Newspaper Page Text
KB" HI iHKf THE WORLD: THURSDAY EVENING. JULY 5. 1SD4 VM HIKx cues of a sufficient force to meet all H Kf " merf enclcs. H K CALIFORNIA OUTLOOK BAD. B' fK'i) trlacjra In Control nt O.iUlnnd and K Hi t for amotiaih rrwt m jK 8AK FRANCISCO. July S.-Tlie strlk- B Br " railroad men have Placed Oakland H, .K'y' under siege. They arc absolute masters H' B?7 of ' the ferry tystem. They hav stopped K Bi lhe tralni n bMh lint. anJ connection K jBJf Jy rait with all the cities across the bay Hp B. haa been cut off. They have seized the HLV railroad yards at West Oakland. The) KKf re 1 possession at the Oakland Mole. B'H) Not a wheel If moving. BB'i The Itrlkers accomplished their work KH' 'within an hour and a hair, and not a H' K; band was raised against them by the H'E authorities. B BV ' Several companies of the National BiiB Guard are under arms and ready to B.. .B'- March at a moment's notice Three BssB- companies of the Fifth Regiment ai- KHSCt rived last night. The city Is In a state F aK of Kreat excitement. Whrn tlio rail- B JhK 'oad officials knew that they could not KJhHn " Tua their trains they stupped all but tlw E'X'bHk. boats on the coast route and completed K K the blockade. During the nlgnt the L B' broad gauge pier was guarded by a few m 'K ' deputy sheriffs. K EC Strlkera the inrdn. BiHV The day was the mort sensatlonnl In H: Ws' Ha events of any In the great Ftrlkc. W.' VVVf ;A' The trouble did not begin until 10 o'clock, HB 3 aaaaaaHR" when the strikers, in obedience to BHflw orders, moved upon the yards nml round- HMaaaaaaaaHp house at West Onkland, Both were VKS-- captured, neither others of the city nor B.. officials of the Cotnpiny making any HaaaHaaKv resistance. The AlumeOa, rtprkrlay and C'flflHi; Oakland trains were noised and mallei B'-flBHHf The towers on the Mole weie captured sB:'isBT' nd held, and the switches so un-auged sP'iWsHi! a to he useless without repair. HslS Bands of strikers went on the run to f. sVaWaV' n narrow gauge line, and at I'oiirth I DVXK." and Webster stieets signalled and seized H r-VVB9- the train running one of lh. roaches 'VHi. down the road until it reMed across the iBW tracks of the Alameda broad geiijte An ,:' the Alameda has not been running for H, several daj-H, the blockade on the cntlru 'xS system Is complete During the after ?' MHIHi noon the strikers made another raid on TjHSli the round-house and finished a small BKaaaaaBaa?' Part of tne,r work left undone In the h',SSjf morning. Bfl'Bflk" Ilallronil Itclirs ui Troop. BBfflHH$" The railroad Is relying solelv on the K PHHr.' assistance uf the militia onil I'nlted Laaaaaab EiaaaHK States troops If It is possible to oh- sH'tssK' toln them. H'lHS, Last night the naval battalion nas or- ,Si dered to be ready to march .it n mo- aaaB'B VS , (Btnt'a notice. The battalion reported to !ISJKV headquarters and the threo i unipanlia E-IH' remained In their armories during the B'lsBsK-1 alSht. 'H Strlkera .Mi end In Mui iimoiitu. aaaB'aaaaaaaaK' BACRAMENTO. Cal.. July 5.-Ucn Hr aaaaflB' Stephens, when ordered to the E'UHK. depot of strikers yesterday. asxel for BbsssML " written ordeied to lire, but L'nlt . I F-'Hf States Marshal lildtvln refuted to glvc- K HB one. It was then t.iat the oI1i-it i1f- F-IsisssVsF dined to go forwarJ, und the Stooktun I.B' companies follj.e.l their cxatnp'.c. llald- Hn win ordered the BiMlcr.i to return to the K WVB i armory. hHbK A large number nf soldiers from Han K'H' Francisco have been ovircume b the iVBsK' Intense R: Mayor Slernnian has kiMjnl a piola- HF'VH' matlon cuminnnding the ponplv to keep HtVW away from the Hoeni of the illtilurb- BMK ances. The Btrlkt-r:! were tnabieri of H:-flVW- the situation all last ulsht. 'I'hev hud KpVflH complete possession of the depot. The BSHftt troops, V.ltll th' fiCtl'tl'.ll Of UJK COIII' V pany. retired 'or the iilvht. HBb When the troops had withdrawn to SVVK. their arinoiy yotcid umi the strikers vWVftyK and symputlilsers wire loudly celcbtal B' lng their victory n ncv souice or ilan-r Bm1H became apparent A Lodv of fifty strlk SVS ffa appeared on the s"ne nnned nllh HbSbHK' rlRes and nmuiiitlon It v. j" lnnn.l that K7 the Garibaldi Ouard had turne I the con HH'' tents of Its arsenal over to the ttrlkers HB Armrtl Mrlkrm mi the W. slssssVslsssssssc K" 7he authorttl's and rallioud pnp HVSSS bacam: still further alarmed uhtn ad- SSSB' vlaed of the nurllkc preparations or the VVsBt Strlkera at varlou points north or here eVSSK on the Oregon branch. At Du.i'mulr, KMMi shortly after noon, a body or sevent- Kiiisssssssk ' flve strikers, fully armed and cqu'pped HVSSa,r fr battle, marched to the Southern HWsWZ.' Pacific depot, where other A. It. U. men HVSBST had a car and locomotive In waiting, KVVSM'" nd soon the armed body of excited men BVsWswf 'a speeding towards Sacramento. A VsVb tJnlted States Mirshars' car sat couplM wSaVSp behind the coach In which the strikers MHr! were riding BbWbS' At ltel Jiluff a demonstration which HlSaaisssr B, portendi trouble was made by the IPWsK strikers. The A. It V. men there re- sssSalWC eelved orders earl) In the day to come S7VVSr" to Sacramento and at once began rus K'H' tllng about the town for arms Finally K one hundred rifles and plenty or am- HMH munition were secured and placed In !'' a cabooi" at the depot When the HfiVtW" train fram Dunsmulr arried at Ited l1 Bluff the rolllne arsenal and another BVv band of strikers were taken aboard HHBr At 2.30 the train toprel at Redding B; long enough for the strikers to purchase K all "the available ammunition. B-von K they were speeding on again towards HR Sacramento. HK' Arrests Ln HB" LOS ANOELEP. Cal., July S.-KU mn. W-' ecmniislng the siriKe committee of the f, A. It. U were arret-d esterjay after- K,', noon bv a Deputv I'nlted States Mnr- H(; hal. Ball was n.ted In each case at m 7S 0 The uitn o not k en ball up HBr ' 'at nour la,t night, but were k.' SiarchlrK for tondstnen H The Indictment charges the men with B- having obstructed and Incited othera to K. obstruct the carn'lnv of the United KTSByB- States malls on regular trains of the T'BaK' Southern Pacific road. K'.E" All Otrr nt Inillnnupolls. H'HB INDIANAPOLIS, July S.-Ttte strike IH-'i'lssW-f here Is over. The Monon train came it KH'.,:iHiV on "me. The "ltlg Four" went West IB riHflK without obstruction. BH. GENERAL STRIKE NEWS. BiBI FiHK: "BIb Four" Strlkr OfT Tronlilr E'JHl Oirr nt Clili'llllintl. K1! Ihr Aivi-lafe't Preiti I KBK ALTON. III., July :. The agent of the BV Big Four road In this city says that sIB'-ssfiB th9 strike on that road has been ssB-'iBsB declared off, and thai all trainmen KJbHb Id the employ of the Conipa- BVssssB'' ny ,n ,nl" el,y are working as usual ssB'cBBsf There Is no truth In the report that B'tHMrit Grand Master Sargent had ordered the tm'iSi- firemen out. itjMBfllBjf Trouble Oirr nt I Inrlnnntl. HK' CINCINNATI, July 6. Railway of- K'' flcals consider the strike over here, un- IIRBu less affected by Influences from con IBBHbH nectlng points. Supt. Peters has tele- EssssssslsssssKr itraphcd the Penns) Ivanla officials that SHK'i to-day will see the lakt of the strike , on all roads here. The Houthern's men, K'O lust, night, .anted to 'e: usck uncond.. H tldnally as h body. The Iouisvllle and BkV"' Nashville, C'lnrlnnatl, Hamilton and V-f Dayton, Baltimore and Ohio South- VV' western and other roads hue back H;' enough oM men to be fully equipped, H;,' as they are holdings the new men. All K an running freighU, Including live KhVB? Fort Wnyne Sltnatlun Merlons. Bt-U rORT WAYNE, Ind., July 5 The ''''. strike situation In Fort Wayne is be- Htf coming try serious. Not a mail train ' , lias reached the rlty over the Wabisti t t, for two da. und only one passenger HH- ' v train hah hesn moved. Tuts morning K,.j. ,at 1 o'clock the Nickel Plate employees K A quit, und not a wheel Is turning on that HH' U F01"1 between Fort Wayne and Stoney B'"f IsUnd Theft Is no troubl rsportej B- on the Pittsburg, Chicago and- Fort M"? Wayne roud. but a strike Is hourly ex- K pected. islsHssssB? " A Hnr-" Xttii)' Arrests at Trlulduil. HK;k TRINIDAP. CoL, July C.-Thlrty-clght K.U- - step, half of them members of the A. It. K. i' Ij- and the remainder sympathlieri, Hl--''i ' were arrested herr last night, and later K-' i . will be taken to Denver, Among them V j1.1 ara president llellck. Vloe-Presldent R,' Mutb, Cbalrman Carrig. fleeretary lm- i. . beef, of the Union, and ii. B. Collins, a V r-V lQpttllst politician: This is a severe Kf (Tj ,Hw to to strikers. TMere was snucb issssssssssssssssssssssssisligiams'ilhil-fl lYMlH"--' (excitement, but the presence of the Fed oral troops prevented any outbreak. Ilia tlrnndr llnitlnrrrs Mirk. DENVER, July B. The engineers of the lllo Grande have unanimously de cided that their duty to both their order and railway requires them to perform every service required of them as en gineers by the load A majority of the. firemen are of the same opinion as re gards themselves. Irt.n Hnuntntna Trains 5elsrt. MTTI.B HOCK, Ark.. July S-The Texas express on the Iron Mountain, ' which lefi here Inst night, was seized by trilers at Baring Cross and th locomotive derailed. A mob or strikers at 1I.30 tpk possession or the I.lttle Rock and Memphis pajstnger train snd refused to nl'ow It to proceed, Gov. Klshhack has been asked to call out troop!. "Dead ' tJiisrlnes at Mnaon rlty. -MAIION CITY, la, Jul 5.-Twenty-two e.iglnes rir dead at this point on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, and fll trains are practically suspended. The Iowa O.itMl'a shops are shut down and onI mall trains are working, and , these baaly delayed. Compiny A , Iowa I National Guards, of this city, at 3 o'clock this mirnlng were notified to hold themelei In readiness to go to Sioux City to isslst In putting down n strike dlsturbin'e. ' t. PhiiI After an Injunction. i MII,WAI'Ki:r: Julv 5 -At 10 o'clock 1 thM morning the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul road will apply to Judge Heanun. of the Fnlted Slates Circuit Court, fir an order restraining all per. sons from Interfering with the property .'f the Company. - SURE TO BE A MEAT FAMINE. The Mo i-h. on Hand Will Be F.x liflllstrrt To-Morroi-r. It Is more evident to-day than ever before tl.iit nothing but the raising of the blockade Imposed on Western rail ways by the strike can avert a beef famine In this and other Eastern cltlcr. That the cattle supply fiom the South und Intermediate regions, such as the States or Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York, this side of Chicago will be ade uuate Is not entertained by any one who knows the buclness. These localities liao tliclr omi big towns, which are even now complain ing of the scarcity of beef, and will tiiMj up and claim for their own use nil the cattle that their neighborhoods pro duce Nothinr was received at the Central Sloth J ards, Jersey City, this morn ing, find nothing is expected except per haps u few loads of local cattle, that will prohibit be the last of that class. No dressed beef is on Its way here from the West. The freight of the east bound meat train which Hwlft & Co. ot out of Chicago after a fight with tne strikers yesterday Is bound for way points, and not a pound of It Is Intended for this city. dtrlke or no strike. New York Is go lug to suffer next week from a scarcity of beef" salt W. II. Noyes, (jcnl super intendent for Hwlft & Co., this morning. "It Is too late to patch up all the shortage even If they got trains out to l.i., nnd the Indications are they will not be nbie to do so. A train leaving Chicago to-day could not at the best lellver freight here before Tuesday or V fdnoda next "We have a train of dressed beef in "hlr-aito which was made up for thlt point last Friday. It cannot be moved, and we are only able to keep It supplied with Ice "I liae no ndlces of a single pound on Its way here, and our present stock will be exhausted to-morrow. So far as I know there Is not a pound of beef on hand for .Monday's trade. "We have hesitated to advance prices to our customers, the retailers, and the grnvlt of the situation has thus not een made so apparent. Prices will go kiting by Monday, you may depend upon It." In the retail markets prices or beef were to-day holding the advanced figures of Tuesday without change. Mutton and lamb, which are chiefly a product from this side of Chicago, have remained unchanged. The California and Imported fruit trade is almost paralysed. 1 ht situation has neer been t-o serious before, and Its dally Ijsses are enormous. H. I., lioodsell, the fruit auctioneer at 103 I'ark place, who handles In some form or the other the bulk of the Cali fornia and rorelgn fruit reaching this market, was loud and emphatic In his denunciation of the strikers, and pro foundly mournful In his comments upon the situation. At a conference held jesterday by the Kings County Committee of the Socialist Labor party with a delegation from the s-ociallst I.abor Federation. It was re. solved to hold an Indignation meeting at tie Brooklyn Labor Lyceum next Tueday eenlng, July 10, to protest against Federal Interference In the strike. I-ater on a meeting will be called at Fort Greene, Brooklyn, for the name purpose. ST. LOUIS MORE CHEERFUL. Snltrh Rnsjlnee Moving and Pas nenaer Service Imprnt Insjr ST. LOflS, July 6 In the railroad yards and about the Union Depot to-day a niore cheerful state of affairs exists and a braver attempt Is being made to handled traffic. More switch engines are at work than at any time this wek, and more freight cars are being moved The passenger service, which has heen demoralized during the past forty-eight hours, Is Improving and nil roads re port a better movement In that service. CARNOT N0JMARKED ALONE. Assassination of Crlspl, Alexander III. nnd Others Plotted. (Iir AisucUtea rrus.) ROME. July B. The Popolo Romano slates that the authorities arc In pos session of the proofs of an Anarchist plot directed against Premier Crtspl, of Italy; President Carnot, of France; Alexander III., Czar of Russia, and other heads of European Qo eminent The same authority states that all these were to have been killed In the same wek. I Fined for Celebrating;. In ths YorkTlllt Pellfs Ovjrt this mrrnlns Ibtri r tventr-elchl prlmnvs tmlfn for letilnc off flrtsorki jrettinlir Of ti ptiioneri lenn one wire unjir ilxtfea )irm of &x tut wire ttoei is cLh The rest er held for trial I Are You Nerve-Tired Do 0J find It Iwroiiibla to be.-oms sstar cittd in your work or ta c tblnt ties, u rotibU to ileer, tuiponlbli tn sijorrvwr foo.' If o. )on- nerroaa trsiein netdt bulldinr u.. tn4 tbe wurr mutt testa si oaee, for th roafequstifs nt rials rosy t dlsaatruut. llesin to-day to laki HOOD'S Sarsaparilla And before a week roai by yea will (Ml dtrtettollr. You will liara s coua sppattte. Yoacau 'ledown at m?bt and sleep and v, it will rite la lbs mornlnr rtf.aibeJ. Yi l, rrjil faol tike ilciof a rood i!y' work You will WioLilruel thai Hood's Snvsa , Partita Cures litwtt's Fills cure all liver lilt. sick. Uaad scJmC lalueiUeu. bilioamass JauiuUcs. ' . jitgjIlKtfii'-fiMnfriii I ( VIGILANT I IS BEATEPJ t(rvtivurit from vritf fn. Batunltc s foresail nnd the collision which linmedlatily follow i-d, carried away Hstanltn" howxprlt and tup mast, leaNlnc bet a wr- k. roereil with tangled rigging and collapsed 'alls. The fnn-e of the t'olliblnn nit nl krle down to lh wttrr's edge, ami she slowly settleii and satii: In three min utes. Ashore, oulnc; to the mlrit. It was dllYi cult to Immediately d'termlne up m whLt had happened, except that there hid been a rollltloli and that Yalk)rlc had cone down. til llnndn nird. Loud cries were ln-ard fi mi the irwr of tht two vuc'i'.s. end for u t.nn- It was i lell'vid lh' a number of th ctew nf I ulnyrlc had heen drowne.l !Iippll , this was not the casf i. ' Lord l-iiin-raxrn, Wntnon arid tl.e i -e uf 'Klkile were picked up hy lioath which put out from the rhoie and from th" many sail ing achti nnd stenm jn"'its In the vicinity or the scene r t k tcclb-nt Ixird Hunraven wa u lght Io..g to be remembered when he was taken nn board the Hebe. He waa no longer the spruce, dlgnllled Rintlemcn so well tc membcred In New York. AVvt'-Sl' rm pnifi: or wm' i ii iit himt'.nS'i . The launch or the yacht Ilebe wui uls-o sunk bj the collision As the Valkyrie went down lu-r decks burst with a loud report Kntnnltn's t'niitnln Citilnlni. The captain or Pntanltn said that he did not have room to turn, owing to the' large number or steam und uiher yachts which gathered about the start ing line. When Valkjrle began lo fill some of her crew Jumped overboard, a few succeeded In sciatubllng on board Satanlta, others were taken off by steam yachts und some weie picked up as be , fore related. One of Valkyrie's seamen, William Drown, .was cutight between VHlkrle and a steam jucht and had his leg badly crushed. alkrle lies In twcntj-fle fathoms of water. Satanlta carried away six arl of her starboard bow and beam aboc the water-line The cook of Satanlta had his arm broken. Didn't Kuoit of the Accident. ' In the mean while, Vigilant and Bri tannia had got away, not knowing of the sinking or Valkrle or the damage done to Satanlta IlrltannU hitched on to port to throw heneir on the weather beam lloth yachts then went across the Firth on the surb.iar1 ta.k to the ojoosite land. Wnen they tackel again vigilant was pushing her boweprl: jer Urlunnla's weather quarter an I i threatening to run Into the weather berth lftilnut Well In tlir I.i-iul. Passing Kilcreggan Ilritannia was gaining, and pulled up until, she , was only lm. 43.. behind V icllaiit Hut1 the American yacht pulled ahead again berore the finish or tne round The following was the time of the two yachts ut the first tound: II M S I Vigilant 1 : 02 IJrltannln 1 K 57 Vigilant continued to draw ahead of Britannia, and turning the Asc.ig jnark boat, the yaehts came on th" tun with, their booms over to port. Vigilant earn ing great balloon, or spinnaker-Jits, as they are termed hete, which were draw lng jplendli.y. I.ols of Mnll (In, Off Toward Point, after rounding the Ascog mark, both yachts set their spin nakers lo starboard, and their club-topsails were replaced by Jlbheadets At the weathermark, Jackyarder wrre got up and. working along the Cloch shore, spinnakers were run out to port and Jib topsails were set. under this sail both yachts ran to wards Kilcreggan. and rrom here It ap peared as It Ilritannia was closing up a little. Approaching the Chch Lighthouse, on the run home to the finish, Vigilant was still leading, and It was estimated that she was about seven minutes aaead. The wind was softening but Ilritan nia with her spinnaker down began to haul her in and passed her near Oour cck Ilritannia increased her lead and passed oer the finish line a winner b tle seconds. liunrsicii Was tool. The Associated Press ypeclul corre spondent had an interview shortly af'er the sinking of Valkyrie with Mr tlenrge L. Watson, the yacht designer, wlm waa on board Lord Uunrawn' rutter t the time of the accident Mr. Wauon said: 'I wai stundlng te?id, l.uil lu'. raven. who was steeiim; Vilkne At gun-Ire Valkyrie was reaching doim on the starboard tuck In ordr to lake lhe line Satanlta. which had c.uue up en the port tack, was to soon, and was obliged to hold on beforp putting aLout for the start , "In ufltng to clear a small Inat whl -h was In her way, Hatanitu ran In'o ue, striking Valkjrle amidships u..l cutting Into her about six feet "The two jachts were locked togrther for a short while. Satanlta's lnw spilt and 'ininast vere rarrle 1 awny aim.,.' Immediately on the yachts s-paratlng. Va:kric then irguu tu su k "Lady Algln- Lennox and Loi J u r-don-Lenno wer" sitting ut the ie-n of Valkyrie at the time uf the nccI lent They wete greatly alurmed but Iird Dunraven remalnd co-d and reissured them "A number of small boats put off from the other achte In the harbor .nl took f Lord and I 1' i- I.nr1 !) n -raven and mseif befor Valkyrie dirap. peered frm i-w. whhh she .lid l-i about three minutes after th coli.slon " HISTORY OF VALKYRIE. She Mm Hull! Kapri-lnll lit (up. lure thi' Vmrrlcn's Cup, Valkyrie, which gae the defenders of the America's Cup the hardest tussle of any English yacht ,on record, was built for th F.crl of Dunraven In the Winter or 12-M, at the yards of lh- .Mesrs. Henderson, of the Anchor line or ateumshlps, at Ulasguw, and was launched on May I, Is?). Her ill signer was lleorgc L. Watson. and In Vall.rte the famous expert Is supposed to hiio ylveti hl best efToris in pro'lue the speediest possible neit of the cutter t,e I'irtalnly the pr es of nik' -n beroro she came to this eld or the AllantH- to engage In the America's Challenge Cup rnre.i last Call winrint 1 the heller among .i litMnen thul the was the fustmt yneht itllont In Kngllsh waters. Hh Ir compo.lte build, V,.iJ reet on tin water line, lt-nttli over all. 1CW feet; l,Lam. '-'J feel.O lln lies. drallRht, H tcet, nil prend iibout 10."''' square feet When In raring trim she curried about I'lglUv-IKe tun. of lead nil her kcil. whli h bsllast was carried well foiv mil with li L-ra.'ial rlee. In font) Vclkyile hid wfnt la known us the (Jiieeti Mali bow which ineutis that the stem Is convex, anl not the form known as lhe ll.ldli"bov The lounter Is sim ply a prolongat'ijii of the stern, whbh Mr Watron hao inude a feiture of the yachts tihleh he Iu built during th.' past few j ears " The crack English cutler proved to lie no tnatcn fur th? fltet .ln! sloop Vigilant Kverv one remembers the ibsurblng lnterHt In the cup race?. The first v. js sailed mi O t 1 nnd proved to be a fluke, for the wind did not hold out. and ndtlier yacht went over 'hi inline, though Vigilant was away tihad v.hen lhe time limit was reached fin Oct. 7 the first decisive iaco took place with t fair breeze. The course wn lirteen miles to windward and return. Vigilant beat Valkyrie by nearly fix minutes corrected time, tln- lhliir In I hours r minutes 47 second'. Vbtll.iiu iiNo won lhe triangular rate nn ''.I i in a iliieahing uiiul, ilic cortictcd time belli?. It. M S. Mcllanl ... J : 01 ValVirla .... 1 :t II 1', '"tirtb iaco. nn O. t 11 wns a diift iintl proved nothing, although Val '. rlc .nun. in K. i-ni away from he. rhal In the catspaw breezes beating down along the Jersey beach. The great race, however and the ens which conclusively demonstrated Vlgl lant'a superiority, was the last sailed in Oi t t' when the a,it'. started out to windward from the Scotland Llch'slilp In hiif i cale The weather was thick and the sea heavy. In this ra V h-Hani Jamnn 1 her ci-ntre-buard fter turning 'he iln.lwirl stake, .ml Vlkrle's spinnaker was carried away in tne h mcsire'-'i Allhciuh Valkyrie turned the stake two minutes ahead of Vigilant the latter made up this loss on the homeward trip, and came In only fortv seconds ahead. Here is the corrected lime. H SI s Mallint ... . 1 :i ! Va!lrl J !i IT Valkyrie beat Vigilant In this race lm M on the wlnl-vird leg, anl Vigilant bent V-ilksrle In running home lm Ss Vlicllant's gain over fie entire course was 2m I3. less lm. Us. time allowance w'hl-n gives e). by which Vigilant won Valkyrie remained In Winter quarters on this ilde nl silled back to scotlsnd last May. arriving at Gourock on May 31, after n passage of twenty-seven days, and making an average rate of 116 miles a day. YACHT CLEOPATRA ARRIVES. flic's n lllu 'In, nnd (.lies Into Corn mission Inilnedtutrly. The British )acht Cleopatra arrived lure this morning after a thirteen days' passage from Cones Sh" Is consigned lo A L Harbour formerly owner of the Htenm acht Sapphire Cleopatra was formerly the property of Mr John Lyslght, of Bristol She Is painted white and brlgantlne rigged, of ell tons gros. or 172 tons net. and is built of steel. She carries a crew of twenty-six men, und will go Into com mission Immediately CITIZENSMAKE DEMANDS. Insist Unit Xo More finrbasre lie Humped nt IllUer's Island. The Committee of Citizens from the Annexed District, who demand the abolition of the Hiker's Island dump nuisance, called again at the Mayor's oirice to-day to present to the Major their conclusions In the matter. Mayor Gllroy did not expect the Com mittee and was not at his office. He re- ! mulned at his Summer home, at Far Rockawny As on Saturday lait. Sec retary Holly received the committee. The Committee visited Hiker's Island at the suggestion of the Mayor. The decision they arrived at nfter an ln- l spectlon und Investigation or the dump Is formulated In these demands That the dumping of isrhage at Hiker's Island be stopped at once, an I that the city authorities arrange to de posit .nhes and garbage ry.,nd the cltj , limits, no nut I it what the expense may be I That the refjse materia, w uch has I een Jumped on Hiker'. Island be coverei wlt.i ia' f-et of earth, an! that unu It is covered the disinfecting proces.. be continued That the War Department b pett tloned for u modification of the order against the dumping of scows In tht I'lv, and If a moditlcatlon cunnot bi obtained, nrrangetunu be made to carrv the garbage to sea by means of smallei scow s. That the Immediate abatement or the I ru'aatice Is necessary ror the preserva td i of the public health, and would war rant the Mayor In employing all the j men ur.d means necesary, regardless of ' me cost, to accomplish the result 1 he conclusions of the Committee wer regjrlcl in the nature of an ultimatum b the city officials but the Committee men denied this They refused to mv wha' act on they would lake If their de n n. Is ntr not compiled with They will ot go before the Otand Jury at present The ilars Macv one of tha Cinvmltter ii'u. Is 111 at Ills home from the effects of the bad Btnell from Hiker's Island. How Did IliiiiiiiUiiinn (irnhuin l)lr" The rlrcunntantu lurrouuJUc lh death sf Rounliman .Mtiandtr i.rai.n, of the timb.ut jua-J l.o. tojjr ta loucd at tat foot ot Will. 1am atrtat, Uroolljn, )tittnla)r, an aa much a mriterr aa titr. fapt. Attain, command.r of tut ataaaiboal squad, aaia ha hai not a alaalc clut irat ralaht tolit the qutitlos. la nu mollia for nilnds rat Us loJr etars so niatka uf foul slay. i Have left from the Groat Purchase of i Messrs. Hammars'ough, Saks I Co. Stock oi Fine Giothing 1 Bought at 40c. on the Dollar the following : 1 Sack Suits. Serge Suits. 1.140 l:lne All-Wool ! 712 Flue Blue and Black Clay Cheviot, Homespun Cashmere Suits, Scrjres H., S. & Co 's great reputa- $' ra.. r f- r. a - tion was made on this line whole- DU 13 tVJ sale prices, 14.25 and 16.37; our I & xJn $ qq $ gO ll M. A: Co.N I'rlre IS.SO and 111.37. )j- ' v-f o IB '-'-' TrOUSeiS. ; LonB Regent l:rock Suite, English Cut, S, 6, 7 nnd 8 quality, , $945 $335; 9.bU csf0 Oi Jfx M S.&Co.'a wholesale price,! 0.37. KV nOTII Tllltl. ti.nsKii r a i'. 11. j..ti it day. 383 BROADWAY, W&j EUfiElSE R 123 & 125 FULTON ST., rnr White. WdFs&lL. A ai ajaa CWfe Near .Nacaait. 123 & 125 FULTON ST.. I Bfs If jZ Kf 333 BROADWAY, .Near .anu. M E, M JJ & Near White. WAS JEALOUS OF HIS VICTIM. McLaren Didn't Murder Jeniiio Knittle Solely for Revenge. Sliol und Killed Her tiiul Has nt Ucen Captured. Thames Mol.jre.i. wlio shot and killed Jennie Knittle, with whom he hud been living for fourteen eais, in Hobokcn etterda, Is still at large. The body of the murdered woman will be burled by the city unless claimed by her friends. Jealousy Is now thotiRht to be the motive for lhe murder, und not revenue, becauee she had had him arrested for blgain). as stated. Years ago .Mcljiren ivai divorced from his v,lfe and went to lhe nllh Jennie Knittle. The couple went through a marriage ceremon nhlch she believed to be legal, but nhlch he said was a fraud. They had four children, of which a. boy, thre yearn old, and .1 girl, Jennie, aged live years, arc now living. About ilx months ago McLaren be came Jealou3 of the Intluence over hl wife of Mrs. Demure!, wife of II. I' Liemaresi, a slalr-bullder, whose factory Ic on Terry street Hoboken. lie llidught his wlft, for he called his U tint by that name, was not Irentlng him properly. One night when he found lur In other men's company he elappud her face l.ntcr when .'ie ajkei thit he ri tliroui;li a lesal m image eeicmjny nlti Iit he eon.!rntLd. The day was let, the trJnli'er w is ai hand, but the wo m.n failed to .ipjiear. After that ni ne . nf pir.' in mro Jrav.n up, but be fore they could be iIgned, McLaren mar ileJ Hie niii o his brother, w li pj'sel under the maiden nam jf Don 1 hue. It was then that Jennie Knittle had him arirst, u ror b' but bhi- fallr In her attempt to proceuiie him, imji btins able to produce a niatrlage certltl cate With their home broken up th woman looked for work to keep herseli nnd children. She wan t.iken In, with her bable, by Mrs. Mulan".v. of V Harden street, to dra sew lng and hous" work. McLsren called on her there jenterdty He had been drinking, and asked the w jman to return lo Urn again, aa hi newly wedded wife refused to live with him 'When idle refused he fired four 'hits ut her. and while ihe was dying he escaped. McLaren wan once arrested for shoot ing nt a man In the northern part of Pennsylvania, and rectliei kIx inonttiK sentence Hl brother. Hubert, (.aid this morning that the fugitive murderer would never be liken alive "He will neer die on the ga'lowx." he said. "If he ever Is caught he will put a bullet Into his brain." Robert .Mc Laren has taken charge of one of the murdered woman's chlldten, and the other 'r being carrd for by hi lter. Mrs. Williams. Mr. Uemarest when seen, paid that he had frequent quarrels with McLaren over his wife. "He ordeied mo to ke,"p the women apart." he sal 1, "and I came near kick ing him out of the place On one occa sion he took a knife to the woman, and would hae killed her only for my wife." m ROBBED AND ARRESTED. Mm. dndil Itnnxlil; llnmllril In l.miK Ialnnil fit). LONG ISLAND CITY, July 5. Mrs. Llllle Judd, a respectable married wo man, lllnc with her husband at S3 First avenue, New York City, was .incited last night by Oflleer flarrltv, of the Second Precinct. She was ar raigned before Judge lngraham. In thn Long Island City Court, this morning on u charg of disorderly conduct and discharged Mrs. Judd vMted her brother, who lives In Astoria, yesterday. In return ing to New.Yotk, she boarded n Stein way car to get to the Thirty-fourth btreet Ferry. Some thort time after palng her fare and at the car turned Into Honlen avenue, Mrs Judd discov ered that some thief had stolen her pocketbook. which contained J10.S7. She at once Informed the conductor, and Inspector Conkllu, of the road, was notified. Ultlcer Oarrltj, who was on post Just ibove the ferry, was called by the Inspector. It li alleged that without waiting to learn any of the particulars of the rase he caught Mn-. Judd by the back of the nrlt, nulled her from the car and dragged her to the sidewalk. Still holding her with one hand he reached for his club with the other Mrs Judd screamed, and In endeaorlng to step back to escape the expected blow ahe slipped and fell on her back, (.titling her head severely, Mrs Judd s dress wui torn, and rhe looked as If she had been roughly used. She berged the tiolloetnan not to kill her. c.arrll) pulled her to her feet and marched her to the police station, where the charge of disorderly conduct wns -nterfd against her Two citizens wjio had een the whole iff4lr, denounred Oarrlty to Sergt, Iunn, who was behind the1 desk, but he locked her up all the Mime. Mrs. Judd says she will go In fore the I'o ' ,-e Cominlsloners und prefer charges igulnst Gurrit Oi rtnm li),llt'tit lu Court. Folcmon Ml'haell ...nt)r rara of ag. a rr laat.r at Zii Rail Out HortJ nl fourth a'nat aa. overrotna br htat htl. .tttlQa en a tan h it Jarr.raOQ Market Pelt Court tilt. raorniDC Ita aa In court ti an..r a aummoaa. anJ .a aail to faint anl half fall fril Ma aaat br l'o 'iiitn.n 3t i.u.liln of th. cou-t aquad Ha at tinovaj to Si. Vtticcnra lloitltal. linker (Jrrcr Cot Ilia llrn.l Cut. Thoraaa Urarr a baW.r. of 797 srcon.1 artnue, i,.t drunk r.a.idar and tcilatal upon otcuprtnc ia njn, ot reran F.rantn at in Third a th. flaht ihkl folljurd the bakar r.ralTed threa iRlr run on tha Peranln aa arreatal and e J In tha Yorkvilta Court to-uay to aaalt the aault of Uraer a Inlurl.a. He Mnpjieil a l.lnr of Trolley Cnr. Ju.ttre Ooattlof In tha I.e. Ar.n-ja Court Vtlllamtburz to-day fined Hush Sprolnc IS tor dlwrdrrlr rundirt sprolnc vbfl. drunk ynr .la t.livked lha iara on fba I)a Kalb aicnja troll. r Hd for half an hour br tttttns on tha traik and rafuilns to mora Mlanard Ilia Itaanl-. Thomaa Heonr, fortx-four aara old, of 1S2 Mr tla aianua Urocklrn wt thla raornlnz. chanad vlth att.aiptad aulelda. At 4. ti o'ehyt ihla mornlnti he cut hla throat nllh a raiar oa th aldevatk at tha coiner "I Galea anl Mrrtle arenaea. tla waa lakta Is CU CathaiUe'a, Um ltaL THEY'RE HOTHEAUESLYTiAriNS Tho Marsh Boys Figure in a Queer Matrimonial Tangle. One In JhII tor Hl-uiny Dei-lures tlic Other Is Gtiilti. NKWAIIK. N. J., July 5.-The Marsh bos, of Inltigtoti, a suburb of Newark, arc .-in thing but heavenly twins, accord ing lo the expressed opinion of ueveral people related to them or In a state of uncertainty as to tliclr relation to them. One of them is in the K&sex County Jail in this city, nnd the other has skipped to parts unknown. Two women claim Hdnin, In Jail, as tliclr spouse and u third one admits re .uclantly that he was her hujbanj once, hut Edwin says that while he made luve to both of the claimant he nut rlel only one of them, his twin brother and counterpart, Charlie, now absent, relieving him of the other by mairjlng her. The futher of the unhenvenly twins old John Marsh who made half a mill ion In the fruit b.'sliu- in Kulton .da, kct, Inalsts that Churll. niai.ioi the other girl, too. Udwln and Charles Marsh were born twenty-eight years ago In Brooklyn. They grew up together, and were Just alike In looks, manners, tastes and dis position. They were so much alike that .lie got married togethet, became the 'ather of two babies each, and separat ed from their wives almost slmultune j'.islj. There was a little deviation In the likenesses at this point, a divorce blng granted separating Edwin and his wife, Hrnebtlnn Schaffcr Morsh, while Charles and his wife are still legally bound te scther. Oil John Marsh retired from busi ness to enjoy his hulf u million in a beautiful home in Irvington, and Udwln and Charlei went along to help him. LMwIn'a two children wcie put to liu.ird with Edwin's young and prepos sessing aunt, the widow of his mother's orother. The boys lue a record as nnsher, and this widowed aunt, Mrs. Mary Hu lls, was soon plainly much Impressed by h" iephew lilwln. Edwla shlned up to Lottie Courter, ot i.wiigion, duughter of a crony of his father. The two old gentlemen liked this, and readily forgave the young folks when they appealed for their paternal blessings on their mar rlage last Sunday, although the wed ding day had been fixed for July 4, and the Interesting ceremony hud been pre cipitated by Ldwin's going on a "bat" lust Saturday in the course of which he coaxed Lottie to the minister's. Everything seemej to be Just too love ly till Aunt HUlls appeared on the scene. When the marriage of her Inter esting nephew wns announced to her she promptly went Into hysterics, shriek ing that Hdnln was her husband. She produced a marriage certificate, signed hy Rev. Dr. E. L. Stoddard, of St John's Church, Jersey City, last De cember, to prove It, and then there was a row. old man Marsh tried to corrfpromlse things for Edwin, but old man Courter was full of wrath. He posted off to the ofllce of tho Public Prosecutor and made complaint, and Edwin was arrested and hurled Into Essex County Jail to await trial for bigamy. Edwin says that his ungodly twin brother Charlie went to the parson's with Aunt Hlllls and married her In his rame. Of course Aunt Hlllls Is sure that the eye of love could not be de cfled, by twin-brother resemblances. She saja Edwin Is a scoundrel and Charles l a fool Hut Ixmle Courter clings to Edwin, and believes his story that Charles took Aunt Hlllls off his hands and married her In his name. x,VIre Nervn In Brief. Tire e.t.rday destro.d a whole blork of buslneaa bull!ln;a at sjracuie. Neb., cauilng a Iom of t0 000 Klta Watt agrd about twero-aeien aara. committed .utrlde In the Peni.Bylvinla Railroad nation at WUllam.porl, Pa., a.lerdar by ehool-In- herielt. It Don't Cost Much To get well. Only a dollar or two and a littlti faith. The case of Mrs. Lillie Meyer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is s an c.amp.-. fT jt$&h V Some time ? QtMlfiMivv n blc k" (2 Hsr T S Kan to fed ty Wj"ZjLte- b sharp pains jj v tv I inherabdo- ??2r75rjw. down feci kai lu-ue MEYtR.y" ing and & pains in her back. She tried doctor . and got no relief ' At last a f i lend told her of Lycti.x . Pinkhauii I'rcctahic Lompouna, and. after using it. the pain left her, and inen stiuation now comei without sultenng. Your drugjist will tell you what a great medicine this is. and the rice ii onlv one dollar. You see, it don't cost much to get well. It will ex pel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development i . n ONE DOLLAR PER WEErt Will Furnish Your Flat. !J I'Elt CENT l.lBCOl'NT OFF OUR KNTIRB STOCK OK1 THIS PAST (PRIN'O'S SAMTLES Of I'AHLOK. DIMNU KOOM AND nCOHOOU FURNtTUtlE TUB CHANCE Of A UrE TIIIL CASH WOT NECESSARY. rt,room flit rtirnlihfd eompletr, Ola) price, 9ft,10fl cut price. S?f on 4. " " .... io.ooi no on' BAUC REni-CTI0N3 MADr, OX LAKOKn FLATS. FURNITUHE, CARPETS, BEDDING, STOVES, "' CROCKERY, LAMPS, CURTAINS, PICTURES, REFRIGERATORS, BABY CARRIAGES, ' TINWARE, &c &c J.BaumanndcBro' 1313 to 1315 Third Ave., bet. 75th and 76th Sts T0T1I UT. MIXVATKH Kit. OU fABI.ll CAUS. IIupu Walurdaya III! 0 .. ' WITHOUT FIDO BB SHELTER. 3ad Plight of Wiufield Nofin and His Family. Urcad Winner Disubled ami Wlfo Htid l.lttk- Ones Destltttlc. " 1 know of notlilngr agiinst them ex cept tliut tlit' were io poor they could tut pay tlie rent, ami no put them out," remarked .Mr. Hill, the rgent, at "S3 Kast One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street, th.i tnom'nK, when asked by an " Hvenlni? Wot Id" tcporter for Informa tion concerning the .Vnfln family. Wliifrol Nanus, h paliitir by trade, honest, tuber and Industrious, so fur us can be learned, fell frcn a scaffold nnd broke his lea. I'p to thla time he had aluajs supported his wife nnd two children In comfort. The family had never known the pinch of poverty, but then It came, for the Injury wa severe, flefore he was fit, he was atrain at work, and fien thetc was another acci dent, disabling 111 m. Sickness hal Its hand upon the little family. I.lttle by little everything was sold or pawned. The rent could not be Bald, not becauae they had "eaten It " ut because they never had It, and thiee weeks ago the olck father, the aeed mother and the two little children weie turned out Into the streets. Tho woods and fields of West Morrls anla were their refuse. And In these woods and fields they have lived and are living now, hleeplnrr In nn alleyway be tween two houses that gives, them par tial shelter from the rain. They havo not begged that la a crime, punishable by Imprisonment and they have been too proud to ask for help, though It has been thankfully recelvedw hen offered. Their condition was first brought to the knowledge of "The Evening World" re porter by one of the residents of the neighborhood, who said: "A bright llttlf boy, about sven years old, came In the gate, and I, thinking It was the vegetable man's ron, sent word I did not want anything. I went around th" nouse to the gate, and saw the mother sitting nt the side of the road with the yountrer child, nnd the little boy softly pc ttmg and comforting her 'I couldn't say It mamma, but I will next time.' "It easy to see what was the matter. They were starving literally starving. I asked her to come In nnd have a cup of tea, and she did. Hut the sturdy pride und Independence In those two children, who hid not tasted food In thlrty-sl hours, was (something I never saw before They would not touch a mouthful, until she told th"m they might, and then they nte slowly and as If It were a lunch." The reporter met the boy on the road ab"ut 9.30 this morning. He was playing ball. ' Have you had your breakfast?" the reporter asked. "No." said the little fellow. "It's early yet, and I am In no hurry. I'll get some by and by." His father, he paid, was a little better, and had gone downtown to see If he could not get work of gome kind. The mother is delicate, and so Is the younger child. Want and exposure may release them very soon from their troubles. STEIN AGAIN IN CUSTODY. Gave Hlmaclf L'p Whrn He Lcnrncd III- Wb. Indicted. The Grand Jury this morning filed nn indictment of perjury against Meyer J. Stein, the Park How lawer, accusing him of testifying falsely dur ing the trial of Michael Donnelly be fore Judge Martlne, for shooting at Patrick McArdle, In the Court of Com mon Pleas. April 21 last. Iawyer Stein was arrested on Infor mation and belief that he was guilty of thu offense charged Tuesday, and gav ball lu JJ.W to answer. The same day the Grand Jury ordered an Indict ment, but did not file It until to-day. When Stein heard of the Grand Jury's action this morning he hurried to the General Sessions Building before the detectives had time to arrest him. He immediately testified for his brother-in-law, Louis Korn, to come down and renew the ball bond. During the trial of Donnellv Stein testified that he wrested u revolver from some unknown man at the Bcene of the shooting This revolver he Identified as No. S0.7S1 Smith & Wesson make Assistant l)ltrlct-Attoniy Weeks. suspicious of fraud. Investigated, and placed witnesses on the stand who swore that the icvolvor In question did not leave the nnnufactory until eight weeks after the shootlnc. - a aa s ippiyG xe irs. ALMANVO FOIl TO-IUT. Sun rt.ei I 31 fun tela ...T.StjMoon eeta.UCS HIGH WATCH TO-DAY. . . A M. P VI Mndy Hnnlc J 07 0 M r(,emnr'a Ifianl 9 2 ;, j) "Dl l-ale 11.1 u.jj LOW VvATKIl TO-DAY Pn't Hok t ii 3 02 i.rnor'e lilanl l.ts 3 j; ' Hale I -3 1,03 To flnl Kaafrn SULUrJ Time, auhlrait luur minute. POUT OK .MJW VOIIK. AltltlVI.'U. Otea'ar SoufiaTiP'on "" Preracn Centurion CwJeuia ournot.No. sti:amkrs, SAILED Tll-DAV. Norminnla lUmK-a. ,"" Iltiiai "fu,m Holier lait Cler.fueroa 4 u Al1" .".' Jcre.iue iM' UTRAMuna 1)1 TIMMI Kronrrmi K wlllie'ni, Nji ei Ju- 15 IVnama ll.'Mu.u?; . ",. ., ' Frannaej Hull ' ,,,, I, Kunip.. Lonuon " j. J. KI1jra.Hi Ni Orlein. .... Jui5 ii 'lln.r. Hi t.u-m ....... j"" 5.' flt of Aos'iafi Snainili V j ", j Hillary. UarladLft . June Ju I'lll.l.Ki', IM)lTi, IDi I'. Me fii i:i. Ol'KII.'.ETO.W 'ill, 1 h,ii0(i ... lr rajnlc from Llitnixil for ;, Vor New rors' JU" 5 "s,,", """ Kehiu Jr MMiTKII. PIUW 1.11 POINT JiHr S pr, ai.ans,, AWiTl?v-,",.,fonJ ,:?!'"'''"' 'w Ne. or l.r.Cl;LJN,'w:'U?niri.A"V'- a gjjjijja Excursions. 50c- sSSSTso ONE Or TUB POPULAR NORWICH LINE STEAMERS 5UNDAY, JULY 8, FOR TllIP UP THE HUDSON AS TAK AS POUGHKSEPSBE, , MuMr auJ rcfe,hmentB on baud Tlckeu onl -Oa, e.eli, at lMcr 10 N. Ii . anil K3 Droailwar. CHILDREN 116151 FATHER, m i Undertaker's Wife Seeks Divorco, Charging Infidelity. He Snys She Demanded Diamond, nnd a Ulcjelc. r i John V,'. Synder, an undertaker inj 1 livery man of 517 Grand street, TJrook. iln, Is being sued for absolute divorce by his wife, Margaret , to-day In tha .Supreme Court, Brooklyn, before Jus tice Hartlett. S nder l.s the son of John H. Snyder, a well-known Eastern District under taker, with whom he Is associated la i business. The Synders have been mar- rled about twelve ears, and have two 'children, Katie, seven scars, and John, five y-ars. They both testified against their father. Mis. Snyder's plea Is based upon statutory ground. riliy; ;r nettles lit allegations made by his wife. He snys that she Is open to i-usplclon herself, lie say he has frc auentlv leen obliged to cet up at 5 o clock In the morning to let her In. and declares that the trouble between his wife and himself is that she wanted him to buy In. r a pair o 'diamond earrings and a bicycle, and he refused to do It lhe case Is still on. al aa FILE WOUND NOT FATAL '1 lie Cliliinuinn Wlio Tlircir It at tin- Hoy la I'nilcr Arreat. PATHRPON. N. J.. July 5.-Marell Parnelll. aged six, who was In Jured by a file thrown by Charlie Lee, a Chinaman, btrlkins him In Ue abdomen, is at St. Joseph's Hospital In this city. Dr. Carberrv. the house surgeon, said to day that the wound was not regarded aa a dangeruus one, and he looked for ward to the boy's rapid recovery. who keeps a laundry on River street, was annoyed last nignt hy small boys throwing firecrackers Into his laun. drv. He Anally seize 1 a steel file, and, running out on the sidewalk, threw It at the boys. It struck young Parnelll In the abdomen, and it remained there until it was removed by the ambulance sur geon. The Chinaman narrowlv escaped vio lence fr;m an angry crowd while he was pejus taken to the station-house. He Is held to await the result of the boy"i injuries. - fc ENGINEER HAS HYDROPHOBIA Soiled h- Hit- PI re in nn When Ha Went Slnd In Hla Call. (Dr Aesoelated Prrsa ) ALTON, 111.. July B.-After the south bound Kansas City express had passel East Alton last night Engineer Robert Paul was observed by his nreman to i frothing at the mouth, and he soon commenced lurking like a dog-. RealU jng thnt his superior had gone mad. thi llreman stopped the engine and threw himself upon Paul, at the same tlra calling loudly for help. This soon came In the person of Hit conductor and brnkeman, und Paul was bound hand and foot, the llreman run ning the train Into Venice, where Paul !. V..nnd '"rnlng him over to the au thorjtles. Pomp lime ago Paul was bit ten by a dog. but paid no attention to the mntter. and thU is thought to b the result. Von reml 'Tlir Kwnli,K World!" li i.ii rend the Miiulity World? CORONER D0BBS INDISPOSED. For That Itc-naun Hi,. Inquiry lnl Ihf .MimiI DlHiiKtrr Went Over. The Inquests which had been set for to-day nt the Coroner'a office, over th bods of Prank M Aleer, one of the vie- I tlms of tho tug Nucol disaster, and Inlo the cause or the death of Engineer ! HniiRhtalliig. of the steamer Toleliester i'pliwlnn, havo been postponed until Jul U. All the wl'iiwse.s were on hntid. but Coroner lioblis i-ent down word that he wns indisposed Ih wan In the best nf health at tht Tammniij cobrntlon ststcrday. Get Get Get Get Get inl . n. oniv onlv 1 SM ft 61) II 0 KNArr & for lor fm toi fur for K m I r is the Best Roosbtur E.MracJ. . V, (, a V, aiij: ;;u,. -L........I..i..- sM