Newspaper Page Text
" i ' v'- iwfr l--H K. ' "'THE WOULD: MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 18, 185)4. -NSM Bft ' v ' ' J '- ,''$ if For entertaining iroaalp of the P inrf, tlio linll nrll and the rlntt Hi trend the 0 O'clock: -rtlilon nml the D , .Sporting Ultra of The EvenluK ft" tj i Furnished Rooms to Let k() , East Side. IB i XnvINCl rAcn, 23 Irge, nicely furnished MHtl rooms;en sullejir singly. ' LKXtNOTONAVi:., lin. -Handsome, cool' RHA I nlry rooms, $4.60, (5,00; also parlor, very IVu moderate. B IffiXINOTON AVE., HI Furnished hill room sB V for a slngl. gentlemanprlTale family H Y KEX1NOTON AV1. tl7l-Nlecly furnished H I small room: all conveniences; private Amerl. H I caniainlly; terms gij reference. Owner. B IHXINOTON AVK., 60-Newly furnished bI I rooms, 2 upward; boanl optlourd; central lo- H I cation: southerners rtccommiHlatod, H 1 t,KXINOTON AVli, 172-IJirge front parlor, m mutable for doctor or others. i B I CkXINOTON AVI'., IIS- Handsomely fur- B 1 nlshed single A double rooma, with or without B board; first class; reasonable sV I LKXINO RiN aVe, 1 14-iNewlv nrnlslied largo, K. I square ft hall rooms; all conveniences t sum- lH' J mer prices. .. H 9 LKXINOTON AVH, 737. near 19th St. Nicely ' furnished room to 1st; all conveniences; prl- Irate family treiaonablr. XTliXINTlTON A VI-. if", near 3fst st.-Hur- nlshed front hail room ; gentleman : gns, bath t A lH CkXINUTON AVK., 1873 Nicely furnished floor f to let, rooms singly or en suite; board op 1MB tlcnal. IBBw I BT. MARK'S PLACE. CO 2 elegant rooms; honta IBHI J comlorts; board If desired; private family. 'BBBu, A TJNION HQUAHi:,24 K. -Handsomely i-rnlshort 'tMLi ooin. facing park ; delightfully cool place for HKt aunimer: gentlemen dnly BalsB -WlVy.ItRtTY 1'I.ACi:, rK-Newlffurnlshcti ffMSt light, nlry rooms; bath; every convenience. BBBBr I Oorrqan'B bell. . B' 2J) AVK., Otl-A furnished parlor 4 hall rcom tMtK nprlvnto house; el per week. BBBBflt'' SDAVU.S10, urar-istTTsU-Nlccly furnished tMtM amall ft largo rooms; nil comforts; prlvato fMffMffMV house. i BBsBsBsl 1 SD AVI- 83( Tw0 uewly furnished medium- BBBBB sized rocms, board If desired. BBBBBf to AVH., S"'rorner' 12th St. Fine, large hall BBsBsBM i room to let, scll turnlslied HB 01) AVK., fW2-Netlv furnished rooms, $1.60; MtMtf sullable for 'J, $2. l'aultun's bell. tBBtA ,D AVR., 200ft 2 lsree furnished rooms; all Im v Hjf prorements; bath; complete for housekeeping; f ffMjr Vt.CO per week. t tB u AVE., tDS-Furnlshed largo front room; aen- svH tleman or housekeeping; $3; alsj one 12 CO; iftB wrery conjrenlenco. Va UI A Vi;., 4THNlrelr furnished hall rooms for Hj light housekeeping if dclred. Bj UIAVl-, rH7 rufulshed roums for gentlemen, , HJ 8-tn $d?i reading rooni. , I BL BI AVK. , ;14ft rurnlahed'pnflor A bedroom to , let; flH a month. Bar I1 AVI... 1092. near Ctth St. 2 furnished rooms; I rnarrled couple; all housekeeping. t B , 4TH"AVr-, ItTO-K'irvly furnished icoma: hath, rVy I ' r hot, cold wter; er thing iumv; gm)il location. '.W oTllfff.T-JONi:., i,enr1ldne. -Nicely furnhl f M l room: rro It-rate prle ; 2d flTor. i" H sW StV- :-'" "" iJrj'iiSi-C)UrT-Stimmer rates -''-H I .low naonlinnry houses; gorgeous parlon,piuno, l, , annUma; Itosrd optional. , 'Vl i. OTTl Hf., 4rK-Nlct'ly furnished large ft small . dM. r rooms; moderate pHrt-s. EjBr' 13TII ST., 21) H., near 91 ae. Furnished room. BB 1JTII ST., 202 I... 1st flat Clean, nicely fur- '-B nlshed, airy, largo & small rooms, 11,25. BBsBt- fiTl I HI'.'. 2(l.- IC, 2d Hat a rooms, housekrap- ffMff lug, ;U): single rooms, $2.o0. Wagner's hell. H 5-iTlF ST."." "J2S i:. Two cool, ideas-tnt front ffMw rooms, Willi hatlu Intjulre of Janitor, BBfl .IiTlf"BT., 313 "5--Veil-furnlshecl-rooms, ?2 MBr up; private house; references BB Sf' II NT, , !M 1 U. Furn!snerimrlor E beilroom MK toltt. H yTl ST.. 117 K.. Union Square I-argp rooms, Ma $p.DO. S-l,Jiqilek'ep1ligi slngli), Sl.JMIilarJ. jlB 'iCTlFsT.. fio It N'leely furnished moms; large sIHH c- email; ladles or gents; terms moderate. LpBgV 1CTII ST., Ill E. I-arge room, use of bath, prl gasil tate houso; near park; 12.25. MUt ITTlf rJT7.-10l'. -Klegantly furnished, cool, am amwJ clean rooms; trinalent or permanent; single sF-UBwiry-vi rooms y-;. tn t, i Iiia itTIl.ST,, 115 R. (Vnlon "Square) Btveral choice mimijK roorAsJiii-t?n-ktr4 hous IVupvard. . iBfliv TuTJIVt., 1143' It-riirriTshed' rooms; nil con- ', MVfH venlences; summer rates. t BB -"" STt Kl I.. Nicely furnished largo & small 'ML 'rporas; moderate prices. t gBBBsV TlJTll hT., J3 I, near Umadway Nowlr fur MMK nlshetl large ttsmitll rooms; summer prices. 'BsBBk ItiTirrtT. ,324" It I'unilsliiHl rooms, hou-ckeep- IHHjHjK Ingor gentlemen; connecting or single; bath; BmBB1- Private house. KlPTU HT., 12H It Furnished rooms; terms MLtrioderate KoTII ST.. 43 It. near nrosdss Newly furnished Hf large & small rooms from 12 50, also parlors uultable for doctor or light business cheap; bath. Mas, running water, Ac; finest localtlon; large MHKOTII HT. , 22 It I'nrlor ft 2d suits, together or ljeparately; hath: hoard optional ; hall rooms. IHntVfrYT. , 43 It Large A Btnnll noms, running MfiMWrv ss-nter; tmusleuls nccomtuodnted; summer P?. lutes; ) LMLBLk 'SHUT HT., 227 F.-nirnl.lieil hall rooms In prl fiHtm'4 vato family; references. rlv gMaBwS3- fiT 2 It Two connecting rooms for " aMWH light houst keeping; also hall rooms; rtason- jf ftablo . V" KStlTlI HT,. 11.1 It, neTrr Matilson Square-Nicely f pK furnished room: gcntlenwn. --- BIB-iSt'ST. , 247 It Furnished Iront room for i: L M terms reasonable; accommodations; nlso2hnll K jMrooms. 'gBBi'l) IJI,, 11 It l'leasant. cool room; low rates; ( transl(nts; board If desired: dining pirlor. B MBHBDSTTriBT It ltooms for gentlemen, also for M F light housekeeping ; gns for cooking. M gMKBv2I' ST., 1S2 n. Newly furnishod rooms; prices jr BBBsK'1 up- - r MB'3IJ BT. , 107 It FurnTsTTeuTTooms; moc'a ato iB J rent; permanent or transient. YntS-B -BSD BT., 212 It Nlcily furnished large room, B Ms-TVfcl - ,7liousekepplngor2gimtlepieii: also hall room. I ABVlHl t5J6TlIHT.,207 It Front room ; very cool ;1 cr 2; BJW At 41hhell. eau. aBTB 'V-UTU BT., 101 It Handsomely furnished MHMV 1 rooms. sBH 90TI1 HT., 4) 13. Large ft snail rooms, well n, ft I furnished. ,BCMt A If BOTH tT., 12S It Largo S small rooms; refer H Mv ences required. aMWB gBI BTTIt HT., 147 It Nicely furnished largo ft WI'H small rooms; bnth; summer prices. lMmkligMT .S-Til ST., HI rt Furnished rooms for light M MffTlr m s housekeeping or gentlemen; bath ft gaa. jKfi M tTTU ST.. Ill B. Light basement, 2 rooms, fur MVBpV B nlshcd for housekeeping; range, tubs, gas. BBTCaB I--T'1 br.,304 V, Nent Uou'okeeplng room PJMa ' running water: also rooms for gentlemen ( pnrlor, bathrcasonablc. H 37T)IhT., 415 V'"., The Wlttnu-Ttamfsomely H ! furnished large ft small rooms; prlvato bath; B Vtduot-d rates. B S7TII ST, riODE. Largo front mom, house- E keeping; nlrosirtaller rooms; water, gas, bath. PErJ tTTU ST., 155 H Nicely furnished front room for HMy gcntleraen or light housekeeping; gas, svater. 1BB '' I 6tH ST., 201 n. rront room, nicely furnished! ' I suit 2; gas, bath; 13. Cough. Br. OOTIIPT., 318E. Lurgeroom t light liousekeep- H . lug; also hall room; front parlor: $3.60 to frLfiU sBKCji tUST ST.. 140 E.-'l'arTnr "floor, furnished; suit- yK able for doctor or dentist ; other rooms B B18T8T., 107 It Front ATiaciT" parlors ft con- MMV , nectlng rooms, nicely furnished ; convenience-, BH S3D HT.', 144 It Furnished room to let for 2 MM gentlemen or light housekeeping. MMa t3D ST.,. S21 E. Large room; all conveniences; MtMW light housekeeping. 13; hall room. 11.60. 'V tlt ST., 3 E.. 1 door rrom Madison art. Large MMJ l front room; southern espiuiure; over parlor; MtM . bath, closets, &c. Owner. BaB 04TI fHT. , 1011 K. Furnished roomato let; terms MtM moderate, Gauthlor. IJBl , S4Tir'ST., 210 E. Ijtrgt front room, nicely fur MtM nlihe-l every contenieacs; gentlemen or house WMJ leeplngj lIMT Ai 03TII ST., 203 K.-Nlcely furnished square ttgaS-aC ' room; runnlux water, gas, bath; if; I weclily, lisMvvSf Owner. aaViiK S&TIIHT., 2J:IK. ljitye, nicely furnished room; MWl also hsul room: gas ft bath. IBB B tTTU ST.. Ill E. Nearhill room, gss & bsth. IMV .MV 11.60. ning Jbells. , HH Bl EiTHST.,2JO It -"ilnuilsiimo back parlor; large, MM , Mr coolrooms;hanrooms,91,oO;allconvenlences; MM 'iB l-u-unable. fB B stOTll HT., 313 It-Large front room for II gen- Mj M tlemen or ladles ; all conveniences. jH , I 'T-iTf HT, , 3111 li-Urco front rooms for 'J gen- - sYJjQM tlemen, g4, second flour. B UK'B tHT HI'., 33 J K.-Nlcely furnUhed nom for B SI'Inl light ItousoUecpIng, SJ; nail room. ftl.Sfi B) OsfliB sHdT.. tllH'lt-luntUlusI front parlori also MWf Hn ront basement; hall nxjms; terms reasonable. flai-1-lktil 43D8T.. WSlt I-nro ft'smoll rooms, runnlnr: jMtVV'.jn , ator, bath large clo.tU. Mrfs'--Tll BT., ISO ItConvenient Ornid Central, sHitr, M rtedralls rooms, ucetitlemeaormarrledcouplet IHttfT- VM !'& 11 ' m ff 'I "-T. . 137 Jt -Keatly (urulsiied lull room to V I 1 tl' tet I aenis only. II I'll vMi ih'liHT.. loli'., near Leaington are. -Nicely Bk ' Mai JS room, with or without board iprtrate WU ,jJJ UA-j-icemiui l, at; SSsa5ti. Furnished Rooms to Let Ea.t Side. 47TII RT. 121 F- 2d flf-t-Ilindomo furntflhtM parlor tto1room to couple, or jpnrti con vtnlcncoi. 4frril BT., 1M E., 21 flat - I.nrc, 3torj front mom, rnnnlnt; nnier, botlnfiK 40T1I ST, , ISA F. CojuforUble fumtuhefl rcMm. nriTAtu bouse; running uater; ifJ.OO; halt room r. r t 60TII 8T., 31ft n. Vry larje. nw!y furnlnhea room hall room, ftmntctlnn. for a couple or 2 Jewlt-h erntimcn; rrlrttt (ftmily: On locality; halt blockfrom I atailon. 60TII 8T.,H n. i lar roomi for Htht houw keaplngt tag, bath: rrlvat liout. E 12U ST.. 219 i:, FurnlBhftl roornn. light houw keeptnB or slnely; prlrati houie, modrrat-i rtnl. 6XD ST., 137 h. NlMlr turnlttiM rnomn fcr nen tlfmen. ci light houMkecplnc tt dfsircJ! reason aMt IVITH KT., 12SK.-CoMly furnlMnNllnrKP, ulno anmllpr roomn ; nil wmvnlpneca ; ftiinnnor raje. 5HTii HT.ri'J.'- fiTKoivry hirnWiwrparior A 1 a i tew room nultnltle for inarrlMcfuipl. Einl h r , 4U8 K.-Mccly furnlnhpd front hall rtoni, with con veule neon. In prlato fnnilly MTH ST., 425 E NMcfly furnlKhed front hall room, with convlcnctt, In prhate famllr. 621) KT., 223 K rurnlhJ rooms. Uh or with out board; prlrata family; telect nelghborhoo1: moslorato tcrma. Jl. a'U ST,."liM) K-.-Tlanilwinr-ly fnriilOipilTront room, ulMuloctor'aofllco; private family 7hf.ST, 922 K. Furntslied room for young lady; lircakfast it washi room 15. 72D ST., 137 K . cor. Islington ate Nicely fur- nUhttl room; all convenience..; gentlemen only. fOTit ST.. lO'i H.. IiBlatlon-2 large, HphtcW nectlng rooin, ety rco-vmnbln. TCflf ST., 211 R Neatly furnlahed roonTTn prl- ate house; gaa, bath. &2 1 NT. . "ai II . 'id A 31 nve-Klegantlyfur- ntftlitM room. 'J larao nlntlowi; 1 or2 gentle- meni nlttior without honnl. R2D ST., 210 E. Oentleman ran obtain largo, cool room, bath adjoining; reterencea exchanged, prhfltc family, fUTII HT,. JV2 K. -Large furnlMietl moths for 2, $.1; houvkooplntT.t t?a.tV); halt room, $1.50; private; ncarMntlon. SSTlT ST.,"l55 K Furnished pirlor for 1 or 2; with or Rhout board; improvements. Mrs. Morris 85TH ST 177 i: FurnUhed" room; all Improve- menls; near L station; 11. CO. Towers. firtTlf HT. .' 2.7 l -Cicely 'fiimlhert room, rell- nble, for f ow gentlemen; prlvato house. 87TIIST.. C41 F- Vouncntan nantel to shnro cosily funilMied npnrtment; home cumforts. Iu pe. m 87TH ST., 418 H. A himhome lame back parlor, lth all cnnrcnlences. for 1 or 2 gentlemen or married couple In private house. OOnr ST.".217 n.-rurnlMied hall room k txvth, ijl.flil JJennl(l. t 105TII ST., CI n. Hlegant rooms; private houne; suitable for couple or single persons; terms moderate lOVnfKT,. 2W TC -Nicely fiirnlihod room; prl vntf family, tfl.lV per week; hrenkfunt If re quired. ll(Yrjl sfl, liXiK.-I.nnre, comfortable rebm, rlort. bnth; light housekepplng; prlMito houso; c?;J. ll'iTIfsT.. ai:i K,-r.rMrnntlvrirrnNhp.l largei tmck rnoms, wltlinlnivr; Alolmll room; nil con- x pn-'n;? gentlemen or coupla; prlvato liono. fiTIlI HT.,21i T. -Comfortably furnbhed room forlaly JHmoii lwll, 11 8TH ST., 239 n Handnomely furnished front imrtor; private house; $3; board optional; ref erences. 1 'OT iTsT.. 210 F--Mcelj furniRliod parlor & bedr o n: noparnt If desired. 120TII ST, CS fi. Cool, pleasant room, lath, tor two; prlvato family, reasonable. Lekehne. 123TK ST.. 25 n. Furnished large A small rooms; also nicely furntslied parlor. A1MUVATK FAMILY w III Tet rooms to gentle-' men; low prices. Apply 232 K. .14 that. l7i:XINOTONAVnr. 407-FurnUhedha"ir bedroom." 3-.1 floor; L1IX1NOTON AVH.. 78(1, (list it,-Fh'flftnt front room, also back room; rensonable; private liouc. I.KXINOTON AVr.., nn2-2 roc mi, S3 & 93 weekly. HI A VJC., tf7iV-Top floor, large, nlry. buck room: dlheS, closet; mo of kitchen; housekeeping or gcnilenicn; irri! ST., 141 13 Newly furnished, large, light, eoolroom, J2 DO, 3, $4, 15. 2UHI ST.T 24 K. ier ltioaduny-Lsrge milt of rooms; private bath; toilet; other rooms. 41ST ST. 24J F, Large furnished front room; rrlvale house; gaa A bath. 41ST ST, 304 n. Large & small rooms; all Im provements; terms reasonable. 40TH ST.. 151 K. Comforlnbiylfiirnlshed largo rooms ; all com enlrnces ; .summer prices ; couples orgent'emen. WTIIHtTTi 78 E. Furnlshe 1 moms, singly or en mJte; gentlemen only; flrM-class private house. 87TII ST . 221 E Furnished A unfurnished rooms; board If desired; small private .family. Illch. O-ITH ST., 2:m r. ground noor,rlght-Nlce front parlor to let forlur2gon. fl(.Tll"8r7ra4r FZ-lJirge k .small room, all convenience. In prl nte house ' HA"NI"OMI. ItOOMK, near Istnve., forgentle- mon A wife; board It desired. Central, box 281 W o rid, uptown. XKATI.Y FUnNIHKI). nlry hell room, with respectihle Jewish family, on 71t si., near Furk aye. ; rent, giu per month. n.,i:t.1H.1Jave. Vat Sl(3. AMSTERDAM AVH., C25 Two furntsbed rooms suitable for men. Apply Janitor. BANK ST., f 2 Nicely furnished rooms for house keeping; bath ft laundry; $2.50 up. UAIlltOW HT,, 48, rlngS beltNceiy7urnlhed front-hall room, private house, with widow. IlLKF,(KRXi 8T.. 63, near flroadwav, toprtooT Jl.WJi nlco. clean it quiet furnished room; reference required. CANAL ST" . 4by Comfortably furnished rooms, Bn.tnhlofor housekeeping,' UIIAIILKh" RT., 14-sTnrle and double rooms, 92.nQ, f4; parlor, 91; board, $aOi conven lonces, CIIARLna ST., t3 Lsrge & small nealy fur nished rooms, all conveniences; location first class; terras reasonable, CIIAULTON ST.. 45- rurnlKhed large front k back room; also am all room; prlvato house; rent mod e rate, c7)OT5t lH ' -T AVK.. 01 5T n ear it.M .-ii fur ni'sheil moins,houaikeoplng;$lumoi)ttily. call Ptindny, Janitor, COLUMfirH AVH. 100. near 80th sr. -To let, a large front room, furnished, to ladles. COLUM1.F8 AVK. 322 Nice, cool room, bsth, $2 neek; also parlor A Led rcom, 8 week. Otll. OKKKNWIC1I ST., 205 Llftht. airy roomsi nicely furnlshe I, for men; 12 week A up. GRHRNWICH AVE, ,0S,"nesrW. 12th St. Fur nished rooms large A small, 11.50 up-nard. HOHATXO ST., 23 Cottage, nicely furnished front room, largj closet, 13; hall room, 11.25. HORATIO ST.. 15 Large front roomTaultable tor 2 or 4; gentlemen only HORATIO ST., IS. near 14th St. Pleasant front basement for Rent housekeeping; hall room, 11.2ft. HOUSTON ST., 141 YV FurnTshed rooms for gen tlemen; IlKht housekeeping; reasonablo to re- cpecisble people JANE ST , 40, corner Sth ave. frlne, large front rooms, gentlemen or housekeeping; reasonable. KINO ST.. 24 Furnlsned large room, housekeep ing, $Jt0; hall roonn 11.75; bath. KINO ST., 22 Newly furnished large 'smalt rooms; $1.50 up, bath, gss. PERRY ST., M Neatly furnished rooms, house keeping or gentlemen; all Improvements; $1.60 up. TIIOMrSOV ST., 235. corner M st, Single A double rcomsbath; $1.25 up; gentlemen. WASHINGTON PLACE." 75 Nicely furnished hall room, private house, for gentleman; foldlngbed, gas, bath. . VA8JUMiTON PLACE. 118-Lnrge. cool room i or man k wife; nW.Bi.all room; hatht gaa. W A 8 1 llNOlON SQUAR V. 41 -'mall ttcUrjto f nrrilshed rooina for housekeeping k lachelory. VAHIlINtlR)sf Vt.AVr., llh, neaMrth ave. Iirge rooms foi nousiWecpIng; folding-bed j 5.20. koa WAVKRLF.V PLACE" 200- XIitIy lurnlshej large room, nil coi.vtfnlenceH; terms low.. m 6TH AVE., 65-Cool. nest moms; gas; running water; light ousekeeplng;ladles or gentlemen. Hill aVK.,"0.V, t.esriMthat.-Nlcely furnlaheJ hall room, with hnth k gas, $2.M.Jln5lM bell, TTII AVE-TtC Larue front A hall rooms; prlTate house; every comfort. Mr. Campbell. STH AVE., HT," 1st" flat Handsomely" furnUhed. light, airy room, runnlngjrater, closet, $2. STlt AVE.,' SS rieassnt. airy hall bedroom to gentleman; ring 3d bell. HT1I AVE., U44-large, nicely furnished front room k bedroom for housekeeping, ifUoOj ball rooms, HTII AVK.. -783-Well furnUhed rooma, light licuwUeepIng, from 31.50tofri.CO, hTJI AVJC, 413-Ncatly furuWhtd "front con necting rooms for housekeeping; also ball rooms -..,., hTIl AVK. OOil-rurnlthcd front hill room, Jat II 011 r, for gentlemen or light housfciieep'iig. 3TII AVE., 232 Largo fumlobtd 'room, with bedroom attached, for 2 gentlemen or manieJ eouple; also hall room; all nicely furnished. jOTfl arr,'2tt"V,-e4tlr furalabcdllallroom, $ pef week. IfTKj pf.. It l( W.-targst. flat rora rl iktot, , flsatft ' 1 . ,i. 11 ... 1... i -,f n ,mtiii, 1' i.i Furnished Rooms to Let Vrat Side). 11TII ST.. 1$ W. Furnished large A small rooms, all modern Improremeatai terms reasonable. 11TII ST., 21 V. Comfoftablr furnlshetl rooms, all conveniences; breakfast It desired; summer prices, . lJTfll rT., ft7 V.-teMraM ilouble A slnglo ruums. coiftralt aummer rates; Southerners ac commodated. t IITII ST., 291 W. Large front room: two gentle men or couple; room tor light housekeeping; gas, bath; cheap. , 12Tll"HT., 124-Lnrgo i smalT. "tilcely fm nlshed rooms, nllcomenlencea! referencea. 1JT1I ST., 217 W, Square A hall roomi; com modlnua closets; large bathroom, breakfast It desired, reasonable. 1STII ST, 153 W. Cool back parlor; running hot A cold water; every convenience, referencea exchanged. m ifirH HT..TO7 W. Irge Iront hall room, am ple closets, gaa, bath: elegant netrthborbnod; homo comforts; nrhato family IllngUtl bell. 14T11 s pr,VToIet7Targe front room, also hall room, very reasonable. Mnllh. 14TII8T.. 100 W., corner 7th nve.-Cooi, nlry roonrs forsummcr; trat.sIemsaccomniodateil. 14TI1 BT., i'-OCijirgafrnnt arfnr Ted- rooin; light k coot; handsomely furnished; y.nO for the tiimmer. Hriirouck, nell u. 14TH ST., 102 W. Furnished offlces, desk room A sleeping apartments for rent; low; cool A central. 14TII ST.. 249 W. Nicely furnished large front hall rooms; gentlemen; summer prices; refer ence. m l&TJI ST., 1MV,-Well furulshod largo Aisinall mt rooms; munmer prices. 1STII ST., 139 W, Newly furnished large A emsll rooms; running water, bath; summer prices; reference. : 1ETH ST., 151 A'. Nicely furnished large A small rooms, $2 up. 15TH ST., MS W, Neatly furnished square room; private house; all conveniences; terms reason able. 15TII ST.. nXV --2cioTrooms, connectciT, ault- atilc for 2 or 3 gentlemen. lftfirftr., liM VT Pleiwant, airy roomalf:nlcely furnished; bath; every convenience; $2 up; centraL loTII ST.. M2 W.-IS'ICT cool front k back ha-semem. A room on 2d floor fur housekeep ing from July 1; also 1 lanro room, separate, to let. I6TII ST., 2C1 W. Nicely furnished rtwm for housekeeping, with smalt kitchen; bath A all Improvements. 17TH ST., 20C W, Largo front room, handsomely furnished; 2 gentlemen or housekeeping; alt Improvement; $4; .prhale house. 17TII ST., 227 W. Large A small furnished rooma to let; light housekeeping. 17TH ST, 44 W. HleganL rooms, lth or with out board; private bath;ior gentlemen; summer re tea. 10TII BT., 42tTlV-2 nlcelv TurnTslied rdoma. with or without board; bath k gas. Mm, DM larger. llTir HtT7rilw7Cool, large k small rooms; j1sq pnrlor, suitable for party; rensounble IBTII ST., Ill W. Front or back parlor, room adoJlnlng.bata, gas, running water. MTH ST.. C4 W, Front A back rooms; prices able usinmer prices 19TH ST.. 333 W, LargeT comfortably furntshol rootn on 23 floor; $3 for summer; fori. ST.. 112 W. -Handsomely newly furnrsneH rooms; large ft small; basement; terms moder, ate all conveniences, f9TH8f..832 YV. Slngleroom, fully furnished, $1.50 per week; for 2, $2.C0. 1I1TH AT.. 27l M.-NlcelrTurnlshw room fr pantry ijimisekacplng; bath, gas; rentM. 10TII T.. nm W. -Nicely fur.dslied rtwm, hot cold water, jcmpleto for housekeeping. limf Hf Tilft S-FiirnRTrsi, rooms for light housekeeping; closets, running water; single roomsy2. SOTii ST., 22A W Parlor ft lnd room, front, sunny flat; prl'al family, TUudalL 'Jim 1ST., lft fTv" Nicely furnFshed connecting rooms for prty of gentlenien. J. Iljl. 2icnfrtr., 208 V. -Nicely furnished rooms, !?l.Oa week; nutaldeLell. 20TII ST.. "mt"w. Newiy furnished rooms, single A suitable for 2ieummer rates. 20THhT,, IftrtW. -Nicely fnrnlahVd parlor, bed room; bath; ery reasonable. Tnrr, :id flat. 213T ST.. 125 W.Artlstlcallydecorated, hand norne, newly furnished rooms; board optional; refined American family. 21ST ST., 223225 W. Rooms, slnglerdoubfe, or light housekeeping; $2 to $5. 21KT..1U W. Hall A ounectlng rooms, With OA'eryconvenlencfl; centraj location ; reasonable. 21HT ST.. TiinV. Furnished rooms; permanent or transient. 21ST 8T. , 410 W. -Nicely furnished front room ; running water; summer prices; prlvato tiotih borlinod. 23 irsT., fWl V.-lJouble ft slrgle well furnished roomsuw ell-apjK.lnted house; references. 2211 ST.. frtflrW, .Large, pleasant furnished rooms running -wa'er; light housekeeping If desired. -. 23p ST., 157 W, Handsomely furnished rooms; every convenience; neatnoss unsurpasscsl; $2 50 up J2D ST., 249 W. Iarge, pleasant, cool, airy room; bath adjoining; very desirable; two; reasonable. ,- 22D ST., 234 V Large A smalt. ney furnished rooms; Southerners A foreigners accommodated. 221) ST., 110 W.-In private family: 'M ffoor front room, bath adjoining; fA; rcferc:cs e changed. 22rTsT., 9 W. Extra large, beautifully furnished rooms, with southern exposure; also large sin gte moms for gentlemen; house A attendance 1 ( strictly first class; summer rates till November to respectable, permanent people. 22D ST, 12 W Large A small furnlshi-d rooms; reasonable rates; transients accommodated. SiTrt. , Ria"V."Tj.rx;- furnished room, nult abie gentlemen or light housekeeping. 2"$n 8T.T 3-"W TV. 2C handsome large room, southern epoMire, all conveniences, 1st floor; handsomely appointed house. 22f)ST., 470 W. Nicely furnished hack parlor, square room ft reception-room ft hall mom. 221) 8T.. nfCtfTKrritr furnished ,iack narlnr. running wntor; also large airy rooma; all con venlenc,Jnth. m 2 2lTsT. 72VfT Nicely furnished rooms; terms rejionable; also back parlor. 220 ST., 205 W. Newly furnished front rooms; $4; ninnlng water; every convenience. 22DST", 170 W. Large hall room with bathA running vater; $2 CO. ; 231)81., WW W.-Larire f rontTi liacITrooms ; h al 1 rooms; excellent board If desired. 2H)8T. 4111 AV. -Hall ft square room, newly furnlshei; reasonable; gentlemen; references; private American family. 2ni7HT;V"tiVl W. lTandsomo"lyfun)Isiie(1, newTy p.dnt.NlsA paperexl square rooms; fi toplpor weclc w 53D ET , 460 W Large rooms, nicely furnished; sullable for it; trsnidenta taken; references. 231) St"731$ W Nicely furnished large A small rooms; running water; every convenience; reasonable, 20D ST.. 100 W.-Large furnished 2d-sfory room, w ator ft gas, tf4 per week. Ring tMcs, 211) ST.,'5.1 W.-TTandsomefrfurn'ahol sqinra ft hall rooms; snmtner prices; Southerners nc cftmmodsted. 2a RT..n2vj"v. nr4iiiAHi,B"t)oilnir: Mlilt RATKi l.VliKVC'OXVKNIIi.Srh, 2nnST., 412 W. -Parlor, large Sdfloor rooms; al'o aniall rooms for gentlemejr 23I 8T., 242 wT-VK)furnlslied rooms for light housekeeping; all localities. FLAQO'8 olUce. 2J1I)""ST,, 447 W. -Large, sunny front room; hall room, handsomely furnished, near L its. tlon; referencft 2fll) 8 T. . 2tft VV. -Nicely furnished cool rooma; terms moderate ; references excl.aoged. 230 RT.,312 W. ftingle A double rooms; hot ft cold w ate r ; evejrythlnr first class. 231) 8T., 410 V.. near elevated-Single and double rooms; hoard optional; summer prices. 231) 8T.. 243 -wly"Tnruishedl:oonis, all conveniences: alio a doctor's apartment 1 mod draje. I L 1 24 1 II ST., 47 W.-Handiomrly (uriiUho-l large airy romns, aso small rooms; conveniences; summer prices. MTH ST., E4 V. (Hotel Arlington), between Rroadway A Cth ave. Handsome, newly fur nished rooms, singly or en suite; permanent or transient; J3 up per week. 24TH ST.. iflil W.-Neatly furnished room wlTK every convenience for light housekeeping; single rooma for gentlemen. 24TH ST., 2CS W. Nicely furnished hall room for gentleman, $2. 24TH ftT. . 1ft W. -Elevator, baths.elcctrlc lltrlits; gentlemen, small families; f4 upward; summer rates; ref ere n ces. 24Tli BT.. sffTW. -Nicely furnished rooms, pe r manent or transient; breakfast. 24TII ST., ni"W.-Large room, Itaht house. keeping. I ; also other rooms t hall tl. ftp up. 24TH HT,, 210 AVi Handsome pirlor, with dressing-room, hot A cold water ft bath, In bouse with owner. 2ftTl rST.. 2414 W, Paslor ft bedniom. folding- bdln parlor; for f entltmeu or ladles; gas, bath moderate, smith. iTl1rTTM2ft4W,-Nswiy urnLshed rooms; all conveniences; monlnx water; reasonably home com forts, SiStH BT., 903 W.-l Iatbo room ; also large) room sultabts for g, t-J anf'ilfllLTlfST9m'Lfnrnllie1 -rooms; BtV;iTW.-LarH Utt s fn4e4i a wwaiMisfc iM1 w. s.rH J ' --la--- ' 1 - - - V. . LSI a Aj Furnished Rooms to Let, Wast Sid.. 20TH ST. , 230 V. -Nicely furnlshotl lanre A hall room, (J. 7ft. iJl.ftO: plvatw family. 2TTllKT,Tii7XVT Kurnlsho.l'hack pafloTTor n gentleman, $1. ftp wekaeen. sumlay. aTTlf'HT., 120 "WT" O(olroin.; gn.. conven iences !?far Lstatlon. Hlngston'sbell. 27TH ST.,il2 W. Neatly furnished room, wlfh bath, $1.75 per week. Ledermann STTII ST , 12C W -Light, farnlslied room, gas, slngte, $1 50; 2, $2 50. Urey's ell or Janitor J7TII ST . 12 W. Nicely furnished rooms, suit able for 1 or 2 gentlemen; near I Jungmann, 4th floor. UKni 8T., 327 W. - Nicely furnished large front rom; all Improvements; anndait closets; ex cellent nctommodatlons; lljlit housekeeping. afJTir ST. ,"251 W -To let, nicely furnlshe.! hall room, 2d floor, front; private family, (launon. 20T!t RT.. 317 V. Ijirge ft rmsU rooms, sep. arnto or together; private honsu; f2A (4: geu lleinen. 29TH ST., 315 V Handsomely tiirnlshM large, front, square rooms, privilege light housekeep ing southern earosureL t lllHV Hl, ;TU V. fiftrge front rooni, ory nicely furnlfthcd; also front baseinrut; limise kceping; hall room. 3isfHT.. 1157 W. American family will let large, pleasant room for housekeeping: running water; excellent neighborhood, 3 1 ST ST. , 24 1 w7Pnrt7lat. parlor ft heslrnum'; hath; kitchen prh lieges, tr weekly. Cotoers 3IST ST., 206 W. Nicely furnlsliM rtwm A bed room, running water, light housekeeping; also hall room. m 331) ST., 42 r. NTcerv"7urnIshe,r nmms, wTTh private hath, en sulleorslnglv, 83D ST., 133 W. Neatly furnished parlor A al- cove; use of bath, terms to suit. Pitt's hell 341 II hT.T4,"l Iteslrable rooms; ,mprof montsi aUooftlco for phjalclan, denllst; any ll?ht business 34T1I HTTT23TVnnd7om?ly ftirntshedToTgo ft small rooms; nicest location In the city, 34TII sfT, 2dO"V.-Lsrue froTa room for light housekeeping; all Improvements; hall room; nil from, :ur.r HT , UK! V7 Nioolv fiirnTsneil room's; nil ciinenlences; Mitniner prices. STlfl ST.. 204 -Ufci,ly furnished, cool, beautiful room, f7; delightful neighborhood; first-class house. SITU ST., 242 W. Handsomely furnished front parlor to let, with first-class board; also third floor room, with southern exposure; summer prices; reference 34llfsr,. 33ft W. -Newly furnlsned rooms to Jet In physician's hoiie, S4Tlt ST., 205 V, 1 block west of llroadway- Well furnished, laigo front room; also smaller one 36TII ST., 66 W. Mrge 21 story room; gentle- man only, moderate prices; reference. 36TII ST., 155 W. Handsomely furnished, targe A sinall rooms; running water. CMTTIIST.. 13(iV.-Very"desrflblA large, hand tome front rooni to a gentleman 1 private house, 3TH ST., 234 W Two connecting rooms, neatly furnished; convenient for light housekeeping, hnll room 371 "l ST,, ( W.-FurnlsTietl rooms forllcht housekeeping for married csuples or single gen tle t nen. 37TlI Sl, 24ft V -Nleely furnished sitting room ft betlrrtom, complete for housekeeping, 37TH ST, 301 W Nice room. 2 windows, mar- bh. basin ;wardrobe, bath; private house; $2. 38TH ST.. 110 V. - Handsomely furnished rooms, t up; parlor floor; private bnth ; break- fqst optional. 38T1I ST, 24Tw Neatly furnished rooms; gss A bath, light housekeeping, terms moderate 38TII ST., 2ftft V. Nice large front room; also hall room; hot A cold water; boar I optional. 40TlfhT.T 3o! Trct)rner8nTae.-Cotnfortably furnished pnrlor, connecting bedroom; cost- venlences Hurley. 40TH 'ST.. 102 W. Handsomely furnished cool rooms; gss, bathroom; gentlemen; $2. $2 50. $3 upward, weekly Oray. -. 41S11 ST.,201 W.j'ne-'ir Ilroadwav Handsome furnished rooms for Uvht housekeeping; every convenience; veryreasonahle. 41ST BT.,"l2l V . near Rroadway Hall A medium room; reasonable. 411) ST.7"lM W, Elegant furnrshedT rooms ; with or wlthftut board; plenty Ice. 43I ST.. 413 W. Ijirge square room for gentle men' or housekeeping; running water, gas, bath; $!. 431) KT., 108 W. Large ft email rooms: cool, clean tor summer; conveniences; moderate; references. , , , , 4W8T 141 WEST near Rroadwnv-Lonro ft small, well-furnished house; surroundings first class 4TII ST., JIO V.-IIAMit(KIII COOIi WriTK Ac HIXIUR KOO.IIH. 44TH ST., 240 W. Cool rooms, hesutlfully fur nished; Southern family; moderate rent; back parlor forphs!clan. 45TII ST. 77 W Prh ate family; nicely fuT nlshed rooms each floor; summer prices; loca tion excellent. 4VTH ST , 14fi W. Handsomely furnished rooms, 2d flo-r; jrlate bath; singly or suite; referenco iftTlTST. , 320 W.-Newlytiirnlshed square ft single rooms. 40T I f 8T . ,140 W. -Handsomely furnished rooms for gentleman ft wlfo; board for wife; reasonable-. 40TIC ST.. 220 W;-ltlegant, cool; furo.she.1 rooms to rent . summer rates. itfrrt'RT., 100 W. -Nicely furnished squafo room, suit 2 gentlemen. vM. 47TH ST, 416 W, Furnished front psrlor; dress- maker or housekeeDlng; reasonable; kl tenon prlvllego. Jensen's bell. 4STH RT S23 W. rumfshed rooms, with bsth, on 1st floor; all conveniences. MeTCeevcr. 49TH ST. lfil W $8 weeklr; handsomefv fur- rlshe1 large roomjprivate family; other $4; JiVni fT. 219 W -Large ,t amail rooms, newly furnished ft dect.rated; ninnlng water ft amplo closetjoom: Injprlvnte honse 4frTII ATrT4ft Wf-lean. welTThlrntshe.1 front room; prl.nte fnjnlly tcentlemen; $?.nOweok 50TH ST, 160 W, Tsrge A snail rooms; board It desired; for ladles; home comforts; moderate. GIST T. . 2ftl W. ITandsomelr furnished Jarre parlor: use of piano; reasonable; Southerners nccommodated, 52D ST., 257 W, J square rooms; terms reason able. ft4TlT sT. . 2ftfn,."Jrgo ffsmaTIrooms to leC rt summer pr!ce. . . C4TII RT . 171 W,-s"econd-ttnry haTl A back rooms; closet s;hot A cold water. A4TII ST., 403 W. rVmarefooin, front; rent low, ltlnr twlc. WTH sf. , 04 W.-ilcautlful n!rv rooms; lowest nmmer rates to gentlemen; handsome parlor ofTlcv, 65TII ST.. 2M W Private house, hall room; hath, with all conveniences; $2 per week. 57TII ST 423 " W 2d fist," nicety" furnished rooms; either J or 2; very reasonable ftTTII ST.. 34ft W. -Handsome large ft hail rooms summer prlcesinenr L station ft Park. B7TII ST., 453 W. Private house; 2 neatly fur nished rooms, complete for light housekeeping, terms $5. C8TII ST. , 400 w, -Squsre front room, StCiloor; $3 for 1. $3..V) for 2. C WT1I ST . JM W. 2d flat, neatly furnished rooms, $2 up weekly; near station; references. BOTH 8T , mow.. natMngleroorri. for steady gentleman, 51,7ft; gas ft bath; seen mi 11 day, NJcholas ftSTH ST., 221 W.r-Large front psrlor, square connecting room, singly or together; $2, $1, board optional, Walsh. MTH ST.. 132 W.Largt light roooi, bath, run ning waUr, $2. SO; board optional; gentleman. Wlnne. MTH ST., 25 W. Large bedroom! also cool back parlor;prlvate house. 6IST ST., 100 W, Passtnger elevator; comforta ble roomjprlvalefsmlly; veryreaaonable. CUtTTisT,. ii W.-lnr'Jnieely funllshed" roonis or flati reasonabjp. Ripley. ftftTH ST.". 20 W. -Well-furnished" rooms, out- strie fists; home comforts. Le Ilrun. (SVrilST., lftfTw, "Nicely furnlsheI room, wltK closet, bath; 1 flight . cheap, (Irames TH ST.. 41 W. Comfortably furnlrhed. cool parlor A bedroom, airy fiat, no rhtldrcn, near Central Park, summer price, gentlemen preferred, seen to-day. King. 70TH BT, 202 E. Nicely furnlshei rooms for housekeeping, $1.50 up, Improvements. McAioy 74TH ST,. Columbus ave. Large front hall be1 room, folding-bed, handsomely furnlshei, $3, bath; prHate family; references. Inquire (Sun da)) cigar atore.290 Columbus are; TSTI1 ST.. 104 W Nicely furnished rooms, sum- mcr prices; references. KlTTst. . 07 W. -Nice luflilihwl hall room $2, also larger room 1 gentlemen only. BOTH ST., 8ft W, Well furnlshMparlor ft bed. room; choice neighborhood! reasonable; board or housekeeping optional. Wiener. 931) ST W. I have a large, light front room, hot Acold water, nicety furnished, In rr.rtte house, to let to I or 2 gentlemen who can furnish, satis factory references. Addrtss Grant, room 35, 3 Walt SL 031) BT.rftf W, Pleasant large or small room; iMjerioptlnnat: family ? referncc. rftTII ST., Mi" W7. near station A park-Lar, ii1ohalroomi pnvatejiousew OUT II fiT.. 37 W,'Klegant7 large rooiu: southern fxposuret wide strctt; I ark block; board op tional. Owmr. OStll fitrr TJ W.-Nlcely furnished front rooins. suitable fori, t. Martin. 6H"i5tTsM.twr furnished rooms on Ud floor, with or wliijout board; Improvements. 112TU HT..W W.-Kletaotly furoUh1Jar , ,Lf4L?r1'M I ft4tn,tsj ; prlvato laoiuo ; Jlosro. Furnished Rooms to Let West Sid. llftTII HT,, 210 W.-NlcsHy furnlshM rront room; American fatnllyi bath, private hail, gentlemen tinlvi 12. fni w jjje. Janseti. laiiiliffrT. ";I VCos parfor A"bed"rooni, suitable for lady, lor 2 gentlemen, bath, 124 Til sf., 70 W. rariTnl'2.1 flat, iTngTe; nTl light rvoms, nicely luntlshed; light housekeep ing IlAN'llMK fumlsheiT tiHms, with alfmodeTf. lmprormrntat singly or en sullcj tew doors westof flhae,, facing Mount Morris park, 124th st, i enuul to ft or summer residence: w llh or with out rmisnl Address S.C, .Uix Hit Harlem World. NEWLY furnished parlor A alcove cornel flat, near slit st, etatlon Moderate, box 230 World, uptown. TO TWO respectable young men, a nlMv fur nlrhed belnxim A parlor In a very desirable nelghNirhootl. Call 483 Columbus ave.; ring Jtn- Itor'a lell TWO HANDSOMELY furnlshM rooms to let In new flat West 9th si , near park, cool rooms, with running niter, all Improvements, home- I like, terms reasonable. Address H. 11. T., 1237 11 mail way. wTxrOTIH mT.. near lwmlesard Newly fur nlsheil parlor A bedroom, sullable for doctor. J K II., IftlW. 4Mlist. HANK ST,, 1ft. opposite Wnerleyplace -Ijirge, huudsomely furnished rooms; geutlemsn or Indies; cunenlences. PnilllV ST., 37 Larue ft small sunny rooms to quiet, resjiot'tnble parties; terms moderate. PF.RHVM'., ftO-Twn plermnnt, liirnlMied rooms In nlco, qulcb house ft plensuttt nclghborlKKtsl. Till AVH.. 40. near 14th"st. Large slte,rfront hall room; pleasant ft convenient; $J.rO. HnfAVnTTI Nlctlylurnlshed room, with bath. $2. Ring Walltn's bell. Ml tt AVK.. .87 -fnrnUliPd rfmi7or2men,wllh or wltlioiiUtourtl; prhale family. Hat. Huggan. 11TH sT, HI W. Furnished ronins to let; gen tlemen only; nferences, owner, IlTH ST.. 107 W., beti. -Front TintTninni Tnf gentleman; prlvato family; motlerste; refer ences. 12 Tl I KIT. 4f .-PretliTy furnfshe.1 "clesIrntTTe room; closets, hot A cold wat'f eery con- eiilence, .2T1 1 ST. , Ti I V -VlciTy" fiirnlsheiT mums, large ft small, In prUnte family ; reoHOijable. 121 It H r .47 U. T)oub!o ft sfiigle- rooi"ns,"Tiewiy ft nlci'ly furnished. llil Jl sr.. Ift4 W. -Nicely furnislieit roonis; breakfast If desireiL fori I SI'., Ill W.--n7an"fooms, 2d Hoor; can bo seen Sundays. 17TII sT , M20 W. Furnished rooms to let, with or without hoard. Hngun. lfrri I S'l4f4 W.-Largo roomilurnlshed for hoiispkeplmi closets; nlso hall room; 1..V) weekly. itrril sV , lftH ""-FtirnlshHThall room; gas, bath. St'Ctind hell. 231) sr.V 172 W 'iSrriTthid rooms; summer prices; light housekeeping ntlowed. 231) ST., 407 W IHchelor apartments- fsmlly rotjmi, light housekeeping; eer convenience; low , permanent. 21TH HI'., 217 -l. tW, fO nwiy lurnislied jouiii, fvvry convenience, hath, ftp. 24TII" ST , 200 W.-fjirge" front room for 3gen- tlemen orcouph: nlo hull room. 24THS1.. 2ft0 Ur.-T.fegnt)try"fiirn1shM square riMims: prices reasonable; nlvi front parlor, sultablenor pbvslclftii: htuise under new manage ment and new I y furnished and decoratiHl, e6t!T ST . 'J.'W) - N'ently furnUlinl" rooms; light housekeeping; plenty closet room; also parlor. . 27TH ST . 42 W., the RaMam-Elegantly fur nlhcl rooms, large A small, at reasonable prices, professionals accommodated. 27 I'll ST.. :m . Furnished rooms furgentfoT men; excellent aeeotumndat Ions 27TH ST.. 3(11 W, -t.argc "front room; ifglil housekeeping or gentlemeinCTs, both. 2HTH sT.. 307 W. Lnrgp. cool rooms, liand somelyfurnlshf d; mode rate f Or sum mer months. 20nl ST , 1111 W.- S'leefy nirnMiedla'rgaroom nn I extension; also hall rooms. 20 ril ST .TTwTnIco front apartment for houseUeeplng. 21)111 sr,, ;.i,i W -Furnlshe 1 rooms, light housekeeping; mm? of laundry; all Improve ments. aisr.ST., 304 W.-Will furnlshM large front room A bed room, bath A gas; homekreptng. 24TH ST., 1C7 W. Lsrge A small rooms with eery convenience; slso parlor; summer rates RftTH ST.. IKUI W. -Nice front room; 2gvntsor housekeeping; hall room, rfl.'ift, 30niVT., ift7 W-lUudaonudYtunits'iod largo fc aniall room, 3liTH ST , 342 W.-fArgo. mmpletp housekeep ing room. tl; water tnhs;2d flwir. Allen. 371 II ST.T 2ftT "T.- connectlngiront rooms, Jlrd floor, housekeeping gai stove. $7. aHTif ht1,; 25 fO U.-Ci:STJtAiii TfTi- MNIIi:i) . UO(),)IM AT 17.11 .iii: It 1MUCJ.N. 3STII ST., 21.1 W.-Nlcely furnlshM largo front room, 1 illttht: nisi halt room. 1 40TH ST, 234 W 3 large rooms; housekeeping; ' $4 50, pnrlor bedroom, hsll room. $1 60; 3 rooms In barement, largo jsrd. $8; suitable for Jaundrcrs; quttt, respectable. 44TII ST.. 430 W.-Front fialTnom. prhato house, with large closet, $J; references ex changed. 4.VT11 SI., 70 W. I ji rgeft "smallroo perlor . orcommodatlons to first-class parties; board If Tleslnnt. m 45TH ST. ICO W Furnished rooms, large A small, nicely furnished; bosrd optional. 40TirT, "213 W., "near Ilrnsdway Irge, pleosnnt rtHims. $2 ; x ate bouse. Call all week. 45TH ST, 21T W.i near Rroadway Large A ems!! ruoms, closets; running water; $2 up. Mrs. Campbell. 47TII ST. , 70 W-Nlcely funihhed front io-m it Jet; terms rtaionable. 17111 ST.. 124 V. -NTciTv TarrTRHeil rooms; neat, comfortable ft homelike; prlvato family; seui Sunday. 4h'I Tl -T., 170 WT UirkQ Vsmall room's TiTcb to$d: parlor lloor mfwlerate, MTlfrsi., 12-.I W.-Nenfly (urnlshed room siltablefor housekeeping. Mlnogue. rOTIffiP.. 27"W,,"adJotnTng kark -FurnlshM rooms; with or w Ithout Itoird; reduced rates IttDsT., 127 W. Nice largo room, suitable for 2, with or without hoard; terms moderate. T5TH ST , northwest corner Western Roulevard Large,. o;en space surrounding house; cool, pleasant; moderate terms LADY I.IViMl Al)Ni: Ina mieaparlment on W Hist at.. 3 minutes from L station, wishes to rent elegantly furnished rooms, slniiyor en suite, with or without board. AddrcsPluk- ham. 42 Columbus ave, NICELY Fl'RNlPHER parforA tedronm in W 26th tt , nsr Sth ave. Rcaeonable, box 320 World, uptown. North or ctstri Street. 126TH ST. SOS W. Large, desirable, comfortably furnished room to gentleman; private house, ' reference. 1271 II St'., 140"W. Lnrge, "Tin nil some rtwm In strtctly private family; mod orate. 1VHTI! ST.. 2ft4 W.-610I room"; in iUeTn Im provements; private family; special cleanll ws ; moderate; references. lVl riTsT.", i PT-2 elcgnntly furnished rooms In private houae; board optional; terms reason- able. 13.4DST.. 240 W. -I'leasint.Turn'lsiied fooniTor a gentleman, 2 blocks ifom station; breakfast. laiTH ST., 2.17 W nearT rtatloii-Newly fur jilshetlriMims, private house; eryj moderate, HksMl ST.. 307 W. Lafge"back parlor to let to a doctor; reference 141ST ST. 727 E Large front rcom. connecting bath wster, gas, prltal house; $2 50. Miscellaneous. FLVSIIINO, I. I -A prtwle family csn accom modate 1 tor 2 gentlemen with a large fur nished room In pretty cottage In desirable lo callty Address S L , box 260 Uptown World. FUHNl'siltf) R()()M.s iolet-l)cean fronL Rend ave., Rockauay Rencli I. I. L. lthalre. I!ANDSOiT:LV furnished' front parlor, steam heat c J flat; 2 geuilemon: piano, gaa, bath , widow's family: hoard If desired. Aduresslhlrd Ae.. World, ltli J. 23d 1st NKW RIlioilfoT;, S. I. -To let. reajsOnabTyT large iiimlshM room; ft minutes fiom station; plcahant summer home. Call oraddrwui K. RAl.LhNTINK. 1st st. Brooklyn, IULTIC FT , 205, corner Clinton Furnished rooms for Kntlfmn or coup lot; would lei one nU't room for wry light bouiekeepleg to nest people, at $2 75 per wee't. lIKlti.l.N ST., ll)t-i larcVrooms on sec ond llcor; ri.l) Itirnhbeit, unth, Ac. CfiNCORD ST . ftl -Furnished rooms lolei; ail lmpr.iemeuts.,I minutes' alkio hrhlge. tolMtf sf., 27-PaiTor ft luniiabeX roonis, oil cuiienicuce, with hath. Peterseu. FVLTo.N "sn. 121. " irrookiTn-N'pAtly fu nlshcil 2-wltidowed room, lor 'Jgenileman, $2. GOLD ST , 319-Furnlshed rooms to let for light housekeeping or to gentlemen. Ha.nmin FLACK, to, Rrookln -FurnUhtd front hall it s;uare room; ample cjosvts. IIUNUY ST., si, llrooklyn Nicely furntshed rooms, gas, bath, 2 gentlemen, or gentleman at wife, reasonable. HENRY ST , S3, Rrooklya, nesr Bridge Large, comfortably furnlih4 rooms, complete; house keeping or gentlemen, HOYT ST, 47 Newly furnished large roon, $ intnotts from Rrldge, convenient, goii latlon, $3 .. HoVrh I,, lAo."Kiooklyi.-Furiiish4 rooms for Omenlna ptivutv I ami y .niL Improvements, w horwlihout roird. tWlJldays, LAFAYirTTE AVE., 1 97fH Furnished "rooms gas bath; private; mvlerste pries; with or without board. XAW11KNCK HT. . lKl-llooW.1 'J bfdA, a gentle r&en; alto ttgbt boujektsplng' room; closets, ' " " '' ' ... , Turnished Rooms to Let ... .-.,. ,,,.., Brooklyn. NASSAU ST , 812 larre rooms furnished for housekeeping; $3 weekly for the two. NOltllt OXFORD Si',, list Urge Tiirmslied room nn 2d floor to let in I or 2rentlcmen; all cnn enlencesj jr 'ferenees etcbangrtl. PR()frcTPLA"rK, iiH 2 or .If on TTmms; 1 ftlghti corner, tool, hoiipkccplng, IlMl)Nf;V SI'.. 24s to let. nicely famished pkmiis; mntiAwlIe or to snglgenitcmui). UNION ST. 270. Itrookl)nTwo( larye hanl- somely ftirnlthcd rocms tn lei, single cr en suite, s.illsMe for ph)ilclan or dentist; running water, frlvate family. VANIlHIIIUf.r AVi;, 40)1, "mar" 1'iillnn For ladles large orsmall, conveniences; imxlerntJ prices- ilrst class tieltthbirhood; $1..'). 3I1ST. , iienrmftTi; I in pm. pint nts, gas fttiath F. K.. 1nx M2 Wortd. Ilrrsikl)ii. BT1I AVI!. 3n RronVbn To doctor nr denirsL back and nlMle parlor, with use i.f furnished front pirlor, good Iocs tlon for business 325 Ill.NRY ST . Rrookljn- Por two gentlemen nr ladles nicely furnished front A Lelroumt rea sonablc, 2d floor. (IA1Ks AVI, 070-tnrge front nrlmck pnfiof, foldlnc.bed, gas, bath; uso of piano; 1 block from L station, IA"w".IINcr. NT. 13M. "neir Vufti 11 M " ilnnd ortieinint riM)ni.suttnlilof(ir2: hnll room.$l.ft. ollANtiK sf , A4,"Rrookhn Well furnlsher, largo rooms; quiet neighborhood; Uiard con eulcnt SCIinRMlillffTTltN sr., 277 l,irs nimlnrtii hie room, housekeeping If desired; nlsu desira ble flout parlor, Sl'A't 15 Sr. , 113 near rifiitou "Lnrge k small rcM.nis, newly furnished also parlor lloor, un furnished. VF.RNON" AVF., 10l,ttwpn Mnrey and 'loinpklns nvps, Rrooklyn, cmven.ent to L Nleel) furnished room; prlntehouc; refvrences SVAHHlStlTON AVU. 147 Square nml lull r-Hun. seiuintte or connecting; desirable Una Hon; closo 10 trolley Hue A elcated station. Furnished Rooms Wanted. frilNINii ItOOr"VTANrTlU)"ny gentiemnn between 4id ft IVldsissndHth ft Oth ne. , home comforts. Address, with prlfe, Man, boi 2ii0 World. a Ft'RMSHRI) ROOM, light housekeeping, nesr st , prK-e not over $3. I). C.. Ux C.j erld, Harlem. FURNISH!.!) ROOM WANTHD, 12Sth St., near 31 aie SUady, bos 1S9 World. OKNTLF.MAN wantsnlry roomTnprT nte house, aboe42dst.R AC , tos 37 Wnrl I LONO RHANril or near New York, comfortably furnished light hnustkeerlng apartments, small family of 4. must have full pirtlcutara. R, bog 3RJ World, uptown MAltltllCti t.ADVT with cTTlbT fMinis riTan nrisiorrntlc pilvato family for J nil A An rust; prefers near Central Pntkt rlc all particulars. Aildn. Lincoln, box 40S World. tll'fKT YOlrNTfl MAN" tilasTnir seurnT nTce musical liiHtruinents would like to rent com- fortalile, airy front room of widow or strictly prHate party; no other roomers; stst) lowest iernis Address A., box 377 World. SMALL IIKintOOM A sitting-room for one gentle man, quiet, cheap, comfortable II., box 389 World, uptown WANTI'I) Twn furnlshei bedrooms, us of kttrlien, for small fsnlly, July, August, price moderate, hour from cits' Artist, 92R 14lh st WANTED Room A breskfsst, two men; near 30th st., Cth ave. It., box 309 World, uptown WANTRD ny a gentlemsn, well furnished room, between 14th and both sis , with or wLh out board and cin-nlent to bath, for trsnslmt use during summer. Addreis II , box 437 World. WANTP.D A furnlshM room for noting man; terms mo-lerntP X. M. , hot 434 World WANTF.D-Weir-Turnislied square room, run ning water, bnth, w ih nr without breakfast. Terms, James, box lai World. WlrTtTlVlsliniror partly furnished rooms wanted; flat preferred. Address with terms Perclval, I hi x Ml 3 Uptown World. 2NfCI"LY furnished rooms wanted by couple: centrally located; quiet, reasonable. K., box 1KI World. Boarders Wanted. Cast Side. LKXINOTON AVF.. 4pi, 47th st.-FTcellent accommodations, with superior board. 10; Amerlcstfamlly LKXINOfON'AVK., ft42, near Ldth sl.-ltnll room, square rooms; piano; private bnth; sum- mertirms iHTstm ) N AV K. , 711-Newly furolslied rooms, with excellent board; hall room; ttible bosnlers nccommodate-l. Li:X!N"oToN AVK. ,""' 13ftO -Nicely furnished room, with or without hoard; 1 block fromHUth st L station ; Kentlemen only; private family. LEXINOTON AVR . Ill, near 49th St. Handsome rooms, with Imitrd; references LRXINOTON AVE, 14C-Frtsle family; 2 ntcly 1 furnished rooms, with board; every conveniens; fne location. -wi? - MADISON AVR . 127 Larre A slncle. cool rooms; ex s lent table; summer terms, tnrslcn s taken PARK AVI 2 Protestant gentlemen can find pleasant homes in mall fsmlly. term tHlenth. Address Musical, lOiM .11 ave,, World Rrsneh. PARK AVI!, 10M, SCth st Large A small hand romely furnished rins; sll conveniences, ex cellent board, moderate terms Til RT ,"(14 F. Hand somely "furnlshM large A small rooms, with board; reasonable. 10TII ST, 34 n Pleasant double, single rooms; all conveniences; excellent board; terms mod erate. IITII ST . 27 F.. Desirable rooms; excellent table; central location, table board 12TH ST , HI H. Rack A middle parlor; also other rooma; good table; also table boarders ac commodated. 14TII ST.. 3i0 F. fjirgp ft small rooms; evjcel lentJaiM.MA.fftwesky. 14TH ST 215" H. rurnlshed rooms, with board; pterins reseonsble. 15T1I 6T , 139 R ,near Union Square Large A amallroorns, superior tsble, bath. rTTH ST.. lffi F- iJirge A single rooms, com fortably furnished; fne table; eomrner prices. 18THT.. 221 H. -rurnlshed rooms to'lot. with or wlthont excellent board: summer prices 21KTBT..33 F. Handsomely furnlshM rooms, with board; visitors to city accommodated; rea sonable rales; references 21ST VT. 0 W. Nleely tTnTsbed large rooms, with board: permanently; transiently; Rammer in es; references. 21.T ST , 4 E Handsome largo, cool room, with unexceptionable tatle A attendance; mode rate terms, references exrhsnged. 2ISTr . 47 T-- I-srgo end slnglo roomiirwlth b:ard; roonion parlor foor. 2.1DsT.. 44ft W.-Ld"V having i hannlngly sp-jn-ilntd home hw delightful rooms; location cixdj refilled; moderate. 2ATH ffl,, IiA "-., near Sladlsnii Square- Pleas ant, rool rooms, from $2 up; bosrd optional; reierences SOTH ST , 131 E . between Islington A 4th aves Handsomely furnished rooms, with or without loard, summer rates 21ST ST , 227 F.. Lsrge "front Parlor, nteely fur nished, alto entry rom, rood tsble; American family. 32D ST" 210 K, -TXrcefc small nicely furnUhed rooms, with or without rosrd; reesnnable S4TII ST 7211 E Meely furnished Urge A small ronrrs; xretlent bosrd, $4 up I14TI1 ST., 13H F. Ijirge AsmaTTfoomsrooard optional; transients taken, 4UT ST . 45 E Cool rooms $2 up; superloMsbTe bosrd, IS, trsnalents, tt SO day. 420 si 313 W , 2.1 tloor, front -2 working men csn hategood board, room k washing for Aft week Ij. 40TllhT.. Ill E -WellTrurVilsVie'i."roomi7 ooun tlful fable, "ery moderate prices. 40TH SI , lift fr. Nicely farnlsheoT roorniTS board, permanent ortranslent; icasonable. 4TTn ST.. 110 r. -flood board for 2 ladles; no other hoarders; references Sklllm. 4MfHST., 242 rlttllrnfn"n)lshed front rooms with board; desirable location; very moderate. . . , . WrTH ST , 3lOF--r.iegaiitfy iuilsheTC0linect Ing noms, with boanl; Jewish family; all con veniences, sussmer prices. M- fttiTII ST., 214 F Nice large or small famishes I rooms, with or without board, private Jewish family m ,, . MST ST W K N'Teeiy furnlshei room prhaU Jewish family, no other boarders. Ratr. MTH sr, . 100 F, -Rocms, cool airy: flrsl-cKss lionM; wry reesmable, summer prices, tCTH ST. Ill E Nice rooni A goo! bosrd for one rentlrmsn, private family, 13 weekly Raruth fsril ir., 144 F. Wry nice rooms and TTrH ehiAS lcsrd ; terms ery n asojiahje. TsT 5T 111 E Elegant single afso douMe rooms In nwly furnished house, excellent board, references exchanged (2D ST 355 F. Nicely furnished rooms, alt con,) enlences, board for two, $10 weekly J&i 0.-T) ST , lAl l - Klegantly furnlthed roortisj ettellent table, best attention, home comfort- Jen shjamlly; referenc-s exchanged. thill sT , KiiTk, STcely furnlshei.. cooT, Targe k small rooms; vtery comeuleuco; ttourl o; tlonal. 04TH ST , 110 F -DeMraMV fiuiilshnT rouns rest hoerl; Jew lib family: rvnouabte. htm comforts. 721 sr..rT2 1'. -2 veryiii'ci hrg. ro)in ml conveniences; board first class; iery rensouable. fUu ST . 211 "K. -Roara k large front room for two gentlemen cr ladles; Uuh, gas, closet. WlTflT.. sio F- Large fronfroora, with board; also hall room; terms moderate. fOTlT6T.. lftft-r-FJegsnt room In private house) with small family, w llh or without board. lblTtfr.,:ioaK.-IUspKtablewomVo wsuus cliUd ogtatattt to bOAfU c(nuc AU , t Boarders Wanted. Cast Side. lOHriIHT.,03 F,-Two ladles, light bedroom, "ii''- w1llllalllf iHjanl. liHTH ST., 03 IC -Front room At bedroom for 2. t.Varh, with tnhlolKmrd UftTIIsf., 144 kT-NIcp lsrgeroom. ejtcellent bmnl. fnrV; prlrMr Jrwlsli family. ittlrll ftl., 22ft I;. Mcily inrulsiied rooms, lo cntlnn line; excellent lunrd; i nrlor suitable for dot tor. llfiTII ST . 220 tl Nicely furnished large A small rooms cKrclltnt table; Jewish famll) , rea sonable terms 1.2DS. i.Wil Itoonis, wuTibonnl: nTsoTable Itonrd. I.l:XINofoNVlT. 42ft743l St,-Nl"cely fur nl'lied largo rooms; (lenuan-Atnerlcati Iwnrd. PARK AVF.., 1 10 1 Ijirge furnished room to fcjet for lidlesori-ciittpmci.. 2d bell, ssl II Sr.. Ion 1 . 2 or 3 young Iai'imo iHinnl jrtlthoiieiadv. tidy home. Miss Campbell. 110111 ST., ins K. Twd ifn I v furnished front riNinis;2or3geutlemen, bft;tablo beard Mc- tllhrny. West Side. RANK ST., 42 l-ar-re A small room, with hoard; tihlo h nrd; reierences, HARROW sr., pj Front larso roonT; running water; lu;shmic, ?4.WJ; Amer.cnn family. RROO.MHSI., Mm, mli- Varlclc -Neatly fur nlshiii slnclt- ntoms 3-1,. O, double ty2 up; board A rf Mini ; nice neighborhood. LlfAltl.l -T., 40. near WavtTley plnc'--Mn ly rumlslu-d front hall room; e cry con- etileuce. CHARLES ST. SI-SI ngle AloutdoTewtTA nltry furnlshei! rooms, with flrst-clsss board. CLlMiiN PLACi:. t2 I'onsniu noms, wRlior without lmrd, uxtelli nl table; summer pikes COU Mill's Af7 112 I'rlvite" fnnilly wiuld bo.inl lad) tmplojed, cool loom; nccommoilfi- tlonsj leasonable; westfdrtHt central. WASHlNoioN' I'LAtT 73-Deslrabe newly furnlsheil shiitle k double rooms; good board; gentlemen; moderate WAHIIINtiroN PL U'lVlfM -Front room to let, with or without hoard, tummer prices. I WaVI.HLKY PLAtJK. 124-DeslrablP large A small rooms; good board; gentlemen; ery ! moderate. WKS1 WASfllNOTON PLACF. ll.l-Klegantly fuinlshed rooms k iKjanl; gentlemen, ik, $tf; ladles, .. 2 4THHT.. 11H W, -(lenilemeii, tfft to0; Isdles" jt exiellent loctlloii, 7T1I AVE,. 91 Largely furnished, large second story, aUo hall rooms, with bosrd. 10TH st. , 14 W.eJItiHUiis.wlth reason nble prices; tablibonrd. 1 iT IF" S r. . a-1.. V. -I I anilsojiTeiT lurnTdlen nmms, with rseellfiit bonrd; home comlorts; summer prices 13 Tit ST.". 22 r., nenrftihae.-IeslrnbleTout hit k single rooms, wlih iKi.trd. 12 III ST., 320 -Ijirce k small rooms; ladles, M; gejitlrmeu, A 12 H I SI'., 01 'W. -"HaiiTwHiiely Tiirnlsht-il parlor floor, with or without tonrd; location cvutral; transients nccomnioilatcd. 12T1I ST., ft-ft W.-Pleasant rooms; summer rates; parlor dining-room; change of caterer; first-class hoard, f4. HTIl ST.. 30 A 311 W. Pleassnt rooms, en suite or singly, large dining-room on parlor floor; ex cellent table; terms moderate; transients A table board. 14TH ST, 2S1 W Nice larre rooms on second A thlrd floor, table 1-oard. 141 H ST.. 210 W.-Dp"lrableTarge,snisll roonis; table first class; aunimer prices; trans ont. HTIl ST , 152 W. Third floor front room, with or without loard, transients accommodated; tablo board 14TH ST.. 210 W Double A slnyle rooms, with, central; Southerners accommodated; rea sonable. HTIl 8T.. 204 W. Handsomely furnished room, ricollent board; table board, transient accom modated; moderate summer prices. IITII ST. 329 W rieaaanl rooms, with good bosrd, table board. 14TH ST , 234 W Two largo moras, one flight up, also single room, with board lftTII ST, . 14ftW. -Choice cool rooms; brass beds; superior tuble; homo comlorts; tablo hoard. 15TH ST.. 311 W Cheerful rooms; unexcelled table, very moderata rates; tablo board. HTIl ST.. 203 W. Furnished room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with or without board. FTTH ST., 220 W.Oood board In pleasant first flat for mechanic: reference. Farrell. loril"ST",3l"-PrettllVfarrrfhedfronlroonis, large .Vsniajl, with or without board. ll)TlfBT., 418 W.A few respectabln working girls nccornmndatcd with board Id private family; reasonable, 10TII ST , 7 W,-Hondsomo large front room; nil conveniences; aJso hall room, with or with out board. 20TU ST., 14ft W.-Hnndsomoly furnished lnrge rooms, with board, suitable for two; terms reasonable. 20TH ST., 314 W. Rooms, bosrd, running wster, 14 SO; 2 together, 1 breakfast o'clock 90TII ST. . 310 W. -Lnrge nml small clean rooms, with board; gentlemen, V. 21ST ST., 2ftft W. -Small k large neatly fur ulshtHl noms, ft k upward; superior table; go I J oca t Ion. 21ST ST., 2t'0 W.-1amlsomelv furnished large k small nxims. with excellent board, ateum- merralesi tran-lents 2ll ir., 243 W. -l)ps?f ST? rooms , excellent tnh'o; good house; gentlemen, families; rta sonuble; central. 2fsT ST.. 243 W. -Nicely fnrnlsheil parlor; flrs-c'as boanl j mosl-rn conveniences; parlor floor; reasonable. Oilier. 21T ST 41 W Large, handsome furnished room. $10. 112 for 2; hall room. IS, Including ex cellent board. 2IST ST., 252 W Square rooms, 2d floor- all conveniences, excellent table; summer prices. 22I)ST734H W.-LargH k small rooms, with loard transients sccommodated. i 2-iDST.." 4aft W. -Nicely "furnished single A double rooms, with iHJird; runuingwater; bath. 22D ST.. 231 W. Lanre A small rooms; excel R n beard, W, fftj table board, t?0. 221) ST., 417 W.-Handsomelj furnished back parlor; all conveniences; $10 for 2; near 23d ! 231) ST, . Cftl" W. -large second story "front room, with hoard: reierences. 220 ST.. 327 V.'. Newly furnished parlor, slrgly or en suite, A square rcom, excellent table. 22D T , 250 W Larr.o front room, with aleoe, piano, board pptlonil Co rid It. 2tD ST 141 W Superior hoard, 24; with room, 5. for 3, $3, trafFienta tkex U3I)Vr , 42 W. Mug 1h rooms, iHTh good tablet parlor dlnlng-rooma; terms inolerate. 2in"HT,T4.1.'lW DeslnblpT rooms,boird, t0 upwtird, also pnrlor A: 2d Moor. 2.U) ST. , 2iW W.'Isitrgof rout room, handsomely, with excellent table; terms mol- erate; tab'o bounl. 231) ST . 32 W Large A emstf handsomely fur nished rooms; eicellent table board. 23D T., II3S W.- Fngllsh family; large A small rtMims, nice bouse; ginxl Imard. jt 22D ?T. 411 W nondrn Terra"ce) NicTiy fur nlshei rooms, gmid boarl, 25 up use of garden, con client to 9 car linn, transltnta accommo dated 231) ST 240 W. - rnrniheil rooms; best oc comuiodntlotis; goM la'ile rHiard 23D ST. 435 W Double A slnxle rooms; nicely furnlshei. running water, excellent tafcte. 211) ST 211 W Choice cool rooms location contra exrellent table board, optional, refer ences exchange! 23D ST 441-441 W -I-flYely. cool home for aum" mer, guud board; near station; table board. itTH STTr2to"w."U)oii7s"w UhlwnirfA & 'J ftl table bonrd. 2illV'st.. 2ift W. -Nicely fuinlshed large k small rioms. excellent table; summer prices ; cs'iitral location, 28TH ST , 30 W uTrlc7AmsIl "rooms' "to" it, wlth or without meals. fTll ST , 23 W Handsomely furnished rooms; singly or en eulte, with etccllent board A at tendant, 57TH si . 47 U rurnihed roonis, small k .piare, on 4lh."i ftth floors, with beard. 27TH Sr.7300 W Large fro-it roomTt halTbeU rtKuns, wlih hi nrd k table hoerd. TTII ST 34 V - Wanted, select table boarders 27 fl! sT. ,'W W, I urge parlor A ether rooms: hot rekeeplug, tinnsieuts; board; table board; terms moderate . . 2STH si.. 3. 2 V Httiidsomily "Turrl'.hed rcMims comforiable, folding-bed , water; fft-!0. superior Freuch cuisine. 2MTH T.. 31ft IV f.trge A Vmall ITlcelyTur- utshed rooms, with first-class board. jrfiTH ST., artS W -Flegantlj rurnlshed rcoins, yen suite, singly, excellcutboanl ,eery couveu fjlenccj summer prices ;W)riI ST 310 W. -Newly renovated, large, airy rooms ; closets, bath ;u-e parlor: " upward. SOTII ST, 2 W Itsndsomely furnished floor. prl. ate bath single rooms, board If desired summer prices. 31VT ST., 2R -Handsomely furnished cool rooms, with excellent board, or without, tran sient taken ; tro-lernte, 311) ST . 243 W Comfortably furnished roons with board, also tatle board. U upward. S4TII ST.. 241 W.-Dtnihle mom; hot A cold water; largeclosets; gcotllttMu 34TH BT., 2tTV.-Deslrabl? room. lorJpr- sons; excellent board; flnt-claas house; mo-er-ate. 34TII ST.. 27 W. Handsome rooms, singly or an suite; excellent table; references enhanged. vth tfr;rAii?v.Taj. wu"ir5T ,-" stiJdAl vxmttmMVL. Owner; ij!kt'P'"Sf - ,, J.aSaSSSSSSSSSSSSSto t . ia,r V r. '.Jlfc V t JL '? Boarders Wanted. -, , sf ' West Side. 4V ,' g MTU NT,, ira W. -noanlcn. svantcdl a naw t",, Sjgg lioiie, )ust opening cents, ffi; ladles, tXt,6q Jf BBJ JtTIt RT.. 2(1 W.-raall-" Um. rooms, with ',' Imanlj table boarJ. .,,. 1 rsaSasasasl 3Trif--f.. WhtW.-Douhlefc slniln room., eood '4aSBJ Wiiil: miruing girls. j).iyj. nents, ytv ; i :vvi'H HTT llil V.-)! (urnUhtsl b? KiBBj ronns, lupipitlorllooriprlatelath break-,r , .:jekH m-t optlnnal. "xfc s!'gH SliTllisT., TJl. -Jill W.-l.impA small rooms 1 . f 1H superior iKianl: lamlllcsk transient,) tesflOotV Y. 'JWaVaVaVal Me. ails, llalrinrln, SaSBSBsH :mi'll Hr. , 2'21 W.-'i lianilsome. lame rooma'j W nlsolinHt psrell.nt Iwanl; summer prices. IstaSXasaSl irTlTHr., SlH WiiI5XrtouhIonKimi ptvl ViH mauenti transient; rctcrenccsi moilerale. i.'''1-jMBjBjBB IITII ST.. 434 W. Nice light room, with iioartlt !ssH e, Lalh; mod.ratt price. T. A. Halh '' 4HIIIT,, KM W. -Two larire roomN hail room, Jbsb1b1 sllli lioanl: sacant June W, Hen bernera a ! "itlftaVaVal CfniinioJaleiK .ISS 4MTII RT , 1127 W.-Mcclr furnlshe.! lanre It tflM small moms; gooil hoar.l; all conrenlenccf YjcbbVbVbVH reaS4nable. TsaSXaSXs! 4STII nr.,T(l4"V. KlfKant 2il floor, with all U9H roiiMMilrnoi'S) nnral, quiet block; excellent 'VbVbVbH talilt'i miHlrratu; n-KTeuccs. JolsmSBSBH 4HTII ST , '.KM W. -llarlc parlor; also square ft ,l "oi lmll rooins tjcrms ressonahle; boanUi . f 4SS i 1 1 1 H r. . a W. H.imri- room, wllh board i : ,H rcnsouatilo; near llromUsas; usonfbath, t SH WrrTT HT7ril.-.7 ieimemen7"s'S per weekj ';1 alsu laillps; nil week. i, . gSamsSSj 6ST1I .ST. Sfss W Urn, root rooms; tt.nt "',bH board, prlrnto fsmlly; mederato terms. ' 9H CAI II HI'., SSI W.-Ijirte alrrrooms,-wlth or ' vbbSbSbIbI Mlthnutearcllpiulioard; summer rates. sbSbS 01ST.ST., .14 W.-ilandsomely"(urnlslM(1 rooma ;& tu lot, with superior table lioanl; summer ratcit rsBSBSmV ronHili'nt lo 1, siaUiui k teiitral Park, - sbSb1 ("Ul'll HT., 117' W. -Desirable rooms; itretwipi L B room aitacled;su perlor iKtarri; summer prices. vj1bbbsb"1 04T1I HT.. 1117 V. Handsomely furnished V?3H roonisi superior table; table board ; near Central $f JH l'nrk. 1, siailon. V B 6.5TIIHT.. lvTXv.-Cool, dellshtfulroon-Jlboart 'bsbH for tno, tl'2; lino tablo lioanl ;'sB 71HT 8T.7 OH W.-llavfnir lioasa near Central 'V ",b1bH l'nrk. will rent 2d rloor; boutlierneradeatrwll SbVbH table l-onril. P-sbH S4T1I BT.. 307 W. Lare room; also ball roorn.i ,'SH aood tatilt; terms rcasonabl.; tabls board; r.f- iisH er.ncca. !sbSbSI 7(ITII HT. , 24 '1 W. -House k location flrst-claa.1 BBlH rooms, w lib ,t without bonrd; don't fall to call Vj iIH for terms. 5pbSbSS 7.1I HT. , 1711 '. lloom for gentleman and wll, . jJH jrt llh board ; also lor sluelu Kvulleman lj 9 81HTHT., llri V., I. slalloii-niecant furnlabed bsBai rtHims: prlvato bath; etccllent board! all oga ?V$4bsbsbH s rnlencr s i home surroundings. , 1fSSl fsn r.l(ll W, Handsome rooms,' nlcelr !"' '' f ;)bb1b1bH nl'hcil; nlor; excellent tablet VsBsBfl S'ery ri-n-sonunle. .. .ySSS s:D 8T M W Decant rooms, salts statin ak sb parlor; excellent board; moJrat. 'Jv'sbbbH terms ' ,t'SBB S7TII ST., let E. lioarders wanted, all Impror. ,'?bbbI rncnts, men $j; horn, comforts. Caser. . isbbbH SITU ST., Kl W Front, Jd floor, Vii with board; single room. H"sMSSi will ht. , TH vi-Cool rooms, roar pork, for iBsBfl summer, In suit or singly. Tilth board. v LS Til HT"Til7V. 'Jd k M story rooms to lei I , iCbbbI all coiivpnlnces ;boanl opl tonal ; prl Tate family. ,bftSS MTU FT., to W. Large furnished room; .elect t'4bbSb! housej Uhle & attendance first class. H ii"lrlf hi'.", il'i W, llomellke, pleasant room 1 0 LbI ti boanl ; close to park ; very reasonable pri StplaBI ate fnnilly, 'TSbbSSbI MTH ST.. S W. One hall bedroom, with board." 'H I5; orerlooklag park. ,,S HIST BT , 2SS W. Furnished rooms, with board J 4lJH summerprlces;conrenlent to L. . (aVbbbv fisili hT., ill( W.-Ijirjo ft small rooms to let, f' SH with boanl; also table hoarders. u tg liJIi HT..T1O1T . Ijirge A single room, wltri .sbI gotwl hoard; very moderate terms. J.-f H l'Jtl 11 HT., U7 Nicely fnrnl.bea airy rooma, V3bbH facing Mount Morris lark; boanl optional, ' LbSH li.vrfl ST., 13 W.-llandsomelyfurolahedlari. TsH rooms; finest location; excellent board;,ummer aeSsBfl prices. -B',!sbSs1 liNOI.lMH 1'AMILV offers superior boanl k :'. rooms; iruesis permanent or transient; mo4ar Ji. MbbH ate. Apply -lOO Wot anrl at. f4sssi FRONT ROOM, raltabl. for !. furnished. M,LH with or without board. Mrs. Reld, 134-Bask-at. &-sbSI 21ST KT.,4011 W. -Ucautl(uriocatlon,oppoalts) .5jH seminary grounds; convenient elevatedand mr ( ei; LbH face cars; newly lurnlsbed; excellent boat V -JSkH optional. Pa9sBSi 21ST HT. ,212 V. -llooms, handsomely furnUhed, At3H with boanl; all cons enlences; excellent tat4. 4-3bH terms moderate. H HIST HT.. 1411 W.-IHslrable rooms, lane ivVaH small; moderate prices; transient, accommo vTJbMbbI dated ; table boanl. t -jH 23l)Hl,an4 V.-Ilandsoraelyfunilshed2d-atorr , :H rooms; private ba'h; first-class homo; excellent ."v-4,H table iKiard. It LbI 2.1T1I HT. . 2.1a V. -Nowlr furnished house. Urn f SIH A small rooms, lint-class board; single. Vol usjVbbH dc.i b, ?10. rlfH 2(Tril ST. , 28 V. Hnndonu-ly furclsbedroomt !iiH excellent table; desirable location. &csbbbI aTH ST.. 2.11 W.-lJinr k hall rooms, win. 1 :bsbH lint-class board ; moderate. v j V aH 4iiriTrTI'., 9(M V..near Broadway Changed 59bibibH bauds; single, double rooms; excellent board! atrSasl snmmer tenns. 8Til HT . ,1117 W. -furnished rooms, board; all 4''sH conveniences; ladlea. 313.6(1; gents. fl. 'sbbsLI 4HriIHT., 2.'17 W. -Nicely furnished roonu,vrttU 'bbsbsbsI ttftnnU terms modemte. ' pl SW ST, SM W.-rurnlfbed rooms; hot A ool4 K water; board, terms moderate. 'vtmmm MTU ST.. 'JUS V. -Cool, pleasant rooms: so- 'xbsbsbsbI l"rlor board; desirable location; comforts j ,,3S modernto. j11 oo'ril HT.. -jfi7 W, Ijtnro 2d-storyalcoT. room, sbsbsbs1 eentleman& wife: board forwlfe. v H otri 1 1 h r. , ,tli V. -One large room, handsomely .v.T-bbH lur'il'hed; superior table; table boarders. aBBSsl 6TriI ST., 345"u".-ilandsoine large and hall 'bibB rooms; superior board; summer terms; near!. i?jaBBH station. i-iH OSTII 8T.. 7.1 W. -Pleasant, airy rooms, with, or .bsbH board; terms moilerate. bsbsbsbsI Ulir hfT771 W.-Comfortably furnished coot Msssi room; near stations A crosstown cars. "&bbsbsbsbsi ' SBSSSl North of 1 J 5th Strati si'LLH nATHOATC AVK., 1724 (174th tt. station) " 9SH I'diirated French family: finely furntabsst (XbSbsbsbs! rooms boanl, $il week; French conTersation- &bsbsbsbI (iff. a'NS'KTCVk., 14ft-I(iflitroms.nlth board. wJH ea ftO to f(i per week: educated people only. .SS TTII AVi:., :070rirasint front room: choice la. 1iKsbbI cation; with 'or without board. Williams. SH 121TII hT. IIOK-To let, with board for a, , .?S square nKjin. S10: hall room CS. ifMssB l'.Tril'Hi", lal W. -single rooms: excellent 'XJLbH bonrl; low niifs: private houe: table board. 3Lsfl fskTIIST "l W. nooms. with food board I "I'MsbH private fsmlly; lent of references required. LLLi rsurilsr. nil W. -I.irgek.insll rooms; hot '.,SBJ ct'ld wattr; taolelioaisl: reierences. Wbsbsbs! faiT ST., 202 W. Ijirro A small rooms, all '.faSsH comenlenccs, with boanl; terrra moderate. 3bbbi liwrir-siv 244 Vr-Ia-go small rooms; good ''VsH boanl; private American family; reasonahl "Fg rati". . , !bsbsbsbsI 1 401 II ST., 1112 K. -2 large, light rooms, newly ," gsg fiiriilshrdicentlrmauitiMte or 2 single gentlsr men: terms moderate. SS 12UT1I ST., 221 "W. -fiifgo front rooms In prW iiJaH ate bouse; bath: board optional. yS 127Tfl ST., 1:12 W. -Haiidsomely lurnlsbed Vas.sH rooms, ;) upwanl; breakfastlf desired; bouaa . '-SSI llr.t class -,.'sB Mlacaltaraoua. MbbsB HKTWI'r.N Stub U an l. -Front room; prTata 'sbBI l..mlly; nlv extra room, lllanca, box M ' fM! Wrrld. iirlowtu m.,i"B RrsrECTAIlI.U lady can hav. uneieeptlonahl. fsBlH hum., with comforts & privileges. SS weekly. , JsBB rrhate ramlly. boi it World. ,H fTrniiTI.V 1'IUVATF. VAMILY oflera good 'i IH table board to 1 cr 2 gentlemen. Address W. ,'isH 2:M si., box 31-0 World, uptown. , -,''SH Brooklyn, l APKI.l'III RT,, 4CO - Comfortablo furnlshsst LbsI rooms, all conveniences, with or without board. bskbibibI I'lNhArpfXHT., tm-llea-sant roomt: ekoel- "Jsssi lent lioanl; :i minutes from llrldge; sautl- , ' . JttU sTTri'll fiSFoltl) ST., :, Ilnioklyn-Doard; Js.sbH .V pleasiint room; Improsemrnta; .xcelleot H table: wllhln 10 niluules from bridge, , ULH Hl.UUVM.,n a miiiiiv. f rom brtdj. ti terryi ''" 'Zmmm lagefn,aiUOIil.,' i'1ente prices. H U sr. iVI K. near Iledfont nve. oplendid ' HbH taiunl Jtpleitv 01 It: large, lliht, airy room.t "3sH bath.taili-unscnlencesi J.V 0: jmluutea' Tiallt HaBSBsl froiiutnnd. Hnosoelt& llroadw ay ferries. ijSaSSH .'iUTIIsT. , 144. nrooltlyn-Uespectable board.ra 'jasBSBSBsl waulrilby private lanilly. 'tSsBSBsH ASHLAND rUsCi:. 15 (Itaymond sL) Superior JfBsBlH room a board, 4S; Improvemeats, plane Hear MbLbb1 -ars, M J MIl.'tUNsT.. 1-0, (Ireeupnlnt, flv. tulnulu to ' ' !!i luth 2:M st. ferrles-l'.oims, singly , ui suite 1 all convenleuces; pleuant surrounding.! t 4 MH lest liosnl. Sur 'fiH jiTrNrAlll'K ST., 147. Urouklyn llelglita ' t ' i flachelor apartments, handsomely fnrniabeds i boanl; illnln..nniion parlor rlour; relercnc. 1 H HANDS hi., "l. llrooklj n-lloarU 1 light, airy ' trXH rooms, wlttutlllniprflsrruemst.mluuic.'T'ala; ' H (nun bridge: best ultendance, with good, ,ubsta ! it ,H Hal boanl, ( weekly; tablo boo id era accoiumo- iji dati -, ,. H 1TRNI3IIKI1 ROOMS to let. with or withe ' 8H board; onlr blxks from Urooklya UrMfk, I ti Ini;ulr. 05 froipect St., Urooklfn. , 'ijlH SOUTH OXroUD ST.. A HI. Drooklm-A Hi handsome parlor, Door o'.h.r deslrabl. rM-M, .. j JHBH with superior board; qul.t fcous.; eoarealMt tc, M ' 2H callty. A all Ilrst class 1 hl.ks.tJ '. H r.frencfcApply at H. -. t- . w-,v M WIDOWER wlthV-u child or tw.M.aga.u )JH tlemen; prlTal.Wlfyiao,W,aair, ,. "IHBB 80mlnute.tobrW4.VA4,.UiS iiil lya WwW. j. ,' i.V.I.'Hv. .,, , .JT1 1 'stp--p9HHHHBH-BHHHHii) I