Newspaper Page Text
. THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, Iff4. M Hill. IUW blUKb IN. fe. ' B; mwkip Ethiopia Was in Ool- (HSyi-'V liioQ with Iooberge. R t, "" BBRft-wtf frem Sinking by Her Water- Htt$A ' Tight Bulkheads. mB$? HMT " arttSets from New York June 2, Ro- SSf '' C' POTtd Tory Island To-Day. WmjM IM'V" X)NDOK. June 18,-ThB Anchor line KH!?" Unnhlp Ethiopia, Capt. Wilson, which KSry' ' tH Nw York Juno 2, for Glasgow, HBjN i fMi Tory Island, on the northweit ES''V'' COUt of Ireland, to-day, with her bow Wy) fe feaflljr tove In. BKCv'' Ti Ethiopia bad been In e, collision HiKfttf Srtth ictberga. JHuBs'fe Jer water-tlsht bulkheads saved her WKViA from sinking. RKL!JK!f All on board are well. wflW The- Ethiopia carried over forty saloon AjBfafo, psasengers. Her list Is as follows: B-V Mrs. A. B. Dill, Chicago. 111. gVw-A t CapC FM Cornwall, Newcaitle-on-Tme, Eag- l'd' Una. KA, ilia Oiorfta Chambers, Chicago. I1L Wi i'. Mrs. Mary Dearie cluB, Nw Tork. geeBMw'T Rieaard Dearie Clutr. New York. ,, gtaanWaWl ? ' P. V, Daly, SL Paul, Ulan. KKv', . , K.. Edwards. New York. WKMiX rt MIM atlipah Franks. New York. .'' Bar. J. J. Oonaltr, New York. H1! ,i v Robert Heaaey, New York. KB i , Rev. noaiaa J. ltegarty, Niw Tork, KB, t, jaaea F. ilosford, Klnderbook. N. Y. HSK't jota L. Hughes, Chicago, 111. KHWit pr, A. It. llahn, Doiton. Uass. EHiA firs, llahn. Boston, Mas. LSK-r Mrs, J. Ilunlltoa, dlasgow. Scotland.- K Mrs. Wm. E. Haulier, Richmond. Va. HsWi-ivV Bin Oris Hatcher. Rlchmonit. Va. Wll i'S Mrs. IL 0. Halltr. Chicago. 111. ISsQ MIM a Jack. NfW York. HKYfe-' Mies M. B. Jones, N.w York. pnpjPMvu Gordon Lees, Glasgow, Bcotlsnd. HBpJk'1 a"- Robert Langmulr, Qlaisow, Bcotlaad. giaiHeWii iO Fnuula T. Locbee, New York. BbBSAA Uest-CoL Maglnnls, Pnllsdelphls, Ta. gtgCTW Wm. W. Malhisoa. Glaigow, Scotland KMgeTa. Mrs, Moon, Waihlngton, D. O. jHw Mr. McCallam. aiaitow, EcoUaad. it KriL JoMPk McDoaouth. Trojr, N. Y. .,' J. r. NMktrland. Richmond. Va. H-X MU Alle a Netberlind. nichinood. Va. UBMi'V' MIM Emma U Naikerlaad, Rlcbmond, Va. iKA, Misa Lama D, ranoaa. Oranrllli. O. KMmili.: A. r. Randall. Wlnnlp.c. Man. t1 Jaaua a Ramur, Madln, Wla ! Mrs. Raoiur. Madlwn. Wla. HBi Caaa. R. Ralra. Mancbeiter. England. cHT Mla.M. L. Sbaekletord. Orookln. N. Y. BJB-'V Mt A. a Sbaekletord. Drooklirn, N. Y. HsW-Sr 5- B. SnUurland. Olawow, BcoUaad. . Kd R. Bbaw. Ntw York. BH', Ralph r. Smith. Cblcaxo. III. J Alex. D. Tbomaon, Ltnoolo, Neb. pBVBK; Mrs. Taomeoa. Lincoln. Neb. KsBV-'j " Oeo. M. Tbomion. Glaaiow, Scotland. WsMf- t' Joba J. Walih, Cblcaxo, III. K) i Mrs. Wllkle, Toronto, Oat. , Hr . Mrs. Wm. Walker and child. San rranclKO, BKi Mrs, Anna Wllla, Newark. N. J. IfKifVV, Matter Tbomai Willi. Newark, N. J. RivaY Mrs. rraak Yelih. Toronto, Oat. BRK The Ethiopia Is a bark-rigged, lron- KKr1 acrew steamship of 2,604 tons. She was BB"" tiallt by Qowan, In Scotland, in August, KnF1 W lB m tett lonB 40-2 feet beam' and HrfH'S-.'1 depth of 33 feet She has three HjHy? ' decks, seven bulkheads and compound rMf? The Record of Foreign and American ebTbW.p,) .Bhlpplng gives her owners as the Bar- LHjHTV !pw Steamship Company (Limited), of KBA1- 1 -Barrow, She was last aurvoytld at this i'.' port In April, 1893, when she was com- ('' 14 manded by Capt Young. BlBV'i , The Ethiopia Is now commanded by KfaN tdeut John Wilson. R. N. R. His ez- B-.BVN. acutlve staff consists of John Urldgcs, -m-i. X Chief OSlcer; Robert Caldwell, Second KrlaW Offlc?r WUllam Cook, Third Officer; H'rVi Oeorge Millar, Fourth Omcer; J. Wal- n, bra Collett Surgeon; WUllam Bryce, Wmtfc- Purser; Archibald MacDonnld, Chief Steward, and Mrs. Mason, Stewardess. At the office of Henderson Brothers, agents of th- Anchor line, 7 Howling Green, It was said this morning that the Ethiopia should have arrived nt Glasgow Tuesday, Nothing was known of the nature or extent of her Injuries or their cause, and the only direct knowledge her agents had that the ship nns disabled was derived from this cable, received this morning: "Bulkheads water tight. All well." THERE WAS AN EXPLOSION. Then n Fire In nn OH Works Did 17,XH Dnmnrte. The burning of some oil nt 10.15 A. M. to-day made a big smoko nnd crented n small scare along the water front, caused two alarms of (Ire and dnmaged the stock nnd building of -he New York Lubri cating Company, at 221 Front street, J7.000. J, W. Knight, the Treasurer, and n number of colored porters were In the building at the time, but refuse to glvo an account of the origin of tho blase. Mr. Knight was In a state of great ex citement . . . ,. ,. , Policeman Charles A. Bchultz said he heard nn explosion and saw Knight and the negroo"i scampering out Into the street, pursued by smoke nnd flames. Tho policeman turned In nn alarm, which wns supplemented by another when the first battalion nrrlved. It looked at first as though there would be a big fire. All the floors were scorched, but tho blase wan drowned out before the whole stock of oil and grease could be Ignited. In the early part of the fire some sklp- Jiers whose vessels berthed In the afl olnlng docks thought It best to move out of the way. The New York Lubricating Company consists of Frank Cazenove Jones, Presi dent: R. J. Curtis, Vice-President, nnd J. w. Knight, Secretary nnd Treasurer. The stock was worth about $25,000. riva thousand dollars will repair the build ing, which Is leased from H. A. Crulk shnnk. All loss Is covered by Insurance. CAUGHT FIRE IN BED. Mrs, Knrvln Upset n Lamp While Intoxicated, nnil May Die. Alice Karvln, forty-five years old, a married woman, living In a room on the first floor of the three-story building, 10 Vnrlck street, was badly burned Just I before midnight. She went to bed Intoxicated, and upset I an oil lamp. Her night attire caught fire, and her screams alarmed the other tenants. Soma of them managed to i smother the flames. She was removed to St. Vincent's Hospital, where It Is said she may die. WAS A SUSPICIOUS FIRE. The Fire Mnrslinl to Investlsnte a Tenement-House Ulnae. A flro of Incendiary origin was discov ered In the cellar of the four-story tene ment 221 Hast Seventieth street, at 10.10 o'clock this morning. The fire wob extinguished before any damage had been done. The house Is , owned by Max Danzlger, of 11 East Sev-1 enty-nlnth street. The Fire Marshal ' was notliled to Investigate. Hurt In n Drunken Stupor. NEWARK. June It John Lloyd, a laborer, ot 19 rieln it rut. thle cltr, while Intoxicated. la? down at mldnlcht on thi track of the Greenwood Lake roid, near llloomfleld, and tell i aaleep. He wai it ruck br a train at about 1 I A. M. and lerlouslr Injured. He wee removed to the Mounlalnilde lloipltal, Montclalr. Did Locnata Poison the Cherries? SPRING VAl.LKY, N. Y.. Jane 18 Illrnle Bjren. the flfteen-yeir-otd eon ot Thomae Uvere, ot thli place, was taken luddenl 111 with violent crampa yeiterday afternoon, and le In a critical condition to-da. Dr. A, O. tlosirt laid roans nrere'i ijrmptotni were thoM ot eome kind of poleon, and oil miking tmitilrlee It wu learned he had been nicking chernce and eetlna neart llr of them. Il le thouaht the cherrlei were Ira prennftted with poleon from the etlng of the aeventeen-rrar locuita which are verr thick In this vlclnltr, T0URAINE LOSES AN ANCHOR. The Clin I ii Got Fouled nnd Snnppert nt Qnnrnntlne Slntlon. The French line steamer La Touralne arrived at her dick to-d.iy with 163 cabin pnwengers nnd 172 In the steerage. Cspt. S.tntelll reported that the weath er was fine, nnd that there were no In cidents until the vessel reached Quaran tine at 11.10 o'clock to-day. While dropping the port anchor off the Qnnrnntlne station tho chain became fouled nnd snapped. There nere about ninety feel of chain cable out, nnd thli, together with the anchor, lies at the bot tom of the bay. Among thu saloon passengers on La Touralne were Alphonse Allnl Vlscomte rt'Axy, Mrs. Isaac Hell, Isidore Block. F. M. llacnn. W. J, Cruger, W Kahnestock, O. C. Howland, Mr. McLane, ex. Minuter to Paris: A. W. Longley, M. Osthelmer, C. nalnbrldge Smith and Capt. J. L. Wilson. i s A FIREMAN BADLY HURT. Ennlnn R4 Hum Into n Truck, nnd Driver Counlilln Suffers, Fire on tho second floor of the three story frame dwelling 610 West Forty seventh street, at 7.30 A. M. to-day, damaged furniture of John Latg 1000. While Englno No. 61 was on the wny to the fire, It enme Into collision with a horse nnd truck at Forty-seventh street and Tenth nvsnue. The driver of the engine, Timothy Coughlln, ot 630 West Fiftieth street, was thrown to the street nnJ received a terrible wound on the head. . He was taken to the noosevelt Hospi tal. Tho truck was driven by Conrad Fleje, of 823 Tenth avenue. SALESMAN FEENEY DEAD. New Yorker Strnck. by n. Train Last Hvenlncr nt Torreadnle. (Br Aiioclated Frria) PHILADELPHIA, June 16. Thomas R. Feeney, nged thirty-six years, of New York City, who was struck by a Pennsylvania train at Torrcsdale lost night while returning from the Morel ton Inn, where he had gone to witness the Cornell-University of Pennsylvania boat race, died after bnlng removed to the Presbyterian Hospital. Feeney was a salesman for Arnold, Constable & Co. He never regained con sciousness after being struck by the train. CABLE-CAR HITS A WAGON. Tvro Men Thrown Out, hut Escaped Wltlinnt Injury. Two men In an express wagon at tempted to cross Broadway at Fourth street this morning Just ahead of Cable car 101. Tho car crashed Into tho wagon, knocking a wheel out of shape and throwing the occupants of the wagon Into the street. They were unhurt. Tiro Children Killed by n Train. (llr Aimclited Treei ) ROCltEBTICIt. June It Eddie, iged tin, and Nellie, egad eleven children of William Ruyck, A Henrietta firmer, were killed by a Lehigh Valley train at Chipel Cronlng it night. No one vtllnened the accident. a Drowned Tnendnyi Fonnd To-Dnj-. The body ot Peter Erhirdt, forty-five yeire old, of 8H5 Tenth avenue, wai found In tbe North River at the foot ot Flttr-nflh itrret, at 49 o'clock thle morning. He fell on tbe pier tacre Tueeday, WHERE TO SUMMER. i ' The Iteaort of the Rnst to He De scribed In "The World." All the chief Summer resorts of the East will be told about In "The Sunday World" to-morrow. No more complete directory for the use of citizens who want to send their families Into the country will be found anywhere. bummer nrcsortTS opkn. There will bo three entire pages de voted to new hotels and cottages, changes In management nnd nttrnctlons offered. If you are looking for a new place to go this Summer you will find It here. SETTLED AT LAST. Accounts of Fnyerwenther Execu tors Approved by the Surrogate. Surrogate Fitzgerald to-day signed an order settling the accounts of the ex ecutors and trustees of the will of the late Daniel B. Fayerweathcr. The executors nnd trustees arc Justus ), Buckley, Thomas Q. nitch and Henry B. Valighan. Their accounts show that they are charged with 12,131,113.19 and credited with il.SOS,694.18, leaving a bal ance of $525,853.71, together with securi ties of the value of 1300,482 81, making a total of $1,533,316.82 yet to be administer ed upon. The Surrogate directs that out of the balance In their hands ench executor Is to retain $15,764,99 for his commission. ea Italslns Sunken Sutrar. Wreckers were at work tn-dar at Roberti'a Storee, Brooklyn, trying to ralie the float which ank reiterdar with eight can containing 1.000 bagi ot sugar valued at 120,000. When Baby was sick, we gave her Costorla, When she wu a Child, she cried for Costorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Costorla, When ahs had Children, the gare th. m Costorla, Personal. JERSEY CITY to lTobokeoDo relent llrook. Irn, April (1. Anule. Help Wanted Female. HOUSEWORK Intelligent, healthy girl, about ilxteen, fond of children: good home 198 St. Mark' ave , Brooklyn 7) Cktcncelar"e Knaill.k D1bm4 HraS. Pennyroyal pills. ftfVv Oriel-. )"- Onlr Grant-. A V , rrlUlii LAaistaink r siU Druit W tlltkitfiri ftVX aPCUHttftU Brmn4 1 1U " tUrW finiMiftllU Imim, tf4wli klMr.b Yfir !&.. Taka - other. V V iff tf SHIffls-AV M tftf fatfilMUl 4 ti(rfIU Jy Ai firiiitiiit sjf .tart 4e. It lmji hf E) r4ittiiari, wtnttMonUit g.f.4 "llllr IT tmr KiVIft, fn inttr, br rttm MaU I IQ.OOtt Tltlsa,1Ut AaM af, Ct.Ul.nUr ()Mi.lial Ca. MA4Iaf Nurf. iM tOi UtU Drauu- ibU4a.t I' CAREY& SIDES, fllotlilrta nnd .llrrclmnt Tailors, 70 and 7S Bowery (Ktinr doors nbuve L'niml HI.) CLOTHING (llrndy .llndn or to Order) For .tlrn, Yomlis and Hoy on CREDIT. Call at onco and make your selection. Men's Hlngle and llauble Ilrraated HACK HUITri, In Chrrlola, elrrgrs, Cos. alnierra. Flannels nnd Worsteds, made In our own Inllor shops on Ibo preiatses, 810 to 8U1I. Osr Leader-faro Worsted Illaclt Clay Cutaway Coat and Teat, Sill worth 815. nOYH HUITH from 83 to glli. (Jenta Full Dress Haiti to Hire. fllrn'ii Hats and Hbors. (lold and Mirer Watchrs and Cbnlnr. Ladies'Suits.Capes.Jackets, Silk Waists, &c. Weekly or Monthly Payments. Open Until 10.30 To.Mt-lit. I??!!!?8 ?: "AMERIOA'O QRKATB8T RAILROAD." NE.WYDRK (entral 2; ' HUDSON RIVER R. R. rrom Qrand Ce itral SUtlon, 4ld SL 8 SO A. i. Except Sunday. Empire Btate Eipreei. Faiteit train In the world. A. M.-Dally tut Uall. Vor OuSalo Nt aan Falli. Chicago. 10 30 A. M. Delly. New Tork and Chlcaga Ulmlled. Due Ch'cigo S.M A. U. JO 40 A. Sl.Einet t.ndiy. Diy Eipreia l.UO 1. M.Dally for Cincinnati, SL Louli and Chlcag 3.110 P. U. Ex. Sunday. For Albany and Troy. 4.flO p M.Dally. North Shore Limited. Due Detroit I :o A. M., Chlcar.0 4 10 P. . (I OO P. M Dally. 1 or Detroit Chicago and St. I-oule. U SO P. tl -Da ly. For Durllngton. plitte- bura and M-mtreal 7.30 P.M Dilly, for Auburn Hold Tolnti. Puf filo. Nligiri Felli. Adirondack Mountain., Montreal. Cleveland, Cincinnati and L Loula O.OO r. U. Dally. Only Sleeping Car Titren , gere for Rbcheiter carried on thli train. 0.15 H. M. Dally for CMcu.i ind Ogdeniburg. and except Sunday for Cipe VlnceoL O 04 A. M ml II IIS P. M - Djlly except Sua. diy Pltt.Or'd vie Ilarlera Dlvlalon. War.ner PhIicc Care on all through trilna Tralne Illuminated by rtntich Llg'it. Ticket nn-i W.clel o1(ee it Grind Central SUtlon MJ Ml. 1J. 75 n-oadaar, 31 Fut 14th IL, Lincoln Pudding. 112 DronrHny, 2Zi Columhua ve , CI Weit i:Mb iL and ISUh iL ititlon New York; .111 ind 724 Fulton IL, and II Droadway, E. D Irccktyn Picgage checked from hotel or reeldenee by the We.rrott Evnre.i Co. jorm m Toticirr. oEonnn n. daniri.s Oen.rit rtmiger Gen. Pen. ArenL Hotclsii TAlirKr),IIOTIC,Nc..iTicluUnrnltit;Ucoiirtetj teiccUtm olaWdUbe-i. NtiwYorlrniol,trtl5Hvar. i mmm. Monddy, June 18, Ladies' TAILOR-MADE DRESSES. Coats nnd Skirts lined through out with Taffeta Silk, and Fitted without charge. '25.0a Dentistry. PiDILESS DENTISTRY. DB. 0. W. HALL'S NUW MISTIIOD. Teeth exUacted poiltlvelr palnleu without Oaa, Chlorororm or Ether. Oy perm.mon we refer to the following well knowr New York cltlxenl. who have been oper ated upou and all agree In mertlng, without the lent pain ur deleterloui '(recti Dr. C H. Poll, .4 8th ve , Newark. N. J., iiye: "1 had 14 teeth extree'ed at Dr. Hall'i Dental Parlori with out the lent particle of Uln and without loll of conicloumeei " Mr. 3. Mippett. 205 Ellt Sth . Mr. J I'm. 230 Weit C4th it Mr. Wm I'. Parry. 260 lit it., Ifoboken, N. J. Dr. U. Schleultiiter. 240 Ellt 110th IL And bundredi of othera. Gold crowni and eeth without plUti Inferttd. txnUIvely palnles. at re&sonablt rates. BcST GUM TEETH ON fiUBBER, $10. UOLD F1LLINOS II 50 UPWARD. SILVER KILLINGS. 71c UPWARa FUllngi Imerted palslculy and warranted 5 years. O.VV.HALL,D.l).S., tl 10 II ROADWAY, I Doora Uelow 23d SL, NEW YORK. Houre, I A. M. to I P. M. Sundayi, 10 to x. Special Sale 8.8B SUITS TO-DAY, WORTH S2B.OO. OPEM THS EVENINO UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK. LONDON & LIVERPOOL CLOTHING GO. 86 & 68 BOWERY Cor, HESTER St, S8WPERTHWAIT PARK ROW AND CHATHAM SQUARE, N.Y. Seven stores full o'FUJt N1TUJIE, CARPETS anil all Household Goods. Best Quality. Lowest Prices. $1 A WEEK ON $65 WORTH. Similar Terms on Any Amount. VrllrcHont Madti 4f JIEQUESTIW. OUR FAMOUS $15 SUIT AND $3,50 TROUSERS. If you want well-made and Stlcd clothes give us a trial; it you arc too busy, send us a postal. Our agent will call with a full line of the very latest novelties. HARRIS, 186 Bowery. For Sale. 01 flTllllin Men's. Youths' and B07V I III H IN U FINJJCLOrmxO.readrmula bl II I III 111 "r to order. Ladles' nnd MIssm- uuu II I II u Wran, jRckete, Capei and n Suits, all tho latest styles and "' designs, on easv vieeklr ux nnrniT mouthlr payments. 1 I rll-ll I ninnlmttan Clothing Co., Ill ILL! I It lm u "' b,L tith t,lh " Yonkcrs Ilrnnch Mutual , ClotUlnr nud Clonic (Jo.. 1HN. Ilroadwtir 1 Open Evenings until 1)1 Haturdttr, 10.30. WILLCOX 4: OIBR'!, Automatic, Domestic, New 1 Home, White, hlnccr. llouicholil. tho well knonu Kruso. clHup; good rccoml.hatid sewing znochlnefl trom $10 up, lor cnah or monthly par menu. We e7.clutn(re, rontand repnlrall Mods 01 machines, Kruse M'l'c Co,, 124 K 141b. su ; itOB Uraud st. At a -r n-00 wceklt nuTa vll I I nillT) Jewe'lry Delivered lm 'I I III I'M II mediately. N. Y. Watch I IfillUHll "'" Co.. Incorp.. I IIII Iff II tOC. ltth it, third floor. . JiJ U II U Take elevator. Open Saturday evenings. GROCERY BTOIU: for lale, good neighborhood, on account ot other business. 6S3 Park Ave , Brooklyn. Religious Notices. ST BARTHOLOMEWS TARISII HOUSE, MT East I 42d St. Sunday services: Prayer-book eerrlco ' and sermon by Re Dr. McQrevr at 11 o'clock, A. U. . eve ling prayer and addrees it I F. II. All are cordially invited to be present. Miscellaneous. BATTCRY SWIMMING BATH The baths are now open for gentlemen and ladles. I Why Be Sick 9 When a trifle will buy th greatest naaUnt lj. I TfnllonTl Iho day. Dr. Handen'i Electrls Belt Is a rompleto body battery for self-treatment n4 anamcted or money refunded. It will cur with -M out medicine, nheumatlsm, Lumbago, Sciatica, )M Lame Hack, Kidney and Liver Ooruplalnta, Ner- vous Debility, Weakness, losses. Drains and all eflecta of early Indiscretion or excess. T l vrcnU men It Is the sreatsst poaslblo bona. as the mild, soothing eiectrlo curreut Is applied M direct to lbs nervo centres, and Improvements arefelt from the first bourused. A pocket edltloa (I of th celebrated electro-medical work, "Threw ,'M Cliuisesof Men." Uluitrated, Is aent free, sealed, H by null upon application. Kvery young, middle. ; sgedor old man suffering the slightest weakness VlgtaH should rend It, It will point out an emsy, aura M and speedy rtnr how to reaaln strsnerth H nnd lieulth when ererytlunir elaa bn B fnllrd. Address I)r. A. T. Handsii, btt rgtai Hrnndrrny, Neve- York, Largest iaevloa dtt IgtKtal Mauulacturer In th World. 1 Olllce Hours. 8 to til bundy. 10 tot. H Sporting. H CAMERAS AND LENSES. VB Lorarest nasoru H mnent, lorrest price or any house In tha) I 41et our prices I before purrbnalngr 1 rl.ewheret wesars you Irom 10 to OO per cent. , 1 CA.IIKIlAf AND l.KNMBH nOUOirft .1 ni V l'lvATKM, 4x6. 00c. 0x7, OOo. tM Chemleali nnrtPiippllea; Hrfntlnrnnd 1 love I opts r, gtTJ Ml CONM'CTION WITH TUB STOCK I , IIKAL,Elt AMSOCIATJO.N? v H Kend 4c. stamp for Catalogue, Instructor and t JH linrsralu List, 1 itM THIS FOT.MEll Ac MHIWINR MFO, CO 'WmU 'Jill anfil t. , N. Y. , II 'loon east of nrcwlway. ansssagtaal OPEN MATUKIIAYW VNT11, O P. BU HH Ii You Are Thinking ill or buying a bicycle why not call at A. O. Spall- lagtaaT. Ing A Broa' SecondHand Bicycle Department In tgom, gB the basement snd mako your selection. We ara IgtxB' gl selling bicycles that shop worn or very llttl vgtB; H used at prices ranging from IIS 00 to ISO 00. la l'gB',.V ihli lot are Balelghs, Victors, Columbia!, Steams Vfaaf H and other good bicycles. JamaaVxai A. G. SPALDING & BROS:. MM ISO, I2H, ISO NASSAU NT. JgaKHgeT MORRIS PARK. H SIX RACES DAILY, DEONNINO 2.80 P. M. aTBgsl Take 2d ave. L road to Willis are. and MM . egeagLaami St.. where special trains connect dlreot with traek; i&Bngtaal Also trolley cars direct to grand stand from M WMgaTal ava and 129th st "gfaaaal rilil.l), OO CENTS. , j V ssr Tg faj 7 ms -rl. m L 1 'iUlaW ' ' H IKf'' tl kS P H tf lllPJlKjk,, 1 '4 KffliSTneae tiny Capsnles aurw "v I ' H Oflgf Area'. In 48 boors wilkontLAI ' H ggLalnoonTcntencB.ntlgctlonolglirBT II PtTgaVJ ROln. which Copaiba 3n-VNuVI 1 saBal cqbebs and Injections fall. Vyj J H "HARLEM RIVER PARK.V- I BOOKS NOW OPEM FOR ENnAQKUKNlS ft 4 "B FESTIVALS, . r 'M OFFICE. IS7TII HTUBBT cfc D AT. taal -' 1 1 ssj Wtm Purchase and Exchange. "-K-.JM WANTED Pint-clan reitaurant. on avenaa, ie, dolns a good butlneis; not to cost mora than A $i 1500 cash; no agenta. Addreaa Blaks. bos 414 V V'i World Uptown. A m , 1 gtstBrxBM ' ' 4 HBil ' . v m Fgturs of Tfo ! I 1 Y I l I jm I m I I J5i&iI5jL I R" OPENING OF THE DOWN IN A- - HJ H : SJJMMMRRESORTS. DIVING SUIT. ' BH TbrnntSfwLrnfZ0f NZS fJ6Z Mi MMWAut Under ' I mi Hotels, JSew Cottages and Everything y , , h Wm That Will be New at all the Water- f the Waters of the Bay, and Explores V J. ing-Places, and the Outlook for the f the Mysteries of Life at the Bottom H ttf -. Season. of New York Harbor. M gtalaBa.' ) ( nm f: A Page of Striking Pictures of the Summer Girl of '94. I IB 7. , I ' - e H I U m ".n ., , fl'p t , A CHARMING FICTION STORY S1" - 1 ",T"! m I RtM t BEAT THEM ALL? Past Ages. of 1894. OF BASEBALL, lm mt ' t'$y A Complete Story of Just What Most Extraordinary Pictures and Sf i V LCil OCll L lIClIIial An Interesting Illustrated Study Just Forty-eight Years Ago Next JfL Wl A Races the Famous American Facts About the Enormous of the Characteristics of the Tuesday the First Match - S 1 H&?:. Yacht Will Try to Win and Beasts that Walked the ft ft W ? I 5fft t, P fllf finPF. f 1 RTtfSSlfflf Students in the Leading j r IJ BHlv'S; What British Yachtsmen Earth Before the Days of llf fli i If KH fi H ll Ameriean Colleges for Wo- Game of Ball Was Plhycd 'H BJp-5HaTeto'Say. Adam. . UUlUIlIllM UUluUll LUmUIILU UllU 1 UUillhll me'a in This Country. R l mVKBBK i.ka -. ' JgZU ' aanita R g I 'l gtalt-aalt-Hgtlllt ' ' " V.-' "XTl vv -, - - : r WL, HMg M . .,4. urn. . r.,,j,t;t;,,... y, M ,.&'r3; 4;..te::.,x..,,. j:,&,k,., ..,,. l : . L ;. LM BBMWlIBBHHB?BrBS5geala