OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, January 05, 1893, SPORTING EXTRA, Image 3

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1893-01-05/ed-4/seq-3/

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! vl
f7ired with a List of Dead, from
North Carolina.
And Denied in a General Way by
'a Prominent Citizen.''
XjracblDR ami Untile of Bnker.svlllo
BubJfCt to Conflicting I'cports.
An Associated Trtss despatch coming lam
yestorday afternoon announced the occur
rence at Dnkcrsvtlte, N. c, ot a lynching
1 wblcb Involved a Lloody riot, cosllng the
llrea of a considerable number of men.
The contradiction followed so speedily that
the report wns not prlnteJ In the New Yoik
Later, 'lie story was lencwcd ant details
re adocd tor tlie mornli.b' papcis. Mill
Itttr. the affair was eniuigtd upon d.i u.er
lorlho ctciilu, pnpcic ut tit-day.
'lb til followed the following.
Ktmuu, N. C, Jan. ."..-A spctlnl despatch
jutl received Hum a prominent cltlcu Hting
in )IHrlii-ll County, to t'te luiltv nihle,
pi enounces tUo upon ci rlct on.! lynching nt
iS.ersv!!M a gross canard. l( lyuc'ilni oc
curred tbe repu.t has been g really exagger
ated. Many-uf the namcairpjiicd Mining
tlie Killed aiu unknown In that section.
'I be despatch has been icad In i lit? Ilo-isc ot
Bepicscnlalhi.', by the Speak, r.
I'lm Detnlltil mi.
Tfcedctallcd stwy of the affair, tutt.l-.liod
tc-ay, Has :llos:
Mibion, X. c Jan. ."..As a rcvtlt of the
dcir-ernle battle tv'ilcli lock plate between j
fchstirr Mtotnau-s's deputies and the mob of
Ijnciurs ftt lukurstl!!-., Mltchill County, '
tdls state, ..akin Snipes and thn Waltions
htc Wnn lynehtd, but the tcngearco ot the !
mob coal at le-is-. thirty other Hies. Thei
names o! those ot tho thcrir.'s pesse w l.o are
known to have heca killed arc:
lorn Urecki. Tout llilo. U'orcu lla'lltlel.l,
Ewer Johutou. Kobe. Jcnra. V.alam I a.r,,
Kathin I'annel, William ltte.1, 1'au llit-lur,
PullipSanu, .lame, Wllllini,
Those or the mob !;not n (ohau-U.n Main
TbeodorEaMff. Will llutler, Hajery Bird, P1.II
Croiriier. Jim Kacc.y, Join Ostome, Wltlia u
Oibtrne, Ullllitu l'rrj, Ja.-V Phillip,, ThoTia,
Owen, John Worth.
The last attack on tho MttcLcll County .lall
nas made at it o'elocl; Tuesday night. The
structure Is Iramu building, and little culcu
latrd to withstand an assault, lint Sheilir
Uootnaws had It cart iscned m, about
sevenly-nve determined men, who drclnred
they would see I he law iihelil or die. 'J lie
attack tvasexpcciod all da).
TUamountulnetrs of Mill hell, Mi Dougall
and Yaucj counties weie assemblies in me
little mountain humid of PaUrstlile until
lae.populatlen ot ."oo was ain ut doubled.
At 4 o'clock In il.o .UK moon n loiuialde.
tnand nat tntde Unn sdicrirr MooniattH tor
snipes and thj two Wliiison by a iiicsteiner
irotn the m'b, whoappicniliel I lie lall under
it flag uf liuiu. 'to Hi.-, the vut!lM.n i.
spi nded:
Wo will die llr;. '
Jlien thiy know tleiv until I bn it light.
'Ibu lilt !.. 'enipatiy Kl.t tip mtii ilnee parts
ni.o iim.tlnln,' In the J.tll mid the other two
i uctipj intr the Mierltl'.-t hout- und .t It it n near
the main bulldlnr, IntLca'cis were leaded
and tbc watt lor the Hunt bluifcju bepHt.
'Ibu men '.viie not long lu suspense.
ALuut tjiindowii ihj uist a ui k wits made.
j. I luual Mm .ii imil men marched up the
ii)n, and thru niiU a im.il iroke on a run
let tho .nil. 'the carrlstn hh readj to
idem. "Ilalt, ir I'll i:le ineorJer in lltel'
anc out irt ut hmrllf .u.iuin,iHs tnoftli. :.u
ttlinil"n i.ih pipl to the ltarniin,'.
" Fltet" rm gutit tlu or. lei. an I sernt
r.o rules rum eil a dlrtct and thiukliu Ii.ill of
tullete. Inlu the Uetriiuli.. tl hinhei . I'liej
"nvoreu u m"iucm .n .i sorit of theni went
u'jwn, but with steadiness of teteram cl'.sett ,
t,p tisclr ranks and rushed lorwnrd aif.tiu
under the l".ideihlp ui a Kljnlle niuun
talueer, who tune J tlicni (oiuaru with an out
ur-iiiiie jer.
Ajaln tliu ililes of tho beHectltancoiit,
and this tltno tltej Here ansnercd by a enu.
rehttaied me I rum iiihi.iuD. The aim was
dtully. tter.v window oa ibu exposed Kldes
tf the building couii.eii b) the dejendeis
was shot out and n dozen men fell noii'itted
or killed. Viit-ir hcdles hauiiurtd tlieilepu
ll's who weto uiiharined, und onl) n few
toiild get dose up to the window nmn-eturn
the volley bcicru the mob was upon ibeut.
'1 bei e was a. bhort hti ugifle. l.at were 7.1
Malnst joo? a few ie niter shots, um
il'JBbed rifles and all was over. The deputies.
lih their leader, Mierlff Moemiwe, mortally
bounded, we.elu tho hands uf the mco, and
eteryoueuftbem was ljouiiifdoivn the inn,
lie of at least three Winchesters. There was
no hope for further roslstauce, and tho rate
Of three uurduert was sealed.
Without wtililVK to pick up the dead or
cirofcr the wounded, the mob made a rush
tttbedour oi thejull. and It went down be
fore the shoulders ot u hem or htulwart mi' n.
Tho prisoners wero i cached. They were the
1 only ones In the J.tll. and the mob nad no
trouble In breaking dnwn the trail cclU Haiti
unawiiniear, the eitlarlts were uutKged out
Into the open nlr, where ropes Mere placed '
recna their necks, w Itli a hundred men, mud
ltli ibo thirst tor blooj.nt the endot eaen.
The wretches wote ilragcrd over tlie leu
covered rocks in apiece ct woodland half a
mite away, liehlud them followed the rc
imtnderof tho mob, ilnngat the proalrato
wrnis at every step. Tho victims were un
epticteaiy dead before they had been draififed
twenty yards, and It was the mere semblance
I human forms that was strung up wheu the
cods were leuched. Then the mob ie
lurntd to look for the dead ttnd wounded.
In tlie little Inclosure und on the roadbed
lotrootot the Jail twonty-flvti bodies were
Jjund, and In the three buildings eljht nioio
Jtre rigid in death. About thirty others
wercwounaed, bumeut them latHlly, among
laeo being gallant .sheriff Moouwwh, who
"HHiot twice thmtigh tho chest nnd threo
untfs ttirough tho abdomen. I
soihliigdenultuls knoAiin! the wounded,
hacrsvlllo is miles away frompi lelegraplt
51000. and all news brought to this point or
'ounson city, lu Tennessee, comes by carrier,
jute the tirst news was recelted lour more
Jitae sherirfs pooso uio reported deal ano
ine mob are still under arms, but In spite
in. ie""e cltcment It Is not believed there
"hlbeaiiy more uloodshed unlets u call la
uuo upon the uovcrnor tor troops. It ibey
f5ummoned every mountain moonshiner
jyjalles around wilt assemble to repulse
i!?. ai theso people have little respect for
J.Wh'ilf but local law and mil recent any
J,1"111" attempt to forcit them Into subnits-
riM.'.r M tbBJr ro concernod the case H
Jioietl, as both: the Bherltrs poBae and the
S A.tre rettartled as having done their duty
cjJgnB with their boots on for their prlu.
jMUaa of dispersing, as win expected, t"
Sr? Sm,,nM uPt "10 Brutiad. Tho scat
WMhandtul ot the Sheriff's posso ulfco re
SJ'"d under arms and was rapidly rein
emtii. i" turough tho morning the crowd
Jril"1ud to receive aceesstons to us ranks.
tnSnnooa tllo party numbered ubout oOU
w "00 men.
retiinu ran hlgU, and, after a few speeches,
BaJt?9. resolved to avenge Sberlr; Mco
uSS' death. Another battle took plate
tuiii "ler noon ln "blch at least twentj.
Jeniff -ro men w"e knea. What will le tho
pfcted 0no btTt cnn ,e"' but ,ro'Pa are
And llaheravllU fa Mnosvbouad.
,. it tifociiTr.n ei- .
ttn C,TT' T'nn- Jan- 6.-Efforts to
"Mo communication with Uik.raillle, N.C.,
tttitL U" been unT'nc- Keporu from
"Mrry, n. c, the nearest railroad station,
sttii. ,h9 ,utnnt that the snow In thst
feown In y'eVrt "" U d6ner ,htn " te,B
rJ been snowlny constantir lor Are
at A'
?i'"'n.a " ? ' us not stopped. Thn snow
fnSSi. 1 om .V ' lnchl's ""rs "d many
rUe0cTv!.d'aini,uV'leV,ll " W'1 "'UCr8 h"'
1 in!irm!I.moii",lp?,ll,lbl0 ,0 C't trustworthy
I hl,.,!sV)lnU?ldrn0gmr.okCrsTm,, concrB,' u"
r'"?'f!' ,r,m t'rauh-rry coming In tho
I Sou i.8i iai?' ".'al " -"'o "ClKbt"
nrSir nr,rtr,rlil,J.lV'"cll,','cr l''e drejillut
S,' '"O. ""'. SniPts, the murderer 01 on.
!,wo,.Vnu,:e;rkl.rie:.."cUi1 a,ia "'"
r.u!!tJrv".n,lV"J "?.!! '" farohlnglhe
r,nni,r,? .'?r, Afon "I'otnau. who was also
! n,V, ,'". ,l:c '""rdcr of tisbou.e, but
tlclicc a.'coiitu uf iuiumcleuletl.
'niJi'iT!1,1, i,1.n,? "'"'"'I tlmt an attempt
' 5 . Wde,,u IXICll fho WUItfOll IllOtUVIH.
sel,tr.n''?.sil,' "1,"J';,1 lu Jand under
iSmM'm le l,int.'cd on the Klh of this
!)?,Hll r "l0 "'U'tUr ot Kit ityrd aettral
She and the Doctor Believe In Her
ilf.sband's Intinnltv
':-T Mortairi. nest, 1
Ilt.vrns-, Jan. :, Mrs. Wood, the wlloot
Hamilton vt'uul, who irteiitly escaped 110111
I the Wciccftel- Insane As)luni,s.ts other
I busbano'H ptihllsbod charges-
' It Is simply mo name old story which he
I liasrcpcatid so ninny ilmc. blni-e hehas
beer. In tLe vailo'ts usjlumi be Las written
( vtiy much, intciutlug In his lehtir tuaity
I prominent men. Jut I! waioult thieut.cek-
jguthetl whs tuld by lir. (,'tiimby, of Hit
, Wurcu.stcr Asjlum, lint nn husband wag
I li( an lit lonrtlttun to be il:clnrged. Ktery
(hcti.r uhohas iver s'en my hiisbiud has
pruuouni ed una Insane,
t "I ll.lnkl'i! tiif tilded In hist sr.irie from
I Aiicusttr. My wm and I nave dene'doui-
Mites iii.iut things to piy hi.s botrd. We
bine (v.ni aim preseiils and leiughl hint
'clothej. Wnrn the bUKincss .t.ihs.iied tin
theio was but moo 'ett, and this was In
small aiiiouuts ami soiuo 01 It hard to Let,
eoni-M?. pctijdet 111 tend thisu starlci
I nnd thluk I .un iinehai liable, and .11.1 Intlng
hint Mls-ly o'.nniieiL lii.ncM.oi.il tluii
could for him, a-id am wl.iin to do mure. 1
leertalnlt n-i-.e no motive foi ii..vlug him eon.
lined oiuer Ut-tn that l do not touMiier him a
in t-,nn in -,011111! mind. I Limit- tintnin ' about
, hise.ipe. und pn stitne too II lends wi.cin ho
IS Willi III! .MllsOIH "
Wn'.l !!,reofi Petition to Conirrosa
Cots Mnn7 Signatures.
Tliepallthii walai Is Ijemj iireulmerl by
.t. It. Prols", nt I. D. 1'iubs. .t to., lunkets
111 .".0 l.xch.ingo place, tor the put-poicd in
tl'tihilngof Conkress to rejieal Uiu-slicrm-in
Mlver at t, Ij fail gain'n-; slgna'ttres.
-Mr. Piobsl siild lo-dat lhat ho had all end)
obtained oter lite liundred names, lailudlug
some ot the best Pi Wall street, lluitasnut,
however, at llb.ity to tiuku the names pub
lic now.
The petition will le sent to loth the ionatc
andllie House of Itcp'cseutulltes. Accord.
111" to Mr. Probst tn.iuv pet sonal letters an I
ti Iegr.ims will also bo bent to ttnshliiKioii In
the mm1) cuiiuri-tlun. A committee will
pi-obabt to appointed to resent tho pollllon
t'j Lungrev. The iersoiineI of ihe eum
niltiee li.ts not jei teen ueiliicd upon.
The iiinur iiirreni tctay lu ttullhtrcet.
that t'.Miuu.tmu in gold would be shipped to
Ktiioiu baiutday, was illspose.1 of Lj the
statcnient ofi'asulei Miililenniii, ot the hub
Treasury, that no orders tor gold hud beeti
receltid nr him.
I lie t lumherof Loiiiuierce to-day adopted
lesolilllons teio.nmeiidliigtlio lopealot the
linn providing for the purchase or i-llter
bullion by the l'rviieury Departii.ent.
EdWH'rt Cols Clarl: Held ln JCOO
Enll for Eiaralnatlon
A 1,11'rt'lDokiag joiing mau, wlih ad in ny
tiiustaihe, well utessed nnd well spoken, was
aruigiifd b-.iiie Jusllcn liyau al Jeflcrsou
Marktt com 1 tuls morning 011 achaige of
ubinluin,' money under ialt.o pretenses.
Ills name Is Hdward Coles Clark and ho
comes ot an excellent family.
UaiU was charged by Peter ritltcr, ct ".':!
rnsi, t-eu'uletnih street, with having given
hlm.t stiutlousMglitdrait fonthon Nov. u:t.
'lhedratt. richer states, was slgneu " i:u.
waist i. flnrk A Co., ut 87 Woith street."
There It no such ill in ut thntaddies-.. though
Harks mail lias btou coming there lor
seteral montlis.
1 lat .; Is 1 lilt ty enrs old and lltes al .seventh
atetiiiiuiul Fortj.M-i'oiiu stieel.
'Ibis inornlng lIjib. was held In ."00 ball
toi ixamluatluu.
But National Sanlter Loglslntion
Will Not Do Ignored. !
'i y AtftiuM-iin mri.s.1
Wisiiist.Tos-, Jan. u Thero Isndlsposl
t Ion lu the .senate on tho part of the Hepubll-'
ran mmteis to do as little as possible peud-'
lug the cliaug.' ln the Adiiilnlaiudou and j
ihe possible chungo lu nit. organization of the
.senate It seir. A leadlii,' liepubllcai. Senjtor
said to.daj thni r.tttstdo the Appropriation
bills theio would be little done.
t 1110 noi dup-jsed 10 ignore sanitary
legislation, and that matter will bo aiteuaid
1.) .is scon as possible," ho continued. "It
would bo folly fir us to pass .111) partisan
measures, tor ihej would no" go through the
House, nud th oalendai would tdniplr bo
.lumbered with a mass of bills, that could
neier become laws."
Her Arrest Yosterday Causos Post
ponement ot Her Trial.
According to the ticnotal sessions calendar,
Bei tin '.aus was to hate hi n placed on trial
to-tlu) In Pari II to at.swtr sclera! Indict
ments tound against her for swindling shop
keepers by git Ing them worthloss checks.
Owing 10 her airett jesteidny 011 a fresh
complaint of iWmllav character. Assistant
Dlatrlcl-Attoruey Weeks decided to po fpoue
the ttlal until her case had been disposed of
lu the .leltcrsuii Market Police court.
Another lejsou tor tiiu postpenement Is
that her counsel, Law.trr Purdy, Ik engaged
to-da In deiendlng l'ngrater Uroitn, the
alleged dress Hiaahci.
Peter ltlccl to-day obtained a writ of
habeas corpus fiom Jusilco llarrett, of the
Supreme Court, dliectlt.g Mis. Hcsa l'rarcr
to priKluce hi i tt Ife, Madelcna, In court.
1'cter wasmtirilcdut the city Hall Dec. 0,
but his wife's stepmother, Mrs. I'rarer, took
the wife to her home, lilt Thompson street,
and refused to let l'eter live with, talk to 01
visit his better half.
rourteen Hours In the Rigging-.
I ui aisocuiin putti.)
liii.Tixoni, Jan. & Capt. John M, Jtc-
lirldo and his crow ot eight men, of the
schooner Kdlth lierttlnd, Port Tampa, Kla.,
for llaltlmore, which was wrecked on bmllh's
Island shoals ou Nuuday last, armed here
last night. They tetualned lashed 10 the rig
ging, lu a heavy sea, irom a o'clot k Mtbday
evening until in o'clock Monday mornin.'.
, Want to Abolish tb Ulllt'.a.
ut oritiii. rvi. 1
Cotrusrs, O.. Jan. 3. The fitato Trades
aud Labor Atsemtly yesterday adopted a
resolution asking tbe abolishment of tho
State Mllltla and detective agencies as being
Inimical to labor.
Political Potpourri.
I mi). Halt I. ranomiaatad fur Unite I Sulci
baaaior at tat hapubluau Icililatora of ill I in.
Nabrataa'aluaua-uratlon indeUttlon of tlolttj
Biataa Senator fo otir till utit ek. I ha basata
deadlock la uuurokeu.
Oot. Itlfb. of Jllchlaan. la hia loaoj oral iptaka
for aood rada and aninit nada croaiUta for
railnes. It doe not recommend Ifte lepeil o
tb Ulnar law.
lUDublieana tbreatan to Hltbhold Htalf appro-
rlalTons la Worth lfaaoulo raeann for th ecrat
Jwearlni 10 of PopnlUl UUU ofievr btfor tb
appointed dar.
An Eccentric Stock Market Shows
the Traders in Cpntrol.
Tho List Strengthens on Itcadlnz,
littt IJrors Aiitii.
i Watt MttKKr. Tbursd.ly, Jan. f..-The
I i.ioten.eals in the stock market tc-di) wero
excteJlaglj enath'. H, lsetldcnt lhat Bpec-1
nlallon Is In the hands of (he ti.ulciH, and the
leading professionals am tlmply looking onl
at the struggle pending developments In re
gatd to the bhciinau bitter law and other
iiuesllons havliig a dire -l bearing on the
hnatulil aud cemiie.olal Iniercsls of the
block, alt.tn.ed 14 to li( per cent. In the
early trading nlili Mtgur, IHstllllag and cal-
tie reeding, and Manhattan lu the lead, bub
soiiicntly the bears MiiceeJed In bilnglug
I about a gcueral decline.
. llihago (las fell cir vij. Manhattan is4, 1
' fciunr instilling ,t cattle I ucdtiig 1 a v; points 1
laud tho geueul list 4 In 1 inrcent.
I Heading wrs ilrmer than the n'st. altho'ign I
1 the btrect P. Hooded with talk aboiu the I
I Dievel-Moigan Intciett Vilng hostllo to the.
I Mcl.ivd muiiiigeineiil, and nnotil tho latter'
Uailn; lo "snlu" aioiind lot- money with
I which to tutet the Int. 1 est on thepreieienco
li.coino uouils.
I This niteritoutt the beats fouud lhat they
had eni'JunlcKil a lortnldnble upiiosliluu, and
' In the liiteihalltigsillsplajcdnoilltleanxteiy ,
I toi,el lu llieit slioits. !
I Tlichcai) luiMiigof Iltadlug Irom 4U4 upl
'to 1, had mote efrei-t than anything els.
and stimulated purchases of lite leading
'1 be advance wmo.iunl ton a 114 percent.,
1 but towards t an close tho tradeis soidotti
und puces went on again on statements that
buiHreu two and three millions of gold would
ro abioad by battirdny'a und Tuesday's
siea'ners. In the llual sales there was a irac. .
Money tloscd at u percent, on call, the
highest of the da.
bales of nttcks for thn day weie U'OU.OOU
ehates listed and su.oou uullstod.
Tho Assistant Tieastner vf the I'ultcd
Stntcs will lecelvn pronosals until noon on 1
I Miinuy next lor the sale to the Treasury ot
about i-too.ooo first muitgage bonds of tho
subsidized I'at Hit: Hallroad Companies, under I
the usual conditions.
The Kuroiieau .steamers on haturdav will I
take out -'.'."..niiO ounces of slltcr mid to.oou 1
Mexican dollars.
The regular tiuarterlr dlrldmd of lccr
cent, has been declared upon tho preferred
slock of the loledu .t (1I1I11 Central, payable
Jan. 'J.'..
Hi liter ,t lltofirande has declared a divi
dend of 1 tier cent, on the pteierted stock,
f.iynliln l-'eli. ".'O.
lUVKiends on Ainerlran Sugar preferred
sloek will herentier be declared tiuarterly
Instead of seml-unnually.
1 lie Central Kallroail ot New Jorfey has
declared a Hit Ideadot 114 per cent., payable
IVh. 1.
A Chicago special says tho Itock Island j
teiegruphers ilcclaietl ihe stilke un" this
The gtus earnings of Northern Pacific for
December were l,n.",ti,ltl4. a decrease of
I.oulsvlila .S'ashvlllo reports gross earn-
Ings ior the lourth week of December of.
$."iiii,i;'.'0. nn Increase of 7:;,."H: for thu '
; month, lilliP.'U.'i, an Inctense uf 3U1,II4, '
I nnd It out July l to Dec. .'It, IB!)-.', U,lHti,-,'U7,
nn lucre ise ot i."iS."i, 1 '.'."i.
Tue gro.se 11 niUjfsot Missouri Paellle trnin
Jan. 1 in Dec. :tl were f-iT.tlHtkuuo, au In.
II ease of l,bOtl,U0O.
The gross eurnltiBs of the St. Paul for the
calendar year weie ::l,:Mii,t)io, an increase I
The gross earnings of Texas Pacltlcfor the
lourth event lieeeinler were S).'40,1Ttl. an
inirease 01 t.lo,lio.-, and lir Hie mouth of
Itecemlier i7li.VbTl.ua luctcise ot tuu.'.M'J.
. htcillng hxchunr,e was nrm, with un ad
tandng tend-ncy. bltt.t-.Iay bills sold nt
M.stiu I. mij. demand nt 4.H7!vn-(B74 and
' cables at t.ss
I Trio Quotations.
Oprn, High, . rlitl.
American SniiirRef . 11-. 1HW 1 IVEi 11'.",
Amer. Miau ltl. tiref., lal lulls, itO'4 look
Ameiitaii IMtoi Oil. i.H 4 1 4.ra "'
I American Diat. Tel . 67 at DT 67
AlU'il.c-.t I'.mIiIo 4 4 4 4
, At.b . rop. Abaota la S:.la SiU 31 S.ill
I halt. J: O.1I0 U.i U.it. US', via.
burial.., .t. 11111.. mo :u; as -in '
Cauada b.Hltaarn.,... 6tlljt 6G1 b&l 0M4 '
Clnrato Car bi'ii 'H BtJa soft 1
Line., llnr A Onini-j U7, 'J-i u; u;
Cliliaeo Kortliwrst. 11IH lll 111", IMUl
I Iblc.MU. A bt. 1'aul.. 7U, Vila 7( J 7f,S I
1 Clue , M. . ft I'aiilpfd li-lt l'.'.'1, I'i'.-U laJH,
I Chic. Kuck f. t I'ae. S.a, Sil h;'? m-jS
. Cla., C. V. A hi. I- . OSS 4 tS'e tSlil
I ,r..('..t .AM.Unrar. ViU le-Sa UJ-.4 Kva ,
Col. J Hoc, fillet..-., '.'tft -J8M -J-a viC '
U..I a llocW. Coal .ma -Jaw .'11 volt 1
Col. Coal i Iron .1; .-17), :i; :t7tl
I onuolldalr-l (.aa 1-Jl fiS t.'li 1-jtU I
Del.. I.a-.L. A Won.,.. Willi HHW H'JH H'jtT .
Dclauire llurt.on ,lii lltii Ui 133 '
Denver A )ll..l.rauda . 1 T f ILU 1ft I6J,
llai.. A Itlollrandepfd. ft IJ s.'i 6JIJ flit!'
Die. a . attle tnut li.'k '-H C,m nliZl
tdiftin l.iectrlo 111 .... 11.. 11 On ma" H6U1
l.'lann ,Va. A t.a. ."' Hi -4 .si:
'Omi.FlMIT'e 112J HiN 111 lllii
llllnoial ao.ral . 'J 'J UJ HJ UJ ,
loi Oi.tril II li 'J i I
Inwa Central prel Sd 3li' 30 :ttl
l.aile,ll.ai 'JiU -..'ll "Mi -..
lakobh.ire 1A' I7ta lr,ji l'J7'-,
Lake rnei. etaru. . . :'aw XJ't -J-. 'a -..-.1
Lake I n AWailrropfd T.H "tH 7.'.( ,bil
lonclelaiol . .lost 1l"2 lO.lti !n;,t,
IoiiniiiaANa.i. :: ,i 71 71l
Lome., X. Alb. ACht. Tt't 'jij 'JSU Sail I
l..,..le..bt I.. .VTej . -Ittaf 'all, itsl Ja'i '
MaubattauContuI Hilt, issa, u,:t IslVi
MIa..unl'acltlo . tola Cri 65t (lit,
Mobllet OHIO 111!, 3lli UjU a.tt,l
Mo. Kan. A lo, prat.. St 1.0), '.'5 iijl, I
sat. cent Co i:in las 13, i niI
hnl.Corl Uj. urnf. . . 1UI. 1121, 113 111
.Sat. Lead Co . l.Vt 4.V, II', 4,tj
Nat. Lead tJn.urj' '.II UI UJV Ui".
Nat. Mil. Oil IIS US', ai Mil'
.Sat nt-.ri-n Mi . al ail Tilt JIW
No t .,or-t-anlral . l.'.i mt IVJi, 'i.;,
.. Y. A Xortlirrn prat. -i'M UI 'iiH iVl
N. V. I ua-'an.l 441, 4j.t 4,1, 44
.S. 1 .. (,. I hi, I. 'i.l .f 35 ; ,C. at.
.S. V.. Uka l.rleA W 211, 21, 'J.i, 'J..U
Northern I'aelbe . ... ICM lit, 1C4 KU
s,irtl;ru I'li'ili., ,rt(. , 4Cm 41 . tr.i, tta.
I North America! Hit lllti lu(, 10)1
Ohio A Mlaaiasippi. Hi V.' 'Ji -J3
OntaitoAWetl ... 18l Hli IS 18
Or lUllwaj-A "tatiit 'I 77 7Ct 7t.t(
I'hlla. A Keadlna . 4iU 6l.t, 41.14 60U
I i'ulltuan I'alairCarCo. llllVa lUClt lllf 4 IVIM
1 Horn. Wat & lln.leni lllvi 11IU 111, 11 C
, bt. Pa-lt A Omaha 17H, 'H tilt VH
ht. Paul Omaha pref 117 117 lf 117
Snutliern Paiin. SO 33 J I, 'a BO,
I 'Irian I'aiirln ... im. lit vU l(
lanu. Coal A Iron Ill 14 .'1 114 a.'.'t J',u
'lot.. A. Arti.ir A .. l Jif( Ksi s;i H-u
Uninn I'a.-ltl.-. ... li'JH ill 3'. a'l't
llnion Par., tlen.A t. ulf 1 C.I K', ifk 1st,
1 Wtbasb vxol . . 'a.la V.lt4 "!-J S.ii I
Vfetl.lluion lelearaun U.'U U.V Ut'Z U.'la
Huenn-Ji l.ike i: Vl't -A', Jill -J 1 1 4
Wheellua-AIakll-.pref 0.1 It'l I.J 3)a
P div I
Mtnlna- Stocku,
'j be following are the clojlng ii.otatlons of
mining slocks nt the Com-olldaied Exchange
liJ. Jrte.l. H,J. AiiiJ.
Amiiicau I lloueataka l'l.Od
HI ,01 .03 lt,,rSll,r LI.
Alice , . .S'l ,llu Iron hitter, .40
Adame. .. ,4'I Iron Hill .lu
AepenM.A IKItiffaton
b. Co. . 1.11 ., A I'eml. . .10 -
llalcbar. ,. 1.3U -l.aCro.ie.. .. .Oil
Ueet A l.aad. Cou. .'iu ,-J!
Ilelober.. I.UZ - t.iltleChlet .ill .'::.
Ilo.lie 'J J - Mailca-i .. 1 d'l
linlwar ... .In ,'Jtl ttoultoQ , '.Sil
Uaroaloua. .01 iNatata.. ,10
Utea.-a ... ,'jll -iNorth liella
IrunK.cou. .OJ ,11 I. la Ill
Haltujiil . ,-J J .'it Ontario . Ill l.O
Calodoula Onlilr.,,... 1.75 1
Ik II 70 -lOrlental a I
Oltollar ... .OJ -' Millar... - 91
Chub I'V ,10 P.juiouth. .nil 1.00
carjiollte. .10 I'li.anli I.. .ui .
cal. Can... .40 I'niaaliAtl .as
Ciin. t;. Illoblnaou 1
AVa. . l.so -' Con 31 .SO
Comttock ratata. , . 1.2 1
blook ... in - blerraftat. 1.36
Honda,. . 14,011 bl41d.nl 1. tit
bcrlp .... l(,uu 'MitnrKloa ,s.l .r.ui
llunkl'i. ,, , lg - Sloraiount, - ,01
Dladwood bintuao. , ,lu I
, Terra ... 1,30 baa baha,-
Den. City Han, .IU
ion. - lrJScnallll..' .74 .115
l.urekall'u 1.0U -biltarMln.
I'l.Crlet.... .-.'i ,30 l.-o.otl, V .30 .80
lather Da Mioahone. - .Vi
bniel ... ,18 .33 Ncorplou .. .30
Could A Tloca .60
Cirri .. .8k -llaroncea. l.t.n
O'ull'riir. - .80 Ward con.. .Ill .36
Hale A. Nor. Yel. Jackei .iu
traia. . 1.30
Wife Murdor In Albany.
It araoeiaTm raaaa.1
At.sisT, Jan. 6 A murder occurred here
this afternoon al 48 Wlllott street. A man
named snattuck shot bis wife and tbtn him
self. The woman Is dead but the man la still
A Brooklyn Woman's Testimony
: Causes a Sensation,
Kugruvor llrorvu Acquitted uf
Sloshing tlie Gown.
Tbe trial of August I.. Urown, Jewelry en
giater, of no Nassau street, ou tho cbargo of
j slashing the dress ot Miss Lottn Drown lu a
.Ninth Atsnuo Mevatcd car thn etcntng ot
I Aeg. SO, was resumed this morning In Oct
et al Sessions.
The complainant Is a pretty blonde, em
ployed as a figure lu a Ilrnadnay cloak storo
Mic lives at Od Vnrlck street
Ou tho nlglil In question she boarded au
" 1." train at Dcsbrotsea street to go to Kl
dorado. Aa the ear she entered wan crowded
sbo stood uear the door. When approaching
the Twcnty.thlrd street station she felt set
cial tugsat her drcs, and un exanilnlug It
i tottnd It had been cut lu several plates.
I llrottnwas standing directly behind her.
she aa.iis"d hlin of doing the cutting aud
I causcJ his arrest.
Scleral women testtrlcd agattial lliown
yesterday. Mrs. loulsa Olngcr, ot 4'M Wist
roriy.fotirth htteet, and Matgarct Kecwstow,
a professional nuite. ot Ilrnoklyn, nald Ihey
saw Hnmii luggliK; at Mis. Ilrown'it dress.
Ubrn Hrawii was arrestea the little linger
of hts right hand was bleeding and there
were uncial Hood Mains on Miss llrown's
This was the roost damaging evlJenco
against brown.
Ho explained lbs cut on his linger by say
ing that ho received It while norslng ln Ills
shop on tho afteruoou of Aug. TO.
The Court was adjourned yesterday after
noon, to allow lir own to produce two wit
nesses to substantiate his statement.
When proceeulngs opened al 11.110 o'clock
to.dav, I.awter l'urdr called Mrs. l.lla Hem
inlngs to the maud. Hie lives nt HO Third
.tveuue. Brooklyn. Hhe was on the iiuln
when tho cutting was done. I'rertous to
Hrown's arrest ha had sunenderod his seal
to her.
Thowllno's astanlihod everybody In tho
cotirt-rooiu by stating mat when Miss Ilronn
entered tue car at Dcsbrosscs street she
noticed that the young woman's dress all cut
In pieces. She tvos prompted to tell Miss
llrowtt, but refrained from doing so.
I Mrs. ilerumlugs said she was a dressmaker.
On examining the slashed dress she ex-
I pressed t bo opinion that the rents bad been
made with gclasors and not with a knife.
I Mrs. llemmlngs was unable to appear as a
witness lu tho hollce Court, she explained, on
account of Illness. Wnen she recovered she
called upon Mr. Drown aud offered to testify
In respnnto tn Assistant District-Attorney
Townsend's utiettlon the witness said that
her attention bad been attraoted in .Miss
Urown because sbo bad such a splendid tuure.
lleorge btnbenboril, a lad who was lu
Hrown's employ on Aug. -'0, said that be had
noticed that his employers nnger was out
about .1 o'clock on lhat afternoon. Mr. lirnwu
had been tearing up some 7lnc from the floor.
Cross-examined by Mi. Tuwusend, tho lad
I said Mr. Urown had not bound tho linger tip,
i but simply rubbed the blood off on his apron.
I Duvld (ireenrteld, another ltd w ho was em-
I ployed by Urown on Aug. k'O, coironorated
John Drill, a park policeman, who has been
on the force fo-tr years, testified to thede
leudanl's good character.
John II. Kelly, an engraver, at h(I Nassau
Mteet, and seieral other witnesses, also
SAoiu that Hrown's character was good.
i John Hlpan, an engraver, at 1.1U UroaJway,
said hesaw Urown on John street ou the
. aiternoon ot Aug. M and noticed that one of
his nngers wus ulerdlug.
Mrs. Hemming was leealled by Mr. Town
scud anu asked why sie had not called Miss
; lironu'H ultentlun lu the condition of her
1 dress.
I llecatise," answeiea Ihe witness, " I once
i told a young woman that her dress was fall
ing down and she snuboed inc. ff a man
ikils a woman's attention to her dress, now
etcr, he gets thanked."
Mis. Hemming further states that tho torn
dress did not present such a dilapidated ttp
IH'srance when worn and asucd Mr. Town
send to put It on to substantiate her state
ment. The handsome prosecutor blushlngly de
clined to become n model.
This concluded the evidonce and .Mr. i'urdy
akcd lhat the court Instruct ibe jury to
ncqult ou tbe ground lhat the prosecution
hia not furnished Miilicleulctldcnco to stir
pori tbe indictment.
The muilon being denied, he summed up.
He called the attention of the Jury to the
fact that no ono had been called totcsttfvio
the condition of MIm Hrown's dress besides
Mrs. Hemming. The latter' statement that
the complainant's dress was torn when bbe
bonded the train, stto said, wns uncon
traded. Ho pointed out a few dlscreti.itirleit
lu thn testininuy of the wtincsjes lui- tho
lie said Mrs. (linger, on direct exsmlua
tlon, staled that Drown had Hut down on her
lap. On cross-examination she qualified her
testimony ny saying that the detendant was
thro'vn Into her lap by the momentum of the
train. Mill again she stated that she bad a
baby In herlau.
He concluded by claiming; that. Urown had
acted as a gcmlemnii throughout the trying
The jury al4.:)o o'clock brought lit a ver
dict of not guilty.
On'.y TulrtjMour Membarn of the
Strnngre Society Now l.o It.
' lev aaaoettTcn rarai.i
I'lTTsnrsu, Jan. ft. Oot'.lleb Lauppe, a
member of the Kconomlte Hoctety, and one ot
the Hoard of K'.ders, died at o o'clock- last
night. Ills death reduces the membership to
Two Men Crushed to Death ln a Mine,
ihv AitocuTtD ri.rii.1
St n ai.u, Mr-., Jan. 3. The roof of a coal
mine ln tbe city limits fell yesterday, stone
wall Jackson was pinned down and killed.
Tbe other miners rushed to his rescne, when
the timbers gavo way and Oeorge Urown was
Instantly killed, three tons oi lock falling
upon him.
Fire In the Renwlct Club.
Flie ou the first floor of tho four-story
building 40 West Thirty-second street, occu-
pled by the licnwlck Club, did gnu damage at
7..'.. "i mis morning.
Elg-litoen Horses Burned.
IIT lfrrTM PPirae.!
Iiosios-, Jan. r. The livery stable cf.t:. c.
11. I.aoglcy, In Cambridge, was burned this
morning, arid eighteen of tbe nineteen horses
In tbe building were burned to death. Louis
T.Taylor wns kicked tn tbe head snd killed
by a horse while trying to get the Rnlinuls.
D!od at a Banquet.
fT jiiociiTin raa.t
ltKuxitrOKT.Conn., Jan. 0. Dr. K. J. Young,
President of the Bridgeport hoard of Health,
died while attending a banquet vt the Han
bury .Medical Hoclety at the Turner Houso
about :i o'clock this morning.
Assessment tn New Roobelle.
WpiTK Pi itss, N. v., Jan. .V The Board of
Supervisors of Westchester county has an
tborktd the town of New Hochelle to raise
upon the taxable property of that town the
stun of :i,ohu for town indebtedness.
Art Company' Strike Over.
NiiMSt, .V, J., Jan. A. The strike of the
employees of the NewaikNew Art Company,
because tbe salary of their buperlntendcnt,
rred Hogardtis, wan reduced, ended to-day.
Found Dead In Hor Itoora.
Kitty Mullen, thirty five years old, wis
found desd In her room at k'JS West Forty
seventh street ihortly sttertt o'clock this
morning. Tbe Coroner was notified.
airt of Brewer Krueaer
NiwiRi, N. J., Jan, 6.-BrewerUottlrled
Krueger has given the Oermsn Pioneer
hoclety another 1 10.000. Three years ago be
gave gto.ooo to their home for aged men.
Maurice Fcatherson Is to Suooeod
Water Purvoyor Burke.
! John i. Ryan Made Deputy Street
Cleaning Commissioner.
Twenty-three Tmnmnny District
Lenders Now Hold Kitt OITlfCi.
t cniiutssloner i f I'ublb: Works .Michael T.
Daly to.day Pled bis ofllcUl bond wllh the
(.ouipiruller. Tho bot.rt is for ilU.OOO. nnd
( otiinilssloner Dalj's benJsmcu uro JoLn
AlctfUadc aud John l'lemlng.
The nrst ofllclnl act ot Michael T. Ualy, Hie
new commissioner of public Works, will be
, thu appointment ot Maurice Feathcrrou as
' Water I'urvejur In place uf W. II.
Iltirke, yesterday appointed Police Jus-
t lice. Vr. 1'eathersou Is tho 'J'auimtnt
leader of tlio Twcntj.sccoud District, and
the younger member of tho Hxectttlte Com-
inlltec of llihty. He Is a machinist, but l"tt
his dado when ho entered pollllet to uecumo
usuopitnasiTteiln the Court ol Special Fcs-
slous, a place ho now holds. The salary of
the Water l'urtcyor lsgi.000 a year.
Auothcr change lu tho Publlo Works lie
paitmcnt will be made to-day. John J.ltynn,
Superintendent ot the Bureau of Htrccts und
loads, will bo appointed Deputy btrect
Cleaning Commissioner by Mr. Breunan,
lu place ot William Daltnn, yesterday ap
pointed Kxclse Commissioner. That posltlou
pays 11,000 a year.an incteaso over the salary
of his present place ol tl.'.'SO.
Maurice llolohan will continue In theplico
ct Deputy Commissioner ol Publlo Works for
the present, lie 'will most likely be reap
pointed. bonie one In tbo Department will be pro
moted to the place of Ml. Hyan. Commis
sioner Daly said ho would unnoucco his name
during the day.
It is expected that several other Tammany
leaders will bo provided with places soon.
Twenty-three of tho Executive Committed of
T hlriy now hold lucrative omcos.
hour are Police Justices, three ore rtatn
Senators, one each au Assemblyman, Coro
ner, Commissioner of Jurors. Fire commis
sioner, hxctso Commissioner, County Clerk,
counsel tu tbe bherlff, HarborMaslor, tinder
HherllT, Deputy .superintendent uf bl reels,
Water Purveyor, two police Commissioners
and three clerks of courts.
Tho dlstr'ct leaders not holding oftlte are
1 T. ITU pat rick, of the 1'otnth; Patrick
Keennn, of the Hlith, John Itrllly, uf the
T'enth: Peter J. Dooilng, of the Seventeenth;
Thomas J. Dunn, of tho Twentieth: Law
leuce icluioiir, ot tho Twcnt j -fourth, and
JocobHeabold, ut tbo Twenty-ninth.
Later tn the day Conimlsslomr Daly for
mally announced that be would .irappolnt
Mr. llolabau as Deputy Coiniutssluuer of
Public Works.
Comptroller Myers tnadj lliesrt appoint
ments In his department to-day i Col. David
K. Austen, Hecoui Auditor, to be Deputy De
ceiver ot Taxes In place of Allreil Vreden
btirgh.decensed, at salary of s:i..'.oo ; John V.
Ouuldsbury, Deputy Auditor, won promoted
to succeed col. Austen, at a salary or ci.u'.mi,
and Heeond Deputy Auditor V. I. W. MchalT
uer succeeded to Mr. Oouldnbury'a plate.
No Decision on Wife's Application
for Legal Inquiry.
Application was made to Judge Barrett In
the supreme Court chambers to-day by
Louisa It. o Connor for tho appointment ot a
t pmmlsslon to luqulio Into thu sanity of her
husband, James Owen O'Connor.
.Mrs. O'Connor lives ln Jersey city. Her
husband has been confined In tbo Morris
Plains Lunatic Asylum for soteral weeks
past. He Is the owner ot personal property
In tbe shape of cash In the Kmlgrant Indus,
till! Savings Bank, the Bank for savings, the
Manhattan savings Institution and tbe t'nlon
Dime bavluga luitltuthm aggiegatlng about
The Hftldavlt of Dr. 11. 1), r.vsns states thai
the at tor Islusane and Incapable of taking
care ot himself or his properly. Dr. Kvaus Is
tlie modlcal dltector of tho Institution lu
which o Connor Is confined.
o Connor has a brother. Mute Senator Ku
geuo V. O'Connor, a sister. Uulli a. John,
stone, bin h ol Brooklyn, and a iiiiughler bj u
trainer marriage, Josephine O'Connor,
Judge Barrett reserved hit decision.
Mlsa Bte.dler Makes No Explana
tion of Hor Chan are of Mind.
llniii.jt.Tos-, N, J., Jan. u Mils Kato W.
Sladicr, daughter uf J, B. Hiadler, of this
ell, to-day declined to explain why sl.on
fused yesterduy, al thu last moment, to
in airy Baptist s. scull, of Cttoidcu.
The marriage ceremony was about to l
performed in the presence of a large number
of guests, when Miss si ndler suddenly rmnled
and ha I to be carrlod to her room. When shu
levlved sbe leiused lo bate the ceremony
Mr. mmiii, thn Intended bridegroom, was
atnaed over mo lemnrkablocoimui'inr Miss
sinJloi, and last evening left Brldgeton nud
returned to his home tn Camden, it Is said
that beforo he went away MUs Stadler prl
vatelt luforued him why shu had suddenly
changed her mind.
It is repotted that her mother was pros
trated otci thu Krinlnatliiu of tbe affair.
Dempsey's Bllvarware Recovered
and Durglar Hlnen Arrested. I
Detective Kdward Wells, of stutcn Island,
tcda) icrotcred all the allverwaro which
was stolen irom tno residence of Lawrence
Deiupucy.a tottott broker, residing on Castle,
ton atenue, Wen New Brighton, b. L, on
bunday night. j
Tho property was found lu a den In llrooi-1
lyn, which Is kept by a negro woman, and Is1
saldtu be thu headquaiters of wcll-kuowi. I
crooks. :
Wills arrested tint burglar, Terrento I
Htnes while he was walking along the Htm
ery. He wasteeognlred by BroUr Deuiptej's
coat, which he uorc.
Homestead Men Expect to Raise
tho Sum or 430,000.
In i.ionitrn rrra,
(TsciNsiTi, Jan. .". A morning paper sajs
that amemterof the Advlvory Coniuillloeot
Homestead, Pa., has been hero three days o-i
a private mission to secure funds for thu I
criminal prosecution ot Henry C. brick. See.
reury l.o te Joy aud Capt. Brecb, of the tar-1
hegle Company,
lie said similar nstents have heen sent to S' '
Llttls, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia,'
and that tho especial Ion U that a tiiiuluf ,
(Tti.ooo wlil soon be raised to push thu pros.
. a
To Mortgage Cincinnati's Cathedral,
rrv iimi uttn enri. t
Ciscisxati, Jan. &. Authority has been '
granted to morlgago the Cathedral property
In this city to secure a loan of ge?,ooo, to be !
applied tu the payment ot a dividend to the !
unfortunate trcdltors of the lato Archbishop '
- I
Funeral of Murdered Loror
WniTSBiii, N, J., Jan. 5. The funrral of
Edwin bmltb, who was shot by Nora Bon,
who afterward committed suicide, took place
to-da) from the home Of hts ls-other, Abra.
ham Smith. The funeral of Ulki Hon IH
Iske place on Saturday, There Is now no
loegsr any doubt but thst Jealousy was tho
cause of the double tragedy.
Murdor in the First Degreo tlio
Jury's Verdict.
Out All Nlfiht and a Disagreement
Vus Feared.
Mr. Hon v, N. J., Jan. 3. Tho Jury ln tho
case of Wesley Warner, on trial for the mur
der of ll;lo Peak, camo Into Court at 10
o'clock this morning and returned a verdict
of murder In the first degree.
Waincr, who seemed dazed as soon as he
lealledhli tcrrlblo rate, was remanded to
Jail to ait alt the death sentence.
The Jury was out all ulght, and there did
notRrem to be any prospect of arrltlng at a
tcidlct. It wns said that eight of tbotnelvo
jurors were lu lavor of a verdict ot murder
In tbe first drgrce, and the other four stood
out ugnlnst It.
Juit'o oarilson, In charging tbe Jury yester
day atiei neon, said thai the claim made by
the defense that Warner had become tempor
ality Insane Horn excessive drinking was it
question which Ihe Jury should weigh asto
the condition ut themiudof tho prisoner at
Ihr lime ho killed Lllit l'tak.
W hen asked this afternoon what he'thought
nt tho verdict, Wat uer I epiled that II suit od
him buttei than It he was sentenced to
twenty years' imprisonment.
Warner's mother upon bearing the verdict
burst Into tears and H was with great dim
. unity Hint shu ws taken from the court
I loom betoro she could make n scene.
Warner s counsel will apply for a new trial
on th. ground that the tonstablo who hail
charge of the Jury exceeded bt authority lu
permitting the Jury to visit the scene of tho
intirdti- without Ihe Court's authority.
He Upsets the Calculations of Busy
Cabinet Makers.
Ex.Sccretory W. O. Whllttey, being asked
thltmonUiig in icgard tn the make-up of
ITesldenl'elccl Cleveland's f'.ibluet, said:
" All 1 know about It Is that I will not be
lu IU"
"Does that mean thai you have not been
csked to become a member?"
" Not necossanly," he replied.
Mr. Whitney has Lecn Included lu nearly
every slate of Ihe Cabinet-makers, whose
calculations are now upset.
Aroordlug to wlut Mr. Whitney buys, It
will be haid togucas who will bo Mr. Clerc.
landsadtlsera. It Is said to tic certain, bow.
cter, that Col. Dan I.amont will bo biado
Secretary of tho Nuty.
The rumor printed in tbe Berlin Tavfllatt
and cabled hero last night that Joseph H.
beuner, of tho New 1 o, k niiinii.Xri uuu, had
been selected by 1'reilaenuelect Cleveland to
succeed William Walter Phelps ai Minister lo
i.eruiany I pronounced ty Dr. henner to-day
as absolutely without any louudstlou
Dl. beuner Is tho foreign editor of Ihe
Wmif .. i.iihj; und has been ronuected with
thai paper lor ten years. During the last
csmiiatgn he sooke for Cleveland In Wiscon
sin, Illinois nnd Indiana.
Bho Was Making- an Arcbwoloa-'.cal
Search for tlenry Vlllard.
lrv arrocuTrrj eaaaa..
StsTA Fi, Jan. . A letter from Charlea J.
I.ummU, dated at Lima, Peru, Dee. II, has
reached here brluglng news that Mrs. A. K.
Baudeller died ou that day.
Prof, aud Mrs. Bandolier left here lu Juno
last ou a three-year archaeological search
through bout ii Ameiica for lle-iry Wllard.
.Mrs. lianueller, n native of Highland, III., was
fifty -seven years old. Sne and I'rof.
liaudullor were married In lm7.
Ex. Convict Lieut His Wife.
(iillana Pllrl70, a vlllalunus-looklng Hal-
Ian, who has Just dimpleled u flvcyears'
Benteuce for manslaughter, In tho connectl-
cut State Prison, went at once to tbe borne or
' his wife, Maria, at sk James stroel, and de-
I manded Irom her t'.no, which he said sbo
must have sated up utiriughls Imprlsunmcut.
The poor woman replied sho had with dim
cully msnai'd to support herseir and cbll
' tlren. Then tho biuial husband test and
kicked her. and pleklng up a carving knlie
'said ho would kill her. sbe finally em-aped.
i ritrlzo wasihls mot nlug sent to the Ulaud
for six itinnihs.
till! WING NEWS.
imanai; tun tn DT.
! I r. m.
nit. 7.75 Sud mU ,, sl.m'Uooa ritfi o.-.e
i.lil. WAlItt iU-J.At
A. W I M.
hindj Il0f , l 'Jfi III fit
(totcrtini's) J, I(,,i , , "J, is IU Ui
ll-Iixj.te 11.41 li.17
1UW WAlltlt TO.UAat.
FtnilTllAok..., S U a 4K
(gOTf-rnnr'i ItUu-l ,. ... :t ', 4,'J,
iitiictu tj.u i.r.i
lo but dim ttuodttU itiuo -. ii
Mfiiunf Aii.aifi, ('apt, Krioft. fruiu llati.tiutx i
Dft J7, .tan tntrt liAQitii iiii J1 tatriggi , '
tvurcr if Kmuti, Lilt A tu , ..rrtrfrl it tar t
'1. 15 A. M
sltiur I U. ( Apt. .I2i,i, frfni M, .IoIijji 0t
27, wtth nifrauntdii tuMilUr, Hull A L'tt
htcAii.tr t tiriaiiii. ttpl. Iarivn, Iruui ( ulid
hlgfu lx-, 17. hi btllfttl tu(iutlt tye, Arrircai '
t Kit Ur it li' i. u ut si tli i
htrtmfr Lord Cliir tinntiir, f mi- Vtfitl, from!
Ifclriii Moo 17, A r d r -. u I'Jiti la IwllAit iu '
.vt York MilpLtin L'utoDnnr, arr.ii i v v 4lh I
blfintr OrtratjA, Tapl Mclnirab.frfni P.otrtm
fin llaiana, Arritl at th liar at 7 I) a m
Huamtr ll.li turn, (pt Ad i mat, Irum Paltrmo
!( 1J
MrARinr NiagTira, Caul. lluTlrtj, froit Nw Or
Iraut Uo, HU, Mil, lurrrbauiinu ami parncra
f .Ira in ti II. Ii matt lia I it run e nogtUwrat lo
I Kitliwfit calpalu Hatlem. tlionra aaatiriy wlada
unl auow
HtAinr F.I Inrat1 1, ('apt. fltrna, from NacOr
Italia I hi JO with ntau'lianUi In J 1, Van
Mrkle lia Mrctig outhwiai tn nortltift fatal
Staatntr ( ctfao, lapt JViaiij-is-s, fr-ii (ilaiiow
!) V3
I KAILa.0 .'.
1 (kiluiuliia. Naplta,
Duma, MinibuTc,
Haullagu . N'aaaat.
Alraoa. Kibjraluu
I'otavraDlan, (llatcow j
l"i Kaio, Nrvi Orlaiba,
Hi feAlL fU'MOBCUtf,
Atll.l fl. f ff)ll(f.
Vainaiat, Cbartat'on J,(jOpm
lAllAl.aa) haf Annah,,,,,, a.ou p m
l(itiranrlff, rat&kQdiua 3,tVUpM
rri tdat.
Js'irtpoaa I .on Jo u Dai li.
CauAtia, luutiou lice. 17.
llarruaon. Hrftnan 1C. ii,
lluilfia, ijtiif Dec, ii
I oteau. Iilncuw Dati. 'ii
y Ji lU'UusVktjv,
anariiaU, I a (iujijra, IUl. 31,
irt rADLK.1
aaii rn.
I.UMJUS, .lac. h I ha alifBl l.of sirabiffr i
l.rrf, laiu .It It far. aailaJ turn I if t ritooi furl
Mn VorL at i v v. .Un. si, '
l)NpitN. .Fan .. Tne (.antra' Tracta. lactic I
hua tlstintr M HralaKQ. Capt. (Villtar. from .Ntw i
York Per. ;8 lor llavrr, paaaad ttia Ijia'rj at f li i
A al, to day
WeMhor Forecast.
J icatjoittast or tMrty.su hours tndtnf I
ut 8 T. it, Vldniy. Mow, ooiff(J livrini'
tu'j xcfathft tfuriH7 trtftnvt icamier tida,
anilflfiUltdl'jcotrt , utlU iOtd trait ti'i't
irfrntf cann7 tu hlgU ncr hwstrrtt, bj Fr
ctrijv night,
Ibe rollonlnu record ttiows flit coadcm
in the tfmpv-Qtur uurtDg tb mortise as
ludicaied bjr He iDeruiuuaeier at Terry'
a. u.,..Jv)fA. Vmm?0J9 a. m..;0(13 (, 23
560,000 WORTH OF LDVE.
Beiinan Alleges that Epstein
I Bobbed Him of It. '
The hull May Postpone it Mnrrlngc
vtlth nn Holrrss,
It Is posiihle that there ma bent least a
temporal ,t postpoiieinuul of the marriage of
Mr. llarnej Lpslrtn, n well-known young
shoedcsier at mi liuano street, and MIjh
Edith tlardr.er, daughter ot Muses (lardner,
tho wealthy linen Importer, at tlu-.' ( hurch
streel, announced for nett Tuesdnj, owing to
a suit of a sensational nature brought ugalust
the groom-to-be.
Mr. Kpsteln was last nigh' civMslth the
summons lu au action brought by Nathan
llcluiati for soU.OOO damnges lor the alleged
alienation (it the affection ot his pretlj wife,
Annie, and the attendant elrcumstanees nte
somewhat peculiar, as well as Interesting.
According to lawjcr llobcrt (iiccalbal,
Bclman's counsel, the rnn-plaluant bat two
clothing stores lu Alabama, onj at Marion
and tbe other ol Eulali. Kpsteln als bus u
storo at Tuscatrosa, Ala.
I According to Bolmau's comrlulnt, tn which,
j strange to say, will flguiu nflldavlts of his
wife, Ills alleged that llelman aiidhlswlfH
went to Tuscaloosa, where L'psteln then was,
tn seo htm on business matters; that thu
dashing Kpsteln, who Is about thirty years
old, and five eas the soulor of Mrs. llelman,
persuaded hor to forsako her hustnnd, prom
ising her au elegant home ln New York, dti
uionds, fine clothing, and last but not least,
a divorce and marriage.
It Is further .alleged that Mrs. Dolman
yielded to tho alluring temptation and drew
allot her money from her bank, git lug It to
Epstein tor salekceplng.
Then Mrs. Helman came on to Now York,
but. Dolman says, not befoie lie iouk her be
fore a lawyer nt Tuscaloosa, w lie ! flu. madvii
statement. It Is nib-god, tu the erfect that her
relations with Kpsteln were not entirely of a
Platonic nature.
According lo Belman, too, Kpiteln remained
lu Tuscaloosa some time und wiole Mrs.
Bclmau several letters, some of which lie
ecu rod an d pi o poses to use as evidence. The
llrst letter contains theso affectionate pata.
I bars no no, to write aluca you left Kverr
tlllna ll quiet, anil lam ...niutlair tn day w lieu 1
will teahia l learr. Dear Am. e, roar letter le eo
full of lore that I don't know how tu auawer Vnu
know I can tell ton mora of Iota than 1 cau write.
1'lea, write tus at.aut what jnur mother think, r
how tbloge have .one. Mia mutt har been lur
lirlaart 1 read that Look erery ulf ht I mean tea
" Itrokeu WeUdiog Kluir." JLat ., mf only au
Jortn.nl now
I remain, with lota ot love and kf, sat, roura.
It IKS iv.
March ill ho Is alleged to Lave written:
" Don't worry about your divorce, ns 1
know youwillgetlt without fail."
March 14 Kiiilelu Is charged with writing
this somen hat roprntchtul paragraph
" ton tell tne lo bo Iruo and not speak to
tho girl'. You can take my word, as a gen
tleman, that 1 am as true tu you as steel. I
hate kepi my promise."
Belman's lawyer rlalms that when Mrs.
Belman came North Bho went tn live wllh
her mother, Mrs. (Irlssman, In Williamsburg,
where he says sbo now is Hu says she is
willing to testify ln Belman's sun ngalust
Kpsteln, as the latter "deserted" her after he
came back lu New York, and she Is all " cut
up " over II.
Mr. (Jreoulhal also makes tne somewhat
ungraleiul statement that after tbonrcseut
suit Is disposed of Belman will suu his wifu
for divorce.
Mr. I.psteln was seen by an Kvkmmi
Won i ii reporter Ibts inornlng, and denied all
ot Bclman's allesilone,
" it Is true that I know these people, but
only lu a business way. I guess her feelings
haven't been alienated to any grcul extent.
lor she and her husband were living together
, on Kssex street as recently as Saturaay
I night."
lie denounced the suit as an attempt to
makon slake, and said that while he hadn't
secured a lawyer yet, he tvotihi do so.
Mr. Kpsteln said the suit would make nn
difference with his approaching marriage.
He characterized Belman lu stroug term".
Tbo news uf Bclmtin s stilt was a bombshell
In tho (iarduer family. .Miss (luraner's
brother was seen al her father's store aud
"This Is a b'gsui prise to us all. Mr. Kp
steln Is a man of splendid Inmlly und was to
marry my sister Tuesday. I ciiui sa any
thing nbnm this adalr, bm I'm obliged to
you lor the lufirmallon."
- - ej
Hock ford People Trylnrr to Koep the
Old Man from ths Poorhouse.
lyv aaaoruTBU runs, i
HocKloiin. III., Jan. ..- lhaiitable cliDcns
aro making an effort to ralsu a fund sufficient
lo keep Henry Mies, a matt over ninety years
ot age, from the ponrlmusc.
Ho Is an uncle of Tsathanlcl Mies, who, In
Ibra, wus Speaker ot the New Jersey Assem
bly, tJovernment Dlrecloi of tltol'nton Pacific
Hallroad In IS'n.audalnci) lh!H President of
the Tradesmen s National Bank, (,( New York
Henry Nlles traces h's auc.s'ry back to
1071, when Samuel Mies, from whom hu
directly descended, was born iu ltliodc Island.
Ills ancestors have been famous men In tho
pulpit, In pointer, and lu literature, and jenrs
go he was lilui-elt fairly wijl to d".
Nathaniel Nllea Is now a lawyer at K.-, '
Broadna) lie said to-day that he did not
kuott tue Henry Mies relerred loin tliede
apatcb, and that the only uncle he tver hail
was vathaplfil NJIes, formerly Minister lo ,
Italy. If, Iiosyevn-, Henry MPs, couia satisfy I
hlui of tho alleged iclatlcusiup hu said ho
would be Musi nappy lu divide his kut with
Ehrlch Eros. ' Former Ccshlar Found
In Chicago.
James (). Thurston, tlie alleged defaultltg
cashier ct l.brlch Bros, Sixth atenue and
Twenty-thud street, who disappeared lust i
May, and whose boks are said lohate shown '
dlatripanclesamouuilug tuis, .".nn.wiu ptou. I
ubly be brought bad; to .civ York M.ttttltlay i
Ir'iui Chltavo.
He was dtscotered ibrre a Hiv days ago by
a loriner employee of Mirlcli Bros. Ph'trslon, I
who Is fitly years old and has a family living
In Mount Vernon, had shaved his mustacho
and dyed bis gray hair black, '
He was in Khrltli Bros.' employ for s
years, leielvod a salary f e.'i.ouo u tear and
wus Implicitly trusted. The l.raud Jury li..
dieted film last August.
A, A. Low Ii Improving.
A. A. I ow, father of ('-Mayor situ tow, of
lirocklyu, wLo has bei n ly Ing III with pueu
ii.onta at bis home, I ITerrepoiil place, Brook
lyn, Islmpiottng. At tils home iblsinornlng
It was said that then, had been a marked
change lur the bolter in Lis condition during
the night, aud tbe member of the wt II. known
millionaire's family now bavu strong hopes
lhat hu will recur er.
Peppers Delen Seiner In Four
I rv iiMvuiro raias.l
sv iRisriFto, Jan. a Henry Peppers.
i colored, heavy-weight, ot Los Augeles,
, knock ro out William Seiner In tbe fourth
I round at Ibe California Athletic Club last
I iil.ht. .seiner was badly punished anu bleu
uroiusely tu the third and fourth rounds.
1 boy ought for a purse of t;ou.
Trrasure-Huntere in Jersey.
, Aesrar risk-. N. J., Jan. S. Tbe storm
this morning Interfered with thu work of
I moving the Asbury 1'arK Hallroad station and
tbe tearing up of ibe platforms. 1 nuer these
platlorma yesterday were tound various sums
of money, artlilcs of jewelry and two dia
mond rings. A crowd of men and boys are
still nuutlug among the debris ior valuables
which were dropped Lutween the plat tonus
by visitors getting on snd off ol tlio vara.
Z. $
Goldmnn'fi Tnllor Shop Robbed
Many Tlruos In Two Years. jfj
Itlchael Tracy, aged twout7-three, of 87 jft!
Varlck Mrccl.was held for cuamlnatlon In fr,
Jctfcraon Market Couittcday on the charge ,.
ot .stealing cloth worth .T(i from JacobUo'd- si"
man, a tailor, nt i.Tti Hud'O'i street. K
Detoijtltcs sutcrcool and darker, ot the ju
I'lghth Precinct, say that Tr.scy Is one ot tbo W
leaucrsor tbo linpny Homn oang," which
mokes Its hciidiiunriers in u saloon at canst M
nud Hudson streets. ,
Dtirlng tbo Inst sir weeks tho detectives V
sat that eu inembetsnt the gang have been 1
aentlotbit iieultintiaiy for" terms ranging g
irotn three mouth, iu thicu und out-naif St
years, yet the tnombcrs aro ns active as over 3
in tbvlr dopiedullons. ;
The robber, toi-which Tracy was arrested
Is iliu lint, of rivo which have been perpetrated -a
oi-uticinpteu nt this plate slaco septemner, sV
isiiu. At utioi lino :!,out)ln cash was taken.
A shoo dealer near Goldman h placn Is said iff
to lute lost jsoti worth ut shoos Curing tae M
last tin eo weeks. S
Twin Sorew StBamahlp K. H. 1eler 2
Arrlvos Tc-Morrow. w
The tlrsr. twin screw steamship In tbe ser-
vice of the Nortn Otimau IJoyd Company Is M
duo to arrive hero to-morrow from Uremea ?
anil sontltntniilou ou her mrJden trip. '33
sbo Is -'Ou feet long, ok' icet beam and has a M
I hcr'o power ot ll.stio. Sbolsot 0,000 tons j'
register and wait built by itltcbeil, Arm-
i stmng.t Co., Newcastle, on her trial trip, J
Irom the T'yno to Drtsnerhaven, sho made '
HJ.j knots an hour. -
1 sue is natneil the II. II. Scler. and Is under Jfi
roiiiin.tntl of Capi. Mueller. She was con W
, htrueied for tue Illier.l'Utte line, but was "ft
isitiglit by thu North carman I loyd Com- s"
I pin, when roustruetcd, for their freight ,
service. " .
on this trip she carries 40 nrst class and tjv
Jtli", seeo.id class passengors. m
Mim has been substituted for tho express &
steamers which bate boeu taken OS tor the tR
Vlater. Si
Thought that Butler Wandered j
Away Accotuits Straight. "fr
Nn news of thu whereabouts of Charles 8. ;.
Bui lcr, uunagar of tho Assured Building and "g!
l.cnu Association, who disappeared a week ''
ago, has boon received at the orilce ot tbe As- A;1
soclntlon, .'UT Broadway. 'fc
It was salu ut his otneo this morning that
Mr. Butler had for some months past com- J&
plained of tiry severe pains la bis bead, and .'
It Is feared that he suddenly became tempo- '$,
rai lly di rnitgi d and wandernl nway. 'ii
Au expert ueeouutant Is Dusy auditing; Mr. 'si
Bittlcr'.s atcotints, anu Mr. Desnon, ot tbe
law nrm of W. lllldrctb Hold Deshon, S'
counsel ror the Assured Building and Loan Tf,
Assocliitlon, said to-day (bat so tar Mr.
Butler's accounts had been found to be per- f?'
fceily correct and the officers of tbeAssocIa- 'Ml
tton leared no doialcatlon. They hold a bond in
of .Mr. Butler's ior ,".,ooo. 'S;
al mr
Escaped ths Vlrgrlnlua Massacre and "w.
Found In a Soldiers' Home. j
wv Apaoet.TFP eara..t y
Dvnt'Qcr. Jau, ." James Samuels, brother i JK..
of (Hies Samuels, of this city, who was tor 9S
twenty-six years considered dead, has been &
found ln tbe soldiers' Home, in oront County, Wi
Ind. 3JJ
He wasamomber of tbe famous filibuster- -w
ing expedition against Cuba, lu 1803, and re- w,
celved a wound In tho head wht:h dethroned i(
his reason. He wus reported among the dead, Sli
but ilnally recovered, having escaped tbe $?
massacre of tho crew of tho vjrgtnlus which W
followed Its capture Sf'
Kor over twenty years he has wandeisjd .
about ln a dared condition. He will be 'it-:
brought to Dubuque, and cared for by frlenoa. "J,
aa aa lifc!
The Lisbon Gets thn Worst of s j:
Clash with tho Dig- Liner !;
IitT asaociATEn rarss.f 4Ki
loNnns-, Jan. C The British steamer
1 isbou last night fouled tho White Star Una J$1
steamer Teutonic in tbo Mersey. jft.
The damage dono to tho Teutonic was very 9 j
trifling. Tho Lisbon, nowever, had two ot 'W:
her amldsblp plates damaged. jf.j
Grand Jury's Expected Presentment Jt
on Columbian Frauds. M
1 be Kings County Grand Jury Is still hard M-
at work Dubbing Its work preparatory to
being discharged to-morrow.
T he (irand Jury was said to be engaged this jN
morning In putting the nnal touches on th I-
presentment in relation to tho Columbian
frauds. 5'
mi 15e .bottlai.' -Y.
F.rk.r'. Veaetabl
Ceaapeaiad '
(ciCoutbaaait Coldaaylll
eo mora tbaji . doUaf. 1?
w.rth of anroth.rooaa -
Lar.a bottle., SS all. if.
Ir.pard and Sold by . J
Dmulat, f
A Specialty and a cnri BiiarantMd litiTerfot or
tmuiey rrfundcil $.'.U,l)iJl) capital back of ua, 3,
ritMforpoalilT.i.nifB t'OOK HHMEUT CO.. A
Maionic ruiplr, Chlcapa, ll, 9
TflA.NTr.D-Tot.penor rubulator,.
Apply hdl.on lump Worke, 3
llarrleon. M. J. M
WAXTOI Sealei.ln $
Art.ly l.dlioa Lamp Work. t.
Harmon, N. J.
.r , j
ouiifTut iiriTTm ithcuKii. V
t, ac'itr Hail, i j '
MwYoiik, Dc. 2tf. lbyJ.f T
10 s7VilO.PH, A.N'D llOUKUINULltb. $
i n att ituiii ia litrab (Alltxi t" tUepropotala -3
f r li.J to 4'jppl atAtioticr aiidrtrtAlu toosta and ?'
biuJiue ta thn conrta uil JetirtD.n(aof tliaally '1
..dtarruient, p iltlUhM dally iu thC!tr Heoord. j
Uid (i! l itflvnl at tins) uthou until Wu'eleok i E
m un I btiitdty. tfAj. 1J, 1DJ, aud will b opauad
at a nifftln at ilia Hoard uf Otty Hfcord.tob '
lift t iu lh Ma.nr'i Drhc at vr at-out tbat tlma.
A i uvsjtfary lufjrtDatiuu nity ba obialoe4 from .
Hit piopoiU and the eatintata aod contract ffl
foim. tube n rot u red at thia ofiic, anii from Ut T
aJinplra At.-l Jncrlptloui ou tit a In itaDpartmQl P
uf Public Viorkt. r i
Hy order ot the Maio'. ('onnil to th Corporn- 4
tiCHAud l'uiiiiuuluar of I'uhUo Worka, j
J K. K1S.VNY, SoparTlaor. j(
Ifree remedy. I
ita uy re.towd. t.tia'l.weak er'aae daralopMl. .
Itupijttf.iC). Varicocele and a'l effetta of early .r- ..It
irtr.cui.d .Ne.-r returu. 1 will xladly eandta h
all biiUrrere a rrslp', that tur.4 lu of IhM. fl
ti.iubiei AUUre.M f
I.. A. UK 11)1, t:V. Itnltle Creek, .lllah ClJ
-WAMLD-llirla -- V
Apply Ifdiaou Lamp Work., aA
llarrleon. W. J. fB
ton SALE. i(-
aKWTLKY. all elyle.i 41 weekly payment. i Jf
luiesenio line, rosridantlalt oatatoga. rr. 'M,sl
Union Watch Co., SSI Broadway. OS
CAnrLTHan-ltimltreioliI nothlnr downt isnf Ja
wedlt, liraent. t. A,l, lor I'actetlee. jl'2VV,Ud j
MANDOLIN K..Xrs2,(ti5r 1
yute.baujj.bmf to,, w atbO.tb, ail w,ti r:M

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