Newspaper Page Text
-.H. - . THE WORLD: THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 12; I8M. " ' II VIGILANT I AGAIN LOSES. u jlm """ " I Britannia Skips Right Away 0 V from the American 1 II Boat. ' I FIRST FROM STARTTO FINISH. s I Wind Mean and Light Early in I the Contest, but Good and 0 Strong at the End. I- H l" I CHALLENGE FOR THE GOLD CUP. l M Gcorgo J. Gou.d Seeking to Get it wj Vigilant Into a Race for the s ! International Trophy. ' H (By Associated Pros ) l' I ROTHESAY (Firth of Clyde), July U. s H Vigilant and Britannia fought their a m sixth aquatic duel to-day. ' Hf A fair northwest wind was Mowing at H, th time of starting; but It soon died out. , The course to-day was tha same as r the one sailed over yesterday. I The prize was also the same as the I prize contested lor yesterday, namely, I W, offered by the Royal Northern 7 I Yacht Club. 9 I The attendance previous to the start, mi was llot EO 'ari:o as upon the previous 5 M days' racing In the Clyde. Capt. Haft, lor to-day's race, again altered the mainsail of Vigilant, und J I eome further alight changes were made I In her trim. 1 A After some pretty manoeuvring for WU position at the start the nun was llred. T Britannia got the weather position and A Instantly shot ahead. Hounding JJogany Point Britannia was J already three lengths ahead. I .o Wind. 9 1 3 I Coming under the lee of the land, j I however, making for Mount Stewart, there was a sudden subsiding of the wind 9 and the pace was much slower. At r this stage of the race Vigilant began a making up some of the lost ground. Oft Klngarth Vigilant was only a llt- j tie more than a length astern, and was threatening to run Into Britannia's weather. But Capt. Carter luffed up Immediately and prevented her from so i doing. I t In the direction of the Mount Stewart r mark, the breeze was very tender and t the lufllng contlnud through Ascog Bay i, before Britannia again bore away for f the mark. Vlgllunt had been pushing up for her opponent's weather all the time with out success, and the struggle between the two captains was followed with the greatest Interest by all the bpectatois. It was a remarkably line exhibition of yachting skill upon the part of both j captains, and was highly appreciated by all expert yachtsmen. The two yachts passed mark-boat No. i t I, off Mount Stewart, on the first round as follows: 1 H. M. S. Britannia 10 6! 45 1 Vigilant 10 66 05 Off Tknrsn. ; The Trlnd was still feebler after round- , Ing the Mount Stewart mark and the balloon sails of both yachts were flap- 1 ping. Off Cumbrae Island Vigilant waa drawing closer to her opponent, and 1 it began to look as If she would come L up on equal terms with the cutter. Tne times of the two yachts, on the , first round, passing markboat No. 3, ! off Largs, were: H. M. 3. Biltannla 11 so so , Vigilant 11 40 "j t It was a reacn along the Largs coast , In a fairer wind and under small Jib- 1 topsails. ' Contrary to expectation Britannia a short time after passing Largs began to j hold her own ngaln, and then com- .' menced to pull ahead of her rival. Vigllant's Jlb-topsall was remarkable I . for Its smallnes, and at a distance 11 looked but a little patch ,f wl.lto can vas. Hrltannla continued to gain all the way tr, the Skctmorilu markboat and held her wind nround that pjlnt. Fur Ileiilml. A' the Skelmorlle markboat (markboat No. 4). on the tint round, the folio lug were the times of the two yachts. Britannia ,,' A,lBllant 13 IS 34 The breeie had freshened by tills time, and Vigilant held on to her small Jlb topsall. The yachts were travelling at a rattling pace. Und of the Flrt nound. The times at the end of the first round were as follows: Britannia U' to' Vigilant ...."...".." 6! 3 Vigilant at the end of this round was a good half mile astern. The two yachts passed the Mount Ktew-' art mark-boat No. 2 on the second round i In the following times: e.i. 1 " Ml Bl 5r",a"n 1 03 13 Mgllant 1 12 is The American yacht had bad luck oft Tomont End, the extreme point of Cum brae Island, uud was almost becalmed. On the other hand, Hrltannla was able to sail In her own wind, and Increased ' her lead materially. The two ucers turned mark-boat No. 1 3, off Largs, on the second round, In the following time: II. SI. S. ilrlts.nnla 1 ,i 0.1 Vigilant 1 43 0B lium of Strung; iVlnil. Both experienced a strong gust of wind as they passed Into the bay, show ing their hulls and driving them along In a handsome manner. Hut within emyss li,iy the wind was rather qu'plpr On the second round Britannia and Vigilant loundeil mark boat No. 4, oft Skelmorlle, as follows: , H. M. S. Britannia 2 04 01 Vigilant 2 U 30 Britannia was then about a mile and a quarter ahead. A rattling breesc was then blowing, and the two yachts were stepping out at a spunking late. v iKilant, on tli" beat home from Largs, was fast gaining on Hrltannla. but the English yai lit had too much of a le-i'i and won the ri Vigilant had a grand lift off Castle Toward, nod drew up with a big spurt, which delighted her many admirers nshore and nfloat. She showed her powers at this point of H.ililnc In a fashion not yet seen on the Clyde. H. M S Hrltannla 4 00 30 Vigilant 4 02 10 It will thus be seen that Britannia won by 1m. S4s ; but with her time al lowance she wins by 4m. 31s. MR. GOULD CHALLENGES. Wants a Try with VlKllnnt for the Vlctorlu (.oltl Clip. (ny Associated Press.) I LONDON, July 12. Mr. George J. Gould, for Vigilant, has challenged for the Victoria Gold Cup. The rules of the Club require eight months' notice, but it is expected that the rules will be waived In favor of the American yacht In view ot the circum stances of the challenge. Mr. Gould has not yet received a definite reply, but It Is almost certain that the challenge will be accepted. The Prince of Wales and Mr. Gould have signed an agreement for a race on Aug. 4. The loser Is- tu give a cup valued ut $.",00 to the winner. The race will be oft Cowcs. THINK WELL OF GOULD. English People Think He'ii a Pretlj tiooel Sort of 11 Sport. (It Associated Press ) LONDON. July 12.-The Telegraph says that Mr. Gould's pluck and deter mination In the face of disheartening defeats is the theme of general admlra- Sf POWDER Absolut1" Pure. A cream of tartnr baking powder. Highest of nil In lcavciiin:; j-tieiigtii. , Uutti 'tales i trrume I I i Ae 1. ,rf. Hoval IUkinu I'ouni K Co. , KM Wall St.,N. Y. A VALUABLE DOG COLLAR. ; k The Adventure Which Came of Having a Pretty Travelling Companion, One Sunday morning two oung men at In the smoking room of a cosy apart ment. Outside the snow was falling si lently In great blue-wllte (lakes. On the divan, his tall and legs orna mented with tufts of curly black hair, his body bliaved in the improved fashion, a uoodlo Blumbered peacefully, and Floyd ' Taller, the owner of the premises, attired , In a Mnoklng-lacket of a horsey plaid, ( was lolling In an easy chair, his slippered ' feet stretched towards the tire, His com panion, Arthur Vun Stade, had been his greatest friend nt college, and this was their llrst meeting In three years. Van Stude had been in India killing big game, and had barely escaped having the ta Wis turned, as a large scar across one cheok testified. Taller had stayed at home, but to him had come the greater I change. As he expressed It, he was "a ' A "t'ltd down, old m&rrled man with a MM family" which meant that he had the IM sweetest little wife In the world and a H tiny mite of plnk-and-w.llte humanity, ' . MM known in the house as Baby, "Thai's rather a tine dog you have W "we. Arthur," sail Van Stade turning a to tne poodle and lazily looking over the nM sleepy animal fmW "Well, I should think so," replied fjl Taller "I don't suppose you will btlleve, fi H me when I ten you that when he came w H Into my possession he was worth no K'es jjLH thtt" $1,000. Tho spring after you went EJH wy," h went on. "having finished my tmW college course, I went ovir to the other WMW myl J- ! fijiil-iirij4'r" " .' 't'.i'j-.t"-gnittH..'.rj I side for the Lonlon season. I went to I London, and in London I stayed long , after the time I had allotted to that city had expired. It was there I met lJllth. In six weeks we were engaged. The re mainder of the Slimmer 1 p issej In Hcot land with the family of my ilancee. They had planned to go to Nice when the cold , weather came on. und, of course, I de , termiiied to go with them. We went as far as Pails together, but at the lust moment I was detained In that city for a few days, and was obliged to allow the rest of the party to proceed without me, promising to Join them In a week at most. "I had run short of funds, and the re mittance expected from my father had not arrived This I did not consider necessary to explain to IMlth und her family, I bald vaguely that business kept me in Paris. Four duj after their departure the letter from my father ar rived. He hau heard of my engagement, and, to my satisfaction, approved of It. Besides the amount expected he sent an additional Jl.OOO, with which he instruct ed tnu to buy a suitable present for I'JIIh. jh tho modest diamond I had bought for our engagement had been my only gift, I was pleased anil gratified with my father's generous present. "Tho following morning I started out In search of something for my dear girl, whom I should be with the very next day. I visited all the leading Jewelry stores on the Avenue de V Opera, and tlon alonu the Clyde. It may be sslfl. Indeed, that his sportsmanlike attitude 111 all respects has made him most deservedly popular with all the yachts men he has come In coin let with since hli arrival In Great Uiitaln. The luper'n Glasgow corieniondeut f.'ils It Is expected that to-day's lace will be the last contest between Britan nia and Vigilant on the Clyde. Sstanlla, which ran Into and sunk Valkrlt, will not be ready to race again befatu the closj of the Cljde season, The Chronicle ihlh momlug publishes an Interview wjlh Cnpt. IUIT. of Vlgl lant. Capt. Haft said lie did not think Vigilant would follow the round of Irish regattas. She would probably take some days off tu allow of her being put in proper order. Cupt Huff believes the yac! t will win prises In the toulh .specially In the lace from Cowcs to Cherbourg and icturn. The Chronlclu adds that Mr Gouli will present a cup to be raced fur In lomr British regattu. BASEBALL CHAT. lvery Giant In uniform jeslerday nude the most desperate stiuggle to pill thut concluding guine with Cincin nati out uf the Are. Hut It availed not, although the "Wdnerwursfi" had u wide vurlcty of flu ut the demon-like Garrlfcon finish that Capt. Ward and his men made In the ninth Inning The New Vorks got the tie run In ull right, when Rusle crossed the plate on his hit, which stood for a blocked ball, but Umpire Gaff ncy scratched that run off when he or dered Music back to third on the gmund of Interference by New York with the throw of I'arrott to Murphy. It Is sueli hairspring margins that make it hurd tu lose games. New York still retains third place to-day, as Philadelphia ery ac commodatingly drop led a game to HI. Louis. w Pittsburg Is tha pivot on which the Giants will bwing more solidly Into third place or Hwlng out of It altogether. The first game of tills serleB is played this afternoon In Soolburg. If New York fulls before the sooty ktudents thcie 1j the comforting reflection that Philadel phia ut the lime time will have all she can handle In looking ufter Cleveland Pittsburg walloped Uultlmore two out of three games. New York, If she can do that trick to the Pirates, will letum to the metropolis in third place and with a hold mlgnty close to the WO per centage mark. , . Why Is It, every time that young Wes tcrvelt meetu a htreak of hitting Capt, Ward yanks him out of the box? John has said lie doesn't feel confident with Westervelt In. He doesn't let the young fellow take the bit In his teeth and run the race far enough. That'll all. ... Brooklyn has lost no steadily of late, and to such clubs as Louisville, which made It three Bti. light yesterday, that I President Byrne rlsrs to explain Oh, no; not how Brooklyn manages to lote, I but the exeremely good luck of the New Yorku on their Western trip. Nonsense, President Byrne. Luck bus gone hand In hund with aggressive, brilliant ball playing on the New Yolk's part. That Is why the Giants are third und your Grooms ure at the foot of the flist pha lanx. Managers Tony C. Burke and Harry Hose, of the Holy Rotary Lyceum and the So-So Baseball clubs, respectively, met at "The livening World" office last evening to complete arrangements for a game at Oak Point Sunday, July 22. In aid of the Sick Babien' Fund. They agreed to get their best leims together and put up as Etrong a game es has been played on any amateur Held this season. The best method of getting the biggest returns for the Fund wab dis cussed, and It was finally determined to charge a nominal admission fee, say lf cents, and hand the entire gross re ceipts over to "The livening World." In doing this nobody can charge either of the clubs with professionalism, as only the worthy charity will be bene fited. Here Is another proposition for a game In uid of the Sick Babies' Fund. To Lbe Spurting Kdltor I attended the Actors' ball game at the Polo Grounds, and think It quite a scheme to help the Sick Hables' Fund We, the Ontarlos, are uniformed and have played such teams as the Albion Field Club, Pacifies of Jerse City, West Arllngtons, Orltanl Brsrves, and have won from the above teams, having lost but two games with teams outside of college teams. We will play any respectable team In New York, New Jersey, Connecticut or Brooklyn which has inclosed grounds, the gate receipts (entire! to go to your Fund for Sick Bablet. We huve played more than above mentioned games, and are In first-class shape. If you can ar range a game with some other team we will gladly play. WALTER B. RENTON. Secretary Ontarlos, 313 West 134th street. Surely Mr. Renton can be accommo dated. Who's going to be the first to ac cept. W. A, Brady cabled from Dublin that Champion James J. Corhett will leave London for New York Friday, July 20. This ourht to land the champion In 1 this city about July 30, as the London line Is notoriously slow, I Stole Fort) Pounds of Tpe. E1im ftyan, lUtjr-four, printer, s tieM la the Tombe Court this morning fcr the lar ceny of forty of t)pe malerlsl valued at lie, from I'harles W Adams, foreman In a printing house at U Ve.ey streol Ityan had orl.e1 around tile lArr for a few fla. and 1 lille Inlolicated touli the type and sold 1U I 1 was so confused by the glittering array of gema spread out to lure the American dol'ar from wealthy travellers that I could decide on nothing. My tl.OOO, which had seemed so much, now made me despair of finding anything worthy of my beloved when my eyes fell upon an extremely beautiful necklace, consisting of two rows of pearls caught together at Intervals by small diamond clasps. It lay in a velvet case of azure blue and the moment I saw It I decided that It was Just what I wanted. I asked the price. " 'Five thousand francs, monsieur,' re plied the salesman. "Exactly the sum I had to spend! I bought It without a moment's hesitation. The little blue box was about to be wrapped up when the salesman discov ered borne Imperfection In the claxp. He was profuse In ills apologies, and said that it would be repair-id und ready for me the following murnlng. 1 ex plained that this would not do, as I was to leave the city on the night express for Nice. Aftei u moment s lutiiaiio.i the jeweller promibed thai I should huvc It at t) o'clock without fall. "As I wa.- leaving the store 1 noticed a woman stiudlng by my bide. I bay I noticed a woman. It would be more cor lect to say that I noticed n beaulltul white hand with long tuper lingers, 011 one of which was a diamond of unusual size and brilliancy, In this hand was a small, Jewelled watch, and as I was ka I lg the counter I caugnt a few words speken In a pscullarly musical voice. I w:ib too fill of the thuuth: uf hJltii't. happiness 011 receiving my sift to glance at the woman's tuce, and long before I had reached the sidewalk she was for gotten. 1 "At 0 o clock I returned, and, true to bis promts th man had tha necklace ready for me. Placing It in the Inside . pocket or my c?at I left the ttore aud GOSSIP 0FJHE TURF. The members of the Jockey Club who heard Jeter WoIiIkii's ktralghtfor ward explanation uf wh lie was m lug nt the Flushing lisck mind have felt I'M'riHlliiKly small after the seuiiie was roiicitided. The Jockey club certainly should get the pulin for cheeklnes. The member.! drllbpriiiely iniki' iul. that debar niuny an lionei-t man fiuni making 11 llvtns. and when one or these men attempts lo earn a lew dul lain at k small lure i-ouin1. updated without the Jo. key Club's llcenrc. Un til! f mUis Immediately cull him down mil ask why he doL. not cnnuium to contribute lo the- rich man's stiiln.i and purses. j. Wuldi'li'M miuuks aio wo'th reprinting. After being uMied ir he did not know he wax llnbl? tu bo luled olt Mr. uldvn said. "Yes, Iknrw that befuie I btailul mj horses at Flushing, but If u dam u river ou must expect ilmt it will uei flow the- banks. I'mlcr the Joekc Club lules my chances of making h llvlm; are taken fiom nu mi slate (1 llftecn-du meeting for Sheepshced. Thoio mi ninety races to be won mid 2) crucku Jaclsn to win them. What's to becume of the l,is.V other liuisch? Am thc-y to have no outlet': I inn my homes nl the Urooklvn irui'tlng und at Mollis Park and maiiagid to pay out JJ,tju without the slightest chance- In the world to get a cent back. At Flushing the first week of lbs meeting 1 won ei.CM) In purses, and you ask me what I am going to -lo. I am going to continue to make my living where I've got a chance to do so, and you'll llnil that befoie long 1 will nut be alone. Hundreds' of other hone owners will be forced to do the same thing." Dr. Knapp Bald that lie would lay Walileu's case betoic tha Iloaiil and lnfoini him of their action. The Jockey Club's ultimatum will be Interesting reading to poor owners Wuldcn will have the sympathy of every fair-minded sporting man who does not care to bee racing restricted tu the- clashes. Tho ring held a lot of sore book makers after the fifth race yesterday. Banquet was opened up a favorite at 4 to s In expectation that Dwver monnv would be foHhcomliig Dr. llasbrouck was quoted at 7 to 5, and considerable money was tnkrn at that price before Dwyer showed Ills hand. Then Joe Vi-n-dlg rushed In and played Dr. llasbrouck all over the ring, Hanqupfs price was immediately Jumped to 0 to 5 nnd tho Doctor dropped to even money. Dr. Hasbrouck's backers then clncln-d tin race by playing Hanquet, und tin- ilng stood to lose no matter how the race resulted. Fred Foster took the Western bookies Into camp yesterday bv n win with Elorov nt a fancy price, and then lump ing his wlnulrgs on Dr. Rice. He Is credited with taking 20,000 away with him. If Roller had sui-edrd In getting away In any sort r-f ik-i ent style yester day, he would not hnve been Ih-,Upii in the first race. Marguerite was dylnrf very fast. e Sims complalnd to the stewaids yes terday that Ballard trlnl to put h'm over th fence In the fl bt race The stpwards took no action, though the I charge was most serious. The presence of Lendnun on Lodv Richmond In the third lace scared many 11 bettor from playing tint good filly. She won at a long prici. "The Evening World" was the only piper to name Lady Richmond as the winner. I Jack the Jew got away badly In his race, but hit. peiformance was a good one, and ho will be worth a bet on his next stai t. Why Ferrler should have been heavily played to beat such sprinters as King ston and Sirocco, is a mystery. It Is one thing to set a fabl pace In 11 mile dish, but another to tackle sprinters that can fight every Inch of the way. e My Gyps Is about ready to cut loose. She was up with the leaders In the foui Ui race. The stecplechu8e yesterday was an ex citing affair, paillculaily so, because at least three riders appeared to be trying. KNAPP'S Rootbeer Extract is the best. KNAPP'S was the favorite last year. KNAPP'S One bottle makes 6 gallons. KNAPP'S Noneijogoocl.nonefiocssofar. i Just had lime to complete a few remain ing arrangements before going to the station. I bought a first-class ticket, and tipped the guard, after giving him to understand In my very best French that I did not want him to put other pass ngers into my compartment. I tucked my travelling rug around my knees, opened a French novel, when the door was opened, and a woman hurriedly entered the compartment and took the seat next the window on the oth-r Mlo of the car. I glamed at my unwelcome companion. She was dressed In mourning of the richest material and In peifeci tabte. As I w s noticing thee details something by her side that I had at first taken lor a eipe, moved. It proved to be a black r rench poodle, and as he sat up and turned hU head towards mi 1 law that around nls neck he woie u broad, Jllver collar, from which de-pt-ndei a p-cullir hcait-shapod padlock. "Turning to my novel, I soon fotgnt the Intruders, nor did I again think uf thnii until pcihups half an hour late r, when 1 was startled by fiellug some thing cold and wvt pressed ugilnst un hand It was tho poodle'a nose He ha 1 iTawled ucross tho seat and was evi dently desirous of making my acquaint ance. " 'Chlcoo, come here,' exclaimed a sin gularly familiar voice, "The dog paid no attention to his mis tress, but wagged Ills tall contentedly as I stroked his curly head. " 'You must excuse my dog, sir," said my co-iipai.luii 'He Is a great pet and expects evev one lo notice him. I am afraid lie will unruy you.' "1 protested that he would not. ai.d added that I was fond of dogs, poodle s in paitlcular. Perhaps my aiuvwr was due, in part, to the fact that the woman was young and very beautiful. I had only that minute become aware of this, the light having been too dim In the 1 MUSTANGS AGAINSTB1CYCLES I'l'llro l'.qtllwtl I llllllt'l-ui's Ull- llt'St W ItMi-ltiii-ti lii iiu-rle-lt. Kvciy one-, the- ladlt'S especially, who has vlsl ,n Hie Wild W'rst show Ins mit'cid Hip supeib tiding of IVdio 11s, lut few kl-ow lw.v cl-vi-rl In-ile-frntcil the be-st cycll'ts of L'uiope. While over tliero n nuiti-h of a tiovrl nnd Itili-rrsting kind vvnr, declJi-l In ('neon's gioiiiidr. Lin J in rouj, Glas gow. The nmich was for IKO, and the condi tions were- thu- one of Joe- Shelly 's I Id ols. Pedro I'squlv il a (tiring and fi-tii-lo-s liorM'innii, tide- twenty miles level iigiliibt the hiotheis John and Thomas Hittcnshv, of Newcastle the fainou pi.ifi-s-d qui ewilsts, who holJ long, illstuiirp chiiiii!u,ishlu rt-iuuK at hV, I an 1 2!2 tulip I'edio wus to have four I n iHtungs uud ii ehingc- as often as ho wished, the whiphneii to take turns as I thev ple-tsi-d Two trucks hud bee-n pi p. I pared, a-i miter onp of four laps to the ! mill-, i-lghtv rou-d In all, fur tin- cy I li'sls, mil mi lnu. r t.irf track for the poiibs of nltirtj-oiip lu.ns to the dis til ure lsiiilvnl clmii,1 hoi1. -s evprv hn f mile1 i In ipip fr.'m tin- bsck of the- one when in mil millr.-. and the lUInK Jump lo the- oihe-i was u pel On mince- tint iilwivs called forth .uudiui'o The cv cil't dimmed p:ncs eveiv nillr . mid ed nil tin- wav tni-t the nineteenth Mile, when Uxr.ulVHl spurred pist the Ju 're1 fullv 2So nnl In fr -nt. mid nils csrrlcil shoulder-high to the- diesslng looui Esqulval n -W ehnllcnups the best lilrv c'lsls In Anu-ii n to ride a similar match at tin- proper time. dipt Dotn-ht-rtv. who ciptuird John WI'Ups Itnnth, accompimlpd bv spvi'iitv man memhPix or the Grand Army uf the Rppuhltr In full uniform, paid their le.pppts to t'nmri'lr I' dv i-i I Knl burv nt the Wild Vst liiet night, SHNhiiiv lecniintt-d the piogrpss mid th-nrowi-ss nf tlip Armv of ihp I'umbprlntid Cl gf-ve his Inmre'sslous of ib-n. Miles nnd ii!'Mi r life nn the frmtlei, an I Mil r John M llurke did the huh oi s of host. I ZIMMERMAN'S GREAT SCORE. Vi-vv York's 'eliiiriislioote-r Wlnnlni: Vliilc-lie'H In C.e'riniin,., , A prlvntP despatch dated to-day mi pounces that ut rraiikfoit-on-thi-Maln Gus .liniii-immi, New York's champion Hr-hui tzeu sharpsliootcr. won -everal iii.itclus with the cruel: shooters or Germany, and made the highest score on rccoul In ring target shooting at COO feet. KILLED BY A PUGILIST. One- of IlcU TitHc-aTll AnsiiIIiuiU De-nit mill tln (ItliiT 'Woiinileil. lib Awn. laled Press I MILWAUKEE, Wis., July 12. -Dick Fade-", the well-known piie-llahtPr, jitti-rd.iy aftprnoon shot and killed Ji.oes MM'.uilr. i-x-Dc-puty SherlfT. anl nuiindpil "Holler" WnVh, wiio was u lew we. ks nv,, nciiulttc-d of killing "Tiiildv ' Hnlloren I M'-Curthv .uid Walsh had an old score U nettle v.I Hi Fa lies und suited ui to whip hlii, .,th Hie lesult staled. FRIDAY'S SPECIAL. t Irish Lawn House Gowns "Empire" style, with square yoke bad: mid frunl, and " Hutteilly " ruffles over 'iouldiis. Yoke and lutnes edged a'l around back nnd front with '" Point de G-iip " Ljcp Full '"Columbia" slfcves also trimmed with same lace, " Wattesu " back, full front, fnstenl wtlh belt, rolling collar, and neat pocket These gowns are all llti'd to the waist, made extra wide, and can be furnished In all whllp or all the dalntlpsl bhades, Including Light Hlue. Pink nnd Hello trupt) prouuds, with smsll black or white tlgurcF, all sizes, al same price. The rut nml ilrsrrpitietii ithovn sprrlfy only eine nt lire .iv let- eve uflrr In ihls enlt'i v,p havr ii number of oilierei rqunll good i -old lililipim Iriim 81. ti " 4I.SII, vvlilrlt ulll In- nold nt shiiic prlre II la1. ,r8 West '-I3il St root. si-tion to let me see her face-. Her voice, too, affected me sliigulaily. It was lo.v and sweet and I wus sine that tomswheie I had heard It befu.e 1 bit for some time vainly trying to rpcall the circumstances of our meeting, but the more I pondered on It the more hope lcs3 seemed the task. "A llltle later, oil looking up. I foanl tint my companion was wltluiit books or papers, eo taking an lllustiaird mis nzlnp fiom my aatcncl I -fft-rcd It lo her s"ni thanked nn.- anl smllel swe, il After a time I grew til el of my imved anl ic-u.vel to attempt a lltl.e coavti satlun tlth my nelshbor. I asked her if s!n- w,is KJln to Nice. She replied tint tin- n is, an1 vent on tu say that her bister, rthom she had expected would go with her, hiddlsipp Intel her at the at muuienl She, however, could not wait until the- fj'.imlng day, as in- fath-i. who wan nt Nl-e- for his health, had wired h-T m return at once "hhe .poke of her dislike- fir trave, Ing alone, pariiculiiily at tiUht, nn I e-xp allied ti.a! a the couiparrn nt r 'served fur la lies wa.-, fill' .l-i1 ha 1 I) en oblige 1 tj entir nun". -'he poiry to Intrude, but t'n1 n i !n was cbout to start, anl .ho guurl told her all tie other seats weic taken. I histenel to sesure her that I was glad jf tha lucky chance that liad given nn- to charming a companion. She- smiled and a,ked me- If I was to be' long at NUe. She chatted on about the place, nientlonlni the names of many well known people who, she sviJ, were her frlenJi ai.d whom I pc.uuM ns doubt u.ett 1 v the eviiiiiif; wore on she opened a b-ikit k .ua u ns a a. ity lunch 'Would I siiuic ii v ih hei " ih-. euuk evidently had a nJwluus i1 ea i her appetite Why, thero was enough for six!' This seemed to bo the case, o, as we were by this time very well acquainted, I accepted her invitation, and w werei V2l&mmm&l&iLlS&!ite!&mm CURLERS IN CONVENTION. I Delemiles from All Hie IIIr Clubs lu tlio East. YONKI-Rl'., N Y July i:.-Tlie an mal Cunventlon of the llruinl Niitlonal t'tiilliig Club of America was held last ii gl. I lu the cutting rink, lu this city Thn clubs repieirnted weie the t'aledon lari. New Yorki the New ork 'It y, Jr--cv city, Yonkers, Caltdoilaii. Biooklyni Thl, Up. Ne-v York, Empire City, Now York. Ivmilioe, Pulerson, N J , Manhat tan, New York: Newark. N. J ; 1'tlcn. V Y : Bt Paul, Minn : Al b.inv I'lty and Emplie Cltv Al liin, N Y . Exctlioi and John o' (in it New York, Loiik Island City, jT'ive'o New York I'nlte-d Pltiston, I'lttstou, IV., and ThlttlP. Lock Haven, Pa I'dwin L Thomn. of Yonkers, was elpctid I'rpsldpiit1 John M. Foster, Al Iihiiv First Vice-President, Aleimder V Thoiii-e-on. Plttston, Pa.. SpcoihI Vice P -esideet. John .1. mi Sphoonluiven, Al lunv Hprrpf-irvi Robert A. McNIght, Jerspv litv Tre-asiirer T1-!1 Dalrvmle- medal, now lipid by the N 'fliwpHtprn NssodaMoM, will lip com- i petpd for at such s time is that Asso- Ica'lon sees fit. Th Vltchell medal was I c'lmigrd from n i-lt-b to a rl'ik medal It I will be comppipd for at Alliany during j tmvt Winter. The next ennual meeting I will In- he d at l'ltttini. Pa I Tn ii'orniw the .iirlcs will bp enter- tilnod st the Vsnderwendir farm. Smith Yonps, and will piny at thp rink for the Hell mt-ilal. It In now held by Thdiiins Wlr'ii, nf Yonkers President Thonns bus also offered n besutlful tro- phv which will go to the winner of the medal. SPORTING MISCELLANY. Opt Ha.tter, of tho New York Ath letlr Club, his not yet decided upon the athletes lip nil. select to represent the Club lu the Metropolitan championship games nt Soratogs July 21. It is thought, however, thru 1". W Allen, Tommy Lee, i' J KUpitrlclt, S. Scovllle, Jr., George W tirton, G O. Jnrvii, K. J Lvuns. J. Mitchell. R. T Lynnr, OeorR R. Gray and Sieve Chas will be among tho en trlis SPtit In bv thp Club All of the ali .vc iiamed m n are training Indus trlmiHly at Ti avers Island unJer the dl iFCtluii of Mlko Murphy. I . . e ' An rffort will be made shortly by the llolv Cro-s Lyceum tu secure the vscant lot which runs furn Flftv-eWhth to Flftv -ninth street on Ilruidway. for a training groun I for Its atlfetps If the tr mud cm be secured the Lvreuin will Imve It fenced in slid nverhnuled. Tills Idi'ii was leepiitly concelvpil liy a number nf the member who claimed that wjie-u-ever anv Lyceum athletes were entered in athletic gmnes they wprp force.1 to a-k a I mil of the grounds of the West j Side Athletic Club. I ... Ous Sundsliom, the swimming in structor of the New York Athletic Club. Is nt Travers Island training W G, Douglass, Percy Dickey, N. Murray. T. F Morton and Clark Miller, who will can v the Me-rrurv Foot In the Indoor shoit distance- s'v'mmlng mces to be hold by the National Swimming Asso-cl-itlon In PhliodelphlK en Tuesday, July 17 The frti-vard Indoor swimming raw for the championship will be decldod at this meting Douglass nnd Dlckev will start In this rape against the Phllndel pliinns, mid Hie rnce will nn doubt be verv Inten-Ntlng. Murray, Morton and Mlll-r will start In the short distance races at 1U yards. ... The West Side Athletic Club grounds lu West Fifty-fourth street are taken possession of every evening by a large number nf uthletes from the different athletic unions, who are training for the Archdlocesmi I'nlon games to be held at Munhuttan Field next Saturday. ... The next "Indies' dny" of the New York Athletic Club will lie em Wednes day July IS, at Travers Island. A splen did programme bus been arranged for the occasion. Rogers's Seventh Regi ment Hand, consisting of over fifty pli-c'fs, has been i ngagpil und will give a conceit during the evening. ... The Corlnthlsn Mosquito flet, of New Rorhelle, will hold a special open re I'attu on Siturday starting at 1 P M. Three classes cf small yiehts are sched uled, ns follow' Special class 1, 21 foolers. measured ander the Larchmnnt Yacht Club's tipw rule; Class 2, cabin cats, over 2J anl under 15 feet water llnp; cI.ifs 3, cabin cats under 52 feet. Entries rlox with the Regatta Commit tee at 1 P. M. to-morrow. If the scheme of the Elizabeth wheel clubs Is successful, racing may be In augurated on the grounds of the New Jersey Jockev Club at that plnco. The Intention U to unite issues and recon struct the track at the turns, making It Hn ideal bicvelp course. It is prnbnbhi that the grounds m-y lie leased, as there Is little possibility of horse racing on them for some time to come. I ... I A two-day bicycle carnival Is part of a scheme ovrr which the rejuvenated Seuslde Athletic1 Club, of Coney Island. In cogitating The plan Is for amateur und professional races on the Drlehton Heach track. I ... One hundred and thirty entries have been received for the Atalanta Wheel men's lOo-mlle race, from Newark to Princeton und telutii, which takes place Saturday. The blart will be made at 8 o'i lock I.srge miowii were placed ut every till I) III the course yesterday, so that the riders cannot miss their w ly, nnd checkeis will be placed ut various points. Hare Itlot In trUfinsita. ny AfcfoUatcd Press ) HVHIIISniiiC Ark July I! A race rlrt oc.sjrrH at Market Tree Tuesla) nlc-it In hloh several ntirnvs wer wound. 1 S-ierlfT fiault lias arretted ard J. He he rlngleiter. ol lulli side. soon doing Justice to a re-ally excellent lunch 11 tWhat a charming creuture she Is,1 I thought 'How Edith will like her' Growing confidential I spoke or my visit to Nhe and of tile iUnr Kirl w ho whs awaiting tne there She p,imed Inter cbied, and listened patiently to the re cital of my lair one's many charms " 'You will meet her and can see for vourseif If all I say is not true1,' I ex claimed 'She will be very grateful to you for having made this stupid Journey io pleaiant fui tne ' " 'We will drink her health" cried rnv companion gnly. drawlrg a small sli ver lliiik of exquisite workmanship Horn the depths of lier basket 1 always carry a 111 tic eugna with me In case of sickness,1 she eMilnined opening the flask and lining a dainty glass with the uniber llqul I. she handed It to me with a radlHiit smile. 'To Edith's health, she said. "I (Inline. the glass 11 was brandy of the- fitie-st quality 1 had ever tasted. Slip scpind to mv thought". " 'You are a lodge of good liquor. That Is Oiard of Isle ' "Taking the glass from my hand, she poured u little of the liquor Into it mil barely touched it with bet Mp " You must nut Judgp my Koud wishes by the u mount 1 tak- 1 wish you all the h.ippii.ihs life tun give but I cannot dunk u j.i'i men do, to mv it Is simply ii i-edli Inc ' "Soon after Unit I began tu glow sltepy. mid is my companion did not bt- in Inclined to talk, I mud myself us comfortable as lircunis'uncfK would penult I turned my head towards the window, thiough which the surrounding couitry could be seen dimly lu the moonlight as we rushed along, put a ' roll of rug under my head and resigned myself to u night of discomfort. The next thing it was broad daylight I awoke with a dull pfttu lu my head, and .1 sense of weariness that my sleep had rather lnci eased than diminished "My toiip.inlon was sitting by the window ici.iiiig the book I had given her the nlfl.t before Dn rejcrlvlr Ciat I wse uvvake she put down book and remarked lhat I was evlej n bound sleeper, and that she enviq She had pasted a wretched nigh w was glad that we should soar Nice. I thought of Edith. ,' should now see so soon, and tl r the surprise I had In store for he-- jf "i hoped that toe necklace '.iXlM please bur, and then, (or the ursWQmo it oo tiv.CririiW?JJiali2As'wt liZW&Lj&foijljVili'i 'MUDDLE OVER PRQGtlAMMES. Ynlo Ropudiatsd tho Don! Prince ton Had Made. Now Tun Rival I'ubllsliers May Get I Out FoulluUl hoiivcnlrs. In "The Evening Wond" of yesterday there was the story of the defeat uf a motion mude by John H. Gibson, Uefoic Judge Hlschoff to restrain Charles II. Nlcoll from publishing a programme of the Yule-Princeton fuotball game to b.s played next TliBlihfgiving Dy. Thl was the climax of an Interesting com putation In which there scms to havo be -n pccullur business ttansnetioiis on the part of the collegians and of Mr. Glbiuu. Mr. Nlcoll Issued the official pru Crammv last yuui, and made money out of It. Early this Spring, hu applied fur the privilege at the game- next Fall, and eniei il Into iiriunwc-mcnts which weie concluded by n contract, signed April IK, und by E.lw.ud Muiin, President ut the Princeton University Football As sociation. Mi.nn alleged, so Mr. Nlcoll says, lhat In- whs empowered to sign tor both culeges, following a pieecdciil of the previous y em . The cuntruc't was hv .1. linn V. 'li.omi.u.,! liul year's President A partial payment was mode of lloq. President Cahlc, of the Yale Associa tion, eubscnuintly refused to ufflx Ids signature to tin contract, and an offer in rrturn the money paid, wus refused by Mr. Mcoll He aftt-rvaids learned that John 11. Glbjon had offered a con siderable latger sum for the prlvlle. This offer V-.U3 accpptin.! by Ynle and a "' contract, dated May IS. was made with Olbfon, itgordless of the one tlun In force of prior date. Judge IllsdiofT's decision cancelled the second contract, but, h h there Is nothing 111 Mr Mcoll s contract to restrain Gib son fiuni Issuing mid selling another programme outside the grounds, there .it, "r"1"1",J' l'c- two souvenirs In the field The programme privilege Is quite- nnnuaiiy " K,m '" 15,'10 "rB 1(1 SAILED OVER 40,000 MILES. Stennishlp Port Philip, from Cilns-1 mv Aii. 4. IHIKI, Is In Pon. The steamship Poi t Philip. Capt. Grey, completed a long voyage of over ta,(J miles this morning when she emtio into port. She started from Glasgow Aug. 4 lust and went to Free-mantle. West Aublralla, and Sydney, N. S. V thence up to the Fill Islunds, tlience to Japan und Chlnu poits, loading with spots und tea for this country. While nt the wharf In Singapore Mav is, a sudden tniuado struck part of the town and the roof or the warehouse on thei wharf was lorn oft anil sheets of galvanl ed Iron stured tiler-- went sail ing through the nlr one sheet struck the malntnpmast of the Port Philip and cut It off, Just above the hounds, as clenn as If dune with a saw. The curious part of the clr cumstancp. to thp nautical mind, wus that the bnrompter did not move tho leust bit, either before or after thu squall. CHICAGO KEEPS CITY HALL funic Comity I. oars n gull CroiTlnK Out or it Liiittl I, rum. Illy AsMtclsted Press I CHICAGO, July l!f. The tight between Cook County and the city of Chicago for possession of the City Hml has been decided adversely to the county by Judge Tuley. The Court overruled the demurrer of the county to the bill for Injunction Hied by the city lo restrain the county from proceeding with Its ejectment suit mid directed that a decree uf Injunction be prepared und presented on Friday. County Attorney Judd contended that the action of the county in granting to the elty the west half uf the block was ulira vires, or bevond Its pn-vo s, and that the grant was tlierefoic void As sistant Corporation Counsel Zelsicr took the oppolt ground, and further argued that the contlnim.l violation of the act of the LeglJlature would act ua an estop pel ngulnst action by the county In the matter. s as- MIRANDA AT CAPE BRETON. Arctic) ExctiralonUta Mop Tlirre eiu the Wav to Urretnluntl. At the office of Bow ring & Archibald It wa learned this morning that a tele gram had bren received from Capt Far rell, of the steamer Miranda, stating that the stPamer arrived safely nt Syd ney, Capo Ursioii, at S o'clock last even ing. The Miranda put Into Sydney to fill her coal bunkers, and It Is expected that she will proceed this evening on her voyage to Greenland She sailed lant Saturday for New York with u party of Arctic excursionists. A) res Held UUbuilt Hull. Juhn Ayret elahteen yeaer old, of s.1 Catt Thlrly-nlnlti street, v as nanntutd tu t-llliuut tail ty Justice McVlahiai at fie vork tlll. I'ulue Cuurt tu-day to II, e retult of llw lnjulles of Mrs lleitha Srhwart li'i Is In a critical condition at lier home 473 rirrl atence lie tt.. alee (hnriied llli ...ault liy vtra. sdi .rts e liuabaid, llilllp, anl a pccller. .Vaier Al ruliam. curred to me that perhaps It would have been betlti If I hu 1 uuiit-iite I some wo man of taste bef it- buying It. brill iant Ilea Ktiues, tiiemy cumpinlou was Just the one tj deeld- I wou'd nk her opinion. It was not too late to change the neollice for sometnlng tlse If she thought It noi sul.iible I was sire she would tcl me canJIdly lust what she thought. i'nbuttonlng my coat, I drew the packng" from my pock.-t, and laid It on my lap. P emoting the wrappings. I opetie I the Utile1 blue chc. For a mo ment 1 could believe my cye-i It was empty '1 urnel quickly to niv companion hhe wus leaning forwurd motionless breathits". he" f ,i-e pale, and in her eyes a Icuk that I shall upv 1 tuget one livnl was pressed cunt uls.vetv oer lit i heat I She had it-moved hei glove- worn the night before, and on one lln.'er blurt 1 a dltmonu lut- one I had st ea the previous dav ut the Jeweller's. In an Instant I taw It all. I sprung forwirl and grasped her wild rougu'.v, I'm "'Give- me buck the necklace, you thief.' 1 criel 'l know you You stood by me side yetterdii1 In the Jt v olle-'s sv.up on the Avenue de 1'opeia I itineml-er that ring, mil your voice ju heaid n'.e t tv that I was koIi. lo Nee by th' ti.-li The liquor y-u uiu me- was drubgt ' m. I u in laght to s-iie be fort- your t lie 1 1 w is dl i veied It w s a vcr.1 c t-v r st'.cl-.e ti u II fulled Give me the necklace : I shall tuin you ovei to the police ' "1 stretcht'l out my hand, thinking tint, seeing .he folly of further cuneeil iiuuit. and the mrleesnem of denu , sle woull reiurii the stolen property. 1 wis wrong She drew herse.f up haughtily, an 1 looked me fully In the face hi n she sp ke it was in a voice that showed no traces of tie sweetness which hid at first attracted me. ' -You Iiave brought a rerious charge jgalnil me, she said, 'anl one of which 1 am 1 am alire, vri a wo-fnn'-thl- wiih a monieiitary irenior In mr t (v tut .ineho.v mtJu me JIQ sf ! i way I In I spoken to er .es vou say you have '. sc a neck an, or only reaioM for acciislns me of hav ivlTg stolm it it that wa have been t-ie inlv occupin of tM compirtment. The Inei.uu you opened thu box and found I. empty I saw ths awful position that I was placed in Fortunately, how-, ever. I can prove my Innocence. " 'Perbiini you may Utsltato before I MUHfOS HER BEHEFIICTfll ,; Mr..Vn,!rntl.!p14(t'p I "ii-.lredsorOtllare, Mrs c w Valentine, of Prohibition , Pnrk, Stulen Island, says. "Words can- - I not express thp gratitude I owe to Pro- "fci lessor Muiiypii. His Remedies have W 'iv ed mo hundreds of dollars In doctor ' blls. md i hvvu always found them t I promptly effectual In curing the most i obstlnaty case. .Munyon's Rhtumatlsnt , , t ure acicd like magic In my son's case, curing him uf Rheumatism after thu fi best doctors failed I have also tested I Munyon's Catarrh Remedies In my fam ily, and find that they e-fTcct a com plete ( ure In a remi-kably short time. My nleco was aflllctcd by obstinate con- V Htinatloii Tor several years; less than 'i half a bottle of .Munyon's Liver Cure - cured her, Hml slip has had no trouble ! since. My own case is most remark- " able of all, for years I have h"td Hay Fever In Its most aggravated form. i When mv unial attack appeared I be- ', a in using Professor Munyon's Hay Fever Treatment, and found an almost mlrtriilous relief, as the Remedies were Immediately effectual in removing every tiace of the disease." 1 v iv hi dn ors' bl'la ti hav your i constitution ruined? Munyon's Reme dies aie perfectly harmless nnd contain positive cures for the obstinate aa 5 well hh the most Intricate diseases. If you ure lu doubt what remedy to tnke, cull on Professor Mtinyon for a J thoiough medical examination. Abac- lulcly no charge for exmnlnallons or advice. Open all day. Sundays 3 to 5 P. ' M 7 Eist Fourteenth str"pl. Munyon's Ilemiillrs sold by all druggists. t Amusements. MANHATTAN ELACH TO-DAV. flrrnn" unit t-vcnlnc A Sousa's Concert Band. HAGENBECH Sffl -: Aitarnonn and Kvenlii. llL.Au:ltll:AOMotKUYlMnADl8'e. PAIN'S LALLA ROOKH AMI I'KAMi I lltl'.WOKKIS, -,' I'very I'.venlnit eiept Sunday and Mondsy. TiirronLERT rbACB ov thk bati ' f w CbeaKeal Ricuralon Orancltafl t" Wfee Buffa'o Bill's Will WmI j If- jB-ANP LOKURrS. or EOUSH v Xk l. rVelTfe Ambrose Park, South B'klfri. 5 .MUST rilltl.Or UOUl'K t'llOM N11VV VOilK , lt,caiiiiKsieslt oy JJui sL lerry, loot t VVuiia , hull l , llallery, r'AKK j Cli.NTJ. i m.ff IUjI). ta or lite. :, ilOOlll ill'KX AT 1 ANDU.JI) 1-. vr, , ' '., Alt itcuMvU Pittle-ry, llrooalyn llrliin, IUm- lllo-i, Wall, suiton, ilil -t. rtui ulUsr e'errlM -.' make coiiiiectloustllracl to iratos. Adlillsslua OU reiilt I rulrul Orar.d Html, 7 r eeiiitjiil i. -u.ulja'iite roiuilar rasUiiraat ' Keaturec t ELDORADO. I TooiiaiTAT., CHAFPEf,, , I he World I'niiioii. JM,'jltr. Ill' NICItcIL : -IM'IUS 'I he Hlltc-ic C onk I'HKNCII UUAb- l-.l!.l.i: lit.Nci.ll.-. lli:V.i!UI,. llullslaod .' Nls-eUele, idiiierls sluftjUlo,. II. t'l innrr's '2'Z 1 llrainirni llaml. ' Netl tluiirisy -I.IVimi I'lLlUitKn. c HAT. AFT. AV 4, Bulletin Asci rsloo. liy Prur LA-ti KANtis:, iiim.'.) lii unci a.r, tail- , Inj paiacliiite Jumpoi ft uuu leeel. - I MsDISOS QUIRE RUOF 6'RDEN. - :: f;i:itv i..;in(j, h to i. v A(mlalon lk- , firrvf1 utAll. 7.V. : IWJt. Sa AmiiliKlirntrr. MumtAv i.enimf. Jut Iff, ?, nmniim o! itie AVOIM.U'S FAIR ICA.IA tnprt-ic l.twf) wiidre ift-t, -v1 KflSTER&BIAL'S. AOM. 50q. t MUSI" HALL AND ROOF GA3DE1. " LIVING PICTURES. VAUiiKvii.i.E, ai'dJiAbrics. novbltiw. ris ,iun 'v"kxiru w lllJlllUl P'lOK UAItUKN. JtJIil Tliealm .lfe The I'assln; Rhnw Roof C.rden. lo 1 -CraiiJ Vaudeville EnlerUlnrosSL IMPERIAL &: ADMISSION 256 4 I.IVIMi PICTt'REFJ. ). iiti:T r.uiii:rii.ia , iMtlltrU I1H11BN MUSIC IltLb. w fittb st Utwern Lexlncton anj 3d area I t'W'i'ii ri.iH .-, AMI A CHEAT Wl URV1LI.B UtU Admission lie Keicni-1 scats. Wc. an4 TJ. ' Ilrtfll'Tin'P IDA M ull (lay tn"ll"k30PTM72Ser HH I H n"c- H'(Ueiui,tiiiilrl, vaudavuia. ' niULlUU Jl I'lia LUiiii; l',cliire. -tfclOI-.M TUfCICCIC 1IT1I ST. MPKIC 1IAT,T. 'J I ilClaS A.MlAI.HAMIlUAtOUitT. i, IS anl I'd Faet llth st near 34 ave THU .iltl.tNTKIl (ini'llilMTKIO.N plas atery aflernoou apj etaalog. ' tTII S-e Tbeatr. II C Miner iV MT. " THE ' i:r- Ete. 8 1". Mat. 6lt.. J IS. llllinfi clilhert & Sullltsn's Opera br tke c MAUUe i Dtrr opera cojipany. J.pantss Pardm Girls In :d Act a HIT. ' - AMERICAN. J??A k ROOF BAROElT thtre. t (nn i- h r ii a nn.s mt.MXTOvvy. J IIMIRMANN'R TIIKATRE. new St Jamas'l Halt, ItKOPCNS SATURDAY. tf llran.l KuglUh tlpei. notiemlan Olrl. Craas si cast horus of M. Orchestra juall,1.00. S ATLANTIC GARDEN. 'S? 1 I f IK I.AIIY OlK'Uh-'Tri. lllirll('lsau- j dcvilleMur. riii 1- iH.niuilc OrtUeairlon. jj Illcbrat Strike In frlilo Creek. g (He AssoolaleJ Preas ) " S ciiliTf.i: citEKK. c-oi Juir i:.-Tha rlcatet ore eter seen liere bas been turne.1 up In a mine ,j I ihl. ilac The ttreaK tarles In etldth (roist -; c. le four mcl.ea The free told Is malleablai j inl In sheen us 'arse and fully aa thick aa a jj lit., enl rlece. ',A -- --r- :sa ' 'auiin jf miitln to blackmail an unpra- c, tided uomtn As sjon as we arrive at VI e 1 shal Insiet on going at once to , the loll-u .-.Ution, where a thorough teirih of my baggage and person shall v be made. 1 eh ill then ask you to prova ;: tha: yuu ever a necklace." This re- , nmrk vtan accompanied by a smile tnat J n,t pleasant to see 'Until ne reach y. y- t-oi- st-ii' nit sdd'fss inp agilik. . i "rihe leaned back In her seat aTjS - to,' v. -I lotv I v felt lather than saw that she wa d ciylng "I began to feel uncomfortable. 'ht If ( i ipiov to M Jump at conclusions and had been ml ;-J taken. V'ji I not possible that the box t might twee been empty when I re- 'J i ( , i e ip c -r s ' I tad not - tteii tlie neckUce ufter It was left to b v4 ii paired, as the box wrapped up "1 v-.lit-n 1 called for It My companion -, liad lnltcd on an Investigation that ' might prove ner Innocence an investl- Vv; gallon Hut a guilty woman would never ;;, have- pioposed Kesules this, she had - fpre.sed ,i doubt as to the existence .-. of the iipcklae-p and had accused me 2 of an nttempl at tilackmall. The more ,tl 1 thought of it the more unpleasant mjr j pjsltlon hecime i "Suddi-nly my eyts fell on somethlnc J bilklit lying on the Poor of the car- & rl.ige. 1 stooped to pick It up. It proved I e I,, ! 1 PI UCk I ,t" r n noticed the night before on tha a psodle's i il ir i. ktf a Hash a thought fj i. line tu me. bete might be tho solution 'J of the problem, ut any rate I would i put It lo the teat. No time must be Vl lost, as we were Just entering the sta- lion nnd in a moment more the guard 3 would open the carriage door. ttc.Kiii.11; iutj-j seat with a ij nulck motton I drew the sleeping animal to my side. The woman sprang forward m to prevent me, but she was too late. ; I had already torn the collar from the M dog's neck and teas holding It to the M Ugh' that entered dimly through the ,H window from thp station '.!J '1 breuth'd a sigh nf lollef; the inside ?,M ct the co'.lir coiitair vl u hollow groove, M and In tin- kruove sc-curply fapteiud. ; lay the ml-sing necklace I turned trt- M umphaully to my companion. The iloor ", was opn slie vvas gone. , 'That mcrning as I entere Udltb'a vfl pallor the llttlr pood.e trotled cjalent- cdly by my side and instead of Hie colUi M he wore the necklact. Aa for the wo. 9 man, 1 never saw her again, " ICsUt SM Fltpld'3 Woshlugton. ,