Newspaper Page Text
WfmmamuumuW!!m ?H . . . THE WORLD: MONDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1894. ! I VIGILANT ! I HAS A MAP. H i. .. .m .. I Once More She Is Becalmed I in the Homestretch I and Loses, TWO UN AHALF MILES AHEAD. Gould's Yaoht Making a Show of Britannia When the Wind Fails, RACING OFF QUEENSTOWN. Ill Luck Seems to Pursue the American Yacht in Her Contests Abroad. (Uy Associated ITces ) UUUIIU'8 POINT, ejuecimtoiv n llur bur, July L''. There, v-uh a fresh nuitli lioitlivvcst bieczQ blowlnc this morning v,licti the trowda usembllni; to nilnBS the day's ruUns under the mis pleca ot the ltuynl llunster Yacht Club, jnd cvciythlnu looked blight, promising couil Bixjit and u thorough test of the jdchti Vigilant and Hrltunnla. 'J lie American bloop ami tho Urltlsh cutter arrived heia at 5 A. M. to-day, fiom KlhBstoun, Dublin Bay, In tow of Mr. Qcoreu J. Gould's (.team jaclit Ata l.iuta, nono the worse for their trip, ind fit to race for the Republic and the Kingdom they respectively lepreaented. A large fleet of steam and galling i iilits g.itheied In Qui enitown Harbor to gieet the iacers and In anticipation of h d ly of bracing attuggles tor aquatic honors. Ouilns the nUht and morning there lud been a gnat lullux of visitors Into (.Jueensloivn, uud a licet of hpeeijl ;o.imcn toolc an army ot slght-seera to Hochc'a Point. Crosshaven, Poor Head, 1 end other points lrom which a good view al of th race coulil be obt lined. The CI ni'lghboi lunula ot Camden l'ort and Itou- ol ut'a Head vvoie alho ciovvdeii by jiclit- 1t Ins enthusiasts, plcnlcltets mid holiday rJ loveis generally. (J '1 lio CuurKc. Tho (ouise to-day Is, In the main, out at sea, although for the llnith the juchta have to sail into and through the harboi and, If the full Munstei coutse Is sailed, end the contest n mile up the i her, oil Muiikstoiin; otheiulse, the coui'-e of the IlouI Coik Yaeht Club Is to bo Ubed, whli h Is tho same as the Milliliters, except that the (Inch ing line- is between the lloal Cork 1 aiht Club House and llouy No 1, right opposite It, at Quceiistown This point, ns to the IliiMi, was to hae been dc cldcd by the ltegatta Committee JjJt bforo the Mart. In any case, tho main part of the course Is as follows: 'J ho btart to be niado from an Imag inary line drawn between the Commo dore's llagshlp and ilagboat anchored off Itoehe's Point. J'rom there, 0 1-2 miles, to and around a oft loor Head; thence 61-2 mlleis to and around DiiiiiCh Itock Lightship; from there back to the harbor, 4 3-4 miles, and Uniting off the Itovul Milliliter or Iloul Crok Club Houses, two miles or one mile, respectively, from the starting line. Thieo times round, total distance about llfty miles. The llrst two rounds, however, ore Billed around the l'oor Head, Daunt's Hock Llghtbhlp and Itoehe's Point por tions of the courbc, only the third or lbt round taking the uehts Into th hirbor and up the ilvci to the llnlsh, which extra little leg completes tho tlfty miles. YlKllnut WeutluT. Such was the anxiety ot the people to mc the race that all the bailboats, tow boats, &c , wcip let jestetday at fancy 'iricfs, and hardly a ciaft of the poorest description could bo becuied this morn Ing UiirliiK tho early hours ot the day evciy tiling poluttd to a llur tacu and lu realher in which Vigilant wart -pceted to have a lino chance to show hit powerb and defeat the I'llntu of Wales' b cutter. The sjnip.ttliy of the masses hero this nuinlng was distinctly with the Amei liau j.icht, und oh all bides were heard exprchsed hearty hopes that bhe might win the cup. There were the Ubual pretty and intri cate manoeuvres for position prepara toiy to the start, und llrltannla, ap paiently, again had the best of It, for filie took tho weather position upon ciosslng the Hue, although both jachts were about level. Tho bcoro this morning at the start tooil 8 to 2 In favor of llrltannla. On the way to Poor Head the jnelita were gliding along In splendid stle, half fice, sheets nicely eased oft and bailing In a manner calculated to call lorth admiration for both of them. lillnnt TnUex tin I. end. N'earlu,? Poor Head lit lunula nppcand to be pulling ahead. Him had iiiu doner Inshoie than Vigilant und seimed tin ic by to reap some advantage from the black tide. The times given at the start to-day nd the times at the different llagboats "re given according to Irish time. When i i lose to Poor Head Vigilant pulled up ' and passed out under Hrltannla's lee, I the latter beating away on Vigilant and trjlng to maintain het lead. i n the llrst round, passing tho poor Head tlagbout, tho two yachts were tliutd as follows 11 MS Vigilant 11 CO tkj1 Britannia U so 8 On the leach to Daunt's Hock Vigi lant changed her Jib-topsails to different kues thtee times, and Increased her lead rapidly until Hearing the lightship, when Liltunnia. again drew near to her. Passing Daunt's Hock Lightship on In first uiund the two rueeis weie tlind ' follow f It JI .- )' ' '"t 11 ',; ,j fcriw.nnia 11 yt v U Poor Iliad, on the second tound, he following wef the times ot tho two uiht . II. , Vt""" '2 20 firlta"'a 1 01 w A :'-':i At Daunt's Itock, on the hccund round, tiio timed Were: II M H Vigilant i i,v. ij Utltatinli i jj ;,7 At this Miif,e uf the imo Ullunt had a itacl or lin. I.'s. on lliltuimla lulliuit Wi-ll Sii,., 'I lit' gunboat Albuoic, witli ltriii Adlllllul lleiuy (' 1J(. j,n H(.M0 olllcer on tin- coaM ot Inland, n.i boaid, tolluwid the llchls dining til" e.uly singes ot lo-dtij h cuiiti t. After passing Daunt's Itock on the first round It was a dtad beat to wind ward to the Itoehe's Point lUgboat, both jiichtH w oi king different tides', llrltannla to the westward and Vigilant to the eastward. Vigilant to-d ly had on board a capital local pilot, and the manoeuvring ot the Ametiian aiht under his direction lu dliated a close acuualntunee with the tides. cvn Mluutvis All rail. The two yachts completed the second tound, oft Itoehe's Point, as follow s; H. M. S. Vigilant 2 09 32 tlritttiinia 3 jj 9 Vigilant, therefore, was Cm. 07s. ahead at the end of tln second round, showing a gain of 1m. 15s. on tho last leg, and was thought to be a sure winner, bar ring accidents. The times of the two jachts nt the l'oor Head Ilagboat on the third round were: H. it. K. Vigilant 2 35 60 llrltannla J Ds Vigilant at this stage of the race had a lead of 7m. Ss. on Uiltannla, and was estimated to bo fully two miles ahead. X iKfluiit Ilcculiiinl. llrltannla was apparently out of tho luce, and It seemed to be that nothing remained but to tecord the times of Vlglhint's Increased leads. After rounding Poor Head flagboat. Vigilant for the Hist time ran up a billoon spinnaker, and was rattling along almost two miles and a half ahead liut, at about 315 P. M., there was a great change In this aspect of affairs, and Britannia had another of those great slices ot link which have fallen to her shate ever since she tlrst met Vigilant. The strong northerly wind died off, and Vigilant, having changed her spinnaker to a balloon Jlb-topsall, was soon ljlng almost becalmed about two miles from Daunt'H Itock, whllo Britannia, retaining n northwest breeze, rapidly ovei hauled her rival, and event ually parsed her on her weather quarter, amid a s..cne of the most Intense tx cltment among the speotatois. When the two jachts parsed Daunt's Itock L!glilhlp, on the third round, Britannia, owing to this fluko In the wind, uud the lead. The times were: H. JI. S Britannia 3 27 01 Vigilant 3 27 20 Britannia ni inaged to retain the lead to the end. The following are the cor rccttd ofllclal times of the two jachts at the finish: H. Jl. 8 Biltannia 4 10 13 Vigilant 4 11 00 Biitannla, consequently, won by 43s, without counting hor time allowance, and by 1m. 53s, counting her estimated time allowance of lm. 10s. GOULDS' NEW YACHT. Mnj lie Ilia tit In Time o Itace with Ileniictt'H Hunt. (Ily 53ocliteJ l'r.i. ) LONDON, July 2J The rimes to-daj , after confirming t! e btatcnient tint (ieoige J. Could hus ordered of the Herreshoffs a new racing jacht, with a hull of, adds that It is believed that the new flyer will be ready in time to ruce with Jlr. James (Joidon Bennett's new vacht at the net Spring regattas of the Jlodltciranean. RAID ON NIHILISTS. Twenty Were rreteil Iiy the St. I'rtprNliiira; I'olloe enterrin. (Ily Associated 1'reni ) ST. PIITUKSBI Itel, July IJ The po liio arretted twenty Nlhillbts In tills ilty jestudaj. No reason Is known for the arrests, but It Is conjectuicd that they wen- duo to the dlscoveiy of a plot against the life ot the Crar. I'reMH lllll Amendments Iti-Jeeleil. (Hy Asocial 1 iVfM.) PAItli, July 21 Piemler Diipuy to day asked the Chamuei uf Deputies, us a maik of lonlidcmu In the tiovern inent, to reject all umendniints to the Uoveiuuunt'b Pufs bill, iilmcd ut the biipprfsslon of aiianhy. Ihu Chamber htantid the Puuiln's request, aul all the amendments wile rejected with In creased majorities. The Chamber then adjourned. Chilli l'reimrecl ttt Clime n llitcr (Dy AMucfatcc) I'l en LONDON. July Si 'Ihe Senior Consul representing the foreign consuls at Shanghai has been otllclully notllled that the Government Is preparing to block the Yang-tbe-Klang Itlver at the bir near Woosung at any moment In case of need. MISS GOKEY GAVE CHASE. Spralni-d Her Ankle Itiinnlliif After 1111 Alleuoil Thief. Joseph lilce, alias John Morgin, was held at JelTerfon .Market Police Com t to-day for Htniiilnatlon tn.mnrrow, diaiged with stealing a poiketlmuk ron talniiir,' V and valuable pipeis from Miss Twenetta Ookev, of 212 Bloom Held street, Hobokcn, jesterday aftei noon. Miss C.okej was on her way home aftet visiting friends In New York. She was on the Elevated station at Ninth avenue and Fortj -second street when a rough-looking man .ippioached and tat beside her. A moment later she iniksed her poiketbook and screamed for help The man ran downstairs and v as puisued by the woman Miss dokvy epi allied h'T ankle In the chae, bin had the satts'actlon of seeing Rice cap tuied Joseph Martin, diss Calvin, tweiitj one years old, ol 4!S l'ast Sixteenth htieet, i held in Kssex Jlarket Pollie Court to-day In default of 1,U00 ball Ho approached John Connors, of 511 l'ast Sixteenth street, In Hast I'oui teenth street last night and snitched his silver watch Jlartin was caught alter a run of hulf a dozen blocks, with the stolen piopertj In his possession. The ixjIIcc say he is an ex-convict II. , Vii. 7.V I'lutcM. V Uaol citli li- n n of t t u-e m c iiojiU ( Il I 1 ! " ' "j h 'I t. beMiUir) lunvbii uii I U. 1 . u I U d i ,wti I'.eiiXcr Tlwmjj J imi u l.liif. IoutI) tin. mornlns nd priintvl ity.ln.t lils ni-tloi 111 Lilllni; 10 el Ip hd troui e uvUtln tclwocn he IliuoWIyi I llUrit uf Ttllill Ilr henna l rrralittni uJ in .triune cumpajlturL Iiiu rend "The I'venlns Witrlil?" I UoWou read the Suuduy World? 'fir 1' i'i iiiMTi ititiiySMiiiiiit ITHE A. R.U. ANSWERS. J Donioa Being in Contempt of tho United States Court. ' Says It Ordered No Strikes and Condoned No Violence. Its Members Quit of Their Own Choice, Deciding Ly Majority Vote. (By Ai"cc.fcUJ Pu ) CHICAGO, July 1 Ati uns-Aer was flU-tl to-Utv by tho HltuineiH for tlie ulllccrs of the AtiiPitcHii Hallnuy Union In the (-ontenipt proLoetUngK in tho I'nltca Btaiei Omit, gioninsr out of tho nlKeU a lulutloii f the Keileial liijuin.tlon iiKiliiMt InterffiPiicc with the iuutls utul inUistato commerce. Aftei lukuo-AleilsliiK the perlce of the injunction ami repprvinff any luUuntage thut imj ucciuc from the clulm that the writ Is iusumclent ami od, the de fendants ptoLicd us follows. rhtr denv thut H -ftts tt any lime the pur pose and ubject vt mlu Miicrtriu lUIUay Lnluii ur of thu yfRcerB or dirt tur th-rvof ir or Iheee dvfinilditilj or cither or urn tf them to con lentratn the iae and Juriwllclloi of l'l mer Uati lullwiv I nion under one oflklttl motwKf ment anl dlrectUa with jir to crder ctrlken or ti dlsLontlniianeo of the perkf of bjch em iloccrt at ny time the Hoard if DlnMora or iho American lUllway t'lilon fhoutJ ele t tn do bo at uUet-a! in ld Information or ollicrwUe; and the Hllcge that l (ho orMnUftlfmi of the Mil American lUllnaj Union btrlKei lould only 9 deelaiixJ or discontinued ly the uto of the majorlt) ot the members or suth Aiuerlran Ktll av Lnton nnplo)eis In the erlre atTected ty any nucli utrlkr and that the only power, author Ity or office of the nald ufllconi or directors of said Ameriran Itallwaj Itnion or of thtsi defendants or either of them In ie"pert to said matter vas 1o notify th" mcmbtrii of nld merlcan Uallwaj t'nl m In the nenleo concerned In such atrlkc of action talien by hu h marlty They dmj that on th 2otti or 27(h Ua of June lnt pnst. cr at any Oilier time, tho Ameri can Ilallay tnlon or 1U Hoard ot Ulreetom or oilier oflWr cr ther defendants or either of them had dlrectel and ordered tli9 member nf Mil American Itullwav I nion Piigssrel In the Kenlce of the llllnoW ( entral lUHrnad t'ompan, tn leaie tiio wervlte of Mid Compan), or alleRel In Bald Information or other Ue or that at any time any i rdera t.rc tsauod to tho employes of the railroad mentioned In tho complaint or anj of them to lea'.e the tcrvice of hucIi Compan). but they allcgo that on or about Ktld time a majority of tho members of wild American Rail m a I nion emploed ujn ald Illinois Central Hal I rdad in J upon said oiher companies referred lo In said Information did for themselves with out any order, direction or control of the aald inerlcan Itillnay I nion or of Its officers or director or of thete defendants or cither of them, toltintarlly determine by their otes that they -would airline or lesn the serlce of aald rullnaj companies, and that, In puisuanca ot tote Mid employees did on or arout said time leavo the service or said rallnaj rompantea treel and lolnntarlty of -Iheir ov n arcord Upon Information and belief the defendants deny that said employees t,n lelnc the service of fiald rail way rnmpanlen as aforenald did bo for the purpose of hindering preentlnsT and delaylnc wald rail way companies in the operation of trains engaged In the transportation of the United states .malls anl Intcrhtftte commerce over the reepectUe roads of said com.mnics .he came denials are made a to A. It. IT. c-Kanlzationi In the Northwest. Then the answer iaf: The defendants deny that any one of the tele grams set forth In said Hi for mat ton as sent or caused to bo Fent by tl em or an of them, or that they authorized or approved the Fame or any one thereof, except a certain telegram dated July 6 1S94, In the words and figures folio in ic "Wo have assurance that within forty-ets-ht hours eerj lalror organization In this country lll come to our reset e The fight Is on and nur men am acquitting themselves llko heroes Hire anl there one weakens but our cause Is strengthened by a dosen going out In his place Kvery true man must quit now an 1 remain out until the fight Is won There ran he no half v,ay sround Men must be for ui or against ns Our cause Is gaining ground dallj anl our sucretis Is only a question of a few days Don t falter In this hour. Stand erect and proclaim your manhood Labor must win now or never, 0 ir lcton IU be posit he and complete Whatever hapirns do not gtvo credence to ru mors anl newspaper reports " Tie defenlants admit that upon some of said lines of rallna) there was exercised upon the part of some persons to the defendants un lnov.n lolonce against persons and property They deny that they or any of them hate any ktwalelge or Information sufficient to form a belief as to tho commltilon of the specific acts of violence In said Information set forth or any thereof and upon Information and belief they den) that an member of said American Hallway tnlon In an) minnr participated In said acta of lolence or s of them The) dany that, In tlolatlon of the order of the court the) da!l and continuously, or at all, K sued any orders or directions for the employees of said railway companies or any of them, to teste such tertlce In a body, as alleged In said Information or otherwise They deny that at said litre or at any time they knew that violence and unlawful conduct necesearlty followed from strikes of the kind mertloned In said information, and deny that such Is the fact rut on the contrary, allege that so far as said American Rail via) 1 nion or the memters thereof aro concerned said strike, and all strikes of a similar charac ter contemplate nothing mere than the quiet. I eaceable and lawful cessation of work by such memters when and for such periods an they shall for themselves determine Defendants al hue that they did at all times counsel and advise all members of the sail American Railway Union with whom the were in communication to at all times ah tain from violence threats and Inttmlda tdti and to at all times re-rpect the law and the officer thereof Thrv denv that the Poard of Directors of said American ttallwaj Union or Its officer or theie dvfendunts or cither of them at any time as sumed the authority and power, cr have now or ever liav- had any aulliorit) or power what soever to ordr Mrtkea and boycolta or to dis continue! the same - SICK JUDGE ON THE BENCH. J ml Ira Meuiln In Cuurt To-D, Though i Fnllr llrcoverrri. Pollen Justice Clarence W, Meade arose from Ills tick bed this morning to attend to lila judicial lutle ut th YorkUUe Police Court. He hud learned Ust night what a hardship it was to find one of the othir fomtcen miiKlstrateg to preside In his stead during lila illness. The Judeo was ubsent on Saturday and yesterday. On both of these days It took until 11 o'clock to Mini a Judge who was willing- to dispose of the cases In York llle Police Court. At 8 J o'clock this morning Justice Meade surprised the court attaches by appearing tn court. lie was eiy pale and walked with the gait of a sick man. After receiving congratulations on his reappearance, he said: "I was a ery sick man on Friday night ind Hatuiday, but, thanks to my doctor and the chanc,e In thr weather. I recov i leil laplll 1 am here, but I'm not by ani means well jet " OUTLAWS FREE PRISONERS. Okluhumn Maudlin I'Ire Ilonaeii lu 1-f-rry anil Attack (he Jail. (Uy Assoclat.4 Preea.) PERRY, O. T, July 23 -A band of outlaws swooped down on this city last night and set eome wooden houses on 11 1 e While the peuple were trlns to step u beilous conflagiatlon the band liberated 111" pnsoncis In the County Jail Among the prisoners who escaped are i "Uud" Appling, alias "CalllornU Cj clone," a prUe-ftghter. who was In Jail foi bribing nt elections, and Clay Dals, a meinbei of the Dalton gang, who la one of the most noted horse thieves and outlaws of Oklahoma. m m Cliuleru M'rendu lu Adrlanople. tnjr Associated Pre. ) CONSTAM'INOPWi. July 23,-Pour ' frebh cases uf choWa ara reported from AUtiuiiopIc The Ooveuiment has Ue- cl.ued iHf daf' iiuaruutlno agalnvt all X'uruptuu a. rivals ( (iiulnu; Irnl, Punlg .ml Sumuitr nlgla'g reiilv.l of lb. Jolty runltlera. Scutll Dr. ill VVfdnfbd.y Kuciiorr nUtil . ttf.tii.l uf lh. Cli.14 Asui elatlxn Ttiurnl.)' evening t Lion Park. Intlutlou rcceptlcu wJ m.iIJo fcktltal of the Oil. t. C Uurotijr AawcUUoa SalurOa al Coco maul. ALREADY DIVORCED. Elihu Boot Conteuds that Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor Has No Case. Also Said She Had Been Convicted of Perjury. Her Lawyer Declares She Whs Left Penniless. Tho motion of Elizabeth C. Taj lor for counsel fees und ulunuuv lu hci action fur u sppdtutloii fium llemj A. 'I'alur, millionaire banl-er and lallruad operator, was uigued befoic Justice Stover lu the Supreme Cuurt to-da. Tho tuutluii was mado b lirr counsel, James l'lnn, who did not "lute what amount of alimony uud lounsel foe he deslied, but he said tin- dcfinlant was at least a millionaire. She Is the seiond wife of the defendant, who Is about sWtv Seals old, while sin" Is onl half his ae. Tnjlor's Jit st wife was a daughter of Chrlstophet Me) cm, the late mllllounlie rubber shoe manufacture! , who died In ISfcS, about ten scats alter the death of the llrst wife of the defendant. llo married the plaintiff at Itochestci July 0, 1SS1. They have four child I en The three oldest live with the father, and the soungest wllh the mother. Mrs Taslor ehaiges varlnus acts of cruelty In this Ily mill ut Portress .Monioe, ami also Intluiaev wllh H servant, ultliough she docs not usk Tor an absolute divorce. They have been separated about four Sears, md the lat act of cruelly which she charges occurred In liV) l'llhu Hoot, appealing foi the de fendant, said that he hud got a dlvoice from hei bv personal service of the Mimmjtis In Connecticut In the. Buperlor Court In 1W0. on the giound of her In temperance. She had tried to have the decree opened In ldJ.', but the Court hud decided against her. He said she had since been convicted of perjuis. Mr. PI nu Jumped up and said that had nothing to do with thin action, lie Kaid the woman had been left penniless with her child. The Court received decision. MOTHEH KGCUSED OFGRUELTY A Mixed-Ale Party Leads to Mrs. Farrell'a Arrest Her Three Children Committed to the Care of n Society. Maiy Farrell, of 017 I'nloii street, Brooklyn, was held for examination by Justice Walsh, In the Uutler Street Court, this morning, on the charge of cruelty to her three children. Mrs Parrell on Saturday night and all day Sunday had a mixed-ale party In her apartments. Men were going In and out all day jesterday, and they made so much noise that the neighbors complained. Detective Kelly and Roundsman Evans raided the place last night. They found the three children In the bed room with a man. named John Gil lagher, of 29 Second stieet. Gallagher was scantily dressed, although two of the children are girls, the oldest being twelve vears old. Gallagher was drunk, as was Mrs. Par rell and lier husband, James. The doors were broken off their hinges, the win dows were broken and the furniture was smashed and things were wrecked gen erally, The cilldren are In tho care of the Children's Society. MORE TUBERCULOSIS FOUND. State Hoard of Health 'Warned Aicalnat Upper Countle' Href. The State Commission on Tubercu losis was notified this morning by Chief Chemist Martin, of the Boatd of Health, of the probable existence of tuberculosis In the dairy herds of either St. Law rence or Rockland Counts'. Last Filduy h cow Intended as beef for the Now York market was solved and butchered by Meat Inspector Uryce Mars. On examination It was found to be badly afflicted with tuberculosis. A good-sized bunch of cheesy tubercles was found In the apex of the left hut,; besides hard miliary tubercles In the spleen, stomach and left side of the abdomen. The meat was sent to the offal dock and destrosed slid a rigid Investigation at once Instituted. It was discovered that the cow was purchased bs Joseph Lowell, a butcher In the Association abattoir. Ports -fourth street and Hast Hlver, from Hul lenbcck &. Hollls, commission mer chants ut the Union Stock Yards, Plf-ty-nlnth street and Eleventh uvenue. The commission merchants are exon erated from all blame, or any Intention to deceive Mr. Lowell, who is likewise believed to have had no suspicion of the diseased condition of the cow, be fore the discoveries made after its slaughter. Messrs. Haltenbeck &. Hollls declare that the cow waa one of a good-sized herd shipped from Rockland und St. Lawrence counties. The herd was made up of purchases from numeious far mers In both counties, and, therefore, it Is quite Impossible to tell lust what particular henl the cow came from. However, the State authoiltles will endeavor to locate the herd, and If necessary examine all the cattle In both counties The local Hoard of Health will render all the assistance within Its pow ei, as the members are fully alive to the danger to the city from the consump tion of meat or milk from tuberculous cows THE POLICEMAN GOT EVEN. O'llnrr Arrested Hirer Men Win. Attacked Him In u hnloon. There waa a row In the "Cuckoo" sa loon, Sixth avenue and Mlnetta lane, last Saturday night, and when Policeman O'Hare, of the Mercer street station, went In to quell the disturbance he was kicked, badly cut and his clothes torn, and wis finally thrown Into the street, i It w.ib his day off sesterdas, and in i stead of Kpendlng It at Cones' Island, as ihe intended, he determined to airest his UKcallants Till morning he arixigned before lustlce Meade, In Yorkvllle Court, PhlHp Landon, of 4 Sixth avenue, pro prietor of the saloon; Howard llannon, of 203 West Eleventh street, and Charles Ganby. of Philadelphia, but at present stopping at 'JO Mlnetta street. lie Identified Landon as the man who kicked him. and llannon and dauby as the men who helped to throw hlnvlnto the street. The defendants were held for examination. liple nild Pencil Crop. 'ti tvr IM Pre, l VI.1UON ' V Jul- .1 l o r,j. lu u! orleana county Mil UU .am of quarter ctcr and ihe Mime la true of Niacsra Count) A in), t.rlou, funiu, rro. about the .tern ef lh. apple anil rauae. it to (ill. This croath dettlcpea durlD the hot weather of a munlh ago, which ae follow! b eoM ralna. The apple failure mean, a loaa of half a million dollar. tj ihe 'arniera 1 ercatuuta. There will be, however, an Immcoat crop ef peache, tiers toll year, . LJ ' J J&tataAV.-A tfifa,Milil AIL THIS FOR CHARITY Big-Hearted Horsemen to Give tho Proceeds of a Day's Racing. . i To Be Divided Between the Free Ice and Sick Babies' Funds. Meeting to lit) Held at K eetvvnod batunlaj, Ani;. 4. Ily vvi'S of providing midsummer spent at Pleetwood Park, tonie! big he.titril titittlng horsemen have con ceived the Idea of making theli pleiisute culaiM' the llciald's l'lec lee I'lllid and "'Hie livening World's" Hick Rallies' l'und It metUd mils tliu suggestion tu tct the UiIvIub Club cifllclals at roil., mill a vcis luteiestlin; piogiaiuiue has been BiiaiiKctl for Satuidas, Aug 4 Pollute fuvuied the plan from Its In ception The dale chosen Is that for the mmli-talkid of match for l.'.OiO be tween Capt. Lscms, uy Swcopitakes. the famoUH wiigun horso and victor In the 2'.M diss In the iccent Inter-clty inces, und Cranston, tiiiothti speeds ton of BvveepstHken, who Is c.eneially con sidered as i worths untugoitlbt foi Capt, l.juus lints one Inleiestlug event was piovld.d. 'I lien the Trnttel ami Paul, a liicul turf Journal, ofMed n purse uf JVH) foi the !."( i lass, the proceeds to be devoted to the charities named A vciv large niimbt r of entries ate promised for thlj event, und the surplus entrance money will udd handsomely to poiUi thlitl attraction, nnd to slve the amateurs n chain e to sliuvv their skill as relnsmeii. Mi. Clean Smith, the well know n uitlsl. offcis his line punning of Nancy Hunks 111 motion as the llrst Pile In u 'J..0 class, und Clark's Holse Review donntes loi n second pi Izo i u flue plctuie of Sttimboul. alao from the easel of (lean Smith Th - race will be to road wagons and Is lllcely to be tin most Intel eslltie nil the curd. Plnally. u little discussion between Messrs Charles Wlcland and Anion Itlnschler. us to the relative merits of theli trotters. Jeste, by Deucalion, and Ruby, bs Clifton, resulted In a mutch being made for M0, owneir, to drive. In sulkies . n . tiia Such a progiammc cannot fall to mi tu ts the anm of lovers of this spoil, and as every dollat of the proceeds will go to the popular chailtles Indicated thete can be no doubt that the leHUlt will be felt 111 many n poor home where Kick new and want combine lo mukc mid summer existence a toiluie. The Uilvlni Club gives Its track anl emplosees. and all the Incldeiitul I ex penses of the dav-a handsome contri bution In Itnelt. The gate money from tickets ut ,0 cents each w 111. of course be the largcot Item In the lecelpts Ihe Club will Issue Its own programme, and the proreels from Its sale, us well us from advertisements will fur het swell the fund No commissions will be paid on advertisements, anl even the wc -bixei will be co-iductej for the benellt of the charities The Special Cjmmlttee of the Dilvlng Club for the in inagenient of n.t"ra,c''', Is composed of Messrs Samuel MeMI Ian, Frederick Meikcn, lohn Rudd and T. .1. Rrads. Thes will, however, have the ac tive aid of scjies nf other members of tho Club and If the weather Is fair, Pleetwood will be thronged on Aug. 4 l'nlrlen close Aug. S, und should lw adJressed to S H. Mason, Jr.. Secretars, Sevents -seventh street and Amsteiditni avenue. New Y irk City, to whom, also, all remittances should be made. STAJER'S CASE POSTPONED. To lie? Kxnmlneil Tills Afternoon, Churned wllh Iluhlilim Htrnn. The examination of Rowery Dlvekeeper Stajer and live other men, charged with tho larceny of J900 from Thomas Egan, a real estate broker, of 17ti Rroadnas', was this morning postponed by Justice Feltner In Ussex Market Court until thU afternoon It was Stajer who was called a liar and perjurer by Attorney John W. doff before the Lexovv Committee, where he appeared as an unwilling witness. He formerly kept a dive it 203 Bowers', and Is now proprietor of the Cafe Central, at Pifth street nnd Second avenue. Kgan states thut about midnight on Juls 13 he entered the place to get t sandwich and a glass of beer. He ad mits he had been drinking, but sass he was not drunk. He claims he hid 1900 In his Insld vet pocket, anl thut he was robbed In the suloon He s) reported to Capt. Crjss, of the Plfth street station Henry Hpross and Her hurd Uehrcndt, who hud been In the su loon. were urrested. The police allege that these men have made a confession In which they atate that u card sharp named "Krenchy" and Hpross took the manes', and that It was divided on the basis of 20 per cent, to Mujer, ss pr -prletor of the house; 20 pel cent, to "Krenchs" and the remainder lo the rt of the gang. I'cin clulm a drugged drink was given Id him, but Hpross and Reliienlt say lm kh drunk, and that tho money was taken while he was asleep. Ihe police, have also arrested Mix Nuffiu, M.ijcrn cashier, and Henjimln Rvehm, the barteridci, and Morltz lp-stein. ARRESTED 22 TIMES. Ovren I.jiicli rnl to the Island for Disorderly Condnot. Owen Lynch, twenty-five years old, of 713 Tenth avenue, was urralgned In York vllle Court this morning, thurged with disorderly conduct, Lsnch, who has been arrested twenls-tvvo times, Is a member of a gang that congregate about Plftleth street und Rroadwas. Yesteiday he saw a water-pitcher In Mulroomy's real estate otllee on thut corner, und knocked at the door. Watchman O'Karrell respondej, anl when Lsnch asked for ten cenLs slummed the door In his face This angeled Lsnch, who burst In the door. He was about to assault O'Karrell when arrested Justice Meade sent him to the bland for ten dass, promising him Plx montlm on lib. next appearance there. MAYORALTY IN THE BALANCE. WrltN uf ManilnmiiN tlrnntcil In Mount Vernon's lllectlon. Justice Dirtlett, In the Supreme Cuurt, Rrooklsn, this morning Issued alterna tive writs of mandamus In the cuse of several ballots alleged to have been Ille gally cast at the municipal election held In Mount Vernon on May 10 lint There are enough alleged Illegal bal lots under consideration to turn the I electlun lu favor of l'd.on L wis. the Republican candidite or l'lak, the Democratic candidate, foi the Mus-orclts. WOMAN SAYS HE ROBBED HER Smith Held on the Complaint uf Mrs. SIcGurken, Charles D. Smith, eighteen sears old, a printer, no home, was held In Tombs Court this morning i barged with the latceny of IS from Cora McCSurken. of oi Catharine street t-Mi th h td btrn i uiirfs M audi about the lata 111 Cat la lln sJierl aul on June IS Ml M I. i tent him foi tonic ucod and In cud pui?f containing the 1 was uudei hn pillow. While he was ubsent sb. fell asleep, ami when she awoke, some twents minutes later, she found thut Smith had been there and that her moiicv vvu gone She did not see bint . until Sunday nlsht, when gb caused his I aircut, iv.v-4 lfcA. 4li fi- -j i mtiJG?'iL A t yfttjettj'jyyjy No ndoney Down 11 illlSAIISIi 11 Mil Al.hllll lllllll r I'Mll V J. & S. BAUIViAfWS AMERICA'S GREATEST CREDIT HOUSE. EVERYTHING FOR HOUSEKEEPING Furniture. Carpels, Eedding, Lamps, Baby Carriages, Oilcloths, Stoves, Pictures, Clocks, Portieres, Crockery, Refrigerators anil Tinware, 1bM viteeaniiolialleaii mll.olaii) rmp,jiiil0n oi unus tuil saiuo ma me c pruuiv. ..inanoii. Wi allow iha railroaa lara both ways to cut-ot-town iuy' 8th Ave., Cor. 19th St. "mice lo Our I'nlronai r re tinea ntnrdny Mahls I til II) O't link. I 10 TO UTILIZE THE GARDEN J Rain Interfered with tho Madison Square Roof Concert. 3lr. C'llttlntr Slay Not Mui et Season Oilier Stage News. 'I lie long promised, but not ubsoliitelv' expectel, lalndrups 'utuidas nlhlit ill 1 rot Interfeie vers nia'crlallv vlth the enjjsment of the uu Hi ut e w itleh went In the Mudlsou Miiare Itoof Cianlen '111. people vve'e piomptls Invlteil to descend lo Ihe iimpltheatic, vv lit re this i tin' cull v trlels show, with Austen's slciiu kraph of Chicago and thu Worll's l'ali thrown lu as a lent of ballast, us It wcr", 'Ihe m iiiucemeut tlld not ueeom pllsh this without trouble, lle-rlc Hone lllll will never slug unless she hus cut c lum sprused upon Iihi face. Sim needs It to cmphuHzc the entenults of hci e piesslve abllltv, and so does Chuilrs II l.iwlnr. He also his to le swathed lu calcium. Ko tlie eulclum mnihlnc hail to be taken ilnwu to the amphitheatre mid deposited In the middle of thut vat iiicna It didn't look pretty at nil, but It lid lis tluts. The big stage made 1h. performers look like midgets. Little llnmile 'ihointon, who was tis much afraid of the t c ho, but who mummed fummislv. looked like u I.lllptitlan, while l.ottle llllson, attlied 111 a naming scir let dici-s, looked like a tins dub of ud '1 lie umphllhcatre Idea, however, was a good one It was better than lutuliiaT good moiies awas, and It will be adopted every time thut thu night Is uuduls raliiv. WMIe the ordlnurv eveis-dus stigc lads goes to the dlflerent title i v chiii'C's on fcut-uml Is even thankful Just nov thut she Iiiih slut s to go In Mis Robert I. I'tittlng ('lives iiiuiind In a prelts little hausutn. Hhe was Miotted op llroudwus sestenlas', 1 1 id In dalnts pluk, with drumuttc agents vvnlt Ing at the door of het cib, fioui which she was las big down the law in tine stsle Her cnerg' Is due tu the fact that ihe may not star nett season, and that tunteiiuently she wants some work to do The great and only Coibett Is simply sweeping everything before htm In Ire luid He Is even to plav foi the bone lit of 11 church-that uf the Rev. James Coibett, the pugilist's namesake and rel ative. That pel foi mance will be given at Ralllniobe, and the Rev. Coibett will get every penny of the proceeds Then Mr. Corbett will plas lu Waterford, Limerick and Cork. It Is sail that he feels quite at home In the land of his forefatheis, a s.atemcnt thai Is pathetic enough to prjJuce tears "While I'm on the other si Ir " ald a well-known ami lather pompous uctor Sisteidas. at the Ullsey lluui-e, "I'd like vers much to make ariaugemenls with Haidou for a new play. 1 know he's rather a busy man, but" "Hut," retorted his fiieml, "If sou cable him Hint su ulo coming he'll meet the boat at Havre or Liverpool, us the cuse mas be lies a mot obliging fel low, and so fond of Americans, who give him so much woik ou can tell him what sou want, and he'll send the scenario as soon as he's thought It out ' And the pompous actor took It In dead earnest. Charles rrohman has not onls idled hondon of evers thing worth having, but he has secured u mortgHge on fiiturils He alreads owns the American lights of works that have not sit been written. He bus left vcis little foi uns body else. Owen Westford Miss Mill in Ru-scll s brother-in-law, has been engaged by Mecsis Abbev JichoefTrl K llrau for the prima donna's London c isott Miss Russell is delighted, lor she Is vers loud of this brothel -ln-1 ivv, and ban trbd liiiiny times to engage liltn foi hi I lonipanv Something, however, iilwuss prevented this, . l'red Rr Ion, the star nf "rcirglvcn ' and other Itlglilv Inleresling phess Is Just now piosilcalls engaged in I mining a restaurant in e oum linn with HutTal i lllll s Wild West show at Ambi ise Park, Rrooklsn Mr. llryton has not given up the stage, but lie does lhi raterliiij Just to pass Ihe Slimmer awav us prortlubls us possible It is a pity that other actors cannot follow his ex ample .it present. Mr. Waldron. the business manager of James A Heme a "Shore Acres" companv. Is also dis porting himself uutheatrlialls. He Is the purser of the sleumer llelle Morton, running from the Ratters to South Reuch. obi's "Therce," Interpret! el bs Mr" I'otter unel Ksrle Hellcw, has not set San I'raiielseu cm file, although tin c l llornlans expee ted to be thoikcd ami scandalized They thought "Iheiesi tame, und were quite vexeel ubniit It Mrs Rotter's plans ure not detinltdy settled. She may go back to London Miss Agnes Merndon will not be man aged by her little ex-husband, IVshcI, this season. While thes were divorced he had no objection to piloting her through tho countrv, now however, that she Is another s In ile. lines to hive ans thing lo do wllh Pie eompans. vhlih seems i.uhti lm insistent ilmsn't IP Miss Merndon will .igulu ptesent that leivld ri trait June eliami, .utltleel "Li Helle Marie " This Item comes gambolling merrily In "Dore Davidson and Miss Ramie Austen have Just returned from Sun Fiaiiclsco " (Mow terrlbls we have missed sou, Dore'l ' fter being detainee! three weeks on account ot the lailroad strike. Hies were obliged to return via Hiltish Columbia, over the Canadian I'acltli Rullwas, being twelve class on their Journes ' (Lu Mlv thev wne not foigotten) Theli rep noire foi net reason vou nass vour monev and Sou takes sour . lioi. e lin-linles A , Das of lteekouing bv the onlv ever teeming Surdou The Hand of Russia "Or Jeksll und Ml Hsde, Hy tlie Win Id rorgotten," and 'The Man Who unlshed " RIKER'S ISLAND CASE. Tu Lome I ,i llefore the t.rnml Jur? I i-Viirrovv. ! 'Ihe litaiiel .luiv huudeil up to Judge Mat tine in Pan I ol tie Court of lieu i ml .se.i-lons it I.' 1 . Pits mm emu .. I otielle of liulmpcil ta it let! tlllelll-, ut tailed to mike a piesi'iitiMeul fit the Rkers Isliml fc.irluge depositors nut lei Ihe Jm on- will attend to thut chits 1 to morrow when thes will also be ells chargeel for Ihe term, unless something important turns up In the mean lime. An adjournment was tukeu until to- morrgw, f Excursions. I.ONi IMiVMi IC VIl.tfO VeD'rt'l Creat Excursion Rccles lo ih Sea. MANhATTAN BEACH, i IK vi.s. i.i.w i. i iiiu i v-r .u i ii -i. i lllll Ml fit IP III I i . I id. : in ..1 u uu a M , i. a l ei . i . " lu M la u yi b -o .in ; o ik k ji), i (). a :u ii wi vi i1jiiimui irmui ns.i.r I r : uu i ui i ue) aoi f vi uiiii via 10 10 11 10 V VI 1. Ill '1 10 1 III . ,0 . (J 3 10 10 l 10 I 10 w U0 1) ilk Hi io 7 10 S 00 lo Wl u.ut)V t '1.1.1 l.i I lit. I Wlllrtlllll.l T, I.HI..II TI IP t1 (IMt Ittiurljr Tin V VI to 1 0 I M in I 1 1 ' hourly f I I I. II I VI VI le n I train in Sutunl.ti ria r '( hull t li rlv r t 10 A it i i III' VI an J I at! Uj.Ij frim t: ti to " ii ' i ni vi sill S.V-, ( ONI PUT lilMI Ccerr kltrrnj 1 iil funitK PVIS"- I.M.I Ifillillll AM) l.tVNi1 I 'Itl VVHI1K I M.I-V r. li i 1 1 A, J M e I 11 VI.I.MII ( Iv'. TIMIMII tMlltl.s K ) nt tiur e hi 1 r c tin, OrieMil anl Mmhai'-in HotK I'INf. UOi'VS I'M I I t I" T C I !! T. COSEY ISLAND. i 1 1. i it inn ii. , The Oellv II ii. Iiiiviiik elheil e eiiine e Hon ' lei llrlulilell He eh lliie'rll eie il. ljco UlI uf WlillrliNlt tt N V ioiirlj fron . IC A II lu lo 10 V VI anl liilf ii rl Iron , 10 10 A M In 9 10 10 1 P Vt tunny 11.1 trtln, I'M SI l,ait twin nin Conor 1 la iJ 11 01 P vt Will Ml Tit IP, II) ( I NTs. ROCK A WAY BEACH.) leu u LU.M. IS1 M) i.II ut itei 45 11 P) M I 30 J Zl 2 JS J ti S 4 1 4 (j , 0 4ii ti ta 7 " , I -0 J -J rj V t nara I null GunU) 7 10 it IS 10 10 4i 11 U .' , n m -v m i: i i oo i :s 14; i . 2 -j 3 IS 8 4, 41. HI. . U. 643 7 00 ? .. 7 ttf 8 10 s ; i io ft i i KOPM) Til 1 1. ."i() t I'NTs THK WOHLD'tt PLkCASUnS UROUNOul irjyRiu few. A " B'-t " '" oa 'a8' MfwtmB rwMl"W8 " krhl tun ens Ma (Ofk ffii 4i 11 Sh ,J-1 ""- - rM'i-", am Ta iJ7j Il " Kim iT l,t, " ' '' 'r fijjfl vlBBSbA p il ui tml f.01 1 r J,S3MJkJbH An tine (luiii Ini t HHHBBHb3BIsI "c-sri murniiit i IJ iV V .1 I tk W mull) u Un in W Bl m i k " I H V ' i f ii u t n ri (Men V 1 I WD A I WW IoIjidI tlim buLr iUgfli lhuiitT a It car it wHHv ' K I r i Ii iKIr ln! rho Pairs Hnilnu H ln,lJoiliiis .ind tllliarli timi riDtt m.Aums inr. rri. n. n ,ii i!bjim i t 9 a f4i if iet u - nt . ii r m 10 lib m mui o v ii, jio II PftA. M IT I 10 - SO, t If B tor U luUMM J, 14 O lg )0 lll'A M MM) f II S 1 II 4 It ft 41 I M LLAr. UICN ISLAM" 19 4ft A. M f-rSIl SU J fier II, N I i II DA 1 fcnrfltU P M f rP irll nj l II S IV I, 1 n-l 1 M f r U l.l-tf f tra llta hUM(ttif I Xiril"N -r 41KVf- -- -.--.--. t Rockaway i Beach 5 lilt AMI IIPI'I IU.IPnnrtlil'M.HAI. 4'sl.lK'l'll lllllll' lltli-s nun iruin A VV rsl ."Jel H , V 1 -H. 411 A. M IU.110,1 li' I1'.M. Wrslllllli.u.N 1. b. .VIA. SI , llelf,. e 1 rsil' M. Jersej I Ity, vi Annex: M.iW A. M lu n l.Wi U.itieirv 1 undine v 1 V Jlll.'i v. M., iimu. 'J.lh Jfi!l UmrI, a llnwkljn 11,10 v M , ll.uo .' JUL m KoikielMl lleucU, ll.JO V. M m .'i nil" Vt Hint ei 3U f .Vie. I Vltl , i:)l Ml TRIP. ode. $ .-sV.- . -. -.-. s.s, NORTH BEACH and College Point. FLUSHING RAGES. Ijitc,coiiini(Mlloii lenj iKmuleavi I u tlMs VA M. then Ilourl) HII'M' M I urHOOntN. la .No rili HfMi li kImi In Llf-itru-1 ur w i ,ji hu iuhI 1. it 1 virion I uri 4 rula. ! CONEY" IS LAW D7 btABEACH KuUlt. .UoAift or u) tttdi 1 trry ! luoi WblunU tL h-url Uuta 7 ! Lu 10 ID A M , uJ lull kourl Mt 10 ua 40 tuuiuui ii huur uutll 140 tiJ 10 :o V M L-tt lrln for .Sew Vorli ivU Uy HlJitt ttrrjTl tnv &e 13 cacti I'iiUca , At 11 13 r M , traUi tor '. Yurtt vi Uro. L.u 1 hlfMtel rr 1 toller "id HrUctj Icv Cwae IUd1 ft 13 cd l ocItc nlffht. I Tim, Nw ork to'?,in,'V NiiinJ. 37 mlnnti. l.XVX IC-MONTtf KLTn III CI .M, gUlLKbST. CHLM'LST. AND UU3T. FOR LONG BRANCH. HllkUml ll.ath t-ralrisbt, I'U-iuio Uj un i Urantbt-ort ttmrr Ibunm U Uorthlcy Lavu 1 lurtiu TrUe, will lenve foot of IJifa t , It , at C 3J M dil huuUj) iUj It pier 4 N R , rwtor tt at 10 A M iheiieH il uu tit New ork, Urn t r (I luunJ I p. wJ ccti t (rnljit reffUt-il at all hoar ot tb day, borsoj uid cairUcti a tj ft laity , AROUND STATEN ISLAND. 1 &o rail 'i no tb 04W ant it il ie.iae ai mm . uu. -iKir-. Ltafti N Y fool IM au, N H, I :a P M , Mattery UinJlcc Hi I' al , UrooWiys I M I .i W y p m TirKi:THt aoi Hrpith-innNTN. FOILED lilt INCENDIARY. . A Deinip Cot and Calm House keeper Prevent Panic or Death. Klve I'linillles Quietly Vueute .1 Ilc Iiinecy htreet Teneineiit. An nttempt to burn the three-story tencineiit-liiiiise nt 1IJ lkl.nni street inrlj this muinin' illsiuviteil ! tme inv m lions ilumiiKe v. as ilum t JolililocU Mis, Willi live o .on ihe llili'l iloor fitting nt hei vvln t ilnvv tiee iiih avine that her room vv.n last illluiK with miiuKi) hho went eloivii 1 to the tti-t Hour ami toM the house Keeper, -Mr". Imac, thut the houe waa on lire Mis l.anmuu thought tu, too but she lo a ver sensi ble woman She i?ive no loud alum, but hhe went uulells tu the eloors ut the rooms uicii'iteil In the live taiullli s lu th. hou-e. i )il limil matters eiuletl hihI toli! tliem the bail tiettcr Ko intu th- i-tie i I 11 U il 1. ih tl e llenls, K. 1 . I is i olll !io ill in I I I '-I l . ol miliU nil V el 1 a pulti i i liuti Wuiuili iitui h lire let! Hun I e Is v It! i It ll I - e lumnt mi walkf 1 iluotrli Pie smoke -llllnl lldlln .till XUt lulu tilt bluet lublunt, thelt isleej i'h lu the. mean time cornel oclv linl ttirueil lu an uliiim, mil the ilremeti lame. In the tellar hii ulil eut tllleil with eee Isior, v an foui I tinoulililltif; lu ii w iuel bin II waa ver) clamp, anj won UI not bum 'Ihe lliemen threw II Into tlie KUttei ninl put out the II mien Then tlni 1 liiaili inrUtiie miel wire tolel bv John elleenl MK w ho live., oil th. see ti I tlool thai hi lietie.veil 1111 ittiuiit Iuel I I e II 111 1 ti1 t i bill II til II nisi I ut Ii lee i III M- .HI 1 I Of Uii- III I II II li i I I ii I Ul'l Wull s al lull lluoili to iou! hill al i .i iluv ii mm the' e II il lie llealu It V ill ji i up ft oui the anl have the house I llUHl-lll I'lie mallei will be tiliin.l lo the I'lre MuIkIiuI lu liTvestiKutt' Ihe vvnenl Ihliwl, in vvlili h tho col was was lille?il with empty wooden lioxm. llml the e,ot burned leudlb. there tulgtit huvu been Stceit loss of life, , 3mW 'littles I 9 little book, , "Oiii Win of Uoinyll,'' f Mit.iiiiH jm ihu ip-ituig I'liiiplcr? 'c f ! IIhim iiIjimiI lo Inn rurni-? 'f9 vanwacesTssjj, ,,u' 01' t-,aipct.Q vr 1 ft5urxv,V ' ll ''"8 of our - -H '"fl. llilllltlbn cicilit? iH s ' k'.f , mh( tin. It quotes; ; H J-''V i ' ii 'C""H alul "cc i ,H )i i tiit! co,,t f fiuvs il ilX-i" a m-iliiiig ti flat? ' 'H ?.:'r"- g Cop it-b mailed C JH I HIT JK f,.,.,, yt.uti for $M (our. It will intfu-st j on. S H J. II LITTLES CO., , ( I'l'iintt in, tVipd", ice, H p ani 5 West 14th Street.? J , '" i . 1' Amusements. t TMieOllLET incn ov TiisTiXri !fll f V tlleMleVe;.! 1'XCIIMlaQ OnnilHi M9H -S nvtithltlll I ll "'li Vt."?sO Bnffa'o Bill's Wild WjsI -fl 5V & AHD lUi UPI S3 ul' Romn , ' ii Vrs.w'Tfi Anbrou Park, South B'klyi. Must 1 e i M,i n i uijjl MiVy MJ.K il lUL-lieliifa I est 1 I il sL Ivrr, W3. ot? VlTaU. il nail ik l.aile , l IM.illAll. ;l lv iv iMio, ia,ii or hliiie. I mil S. 15 P. 5l :fl Ittoloi't'I i i Ma.ioi- k. 1LW Ml uiiitlt h'l'Urj, UnMiktjn llrtlzi, (U-n eH , tut Uul tnltui ill it an J l fij i r'(.(i e''l hutku t in it tlitui ttlrjct to vutui. jmmm ui.H fioi oo 11 iii. ecu 1 ml urftr.U Maul T .H ti mil ul l .o tjj 3U-U4 i'jpuUc reslaurAUi !H n -mi --jH leiilielien Saach. I ii, iu i ii uti utul l-vonlar. v mm band, m HAGENBEGK'S Il I )o-fiH, Aftcriioeiu mui h enltuf. H MI N VI I 111! VMl VI(lM'l'. l'AKmSg. . 'H KOSTER & BIAL'S. ADM. S0C fl M.USIG HALL AND ROOF G4RDEN. ,fl ilVING PICTURES. "fl V. vllluVII Ml, Pl(.lAI,T!i:J NOV i.t.Ting. . H TUC??!Q Hills! Vlt -IC 1IAI.I. IlluleJO O VMl VI II.VMII11A lOU'.r. fH 1 11 tin I l.lel I-ilsi Mill h u-sr'1.1 viv rH tin iiii-- ri it oitt'iii'.-TiuoN JH iie evcrj ulloruu'Jlliitiil eiveliinf. "H TERRACE GARDEN Vtilt M SMITH & COOK, i,ii.iToykim ' S ilml-sl(n -I'm' Htsirctl -"pati, th kihI 70c r-iH IMPERIALS ADMISSION 25c. i.ivim; I'liTi'iti.-. JH i.iii:t ai;iii:ii n.i.i". ;flH niOllin ADMisiioM to' nibvTits rn ,jH C118IN0 norAoUnD,:v DUO. Moot tianlen S ta 1 llrand undflllo cntertalaV- tH liienl riieeiro t IS Tha PuiiUia Show. t AH MADISON SQUARE HOOF GARDEN M Tho lirxcst anl lUnljiomtst narden In t lit World. vH MMt 1.1 HMMi H TO IL. H AtluilHHlon it llescrcil Seats, 7Se. Bvii. 13. vH ii iiiHi (irKi: ii unfcv; ' H MuiuiiiuihrriiAkruitti of I ho Wnrlil'a Fair -H Op from 1 to 6 and I to 12 -vH ItlUN IM'LltlK )!( MtHTUA. M A Itnl&sioii afternoon 25c, otnltm 60c H "Wi'iV" THE MIKADO. LaiS&.l M lu-si(','iNii-u i -ryffir1 duff opera co. m I AMERICAN ROOF GARDEN. ' C(llll.Ks,T UAKUbN AN'll UE!T DILI. II TOWN. '' VllMlssniN Ui. HAl.M MljIITb IN THKATRB. -JUM 1 nnnrTnn'P , ,iieiuvtoin.Tui,rM.'' '. I PK H NJV-.tnoe Vrrr VVar nutlevlli "WW I11IUL1U11 JlhellvluK t'leturel, 4&1UI'. II. 'H RUPTURE-GDREDL I Hii ImprnM rinMicTnii-t Is tbe onlylru lu Kl istenn that U woninitbabwlutdiomiort nljjht 'Immwm and iU) hx u retains the rupture under the hnl H . ril etc ri be or M-rrpt ft train, and will efleit ft UH IKTtiiHiK ui and vpceilvcure without rfganl toth ,aH I hkh of the pitlnt rarnlnRllon free 14 lu lH attemlai h lur laMr. Mend lor namphtoU l mi'itovKi) i.LAaTic Tnu3 ca. ;H K: J mut bJ4ilrnu1na roriierlithut ewVork. H i or Sale, Vfl ninTiiiun "' vontiiv cunt Roy Jtl I I I H M .I'M tnonir.M.,rei"!rm.Kl ' III li I M I ll UorioorUer IjuIIm' iJ Mlsntt ' , ULU m" "Wraps, JteUetl, tXl Mild 'MM .. bultn ll the lutot ityla. inl JIH "" cli.ljii", on four Viedilly ur ,H mm IT ""euttily pmenU WW IkU rtlMbBllM CloUln 0.. ullLUI ll UK 'lot t.t. Uih citlv itm. H .nUrr. Iimncli MutUeeJ H Llelliina nnel lol. t o.. U.s il"- '-' Oncu rveuluie. until til Saturday. 10.30. vB $f T fl niVVKKKI.YIIUYsl j)H I I 111 111 II Jeelrj. Lieltieiert Itn- MM 'I Bill lAf 1 1 meJiutely. .V WRiea '.) I I 1 1 1 if 1 1 .'-ry (-o . Incorti.. MM I I III II II 1 muWl. ,f'jl X JL tl 1 1 It ejfr,jot.t-tUisu,tlitnt Mm ileor laWee-l- -tur ope-" mrdfy eyenlna. H lSCD0WN,ls I 7ill) I Maiden luiie rskei elevator. MM 1 ivi ii s vvi ho uJ Jcn-flry ewlJ on trHlt ijWm laihclurlle. Henri Scluii, 51 5i Mt 'WW 'e!U Wm I vii i 111 Al S'w hjl.llh 1'i-jile. mixlal flH v . - Ni I' i- Ave :J tell H Excursions .-S K'HB'S DAUGHTERS1 DAY AT OCEAN GROVE. ii i,Hii..iri, 4. miiin jM om miLMiiion itoi'M-jmr. '-M ri(U-iON l)U IUM.F1T TtNU- 'M til NT.HOr!. MIIUK. M rrun J by Mtftrupolltan CJiurcb and Po.Itf MMMM l iim n luiiti tr ttie L'nltnl Chapters Kin-fi ,kl I uiiu j anl - m Nt. orl. anl MrooWlya. rirUu r r sal- ut Mugs Daujhlcr Headquaf r tn IS W.m -s-1 Sfrt Aork and ZS Com at., ' II ukhn ml on in iriutitf of ex i i at I'eon B vlun i It, 1 1 -on I rutfj-e-igtr nuion Crook lyn and v W. 1 rj tv Aunek, boat Pulton st . I i ki i " n M -i ti-4 from Cortlandt vt and JH 1 , rai- i f-rnu Nuw ork. S 30 A M Ita- v-rl tum is Uai t-kedn iliuve at 5 J') P M. -IM ( 1 W, MI1K r tM 1 I'Uuj T!t I KOLt: OK at Ocean Grovt, H t.neik.a( Jjt . Cxcurlou leave Crooklya " H4 M Na ork 8 to A M Rfturnlns-. "H iiHca o fjj droi 7W I' M Tlckrti 1 1 (HI, at 'Ammm MMholit Uonk coniern 6th ate and 20th tu, k Nk mK uud en morn Inn of exturlou al iaa IH , MTner aiatiotis lenrslanU KailruaJ. New ott Mkm anl Lruukha t AmmW , LONG BRANCH AND BACK 50c. jfl UU'V FITT1.N. rienur. Iliy nj "H "lleivvi tin' li ii .' ilero' llee' 's.airou ..' l i I i t'.c 1'eciiir net it. .iri wwliury." 3H 1 v it civs tun. jaVu dr , rv ii ift jWU IU i. i i lull .1 4 A M .QJ 3 I', VI. eH uuio JA..I. t . a .ua lu A. U All ,JH tcti 'mi HAfiLKV flLU lueir D.rt. ufflml WW U rjii'ulc. I.l.l LONG UltV.Sell ll.l.AHLI.B . MM II VV M illlliClir llllltlLAN.1 UHACH LUtle 'H 3il..e .nj Ur.nctii'CrL I'llUIUIIT .1 rt.j. ., LeiNut-bf elli;l'LST VNU UOsT PbUGHTrUl. MM ICAIL OL'l or NluVV YORK. b erfllul l.ll.ruu l.ieie. OCC Tuat 31.1 .L 10 A. iWW vi lind( Dock. lircok!n. lu :t, Uitl.ry 1'lM iH " GREENWOOn LAKE GLElST" 'I 75c. ROIiN'l 1MP 75c, M - ''MM SOUTH BEACHf ' siejni. i lil. I, I, I lllllt'lllN lnivr.1 Halter; l'ir neer Larspllltliv ilull) II V M. : 1, J. e 7 MM I'M I are- IDi- iiliiim I.Tc'. H Mr.l I'eiliil. .Nrivbum hii el l'ouakkr.l H , illly.i:xriiis.lini ecjiviil isiii.y by Allsenr imMm liav I4ui. Mvmuen fnitii IVeQlertieiMi kt. plarM t V-H B. W X M. Ud Witt SliU tt. st 0 A. U. XrdMWt vfwr'ih 'liin MmMMiwwiww