . Mnud I's-eiiKi-r, 'Mil1-.., I'IMc), if. HI; II. mint". '.' I.IU, Hill llnlsio, v.lsii; P1.1. Intei, "in, aM-se, .'.Is; Mult 1 unci, .'.Iti'i Icbeit, -ii 01 u.i in the v.:jo list, Aimi.ilj 1 .111 1 .-e line. 1 '.Mll.i-. ; Ko FostpoDomont nt Gutto'iburg. j (.ITllMll'lll. HllR T.A(I ,1,111, ,-i.- lucre , w 1,1 be veil' u bit Mllitir lining 011 this true, to.di). II 1 usdo-lded, JU't beloir Ion 11. to 111:1 ult Hi" (trills on 1 1. tl:i.i 'n cai.l icgini'ess 01 Hir tist.t.iliinj; snow, 1 ,m llnio mil not tie 1, leaiiiie u, lue dd). lio i.uotRtlons, (li . II T 1 In., Amrruaii ., artist US', I. , I .'1, Al.iilliitl .. i.rt .,1 ., il Ibl'i, I', Aliu-i us . I I'll .111 11 t., .4; t i't .llimii til I 1 In ( lui , ;. li , .Miilt 1' A t I. 111 lit Ale . . I, p. .1 Mil a 1 r lis!, a t( t J llHlllli'iiir i till", .... 11., ,I1 fl, 1 anvlu h.iitit.m .lit .'Hit &' 4a I lllilfcii lit. s.ft,, stM, tM I hi . it r ,v t.11,11 t . . . ' 1. 'I 1 lit ( tiiiKf" a .iur,lit4 t ill-. llli lli'v l In. . Mi l I'a 1 . . . ... . 1 ., , li (u... .Mi JM. I'j leiol U.i, I. I, 1..'4, l 1. 11 . lOKiilh a I'ai il... rji- l in . (Ill . I ni. . , SI I... r.Hi Ml irt. (Ol a His k (is K. ."!, '.at, '.OH ( r lum .'I ( "ll I Itu I i,u 1; t ut'iiultltltil l. A. lit!? III. 1 '(! Pill., I Ilk. 1 Wt'tt 11. ! H'lV. If .. lit stair a ll'iiUu 1. .it 1.1. ij Hi llrstrl ,V 111 1 lirill te , . v a 9 It III .V I Alila I r.t ,. 1 i. p.,,j t la, 1 dumi i.iti 111 jr. iiv 11 .: I l.ti . .1 t. , . Slj j-, .1, rll. m II I ll.'i llttt ioiti I rnl., .1 H , I ll'ltilr (. ''-!! il ,ji ,l,icIHT- l.'l'i 1. I, pj,., liit'iin-a itn.iiii ,. . jr'tw j;,,, I inllrl .s, initio . 7 '1 7; 1, 711J I i,."i VHi Ale .. .'.U, ail. 'JJlJ .MiiiIi.iuii ( .1111, litla Wn li' M.aiui n 1 atiA Bii t.ln, ti'ijj 'C iiaii-s, t ltl.1, prui J .'ii J. Si iiilI l o-dl a M 1 I" I iT'i .'ttuuli.ll r,ll'j tji IJil it, .lilntlirtli ,, , , J. p 1 j , .Sallumt I Hi til ,IM ,ti ,)S Nt . s'anii Uf 111 jlk JI. (ir.(iae) irmral IV I l'..l 1.'. .Sritiilkd S-uti mi el,l JJ 'Jit, .!( Am oi. 1 Ni'iv l .r in I III., 4t), t. rvl tut,,. III. A M I .' 1 piu Jti ,','i ,s.i .Irtv Iiim. l.tlr I r t .1 Writ '.' '.': li "il. Syrlliri'tl I't tit iiv. i,k; IflJ Ttrithrm rillicn et (i ir, I II' ., ,t I ,,.1!, i si i . Ontsritil iVVti iMf ,.pi .- 1 a , i , ; , , ( t ' , 1 bl'l. it ItriJins 4 il, 6 1 ). Illllll . It.l .,J IIP, 111'. 111'. Miltnrni I't,. lit- , ,i(i , " " . l. 'Hun I'oal 4 Iriia ..,,.. I l-i ttili :l U 'lot , An Arbiir A ,N M .1711 ji ,;a Uiisn Paniac '1 ah ,iiC 1 I .111.1 i' litj a 1,11 1 11,1, ion 11 uj Wtbain liref -i l, V11, .. -,, Writ. I uiou irl 'Cii j ,t, yjt, Whrremi A I.aVv l 1 pirf (1'J u 1 V I ' i:-uw, I A full account ol Wall street afTul-s win bi 1 irintid lu 'lut, oi:i.u bporllu.' ;,-..;.; tr,-,- : rvr ,-7- , TRA1TTEUR IN COURT, Mrs. .Cacace Charges tbo In spector with Blackmail. His Examination This Morn'ng in the Tonihs Police Court. Alleges "she ('mi I'ruvn Mnrn Serious (ll;ir, Af;iiliiit Illlll. Atutber phaie of Hie illfllrul b s tntnren t,l( (111 i us'oins Ib'pector ( h.irles 11. 'Halt Ictir mid -Mr. Aiiblu t.iinpbcll.i .irace, ogalnV Hi" latter of wlpiui Is pending In Hi" I'littcil stitcs i ourt on Kir charge of shit Killing Mii'Mblo pictures llito the I illicit Mil'.', was brouttbi id light In the 'I mills ( 'ni r this morning. 'Hits time ll v. si 'irclt'rur who was the I rlvoin i end .Mrs. t neacc the toiiiplaliiiii.'.. 'I bo charge blaikmnll, bjs-tl on a teller vlilc'.i Tralttcur Is allcgrl to htivo written dated pee. I'.', a u.l attaihnl to the itflldivll on thu wairatit lor his iirrcsl wus j (rjri ) " I HA". 1 . TlUITIill 11. i ll Iii a b.ief noli', making sirlous charge, against thei haiaitir nf AIM. ucicc, mid tbo li'ii'iiu'eH-illlthy Ihal.liiMltrtiiudy tolled 1,1s iius lu honor and showed etlUenies of oei ii ill-iriiit on Its pi'iual. 'I lie n.r slot 'Iralileiir was mule jislei dm nil nun. n at Is I a.''.le placj 0) ('en. rut (lithe Im li elite ( .il.'pbell. 'Irallteuis gate bunds it'id avoided being It i ked up otir iiHhl U hi it ainlgned In coin t mortilug, lawjii .lol.n l-eiiiirll, who tippeuied loi 'iralitenr, ui,t' t for a pos piiieinrni of the cui'n'h.illj'i, but It it is llltaliy ilcilduil lo eiaiiiii.u LI.e cum d i ittei Me iiiitnmel .ippiaioJ for Mrs. i ,n ,ue, mid v. lu :i li u.i' ii i ,de I to go on nil b Hie ejsc. .lusilce auno'inejii that fill In l p.oteeltiigs would l.lko place 111 111, pi'it ue loom. Mi. i in o e s'.vui ii ex iinlued by Mi. IIuiiiiikI Micalluei maiden u iiiiii was 1 li ill s I. Ill ; lliat she tin. mail led tu William i .iitipl.til, ih tti.iliii) t.ail piper iimiulac litiei.iii ,'i .ii tin' I oitt.set.oii I sneet, June II. I s 7 "i and was dltutci d lioin bliu u lew tun . lain. lu Ihss she mauled Hr. ( nc ice, who Is now In liinpe llel iH's.'ll' ItslU'.'lii" -lie unvc as lb MeliopolliHii lioiel. to nhhh pluco she bad liiuiid lioin 1 il I lli'o.iilnu), wiii'iu -lei limn lit Htm null liei moiliet nml uncut- , j i ai-olti i.nil'.'lili i, Julia I iim b II I 'he stil. I ill' nni Hint lull.nlll.'id to Haiiliur lust lehiiiiiy and lliat la Min'Usi IteM-ltril tut' in her house 111 Mirnlog nml I made u pi iposalof mairlagc. stipiioslu; liei in to ii tt(iillb) nldun. .slietolilliHiiili.il1 slie v. lis ,i In. ll rod woliun. UUI he ler-lstol I in hit ittieiitioiis until sbo tell obllg'td lo nun bun out or door 'I licit,' she said, "bis .iscciiI!iiiim b. i gati Hi tin' ateuiil to blai - ti in v ilimai. in 'till in picpiill o Hie t. inl.l UK.iln.t me, aint be lias tliuir bis test tu no si, llj bus ivrn sn Idtiei mat tiiiiiiiioiis thui 1 let obliged In bate lie nil e III till l.Ut tupri-UL't In) m It and In) li im 1 .11 luti. "He wanted me I" get a dlinin' Inmi 111. i nunc and man, him, tint. 1 had li i 'ted :, um liiliU'i'f hl lid id alt I nitett thai I it.ii liul " Ittte "I lue Hli-t t.e ib'slllil Hi itlllllo e. v In ii I ii'l'irno I Hum I iiiupe lu -rpiriii. b .i li 'i I of limbic pn Hues be had I Hi in it I 'i d mi it jl' Igllll' it nelil ii'.ilusi in.) by .i siijn tuiapie r mini' d vlunotiah. I ; . 1 1. 1 III. j'lii.'iili'ill, mid tllt'll ho s tetl th ' i ls 111 I lie u lot Mtf tl e (it)tet utiu ut as h itl.ur lire i sn ugi Ink and I was .uiesti il. "'Iioiiiiiii iiooi I lie i tistoui-lloii.e bavo Mm i out in me and sitit Hi it 1 could settle Hi" hunter with I lament, bul 1 sent them a n a t . "Ibo ibii.r- n nr not iimugled. mid Irillt'iit knew ll. lite si lurr was iiutde lor lt'tciie. Mi-, i tcaie swo. po-lilvel) lh il ll e baud trlilTig ni thu Iciki at. .0 lied in the i mi. piau t n r. Hi ii ur tialiteiti and prodii' e I -rtrlil " net letti i't signed bt htm to sloin the li'i'irlti id ill" peliiii no hip. i At l HI-, nine 'lie in tnc prm ceilings an mil n'.t tiiui'iii was taken Hiilll '.' o'cloci, tn ll',l'l.l"tt .till IIIOOll. Mil CuMio was-iib-eiiui'iiil) si t"i bv mi I'llMH, Mllltlll ll'pullCI III H.IWO A llllllt- 111"! s i-lthe -tie llnd li Hdll ItlllliU Llllg , tl uuito'iit 1 i bei li lints v, hleli h'ih said hud c i-i liei a 1 nip' iiliniiiiit ot p. ict. litis,' Shu said, "cuii'iilus tho hlstiir) of i I r i-l s II 'l.ulHciii'. II has likru ugie.ii ' itiillr toe I'noleiii li and non niiitnriits item scan it 'd to iiht'ii'i Hn lain , I iu I hute ttieiu ai list, ait I bate alPditlts ami liotcintuuui it.'ind' to p'dtf Ctrl') wmd ot 11. " lliutails I hut ) t;ntb"i'id will In u-eit ii'.'iiliii: 'li. Hit nir when this ease Is called lui ll 1 tl. ' Mi i acne lu pteseucr or her lastttrs 1 mil an use i i.iittrur of Inning'pici.ided ued 'i t 'linus allises lu , his iiiiiiiirv ami In liirnr, mid ot hilling been guilt t ol ll.' no). Inspecmi liunteilr s..ul Hits nfUrnooitn an Kt rMM, Wmii u icpiuter In reply to Mm siateiiieiits and iicc'lsalpnis made .Igaibsi, him nt Mil i ampuell-i ac.ii-o: I hivr heard uf all these stories and that lie llu'ealrnc'l to publttli them against me sl'if'i I lute ndilsel tho iloverntui'iit to I lo-ecutc her rlmlunll). "hey are u pack ut lies from beginning tn i n 1 mid no not contain Hie slightest loiiiuli. Hall of t.uth. ' SEMT PLATT'S PASS BACK. j Mr. CiovBlnntl Will Not Uio tho Ex. Ill-ens Comptnv's F:nt:, I t -spwitnr 'loom is c, I iati's mill this Pi.iiiilng (.nut Hunt a It" erlioi.i I'ip-Meiit. il'l i.'iclabd. f.i ititelH'itl iciurnrd. '.till in, its, u pass nlin n w.ii si lit to bliu bt Ml. 1 Lit!, as I'lesldcti. n; Ihe I tilted M 'lea I vpioss' lo.iipaiit, glilng him the Iratiklug piitilere otet tho lUtesoi that luit. Hits r ti s cUCIldnl to M'll'.t all i adlng ini'.ie inea 1,) ii.uispi Hull iu .mil lib.ripl ni i panic-, but .tlr. i leu land lias lilude It ,i rule not tu b" under obligations to cm porai Ion., and lu the valuable pii'ir oi past, nia.d li u taut li'idl-coiirict) to ihe lb pub. hun leader. Mr. I'latt mil Mr. i let. lai i, n li .1.1 M, do iml kuint earn other pels ma p. it is i . s.tneli' isseited mi that hi tutor i .tin. lo win b' ii. i, ! secretiry or ike 'lieu sir). He.'. ( .ail. son item to v u.hpitnn to-diiv l"eiiii,up iti'h II", tin can Natio'i.u i ninniu tiu Liiutriii in i a. in, ab mt :li i ouilug mi'ct lu: ni the i 'in.: I Ue. .Mr, l al, el will not come t Sen ni , .,i nus auiuHi'icok 1 lie OO'llll I Ic will me ,1 in. In. Mi. l'l it: Mid in, i, .itu inootr I n ivc" ti i s iii mriii whic'i would lead to Hi" ptiblleallo'i 1 1 stti ii a ttnry. i he ic alter t : giving out epnss iranklnj privileges I- o ly tl; c.i.i.'iruo! pi m,n. pany, li'iwevci. ' I hen. .Mr. Plan, the stor is not true ''" "I Ipit e ,i'reilr ii ill i hat Is nrccsiar) about ibe ni.u.r, ,i 1 1 M . I'.ait bj wed tho leporlri oh'. Citolu Kruvit'ni, la, ri. 'iiiiir imr I .' "a..i .1 ac'ii ml in the Hi i fill' sia tiitani l t 1 1 ! ti iialtiii (he atraM nt .lr. Ml It l(.i'. I if f .riiirt hisuaiiT 'I Itlit .'In mill lie I till . il, U't -au 1 ul taamila la lintia U'li a H3I. Ml'ijf A'lilrts i ti Hurt art ami th imi.1. V lir rn 4iu rat irti;tll tn it toui lintirt us Ilia It Si )( trn. !pHUl imaaiirst art lu l.r tli,ilr.l tor ttm prat. . an i.t In i ut nr ii-r , n llr im ia.1 in ul llirilinniinatta. Hun i li u. (lis opiititta iirupaa lu i'elil In 1'stia (Hi .'ill ID I lit it .(Vinnivt ter V. illtim s. ( rrtiti. na.vlv Ap. pstnl-it Natll Al "inf IU' Amrr'd'l l..taAthia i a. 1 uti'lu'l, aaiiiliurU tao untial jl tin ultitttu !) 'TUim ."T ,1 , i. ii-nn ,i ,r.iji.,i, n ,, MR. CLARKE'S KISSES. Widow Soholl Says Ho Was Very Freo with Them. Ho Was Simply Like a Grandfather to Her. TosllitKiiiv In Hie ('(intent Over Ilio (Mil Hiic'lirlnr'i Will. ycr Hit 1.1 M"i lure r jfillnnrd tliU iitorrt. lug to uniiny the rather utt tactile Widow Allie . Khell. still ou Hie witness ntiuil In Surrogate It.msom'a court In dereiise of thu will of II, e oitogeuail'iiit llaelinloi' lib hard .1. (. Inrke, who lilt to her hem It ,iM Oi ihe (Itnrter-i.illiloii dollari nccumulatcil bj him a' pioprletor of Hie ' ti'e faun us 1 iniikllu i ( olfee llou.e, li .Maiden Intie, tu the oscl', sl'in of his own rcitlarf, Cou'ltiK iieurije 11. Clirke, or Hi. 'louipkltis iivciiu.', Ilrooklju, and W llllam J. (. Urke, (.f Wootis'jikel, t. lilts, tl It K 1. St 111 I.I. 'Ihe (oturl.t wldon -Mnall-tiul tiled, d.lll.-' irjud. dnik'li'iliH.I and pile-raced woie u black g.inn, and otcr that a sealskin iloak. ! Vtlicii she ti stilled shu eiiiplutsled bj nod ding ami ttugglng her head, anil nt eieiy nod the tall pompon or ostrtih fialhors on her bicomlti black lucu hat bled. i 'lite widow lrlteiiile-i Ilia' though hr loHiii was on tho tamo ilooi ut llioht. Nicholas as that, of i Iguij.twii.jeu-olil IhiihDlir ( nil k1, shu hid vhlteil his loom iiliini' mil) ten sehbiui, and thai whllu she' was at I'luliifli'ld nllh bliu, during bis last lilinss, hu mil) dill) lu his sick loom it .11 to be ilu'iu because ho wanted her to bo there. ' Win, .Mr ( lari.o lived with us nearly all ( his llle, altei Ilio death ot 111) aunt, Mrc. House," stir suit). "I ask jiiit win ther jour relations with ' Mr. clail.r- whateterihcy ncie-wt!" nslii- , I liiian in llsST ai'il'.IM .is tliey ne:e lu lnui ' mid Iff ? iiiopoiimlctl Ml. Mil nut'. 1 lie ptl-'l.i'e loddiip d just u lit He, ind thu lanarvlilid vulce lepltid, with mileli no Idtng ul H.o "Mi nil puuipoii: 1 "I ilmt'i know what .tun mi uu, sir. b) lull iiiii'V, i tu I was alwa.vs vi ry llp'iiilll Willi , Mi ( larke and he nun me. Hu used to Malt us eter sluiu I was a little child. ' j " U hi litis Alison Haiku IHi'iSi .'" ' 'I he u.mao-hlrd vobr ilionied iilmosl tun; j wlil-pei us mis. M hell leplled "ho tho llli'KlllmatM -oti of mv uncle, i Anson llouse-uoi the cliliJ oi luy.u ut, Mrs. , IIUUsi. I "t hn' ill I Mison ( lai. c lloii-r ille off" "Hasty loiiMi'iipthiu.M liellete," tepllt'l Ihe witness, ctlaetitlj lujalllle.l by 'ho nues-1 ,11011. i i " Who nttr icd hliii When j ou aunt lived , ai Hie si. Mcholus Hotel with Itlcli nil .1. ' ( lari.o mid Snsoii ( i.uke lloiiso nus Iheie, ill'lul t'Hil.itow that Mi ( do had in ido a will 111 wbleti Ansjp l lnrUu HoUMi wahi.iude his sop, hi p. pracllcillt Mis Hctieil said sb" did not know this l.ii-, Iit lun, mid Hie l.tnjt r to nie no otiierln-j lnu us to lion jming House died ' I lieu Mis M'hetl .idiultti'd that -l.u wiote the in Hell or -epl. Ituwhlcli slniwus ni.idi prliu i al In Ir lo the old man, but . Id th.if ' she out) oiipled a paper w hleli he had himself mitten. HU ant other of .Mr. I l.irkc'.a fi male :n-1 til ilutatices M-H bliu as fre iiciilly In his ladiooin as jou did ' the cio..s.ej.:un- I I tier, but ihe widow, mm eonicssul to tort) Jells, out) PlU'lied a llt'le ileepei' I ami (list her eves dunu as bile leplkd that , she did not l.uon. one the liioriilng pipeissald that adatigh. let or l he wllott h id sat lu cutili and alip d 'her iiiotlni in t'stlfy by cignalliug to bcr I with Jier hands 'Ibis iuori.tug .Mi. McCluto I asked. i " Who Is Mis. .. S. Wilson" " sue H uij sister. 'I bat la sin," leplled Hi i wldon, indicating a well-preserved Oru- ) iictle lu amalbkln saoipie, sitting in the audi, i nee. "till! And the haLdiomeyomur woman In a trrav-aiid-gteiti hat is t. ur (laughter, 1 pre- I sume '" es, sir.' " Hid shu helpt.'U to te.stU) jesterdayby ' tnilhatlng dates, tlguics and the like by hold, lug up her llngets lo t.Hi:" I .Mis. schell Indlgiiautl) denied It, and Ihe ' i ung womnn, a brown. balled gill of twenty jcaisorso, ilu-hed Moleull. I Mr. VcUuro dtett thu nttetiilon ot tbo fun it lo an nnnon)ii)niti letter recclted bt i Mr. t larke, In which was what .Mu. Mbeil i ailed x reproach ng.V.nsi tu r. uien letereiicii w..s maue io an illness oi Au'on ( laisc House In st. Muieni llospltiil, I lesuitlng It cm au lnjuti, and lo thu lact thai the .tonus miiu bul been sent tu t'lotlda. 'llicu he sought to diaivfuui .Mm. s-ihell that there w.u -oai" cuuticttloii bctwicn llie-r incidents and n tcport mnilo lit Anson I'l.vrke llottsr that.i mild ha I lold Illlll Mr ( Luke ami Mis ti liwer uiairled "When Misoii i.iriti ll'iii-H rcpoiied thu be said lis dlil't i beititi It, but Mr. (laiko and I win t iihu I iit)c.s, Mitchell A Mil. lull, tor adtic. He liiliiidiaed me us I h" hid) inelillelleilllililhV.lll ' 'I ben the wl .on oPied emphatically: "lie. sldis, M-Hed that old mail just .is 1 would in) lather m uiiimtlather " Mr', si'iieii cie. tied that -be hid been In re cmi or in nlliivt.i' rn 1'otii old i Int'.c, and Ihu Hie t. nuesi iu Hie i ndbll that thecM'i'U. tils in) fiua vici in liei i-eti'llii'.' tbe set tlement o' tbe iitat i was to take the place of Mich mi iillowniirc. sie said that she was 111 Huron net own Inconi" at that time as at pterin, and Ilia, liei daughter bad u small income from stoiks wiliei to her b) a ltrldge. port iiutii. i ftctiui'iit r,re-sl ui of tho fair witness was i 1 looke I iiio i Lint like a gran.lMlher." " I tir tec a i) in b.s ii'laincs iu jour lam. bungs 'ibout Hie e.uititt with old Mi. i lathe:" Mn ,uri. ."to. Mr , none oi tlieiu. Not one." " Pin Mr. U..r',e net sl-s)uiw i "(Hi. .us. sli ; .'inn. Lots or limes, lie. loi pi tner p, pp I eforc aiivliodi. mi Mm piazza if nie hotel, an) wheic. n alwajs kissed,'ht and miud.murnlug mid I hun d je ipi." I To mother ipiest'oi she said: Ibotigh be tt is aln.DS gold nml kill I, is. I p.iMst sat. mil I regtrt lliat I am I el Hut dm ray It heie hi publli. but It Hirur, Hut I think ne w.i, one ot the moil ui.coii. ucii'al men I it.i keen, lie wa,s iillconl 1 Clip lo i s, fctsi.ejiest auilileaiest iilctitls. 1 AgnlmiL tie evhliii t Ur. rv ot tin cuii- Ittst.uits rrgatdlng lue icfillons Inrne bt Mr-. Si iu'Ii end fiaike, I.iwei ilulllin. In indirect ea: liiitlon, b) uien eimp'c iptes. I ito'is ma 1. me widow sit thai iliinwus cighiy.ttiii )iars o.d when he tiled and that 1 Mi' j eai- i,;.i, Hi" tlipit mnsi dwelt up in lit Mr. Mciauti 1 iflri.i sii'n').je) -n )eais 011. I lirn he made h- it idow ow u up t hat w hen she slid )elcrdiy that she wae forlv Jcars (Id he riall) meant that she 11 m f iri)- 1 set 1 o Wi'ilam Mitchell of .Mitchell .1 Mucin 11, testinrj t 1 tiif legtiimltt of t 0 dinning up of ( larkr's win, una ii.elared uimilurkes UUIIJ riasika. and sot ad, i' ' 1 mill 1 Ml' 1 la an naaa atniLili 'an I MISS BROWN'S CUT DRESS. A Brooklyn Woman's Testimony Causes a Sensation. MvenM the fiUiliins Wii Done Ue fore tlio Train Whs Uoarrlcd. The trial of August I.. Ilrunn, Jewelry en graver, ot hfl a!au r.lrret, on tho chargn of slashing ihe drcsaof .Miss Lot tu Ilrotin In a Ninth Aienito l.leiat"d tar the evening of Aug. 10, was resumed this morning lu um- j einl sissions. I 'lh" (cmplalnitit li a pretty Monde, ein. ployed uf 11 llgure lu a llruatlway cloak: ktcrc. hhe IIH-s at 11(1 nrlck street. I (in thu night lu iiucstiai she lond'd nn "1 " train at Iicibrn.scs strict to go to I.l- 'diiad". A thccr.r shuciit'jre'l watct'JWded she:.' od near the dou'. When approaching the 'Im nl). thliil street Mntlonsho fllf kc 1 1.1I tugs at her dress, and on examining ll round It bad bie 1 cut in reieial plans. j limit n was standing directly lielilnil bet'. Hie tircii'.rd him ot doing the cutting and taiiS"d liHuncsl. K'Vcrnl women testlllol agonist lltottn ycMerd.'i). .Mrs. Louisa lilnger, of HU Mist I orl).ourtb stieet, ami Maigatct lleckstow, II pi'urc Pinal mine, ol llrookDn, said I hey saw llro.t 1 lugging at Mrs Ilrowii'it dress. When if own ntid anestedlhe little llugi'r of I1I9 right blind was blirdlug and there itiio siauuI blood suns ou .Miss Promt's dir. ' I litis was tho most damaging ctlJeuce . against Piown. Hn i.-MilaliPM) Hi" ( ut on his llllgei bysl .Illgtllllt he leieitr I It tt lll'r W'OI kllig 111 Ills shop on thn 11(101 noon of Aug. 'go. I lie Com t itns ndio'irmd .lustciday nltri noun, to ullott Ilrotin 10 pioduce ino wit. notsei ti)"iitiotmitl:itc his "t liemeui When ) rocedittiiiH openi d ut 1 1. tin o'clock to-dat, l..w)ii piirdi inllod .Mrs. hila limn Inlligs lu tbu stiuiil. .-he lltes ut Ml 'lldrd avenue. lri.)okl)it. tdiu was ou H10 linln when Ibo cuttliig whs iloiit. I'lrilous 10 1 Pion n's uitust In had Muri'iidcrrl blssrat to her. I he witness astmlslp d eierybo.Iy In Ihe enuri riiuiii li) slating thiil nheii .Miss llrown (ii'cred tliti cm al Jieaiiuioes meet she nntli td Hint tbe)otiug woiiinn'a dress nil uut tnphcis. Mm nus piumptisl lo tell .Miss Hi own, but icfraluiil mini doing so. .Mis. Ilouimlng.s said she wus u dressmaker. (in examining the slashed iltru-t she x- Idcisul the opinlJii that tho rents hud be.'ii tnaJe with scissors and not with n kulfc. 1 Mrs. llemmlngs was ttuablu tn appear as 11 witness lu the police 1 'unit. shuoNplulucd, 011 1 uicuuiil of Illness. When she rccmcied slid 1 ailed upon Mr. llrown and offered lo testify 1 In his behalf. In ri'sputi-v In Assl-Unl IMslrlct-Allotiiey 'luttiisunl's iti"sliiii tun wltnesa said thai her ut. call 1. 1 bad b en attracted to MlMi III on 11 Iccuuse she such u splendid tl'mr. (eoigit MuU'iiboHl. a lad who was In niowii'seiiipLi.t on Atlir. 'JO, said Ihut hu hud unlit t tl that his rinplo)L','s tiugei wus cut about llti'i lock on that utlel iiihhi. Mt. brow 11 bad been leaning up some lnu Irom the Moot. 1 1 iiiss.eyumllieil by Mi. Towti'iiiiil, too lad sal t Mr. hiunii bad not bound Ihu linger up, lint simp!) mill. nl the blood orfon hts upioii. Iliivll (.recitlluld, aliotliT lud who nasi m plo)nl by Itiiiwu on Aug. k'u, ioiioiiitati',1 MuiienboiiL .loliu 111 III, 11 park nollicman, w lio has lcen (di the foito foil )cnt, ic-tllltd tothcdi Ictid mi's good ( hai ailcr .1 hn II. Kell), 1111 utiginver, at tstl Nassau 'tin I, anil i-evei ul other witness's, also a oie that limit it's character was good. .Inhu INpan, uu i ngtavei, 111 IHU llioudwut, alii he saw llrown 011 .lehu stieet on thn ariiiuoiiii of Aug. MO aud noticed that unu of Uls nuicin nun I'lL-ritiu. .Mis. llemmlngs tvasiecallcd by Mr. 'lov.n. send ami asked wht she bad not called .Mist Itrottu'a attention tu tbu condition of hir (Irt'rii. " llecatise," ansttoied the wltnes", " I onco lu, 1 a tonug uoiiiuti that her tlresH wirt rail, log don u mill she suubued lue. If a 1 11. ill 1 a, Is a woman's iitleniluu to her dress, liutt etir, begets thanked." I Mis. llr, outing furiln-r Htutes that Iho torn dtrs- dl.l t.o. picscut such n dilapidated up-' pearuti e 11 hi 11 worn and usked Mi. 'I'nnii. M'l.dtoput U oti to siiustautl.ue her state uu nt I bu ban Isnine prosecutor lilushlngl) de iiluetl 1 ) .ciotne a model. Ihlsit. c aded Hie el Idence and Mr. 1'urdy u-lei Hun the ourt luslruit He Juiy tu iu il'ilt on tLo giutiml Hint the pro eiutlou lum not nir. lisped siillicleut utldinie to sill -I 01. Hie Uidlitloenl I I Itu nml Ion liemg denied, be summed up. lie called Ihe attention of tho Jut') tollie fm r tbu no 0110 had las 11 c tiled ml est in 10 the 1 uudltloit or MMsHiotviis dtess Ik'Bides , Mis. Hemming. 'I he Initio's Mateiuehl that Hi 1 iiiiipiiilnuntN dtess was tut 11 when she Inm did the train, she said, nus uncoil. Irui'titl. lie pointed nut. 1 lew decrrpaucles In inn tcitimoii) or the wpnesscs tor tliu . . iit. set ullott. , He suui in s. tiltigf r, ou direct ( x imiiiii. , Mutt, st nut Hi 11 Ilrotin had sit (low 11 or. her lip. (in (ius:-caiulU!iiloii she ipiitlltled her 1 ir.iluioiit 01 sating that the ileieud.iiit was Milium into her lap b) the I'lomctiiuui ot the tialii. sun again she stttted thai shu had ul bub) lu her lnu. I ' Ilcioticliideit by ililt.ilng that III on n had neinl i's a i,ciitleiuau thioughout thu tiylug I , ctliiimsiau 'ct. 1 HER IndSi AN EXHIBIT. Miss Crawford SueB a Dentist for $5,000 Damages. Aletbea II. fraw tout, tu aristoctfttlc-look-1 lug young noinaii who is engaged In literary I pursuits' and has collaborated with Miss .Mice ihapln, sister of ex.lla)or A. (. I liajilti, was ilalntllT this morning In a suit tiled bctote Judge l.audou In the tlr cult (.ourt, Iirnoklyn, ng,ilnl Lucius 11. Mio' f It III, or tin West 'Ihlrtt.liuid street, Nut Yolk, to ict aver (,.,oou dauiagei for alhgcd iii.sktlful di n tul treatment. Miss nun fnid alleges that In October, INST, she engaged llr. Miefr.cld 10 pi,t 111 what Is known us a "irown lining" on Ihu upiu'i ceulial I'li'isot. Altei the opt 1 at Ion sin -11111 led ki' at pain ami became 111 In Apili. istil. she w. 1 lu such .igonv tint she had to um thu tootli mi 1 the mc adjoin. Ii.y tei.iotei' d In 1 11 utile, she niirgt-, i.ilii'' .ii.klllill If uttiieiil t r Iii :u,,iP. ot IU. .heill. 1 1. ll-s I ranford dcrl ires tint. In iiasui nf the i.ti-klltnl wirl, hir health hi, beiu gremtt imp iind. and asi th" court tn Hit Hit lutl iianii i.cs toi Ihut .is well as 101 tit? I .nn shu ep''ihi.. ed between Oitohcr, ists, nml prl , lS'il. , 'Ihe tooth wh'.cli w.HeMracled Horn Mlsi f 1 nv, ford s i.iuutii was usu as an cMilblt In Ihetilal. Pr Kolrlgue tittoleiiRUl. Picsl'lcnt ot thu Ilmokln 1 , 'iiiiii issociatlon, was called as an rvpi 11, mid lie gate a great deal or ticluil. cm tii-tlinoii) to piorc mat nr. sntrilelts work was at taiitt. Dr. Micntehl denirs that bo Is n Rponsllilu for thoiroul'li'. lie declares timt Mlssi mtt. 'ford's agoutis wire lan-idli) tic.ituniil by unskilful dentists and nut by lit MR. AND MRS. ISAACS HELD, Tliey Hnvit Covon Cliliaren and Kojit n. niporderly lioimr. I AlTihim 1 nicB and his wile .Inlla ircio I eld for t.tal in I S'o Market lotnt to-da), for l.cetilug .1 (iHuiderl) luitsu nt '.'S last llro.i'lva.,. Mrs Itaics. who is tho tnotacr of seirn (blltren, lh jnui.k st a lati) inaimv, said that It was. i ;i Lsccutl ,11 on the parlol the pullce DtiMun- -In-was lustrumiblal lu renir lug the dismissal of a pollectnan u )car ngi . '1 he (Mill lien net , coiiiMlllcd to lh" 1 nil, diuis.Milr ) a 11 Hie tin i-e icnmiu mm.itis weir sent In the llunl lor tbiee luoiiths 1 each. Ur. FlnneBun'n tllvr WetSdlng. Asseinblimau Mirbnel r. 1 Inuegan and 1 Mi is rintugau will celebrate tho Iwent). 1 liftli mull ei sin ul tliclr marrbige aitlirlr home on Lincoln place, near liaibusli jic I hue, llrookDn, Hits cti-ulng. COMMITTEES OF ALDERMEN. " Announced To-Day by President McOlellan. A TliouinntI Copies of the .t'iiyor'8 Jlrnsnge Ordered to lio I'rliited. At tbu meetitigo: tbo Ilosrdnt Aldermen this aftei noon Ihe lullowlng htatidltig coin-tnltf-ecs were nprohittd by PicMdent Jlc, f.'lellant Ilillgcs nnd 'l'tuiuel'i. Aldermen .Murphy, Ward, (incus, Prague, llrown. 1 County Affalis-Aldermeii Martin, C.Muttb, Hecks, haul, llaumerl, I iiocka Aldcrimu sclio'.t, Winid, long, Huh. Puns-. 1 I.xt Ise- ldermeu llrown, ll)der, l'Dnn, ' .Murphy, Martin, ot.ens, I.autry. ' lerilei and 1 rancbtses -Aldermen Mund, Iioiiovaii, i t u 1 Ice, tiakley, Parks. lltiahiu-Aldeimen III unu, Morgan. Mtir ! pity, I lynn, Donotan 1 nro and liulldlng Departments Aldermen ll'trke, Talt, hcahoii, I lynn and Mcdtilio. I.ninpj mid dai Mdcrmen linen, I. J-nilth, Mootian, Utek:, lllun. LnndH utnl Places and Park Department Aldeiinen Donotan, llogcrs, llinn, It.itimeil, I O'llrlcu. Law lieparlment-Aldermen Uakle), ilor gnu, I.ulrti), hcholt, t. W. smith. .Markets-Alilermcn Prague, ltogcri, Else I man, Nomau, Patimerl. Police mid Health Iiepaitments Aldermen 1 y. W. Mnlth. Iluike, Mcdtilie, Kcahon, batil. Public Wcil.s Ald:rinen ltogers, schott, 1 l.oiu, linens, Piugue, Parks, l.antr). I Kullroads - Aldermen .Morgan, W lllld, I .Muipli), llrown, .'.'uf.iinii, schoti, Mull. I Ki.lrs Piisldeut -Met lelhiii, Aldtimeii 1 lu own and .Morgan. Salaih 1 and oniiis-Aldcrrnen IDdtr, (I'llilin, llogers, Muli, dtcks. tstieets -Alderman l'l)nu, .Ncunnn, (I'llrlen, j Long, Llseiuau. Mreet cieaMiig .ldciinon f. huiltli, li). I der, 'lalt, s, W. tmltli and hail'. 1 htictl Paiuuieuts-Aldermea lalt, Martin, , (lukloy, l.Ucmaii, Illtui, Mclulre, Keithou. 'i he ilnj or's message was lead, and 1,000 1 copies or It 01 del cd lo be pi luted. I 'Ihe l ummlttiu uu ltules lcpul led, nnd tlio 1 rules of last ) ear wee udoptid. with , tbe audition that It shall leipilio a : ino-thlrds lola to dtscbarge 11 iommltlco fmt.i tho laiisltleiatloii of 1111) sttbjict, and that on all petitions for 11 Iran chlse u public hern lug must bo granted. I Alderman II) nil ret 1 veil tin: icsoltitltin j which failed In tin Hoard of Isti.' 10 name 11 j strcil alter Ilarr) Ilonaid, M.o 1 derail Ilie. 1 111:111. I lie suciicdd In lining ll tr.umrcired to 1 the lilcsor (inlets tor this) ear. 1 ALWiH LOMLER A SUICIDE. Cooper Union Insurance Aeont Shooto Hlmipir In Ilia Office. Altvln I.omler, sixty) 011a old, of IN", .second aientie, co'iimltteil iiUlcldu at 11. .11) o'clock to.da) lu his Insurance ufllce, Ts Cooper I'nlon. lie shot himself through I he heart. HIS ACCOUNTS SHORT S49.000. Cnaliler Gallagher, or thn Loskwood Prosn, lias VanlHhed. Tl.n Ilowaid IoJ.wnoil 1 ren Company, ot r;tl Duntio sliecl, li-da) sent 10 'IiikLiiiv isti a slip bearing Hie Dim stunin. stalltiglhat duhti C. O: llajihci. for tnecly ) ears cashier of tLe Lomp.ii.) , bail bem dl' covered tulr a dr'uulicr, and Miul his pres ent wheiealioitu wcio ttnki.ov.u ii'l'ortei' who tailed ul the Pirn's in. .ccs Mils iiiteiiiooii was told that (laiiiiL-litr hun but 11 ml Hn;.-since 11 lit) a. 11. Dec. U on Hint di-,. lining 10 a ch.uito In the linn, lesuitlng f Him tho n'tiur naitnei's death, anrtpert nciottutaut was ealieJ lu tn OMimlne Hi.-boik.s and to tender a report of the uinieiti'ti otidltlau, .N 1 suspicion tested Upon thecaslilei .11 th-it Mine. fa-hliTdallaglier, It 13 .illi-s.j, turbed tho li mks 01 ei to the expert, and 1110 hours later walked nut of theofdiumid has uoc been seen or lieoid or sin.'c. Ihu reuniting day illsciepunclrs In his ne. counts we e dlsuiit led. anil Ihe rMimlnaliou lies since turn continued with the result that a 'hnitiur of iH.liiin was dbooieicd. (all.ighci isdescilbed i.s about lortyieais old, sl Icet two Inclies In hcl'jht, bald, bluo o)es, sandy mustachu and sin ill slde nnlskeis. He li not lu health. lio lived with his wile on 11." northeast comer ot setrtuh iiieiuu una one Hundred und '1 tvcnty-tittitli sltiut. WOMAN STABS A PRISOH MATRON Hat Pin Entora Ovor Mrs. Lynch's Left Eye. and Breoka OCT. .'Mdlo Diet, alias .lenr.le Harris, of (MT I Sicond avenue, waa held for fiiitlicr e.vnmlna- 1 Hon on a charge of robbing Mmon Hroen, a 1 waiter In John Scbaus's tafe, ,"iCO Third aie ntie. of CM, lu tho loikvlile four, this mirnliig. j '1 lio woman shouted and cursed when taken to the pils'in, and Matron l.jiich led her lo the iop balctriy, whore she would not disturb . tho other prisoners. I 'Ibis enraged tbo ivomati, and she savagely upon tho Matron and stabbed her oier the left cyo with :t steel hatpin live I Inches h ng. 'll.o pin uroko off In tbo wound, but was c.ttiaeteil. With the blood stieaminr down 1 er lace, .Mrs. L.inih pierem-d a ibaigoof lo'.oiilousasaiilt the woman, m.d she was held 011 that ihaivo also. 'Ibo woiuiil, though painful, is not thought tobedangci- . oua. PILOT-BOAT CAUSES ANXIETY. The KdV7Rrd Cooper Hn I3een Out oido Nearly n, Mo-.nli. Muih cnslfly Is felt In shipping tlr.lcs to, day foi tho safety ot the Mimly Hook pilot, bunt Pdwiird ( ooper. vtlilch left port to go 011 Hie sand,- I100U '.tat Ion lo'C. P. Ibeb at 1 out 'iiiuiunll) long, and It Is rr.iieii an acildenl luiv hetallell her, 'Ilie Iwnt. which was recently built, tn cbaigeo. iltr pilots anu a crew of ten men, ami Is cons'deretl unu of the most seaworthy In the sun ly llool; scrilce. At tbo oiiico of tho .sandy Hook pilots on Mute slriii It wus said Mils tiftci noon that, nil hough the Cooper was nut ut.usuall) long, , no lear wascr.tert.uiied ror her safety. 11 wus ri.i 1 her stated that bad weather nad 1 head nlnJs had proDabiy preveuteti Ih: tes sil irom gelling m. BROKER CARR REMANDED. PleadB Not Guilty on Indlctmonts for Grand Larcony Herbert Cair, the broker who was o.ura- dllcd l.i-l week iren lioaton, wheie he was doing buslncs. under the naiiii of Alb-rts'n. was arralgnetl lo-cay In I art 1. of oencul , tes-lous 1 He pleaded not gull ) 10 two .1. llnmeiits ol grand lancu) and was uim-tnlel Kr tilal. PLVTER VANTS HIS WIFE. ' I'etir llecco lo-day obtained a writ of habeas 1 orpin Irom .lustier. Iiarrctt, of the j hupremo tourt, directing .Mis, Hoaa l'raien 1 lo produce Ills wife, Matlelena, In e-itirl. Piter was insrrled ul thu 1 Ity Hall Dec n, but his wile's Mcpmotbei, Mrs. pcarce. took the wife to her home, ,Pi 'Unmiison stieet, aTiliefusfdioleu'eterlltcnlih mlk to or ilsu his utter hair. 1 Trousers At Half Cost. 590 pairs latest ail, choice designs, $6, $7 and $S grades, $3.95. 2 jo Overcoats,doublcand sin gle breasted, $tS, $20 & $22, 14.80. Our $J and $30 finest Overcoats, 519.80. Ilnlicrilnslieit Culnlncnes .llnllrtl I'rre. AT I1DTII .sTOUEa, 38,'J Brontlwuy, wi"iihT. 1123 Fulton St., j MU Fur Robes. Uliick, Uenr.oaver. Seal, .Snble, and various other peltH, beginning ab low ai twelve. (lolliirn. C. G. ICunther's Sons, I 84 Fifth Avenue. N. Y. I I i)IED. I ltdlMJI'irs. ,lsn. 1. ISO:!. Ill iMAh linn 1 1.8, im llieauti-ftiuita vrar ul hit til tr-i-taiirrtnt lui ilsilhlr, .lira .lulu .11. Koibr. III t M i lnaantp., llubulion, s,' J. I u-iral I llila) tl a. V. aMaaHtanaMaMaaawaawaaMipHMaaMMwaajiaaaaaaaaajaaaaB I POINT AWT GLEH WON. Third District Inspectors Made to Correct Their Eoturns. Wlilcli Completes Ilio List for trie Klevcn DlsputeJ Districts. Another point was gained Ml tuoriilii ; by Horn tot. S.1111011I In hi- tight lor thu M yjr alt) ot 1 o-ig Iilaud L t. against l'atrlci. .1. (jle.i.vui, thu liici.i:i Ji :i.. '1 ho mailer cune up before Justice llartlett lu the iMiiremo i ouu, liiool,l)ii, on an atgu menl to ahott i-aiis.1 u a wrl if mandamus bhould not liue u,-jli:st l 11. Paul, Thomas latlil) JliJ I.",. Is MiiS'.li. Ilj. ecton of iLe llilrd lil.-t.l';L ot the hceotnl Watd, ruUl;lng tlii'in lo contcl the reltittis mu loto.'.stl-stant clt) c lei k U.i) es. '1 he lnspccttrs proi lousl) handed b.icK Ihe retuiui uucuriucled. 'lhuconeciluii.tbl.ed lor b.. IleniyA. Slotit. fort, cjiiiiarl lor JuiitorJ, was llr. Mih- ' fuiu'a name should bo spelled torrc-'tl). i Appended to the return which the Inspee. toiMS.'bt tailtto llRtu.s, was an nniduiltln 'which tliey Muled that without nn ollklal ballot they eoiiiJ i o mal.o ilio coirtctlon. . Tt-1a) Mr. Wnntfctl iioiluced tho letuin 'made to Miperilsnr Ilclebanty, o. ijueeiia County, In whlih the uimtiiiu spelled ior- I rutly. I .Insure llartlett then called tho three lit- ! fcpi'ctors to tbo bar ubd lobl them lu plain it oids that unless they conected the lctinus as (lit ecu d b) the inuir bolero to-morrow loot nli. ir tiiet w-oiiid to ilabltt to nunishioent. 'Ihe iLspicitiic) .igreidto mnUu thoeoiie: tlou illrtill), aud, lellilng tolhoreurof tho rear ot Mir mom with .Mr. Von'loit.dlJ aa lite) weie directed. '1 ho correction complois the list ot icttinis l'l tbo (-let en u i-pttteu illstilcts. (in locking ovei the leiuros of the oleirn dispute 1 illnttlcis Vr. Moutfoil foiiud tbat alt the IhnpTtoi i hud not signed the return". lie then xceureil ir'un .luhMC" llartielt an (inter to fbow ciiilso against tho ItUipeetors ot the Msenun lltstrlet of tile McoiiU Watd, the Huh lilstrlitot i he Fourth, too 'I bird lilsi i ict in ibe Vlr"t, und the rourlh IMstiict o! tho 'ibl. d, sumu.uiilng them io.itipen In the hupreme L'uurt aud glie their icasonb why it I Its of mandamus shuuld not Ibstte compell ing them toblgn. In each or theeu cases at least one Inspector hoi already blgned. luelait tails for all the tlgnaturea. j GLEA501, WILL TESTIFY. i Intorestins Evldenco Expected nt the Lonv Island City Inquest. I Lost! itu ash Cir. I. I., Jan. a. I'n'nual lnleio.u I-, lii.-iiiltistcil In tho eloiener's ll qui st lo lie held next Monday night, from tho lact that Major (l.cucon, tbe membjisor j the Hoard of Alderiiini .tul William K. httln. way, 1 he I realdem f f tho 'tunnel i omraiv, bate been suopit'iiae'l ns tvltnes-es tn trsitfr, .Mii)or i.U as, ii i.s i pi:toil ui led some, tiling lulrestiig as io how Alderniiin I'om likev (Mine to In appjlnte.l Mierlnten.1ent or the lunnel onipan) andalluwe(ld)namilo lobel ighl lulu the ilty without tho tcr- rJisslon rf tbonuthorltlts. nrooilyn Tenomen Dlroctory. i Health Luiumlssloncr drinin, cf Urookiyn, ' gaieoiilers lo his lusprctora to-dar lo fecttlo n Il3t ot all the tcneiretit.huLs,es in the tltv, the tenants therein and the char.uter of tho ho'itiis. nr. in iflln tnlil an t. kmmi W'obi n rcpnrlor tint he has l bought ot compiling a te'iemeni. hoiiko dliectoiy lur some time, nn 1 lut. been I rumpled lo have tho iicnc dunu new ou ne cmiiit ot thu i) puts 'ever epidemic lu New Vol k To Apprn'oo Wnllabout Lantli", Hcretary 0llbeN.iv) ' appointed Chaiies hiuall. Joseph lleujamln ami Audrctv I J. Perry to appraise the W.illabout lands, whlih ate to be purchased from the (.overa- ment by the city of liioohly n. T'trer Club'i Elootlon Nlcht. The annual election of onicei of thellgcr Ii.'mocrallc flilbof linrletu will be hold (eiilni: at the clul.huusr, gguo bciond aientie. Wlra Ifeivs in Brief. A .Stillwater iiialtliiE'iir Alhanr ia robb. 1 of two legitime'! latlora auil ot e lettar fackace al .Ml. l-liuliTllle, . I. Adam. Kioraau (onpatix hai rot aiilhdrawn anil may not withdraw Irom tlio .srtt York ami Jletr l.nlauil ruvu. ,). 0. Monl.r. Ilfbrnn (N, i tarrn.r. nukct a it. uf in Id. hi cnttlpi lila throat aud .miujltiir ataliotiuii into till hfail. ' ' .lama. A I'l.nn. dla.loated tra merchant, ml. cld.abyiaa at yuunntotta, O, "CAMMEYER" Stamped on a Shoo Means Standard of Merit. Clearing Sale CHILDREN'S CORK SOLE SHOES. .WpPj MISSES' SOOLMA KID. ' ffl v i atont leather Tip, ' 1H Cork Sole, Spring BiW-fv Heol Button Shoes, $ fyXjKEMd-SomA Wolt, jg" .it Sizes II to 2. WMS!tiS S2.50. .Mibsns' snuiaiiT iioat. kid 'HIP, (,'OltK bOl.l, IsPltIM, iii:i'i,,Hun'(i.Nsnt)i':s,iiANii. tZf HKWIll) W'Kf.T. HIZUH 11 TO 'J tS O UJ CIIII.IlltnN'.S bOOI.MA KID, PArnNl'I.llA'l'llllllTIP, COP.K IsOt.K.SPHINd lllll i iiuvrtis MWIM. IlANll.SI' iVKI.r. rt fg M.l.b 0 I'd lll'v tiSmfiJ CIIIMinil.N'S HritAIOIlT COAI, KID 'iOI'.CUKK tjlll.K. PtT I O.N blldllS, IIASll-'sKlVl;!) fw. lTf IVItiT. 10 K'Si k.aUU1 SEHD FOR CATALOGUE HAILED FREE 1 1 CAMMEYER, Sixth Avenue, Cornsr I2ih St. FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE." Artistic Designs ; Low Prices. m hat voi ooivt !. now ol .1iav i.i;ai;n. Yen tloi.'. I. mo. It 3(.u'r iii'irr rpu itm ftiititiurr. ulntt hiautil'iil lui riltiirt It In, c liti t it i;i nil Mle-, ( ritm fht r!riiiiil l'tii irr n it tl tatiltiHih Uoruon lu uu to tin mtft m-lijtlio nl' tiiuilcrii Vim itun't Kiiun. If .iiii'.r Pi'.rr hi'n our prfrtf utiat tow prUrn iliri nrr I'tirh pituc Ih nluiiilj rutirl.r'l - IkIi tn mir m nrrrnomi w 11) i i,n Incr you (tint ur null at miicEi liflou I li ca m mil rate. Cull nml nvv uiul learn. isrv or Tin; ,haki:u. CEO. C. FLINT CO., 104, 106 and 103 West 14th St. furniture;- CARPETS & CURTAINS, UHA.S.s AMI iltll.V lti:ll.s, lOl.llt.Nl, Ul.US. llsrACl', t.Vl.UVllll.N0tUK110Uih;Ki:hl'lNl Cash or Credit. 'it.itiia iiAUi. ro isiiir you. T 12(1 AND H1 IIIGIITII AVI'.. Iltr tsTs., wiun: liuii.uiMj. HUNU ' Ol' I'llICi: Li's!'. Ul'll.N l.Vr.Kl.NG. I LOST VITAUTV RESTORED f SSSiV CK?v "NEHVE fiECD3," f7 ttt th3 vomlcrftil rcint" I 1 ft! S a' .la Milil wttli n i.-rl'- 5W H "C3iCl '" (iiwrjiitii to euro Vi r.v ir' ii a'l nc" vouu dltcaji"-, " dl . i. iji'Ii as Wtrnk a mStI .JttCy Mi.tnii, C.ti.a of 5TF.'5?felaWWi12iftfl ."nlin at, t..,a VI tirOI'.L IMi il-ril. lijily, Xrl'Tnl..' up... I',f.tiilttiil, all (1rrtritl lo?! i.i pnter i In Itlnir aia cruiii bj' 't'i ' (I in. .(v-flfti , utu ,tf liiliitcGii, oiilt'.ui 'i t n iilfttits wii..-!! antin l.'-nl l I lilMll.-lHr.t i.t, 'lir.l.ti l nil I llltmlty. Put Ui cunvt-nk'ni tn (arrv in i't t poi'ki'l. 01 per rnrkaKt'hvniHlli 'ifm tl. W th I'vcrvll 'irtel wn kWi r tirttrrii c t"ii '' tu cu e i r irtitiij ttt , i'ioiia;,'('iil.iiijrr-t-. ,Sii v t hccil l'o.,( li'cnco. Toi Dslcot IfiUtiut's I'liuiricy, SlUD cy, if, 1. , AttVui 'Wlltnn't. 1015-410 nJ Ull l'Voy. M. V, 1 1 1 AJrlan l-a-nrl.a. 101 Fnltaa -It. Iroohl m, If. Y. RAILROADo. "AMCRCA'3CFCATCST RAILROAD." NEW YORK i (entral. I S. HUDSON RIVER R. R. 1 niRECT LINE TO NIAGARA FALLS j All trains arrive al and m sit from Grati'l fcnlralStalliin. VM Street; 111'' only r.iilrni'l I itat'on In Ihu City. Trains leavo cs Xollottcr 'iK.ilOA. .11. i.Jtl'llir M'Al'5 IXiTtK.'!' I ilat (rain in t I.e MurM llua llnniln H.l I'. M.. Marfara I alls '.. 15 t M. No uxlra far" 11.1(1 A. .11. I AMI' MAIL lm Alnvtiy, IJtlia, .smi-iiB. Hut-tiatei ami iliiualu tlatlj, l.xi.VH s.4tiilajr lur Alo.iifai. 10.01) A. II. M'lV l)UK AMI CIUI'AII') Vl-.sillltl'l.i. I.l;.lllil Hun ( lilt-aeo at !. A. M. noil ill) ( Vtatmr atrti' c tltl.tld ,s. H. lia.Vi.XPRI.;. I..-.-V I". .tl. sdi;i itw i:.s, i nv vi:.sillil'iX I.I.MIU'.I -Imni ii-oiiisuil II :n l .M. fidtaa alio ta 1 1 . fa A. M ,M l.unit ;.:15 V .st I. A.. l' V(lltl.ll'-i 1 Ailt (,l'I.CIAl.-I)n (MilraKo J 00 P. M nfitriai. Wairnrr acraicf. i'. 'i.-Ai.iiA.NV. 'iitov ami hauA' IIICA M'.'.CI VI Hi;.. Mrauw-l I.4H P M. .. 4.3H p. w. Minrii rti.niti: vhisriitui.ii I 1,1 Ml I 11) tlum'llii-aan 1 .1,1 l; ! llelt ilai. Ml P. .11. 1 AtsT Hl.lsl'llt.V hXl'ltrSS-llilt f 111 -an 'J lilt P. M . M. I O'lla, 7 In P. .M ( l. .tl. NtlltllltU.N i.XlitllJ'S - Dl. at Mnntrnal 7 IV A. M 7. MOP. .11, llt'KV Al.(l AMI NIAnAIIAI Al.l.i tsl'l'l IAU A M. -.,( P H.-I1II'.(I.M1A( h AMlMONTHCM. 1 XI'KI'SS-nalll.duo'luup.rl.aVi.C. .j.-arann CM, Paul riiiiltli'a, C.4,1 .Valour, ".lio, Moo IK'll, tl ftV A. .M r.'ii'l Waym tirr vlci. lirralilaat tin lllntt.iT ( it, ., fi.OII P. .I.-1'1M I.Mll ,MST. LOUIS l,X. l'ltl Si-Iu l.'iiniiintll. 7. If P. .'I , Indian amilla. 111 411 P. ! M l.nui., 7 IT, A M 0.00 P. M. l.lMlrill) PA-sl .MAIL -MfeplilS lar liaatte.ixera f"r Hooh-alrr niitj. , ., tl.l.V P. II. i HI Id" Mt.llT nsi', , ilnlli fur Chirac.), I'ji-rii MlurJrr, f'tr taua 'tni-riit (1,00(1 III miial VVsittierarirlir, II I'lrsl'l t:l.l. l.ll.SOX. KDll'I'.l A11A.MM AM' 'I UL III IIKblllttl. Illl.t.h Ino ItlliDlh Haiti' VIA UVItLt"! DtVllitO.V-tll.lll A. ill.!'1'.1; Plllallrlil 1 an. Niirlh Artama. .'.au P. M I 13 VO P. M , iluu P. II., Xotlll Adam. IL 1(1 P SI. Tor time of local trains, ttckats aid aptca la ' alffDlr.c- ara anu y at dram! I or at 1 IJ, 'Jill, 41J, 7.l, tltJ Jlriuilwar. '.'SD (Wtl'if i Una arii, . CU Ueatltllltl. t all t l.lOtlt at ulatioti, Jiaw Voik. 11,11 V.'aalilnsion at., 7'.'(i r'i-.l(oiul,aii4 74 Hroadnay, I.. I) Hiujklvn llllllyeic.nt Isundar, lllhrrt.Aflilailr. Kioto Irani., rit-iMilliu K Slaoit '. 10 A, M S.t'u t.Ju and I'.l'OP.M , latllia. Wi'ali'ilt lliprasa rail. rr .! cllc'(a lataal. frori h-.lrlt at'l ratdonc. t rou h In dratinaliwa. r JOHN VI. -nitll -v, in Otti.i- il llA.MI-l.-. (i.iieral Mauacur. Inn 1 Paaangar 4cnt. SPOHTIND hijiisus' rou.NTvTioiTKfv f'fi'il-r.i'ii r ttf. Hulls trnui 1 4il. arflar, Cnriit(i,h.ranil '.'4lli at. fnrrlra. isperial I'.oat M im Adu.i, 1 ullon leirr. Ilriukl)i, nt I'i. Ki ilalt) a. WIIII'I'llllAII, tiMMtar- INSTRUCTION. rarK.NOdUAI'llVauil tip.wntlni l.aaonaatUlo lliuadna)', H.Y.l ttrma VI par woak, callurwrlia. a