Newspaper Page Text
THE WORLD: MolAY EVEWUNU, JULY t), .81)4. . $ mM BRITANNIA GNGE MORE. Vigilant Again Beaten by the Princs of Wales's Cracx 'Yacht SIMPLY II DRIFTING MUTCH. Not Enough Wind to Fill the Sails at Any Stage of the Contest. GYBING NEARLY ALL THE TIME. i First One, Then the Other Ahead, V According to Luck and the Freaks of the Breezes. (0 AatoMattd Preat ) HUNTER'S QUAY (Firth or Clyde), July . Vigilant, In this tho Becond day's raclns of the Royal Clyde Yuclit Club resvtta, spread a new mainsail, was slightly altered In trim and, at the start, crossed the line two seconds ahead of Britannia, securing tho leather gauge. At tho Cloch Lighthouse Vigilant -was two lengths ahead and going right away from Britannia, Tor to-day lha course was the same as the one already sailed over by Vigilant and Britannia In tho Royal Clyde Yacht Club regatta of Saturday last. The prl.e In to-day's race la 75. According to the Clyde experts, the v Ictorlea of Britannia on Thursday and Saturday of last vveeek were far from shoeing that Biltuunla was supe rior in falling qualities to her American tlval, and some predicted that this was to be Vlgllant's day and that tho would bhow her heels to the Prince of Wales's cutter. There Is no doubt that the uncertainty prevailing In regard to the superiority of the two boats greatly enhanced the In terest In the racing to-day and drew from Glasgow and other cities end towns Immense crowds of people to pack the excursion steamers. The usual points of vantage were occupied long before the start and a good day's racing was an ticipated. Wind Lluht. The wind was south, but It was lighter than tho majority of thu Clyde expetts desired and wan looked upon by them as being. If anything, more favorable for Vigilant. In addition to the Clyde ship building experts' opinion, British yachts, men who witnessed both lacen still claimed Vigilant was the faster boat of tho two. Lord Diuiraven and Admiral Montagu witnessed to-day's contest, which was confined to Britannia and Vigilant In the. chief event, although seventy other jachtB were entered In the minor event?. Tho bay was thronged with yachtj tak ing part In the smaller contests, and a large fleet of s'.eum yachts, excursion boats, &.C was assembled In tho vicinity of Hunter's Quay. The wind was soft at the fetart, and both the rival racem l .-ached along the line on the port tack In older to cross. Both carried dub-topsalls. Vigilant, Just previous to gun-fire, put about to starboard and Britannia stayed on her lee bow, but had to luff for the gun and Vigilant swung around on the line .and sent up her Jlb-topsall as she went over. As they cleared the line on the start, for a tack across to Cloch Point, Vigilant was broad on the weather beam and reaching out from Britannia, which carried no Jlb-topsall. icilunt rirxt Uirr. The starting gun whs tired at 10.30 A M and Vigilant crossed the line two teeonds nhead of Britannia. Vlgllant's Jib-topsail, however, did her but little good, and It was lowered bef.-ro fche hud gone fur. S.iortly after the yachts started the rlouds cleared away and the breeze freshened, with prospects of a good steady blow. Dawn channel, on the reach to starboard, the two yachts were sbnut equal, and tho sailing, though low competed with that of Saturday, was quite us exciting. Hundreds of carriages on both sides of the Firth followed tho boats. Both Vigilant and Britannia stayed al most together to port when close to the loch shore, where Britannia's bow lapped Vlgllant's weather quarter. But the American yacht soon drew away, ind a minute later Britannia took a mall board on starboard tack towards the Lighthouse. She was Immediately fillowed by Vigilant, and these tactics vera repeated on port tack. However, ni a subsequent short board to star loard. Vigilant refused to follow Brltan i a and stood off on poit tuck a bit 'iirther before putting about, and was a couple of lensths nhead when opposite the lighthouse. refc nnil fleck. Both continued a tscricii of short tacks. In cross tacking, Vigilant, contrary to general expectation, was qulto as sinatt s Britannia, but she was not greatly ,; lining, ns, although she looked to be 'l ahead on tho opening of tVemysf I'ly, Britannia was really to windward Prom under Wemysa Castle the adits ojocl n long distance Out on tho port U 1.. Britannia going about llnt In mld channel and Vigilant going further out The breeze was stronger down there and bub were holding finely to the wlnl. i Britannia, If anything, having the better eathei!y grip, while Vigilant was al lowed to go freer ilrltannla, shortly uftcrwards, ran up her smallest Jlb-topsall and lgllant fol lowed nilt a few minutes later. On tho next tad: to poit Vigilant knotted on Brltannla'K weather bow. '' hero wire only a few seconda between them, and both were head to wind for 1 h minute, but paid away ucaln, and lirltniiuln wuu reen to race fart through "V'lll:int's Ico und bieal; clear froii '. '" They iitoed out for the v.estwnnl, "Hh tho view to fetch the fc'lttlmorlle ' "mrU. t'n tho following turn Biltnnnlc. first 1 truko tack to atarboara. H Almunt llctHlnicd. ff Innellau. before noon, the wind !.sd ajmost died, away, and the two Vachta were nearly motionless. Ntarlntr tikelinorlle, the first mark, M the two yachts had been for some time travelling In close company. Vigilant always had the advantage, but, au she lost tho breeze first. Britannia hauled her In, getting up on her weather quar ter. But Vigilant. In a light air. toon pulled out clear of Britannia's loe, until she was some lengths ahead when approaching the Skelmorlle mark. Vigilant Increased her lead, nnd the Skelmorlle mark wus passed on the first round In the following time: H. M. a Vigilant i2 ls Britannia 15 .jt A slight breeze springing up, both yachts Increased the paco lit which they were travelling. Ilrltnnnln A sin In Lucky. The wind was more westerly us they made for Aseog; but, nlthough the light breeze was steady and Vigilant hud been sailing fast, Britannia ulso bene fited, and lessened the gap between her and Vigilant. The Ameilcan yacht diopped Into ai calm when ubout a mile from the Ascog mark-boat, and Britannia amazed the spectators ashore and alloat by romping past Vigilant wide on her weather, und established a good lead before she. In turn, cSJei! a calm. Vigilant was fulily hung up In the doldrums, nnd scarcely moved for fif teen minutes. Britannia. In the meanwhile, cuught the first tender puff, nnd with a bigger Jlbtupsall passed the mark-boat at As eog nhead. Vigilant then caught a small streak of wind, but bhe was neatly becalmed again before the made the mark. The time at the Abeog mark-boat, on the first round, follows: II. M. S. Biltannla 1 13 31 Vigilant 1 17 U Brltunnla carried her tplnnalter boom to port and Vigilant gybed hers lo starboard, with a higher wind, nnd Britannia had tu follow suit near Tow aid Point. Too Flukey to lie Interesting;. Owing to the fluky wind tne race tus luting much of Its Intel est. I'p to thin state Of the contest lglla it bad been followed by the wurst tuck after sailing well In light ulis. Both yachts left Toward I'olnt, carry ing spinnakers: but they were tailing so slowly that It was thought possible that thu first round would not be fin ished by I l SI., in which case the race will be decided by the time taken at the end of the first round. Soon after the breeze changed to the northwest, but It was light. As the yuehts passed Innellan, the spinnakers were lowered and Vigilant was closing In. Beaching out from Innellan, while making for the Kllcreggan mark-boat, both yachts met another wind check fiom the southeast. They had to gibe to port, and with balloon staysails and big Jlbtopsalls commenced making more wuv. Britannia succeeded In keeping ahead whlla passing Cloch Point. The flood tide was helping both jachtB, bul the wind wus still light und tluky. Nearlng clourocl; Hi Itanula entered the doldrums nnd lay dead o the water while Vlgllunt reached ) on her weather under the Influence of a faint southwest puff and paired Britannia, leaving her almost motionless. Xo Wind, Vlffllatnt Ahead. For some time afterwards both yachts were lying virtually stationary. As this despatch was sent, at 3 30 P. M , there was no prospect that the first round could be finished within an hour, so It v,b considered certain tliut the race wo'ild be finished on the fint round. First Britannia w ' then Vigilant hoisted to srt In otder to catch the slightest breath of the southwest ulr which swept gently over the water; but It did not have sufficient strength to fill tho tall3 of the racing jachts to any appreciable extent and they passed Gourock going no faster than before. A mile out from Gourock the spin nakers were down and the booms were gjbed square to port for a slight south east wind. The gap between the two yacht was then unchanged. Britannia was leading when nearlng the ICIlcreggan inaikboat by two min utes and It was considered that she was almost certain to win the race. The winds wcie very light and variable on the way to Kllcreggan, and this was the dreariest part of the course and of the race. Both yachts weie constantly gybing. Some times each of them hud dlffeient Kibes while aloncside each other, and both crews were kept busy hoisting and then quickly lowering their spinnakers. This was repeated, several times, as evety breath of air was hutbanded unl fought foi, with all the skill In seaman ship which It was potalblo tor either c.iptaln to display Britannia, however, managed to get the most wind, und eventually the Kll creggan mark was parsed In the follow ing tlmo Jit .tl, ". Britannia, i 1!'J U Vigilant I 10 The yachts, after passing Kllcreggan, began a wearisome drift home. The Prince of Wules's cutter crossed Iho finishing line at Bh. 34m. 45a. Vlgllant's time was Hi. Um. 10f.; con sequently, Biltannla crossed the line Urn 31s ahead, and with half the time allowance which fche would have been allowed had they sailed the two rounds, namely lm. Site., Britannia wins by 11m. ts Vigilant nnd Britannia will have an other chance to-morrow to settle their dispute, 113 they art I11 meet 111 the race for the Cljrte Corinthian Cup, valued at I6H, This race will be sailed over the same course as tn-dio, und then- will be no difference In the rating of tho yachts. 'TWAS A GREAT RACE. London Time Pu a Compliment to Vigilant. (t) Aisulaicd l'rc! ) I.ONUON, July f.--T!te Times this morning, In Its report of Saturday's race between Britannia ni.d Vigilant, which waa won by the fomier on time allowance, eaya It wa3 one of the grand- t struggles Imaginable. It adds that It Is a moot point whether nritaunlu could not hae been home first, alter all, had she Men (.tupped a little and thus escaped being covered. Both achts made a moat finished 1 lf iiluy of racing. Neither was In (be slightest Ueciee fcvo.ed. throughout the "vigilant decidedly did better when the wln'l was. fieiUst. Without In the w"si disparting Untanniu s fine pei .,man:e ' '"-v le'uU ''" '" Vlu ant bad 'irltn.uiluV .li.t il.e wuu 3 prob-bly huva been l-to.lous. TO RA'lSE VALKYRIE. Port of " "c ,,ut B a ,,'f llunr:ien Yoeht, (By ArtlU4 Fru.) HUNTER'S QUAY, July J.-Valkyrl will be ral'sea to-morrow, and It U be lleved that her lead and other fixtures available will lie used In thd conduction of a new yacht, which Lord Dunravcn has decldcde to build tor next season's racing. ADMIRES THE YALE MEN. Mr. Actor npnprr Sn Tlie Are .Moilekt nnd Will Do Well. (tl AikvIXhI ITcn ) LONDON. July 9.-The 1'all Mali Ga zette this evening, In n long article upon the merits and probable chance of the Yale athletes, iasthat they ute a mod est, unassuming lot; that they ure get ting ns fit as possible, and that they will doubtless gl 1 a good account of them selves. dipt. Hlckok thinks that the change of climate, far from troubling the team, has donu them all good. The most that uny of the Yale men would say when questioned In regui.d to the probable result of the cotnlmt match wns that they think they have a chance to win. BOMB EXPL0SI0NJN PRAGUE. Three Men W mindedGendarme nlmMM n- Oilier Deaillj lie lce. PRAGUK, Bohemia, July 9. A bomb was exploded last evening at Pllsou In front of the building occupied by the German Athletic Association und by the German Traders' Club. Two otllcers wcro slightly Injured and one civilian was seriously wounded. All the windows .if tho building und thone of u number of houses near It were shattered. Attempts were made at the tame hour to explode bomba befote the Ulstrlct Court urn! Police Court. Hupplly gendaimes illscoveied these bumbs In time to prevent their explosion. POPE KEEPS HIS STRENGTH. Unt There re IC.vtrn Precautions Attains! llonilis Ht (be ntlen. (II) AktocUtcd Prtts.) ROME, July u. In spite of the ex it erne heat, the Pope malntalnx his strength and keeps In good health. Ills Holiness bus, however, reduced to a minimum the number of uudlences to pilvate pel sons. The l'opc Is much affected nt the spiead of Anarchy und extra precau tions have bean taken to protect the Vatican against thu pnsslblllt) of u bomb outrage, - ANTI-JESUITLAWS STAND. The nunilvi rii th Hejecls the, nil Repealing Tuetn. (Dy AlsccUteJ Press.) BERLIN, July 0. Tho Bundesrath has rejected tdie bill repealing the anti-Jesuit lawa. CANADA'S CRACK SHOTS. In Eimland to Cumuefe for the tlueen' Cup. Oly A58CH.latd Prits ) LONDON. July . Tne Canadian team of riflemen which Is to compete at the meeting of the National Rifle Association, at the Hltle Camp at Blsley, has ar rived at the cump. Twenty of the Canadian- have entertj for the Queen's Cup and for the other Martlnl-Ilenry contests. CHOLERA INST. PETERSBURG. Mxty-slx New Cane" Reported In Tlint City Yeuterdny. (13y Assoctittd Triii ) ST PETERSBURG, July 8. The num ber of new cajeif of cholera reported cs terdav was sixty -six. Seventeen casea have proved fatal. r i. MRS. MILLER MUST SETTLE. I'nleas she Pn IfiidT.OT She Will He Taken to Jnll. Judge BIsehoff. of the Court of Com mon Pleas, to-duy rendered c. decision giving Mr.s. Curollne JI. Miller, who. It Is alleged. Is also known as Mettle Rod man iid Mis. Brink, ths alternative of paj Ine j:07 97 or going to Jail. This decljlon Is the tesiilt of Mm. MllIer'H refusing to nntwer ceitalu ques tions In her examination before a ref eree In procecdlngt to loieclose a mort gage on the house i West I'.lghty-sec-ond stieet. In the name of Mrs. Rod man. It Is alleged that Henry B. Sire, the defendant In the Esther Jacobs breach-of-proinlse suit. Is the real party at Interest, and Mrs. Miller Is shield ing him. Mrs. Miller refused to tell the referee whether she was nut Mis. Hodman. She wuu before Judge Pryor several mouths ago, charged with contempt of court In this sunt proceeding. With Judge Blsct.uff'b declilon Is an order for her commitment to Jail un leoa the fine Is paid. SAYS HIS WIFE JUMPED. Ilcrrlly Held for Throwing Her Out of u Window. Thomas Heitlty. forty jears oIJ, a 'longshoreman, of 10 Dstavla fctreet, was held for examination on Thursday when arraigned befoie Justice Grady In Tombi Court this morning, on the chargo of throwing his wife, Elizabeth, out of a second -tory winnow. Alrb. Herrlty was unable to appear 111 eo-jrl and nss been removed from thu Cham bers Htrcei Hospital to- Bellevue. She Is said to be badly hint. The trouble occurred yesterday. The prisoner and John Monlsty, n boarded in the house, claim that Mrs. Herrlty Jumped out of the window. MUST PAY 0RG0 TO JAIL. Old Mr. Wild 111 ii n One III Wife K7.-; srrenru of Alimony. Judge Hlschoff, of tho Court of Com mon Pleas, to-day decided that alter Wadmnri mint cither pi.) his wife J70 arrenrs In alimony due In r or go to jail. When the motion to punleh Wudinan was made his counsel conttnded lliut be had lost his position us the les lit of his wife's suit and coul I not pay tho all monv. Wadiuan Is an old man and a cripple. He has been murrlcd thills years. MRS. HALUDAY'S CASE. Governor Appoints n Commission to Inquire As in Ilcr bnlittj, (By .ki.tliUJ Prcis ) ALBANY, July 9. -Gov. Flower ban ai pjlnted ns a Commission to eianilne Into the satiHy cf Mir Llzile Halllday I'o' lora J. M lee Iloi hestcr; J. G. Jpener, ate lovvi'j Hl amei, L tlca. llx-l.iiVTer Tullmnn I'lraiU Poverl) c .r.fu M Thria to'y lii s liw ojlr! c . ItrL .ti lif n.-d n (ffdett ni' Jjilln Aodrn t va ttutt tuit ht la r""nll" VW1 trt-ticlrs Uw t orJtred to py tl JS to fliomis na, a ciirnt. fir boti Uc ltd cot. Irtrd, Tl amount wkh not (.tl4, tnd tu crder of tirt " luutJ. tut Ttllnito ttd dliipsttrtd. BuDPUinentwrr pretetdlmt tr tt.n Inttltuttd. od Is Junt lut unco tb ti.ltwr wtt loctled h, duomt4 rd. tine Ttllots (MS Iqi Uit Uw it iu kits s rluv4r, f llllfV'l1h1jji?.iisisWt jjjAji-j FELL ON MEAT HG& Epstein Dropped from the Firo Esoape and Was Badly Hurt. Fire Caused a Panic in a Division Street Tenement-House. Ilsrbeil-Wlre, Fences and Nulled Scuttles Added Terrors. About 1 o'clock this morning u fire, having every appearance of Incendiary oilgln, broke out In the crowded three story tenemenl-houju at It'J Division ttreet. In tho panic which ensued ono man was badly huit by Jumping, a woman wus burned sevci.ilj nnd ninny others had nut row escape. Policeman Ilendty naw the smoke com ing fiom the sccmid-story window. lie culled to a passing iritlzen, who run to the nearest box and turned hi (.11 alurm Hendry broke open the door with the Intention of waking the n. oupahf-.but the smoke and i1am?o that lllltd the nuriow ball deterred him. As ho hesitated to enter, a mnn und a '"oinan, each carrjing two chlldieit If their uruiN rushel down the burnlug stairs Into the btreets. They were clad only In Ihelr night clothing. The flatnrs caught the flimsy skirt of one of the children, but It was turn trom the child before doing any further harm than u sllrht scon Itlng Only six perhous escaped by the stulr wa Morris Zarachovltz, Janitor of the house, his wife and their four children 'Hie Janitor wus asleep on the rouf, Hn rushed down to the seciind flour where his faintly slept and hurried them out. Ills lulld ctleb as he 1,111 hud aroused the other Inmate" of tho bouse. As the pillc email 1 total In the stieet calling loudly, he could hear the fiantlc cikh (f the people Imprisoned In tne house, and the tramp of hiiriylng fct. mingled with the tour of the ni.d the crackle of burning timbers. The fire started under the stairway on the ground lloor. und wuj lapldly exteitd Int, tovvanls the upper tun les when dis covered. The people flocked from their rooms only to be met by volumes of thick smoke. Some of them reached the fire escapes, but the connecting ladder from the second flout to the ground was miss ing, and the way out being out off that way us well as by the stulrB. they left the escaped and took to the toif, only three persons tried to go duwn stalrH after the Janitor ami his family escaped. Mrs. Lena Appletuii put u hundkeichlef to her face and got half way down, when n heavy iHiard fell on her arms. She wus buttled so budly that her anna became useless, ami she gavo up thu attempt and run for the roof. Jacob Epstein and his wife lived on the third floor. They hurried down the stairs, although they weie urged nut to do so. They got no further than the second lloor, wheie they were driven to the fire-eacupe. But the flumes were there, too, so Epstein climbed over the rnlllug. bung bv his hands for an Instant ami dropped Below the escape, on the Mist floor, there Is a butcher-shop, and outside the door are big hooks on which meat Is hung. Epstein fell directly on these hooks. Ills rlrht arm caught In one of them. Thete he hung suspended for an Instant, while hlb agonlcu wife watched him from above Then the ttcfch of his arm gave way uud he dropped to the side walk nncniireliiiis Soon after he was taken to the hofpltal. Tho people below called to Mrs. Ep stein not to Jump. Fouileen. year-old Abe Applebton. who had 1 limbed through a window and stood alongside of hfr. iled to hold her. But she climbed over the side of the escape uud hung down by her bunds. Below her were the butcher's honks, on which she must tuiely fall. Hut she fraud to dn.o, and there she hung until Poller man Sill Hi an secured u ladder and lescued and the boy It was then that the firemen nnlved. The people on the rouf were ft antic They had made their way to the top of the house next door, but could go no further, for the udjolnlng house was six feet higher and the wall of It vias pro tected with u barbetl wire fence, on one .fide was the burning building, on the other the wire guarded wall. There the people vmlted bhlverlng In their night clothes At last the firemen got up the hotine No IK. The belittle on tho bottle where the peupii. Ktood vvhh nulbd down. Then the firemen tore down the wire fence and dragged tho frlghtentd group up beside them. A few minute later the fire was ex tinguished. Eight fumllleb weru made deMltule. The loss Is estimated at 13,5vi. The lliemen regard It as a verv stttph'luub lire, and an Investigation will be made. SUNK BY HER ANCHOR. Pierre I.orlllnrd's llouur-llout Is liaised und Put In IJr lioek. The steam houte-boat Caiman, the property of Pleire Loilllard, while lying at anchot In Gravesend Bay In hliallgw water. 011 Saturday last, settled on her anchor nil the ebb tide, stove a hole In her bottom, filled and uunk. The Chapman Wrecking Company sent h boat with a diver tu examine the sunken boat, and fount tint the nurhoi reinulned fast 111 the falmah'u bottom After tie nnchoi hud been itiuovcl two pumps weie put on buuid and the Cai man cleat od of h'lter 'the hole war lutched ur temporal lly. and the steam IlKlner and derilck Hustler towed her to Plarln's shlard. Suttii I Muni, yester day, wheie Bhe was hsul-l out on the drv dock for 11 pair It Is luui.M tl.ul the damage will not be lieuvy. Veil Into st Cellar. I'utrM. Trad tftti;t)'tno year eld A T-tittr In thu 1 l! Bti'.Ard HttAl va. thtlng eu . r!lirir l.i frut if tuu nrtneti tuudlur tt Nat jiu a,.d Aon ttrtcta thlt men line wl,n lit lit 1.1 ta !Alt&ro an I fntl Into tl, .filar Tne toll, of prtdy'a fall hltrattul tli attention of Ihu o'lupanta cf Itis r.lltr, uti.i nu to Lit ttitkt an, lit llikvd up ULfont-loiit. an1 411 amlulaiite I'ak Mir to 1 faatabit Strait H011I ttl Khfrt It Ktt tllf.owrcl tl at lit liad frar tirtd J.i skitd and ill rr taM) (tit. . Cotton llurned nl Cohors. (Ily Aa.orlal'J l'reta ) AI.I.AWV, Jul, -Klrt atarlcil In tt Ha n3iy C, tOjii UllH ct.ritiueM at CVlopc la.c latt llfln, aid tia I, a tboeiar.1 ttlrt of ccttoti nerv Or.troyM Tru a .a lll l,e la ttit vU1nli ,f tu.l, liajru.1 Til J art la tbuiltt lu saw Ltid of lactudlary crUla DESERTERJJLACK CAUGHT. lie Hun Attur from the I nlled Stnlex ( ,ev Vur'... Policemen Rtgun, of the Macdougal street 1 tatlon. arrested John J Plark, nineteen jean, oil, u deserter from the I'iiltcd btatct iialser New Yuri., Iuhi iPkM I' ton-id Bluelt ueleep In Gieen direet l Je'feroon Maiket Court to-day Juh tlce ourldi) told Heun to like lih.t k to-the Nui)-Yar, obtain tlm levvutd. kefp half und turn the i.thel lial. 01 ii to the police peiiblou fuuJ 'Iho O O'clock Edition and tha tJnorllnB Ilitns of The DtchImk World contain ntoro snorllna- novts of Interesf than can be found In any other evcnlav ncTrsyapcr, pS Suits for $12.50 each. Scotch Homespun Suits $I250 Last season we sold more Scotcli Homespuns than any other fabric. tThis season we have sold ten times Ji.iore Home spun Suits than the last ; labt car they were $18. This year we secured a large lot for less than cost. That's why we can sell them for ,. $12.50, and " why we are selling them ten times as fast. Your evict size is here to-day. E. O. Thoaipson, TAILOR, CLOTHIER AM) IMPORT. ER, 245 BROADWAY, net en Pari. Place snd Murra) St. WASHINGTON IRVING BURIED. lie Vn n Nephew of Ills Nitmcsnkr, Ihi tmerlefiii Author. 'lit funeral horvlece of the lute Wttsh iRiituti Irving, win of the lite Judge John T living nnd u nephew of Wash ington living, the American author, weie hell this morning lit Ht. Paul's Chinch, II: piiy und I'lilton aireel. Bel. II. K. Backus, rector of the Chuich of thu Apostles, otllclated. The seivlcee were veiy bimiilc. There were no pall-bearers and no flowers ex cept a cluster of Idler and pitluu laid uton the " 1 1 f H 1-. . These frleuda ami mem bets of the lamlly wera present und afteiwardn attended the Interment hi ('cutlery: Eli.'urd und Ir 1 In Van War' and Mleseg Hurah nnd Nellie Van Wart, nephews and nicer of tne deceuaed; John T. living, un elder brother; Mrs and Miss Van Buren Fainu d 1 1 avers, living Clark and 11 few membes of the old Kulckei bocker families of this city. Mr. living died In tho old family home, SIC Went Thlrt) -third btreet, from diopsy, July tl He leaves a widow one duunhtu", Mis? Delia Irving. SIX COMMISSIONERS NAMED. Limit (ur TiTelftli Wnrd Pnrks to He AppralHt'il ami Condviiiucd. Justice Andtews, of the Supreme Court, has appointed William Alacfar land, William B. Ellison nnd Matthew Chalmers us commission' is to uppralsc the value of land condemned for the 1'ort Washington Park, In the Twelfth Wind. They ure to meet on July Hi. Justice Andrews bus also appointed the following commissioners to con demn lund for the Ht. Nicholas park, al30 In the Twelfth Ward: Thomas C. T. 1 'rain, Thomas C. Dunham und John If. Judgr. The Commissioners will lecelve 10 r. clny each for each da) "a session thej hold. - 1'iiiiernl of l.assrcnre Katne, T1! rtrr.tlna of tha lat) Lanrtnio h'klne. of 10 Mjniuo ttrttt, wort ramuvtd from I U Irtf wtlddnro at 10 c'cloil; tt.lti n.ornlni; and lken o St. Jamcj t Ciiertl. "aticrj l.lrh irai v a, I. I Kattf-ra Kent. Cal.lbr ar.U ?ttltri n T rtatlnR. Mentbert of tha Jor-ll T V rlatlen. ratr!'k Plvir .Vaat.atlvn rr.d Ilia Au lrl fir.l.r cf rnlttu1 Wuri.Hl. rt wht t. Hit t.iBMil v.14 a raiwbfr, and miry filtnda ef th deeaafil vcro irei, c 'H13 lutcrniebt vlll bt mcJ la Calvary C.intterj it. P. Porter's llrothrr n Suieiile. (11 Atioc.altJ P. eta. 1 WaE1IIS'RTi,M July S. 'fa rtnal-ii oJ a aaa alu roinmlllel aulcldt )eat;rday L Jurrrlos ig IM) t'otatnta niviir trom trc U.l.lcc .rt lil:n Unfa tut alibi as tf I. ear, J, I ..rter a tretbtr of K..brt I Pcrltr, ex tcavrliH.r.iUrt ef C'crtm IJ.Lpundtr.y citr th fai.t tr.t ht nil brcrr.lcc blind vaj rubabl tbo cacta cf tha culellv. MANY EDITORS IN TOWN. They Will See the Sights of the Ulser nnd Sound. Three bundled and fifty editor... most of them with thdr wives, eatna on from the convention at Asbury Pari; this afternoon for ft tilp down the buj, up the Hudton us far us West Point und ucross the Sound to Glen IbIuiiJ. The purtj left Asbury Pary on a spe cial train at S.ui o'clock this morning. They stopped for un hour or so at Pluln lleld, N, J., and got lo Jersey Cltj . t I2.1i o'clock and Imm.dlately board, d the titailn II. ie steamboat Bam Sluaue After seeing the slghtb of harbor, rlier and Kuui.d, the editors will this ever.lna visit New York, wheel they will be entertained at a banquet on tun of the Mutual Ittseive Company s building President Harper, of this Company, will preside An "Evening World" repurtcr win. In terviewed several of tho visiting ,di tors concerning their views of the pres ent labor troubles, found that there wan a generally preirulllnt s'ntlnient that although Prenldeiit Clcvelatid'o procla mation wne well.tlmi"! and neenraiy, It would oiu' serve r a mal.eit.lft. "The Mithe," sail no "ts like a tuh on the outer surface of sueleti. hueh ni-xlliiiie us can be admlnlbterc 1 by troops may Indeed, KUpptei, tlif fir awhile but Ihe Internal nrgculc disease will leniuln aid will leiptlre someihing moie radical than a nresljtn tlal prociiniHti .u to iHinove 1' JUDGE EHRLICH WAITING. To Act In the Josephs ( use Vt lieu Juslli-e Anilreivs Is 'liiruiiult. Chief Justice I'.hrllch. of the City t'uait, explained tu-day the retaon he had tuken no atUu nguli il the ut torns aro tald to l.ave repie sented tu a client that tiny had em I luyed P1 lo Influence the Court, Is that Iti-" cate la 1101 t efore t:up:r.nie Cvurt Justice Andreu .liiil,e iJhrlhn said 1' at : s foi..i a Ju,ilee Atid'evs de. hleu tie cribw he w ih lake s.ine tie th lt- ,1 th 1 i,il.,st tl 111 l)rnv. to detei.ilne w l.l.I. 01m f tl et, Is tfull.) 01' r off. e 1 yici i.iir to only cusl an .iinarranted rerr, 1. h nin him, but blsu, upparci tl. 1 at Cefniudtu a client Attorney Kixieln snd bis client, Mrs, Ooldenton, rtled aflldsvitt on r-aturdij. In wnicli they said that tony eld not be lieve lhac the money secured from Mr., (loldenson, by her first attorney, Abts A. Jtseph, had been used to Influ ence the Court, but that that pretext had been ottered to extot t it, Vfiililtil'1''v"''"'-''jJ' "' r--'"c-"' ONE DOLLAR PER WEEK Will Furnish Your Flat. t fku cunt niscnir oyf 01 tt K.stmi; hiuci; or tiiij r.vsr spntNO'ts SAMrLta op I'AttLutl, PIMNU UOUII A.NI1 tirilliuutl IL'tt.MTL'UU-i'lii: UIIA.NrK UC A I.IFE-TIUB. CASH NOT NECESSARY. a.r,ioiu Ami furstshcil tonpltta. Old prlcr, atl.o1i cut -tries, 8lu.O. . m .. .. m .. ,. unno, - lioo. s. " " ' - llu.noi - it 0.00. auk nKPunrtn'-'s aof r,s- tjtKtniR flats. FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDHING, STOVES, CPODKERY, LAMPS, CURTAINS, PICTURES, REFRIGERATORS, BABY CARRIAGES, TINWARE, &c &C JaBaumann&Bro 1313 to 1315 Third Ave., bet. 75th and 76th Sts. i (ITU T. r.l.i:ATi:il Oil I V.ll.l. t tits. Iliirusntur,!.,. ,m p. M, SPORTING MISCELLANY. I Tho MldJIe Htat.s llesattti Is Jti5t now occupying the uttclitluii uf scullers on the llatlcm nnd the Passaic, and, rtom the number of nlnsle onisineii uud rrewai hi training, Julj U will be a lively du. Indeed. from the Harlem the tMileSi .no the flower of "ttcullera' IIjw." and will nuke a grent bl.l for scslpJ The ft'tiii ekes will send n Junlo.- light, stroltHl ,v Capt. Mahr. t ,ntalnlti3 Mvsrrs. Medulre, Ueane, Hmlth, Ktiipp, l.ubkirt Kr.trel and Barry,'i 1". Ue Oainp c si. ill. Dunnlless has .1 Junior elual und a senior four, the Utter par ticularly Htro:iR. unl Capt. Mulcalre him self will tiy rm- honors at the rulur d'lilcf. lie Mi Ir ipolltan will .how UusjcII und Uunl.1,1 in tho Junior doubles. The Bohemians will smuI a senior e.jht, as will ulio the Atiilatitua. . A fair luuiiu of gamc'3 viere the second sorles of Un; Clipper AthMlu Club's me'iibira' conlesln ul Ilarlun lllver Park esteid.iy, J. o limiiiell wuii tlu 73-yurd dash III the oredltat'. llin" uf 7 -S sec onds; li Bun lev llliliheil tlrat In the iO vur I ban Heap trom the l.'-yutd Hue: V. Curtis rapluiel the hulf-mlle walk with r. secondu handicap, nnd '. Btugulln i.uii the novici half-mile tun In - tnln VTi set . M " GtllT.i" now lonea for a mvti It with .lick MrAullfte, Iliul'.i I. so l! Is ssll. t.i ii liven number of round It it Cass I, the Australian In, anyway, ant iv hv tut Ine udo all puglllsta, fiotn P'hu up t) Colbett In his b.ldllig a.'ale -f versatility? The milch betwtenHlllv Alieatu anl Geurhc will piobnbly be con cluded to-duy. t ProtU.s of the HojJ Itoals bicycle tournament scvio1ule, lo take plsce at Asburv Park, Aug. J J. 31 anl Hr t. 1, will l" made tho uucleua of u ftinl for uvl tfln anl tuotnolhig Interest In the "Gool Itoids" miicment. John H. JohiiHOii and n uiunbei of other will Itnow.i riders are uniuuiiced to stmt. Au nttt.ictlve progiamuic .if six events for (ach of the Ihice diya Is statud for the pratliwted meeting. The Atluutlc Yacht Cub trulie teiml nited last nlclit at Shtltir Is'anl. anl was proiuunted by till who attcn.le.i It the inojt enjojable affair ..' the Club 111 vrarw. The fleet kept together all ths way, a examp.e for some of the other clubs, w'Mcii Kscttdilc hi a sijUadron nt the lenlezvouo un.l begin to dwindle after the nrtt day. a Absence of yachting disasters yester day mat Its thf day tic an unusual Sun day heieiihutiti. Probably becauee u stiff northwester started In iail lit the morning and frightened the alleged boatmn wnu "know till ubout sailing" and enn't be expected to baik ntit for sadden taiualli,. To the real yu'iitsmcu, il.l Ifu' and proficient "iiuuli In tl,. art to know when to leef djwn, the di.j was particularly enjoyable. o Antoiic the more critical a-litsinfn there 1 a i onblderable aniutint of com ment oter the loss of two iaie. In the Clyde by Vlfinnt lit he- laces wit.i Valkyrie but Slimmer, then- were many who i aid sh carried too man) captains, und tho apparently lubberly and uncer tain maniur In which some inanoeuur weie executed seemed tu bear out the criticism. At the time time wen nltiu ailvtrse reinaikj legardln,- Nut liein slioff's steerJmanshlp. The old bay sell ire tent-wins tilts sort of coinm. lit, nnd Insist thAl Capt. Hank Hurt at the wheel , nd In absolute und sole contiol of the boat anl be- enw would make u differ nil s'.uvlng re-'aidlei-a of the strange water. 6 .Tohiiny "undo, the founer b, ih,g In ttuutur "f the llcrkilei Athletl. club. If t.ov. In Bostun. 1 1" ib-clueeM that the unl" thing that could pertiade him tu le-inter the iltig Is n chance t.) meet lllliv PllmniiT to n Mulsh. He will light the la'ter at 110 to 11: pounds. w Tl e Seaald Hub Is bring e lit Ira Ii reuo va'e.l and reiKeoiuUd The Club ptir ehuseil a n-w mfe H-vtuidiiy, and has riven an onler foi a new kVii on top of tilt ebtb-holise be..ilng the i.ainc 'Sea side Athletic Club." W M Mike l.-unanl sas ht l.ns bteii pr.m Ird s i bailee t'. meet Horace l.eels ut the t!ru-lda Athletic Club l.eoitar.l If worklii overtime nowadays iryine to get icuufbudy tj inansge him. 'Tlfty pit cent, uf the pu.eea' lie vilus Is 1,1? uffet tu u mupagei. NAVAL RESERVE PLANS. .Nev, VorU lluttullou Preparlns: for PrHitfli'A on Hit Hounil. (lo Amo Inf ' Pr-,l ) NIJW I.O.N'liuN. Cuuti , July S -Tl.r Ne.v Yoil. Nnvul l. ei ve Is iiepirlnc for Its v.eek'a pn.itleo in Long bound, b, gluiilui-' July II The boat'i cretv V. Ill-il (il lived l.eie ti-tl.l'li ItlKl I has b-en er.usli i; tilong the Mi und fur the latt few u-iya ublulniiig Informn tluii that might be of value In Ihe fu tute defettae of the found. Tho .tow leturnel to New Vol it Ijat ivei.lug. The llcteiifB will arrive I eit r,u July 21 , and ihe p:a. Use will l done In Gar Unci's Hi;. In the pi-gramme la In. 1 t led u sbeni '.attle, n take plari the bitter pan of the Wi-k. ihe gen erul work of the Itenetv-s will 1 . ..ini llar to list if preiloiia veuta under the lire tl n "f orfl. eie f I' lit) It Is prob.iblu that oflbeis not men d I'c i oMiei'tb'ttt lte v. villi Join tb New lork Keeive in lnl"ek'i pi.icllii. The VVIsluiil lliillleil Uf.'. ILt c-iu.D.r I ,' e Wufait. a'.u eat taUro ea tt tner in . ,.lnt. ...t e .! .ft Ihgtti lfj-j u. S t -o., a,,'triltl. .nlu,.r. I OVER A MILE HIGH. U kU the IV ui fl ti Mrclu Ml.u, Taper w . n'a 'iiii .. . i b ' ii.f.1 und o.i - ,i . i i t i it 4 ! iii.' a nls4.iui "ot ' 1 1 ... ' " ii, f ..! g I ll u '.i " ': ";: is-" .- '..' L- ..' a 58 West 33d Street. BASEBALL CHAT. SK more cimes will be played by the completing Glints thla week and that will wind up the first Western trip of the New uil.s thin season. Cincinnati and Plttsb.iri! ur tho clubs arrayed UB.ilni.t New York this week. Since Arllo Latham bus beeen defKised from the captaincy of the "Wetneiwursts" and Comlsl.ey bus been put In churge, It Is a might) line (tame of ball they have been pin) Inc. Hut the Giants will have to tn',1 off a great deal fiom their game of lust weeek to permit the Ileds getting more than one of the three games In the i-erlcs. Baltimore playB PlttsbutK to day, to-tnotrow and Wednesday, snd after thnt New York will meet the Pliules, Trese llaltlmoicutis are Iho chant lohniiy Wuul Is looKIm; for. Never lll the memory of the three crushing defealK at the very opening of the sea son which New York met with In Balti more be effaced until the Giants loll and toss the Oriole In the Pompltan ted mud n, the Motittmentnl City. Then that memory will be effaced. Pitcher Hitylir ".Veiterve'.t wrote to Lame Wilson, the xell-kliow'ti athlete and baselui 'fan" I'm "'hi. bavs iveru now worklnc for tecond plate and hoped tu l.i nd In ihJt place in-fore lonst." He added tint the men were In uuol health nnd ha I a lot of coitlldence Clidlt of the lluttenrd "i,ood luck" pennies that YvTs.n nfn ti the team were stolen from Westeivelt'u packets In LouUville, and another baltn was mailed at once. t By their defeut of Ht. Louis yesterday Biuuklyii drew up closer to Philadel phia, uud only three points separate the Giuums and the Quakers. Binoklyn plays Louisville to-day, and It ought tu Vie In the Grooms lo get away with twV of the series. The Mutual, of Jersey City, defeated the CheiitnulH of the Junior leapue at Oakland I'aik yesterday by a score, of IS to 11. . XN The kind offer of Minajrer K. K. Burke, of the Holy ltosaiy Lyceum llssehall Club. In pin) n game of. bull ut Oak Point, the pioceeds lo gu to the "Kven-lli-c Wot Id's" Hick Babies' Kund. has met with it pr.unnt lesponst. lien, la a letter received to-da) : To tt. fp-irtlni,' inter In iefience to )our article In Saturday evening's edition, would say we' would be nleiiised to tlose that date (July tl) with Mr. Burke und his team nt Xak Pnlnt. X We hive been crgunlEed now for nVe years au u uniformed team, playing Hat uiJays. rfimdujs and holidays In varlour luits of New Y'nrk Htate, New Jersey and thiiitiuh 1.0 tig Island. Not only wuuld we like to close fur the ."like of the came, but to be able to say that we huve been the means of aiding In a small way In the "Kvtnlnp World's" noble und charitable unlertakliig of carina- tor the poor, sick babies. With bueli .in Inccitl-.e tu wnk for, I .nt rurs the ii.enibiTii of Pie fo-H i llaseball Club will play (heir batJest tu win HAititv itoau:, Secretary Hu-ho llaseball Ciub, 17C Ash foul st.eet, Btuidtlyn. There sliuiild be no trouble about a' ranglng the letills for the game. Will Mr Burke und Ml. Ituse please name a time for meeting d this ulllce.' GOSSIP OF THE TURF. The victory of Uobblns In the Realisa tion titukes on rjuluiday i-hould teach ovvtier.i cf tho:oJghb:eos a very Im portant lesion, It rrotild press upon them the fui t tl.l.t there Is nothing to be sullied b) nhcutlllg llOlfcCL ubjut the eou.vuy on rullrcad tiulns. Thorough breds ere li'uli strung, uervuUa und ci trcii'ely sensitive tu strange noises. It to not tu be wondeied ut tt.erefoio that a railroad Journey tboruuuhly upset them. Lint year Don AlonzoapJ Kuinapo were sent Weft for the American Uctby. Neltb'r moii tho Mlze and both returned badly chakeii in health. Neither uuiuiiutcd to e. tow of plus until iho c'.. -ts of tio Jorr.-.ey had vtoin ulf, uial t! at vvue lie- until lat in Un- Kail. Meantime many t ich stake., ant puriu: went to liifoiiot' anlnnls This )ear Senator Glad) was .ent on foi the Dc-by. He eft the Kan In uraiiJ. coi.tlltluii. On Kat-ui-tu) he started In the IttalltatlJii, bit waa iievt-i belter than last. Ho v as only wrck of his farmer set. tuy l.i tiant i Anita also t iok the Jouraej, and Ii? had to be cjnteut with tuird place, though ha looked weil bodily. Before :he lace, .ii.icier he warmed up in a '.Utl-ss, dispirited fashion, that d.'aap p ante his admirers. The lurse that won hail been specially prepared He ha 1 been slice the Morris Park nieethu', and went u the post a th:r uuulc tit lnrse. Ht nude a ciow of Cte Derby wlntur an.i the niuch- titel llIor Grady Hornpipe, whj clvi been reett l, wa' second. The -sult or!) g ie 3 1 1 slum t.iat owners ani ..ainei. display lut llt: h" In ehas ,.ur Tier ttak. In the i eit, when far rh'ier ui.ea ate iuir.t; unJcj their very uasei. t s a I''.jn Ituch v. Ill pmbably lace .r..nty-tlve da)i- Duri.ii; that time no (takes will be offertd. and the muiiugr mtnt will emh.ivor to trame the condition-, of i .tees so that all i lasses of iioiM'in ti v. Ill hai' a chain e t) win. 'I"n I j ai Hon on the part of tin Biit,htou people m-rits pralte. It Is to be hoped. I.own.-i, that the re'tia will he lU'rill) In Id i n jockeys and nnneis. There has ai.icys iiin a rt lirlghton to meilook t.ienil.s ,,f lurin. but with .-. eotiipi'tent lloai.l of Mm-.trils ultl'-lst-p,-. ' le'ile tlint hiiiiHt ruclns Will U It iLled C II. e 1 l'i d r.eb.'enl correr.ieri r bt "Gun ner' Lyiuh tide Itodman again on Sat urday. Ihe "Gunnel ' luinled a band) winner l-':' steel leehase rlderi en i Lie be. let- than the "Gunner" when l.c la In Hie mood. a I. vurk ut ti.alu,: do". ti the Jumps at Sheepahea 1 Hay wll. btglti liumedlately, Thu AssjcUtl ti Is dlfgustej with the rune, uud tihlitl). too. It is a shear wast, of money to haitu up puraas for uinp'if It seems ItnpOMible to in. e tatej honeatly contested. ar.U lh pubic let learned Unit there ary mote v i't of Ij-'na n steep!e.has than by in ly .toppu.i: i hoise. tout .' t a lui; w h on .1 earl) in Au i,, 1'u' i oc Hi',, ulioulj reeeli the i ne. I "i on o' in- la-yoirg publl" lor t a i .ur.if.. is ri v beer at co.ndde-1. v, ri.nae Imrtuvim: lit" ffroutuls anil i oil :ij I' u ipur nhh i the i,.-lr..a.i uth-o-lllea ieftife.1 to build, hvf. ) tTuri will Lc mado to furnish In- t.l-calll.b' ThClbg. "Ths Kvenlnc World" on Saturday named live of the l winners. Includ, Ini Uobblns, the vlstyT In, the neallzsy. lion. . - , I .,VAl,Li'ilka.'itajAt'ikltaiy EXACTLY, I We cuaran ee you a savins of it rfl least 30 per cent, in thi furnishini iflH ot your home. HsH Jordan, Moriarty&GQ. 155, 157 a-ii 159 East 23d St WM West of 3d Ave., N, Y. fl Furniture, Carpets, UpholslQrr. 'H SPEGUL TH1S-WBHK, $50,1 1 Worth at leasV$go:6o 9M This elegant ovcrs'.utfed Broeatellt ' Parlor Suit. 5 pieces. 'H ACCOMMODATION 1 Given on easy tar "8. ' 'H Amusements. :'H TUP ConLt.-ST rt.ACB O.t TIIK OATt . i'SSSSB f a Cbeafioai B,ruralaaOrss4ls avsrJSI X Elhltiltlaa Is . VsH VTrO Buffalo BHI's WUi Wt ,- s& JlV trlDEBS OF THE WQILt, ;iM $ " WA fls Ambro Park, South B'kln. ijTM Mtibr pun-err itotrrK ruoJt nk-.v voitx H tnrji.nurattilit) JUUi at. Itrry.iool at Wults- "fjjtjjtj l.all ,c, llaltery. MHIU Ct-VTs. . ,i)H I wire Iteilj. Hub or uliiiii 'i an-l 8.15 P. t ,JM BOOIW OPK.V AT 1 AND tttll I'. t --;;-:9H All rua, vis nailery. Hroiialyii Ur Wti. ' yijJH lltott. Wall, lultuti, -'J-1 u .ma uiuer ifttntm 'BISJ niakucyiiuhctlntiiillrtfccio CTiec . sH Admluuiu fio ceiiti teulral orfjia stti 1.7J "BJBI,l. aO.UJ) teats. IMpular reauursa H sltaiure, , -'BlH MANHATTAN B-ACH TO-IIAV, ,iH After neon and Ereslo, ,I'H Sousa's Concert Band, ja HAGENBEGK'S LBffl' 1 Afternoon snd Kventnz. fkkl MF.NA.IIKIin: AND MONKEY PAKADI8& t yH ELDORADO. 1 To-MiaiT at tt.:', Kinwr . uiceca ttlH AI'l-r.AHMUhUFMliUi;M "W,fSI '''tljsB Ths iVnrld Fsnioiu Jiuiler. The Nil 'HOI 4'Jsl -iHTklta. The lllsekt'oii. fliKNCHuyAO. ixM Itl'.I.U DANCKltM. HtlMAJlKI.A, llatUt saa M Ct,.r,dSVef',Vt-&n4. rW Imperial" music hall. fW VI)MIRMIO, 2' CENTS. '': iJUiiSOi CQ'JRE ROOF GlflD-'M. ..! Tat LarrtVV CLi tUiKla-mtit OjrJ'n la tat Worn. jiSSSSSJ iivvit i i.m.M'. , tu la. ., "iM A3Klrtlunoe.j llnl tettt, itc!Coa, . ifSSSSJ KOSTER&tBlAL'S. A0M.50C. KM MUSK HAN. AN.) ROOF GA1DH, , LIVINGvPICTURSS. V VAUDEVIbbt. hPlKtALTJES. ROyCbTlCJ. -ylj ITU Ave. t. O. Mine- rrjp. i Mtji --,:H TIIK I Kr C 8 It. list,' tac. Its,1 XsfSSSJ Ullfann ullbtrt Xmraa' Opra ly tsa dBSSJ MIKsUU. I PlIKt' IjWIItA lOMPAKr. H Japamae Di.iclr.c GlrU M Act a HIT. ..JBSSSJ rtlKIl ai-i'uVpX,katu1j 50t 9 UllJinUl ItDOFCIAItllV.N. JULl ; Tot.trt, a l-Thii t'awliif fcoir. ltf ") Citrate 8to l-Ci.-ana accvllla VcttrtalgPasa. -BBJ AMfcRTCANLl v$T4m M ROOF GARDlfO ". M fisu.t-.-i (lAttiiKs it iikst niu.iytom. .'WM TKltlUl'K OVitllUN ML'bIC HAIXT". u v'.H filui xL. Lataccn liirxtou at.a 3a QYtar -IBsJl ttit.ti I MM-. ', At.'b A lillKAT V.ll'Dl.VII.I.U BU. --H Ailala-luo :5c. Itftc.-iiKl tcalr, I'c. m.4 jtaX -V9lJB 11(1(111" finf lOA M.airilsyinUfSor.M.sasA iH UU 111 I H Ml H.tw1ililOlil.-Vsuitsvlllf.V -iM I nUllUD Ji aoU.ujciaerts.-lfttQtV) X ;JIJ T rHxISo'AMi vi.iiAMintAtiiuii-B. 9H u nil Hit I ..t ittti nt . tor fj av. jsSjBH Till'. tllTi:i( .ItfiiNlltlOM :---"M tlcj'i tic-, ttiiroi') ci.4 oiccltr- . 1'fJilH . - slBa s ''fSSSJ C-ItWI.KV-0-l faiurit--, Jl..- T, TU.m WM rttAWur.Y, bolgicl h--,ti.,a c( Sfojirtt 'H lUUics a.-iJ IrltuJ, c' fit faallK cr ';!jH r.-.i-i fully lintel to altaat It, tunortt -VPH trom hit lata r.'tlaU'- 157 Krla it., Jrtf ' CUr. to TuoMay omli.r. Julr 10. .V, fiH tt-aue 19 tU. ;4lcht:l a K C, Church, irlitf iM a tlcli uaa. nlll lo ctftttj tar tfca rs- 'tM jti of tilt c.jl. -sfesi KIU.ll.KA -At WtcJtlill. I. I., July , UH H MtllV KlbblbKA, ts.J Sfteea uwnUis sa '''.H tlcl t dtyt. iflSSll FiiLtrsi ireui latt rtllJtuM Tutadj?. Jalf i'H ;e, at t otlwk c.iarp. Rtlatltci art (ov-f.ta i:H to atlssil miiho.l furtli,r livllct. afSSSI AT LAW OVER PROGRAMrVJES. , tilbson Clulnis tlie I'rlv lles;e for !jM tnlc Kuolbnll liunic. ipH Appllci'.Ion was tr.tae to Julge Cltejioff, l f th.e fourt of i.'3t.innu Pleas, to-day, bs; 4pssa cjunsel for John is. tilbson. to rest.rln fPj Charles H. Mcoll frcm p'ibllshtns a Tf1- ,M rramn-e of the Yale-1'ilnreton footbiU -IH iinit to be t.lnyed next Thanksgltiils; .H ui) ut the I'olu r.rounis. H ijlbs.n .til(.ril tint on May If last V' .;H mate a lontrtet with the college teams jSSSJ by whUh he wus to bv n.lowcd to haV JH thu prostainmo prlvlltuo at tho itame -HH He agreed t . i a) lich teani ICOU. ? He e.'ure't.s tli:.t Mcoll hus tlircatentd ' t ' drive from the llel'I una Iscuo i ths jJH pr i.'iaumiei. He also chaivcs that Nlca.l 'JflSSJ has been soliciting advertlsemciits ana LsH jtitltiit that he has the exclusive prlvl.esa CjfH jf publl-shltiK the proi;ramnies. JjlSSSJ Judge UUtiiwtf dented the motion. tH TAILOR ACCUSED OF THEFT. -M 3-eue- Failed to Iletnrn Cr '"pH luents llu W'um to Have Hepalrad. '.fH Andrew J Cwintck, r. tul'.or. of 310 Eatt VH rvnty-tiiln! street, recently advertised .'Vll fui-cstrc mllots to ivpiiej strikers In bli jH shop, und at. cut applicants for tfC.-U H eus K-wurd r'l.eone). fori1 years uid, ,Pfl o' i:C lj; kiKteci.tb rlrett. wha PV 'P Cct nld: a fhlts i amo att.l cdJresi. IjiH He 1-s.ii U-el a burn! lo of clothtt, .JiH valtlvd ut I1K.'. to be cl-unel. ric-uded au4 2H rrcsed. und wmt away. He navtr ru-, tpSSJ turned or sent the clonics Nick. iJeteo- rpSSSJ Uvea Murphy cud Mectsn found sonia ot .-fJJJJI the clothes recently In.Kgic'u pawn hop, IM on Klihth avenue, aud'oo trucd th?; -JIH IcceJ thief. , ,.. 1 A ' IH Sweeney waa arrested last nlifM. W M vtas held foe examlnatlou ln.JtKwM ,-,'ijB "Market Covrt lo-dy. ''!.. MH