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HSP" 1H U H Indications: Bhowere, Cooler. '3 H WX ' rmj,m,.Mm.m.Zm..m,M.MAjZ&ZZXKXi'ji '-.jH N . J 'OvO i!4? 'y" .- " M Weather Imlicvllonat wboneri, Covltr. ij 'MH i All Our Sunday" Ads. J ffl. A lafTO 'fJfj. I- -ilTfTilft Ifl ! of tho" House and Homo "Kind- J VlT f TO fir" lUli .-tVmVlTptfs -T-V-AtVl MtH && JH tlftl"V 1 .11 Iff j - A "V"" 5 HM Rooms, Flats. Apartments, &o.- fff f 1 1 L E.M&TM-I LWW?lfc$Vl'E Ell 3Zll2lN tfl ttl fl ill 13 ll 1 H I 3 tl ! UftDi no r. r- x, xt. 1 H 3 Appearing To-Morrow win Be H ffl Jll I KL WMlS & vluHtl 1 IB 1 wi P , N WORLDS Per Day Was the 1 ,M Repeated Monday JJ " p CTO'WiMF V ) pk- , Averaee for July, 1894. ijFREEINTHEEUENINGWORLD.I ,- - . ViTfe-A nn H jto Cireulaaon Books Open to All" , " , " Circulation Books Open to All." 1 vAA5gg.fl fl ' PHWh' OIl I'KIM'I' ' :rr :z -jrz :: - -l i L m-uu Ji' NEW YORK, SATIUDW. AUGUST I, 18U4. PRICE ONE CENT, $M In SUNDAY'S WORLD. "SiS SSST Bie-ffest Tenement. I EXTRA.J 2 O'CLOCK. GAPLSTRAUSS NEXT? . GhargeB Formulated and Oase Against Him All Eeady. Commissioners Also Ready to Pro ceed Against Other Policemen. Prosecutor YVcllniuti Will Employ Mnny Lexow AVItnesscs. Although Indications point strongly to William S. Devery as the next Police Captain who Is to be placed on trial be fore tho Police Commissioners, It would not be a great surprise If some one of the other precinct commnnders was se lected by Piesident Martin for the sec-, ond sacrifice. Assistant District-Attorney Wollman'B time has not been solely taken up by ex-Ward Man Lev)'s trial, lie has paid t elaily visits to Police Headquarters, and " on evety occasion he has brought u bundle of legal-looking document), con- i cemlng which he has consulted with both Supt. Ujrnes and President Mur tln. It Is not to be'dcnled that the station house blotters kept by Capt. Strauss while he was ut the Leonard btreet and Mudlson street Htulions have been ev temlned by Mr. Wellman, mid that he baa In hlH possession transcripts of the evidence before the Lexow Committee accusing the Captain He has also had tho witnesses before him, and has piob ably nlreudy prepaied the charges against Capt, Strauss I The Devery cas was not taken up, It Is said, until the prellmlnailes In the Mrauss case wcie completed. llaily In the week the blotter kept by Capt. Kev in while In commind of the Hldrldue diet station, was examined and cam liril with certain dates mentioned by ivivv witnesses The examination mil rompaiiaon have -evldentl) been lompleted mid the complaint, if not tln i hcil, ut leist drawn up. Mr. Wellman, when asked If tills was not so yester div would not deni It. He acknowl-t-lsed thit there weie complaints other 1 un those against the five sereeantj mil the e-ward men formerly associated 1 1 Capt. Doherty In the hands of the M nerlntendent, but ogalnst whom the n.plalnts were he refused to state poa lnu.v. He partially acknowledged that ne Commissioners were ready to pro ceed at any time with either the ease or i apt. Uavery or Cupt.8trauss.and openly (leilired that work on the complaints ih.ilnst other accused policemen was so fir irtvanced that most an of the cases tn be ready In u ery short time. Other police officials, accused of black mi and against whom the Commls Momrs will proceed eventually, are ( i ts Cross. Allaire and Inspector Mc Laughlln. All of them were accused by I.xiw Committee witnesses, and tran - rlpts of the testimony against each or them have been made from the minutes f. Mr Wellman and BupUHjrnes. Jum U Charles Prlen. who ; """.r,"1!" poeniwl before the Lexow Commute. Psidlt.l eiy positively uiralnst all of them He acknowledRed that he wns until recently the proprietor of n i Is oiclerh house In Iiayutd street. "" kept It fo- six tars. The cat tiltis in (onuiianil of the preclna 'lurjnB t w time were Cassldy. Cross. McI.aiiKlilln (now Inspector). Devcry and Lortilgnt. Cavsldj Is dead. , . . ,. At firht, Prlen testified, he paid Jl. a month, but under Capt. Cioss the ante as i.ilved to JW besides ptilnK, ' initiation tee," after he laidid, of When AleLuuphlln came Into the pre clu. t l'lien swoie he paid .iiiotlii r In Itlit mi tee" of cither UW or toW urd if) month regularb. , , , ,,.., ,Mcl.afKhlln was sue.ieded ly Plpn. 1'rlei, was very positive tint bflW Deveil'M ward man, Olemi"", "" the pi lv liege of keeping open und rim nliiK his disorderly houte, and that lie ned to pay 0 a month fm piotectlon KJiut molestutlou by the police, rue ia month was not paid every month. f"r Prlen was obliged to clo'-e up soon ftei lir. Parkhurst began to Investigate Capt Devirv's administration of affa rs In all, Prlen said, he paid 4,3'M to the Mire In sides pome Christmas presents hlih the ward men "Invited" nlm to make to the captains, and Ahlch tmoiiiucd to J75 or $1"0 a car. tOth. is whom Prlen said told him the !ui paid blackmail to the captains wire "fr, i h Charlie." 22 Jtaard stieet, Charlis Davis, 33 P.aynrd street, Mrs. jjhola Banford, 24 l!unrd street: Mrs ?tr .sshauer, 30 Diard street, and Mrs. Baluy Jones, of S3 Hayard street. 51rs tlhoda Sinford, another witness who was tilled before the Lexow Com mlttei June 2, and who acknowledged "nt hhn had kept n disorderly house. jn II nglj admitted that she had paid ' r I ' Initiation fees" of JW) and 2j a month tn ward men, and In memo- ramla whleh were produced various jumi fr mi $;n up to WW. were marked PJH t (' ," "W. S ." "D " and others jo implicated Deverj' and Crois dl- "fth but ciuld not be made to sweai Pl"iti l agiinst tin others H . tmma Jones, another dlsorderlj -house ii?""' is another one of Mr Wellman's mi- s(s she 1e,)t hoiisoi at 32 anil .'1 H Tktt.rl "treet. In the Kleventh Precinct iJe ''asement of the house No 32 was pi t I ns a polling-place by the Police coirn ,ioners last election dav rurio Krumm, the principal witness H JWin t ex-Ward Man Levy, In General H tu.i1 "',' anothei witness He Is par H Ki ''? l,"ter against Allaire, who, he H h, , J wanted 91 rents of evei dol H ih" ln "lt lri llls concert hall at 107 H -nrv street H n, r witnesses, who appeared before H ini V'xow Committee at different times H ill!. i" ,,w' nRJlnsl police captains, and H hu . m0 ue''1 or will bo flubpoenaed "l' " Wellman, nre 1 Ow'.n ' '" Sc,mhirt, tormerli' proprlMreu tit a H htVt, house ' " ChriBilt, ttfi. lm ick , ' ro" l'i"y an4 Mcbiuahlln to H Win. V"" "h " paid W0 tor the H it ik.' aetplng open litr reiort Kacli one H kou,. ""ana aha twllnH lial callel at hr H tfun i . wari1 ma" ant acetptel lh money 'si. 4 ln l Preience el other lt H in.!'.? , T' "" 0" "hoie tcstlmcny fapt i5 ii l,,r,y aa dltnlnbet (rem Ilia forte p.4 "ani Mtn Ifoi-k an Vlrehan aj.peil'l Kt toceihar wlih fcnti JonUn Jl -H l.j ' I 0r ami IVitUrron Mn rjiu ok JH . " I' c m :a Keionl uienue tor nine M Jlr e. ' ' "' hutbaua of lira Tliurow alio M ltji t. """ ta'letaa, cai t made lo leli a aalu J, ","?".' u,"r "" -"" H " UDiiif, jornifrlr jroprlttreaj : a At rntree mIooii aI S9 Allen atreel, and ho paid lis a month for protection I llmle Duller wife of tdald lluller, a former timer of 'Miller Dollar' Smlll ulio acknowl eJaM he lial kept hoiin- at 81 i:idrlde atreel, and it al ehe n Inierfered ult'i by the police, I ill denied Inline j aid ny money The reaeon for Immunity from arrest or blackmail ehe lold laajer Moan of the tirllhurat '-oilelj he tauae of the Itinuenie of her huahant ant the trlendahlp of ' siiirr Hollar ' Stnlili I la I. Moiton houaekeeper In l.ucy MiCarllu'e dlaorderly houae 104 Weal tortynlntli atteet alio teelWed to liavlnj aern Mra Mclartliy n) tapt Henri a rd nmn $ 1 Maude llre Kt Weat Taentvfonrth atteel. dlaeorderly homekeeier, who acknonlHKel keep Iiik ii disorderly hou'e In ('apt Mil.aiinhlln a precinct aelllns wine ollhout a llcfnan tut de nled pjylna; Ulcod monc i;ent Whitney of tho Parkhurst -oileti mikea flmdailt neerlhe Itaalesa that ahe toll him the pall J50O tn Mc Lulglln and lib a montlia Ida Hell pro rletrcaa of a dlaorlerly hone at .4 Weat Tlilrty-ellth atre'l, ulio ore (he pull 130 a month to ('apt M.Lauahlln an I there ho had teen In command of the Tinlerloln I recinct for the laat ten jeira The Cattalna In the pre cinct during that time were Wllllama now In apector. from 1SS1 lo PiTi Itcllly, from 18HT to 1S9J McLauahlin now In'pector, from April 10 lo Oct : 19S2. O Tonnor from Iktoler, ISO: to Dec 4 1803 Sclimlttberger from IKc G 1893 atlll In command The above-named, It Is said, comprise the list of witnesses so far as substan tiating the charge of conniving at the conducting of disorderly hruses and blickmalllng the keepers Is concerned. Uut there probably will be other charges, as Mr. VAellmun Is determined to make out as strong a cose as possible. Itev. Dr. Hamilton, who often com plained to Capt. Deverv while ho was at the L'ldrldge street station, of disor derly houses: William Mavston, the pi tron of pool-rooms: Joseph Vopcl ik, Joseph Kovar and Jos"ph Porrlsll, the Uohemlan saloon-keeprrs who coined the word "Pantatn," which tlipj always used In referring to Capt Strauss, to v hone ward man they claimed to have paid "blood money," and Hullder Kll intrlck, who testified iignlnt McLaugh lin arc mentioned as probable witnesses The testimony is no stionger agtlnst nrv of the captains thnn that ngilnst McLaughlin while he wns In the West Thirtieth and Mldrl Igp stieets stations The question of bonds. It Is s ild, mav also be brought up ngilnst him, but Just whtt Ins been done In his cit.e further than obtaining a trancrlpt of the evi dence Is not known, as neither the Su perintendent nor Mr. Wellman will ills cuss tho matter. HIS JURY STILL OUT. Ex-Ward Man Levy's Fate Hang ing in tho Balance. Retired at 7.20 Last Evening arid We-e Locked Up Ail Nig! t. The Aevuneil Policeman hoiuculiat Hopeful This Mornlni'. A vast amount of public In lei est Is felt ln the prosecution of accused mem bers of the Police Department, Judging by the number of citizens who thronged the lobbies und hallwavn of the brown stone Court-House this morning all eager to her the tesult of the all-night deliberation of the Jury sworn to try Policeman Jeremiah S. Levy, charged with taking $20 a week blackmail from Capt. Charles Krumm for protei ting him ln running his concert hall, Kuenstler Halle, 107 Chrjstle street. At 10 o'clock Judge Martlne, whose family Is at Lake George, telephoned from the Manhattan Club, where he spent the night, to nsk Capt. O'Uirno, of the court stiuad, for Information. All the Cap la In could return was. "The Juiy has not signified their de sire to communicate with the Court." The Jury retired at 7.20 last evening, after listening to a masterly presenila tion of the defense by quiet, scholustlc Abraham Levy, und u characteristic phllllpii: from that hundred times win ner and never a losei. Prosecutor Pran els L. Wellman. Judge Martlne's charge iionsiimed an hour and coveted the I points of the cuse completel), I let. after an hour's dellbeiutlon, the Jury had not agreed, and the were es corted tu tin Astor House for suppt r I On their return thei were again loiked up In the Craud J in room, und as they hud not come to an agreement at '10 "A) Judge Murtlne adjourned his court till 10 30 this morning. 'I he court officers on giiaid ut the c liihcii entrunee to the Grunil Jur room, suj.thev never had u less ontci mining Jury Not a hound cume through the heavy doors till neatly 8 this morning, when the twelve men Inside appeared In a bunch at the door and demanded their nreiiKiusi. There was another trip to the Astor House for breukfust, but not a Juror gave out a hint of how they were divid ed, nor what they were spilt on. "Xhv er w as a Jury that so closely fol low id the Court's Instruction about si lence," said one of the olllcers later In the da "Sot u man opened his mouth about the case, and no one could tell frum the way they paired off or from the tone of their conversation anything about how they stood They were good natured, In a quiet way, and acted like men w'io had never had a difference ln the AOild." Pollcemun Levy was brought from his Tombs cell to court by Deputy Sher.fC Ilrown at a little after 10 o'clock He was tale and nervous, but mulled hope fully when ton! tint the Jury had not jet agreed He declined to express him-1 self howver I At 11 o'clock no signs had yet been made bv the twelve cood men having Ly's fate In their care, mid Judge Mirtlii" had not jet arrived at the Court-Houe Mr Wellman went to Southampton last evening nnd will not be ln town agnln until Monday Abraham Levy wns almost Jubilant this morning over what seemed to be a certainty of n disagreement of the Jurv, and consequent falluro to convict his client. m f. PATENT-LEATHERS BARRED. f tlut mi liuntriir ! ' Dress slllt t'llite. (lly Associated Preaa ) I IIOSTON, Aug 4 -The New England branch of the Amateur Athletic Union held a meeting at the Iloston Athletic Association club-house last night Several Important decisions were made t,v the Hoard, anions them being that dress suit cases were suitable prizes for 'nil amateur athletic niitl Patent leithe' hoes arc hatred however, and any fleet-footed man who competes for u pa r will he considered a pioiwajonul Worcester and Gloucester bid for the .am? "carnai. hut the place was left undecided I ou renil "IliP Ilvculnir World" I JJc jou i-vail tue Sundn) World? TO RACE FOR CHARITY - Big Trotting Meeting t-t Fleet wocd Park To-Day. Receipts Go to the Freo Ice and Sick Babies' Funds. Klml-IIc.irtci! Hoi semen In Cliurgc of the AJIulr. Hoi semen are noted all the world ovei for their big hearts and substantial sym pathies This Is whj the big Hotting meeting this afternoon at rieetwooj Park will be entliely devolel to the Herald's Tree Ice Piind and "The liven ing World" Sick llahles' PunJ. Outslle of the question of this noble donation to two worthy charities, the meeting will be one upon which ne New Yoik Driving Club has spent much time and effoit in pien.iratlon. The entiles, which closed vesterdij, show everj In dication ot a most excellent dii's sjnit. Prominent among the events Is the match for 2 0u0 between I). Harrington's Capt L) ons, by Sweepstakes, victor In the recent Inteiclty incis for the 2 20 class, and Cranston, slrel hv the same famous stallion and owned by M. H. lletnhelmer. A Kpeclnl purse of KIM offered bv The Trotter nnd Pacer for the .' 2J cluss has brought out a line lot In the 2 JO eliss the tiophies are Indeed well wollh con testing foi Mr. Gene Smith, the noted artist, oilers his icnoivneJ painting of Nancy Hanks In nctlon to winner, and Clark's Horse Hevlew dona ten a line picture of Stamboul, bi the same pilnler, to second This race will be to road wagon. Anton Klnschler i"nl Charles lelund will drive to sulky their own trotters Ilubv. by C'lflon, and Jesse, by Deucal ion, In u match race for JJO.) The price of admission linn been llxcd ut V) cents. livery cent of the iecelpts will go to the two funds n mini, the Club donating the t-ei vices of attendants und the proceeds from the sale of the piogramme. The pool-boxes will also be turned Into mono-niaki'i for chailt). Tho raced will be stalled at 1 30 P M. Kleetwool Park Is reached by tiuln from the Gland Central Depot to Melrose stntlon or hi trolley ear fiom Hunem The Special Committee of the Driving Club for the lninigrmeut of these races Is composed of Messrs H iiiiupI McMillan, Kredeilck Geiken, John Huld and T J. Hrady. 'Ihej will, however hive the ac tive aid of scores of other members ot the Club Here In this card the Club offeis: 0 I Irat Uoce The 2 IS laaa trulteri nnd pveeraj liireo IjijO, mile hmta; profesatonal driver Bntore : 21i, hlk m h Kctituck) Prince Mjcaio riuroi, b Mesjioniter lloroc, ianen stock I-nrm Ilcdtord Station .S V VIi Icor, : 27, hr h I y IIarr Hummer Trlxey, by IlLinallon, Jumea Holler, .Scv. Vork Clt full Prln e. ; :(i. b ir I y Young Fullertnn Llda hy llainbletonlan I rlnco. Julio Itudd Nea lor't Cltj ranltne J :6 blk m, by W eatchraltr I-an tine by lalaml Chief, L A Ilurke Now lurk Clt) Ultle I'rank : 15, b c . y Ira w Ilkoa-Idlo-wlld not traied f. A Ilurke New ork Clt) ceetul S li, br K be ttambetta Uot, W II hearle Sing Mnic .V t. Ida Norwood 2 2Ci b in , by Norwood Arabian Chief, T U l'ogg Klkood Park, frfjllic Ilran h N J Charlton chief, 2 !5't b li , by den Vtaah lntoii Aberleen, Hank llmeli, Poughkceiale fC V Turner, 2 27 b h b Alcyone Nettle, by Tom Hal, J" I.eula While Pialna N V Mdney Smith h h b bydney Arthurton John K Cornell llrooklyn N V I Ha K i 25, b in , bj Chicago Volunteer, dam not traced J VV Ilrlacoll, Parkllle I. 1 lllghmonl 2 30 b g by Piedmont Juliet, by Mihawk Chief, laaac 11 riemlne, Pleet cood N 1 Hell Slanton 2 2tVt, ti m b den '-lanton Jcni), by e-lldcroy, It II Urncsl, I'lilladilphu la . Itlchard Limbert, 2 Zt h h lien Frank lin -C!Ura r-i mtue ly Siriiue c.uldduat, I'etcr T Ttadlkel New Vora Itoyal Ilellc, blk in , llugene bmlth Ncaark, N J Utile Sport 2 251, g g , bv Happy Thought Norman red fierken New lork C ll Pcfonl llace Mulch, It uoo a aide, mile heals beat three In flee II llanlngton a b b C jpt I.yona 7 2V,, iy baeepatakca -Magpie by hdward Kverell t H llernhelmer a b g I ranaton, 2 27t by SwiepukenVltM Pacer hy 1 oat Iliy Ihlrd Ita c-Matli liM a aldo nillo heali biat three In hie Anton lllnw.hler'e h m ttuby 2 IS', Iy Cllf ton dam by Imp Leamington Charlie Wrllanda i,r g Jebse, 2 21i ty ftcucallon Kit fourth ftace The J 30 liana mile heats, beat three In live amale ira I i drhe M II Ucrnhelmer a b g Llghlfoot, by Al moot Jr J l' btrallnn a h g cheater by Kenmore J C Slratton a b g Mar Motion by Motion I.. A ilurke a b in Cora Cooper, by Lexington Chief Jr CI T Chapman a b g L'urlnatt) 1', J. Kelly a b k Cherry II ea ea. BAY STATE FIRMS FAIL Shoo IIocibcs In Weireenter unci QlllllO). llllMN., AhmIkch. (Dy Associated Preaa ) WOHCnSTKIl, Mass . Aug. 4 Henry E. Smith & Co , the largest wholes lie dealers In boots and shoes In this c lly, have assigned. The liabilities are $200,000 nnd the assets about $210 000 The fail ure Is a great surprise, as It was sup posed that the firm was In excellent financial condition Uist jcar the business of the lnuse 'amounted to over $Un)(h), but It feil off greatly this ear, ami thls.wlth the fail ure of several customers, caused the as signment There Is $130 000 due tho firm from customers which cannot be col lee ted Ql'INCY. Mass , Aug. 4-John II. Dri!'" & Co , the leading sl, manufac ture!" of this place have ass"gned The liabilities arc about $30 000 and tho as sets jlmost its much The failure was canned by dull business About 2."n) men are thrown out of work by the failure, but It Is hoped that the factory will be reopened In a few weeks. GEORGE INNESS.JJ. A., DEAD. Hi W'nH One of I be f.rcntrtt l.iuiil aruiie PiiIiilerN of tin- l)n. A cablegram received by Sirs. J S Hartley, of Montelulr, JJ J , announces tho death of George Inness, N. A at the Urldge of Allan, Scotland Mr Inness was considered to be the greatest landscape painter of the djv I He lived In Monlclnli and left there six weeks" ago to go to Scotland to regain 'his falling health He was sixty-nine I veers old, and a native of New burg Mr i Inness leaves a widow and a son and daughter Pboikmou TciTTiv.of Ysle t'ollcse sj 1 do not kuon w hoeontiuU ihei fcLkaVTHoroiat, but I do know Its value." II cures without nieill. elue and nlten when oil else fall. 11'-.! Uioa.dw.ay, cor. U6tli at. Call 01 vrflU. V -v A REPORTED BATTLE. Oliinoso Said to Havo Lost a Second Fight at Yashaii. Surrender of Japanese Prisoners Taken fiom a Bnt.sli Ship. Chlneac Fleet ICrptirts Iniibllltj tu 1 'lntl ill- Kneiii. til) Asbo latcd Prcaf ) SHANGHAI, Aug. 4 A ileputeli his been tccelved here which confirms the report that u second buttle has been fought at iiishuli between the Chinese nnd Japanese It Is ml led that the Chi nese were defeated. The Chinese fleet of thirteen vessels which left Chec-roo for Con a two class ago with the Intention of engaging the Japanese Iltet, has returned to Chefoo without meeting the warships of the eiiems. dipt. Gals'voithy, Chief Olllcer Tamp ion and cjuartcrmuster llv.ingellht, of the sunken triusport, Kow Slilng, who were reseiled by the boats of the Japan ese ciulser, were take nto Sufteho. and held us prlsone r. Almlrnl Sli U It. Pre mantle, In eom inand of the llrlllsh-Chlnu squudion, oi deied the Alacrltv, four guns, l.Tia) tuns, Cipt George A. Cillaglian, from hu shlm i to b.isebo, with Instructions to demand the release of Ihe Urltlsh snllois I pon the in rival of the Aloctlt ut Nngasukl the commander of the warship was Informed that the prisoners would be delivered up to him to-day at N.igisaki LONDON, Aug 4 A desputeh to '1 he Times from Tlcn-Tsln sai. tint thirteen Jnpinese boldlets, who hud been foul lily icmovecl bj the Chinese from the Urltlsh Htcamei Chun-King, wi'tc te turneil lmmedlutcl upon the Vlccrov, Ll-Hung-Chiing, being notllled. In addi tion the Vlceiui has apologized to the Urltlsh Consul. Neirl all the Jupunese have quitted PcMn A dtxmtch fiom 'lleii-Tbln. licelved heie, to-d ij bhs that all Is quiet here. The Times sis "No conlitin itlon of the reported degrading of LI Hung Chnng has reached us, nnd the source of the Vlieroi's alleged disgraced appears to be Inconsistent with thr tTins of tho Impel lal edict mentioned In oui des patch from Tien Tsln." FLOWER THE JONAH. Sentiment in Favor of Throwing tbo Governor Over. He Is Grovelling and Pleading for Renomination. Walling for the Arrival of Senator Murpli. (Special to The J. telling World 1 SAKA'IOGA. N. Y Aui;. 4 Gov l'lower Is pulling ever) string at his com mand to save hlnifclf from being tin own oserhoatd by the machine matiugns 'I in le Us it bi lief that he Is the Jou ih on the Dc'iuocliitlc ship, and will hiie to be cast Into the deep to have the iraft from sinking. 'Ihe Coventor niturill dues nut want to be sacrificed lie Is earnestly Irving to save himself by muklni, person il Pieas lo the 'lammany magnates up here. Saratoga Is enjoying the sli'ht of the Oilef Magistrate of this gieut State grovelling In the dust befnie the gods of the Wigwam, praying them to bend succor and rcnomlufctlon This inoi nlng he trudged down to the Grand I'nloii to see Mavui GUiov Yes terdav he saw Ciokel and culled ut Senator Murphv's cottage, In th' hope of finding tlv Chalrmin of the State Committee at home. Hut Murphy Is not expecti'd heie until next wcea and the Governor will have to defer his suppli cations until then. The convcisatlon between Go 1 lowir and Major O lroy was long and eaiiust, but the earnestness seemed to be all on tho side of the Governor So ajsorbed was he In his subject th it he let his cigar go out Tin troub'e Is, Gov I lawer has been t ilkltii" too much anil, as usuil-nhu his Interviews are vol Insp red, he- has put his foot In It, tu express It In elegant political phr.isi 'Ihe Governor Is rtrt,innel ile foi lvie harmony talk, which Ins cause! more il 8v.jM than u hundrel out of tune. As the nmilnal head cf hh party, wnatevcr he savs for the pirt Is recog nized ns olti-ial, aal of co irs when ih talked harmonj the res. hid to sing the sane sonjr, unl n w t.aey Ihii they have struck a false chorl While the publlcl endorse tl-o Govcr Nnor's views privately the iiolltlclans repud.ate Plow or and his solemn non sense " 'Ihe Governor started the harmonj boom In the Interest or his own ean dtdacj wLhout consulting nn one The ver people he wants to harmonize with don't want him as their cntidluiite and I since the machine will have to make concessions to the nthei site lhe will probablv have to give up 1 'lown ns a peace offering The Watertown ptntimnn his fur nish the rope for his own execution As n Tammany leader epr ssid It "He has fi.atheied his own last, let him lie In It " . J. J. M0YLAN.JAKE NOTICE. Your NntiirulUiitlou ertllli'iUc Una llcen I'miml. John J Moylan has been an Ameilcun citizen since Oct 1''. 1S67, bui he would find It rather hard ot present to prove that fact at short not te He has lost his neutralization certificate William T Lincoln i compositor for "The livening World.' living ut l!vS Poi aylh street, found the document this morning, und will be pleased to icstan It to the proper owner. Will Mr. Moy lan call and Identify himself V) extra: 2 O'CLOCK. VIGILANf TRIUMPHANT. Captures in Gallant Style the Match Race Mads by the Prince. FIIIE STIFF WIND ALL THE WAY Britannia Never Ablo to Catoh Up with tho American in Suoh Weather. GREAT CROWD SEES THE RACE A Fast Race, the Fifty-Mile Course Being Covered at the Rate of 12 Miles an Hiur. (Il Aeaoelatei I'rcs ) COWP.S, Isle of Wight, Aug 4. With n stiff Ish westerly breeze blowing and piospccls of u good tluv's lacing, the American elonp vacht Igllnnl and the llrllisli until' llrltiinula started this nun nlng In the match r.ien foi a rup valued at $- aiiun,CMl between George J Gould and the Prince of Wales, I'ltisci: of u.i:s ' Never In the hlsturi of llrulsh jneht Ing has o mil) vachts to witness un aquatic ontest, and It Is doubtful If as much Interest was ever taken In any jachtlng event The yachts were otllclally measured jesterdav l'he figures show that Vigi lant spreads 1,200 squire feet of curvas more thnn Hrltannlii, while the uutter Is i foat longer on the water line The luting of Vigilant Is PJ, and that of llrltannla 1U, consequently, the Amer-, lean Kloup allows the cutler 2m Is. Vigil nil on riled a crew cf fortj-flve men. and llrltannla thlrt-slx Among the jaehts vvhlch took pirtlts of Vmirlcaiis out to se the race were! S hie I.adve, Mr A Goeht. Lase.i Mr John L liroakK Mai. Mr. K D. Mor- gan and eiullii vere, Mr. I' odver leelln Tien, of course, there was the Could s rleim j.acht Amlanti and several ex eurlins ktrimern having laige parties of iiKrlc.ui3 and otheis on board The course sailed over to-da was what Is knuvvn as the Queen's Course "ihe vaehts b Ing ordered to the weet 1 ward, after the start off the Castle here, ' the) went about mic mile and a half to and arounl L'ast Lepe lluclj, leaving it on tie Marboard ha id and then v. et ward. passing near the West llramble IIuoj, to and around the Warner Light tblp, and from there lvack to the starting point, and once more around this courie, t " csiiHiiiii: J tun i.D's leiii, vr. twice sround completing the total dls tarrc of fifty miles. The a-hts were compelled to pass to the northward of Prince Consoit's Iluov and No Man Port, near the Warner Llgl'lshlp. The esplanade was thronged with mul titudes of spectators There was great excitement as the two vaehts, with ordlnari topsails and medium Jibs und foresails, glided grace fully along, pointing eastward, until they liaised the flaghoat which, out of compliment to the Americans, was Hy ing the Stars and Stripes, opposite the Itoyal Yacht Squadron's castle, when both swung around, virtually together, In order to pass the line. The start was u pretty one. Tho vuclltH looked beautiful, powerful and swift, as they sped along, beam for beam, with llrltannla on Vlgllaut's port side and holding the weather position. Their suits were well tilled, and nothing piettler could be Imuglned than the sight they presented as they went on the starboard tack towards ths opposite PHIMT. Ol' A MIS'S IlltlTANMA. shore, sailing through an Immense fleet of yuchts and ullowlng ull on board the latter a splendid view of the two inters before the real struggle coimnenied Hut the fact that the two cracks were obliged to thread their wuy through Mils fleet of pleasure cruft prevented Vigilant from getting out us rcadllv us her opponent, much to tho Jubilation of the Britishers. Thus the sloop dropped slightly astern, and her sails were flap ping us llrltannla, naturull, partly took her wind. When the boats got Into less crowded water Vigilant soon drew level Then, for half a mile, It was first one bojt'ri bowsprit und then the other's showing In front. I With two tacks they passed the Lepe's lluoy Highland mark-boat as follows 11 M S Vigilant 10 a G Britannia 10 M 00 At Itde Pier, going eastward, the fol lowing were tho times of the two jachts. H. M B Vigilant 11 TO JO Brltintia 11 31 10 Vigilant In beating back against the wind did not show to much advantage, and on the return from the Warner Lightship llrltannla was only 2m 10s behind Vigilant. A long reach brougat the yachts back to Cowts for the completion of the firn round I Tho first round was then ended as fol lows 11 M S Vigilant U J7 1". llrltannla . . . 1.' 41 (d The jachts were a splendid sight ns the) reached back past l'oive The wind had hauled around slightly south wards, an I It was tiong u heel the two jacht over mot gricefull). every Inch ot canva being tilled and their bot toms showing up clearlj There was unubatrd excitement among the crowds ashore, although the entliti slism of the Britishers was considerably dampened by the maimer In which their favorite was being left behind After rounding Lepe Iluoj, on the ec nnil round, tho yachts returned in i free reach and repassed Cowes In the follow- ",B ,,me- II M S Vlsilaut.. . Ii M 67 Britannia 1 41 tu t- - I1! , V 1 . . T . 1-L At this stage of the race Vigilant had a lead of 1m ovis Shortly afterwards a drizzling rain begun thinning the crovds ashore. Hut latgu minibus reiuuiued to see the race fe ft) il" A Il I nrortni: J coi'i.p in spite of the Inclemency of the weather. AmoniT those to brave the rain and u. chance of u bad cold were. It wus evi dent fiom their conversation, neatly all the American spectators, who. naturallj, were kreallj' elated at the success of Vigilant The American joclit, on going out of night around the eustward point of Cowes on the llnul round, had further Increased her lead by a couple of seconds, and wns looked upon as a sure winner. Passing Hjile Pier, going to the east ward on the Inst round. Vigilant was f. minutes 11 seconds ahead At that time Warner Lightship wnH hidden ln a fog. When the jachts were returning and tame In sight of Cowes, being about a mile from home, tho two ricers were timed as follows: H M S Vigilant 2 28 IS llrltannla 2 31 10 The times of tho two jachts at ihe finish were: 11. M. S Vigilant 3 37 40 Britannia 2 4t SO Consequent!)', Vigilant won oy 6m 60s , actual time, and b) 4m. 4Cs. corrected time Taking the starting time as 10 40, and Vlgllant's finishing time as 2.37.40, It will be seen that she went over the course, slightly less thnn lift) miles, In 3h t7m. 40s,, roughly speaking, at the rate of twelve miles un hour TWENTY-FOUR POISONED. DIse'linrKeil bt-rvniit SiiMpeeteel of DniKKlliK the Milk. (M Asaoi lated I'reiwi ) Pl.TTi:s.JIOlTH. Neb Uig t Twenty four persons at vthe Sloldlng here were poisoned T hursduy a drug being placed In the milk served at the breakfast table Many are seriiiuslv 111 but fatal conse quences nre not feared, except In the case of Hubert Sclufer a merchant When subected to a chemical anal) sis the milk was found o contain a qusntlt) of poison the nature of which will not be ilvulged until a recentl) disi iinrcesl emilovee who la said to have made thrc its against the hotel proprietor, Is lo-ated TAKING UP PAIGE'S PAPER. Vttiirue) for the IlejieeI Forcer sulci in llr vU ini,o) eil. (lly Associate! Trewi i CLEVELAND, Aug 4 -It has been learned here that Attorney L Liflln Kel logg, of New ork. Is to Ing to take up the paiver of Invld S Paige who Is ln Krizll an a fugitive from Justice on the charge of forgri) It Is rail tint an offer has been made for the paper of 2o per vent In eii"h and .11 per cent In elilms against the cltv of New i ork cm i c unt of the queduet contract which w is he 1 b) Pulgo, Care) .1 Co The ohie. t Is to permit Paige to return to the I'liltnl States Thus far one bulk which Is located at Warren. O his accepted the offer. STABBED NA QUARREL. (iialrllo Vlile lo tiienr III Court tanliial V iiiie'lllii. An Ire aniilla of 245 North faecond stieet. Williamsburg, was held to-day In the lee wenue Court on a charge of assault in the eecond degree, Laat evening he had a quarrel with Mlchucl Costello, who lives In tho same house, und jtublved Costello, The wound was slight, nnd Costello was able to be In court this mornlnt,-. EXTRA. 2 O'CLOCK. m SHE JUMPED 60 FEET. W Mrs. Keonoy Thought Her Hub- -M band Was Being Murderer! $ '1 Plunged Through a Window to a' jl Brick Paved Yard. JH A Sllfilit .Scratch the Only Injury '- Sustained. H Mrs. Annie ICceney, of 119 Hast On iH Hundred nnd Illghth street, narrowly 7H escaped death Just ufter midnight this H morning, when, after scrambling over J slippery roofs. Jumping on fire-escapes " und dodging In windows, she Jumped i from a window In tho fourth story, to ' the brick-paved jard The only Injury $H she sustained were two slight cuts on iJH the face, so Insignificant that medical jH aid was unnecessary, JH Mrs. Kecney Is the wife of John , Kec ney a hrliklajer. She is twenty- i three jcurj old, and has been married 1H six jears The police bay she was ad- 7H dieted to drink, but that she stopped D dunking so suddenly that her mind ' was affected. Keency sajs his tvlfe does &H nut drink to excess. 3l ' Hhe drinks Just about tho same, as iH other people," said he, "but, say, Z VH think she takes too much lee water," 41 Mr. Kecney was not at h-me last fH nttflit. Perhaps that is why Mrs. XlH Ktci ey sud lenl) becamo possessed of 'ijH the Idea that he wns being murdered HH down In the street. Hlie put on her-sky- 'j blue w ripper, went out into the hall il1 und crept up the l.idler to tho roof. "isD The io was a drlz7llng rain nnd th jmtt roofs were slipper), but Mrs Keerjey fH wulkeil along over protecting railings lH ami Jngged party wulls until she was on" jjH Jlie rocif of Jil IlnsJ Olio Iliiudcad ,iui4 i,H HUhth street. The neat housii further i.H along Is nine feet lower, and sho Jumped H down In safety. The wall of tho adjoin- i? Ing I'.nuse towered far above her. nnd sha ijaH could nelthet advance nor retrf at, .vi t 'iJH She went to the front of the root? anit,-rM looked over. It wns a good seventy-flvo , feet to the street. Then she went to the buck of the roof. Fifteen feet down was the top floor fire-escape. Another cH minute anil Mrs. Keeney was hanging1 4H by her hands from the caves. She humr .jH there for an Instant and then dropped fH to the fire-eHcnpe and landed within a SM few Inches of the opening for the ladder, 'UH which hangs down. Then she climbed -fB through a window into the rooms of vH Samuel Schmlchler. Bhe put one of tfM her cold, wet hands on Mrs. Schmlchler's ; face, who woke up with the Idea that- v'ttS the blue clothed woman was a ghost. ,'H and she gave expression to her Idea by H grabbing hold of her husband's hair. Schmlchler awoke, caught one glance J of the figure standing by the bed, and vH )elled for assistance, sl "Now," said Mrs Keeney, soothlnely, 1H "don't get excited. My husband Is belnic 'tM murdered. Just give me a glass ot, '-tflH water." .'9H Mr. Schmlchler didn't understand tho j situation at ull, but he concluded he had iH better do as directed. Mo he brought a 9aH glass of wuter. atal "Now," said the woman. "Just put, a. ' , little brandy In the water. iM "This Is no saloon." answered Mr. B Schmlchler , ejH Without a word Mrs. Keeney Jumped ; up on the s'll ot the window opposite -ftm to the one she came ln through and d4 vhero there was no fire-escape. ,JB STRIKE SYMPATHY COSTLY. M Itnllroail Cimipiiny 'Will Itemo-el JH shuna frcnu llraall, IncL '.flj tDy AaacMlaleJ Preaa fl 11UAZIL. Inel . Aug. 4. General Man- d nger Ilioughton, of the Chicago and -SJ Hastern Illinois Itallroad, has arrived $M in this city and ordered the Company's H divisional sliona torn down and loaded, JM preparator) to moving them to Mo- Jm menee, III. When thirty business men , requested that the shops be allowed te t remain here. Mr. Hroughton said the w ill) and county authorities had refused the Company protection, and he bitterly censured Hheriff Hingo for appearing on 'CM the CompaiD's property, when appealed 1 to for protection, weuring the strikers' SI wh.te ribbon. . '. He also said that non-union men had "& been driven out of the city; that board- 7J lug-houses nnd restaurants here refused J to feed them, and the Company thought 3 It best to move the shops. The business men assured him that the Company p would recelvo ample protection, and r called a law-and-order meeting at tho i. opera-house to take steps In the matter. K the shops are moved. It is said, tho city will sue the Company for $20,000, y given the road when It was built, on r the provision that the shops should b ;, maintained here. Js FIVE DROWNED IN A CANYON, Cliiuilbiirst Snerpi Away Party 2: In Colorado. . tllr Aasoclatea Preev) 3 THINIDAD, Col., Aug. 4.-There was jr, a cloudburst In the hills above Berwlnd 'j on Thursday night, and the water came down the can) on leading to that place In C such a volume that a party of five wero t caught, swept away and drowned. C. Cando, the mall carrier between Chlcosa. i station and Berwlnd. on the arrival of the Gulf train from Denver at Chlcosa, 41 secured nn Italian miner, his wife and SI two children, the latter a boy and slrl, -J as passengers for Uerwlnd. -jl They had Just entered the canon when gj the storm struck them, and so quickly 71 came the rush of water that they were- 1(3 unable to escape. A searching party at ja once started ont. and most of the bodies 'Ji hav e been recov ered. uJ SI Mitaa-VIeetiiiB "f (liirmrnl-W'orkera. ,f The loval union uf tha Unlteil Carinent,'w'ra Kl era ot America tiobl a Joint maaa-aieitlax, U- ,;aj alzht at New Irvine Hall, Broomt street U yl take action In retard to eomplalnla aal art at- 'M anc.e In aboix, and a leaaral 4aaua( ' 1 tor Wbar wacei mar b ajtratvl moo. f 1