Newspaper Page Text
mw w J THE WORLD; TUESDAY EVEMXG, jULY24, .SS4. a ! VIGILANT AN I EASY WINNER. ;l Took tbe Lead Soon After I tbe Start and Was z Never Caoght GOOD WIND AND NO FLUKES. I . Nine to Three Now the Kecord " of the Contests Between ln the YachtB. in a -- "dl SATANITA TO TAKE A TRY. "II Has Been Repaired and Will Soon I TV mU i-l Join the Other Flyers in r-ll Their Races. c II (Bjr ABSoc'ated rress I n II nOCUK'S POINT. QUUHKSTOWN ,. II HAUBUIl, July 24. Vigilant and llrl- 1(j II tannla started this morning on their I twelfth race, with prospects of good is R iocJiib weather In the first day's raving II of the regatta of the Tlojat Cork Yucht Club. The course to-day was the wrae as o that sailed over jesterday. with the ex- e ceptlon that the finish. Instead ot being It at tin; Spit Light, at the head of y uueenslowii harbor, as yesterday, Is at i: the regular finish line of the Club, bc- o tween the club-house and No. 1 Buoy, r thus giving an extra turn to the yachts, r making nine turns In all against eight turns yesterday, f Tho prize competed for by the racers o to-day wus M0 offered by the Club. ,. The fleet cf small sailing craft, from n Quecnstown and neighboring places, was much larger than on the previous day. s nrltnunla Attain First Ami)'. 3 The breeze. Just previous to the start, -nAB from the northeast, and while It 9 was softer than yesterday, when the yachts averaged about ten knots per hour over the course, yet It promised to 1 be steadier. 1 An excellent start was made as fol- lows: H. M. S. a Britannia 10 34 05 Vigilant 10 34 10 Vigilant and Britannia ran along, al most close hauled, on the way to Poor ' Head, but Vigilant soon pushed to the front and had gained a length on . Britannia before a nillo of the course t had been covered. This caused Capt. ' Carter, of Britannia, to attempt one of l his now familiar little manoeuvres for c advantage. He suddenly passed around 1 under Vlgllant's stern, and tried to take i her weather. Capt. Haff, however, here nad a nice little slice of luok, for Vlgi- lant caught a stronger puff of wind, in t creased her lead, and prevented Britan nia from getting her weather. Bit of Lack for Vltrllant. ' The first part of the run to Daunt's Hock on the first round- was clear before the wind. Both yachts had their spin nakers out to starboard. But the sheets were drawn In after a while, as the wind ' oered around northward. The breeze 1 had then weakened slightly, and Bri tannia began overhauling Vigilant un ' til she was within a couple of lengths " of the American yacht. The latter, however, drew out again, and getting a little more wind. Increased the gap to six lengths on nearlng the lightship, which was passed In the following times: H. M. S. Vigilant II 30 01 Britannia 11 30 50 The first round was completed with Vigilant well In the lead. Times: H. M. S. Vigilant 12 06 10 Britannia 12 08 39 On the second round Daunt's Rock Lightship was passed In the following times: ,,, . If. M. 8. yi?''ant i io 40 Britannia 1 12 42 On this leg, It will be seen, Britannia had crept .ip slightly, and had cut down Vlgllant's lead from 2m. 17s. to 2m. Zs. Commanding Lead Here. The second round was completed with Vigilant holding a good lead. The two yachts we're timed: v'Sj,ant. 1 40 10 Britannia 1 43 29 On the third round. Poor Head flag boat was passed with Vigilant a mile Hhead. The times were: ,., . H. M. 8. V'Kl'ant; 2 08 16 Britannia 2 12 41 At this mark Vigilant was 4m. 2os. ahead of the cutter, showing a gain of lm. uGs. on the last leg. The two yacht b rounded Daunt's Hock, on the third round, 111 a heavy rain miuhII, which made It Impossible to time them. On the third round Roche's Point was passed as follows. . , .. !' 5'. B. Vigilant 3 id 00 Britannia 3 21 45 Thrie was an unexampled scene of en thusiasm, ashore and afloat, SB the American yacht pased the line a win ner. Rven Rillannia never received such nn ovation on the Clyde. There was one long roar of cheering as Vigilant Balled In from the Spit Light house to the finishing line off the Royal Cork Yacht Club House, tho military band making things still livelier by play lng "Yankee Doodle." The times of the two yachts at the finish wcie: H. M. S. Vigilant 3 51 M Britannia 3 56. .31 Vigilant won by 4m. Si's., without counting time allowance, and by m. 22s. If the estimated time allowance, lm. 10s., which she gives Britannia, is deducted. Snlnnlt All night. tDy Associated Tress.) LONDON, July 24. Repairs to the cut ter Salanlta, which ran into and sank ord Dunruvcn's cutter Valkyrie in the Clyde, have been completed. She Is en tered ln the regatta to bo sailed at Pen zance on July 28, nnd will then meet Vigilant and Britannia. HONORABJLYDISCHARGED. Yeimic Humcc llurmeyer Nut Guilty n( Attempted Abduction. Horace W. Harmeyer, the young man who was arrested last Friday,' charged by Mrs. Jlattle Dixon Perkins with at tempting to adbuct her child because she refused to receive his attentions, was honorably discharged In the Essex Market Police Court on Sunday, It hav ing been proven that this as well as the charges of Impersonating an officer, and disorderly conduct were unfounded. He was accused of having threatened Mrs. Perkins, at whose house he was a boarder. It was also alleged that he attempted to steal the child from Mrs. Lizzie Edwards, ot 28 Bowery. Mrs. Edwards, according to the charges orig inally made, was forced to throw water on Harmeyer and then belabored htm with a poker. During the examination It was shown that Harmeyer was not at fault, and got Into trouble while trying to be of service to his landlady. He now has another landlady. BOY GRASPED A LIVE WIRE. Yoans; Son of a Lancaster Business Man Terribly Injured. (By Associated Press.) LANCASTER, Pa., July 21.-Orvllle Johnson, the eight-year-old son of Kirk Johnson, a prominent business man of this place. Is lying at the point of death as the result of picking up this morning the free end of a broken electric light wire, charged with 2,200 volts. The wire passed over a tree, the end being Just within reach of the boy. When he caught hold of It he was drawn from his feet, and swung back and forward like a pen dulum for Ave minutes, flames flashing from the wire ln his hand all the while. His screams attracted a number of per sons, who secured clubs and knocked the wire out of his hand. E. J. Stelgerwalt, a young man, also caught hold of the wire and was badly burned, but his in juries will not prove fatal. Fire In a Harlofl. The two-story frsme stable ot George McAdaml, at One Hundred and Slity-fltlh street and Mott ' avenue, was damaged to the extent of 1300 by flra early this mornlns. The Are started In the hay Ion. The losa Is fully covered by Insurance. Highest of til in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report .TSWBI Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE A PERILOUS VOYAGE. But, Then, the "Skeeter's" Trip Was Pro ductive of u Romance. ' Things ale seldom what they seem. There wis never a truer proverb than IV that, and though I'm only five and tweu II ty, I have learned that there's one kind I uf a craft you can't tell anything nbout I fioin the cut of her Jib, and that's a girl. m I used to Inluk they were a mighty poor m. lot, good enough to tit In a parlor and Ml look pretty, or lo talk to when the fl Weather1 was bad nnd thoie waB not mi- j I thing elite to do, but homethlng happened, J thh fctuniuwr to change my mind rntti el , Jn and now when I hear them toasting III The Ladles!" nobody's hut cuiucs off mm quicker than mine and nobody jells H Hear, hear!" any louder than ouix MM truly, .May be you'd like to hear how this caino about. Hold on a Jiffy till I ffl nU my pipe and I'll spin you a yarn. Ml Tlnb Terries was a classmate of mine Ml l llarvaid. We both left before we took our degrees on account of a little differ Ill en, e uf opinion with the Faculty, but MWt "uis neither here nor there. He went Jl Into business with his paternal ancestor, M10 u a banker, and I with mine, a boat pH builder, and consequently for a year or H "u tve saw little of each other, when ull H t oiico the Terrlsses took It Into their heads lo hire n plate un the HoUth Htiure J .for the Bummer, and Bob appeared oil pHL ' 'lie scene again, the same sixpence, big ,H kt Jolly .unj icady for any kind ot u.1 iaVM lk- I M a,?. Tfttfca"''ni )ji' "-.""nJ. ," lylf- - niul lived right up tu the handle. I felt like it llsli out of water whenever 1 .went there, for my folkH were old-fashioned; oo I steered clear of tho family, and, us Dob waB at home only In the evening-, for 11 good while we didn't do more than smoke a pipe together stroll ing on the beach and talking boat, 1 had a dandy little cutler, but there Was mi much woik oil hand In the shop that 1 she wasn't ready to go Into the water ! until Jul, and ill the mean time I had got all my hailing out of 11 r.urup uf n boat, iiuirow-keelcd and rigged up with a skltaall-lhc "Bkeeter," father called her one day In fun, and the name stuck. Every day I had her out, spinning round well in shore, and, though It was a good deal like driving a donkey after a racebonw, I managed to get more than one lively experience out of her; and If It hadn't been for the Bkeeter I should not have had this story to tell you to-day. One piping hot morning I dropped Into the drug store In the village lo cool my self off with an orange phosiilMl. whn there I stiuck Hub done UP like a dude. In duck Iruu'er hiuI k white yachting cap and ouylng 20-ccnl rig tvllh the rrckU-.wH'M or a mlllloualir These unusual circumstance made ipe sus pect, that something was up. and II wannt surprised when Ihst chctky felr low slapped me. on the back with a !'Howre you, Jerry, old innf You'r Just thp chap I wanted to see. .' 'got a iViusIn from New orlc stopping down atVthe house and she's wlldifor a salt thls morning. Can't you manage l take "Uf at aorateww. CT, oUarffcr jw'iilif J aUeaanuyaAegiejjBjiaJsjneJUHBH HIT A BIG ICEBERG. Steamship Miranda's Misadven ture in the North. Dr. Cook's Arctic Exploration Party Has a Clote Call. No Lives Lost and the Ship Hacapes Serious Injury. (Dy Associated Tress ) ST. JOHN'S, N.l. July 2.-The a eim ship Miranda, of the Red Cross line, having on board Dr. Cook's Arctlu ex pedition, which left New Vork on July 7, has been in collision with an Iceberg. No lives were lost. The Miranda put Into Cape Charles Harbor, Labrador, where temporary re pairs were effected. She then icturned to this port, reach ing here ttafely thlo morning. The steam ship will be thoroughly overhnul.d at thin port, and will probably proceed to Greenland In a few days. All on bu-d are well. The collision occuried at 8.30 A. M July 17 during a dense fog, and when the Miranda was about five miles north west ot Helle Isle. The Miranda was then running at a good rate of speed, and It was not believed that there was any Ice In her vicinity. In fact, the Iceberg was not sighted until the steamer was close upon it. The moment the berg wi-s sighted the engines were promptly re versed and the sh.p was turned head on to the obstacle In order to avoid a glancing collision, which might have proved most destructive. Owing to this prompt handling of the helm, the Miranda struck squarely with her stem and, the engines having con siderably checked her headway, not much damage was done. Two of tho steamer's bow plates were cracked, I the forward raits were carried away and the hawse-pipe on the starboard ' side was so damaged as to render the starboard anchor useless. Happily, no damage was done below the water-line, and the steamer was able, after clearing away wreckage, to head for Cape Charles Harbor, Labra dor, where temporary repairs were ef fected. At Cape Charles, the Labrador exploring party of the University of Pennsylvania was landed, and the steamer put back here for more com plete repairs, which will be made as promptly as possible. It Is expected that only a few days will elapse before the Miranda will be able to resume her Journey to the Arctic regions. One of the officers of the Miranda, In an Interview, sAld: " The collision occurred during a fog, and was totally unexpected, as there were no Indications of Ice In our neigh borhood. Most of the passengers were at breakfast, or getting ready for that meal, while a number were taking an early morning walk on deck. When the lookout sang out that there was Ice ahead, the engines were promptly re versed, and we soon saw an Iceberg ahead of us and likely to strike us on the bow. "The helm was so turned as to take the Impact on our stem, thus avoiding what would otherwise possibly have been a more dangerous crash. As It was, the Miranda's bow was not much dam aged, although two plates were cracked and a quantity of Ice fell on board. "Naturally there was some alarm among the passengers, who rushed on deck as soon as the shock was felt. 1 But we soon succeeded ln reassuring them, and when the wells were sounded, ( It was found that the steamer was making no water and that there was no danger. "The passengers acled with consider able courage, under the circumstances, the leaders of the expedition assisting us In every way In calming those who were most alarmed. "We expect to have all damages re paired within a few dai and to be able to resume our trip." The Miranda, which left New Tork on the afternoon of July 7 last. Is an Iron screw steamer of 1,158 tons, and belongs to the Red Cross line. She was chartered for two and a half months by Dr. Fred erick A. Cook the well-known Arctic explorer and ex-surgeon or the Peary expedition, and who organised the pres ent expedition as well for pleasure as for scientific research. The Miranda, which Is of powerful build and said to be able to withstand any ordinary hug between two Icebergs, Is navigated by Capt. Farrell. In addition to Dr. Cook, the following scientists were on board: Prof. William H. Brewer, of Tale; Prof. O. F. Wright, of Oberlln College; Prof. B. C. Jlllson, of Pittsburg, geolo gist; L. L. Dyke, of Kanxas State Uni versity, zoologist 1 Samuel P. Orth and B. F. Staunton, of Oberlln, assistant zoologists; E. A. Mcllhenny, of Loulel ana, ornithologist; Prof, Ellas P, Lyon, an hourT I know you have a boat, for I think I've heard you mention the Lively Tolly now and then." And he grinned from ear to ear. When the Liely Polly was afloat I never talked of anything else. Her beauties, her Htyle, her speed, the burden of my aong forever used to be, and I've no doubt I bored people to death, for I know It bores me to hear other men talk about their yachts. "Hem!" said I, not vety well pleased, for a aboard Is a thing I can't nblrte. On the cutter she would have been ln tho, but on the Skeeter' l Waited till the oramre phusphate wus down, and 1 felt u little inure agreeable liitlde. "Well, you see. Hob, the I.lvelv Polly Is at this present moment on the ways, being put Into trim, and the only I boot 1 can get hold of Is my little Bkeeter. Of course, you wouldn't think of nutting n, lady Into that. Shc'n hardly 'belter than a rM'Intf shell." I "Oh, Cwehdolen won't mind," Hob 1 stuck In off-hand, "I don't believe phe known a cutter when she sees one. So lone as It will flout she won't tare what I klnil of a boat It l. Vou Just nll round to our landing In an hour and we'll ln 'on lintnl It's doing mc no end of a favor old boy, and jou'll k un of llic prettiest glrli thut "rr turned up In thes-e parts, i'act. If ?he is my cousin." "Ulrls!" t-M 1. "J'uoh' I hate the . whole lot or them. Let them sta ashore, wheie they Wlonrl" tfu I went 1 on grumbling until lljb t.oftened me with , more phosphate and a couple or the 25 I cent cigars, and I gave In. He stepped oft home pretty lively to get the cousin out of her curl paper, I suppose, and 'Into her achtlng gown, while I, with many misgivings, scrubbed up the fikeetej, balled her out. dried off the thwarts, and as luck would have It, put In an cxtia plr of oar. n the time I ' had set up the mast and taken a tack out Into the coe I could see two figures hurrying down lo the Tenisa lauding, and I ran up aloneslde "Jerry. I want lo Introduce ou to my couMn, Miss lUnga," sung out II5I1 be fore I had actually got within hailing distant e. The girl JrnllPi nnd bowed but both rather coolly. She was rigged nut to kill In a regular yachting costume, white linen trimmed with dark blue, anchors worked in the corners of the col lars anil a sailor hat, white shoes and stockings, ai I discovered later when she came aboard, and If you'll believe me. White kid gloves and a white silk sun bade with a china handle! There's no 1 rTlaf V1'1 " 'a-,tunn-3fc-toi" Harvard School, Chicago, biologist: Dr. Julius 1 Vale, ot St. Louis, and Dr. R. II. Cramer, New York, mrgeotn; Louis 1 w. Joyncr, or I'oughkeepsle, cutomuloglM: Ifussell W. Porter, or I'.oston, and Robert dc P. TnIiih, or New Haven, surveyors; II. r. Walsh, his torian. The following assistants to the scientific staff are also on board: Mhv- i nard Ladd, J. R. Knrdvce. II Cleveland and Frederick I. Hay. or Harvard, and v. II. Dunning. C, P l.lcueawiavet, J. 1. Llneaw caver, Arthur It Thomp son. A P. Rogers, A. 11. Hiown and J. H. Rumrll, or Yale Among the well-known sportsmen aivumpunv Ins the expedition arc Robert l. Pcrrv, nr Itralntree, Mass.; C.eorgc W tiurdnci. e-.layur or Cleveland, Walter S. Root, of Cleveland; Ashlv ' ("lover, or SI Louis; William llrvcc. li . or New York; S. CI. Tenney. of Wllllainstiiwn. Mass.; Jnines U. Dcwell of New Haven: W. II. II. Armstinng, of New burg. N Y.; Dr. William A Reeve, or Patchogue, nnd Or. It. O StebMns, or New oik. Charles 1: Heed Is the tax idermist, and F. A. Keisilng. or New Jersey, Is the photographei ur the ex pedition, fori Ouirlson, the thliteeii-year-old son of Supreme Justice tlarrl Kon, of New York, Is olso one of the ex cursionists. The Miranda arrived at Sydney. C. R., 1111 July It In replenish her coal btuikorx, iirtcr which she nailed, and arrived at St John's, N I', mi the muni lng of the rah. It nc found In u tho steamer's cotnpam wax . 11 of older, and she put Into St. John's for the puipone or having It rep.ilied. At SI John's .Mr. L. Dunnliy, h well-known Ice pilot, who man with the l'eaiy expedition with the Hleamer Kite, wan taken 1111 hoard, and the Miranda sailed at midnight. The onleeiu of the .Mliiunfa nre' (nn Uln, William James Farrell, Flint OI11 cer, fleoigp .Manuel; Second onicei', IM ward Doudy, Thhd Officer, John Hand, and a new of tlili ty-llvo men. The Miranda m hull) at Newcastle, hngland, In 1S84, by Hip Neptune Works, specially for trade between New Yolk, Halifax and Newfoundland. She has often encountered a great deal of haid green lee, the kind most dangeious In navigation. She Is the largest vessel ever sent on an An-tle exploring expedi tion, and is regarded as a thorounhlv seaworthy boat She Is 2J0 foet lung, 31 reel beam, and 23.5 deep. Dr. Cook's main object In fitting out the expedition was to rescue the mem bers ot the Peary expedition, who are now Ice-bound on Inglefleld cinlf. If weather and Ice permit the Miranda will afterwards penetrate even further north along the coast of Labrador to afford extraordinary opportunities to both sci entists and sportsmen. The Miranda also carries ten Esqui maux back to their native country. Tney were brought south by a company, which guaranteed their return, but left them, they say, In the "lurch. NINE BATHERS DROWNED. 1,11 of lclliua Comprises Five Men nnil Fonr Women. thy Associated Tress) HARRISON, Idaho, July 21. Frank Urummell, aged twenty-one, and AUrcd Mott, aged thlitecn. of Pullman, Wash., were drowned In St. Joe Lake while swimming horses last evening. Frank was a son of President Rrummell, of the Farmers and Traders' Bank, and Alfred was a son of A. M. Mott, a merchant. COLFAX. Wash.. July 24. Thiee young men weie drowned while bathing In the Snake River, three miles below .Penewawa. One called for help and the others swum to his assistance. The I three grappled ln the water, sinking simultaneously. I FRESNO, Cal July 24.-Flve women I went bathing last evening In the San Joaquin River near Portland, Wash. One got beyond her depth, and In at tempting to rescue her, three or tbe others were carried Into an eddy and drowned. FIRE AT A SUMMER RESORT. Hotel and Five CnttaKcs Ilnrneil nt nivrrslde, It. I. (Dr Associated Frees ) PROVIDENCE, R. I July 24,-Flre broke out at Riverside, a Summer resort ten miles south of this city, last night. In less than an hour nearly W0.0OO worth of property had been destroyed. The fire started between two big buildings that constituted Comstock's Hotel. Provi dence and East Providence firemen were summoned, and were successful In con fining the blaze to the hotel square. The hotel, which wan completely de stroyed, was valued at about Jf.0,0ti0 Five cottages, all occupied by prominent Prov Idence business men, were also destroyed. The occupants of the cottages saved only their wearing apparel. The fire officials believe that the fire was the work of an Incendiary, as while running to the fire, Walter Comstock, proprietor of the hotel, was shot at from the wooUb. IT IS UNIVERSALLY CONCEDED that our Department for Ladies' SHIRT WAISTS ia the moat complete in the city. Our (look, however. It a little heavier than it should be at this time of the year, and in order to reduce it, We'll sell to-morrow (Wednesday) a lot of Waists, made of tbe newest mate, rials, including Hfiped Batistes, Percales, Lawns, and fancy Chsmbrays, in all the latest styles and colors; . choice of the entire lot r '"7C. (which have been sold heretofore from (9c. to 4. M i 1.76) at " 58 West 23d Street. she was one of those tall, big KlrU that are right In the fashion now, with black hair and eyes and a good color, but her waist waB like an hour-glass, and she seemed altogether too stlrf and proud and dressy to be of earthly good ln the world; I took off my hat; then I glanced at her, then at the Skeeter. and made up my mind that she would vote to stay at home. Rut no. Girls always do what vou don't expect them to. tfo she said rfght ;off: "Don't let us lose any time, Hob I'm nfiald wp shall he rather .1 tight lit for the boat, but, then, there v.eie thiee wise men or (lotliam who went to ses In a howl." Down the steps bIip came, and Hut was vvhrn 1 found out about the white shoei anil HtoeklnzH. She gut aboard, iand 1101 u awkvvunlly as I had expected, I and she and Bob sat down In the middle I or the h(Mt Hon changed IiIh siat In a I minute, and went up forward nx ne put I off. A neat Utile breeze was blow lng off I ?hore, and Hip Skeeter xklmmed along lover the waves like a bird The white sunshade was in the way when we wanted to Co nlmiit, .ud I didn't like to j.peak vt It. Inn the moment the luiifin 1 Alight uu -he K'nit It down without a wid niul never opened 1. again the whiib d.iv Sin- illil".i 1 1 IK iiun-h -onh ai-kcd 'ne in 11 dMiii.t- nay vvlvil this nbiip and thut hIoiik Hie t-huio might be. 1 but when she (aught eight of the Mlnol ledge light hci ecs bpnlilfd and idle said JKeil) : "Uh, .Mr. Jerry, don t you think we might sal! out thrrc? 1 never have seen the Inside uf a llghthouhc, and It would be a delightful cxperleiae." I shook my head. 1'rudciu.e was against taking the Skeeter out so for. But he begged and leased. Hob heaid the round or her voice, coaxing (and xlie was vcrv i-utp ubout III, and he put In his OHi, so they wrlit on until against all i-oniinon seiisp I gave III allei laKliig a look at Ihe sky and t lip i-eu, win li both sccinfd a. plopltioiM as could be for kih h vrntuip h father ald uricrwiuds. all in hoisp hPiip deserted me, ami I let tho.-r two landlubbers talk mo Into doing us foollfch a thing as ever a yuchts man undertook. The wind was all In our favor. Not a cloud was In the sky, and the sea as far as we could see lay smooth and tempt ing. Any number of halls dotted tin horizon. A coal schooner slipped up the harbor Just beyond uk with her dingy sull, hardly., feeling,. ih , brecxt, that jijafegttjBa&iZMfijttsbbsi(9Kj REPORTS ON CHINA'S PUGUE. An Effort to Stop Its Progress by , Tricking Ohineae Deities. Why MotiKoUaus Celebrated New Year's Day In Advance. Uv Assoilsled rrei ) WASHINGTON, July 21. --Additional Information legardlng the black plague In China has been received at the Mailuc UoHpltuI tluoitgh the Department of Stule. Mlulblcr Dunn, writing fiom Toklu under date of June lf. repot ts the disease to bo uu the luucaxa In Hour Kong Uitctt advices, he says, arc that up to June 7 over 1,300 deaths had ne cuiied In Hong Kong, and several Eu lopcanf had died of the plague. A veiy small percentage only uf those who aie attacked mover. t'ndci date of June ... Minister Dunn saya that latest advices from Hung Kong tepoit a slight abatement of the epidemic lie also Inclosea lo Hip Statu Dppartmcul a nolltlcatlon 1 Hie Jap anese Government, which iciiuIips ell Ir.ens of the United Stutca in Japan and the commandcra and masters ot and merchant ckkcIh nnlvlng nl Nsmi iakl, Kobe, Yokohama and Hakodate lo conform to the imperial ordinance for the legiihitlon of the Inspection of vessels arriving from cholura-lnfcctcd ports. Charles Ucnb, Ji Sccrctaiy or lega tion at I'ekiu, sajr, the plague now pic vailing hat caused great uneuslncsH, nnd every precaution bus been taken to prevent Uh Introduction Into district'! not yet infected. Ureut difficulty arisen, however, from the utter Inability of the Chinese to understand nnd their un wllllngncbB to comply with the mojt elementary pilnclpleu of ranllalluu. In Hong Hung the new lates have numbered between forty or fifty and fifteen or twenty per day, with about 70 per cent, uf deaths. At Canton It was estimated that 5.0U0 deaths hud oc curred up to May 8. At that city a novel and thoroughly Chinese method of checking Ihe disease was hit upon. A fortune-teller having given out that the plague would die awny with the approach of the Spring solstice, the people ot Canton, In order to deceive the gods of sickness, mado the first day of tho fom th moon, May 5, their New Year's Uay. I Every ceremony by which the day is celebrated was gone thiough with ' scrupulous exactitude. The local au thorities assisted In this farcical per formance. The New Year's festivities In thp presence of such widespread death had a somewhat ghastly character, 1 Under date of July It the United States Consul at Liege, Relglum, reports that thirteen deaths from cholera had occurred ln that city during the week ended July 7. The past week, he says, the newspapers reported four or five new cases each day. So great Is the confidence ,of the people In the power or the authorities to suppress the disease that Its presence occasions absolutely no excitement. The explosion of a single dynamite bomb has frightened more people out of town than the cholera. Yeiu read "The Evenlnar World?" Do yeiu read the Sunday World? II r. Webb's Yacht Afloat. (By Associated Press ) tifltMNUTON, VI., July 11 Ur. Webfc's rem- , tlful yaibt Elhida, wNcfc ran en Colctieiter Reef on July St, as pulled off last evenlns with the sssl. tones rt tuts and lighters She Is not badly damazed I CARTERS fflIVER JlsL. SICK HEADACHE Positively Cured by Theso Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspep sia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy lor Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tont;ue, Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Doso. Small Prloe. ( bulged out the Skeeter's little tilangle ot canvas handsomely, and off I'atadlse Point, the Popinjays beautiful place, their big steam yacht, with awnings over her snow-wnlte decks and her brass work shining In the tun like beaten gold, was taking on a party for tho day. We could hear the laughter of the ladles blown out over the water us 1 distinctly as If we had been alongside, I and I fancied a procession or white shoes and stockings tripping up the lad der over her side. That an could have 1 he-en neatei or prettier than the little Hhoes In the Skeeter, or whkh I bad been taking observations on the quiet, you could nut have made me believe 1 It took us but a veiy shoit time to run out to the light, and, lulling up agulnst that famuu beacon, we waited till the edialr mine down, and .Miss Hnngs, climb ing Into It, calmly went swinging up. I up, over the waves that dashed at the 1 base or the towel, every lilt as easy and 1 self-posfesseil as ir she bad been taking I tea in bet own parlm 1 liked that about I her She was not one or our giggling. ii reaming. lll sills, who go into spasms at i-iKlit of a stiakp or a spider. ' 'huI I began fium thai inuiiient to feel that may I.. Huh cousin might be out , nr Hip e .11111,1 .11 11111 01 women folk ifoti ' liullowpd next Ills eiiibuslarii'i ha I ivv.ltuj prn rpllhlv hh vvr had cut llir . thci out lulu ihe neewii mid felt Us lung ' lazy nyvpII 'loo iiiulIi tinoUing and oii , lemonade had been a bad prepmntkm 1 for a sail, and while lonveitwilou flagged I stcadil) at bis end of the be had tiune-d all colors of the xpci'trum under tho bilm or his y.icbllng cap. To tell the 1 1 litis he was glad to Hud hinnerir 011 teira llun.i ucain, tf the lighthouse i-ould be called that I tscked up the Skeeter. and last or all made the ascent Miss Hangs was a very Intelligent vitOloi She asked such sensible elites tlons and showed mi h a genuine lutii cst In Ihe inei tiauleal e'unstrui'tluii of Hip light and In Ihe lunch perilous life the keepers led th I Ib-lr lieails neie won and the,v sbnncel us iumiiv tllllljd which Ho iiielluarv Ighlaevrs arc nl lowed t'l overlook nfTeied us . shale it their simple dinner ami gallantly pre nenled Ihe pretty vouiig lady with u photograph or Ihe lighthouse which did not suggcai It In the Waft. Before e knew It wo had been there two hours. Then there sounded h alirltl whistle out lde. and Ihe Poplnlajs' steam yacht drawn up under the lee. waiting to send up Ita party In the chair. Uy this time thp wind wus fresher, and :ywy could MRS. WELTSGH'S TOOTHACHE. Suffered So Much Sbo May Have Become Insane. lireat Kxcllenienl In n Khlnglun Mreot Tenement. Thcie was a lively time last night In the big six story double-decker tene ment. house nt IjJ Ulvlugtou street, and the Innumerable Polish families who live there weie greatly excited because Mrs. Henry Weltsch, who live nn th top Hoot had sin h a bud toothache nnd si Ip.iche that a policeman and an amhu lance hud to be called In to take her tu the Insane waul at Hellevue Hospital. Mt.s Weltt'clfs teeth had been aching for nearly a fortnight, .111 1 she had tiled every remedy that wis rce.immendcd to hi 1. What between the alleged sine cures and the ache, she MltTcicd gteatl. rin.illy the molars, inclsns, bl-cnsplds end the rest of her denial I1Iiirm united In such a grand all-round twlnse, which was supplemented by a severe pain In th" side, that hIip annoiiuciil her Inten Ihm of Jumping out or the window. Her husband and a corps of willing assistants held her down on the heih while all the women in the yelled loud enough to wake the dead. Amid a fceue of the wildest enn fusion Mrs Weltsch and her aching teeth and side evere c.vnled downstairs and hustled Into an ambulance. At the hospital her ailment was dl.ig iio'piI as "nielanclilla." whhli seems athcr a misnomer for a toothache. Anyhow, Mrs. WelUch was about the liveliest vase or "melancholia" seen In some time, having nearly scared 311) men. women and children out of a year's growth. The "melaiichol)" Mrs. Weltsch Is a native of Ituysia and abuut thirty jieare old. She will be examined as to her sanity In-d.i;. and If her teeth have stopped aching may piovc to be all right mentally. RACE FIGHT IN A PRISON. Scvcrnl Convicts llnilly Injured In I- nt .Icfirrseiliv llle. tny AsHolslPd 1're.w I Ji:iTHItSUNVll.l,K, liid., July IM. It has Just leaked out that a tight be tween two convicts In the penitentiary herp tame near developing Into a race war, William 1lower, k white prisoner, got Into an altercation with Robert Ituckncr, a colored convict. Vlower struck Hiiekner with a pair of Iron tongs, knocking him down. When Hack lier attempted to arise he was ngnln at tacked by Flower and another con vli't and knocked senseless. This caused several other colored con victs to take a band and then a number I of other whites The guards were pow 1 erless, and It was a long time before I order was restored. Huckner was serious ly Injured. Heveral others were badly Injured In the melee. The fight de veloped a bitter feeling between the blacks and whiles. CHOLERA IN ILLINOIS? I'hyalclnns Sa- nn Omvlllr Woman Ulrel of I lie- Sceiurue. Illy Atsoclsted Prrs ) JAHTHAOU. 111.. July 2i.-News has reached here that Mrs. Joseph Hatfield, mother of Charles Hatfield, former Wabash agent at this place, had died at Oxvllle, near Mercdosla, on the Illi nois Illver, with what physicians pro nounce genuine Asiatic cholera, Mrs. Hatfield was 111 only two hours, it Is not known what precaution has been taken to prevent a spread of the disease. The case hat caused con siderable excitement in the vicinity. JUSTICE FIELD WON'T MOVE. Will Ueclln.. a Transfer (o the iSerr York Circuit. (Ry Assexlsled Tress ) SAN rrtANCISCO, July Zi.-A letter fr6m Supreme Court Justice Stephen J. Field has been received by the Judiciary of the Ninth United Slates Court, and the Judiciary and Bar ot the California Supreme Court. In this letter Justice Kleld, in re sponse to the previous request of his correspondents, states that he will de cline the offer or a transfor to the New Vork circuit, and remain on the Pa cific coast circuit. GAS ORDINANCE PASSED. Chicago Mayor' Veto Overrated by City Council. Ry Associated Tress ) CHICAGO, July St. By a vote or 33 to H, one more vote than was had upon the first eonslderatlon or the measure, the City Council last night passed Alder man Kyan's "t'nlversal Oas" ordinance over tho Major's amendatory vote. m A Steamer SnnU In Collision. iny Associated Tress ) LONDON, July 21 The steamers Trinidad and Mount Stewart were In collision at 3 30 this morning oft l-'olk- stone. The Mount Stewart was sunk, 1 but the crew wus saved. not msnage to land Popinjay recognized mc, and, though he genet ally treats me as If 1 were the scum of humanity, con descended to aak if 1 would take off his people In my host. "th. do!" said Miss Hangs. "It Is a shame that any one should miss such an entertaining sight." and "O. do' said Hob, who wanted to put oft starting as long as possible, though he felt a good deal better Mnce dinner. So again m horse sene vlelded and instead of heading the Pkeetel for the shore at once. I spent a .ouple or hours mirr noting tlue foolle-h women tu and no 1 pruinlsp you there was no sin-h quiet performance "i M"s Hangs' had been In their case The whole air re sounded with Imbecile shrieks, and the gulls camp nulte-rlng round In delighted surprise to Join the chorus Well, at last the Popinjays got up steam again nnd started To do them Justhr, they illd ask us to go back with them, and thievv out some vague hints uf luncheon and fizz, at which Hob bilghteued up ainazlngl) Hut Hip cousin declined with the dlHant cool ness vvhli b wan a strange thing about hei inaiiiiei, and we got down Into our little ci aft again with sonic dirtleiiltv. hei.uise the waves be I trown ilnuld the height, and .hislie.l Hieli null, ups against tin links fp'iicl' The Hkeetei lu-i-eH 1'Kc an efi!liell. had hur.ll put otf before nn heal I nil rfive me. and I know that II w. golnc to be till. and luck with us The wind blew a gale, and blew balder ever tulniile At (list I had a mind to turn back and get them to give us sheltei In the light, but then I realized bow Impossible It would be to laud there again, and I shaved ni' courp for the shore. Ilob; sat In the stern, a total wteck. I ruar now when 1 think or the sorrj Klght he was. as sc.imk a 1 hap as ever gazed on the Atlanllt , Ins while trousers M'.it lered vith salt water his .(aiint ) uvci one e-.u. a'ld hi- fai e a incUm hol hm green llul at t'ie tu ip Iip Idled me with rug- alii -pun fen be v as or nj erdi nee a.i I did If is I In tic wav A hundred mil ieenl.v llvp pounds of siiirerlug. Not even mailable us bal last. Miss Hangs had taken off her gloves, "Could sou steer?" I asked her, doubt fully. "Our only chance la to upshlp the mast and get ashore with the oars." I.Ike a lady she changed her seal, pushed Hob out of the way. though not roughly, and look tho tiller ropes with out a, word. The bit of sail, flapped and m2ammL2z!mmmmmwmii&V::)A ANNIE'S FAITHLESS LOVER.1 Disappeared with Fart of Her' Hard-Eiirned Savingr. She falls on Ihe Police for Asilst nncp In Find Him. Miss Annie Shocnfleld, a well-diessed goud-lookin? juiing woman, called at Po lice !Ieadtiarlcis this morning In quest of Information about her fiance, who his hci'i missing since I'rlday last. Ills name Is llvmuu I'YInMeln. He Is twcnty-clght 3 ears uld. and lives at S) llralmm avenue, Itrouklyn. Hn became acquainted with Miss Sln ntleld ubout ,1 ear and a liulf ago, nnd they speedily foil In love and became engaged to be mairlel. Up had JI.'ikJ tlepo-ellPd ill the lloweiy .ivlngs Hank, and Mlts Shoclillell ul'O had money of hei own She lives with her paii'Utrf, at II Mniiie htreet, Ilrook When they became engjeed the couple ilglenl to put I Till I'm ll lulu the Wlllliiinntiiii s SuvliiKs llanli, stipulating that In cahc cither one of lliem backed 1 nt or the eriee neut the other waa to get the whole Win as .1 sjrt ut solace for wounded alre'tlnns It was not long after thut before Mr. t'cliiHtcln, so the git I cIiiIiuh, tried to gel the IMO. ami leave tier, but she bad him arri'.sleil, and liiHtltuti'd suit for breach of promise. He Dually In duced her to abandon thefp proceedings, and it was announced thej would be married 011 Aug 12. About two weeka ago the girl ion senled tu Hie J'MO being taken out of tlie bank, and she turned It over to hlui 1 to purcluiHp household furniture. lie did not tin v auv thing, and left Ills work uddeiil on 1'rlihiv. after drawing all his inuiipv out or the bunk .MIks rilioeiitleld iloes not think any haim has berullen him, and t-hc wunts her SL'ji IT she con get It The police will Initiate u sealch for hlui. STANFORD CLAIM REJECTED. The Mrnnteir'a leleivv fi:ir lio em inent lleiilniids Ire I njlist. till Mnrlattjd Press ) HAN l-'UANCIKCO, July 21 Mis. fv. laud Stanford and her attorneys have notllled the tlovprnnietit, through I'nltcd States District-Attorney Charles A. Car ter, that Ita claim for ir.(V, against thp estate or Senator Stanford has been lejce'ted This means that Mrs. Stanford con siders the demand or thp lloverument li 11 J 111 and without foundtlnu. anil that I it will lie paid, If ever, only at the end j of long litigation. Si far as the (lovern ment Is concerned, the matter will rel In Its present state for months at least un .ten "li. ISM, there will be due tu 1 Hip I'nltPd StalPs, for aid extended to the Central P.u Hie Companv, the slim of J.'.lthJ.ciuu. It Is alleged the Stan ford estate must psy a largo propor tion or that Indebtedness. Hetwecn Jan. 16 and March 18 of next vcar the (iovernment must bring suit In the Superior Court of this State against tbe estate, or Its claim will be forever barred. For sick stomach and all other conditions resulting from constipation ; go by the book on Ueecham's pills. Book free, pills 25c. At drug stores; or write to B F Allen Co., 365 Canal stM New York fllsPJPI7573BiPBBiijH BssHssss-darVmSliBsB BBBBr -JtsWfflS m'ySSa tSsstiaaBBBBa?!' tf .BrMeU mmmmmmwaWmrrlilmmm Scientific Suspenders. SO SWUM ANYWIIKR"!' Trmjrtrs sla,s kept In sbspe and position! So straps In Me Making ihem the he.t for etenlnt cr ntttlce wear. Vo s.scrl Joints to come spjrl' cool llrallLfiil enJ Comfortable' Keiause the) live ultn every motion of tbe botj. I for years' Indorsed by eirry pur bsser I lln tali- ty all nr.l-rlsss dealers, or ent b) mall I on receipt of price 'Jn to i:00, poit-psld. iSiILKTiUCSWioDEKCJ. CL'.m. J. BUI 1'ALO, X.Y. tore at the lopes with a frenzy as I worked away at It brealhleHly. holding on bv the skin of my teeth while the 1 poor Skeeter waa now borne to the crest 1 or a huge breaker and now slid with the velocity ot 11 toboggan Into the trough 1 or the sea. How 1 ever did it I can't 'sav. but somehow 1 managed to get the sail brailed up and to slip the slick out or the socket without overturning the boat, which still held on Its course to- waids the land, though without making an) perieptlblc progre-., I shlppeel the oars. II 1I1 1 luusiii hud watched me steadily while I woiked and III the midst of nli tuc ev Iteinent I remember reeling a Hit!" inortllled at tbe s.TUtln. for the perspirutl.ui 1.111 down my race In Mreiimi and the sleeve ol m i"halib li.we.ifei hi'! puited rompan with the . boelv Spiay 1l.1t.hed ove 1 the boat with 'every wave, but the smart elre still continued to look rreslt. 1 'There Is another pair or oars," shrieked she. "I can pull. Shall I help'" I nodded She unshipped the ruddet, and inkil It under Hobs tan Mioe. He gtouned. but he didnt' much know whithei be was or horse luck. 'Ilia 1 Bill was n luuidj ! She got the oars dropped them Into the iuvv ocks, -at il'ivvn ci the thwart Just art ii, in, an I fell to like an uld tin. I '.le vou m wold for It not a fellow I Un. m mull have pulled u Ftouter or a neaier oar Her t-tmke. even with that tiemendou sc.i on, was us long I and idea n and regular us any man's on 1 ih 'varsltv need be, and between us we it the Skeeter laboring ulong throuah the munstious wuves and actually made headwav. It was no time for talk We both knew that there was real danger that only foo.s could be out In such a s. a III that cockleshell uf u bodt with out taking their lives III their hands. If the tide had been against us. Hob and Miss Mania- and I would at this very moment be numbered among the Inter- tliu l.eleions thai Huei the but'oui of tin Vila lie uuli - some f rrl had pkk-d us up as w- ililfted 0111 lo sea Hut as li was the gods were good Kor three hours wp rowed like mad and Hist girl showed no sign of flagging. I tell ou what, such pluck and sand you don't cs b.o acroas every day. either In petti S'wf trousers, and 1 envied Hob Jtt, stT ? to B,uch P'n.: had ' i't ' couldn't un. d ,. , , i 't qw hw.iihe . .aft - .i-fcii''"-'-' -".jelai - 1 t4KieBkefc IN HONOR OMOPR I Trlbnle from PraealBent Peesieh. iH Mr. Adam Winn, 160 Wist 63th street, iaW iiajs, "When I first went to Professor ,IsIbbb1 Mimviiii 1 waa suffering from neuralgia P9U of the ncclt and cheat and from an !JH bntlnatp stomach trotibl". One week's) iVaBBsl lieu Intent, u-iii. IJ.i sp-jpHla und Neural- i'lH k a cure, was sufficient to cure, mo com nXfam pletely." , :;, Jmm Mr. Thomas Malet, XO Wct Sid afreet: iJM PiofefiworMunyun cured me of chronlo ,H rhcumutlsm eighteen months ago. snd X MM have not had a touch or that disease X-ilM since.. henevcr I am ailing I use Mun- 'MS yon a Kcineules; they cure all disease M promptly and have saved me hundred XiM or dollars In doctors' bills. I also want 'VsM to reeommend Munyon's Vltallzer as av ,U vvondciful tonic. Its erfe-ct in bulIdlaaT S up the system Is marvellous." ' ' 'AiW Munvon'ii Hemedles contain positive) ViM cures for the most obstinate and Intrl- M cate diseases. Sold by all druggists. ?' H you are lit eloubt w hat .rejntaty 'J 1iM take, call em Proressor Munyon for a TM thorough medical examination. Abso- -'iSB liitely no charge for examinations or JyM '"vice, open all day. Sundays, 3 to 6 P. ' ($ M.,., ' ,MVt fourteenth" street. bete ijH Mfth avemiu and t'nlon Square, ,?? n Cklekeeler Cetlsri nasw4 aVajM &; Pennyroyal pills, m rtl m-5v ara,altseells1la U.illM V. ITVt'::4mm's'lsU4aa4iMVUP h'M 3k -m'Qni.isltl., seaMaiihalMFla-Vr &M 7 Wl'; Tala .tker. aHriias ?U 1 fs ' .! nsefisifeiMi. aia e4siaicNta. loeal - sff " l'"'SCl". " i . M eiaeas S, 1 SV T JD psrusulsrs. UMlaieerfats aftl -Waalef m v if rr l.a.iles, im itm-, s. etirai aaaaa, W Amusement. v TJlfiOtinLKST PLACE OM THts BATI ,M S v Caeasest Ktnirstoa-Ortet 'j , X rsblnltiort le SM &) Buffalo Bill's Will Wat 1 & AVm cojQBtss or rodbh ' 1 rl EIBEES OF TBE WOttll S t. ft v. Ambrose Park, Souifi F kln. S ior Dinner iiourK from NBty VOc JM tocanii(atesl4lir JUlti at. fury, (out. 01 WUU. -Lrial ball l , Ballery. I'AP.KftCKNTS.' $M I nice tail;. Raio or Sbine, ;, ami 8.15 P., 1 I HODlLi (IPIIN- AT 1 AND CMP. It ItfM All io uli via iiatterr. llrooklyu )lrldel Bp. 41M llton. Wall, Kultoti, J31 u ead uuitf ftfrttf ifl ranks cHiuectlotts direct to gates. ifl Admission oo rents. Caulral anal ftanl.7 ) t ems mil 4i. .o.u-j j seats, rnrnnir isrtsnrSM jffm Manhattan Beach. 1 To-ltaj", Afternfwn nnd KrtnlDg. flB SOUSA'S BAND. j HAGENBECK'SIlei I Tu bay, AlterufKiu and evening. J'tB MIAIIIJ11I, AMJIlO.S'KKVl'AItAtiriaa. J.'B LALLA ROOKH, p AMI (i HAN II riKKWOUKH. J IfM Ivvrr evening encept Hnaidny edfltewlaay YV (lanTe'tir. ELDORADO tllumlsatleash . ,SM (lll.vmitr.'N BI IIRnl.MBNT ANiw tM HKV'KltlK NCllAI-'l'Kt.TIlK AftZkC7 TM Mevlcati jimora Kamtlyand otbar nerrfluelL yJM JJallunn Akceuelon every day at 5 P. 1L . CJM tlltNT 1,1 VINO PI (TURKU. '. . l-M ftlADlHlIN estllfKK OAHDkN. 1 .HA.II.llelTII HdtiNOflBArat rCM Open from 1 to I and t to U. . f ' ' vm Admission, afternoons SSc. Tiisis We. &! "$$ THE MIKADO. WtljX , fi 8SBa?p l 'sy.'sr' duff nntom. ' m TUCICCIC MTlt BT. MUelO.KAIX . s f InCloo o anjj Ai.nAMiinx txjUaVr, m lit anrl 13H VU t4th Kt. , Btlrjd fsjjl ,'M nlavani.ryaltrlieonsnleeTl. - wj TERRACE GARDElTllAllar li SMITH & COOK, niiJShni' gl Admission, IV. Base rveel iaa. floe. 4 H- M IMPERIAL KADM.SS.0t2K. fi I.IVIMJ PltlTUUES. 'J'M ORKAT TAl'DKTIl.LB. . . SxM n.n.lin aomissiontc, "BCjf A UHUIIlU hoop oarotk. M TM Ttoof Osrlen. $ to 1, Orana Vatitleelll eralartataV '-MM ment. THestre, la The Passlag Snow. , rjfM KOSTER L blAlTSTADIH. S& ?1 MUSIC HALL AND ROOF 6W0EM,, living picruRES. -' mm MADISON SQUARE ROOF BARBER M Tbe Isriest ami lUnduimest Garden la tU W(MH i ! KVhltV svVtiNlMa TO liT ' jrM Admlss'.on. It'. ReaerveA teals. Tie. . Bos. M. J-.M nSMERIDAfTlTOOF '6ARDHr 1 COOLEST GARDEN AND KEST BILL If TOWN $ ADMISSION tOc. BAINT MGHTS IN THaUTlU. ig. M ATLANTIC GAUDfcN., &S& gl CONCERT AMI yAlinKVlLLlC. TMja. M mailc Orcueslrtonpla. daily IP A. at, till or. at. 'M-S PBOCTOB'SulafeS 1 - ? i-J-ea f$M Help Wanted Femiil.' j At'.MSTS BrUbt omen, marrlst or wliSowa4 pre- i ferred. In New V.orl. and surrousdlac UrtfS; j oud reference desirable; eicentloaal ekasoo saike i mono) write for full particulars, vialtner Ma- ' rat Llerltli. Co , f. O. boa !,. Ntsr-Vorlt.' ') . !- Lost, Found and Rewrdt. J; LOST One pair diamond earrlnrs. spiral laUutaC 1 carats eacti, north cnlj- VAQ;, bat Vaejewm . Grand Central Depot and ritlh Areas tUtat ;- bout Mar li. Kali owner will lira WOO Mr Ik ' return of sane and no queatlona asked; loaa ttea -,' snd pawnbrokers plesse lake notices AafatJ - , P. O. box Sll. ew Vork. .; . ? coulii stand such a pull nith a wslst nu hlsger than that. 1 was befftnnlrur f to feel uretty well tuckered out when I VJ stopped rowlns and turned around t ," take my bearings. "Hallo!" I called, 4 ,; out, tickled enough, "quarter of a mil ., more and we bhall fetch the landlnst "' Can you keep up for a little lonfer. ,.. Miss Bangs'" . ; She nodded, and then I saw for the V llrst time when the sun shone on her c Mack hair, that there was almost a sMSrt ; i of Iridescence on Its colls, and round . her oars It broke Into the cutest little ! cuils. My shipmate was an Uncom- t ll 1 munl.v Bood-lookln girl there was no . , , mistake- about that, and she could just ' ' row ' She must have been tired when '( we cunip ui utongiidc the landing. 'Tha r . e'olor had Kone all uut of her cheek. ", ami left her white us a sheet, but ah suilled back at mc bravely. j "That was a narrow escape," she said, ! "but 1 thank you for my sail. Come. Hob'" Uut Itob was Just alive. We A shook him up. He said he didn't caraj ,? to go achore, had Just as lief spend the -, nevt two or three weeks on board; In' V fact, fully Intended to stay Just where -E he was for the ict of his existence. He V) waa a limp and floppy object, an w ,'''' had barely managul to gel him on hta ' feet when he fell back, a dead watsht, r on tho sunn ale of the III. fated Skeeter, -ffi which turned over neatly and deposited ,, ii- all tin ce In the water. To be. -Jl sure, it was unlv tbout ten feet deep. '!M We came up putting and blow In like ie fiM many porpoises. My Hist thought wa ! for girl. But she called out to m. ifffJ "Look out for lljb. I can take care ot ?: myi.elf," and with two or thiee vigorous XM stiokos she swam to the steps, dragging; rvfl herseir up with as much srace a her, i'JM dripping aklrts would allow. Poor Bob i'U was a good deal better for his una?- ' iM pected bath, and managed with my help h !M to scramble to surety and up the step - of the landing after her. He waa a. ) M ridiculous object But so were we all, i M wetter than diowned rats. Mnd as wee .' MooJ tlieto shivering 1.1" absurdity of It ' m ulrui'k in- each and every one, anil wt i .fai I burst Into roar of laughter. ... ' 'm "Three cheeri for tho Kkeeler." shaut- ,t-M ed Hob. and "Itah. rah, raht" he erte). '.iM the cousin Joining In. All her style wai -if gone and she looked anything but slick. f-M but I- bhook hands with her wheM M said good-by with a liking that j sYemr V:M expected to feel for any girl, an4. nat .l?m respect, too. Did I ever e Mr MeifnT .:$,'' Well, rather. You remember purmMHff fjtMW Honing that waist ot br? mm,kaM jUt,gO:ll'''yteaVtMJjJJae n X-JB