Newspaper Page Text
IPT ' ' THE WORLD: THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5, 1893. 2 EHRICH BROS.! i I CLEARING SALE I SHOES. I S3.0Q LADIES' SHOES FOR 51.95. rl Ladles' Persian Kid W Shoes, plain or if with patent leath-) S 1 . 9 5 .jf er tips; valuo if $3.00, for ... if 54.50 LADIES" WELT SHOES FOB S2.9B. H' Ladies' "Welt ShoosA lis' in six different f styles ; also Cloth $2.96 IK Top Shoes ; valuoV i$ $4.60, lor . . . If SH.HD 0HK SOLE SHOES FOB SMI. I Kv Ladies' Fine Kid Ik genuine Cork Sole Ipf Shoes, adapted for) s 3 . 4 8 Ej cold orltender feet ; Wh Talue$6.00, for E TESTIM0N1ALTO SAT0LL!. VM It Is in the Nature or a Totttton WfM Blfrnad by Many Priests. reS Tie following petition hIklb 1 liy Ilov. Iir. K$ . K. L. BiirtBOll, of Handout, ntiJ oilier iroiiil lf ' sent priests or tno ilioccsci uf Now York, wf; Brooklyn and Nownrlc, 111 lm ronwirileil t Wul eTcrx priest In Hicho dioceses to-day for his t!L ilgnaturo ana acproral : Mr. Vftt. til. undrrnlunnit l.rlfiiti. of thn iHncein nT lir N.w York, llrookljn aon Jwwark, wlnli to rntf.t i&Ts. ilnt the ofTruiiv. anil Jn.u tlnu lil'if acalnittb. Uolr K ml tin moat Hci. Iiclenl.i ;t Mr. Hatnlll In the '.,iV. ,raW, lull) 111 KrK nnmli.r. of 1i 1J mint 2li, lH'JJ. In It.iuin- Tm$ m.nta rjjim a tlirairi rtillpit Iruin thn ficw Vurk 9Mi MUmtir uf Dm, 12. IKIli, iirpurlliit( In imuii Hum V?r Bt. LodIs. Wo comluVr Ita totin a not onlj un- RX catholic, but aa mttiTfrilTd nf the riui.l iiun tin, Vfi Jlolr Bo. Wo Alio tak. thl. opt ortnMty uf Imnr qiyr Inn toitlmonr totheconclliat'ityniiil win, eii.laiia. fflj which tho Apoatolic ll.lrgM.. ha. I'Hmiul $ galrd In tho oaoie of the llnl I'atlirr upon tlm . IJJL ralalloni of Calhollca to lb. public achoula . iff Tne petition mil Ik- prionti'U tn Slur. it Pj Batolll asa token ol esteem ior lili work. I jf Father Corrlk'an. ol llobol.rn, mhh ere.llleil R 3., with having written the ifiui-ii. Mit tin ill - j m Dies tliat lis Ulil no. Ilusajs liowevir, tliul I &, be wan akcd to nUn It. fcs Father Corrlgan cavo n tanquet joiti-May ' i' at his home In uotxihcu in liiniurnf hit nil). 9 A sixth birthday, and nt tlio prk'nH i whoalgned thn aboto petition wiro prosent. , Wf.4 lllshop Wlgger was lnMUil, bin could not attend. jj W Cnrbollc Acid br MlRtnkr. f jC, Mrs. Norltsa Manasln. tweiitytern yrnrs U old, ol 01 Oilier street, died lu tlm ( liittnlierH 1 htrcet Hospital early tills morning. haMnir vt thren hours beforo taken n hiinnliil nl i ar il Its' bollo dd at her homo by mbtul.o lor luedl- g cine. mn 7-lrib, from 7 to '.U...J Cs'i V Obililron's English Cnh- HI' moro IIoho, 1-1 rili,' y KJ fiomCtoOi ) ,tlUj Bi r Lailies' Cork Sole BootrJ,)Q QQ Mm tipped, worth -1.00. . . .( U,UU Hi1 ' K- Mifisos1 Cork Soloi $ Spring - Heol Shoes 0 j fl ; worth 3.50 PJ H Ladies Felt Button I 1 Q Q K Boots, worth 3.00 J 1,00 MaJaTT1r,"" T"i t" " "' --"" -"J " --fc--. j . i . ... ... . -. -"' SDG. LADIES' STORM RUBBERS FOR 25C. 1,200 pairs of La- dies' Storm Rub-! tytZn bors; value 50c.,( afcOC, for 51.50 LADIES' OVERGAITERS FOB 6C. 600 pairs of Ladies'v All-Wool, Tailor- mado Overgaiters; O C. valuo $1.50, for . S3.50 LADIES' SUEDE OXFORDS. S1.98. Ladies' Hand- Sowed Tan and Gray Suede Ox-fj qo ford Tios. for oven-' lng woar ; valuo $3.50. for ... m SIXTH AVENUE AMP 23P ST. LOST WHILE SEEKING OTHERS. Coyle Ooob to Plntl Slator and Chll dron and Dluappoarn. iiiv ArrcHiATrii rnra.i St. .topkrii, .lan. ." Mri. Iicnnli Coylo's ' klntui-ln-law came hero n week oro to visit liei brut In r. Tho other dny she took f'ovle's two jnunir clilhlron and Mai ted, oitenilLly, to a Catholic rhiiri'li tn liittn them linptled. Wnce then hlie ha not been M'en or heurd finin. eiii'nl'i L'ojle, beuonilni; ulnriiinil over the prolonged aliiemo or hit slstrr and clill tlii'ii, Mtarttd out in seareli for them. He, Urn, has IiiIIimI lo return, and .ill ir.ien of liliu ha-i bioii lost, .Mrs i nylj liiu, titun dilven nuurl) liisunv by utiMet). IlUtnrlcnl Fooletv'B Now Odlceri". .lolin A. HI In: hill been elected PrcMdcnl of llm Now lork IllilorlCJl (-oclely. 'I he other ollliers are: John A. Uceks, I'lrnt Mie I'rcilitont ; ,lihii A. Kcnnriiy, Second Vice I'riMdeiitt John IIIkoPiw, t'onespiindlni; r-ucreinry for the 1 ulled htntea; Kdtvurd K Ho Luiieey. C'orri'kKiiidln Merolnry lor 101. , i Ik'ii couutileN; Andrew Win hit, secretary ; i HnliiTl licliuli, 'lieatttrer Willlum Kelly, l.llirnrlau. round UnconricUiiin In tho RtrnM. An unknown lanii turn loiind tinconiclouslti friini of lot)) Mcond lueniie, ill 7 ii'lIouk this inoriiliiK'. llo tuts taken to thn 1 ast 1'llty- llrsl Miiet slailiin-hotiie. whero lie died be. , In.'ii nil iiiubilliuiio artlvei). lie nm about I lliliD-thri'ii tears old, hid lirunn hulr, I sinoutli lute, bliul; mereoal iiml derlii hat. j R. H7MACY & CO, S wxiii avis, lain to urn sr. I M Wo are offering the greatest values in our fifty departments. M Wo call especial attention to our fine line of NEW CLOAKS, just J received and marked at prices VERY MUCH LOWER than elsewhere. jf In Housekeeping Linens, Comfortables, Blankets, Embroideries, ' g Laces, Shoos, Men's Shirts, China, Glassware and Cooking Utensils a you can save from 15 to 25 per cent, by buying of us. HOSIERY. I f" Ladies Ribbed Blnoki nri l Woollen Hoho ) (il mi Ladies' Gray IMcrino) QQ Hre Hose f -ol) R, Lndies' Black Cashineru) tl Klif Hoso j i-r i vf 31 Ladies' Lisle Hoso, in i' Tan and Gray, Bibbed J I and Plain ) f j Ladies' Lisle Hose, Black ) Q I .. Boots, Light Uppers..)' .04: Men's Cotton Half Hoso, ', B- in Tan, Gray and Fancy ( i $ btnpcs ) jj Mon's Merino Half Hoso,! T Q A natural gray j 1 0 f Children's Wooll.'ii Hose,) Ql Lies' Muslin Merwi.. t'.'il I'luor, Main lliilMliik'. ) Jlailtt in aiiv own work' vnoms and marked at about onr-tninl frss than rahtc. I TjO doz. Gowns, solid yoke of I cmbroidorv, ' .64, .72 I 50 doz. Gowns, trimmed) Jfl 1 with omb'd insertions. .) I'rJ' Walking Skiits, 5 tucks) PQ ! and embioidoivd rulUut iJJ I ' Pillow Shams, mhroid-(1 Qf orctl l utile ; per p:iir..t l.tjj 200 doz. Cliildrt'ii's Canton Flan nel .Drawers, .24 10 ,62 100 doz. Infants' Cambric Night Slips, .28, .37, ,42 Also Special Lot of Short Cambric Dresses, em-i 7 broidercd ruillo ) ' GLOVES. Men's l'iquo Walkingil in Gloves in tan hliadcs, lilu good valuo for 1.50. . . .) 4 mi ri im i. . ..i n , .....i.. jwimlh. i,,.,, ... .1 O'NEILL'S 6th Ave., 20th to 21st St. GREAT SALE OF FURS AND FUR GARMENTS. FURS. 1,000 Children's Sots and Mull's in a variety of furs and styles. Fine Angora Sets, whito and colors, $1.29, FOJIMEUI.Y $2.09. Thibet Sots, $1.98, l'ltici:, ?a.08. Krimmor Mull's, 89c, WOIITH t2.2.1. 1,000 Ladies' Muffs, in Bern hardt, La Tosca and round shapes, in Persian Lamb, Mink, Ju'iinmcr, Beaver, Marton, As trakhan, eve. j'nie ovarii utiiiK, $6.98, FOUMKUIjY $12.98. Natural Beaver, very iino, $7i98s FOUMMtlA' ,?H.99. JACKETS AND GAPES. Gonuino Alaska Seal Jackets, $159.00 Upward, FOHMF.UIiY 22J.O0 UFWAltD. 50 Canada Seal Keofer Jackets, London dyed, $37.50 and $49.00, FIIICKS, IJ59.00 anil SG3.00. Gcnuino Alaska Seal Rcofor Jackets, Eastern Mink Sleeves and Collar, $198.00, FOIlMintliY $239,00. Tudor find Box Gonuino AhiBka Seal Capes, S89.00 to $189.00, FOUMF.ltLY 125.00 to !f250.00. H. O'ElU CO., 6th Ave,, 20th to 21st St. NEW JERSEY'SSENATORIAL FIGHT Jnmos Smith, Jr., Croiltted with tho Votort to Win. A bitter flKht 13 lion waRlin; In Nen Jeraey polUkkl CIreliM botneeu l,n, Alibetl and James Mnlth, Jr., the political le.ider ol hsso (ounl), for the seal lu the I tilted nutes senate Is boon to be nude, aoaut by ltutus lllmUett 'lliolltflil H ono of the most InteresllUK , has Hk'Uateil Now Jersey political ilrcles luiurs. lio. Abbett liUHlor.j; luen shaping life with n Mew to Miciecilln; MMialoi PloilKett. Ml. -inlth'r iniidldae), It Is said, bre rlUt.itnl I.) tils Irh nd-. He h. is, it Is in it-Mil. iht siipiHnt i f h Houses of tho li-Kisiaiiiri', .mil bus luilhei s-niTeeilul In dlM.ll'U i he d.'ief.UHill llidil Hudson LolMit), whii h i-. in.v Abti'tt s home. All III Ml'Heliii ill, tile llllllimilll Of tho Mute Henioir.iile i oimnltiee, Is miin.iKlni; ion bbett s i.iuipHlL'u, iblle a vers hiiiewit poliiiel'in In Ni wuik nuiiieil toiinoll) Is man. iinln. Ml. "until s iiini'. ine.ii m the piesent time Is bclluud to be as lull i- i . i. ,WrA. Alltv. Jivubifui. lii.iki-11 -J - 1 II irll nu.i, 1 - 1 l .in 1. 1 1 1 I np Mt) 1 K. el .. '.I l.lmue.lvr 1 - Hill. ni I .1 t HuntiTilon .1 Mirier .. . I .MUl.tlrra i Mmiiiiuutli 'J 1 Murrl .1 1 I'Art.JIIC J ,1 alvlll 1 1 1 1 hu.t , J . i t'nion . .1 1 1 I Warren ,,,, 'J 1 'imal tlti 10 "'J ZSecv.sary to a ilioKV, 2i. Froo Clusn In Drnwlntr. Tho free class in infchurjlcal drawing of Senior Etunlutrhchosl No. ;is, on NVest rifiy. 1 becond ttreol, near Eighth nenuo, will rc- 'open Jan. :i. .Methinlcs, Mudents ol archl. lecture, and thiw g at the trades ceil. entity will llm! there .1 npn ndld oppoiiunlty tn leatn lhorlneiileKi. mechiiiilculdi.inin,', I lie room Is well lu-litul and well eiiiliied lor the purpo-e. 'I In re i- ro un for more men In this class, livue wishing to inln linuM npnl) mi) school LVculut; Lctwtcu T.JJ aud U I o'llock, i'SVJiiu1 u.ntJjimaa.r'rLauiuiu?aaii-a.i.:'.i'.J (Mi CAPES. 215 Bright Astrakhan Fur Capes, $4.98 and $6.38, FOUMF.ltY S7.98 nnil 12.75. 50 Persian Wool Capes, 32 inches long, $4.98, FOUMEKIA' 10.00. 200 Ilussian Lynx Capes, mili tary shapes, 28 inches long, $7.98, FOUMEItLY $11.08. 75 Tight-fitting Electric Seal Capes, $7.98, FOUMEULY $14.08. 100 Canada Seal Capes, col lars of Alaska Sable Fur, $9.98, FOUMEULY $18. 7C. 125 Persian Lamb Capos, $19.98, FOUMEULY $35.00. 25 Monkey Fur Capos, collar of Alaska Seal, $19.98. FOUMEULY $30.00. 25 Selected Krimmor Military Capes, 32 inches long, iino fur, $22.75, FOUMEULY $39.00. 150 Canada Seal Military Capes, $24.95, FOUMEULY $39.00. 150 Alaska Sablo Capos, 21 inches long, $24.98, FOUMEULY $39.75. 50 Dark Mink Capes, Tail Etlges, $29.98, $35.00 and $49.00. FOUMEULY $31.98, $19.00 anil $B9.00. H. O'NEILU CO., I 6th Ave., 20th to 21st St. MARY MUrtPHY'i bAD bTORY. A Protty Irlnh Lnss Whom Ruin Mnilu Inanne. '1 he Inmates of the Mission of Our I.ady of the, h Mate street, are Htlll talklnit about tho utr.iiiijo visitor they had New Year's Ua. A beautiful )outiB woman, about twenty threo )eari old, knoekid at tho mission door New Yearn I te and was Kit en hholler. She hMd her name was )iar) .Murph,aud that blie was born in IMndoii, Ireland. 1'a hei Cithmluii I'lideniured to loam more of her hUioi),btu was unsuccessful, tine of his. issist.iuis won the wom.iu'sconri. Oeuie hum inortiliii;, howetir, and slio it lated an linen siIiik stoi). slm H.iid that hei father had nlven her a llbinileduuitl 'ii, and alter his death she de elded to eiinio to Ameilen. Mie had three brothers UMin; III New 1 ork. 1 lie ) ears oro Mie .it rued lure nut seemed an appointment, at. irattud nurse lu the llaudull's Island Hos pital. Mie fell In loin with ono of the young doc- toison the Mall, and he wrought her ruin. liei child wisbiru in thlsilt), audthen, she I blld, the) put her 111 .1 Cell I As she re. lied hei story she grew wilder Itintlliit ibWp'.lin sue Iciittno fieii7led and, up-ittliiir a putted plant, got dowu on her kuet s .Hid. picktui; up a handful of the earth, 1 cast it uter her tn .id. In a ltii-bl iitieivil then she said her brother i Michael lived In nrooki) ii and her brother I 'lluii'tli) on ilr-t sicnue, lu thlscl'). Mes sengers were sent out in llhd these brotners. Inn meiuitlm she Lec.ime so Molout that it liolleiiii.tu was called from tho old blip sta. Hon and she was removed. 'Ihebioth. r 'llunithy was found, and he rontlrmrd the wouuu's 8lor).addlnir that she becume lusme at the Llrth of her child, who 13 uow in tu .Marj's llotuc, Jersey til). Alcohol Kept Hlra from Frezlnir. Karl; this mornlnv an unknown man about thlrt).two, with dark hair and mustache and wetrltiK dark clothes, pea Jacket, lawn tennis shirt and derby hat, was found unconscious from alcoholism at City Hall place and Pearl , street, llo wus sent to chambers street I Hospital. 1 Ills Nljfht Arm Cut Off. KUk'ene i.rahaui, tweuty-four years old, of yi.'ol .second ateiuic, an usher In the colum. bus Theatre, whllo boardlnK a south bound train at ono Hundred and litenty.llfth street and Park avenue, tills morning-, fell under the tram and had his right arm cut on. llo was I I taken to the Harlem Hospital I .f" )i,tyrBBjji .j. u'ny-wrTwT' . a' lSwe.Cm'&. S. 43 Clearing Sale Children's Plush, Silk and Cloth Caps. Every Winter Cap now in stock is to be sold and sold quick. It's our way of starting the New Year you'll surely like it when you see what extraordinary values it really means. There are fine Cloth Hoods, all colors, trimmed with gray or black Astrachan; Plush Hoods, with beaver trimming; licngalinc Silk of finest quality, and many other of this season's best styles, including some very fine Hats. These goods have been marked to sell in regu lar stock at 9SC. to $3.50. All will be sold at one price, 49c. Cloak Sale. Embracing what were ad mittedly the most attractive special values yet offered either in our or any other establishment : 250 tailor-made Reefers that were 8.00, at 4.4:9. 250 Jackets, made of fine cheviot, half satin lined, that were 10.00, at 5.95. And all our Jackets that were 1 2.00, at 6.95. Triple Cape Newmarkets, edged with electric seal fur, were 25.00, at 11.95. Triple Cape Scotch Cheviot Newmarkets that were 19.95 at 10.50. Plush Sacques, 40 in. long, all lined with quilted satin, were 25.00. at 13.95. gtern Bros. Friday Special Sale if 1 200 Pairs Ladies' Ribbed and Plain Pure Silk nose In Black, Ye lw, Nil , Pjnk, B ue, Cardinal, Oiny, Sutde and White at I d a Pr Ac ual Value 52.75. West 23 d St. 1 I iiiiJiliiiiiHIHHMHHlH Embroideries and Linen La'ces. ANNUAL JANUARY SALE. This sale has always been a strong feature for the be ginning of each New Year. This vear it is stronrrcr than ever, because we have Prettier Styles, Greater Variety, Lower Prices. Fine Cambric Edging, 3 inches wide, at 5o. yd. Fine Cambric Edging, 3 inches wide, at go. 'd Fine Cambric Edging, 4 inches wide, at 12C. yd. Fine Cambric Edging, 6 inches wide, at 15o. yd. Demi-Flouncing, 15 and iS inches wide, at 25o. SPECIAL. 25,000 yds. of Manufac turers' Samples and Short Ends of Cambric, Swiss and Nainsook Edges, Demi Flouncings. Cambric and Swiss 45 inch Flouncing, to be sold only in full pieces, at about 50 per cent, less than the regular price. 45-inch Flouncing, worth 75c. at 39e. yd. 45-inch Flouncing, worth 98c, at 49c. yd. 45-inch Flouncing, worth $1.50, at 59c. yd. Linen and French Val. Laces, Torchon, De Medici, , Bruges, Cluny and other I laces, in matched sets and all line, selected patterns. Wide linen laces at g, yd. Wide linen laces at 12Ko. yd. Wide linen laces at lQc. yd. We will also show a very fine line of matched sets of Cambric, Swiss and Nain sook at special nrices. 1 ' savAgs banks. EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, 51 Chambers St., N.Y. Ne Ynrli , llrermber 3l.t, IR1I2. , III) lll;..ll.-l he'l riiNlee.. .11 this llnnk lime ordered Hull Interest lie pnlil la, lriHllor elllllleil therein fur Ihr nix ..1 out tiis rndliiK llilo ilnle. at 'I lire.1 11111I itiir Inll Per rent, per mi nimi, 1111 nil s1111iM.11 10 ihr lltuit ol 1 hrec Ttiiiiinilllil Dnlh.rM istt.OOO). interest Mill he errillleil under .Iain of .Inuiiiiri 1st, IblCI. nnil will bepajnbln un nnil niter .lliinttuy, January Mllh, ,nAvu.WUsrr.:!,7;nV.reV.,',:,', DRY DOCK SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 341 and 343 Bowery. Tint TriiaUM hTft ilrirl dividend for thsilx month minimi: Ii-c ill, 1X92. on all depoilti en t.Lled therein iiu.lcr thn by-Uwtt, tt the lute nf ItiL'H l'i;it t KM' tier annum on nmounti of ?M0 end undir, tid on the eirm of ft&UU and tint fiim-dlliR J,UlU at the rate nf lltUKi: 1'KH CK.N I per autium, pajatd mi and aftr .lanutrr Hi. invl .ioiin TimiouT, rrMiutut. LHAULES MirHII.NG, hecrtar. (iKATi:rri-co.'.iFoitTi.s, EPPS'S COCOA ny a thorough knowledge of the natural tawi which Kovern theonratlon ot dlicvtinn ab I uutri- thin, and by ft careful amiltcatiun of the mie nrop- rtU' of wrl1rlpcte( i,ocoa, Mr I.ppi hat oro tided our hreakfait tables witu a delfcaielj tlaToreI ierrae which may raie u manj lieaty dortort bill it I by the nidkloim tioo ot uih arhclt of rtjet that a louttUutiou may tn aradunlly built up untl atrnoK etntuich torestfct every tendfney to dla cae. Hun Iredi of nubtle maladlea are tloatlnic around na, tn attack wherever theie iaa eaf nolnt may f scape many a fataWtuft by ketti hue ouraflre well tortifled vnib pine Idoo I and a properly mmrlahed frame " t'lvil iservlcr Hatette. Made almplj with i-dlmit water or milk hold ouly lu haif-mitind tin, by Grocer, latelltJ thuai ..lAUi s I f- a. (HI., Itf'inirnMHtlilr f liriiilNta, i.ointuii, IiikIhhU. SI WOE the" WAR HheumalH-n ra.itiaiy rtired m ever caae alone 1K.1, with I attiuna t mrrlptlou 1IIU.LHH4, prepared by MUM. I K, place, ew York. Mua cular. doiity, Sciatic, Intlammatory. Lumbaco.As. lultruaU 7Sc,Uuttlt, Udrufciati, VampbUttrto. FIFTH AVENUE. . COR.22 ST Sale OF Dresses. 030 Very Styllsli Model tiowns. '25. 835. "50. 60. 8?5. 885. Greatly reduced prlcos. Style, Fit and Finish guaranteed. EHHIGOHOS. WASH Dress Fabrics. IN BASEMENT. Tremendous Reductions (or Friday. n WK 1IAVK AN AL'IJUMUI.ATinN OK AIKIUT 10,1100 VAltDS WAHII KAII UICS IN IIKKSS AMI OIl JiKNCTII--, oni: yak ii ro TH'KI.Vi:, COM PRININCJ UMil.lHII I'KltUAI.lis, IIAItY I'l,ANNi:i., OIJTJNt; CI.OTIIK, (lIMi. IIA.1IH, YliDDO CltUI'K, IIIUIFOKII COItDS OUIUNTAl. VAsIIMKIlKS, Hi:l!KSUCKI US. I.AWNS AMI llli. I.At.NKH. WK IIAVR IIVI1)I!I TIIK AUOVK COOIIH I.NTO TWO LOTS. LOT 1 compries goods that liavo Retailed for 15c. and 19c. yard. Sale price for Friday only, LOT 2 comprises goada that have rotailed for 8c, 10c. and 1 12 l-2c. yard. Sale prico for Friday only, 5 6th Ave, & 23d St. Stern Bros. will offer To-Morrow, Friday a ipec al purchase of Down Comfortables consisting of 200 Fig'd Sateen 6x6at 2e50 Former Price $4.75. 600 Fig'd French Sateen exlra choice designs and coloiings 5x6at 4e25 6x6 at 4e05 Former prices $6.50 and $7.00. The remainder of their Japanese Hand Emb'd Silk Down Comfortables . $15.50 Former price 340.00. And in addition 50 Cases Fig'd Silkoline Comfortables Cottcn Filled, in choice combination! with three inch ruffl.', 5x6at I.OO x 6 at 1 e J J Regular prices $3.50 and $3.85 Also a special importation of Italian Silk Slumber Robes in the newest colors Q- fiTC and combinations J O I R gu or price $1.50. 1 West 23d St 5 WATCHES Sunday, WATCH FOR MOST ANSWERS BsSS K : WATPff fr the best description of a satisfactory room If MUIl with board secured through a "Want" in THE WORLD of Sunday, Jan. 8. NOTE Wants to be watched must not exceed four lines in length. Little Wants " Work Wonders in THE WORLD. WA WU fr the best position given by a " Want " in Sun fT Albn day's WORLD. WATPU for the best position secured by a "Want" in VYAiUn Sunday's WORLD. WuTfrl 0r ni0S answers under any heading in Sunday's If ill UIl WORLD, except the four named above. REPORTS HUST BE MADE on or before THURSDAY, JAN. 12 Only those who report will be rewarded. Sb careful advertisers were either "booked" oi "watched" last week. Week-day "Wants" gei " booked " for twenty-five volume libraries. Sun day " Wants " are " watched " most handsomely. Did You Watch "World" Wants Increase Last Year ? ifrJ "5 Lf More " World " Wants it Uyt50V 1892 than in 1891. There is a reason for this : I WORLD" Wants" Work Wonders