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I PORTING! P3fe rSPflRTINfi 1 1 ' :i extra. I 0L1Ii wWSSpffiwinfflM HfflliflYlfl extra. I u,::: j JMt. j imimIm yyii i iiM wfiifL i PRICE : NEW YOIUv. TllT.vSDA Y. .1 NPAHY .. .Hy.',. PRICE ONE CENT. f 380,499 WAS THE DAILY AVERAGE NUMBER OF WORLDS FOR '92. ! EXTRA. SNQWANKLEDEEP .... . Guttenburg Race Track Pre sented a Very Slip pery Footing. ELECT FELL IN FIRST RAGE. Nabcolish, Jonnie W., Harry Alonzo and Logan Car ried Off Honors. GrTTEMiOHfl Hies Tiuck, .Ian. .".-Iiiclnc Associations nro pnpulirl) siippoitd to bo formed lor llio purpose o! Itapiovlng tho breed ot race horses. At least this much 13 stated l'i the nrttclfs ot ncorporatlon. Whether or no raring In deep Fnow ever a frozen track In bitterly cold weather Is calcu. lated to work this Improvement c.u bo con jectured by tbo raccgilug nutllc. It U mora than protable that tho Hudson County Jockey Club Is Incorporated on differ ent principles. There It l,J00 or moio coming lu from tbo city pool-rooms, and loo from of tho thirty oad bookies at tho track. This more than overbalances nny scruples the management might bavo as to tho advl tablllty ot racing. Thst the track was In a very da-ieeroca condition must be admitted. Tho horsemen Ucclaied that the 6noiv would cake under tho hoofs ot the horses mid cause them to Blip and sprawl about, and that there was ureal danger ot accident din ing thoiraces. J Several ntraemen complained to 1 hi Scire- I try that they could not net jnckc)t.toaicept mounts bccaiio 4he bnjs feared tint Ihey would meet the fato that befell .loo l.ergon en Gloucester's slipper) track jesterdaj. Many owners wished to scratch, knowing that It wasdangemus to race. Mojt of theiu requests vver denied. IhP Association, however, Insisted raclDg must k.0 on betanse they could not possibly tliluk of keeping so man) gool dol lars out ot tto Ireasurj. 'Iho track was ankle deep In snow and not an etioit had been made to remove 11. Tho horses gallopcJ over it until thu track looked llko a inlxturo ot chocolate and cream and wss a very slippery mass. outside of tho bookies, their clerks and tho employees of Ihu track, theic was buel) a corporal's gum d present. "1 hese tow visitors took- but little Interest in the racing nud bettnu was vi rv light. 1 he programme nusutrn iiuuu uuti .ui i had tho U aclc been in an) I hint, llko lair ton. dltlon tho sport might bavo been itiJojcJ. 'iho first accident happened in the opening race, when Elect bllpped nnd tell at tho fur-1 lens pole, Just at ho was moving up nud ! looked dangerous. Judge Hurko said thit l.lect tripped on1 Trophy's heels, but tho inajoilty ot the spec- i tutors thought that it was simply u case of slipping on tho ley track. 'i he race, which was a nvtldcn artnlr, tur nlshed tho usual ruuawav. hthel Poole, the favorite, lumped out of tho pad Jock gate and went around tho track four times heroic sho could be stopped. Asshe wasnot In the starters hards, all beia wore declared off. Nabocllsh vrns favorite In tho second bet ting and ho won easily. Nattio Hamilton filly snatched tho plate by a bcul Horn liophy, 9 lilue and Whlto opened favorlto In tbo bet- I ting in tho second race, but a ton nt monev came in on .lenulu W'. and she was quickly lu the favorite's cosltlon. Tho latter proved to bo the good thing, and getting away In front, she led to the finish. Uluo and Whlto was setoud. lad) suillh, who was well ployed, was a poor third. Hairy Alono was ihof ivorlin In tho third iccoaudbo won, much to Iho dtllguteithe talent. Ho was no easy thing, however, and his backers were kept busy guessing unto tho last few lumps. Brussels led to the sixteenth pole, and directly the tivorlio Leaded him Maggie 1C. cams with aiush and forced Penny to ride his hardest to win by iv h. ad. Fred I te came last at the end and teat Hitisscis out lor third plate. FIRST RACE. 1'urse $400; foi maidens; five furlongs. Btarltrt. TThti. JurWi StrL Jilt, "in Nsiioclla' 110. Iliieaton ft SI 11 attle Hamilton f 101 .llallirt. .1 4 'J Irnnliy "C .ll..loo 1 1" '' I ajranaka ... 105. cun'Iiam. 4 0-1 laiy llaiurd lin.N. Hill ... i ; ' I'runt) . 110 Jlutln .7 7 . lemma 110 bliivld. .ft K 7 I vu inf. i; tk, .it r Itlial Poi.'i. . t'l Stewart . t r t . "1-otl t .Mi aviay aud was withdrawn. I'.nt l,nttin Nabocll.h. r. In 2 ud rt.n, I lopny 3 to 1 mil arm . I Jy llillirf, I. tn 1 i.i tu t. (.'ticnn, II to 1 and 'J In 1 I'.uo' It tn I nill tu 1 ftnltn Hamilton tilt., into . aim t" 1 l.auiomki, 1.' is 1 ami .' to 1 , I'ninty, Jli M 1 inilJtol. 'Iropny, I.ady Ilnllard and Naboclish made the running m close oidoi to the of ihe siictch. Thero abotllsh eul to ilu'liom anduon handily by u length irom .Nntlio llainlltou filly, who Deal 'Iroph) a hiu.tror the place, r.lectwasmnvlm-up last lit the tin long pole, when he sllpptd and It II. "'lino , -I.OJ. ' Mutuclspald: SI i. tight, $7.(1.1: pUct'.t.l .". kittle Uamlltonflll) paid tl."-.bJ. SKOSP HM.1. i'urea J100: fnr two-year-olds, t.ell iu allowances; irur furlongs .fittruri Ha.oAr .ttekitt Sirt, .f. "( l-ntleW IU3 N hill . .1 Hi 11. HIua autl Wli t 1UJ l.alirli., 4 :f' V lodj Hmitli l! (InRiii 1 'JiV a. I.H.nil IPS nr.cdo.nT u f. 4 I Al .i.l.. I, ,, S ,Pll S i ft 1 elicit j n.i 07. .stvmrt ii H u I'f.t lUil ii .lenni. V., lituftaurt 1 to Ji Ulilo and Uttiin i to ft and ) to V Tody timllh. to 1 ". I 4T i .11,11 tillr, irxidft, AU'llo tl. Id ), tu ami 1.1 fully, 411 amt ll Jennie M , rushed to tho (rout soon aft cr the siuriuud t... ueier licudoj, though uluo and whlto prifS'd ber closely nt the end. I'enuy landed Jennlu W. a winner by n "d. Ulue and Whlto beat Tody huilih lo'ir ngthsior the place. Tlmo-aoy... Muturlspaid i Htralght. t!.80; plice, t-'.'Jt'. luo and white paid ig.45. Titian W.CK. l'uraoS400j felling allOKaattj; one mile Jrla. irdktt. fin. alt. I.. Hii,4iDt0 m. .11. l.nT. '. Ik '. K l'i., ft, .foi...!, 1 7 Jb i "4 ..., 11)7. liojl. ft S I. i I lltun." . UH noiolrt, 1 II 1 lllllllnrli II, o I .lili 7 (l f, iiiljl lot W I runth II J Ii t UleuloLhy 1 12 J Jnusi 4 4 7 I inrastan ...... 1DU l uslub H 8 8 I'oit httlnn Harrr Altinro, erpn ami 1 to H r illllnrli. .' to I and 1 to ft,, t, and i lllDcltiLli,. 'i ami 4, MatEl. K , III in 1 4. t-i-1 I.M, iUaniln. au Hike, 40 and l& l.aurratau, 100 and 40. Hruisels wentoff In front as usual and cut out a surf pato with llarrv Monu, Van D) ke andtllonloch) tlineup. Tnlsoidertoullnutd ' to tho lar nun, where lirussolsxhol out ami opened up a gap ot three lengths, which liu i held reiui) hid in hustle Harry Alonzo hnnl, and by detcrml.icil riding got up anil vton by a lit ad from Maggie lv who camo with n tci. Mile rush on the last smceuth. I red Ue -hlrd a neck. 'J Una l.ottiv i Mutucls paid, straight, 94.73; place, V.'.UU. I .Magg e K. paid '.M..,)0. toinrii RaCK. PurtPtsou, peualtlcd anJ allouanccj; six Imnngs. Zlrr'tr. Iliu.r.. 1nt.t.. f-trl. j'lf. tin, l.'Sin 1411 4 'Jli IIS Itl.irflnCri . ., . 'H II .lunoa .1 t, i I nt rtalnl l,i Mnart ' )li bli 1 miraii luo N lllli ,1 , 4 I'ui.jli 1115 ,T. Minn 'i 4 ft Anno I lUaiptli.. 'JO Lolch 1 rt-4 I. , I'.it JXtlntf -thicMtaltil). a to 1 and ptpmj l.prwjtt, a tn t and crrn l.oan. 3 tit 1 ani (. to ft. I .Monti an, 7 to 7. and ft to fti Anns Kllzatrth. Caud 1 H at klcck, 1ft sntl ft 'iho llelii rnted closri) bunched to the head i of the stretch with l.ogan and I'm crtalnty In trout. I lnlhostrt(h Logan drew out and won eall) b) a ienth und a half from Mack- I lotk, 1 ncertaluty a head for tha 'plate, lltnc l.llltj. (tMuttielspald: Mi alglit, t&.'-'l), place, J.l.a.". lilacklutk ji.ild tl.'.'O. I n nt IMCR. I'ursejioo. Lolling allowances; fHe fur longs. Marl.., rrtt. jtrtn: nr'. jli. rio I'olt.lrri . .. UJ t.rln n . 4 :n in MutHnar 10" tlanalil . U in '." I my (lark Hi UonoTan 1 'Ja an liar; M . 01 uraPr ,14 4 I II .1 aa ti I. 0 .Mnniln II II 1 J ,. .tutici, "t ft o 1'o.t Itittiut; l'i UJora 1 to ln.,1 out , Mi cllan, r. to 1 ami 1 to Hi, i.u I latk, Sanj J, .Maiiui. II. II , li and ,1, Mary .M , .'jDmil 111, laionasl. luo .ml 1) i Mticllago and I.ticy Clark got tho brst ot tho start aim raced togethir tu the sttctcti, with 1 olydora und Mary M. next. In tho stretch 1'uDdora mow up tu tho ItaCersaudlu i cloo llnish won easll) b) a 1 head irom .Mucilage, who beat l.nty Clark threo pails of n length. 'Ilmo l.o.!i4, I Mutuels paid: Htialght. V.JO; rlacc, t-'.'J.-j. .Mucilage paid $.1. !.". HXTH HACK. I I'urto J400; selling allowances; weights 'M lb. aboie the scale; soicn furlongs. , SUirlm. Hrtilit: Jnrl.' Art. JJIf. ftn. Min.ri.rcn .. lis 'I I.elnh.. .1 21 H Uooilchopper lit Martin .. js Hi I Urn 1J1 f.nnls.. .. 1 11 a .loot f urtn.y .. 1J4 II. I.owta .'2 4 4 i I aril lliimi lls..lrnich . . ft ft ft Walter Knin US t..l.yiiia. 4 i (, Post Hi'tUnx. Wnojelioppor, 1 lo Q anl onl, I f.,nili,i,T. 4 to 1 nd .1 ti, ft, litia. U tu 1 amlU i l to 1 , Hr floors.. 10 to 1 ana ft to J I fairly U.wtt, ' Walter keira, 1U0 to l anil 'JO tol. I'tra made tho running Inlo the stictch, when sir tlLomo cut loose and wdn easily by three lengths Irom Woodeuopner, who t.'is ' head Hi iront of Kxtru. 1 Ime l.uotj. f RACING IN SOUTH JERSEY. I Glennll, an 3 to 1 Shot, Defeats Sumnrltnn In tho Tblrd Race. , Oi.nitn.sTM; ItAt it Tn.CK. Jan. fl ltcsults ' of to-tinj's races resulted nsfollons riist Ifjco-One and a quarter miles Won , I.) IIusb llowaid, y to 1 ; Mchal, K to 5 place, second; Vendtlla thud. 'lime '-'.14u . becond llite-olx and ttquanei ftiriiujs 1 Won by iln(.e, II to 1 ; .Misery, 4 to.', place, second, l'lovnmr thlul. 'lime l.VJM. I 'ihliu ltace line mile. Won by (ilonall. 8 to 1 ; Samaritan second, Capt. Hammer third. ' 'llnio 1 4,Yli lnurtli llato-Uvc-t'lghihsof a mile. Won , h) I'latiery (1 to ilj, 1 lille 1 fall ( to 1 place) I .Maid of lilarne) third, lime 1.011. 1 1 III h lluco-ine mile Won b) Itnlclgh, 1 to :. aniiout ; Juitglir. 1 to u place, second; Maddeulnud. lime 1.44H. GLOUCESTER ENTRIES. I oioucesteh, N. J., Jaa. ". Tho following aro tbo entries and profcablo startcM for to morrow: Firfct Huri" eicMbs of a rollo, four yr ols, Ffllltns. -litatiil I'rU, li'O Jerq tet, Ari"- hutt War livtsiolt 1UJ nth , JjtJy Sumter, 'J7 lb. hneftiiil )inti nix and n hi if turloaxs, lor thrift- y&lo !, ditttiiii; Mage, 1U). I. a OaUtr t'olt. Uj, Jiraniift Liniule;, ferine, V5 eacli,lA Jitlfti till), 1UII InlrJ Ho-HTe-lehth of a mlln, ellinir. Mttlo Phi, ll.1. Mtnot, 111, Neelmorti, Lodi I rad. Piedmont, 101 eicli , tl Hence, Hf Hi I Pour Hi Pa; Six and i (.narter fuihutti, nit , ng. liltfwtitn, Pirkat Jim Clare, tOiu I.auL. i land, Lt f , i oahil), eJ, Hirerklp coldiug, )Ui rach, Mia, lOJlb. 1 I mil Hat it aid a nutrtnr furlontri. flliug, Alratialt. Clovsrr'atc. llattle I'rj, Ua (juUiun, lo'j rtlinr nj Uisttipuiofmeii.. Kfu rien: la I ftlt o.fihia, Cnatlro'ite aaa Mlrnmra, J UJ lb. I ea4.ii I Htith Ilac T.irer.ijuartets of a n.tli llin-. i riuucc, Mhtfl AJoju auil .Jupttr, KJJ tivb ' Monllera ami litrmtr, 1UU aelt, D.'bcmilr ami ( orue On, 'J lb each MAY BE A BOARD OF RECORDS. Ex-Heeistor Fltzforald' neslcnntlon Iadtcntoa lip Croatlon. Surrogate 1 ltgenld to-day sent his tesle nation to Major tlliroy as Commissioner of Kecords. The olll authorising the appointment of a Hoard ot ileituds designated ilr. J-ltciald as one of tho commissioner- llu resigned In ordei toatold complica tions. Ills action 1st iken as evidence that .Mayer tillroy has declled tu appoint a IloaiJ ot itetont'S niter all. 'ihe appointments wou'd Involio teveral millions of fxpeuulturu on the city. MARION MANOLA'S ILLNESS. No Perform aroe at Horrmnnn'a Thrttre To-Mgrllt Bocauir. of it. tmlng to the Illness nt .Mnilo-i Manola ! there ulll bo no pvrf. r.iance ut llernnatn's I'llttalro to-.iUht. .Ml-.. I.thell, ivho Is .Miss Manilla's tinderstud), I J also ill. I Mnn.'ET Illtiom deen'cs I'm tl.crc Is any III tec llu g bet ween, him ind Mi. alacou, Miss MaiolVsliusbaud. as as reported thlsaftci. I I tor, aud Mr. -Mason sais hedld not wfu-o ' itipluv i U(ipitt(d that Mist M inula Mil ihu uolo ui resume hir place lu the company i lu-ntrrou nlhi. 1 New Wtifld't" rjUiiitlna- Reoord. i. ARiacuTri rnr r 1 I iomi.v. Jan. u.-Jniuvs AM'ilng. the will- known an.a'etirruauiiloii kaii performed I an unptect.lenltd ft at In the v.atin; llae to day at 1 lngor yen. Ilo skated une mile with I ibjee sharp tuu.s lu .'lm Uv; .."i.. bJatlng I the worla'a record and earnit g the Hist gold medal -maided by ins .atlotiul skating Association. ' Anotbo Coluratiu Day Salt. ' K. Hojs Appleton, a taxpaytr nt UrooklTti, has broughl an action In Supreme touri against Kiedv'iltk Udrtdge, a decorator, anil County udtter Kiederrcc Kellei and the Hoard of Supervisors ot Kings count) to torn pel them to i pay tu the count) mo turn ui B'J.DftO leeeived fur dtcorailtir, the Cuiiit-llou-e and Hall ot ltecoras lor the coltimouo celebiatlou. JlT MUES10M 6BUU TIBEB.J ;Up Again To-Day in Supple mentary Proceedings. I Mves by riiyliu tho Itacrs and ' Never Toltl a Lie. j ) -Dlvc-Kecper '1 homas K. Could hppenrcd I In ( hamlcrsiif the tin Court c'us altornoou j lo ho further exsinlneu In supplementary procttdlngs on ,i jiugiuent of I5J7 for I liiiors furnished him by 1 con !-. Keller, ume i loi.r years ago. Uoull was In an Indlgiiuiil frame ot mind. "If I wasn't Tom tiould," he said to his counsel, tt-Judgn I'ltinaii, " 1 wouldn't bo hounded In this manner. 1'to been down here set oral times and told them all 1 kno. hy in heaven's name don't they get through with me 7" I awjcr Max Altmocr, who represents Kel ler, said to Gould that ho could oa) tho Judg ment and avoid all lui liter trouble. " Now, look here," talJ tiould, "let mo tell yuu that I touldu t pa) It, and what's more I wouldn't If I tould." Mr. i.ould testified that he had lost a little book that contained the names of men from whom ho borrow rd money during tbo past )eai. Uo renicmbeied hal0k borrowed I .'A irom "lllll" Mntih, 1o from (.'. W. Jobaon aL'S from Henry tioodwln and Sl.'i from John llurke. ills fi lends, men whom bo met at tho race tracks und pool rooms, olten gave him inoae) to pla) Iho races. It he won he "spill" with them. It lie lost, that ended It. .Mr. Altmc)ei' asked: "Is tba )our only sourto ot income,:" " cs, sir , playing tho races " Mi. .Mtiuo.MT 1 don't waul to bo initiated Into lhal business. Mi. tiould on, j on may como to It yet. t.uuia went on to say that all the money ho hud lu the world was T1-U7. He bought his clothing and lived en what money ho was I ublo to mtko on 1 be races. He uo longer lttes at the flat ot Mrs. Sher man, at .'lis West Thirty-second street, but now hires a room in a hotel at Tblrt) -ninth street and Second avenue, south llrooklyu, kept by l nomas 1'. Wogan, a brother of John J. Wogan, who was shot and killed In tho saloon at Twent) -third street and Sixth ave nue a )ear ago last Christmas morning. Uould said that ho paid (. per week for a furnished room. Ho did not know what be came of the fixtures ot ihu sixth nvetuie saloon, lie did not ship them to the Wogan Hotel In Suuth llrooklyu, and ho had no In terest whatever In the Wogan estate. Hohas threo watches In pawn tortus. Thuy have been in over a year. He never inado Mrs. Sherman my presents of diamonds or Jenolry. Ho had made no preparation to open a saloon In West Twenty-fourth street with a man named Chapman, but he old expect to go to tho tiloucester incctracK to act as a commissioner lu placing bets telegraphed from New ork In u Ion weeks. since lust wiok- ho had made $75 pla) Ing tno races, of this araouut ho had paid 4." that ho had hot rowed al the race track and no had lived on tho other $.10. Mr. Altmeycr said ho hadagood mind to make a motion tn ti&vo (iuu'd punlshod for tontempt for pa) Ing out money thai bo should bno applied to Keller's judgment. Ho thought he could hao t.ould indicted fcr per jury, too. Gould retorted: " on. you can't do any thing of the sort. I nover told a He In my lite, and I am not going to begin now." liotild also testified that he bnd not had an excise license in his own nani for fifteen years, lie had been ldentltled with other people who had licenses. I nwyrr Altmeytr said that ho would hae , I to bring uould dewn again to bo further I examined. I lo this Mr. Pitman objected and Insisted thet the examination be concluded. tlnally Judge Mecarih) was appealed to, j and It was stipulated that Gould's exnmlna-! tmn be concluded at tho next hearing, Jan. IP. al .i DIDN'T CUT THE GALLIA LOOSE The Bohemia Lost the Disabled Cunarder In a Storm, fur MsociATcn rneai. Iltiinuno, Jan. 5. I'pon tho arrival hero to-day ot the Hsmburg-Mnerlcan line steamer I llohtmla, Interviews nero bad with scleral' I persons aboard of ner In regard to her at 'toinpttotoK tin disabled cunarJ liner Urn I brla, and to thercpoit that the towing haw ser had been cut on board thu llohemla. Everybody o'i board the stenmer emphatic ally denied that the hawser was tut. 'lhoi say that the weather was fairly calm when tho steel hawser und several othoi lines horn the lohctnla weio made fast on bnaid the Mubrln. I be llohemla then torgeil ahead with thu ( iinard liner In tun-, but in the evening a vloleut storm set lu. Ilnlh ves. tels pinned lieailly aud iho strain upon thu tow lug lines was tremendous. At 10 c'dock at Highlit was snowing heav. llyaudal that hour the staiboard lino and port hawser parlo I. 'J ho breaks were not clouu luboard,;biit u cnuslrjerablu distant c fiomtbo hnhcmla. When Iho lints partoj the llohemla Mopped and signalled tepeateill) lo the I mbrU, but' I no answer wa received. When daylight 1 broko the sea was close.? canned for the I mbrla, but no s'gn of ht r could be een. JUMPED OFF THE IDAHO. A Woulil-r Rulcldo on n, Grand SJtieet Fnrry-nor.t. j Irnl ( oniad, tlilrlv-flio jciis old, o! ii;i i 1 Illiui 111. HUH, lll(,Okl)n, Jilllipoil "t! tin i feri)-b,at laihn, of the i.nnd slietl line, i thlsailtrnonn. lie was ri'seud b) ILe ilei .iiands aud n- moved lo tLe hjs'trn Duirlit IKspllil. Itop'lblloanH Win In Kantias. frii ASfcoriaTrn rnrs,. , ' Tort ti, .Ian. n. 1 ii supreme l.urt this I aftf ruocu deeioed the siutDj.Ku-en'.lia! ' Islatlvo contest t B'onjaliisi lloji'nthal vllein. Uiat, 'IhiMleclson Is u Lieai vlrloi) lurtLt Itepublieaus nnd virtu illv as-nrs lotlnu, ihu biganiailon oi tho House. I Kc77 CI: vl of Naval Ordnance. Irv laaociairn rrvas.i Atnisoio, Jan &. 'Ihe I'rcslucnt to-day appointed Capt. win, T. sampon, I'nlttd stuns Navj, lo bn Chlefot the Hureiu of urUcancc Alleced Ma -Batr Thief The caje of Aiitonlo sperora, ot cold spring, cbargc.l with stealing aud riding a mali-ba., came up before CommlsslonT shields tbl lulti-mooD. aud. attei several nltnesiei hail 1 tcsttrtd, wis adjourned till irlJay, Jan. Ill rvr.FiFAR1"a llyn.d waurnroctf and w aaTfatira foratioi aolfii. iVn and ftOe rtold.t.rr U.h.if. Health Pifairtili.. i.o., 'jo touicli tl. , th. V. V LESS TYPHUS TO-DAY. i Threo Now Oasea of the Disease ReportD'J To-Day. Three Deaths Among Patients at1 j North Brother Island. Health OfTlclHls Tlelleve They Havo the Dlscnto I'utter Control. I 'Ihero was an encouraging decreao In the i ' number of new typhus cases reported at the , llureau of contagious Diseases, .'ion Mulberry street, this morning. Up to lo o'clock Charles Howard, lorty-lour years old, who was a fre quenter ot the lodging-houses at 100 and '-'so Uowcry, was the only person reported HI with typhus Howard, It Is thought, probably contracted the dlscaso at 'JSO Howory, Irom which a tase of typhus was reported last 'luesday. Peter lilsbrow, aged lhlil).5K, anutso In Mills's Training School for Male Nurses, 4'.'d last Tweuty-stxth stroet, was touud to te suffering from typhus ut noon to-day, aud his case was reported to the Health Hoard Uo was removed to the Reception Hospital. Jacob Harding, forty-nine yeirs old, was removed irom tho Charity Hospital on mack well's island to the Illvcrsldo Hospital this afternoon suffering from typhus tevei. lie had been living at .14 Bayard street. Although the health authorities nnd occa sion to congratulate themselves on tbls ap parent victory over this frightful disease, they are considerably worried on account ot Its being tbo first manifestation ot typhus at 1 100 llowery. which house, it Is feared, may also develop Into a centro of contagion. The following deaths were nlso reported tbls morning: Death. Tram Tvpliu.. Jnatrn Hillemax, Ihlrtj-aliht, on North Brother laland. Tak.n from 34 ltajarj to clout. tntur lloapltal, Ileo. .11. Di.eorrred nit day to b Btirt.rlna; from trphnt. llcnntRn I.. Ilustlt, hftr-tiTo, on North Brother Island. Taa.n from 34 Flayard atrett, Jan 1. Jnacra N. Rntwitlt,, on North Brotbtr laland, TaV.o from 34 Bajard atml, Jan 1. I)r. liobert", Chief ot the bi.reau ot con tagious Diseases, was exultant to-day over the discovery of the presumable source to which tho Infection of Jerome liadgely, of 2tlS West Nineteenth street, may be traced. " liadgely," said Dr. ltobcrts, "was a soup ladler at Merrltt's Mission on Eighth avenue. It Is not Improbablo that bo Ihero camo lu contact with one of those men who had lodged at .14 llayard street before the latter place was quarantined." This discovery affords great relief, Inas much as scs West Nineteenth street, which Is a tenement-house, need now no longer be dreaded as an original rottrce ot infection, as It was feared It might bo until the origin of lladgely's Illness was traced. I Another favorablo discovery to-day was I that ot the whereabouts of eleven-) ear-old I Henry N'alnsky's father. Ilcnrv had been i brought by hm father to the Deborah Nur scry, lift East llroadway, a week ago. The boy was soon afterwards taken sltk, aud last I Monday was declared by Inspectors of the Health Hoard to be suffering from typhus. He was thereupon removed to North Pre ttier Island, despite tho protests ot Drs. Free man and Urekes, of tho Nursery, that he h id only typhoid fever. Another Investigation last Wednesday corroborated the Health Hoard's diagnosis as typhus. . I What troubled Dr. Roberts and bin starr most, however, was that the child's father was nowhere to bo found. He and llttlo Hcnr) had been clgar-peddlcrs, and when the child was left at the Deborah Nurery, tho l father gave no nddrcss. last night tho Health lospectois succeeded In locating him ais:i I-.ast llroadway, whence he was re-( moved to the lleceptlon Hospital In Kasl Sixteenth street. Ilo has shown no indica tion ot typhus, but will bo detained for twenty-one days foi Inspection. I ihe tramped accommodations at tho dis posal ot the Health Hoard for thu detention ; nt suspected .ases will probably be obviated I within a few months. A contract for the j erection of an additional reception hospital 1 at the foot of Kast sixteenth street was )c& I terda) awarded to Thomas Dw)er. whose bid ot 81,:i 10 was tho lowest mtinlttcd lo the . Health Hoard. 'Ihe statement of William Ciande, who was found suffering from t) plius yesterday after. noon, that ho had. not been examined by a , hcilth Inspector making his rounds whllo Oinco wis lodging at 10S Doner) tbe night before, was pooh-doohed by President llson, , of the Health Hoard. "Such a ruargo Is absurd on the face of It," slid Mr. Wilson to an 1-vrMr.G Woitl o if- ,jorter "Wo know that our Inspectors are 1 eniclent, -oncleniloi's norki rs nnd can trust ! turn implicitly." Aslorthechaigc inad.vl hut William III lie, I a lodger al 404 Pearl Mreet, who came Into llillevue Hospital jtsleidiy alternoon with , a viiulenl attatkof t)phus,aud thai a health inspector hadextmlned him tho nlghi tluie anu pionounced l.lni all rlht. Mi, Wllsou said that this was quite possible, nor could any blame attach tn Ihe physician. 'Dphus inl.hl have developed soon after ibepli). sli Ian etmtn'd tl.o iiinu without bavin,: fhowu llt-elf in the lasl belore 'Ihu lepnned honsei' wherein tynhti Ins made Its appcatau 'i hlucu Dei-. 1 last a.e ,14 llajnidsiieoi.lS lihlslun slreol, 1(1(1 lliu tmi 1U4 I'arl. Ku a, nil I'earl streri. I., II. ion and "SO lloner), HI sUlli nvenae, ..() 'ast I weulUlb slli'et. Jil'.' West Mnrlrenth tieei, I'.' lailik place, d hint squ.irr, lu I'ell str. et jnl Hid nlinshuusn and wo. I., house on lllackwell s Island. In " of the fart that the nork'.o.ire on ' IllackwtH's Istind has I .sou inmates. tu heilih autlmrllles are trently concerned nver me appearance of tvphua there, I'ert'lval ' i arue) and William Morell having icon found suterlng irom that disease lh"re HM night, i omplalnts huro been trade ol thccondi. mi, ol the street infieut of some of the bo.i'oi wheie t)phushas btokenom partlcu Utl) as llaiardi-trrel. Hani I. oi reditu oi ihe nil blent deacrlptlen were st indlng u troniot this house jester dav, and were not uulr au rjetoie but a menace to publls health, even without t). Phus raging In tin neighborhood. l,r. Itoterts said loan Evxmxo Woain leporttr ihl morning . " 1 have had the house cleaned ou; from top . x air GREATER BROOKLYN AS PLANNED BY BOODY. to bottom, nnd no doubt a vast accumulation of refuse was dumped Into the barrels on the street. This refuso. however, was thoroughly disinfected betoro I allowed It to go Into tho street." l'i esldcnt W llson said to the reporter - " I made the rounds ot several Infected lodgtng-bnuses last night, and when I called aiU4 llayaid streot the refuse had been re moved from the street. Thu street In front of the other houses was also tree from gar bage." Tho police of the ninbeth strcot station report that (Jicai Menard, twenty-three, und Uertlo Young, twenty-three, were found sick at 1 1 I'ell street last night, as Is Mipposed Irom typhus lever. 1 he Hoard of Health was nottllod and an Inspector Investigated tho cases, but found they were not typhus. President Wilson, of the Health Board, has derided to have the police lodging-houses In spected. This will bo dona Just as soon as additional Inspectors aro appointed. Dr. Itoberts said if his inspectors got through the lodging-houses to-nlgut he would start them to-morrow night lu the police lodging houses. supt. Hvrneti sent out the following order to the police to-day: C'aptalna and aerreanta of pollen wi,l t. rar.fnl to tlloronctilr aorutloU. ami .xamln. p.raona who mar applj at th. atatlon-lioua. for loifa: tn, for th. porpoao. If poatlhlo, ot aar.rtalnlnf wij.tliar tti.r aro anrtfrini from aojr cnntaaioua diifaaa. anil If rotlierwill promptly notllf the llolrl ot Health thiontrh thla office, ao that the perion fr peraona can Ii. promptly eared for. lu all ra,ea where tber. l, doubt In th. tnlnila of the officer In thar.e. the poll-, aurieon of th. diatrict v. Ill le nolifle,) aothat he can make a more thorough, eiaininatioo of tho case " President W llson, of the Hoard ot lloaltb, had a conference to-ilny with Mayoi Ullroy In regard tu tho typhus plague. Mr. Wilson aald ho lelt confident, the illseuse would not become epidemic, out precaution was neces sary and additional medical Insi colors were needed. Ilo osked the Mnyor for ,:i,000 for thlny additional Inspectors to be appointed for one month. Mavordllroy said he bad no doubt that tho Hoard ot Ksllmato would ajiproprlato wha' ever sum was needed lor tho purpose. 'Iho Illness ot Johu W. Henry, the colored newsboy whose case wan reported yesterdai, has been pronounced to be pure typhus and he has been removed to Illvrrsldo Hospital. SATOLLI.BURTSELL AND M'GLYNN How tho AblOarate Camo to Be Con nected with tho Famous Case. 1 be Itev. Dr. nurtsell garo out this after noon tho following statem-nt In regard toil.e i sitolll.Mctilyim incident: "In 1HSM Mgr. Satollt camn as the repre senlallve of I'opo Mil. In Iho formal organlatlon of tho Catholic I'nlverslly at Washlug'i n. On his return lo Homo ho st.tjed some days at Archbishop t'crrlgtn s residence, thence, wltn the An hbl'hopxcun- ' rent, he telegraphed to Coonei Irstltute, ask ing Dr. MtUlynn to favor htm with a meeting. 1 Hr. Mr(il)iin was absent on a lecture lour, but when he received the telegiam he sent It mine from V ermont, asking mo to call upon Mgr. Satolll In bis nsmotoexpiesshls regrets at not being able tu sen him In person ami tu i siy that he would give Imimdlale attention lu whatever Hie MoitJtgnor mtghl say to me. 1 " When .1 rei-elvcd the It tier Mgr. Satollt had I'll lor Ktiropc, and I Immediately wrote i tn him explaining these circumstances. At that lime 1 did not kno.r whether Mgi. Satolll had any power to act In thnease i "tin his arrival h-re lasi Autumn, as AbUgaiu of )'(iki XIII., I called upon him, reminding him ol Ills former telegram aud my letter. He remembeied both, and I Immediately statid thai he had been com- I mission! d to Inquire Into the mutter. When I biought bitoro him some important facts 1 ho said lie would ak the Holy See to grant 1 him all tno power netctsar) to settle the , case ' RAILKOAD MErTuPSET A BRIDGE. I Lehltrh Employee Ronew the War ' with Jornoy Centra, 1 1 mm sioner Dugan, ot the Jersey 4 Hy street mil iVatei I'ourd, nltlifo-ii policemen lespondi'd toa call fnr help Irom the central Hallwty of Sew Jerse), and have leen on guard tt the draw brldgo over the Morris until on' seitlouuf whlili was iiimpleltn ) est 1 1 ,1 D Thu bridge Is on Jersey avenue, I afajette. sinio llie l'eadlng combine was Lrokeu the old fight Utwten .linei t entrnl and lehlgh kllc) hus nrn rcnowi d wllh ledo'ibleii i:iii enr, nnd lai nlglil tiller tuclr wnrkiuenhad lelt the ti'il.o ut perallDti, a I'hlgh Valley locomotive tan down tin trar. u lid , trnlge oir.ilng a g ing I luboieis. I Mnved ut tn seene, the men looped st v. eral lit-avv lulu, aruuiid iln Iruu work ut ll.i l,ri.,i und i l,i' I'Houioilio hoiked on wan the u'hereiius of ti " chains In a stunt grip Then, w as a Hoping and it-arl.'g, anil ihe new'o w is n pplrd linm Its iuundatlui . Ihe gang ol iin ii pfl in pr vent a rr. sumpil,n ui wink on the bridge and inirnit slon"i for by Hie central . I(nlw3 -His iimrkli.g. IhniutilcTlsal a standstill the autboil- i th s slmpl) prevrving the pife l 'tween Ihe I elllgrreuts wlil'o 'bov appeal lotho courts. Tin.lov V.n Satisfied. In tr 1 ) iron . f den. Slocun ' Itrookljn, 'naioi.h nd Lney Maud oicctrie are t happv tcoai oei Hie slgnl.i.' ut agKtu-.ents of hours i libit w.tjei, ,te lo one yeai, ll,r men "ill norN len hours. Instead if twelve asforiin I, and instead oi Mx mitittr for meals the) l allowed forty Inlnuic .rev .iron is- i.-nl .' per day and nippers il.'.O intra; A mj Ilr'. rme l.leorlre I'rllcta. 1'or 14 ty all nrst-claaa druse Ists. Try tatm. SNOW ALL DAY, THEN COLD Fine Skating la Promised Sure b Noxt Sunday. According to Weather Prophet Dunn, the blinding snowstorm thai set In this morning will last throughout tbo day ana perhaps far I Into tbo utght. "Ihen," lu the languago of Mr. Dunn, "lookout tor a cold wave, which Is bearlug ! down (in us from the chilly Northwest. Ill should reach hero by to-morrow nlgnu" The snowstorm was central this morning over the lake legion, and was moving over nur heads In the direction nt Iho Atlantic ni a disagreeably slow rule ut speed. When It started In the Northwest yester day attei noon It sent snow tailing along Its path, and the consequence today Is that inow Is falling irom Michigan and the Ublo valloy eastward over the Middle Atlantic and New Kugland States. It Is slightly warmer In these localities, although It is growlug colder In the North, wcsi. 'Iho lowest temperature this morning was 17 decrees. Tub coldest point al H icelock wasNnithtleld, vt., where tho thermometer registered lsdegrees below zero, lhownrm. edi place was he) West, Mil, with a tern peraluro of 74 dekreen above zero. I cannot offer skaters mucn encourage ment, before Sunday," ndded sergt. Dunn, "but then ihe skating should be tine. 'Iho approaching cold wavu will do tint nork." BIT OFF MARMIUN'S LIP. Dunn Also Held for Threatening- to Bhoot Him. t harlcs Dunn, agod forty-four, of 4ft.' 1 hlrd avenue, was held In thu Yorkvillo police Court this morning In 1 100 ball for oxaminn tlou on acbargo of mayhem and In ItUO ball on n charge of carrying concealed weapons. I or some tlmo bad blued had existed be tween iiunn and Tiavld Marmlon, of 140 fast Thirty-tint strecl. lesterday tho two met on the street, hut words ensued und iho men clluihed. In the sirugglo Dunu gm Mur mlon's upper lip between bis teeth aud bit It until 11 hung by a shred. Dunu then went 10 a store and bought a revolv or, telling his friends. It Is allosed, that ho would wait till Marmlon s lip grew tin, when lu would shoot him Marmlon wa-s pretty badly hurt. OLD ASTOR SERVANT DEAD. Worked for tho First John Jacob Her Escape Irom Fire. iiv aasorlASM. rarao Sas'nv Hut, Jau. .1. Mrs. Harriet Perkins , died this morning at thn resldento of Mrs. AOram W'alieman, Jr., In whu-e husband's lamlly she had been a servant for (went) nlneyeais. tlefore that, for ten years, she was In the service of John Jacob Astor, nisi! of the name. ' Shawos one nt the persons alio escaped from a burning ilat-hdusu In NowWk tn 1 March, lss'.', when the wife and diughtcr or I A lira 111 Wnkcman losi their lives. tbu was I born In llatli, Kugland, In IHUtt. Suit Against a Hank rjlemlnsad. An ai tlou I rougut by t harles hex Hroosc, as cccivcr ot William (. Jlogeis, to recover i(),Oi)u damaijes Irom thn Tradesman a Na. tlonal Hank, because of tlio failure of the bank In October, 1HS7. t pi) a note ot about son, vv hth result! il It lingers Becoming nnanctill) embarrass -d and his place put lu Ihe hand' o ie slieilT, was ilh-iulss.0 tn. da) by lud,e Ileacu 01 the supreme court. Actor M nun Ilia Diamond I'ln. Julin K.intll the aitor, lu the Isiex ! Mnrl-it I'o'lct' (ouit, 10-da tha.ged Iludulph Pulloch, a.e I nineteen years awollrrtm- plO)ed at '.".'tl his: 'I hlrteenth street, wlih enteiliu his mum while ho vvus aieeplng anil stealing n illamonl pin Irom his buieau j I'olluch II. nli'd the 1 hurges mid wail, id f 1 cianilnatl 11 ' i Lawyer Hyman tn Contempt, lu-t.te Htrren, In Supreme lourt.t -la' decided that I av yei samut I I'. II) In m and Ills uoihi't l-ll ll)iian. mu t lr tcwpl'. iiunHlied is fm I'uniempi if 1 irt 1,1 b itiuilo.' 111 Invtsllgatiini hr h 1 110 i inn. 1 rulsrl m.rr. Inlu.i tile l'i 'eh n:ciiri...l ut 14 lln'v. 1 , '.i. V.'U I lit. SmtigRlnd on tho Vexlfrn anil. lirasury Atent si ,i i , . a ' luougll. tn the Cil'toii.'luus.' l.'tuoi fc ir I lire hind', me met rrclminiplpi sand a sit 1 tsllvei r.lves art! flu k". sel oil 011 Iwaidtte I atiainiT Wi.'rrtilainl. whMi airlvnl .fs.i oi) ftiiui vuiwrrp. 'Ihey I1.1J le , mhil.' 1 ' b) ne m the snip's oftutia, I No Grant to Amorlciir Ynclf CluL'. I li A'SQne.rii ' araa 1 Itresv I m .1 'Ihe state t "U.111 '.utr 1 nf the I Jt d "iniee lo-dav iJeoiid Le anpilta. I tlou ot the Mnerlcan stht clul' 1 grant . nf inlrD'iini it,a u( lands u Icr uuler lu ll)e. West Insur coict) Trm " Admiral" Is unquestionably the finest grade cigar ette e vti iCiKOLifU limiiiuu 11 filer. ' NEW YORK BASEBALL CLUB. Roonranlzatlon Txpet.ted at To Morrow's Jeraoy City Meet ner. Something decisive will probably be accom pllihcdtn tbo iiffalrsof the New orlcliasc- ball Hub, when the directors meet In upcctal session to-morrow alternoon In .lerjey city. Thn t'lublsdcrcltcl In us pavnunt ot tala rlcs lu pla) era for list si nson, and that Is due 10 n big tlcflrli In tho treasury. At a meeting i a few vveckii ago It was voted to Issue fiO.OOtl worth of 11 per cent, bonds to meet Immcdlato debts. 'I hesn bends tan be Issued only nt a meeting hold In Jersey City, as tho Club was organloil iiudi-rthn Invvsnt Now Jersey. 11 Is not unllkel) that a retirgatiizailou of tin Club will be- em-cud to-morrow, as sev eral small slutkbuldern have steadlasllv reinsert to pay assessments necessitated hr a deficit, 1 hey aro not expected to subscribe lotho bonds tu bo Issued, aud in thalwuy Ihey aro liable to Und themselves frozen out. A nuw 1 resident will probably be chosen and the recent transfer of stock 10 Chicago parties bears out the prophocy mado In this paper at the tlmo of the last meotlng, that ilther Al tl. Spalding nr Capt. Adrian Anson would Lo heard of In connection with II." management of the Hub. ALWIN LOMLER A SUICIDE. Cooper Union Insurance Agent Shoots Hlmsoir In His Office. Alnln Lnmler.slxt) jearaold, of 182 Second avenue, committed sutrldu at II. JO o'clock lo-day lu bis Insurance office, T'4 Cooper I nlun I omit r was observed to cuicr hlscrflce at about 11 o'clock this morning, and nothing j further was seen of hlui until Philip Millet, his clerk, ui rived mil o'clock. J 'Iho duor was lockrd, but he could see Louder silting In u chair, His bond resting1 ngalnst the wall and his arms hanging limp over the aims of the chair. I Miller opened tho duor and spoVe, but there was liu uusvver. '1 hen ho noticed that a hole I was burned lu the shirt ovei the heart audi that he belielti a corpse. I A inessag.) 011 thu desk directed yuung Mlllei lo take thn change, about l.'i. In the cash. Ixii and to break tho news gently lu laimlers wife. It also requi tied that the body bu sent to 1 rcsh Pond, I. I., and be cremated. MR. CARTER WEDS MRS. DICKSON Unlti-d to the Naval Burgeon's vorced Wife tn This City. 'Ihe marriage ut Mr.. Nina Dickson, the di vorced wife nf surgeon Dickson, of the Unite I Slates Navy, tn Ihe Itev. llrglnald Oldham 'arter, ut Ashley Itectory, Stcckbrldge, Hampshire, hngland, has created a stir lu W ashlngton ioi lal elides. '1 lie I ildo Is Hits aaopled daughter o( ' W. I.tuah in, a wealth) lairjcr, of llaliliutie, Mr carter was naiiird as co-iespondont lu the dlcirn procridliig brought by her bus. hand '1 he wedding look plaie at the Mall borough lintel un Mondiy aud the couple left liiimedlitel) 101 f.'uropc. TELEGRAPHERS' TOURNAMENT. Arrangements Doing Made for nn Interesting Contest. 1'rumlnent New ork telegraphers are atriinging for a telegiaphlc tncrnauieat. 'Ihe tuulest will probably tako pine in II iidman Hall, Ultli aventio and Nlncuuiith siieet, on the alternonu and evening it sittirda), March ll Inn entries, which wlp Include a !iJle 1 liss will be to all comer BIDS ALL REJECTED. Jersey C ty Water Slippy Contrncti 10 II ItHndvcirtlotid, j Ile.,erso lit) Mice ui I W. ei Hoard t. ,lu n in 1 id all bidscif I 'nr sii plstiij ll.c I' v ipii w.iti r New iliis v 1 I ie .a rt -c I tn. Hnr ltuililnr rhnlns Brolten by Ice. j Whie i in-lug tin' tmv on htrh '.'Strip thl' nnir'ilii. tie 1 His island frrry-bna' 1 sho, kiin.jMio 1 miller ontlns b ukc tniuci , 1 il,o inn in n, gut ilua'lng lie und she did I 0' ii. tin . in Ui'j Hargu OITlec until uiil"cl. II, 1 -lie was altnoM iniureil 0 Hut siuall I 1 in 111 1 ui Italluii who 1..H1I0I to gouvir t ; 111 I Hi. d-t iiumigr Hits, on t. e s'eii'iei i. lit r'lia. I rourteon-Y.inr-Old P.urgle.rj. ll.uiuas lllniaii and Mlckc) Hanagau, btth ifcuittrtn .vetr-i old aud reside! is if the j bullae .lit I si 'Ihlri). second s.riel. were1 I held lu 1 orhx lllo tuurt tins mamlng on1 I tlinuiussi'uiilesston that I v nnd Mlc'.cj Ual 1 burglnned Mis. halo M.oovenis upan. liKut and st den a cloak and some cl tlnn . I J.tlge Lvnn Lectut To-N'Sllt. .1 Jgo W suhope lynn will deuver a lecture this rrt'iHn.' at ihe rnoms ot tho t.atllc soilrt) the subject telug "Toe Irish In America" KT4flbody baa accol word for Dr Hull's Coofb Syrup. Ha lame la world-wide. V EXTRL i TALKOFTHETURF. f i Jockey Joe Bergen' Killed I on the Sharp Tarn on I Gloucester Track. m J ELLEN FONSO BHINGS S2.2D0. 1 Blackburn's Owner Said to Have M Won Heavily Spicy ' ' M Track Talk. il Jockey Joo llergen was killed In a race at illouccsterjestcrdn). Ho hud the mount on 3 Ktyser In the third, and coming around the f$ turn (he bruto stumbled nnd fell, llergen 4' was ihrown heavily to the froen track. John j! Atwoed, with Macauley In the saddle, fell ' over Keys, r ncd landed In a heap on the pros- i irate Jockej-. It la believed that one ot i& John Atwood's hools struck Bergen's p head, lor tho toy's skull was found 1 to bo fractured. Ho was removed- g lo his homo nearby, and oarly last evening ' lio died. Macauley was uninjured. The horse S John At wood broke a leg and will have to be V dcr-troyrtl. The turn nt the Gloucester traclc 'ii Is very sharp, and this lu not the am fatal ! accident that has occurred at that traclc Joe kJ llergen was a very popular rider. IIli stylo Xm nf getting out In front and staying there K-rA mado him warm friends with the public, who 'iKj were always assured that they wcro getting M an honest rlue. Joo flcrgen was a brother of $ Marty and Mike llergeti. 7 -- M diccnll. Morris has purchased of John . -Si lladden tho two-year-old rtlljr Ehcn Fonso, j dam Miss i'aston, for nVJOO. &? It Is said that tho horsemen of Outtenburg $ had In contemplation the getting up ot ape- M tltlon asking tno Association that all sur- ffl plus money derived from bidding up winners of selling rates do divided between the st second and third horses In the proportion ot V- two-thirds to second aud one-third to third. & 'Iho scheme, however, fell through, as the i originators learcd tu antagonlzo the Assocla- tf, tlon. ' ' , 'Iho Hoard of Control President, A. F. Wal- . v cott, "alls for Kuropo to-day with his family. i Iho Latnnla track has been treated toa ?! top dressing of sand at considerable expense, 1 I as tho material has to b9 caned a great dls- S lauce. k r? I Martin, Insload of wearing the regulation & silk Jockey h cap, donned a sealskin cap yes- fi I teulay lu proton trnm cold thu cut here- m celved froui a ilylngelod or earth on Tuesday. V I ... ; I Hlarl.burn lu a raco at (floucester a fow 1 da) sugo ran censor and Little silver lo a SS head. Instead ot walling and winning at the i 1 South Jersey track. Do.vulng quietly shipped j his sprinter to tiuttenburg and pulled off a t good thing. Hcgnt very creamy odds against ; , Ins hoise, and Is credited with winning heav- 4' " I Don Alouro. according to Philip Dwyer, will j not be cnleied In either the Hrooiclyn or Miburbati Handicaps, but will bo prepared wi and scui West lu rate for the rich American ik Deib). 8 I ... did Hamum Is racing at Fast St- Louis. Tho J I "Iruu," as he was called when ho met 1 aul defeated the nest horses of his lime. Is J i tun a shadow ot his former self and cannot j I 'landle the poor class he la meeting at the f, , Western truck. Haruuin is fourteen years old. ft I lu the tuiee.jear-old raco nt Gloucester I jeslerday Wist wus tia"keu down from tl tol i tueveti uione). Ho never s'jovved a bit ot ft. speed Mraugo pluu'.ei are made by the M talent In these dais, but tlils)oungster must J 1 hnvi. siioivn sumcililng lo warraut the f plutige anl bo will Le worth waltulng. ' ... M It Is sa'd that ihe Hoard of Control will j Interi a clause In tho undlllooa of future sell- ft Ing races making all horses claimable. i . . . Mollli- Davl-ivvas at 1 tou lu ihe last ra'-e ' it t,utlti.biiig)tsterda),and the smart ones, knowing thai Hiadleys hoises never win at I isldaon, pla)td tllaJlator to win and got all i the litoue) , I Hm talon: would rave sold their Play or 3 1 l'a rlcc-it very cheap while the colt was ' iiat'lng durru tie backstreich. Martin was 1 pun. hlng lor dear lire to keep up, and at tne " In ml or tno strticn ii whipping aud up. t pjrc.tlv bcHti'ii. In tho run Home, however, iliiMiihers died away lo nolhlng, and at llui nnls'i I'lav ur 1'ay. to the astonishment vt evir) on.', lu-t walked lu. ... ihe ii. tidcn taee fumt-led the usual run- . ana) Hi the Lady Ws ningiuu gelding, who wt'tii a mile und thi c-quartvis teioie he J could is) t'upped 'j1 It lie.tld h'ueene Leigh bet JS.OOO on 111. i tills nine and White, liwaslruo that lliue ; and W bile had Ihe worst of luo weights, but lelgh Ui'ined that Martin was tcu pounds bo tei i ban voting 1 eljh, who i ude the ally lu ,. i il,i li itcnaihui. t jK J 11. McWiy Is rredllfd with winning i? 4 . utio cvci htlklua's victor) )esterday, H l'i Hue Uuiicid was a hot favoilloanil he vvus ,n bull mesM-d about. He gut mvaylasl and y w.ispockiteu and Interfered villi several j time uui ing ihniace. , Judgo Uurke warned llu.hj penny that , . he must do his Pest with jcsierda). ,l.o v..) tho odds receded against thlshoise , r pi ol tily loured rusplclons In the Judges il mind thut Ihey were jfrald to wtu with Alr- plant for feir he would ho bid up. renny J tried his best, nut could not land Atrplact. , Letter than third. j UnrarnBrdt.ln Pa. Tacrllaptetra(600 '1 ha AUlt ut Opera Singer Giovanni TagUtplc- tra to recover t.',"00 from Iheatrlcal Mau- J Oscar llamtnersteln for breicbof con- m luct was scaled lo-day In Judge McAdimi'a cuuri, foi tiuo without extra costs. The Hrevrlqa and Dotillas wf Beer 'M By Sobaafar Bwg. Ceocla4 to kt pert tlaa. , JM . r .'.ammmV K fc., . - . . .Jaaaxal