Newspaper Page Text
I THE WORLD; THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY ."), 1893. 5 $$H : . V v.iaaH IEU1 AT THE STAGE DON. f Theodore Moss TalkB of Building a New Concert Hall. ii " Tlie Corncrucker" to Mitlco lis io Debut at the Kourteonth is Street Theatre. It ro lr Tbcoilcio Mo3'i says that as ettiycuuy I1 items to bo building iucatii'3-on paper, at '" n i ate lie li not coins to lio outdone. Ho ' wants to bnvo ono Iirtise inoio thun iinjboely ' (1st. 'IheSjlar ancll'nliiicr'ii are not enougu 19 for liltiv. Mr. Moss owns n good deal of lietui on Jerome avenue, uil ho declares tliat as It It going to be to easy to got tip mere, lio In. f tends to liultfl n concert hall where folks can to enjoy n 111 st-clv-s t nutlet Ilia entertainment, ir .nilaitsoit bomollilm: after the stjlu or Uio of good oM-llmo ones famous i'loncli Jardlu i. jiabllle. l'orliaps .Vr. Moss is Joking; ier- I taps, lio 1 In earnest. At au rate, Hint Is io .tiat hasays. 'lbeiols a guucl ileal ot laughter (nt lie liliiltoul ail tiictulk about now llieuti OS tbit ore going to bo built, bald Manager Giimore, of tho Academy of Music, yesterday I "lcueis tborowlll lea few theatres tor bale r. won. Theatrical monngoineut lu New York a : not In such a tlt-urlahlng condition. A s, itar who come S hero mid plays to good uusl- d ie'3 lor a low weeks Instantly thlnss lio has n irtfibttoa lliejlie. I'ahavv I" Nat Goodwin, ir F. s. Millard, lloyt A Thomas and a few is ttbiis are at present building- houses ao- Hireling to report. ,r ... r Joseph Arthurs latest plaj, ntrably entitled " ihu Cornet acknr," will liao Its tl rat pic (Suction In this city at tho Fourteenth Mreet IScatro Oct. I'. 'lhc pilnclpal character Is a aidtoboan Illicit distiller. Tho play wltl lc tcjiesi'titcd In a eiv lavish ininnci, and It lsrM'ccted that " 'Uio i oinci acker" will b- riTtil " Illue Juan1)." Is ... n Mi. and Mis. ilnrles Manners, of london, T hue Just arrived In this cll.v. 'Iheyhave tmili been pi eminent In English operatic cl', having uppeared In ginntl opeia at loi ent Garden, and wjth tho Call Itosa and 1) in ley Caito companies. .Mr. .Manners is a 0 Ualnart Kngllsbmau n sli-fuotei and Is Hie sou of Col. houthlsto Manjergh, a t etcrnu y trtllleiy onicci of tho UUtlsli servlee. Mr. s Hua .Mrs. Manners have been but recently l.ii-rled, and tlielr wedding wan unite a s,mcII I , oijiilr. it took iiluco t "-t. (ieorge'H i hai 1 1, a llanotci biUui'. aid tin; brldo vvaaglien II mvav b Mr Mi roll Mackenzie. Ml. uiiuMr-i. r .v.utuners mii make ilieli American duLiitnt the .soldi Conceit at the I tno Ueemn fcun 9 (Uj nlghr. Ml-. Manneis Is known on thj T opsrauc stngu us Mlsb 1 anuy Mosliy. T ' trod 'lltus, the husband of Miss l.jdla i amans. Is very much rlibgusttil with farce ciinedy and declares that Miss eomaiis shill never again appear In that lorin of 0 (ntirlalument. "l-he has no clunco to do anjihlug," Mr. Titus complain. "Mie has to diess lor a certain tharaiier and Is tied if down Hay to ono part. There is no 1 oppoi tunlt to shine. All she can do Is to . Unga ion songs, nho doesn't like It, and 1 0 don t like It. I nm in hopes that when Mr. Kusscll returns from hurope-he is now on 9 tho ocean he will strensthen her part in 'A t-oilety Fad." lie can ilo that en easily, r and I am suic that he will" f ... 0 Max Freeman had a ery unpleasant duty r to perfoini at the Casino Tuesday. It was to , tell Marlus that ho iniild not nppear n;'uln in "The Icnclng Mnstir" and that flimles 9 Hopper would return to tho companj. 1 Jlanus was very nervous Saturday and Monday and his sinKlng was hurt by a very severe cod. Ilo is, howovcr, a consummate 1 artist, and the company weru dumfutinded when Mr. Hopper letumed. Hoppers lather, who is a rich mun. was so delighted when the Management had to usk Charles to return -after bavlug dismissed him that ho pic- , stated tho joung man. It is said, with u k i crime J check for t.",000. tounas flshy, ' ilocsn't it? l ... r . .1. Henley nnJ Aubrey llouclcault, who started out this season as co-stars, have tc arated. although, it U crawly asserted, the partnership still exists. Mr. Henley opens a ihulnlou bquato Theatre Monday night In ' Capt. Heme." llouclcault remains In i allfornla, where It Is said he will star In "The shaughraun," his fathers famous l'lay. . . , ' A, c. t.unter presented cyill Tiler the ether day with a set of blsnoels He met i the boy m a musical solieo at ltudulph Aion- sun i house, and Tvlcr tald Io him "Ml. 1 i.iintcr. I read all oui books, and tho lust 1 cm' alwajs seems to me tho best." This titkleoMr. Guuter lmmenselj. icrsomc ttmo past rumors hae been tlr i ctilited to tho effect that Augustlu Daly cAld no longer rest content with ono cntn-nle- that of his syick company and that teliitiodrd locnlarg" tho Held oi his opeia-tlrn-. T his gnw list to tho report that Mr. Daly was going to send out Ada ltehin as a fctar. T his was crenlttd In many quarters. It is now bald positively that such a report Is absolutely untrue. Mr. Daly, It Is asserted, has engaged Hemy K. IHxsv for n proiluc tloti of " A Midsummer Night's Dream.' l his will bo provinted at Daly's Th"atrp mm boomed, alerwbl(.h It will bo sent ttiroiuli the country, where It l cMwcti'd tint Hie i omblncu loae of Dkoy and Ualj ' namu will make a Icrvcnt appeal. ... "Mncty l)uj After Datn ' Is non bcpig nlligetitly rehearsal, tihictte, the author m thu piece, has teon supei Intending tho re hearsals 1(. A. Hobcil-, tho "tae manager, has had plenty to do, as the special lu It to Iw particular y ismuptuous. Thero will bo bul lets, but no in nunimimunun-thank the stnis tot than ... I'nugero did net sail for Kut ope after all. Instead she went to Murrain, where sho Is nun slrgiugwith a ailelj company. It Is saldthtt too fill singer quite resonlod thn Insinuation that sho nad uttiuicil tu hir native land. . Philadelphia must bo gating r.tilte llvclj -foi cleat, chubby old Philadelphia. A ivil'ei in that city sijs- t.ottlu Collins doos'Ta-ra-ri,' a horse at tho Intel l Ircus does Tu-iu-ia' niu a eat at tho ll'.mu Musoiiii noes 'T'a-ra-ia.' What a combination tho Ihtce would make In one- sIioh.' T'ony Pastor enl to teo "The crust of Soilety ' nl iho t nlun MiuaioTlHiitio jestei uay nftcriioon. but It iniisl liai been too naught; tor him, as he did not stai long Miss ifailo Wainwilght was also there. Wcdncviaj matliiees are great Institutions for lliealiical eople. THE GLEANEK. It was a matter of history at Asburj l'aik that a small fortuno In lost money and Jew cliy peacefully uuiltr tho ralliond station, and wheu It became known that tbo station was to bo mowdback tvunty feet a croud gathered to "work thoUaitn." When the big platfoim was torn up a tcramblo tn sued. one boy secuicd f:u in small coins, whllo others picked up from .'. to sl'.'i. T wo valuable diamond rings fell lu the lot of a diligent scaicher. l.lttlcllob l-mlth, of Mitlc), lias distin guished himself. llcrtha Donaldson fell through tho lco'on antlcaw I.akujesierduy, and Bmlth hastily formed his companions Into ix living chain of which ho was the hend. I.ajlng tlaat on his faco he giasped llcrtha by tho wrist and at tho word his companions pulled on his feet and thus dicw the girl lrora the water. Thero have been some conflicting state ments regarding tho accident In which Mos tengcr Hoy Crum was run over by Mi. nn derbllt's carrlaze, but tho facts arc that the occupants of tho canlagc wcro Cornelius anderbllt, Ji., and bis sister, and alter tho accident Mr. Vandcrbllt had the boy taken to the hospital In his caulago and called a cab to tako htm and his sister to their, destina tion. . ono of the most ridiculous rules formulated b.v thu Kilo liallroad ofllciils Is tho one gov oinlug the losi of tommulattou tickets, hvery ticket Is numbered and bears tho pui chaser's nauii, making identification an easy matter, jet, nolltbat.indlng thK tho loser Is obliged to purchao a new tlcktt, a pro lata rebate bolng allowed for tho explied period. Thu consldeiatlou is made that should Iho lost ticket over turn up tbo mono paid for a new one will be relundul, but apparently no proviso Is made for cases w hero there Is no possibility of tho talucd pasteboard ever materializing. When a bank check Is lost and notice Is given tu tbo bank upon which It Is drawn, tho lesponslblllt) of cashing tho cneck Is placed upon the institution. Why should not tho same rule apply to rallroal tickets when they aro mado out In tho purchaser's name? Itegular commutcis nic known to tho conductor, and there is slight possibility of any ono tiavelling upon another's ticket, but the benefit of the doubt Is not accorded lo tli unfcr.unate passenger. A legil opinion rcgaid'ng the enforcement of iho iiilu would be oi Interest to the travelling public. Norsoncr Challenge Skater Hngen. ii- jrrnrTiryn r..l Vkt bi I'Eiuor, Wis, Jan. Hugh Mc- Cormtck uiid Harold liagen will slntoLcre to-night, llageu announces that he has re ceived a challenge irom Isorteng, the Norwe gian, iateij arrived lu .ew ork. Ilugeu will reply that ho win skate lor i&OO a side at seme place to be agreed upon. i When Baby was sick, we gave ber Casiorla. When she n as a Child, he cned for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wbaa ate hid Children, she gave them CaitorU. The transfer ticket. The Innocent Cause of a Series of Misadventures. It was 7 o'clock ntiil Marjevnl hndn't come in vet. Naturally mailaiue. Ins wife, Hipinteil little blouilo of six nail twenty yean, was in a very lml humor, us wns 'to Toiuotlo, the bonno, who hft'l looked intbito limes nlrcnilv lo nunouuee that the tlumir woiihl ho ilono ton chip. Vliutm tho world had happened to h in rtomiinrclilrut, of course; foi, oc ctMo.uiiltn leavBthe olhco at au cstab 'then hour I'hillipo'H ai rival could usually Uforoiold to tho lninutc. Heady it was fiflltfil' rhilllpn hud sureh heeu ruu iter' J hut Montumrlre crosslnc, doubt ' Ho was no reckless ulvvnjs, with aunbbnlitio umuia for erobniug n Btrcet h n it wns tilled with n pack of ehiclos! Hark ' mi, n hey grates tu Iho look ! ' i oiuelto! luoiibieur comtb quick, bring lad lllinr!" '1 liu door opened, JIar.'eval entered, his -fMlow tohiiu. "'llicio wns an nccideut, then, l'liil ''"' Vou sun hint, tn.shcdot last? 1 lin ft. I (old you so! .It doesn't astou. "" mo tho hast lu tho world!" "llmt? 'Jrushcd? What tho dotico, J'anuctte. aro you Inllung nbout ? How ft'U'il I 1,0 crushed.' I'd like to know f" " Hut -such h lale return !" "Ii. I boo; but come, let us have din n'. I'm dying of hunger. I'll tell jou ubinit ltntthotnble." Vi jouplcnse; but f-Ytrythlnc's driod "n now n0 ,n;tor. (housh, since Juu w no bouts broken." "d while Lin wlfo placed tho screeu, Tin 1 up th gas mid ran liur ejo over ae si,v(.r to sto that uolhiuc nns lackiiifj. '"nval drew o.T his topcoat nnd mopped Is It -i f,Jr i, jmij cjeftriy i)ctu ou ,ue rubtoiei(!ihoine, lit rtiiiitttely, as he drtw out his hand- kerchief, he pulled out with i. nu onini bus transfer ticket, vrhich foil on the floor unseen. 'Iho edge of his hunger blunted, nnd while iiltiukiug the leuinius of n pnto de foio grr.H. I'liillipe bceniuo coiuiiiuuipn- ! live, Bt'd told bis wife that passing the louiso comiiig liomu homo ono had i ihppidhim ou iho fbiiulder. nnd that "fonioone" was no other tlinn 1'ioiuliiie. I Madniuc tipttlted her iou with nu air that enid plninly : "And who, pray, is l'roudiuo?" " Proudmo, you know," continued her husbnnd, "whom I've told jou of a thou saud times, and whom 1 met at Vinceunos. A regular cbaracler, that fellow, a jour nalist, prnct'en! joker and out-and-out lloheminu! It's five jmis blnce I saw bun; judge, then, of iu, nmnemeut and nlen ii e. for Proudiue und I weriMilnn1 crcat.i-humF. llrielly, we entered Melon's to tnku an nlbinthe together l'loudlun was joking and talking, and tiuio paised beforo I know It," And dinner finished, Miirjeml got up, whistling cheerfully, and iabed to his loom todou his slip-crs and smoking, jacket. I Slennwhilo his wife assisted Tometto tb clear the table ; they sat in the i-alle.a-niaugor instead of iho i-alon Lecauso it was wnruier and mado it noco-sary to kiej) hut ono tlio going. In fctooping to pick up n napkin, sho Middvnl," 1 erciivcd thu "ttaunfer"on tho carpet, aud iiieu tally asked herlf "How d.d that Bcrnp of pastebrnrd come lberev" add. ing, nnlurnllvpuough, "Pliilhpo dropped it, of loiirse " Marjoval mst then returned win tho last new uovcl " You walked lioiuc I think jou told ne. I'bil'li'P. did ou not 5" Jeniinotlo SPORTING NEWS AND NOTES. Skater Doiioghuo's Dander Up His Sweeping Challenge. Columbia Colleije lJoi Are Uolns In for Alliletlo. It Isanciliomcly "close" senso'i that the skatci shave at their disposal to score maiiv aculfvemcnts and at tho simo time gather together enough emoluments to nuiko the gamo woith the caudle. An I that Is vvhv tho vonlKiful Hit lu woild- beaiei, .In Douoghue, nt Now burg, is ihoiou.'lily In censed nt his Inabilllj lo gel on n in tt.-li with the loiid-sbiiiiilut; pr.-fesl h.v.s who hav ) all along leeii catlng cartels at him oun.j Donoghuols jel to skate his firs. piolpH-lonal race, as It was only nt tl e uiitM-t 1 of tho current season that ho shied liu cantor Into tho iioHsMcunl Hug and deelaicd his willingness to meelnuy or all of Ui-iu. lie- I plies wire mado mining htm to Minneapolis i and to si. John, N. II., and the.voiithtul .Sew- burger wont lu .Mlimoapolli', but rould not ariangu a meet with anyone, lie returned yesterdaj, and to-d.i ho Issued a cnuiMc cartel, lu which he specifies liagen, thu ,oi- wcglan, who claims tho worlds chunplou- I ship, and to htm ho will give twenty seconds I In a five-tulle stralghtawav race on any couiso on the Hilda m Itlvcr that liagen may select betwien Now v ork ond Albvuj. Donoghuc goes further, and chailei.ges Hn:i n to.mj liuinber of races tliat he mov ileslioon any inlr cowmi within ISO miles of ihlni lor 1.000 a side, u. If he le out otiodd) i inone), .lop will go hliu turn bunch of banan is. i If these otitis leinain umiceptcJ i liagen, I)oiiot,hiiotujsihey nieopen to Mc.f'(.'iinlcK, lireen or any ckater in iho world, tihdcipr- dally u iulph Norseug, a .oi wegi in who 1 has been hungering for a till with Honoghiii'. I Norccng aiilvcd In thlscoimtij vest Ida) on I the steiimtr leeiund Irom Coponhapii and I ho will haw no escusu to otli r If no doesn't inkesotnu heed of tho New our bnj's in phatlo deelarnllons if lionoliue en n not air.ingn a race with tho jirofcs-li nals, ho hiys ho will haw lo stay In tho aui'iteur I I inks and ndd to bis cMtnblvorillculuu of I medals and cups. Columbia Collo,e bos aro going lu ear nestly fur athletics during 'u.t. Atn meptlng last night of tho Hoard of Directors or tho ( olumbla Collcgo Mhletlo I'r.lon, iho subject had eueiislvi lonsidtutlou unJ ileclalvu uetlou was takci as icgards a 'laisltj crew I ami a 'Vnrsity ball team. I hi' standing colu mn toe on rowing reported th it tho niiterhl for a good crew was ea-ll) obtainable, although tho total pxpcno lot r lie Ii iinin- lenaiRe would be about $,"iiun. Ii is undci istojd the noicssnry montj can lio I raised and tbo committee wai ti'UhurDcd i to luocced Willi lull ponei. A moll. in piovalled to oigimle n 1 iJI team, as it would cost but $500 lo start one, and W. II. I Tell, of the ITtisnurgs, was named as iho 1 pioioi expcit mciiach tho batteries. There arc nit) -sit candidates lor plans cm tho ball learn, ami the), legethii wlthlhc applicants lor spats In the ercn, will go into gymtiaslum training ncl Mondaj. A meeting of the Middle Mates Kegatta Assoc! itlon was held ul the Hotel Marl borough last evening, and delegates repre senting about a doen rowing associations were present. Ilttln business of importance wasdene, howevci, Deyoud tho accoptuneo of the resignation of tho Institute lloat club, or Newark, and the adoption or nu amend ment to the constitution, stipulating that thonunuil election shall lake place on tho socond Wednesday lu Februar), until which lime last night's mooting was adjourned. T he T i easarrr's report vv as terv satisfactory, lu that it showed an absence of any Indebted ness Willi a small balance in the Associa tion's strong box. ... Tho Crescent City Athletic Clubs opening attraction In its new quarters In New (Srleant, will lo presented to-nignt.wheu Andy Hovwn nnd ,loe I lelden liulit lo a nnlsh lor a :i,ooo purse, llowen Is iho favorite Hi the betting. ... Jack McAullffe, now In lioston, Is nut with a statement that he Is ready to mei t Hume at 1:1:1 lounds nu a puiscor (ao.oou nnd net less. Ilu adds that hessw nnlptteis.whlehln tluiated that Purge was anxious to nriauge a cut nnd dried affair. Jack will look boih wnvsnt once in hlscrrorlB to Unci n eiub thai will put upaj'itl.onu puiseln the light of re cent events pel mining to tho scrap between llurgc and himself. Tho wlicsserd a story from lolumUus, o.. to tho effect thit Jim Corbet! says he whl light once moro.nnd that win ce withcharlej Mitchell, ecu Belt legirds his lost meeting Willi Jackson lis his victor), aud that If he shuuld gu against J'elci again It would not be acli.iw, but a eonciustvu vlctoi j, with Jim as tho top-row man. ... , The first of tbo championship contests In thu annuals of iho A. A. I. will bo held to- night In the PhlladclpbU Academy ot Music, and ibc'llmils will take place tuturday night. capital programme has been arranged for Montlaj. .Inu. HI, by the Hamilton Athletic l lull In the Clermont Avenue Kluk, Ilinokijn. T bice bouts are ou tho card, two eight rounds and ono six round meet. A lively mill will bo seen lu tho bout between Hilly Trust and asked carelessly, nu ho came in. " Oi did you tako nn omnibus ?" ' ' No. I walked, as I snid." "You mo sure jou walked ! Think well!" " Certainly. I'm sure, and what should I think about: 'Iho office is only homo twenty minutes frora hero!" "You are positive then, rhillipe, you did not " " jjco here, Jenunotte, this is n bore! Why should I say I walked if I'd taken a 'bus ? And why do you nsk this ':" "Why? Oh only to know whether j on arc fatigued." " What an idea!" And Mnr eval installed himself in nn easy chali I" Iho tire, book em his kneo mid papei I. in o in hind, while .leaunotte took her sci opposite. Mine. !. Marjoval. hovvcter. elooi watchinc liim, was uiciilnllr discoursing with her-eif. "'Iheio's boinclhiug uiiilor nil this," thought she. " I hnven't been out of tho honso to-day, no moie hab Toiuctte. 'lius ttausfer coitldu't hno got hero alone, Iherefnro m hushnud brought it. Ho has taken nu omnibus tc-dny and did not wish nio to kuow it, iheiefore Ilo hat been in homo plucu that ho seeks to eon. ceal from nio ! Hir, delaj at diuuer, loo j ah-h! I begin lo sec that talo of nu old friend nt tho cufe was puio invention. I'hilli) o ib clei' mc, aud I am de. ' lerininod to know why !" Aud, rising eiiileth, she thiilst the f mucin r, del et beliiud a rauilelabrii ou tho I montelpieco-I'hillipe, absorbed iu hm book, seeing i culling. " 1 am SJing lor my woik," taid she, and left thu rjoin. Five miuiitos passed aud I'lnllippo, still leading, look long pulls at his Dipo, something was wroug with it; It refusod to draw, clogged and went out l'hlllipo roo impatiently for another mutch, and groping cm the mantel foi tho box, his c.vo alighted ou the trnuifcr t c.'iet. ' "Holloa!" l.e cxchiiinul, " Jean nctte's been out to. day' 'Ihe Hon Miirchc again, of couiso, though she snjs sho never goes there" Jenuuette jnat then rrttiriicd. embroidery in Laud, nnd I'hillipe said carelessly " You Invo been out, I sco, deiucsl, to. dav. iu all thit bad tver ther " Waller Campbell nt 1:10 poinds. Mlko lcnuaidnud trunk Streln at six rounds. and Mlko Mulroy and hddlo Uieb, r, feather weights, nt eight rounds, will add to Iho In terest. I.ddlu ilarilson, the Jockc), will bo' retiree. i John I.. tutltvan lias split with hlc latest , insnngcT, hrank Moi in, nnd thev are slid to have Hilled In IMuglikippslo list Mondti) Moran Iuj been 1 1 Neiv citk loi the last lew cU)s. Jack slitnn, the big (nun's rpiriln; partner, was taken to llellev tie Hospital last ntght suffering Horn crimpelns in His lift nun. Amputation Is feared as utiisai). ... Mlko Daly rovted a JlelO fcrfclt jestordav nlili the .sporting IMltur of Tiik Woi'in to nirangj a ughl with Austin illbboi s. ... 'il.n (uliiinbii Alhlctl' c lub will give nn enleitnlnuient snuiMi) night, Jan. ", nl the cliib-buuse, ll."i last ScU'iiuenlli sued, when tin re will lr loin iiioiession il bouts, w tileli cniLMit in bp c r.i kt rs. ... I i II in Hill Ii is selected Ids tiitnlng ciuaitcrs , lu I akewoi el, and hu cottage H lis than n inllu distant rnuii Preshloui cievelind's man- slim. Hall will set.lo down to "haidpati t CM w ek. ... i " Snbbv " ( ilk, an I ng lh liatnei, ai-i lived in mis i uciiiity vc'UM lav and lett lasi. uljhidoi notion to consult liur.e. The National Mhldlc Club house, nl Lavvton street an. I llmadwav. HieuKlMi. was destioved liv lire last nlgUi, ai d .1 pugilistic landmirk swept away. THC WORLD OF LABOR. fast voir the swllchmon's Mutual Mil Assecailjii orgjblcd llilj-lwo ueiv local branches. lioston workmen agitate ngnlnst tho re newing of chatters lu sticet isllwa) com panics. II Is eVImatiM tint ihe total funds of trades unions In llrltnlu amount lo about .'.' per capita. The National 1 xpcutlve lloaul ol Tiado Assembly aft'.', lv. ot J., Ilinss-wurkeii. will meet at Miildeu, i nun , next Miiud.i), Musicians lu Uiilves.ou, Ivx , hawotgati led n union which. II Is said, includes ever) prutcsslunal leilnuiicr In thai ell). Clgar-lnakeis uio on strike at I'aisons's thop, 4N1 llioadwny. Tho luejl Miiku Coin nilitic akselgar-makers tosta) nwu). Olio j ear ago theie weienno liundiuil "lat" pilnteis In (imalin, Noli. Now there i.ienot iuvei ndoeu. oignnlatlou did It. Mllkonf tl.o llnlltli Mnrlilo Mooate-Work-crH I nlou loi eight bonis. About .Mil) men His, mil. lleacleiiiartcr at claruudon HnlL To raise a defense fund the haddlo nnd Harness Makers' Interiiatlonil 1'iilnn is colli celng a per capita tux uf gj cents per month. Manhattan 1 odgo No. 1, mganlzed by tho l . 1- I ., will huld u legular im cling to-nlglu at the Harlem F.xchatigc, Itsiiel Third avenue, i at 7.110 r. u. sui l". i lApcrlmonH me noiv being in uio lu Aus ttialluof ireemgmllk Into blueks, and II has , bieu pinposed to toriu a t nmpnuy which U to I expoi l such blocks lu hiiglnnd. I T h I'rogrcss Assoclatliin of Meam-Fltlcrs' I llelpeis will uolir a special meeting nest ! Tuesiay. All delinquent members will bo I dropped fioin the loll. I lioal Assembly ti.HUI. K. of 1 Paveis, I elected J. Tlmlliv. Master Worktii.ui; K. J. (lynn, Woiihy lorcmiin, J. il. I.em.ou, Ite- I enrdliig K'Cietai) ; W. II. Condy, 1 inaiiclal hcelelarj ; J. Hjruos, 'Irensiitor. Another nowspaper-wilttrs' union has been org.inled In taerainenio, col. Tho Denver Newspaper-Wrlteis- L-'nlon has te. celved a piesent of JlOU from (leorgo W'. Child. Amendments to I heir by-laws aro to be ills. cussed by ll.o member ot llranch ivj or thu WoiKineu's cienernl Uenclll I nlon next hai urday. Tbosu fnlllng to attend will bo fined aft cents each. Newonicersof 1'akors' fnlon No. ,"T; W. Smith, President; c. I.inheer, Mce-ITesl-d"iit; K. Warreu. llnainlal fcecri'tnry ; W. Do Wing, Tieasurer; C. I.awience, Hecoid lngsecretarv ; M. l)e IK, corresponding beo unary; 11. Walson, bergcant-at-Aiius. Typographical I nlon No. il has asked Iho Supervisor of the t u Ha ui a not lo glvo any contracts for printing lo bosses employing non-union men. The promise vvos made that thu wishes of the I ulou will be considered. llcor;o llrut.schln, of Iho ornamental Pla lerers' I'nlon, wrs elected n meinbor of the Heiense I'lind of ihe Ilulldlng Trades tcellon uflheC. I-I. ycs'eriluy for tho unciplicd term of Dclegatu Taskui. The new onicersof tho Llcclrlc Wlremeu's Union ore: J. MeMohon, Pnslcienl; J. ltd gen, Vice-President ; F. Iejcrait, r-eciotarv : II. llamdu, Heeordlugtecielur) ; I T. Keating, luspecioi ; U. Conncis, -cigeanl-at-Arins; e. W. Iloadley, Walking Delegate. Tho Ilulldlng Trades section or the c. I. I. received cicdenlliils jisterda) irom tho i.lldeis' t nlon, John ilcllv.Tlmothv shrehan, Martin Carvln ; Progress Association of Meaui-lTlteis' llelpcro, Alex Martin, John J. Henry and Andrew llbeitun. i HUiksniltlis' Lnlou No. oil elected A. 1 brig, riisldi'iit'J. W. Hlgln, lci-Pusldeni; J. Muctun. Heicidliig Secietui) , J. Netige biuei, 1 Inaiitlal becrelnr) ; M. Ward, Treas- , unr: K. C. Mead, conductor, A. t brig, i: c. Mead, 11. I illy, Tiustccs; J. Ileimou.iiuard. Tbo salarv ot iho financial Bccietaryof 1 cablnol-Makcis' I'nlon No. 7 has been raise 1 tu $40 lor every ilhreo months. Theie Is trouLlo nt ashop wherit mcinbers applied for n-ilstaucu nnd the I nlon has taken up then cms- Ai the last rrgulai meetlnsof theCIUers' I'nlon the lollowlng oflkeisweii' clceteu: ITPsident, P. J, Murphy; Vht-lTosldent, P. II. Mckenupy; ltecordlug Seereinr, John tltrh; Flnauelal becretar), Geo. Henderson; "I.' No, indeed! Such woithcr as this would give n catn cold to venture out iu." " You have stayed nt homo, thou, all claylouc?" "Of course; nnd It isn't tho first time, either!" "No-o," mul I'hilllpo' "not tho Hist time and lo finish tlio subject, let us rend again." Hut if I'hillipe demanded silence of his wifo in order to return to his book, it was not lo oujoy more nt his case the pioso of tho romancer, but ninpl) to bo iindistuibod wliilo thinking over this ills, t'ovtiy of his vvifo's untruthfulness. " Somothing is hidden from uio hero," ho told himself. " I haven't been iu nu omnibus to-day. Toinctto nover goes out cxee'it on Hiiuday , this Iruuslor ticket didn't i omit hoio nlone nnd no ono but in" vvilo could hut ii bioiight it. hlie has been out. and sho wouldn't nclmit it to mo became she has been botnew here that she didn't want uio to know- Yes, it's plain as a pipcstcra .Icnniintte deceives me . that lunch, at hast, 1 know !" slid, resuming his book, I'hillipe, sought to take, up the interrupted thread of bin story. 1'iiiuk thrown nvvuv! liis e.ves wcie firmly lived upon Iho printed (exl but his (noughts woro flying else wlipro, ho simply could not road; lio closed tho covers brusquely mid slummed thu hook ou the table. JeannettP juiiipul with n little scrrnin, 'Heavens!" she cried, "lime vuu lost vourseuso , I'hl lips, lo star lie inn liko il ai .-" "'iell mc the truth, then, .leaunotte you did go out to-iluv, did jou not i" "Oo out-to-dii .' Look hue, l'liil. llpe," letumed Jcaiiuetto angrily, "this is a Httlo too luucii ' Whv. here foi ten niiniitis past l'vobeen buuduigtho needlu into my tinker iustcad of niy work, ub. sol bed bv iho thought that vuu ha I taken , a 'bus to-day end would not tell luo '." "Yes, cs. I know that may be, but you sny this now only to turn ilo Irom thu matter m hand. I beg of ou, Jiauuettn, toauswer my question -you did go out to-day. did you not?" I "No, 1 did not uudas it was I tint ' asked you a quest ou tlrst, I demand lo t Treasurer, l.ouls J. .Myersiu, sergeanl-at-Arms, Thou, (losll Heller d mn-lltee. I.. J. M)er, M. Mailliiaii.l A. Ctttaliacli, Mblir.i-. Hon i oiiiuititcc, A I't us its. iic'o. .Icgler, It II McKuiincv, Win. cour, John Kc.ll ; trustees, I mils llccker, llu.'h lllll(i), J, Im'II). J. scliiieier. Cue ilrlililtis, w. i oopc r, M. tiarvln. Ihes.iook, p. Intuit; Dclegales toi.Lt., M. ci.iiviii, .loli'i Kelly, l.t-hie-ban llieo ate iln mwl) iloclel of.lcrs if Mnchlnlcts' 1 iiiim No, id: I tank I li'iei, Mastii Machinist; P. sinnloid, l'al M'islii , W. Norton, lurch! in; 1. I- llulbdt, ion. cliiclor P. Hell, IteiiMirri ; ,1. A. llutchlnseu, SicTclai) ; C. W, Coldiian, MMitlU'l. Thespe'iptnn of tho 1) tense rumt nt Hit llulhliiig Irnles sppiieui eif the i I. I . ic ciuesltd the dilluqilelil I'lgalil.itlons ev. (Urdu) lo pa) their dues wltlmui luriiur i delnv. Tho-.iv organ nl' lis w im f nil lo liu liieellatilv sdtlutheli nrteaiswlll havo their name's publUiied. i.porgn I. Horn, secret ir) ot Ihe Journi'jineii ili'ceisi.nd I o'lle. lb nei s' Inter i t nl. ii, his ii.iiistirrtd his unTco lieuii Uilsdlv hi deddeil Ii) the last Ciuvpiitlun of tnel nl m. llluiddrc's H now p ci box .H", Hetiolt, Mich I iv. in 1 till utiloiis are at pre'sent In niluars nub iinlr lues The receipts at till Wiico weic filei I.Mii't week. botit 1,'iOU jieciple ai-einblcd nl the Cooper ln-lttule )iierda) cveiiliig to bear I il. Willi em I liu subject or iiiiinlgr itlon Ihe i ol. Del was deddecll) oi p .si d to ah) restrlcileu of tmiiiluull'ili, e sceptlug the ex clustciii ot liliirns iiiipurli'.l nude r contract aim of piiipnis ami t lie mvotel the prop.'sttMu to uupcl sieamslilp c ui pntili lo n tin n Itiiiuliiraiits who me not .1. -stiuble. i on'ulai ii.spiill'ui, ml. Wcbir said, would bo li.ipiaelic ble. Miss Van I If n and Mops (inpdihi miei aln spoke. Ihe inietltig was piii.ed over by llenrj Wclssmnun, and 11 was hi Id under tlio nuspliisof thu sei-inlist league. Mi iittiin tlvi listener iimong me aiidleneo was sauiuel iioiiiper-. I'resldenl ol the Auicrlcin l'cdern Hon of Labor. Owing lo tho postponement of tho consti tution il ii'iiwniloii b tlio slate 1 rglslniiiri tlio New Von. stato labor lunsilliitliinal lonlerencc ndjouriied .vestcrdii), jiibjicl lo thu call of Its iirganlatliiii I omiiilltee. Iho Committee, which was enlarged to ilileen , ineinberH liv Hiding Heleg ilea .1. J. Ilalv,,!. ti'lirlen. c.e ugo I'lutsehin, J .1. Feenev. .Iinin I Ivellv and John Kalbi r, was lustiucle I lo ill all iisoliiiiiinsdeiiiiunitiig I lie I c uro lor again thinning tho will or thu lannrliig peiiUo liv ,uu. t her delnv lo coiistltiilloiial icrorm Thidoiuior adlun. lelntlng toiHies, Mns le-i llnlcil. il no heiicnloilb the lull I illiiu fee will be I lor each oiganl itlon, nu iisHcisiucuelo tic i.ilscdas seiuu as mum funds i .uc he-cJcd. luotloii lo Inilnise me uuu'l dales ot Ihe soelallst lab r part) tor deli gaiis to tlio i nine nl nm wa, not sienii.le.l. Several delegates declared tint II Is high time luriugniilod labor to Hike Independent politic. il art! in, and tint no lime shotihl bo lost lo foi iu u labor part). j"-t A sfrcisir, y?. henll hi ie ci- W-vy mnii iiistind of r l a "rd und -alVC',-. k) n i i i n k o ii o i cVl L7Mr T HeiiiniU like v5-ra'y) Jin Vi n uiifiit'le, Zt? m Wi doesn't Itl Hut Cl'T V B9 lilt isn't. It's V V II V only the nnliu- nrv, ier ilny woik of Dr Piorro'i; Povc nio I'lesciip tion just iho work Ihnr it wns mado for ll'sn woiii'in's medicine, cnrofully com iouniksl lor her by un o-.peiiiiicod phjsl clnii, nnd ailaptcsl' tu her dellcnto oigan Izntion It makes wesik women strong, suireritig woinun well. It's nn invigorat ing, lestorntlvo tonic, n soothing nnd bicieiiiR nervlno, nnd n ccrLaln euro for nil tho flint tioiml dcruiii'ini uts, pnlnful dis orders or chronic vwuknc-'ev peculiar to tho sox. Tor uleerntion, displacomcnts, lienring-down sensations, nnd "femalo coniplnlnts" of every kind, it's a ueier failiiifr remedy Among nil tho niedlelnes thnt claim to help women, 'Tavonto I'rcscnption" is tho onfcine that's oiKirrtnfVvci to do whit is promiscil for it. If it doesn't benefit or curr, you have your money hack AMU' HI NTS GARDEN TiefRE I!,TO1;J MU LILLIAN RUSSELL I A PIQAI P cii'i ha c oMiyi'i: i ii LH UIJHLL. VlhOM sDAYI V I MM., JAN II. mi: moi Mi'iiANKM.' IIV (III Ill.t.lA.N Itlssl I.I. I O.MPANV S,atl now en naif. TDEN MUSEE. NEW GROUPS. L PRINCESS LILY DOLGORUUKI. ci 111 w. on c.iii vn.r. DAHXO GABOR'S WyAL ' GYPSY BAND. lll.UIMf NNN ,'tll liiUN MM I CM. 1 I fcnhiitititl H 'I t Wo) t'-ftt MnliiifPoAt . MANOLA AND MASON. I "ii i w i:ui: ven . HA It I, I II OI'liliA 'llll i:. MAriSII. 1 II 1 1,1. lis ,X II tltT. Al THE IDEA. Ar"",M .iitvmL MAVCII'ltNITN Clll, I Villi . I'MI'VTItl. Mtrs. fill CAHV I.U. VVI 11 !THE SCOUT. hU NhXI WI.KK-1IIK 1,1 Is I PtKAIIISP X.YIMM Mil. Anil. 4(li r. and J.I.I at. t lllillll' tN A II ltd A I) ats it. Matinr.a I liClthllA V, SAICltDAV bo answered first"- and both of them cued out nt ono and the s.imo time "Did von. or did you not. tako au omnibus to-dnj .-'' With this there was nu ominous pause. Mine. Mntjoval, desirous of rieldiug her m If of an unuecossar.v witness to eou jugal iliseiissions. nnd whom the son nut's coming and t'oing m tho sdle.n.raanger giently nuiioycd, turned sharply and touched tho hell. ' "Iwuttto," snid she, " put Iho wood and coal in thu come r and then you are frou to go seu vour s sti r. ' I 'Jh door Intel smrcelv closed upon her, when I'hillipe. who hud lustramed his lagn only by drumming upon tho tnblo, burst out fuiiously " ihero is no use duijing it longer, , .Ii ani'i He. jmi've told mo a stoiy, nnd , luhl It to mo I c cause you wcie afraid to toll nn the Iriitli. I'lie imt is, and you know itwc II. all these c innings ami goings In ilm shops, tho .out re, Hon Murrhc, Ac. , are preti it- l in r u and sun pie, just as tho bath- etcrv Ihno davs n luilh I see it nil now is n pretext Hku all the nst. j l'ol that 1'vo l,e . ii, to have suspected I nothing ' 'lo luivu Hi; v i r oi en how I strange Ihesu bathing cxciiseb wcio! It is uiwavs so when ono has confidence "' " Lb.' What's that .voti aro saving?" cried Mine Murjevul. whom, very iniliii nlly.wc must ailmit, this siispieinu deeplv wounded, "if either of us has alight with which to roprone hono'nself, that ono is pot 1! '1 lie be cunstiiul deluvs, thcbe lllmsv ituses -somuliu es one thing, sometimes inn, ther ,i fiieml at the c.ilt, oveiwmk at the olllcc - in plain wolds, are talis, sowed with v lute thread! it in not the tirst tunc, eitlur, ihut i'tothought iho same, Mine, AiliUcrc. vour sous chef's wife " "'Ihetu! 1 knew it, I knew that inline would 1111119 up btforvtoti were duuu! Now, lo ii; vou, .li'iuiie'.lH, and mind what 1 f.vv -If ever jou sped, that name to uio again " "llueils, inoiisicur, ihreals to me! Well, this lb perfect! I'll go, sir. go nt oni'o link to my mutlier, poor soui! ihho'U not Lc burpiicd" " (io. go by all uioaus, nnd if .ton stay till I romu for von, you'll stay n loLg vvhilo"' jYow r ihe time tor Bargains in Furs. 1 laving purchased the stocl; of genuine Alaska Seal 'Jackets, Reefers & Box Coats, lull of tins -.eii-ims tun'.,' mil Iho IMc-sl slut" .from llio e'li'l iiiti'd III in of liniilv A I.u-s,ik, win, nic iitlung lion Inislne--,! wt: will otfer them as lollows: al SIQ5.00 lliatvveto $j65.CO. at $235.00, lliul vveio $2q5.00. nt $j65.00, that who fSO.OO. SilU Sicilian Fur lined Cir culars, Sj.1,,00, '32.00. $;,, $39.00, it s. 1 9.00. about 2 price. Astrakhan Capes $9.00. that v.i n lis mi. j Persian L;unb Capi's. .$30.00. tlllll Wl'IOjMO.1 1 Mink Capes S39.00. th it a 1 re f ,"'. Alaska Sable Capes. .$29.00. thai vvoiol'iciiii. Seal Capes 5'0.oo. WC'loliMVi Black Lynx Neck Scarfs $7.00 VnUlll I12 0H 1000 Assorted Muffs at $i.5o each. Lor d& Taylor , Urontlwav it 2utli St. AMUSEMENTS GRAND OPERA-HOUSE RESERVED SEATS. ""h-llti?;: '50c. WI.UNKbIIAV MAll.Mil. SATI'llDAY TO-NIGHT,'.lt -ANHIIIII'S -1 11. w and pnwriful tiialuilraina, THE LOWER OF GOLD. BIJOU TIII'A 1 rtr, l.rnA.lwny, ncr ..nth U 1 Tan I ii tl 8 ti Mat if, N eiliM'rtdiT inC hturitsy It I PM lits ((Mil IM N in tliKfciotilrit) firio. rniulmiliii' iinitir, 11 11 an I tintitttv, ASOCIETY FAD. TONY PASTOR'S. ,,,,..,, J,',!',, Y,v. Ave.. MA1ISPIS UlSliAt AlMIIUIIMY "Xuir "" MLLE. PAQUERETTE. t 1'I t Vlt'TOIII t, .1. tl. It HI. I, . Ilnunin 'rlii.riit'ii. I.ralrr .t. t lis. in. 14TIIM'. ill H( tl,l,.l AlhainlraUourt, 1 II ami 1 III la. I Hill. I THE MONSTbR ORCHESTRION ! nvi-rj a(lirnoon Bint unititf 1 ACADEMY iVniMSrvi,,,.'!.: Oilincirn Iutiikln4 Wu Ttvt apil Mauuffa. '"-'",;:;,'; BLACK Stat. IV nil a bat at 2 CROOK. 14111 SI Ul I I till Villi. .Srirr, ha.a I iHiilnira at H Matiup a VV.I un i ,sat I.AM It 1,1 IC f tni. I VMCIt s IIAM.Cl.SS la SUPERBA. Neit iviek ponttitHiy Uat ( uc(ciurnt UItijAana PALMER'S THEATRE. B" VS.' ,,., .. 1 ,::;,:: ARisTocBaev And one word brought on another in this bitter hvveet dialogue vvhkh. from Iho eiprossivo pnutuumiio that nccumpa n i'il it, was rapidly apornai lung nc risis when Midileuly n turbuleul stir ou tho stuircnsu win heard, thu pissago buck, aud 'I'oiuettc, red as an our-npo tciiualo. her eyes bloodshot, her drcsmlis. oulered, and followud by two seigoants-1 de. villi: aud a much Lo medalled little old inau, burst Orealhlcssly into thu t.ille.n. ' manger. I "Ah, niou Dun! 1.1011 Diou! What's the matter, vvhut'u happeuud." 'Iniiiclto, Tometto," cried Mine. Miujetul, alarmed, "itiick, lull us what's liaupuncd "' 'i'ometle, tho old gcntloiiinn and Imlh serge aiits-do-tlllo nil risponileil.nud kept on lespondliig ill excited chorus, m tlio ininlauiliu of s 1I1111I milt Un wolds ! " triiiiiwny ." " priiuii," " condiielor, " I " lleke t,' and " hi nest girl." Hindu tlu-'lu I selves luiird. Munetiil thleiv up Ills hands lo heaven. j "if inn all talk al emeu like this,' ho ! cried desperately, 'no ouu can under slaud. Mop. be limit. Ion spcik. lucili su ur, please," adilrissiug tho buiuedalleil old parti. " No, muntieui. no." 'loiuetlu cued, " I'm tho uiio sliould till it, blue u tho business i eun ems me. " Very wed." saiil .Murjovnl ; bill hrl calm v oil 1 self. "'linn, iiioiis.eiu und uicdiime, it vv.ib just Ibis w iv,. toil see. ily sialtr lives, ie, 1 told J uu ill the lino J'oulcl, JIlsl olf the llniili vaid Otiihiio. iilid to reach her house, as mad unci gnvu inn i triiiiM-lim. I took Hm v. "i triitinvny iasis below mid ileniiiLiitd I'trausfcr.' At tho liarn do Vl'M 1 got out, nm for tho hnint Otun triuuwnv. mat that iiiiuutu about in sunt, got 1 11. mid gave thu trnusfor to liu etui diictn. Hut 1110 conductor rclu.cii it. It whs uu . ood, lio raid, and I must pu.i over 11,'iuu " ' Wliiit .' said I. ' Why, it isn't threw ininules sinio Ihevgir-ult to uio ' Sec, voudei's thu car ou which 1 ciiuc " " 'e-,, jet, I kuov,-. ' sild the eoiiilue. tor, 'it's no good, I tell you; vou milat pay, I say, or fool it nit dcir.' , '"Hul I tell von,' I cried, 'I till you, uiousiiiir' mm$ stm $. v. m&m si., . y. I 1 i DRESS : NIGHT SHIRTS, I COLLARS, CUFFS, &c, &c. Vn'H 4-P!, I ISriN (Clll A,:., t) DKUSSHIURTS.'i CQf 1 r m sr I'nct NONPAKirt.) rlMI. 1 Sl ol ne client nutuUr, In tl r urn anil ' ,,,,.,,.. ,, UUUI V tH ' ",l MI'bl.lN. 1900 tu Id nun loioni.f T7.,I7 .1 IkH I rv KtlJH. tH Vopulnr tltndlinc ana t n Jiua. 1 I 1 rv irir,funiM front snrl link, ium ., J tH , .,.. ... , I l Ml. f'nt Mil atafo,l, contlnuoua -ni 'd TflH aljlca. lr It! Hi IS Indies I iallll 1 1-Olt 1 IM v w faclnir, all lmi.roTpinenta. A 0 IT 4 LH p ;. u:"v hUraii,oB biiniT o.4o. I ,m MP.s'.s 4-i'i.v f.traN iiLvmsi h naif j tjl lll.i: l Ull'l, In apiarc rind mim!' , ()l I'.M.AIJ.MII- Ill'IJ IIRI BS SIllIlTsA 1 Q ''jl .n.i.di'.l atjlM, lr. I II. 1V', P0 nf UIKA NOM'Mtll.t, MLS'flJlll i; jH '"',r ) OOlj, MX, 1,300, full r.loA KAH' H ifor-nl frcnti, patent routilunuaV FOR ' ! ''tt On loot TIciH H!' fa eic. tt.t. lMPlfjVI.Mi:NTa .flfl. ' 'M li.tcu. mLI run al IHOU linen liraom, full . l a t JaLH ( L''Mii'iii'n Ntmn sHiirrs il 1 'il relnfurtn I fronta, In slrca 13 to '"' , .., . , . . . ( fl J 411 1 fl flf liivrr tnii.Un, .Q IncSra loir.) LLi 111 ;H lh'cl"" L..IX, I fci'l ""'ira-d asil o-nbr'i.J'ra.1, ) ,,.,," iH EMJIDLEYnOE388"'" ll AMUSEMENTS. I IKHILIUHCIIU.1 I laninctd tiilJ Mat. Mun , Ihura., KM JlnC. 1(11111 I III.MIY I M Villi. CII.SU.S Ilt'UI,K.sgl!l-'CO. I UOslI l.l.K. I t inn iesiirj'i : . efflING MONKEYS.! H L I id ul Cotton ami hi UniLrya, J WJi SwL Itchf Cnrtrr, Mtmati with luir-f'a & m il tnani Mi LoniltarilM.ktiii'f throw rt 'JStnce ( os No 1, I ivh Orphan No 'J. arltty IliihriS 1 tilt t. In I it tf ,lnfinn. I "BROADWAY ,"!,;,.:.e 1 ho Mrtionolltan I'roiliicst.ou nf 111 NEW s!flllTM "'ti-AYti iihkiim: .m UlTi OUU III, jdsi I'll ii. (iiitstiKit, BTAlt Till ITIlT.. Ilroalwaran.l tllhal. I Tfinnja at H 13 Matlnpi Nalur lay at J tlINN t II tl, .11 IVM, , huppi.rleil lir I.tifn rlynitiloil, In ' im t ell i ik 1. 1 r. , Nilt Wttek, ,lan V, Iluinun ainl .Inllat PItOCTIIIl'N rill'Allli:. lt.iat2.MHt 1 a.t 1 lira, Nlg-lit. ami Parnwall Mat bat iii inc. m.i i. nritiiii-i- vmitiii: COUNTY FAIR1 CTU AUP 1IIIM1HK llrnailoaian.l'JStnHt. 3 111 ftVC. L,.,, 15 Malinaaa .Salillilar. ";;;::;:" deception. ppnpi c'cTiiitATin:. rttjri.C O jir Uanrt c Minor 1'ronrletot BnrilO l.MUODUC.'IMCl HIT, Kt-1 1 ititiiTiii:i("i nt km:. UtUUl-U sfll vt.f At His rarultal 1 ZXAllKIHAN'S 1 III' Aim: M.W' llailer, Mcr. Hi? Mulligan Guard's Rail IUft-t'iiM ar .Matlnrot I hatuftiaTj OKAMI DPI.IU llOI'Si-. tti-M'm' ! hriU.Or I (r tlrplml llaleonj, me. Sri' TH E 0 WEE OF GOLD. !?,AAV. N i wt-lt .Nllj Mc llfiry. ' Mil t at tturifcua.'1 STANDARD THEATfiE. '''jiaV'at,. JOHN DREW. "THE MASKED BALL. i H.R. JACOBS' THEATRE, Inua3!'.': uVWiS 1"sa, IGRUISKEEN LAWN. Noil NNcrk Imt lu er Vort, PiBHEf THEATRE. "tiZf B MllSB liana Mala. Special tlal. Monilar. WEBER & FIELDS' OWN OIL ItinQTU'C; MI'Silt M, Mil am auJ 'ItUh a' VVUnln O (!,,,,, i m A.lmla.lnn III cent.. C mint Olil.Uh I . I ran. p. rani Mi'fl A l'ii;f la In Ilia Ma.llval Plnfpa.ion VUlMIMltt ri'Ptllll', IJnn.147 llor. ;:,lV,;,",l1,,'-. I A FAIR REBEL. I vtilVVfl I.AVI.S Ul SIIAMItOtK " "A lie, tnuiig v.'orutiu; pavupnlonce, or off jou go'"' " 'I tell vou a 11", monsieur, I:' '"I hu wusloo much! IJniig ' nail such a thilinp us 1 gave limit 'Iho tonductor wn oing to slap uio in return, when Iho gentleman here, who had Fcen it all, m. lerposcd. 'Ihe ear wan all iu u commo tion. A sergeiint.dc.tillo cinitinud pulled me otit'ide. 1 hi gged monsieur, who lincl seou it nil, to cciiuo .dong loo. and then 1 dtmiinded tliat Ihengents bring juo horo fust, to tho hiitiso of my nu master, who would tell the in Hint I am nu honest girl, nnd did not seek to cheat the company, ns Hint fool conductor find '" "Mnvle, iiiiidtiuoiselle, stiggeMecl nu nguit smoothly, "jou had nuother tii'l.i t in 'our pocket.'" I " No, moi s'nir, only Ibis," answered I'ointtto. legiiiiiing to rummage vigor, ouslv " how could I, monsieur .' J had ju-t got oil the cm nnd" -- Sho stopped Hnddeulv, drew out her I mid, uuil thero in the palm lay tho dupliea'e of tiiiusfei number one. "Well " said slio blaring stupidly, where tllil I get Iho bad one that I gmo 'he conductor.'" Mine Marjeial, meanwhile, had btou examining the two bits of pnstboud thit 'loin.lte held in hoi hiuid. ".sic," ntiil she. suddenli-. "viheroj did vou get this imo ' j How should I I now, madiime ah ! I ves, now 1 seo it all." " ieil, will, quick, goon- where?" j " 1 nm, m.idatne, I urn going ou. . Mndamo reiftlU thnt Lefoic going oul I put ihe snlli-a.iiiaiiei lo lights, nnd as j Ibis transfer ticket was tlucittu upcu the iiinntel, I biiuhrtl it into uy apron in. tinding later to put it lutolhe liro " " lhatMme transfer ugiiin?" the eves of M and Muic. .Mnrjevtd tnid plainly, .s the, g inn e'll nl eiic'li other Mill sniiie insuiit tlielo wns.istvift ni-li lu tin corridor mid tho npartment bell peidcd tur.ously. livery oue jtiuiDed. ' '1 iiiiictte tlew lo open the door ; u g 'lit o. ' m.iiiwhoui n'. o had never seen be foi e' pubhod by her hastily, darlod through i thu mitc-room liko a meteor nud fell bienthlessly niton eha r "You. l'rouiliuo!" cried -Marjcval, amazed. I t im AMUSEMENTS. dll lvalliaoij U.t.VKhia Ijt.l Matlni-aSalnrilarata. S tii .1111. JKII.N sri Tll'- I' illl'AM" l.H In II," lliamallcTilumph oflliaKra.on, -iH TIIKnltl'MTOr MlllllC'lt. i'H Tlin play Ami iilayar. priinouncitl lit tlio nreaa and J? eXH I nl Ilo ooit'e l.uca .' M aH irnntail lur mil pl.i-il nnl .r lliia organlralton. AV(!U .N.ilU,,). t. ,. Hanlai in llipl. Ilirnc U.S.A. . ' cH Ni:n l Mi'iluiiiii'ATUi:. ', ;?H ts... .,... .,..,.. e)lh t. sad llraadwar. t ?-iH ts.CM M'l.llIIST. -In (innaeqnrnra of ih, rH BlrU.I.'SiiIi.i for plaiaa anil I..1I0. fur tlia fnauiu- 'iH jallun Main .il III., riiaatra, Jan. tl. ami In ordtr ', ,iH lu i-r.,inmoilati lliraa ri..u wioluhli. It liu E 'SM I roii O-elJi. I tn pla-o all Ilia Neat, and Hon. (a- 4taai c,UI I inaafiirlho P a.alou Hale nc Anrllon at 'f.aLfl Ilia Mimlard Iheatla, lu.aJax, t. 17, at 4.30 'SH CC.NINC1. IIICOADVVAV AND 3DTII 8T. 9tH hmnlniaat a 19. Matlnaa Saturday at 'J. f'lH Till. I'KM'lMS..!! fTflt, ,.' ral Willi .1IAICIK Tklll'lilsT.' - 3aM Aclmla.iun 3tc. hoata rtitmO una month atiatA, e lf .vtv'V,i;,?Aiir"i,,-AKTc.,"u:iov,-Mt- ifl " .CHINATOWN M Soiitniir nlgbt.45Uth parformanoa, Friday. Jaa.2l ilaccH MANHATTAN ;,'lof iingsAiTb'i?! IS lilallparal o..tllalltl byU A. Ilyruai AIIUrrlaoa "'2 ISOSTFIt . IIIAL'S. M.I. Hon., W.d. 1 Eat ''i ftaH VIOLETTE. MARINEI.LI. 'AHBEIOKLHEIDLEB. Ifl Kry l.teoluc at . U. Saturday M.tlca. V, j BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS. ,' M Git AND OPERA-HOUSE. tH LEWIS MORRISON. Ii1 A TTST ' '?B In hla hulllm Production of "- " - ;,'H I CtJLDMBL ",,WINf.lI;Fs co- ' ' il I'.rry KTsiuni;. .Mntlnaai w'ed and Eal. fzecal JANE, MISS JOHNSTONE RENNET. AMPHIOlM l DWIN KNOWLKS. B MIVir-niUlM, rrunrialor and Manatat. '-H I vary r.-nliiu Matluvaa Wed. and Sat. .aaH MARIE WAINWRIGHAnW- '; COL. MN.V M"W I'AKK I HKATiaC. )H Itila wHuk, with iiiatlnfi dnestlar A. .Saturd?. - M WM. H. CRANE .ajiffi, S I And Ills) adrn'rabta comptny wL.lAIUn H I Bl Dl OKI) AVK. TlirAIRK. t -'IsB I Now car'- wrk Matu Mon . Wr-d. nnrl Sat. iH.IIH 1 THE KHEDIVA. ifl l .Nail male. John V. Mr.. 1 fllcccel OAVhIY 1 IIi:Al ItV; IlcoldiTar 1 Throop At. i ihH I Llyde A llelimtn. Manatcara. 1 nla wek. matl- IcUaafl neaa Monday, lliuradty and haturday. I 'tLI I II VOL'S COIIliDl.t SK. ti'XCCCCCa1 Popular price. lioiofnreopanfrom'J A.M.to9 r.M KtiH "Yes, yes, I," stammered tho note- '' jHj romer, more breathlessly still. 'Thlllipe, SlB (i'iclc, tell me, did you find iu your 1 HB pocket an omnibus transfer ticket ?" ' l "This ono, perhaps," Marjoval re. If K turned wouderiugly, pomtiug to tho one f K in Tome tie's hiiud. .' jB "Ktiictly!" bhouted Proudiue, selzina IB' it eagerly. " Ilinveim! I'm glaU to find ' jB It! huch a chase no I'to had!" f JB "Hut look here, 1'roiidine, what does . :; m all this menu? Aud how-tho dickens did J iH that ticket get into my pocket?" ' iK " 'I ho casics' thing in the world. It . IB. eoinea from that del ilish mania of mine IB for practical joking ! I put tho ticket iu ' !B your pockot at tho cafe, without reflect- iBr ing that I had written on the back of it jHi tho address of a frimd a friend who ei- vKt peeled mo to dinner this evening and ' fM whom I uiusttiiid to explain." !B. Well." said Marjoval giinily, " if it 1 K wore not for our old friendship, Proudino ; jB However, let it go this time: only, iaK all I have to say is, that when you next K try .vour jokub ou any one it bad better m' not ho i u me'" (' tBl " What makes vou look so seriout, i 'U& I'lnllipo .-" '.K, " No matter what, as I sny, let it go; it's IIV' loo long to tell, but thanks toyour charm. ,1K, lug pleasantly, I've had uejuarrel w ith my lKl wife, aud Toinctto has come within on !'B aeo of spoudiug the night in a police hB' station." .'W 1'roiidine wns desolate, heart-broken, tUn but forced to co, to go at once, too, on i flK tho jump. Ho was booked for 7; t'was 'OK', now i. Madame, messieurs, Phillipe, 'ST old boy. an rovoir, nu rotoir!" !aH " Monsieur," said a eergeaut-de-ville to , iX' tho beincdidled and patient old party, MH ' it' time td were moving. Come, l,j idcuse. As for you. my girl, another time K" no more slaps, remember." (7111' Aud as the door closed upon the repre- ftK " scntitivesof Iho laws lllB l'hlllipo!" ' faW ' Jeaunetto!" ' llVi'. ' Will you tako back the the b..t.,, 8Wbj " Willi all my heart, dearest!" f'lff " Yorv well, then, I'll withdraw -Mmt. irBl Adelberg." IIS' And the transfer ticket being luefo now JilaOi ' iu rroudiuo's pocket, they fell into each HHiV other's arms, QH ' .Hf