Newspaper Page Text
Ip" THE WOULD: THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 5, 1893. tV. fvbUthta bv tl.e Jrtst Jlibltthtng Oompamv, Kfr, t3 to 63 rui How, New Yoax. j'l THURSDAY EVENING, JAN. 5. fif BUBSCRimO.NSTO THE EVENING WORLD wjW (Including Postage)- My PER MONTH SIOc. Kg- PER YEAH 83.60 Vol.33 No.11,401 JSh Enttr.d it Ibe 1'oit-OnW. at Ntir York aecond. vf claai raitter. i tr BRANCH OlFICERi Kft WOULD UPTOWN OFFICn-l2C7 BnoAnwAT, EP between Silt nd 32d !.. New York. W& WOULD 11A11LEM omuE-l'JtTU St. asd Kv' Madhos Avr. K BROOKLYN-309 WAdntxoTON St. life PHILADELPHIA, Ta.-I.i norn IinitniNo, 112 AS . 0CTB6tD HT. WASllINUTON-ClOnTHhr. ft - I IflM-Ml Records Beaten-1B92 M I 139,262,685 I WORLDS were printed and circulated in 1S92. M This is a gain over iSgr of It 23,724,860. Vh The average per day in '92 was 380,499. A gain per day over 1S91 of 63,958. In 1892 THE WORLD printed 890,975 Advis. Again over 1891 of 107,369 Advts. THESE GREAT TOTALS WERE NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED HY ANY PAPER PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ISfo TUK WO'"'" win not. witter ami clrrum. "ipB HKitirM, Atlrt llflrcj.oiiiWH up thr i, turn 1 or $ajeeeptng -or any lelntetl mnnuFt't'UttH or picture?, ofwhattveier thni'aclrr or infoe. ' yo exception cell: tv ninefc lu ttiit rule lrlth regard to either tcllcia ur ex. .ur vttl the edltur enter intn von t xumltn e iuti certitng unavailable inanunriin.i. The Evenino World's Net paid bona fide actual daily Average Circulation Is greater than the combined cir ' culation of the ! EvenlnRSun, I Hail and Express, EveninR Post, : Commercial Advertiser, r. Evening Telegram. eMs,' There are a great many good things on wm '" 'ess days. vn& The politicians didn't pot the blanks in ' Sn r municipal drawing of the year. K p. 5, Baltimore ltepublicnns aro now draw- I B l&f the color line just outside tlio party. Hi K W u Of the building of new hotels and then. Kt ? tres there seemB to bo no cud in Nuw mi V York just now. Ift'Jf Things having come to n rloso shnvn in B. the Kansas Legislature, of oouiso Mrr. ', Lease can no longer be runeidernj in thu i K ;' (Senatorial field. iKf The fcrcesnrclnc towards Now York-I I 'I J Brooklyn consolidation uro ceasolcss in ! t A f their operations. I !It Is ft desperate, 6 wrestle that the liealtU ofllrerH aru Imviui; Kj 'h with the typhus. Hjj! Electric Hchtius should lous ac;o have fi'L. becouio an established tystcin in all well- H-.'i w regulated railway passensor services. K' i W'jji Ex.Mayor Hewitt says he has prowii liul wiser as to the rapid trans t iiostiou. So IvJU has the public. No coddlliiR to the " I," BliH road. BfrjU' The State Lejislaturo, on its first two Hm' days, set itself nn example of promptne.s W 5jj which it may well follow throughout tl.o K 311 session. IE M Tur. WoriLn's crusado for good roads in ' jB j the Annexed District is awaltvumu nn I H interest which must result most bene-1 P(l Bcially. iy Connecticut should act promptly in ne. ' P cord with Oov. Mor.ins'x recoiiuncuilu- HHH tion and reconstruct its ancient aud I AjF antiquated Constitution. BW, It may be trne, as published, that Mr. Vk' Cleveland has uover seeu Mr. Platt. Ul But It Is certain that he has more than ' once gone him one better. gw 4f . ' ;' ' Chicago firemen can be heroes, too. 4 They proved it by their gallant rescue of K ; comrades yesterday from a huge building p j wrecked by flame and natural gas. m . Br V The nervieit forger has turned up In K I Elizabeth. He exchanged a 5 bill for bis Jll intended rictlm's check for the amount, in order to get n pattern for his forgery. It's sometimes wise, to put a limit nn one's accommodation to plausiblo Etrang. ' crs In the uialter of checks and signa-turos. Rr,nh REvniox. The I.egislaturn did noil to pass the hill ainnndiiig thu Constitutional ('omentum law, fo as to avoid a mldw Inter election, before the recem. The ironlu want nud the Slate needs a revision of thi ConMi. tution. Vu havo outgrnnu soino of its provisions anil iipcrii nect hnti poiiittd out improvements run bo made in others. '1 ho main ('niir-tfltiliiiii has bri n in oxtstftHO nearly lift v years. It 1ms lion patched up finm tltnn to time, but it will bo better lor a thorough overhaul in?. 'Die pcoplo did not want a midwinter election, and heuio the iiiueudiiirut to the law as (lesirablu. The llepubllcaiis, wlio opposn every Deuinviatic iiuasurn, nccfssailly without reason or with rea son, were rompi-lled to ndmit that tlio law us now liauicd is n (air one. mid made nn very merlons opposition lo thu pass iyo of the bill. Now Id both pintles take inro to send l their very best men as clnlegates lo tliu Conventioii, ami wo hlnill sceiire h ('on. Mitutinu that will iiisurn thu pmiiss and prospeiity of the htato lor imotlier fifty jenis. A CA?U IN POINT Mr. Hamilton Wooii, foimirlv a picture-.tealer at H.'ii Ilio.idvuiv. tills n vorv straiigo htoiy mid ni.iI.eM 11 sunoiis chai go against his wife, whom ho licenses ol having Kucuied his confinement in a lunatic asylum fur uotflv thirtotii jours Mr. Wood pmtpsls that hn was all tho timo perfectly sane. 'I hu asvluin in vvhu li ho was placed is ut Dauveis, Mass He was trimsfiirreil lo Woicosti r a vear ago. Of course, thu story needs continuation so far as tlio claim to sanity is concerned. Mr. Worm says ho has sent letters to friends bcgclug tliem to obtain his re. loiso scores of timiM during tin period of his Incarceration. Hut when thov visited the asvluin they were told hr was iusauo and that seems tohavoMitisliud thoin. At last soiuo o'd companion procured his liberation. A few days aco tho Attornov.Gc nerul of this Slate decided that all private luna tic asylums must bo licensed by the Stato Hoard nud tlmi eonin under tlio nipcrvi. sum nud (initial control of tho llcmid. Mr. Wooh'h casu poiuta tho ccpedicucv and bumaiiity of Ibis requirement. If asylums can bo run without any supervi sion tiv tho proper authorities, cases of ui.jiist nud I'liiel imprisonment in such places may be possible, and the possitul. I Hy of siieli n brutality should nut bo al lowed to ovist. BnooKf.YSV! rim: bcandal, Tlirt cliargcn or allegations mado against tho Hrooklyn i'lro Diumitiiient by repm selilatlves of thu Hoard ol t'nderwilteln yestcrdav nro of a very serious character. Mi. .1. II. Vnuii'isi'. ol thu IIoiiiu In siirancn Coinpiuiy. who was thu spciki- uiiili.-ttild Mavor HooiiV that thn Deptrt- t ineiitwas accuu'dof tho giosse-l liru.ichi s o( discipliiiu. Among other thiugH It wis wiiil that thev gongs lived in caloous to givu them hignala whi'o lliey vvi ru lounging and rambling m such lesoits. Mr. Wahhiii'iim. expressed u doubt win (her u iiian who spent much of his tune on rncu tracks and m his own yacht was u lit person lor ducT of a I'iru lie. partinout, or was likely to heciiio ills, cipllun in the folce. 'I hu fact wns elicited that thu introduc tion of tho trolley railioad nvsti m was regnrcb d by tlio undervv liters asincrcns. lug thu hnuid, nud was one of tho itn sous for raising thu in' is of lusuiaui o. Thn chiilges against thu I'iru Depait muut are to bu luailu in writing and then Mavor Hoonv is to appoint u committee, to investigate thcin, 'llio people ought to demand that thu Investigation shall bu thorough. PARALLEL CASES. Mavor Hoonv has r.tinol up tho polili cal wild beasts iu tho Kings Comity (own i menageries by his pioposi'.ion to draw, ttiein all into limits of thu city of Hrouk lyn. Tho Mayor told the jicoplo of tho towns that dual governments caused needless expense ami were productive of nntagou-' islic purposes, whllo conccutrnted respon. I stbilitv would Uimulicto cnterpnsi) audi enli.iueo tlie v.diio of property. He novv finds thn Supervisors, tho town I constables, ami eveuv seedy politician who call pick up a dollar out of a town I job, "jumping upon bun with both feet,'' as tho political vernacular expiesscs ill. Onu Supervisor calls .Mavor Hooov'h ' suggestion ridiculous, nud siy that when the people of his town want tohoauuexed to llroiiklyn thoy will wiy so. I Does not Mavor Iloopv ri't'ngnira m tho ' I opposition of thu politicinusof thn county towns to bis proportion of annexation ami thu approval of tho people, mi exact I paralh I to thu situation in the casu of the I proposed union of tliu two cities'' Thu political Icirpies ih;ht union tooth and nail. Tho hcinest p.ople disiro union,'. ami soul. Ihoiirgunii'iitn tho Mayor usos in support of aiiin ation ere pre- clsolv npplnalilu lo union. Why then wasMavoi 1'oonv silent in his missago on the giuiler cpiesiion of the union of New York and liiool.lvu. THE MICMKiAK EL'TTUllA;. I,AW. Tho lie publicans. Iiolding contiol of both hoiisej of thn .MiehiMii Legislature, j to icpciil thu Miner electoral1 law. which providos that I'lesideutnl elcctots shall bo chosen bv C'ongressiuual cii'tn.N. Tho luw did not plcasu tho I llepublicans lust jcar, beenuso without it i thev would o socurcd thu entire elec- toral voto of tho State, whilo under tliu ' Miner law the electors aro divided I As soon us n law works politically agaiust tho ltupublicans, the party clam ors for its repeal, 'lho question of the public good eloes not cuter into cousldor. ation. " If tho law offends theo, wipe it off the statute book," is tho principle, or the want of principle, on which tho poli ticians act. The llepublicans were blat. ant for the enactment of llsllot Itofurm laws on the Australian plan everywhere, and rated the Democrats on their alleged opposition to such a bencficeut measure. Now that the Ballot He form laws vvoiU agaiust tho Itcpubllcaus by soouring tho secrecy of the ballot and proveuliug brlb- 1 rry, they arc ciUilly loud in demanding 'their repcnl, 'lliCHc aro very Mnall political metlioils. 'J he West is growing nioro mid mure Democratic every year, nud the chances uro that if thu Mlchlgnu Hepitblicnu Legislature icprals the Miner net thu whole electoral voto of tho Stnto in ISM will bo east for the Democratic rnniliilnti h. 'I hu piogress of thought mill judgnii lit among the peo plo cauiiot hu checked liv sue ial leglsla. tion any imoiu than tho wuvch of tho yvw can bu swept I net. with a brush broom. r'AINlINO llKIDi; . .Swooning during tho weelding cero- iiioiiv is bi'coiuing fashionablo. In thn past month them lmvo be en several in- y slaiiceh of interrupted riles, duo to nei- 1 vous collapse in thu presence) of tnatri-, monv. Tho oilier duv n bridegroom j fainted, tlirco tunes in thu church, and this morning we learn that u lliidgeton i N. .1. i bruin was ovctcomn when thu liiomelitoils eiii-stioii was propounded 1 y j the iiiimstur, and toppled over into tho linns of thu briileglooiii llel iniitliri win, ilidn't want to seo her , fainting alone, thought shu'd tako "somo ' of thu sauiii" uiid in u minute mado her- i hi If ll source) of Mlllcltlldei to ll few of the) wedding guests. 'I here' was so much uti- I consciousness Hi tliu ensemble that thu leeiemoiiy vvuM udjoiirni d to another ehiy. ' It sei'iiis all light for u brhlo to bo ove i whelmed by hui feiilings on tho Imp. piosl elav of her life", but for a bllelu groom lo h t go of his picscuco of uiliid or a prospectlvu mother-in-law to lorgot hoi wliero.iiin-l-iit-iitivcnusH on such nn occasion looks u llttlu luiiiarknblu, nud the re can bu scaic-oly any otbor pxciiso for it than that swooning brides nud fainting bridegrooms uro tlio latest treaks of ! fnshiuii. 'I hero would probably bp more fainting billies nt the ntlnr if nil of thorn knew i what matrimony liad In storo fur them. Hut the men nud tho iiiothors-in-lavv nlwaHgotthiibektofnintriuionv, and they have) no business to protend to havo epileptic or cataleptic fits over tho closing of tbo bargain. I Two Russian (ioLcruls interviewed in Paris think n war with Germany would bo popular. It would certainly furnish ! nn engaging subject for international ells. ciiHSion nud would bo iiiuehinoro oxcitlug than thu pi'ieco of Kurope. Hut thu cost it would involve in blood ought to imilio i even thn Idea of it unpopular in this ecu. tury. So rorcu.Hill l.ol'OF, is lo go to tho Seiiatu ! Well, tho poopln havn fixed things so that he can't do much damage nn v wheiP in t ougiois j ho hu might us well bu in thu upper as lu thu lower house. I Dumping city garb igu off Oak Point is nn outrage. 'Ihu poopln should revolt against Nuw York's primitive methods of handling its refuse. And tho revolt can't conio too soon. A crematory's thu .thing. " I.nck of hleiuu " caii'od last pvoiimg's lute rruptioii ot t infl'm on the br.dge cablu railway, which occurri'd, as such things usually do, at thu timo when thn lush was greatest. At liny late, thn uxciibo is nuw. I'.ditorH nnil reporters nro to bo ex ' cluiUd from attack in thu anti. Sunday I papor crusado in Pittsburg. Their fonu j of letiiruiiig thanks will liinko interesting l lending for tho crusaders. Within tho last few days very uncoiii- 1 feu table) charges of burglary, assault and extortion huvo been divided among live New York polici'iiicii. It uliould not bnvo been possible. If tho machine Senatorial pattoru is ac cepted at Albany, to that extent Novv York City, in its gain of Assemblyincu, will havogmuod simply in misrepresentation. If Michigan HopublicniiH have their vvav the Minor I'lertonil Inw will bo blasted. And they wero able to organize both houses of the Legislature yesterday. farmer Du.nn'h promised harvest of snow canio on time. Tho ngricultii'isl of thn Pepiitabln Hull ling is really u good deal ot a prophet. Perhaps thn now Diana of tho Madison Square fiarden tower is intended ns n protest against tho prevailing extrava gance in dress. Tauimniiv has tho right of way nt Albany and wnuta tho right of thn in auguration purndo lino nt Wnshlugton. Amtluug else? Hnctorin have been discovered in old pnper money. Hut few of us needed this ailditioiuil inducement to lot tho stud go in a hurry. Tho absorbing question muting St. Louis beer consumers may bo whether thn biewery war is to nflcct tlio height of thu collar. Mr. Hi am wants a halt in pension legist itmu l'.vcn a ictrcat could bo worked to National advantage. Chicago1!, evpuriinco nt yesterday's disa.trous blao indicntps that nnturn is tlhacberous in natural gns. Tlinro is a notable) nbscuce of contro. versy ns to who was lho model for that new lUam of thn tower. It creates a miracle . . of energy . . . I L Hornby I jCJ Oatmeal I At a still greater miracle of cost. CHILD'S COHAN LIBRARY. Mre. Clara Doty Bates, a Distin guished Lady, Has It Planned. A Idit or I'lslitliia Hooka from n Hoy of Kleven Ycurs. Ciik'acid. .Inn. :i. There It to be a library lu tlio " (.lill'll en's lliunu" nt lliu YVoilcl'i! 1 air. Mm. cilia Holy lutrivm clerled by tho I licinrv i 'iigiess to fceiecl tliu material anil euiiiluil tl.e' weirl.. Asld" Hum tlio possession of superior eiunllilcallnii hIid lias tlio go'nl fortuno of lilng lei alore, and osa ifstilt her plans aro succeeding, hir work Is nrigreslng and tliern are Indications that "'llio Chlleltpn'i ' i niiimlilan I ll " will necoino tumous tho llicrary world over. Mrs. II ups is a svicnt, fympithetlc womsn. "li mines Irmn n tntnlly that has ellstlii giiMie.1 I'tplf In eelu. n'lntml, literary anil liriifessioaal elielei.niid si p Is personally, as well ns lull llecliinllj. Ilttiel for the honor i tlia' In r frti'iiils have conferred upon h'r. j I Irst of all, she nndeistatiils children nnit slio has ll.n happy faculty of mak ing I hem understand her. What alio calls luwiluiblu issl dance" In her present work eoinos finm the hoys ami girls who visit her or whom she visits. Mip has been itelmjeil with books ever slnco her connection with tho work bpcamo known, and It would astonish somo of tho New Ynrlc cnntrliiutnis If tney knew wltu vTliatrunreme ItielltTerence she received thcin. She flatly and emphatically refuses to ac cept tlio literary Juelmnent of big folks; she will not pvpii look nt thollstH ol "sclectcrt rciellngfor Mindaj-H'hool and faintly libra, rlec," and sho Is determined to protect tho Ivnungsteis from t lie book-ninklng quneks ! who, plll-fasiilon, coat their sermons and lectures vl!h romance and adventure. "I want this little library to bo modelled Irom the child's point of view," Mrs. Hates remarked vesteiday ns Mio wearily cut her way through a mass of publishers' letters. "The bookH nio to rorrescnt tho llteraiy tnstes of tho children; thoy nro not for library furniture, nor for lho parents; they nro for the c hlldren, and If they do not plenso tho children they will be eliminated. "Wo want to educate tho old folks and pleapo the young folks, which Is reversing lho usual order or tlilngf, tho avcrugo book huyer pleasing himself under tho delusion of educating tho child. "If tho hoys ot this generation llko fight ing books, they shall have them, and If tt pleases Hie liitlo girls to read party stories wn shall Inelulgo tho taste. 1 propose to get my lists of books from tho children who rend books not who ineiely havo them, but who read them and nio familiar with their char acters. " Fiom the'P lists we shall stock tlio book i shelves. Tliu collection of theso lists Is much mom difficult thin jeihapsjou Imagine', for the leason that thn child Is npt to yield to the llteraiy Inlliicncont tliu adult, cither t home, lu lho public library, thu school or tiook store. , "The1 Idea Is get at the childish fnncv, otherwise tho colli clluu Is wcnthless. With this object I hove been very busy cultivating tho ncipiilntanoo of catldren. Instead of dining out as I would llko to have clone nil season, I have had to accept Invitations to liuuii dinners and ll oclucl: tircncl-niid-uillk suppers, but tho ga-trnnoinlc losses have bi'cn muro Hi. in covered by llieiary galas. "Lists are coming In now, and I am very well sitlsiled with the results. "'I he Miliary plan pinpcr Is divided Into two departments, one to ieircscia tlielastcnl children from seven to twelve pnMorago and the other from thirteen to seventeen' jears. Them are to bu twenty wnikslnthn1 first nnd fitly In tho either depart incut. Just now we aroengnged on tho former. "'lho girls have net been heaid from yet, but the liuynaro educating mu dnlly. I havu only just begun to know my Ignorance of llielratialtimcnls. (me llttlu fellow, cloven )rars of ago, tho son of .icllstliigiilslii'd Chicago man, wen l.od threu weeks on this list, lie la a child n ho cut his te clh on buoks ; he had ab solutely no iisslstanco; letleis of Introduc tion gave him tho Keeaoin of libraries and hook stores, anil he got tlio natnus ot pub lishers ns vrell as authors for us. "Tho list Is Interesting becauso It proves that tlie small bojs' fancy turns to the to called 'fighting literature.'" 1. Cutler'. Lut tight, 11. 1 evolrn Night, in a llunt.r't Camp. III. 1'oeir Yrr of KIhtlo. IV. I ami Among III. Wild Man V Tli. fr.nort Prliou.r, VI. ItoblD.oo I'ruto. VII. Swl. I'smlli Itoblnceon. VIII. Tr.oll (). W. O. . Lo.l in tho log. X. I ir li the Woodi. M. Hgtillng Joe, ll lali.i Sy llio gn.inr. Mil. VV iihln Hi. Iliitmj'i Lin... XIV Ontli.l'.hskAil.. W. lliaMidillar lloj. XVI 1 lie) Viiiitifr l.iput.nAnt. .Wll llr.vo OKI Kelt. Will. Out Will. XIV MiioiiBC mt Haul.. W Canicllr. and VV Igsam. Ill tho mean timo Mrs. Hates has tent letters all ovir lho word asking the assist-j nncoof Aineilcau consul! in circulating tho prospectus of tho lllr.irv. "J ho very people cle'slied have been icachccl and tho answers seem lo Indicate nn expression from tho re idlng children nf elvlll?iel society. The itrsl donation of foreign books came from Italy, with thn Christmas greeting of ten little rulks They were selected b) boys and girls and aie as i.ntlkn the fighting books ot the ) niiug t hlcni, as IluiTalo Ulll'B bhow j and V entl's new opera. Mis. ii.ius Is lu communication with tho publlsLei'!. and nut hum if tho licit class of , elilhlun'slllei'.uurc, from whetn tho expects i great help lu a personal and professional i w.). Mio Is ioniploilng arrangements for " A 1 it i lo lviks' i unsii'ss of Autburn" U certalulv unhiii'. vt staled liitcnali there will be Children's I I Ibrar.v Hxy In the small assembly hall when the ehlldii'ii mi; meet their tavnrlto authors. J The pcet er wiiter will lie asked lo bring ono of his rw ii lo iks and talk to the llitlc tulka. No liciurliig wid le allovvrd and the visitor Isexiiecteel tu te " just nsnloo as his book" . and lo unsvver all the questions his admirers I m.i)-wish to ask. Invitations to attend thu cliirmli.g cciiik'icss havo been accepted by the following writers: Oliver optic. 1 homa.s llalley.Aldrlch. Hose II. I I athrup, Mr.-.llurton Harrison, Kichard llau. lug Iiavlj. Lugano Field, lew Wallace, Annlo fpwoll, r-oplilu hncet, Kldrldgo S llrookj, Kaln 1). Mggln, Mrs. Aoby Itarlon Diaz, Klhv V heeler Wilcox und tho edltcrs ot it. Afc,. tclA and II fete' .HOiile. Andrew I ang, who Is expected to tell all about the Heel t'atry;" Uecrgo Mclionald, o. A. llenty, Mrs. Molesworth aud several Eng lish vvrltcis have promised to be present at a Children's Da), Mrs. Hates has the refusal of all the library furniture she can use. Models ot shelving, cases, bookrests, chnlrs, tables, lampj, win. clow bhade.", 4c, havo U'ca tent la by niauu facturcrs nnd designers, together with all inanuer of stationery goods suitable lor children's use Ono feature of the library will be a big round table, without any cover and with plenty nf room for elbows. AlltbcMandard nio.'iwlncs lu nil the languages will boon tile, and every thtug will bo at the command of tho elitldicn. lift walls aro to bo nrtornod with tlio lor tralts ot ehcrlsh-'d authors, and In tho deco rations of the wiill) quotations, mottoes and sweet words will be Inscribed. Mrs. Clara Doty llatcs's library work wilt bo watched with Inurrst, nnd even now thero Is talk ot perpetuating tho Chlldicn's Colum bian Library, so ceituln Is Its succors. Sell Neifo.v. SPICED SCISSORINCS. Trnetlnn 'nminriy vs. lenplr. I Iran I. fl,ititrlrit't Utrnt I.) The. last round .hows tho people with both j-rs Idaeheticd, two Arms tirokcn and a lo? clean Kono, hut tho Traction Cuiniany is still safe. Tlie- llnrmoiiy of AliAnrptlnn. ffiwil Oi (iwl.ri'. t'ft'ltt'r Jttuttull. If latninnny ciinlluiios to nuAllnvv nopiihltcsns nnd t'uiint) DeiuiH'rat nt tljn prernt rate). It will rcslnroa liArmonv as uurullol as the silky e oil of a wcllfcl 1 1 u i r cat. The rini'.t Point In lleresr I).' rhirnin Tint' 1 I Dr. Ilrlirsh totio trl"it airiiln. KurirrlnF thi Luhor eel h Mislli id court Uuds him irullty, . vson't It ctmvlrt of hiTcsy lho stxt)-rnrlit I res I bjterhius who have Just voted for his acquittal I Where Cnitciis s-hiMildiit He IthiK 1 1 ioni lie ,rit ll'IJtmt .'.urnll Vtftvsachusclls Hpinlor never has been elected h cc caucus, tie never should Lo. .Mr. Peeler's Altered I'lniis. troi,i it,' lltl.liinim (.V. J.t cnatllr IVffcr, of Knlisua, has decided to Aft with the Denieicrals, thus uiiklni? a convlitorAlilo I e hnmre In tils arrangements. It was leilTei'a ortiruial plan that tho Democrats should act with liliu. Willi It's Wilderness Kedeemnl. Irtim lh' Chtrwl Wid.J With elevated tracks, clean streets, pure water and pure air Chicago will becotuo habitable airaiu. WORLDLINGS. Ttliramy Is said to he increasing irreatly imonr the loner elaaes In Kuirtand. A London confectioner eaya that he It aorae tliaoa called on to furnish bedding; cakei welirb lnir 1,000 pounds each aud puddlnKa ofaaite autllclent lor not) heart) appetites. Krery town In Mexico has a publlo bath-houso. I'enns)lvatda produces more cigars than any other btatu In the Unioir. T hero are flfty-scv en counties In Texas, each oX which Is larger than Ithoile lalaud. Christopher Ilenson, an old uianuf elrtiTy-Mx ) ears, In the I'tilla lolphla AllnatioUM, Is said tu lie the oldest locoinotivo engliieer In this cuiin- I try. He rsn the old cii'rlne ".lohn Hull " on tlie 1 Allinnv Hud Hcheucctady roai filty-nlno )uars ago 'the hlstorlo chatciu at Clrey, Trance, has tiren sold toart'di uiiuiifArturer for ron,0no. j It was cilice the hciniei of Voltaire. i I There are "7,000 places for the sale of llauor ' In Paris, nnd throughout tho Heimbtlc there is one saloon for every etghl) -seven peojile. 'Hie (irntltsnf the Paris I'ost-Ofllce amounted las', l ear to 10, 000 (1110. In the treasures of tho Vatican there Is a pearl valued at 1 00, 00(1. Why Ho Wont Insane. I had Just taken my seat tn the car when nn elderly geiillcmau entered, closely fol- lowed by a)uung man of dceldedly lashton- nblo uspect. 'I huy secured scats near mluo nud weie hoon nbsorbcel In their newspapers, I says a writer In thu Chicago .Vetc.. 1 l'ln.illy thu elder lowered his paper and I mill : " Hy the vva), l'rank, vrhat hasbcomo of Miiglctou? 1 bnvou'l s,een him fur.somo time." " llu was adjudged Insane and Is now tn an as) linn," l'rank. "tan that be possible? Why, what was the cause?" "Oh, ho was a crank, and his mind was continually agitated In his frantic endeavors to btart somo nuw i-oclel) lad. When Mrs. ll g.ivo her first dovo dinner his actions nnd prions to countei balance It by some new wiliikle ot his own weie n source of gient amusement to all tho fellows. He finally dropped that, nnd cveiy thing went smoothly with him until Miss Hlchlygnvo a pink tea. Singleton's wheel r.galn started to rovolvo and ho Issued Invitations to all tho fellows to attend a white breakfast, to bo given at his home. "Dldyeu go?" "Oh, )cs." "Of what did the dinner consist?" " While bread, celery and absinthe." " Well," laid tho old gentleman, as ho aroso to leavo tho car, "I don't wonder that ho was sent to an as) lum." Risky. Vom Jrjilf Sftlngi, Irato Fnthor Young mnnl I am enraged, sir, that ) on should sick to mat 17 my daugh. tcr on tu short an acquaintance. You are almost a stranger tn her. Miibbs (firmly) Well, shn doesn't take any more chances than 1 00. Mio'a almost a stranger 10 me, loo. His Fame. IFrvm W. Ilrownlcc Atkins never bad much popular It) as au artist, did he? Whitehall -No; out lie enjoved n fnmo that was net based upon popularity. I lliownlee V hat was his tamo based upon, then? Whitehall -Why, upon tho fact that ho never called a work "Twilight's Dieauiy lluur," or A lira) Da).' I A Ploasnnt Shrive, roii JVjri FtOiigt I Cu'tcraer-VMiat makes ) our hand jerk so with thai racr j Harber N h), boss, 1'so used to de fits. "The IPS'' I " x; e-, bov., but don't bo scart ; It Is ten mliiuios ln-iui de) conio oa. Jes' juit rea 1 iy , dat'a el s) mpiuuis. ' There is ease for those far one in consumption not recovery ease. There is cure for those not ar gone. There is prevention bet er than cure for those who ire threatened. Let us send you a book on akekui. living and Scott's Imulsion of cod-liver oil, ven if you are only a little chin. Free. Scott iVDowsi.Chemnti, 131 South sihAvenua. New Ycrk, Your dructiu ketpt Scott'a Eraulilon of eod-lirr oil-all drurr nti iter ywhut do. (1. I i Vttney coAfione. j The Juvenile Cyclist i.ow bodlio and short straight skirt In steel-gray serge er ciotn, decorated with two largo winds roughly embroidered with tinsel thread. Hlblon lounJ the hoc k nnd down tho, to rep 1 (suit, tho gutln. iicha tile", l'l nuicts In steel laco or tinfoil, plaited and wired In tho senihlnncu of wheels, 'lov Inntcin nt the top if the lip.ul. Horn slung with n ribbon on the side. Steel chain round tho neck. A miniature cj clu In pasto diamonds shines on I each rosette on the kid shoes. ir Unii nnd fUrtn. lostilch feather. With tho sbvty and molro ' elTecnot tnc fashionable materlnlsof the day It Is taylo makoup this cosiuino so as to Imitnin the coal of some favorite pet. I I No 1. The Pretty meaner- lilouso nnd bal-' lion sleeves In white Surah or muslin. Corselet nlth straps nnd wnlst labs In pink sateen, set off wllh geld pipings and lacings, skirt In striped do Inlne, surrounded with a garland of wheat cars and Held tinners, to correspond with the large bunch In thn rustic hat and the still larger one held b) the pltch- I fork, tickle lu hand. So. a. The King of .Nlneplns-(lras.gicen plush nnd sal In, enhanced with sash nnd stupes on the nrmleis In deep green. Itulllo In white muslin. A row ot skittles In caul hoard or wood divides tho full sleeves In two pufllngs, three larger pins nppcnr lu fiont of lho blouse, n laigo satin macarou, slightly padded, leproents lho bull or howl. Hat lu t.111 felt, bound wltu gold braid, nnd embel lished with a tuft of shaded giecn ostrich tips. Kbony walking stick. . y. Puss lu Hoots Doublet and cloak in satin, resplendent with tins"! tir.ild, bows, gill buttons, order ribbon and medal. Plush breeches, high top-boots with spins, which It will bo safer lo icinnvo licfuro dancing. I 01. g sword, along which n tiny white meuisu spoils llselr. 1 ell hat, e'ecoiatud with Jewelled clasps, sti. light hci nn's wings and cm Pel .In .'icell r Vtejtaris I'ml. Let tho lover of a good egg -onu w ho can eat pggsevei) morning all tip )iar round, and who rejoices In the icil egg flavor stand I the beloved article em 0110 end In n small glass, nnd tlien.evir so cautiously, I tp on lho other end until a small hole Is made. let him, stilt proceeding cautiously, tako otT tho . broken shell until t here: Is a baio while sui faco exrojed about tho slo of a five-cent pleio. Sow, with an egg spoon or an after dinner cuffeu spoon, punctilio tho surface) ot tho egg end, and, alter dropping In a piece of butter ulnm nslargu.isawhltu boau, let him , chop up tho entire egg until It rests lu lis shell, all cut up and ready to bu eaten. It H still dcllclously hot, and has parted w 1th uouo of Its pristine loveliness. Just as soon as well prepared tt should bo eaten beforo It has had timo to cocl. Thoso who eat eggs In this way will testify to their glory, and those who do not tako them thus would do well to give them a trlaL Sweeten I'our 1'ofrr. Strlvo to cultivate a sweet, magnetic voice. When Lady Henry somorset was In America a clever person remarked of her that cen turies ot culture souuacd lu her voice. -Make them sound In yours. Here la l'our Chance. Lgg farming Is a business that would make many a woman now poor Independent. Incu bator chickens served broiled In a restaurant are all too oltcn a delusion and a snare, but j there Is always good ueiuacd tor iggs. Kvery bod) cat-, them. Tho woman who would1 sludy Ler ground careliilly, beleet a location near a good market and go slow, learning lis she went, tould not fall, with a small outlay ot capital, to succeed well. Tho egg business Is In no danger or being oveidone, cspeelall) that blanch of It wnlch looks to the produc tion of lresh eggs In Winter. l.lttla !lrli Lvoli -Mce fit Tiejc. Amethyst silk Poplin Tho foot Is trimmed with moss gi con velvet, )oko of Ivory Irish : loco over green, corsage scarf garniture and shoulder irllli of green velvet; six )aiil3 uoublo width poplin. J0m Jtk QM MM Mff Wf m mt.t JJ41 -" z-'gl vtm ' -s ' - -y "! w Itescda cloth with broad whtlo cloth belt acdsllvor bucklo; tLo toot Is trimmed with white fox fur ; le; 0' mutton sleeves and shoulder ruflles : hat ct dark green felt lined wllh old rose ; reseda ostrich tips. Two and a half yardi of doublo width good:. Ji" itotefrmfeOr e. The very latest In boutonnlcres Is a hunch ot violets having a etnglo while carnation lu. troduced In tho lower right-hand corner en circled by tho violets. This for da) timo ap parel. Tho white carnations, gaidculas or other flowers In white, always for evening wear wllh tho dress suit. The violets, how ever, may bo worn wllh tho uncle dress coat, when tho black cravat is also permissible and the Ion hat essential. , '1 he ilorlst now delivers boutonnteres at the No. 0. The llcrentlno Girl Jllnstrel-I.ow bodlco nnd shoit skirt, draped on the Hide In ercam-colored satin, with Jewel embroidery. Necklace to correspond. Long si ished sleeves, divided In seVenil puillngs by gold cord, nnd fastetiul at tho sldo with antique studs. Jockey pufllngs and front panel In Venetian red velveteen, (lultnr In the hand. Velvet hut, tLclirlcd wllh gold galon, aigrette at the side, Jledu-val shoes la vclvet-ltued satin. No. (I. lho Little Miller. cotton skirt, gavly striped Injmultlcolors. Chemise, short puffed sleeves, and apron In white linen or muslin. Cuiselet In black velvet, fastened with gilt bullous, itnpu girdle, to which nro suspended two diminutive lloui-bags. At lho buck ladlate wli.dmlll sails In pjlntecl card board, cap and stockings ltr Striped cotton hosier). Woo'h'u shoes. lcldencisor clubs of Its rations at the hour spccllled In tho day or evening. '1 hey aro among the dalnths of men's attlro. Just as lho bisque gljces nio l he luxunes of lho tallc. 'Jhelloilsl and the conllscur both box their speciincui earcfiill) and deliver thcra In carts, so numerous has tho list of patrons gtown. It will bo re me in Ik red that thouoti. tuiinlcrool last Winter was of while carna- 1 tinnswlth lho violet spilsln decoration the exact reversal of ilils)e.ii'sairangcuiciit, I which latter Is by far the mnro cxpcnslvo. Iter Vatltttntj. Mix together three pounds of lean hecf chopped line, n cupful ot cracker or bread I crumbs, th 1 en raw eggs, n toblespoonful of I Lullcr, a level tcaspoouiul each of powdered sncot herbs and pepper, and n palntable seasoning of salt. 1'ut all ibce Ingiedlents Into a buttered earthen baking dish, and bake tho pudding for about on hour, or until it can be turned from the dish brown and whole. Lsu tho pudding either hot or cola. Home lilfo In Switzerland. You havo seen pictures ot Swiss cottages, have)ounotf Aro they not pietty? 'the Swiss pooplo are very artistic In their tastes, and ov en tho poorest Swiss Is neat and taste ful In his homo life. -Many of tho ways of tho hwlss aro as pretty as their fancllul Ideas ot building house's. A hwlss mother believes her child will havu bad dreams unless it is crooned to sleep. And so, bending low over tho drowsy little one's couch, she sings sooth ing songs of green pastures and still waters until the little child has breathed Itself peacefully Into the Laud ot Nod. .VntiriiDifV J'arntture. Tho effort to preset ve tho fitness of things seems to bnvo 1 cached Its height In a case recently heatd of, whero a wealthy )oung woman an cxtiimlst nud lmpicsstonlst, It goes without saying-has had tho furnlshlugs of her own room conform to the various stages of aheieavcmciit. In tho tirst depths 1 nt her grlei Hack fur rugs nlono broko lho lustreless polish of the door of her room, which had been ehonhtcd; a couch covered wllh dull black cloth and piled high with black nuin pillows set the pace for tho rest of the furniture, which was equally sombre. eurtaliH ot solt black ciepnn fell over sheer white mtisllr. at the windows, nnd a bed iprcad and 1 il'.ovr covets 111 hcmslllched linen, with broad black borders, llko 1111 ex. rggeiateii mourning handkerchief, kept up the funereal suggestlveness. s turn, wnro cm, however, 111010 nnd inuin white creptln, till a white poor, while rugs, a whllo sattn couch, with whllo mull pillows, succeeded tnu enshrouding gloom of tho pievlous lit. j tings. This white) has toned with and Into gray and violet until now, when touchei ot rosy pink glvo effectual evidence of n return 10 gluivlng Hie. .Ipjite effflif. Six apples, foiirtnblcsroonrutsof powdered sugar, one-quarter teaspoouiul ot cinnamon, 0110 gill of sherry. Pare, coro and cut the apples Into very thin slices. Put a layer ot theso slices In the bottom ot a glass dish, 1 sprinkle them with thu sugar and a little cinnamon, then another layer ot apples, and to continue until all Is used, pour tho wine over and stand away in a cold placo for ono hour, and It Is ready 10 use. loie tn Unlit. When you comn to a good book, Bays ltuskln, you must ask youiself, "Am I In. cllued to work as au Australian miner would? A10 my pickaxes andsnovels In good order, aud am I In good trim myself, my sleeves well up to my elbow and my breath good and my icmtcr:" And keeping the figure a little longer, even at a cost ot tire someness, for It; is a thoroughly uoeful ono, tho metal )ou nro In search of being tho author's mind or meaning, tits words aro u ! the rock wtlch)OUhavo tocrtuhand smelt I In order to get at It. And your pickaxes aro 'your own caic, wit nnd learning; your smelting furnaco U your own thoughtful soul. Do not hope to get nt any good author's j moaning without those tools and that fire; ! often )ou will need sharpest, finest chiselling; nnd patient luting before you can gather ono I grain of metal. .'fa Knutrlet, Aanin. The Montana llepublicans havo selected a woman lawyer as counsel, In their effort to secure the control of tho Legislature, and for this they have employed the legal services of M1S3 Klla Knovvlcs, who was herself the Popu list candldite for Attorney (leneral at tho recent election, and who came within 1,000 votea cf being elected. A Jiew Lie r an Old Caetcr. "Fee," raid a woman recently, "what I hav c dono w Ith an old-fashioned silver caster. 1 didn't heed a fein dish, to which use these things usually lend themselves nowadays, but 1 havu beeu sighing for n sllvor lamp, and now 1 havo It. 'lho bowl of my castor was high, as ) on sec, nnd it was very easy after thu handle barwasunscrowed to havo a glass ollrccilvcrntted to it. " Then with shade, chimney and burner this lovely boudoir lamp, at which everybody exclaims tn admiration, wns easily evolved." Jttee J.oat'CA. Two cups boiled rice, two eggs beaten light, two tablespoonfuls melted sugar, mlllc nt discretion. Ilea', tho rtco smooth with a spoon, ndd tho butter and eggs and enough mill; to make a rather soft, paste. Form this with tho hands Into small loaves, lay them In a dripping-pan and bake them, closely covered, tor fifteen minutes. Uncover, strew with grated cheeso and brown. The Lemon Btjueete. The "lemon squeezo" craio bids fair to come up again this Winter as a popular amusement. Each member of the party brings a lemon which Is cut open, thn seeds being taken out, counted and dropped Into a Jnr, an accurate bur, strictly private record being kept of tho number put In. After alt are in, each guesses as to the entire number ot s,ccds, and prizes aro distributed to tho most successful guessers. Any other seedy fruit, apples or oranges for Instance, may by substituted for lemons. A Smart Girl Talkt to the Bout. A slxteen-ycnr-old gill reads a lecture to thooungmen In a Lincoln County paper. Shu exclaims: "Why do tho young menot Kdgecomb do so much loafing? Go to work! Push ahead I lam but a young girl. I have clothed myself and got money in the bank: and only sixteen years old. I lay up mora money every year of my llto than any boy or 1 )oung man within a radius ot three miles ot j my home. When they get n dollar thoy go to I a danco and go homo a dollar out. My father ' Is able to support me, but I choose to support 1 myself. 1 advise all girls to cut clear of those loafing ooys. Glvo them a wide berth and 1 never marry n man unloss ho is able to sup- port) 011, and never put your arm through tho handle of a rum Jug." fried Chlchen with Cream Gravy. Cut plump young chickens Into nice pieces, lirscrvu tho wlng3, drumsticks and bony i parts tor btcwlng. Holl In flour; salt, and fry slowly a golden brown In mixed butter nud laid, stir two tablespoonfuls ot flour into the- hot fat and add one pint 0: cream or new milk. 11 hat Charm Meant. 1 his word Is from tho Lntln carmen. Ortg. Inally It meant Incantation. To charm person is to bewitch him. In "Julius Cresar," act :i, scene l, "I charm you" seems to mean " I adjure you." When wo speak now of a ' charming woman we do not imply that she ' sings an Incantation to us, but there Is a 1 pretty flguro ot speech In our use of tho word 1 We mean that sbo has tho same command over us as if the Incantation were t'ing and wo were bewitched. A Vrettu Effect. &o long ns Ices remain at the head ot dinner ana supper desserts, just so long wilt caterers rack tbelr brains in trying to serve them fancifully. Thoy are now given to us la Imitation ot a dish ot walnuts, pineapple lco serving (or the meats, and cotreo cream repre senting tbo shells. A plate ot bonbons was handed around at a recent supper, and with it tho customary silver tongB to take out what seemed to be tho creamed walnuts. Imagine the surprlso of the guests whon they discovered that the whlto centre was Iemoa lco and mat the meats wero of coffee cream. llublet in Japan. ono rcmarkablo thing In Japan Is tha numDerot small children and babies whlcb are strapped to tho backs ot other children. Heaven only knows where they como from. In Germany there Is a legend tn tho effect that storks bring babies. Perhaps tno great number of storkB in japan are engaged In the samo pursuit. A lleautlul Jlatque. Heliotrope wool w 1th rovers of green velvet and glrdlo of the same color; chemisette at pale hcllctropo silk. Three yards doubli width goods. Hickory Xut CooMet. Heat four eggs very light, whites and yolki separately. Into tho yolks allr two scan cupfiilsof sugar and then the beaten whites Add n pint ot flour, a heaping teaapoonlul 0 baking-powder and a pint omuls cut In sml pieces and rolled In flour. Mix quickly am thoroughly, and drop a small spoonful at 1 time upon greased and floured pans, riaci halt a nut tn the middle 01 each cooky am bake In a very inoderalo oven twenkj minutes. t