Newspaper Page Text
1 6 O'CLOCK I ,, jgliL afMifi 1 6 O'CLOCK 1 1 EXTRA. ,e WSm itl1, EXTRA, if I . I "Circulation Books Open to All" , vXX. . CircuUaUm Iiaoks 0pcn to ML1' , i FR1CK OINia'cENT. - '""JVQHK, SA'ITKDW. ,M l-V il, l"HtT ' " L llllUlfl OINE CEi'1' B FHlQnn Ol ifHnna !Ar AlmVsf Unknown New Yorker's Discbveries'Will CI IKJDAV XAORT H I LJUIOUI M V-ZULUOfltJ i Revolutionize the Electrical World. See To-Morrow's OtJl8L-V I W KJlXLLJ. EXTRA. VIGILANT I THE VICTOR. I Got a Wind in the Last I Round and Just Ran I Away from Britannia. FLUKY UP TO THAT TIME. I Light Breezes, but Ouf Boat I Nearly Always Ahead oF I the Englishman. I SURPRISED THE IRISHMEN. I Vigilant's Burst of Speed Made Them I Think She Was a Flyer, Sure Enough. V (By Associated PreM ) I ROTAL ST. UUOHUU'ri YACHT CLUB, KINGSTOWN, Dublin 13d, H July 21. The American sloop VI H gilant and the British cutter H Britannia started this morning on H their tenth race, with the score H standing 8 to 1 In favor of the Prince H of Wales'i yacht. H The wind was light and the course H was the same as yesterday, from the two yachts with Vigilant in the lead' and In the following times: ' yieriiant iZ 37 r,c Britannia 12 38 3 Vigilant ciime away fast on the reuo'i to the .Mugllns. wlti bid llh-topsall pull lng pl-nlldly and the wind freshening. The Mugllns, t lil nl mark, on the llrst round, were passed In these Unit-.: 11. M. S. Vigilant t ip, is Britannia 1 14 riio First llountl. The first round was completed as fol lows: II. M. 8. Mgilant t 41 r.s Brll.uinln 1 4u i;o At this stage of the race Vlgll-tnt hud 11 lead of tm 2:s., having gained Jm. 51s. on the Inst lee. At Bosebeg Buoy, on the second round, thp following were the times of the two yachts. ... II. M. S. vigilant 2 u jo Britannia 2 21 or. Vigilant here had Increased her lead by 13 seconds. Klsh Lightship, the third mark, on the serond round, was passed with Igllnnt In the lead, nnd In the fol lowing times: 11. M. R. Vigilant 3 01 'A Britannia 3 04 01 rom this It will be seen that Bri tannia had pulled upon Vigilant, as the former's lead was only 2 minutes !IS seconds at the lightship, as against a lead of 4 minutes 35 seconds, at Bosebeg Buoy. showing that Britannia gained 4 minutes 57 seconds on this leg. Dfi'fllnifd. After rounding the lightship It was a free reach In a steadier southerly breeze until the racers were about half nay to the Mugllns. when both were almost becalmed, until they were again sent on by a southerly air. When the yachts stayed to port, a long distance south of the mark. Into which position they had been driven by the tide, Britannia hod taken the lead. It was Impossible to time the yachts when they rounded the Mugllns mark, on the second round, owing to the lengthy detour which they had taken on aocount of the tide A strong puff caught both yachts as they made for the home murk In order to complete the second round, and they presented a grand sight as they both heeled over under the Influence of the breer.e showing their polished hulls as they drove along through the water. Vigilant, however, had Britannia safe ly under her lee, and was sailing very fast and pulling ahead of the rutter. The times at the end of the second round were as follows: H. SI. S. Vigilant 4 IS 4 Britannia 4 1 02 At 1tiat ft (oncl Wind After Vigilant' misfortune oft the Muslim in allowing Britannia to oer- 'if 'H'- '" I 1 J 1 """- I J DlJBUH'BftV. ""-.., H " r' ' i Kist. " f ' tlTJ.l!l H Kojal St. George's Ynclit Club Course, Ilaltliii Hii.t. H Cut Pier, hfre, to and around Boebg buoy, thence out to sea and around the H Klsh Lightship, from there back towards H Bray Head and around the Mugllus. and H f.'om those rocks back to the pier; H ihiee. times around the course, complet H tng the total distance of fifty miles. H The prize competed for to-day was $300, then by the Royal St. George's Yacht Club. H It was dlstlnclly Britannia weather: 1 H but some black-looking clouds In the nerthwest. fiom which the light airs1 H ere coming-, raised hopes of better rac- ' B tug i.emhri' bcfoie the contest was de- elded. I H The starting gun was ilreu at 10. D6 A. M Uieepwlch time. By this hout the breeze had hardened 1 tomewhat and things looked brighter I for Vigilant. 'H Britannia First nni. H i'he rac-is crossed the lino as foi- lows. II M. S Jlrilannld 10 M 10 ! Igllatit. 10 M 20' H Vigilant made k strong effort to work ' up on Britannia's neuthor beam, where-1 H upon a desperate (ilere or lulling fol- "l, and was watihd with great in H ii'"' l,r"' mi,t'h excitement ashore. H. 'n,ln they squared away for the inn ! . Roebeg Buoy Britannia was a lenglh 'wH of nr opponent. , "he breeze, by thin time, whs again i,n.,'r Hnd when splnnakei'B were set I Mgllant was travelling close on Britan-i "la s starboard quarter, looking as ifi she was romlng through Britannia's lee 1 out a drop In the wind brought them almost to a standstill. When the yachts' sail began to fill gain, they weie nearly on the original course. und Vigilant crept slowly up. until she was abeam of her ilval. Thn ne American yacht forged nliBe.l, giad-i "ally Increasing her lead ai they made. or Itosebeg Buoy, which mark Vigilant' left a length anil a half aheail of Brit-1 inula The times, passing the first , rnark Itosebcg Luov, on the tlrt ' round, vere: I J,lslUnt 11 41 21 'Britannia 11 41 .1 .."rltannla, however, on the renoh to Klsh I.lghslilp, In alight wind, and unoer Jlb-tuptalU, was drawing up on iRllant's weather and the Ameilcau 5aht was obliged to I11IT In order to try "d present her passing. This man 'ivte. however, failed, and two mlle.1 f !r,"0; ItOHeb'g Britannia was broad on ' i'Iant'rt wtather and drew slowly "head icllant 1. up to tim l'riinl. 1 (lie lirez had improed outside th' ) and both vai'lim wero going ulong gr ofully. igllHtit. when nbout two nlls from Klt.h l.tghtbhip. aguln pulled "I1 I'M MrlUnnlit ind, pnhslng through '"tanniuH weutler, soon pushed her '"'WMiilt in front. ni.i:r.'',n southerly breeze paid them off 1 iii . '!'. "H ,n,y V1rrti laying for the , tilVl '.'(thtshll). and Vigilant was again I UnriroMng hei lead, Bn' .1 Ii"l murk, the Klsh Ughtshlp. n tht Mrt round, ys Ha pasatd by the haul her. It was but natural mat tne greatest excitement pic vailed attune and afloat as the two achts racod up to and oer tlui home mark and com menced their broad reach to Bo'e beg on the final round. Both yachts got the full benefit or 11 strong north west wind, and Vigilant fairly revelled In it, and romped along at a rattling pace, while drawing rapidly ahead. Malnsheeta were let away and spin nakerjbooms were out to port for weal ing round the mark. Vigilant seemed to fly nlong. At Bosebg Buoy, on the thlid round, the two yachts were timed as follows: II. M S. Vigilant 4 32 10 Britannia 4 34 If Klsh Lightship, the Hcond mark, 011 the third round, was passed In the fol. lowing times- , ViElWnl 19 V' Britannia - 1' Consequently Vigilant at this point was looked upon as being a sure winner, having a lad of Sm. Ms. on Britannia. The breeze slackened when Vigilant na about a mile from the mark. But BrltatinlM suffered the most from this falllnR off In the wind, and both yachtu were carried southward by the ehh tld?. being forced ti tack In port in order to la the Muslins marl. lullniil r vt Inner. Both vachta i.iti n long distance north, wai.l. on the poll lai k, in order to aold being driven -.outh past the Mugllns by the tide, that having been the experience or Vigilant on the prclous round Vigilant stajed to starboard bcfoie Brilaniila. The cutter ran much fur ther north. , , .... Vigilant succeeded In making the .Mug lins with it fair northwest breeze and on the starboard tack, holding well In shore before stuylng to port. Britannia was .lust over a quaitci of a mile astern and the most Intense e iltunent prevailed ashore ns II was doiilitiui whether Igllant -would be able to win after giving Britannia her time .illowuiue. The two yachts parsed ln- Mugllns, ..n Ihe third round, as followi. 1 1. M f Vigilant ' S SS f Brltnnnla . . ..... , - "J Vigilant then had h leail of 2m 3I . HrltunnU having pulle I up on her in the tide manoeuvring Aftei minding Ihe .MiiK'Ina bnth j aclits niHile a couple of short boards to nnlli, VUllaut n.tinliig more than a mln utr In thl short distance. There was a titrnendoiis outburst of cheerlnc as Vigi lant imssed the llti- 11 wlntiliig boat thou'-qmli of pople llnlne the plu. Iilllt S.I., waxing .ial aid lintidkPr (hle's and 1 lieerlnr. for lb" n. rlivn vnelu Tlie l.idlei wem spi!iilK en thiila. He and there was hupi I111U1 -tl -i iliut the Ainu ican lclor iiihm popular 'I'll- limes of the no va. lite s. Ihe nnlBli were ( M H Vlgllanl f ' Britannia (l ' Vigilant won by 3m 39s, without counting the time allowance If the allow-aifV which she gives Britannia, said to fie tin. 0s.. U deducted (rum this VlgllantVwon by 2m. 28a. ALL NEW YORK'S WAY Our Boys Getting the Prizes at Saratoga. A Little Too Much Wind tor Record Breaking. (Jnty Iut Mici KI-IViiiiicI Shot 45 I'oel fi ;-4 Inches. ISpfUl in Tins Kirnlni Wort 4 ) SABATOOA, N ., .luly 21. -The an ii'inl chuniilonshlis meeting of the .Met ropolitan Association of tlu A A I .. which Is being held heic al Woodlawn cjval to-day, hail ft cited iciuslili 1 iildi excllcment und Uil subject being dls euused by Ihe people Is, Who will be the successful ath'ete to cHir olT the much sought for championship medals" I'rovldence has not been us geiietous us Ihe people would desire as far as the weather Is comeined, for ocea-litnul showers lime fallen during the roie noon Hundieds of atlilete;. fiom ilotham are quartered at the urloiis hotels, the New York A C. unci the New Jersey A. C being at the Tidied States while the representatives from the Xnvler A. '. and Htnr A. C. arc scattered about the town The New York Athletic team ; rived here vesterdaj afternoon, on a special car. In clnrgc of President Barton S. Weeks, while the New Jersey", wlu came bj th" boat, arriving this morn ing, are caied for by lames 11 Sullivan. Considerable Inlet est Is centred In the expected showing that the Jersey boys will make against the New Yorks, und it Is thought they will give the mercury foot boys a hard run for the points notwithstanding that the New Yorks have almost twice as many nthlctes en tered. It Is expected that several records wdll be broken, and undoubtedly the events will be hotly contested. The contests began promptly at 2.30, with a fairly large crowd present. A strong wind Is blowing across the Held, which very likely will Interfere with fast time being made. The grounds ate the best the ohnmplonshlp'.s game have ever been held on. 100 Yar.11 Hiui-nr.t heal son hj r W Mlfn, Nr York Alhlellc Club .inl lieat won br T J !. Nos V.rk Allilrtl. I'lub nnl heat. on hy T J l.e JC 1 C K J s,IJer or Nw Jer.) A c Keron I Time to ?t-Ut rh bf.t. Mile Walk -Won l l.lebtnll Pullini V O T W I.ptn.)n, Ne olk A I , ."eruiul Time m II 1-S. 120-V.iril Ituii Won bj sphj, c,af nf New Vl.rk Athletic Olub: r r nt Sew Jerff) Athletic Club, .eco-id. Time 15 l.'.n 4W-Yarrl Hun Wen b7 (jeorge Sjn'lf if N'eft York Mhletlo i'lub ri A t'.mmLa. of ,se lir ee Athlktlc club, .trend. Tlni S 3-D. Two-Mil nicjfle naee V a b Oeoriie Smllh. of Ihe New York Alhlctlr i'lub; UmM IS llud.l. of the Saratoga Atblrlb Huh e.'Onl W liar me', of the e J.rey Mhblle I'lub Ihmt Time 5m 33 .1 5s Puttlnr. PUlren-Pouiid slot Won ui l.errae It, 'Ira., of Ve Yo,' Athletlr i lul, 4-, feol r. 1-1 J S Mloheli of Ihe eanie i'lub ee-onil, Jlfeel I 1-1 Incbe. HUDSON COUNTY VALUATIONS Tlir lloai'tl ti f pitortlmiiiiri.t llrn Hipl HcHir.. Tlir Hudson County Hoanl of Appor tionment imports valmitlun an fnlIowH JTt t'l $t 't 9T1 fni rain mer lt vrnr $1 5nn, (WW) Hajonne. Ill 5CJ JTo In rciihf of ? pr ni. IIolioliMi, J;i Tl1 lift liit rrrtfio r. jr ent North Pirpii $3 in TPfi Inrrrniif 1') per t int Wwt Hubukcn $4 5S0 for Inrrcn'o 10 pur rnt , t'nlon Tonhlp 2 in "CO lm rcaw 10 pr nt fnn of t'nlfn 1351 r0. in mm CO p'r rrnt Wee-haw kn. II J0 '!0 InTrasc 10 per rnt , Out fnburK '! g4 nrrmro .0 " rrnt Krarn Iiam ti" inrrrm n-1 lhi nlnatlnn tl.Sfi 200 Arrln-n. St 10? KT nn In rfan' TnN U xwhicfi th" tnv r.itn materi al. v this oar fn Hudson Pnunt WRECKAGE OF THE CR0WELL Tho Miiitsilnui lleports Ihnl I hr llnrl.' Hull Is In Tiiir. The steamer .Masadam, from Hotter lain, which nrilved this iftrinoon. ic liortcd having piused a large Iceberg In -illy IS, while In It I".. longi tude S.n Hlie also icportcd that while rieven miles eawt of I'lre Nland. she sighted a large number of oil cans and pirces of wrecliage. that apparently belonged to the bark Kmm t T i'iowcII Short!) lie fore noon she passed a wrecking tug. having in tow the hull of the bulk WILL LOCK THEM UP. Prisoners .if the street-! IfMliiim tlrpurliilenl Will He Dellllni'il. Supt. Brne to-da Imu.nI a general order dirt cling the Sergeants of Police to lock up all such persons as are ai reste.1 bv the foreman of the Street I'leanlMg Pepartinent when the Police Courts ait closed This Is In accotdinee with the resolu tion recently pusscd by Ihe Police Bonn! The Board has glvin foiemen th" iiulhorltj to inuke ariests the saun as a patrolmun GOING TO STATE CAMP. The lllghth Battalion, N. S. N. U left their nruioiy. coiner of Ninety-fourth street anl Parlt avenue, "J.trong. at 12 o'clock tu-duy iitidci i.iiiun U1 ol Major Henry Cluiuncej, Jr. foi III. Slate I'linp u. ivv':lll Th b.iltallnn will icll.-v.- the flxi tlfth Itegluient from BufTalo. und will l fciuie eight l:is Prince Snjn n sjhj. (11. Ait'ts-Uletl I'rei,. t I.IJ.NIHIN, July 20. The riiiice nf Wales, 111 iep!v lo a uf u I'liauge In the date of the private match I). tneeu Biltaiinlu and Vigilant, en us to avoid a clashing with the fixed evt nt at Ciwes, sas that the ariangcinents Hre trto far advanced to permit of a t lunge, und that iht lace must be sailed on Aug fill Ua.tnli llcnten. I lat. I I .... i liiiAI. rl'l lil'.uinill'S YACHT i I, I'll. KIMiSToWN, Ibibl.n Ha.v, July 21. l.lllili lo da. beat tne Anicili. in built 1'ukotah liv a inliiute In the rate uf the ten raleis l.illlh Ibroughoiit mom of the rai-e et Dakotah bj nearl to minutes. .Manbattau Ilrnch-Sim llrerxe. Twnaty dtictcu covilst lhaa Mtw Yoik. V BATTLE WITH A DOG.! Young Farre Attaoked by a Fierce St. Bernard While Swimming. Horribly Bitten Before He Could Reach the Shore. Owner of Hip Unite, l.niifcheil and the Crovul hooked On. V.lille swimming In the ICast Itlver this iiioriilng at Iho foot uf l'lftleth slicet, Ihuurtuil b'aire. slxl.en jeais old, or 217 Hast Koity-llftli ctreel, wan at tacktil in Ihe water bv a vicious dog, wlili h lilt liiin nine times and nearly suc ceeded In drowning him. The vvalir was led with the boy's I IiiliI, and all the v.hllc the owner of Ihe ing stood on the bank, Intoxh alcd, laughing al the fierce struggle In Ihe waler. rtunlly a crowd, attracted by Ihe boy's cries, rushed lo the spot and suc ceeded In I en ring Ihe dog away. The Is u favorite ono for swim ming. The bulkhead, onto used as a dump, la but little above the surface of the water. Young Karre went down to swim about 7.30 o'clock with several othei boys. About tin minutes after the Iwy went Into the watei. churles Haiiaseheger, of 1011 Second avenue, came ulong with a huge s)t Bernard. The dog wuh shaved to resemble a Hon, und In size and ugli ness might easily be taken foi one llunasehegor left the dog on the strlng pleee and vvulked to the structure above. I'arrc turned a somersault Into the water The dog saw him, and with a howl jumped after him. Hanascheger watched the dog swim to the boy with much delight As soon u the dog reached Parre he sank his teeth Into the back nf the lad's neck. I'aire had not seen him coming, and for a moment did not know what had hold of him. He twisted his shoulder and the dog let go and snapped at hw face. Parre dived and escaped the brute's Jaws. The crowd seemed paralyzed und nnde no effort to save the boy. In fact, thev thought that he was drowned. But Parre had gone down to escape the dog. When he ioc to the surface the dog went at him again. Kor a second time Farre went under water. He remained down a long while, and when he came to the surface was very much exhausted. He was then too weak to resist the attack of the brute and tried to make his way to the shore. The dog soon reached him and, snap ping at his face, fastened his teeth in the bov'r Jaw. A furious struggle en sued. Karrc fought like a demon. He tiled to stick his linger In the ilu'a eyes and blind him. The brute, how maddened, swam itruund him and bit hlni repeated!). He caught Pane three times In the face, three times on the head, twice on the back and once on the right hip. The boy's body was one mass of scratches and bruises. The tail could hold out no longer. sitlll the crowd on the bank made no effort to save him. The owner of the dog sat on the bulkhead laughing at the wild light In the water. Weal; from loss of blood, and llioi oughlv played out, he caught the dog bv the mouth with the one hand and using the other swam ashore. The dog chewed his hand and scratched his left arm frightfully. Pinal Iv Parre managed lo reacli the string piece. As he climbed up tile crowd ran avvav. Thev thought the dog was mud. and left the pioi. exhausted lad lo con tinue his battle alone. The dog Jumped on ills back and knocked him down He then fastened hla teeth In the lad's back At this point a coal-heaver, known In the district by no other iininu but the "'Husky Bum." came along with an axe. lie tiltd to stilke the dug, but the crowd, which had returned, pulled him itwaj. They feared he wuuld hit the liov. A man named Thomas I.ubv giabbed tne dog as it stood over the boy. flic teelli of the animal were deep In Parre' a back. Then some more of Ihe bystand eis, emboldened by I.ubv's act, caught hold uf Ihe dog I.uby forced the brute's teeth apart and Farre was taken away. Tne boy was ranted lo the Plfty llrst stieet station, and 1 r .Mtdulre, of fi.ll I.i xlngton avenue, was summoned The wound" were cauterized ind he was sent hoiiK , , , , , Hiiuiischegor ran away with Ills dog and locked him i.p In an Ice-box In his cellar. When a policeman went to shoot the dog he mold not get Into th" Ice-box In the niian lime llanasdiegcr dlsap w.eirmi tie will be .inesled -e- - - KILLED A MAD DOG. Phillips I 'oil lid II lm lit Midnight villi n HlK I'luilii On. The cr of "Mad dig" nttractel Ihe attention nf Policeman Phillips at mid night, an he stood at fifty seventh "ttcet and Secon 1 avenue A moment latei a good-sized dog, dragging after him three feel of lion chain, ilahod Into view. Closelj following the animal was it eiowd of ten or twelve people. The dog ran Into a basement at 2.11 Past Plitj-seyenth street, mid the cr.wd had fonned a semlcliele about the spot when the policeman came up. Two shots irom Phillips's revolver killed the dog, and the excitement was nv.i. No one knew where the anlmul came from. Those who followed It said they had ecn the beast running down Ihe avenue, frothing at Ihe mouth and snapping at vu.lous people HAS WAR BEEN DECLARED? It ii in ti r Hint .lapim mill I bliin A re It. Open Hostilities. tP A.-s latei Pre. 1 l.tiNHO.V. July HI. A dispatch re ceived le I'-- this afternoon from Shang hai ta.vs that a rumor Is in circulation there that wai hss been declared be tween China and Japan. Mny llnx- rllow I'eter bosr.l. (by Vnoflatea. pre sj PIIII.AlJlll.l'IHA, Jul :i. -The ii homier Joseph W. Poxtri, Capt Wheaton fiiini Ilia Janeiro, via Barbs does. Is iblaliied al (Jiiarantlu foi fu mlgalloii. Two of her new hi.i s It K and It Is i nought thev may have vellow fever, a disease of wtib h the first mate din! at Bio Janeiro. To Urn lo llrllnx ue Insane. Ms rem. Uuckitr, tour ytari eld, of Jo Kail Mnny-Oltli tttMt, was taken lo D.ll.tu. UoailUl trom Ills iMUtact Isuus UUi moralai. OUR SENATOR ON THE SITUATION. "If You Had Only Aided My Efforts Earlier." CONFERREES THREATENED. ! Specimen uf the l.rtlers Inspired by tin- Turin Bill Denilloel.. IP saa-s-lalel 1'ren ) WASIllNliTON. July HI. -The conrer I'ccs on the Tiirlff bill are not only le qulred 1 1 meet dissensions in their own tanks, but it appeals are aW tom ptdled to receive threats of personal violence from perous on tile outside These thienls have, wj far, all tome b mall, and are genei.illy iinnu.vmous Senator Jones sacs th 1: he has le'tlvcd .it least a iloren lett.-is of this clnranet of which the following Is a fulr speci men. m:w vinti" Juit To the I'onsievltmal I iiiiimlllfe on Tarir lull If 1011 I'm Ihe bill wuh the Interne 1 1 ,nn t fors't-t Iti onler jo'ir oPins t.i lll n". them all nf )un or son aa jou in Washington A IlKVIIlKltAT. Mot of the letters bear evidence on their face of the llllleiacv of their nu thois. and Indicate ver idalmy that the are Irresponsible cranks. The ni m-bt-rs of the Committee paj no all. ition to the letters as a rule. TO "AMEND" THE SENATE. The lions, Is fur thr Illrecf lllri'. linn tif Scniitors. lie Anittieiatel I'reae I W ARIIINdTON. July HI -There was a very slim attentlTiiee of inembeis when the Speaker t ailed the House to onler to-d.iv Mr Bowers (P.ep. Cal .) demanded the regular order, which was the reso lution proposing an amendment to the Constitution providing that Senators shall be elected bv the direct vote of the people. Although a two-thirds vote Is te qtilred Tor measures amending the Con stitution the tienillng ieolulion was piussed- 137 to 41-thirteen votes to spare, z The announcement nr ihe re- lit was received with Democratic applause The House tllf-agreetl to the Senste amendments on the Indian Approptla tlnn bill and .Messrs Holman. Allen niul Wilson (Wash ) were appointed conferred. LET THE DEMOCRfTS TALK. liiiirsi Which lie itiihllciiii eniilnrs tre ll iseil In I'lillov. Ill) AM Let I Pre-- 1 WASHINC.TUN. Job Hi The liepuh llcan Advlsirv Cuninl'lce of tne Senate lield a meeting to-day for the purpose of an exchange of views upon the pres em situation In the Senile with tegatd 10 the Tarlir A tleclslon was arrived at tliat tin sit nation would not be Impiovid rrom 11 lleiiiblt(an standpoint li Hie Interior enee of Bepilbllcan fniatois hence tlu Committee will .nlvlse 1111 niliei s of Its partv to allow the 1 1em.11 rath Senalors to continue to do the greater part of the talking It Is also iiudeistoisl that the ( 0111 mlttee illsi'ilssed the ipi. stlon or polli-v 011 the pari of the llcpuhllc ins with ref erence In the illffeienllnl tlutv on sugar and com liuled to a lvle that the r liubllcun Senators should voti solidly lo 1 Hike It out If thty should have the opportunity Won I 1. Turin" Bill Pnsseil. (Ilv Vifn.U!.! Pre.. I VVIIVII.tK rmn Julv '1 The I'l.amler I omrierre tes.llier ) 1th levies, nlall.e. .f ban'., tril-t roinpanlet, and nustifaeitiri i ealabll.'imeiua efl''.t rejtiltitl li teitler.lay . filmic tllsin Ihe Tennesere Senat- r ail lte.len nlall.e. te ft rt-sn Ihalr Mtill .!inrrr,.i .ml areedih 1 4a a Tariff bill . as l ' I'll in en 1 I. Ihe tin. ritaliu. pes arat)zln IK t.ii'in.. Inlwrt o nl llu tutin n. tiirnl rtlinr 4 eil. Vtaille II Arlh"t ihirl) ait te.ur ' 'I an a.enl linns at IK l.a.l l"ie II in Iretl an, I Tsent fturib .1 eel t.a. arraisuet In t'tt llarltm i illt Oil. m runic ttilh iranl lir eto Sv Wiliaiti J I tarei... t,i .. 14 VVe rlilrl. f .ii Hi .ii-' i I ir . ti.,.1 u.s I'll ( a al. Iliai lei.n t I, Vrthur ttf !.. safc. rts anj lee aei, f h.ine.. fui l-'ltl It el Ii. til ti. li.-fcc- tlillrf. in 4i 1.01 r , i i.iss.ti i, tt i iha lone itrt isi.i ,f tr ietr-1 .e' 11 Ihe t-r eiee U Ir ... IhU InjrnillC St a t'ealv rain hl ll atlll rcntinure I' V I ri in, i.l Iteurv llcuta A Co , ) the MicTKoroiah viinsl lac id lii-oainia. ' Write or t-.dl lor liilonnatlou. ELrcT-ioroui, lllUIi'war. GIANTS NOT DlSGOURnGED. ( Thunder Storm Befnve the Game I with the Bostonb". Jleellu hikI I'.irrell at the fulfils j I'nr Ihe .New oi-l.'s. isrte. ,al to I lie I'lfr-me W.iiM J SI 1 1 "I'll I'.VlJ IIAI.I. liltoPNIiS BUS TUN. Jul-. 21. A letl-hot thuntli 1 and llglilnlng stoim made things somewhat feverlh In re about .in hour before the ,am... and the chances looked a bit dubi ous that th" grounds wool I be In die. nt .hape enough lo plu I'lnieluis, the sun gilt), poked his luise Ottt of t ll. I Intl. Is llnallv. mil with the plentiful me of sawdust the diamond was in passable con tl t It .11 I Susie li-fi fni New Yoik on i triln last night. Ills wife being quite ill in that liy Meekln was .scheduled for the points to-tla.v with I'm r. II Boston liad Nichols ami joting Tenncj. the Brown I'nlversltv t atelier. In. The weuthei this aftenioou was a vast ovei jesl.rtt.o. and nobody In danger of tltiig fiom the The storm kept (he uttendanci down lo modest h. and ":,U" vcould b" a geneltllls estimate. The teams iilavid and batted thus New York. Boston Pullet. s. I.o'.ve. HI. Burke. If Ijong, ss. 1 1,1V Is, 3b l Wilson, lb M.Crthv I f Wind Hb 'in. kei lb Van llaltreu, cf Uannon. rf. Tit man. If .o.i., to Pair 11 i Teinie.v. t Miekln. p Nl.'hol". i I tuplrf Ml .Vlt-ljuald. Ilo-ton eh i ted lo go Into ihe field again this afternoon ainl penult the Hauls to liuve Ihe tlrst at the ball Pilsl Inning "Shtiitv ' Puller got a lift:- cncouiaKeiiieiit when he was pi. senled with Is base on lour nl Kid Nichols woisl on. s Then labile Buike lapped out a eliuklng single past short to left, which tmt Shot t J at second li.ivls hatted a gri.unikr to l.nw. Will, ll he lleltletl fliiclv to pu' ting Burke out at "fun I, and leing d nib e-l havls at Tucker's ti, In a luilllant tliuble pliv W'Pson llle I , i i i leiwe, and von see thu a A" I lieL'llllllllg f I Bisltlll N i Hills I.uwe was an ea. out on his b nil del 10 Hivls, e ... i nl:, I I . in,,. i lo .. I i tliiwn lo llstin died lieulltiturv ii. an liailren, and m ha.l b this 1 1 in. guteii all the 'tmnk.v phi. is in Ct mre li.i ale I si tliat he .11 In'! siuuil 1.. and miss ll lufT w hansel mi a leiini) single b tell of secuii I lo s'mrl ifiitie Held M Ciii'ij did J it v'lai a gnol llealiealer should tl ll- hit sloA Ij to Warl. .ill tlie dl ln't di anv lieitei than the visit. irs .. runs Set und Inning Waul lirtetl a Urn, tl that .Mi'arth siotsl waiting for and froze to Van llaltreu .hanging the ordei of tilings a little died tun to 11. Hi ll, HI In 1 1 Kilt Held Tlernali alii" to the rrollt III gulg.ous faeblnu lie Lasted a beitutv three-bagger I.. Hi. fen. e at right Held. But, s gnds. I Hike Charles Pllllell had to lift tll ball skwuld and then II fill llughcv InnY basket. -I ll foi little haul link No runs Tinker banged a llnei whi h Slim i) ei mped up and soak I I i W tl-oii, liill li.K "the tenor" al llrst IM II. Buike made a due pi. k-up nihil ol liniii!i'n short II) to 'eft Hell in I k p: I latino. at lb st iitberwis. it aiis good f.u Iwo bares Wish su rill. e.l liavl- lo W'llsoii, uiid Baniii'ii get vvav around in I lit i 1. W'lls.n ihmwitig poo. I to luvls Telili) llled I. Burke ami it iiiiult no different if Wilson threw nl er ihe iiiu4.ii No runs Till I lniilnii Me.kin m k on. P il er InillCtl out t." T. liuev ItoK. lilt d to B.innon It was .Ii I ml bit'er a aloe, lo the visit I's N ion. Nl. In. Is pi-nil. I .H in lie ground i.i Wind, .vim hail I mi i ... it Wllsoi s . trner l.nw. fmil it I i III.! tn W II Still l.llllk Sll.l.t I . I l-pi'l tO I'lllbl 'Vim II.iIIh.I lie III! it 11 .1 No Hill' THE' COLUMBIA SAILS. Pusses (liiiiruntlnc at t'J.'JO, llininil tor llloellclils. (itAKANI'INl S I luly 21 The new lulled Stat, s - miser Columbia pasiecl out b yd foi liluvtlelds, at 12.H0 tbU attcfr BROOKLYN VS. THE QUAKERS. I u.lerii ...Ml, I'iiiiU'h l.illest find, in Hie Pitcher's Hot. isei lul 1 1 The i:enlnn Wurltl HASTP.BN PUK. BltiJtil'I.YN. N Y.. Job HI The victory of yrstrida eiit'ourugeil the clunks Into believing llliai. Hie i.iuoms bad gotten bai k Into old-time form, unci an earnest of this of fnlth was expressed llj,"fHII' blench, rs all hour betnic pljy was .ailed this Although the .lit x. was a scotehei. wliatevei an niav b. .tilling Is alvvavs sent In . ooiiug whilTs lioin Jamaica l!av. and tie w.-ll-lllled grand simnl was a lemarUablv conifortable place from vvhli Ii to wiitcb eighteen people unlU at play Bt'foie the game was some tliicitteiilug t loiids hnimeil up in the west and bid fair to Interrupt the pro ceedings Cross ami Mailman changed positions In Philadelphia's butting order lntcrspeisini: the "stiong men' down tin line, better than yesteldav. I iiuls-. put In I'nilei wooil. his new twlilet, tot his llrst Kiime at home. The balling order Biooklyn. Philadelphia i;il. I'll llamlltou, if 'orciiraii, sfc Cross, ,1b Tiedvvav. If Helehanty, B Burns, rr Thompson, rr. Poiilz. lb Hallman. Hb Shtndle. .1 Boyle, lb Shot ll. t f Sullivan, ss I'iiiIi. .- Buckley, c I'nderv.ootl i Harper, p I fll. r . Ml Kelll.lie I'lrst Inning Burns could tint run rust ei n. with tf ' -il n sl and tic Qmiker stole sec. mil like a rocket liantv's single lo lefl scared him Ue! on nan second in .hi attimpt to steal mi I was touched mil Tredway gatheied Tliomps .m's rlzlliig liner line run. Inlv s ju igiiient wai rewarded with four bail ones Cjicnran forced him at .icoinl. but was sure at the Initial hillock. Ilule rell nve- Tr.slway's easy hit Car coiaii got to s,.. ind. anil Tretl was at llrst. A Ilv to Sullivan was all Burns could do Pout atriick out No runs Second Inning Conoran snapped llall niao's sharp grounder to llrst Biyle's rilnliow was pie fur Si Issors Sulllvmi linnleil sarelv and went to second at a .Maud S i lip on llarb-'s wide throw lliuklev sent lot, i 1. r is v i th a lawn mow.r In It II for one cu''ini llurpri strm k nut i hi. ri.n Shiudle snike u MtiH'r Inm left pastille for a bag Shot I' v alketl tn llr-i liirl" bunted ftii.ln Shlmlle at third I'ndervvi-io 1 was an . is vlttini I lalv got foil' bad balls, llll ug Hie h,ig I Cnrcnran mad. I bid fnr hi' but Hall- luiaii tlirt w him out No runs ASSEMBLYMAN ARRESTED. ,.,,. o(l, ,111.1 Wiiul.sillllBullllu I nse 1 1 I'm III. It II I ..HIM. , .1-. Via ,ate.l Ore. I viai.ii.m: n . tuiv hi - d. r Matthews, a iiieinlier of the Ass.nililv from lids iPinnkllni countv lias been at hi- bom- In Port Covington b lutniiv Cil'.-ciiii liiy W llolllster ainl tukt n Pi Plattsbitrg fcr examination, ehurgeil with sinuggllug wool lteeiiil ih- v.ssenililyniun''. father. Phil, v M.iithews. ,i,-i. eght )ears. wis arrested on a similar . harge. the er- si itlng that h- liad smuggled Uls.lll li.l.ioo po'llltls . f wool the tint) Ml vvhnh would ain.iiiin i- Bl"' -.veral nth r fn imlneii: i rlens are .aid t be liiipiIiiU".! in this m other smuggling trans nti is in I nther arrests aie " pe I lallv PULLMAN MEN THREATENED. Poller l'scort HoHllllUrr Tliri.UKl. ii ( nili.l lo Hie shops. .1 V tn-1 l'rr i fllli W.i'. Julv HI A mob of strikers t ..II... t. I in Pullman to-dav and at luiil'l. I tn itit.nept thlrt) Hollandeis won w it mi then w.i) in work m the Pulli.ian shops A detail of police es .nritd Hi wniktncii througti the irowd I ,ti I in vloleti. e iH't Hired, eltliough the I th. -I had tHUisldelable tlilllt ult In! keeping llle crowd ill ll' ck liotl) of iiollte was k".t on guard at tin vvoiks all ilav as Houble was feaietl Xoniliinted for (.ingress. Illy A.s..elale4 1'rras.i (llicvr.ll Jul; :i Oeur.e K While .. nomlnateJ for congrcaa to-tlagr bjr lbs yiha Dii-trl-t ll.uutllcaua. EXTRA. 1 fLHH WALGOTT EASILY. I He Captures the Opening Dasb 9 trom Shelly Tattle in I Fast Tima S SIR KNIGHT ALSO A WINNER. I Ex-Assemblyman Flynn, &i H Starter, Gives a Small Talk to the Jockeys. .11 l"! u, i.i ritt. I lenlnn W . rid I LaH BACH THACK. BIHIIIITON HHACK. "H July HI. Thomas Pl,vmi, c.-Speaker of ijallH the Assembly of Ihe State or New Jer- LH sev, took Starter Caltlwell's place to-day H anl ,',rnl the Ileitis on their Journeys. It H was hl'i lit it liow berore n metropolitan -'iiB audience. Heretofore his efforts have -sH hren canflned to the little Gluucester JH track, near Camden, N. J. His work at -Lafl that track was sail to he Very good. rLlS .lu.-t before the races began Slarter .ii l-'lynn gathered the jockeys together In Cil a loom at the rear of the grand stand. iLfl After sizing up Ii ih audience he made a vl llltle speech, In which he said he hoped thiil the Jockeys would be on their best 'Oll behavior during bin reign, and he would ''LB eiuleavoi to be as lenient as possible. ' 'H lie pledged his word that he would not 'fiilalH leave an) boy whom he Instructed to H go 1 1. ok or the line , 'Of course, ' said Mr Flynn, "you ; H know a Jockey's success is dependent H upon his good work In the saddle, and a cLaafl startir's ability I Judged likewise. f AH Hood work Is neeessar) In both casts 'aLH anil I think we ought to help each other "LH all we can." ' ''.LH The Jorkes iecclve.1 this In Bilence. .'H and as they llled out of the room Marty v,IH Bergen remarked 1- hl quiet way: "If t-14H .hat fillow stints as good as he talks ','1 theie won't be any tiouble." . tH Starter Plynn's Hist sfToit was a good ..fH one and he got the away well to- gether He was probahlv anxious and '' tliei was -nine deluv The race went ''-H In Walcoli the tuvorlte Sims laid with IL1 In sulking distance, and cutting loose H wop hiinliiv from Shelly Tuttle, who tlM was a ii te i chance. Nick, who was . heavllv burked was thlid. 'LH Sh Knight, an overwhelming favorlts ,aH in the seiontl race, won In a walk after LH Stoneiiellle had raced herself Into the "H ground. The latter was second, and :ssH Ceorge Dixon n poor third. Not much casH betting was done on the race Starter ..H Flnninit I hem tivvay almost in a per- '- feet line Iii thl lace. His work was , ,-TM warmlv upplaudeil ,H I'lltsT Ittl'K ?.H Puree S..tnl for three-year-ol.le anti upward; '''bBBbI M-ll!nx Ibe turlonga "liBBBl Startera lleltlnt M lllf.Kla. y T, Waltolt 110 CI mi) S-i 7-10 3 ' 1' '!H Shell) lil'de 113 (Hamilton) S-l 1-1 4 e : ,!? l.-k 110 (llillartll l-l -. t 1' ' 'Sassl Tansa) VI III Join-J I :t)-l -l : 2'i 4 '.iasfl lle. 119 iVtrCIonel Ml 1 " S .sBSai st l'ell Mil lllometl) l-t SS S 4 iH IVIll) Hot Ml llle'ienl 15-1 SI I 7 , '-taaaaal Mn.tllee 37 H'orhleyl IIW-I 4D-1 10 te S ,',! l.oisMnit Water. M lKeeteiaW-1 ral.l 3 s llironl Uil iTailor) .411-1 11-1 It 11 l .lLaiil t'.lt.rlana I":, iK Trlhel 40-t 15-1 X. 4 11 'iBSSB I'silre 107 H" Itl'har'ann) IM-lKin.l l: U 13 . !H Sir llje 104 M llermntl) JiW-l 40-1 11 12 11 ''H Nick cut out the running, followed by Panway. Walcott, St Felix and Shelly 'M Tuttle. They ran In close onler to the '"'' stretch, wheie Panway and St. Felix ' ',:aBBai fell bark, beaten W.ilcott then moveil H up and. catching the leaders in the last -saH furlong, won handll). by it length, from vtM Shellv Tuttle. who heat Nick a heud for the place Time-1.01 3-1. f-ssfl .Mutuels iabl' Strilgiu. Vl.r; place. ' pi. third, a".' IV Shellv Tuttle paid: H Place, $.,!., third, 95. Nlcl: paid t3.0 ..H third H -D'llND IlKCE H I'tir.e 1701 a hantlap for three-) ear.oni., on mile --ibbI -.tartei-. Petlini; 'I Hlf.f.r.. !flBBB 1- Kntitbl. Ill illok'ettl 7-i) out S ; P f.sV smn.n.lli.'. IV. illeiffl 5-1 7-10 4 !',: H i.eirte Plven '! iVlaeklmi 9-1 ll ,'. 1 I S JaBai (.litis VI. n 1 'arterl 4.1-1 5-1 H 3' I ( Lai- V.lanie 7 iKeefei .'i.i.l "ii-l I 5 5 .VSSB i, lame iut ..Lls-nii-m liki-1 Jcl 1 it s tM i S'tinenellle made a red-hot pace, and vB she In Id her lead to the far turn wheie f-B she died nwa Sir Knight, who had im been seioml, inove.1 up. and, taking the M leu I. won ur.der a pull bv a length from JM 4tonenell!e, who wa- three lengths In aTsl fiont of (leorge Pixon Time I 4.1 1-1 ,-' Miltueb- pall. Stra.ght. 2.7D nl ice. , US'l. thlid. ii P. St inneellle paid Place. --Xsl $.'7."i. third. fHIO George Hlxon paid jH JJ.T" thlid ';.H FLUSHING ENTRIES. -M KAi-i: TUAi'K. rM'SHIXO. Jul 3t. ilM ! Follow Ins are the nuries for Mon- H il.ii'- races: ?JH Ftrrt Hue-- Ktr -int one-hil furlom-Ptt, -M Unli.i. Irrrlr Jouwt. V-t li (barm n.iffalo. iM t'llnmbut Autumn r 110 lb Mfh KlUabatk jH Ally. HV, lb JM ironl lUtf 4n-Iialf mtii Qui kte -Mt J-H rh.MrtK Hri'per. IU erh. Matt SnyiUr D4- rj 4nl Kill r-.r-c-.t Fltc cult luO lb tf-irli 4H I ThtrJ ll-f &k ana one lult t nr Ions - Foi- JjM iiinf MC llentMltriln-.' Jlmnk M Lauehha Ro fr-NH In 4Ui arlt. 112 m . Vcrti-i U1 i AxV I "TM !. Ii Hint kluim. Wi lb m-sH F unli Uie-Fijr ml nnf h'f v!lH -lv-r I. l.-imttun 104 t4 ti i' a 4 " 103 VrH ! M-iiilntim-r-ni ncl.llni; sk it-tM lot en 'i -ihi VcH j ilt ti iViul-i JjiU VroM M h lnr '-v'.H I Oi.r 9t Ih -VH j Fifth K J'i-t iin-.nRH Tumult is Ht ,H init.i i )pv.r-fi i ii 1,4 if eat b Mullik,Q -'.Ll 'sir Herr.rrt M I'nrnui k jr2 t-i li Manthrurlt. IH ltw lltHl frtiM 3 Jim I'urhftt ! To-firs-f "''iiH U. Paraeun Hnjin f 104 ea-h Hffllue Kr lb - VjH FRANK REILLY DISCHARGED. f He Vln Vita lliitr tn tta.ver at Lb1 ( liiirge n( l.ri.iiil I. a reen j. assl Pi ank Itciliv. formrrl) Treasurer of ttaH the l tilled (uder of American Carpcn 'H ti r- anil Joiners, who it l.s i ha'-geil, ab isBaai scoiidi-l with JUois was discharged by -ilSail Justice Hogau it Jetf.rscn .Market Court s'fH to dav ii9H Iaiw)er Mnrnn, who appeared for th Er'alW Older w tilled to formally charge Belli) wlthr grand larceii). and would not -SaH agree to a warrant for petty larceny, to 'fsH Justice llugan ret used to take the cum- Itafl daltit. 'B Prealttrsl Cleveland's l.alral. 'sH laiu at White I'lalo. rati.. I'or tree pai..a a4 i!H mipa write .S; UlcrlUl4 lltiltr Cu.,at Cat, -ftH -- ' AaBaBB Lw-i e-i , tlk '.j ., ,.-. u r ."'l..fiiiyaTatfjB